HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-1973 II IJ J' Illl IJI: SlJ I) I: II\tlSIJ lIS II I: I:IJ Illl IJIJIII( . -........ - - ,-~-:;.."..... r. . -- ~~ ~ "~""J _~'-,"-". ., ~.~'_ .~ ',' ~O>'.' ~_''-'' ....:iT ....-.1_ -. ......~-~.A.'~_. ...'~~-." ~'-._ "".~ -_"":,,,-" _. ~ ~~."..,_.,'. ,_ ~~""'<'~"'~""""J_"'''"" ,_ '..~ . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ,FIL I 1 '. ,','" /--,:' ~f ~ t;~f... '. -", ,:" ~:;';':::>"- :r.~;;<, '. - . ~..'~"- .. * ..4>...._~ ,.. ,~,\,,_,. _, .~.~ '~:""~'.J:~'~_"''''._~,.~_.n". VDLU -.- VEARS=1 -- - - -,-_. - GES= 2 1 ED= --.- ~..,.,'::"".::;:>;~,..,.y";" ",,_.0' _...._...~._--...,-,_...<', . . _Ii _"~,..~__"...........:<,,....~,,'_ .,. ,_~ ':C:'''''''.' ~ """'. -. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHEflTICITY ,j THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERf1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET ~IERE MADE AVAILABLE FOR 11ICROFIUlING BY TilE LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS 15.}-8, lI2.1-82, AND 42.1-83 OF THE CQpE OF VIRGINIA. THE PURPOSE OF THE, MICROFILMING IS TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS. " .' :\ ,j , ~, , ,1 " I '\ I (id/11I 9I~,tM:(wtt.z.1 d TE_ APRIL 4, 1984 ' o' I i I ...,~""".",,_'" ...w.,,",__'__'_'" - . '. I, ! t , I 1 I I I' I J ." ~ .: . .. ,- 11 '.,~ 'r ,(I. / ~ O~~ ~ ~ Ii t( j ?) 'Lv rA~J I' " ,i I' ~ ~ ii " ii " 11 Ii " II r I I' /1../ II 81' ~ " provisions!: ~ . 1"1 dO _ ./ ~ (VI ~JL Ii (J d It. ~ ~,~ f;~ ![. ii "to,' ....:;.:... :' 10-10-72 -..--.._--------_.._--------_._------_._~ Roanoke County Coul=thouse Salem, Virginia October 10, 1972 1:00 P.M. a I ,I III The Board of supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court- I i \1, house in Salem, Virginia, in "he County Courtroom, being the second. Tuesday, and II ,I ~ the first regular meeting of the month. Members present: J. ~'homas Engleby, III, I Ii Chairman, C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel. The Vice- I I Chairman, Richard C. Flora, was absent. The Commonwealth's Attorney, ",ohn N. II I Lampros, and Assistant, Thomas N. Key, and the County Engineer, were a15:0 in Ii ,I ~ II ~ I I ~ ,I ~ q I attendance. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:12 P. M., recognized ~ The Reverend C. Rolen Bailey, minister of r oke, Virginia, who offered the invocation. the Cave Springs Baptist Church, Roan- The pledge of allegiance to the flag was then given in unison, led by Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III. i ,I I of On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous voice vote the Board, the minutes of the regular meeting of September 26, 1972, and the I ! reconvened meeting of September 28, 1972, were approved as spread. Messrs. Ralph E. Long and T. D. Steele were recognized and presented I framed Resolutions of Appreciation for service to the County. ~ !i II IN RE: WATER SYSTEM FOR MONTEREY HILLS Following the request of Mr. A. T. Loyd that the Board of Supervisors ~ intercede with the State Corporation Commission to allow Monterey Hills to proceed I , I with , Ii Hilton, Jr., moved that the matter be continued to 7:00 P. M. October 24, the ~ next meeting of this Board, to allow time for the development of additional facts. ~ Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded the motion, which passed on the unar,imous voice " il vote of the members present. II II Ii II Ii " II II il " Ii the completion of the private water system now under way, Supervisor R. E. I IN RE: REQUEST TO PARK TRAILER ON PRIVATELY OWNED REAL ESTATE - CATAWBA AREA Mrs. Joan Caldwell presented a request for a variance from the !i of Ii Ii , on, 'i II i! Ii ,. I! " 'I I, II II !i II the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County to allow the placement of a mobile home a six (6) acre tract of land in the Catawba area. 1 ., .. . ~ ~'I" ...., .:"': ,,: .' f ~ ;..1It.: ". ,I"~ - '. ,_ ~......J - ,I, ' 2 10-10-72 _,.__,_..______.__..__u_________~_______. ._.._____...... ___ _.______. On =tion of Supervisor R. E. lIilton, Jr., the request was temporarily denied and the matter referred to the Planning Commission for it to determine the changes necessary to be made in the zoning ordinance to accomodate such requests; and further, the Planning Commission is directed to report, i;:s recommendations to this Board by the first meeting in November (November 14, The motion was seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and passed on the unanimous voice vote of the members present. Mr. Dennis L. Booze appeared (in the place of II. L. Patsel) t.his day before the Board with a written request of several residents of the T~fnsend Road Northwest area, requesting help in improving a portion of the road. The county Engineer also made a brief report. It was the consensus of the Board that no action could be taken at this time. Accordingly the request of October 6, 1972 was received and filed. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON TIlE SOU'l'1I SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE PRIMARY ROU'l'E '117 (PETERS CREEK ROAD) FIllAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the lOth day of October, 1972. WHEREAS, Branch & Associates, Inc., petitioned this Board and requested /7 "" J,~ ,(ff .J-: ~ . i2 e r~ .111 /~ /.,,/' 1!4 <l7'!1 - 'I II C jJ- !i . . I II II i ,I II I, " that the Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that cer- tain property described in said pe~ition be rezoned and reclassified as Business District B-2 (General) which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on September 12, 1972, and by order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accord- anee with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and Ii I WHEREAS, ,the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a I meeting held on September 19, 1972, after hearing evidence touching on the merits !I ii of said petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be ~ II Ii II Ii ,I I' .1 I. " " !I ., " II Ii Ii :1 Ii " i! 11 j: ;1 " ii II ,. advertised the same by notice duly pul;,~,ishea in The World News, a newspaper hav- i' amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from Residential District R-l. (Single-Family) to Business District B-1 (Office and Residential); and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county dia, by an order entered on the 12th day of September, 1972, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance wi~h the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held on October 10, 1972, as the time and date for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposea amendment to . l'!aid County Zoning Ordinance <md ing a general circulation in the COU.I'),+ , 0" Roanoke, Virginia, as provided by I, 1972)r ~ II 'I II II I I I I I . 117 - 10-10-72 WHEllEAS, Albin B. HaJlIIllond petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as o "Light Manufacturing M-l" propel:ty which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 12th day of September, 1972, and by order entered cn that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke county for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. and, ~ I 1""* WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its :meeting held on the 19th day of September, 1972, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordin- ance (1970) be amended as requested in said petition: and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 12th day of September, 1972, as aforesaid, order that t3e Clerk of this Board, ~pon receipt of said recmamendation from the Planning C~mmission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular I: , II or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord- ii i! ance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, o WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting or. this i: Board to be held on the 10th day of October, 1972, at 1:00 P. M. as the date and " i! i' time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed, amendl:' ~nt to said Roanoke Ii Ii County Zoning Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by pub:.ication !! as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinanc" and the Code of Vilfginie:; and, I WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- ii mant to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giVing careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence tou9hing on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) being of the opinion that said county Zoning Ordin~.ce should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held on October 10, 1972 the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify as "Light Manufacturing M-l" property all that tract or parcel of land described as follows: I Approximately 5 acres located at the southwesterly corner of U. S. Route No. 460 and Va. Sec. Route No. 653 (VintoI'. Road) extending westerly from said corner along the south side of Route 460 to a point on or opposite the dividing line between 'Lots a and 9, according to the Map of Subdivision of the J. E. Gish property made by C. B. Malcolm August 20, 1927, and ex- tending southerly from said corner with the westerly side of Route 653 to a point on or opposite the dividing line between Lots 12 and 13 of the aforesaid subdivision. BEING all of the property now or formerly owned by Mary Frances Hauser (formerly Mary Frances Goodbar) at the aforesaid intersection. - Ii " 1: " ji II , !I j: " Ii !I I' I! i: Ii I' I, " il Ii " Ii ii ;.1 'i !: :! !I '. Ii ., II II ~ i' ;( 6 1 .; Qh ,y{1 , .;." ~ ~~' (} . . ~' V' t~ a, J/ r~ 10-10-72 IT IS FURTHER GRDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to J. D. Logan, III, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor John G. I Seibel, and seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., and on the record vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: C. Lawrenc'il Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I NAYS: None ABSENT: Richard C. Flora IN RE: IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF SOUTH ROANOKE SHOPPING CENTERS, INCORPORATED FINAL OFJlER 1. Open the petition for rezoning of SOUTH ROANOKE SHOPPING C~~ERS, INCORPORATED of certain property from Residential R-3 to Business B-2 as an amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance effective February 1, 1970, and described as follows: LYING AND BEING on the Northernly side of U. S. Route 220 between Townside Road and WillIamsburg Manor Apartments. BEGINNING on the Southerly boundry of a 11. 690 acre tract of land conveyed to South Roanoke Shopping Centers, Incorporated by deed from Billy Hooker Harbour, et al, dated August 17, 1972 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County Virginia in deed book 952 at page 669, whence the &Iaid Southerly boundry intersects with the Northerly right:-of-way boundry of Parliament Road, thence North 52 degrE,es 14 minutes West 287 feet to an iron pin; thence North 37 degrees 46 minutes East 754.17 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 42 degrees 32 md,nutes East approximately 287 feet; thence South 37 degrees ~16 minutes West approxi- mately 706 feet to the place of BEGlCNNING. said propert~' being located in Roanoke Comity and said rezoning being desired so that a buj.lding to be occupied by retaill sales and service firm or firms may be constl:ucted on the premises, and I 2. Upon receiving and filing of said petition and referral of the same to the Roano};e County Planning Commission, and upon notice of public hearing and recommendation of said Planning Commission as is required by law, and upon public hearing befol:e the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to notice, I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the above described property be and hereby is rezoned from Residential classification R-3 to Business Cl.assifi- cation B-2, as an amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, effective II February 1, 1970, and the Roanoke county Planning commission is directec~ to refl~ci'l' said change upon the zoning map of Roanoke County. I. Ii On motion of Supervisor C. LawrenCE' Dodson, seconded by Supervisor I' II R. E. Hilton,. Jr., and the following recorcled votes: ii I, AYES, C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Th.omas d :1 I EnglE,by, III. NAYS: None ABSENT: Richa.rd C. Flora. ...' , ,~ ' f .' I n n ..... e I I I, /1" /,-/ ,;6 " .jA ~ ..J Icvrt ~_ i: ;0(". P-!Jiff?1/ Septembe::- 19, 1972. ~ J!: petition and report- ~ ~ t~'t f. ,V" , " . 'I :1 II I !: 10-10-72 IN RE: VACATION OF PORTIO~' OF PLAT OF BALTIMORE & OHIO LAND COMPANY, SECOND DIVISION, OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 37, CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, SAID PORTION LYING EAST OF RED LANE AND NORTH OF THE CITY LIMITS OF SALEM, VIR" GINIA, IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA RESOLCTION AND ORDER WHEREAS L. S. Waldrop and Harriet M. Waldrop have heretofore filed a petition requesting pursuant to section 15.1-482(b) of the 1950 Code of virg~ta, as amended, that a portion of the plat of the Baltimore and Ohio Land Compan~, together with any pl~tted streets and alleys contained within the boundaries thereof as described in said petition be vacated; WHEREAS the Board at its meeting on August 8, 1972, referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendation; ii ,I I' ,I ., 'I II :: Ii ., I: I' \i , ii -- II I !i Ii ,I II ~ If ., I: Ii Ii WHEREAS the Planning Commission at a meeting held on after advertisement as required by law, fu1~y considered the ed to the Board by resolution its recommendation that the portion of the plat in question including any platted streets and alleys contained therein be vacated; WHEREAS a public hearing was held by the Board after advertisement as required by law and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning the petition; WHEREAS at the conclusion of said public hearing and after full con- sideration of the matter, this Board is of the opinion that a vacation of the portion of the plat in question is proper and would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all requirement of law have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED pursuant to Section 15.1-482 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, that all of the plat of 3altimore .. Ohio Land Company together with all pla-~ted streets and alleys contained witain the following boundaries be, and il~ hereby is, vacated and extinguished: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the easterly right of: way line of Virginia Secondary Highway i605 (50 feet wide), being an extension of Red Lane, with the southerly side of a 30-foot private road pre'viously conveyed to George E. YOpp; thence leaving Highway .605 and with the southerly line of said private road running parallel to and 30 feet distant from the property previously conveyed to the Salem Racquet and Swimming Club, Inc., H64! 27' E. 500.87 feet to a point on the westerly line of the property formerly owned by George E. YOpp; thence leaving the private road and partly with the westerly line of a 30-foot roa,d and partly with the westerly line of 4.825 acres, property of John W. and Marion M. Dennis, S. 38033'E. 521.23 feet to a corner; thence con- tinuing with the 4.825 acres, N.88022'E 299.25 feet to an iron stake corner to the 5.12 acres recently conveyed to George E. Yopp; thence with the same S.53025"E. 317.74 feet to a point on the northwesterly right of \"ay line of Interstate Highway i81; thence with the same sS6027'30"W. 1169.69 feet to a concrete highway monument; thence continuing with the highway right of way N. 640 B~'W. 44.60 feet to a point on the easterly right of way line of Virginia Secondary Highway .605 (SO feet wide); thence with the same N. 6034'30"W. 555.76 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the left whose radius is 375.00 feet and whose chord bear- ing and distance is N.20024'W. 179.22 feet, an arc distance of 180.97 feet, to a point; thence N. 340 13'30" W. 337.59 feet to the point of beginning, containing 16.951 acres according to a survey made by David Dick and Harry A. 19a1l, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, said tract of land being Subdivided into lots as shown on the Map known as "Buckingham Estates." BEGINNING at an iron pin in th~ east line of Red Lane (50 feet in width at such point). said iron marking the northeast corner il 'I I j'l ,I II " -, I II " 11 ii ,- ~I( Ii 7 10-10-72 1,100 feet of 2-1/2 inch hose, and on motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the request was approved at an approximate cost of I, I $4,650.00 in excess of the bUdge.t.' 'I it , i' I' .1 il 'I " I' AYES: C. Lawrence Dodsoa, R. E. Hilton, Jr., Joml G. Seibel, and J. Tho.nas C1 Engleby, III. liAYS: None ABSENT: Richard C. Flora w II 'I II n " It " , " II I! ii Ii if Ii " Ii II II Ii ii Ii i' Ii The matter of fencing the lot at the Animal Shelter was presented to the Ii it ii BIDS ON MAINTENANCE OF RADIO COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT It was the conceusus of the Board that this item should be referred to the Communications Committee for its recommendations to the Board at the October 24, 1972, meeting. r.oard by Animal Control Officer Hogan, and the request denied. IN RE: REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE AT lmii HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY o w. Treadway COlel'llan, a member of the Library Board of Trustees, present- ed a request for $1,890.50 for improving drainage at the north entrance of the new headquarters library, and on motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the following recorded vote, the amount of $1,897.50 plus an additional amount of $800.00 for curbing was approved, subject to approval of the Library Board. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: KO;le ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. 'M W. Treadway Coleman advised the Board that he was donating a dumpster truck to the Library for its use. The County Engineer is to see that it is repainted. IN RE: IN THE MATTER OF A PET'ITION FOR REZONING RESOLUTION WENDELL H. CLINGEMPEEL I The petition for rezoning of We,ndell E.. Clingempeel of a certain tract of land located in Roanl~ke County, Vir~rinia, from Residential R-l to Residential R-3, was on motion of Supervisor C. La~lrence Dodson, received, and filed, and referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation upon the following record- ed vote: " " II :i _I /,1/ 'i VI' b Ii ~~ v.l ~,I..:.i,~,w~ "!02~rl- :' Ii ~ ! :!' !: ' r i, c.jtbf-/ l~;~ p,e,y (]J.jO 9 '.......,.. ;.' -- . 10 10-10-72 AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, .Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None ABSENT: Richard C. Flora IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF G. G. LOVELL This Clay came G. G. Lovell by counsel, and filed his Petition to Amenciment cf the Zoning Ordinanl~e of Roanoke county. Accordingly, upon motion duly made and seconded, it is resolved that this Petition be referred t J/wh./ I .Jo eJ---rk e8'~I"" . f y;A It I to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for a study and recommendation in accordance with the Code of Virginia. It is further ORDERED that upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Clerk shall schedu\~ this matter for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. And the Clerk shall deliver a copy of this ORDER to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. On a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. l'homas Engleby, III. NAYS: 'n None ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. IN RE: PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTION OF GENE STREET AS SHOWN ON MAP OF ANDREW LEWIS PLACE ANNEX NO. 3 ORDER ~ Came this day the Petitioners by their Counsel and asked leave to file their Petition relative to the vacation of a portion of Gene Street as shown on the Map of Andrew Lewis P lace Annex No.3, which is located in Roanoke . County, Virginia, and more specifically described in the said P~tition. I II II I i i !I II !I mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required Ii II 'I NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED a'C its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be and the same is hereby filed. BE IT F~BERRESOL1lED AND ORDERED that the proposal to vacate said street as requested in said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendation. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Com- by law the said Clerk of this Boara shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. i this ! Ii II " .' AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to I I I I I 12 10-10-72 vehicle weight less than 15,500 to which this article is applicable, there shall be a tax of ten dollars per annum. 2. Chapter 10, Article V, Section 10-41 (b) to be amended to read in its entirety, as follows: On each and every truck or trailer to which this article is applicable, there shall be a tax per annum according to the following schedule: Gross Vehicle Weight License Tax Per Annum r i I I I 11 Trailers- 4,000 lbs. and under . . . $ 5.00 Trailers - 4,001 to 8,000 lbs . 6.00 Trailers - 8,001 to 11,500 lbs . . . 8.00 I Trailers - 11,~01 to 15,500 lbs 10.00 ~ Trucks or trailers - 15,501 to 19,500 lbs 14.00 I Trucks or Trailers - 19,501 to 29,500 lbll . 20.00 Trucks or Trailers - 29,501 to 39,500 lbe 25.00 Ii Trucks or Trailers over 39,500 lbs. . . 30.00 Motorcycles, Motor Scooters . . . . . . . 8.00 AutOmobile trailers or vehicles of like design, 1/2 ton or under . . . . . . . 5~00 ,.( 1" /1 I; /b"J' L. II eJ11~'.) ~~j/l ~" II Ii II I. i' II ,I II ii II ~ I I I , 3. Chapter 10, Article V, Section 10-4l(d). This paragraph is repealed and deleted in its entirety. This amendment shall take effect on March 15, 1973 for the license year that commences on April 1 and expires on March 31 of each year. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the pr9posed amendments and Notice of Hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Sectio 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circu- lation in Roanoke County. Said proposed amendments and Notice of Hearing thereon shall also be published and posted at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, and at each post office in Roanoke County. A copy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. R. E. Hilton, Jr. NAYS: ABSENT: Richard C. Flora Ii II ~ ~ I IN RE: A RESOLurION REQUESTING THE MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPRESENTING ROANOKE COUNTY TO SEEK AND SUPPORT LEGISLATION PROVIDIN,:; FOR STAGGERED TERMS OF OFFICE FOR MEMBERS QF COUNTY BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, the terms of office of members of governing bodies of cities and towns in Virginia are now on a staggered basis; and WHEREAS, the Board of SupervisolS of Roanoke County is of the opinion that staggered terms for members of Boards e)f Supervisors would promote some necessary degree of stability and conti.nuity in County governmental operations; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Fcoanoke County does hereby request its representati"es in the General Assembly of Virginia to seek and support legislation wh:Lch would provide for staggered I 'i ~ 'I 'I II It I I , , i [I II ij " II II II Ii !I !, ., , !f lj Ii il ,I II I I' ,[ Ii 'I II I 10-10-72 13 a I to,.. of off10. fo, ....." of Boa'" of ''00''''0'' of Cowoof." .. '0 'oak..' I support legislation which would enable Counties to adopt ordinances which would ~ II provide for such staggered terms; or to seek and support specific legislation which would enable Roanoke County to have staggered terms of office for members of its Board of Supervisors. ,; .ji ~! ~ I~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to Senator David Thornton, Senator W. B. Hopkins, Delegate Raymond R. Robrecht and Delegate C. Richard Cranwell. Upon motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., adopted by the following recorded vote: AXES: C. Lawrence DOdson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None ABSENT: Richard C. Flora IN RE: A RESOLtl'l'ION REQUESTING THE MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPRESENTING ROANOKE COUNTY TO SEEK AND SUPPORT LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR AN IN- CREASE IN COMPENSATION FOR THE VICE-CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS i: I&'tb~~. Ii ~r ff~ I...:.J~~ 11 d ~"..V II ~/ :~t.V " <:I i: c WHEREAS, each member of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors devotes a great deal of his time and energy to the proper operation of Roanoke County Government; and WHEREAS, the maximum compensation provided for a member, excluding the Chairman, of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, by Section 14.1-4f of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, is $3,000.00 per anr,um; and WHEREAS, the Vice-Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, by virtue of his offi~ is called upon to perform duties and functions in addition to the normal and regular duties and functions required of a member of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that tt the present compensation for members of the Board is insufficient and should be !that increased to $4,800.00 per member per annum and the compensation of its Vice- Chairman should be increased to $6,000.00 per annrn. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke a County does hereby request its representatives in the General Assembly of Virginia:: to seek and support sp~ ;ific legislation which would provide for an increase in compensation to. each member of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to $4,800.00 per annum and that the compensation of its Vice-Chairman be increased to $6,000.00 per annum. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to Senator David Thornton, Senator W. B. Hopkins, Delegate Raymond R. Robrecht and Delegate C. Richard Cranwell. Upon motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., adopted by the following recorded vote: 14 11-/ Jib I~J..-' ,%, lA; OJ/" ~b -,,; PfJ- 'I I I / ~ ,00,b!1 Ii .j< , !I ~A<b II ?JY" Ii ;;, ,.I ,i )/J' y'" Ii ()&' ii f'!- . ~ ;;j;.., ) Ii ~; ~ ~ If I 10-10-72 ----....--.....------.---- - .-.----..'------.-- --- --'" - ------ .-----.---,.,. "---~...__._.._--'---._~--------. --+ r I I AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and J. Thomas Engleby, III. John G. Seibel NAYS: ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. I ~ I ~ I FLEET INSORANCE By unanimous agreement of the Board, consideration of the County's Fleet Insurance was moved to a later place on the agenda. SECONDARY ROllTE 657, FROM ROllTE 220 TO ROUTE 666 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held this 10 day of October, 1972, it was duly moved by Supervisor ~. Lawrence Dodson that: WHEREAS, Secondary Route 657, from Route 220 to Route 666, a distance of 0.42 miles, has been altered, and a new road has been constructed and ap- proved by the State Highway Commissioner, which new road serves the same citi- zens as the road so altered; and WHEREAS I certain sections of this n.e~N road follo\1 l~e;" loca"tions. thes~ baing S~lO~ll.n on the attached sketch titleci., "Changes in SeconJary System L>ue Relocation anc Constructio~ on Route 657, Project 0657-080-137, C50l dated at Richmond, Virginia AuS'ust 11, 1972" !lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the portions of Secondary Route 657, Le., Sections 4, 5 and 6, sho",-n in red on the sketch titled, "Changes in Secondary System Due to Relocation and Construction on Route 657, Project 0657-080-137, C50l, dated at Richmond, Virginia August 11, 1972", a total amended; ,I ~ I I And, further, that the sections of old location, ie., Sections 1, 2 and II II " il I, ~ I I I ~ II II I' il !I I, I, ~ i I: I' Ii I: :1 il , " " j: .I 'i !! distance of 0.20 miles be, and hereby is, added to the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant to Section 33-141 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as 3, shown in blue on tha aforementioned sketch a total distance of 0.08 miles, be, and the same hereby is, abandoned as a public road, pursuant to Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, a3 amended. Motion carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Board. T. T. HILL - STYPES BRA..'lCH ROAD FRO~I ROUTE NORTH 0.1 MILE TO DE - CATA1'/BA I1AGISTERIAL 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY 777 DISTRICT - On application of the below-named petitioner: (1) T. T. Hill - Stypes Bra.'lch Road from Route 777 north 0.1 miles to DE - Catawba Magisteriul District - 50-foot right of way. who this day filed his petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that l?'-cul B. Matthews, County II I, II I I ~ il I I I i,. I II I I ~ II ,! I I I ..... . : I:' I :,' '. ,". .:..~~,: 20 10-10-72 IN RE: REASSESSMENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY PROPERTY I .. Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson moved that The Cornmonwea~th's Attorney make the necessary arrangem~nts with the Department of Taxation for a reassess- ment of all property in Roan.oke Coun'cy, Virginia, to be effective the calendar year 1974. I On a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence DOdson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None I ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. This concluded the business before the Board, and on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., and the unanin,I~us voice vote of the members present, the meeting. adjourned at 5:24 P. M. I II I' ~ Ir Ii 'I I' I ~ I ~ ~ I' 'I II ~ ,I I ~ iI II ~ I " ,. !i II I, ~ II '1 I. I, I' Ii II I I I, ! Ii II i II I' Ii " ii I' " Ii Ii I I' ii ,I I, Ii " " 'I " I. ii I Ii Ii " " ii I! I; " I' i! " I' 'I Ii Ii I ~ 10-18-72 ~ Roanoke County :Board of Supervisors II Roanoke County Courthouse - I Conference ROI:>m - Board of Supervisors II Special Meeting I October 18, 19i:2 - 1:00 P. M. II II il of Roanoke County met this day in the conference! ~ II ii Ii stated in the waiver of notice, signed by all members of the Board of superVisors,~ 11 Ii " I' ii I! !I Ii i~ ii I I, The Board of Supervisors 0 room of the Board in the F.oanoke a Special Meeting at the call of """ I """ c ~ a County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia; this being "he Clerk of the Board for the purposes as and spread as follows: "We, the undersigned, being all the membE!rS of the Board of Sup~rvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby ,,'aive notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors tel be held in the County Court Room, Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia at 1:00 P. M., Wednesday, October 18, 1972 for the following pur- poses: I i I I t " I. ,I ii "1. For the purpose of passing a resolution supporting the citizens of East Glenvar as they seek to improve the area's water supply and conditions relating thereto. "2. To consider any other matter the Board may unanimously agree upon. Ii II ii I Isl J. Thomas Engleby, III J. Thomas ~ngleby, III, Chairman Cave Springs Magisterial District IsI Richard C. Flora Richard C. Flora, Vic'e Chairman Hollins Magisterial District 1:;1 C. Lawrence Dodso:~ C. Lawrence Dodson Windsor Hills Hagisterial District I sl R. E. Hilton, Jr. R. E. Hilton, Jr. Catawba Magisterial District Isl John G. Seibel John G. Seibel Vinton Magisterial Di,;trict Isl John N. Lampros John N. Lampros Conunonwea).th's Attorney" The Roanoke County Court Room being used for court hearings, the meeting was moved to the Conference Room for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Present for the meeting were: Supervisol:S Richard C. Flora, Vice Chairman, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson and J'ohn G. Seibel; Commonwealth's Attorney, John ll. Lampros; and County Engineer, Paul B. Matthews. Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III, was absent. The meeting was called to order at 1:12 P. M. by ,'ice Chairman, Richard C. Flora. After some discussion and a presentation of the facts concerning the water supply to the citizens of Glenvar Eas'~ and Hestward Lake Estate Subdivisionsf Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., moved that the State Corporation Commission require 21 ii ~ I, I, I I, II t ~ Ii ,I 'I II I I, 22 /sj, f~1y' cg[p f. f- IJ- (fA ,)-1" 10-18-72 - the Mo~~tain Springs Water Company provide adequate water supply to the citizens set for the in the Resolution before the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded the motion, which pas~ed by the following recorded vote: AYES: I C. Lawrence DOdson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and Richard C. Flora. NAYS: None ABSENT: J. Thomas Engleby, III. The adopted resolution is spread as follows: I "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT TIlE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION REQUIRE TIlE MOm,TAIN SPRINGS WATER CO~WANY PROVIDE ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY TO TIlE CITIZENS OF THE GLENVAR EAST AND WESTWARD LAKE ESTATE SUBDIVISION OF ROANOKE COUNTY "WHEREAS, there is presently scheduled before the St,ate Corporation Com- mission the relation styled State Corporation Commission v. Mountain Springs Water company, Incorporated; and "WHEREAS, the citizens of Glenvar East and Westward Lake Estate Sub- divisions, located in Roanoke County, are customers of the Mountain Springs Water Company, Incorporated; and ~ "lillEREAS, the afOresaid citizens are entitled to receive an adequate ~ water supply and service from the MOlmtain Springs Water Company, Inco~porated; and i ~ Spring Water Company, Incorporated, has not supplied these citizens with an ~ ~ adequate water supply and service, in spite of numerous complaints to the ~ I "WHEREAS, since June, 1972, and for sometime prior thereto, the Mountain Mountain Springs Water Company, Incorporated; and "WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion II that the Mountain Springs Water Company, Incorporated, should be required by this I I Commission to add permanent facilities and water services to its system suffi- ~ ~ cient to provide reasonable and adequate services for its citizens, and to provide ~ ! adequate temporary service until such permanent improvements are completed. 111' III "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke II ,I County does hereby request of the State Corpor,-<:.ion COlnmission that it immediately il II !, ii II 'I Ii II II Ii ii i' Ii I) 1: ,I " Ii II [, II , 11 cause the Mountain Springs Water Company, Incozporated, to provide adequate temporary water service to the citizens of the ~lenvar East, and Westward Lake \ Estate Subdivisions and that the Mountain Springs Water Company, Incorporated, be l further directed to provide to this Commission a program for development of i sorely needed permanent facilities and water sources and initiate said program I Ii in order that the system adequately serve its customers, and that the Mountain ,I ~ Springs Water Company, Incorporated, be probhibited from making additional water \ connections until said permanent system is complete. , ii "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to i the Chairman and Members of the State Corporation Commission. ~ ~ 'I S t i: Ii h , I I ... ., " " , . .'. ' '; ~ " . ( 10-18-72 Upon motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconced by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and ac pted by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and Richard C. Flora. rI . , tmj NAYS: None ABSENT: J. Thomas Engleby, III." This concluded the business before the Board at this time, and, accordingly, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 P. M. . - ~. \ , ' '\ \ '-- \ ::t..A..__~_ ...../ VICE CHAIIDlAN L. -+_Q~_ a a 10-24-72 Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, ViJ:ginia October I~I, 1~72 7:00 P. M.. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court- house in Salem, Virginia, in the County courtroom, being 'the fourth Tuesday, and, the second regular meeting of the month. Melllbers present: J. ThOlllas Engleby, ~I I Richard C. Flora, Vice Chairman; III, Chairman; C. Lawrence Dodson; R. E. Hilton, Jr.; and John G. Seibel. The COlllDOnwealth's Attomey, John N. Lampros, and the county I~gineer, Paul B. Matthews, were also in attendance. I I The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. M., recognized The Reverend George Mitchell, Assistant: Minister of North ROlll1Ql<e Baptist Church who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the t.ag was then given in unison, led by Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III. i , On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the following voice vote of the Board, the lllinutes of the regular l\I8eting of October 10, and the Special Meeting, of October 18,1972, were approved as spread. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. I Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: I Ii !i Ii II II II I I pressed their concem at the lack of COllllllunication direc'Uy between the govem- I ing body and the citizens on a I\I8tter of vital importance to til8111. I !I Ii .alth's Attomey and Mr. Osterhoudt, the Board agreed that an ad hock collllllit- ~ tee, not to exceed five in nUJllber, be selected from the -Dundee- area, a repre- Ii sentative of which will collllllunicate their feelings to the Regional Ledfill com-II II 1i ii :1 I' 'I I, referred to the Regional Landfill Collllllittee, which is directed to cOlllDlunicate :1 its findings and studies to said ad hoc citizens' collllllittee; ed, further moved Ii Ii that Roanoke City COuncil be asked to name a silllilar five-man collllllittee from th~! 11 Ii I; Ii :i 1i 11 Ii Ii , I None. IN REs REGIONAL DISPOSAL FACILITY FOR ORGANIC AND INORGANIC SOLID WASTE Charles H. Osterhoudt, Attomey, representing a group of interested citizens, appeared before the Board to plead for citizen participation in the selection and determination of a site for a regional leefill facility ed ex- After consideration and discussion betweea the Board, the Ccmmon- I IIIi ttee. I Thereupon, Supervisor Richard C. Flora IDOved that this atter be ~. '" ".1'" ,I . ( . , , 10-24-72 Southeast area of Roanoke City to likewise report: to the Ilegiona1 Landfill Com- mittee, and to receive and distribute infonlation therefrom ;0 its concerned citizens, and, further, thi\t a copy of this lIIOticm be forwarded to the Regional Landfill Collllllittee and to the Roanoke City Council. o The lIIOtion carried on the unanilllous voice vote .of the Board. appeared. A group of approximately 25 citizens in oppodtion to this IIIlltt:er The ChaiJ:llllUl recognized their presence, and explained it .as not a ii I,..j public hearing, that MJ:. Osterhoudt's presentation, was being accepted at this tu. due to publicity of the IIIlltter, that a public hearing would be held later, at which tu. citizens would be given an opportunity to voice opinions. IN RE: REASSESSMEN'l' OP ROANOKE CCllN'rY PROPER'l'Y pOllowing the announcement by the cOIIIIIIOnwealth's Attorney that State Assessors would not: be available for uae by Roanoke County during the year 1973, and the presentation by MJ:. Barold Wingate, the Board unanillloualy request- ed MJ:. Wingll,t:e to submit a formal proposal to the Board for the reasses8lllllllt of property in Roanoke county during the year 1973. ~ W IN RE: PB'l'ITION OP OLD DOMINION BOMBS, INC. lOR THE REZONING OP A lOR'l'ION OP A 400-ACRE TRACT OP LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OP STATE ROOTE 864 and SOOTB OP S'rATE ROOTE 700 IN THE CATANBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC'l' OP ROANOKE COllN'rY, VIRGINIA, PROM AGRICULTURE A-l TO RESIDENTIAL R-4 TO PER- MIT DEVELOPMEN'l' OP A MOBILE BOllE PARK THEREON. Pollowing the public hearing on the subject petition, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., lIIOved that the rezoning petiticm be denied liS re_ded by the Roanoke county planning Collllllission. The lIIOtion was. seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and passed on this recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Richard C. Plora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and J. T~IOIllll8 Engleby, III. C. Lawrence Dodson and John Go Seibel. a RaylllODi R. Robrecht, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petiticmer, Old DolIIinicm Homes, Inc., and the following interested citizens appeared in opposition. Evelyn Oulette, Ed Kidd, President. of Roanoke County Federation of Civic Leagues, Rodney Smith, SlIIIl Grahlllll, Gene B. Crockett, GeorCile Shaw, Van Wi_r, Bert Payne, and Rodney Ilteiger. Theselllllterials were offered in support of the protest, and, by the Board, were received and fileci with the minutes: Two petitions, dated 10-24-72, from citizens of the area. Statement, dated 10-24-72, of Roanoke County I'ederation of Civic Leagues Copy of letter, dated 9-13-72, directed to S. I. Grahlllll from Fifth Planning District Commission. Copy of a letter, dated 8-17-72, from the Department of Highways, addressed to S. I. Grahlllll. o Ii 'I I. " I' If ,I ,. " ., :i 'I II ii I' I Ii " " il I: iiPiI " II '! Ii " !! II ,I f / 'I 1 Y Ii ,cl"'t<; .J-; [:(Y( ~ h ) Plf1 !:(&11;' & ' ir/~if.V' il5" i:~ ~I .! II (i i' . Ii II Ii " II 11"- froll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of rig!1t of way froll the abuttingii d:J' -1 . Ii I -"""'''";,J The Board hereby guaran~es said right of way and "VV pT " ~ ' oj. i! (J/". ~ pi' Ii j.' t B V I: ii ii I' !: II " Ii Ii I ,I Ii Ii " 'I II Ii Ii I' II i' 'I ' ~ . , l' '"1" 10-24-72 ,.., ! I h..i to Pettit Avenue - 0.14 mle to be acceptea ana made a part of the Secollaary SystlUll of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certaill lIap known as Belle Haven . 2, which map was recordea in Plat Book 3, page 237, of the recoras of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Boanoke County, Virginia, on page 10-19-56, lUla that by reasOn of the recoraation of saia IIllp no report - I , . , t..... property owners is necessary. right for cb:ainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said ~oad known as TownsBlla RoBa frOlll Route 1832 (North Barrens Boaa) to Pettit Avenue - 0.14 mle lUla which is o 'i Ii ~ established as a public roaa to become a pert of the State Seconaary System of iI H Ii Ii II " Ii II '1 I. :1 IJ II Ii Ii II I' ~ I ![ Ii II ,I shown on a certain sketch accODIplUlying this order, be, ana the Sllllle is hereby Highways in Boanoke County. Ac10ptea by the following recoraea vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richara C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, J,:., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN RB: "K>CKINGBIRD HILL", S'l'REE'r NAMED WHEREAS the property owners on a private rOBa aia request this Board to nllllle the aforesaia roaa; ana WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code o. Virginia .s amendea, the governing bocSy in any county may, by resolutJl.on duly adopted, give nllllles to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of tOlms, such nllllles to take precedence over any other designation except those primaQ highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the CocSe of Virginia, ,and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the nllllle "Uockingbird Hill" be ..signed to the private road that runs northeast ana nortllwest off Boute 110, about 0.3 mle north of Boute 460 east. c On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconlUld by Supervisor Richard C. Plora lUld adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: AYES: Richard C. Plora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Sllibel, lUld J. Thomas Bngleby, III. a NAYS: C. Lawrence Dodson. IN RE: WATER SYSTEMS On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., lUld the unanimous vote of the Board, the Boanoke County Planning Commission was directed to consult with l - ~ I' :' " Aj:>,rh'/ " /0' II ..f< Lv- ,rt !i a ("r<"/, 1,,",- :f11:,'~ iil~ ,ntl]' I; I~ ./;, J/~./ I c' ;& '.br(}!l.. .. !c"1 f-oV 0~..' 27 28 10-24-72 the Public Service Authority IUId come back to the Board with :. standard of proposecl regulations or requirements far the expansion and/or d,evelopment of water syst81118 equal to those of the Ci.ty of Salem, Roanoke City and the Public Service Authority. AYES:_ C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton. Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I NAYS: None. (Properly this motion should have appeared in the minutes i_diately following the action on Monterey BiUs Water Company, page 26.) I IN RE: STYPES aRANCH ROAD FROM ROll'1'E 777 NORTH 0.1 MILE TO D.E. (SO-POQ'l' RIGHT OF WAY.) This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the fOllowing road and the location thereof and to make a. report thereon, to_it: II Ii 'I I; ., 'I Ii ,I , II " i: ,: I' ,I Ii I' ~ AYES: C. Law.l:'ence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. seibe11 and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I ! ~ NAYS: None. " ~ ~ ! !i Ii IN RE: CHANCERY SUIT - TO COLLECT DELINQUEN'l' TAXES I' Ii LT. ELM ST. Ii ~ I. I On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor Ii ., o-f~f../. I "ohn G. Seibel, it is ordered that E. W. Chelf. Attorney of Salem, Virginia, BE, I! , J> I, and he is hereby employed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose Iii c.rrYv ',~f instituting a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, ,i ~' .1,;/,J4 to collect all of the delinquent real estate taxes due IUId owing upon a certain Ii ~ CJ> (; ~ parCel of real estate situated in the City of Salem, Virgita, formerly situate :I! II in the Town of Salem, ROlUloke County, Virginia, and which snid real estate is now " il assessed for taxation upon the COIIIIlIissioner's Land Books for the City of Salem, Ii I. I' .I II , f:J d,./ ,Il J. ~.b(~ 51.< }V"" -ttJifo,)r J,y..-'1t' STYPES BRANCH ROAD PROM ROtrrE 777 NORTH 0.1 MILE TO D. E. (50-foot right of way) whereupon, on motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, .aid Engineer's report 1s approved. And it is hereby ordered that said road, as describecl briefly above , Seccndary System of Highways of Roanoke county, the Board of Supervisors guan- I be, and it is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State anteeing the right for drainage. And it i. further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: I I 10-24-72 g Virginia, and fOXlll8rly assessed upon the CollllDissioner's LaIId Books of RoanoJce County, Virginia, in the name of Brown, Morgan, and is described thereon as I.t:~ Elm St., and is a part of the same lot or parcel of real estate conveyed to A. O. Brown and C. O. Morgan from T. T. Perfater by deed dated the 30th day of May, 1905 which is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ,for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 31, at page 491, and which has heretofore been sold for taxes d_ and owing thereon to tbe county of RoanOke, V'ir9inia, and pur- chased in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia, for and on behalf of the County of RoanoJce, Virginia, for taxes 4ue and owing thereon to the county of Roanoke, Virginia. And as cOlllpensa1:1on for his services in and about COllecting said taxes, it is/ai~la that said Attorney Chelf be paid a COBIisa101l of NO' of the amount of County taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. c AYES : C. Lawrence DOdson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. ThOlllaS Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF 2.5 ACRE TRACT ON ROUTE 11, ROANOKE COllN'l'Y, VIRGINIA CBAS L. AND VETA B. WHITT ORDER c Came thia day the Petitionera by their Counael and aaked leave to file their Petition relative to the zoning of a parcel of land locatsHn Roanoke COunty and more specifically described in /laid Petition. NOW, TREREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular _eting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COllnty, Virgini6l, that said Petition be and the same is hereby filed. BE IT FURTHE:il RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be and the a_ ia hereby referred to the Planning COIIIIIIission of Roanoke COunty, Virginia, for its re.-..-nc1lltion in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the lZode of Virginia of 1950, aa amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning COIIIIIlis- slon ahall reports its recommendationa to the Clerk of this Board aa required by law the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the aame down for II public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of thls Board. AND IT IS FURTlIER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthewa, Secretary of the Planning CollllDisdon of Roanoke COllllty, Virginia. c o The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of C. Law- rence DOdson, a Superviaor and ~i1ly aeconded by Richard C. Flora, a Supervisor. AYBS: All HAYS 1 None Id"~~ ~W ~? 30 1v/~1" ~ ;nl V"'/' ,bed" 10-24-72 IN llE: llEZONING PROPERTY SITUA'rE ON THE EAST SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 AND 220, AT THE INTERSECTION OF SAID ROUTES WITH COmrrRY CLUB DRIVE, IN ROANOKE COmrry, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO NOLAND D. JACltSON AND J. M. TURNER o R D E R ,I II II f Thia day came Nolan.}D. Jackson and J. M. Tumer, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described therein which request ia granted and said petition 18 hereby fHed. On motion duly made, seconded, and WlanillloWlly carried, it is hereby ORDEllED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same 18 hereby referred to the Planning Collllll1ssion of Roanoke Coll~ty for a re---ncl.ation, in accordance with the proviaions of said Ordinance and th 1950 COde of Virginia, ac amended, and when said Planning Collllll1ssion shall have reported its rec-""'a~ion to the Clerk of th18 Board as required by lIIW, the Clerk of thia Board shall forthwith set the s_ down for a public headng at the next penU.ss1ble, regular or special meeting of thia Board, notice of which shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the pro- visions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. BE IT FURTHER llESOLVED AND ORDEllED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Cl'u:k. to Paul B. Matthew,", Secretary of the Planning Commission of ~anoke County, Virginia. The 8bove resolution and order was adopted .OD motion of supervisor C. Lawrence DodsOll and seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora and on the recoHtid vote, the supervisors voted as follows, towit: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: FAIRWAY FOREST COMPANY llESOLUTION The petition of Fabway Forest Company for the rezoning of a certain tract of land located in the county of Roanoke frCllll Residential R-l to Business B-1, was, on motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, received and filed and referred to the Planning Collllll1ssion for reCOlllllleDdation upon the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Bilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleb7, III. NI'.YS: None. I II Consideration of the IIIeIIIOrandUlll from CII1arles H. Osterhoudt, Attorney, II C E B E Investments, relative to moving the present transmitter tower from Cove I Road to BrusllrfKountain was continued indefinitely, at hiB request. I .1 I I I I I . " '.. ". .. . . . 10-24-7:< On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the following items were received and filed: 1. Letter from State Librarian, dated October 16, 1972 to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors concerning use of fed- erally allocated funds for libraries. 2. Letter from Division of State Planning and Community Affairs, dated October 13, 1972 to local governments re Critical Environmental Area. 3.Let~G6 from Salem City Manager, dated October 16, 1972, wi~h enclosure, relative to completion date of Salem Relief Interceptor Study. 4. Letter of October 16, 1972, from Chapman-Taney-Painter- Lo9sn, Inc., transmitting prerequisites for Sale of Flood In..urance, and urging the county to qualify for such ins.l.fance. 5. Memo from John N. LlIIIIpros, COllllllOnwealth's Attorney, dated OctOber 7, 197'-, re Annexation Cases. 6. Letter of appreciation from Charles L. Jennings, dated OctOber 16, 1972, upon his appointlllent to Library Board of Trustees. 7. Letter of October 13, 1972, from John C. Liggan to Paul B. Matthews commending and thanking the county for correcting damages to his property as a result of flood damages during stona Agues. . I II 8. Letter from C. J. Cllllll8nt, Library Board Chairman, dated 10-4-72, expressing appreciati~n and asking not to be reappointed. 9. Letter from Stephen Sussna Associates, dated 9-27-72, offer- ing services in planning. 10. Letter, dated 10-11-72, from J. Thomas Engleby, III, to Virginia Health Departlllent inquiring progress made in sewer treatlllent plant in Zella Vaughn Subdivision (copy). 11. Copy of letter from Roanoke county PSA to Board of Supervisors dated 10-11-72 re Monterey Hills Water System. 12. Letter, dated 10-16-72, from A. T. Huddleston, Board of Public Welfare to J. Thomas Engleby, III, concerning central telephone systelll. 13. Copy of letter, dated 10-17-72, fl~ Deputy City Clerk to Julian F. Hirst acknowledging report on Option to Purchase. 14. Copy of letter, dated 10-13-72, from Deputy City Clerk to M. S. Thomas, et al, advising that Mr. Hirst's report on option to purchase landfill area was on agenda 10-16-72. 15. Copy of letter from Roanoke City Deputy Clerk attaching Ordinance No. 20488 relative to joint use of sanitary landfill. 16. 1972 Annual Report of Fifth Planning District Commission. 17. Pamphlets on Drug Abuse from Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. 18. Copy of letter, dated 10-18-72, to William C. Young, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, enclosing motion to continue in case: State Corporation Commission vs. Mountain Springs Water Company, Inc. Upon motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., and the unanimous voice , ,I ~vote of the members present, The Board went ~ to discuss personnel and other matters. Ii Ii ii " [ I. ,[ i I , ,I I I , into Executivo Session, at 10:50 P.M. I I I II II 'I II . ~ Ii ~ " II I I i ,I , Ii " " I II I! II il Ii ,I I, il I, I I 10-24-72 The Board of Supervisors returned to the Court.room at 11:13 P. M., and upon tbe motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, voted \lJ1animously to recon- vene in open session. a IN RE: ASSISTANT ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER o On IIlOtion of :Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and the foJ.lowing recorded vote of the Board, the starting salary of Brainerd Lee Rcupe, Assistant Animal COntrol Officer, was set cd approved at $6,000.00 annually, effective October 2, 1972, the date of employment. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodaon, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, .Tr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thoma. Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN RE: SALARY INCREASE FOR MRS. BE'l"l'Y FOSTER TREASURER'S OFFICE Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that no action be ~aken by the Board on the reque.t of the Treasurer for an increase in salary to $5,000.00 c for MR. Betty Foster. on a roll call, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Doci8on, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. None. NAYS: IN RE: FLEET J INSURANCE - ROANOKE COUNTY o On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and the following recorded vote of the Board, the Fleet Insurance coverages for Roanoke CO\lJ1ty is to be continued with the present carrier, Goodwin-Andrews-Bry5l'l, Inc., for a period of one year from the inception date of the policy and with a change in the existing contract providing a $100.00 deductible provision _,ith respect to liability, property damag,. cd comprehensive coverage on qualifying vehicles. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. c FLEET INSURANCE - ROANOKE COUNTY on motion of Supervisor Richlird C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the Chairman of the Board was authorized to appoint a committee to study the feasibility of combining the various insurcces of the CO\lJ1ty, cODsider a 33 li 'I I: / /."" )1 I" ~1:!,' il ~"'" J;r7~ ii~' n~ i! " " I: " Ii I' I' :! Ii ;1 I~ tt ,I " jj :1 Ii 'f( it I~f.;z. 'j. ii~ /y I, (k' Ii /~ ~ V . '1~11 / , ," J" ,lY :iyf'" t-r"v,J4, / #.~ lie' 'f'~v~ l' ~ I' ., ~ 'j 10"24-72 '-=--:"'- _--=.:.:::_~ .:::__.:::........---.:.::::.::::::..:.:.::::.:..::.....::::::~.:::::.:::_:........:.~-== ..- retrospective plan on insurance (at the next: anniversary date), and any other progrlllll of insurance which IIIllY be avilable. AYES: c. Lawrence Do4aon, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I ,.. _ ~ tho _.., wu ~iJ4--- l I This concluded the business before adjourned by the Chairman at 11:26 P. M. I I ~,; Ii 'I II Ii Ii I II II II II II II il I, 'I " I I, I' ,1 i: Ii Ii Ii 'I I. " II II I' :i I ,.., iJ r-, I ' l.J a ~ I .1 11':'14-72 'I I, I i I il !, i I i thereof in the County Courtroom, being the Second Tuesday, and the first regular I I, I I I I I I Ii II II i; I I I Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia NOVember 14, 1972 1:00 P. M. The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors met this day at the Courthouse meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III; Vice Chairman, Richard C. Flora; C. LawrenCe Dodson; R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel. The county Engineer and the Commonwealth's Attorney were also present. The Chairr~ called the meeting to order at 1:02 P. M. and led those assembled in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Upon the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the unanimous vote of the members present, the minutes of October 24, 1972 meet were approved as spread. IN RE: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF RETAINING SECTION 56-426 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, the following resolution was passed on the unanimous vote of the Board: "WHEREAS, Section 56-426 of the Code of Virginia requires that 'Every railroad company shall keep its right-of-way clear and free from weeds, grass, and decayed timber, which from their nature and condition are combusible material, lia- ble to take and communicate fire from passing trains to abutt- ing or adjacent property;' and, "Whereas, There is before the 1973 session of the Virginia General Assembly House Bill No. S95 which would repeal Sec- tion 56-426, thus permitting the railroads to create and main- tain ~ right-of-way condition which would create a dangerous fire hazard to adjacent property; "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, meeting in official session this 14th day of November, 1972 does urge the respective members of the General Assembly of Virginia to vote against House Bill No. 895 and retain Section 56-426 in the Code of Virginia." I I, II Ii f II II II " I' ,I II II rl :i II ,I II II Ii I' I Mr. Arthur L. Jolly, Jr., State District Forrester, appeared before the Board, gave a general report including statistics on fires, and requested the help of the Board in having Section 56-426 of the Code of Virginia retained. Mr. Lampros, the Commonwealth's Attorney, joined the Board during Mr. Jolly's presentation. Ms. Fannie Bolder and Mr. Bobby Vasser were recognized by the Chairman and addressed the Board on its denial of the use of the Oldsfield property in Roanoke County as a proposed recreation site for resident of the area. The Chairman traced the Board's action on this matter to date; and advised the interested citizens that no action could be taken on their appearance; and fur- ther suggested that if there was a change in circumstances, again an application for a recreation facility could be brought before the Board through the Recrea- tion Department. 3;; :, II II I I I thei il \, II il II II I' I 1- 1-/ 1~i0 !ljJtW~ Ii 'c,'~ j II b ~~y Ii ~ fXjl4 (~;. d Ii \\ ii ,I , I' ~6 '~ I II Ii Ii II II 'I Ii I 1 I II I i! 'i I' ,(,1 t' ,1/ l' ' ~ I, ] II I I, ., II r II Ii II il " :1 II 'I " :1 " :; !i :i /I"({ ~\ ~Ah ~{f ! ~ . ~ l~ b\t-f . k+~~\ t'. Ii 1 'I :1 !i il I' il 11-14-72 II ,I ii I, 'I !I " ,I I , I ! 'I II Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson joined the Board in session during this presentation relative to the Oldsfield property. The public hearings on Notice of Intention to Amend Chapter 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article V., County Vehicles Licenses, Section 10-41 . . and Notice of Intention to Amend Chapter 20, Trailer and Trailer Parks, Section 20-4 . . . by requested were continued to the regularly scheduled meeting of this Board on November 28, 1972, at 7:00 P. M. IN RE: VACATION OF FRANTZ STREET AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF EDGEWOOD LAND COMPANY, INC., OF RECORD IN THE CLERK' S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 122 ORDER This day came Dr. Rafael Porres by Counsel, and asked leave to file his petition relative to the vacation of Frantz Street as shown by the Map of Edge- wood recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat ~ook 1, page 122. NOW, THEREFORE, BZ IT REf:lLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co~u"..y, Virginia, on November 14, 1972, 'the said petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER I:ESOLVED AND ORDERED that the prt:)posal to adopt an ordinance vacating Frantz Street as requested in the petition is hereby referred II .1 I, Ii U 11 I, " " I' " I ., " !! il II Ii to the Planning Colllllli.ssion of Roanoke County, Virginia, for consideration at its I December 19, 1972 meeting and for recommendation to this Board for action at its I,ll next permissible regular or special meeting. 'I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board shall II set this matter down for a public hearing at the January 23, 1973 meeting of thiS!1 Board, and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk by publication in accordance!1 II with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. !I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forthwith I, II " Ii II II II ii 'I ii il ., " " :1 certified and delive~ed by the Secretary of this Planning Colllllli.ssion to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted and approved on the following vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: none. ABSENT: None. IN RE: REZONING OF A PARCEL AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF VIRGINIA ROUTE 419 AND BERNARD DRIVE OF LYNN BRAE FARMS, INC., AllO BILLY H. BRANCH ORDER This day came Lynn Brae Farms, Inc., and Billy H. Branch, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoniug of the property there~ ,I in described. II " ii II I II ~ II II I I II 'I I i j Ii I I " I, II " II II I I I I , ! I , I II II 'I I II I I I I I ,./ J ,I~-+" a~ II .,r fU' ~,..rO}' '''-. "I~',V~ 1,"" J ., vr ru.r" t ;r , 11- " , . \' ' ..., "'~ . "'~' . '_". r' - . I ,~-: . 11-14-72 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zon- ~ ing Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommend~tion to the ~lerk of this Board. as required by the Code of Virginia, upon the receipt of the same, the Clerk of the Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of c Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia. The above resolution and order. were adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as fdlows, to-wit: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, ~ ADd J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN RE: IN THE MhTTER OF THE PETITION OF JOSEPH B. GORIA AND B. F. PARROTT & CO., INC. RESOLUTION The petion of Joseph B. Goria and B. F. Parrott & Co., Inc. for the rezoning of a certain tract of land located in the County of Roanoke from Manufacturing M-l to Business B-2 was on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor Johx, G. Seibel, received and filed and referred to the Planning Commis~ion for recommendation upon the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and a J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None c RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF VIRGI1~IA STATE SECONDARY ROUTE 623 ORDER This day came James E. Long, by counsel, L,d requested leave to file his petiton, relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried. it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said Peti- tion, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke .Q 1~'.' t) ~ /' 1tDY 1-1 ~, I ,I' "f; ,/~/ rl1 V (0 P L~ IV P' J;/ ()?" , -' '. .'" -~ . . 'I,.. ,. . 11-14-72 .---. -- - No action was taken ~y the Board on the letter from Chesterfield-Colonial Heights, Department of Social Services. This letter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY I WHEREAS, Thanksgiving Day has heretofore been declared a legal holiday for all county employees and the Clerk's Office; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that Friday, November 24, 1972, also be declared a general holiday in observance of Thanksgiving for all County employees; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the JUdge of the Circuit Court. of Roanoke I County be, and he hereby is, respectfully requested to declare the same day November 24, 1972, a general holiday for the Clerk's Offi.ce; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be directed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit C~urt for Roanoke County. Adopted on motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the roll call vote as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. I IN RE: ACCIDENTS INVOLVING VEHICLES INSURED ONDER FLEET INSURANCE POLICY OF ROANOKE COllN'rY Recognizing the $100.00 deductible liability provision applicable to all accidents involving insured vehicles under the current automobile fleet insurance policy, the Board unanimously agreed and voted: that in those accidents resulting from improper driving and/or negligence on the part of the driver (Roanoke County vehicle), the $100.00 deductible sum would be paid by the driver, except in cases of accidents occuring to and involving personnel not on Roanoke County payrolls, but which personnel would be responding .to an emergency call. In such cases, the County will assume the $100.00 deduct~ble sum. Further, the Board established an inquiry Committee to determine the probable cause and establish whether or not the driver was at fault; said C~nmittee to be comprised of the County Executive Officer, the head of the departmel~t of the accident- inVOlved-employee, and one member of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commis- sion. Further the Board limited this policy to first accidents only. I I IN RE: AWARD BID TO PURCHASE FIRE TRUCK On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. 11-14-72 i n Flora and the fOllowing recorded roll call vote, the Board approved the purchase ~ I II of a fire truck at the pric~ of $20,673.68 from Hugh D. Whitlow Sales and w Service representative of Oren Roanoke corp., Vinton, Virginia. and directed that the bid be awarded at once to safeguard the aforestated quotation. ii ii AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, ,R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Ii Ii and J. Thomas Engleby, III. i /1 ii NAYS: None I' 11 i! !: c IN BE: VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 658 f l on motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Ii I Flora, the COllllllOnwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways be, and is hereby, requested to lIllIIce improvements to Virginia Secondary Route 658 from ECL of City of Roanoke for a distance of 2.6 miles: and, The Department is further requested to provide the necessary funds to improve the said State Secondary Rout'9 658 as requested. The motion carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Board. IN RE: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ! ;, , !i It II ~ 11 /1 Ii Ii I: upon the application for Shelor Avenue from Hawley Drive (Route 1108) to Mountain I' VB ORDER THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF VIRGINIA This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and Drive (Route 1107) - 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of & certain map known as Grandview Gardens, which map was recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75, of the records of the Clerk's Office of th~ Circuit Court of Roanoke county, Virginia, c on August 22, 1950, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting:i I' Ii a property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Shelor Avenue from Hawley Drive (Route 1108) to Mountain Drive (Route 1107) - 0.14 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. 41 " 11 Ii I' ii Ii ,. ,I " 11 " i~ I " :1 Ii , d I !i i! .; Ii ,1_7 i ;: IVqp ./" ~jv1U " la .. il~' 11Y !i " II " ~ ~ I, 'I II I! I! I' Ii 'I ~ Ii Ii " ~ II II I, Ii II I' II il II I, :1 ;: 1./ ~(j.:"~) I' u. tC./ 11 /'- il } i! r: 11-14' 72 IN RE: PARKING LOT REPORT c On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, the July report on the Courthouse Parking Lot was adopted. On a roll call, the members of the Board voted as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. ~ I NAYS: None. *** 49./t c IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and the following recorded vote, County Payrolls (Semi-Monthly, dated 10-30-72 and 11-15-72; Daily/Hourly, dated 10-26-72 and 11-09-72; and Individual, dated 11-13-72) were approved for payment in the grosS'; amount of $126,906.64, from which the sum of $14,813.69 F.I.T.; $6,085.67, F.I.C.A.; $2,565.10 State; $2,317,35 Blue Cross; $2,636.72 Retirement; $15.50 United Fund; $1,572.57 Miscel- laneous, and $276.00 Accounts Insurance are to be deducted, leaving net payrolls of $96,624.04. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, c I NAYS: and J. Thomas Engleby, III. None. IN RE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and the following recorded vote, the current bills totaling $6,478.66 were this day approved. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ~ On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., and the unanimous vote of the members present, the following items were received and filed: Memo from John N. Lampros, dated 10-31-72 reo Lucky's Mobile Communications Agreement with Roanoke County. Copy of letter from Deputy City Clerk to James O. Trout, dated 11-7-72, transmitting copy of motion by Board of Super- visors, Roanoke County, October 24, 1972. Copy of letter from J. Thomas Engleby to Mr. Ted Ayers, re saving trees, dated 11-7-72; and copy of letter to Miss Max'tha Stewart re automobile exhaust pollution. Copy of letter from O. S. Foster, dated 11-2-72 to Radio Communications Company, Inc., terminating contract effective 11-30-72. ~ Copy of letter from Southwest Section, Virginia Chapter, The American Institute of Architects re physical environment. Yarger and Associates, Inc., dated 10-27-72 re Federal revenue sharing. Letter of 10-27-72 from R. R. .Robrecht to John B. Boatwright, Jr. 4 ">,' " . I - [hri ..; ,t-1 (I' ..;. to f:? r!/'J 1./ /k'.rJ-, ~ 1't1r ~. ,I Thank-O-Gram dated 10-26-72 from Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. Letter 10-28-72 from J. Thomas Engleby to Mrs. Bonnie Mitchell re salaries for Board of supervisors. Letter from Department. of Welfare and Institutions to O. S. Foster re inspection of Roanoke County Jail. Copy of letter to Governor Holton, dated 10-4-72 f~om L. M. , Whitmore' concerning policies of St.ate Board of Edur.:ations. Copy of letter from National Association of Counties, Research Foundation, dated 10-12-72 re environmental programs. Copy of letter from Governor Holton, dated 10-25-72, relative to meeting of Cabinet,Secretaries December 1, 1~72, at 'Roanoke Civic Center. 44 41 11-14-72 re drafting bill on salaries for Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. ,411, ' "' ..[rl CYf'V' /' P I I Copy of motion of Roanoke county Public Library Board of Trustees . 10-16-72, re funds for drainage at New Headquarters Library. Copy of Minutes of Fifth Planning District Commission, September 28, .1972, with attachments. Copy of letter from Richard D. Rogers, Jr., dated October 25, 1972, re Case No. 19178 - Mountain Springs Water Company, Inc. Instrument dated October 25, 1972 - Commonwealth of Virginia at the relation of the State Corporation Commission vs Mountain.Springs Water Company, Incorporated. Statement of Office and Travel Expense - Sheriff, Roanoke County, Virginia. SUIIIIIIary Stat8lll8nt of Prisoner Days served in the County/City Jail October 1972 copy of MelllDrandum dated 11-8-72 from Robert H. Kirby re Public Hearing on Virginia Area Development Act. Copy of letter from Chesterfield-Colonial He~ts, Department of Social Services concerning the administration of public welfare. Treasurer's Report, spread as follows: November 14, 1972 I At the close of business October 31, 1972, there was to the credit of the follow;l.Dg~ General Operating Fund - Available cash School Textbook Fund - Available cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available cash Library Construction Fund - Available cash Parks , Recreation Construction Fund - Available cash P.I.C.A. - Available cash Retirement Pund - Available cash Air Pollution Fund - Available cash Sales Tax Collection Fund - Available cash Federal Programs Fund - Available cash Welfare Fund - Available cash Deferred Credit Account - Alfred C. Anderson Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Virginia Roanoke Valley Escrow - $2,815,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow - $2,649,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Welfare Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Bank of Virginia Roanoke valley - Paying Agent School Debt First National Exchange Bank - Paying Agent School Debt School Construction Fund Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst - James E. Peters $ 55,466.91 198,812.06 460.48 92,407.61 11,087.08 2,836.68 1,536.71 4,421.85 1.81 25,659.14 122,908.33 37.83. $515,636.49 'I I 2,000.00 88,535.00 42E.08 122..908.33 25,659.14 198,812.06 46,779.24 49.55 22, 77~,.00 7,536.33 68.07 87.69 $515,636.49 I 11-14-72 On a roll call, the Supervisors voted as follows: A'lCES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I i Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, aJld the unanimous Ii , I This concluded the business before the Board and upon motion ~f Supervisor vote of the lIIeIllbers, the meeting was adjourned at 3:31 P. M. I ~ I ~ ~ i II Ii Ii Ii Ii ~ Ii ii " ~ 1 !: I: [I ~ 'I i' ~ " Ii I I I I Ii II I! ,I II I, Ii ii " I, i] II Ii II il II ~ I' II " ,'; .1 " 'I I, i! ii ji I' H il ~ 'I Ii I: I I I 48 1,11 I'" r 'j;. tcrfJ r I II i I i I /I' ~.r(-' IlL- 11-17-72 Board were authorized to sign the Services Contract between Roanoke county, and the City of Salem, Virginia; the Clerk was directed to deliver a copy of said contract, as revised, to the City of Salem this day: November 17, 1972. It was unanimously agreed by all members present that the Board of Supervisors would act as a Committee of the Whole to select a finan<:e officer ~or Roanoke County, and a meeting for this purpose was set for 5:15 P. M., November 28, 1972, the Clerk being directed to notify the members of the Committee of the meeting time and place. Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the resoluti,on of November 14, 1972, granting a holiday on Friday, November 24, 1972, to employees of Roanoke county and the Clerk's Office be rescinded. The motion carried on this recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. None ABSTAINING: R. E. Hilton, Jr. ABSEN'!' : C. Lawrence Dodson Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney prepare I a resolution prohibiting the spotting of animals, except by owners upon their II I It I premises, and that a copy of the same be forwarded to members of the General 'I Ii ~ I ~ ~ ! Assembly from Roanoke County and to the State Game Commission. vote: i The motion was seconded by R. E. Hilton, Jr., and passed on this recorded I ,i ;1 " Ii ~I I " Ii ;1 ~ .I ~ Ii II I, Ii Ii II Ii ji ,I , Ii " Ii i! Ii " i " i: I' Ii AYES: Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., Joru~ G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III NAYS: None ABSENT: C. Lawrence Dodson I , II II the meeting at 8:20 A. M. Ii ~ II II II Ii Ii I' II ,i Ii Ii II Ii I: [I II 'I " " I , i , i This concluded the business before the Board and the Chairman adjourned I I I I I , I ,~.'l' ~- .. .... ... . I, " ..,:.. .' > , 11-14-72 ---- ~ . *** See page 43 for motion concerning this report. 1 PARKING LOT C<)MMITTEE REPORT July 18, 1972 at 3:45 p. m. ~ I ,-J MEMBERS PRESENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John N. Lampros Paul B. Matthews (on vacation) MEMBERS ABSENT: 'I II :I The purpose of this Committee meeting was to make an objective evale jt II i: , utili+ 'i various methods or plans that may of the parking lot fafilities and explore be implemented to achieve a more equitable uation of the present use now made zation of the facilities. It was the concensus of the Committee tha.t th.re are several steps that can be taken to obtain optimum use of the limited space available. However, such steps would be completely wasted effort without adequate enforcement by the Sheriff's Department. Contingent upon a commitment from Sheriff Foster for policing of the parking lot area, we recommend: o (1) The parking lot be marked off in spaces of 9 to 9~1/2' creating approximately fifty-three (53) spaces; (2) Present reserved spaces for Judges, secretary and Clerk be retained; (3) Four (4) spaces reserved for Sheriff's vehicles; (4) Reserve 1/4 of the lot for to transact at the Courthouse. so designated and restricted to citizens having business These spaces should be one (1) hour parking; (5) Issue numbered bumper decals to all office holders, department heads and eJIlployees whose job requirements necessitate continued use of a vehicle during the normal working day. These people, on a "first come-first serve" basis, would have the use of the remaining space in the parking lot. o " ~ ~ , ;.,J;..J-~_"1'::"'__...J:""..._ 11-28-72 Roanoke County Courthouse Salem. Virginia November 28, 1972 7:00 P. M. n U The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, in the county Courtroom, being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regular meeting of the month. Members present: Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. Absent: C. Lawrence Dodson, and ~ , ' . I ~ 'i !: i! !i " 1 I ~ .i Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the meeting be adjourned to reconvene 11 Ii Supervisor Richard C. Flora seconded !1 ., II R. E. Hilton, Jr. at the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center. o , , " Ii ., t: I " I' Ii I' II ,I i! ij Ii I: ~ ~ II Ii Ii ,~ II Ii !: the motion and on roll call the Supervisors voted: AYES: Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSENT: C. Lawrence Dodson and R. E. Hilton, Jr. Salem/Rc)anOke Valley 1001 Boulevard Salem, Virginia 7:20 P. M. Civic j: r: E ii CenteD II " i: '[ ;1 " " Ii '. " 1i , " q ,. " ,. I' :i supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the adjourned meeting, from the previous call to order at the Courthouse at 7:00 P. M., be reconvened. Supervisors voted: The AYES: C. La'~rence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Also joining this meeting of the Board of Supervillors at the Civic Center were: The Commonwealth I s Attorney, John N. Lamprc)s; and the i~ : ; U County Engineer, Paul B. Matthews. 6 The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given in unison, led by Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III. Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that both sets of minutes (November 14 and November 17, 1972, be approved as circulated and spread. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. 50 1-1 ~D' \\/ J1~ ~fQ,' jJY ~e,") . ~y 11-28-72 IN RE: ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT IN ELOCK 1, SECTION 3 OF HUNTING HILLS FINAL O:!IDER WHEREAS, WALTER B. BLAIR and LINDA S. BLAIR, husband and wife, did petition this Board for the abandonment of a utility and drainage easement in Block 1, Section 3 of Hunting Hills, map of record in thl~ Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, at Page 63; and THAT WHEREAS, said petition further showed that said petitioners are the owners of Lot 4 and the southerly one-half portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Section 3 of Hunting Hills Subdivision, and that the residence constructed on said property lies partially on the southerly portion of Lot 3 and partially on Lot 4; that the recorded map above referred to provides, "In a.dition to the utility easements indicated hereon, all lot lines are subject to a 12 ft. drain- age and utility easement; the said lot lines shall be the center line of said easement," and therefore, said residence is constructed jlCrOSS a util':'ty and I I I I WHEREAS, said petition was filed at a regulal: meeting of this Board, I held on September 12, 1972, and by order entered that da~' was referred to the drainage easement, which said easement is not presently being used by any utility or for drainage purposes, nor is there any necesllity for so using said easement; and Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Collllllission, by a Resolut:i.on adopted at its meeting held on October 17, 1972, recommended to this Board that said utility and drainage easement be abandonded as requested; and 'I ~ ,: I ~ Ii I ~ ~ Ii ~ ~ I: :, i: ti " !: WHEREAS, the Board of Supe:rvisors of Roanoke County did set the matter down for a public hearing at the regular meeting (If this Board on November 28, 1972, and gave notice thereof by publicatioI' as required by law; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the prolosed abandonment of easement on the 28th day of November, 1972, after due publication, and this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petiticln and ~o said reoom- mendation of the Planning Collllllission, and after hearing e,vidence as to the carits of the said petition, being of the opinion that sa,id easement should be abandoned and that the rights of no person would be viola.ted thereby. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED that the utility and drainage easement along the lot line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Section 3 of Hunting Hills, as shown by the Map of Section 3 of Hunting Hills Subdivi- sion, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, at page 63, be, and the same is, hereby ABANDONED and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby :i " ji ,I r il I, " ri Ii rl f! Ii Ii " I : ~ " DIRECTED to note on the Official Map ;khat said utility and drainage easement has Ii , been ABANDONED and note a proper reference to the action of the Board of Super- II Ii Ii !i visors of Roanoke County in this regard. BE IT FURrHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board ---, I I I , ii II I II II " II ,. " :1 I, I I Ii " , " i! .I ., I " " I: !i ,. il I I H\DIting Hills, and by changing the lot lines in said Blol:k 4, .j.t has become necesl! . ) sary to abandon the public utility and drainage easements reserved along the 'i 1./ VIA ;~'I-;J'r~:},.t . !.~. '" ~ ~;%'~ ~~ ~;IV !I~ i; f " " ~ Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendation, in accord~ :1 i' 11-28-72 J shall forthwith'cerify a copy of this ReSOlution and Ordel: to the Secretary of the Planning commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Holman Willis, Jr., attorney for petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervi$or Richard C. Flora and seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. T~nmas Engleby, III. ~ I: II NAYS: Ii " \: i i' I) Ii Ii fi iI I' Mr. Holman Willis, Jr., Attorney, appeared on behalf of the i' peti tionersl: I! I: None. -J ABSENT: , None. no one appeared in opposition. IN RE; ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENTS IN BLOCX 4, SECTION 2 OF HtlN'l'ING HILLS i( il i' II I: " II II 'I ~lat it has become necessa~ I the aforesaid Section 2 of :l , FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION did petition this lloard for the abandonment of public utility and drainage easements in Block 4, Section 2 of ~ 'i " I' Hunting Hills, lllap of record in the Clerk's Office of thE' Circuit Court of Roan- ! .I il I' r eke Co\DIty, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, at Page 63; and THAT WHEREAS, said petition further showed to resubdivide Lots 7 through 11, Block 4, as shown by original lot lines between Lots 7 and 8, and Lots 8 and .~ not now being used for public utility or drainage purposes, so that said property IllaY be properly used for residential purposes; and WHEREAS, said petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board, held on September 12, 1972, and by order entered that day was referred to the ance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. 1950. as amended; and I , i I :..J WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission, by a Resolution adopted at its meeting held on October 17, 1972, recommended to thi.s Board that said public o utility and drainage easements be abandoned as requested; and ~REAS , the Board of Supervisors of Roanokll County did set the matter :1 i: down for a public hearing at the regular meeting of thil; Board on November 28, 1972, and gave notice thereof by publication as requireli by law; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on thla proposed abandonment of easements on the 28th day of November, 1972, after due publication, and this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence as to the merits of the said petition, being of the opinion that said easements should be abandoned 51 _c,_~ _.-0="-"'=_""'.;-= ::O:.c-c- .,_-:==___ ~ I' " ii I II 11 :I Ii I: II Ii Ii I' .1 !1 'i I, !! 11-28-72 And the matter having been referred to the Roanoke County Planning '1 _J 28th day of November, 1972, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors being of the !""1 i .-.J with the land development goals of the county of Roanoke. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the vacation and closure of the herein described streets and roads located in' the Beulah Heights subdivision aforesaid be and the same hereby is approved. And the Clerk of this Board, being the Clerk of the Circuit Court anee with the laws of the COlUlllonwealth of Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, and R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. J Seibel, and J. Thomas Englery, III. NAYS: .1 i ii there was no opposition. I: ii :1 [, Ii " Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt appeared on behalf of the petitioners; IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF JAMES L. CROSS, JR. and NANCY W. CROSS RESOLUTION 1. Upon the petition for rezoning of James L. Cross, Jr. and Nancy W. Cross of certain property from Industrial M-l to Industrial M-2 as an amend- ment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance effective February 1, 1970, and Q BEGINNING at a point on the southeast side of the new Virginia State Route 117 at an iron pin corner; thence S. 330 56' 30" E. 230.2 feet to a point at an old iron on the northerly side of Old Virginia State Route 117; thence with the northerly side of old Virginb. State Route 117, S. 840 53' W. 273.08 feet to a point; thence continuing S 820 46' W. 294.68 feet to a point on the southeasterly side of the right-of-way of the new Virginia State Route 117; thence with the soui:heasterly side of new Virginia State Route 117 on a radial 388472 N. 610 38' 40. E. 222.07 feet on a chord arc of 222.10 feet to a point; thence with the same N. 5ll'! 02' E. 267.6 feet on a chord arc 267.65 feet to a point; thence N. 560 03' 30. E. 14.93 feet to the point and place of beginning, according to map of T. P. Parker & Son, Certified Land Surveyors, dated January 27, 1972. J ~ " 0' ~ r ii I''? i.. iY 'I t r - .l-- Ii. ,>1' c:y' r9~' 1 , -! described as follows: 54 11-28-72 said property being located in Roanoke County and said rezoning being desiT-ed ~o as to permit exterior storage of electrical contractor equipment and materials, and 2. Upon receiving and filing of said petition and referral of the same to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and upon notice of public hearing and recommendation of said Planning collllllission as is requi:~ed by law, and upon I pub lip hearing before the Roanoke County Board of Supervis1ors, pursuant to notice, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thai: the above d,ascribed property be and hereby is m:ezoned from Industrial classification M-l t,o Industrial .elassifi- cation M-2 excepting therefrom so much of said property as is subject to a I right-of-way of the Virginia Department of Highways for State Primary Route 117, as an amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, effective February 1, 1970, and the Roanoke County Planning Commission is directed to reflect said chan e upon the Zoning Map of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the I petitioners; there was no ppposition. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE AT SOUTHEASTERLY INTERSECTION OF VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 621 AND NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY. FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held on 28th day of November, 1972. th i , WHEREAS, Jack Ray Bowyer petitioned this Board and requested l;hat the I I Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property I I / ~./ : 1)1>> . ~'I ~ ~ Ii I' Ii ,I i I: I described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Al, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on September 26, 1972, and by order entered that day was referred to the Planning collllllission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 I Code of Virginia, as amended; ~~d WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on October 17, 1972 after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as ~o change the classification of the property described in said I petition from M-2 to A-l; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held on November 28, 1972 as the time and date for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a 55 11-28-72 --==.. ....., , ! ~ ~ ~ Ii ii 'I !I I' 'I I: I,I I; ,I Ii ii WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on the II ~ il " Ii " II Ii " WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petitioI1l ii Ii " and to said recollllllendation after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said '1'[ I: I ii proposed amend!,ment to the county Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said ii ii Ii 'I " Ii ii I, ii II ii I! ',[I[ [I ,: II II \. Ii ii Ii !: ~ ii f )1 general circulat~on in the County of Roanoke, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with said ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended: and .-, i 28th day of November,1972; and County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED thT at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held or' the 28th day of November, 1972, the said County zoning Ordinance be, and t:he same is hereby, 1 - " amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition from M-2 to " I: r I! , Ii " ,! Ii it ~ it ii I, ~ ~ " II , A-l, in order that said prop~'rty might be more fully and l=easonably used, the said property being classified as A-l is more particularllr described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point, an iron pin, on the eastern right of way line of the Norfolk and Western Railway's Shenandoah Division and the southern right of "ay line of Virginia Secondary Route No. 621, thence wi1!:h the southern line of the said road, S. 820 13' E. :L87.97 feet to a point, an iron pin, thence leaving the road and with two n_ lines through the land of Cha:~les W. Pool, S. 80 OS' W 696.10 feet to a point, an i:~on pin; thence N. 810 55' W. 186.92 feet to a point, ~1 iron pini on the eastern right of way line of the aforesaid llAi:Lw!lY, thence with the eastern line of said Railway, c)n a curve to the ri~ht, having a radius of 3786.83 feet, an arc distance of 89.47 feet, subtended by a chord which bears N. 70 24' 24" E. 89.45 feet to a point, thence continuing with the Railway Company's line, N. 80 05' 605.67 feet to the point of BEGINNINI:;, containing 3.000 acres, as shown on a plat of l.urvey by C. E. Lacy, Jr., Certified Land Surveyor, d;sted June 15, 1972: and BEING the same property conveyed unto Jack Ray Bowyer, single, by deed dated June 22, 1972, from Charles W. Pool, .ingle, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court fo;: the County of Roanoke, Virgillia, in Deed Book 948, page 778. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Cl,ark of this Board shall o forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to '!:he Secretary of the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Eggleston, Butler and Glenn, attorneys for petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors vot~ as follows, ;1 to-wit! AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. G NAYS: None. Mr. David Hjortsberg, Attorney, appeared on behalf olE the petitioners: IN RE: PETITION OF ROBERT H. TICKLE AND BESSIE O. TICKLE FOR THE REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND 95 FEET WIDE LOCATED ON COLONIAL AVENUE, LYING BETWEEN THE 7-11 AND 3640 COLONIAL AVENUE STORE DENIED 1-1 . ) {/ 1"~~ /1/ I r- .ry:~ . !;'j;:? y there was no opposition. l ~. ~ 1.,1 , 17,,1,;./ ! Vr' J.iI1 ~'7)^",,' Code as ' f' i"'"J in accordance ~ ,I .(],. f/>- i 11-28-72 tN I, ii " RE: BOSH DALE ROAD, ROANOKE COUNTY ~ Mrs. C. O. (Hazel) Simmons of 3519 Bush Dale Road, Roanoke County, ~ i iiappeared before the Board, and with its unanilllOus consent, was allowed to present ~ ;!an oral plea for the grading and surfacing treatment of Bush Dale Road and to ~ iiSubmit in support thereof a three-page petition from interested citizens. !: :, fi Supervisor John G. Seibel IIIOved that the petition be received; that the ..., iimatter be placed on the December 12, 1972 agenda for this Board's meeting; and, ,I I' 1 further, requested the County Engineer to investigate and make a report of findi~gs I liat that time. " I, :i " 11 ;1 ii Ii . !illl1nutes of this meeting. " Ii " I' Ii IIIN RE: " Ii :1 I: II 'I Appearing before and speaking to the Board of Supervisors at the public II hearing on the' subject amendment were the following interested citizens: James I I Calhoun, Donald Hussey, R. D. Caldwell and Sam Rose. , -" The IIIOtion passed on the unanilllOus voice vote of the Board. Copy of the petition from interested citizens is filed with the ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 10, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE V, COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSES, SECTION 10-41, AMOUNT OF LICENSE TAX ~ Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. addressed the Boar.d and those assembled, ~stating that he felt the tax to be discriminatory and move,d: !i That the entire matter concerning increases in county vehicle licenses II :Iand methods of policing the purchase of these licenses be referred to a committee Ii lito be appointed by the Chairman, and that the CODUDittee report \ts recollllllendations " Ilback to the Board. 'I Ii On a roll call, the Supervisors voted as follows: :i I' IIAYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr. it 'iNAYS: Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I, Supervisor Richard C. Flora then moved for the adoption of the ordinance ; i'as presented. The ordinance passed and is spread as follows: I U ,. ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 10, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE V, COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSES, SECTION 10-41, AMOUNT OF LICENSE TAX WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deelllS certain amendmE,nts to the Roan- 8 , " 'Ioke county Code to be necessary " i!general welfare of the citizens " 11 of Roanoke County; and in the best interests of the health, safety and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to amend the Roanoke Co\mty ~proposed, and Public Hearing thereon, have been advertised and posted iwith law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: (1) Chapter 10, Article V, Section 10-4l(a) be amended to read as fol~ows: 57 I' !I 1/ ii/v'I J--. i~~~ ~eD' iVfrJl I, 'I I. II ,I ;i ,I " I' ,! Ii :1 Ii !I " I! 11-28-72 ...... I -.J 11 " i! II !I il 'I I: , ii " 11 ii I' ,j ,I Ii N II 11 Ii II i; ,I I ,I !l I' :1 I: II Ii " I" II , Chapter 10, Article V, Section 10-41Id). On each and every automobile and truck of a gross vehicle weight less than 15,500 to which this article is applicable, there shall be a tax of Ten Dollars 1$10.00) per annum. (2) Chapter 10, Artivle V, Section 10-~1 Ib) to be amended to read In its entirety, as follows: On each and every truck or tra>.,er to which this article is applicable, there shall be a tax per annum according to the fOllowing schedule: ix II II 'I I: ,I ., II II " " i; II il I' Ii " il i: " )I II Ii Ii Upon motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and adopted by the follow- Ii , ;: Ii jl i! Ii I' II II " " Gross Vehicle Weight Li::ense per hi...!!!!!! Trailers - 4,000 lbs. and under . . Trailers - 4,0001 lbs. to 8,000 los Trailers - 8,001 to 11,500 lbs. . Trailers -11,501 to 15,500 lbs . . . . Trucks or Trailers 15,501 to 19,500 lbs . Trucks or ~railers - 19,501 to 29,500 lbs Trucks or Trailers - 29,501 to 39,500 lbs . . Trucks or Trailers - over 39,500 ... MOtorcycles, Motor Scooters .... . . . Automobile trailers or vehicles of like design, 1/2 ton or under . . . . .. ...... . $5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 $20.00 25.00 30.00 8.00 1 I...J . . 5.00 (3) o Ii " " j: 'I I ~ II II :: , 1: ~ :j NOTE!~ " " I ., I; " :i ii !1 1: I; '1 I, I ,I " j: , l, This paragraph is repealed and deleted in 'its entiret~'. This amendment to take effect on March 15, 1973. ing recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. PLEASE SEE PAGE 97 OF THIS BOOK FOR FINAL ACTION ON FOREGOING ORDINANCE. IN RE: ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNT~( CODE, CHAPTER 20, TRAILER AND TRAILER PARKS, SECTION 20-4, LICENSE TO OPERATE TRAILER PARKS, TO INCREASE TAX The public hearing on the subject amendment was held this day, and interested citizens appearing before and speaking to the Board in opposition to j . 1 , 1- , - I!b~ ti/ Ii :.---1 LJ the amendment are listed as follows: J. E. HOpkins, Lee Elrod, Ed Taylor, J. P. Brogan, Thomas H. Beasley, Jr., Carl Weeks, Mrs. Spencer Noblitt, Mr. Stanley of Stanley Trailer Park, Melrose Avenue; Sam Rose, W. L. Hall, Tom, Kent, Dick Hilton, Herb Ward, W. W. Deel, Betty Foutz, A. D. Hall, Frances Shleton, and Carl Overstreet. Followina ~~~ hearing of the citizens, the Board discussed the matter ii and Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson moved that a study committee of eight persons, I; Cave Spring, i: one each from CataWba, Hollins I Windsor Hills and Vinton Magisterial Districts " :: n lj and three at-large.members'selected by 'Chairman Engleby,.be,appointed_to study " )1 thill " !, matter and make a report of its findings to this Board within six months. The motion was seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, and on roll call, the Supervisors voted: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel; and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. 59 . -' \. ,,' I ' ., -.. . '- 60 11-28-72 A number of letters, a statement of taxes paid by a t:<ailer owner, and a petition were received by the Board and are filed with the minutes. At the conclusion of the vote, Chairman Engleby announced that the Clerk would record the names of interested citizens who would be willing to serve o~ the committee just named. These, also, are filed with the minutes of the meeting. I At this point of the supervisor's meeting, Chairman Engleby declared a few minutes recess. I At 10:20 P. M. the Board was reseated, and the Chairman called to meeting to order to proceed with the business at hand. IN RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND 9.672 ACRES LOCATED ON HEMLOCK ROAD, LYING BETWEEN OAK ROAD AND BOULEVARD ESTATES ORDER 1./ ,~q' ) I" j<> ~ , ~I~(!P;/ ~v THIS DAY came H. G. Humphreys, Jr. and Q. M. Tomlinson, by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition ~elative to rezoning of the property described in said petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the same is hereby filed. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Rcanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisiona of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said. Planning Com- mission shall reports ite recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permis- sible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. II I! , I I I I I II resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor . II on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-w~1: I! ~ I by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke Cour.ty, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, I Virginia. The above Richard C. Flora and Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ..., -' I, " " ,. .' Ii " ~ II I 01 I' il ~ i! )\ ~ I, " " I' I ~ -- ~ II , Ii I '~ Ii .. " I: 1! !i I' " Ii II r I' .1 II I, il P I: '~ [J;') ,.':- ., 11-28-72 61 -_._- _~~~~=l _ ~ I' " " , IN RE: REZONING five (5) Parcels on Northerly side of U. S. Route 460, at intersection with Va. Sec. Hwy. 604 of Ii it ii '1 I, II II " " / \: 1 I' tr .1 "Yf 'I I" /IJ . !I~ v. t~v II :1 II r 'I I " I: ~ :i II Ii I' .1 " " Ii il " i' ,I Ii il " ~ Ii Ii Ii il Ii II Ii II " 'I h " 'I I: ii " " I, I' Seibel' ~ " II , ri I: Ii FRALIN & WALDRON, INC. J. K>RRIS CRUMPACKER ORDER t This day c~ Fralin & Waldron, Inc. and J. MOrris crumpacker by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said Petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning ~ommission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 195t Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Co~ission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors vo.ted as follows, to-wit: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, RiChard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: , None. IN RE: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 21, ZONING, ARTICLE 1, IN GENERAL, SECTION 21-4, ZONING PERMITS, TO ADD A NEW SECTION (d) FILING FEES. I' j' I', 1 " l' /v ) i.,f!,i;?~ .~ , Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the matter be referred to a study committee comprised of Paul Matthews, County Engineer, J~hn Lampros, Commonwealth's Attorney, John G. Seibel, Supervisor, and J. 'Illo.mas Engleby, III, Chairman of the Board of supervisors; and that the CommHtee report back to this Board at the meeting on December 12, 1972, 1:00 P. M. AYES: On a roll call, the supervisors voted: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel~ and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. 64 1" /<~ [l;~' ,.f ./ r (~/V IV K Vl~ ~~ .,I'~t. ~'(Y ~ 11-28-72 IN RE: REQUES~ FOR PAIN~ING OF WELFARE DEPAR~MEN~ OFFICES Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., moved that funds for painting the Offices in the Welfare Department be included in next year's budget. ~he motion passed on the unanimous voice vote of all the members of the I Board. ~ IN RE: A RESOLUTION REQUES~ING THE MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPRESENTING ROANOKE COUNTY TO SEEK AND SUPPORT LEGIS- LA~ION PROHIBI~ING THE SPOTLIGHTING OF DEER OR ELK I WHEREAS, Section 29-144.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, a_~teiQ prOhibits the killing or the attempt to kill deer or elk between a half hour T sunset on any day, and a half hour before sunrise the following day, by use of a light attached to any vehicle, or a spotlight, or a flashlight I and WHEREAS, Section 29-144.2 provides that the flashing of a light attached to any vehicle, or a spotlight, or flashlight from any vehicle between a half hour after sunset 011 any day and a half hour before sunrise the fOllowing day by any person, or persons, then in possession of a rifle, shotgun, pistol, crossbow, or bow and arrow or speargun, without good cause, shall raise a pre- sumption of an attempt to kill deer or elk in violation of this section I and WHEREAS, persons in automobiles traveling in tandem have attempted to I circumvent the statutory prOhibition as hereinabove set out, by maintaining the means to kill, or attempt to kill, deer or elk in a vehicle other than that which is spotlighting; and II killed ~ ~ WHEREAS, many deer and domestic farm animals have been unlawfully by persons spotlighting I and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that the spotlighting of deer or elk by a person, or persons, either with or without the means to kill same, shall be prOhibited; NOW, ~HEREFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County does hereby request its representatives in the General Assembly of Virgini I I II II I, ~ Ii I I , to seek and support legislation Which would prohibit the spotlighting of deer or elk by a person, or persons, either with or without the means to kill same. I BE IT FDRrHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to Senator David Thornton, Senator W. B. Hopkins, Delegate Raymond R. Robrecht and Delegate C. Richard Cranwell. Upon motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., adopted by the following I recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, NAYS: and J. Thomas Engleby, III. None. II Ii Ii Ii I it jl Ii " J: Ji ii ii .1 Ii Ii J I' . 65 11-28-72 l. IN RE: II !I II II ~ i. 'I i, I' 11 Ii " '. a I Ii I! !i Ii , il :) Ii Ii Ii ~ I ~ i I 'I I i ! Ii 1" III -/ , " .../ 'II"U' J'JI'r 1100 .N~ Ilr/Tf II II 11 II " I' II II ii " 'i I. 'I \, Ii I' ,I ;i i II I: II " Ii I, II II ,I " II ii I' I II ~ 'I II i I! I' .1 ii I' I: Ii I I Ii II .' " ji " II " II l~ " I! Ii ,I SECONDARY SYSTEM OF HIGlfrlAYS - RO~O~E COUNTY On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora the Additions and Abandonments ) set forth in the letter of November 13, 1972, as approved by the Commonwealth of Virqinia, Department of Highways" are to be accepted for recordinq. ~ On a called vote, all the Supervisors voted Aye. ....J "November 13, 1972 Secondary System Addition and Abandonment Roanoke County ,.., J Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia 24153 Gentlemen: As requested in resolution by your Board on Octobe.. 10, 1972, the following addi- tion to and abandonment from the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective November 13, 1972. ADDITIONS LENGTH 0.06 Mi. 0.08 Mi. 0.06 Mi, t 0.03 Mi. 0.04 Mi. 0.01 Mi. Section No. 4 of new location ROl1te 657 from station 27 + 85 to station 31 + 00, Project 0657-080-137, C501 Section No. 5 of new location Route 657 from station 31 + 00 to station 34 + 65, project 0657-080-137,C50l Section No. 6 of new location Route 657 from station 34 + 65 to Route 666, Project 0657-080-137, C50l. ABANDONMENTS ~ ...l Section 27 + 85 I Section , 31 + 00 I No. 1 of old location Route 657 from station to station 31 + 00, project 0657-080-137, C50l No. 2 of old location Route 657 from station to station 34 + 65, project 0657-080-137, C50l. I' II, Section No. 3 of old location Route 657 from station 'I 34 + 65 to Route 666, Project 0657-080-137, C501. " II 1\ Ii 11 Ii !i Ii li Ii ,. i! Sincerely, /s/ J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner J. E. Harwooct" By unanimous agreement the question of hiring a consultant to study the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center Contract was continued. i -.J IN RE: REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 26, 1972 Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Clerk be authorized to publish notice dispensing with the second Board meeting in December -- December 26, 1972. 11 , J" .;W ICJ I ) B; / V o On a roll call, the Supervisors voted: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, AYES: and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. A copy of the notice to be published is filed with these minutes. SERVICES CONTRACT - ROANOKE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF SALE~1 IN RE: 66 1/ 'V).' ~~~ ~it lS~ ./ C/. 11-28-72 N RE: CITY OF IALEM SERVICES CONTRACT - ROANOKE COUNTY AND THE oard of Supervisors be authorized to execute the Services Contract between Roanoke ~ supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Clerk and the Chairman of the ounty and the City of Salem. On a called vote, the Supervisors voted: YES: C. Lawrence DOdson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., J()hn G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. AYS: None. I The contract is spread: I "AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 28th day of November, 1972, by and between: The Council of the City of Salem, hereinafter referred to as the .city," party of the first part; and The Soard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, hereinafter referred to as the .County,. party of the second part; and WHEREAS, the City and County have heretofore entered into a contract dated July 1, 1968, and an amendment thereto dated t:.ay 7, 1971, clJncerning the county providing welfare, agricultural, home demonstration, air pollution and jail services and certain other serv ices to the City of Salem; and WHEREAS, the City and county each gave to the other not~;e, as provided for in Paragraph 7 of the aforesaid services contract, of the termination of said contract, which termination shall become effective June 30, 1973; and I WHEREAS, the City of Salem and the County of Roar.oke believe it to be to the best interests and general welfare of the City and the Co~~ty, and their I, respective citizens ".herein, that a further contract be entered into, each with ~ I 'I i I Ii ! ~ I) I' I! Ii II Ii IT I, 'I II I Ii ,I " " Ii Ii II I' ,I I , the other, providing welfare, agricultural, home demonstration, air pollution and , I " II " [, Ii " , I I II Ii II 'I II I, lJ II " The county agrees to provide the City of Salem and the residents thereof ~ with welfare services in the same manner as provided to the citizens of the CoUItl{; Ii Ii and the parties agree that the total cost of welfare payments, including state Ii and local hospitalization, shall be allocated to the jurisdiC~~~ within whiCh the 11 " recipient resides on the percentage arrived at by actual case load cost, less all Ii ,/ il :i i! Ii I' Ii ;I , jail services to the citizens of the City of Salem. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual benefits and obligations set forth therein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Effective date. I Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, this Agreement shall become effective on the 1st day of July, 1973, and shall supplant and replace, in whole, that certain contract in writing, and the amendments thereto, heretofore made between the parties under date of July 1, 1968, and all amendments I Subsequently adopted thereto. 2. Welfare Services Federal and State Funds received applicable to such functions. _.~.;,""",,,;~..-.--_. 11-28-72 n i i~ ~ Ii 1'1. The County agrees to provide the City of Salem and the residents thereof ~ I II lith V. P. I. agricultural and home demonstration services in the same manner as II jrOVided to the citizens of the County; and the parties agree that the total local Ii ost of such services will be share on the basis of population as determined by the ~ I' ,I United States decennial census as is adjusted ~y the Bureau of population and II I, Economic Research of the University of Virginia from year to yeal~' Local costs ii n 'I II'Of these services shall mean the total cost of providing these services and facili-i! I " .i ties; less all Federal and State funds received applicable to such functions. Ii fi !t Ii The City further covenants and agrees to pay to the County $1,000.00 per annum, I' " II Ii commencing on July 1, 1973, as a rental fee for the facili~ies occupied by the Ii ~ Agricultural and Bome Demonstration Service within the Roanoke County Courthouse, Ii ~ :i ~ Salem, Virginia. The county, in anticipation of the need for 'additional office !i II space within the Roanoke County Courthouse, does reserve the unilateral authority II , I' ,I , to request the V. P. I. agricultural and home demonstration services to vacate the II II ,I ii Ii I! " " I, i! ~ 'I I, !I I' i! il H I, ! :i " 'I II I' I ii I: 3. Agricultural and home demonstration services. '1 I...l , facilities it now occupies within the Roanoke County Courthouse. Both parties Ii covenant and agree, should the County exercise the aforementioned authority, that ~ the portions of this Agreement pertaining to V. P. I. agricult1iral and home if demonstration services shall be renegotiated. " 4. Jail services and facilities. The County agrees to provide jail facilities and servlc~s for the o !, City of Salem, and the ii ~ prisoner per day basis for the total cost to the County of providing such services Ii and facilities and administrative cost therefor, less all Federal and State funds ii " I: Ci~y agrees to compensate the County therefor on a per received applicable to such functions. The City agrees to pay to the County an I: ii additional sum equal to one percentum of the total monthly bill submitted by the ~ I! I Ii Ii " County to the City as its share of service charges paid by the county on its jail facility. The City agrees to provide transportation for all City prisoners, by its Sheriff or other law enforcement agency, while said prisoner is in the :1 ;1 'I custody of the Sheriff of Roanoke County, for medical treatment, 'to Court hearings,!1 II and to any other institution for safe keeping, and the City further agrees to :: I, iI " i-: C-J ii provide adequate guards for security of said prisoner. I' 1: I! il 'I I' The City further agrees that all injured or ill prisoners will be treated by a physician prior to incar- ceration in the County jail. Medical bills received by the Sher~~f of Roanoke '. Ii County for treatment of City prisoners shall be forwarded to the Sheriff for the I: I' ii 'I !i ji , Ii l! City of Salem for payme~t, except in those cases wherein said prisoner is in car- cerated on a Commonwealth charge. Both parties further covenant and agree that the portions of this Agreement pertaining to jail services and facilities will o automatically terminate upon completion of a regional jail fac,Ht;y, vided in Paragraph 8 of this Agreement, whichever first occurs. t or as pro- S. Air pollution control services. The county agrees to provide the City of Salem and the residents thereof with air pollution control services in the same manner as provided to the citizens i: of the County; and the parties agree that the total local cost of such services 11-28-72 i IN RE: i! i: ii ,. " REGIONAL LAND FILL Supervisor Richard C. Flora reviewed the agreement, which includes all governments of the Valley, for the establishment and operation. of a Regional Laud- il '--i fill. At the conclusion of the briefing Supervisor Richard C. Flora offered the following motion: "In light of the facts presented to me and the information to the Board, I move that a joint public hearing be set for December 14, 1972, at 7:00 P. M. in the Courthouse and that the Clerk and Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning ~ ,: Commission be authorized to publish said notice, as required by law; and further ., I! L I' .1 !I I, l! " I: I' Ii !i , , --i that the COIIIIDonwealth's Attorney and County Executive Officer be authorized to sign the petition." On a roll call, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, RiChard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, i1 , I W i' " ,. ,. i; NAYS: '. ;; " 'i II Ii 1 " 1 ,I II Ii .1 II " ~ .1 II " ,. .1 " ii (Said and J. Thomas Engle.by, III. None. A signed copy of the Application for Special Use Permit (Conditional) for 260 acre boundary of land in Vinton Magisterial District, with attachments, is filed with these minutes. IN RE: STUDY COMMITTEE Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson submitted for the record the five names previously handed to the Clerk as his appointees to the Study Committe. names are entered with the list of the Study Committee page 42, f,upervisor Min- ute Book No. 24.) IN RE: WATER SOURCE STUDY Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson moved that the Board of Supervisors communicate with the Fifth Planning District to state that the County of Roanoke is interested in the current water source study underway, and that the County would like to be involved on the input basis; and, further, that the consulting '--.J contractors be requested to appear before and brief the Board on the matter. The motion carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Board. Pl U IN RE: COMMITTEE TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE CITY OF SALEM ON THE POSSIBILITY OF PURCHASING WATER AT BULK RATES: AND TO WORK WITH THE PUBLIC SERVICE AtlTHORITY TO DETERMINE THE MOST FEASIBLE APPROACH TO SOLVE THE CRITICAL WATER PROBLEMS OF ROANOKE COllNTY. Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee to do this. The Board voted as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel ! i! i: it il t /1_~'V :: "'Y !~;.;; ~~R ' !I~, /_~ !:",J t tC "~/~. lillW ., J' II " !! Ii I Ii " II II Ii [! ii' , Ii Ii II II 11 !i i' Ii I Ii II il II Ii [! I 11 ii ., i' '[ 'I I ;, " ii " I: '. 'I I " " if Ii Ii .. 1::/ J" ,I dJi4i' V 69 70 1" ~/ ./ Ji"; \')' rm!j"J \(' v,ly' at v , ~ I II Ii ,I " I I' ti ii " iI ,. I ~ II II Ii " II ~ 1-1 II fJ4 ~ ~JIJ 11-28-72 and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. A RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED THERAPEUTIC DRUG COMMUNITY TO BE SITUATED ON THE GROUNDS OF CATAWBA HOSPITAL, CATAWBA, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is informed that the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals of the Commonwealth of Virginia has before it a proposal by the Roanoke Area Drug Abuse Council that cL 'rherapeutic Drug community be situated on the grounds of Catawba Hospital, Catawba, Virginia; and WHEREAS, numerous residents of the Catawba Valley have, by resolution, set out their objections to the formation of a Therapeutic Drug community on the grounds of Catawba Hospital, Catawba, Virginia; and I~EREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the residents of the Catawba Valley strive to maintain and uphold a rural way of life and ideals which are well situated to the area within whiCh they reside; and WHEREAS, the location of a Therapeutic Drug Community wi1~hin the con- fines of this rural area would bring into the Catawba Valley people with ideas not in keeping with these ideals; and WHEREAS, the residents of the Catawba Valley are richly blessed with man fine youth who are closely guided by their home life, youth organizations and fine adult leadership whiCh is a suitable, if not ideal, environment for their developing years~ and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the Catawba Hospital is not a proper site for a Therapeutic Drug Community. I ~ forwarded to the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals, Richmond, Virginia. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RJ::SOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Super- visors is of the considered opini.on that the grounds of the Catawba Hospital, locQted in the Catawba Valley of Roanoke County, is not a proper location for a ~~prapeutic Drug Community. BE IT FURrHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of thi~ resolution be Upon motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel. NAYS None. ABSTAINING: Richard C. Flora, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. At the request of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., materials were handed to the C:ommonwealth' s Attorney with the request that he prepare and bring back to the Board recommended changes in the Electrical Code. IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson, and the following recorded I I I I Ii I: ,I ,I 'I I' .1 I' I " Ii " i: I, Ii ;1 II ]I I: II 1; I' II " I: 'I 'I I, II I, I' P ,I I --IIi 71 11-28-72 ~_. '--'rovote, count~ -~:yr~l1S It /: " " i' NAYS: None. ~ , $64,,207.05, from which if . II Stal"e: $592.30 Blue il I' Ii ii t ili c. Lawrence DOdson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel I! II " n ii Ii I, ,I " '~'--'-'---"-_._----- -I (semi-monthly dated 11-30-72 and daily-hourly, dated 11-22-72) were approved for payment in the gross amount of the sum of $7,612.53 F.I.T.; $3,037.34 F.I.C.A.; $1,314.60 Cross; $1.00 United Fund; and $526.71 Miscellaneous are to I:>e deducted, leaving '- , I i a net payroll of $51,122.57. AYES: and J. Thomas Engleby, III. .-, ! , ....J IN RE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT ,. F il I] 1../ Ii .,/'_ ;1 if' I': I'~ y; ,I {j/~' Ii 11 Iii i::<< I~ il ii II !, 'I ~ li Ii r Ii ii ii On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and thefoll.owing recorded vote, the current bills totaling $245,935.77 were this day approved. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote J of the Board, the following materials were received and filed. 1. Copy of Order, dated 11-10-72, reappointing Wm. E. Cundiff to Roanoke County Board of Zoning Appeals for five year term, expiring November 15, 1977. 2. Copy of letter w/Resolution No. 20545 requesting State Water Control Board to revoke Requirement N.:l. 1, letter dated 11-14-72, signed by Deputy City Clerx, Roanoke, Virginia. 3. Copy of letter from Deputy City Clerk, Roanoke, daced 11-10-72, attaching report of Site Selection Sub- Committee of the Regional Landfill Committee. 4. Copy of letter from Roanoke County Public Service Authority to Mr. J. H. VanDeventer re Rural Water Systems, dated 11-15-72. 5. Copy of memorandum, dated 11-22-72, to Board Membel:s from Commonwealth's Attorney re Application of R II, J Water Company, Inc. for an increase in rates. 6. Copy of memorandum, dated 11-17-72, from Commonwealth's Attorney, to Board Members re Cable TV. u 7. Monthly Report (OctOber) office and travel expense, Sheriff's Department. 8. A,,' G Letter dated November 13, 1972 from Randolph Frantz & John Chappelear, Architects re Detention Facility, addressed to J. Thomas Engleby, III. ~ Letter of November 17, 1972, attaching report - "Annual Report on Examination (Audit)", Roanoke County Public Service Authority. 10. Copy of A Bill (from Raymond R. Robrecht "To Amend and reenact ~ 14.1-46, as amended, of the Code of Virginia, relating to salaries of members of county Boards of supervisors. II 9. 11. Letter of November 20, 1972, from Department of Purchase and Supply, Commonwealth of Virginia, relating to bills, calendars, resolutions, documents, etc., in forthcoming Session of the General Assembly, subscription to and purchase of. 72 12. Copy of letter from Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, dated ll-29~72, to Executive Officer, Roanoke County concerning- Route 658, Roanoke County. Appointments, by unanimous agreement of the Board, were continued to December 12, 1972. This concluded the business before the Board, and the meettng was I adjourned by the Chairman at 12:10 A. M. I ". , , I ". I I ~ II I I II ~ II 'I , I, I' . n II " " f, Ii I: II ,[ " 11 " I [, II Ii II II I ,I ,: , II I Ii " i! II 'I ,I II I Ii Ii ii !i I Ii ,i II I' ,[ 'I " I, t, Ii II I' II 'I ., ii U Ii Ii 'I i [. II " Ii " 'I it ~ I' ,I (1970) being of the opinion that said county Zoning Ordinance should be amended a i 78 , accordance with the county zoning Ordinance and the Code of virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held on the 12th day of December, 1972, at 1:00 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publication as re- quired by the order of this Board and in accordance with the previsions of the I County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid; and, I WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after\hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning C,Dmmission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on December 12, 197 , the said County Z~aing Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so as t classify as "Business B-3" property all th'.)t tract or parcel of land described as , follows: I BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Bernlrd Drive where the same intersects with the southerly sidt, of Virginia Route 419; thence with the northwesterly line of said intersection in a no:. ~heasterly direction 40 feet to a point on the southerly side of Route 419; thence with ~he same in a southeasterly direction 160 feet; thence turning approximately 90 degs. and approximately due South 1~0 feet to a point; thence turning approximately 45 degs. in ~ southwesterly direction approximately 90 feet to a poitt on the northeasterly side of Bernard Drive, thence with t:'e same to the point of BEGINNING; BEING a parcel located at the southeasterly corner of Route 419 and Bernard Drive as shown in red on the Map annexed to the petition filed in this matter. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall I forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Sec:.:etary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County.' Virginia. and a copy t~ J. D. Logan. III, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution Richard C. Flora and on the record BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CF ROANOKE COUNTY December 12, 1972 was adopted on the motion of 'upervisor I vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ii I: '1 I' ,I Ii I, II ~ II II I[ !I II Ii !I I' I) !i !, !' ii 'I Ii j; i! I' Ii ~ I AYES: All NAYS: None J. D. Logan, III, attorney, appeared on behalf of peti1:ioner; there was no opposition. t I WENDELL H. CLINGEMPEEL IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ) ) ) RESOLUTION , , 1. Upon petition for rezoning of Wendell H. Clingempeel of certain recommendation of said Planning Commission as is required by law, and upon public hearing before the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to notice. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the petition ,for rezoning of the above property be and hereby is denied. On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the following recorded vote: the Supervisors concured with the recommendation of the Roanoke Planning I Commission that the property not be rezoned as requested. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I Mr. Chas. H. Osterhoudt, Attorney, and Mr. Galsgow appeared on behalf of the petitionerr Mr. Richard Meagher, Mr. G. L. Mattern, Mr. Harry Poindexter, Mr. Morrow, Mr. Eastman, Mr. C. M.. Robertson, and Mrs. Davis appeared in opposition. IN RE: REZONING OF !AND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 460 EAST, ADJOINING THE BETH ISRAEL CEMETERY AND OTHER PROPERTIES THOMAS G. AND MARY D. COX Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to deny the request for the reason that to change the zoning to R-3. MUlti-family dwelling, would not be in keeping with I the present type of building. On a called vote, the Supervisors voted: i Seibel, AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None No one appeared for or against the petition. IN RE: PETITION OF AUBREY W. DESPER AND BETTY DESPER TO VACATE PORTION OF PLAT OF BENNETT SPRINGS COMPANY, OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 71, CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, SAID PORTION BEING A PORTION OF AN UNOPENED, UNNAMED ROAD, IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA I AYES: !I II II I[ II I' il Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson moved that the subject petition of Aubrey!! I' W. Desper and Betty Desper be referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission Ii Ii 'I I, 'I C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. seibel,li Ii Ii II " II II Ii " ., !i II " it for its recommendation to the Board. II , I I 'I I Ii ~ ~ 'i II Ii II I, I On a called vo~~, the Supervisors voted: I and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. No one appeared for or against the petition. , , . ' --,.--- - ~ - -~ .. -,"'. I~~!II ' 82 ~. ~ north by land of Roanoke County, Virginia: and, WHEREAS. said E. F. Nichols and Atlas E. Nichols did by instrument date December 10, 1957, convey unto Roanoke County that parcel of land bounding said 2.78 acres on the north for public use, said instrument being ~f record in the page 429: and, Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke in Deed Book 587, . I WHEREAS, said E. F. Nichols and Atlas E. Nichols did ~IOt specifically reserve unto themselves access across the land, conveyed by th~'l unto Roanoke County: and, WHEREAS, a question has arisen as to their rights of access unto said I 2.78 acres of land: and, WHEREAS, the most expedient and practical access to s~id 2.78 acres of , land is by an extension of said Summit Drive, N. w.: and, WHEREAS it would be inequitable to deny access to said 2.78 acres of land now owned by said E. F. Nichols and Atlas E. Nichols aj'd tihat care of land is required immediately, therefore, an emergency is decla)ed to exist this ordinance to take effect upon passage. such and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, as follows: 1. That the parcel of land containing 0.10 acres of land, be and the same hereby is dedicated for street purposes, said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at corner A, the point of intersection of the tangents extended of the North right of way line of S=it Drive (formerly Mowles Avenue) and the West line of a 100 foot strip designated for public use: thence in a Ea~terly direction S. 750 28' E. 44.32 feet to corner B: thence with a curve to the right and which curve is defined by a delta of 510 14', a radius of 90.00 feet, an arc of 80.48 feet, a chord of 77.82 feet and a bearing of S. 460 15' 08" E. to corner C: thence S. 200 38' 08" E. 17.34 feet to corner D and being a point on the line of E. F. Nichols property: thence with Nichols S. 700 25' 55' w. 50.01 feet t,) c<)rner 2 and being a point on the East boundary line of S=uit Hills, Section 3, Block 6, Lot 4: thence ,.oith said 10'0 in a Northerly direction N. 200 3e' 08" w. 16.41 feet to' corner E: thence with a curve to the left and which curve is de- fined by a delta of 510 14', a radius of 40.00 feet, an arc of 35.77 feet, a chord of 34.59 feet and bear.ing N. 460 15' 08" w. to corner F: thence leaving said Lot 4 and wit} the Westerly line of the 100 foot public use r'roperty N. ,50 00' W. 64.70 feet to the point of BEGINNING and conta4ning 0.10 acres, as more particularly shown on plat prepared by Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, dated November 21, 1972. I 2. That an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in force and I effect upon its passage. 3. That the Clerk of this Board cause to be spread ulan the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of ROiinoke a duly cer- tified copy of this resolution. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, the above resolution was passed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors upon a vote as I follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, lr" John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III NAYS: None. ----t On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote the Board agreed to receive and fi.le a letter from State Air Pollution Control Board, dated December 1, 1972, on open burning: and to receiv~ and file November 30, 1972 from Deputy City Clp.rk, Roanoke, Virginia a~aChing a seeking and requesting support for funding Wilmington Distric~orps of letter of I resolution I Engineers' flood control study for upper basin of the Roanoke River. IN RE: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PAY ALL SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES AS OF DECEMBER 20, 1972 Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to receive and file the request for , authorization to pay all salaries of employees as of December~O. 1972. On roll call, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. Following the failure of this motion, Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson moved that the Board authorize the payment of all salaries as of December 20, NAYS: 1972, with the stipulation that this will not be the policy in succeeding years. On a roll call, the Supervisors voted: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. I Seibel, ~ and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. By agreement Noti~e of Intention to Amend Chapter 21. Zoning, Article 1, in General, Section 21-4, Zoning Permits, to add a New Section (d) Filing Fees was continued to the meeting of January 9, 1973. t APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, virginia. that the following appropriations are hereby made from ~he General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1973, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare. to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board , $ 964,331. 50 For the operation of the Public Library System, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended only on order of the Library Board, the Library Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total. for library purposes 143,355.00 For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: I, I I I i ,I il II Ii Ii I' 'I " I' II l- i: II ,I I' (i I, " I Ii I I r-: '-- - .-.. ~ -' ---! ~ :,1 ,.):.'. '-' 12-12-72 -'~'='- . u ~ I' ,I I: Ii " " " " b I! " ,. 301 - county Administration 30lA - Board of Supervisors 3010 - Central Accounting 302 - Assessment of Taxable Property 302A - Commissioner of the Revenue Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 303A - Treasurer 303B - Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts Recording of Documents 304A - County Clerk 305 - Administration of Justice 305a - Circuit Court 305B - County Court '305c - Commonwealth I s Attorney 305d - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 306 - Crime Prevention and Detection 306a - Policing and Investigating 306b - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 307 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 308 - Public Welfare 308a Board of Public Welfare 308d - Institutional Care 308e - Lunacy Commission 309 - Public Health 310 - Public Works 310a - Engineering Department 3lOe - Planning and Zoning 3l0g - Garbage Disposal 3l0i - Air Pollution Control 3lOk Contractual Services 311 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 313 -'Elections 314 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 318 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 3l8d - Annexation 3lBe Parks and Recreation 3l8f - Other Miscellaneous Opera.ting Functions 3l8g - Civil Defense 319 - Capital Outlay 320 - Debt Service 303 appropriated 304 I, I! I' Ii I. i! " apprOPriaj,d I appropria';ed I. ii I' u I, Ii " ,. appropriated To Library Construction Fund To Parks and Recreation Fund To Dog Fund appropriated For educational purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Cafeteria Fund Federal Programs Fund Data processing Fund Textbook Fund School Construction TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND $ For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Dog Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County $ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, author i- 18,826.84 85 24,075.00 8,978.37 23,160.00 ".' '-r""~-':_-~~"~'-'- 26,000.00 " " 9-26-72 'I " ,I :, 16,062.50 'I Ii 18,978.50 " 3,241.50 Ii 13,930.00 !i 50,188.50 " " ;i ., 190,765.94 'I 'I 16.977.95 I, 45,344.00 Ii ;' " 1,200.00 " " I, 34,600.00 II 9-26-72 II 55,988.00 " ii 67,243.22 I 6-30-72 I 293,289.50 , 4,400.00 I ii 27.000.00 I I 13,697.50 i 11,109.50 32,250.00 9-26-72 95,000.00 159,529.78 3,179.00 41,900.00 84,364.00 9-26-72 105.252.72 5,226.84 9,810,095.34 313,000.00 280.500.00 45,559.00 :!.11,097.S0 3,925.924.50 17.066,795.16 zed to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become available sums equal to, but not in ~xcess of, the appropriation made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriation Ordinance. A copy of this Ordinance is ordered to be certified to Mr. Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following recorded vote, to become effective January I, ~. i AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. and J. Thomas Engleby, III. 'O<bel.1 ~ NAYS: None. AMENDMENT TO APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE I ~ On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel. the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted June 30. 1972. be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective December 12, 1972: 318 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions , 3l8g- Civil Defense: An additional appropriation of $24,562.00 is hereby ~ made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31. 197', for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. I NOTE: The amount of this appropriation represents what Roanoke County will pay private contractors for repair of flood damage caused by Hurricane Agnes in June. 1972. It is 100 per cent reimbursable by the Federal Office of Emergency preparedness; but, when our application for reimbursement is made, the County's cancelled checks to the contractors will have to be submitted. AYES: Adopted by the following, recorded ~ote: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None '. I IN RE: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 21, ZONING, ARTICLE 1, IN GENERAL, SECTION 21-4. ZONING PERMITS, TO ADD A NEW SECTION (d) FILING FEES. By unanimous agreement this item was continued to January 9, 1973, to visors respectfully requests the Virginia Department of Highways for prompt I II ~ II il WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has. by re'solut:t:ms dated May l2J 1972. previously expressed its concern to the Virginia Department of Highways for ~ traffic safety conditions on State Route 419 between Route 221 and U. S. Route ll'~ and has ~equested the conversion of this road to a four-lane highway with imprOVed~ traffic controls at the earliest possible date; and Ii I' WHEREAS, traffic conditions on said two-lane road are becoming increas- ,I II " " ingly congested and hazardous with the opening of the Hidden Valley School and thell " " !i j! I Ii ,I Ii I: Ii ., jl scheduling of said highway improvements on State Route 419, and tl,at said scheduleil Ii Ii II It I' I I A RESOLUTION REPEATING THE REQUEST OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DIRECTED TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS THAT STATE HIGHWAY 419 BE FOUR-IANED AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE allow time to additional research and study. I LewiS-Gale Hospital complex; and I WHEREAS, County citizens and officials have recently expressed renewed concern over lack of a definite constructiun schedule for said improvements; , , i i II Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Super- be confirmed to this Board at an early date; and 12-12-72 ----------.------ ---. -.- ---- -- .. ...-._--~-----~-_._. - -- - -- ....,-p..-.....-- ---.------ ._.~_. ----.----.--.--.- FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmittedll I, their con- !i ii Ii i: !i I ~ Ii II ij " ,. il ij i! , '! ,I 'II to the State. Highway cOllUllissioner and the I I' II " ii Ii , " j~ " !I II I for sideration and response. District Highway Eng~~elr Adopted on motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and by the following recorded vote: I ;...J C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel AYES: and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. f*\ W IN RE: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE RECOGNIZXNG THE SHERIFF, DEPUTY SHERIFFS, COUNTY POLICE, ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER, DEPUTY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER, AND AI,L OTHER DULY EMPOWERED lAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, MEMBERS OF ANY FIRE COMPANY OR DEPARTMENT, OR RESCUE SQUAD FOR ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, Chapter 3, Article 1.1 of the Code of Virginia, of 1950, as amended, is known and designated as the "Line of D'.1ty" act1 ar;d WHEREAS, said Act provides for payment for beneficiaries of persons whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of his duty as a law enforcement officer of this state or any of its political subdivisions1 and WHEREAS, the aforementioned act definas person or perscns as a sheriff, :J i deputy sheriff, city sergeant, or d~puty city sergeant, or a member of any fire I' Ii I I, i! i: Company, or department, or rescue squad, or animal control officEer, or deputy ani- mal oontrol officer which shall have been recognized by an ordin" nce of any countY'ii oity or town of this state as an integral part of such safety pr, :;ram of suoh ~ Ii oounty, city or town1 and [I 11 WHEREAS, in order for thO? sheriff. deputy sheriffs, county police, anima~i - , I J Ii oontrol officer, deputy animal control officer, and all other duly empowered law , enforcement officers, members of any fire company or department, or rescue squad Ii H for Roanoke County not insured by group life insurance administered by the virginiJ II Supplemental Retirement System to be insured by thE- "Line of Dut1'" Act they must!] , be recognized as a part of the safety program of Roanoke County; and II " !: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing J:le held on January [i , Ii 23, 1973, at 7:00 P. M. at a regular 'meeting of the Board of SUPjrvisors of i: Roanoke county, at which time it will be moved that the fOllowin,. ordinance be adopted: 1. That the following person or persons are integral parts of the safeti ii program of Roanoke county: o (al All law enforcement officers to include, but not limited to. the sheriff, deputy sheriffs, county police, animal control officer, deputy animal , control officer, and all other duly empowered law, enforcement officers of Roanoke County. Fire Department members to include volunteer members. . (bl (c) Rescue squad members to include volunteer members,. This ordinance to take effect on January 23, 1973. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the proposed amendment and Notice of Hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant t~~e~tion 15.1-504 of . i: ,. " " II II I, I, " " I' I ij r .I " II I, !i " " ,. ii II I' " Ii ~! 'I !I II Ii ,. [' .1 i; ~ 'I II ,. 'I I 12-12-72 ....J ___.0._ __ ! ADDITION LENGTH , Ii NORTH rAKES SUBDIVIS ION. SECTION 8 Ii Wi~l~dale Avenue - From present end of Route 1556 west to :i TWJ.l:Lght Road. 0.14 Mi- ,. Ii Sincerely. II I: I. Isl J. E. Harwood. Deputv Commi",sioner" ~ ., I' I! ii " Ii " 'i i. i' . , "December 5. 1972 ; .....J Secondary System Additions Roan';je County LENGTH , Beaver Brook Road - From Creekwood Dr. S. 0.05 Mi. to dead end. 0.22 Mi. 0.21 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.12 Mi. 0.09 Mi. 0.05 Mi. o Beaver Brook Road - From Creekwood Dr. N. 0.12 Mi. to dead end. ' Crown Circle - From Beaver Brook Rd. W. 0.09 Mi. to dead end. Elderwood Road - From Beaver Brook Rd. N.W. to Fernlawn Rd. Sincerely. Isl J. E. Harwood. Deputv Commj,ssioner" IN RE: BIDS ON FIRE APPARATUS On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson. seconde~4~ Supervisor R. E. Hilton. Jr.. and the recorded vote as shown. the Board accepted the low bid of Hugh D. Whitlow Sales and Service of $2.698.20 as quoted. i! AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson. Richard C. Flora. R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel. L.J and J. Thomas Engleby. III. . NAYS: None. ry LJ IN RE: REFUND DIRECTLY TO CITY OF SALEM BY ROANOKE COUNTY TO CORRECT OVERPAYMENT BY STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Board authorize a refund of $1.529.41 directly to the City of Salem as a result of an overpayment to Roanoke County, this portion of which should have been paid to Salem. Virginia; that a copy of the request be spread in the minutes. , . The motion carried on the following vote: " 90 AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. "STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH . Richmond, Virginia I Inter-Office Correspondence Date: December 1, 1972 To: Director, Roanoke County Health Department Atten: Mr. B. E. Carter Subject: overpayment to Roanoke County for Refunds I From: Administrative Assistant, Division of Local health Services In checking our records we find an error was made in computing refunds for Roanoke county for the past fiscal year. We completely omitted the City of Salem and refunded to Roanoke an amount that should have been refunded to Salem These items are as follows: Personnel Vacancy refunds for fiscal year 1971-72 $1106.00 Refunds for Collections - made during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1971-72: Biologics $ 4.89 T. B. Drugs 1.10 X-Rays 51.48 Vital Statistic 106.14 Family Planning 24.42 General Medical Cl. 140.83 I Pharmacy 56.23 Medicaid Clerical 38.32 $ 423.41 TOTAL $1529.41 Would you please contact the proper official in Roanoke county a~d ask , him if it would be possible for the county to issue a check to the City in the amount of $1529.41. In this way, it would make it unnecessary for our accounting department to withhold this amount from future refunds to Roanoke County. We regret, very much, the error but hope that the County ,~ill cooperate with us in the correction. If there are further questions, please advise." IN RE: PETITION REQUEST FOR HOLIDAY DECEMBER 26,1972 AND DECEMBER 25, 1972. AYES: II il Stating that December 25, 1972, was a recognized Holiday for all County II and Courthouse employees, Supervisor R. E. Hilton moved that the Board deny the II request for December 26, 1972. ~ II Ii il I, I I , i I The petition for a holiday December 26 from Courthouse E,mployees is filed I I I II II Ii I i I I On a called vote, the Supervisors voted. I C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. with these minutes. 12-12-72 AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas ,~ Engleby, III. NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. i~ At the request of Chairman Engleby the school contract ~ (with attached schedules) between the City of Salem and Roanoke County is spread as follows: "THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 31st day of August, 1972, by and between: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SALEM, hereinafter referred to as "City," party of the first part: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, hereinafter re- "ferred to as "County," party of the second part: SCHOOL BOARD OF THE CITY OF SALEM, hereinafter referr"d to as "City School Board," party of the third part, and SCHOOL BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, hereinafter referred to as "County School Board," party of the fourth part. WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore entered into a contract unde 'l ....J date of July I, 1968 (amended in certain respects under date of May 7. 1971) re- I 1.'i.. 10 th. p<ovidloq of ,"'la10 ..<v10.. by eoun'y 10 Ci'y, .... I I , I ~ 'I Ii I II WHEREAS, notice has been given by both City and County of the terminatio1 I I I I '1 I' [I public schools for children of school age within the corporate boundaries of City: i I I I WHEREAS, the City has heretofore filed its petition in the Circuit Court Ii Ii 'i I, :! " II II Ii II i' i: I' !I II r ,1 ii il I, :j I, of said contract as of June 30, 1973: and, WHEREAS, City and county jointly believe it to be in the best interest and general welfare of the citizens of both political subdivisions that a further contract be consummated providing for the continued cooperative operation of and, of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 15.1-1003 for the purpose of determining the financial adjustment and property rights between the City and county: and ~ . i I ......I WHEREAS, the County has heretofore filed its petition in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County requesting the reconvening of the annexation court in the case of "Town of Salem vs. County of Roanoke" for the purpose of dete:rmining any additional compensation due the County pursuant to the final order in said case: and, tLJ....... I! i WHEREAS, Both City and County wish to settle all matters concerned in the above said proceedings by virtue of this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, .~._. :~.: . . ~. ',J (~ "! .' ~ .1 ,- .... .- .---.-.- .-....-,-.....--....- _.-- "----~-.-,-- - .. -.... . ,I 'I t Ii ,I I: II I' ~ 'I I, Ii Ii '( Ii I' " II I I I WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual benefits and obligations set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Effective date - This contract shall become effective on the first day of JUly, 1973. the] I, day following the termination of the prior contract between the parties hereto. Ii II Ii I: II ,. i! II ~ ~ , I , I 2. County School Board to operate system - That the County School Board shall have jurisdiction and control over the operation of the school system, including jurisdiction and COlltrol over all facilities, curricula and pupil assignments (except as hereinaf,ter specifically ~ I I i I I provided). while the county School Board shall, as aforesaid, hav,:, the final re- control over the operation of said school systenf it is the the parties hereto that the City School Board st .11 have the sponsibility and stated intent of right to attend meetings of the county School Board ~nd to participate in dis- ~aJthe cussions, without, however, having any official vote. It is further the stated intent of this Agreement operation of II ~ ~ ~ the school system and especially the assignments of pupilS herein shall be car- ried on and made without regard to any financial consequences, but instead shall be based on the sound judgment and discretion of the County School Board, con- I II II ~ II If i sidering only the best interests of the system, its pupils and its most efficient and successful operation. State and Federal Funds - 3. and agree that all sj3te and Federal I I I II " '1 II Ii " ;! Ii II I' r: 'I ii " Ii I' I' jf 1,i priated by other entities for school purposes, shall be forthwith paid over by (15) days after receipt of same by such jurisdiction. 4. AppOrtionment of local operatinq costs - the average daily membership of each juriSdiction in the system as reported to the State Department of Education for the distribution of state school funds. Local operating cost shall be t~e total cost of operating the school system re- duced by the funds received pursuant to paragraph 3 above. shall include all the costs of operation and maintenance of schools, equipment, books and materials, replacement and additions thereto, in existing facilities, but shall not include capital expenditu.~s fo~ the construction of. and equipment for, new facilities or additions to existing facilities, or payment of debt ser- vice. except as hereinafter provided. S. Rental payment - A. In lieu of all debt service payments, the Ci~y hereby covenants and agrees to pay unto the County for a period of ten (10) years an annual rental I I I I I . of r ; : ,"~ . .. 12-12-72 payment in the amount of $595,813.22 plus a sum equal to all assessments against said schools in the form of service charges or real property ta"ces, said payments -.. I to ~ommence on August 1, 1973, and continue on the first day of August of each year thereafter until the expiration of said 10 year period. B. In the event that the County School Board dete),~ines that addi- tional schools, academic, vocational or special educat'_on, (exc."pt as to a new high school, if built, within the City, as hereinafter specific ,lly provided for) should be constructed either within the City or in the County , as to provide additional facilities for joint use of both City and county ~tu, ~nts and in the -, , i event that the governing body of the jurisdiction in which said'school shall be ii Ii ii Ii :: jurisdiction funding such facility shall be paid an amount equal to the percentage Ii Ii of students from the other jurisdiction attending such school multiplied by the Ii !i :: 'i " II C. In the event that City, during the term of this contract, desires Ii " to fund the construction of a new high school within the City, it shall have the II right, but is under no obligation, to do so. In the event such' school is con- II I~ structed, it will be funded by the City, including equipment, and if so construc- !I II II II it Ii I constructed shall fund the same, including equipment, then in that event the annual debt service requirement on such facility. ted, the parties hereto agree that only Salem students will attend such school ~ unless otherwise specifically agreed upon by the respective schvol boards. In the event that such new high school is funded by the City and niither vocational or special education facilities are provided therein, such serv:' ces will be fur- nished to the students attending said high school on the same basis as all other students attending said system. D. All new schools shall be planned and con,tructed under the supervision of the County School Board and shall remain the property of the jurisdiction funding same, but shall be operated and maintained subject to all of the other terms, provisions and conditions of this agreement. i: Ii Ii , school Ii , ~ E. In determining the need for the construction oi additional facilities (other than the high school in Salem), the County School Board hereby ,-I i i U covenants and agrees to, in so far as it is reasonably possible ,to do, determine the location of any such new facility based on the increase of ~UPilS from the respective jurisdictions. 6. School properties - title thereto - During the term of this contract,title to all existing school properties within the City shall remain vested in County School Board. Provided, however, that at the termination of this contract, title to the school properties listed on Schedule A attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, tog'ether with all Q equipment and books, shall thereupon be tran!'ferred to the City ,School Board with- out any further payment therefor. In this regard, County School Bc~rd covenants and agrees to maintain ~nd replace books and equipment within and on such premises to the same manner and extent as other County schools are maintain",d during the term of this contract under proper school accounting and maintenance procedures. , During the term of this contract, as and when the City makes th~ payments provided , for in Paragraph 5 hereof, equitable title to said properties, to the extent that , 12-12-72 , t t ATTEST: /s/ Helen M. Johnston Clerk BOARD OF SUPERVISORS r ROANOKE COUNTY By E. Thomas Enqlebv, III Chairman ATTEST: ~ , /s/ Elizabeth W. Stokes Clerk , SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY By /s/ H. H. P'O.Uard Chairman ATTEST: /s/ Ruth C. Wade Clerk t . STATE OF VIRGINIA o CITY OF SALEM, to-wit: I, Claudine W. Webber, a Notary Public in and for the City of Salem, in , the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that EDDIE M. JOYCE and ILONA B. WHITLOCK,!i Ii !i Mayor and Deputy City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Salem, whose names as Ii F such are signed to the foregoing Agreement, bearing date on the 31 day of August, i! ~ : 1972, have each personally appeared before me in my City and State aforesaid and acknowledged the same. GIVEN under my hand this 31 day of August, 1972. My commission expires: 12-22-73 i: H II I' " ,I .1 Isl Claudine W. Webber Notary Public 'I I " " Ii STATE OF VIRGINIA " " ;; CITY OF SALEM, to-wit: --I ....J I, Claudine W. Webber, a Notary Public in and for the City of Salem, in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that I. RAY BYRD and HELEN M. JOHNSTON, Chairman and Clerk, respectively, of the School Board of the d.ty of Salem, whose names as such are signed to the foregoing Agreement, bearing date on the 31 day of August, 1972, have each personally appeared before me in my City and State aforesaid and acknowledged the same. ,r:7'l, U GIVEN under my hand this 31 day of August, 1972. My commission expires: 12-22-73 /s/ Claudine W. Webber Notary Public II I' II " II ,. " ,i " ri II II i: II ,i ~ " II i~ Ii H I' I I, I: " Ii " ~ ~ II Ii " STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: I, Claudine W. Webber, a Notary Public in and for the C01.ltlty. of Roanoke, in the State of virginia, do hereby certify that J. THOMAS ENGLEBY, III, and ELIZABETH W. STOKES, Chairman and Clerk, respectively, of the Board of Supervisor of Roanoke County, whose names as' such are signed to the foregoing Agreement, I bearing date on the 31 day of August, 1972, have each personally appeared before me in my County and State aforesaid and acknowledged the same. GIVEN under my hand this 31 day of August, 1972. My commission expires: 12-22-1973 I /s/ Claudine W. Webber Notary Public STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: I, Claudine W. Webber, a Notary Public in and for the County of Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that HILDREY H. POLLARD and RUTH C. WADE, Chairman and Clerk, respectively, of the School Board ,.i Roanoke County, whose names as such are signed to the foregoing Agreement, bearing date on the 31 day of August, 1972, have each personally appeared before me in my County and State aforesaid and acknowledged the same. GIVEN under my hand this 31 day of August, 1972. My commission expires: 12-22-1973 I /s/ Claudine W. Webber Notary Public SCHEDULE A The following schools, together with the site on which the same are located and all equipment, furnishings, fixtures, text books and other appur- 1973 $4,847,294.00 x .05 = $242,364.70 x l/l~ $4,362,564.60 x .05 = $218,128.23 x 11/12 $ 20,197.06 199,950.88 $ II Ii II I, II I! II Ii Ii t, Ii II I' ,I J \; Ii !i Ii Ii " Ii Ii ,: Ii 220,147.94 Ii r i , , I tenances, shall be transferred to the City of Salem on June 30, 1983: Academy Street School Broad Street School AIldrew Lewis High School Salem Intermediate School Conehurst Elementary School South Salem Elementary School West Salem Elementary School Central Avenue School I East Salem Elementary School July 20, 1972 SCHEDULE OF CITY OF SALEM PAYMENTS TO ROANOKE COUNTY FOR SCHOOLS AS PROPOSED IN CONTRACT t: , -., u -! ~ U';, ,. 1 . ~ .' ;'1' . I' ",__ __.' _ _' t .'. 12-12-72 - ---- - 1974 $4,362,564.60 x .05 = $218,128.23 x 1/12 $ 18,177.35 $3,877,835.20 x .05 = $193,891. 76 x 11/12 177,734.11, 195,911.46 1975 $3,877,835.20 x .05 = $193,891. 76 x 1/12 $ l6,lS7.6S $3,393,105.80 x .05 = $169,655.29 x 11/12 155,517.35 171,675.00 1976 $3,393,105.80 x .05 = $169,655.29 x 1/12 $ 14,137.94 $2,908,376.40 x .05 = $145,418.82 x 11/12 133,300.59 147,438.53 1977 $2,908,376.40 x .05 = $145,418.82 x 1/12 $ 12,118.24 $2,423,647.00 x .05 = $121,182,35 x 11/12 111,083,82 123,202.06 1978 $2,423,647.00 x .05 = $121,182.35 x 1/12 $ 10,098.53 $1,938,917.60 x .05 = $ 96,945.88 x 11/12 88,867.06 98,965.59 1979 $1,938,917.60 x .05 = $ 96,945.88 x 1/12 $ 8,078.82 $1,454,188.20 x .05 = $ 72,709.41 x 11/12 66,650.29 74,729.11 1980 $1,454,188.20 x .05 = $ 72,709.41 x 1/12 $ 6,059.12 $ 969,458.80 x .05 = $ 48,472.94 x 11/12 44,433.53 50,49.1..65 1981 $ 969,458.80 x .05 = $ 48,472.94 x 1/12 $ 4,039.41 $ 484,729.40 x .05 = $ 24,236.47 x 11/12 22,216.76 26,256.17 1982 $ 484,729.40 x .05 = $ 24,236.47 x 1/12 $ 2,019.71 2,019.71 $1,110,838.22 .-.-_..--- U ~ " II H II :1 'I I: I, I, II II Ii " Ii j ~ ;1 Ii 'i Ii I: H II ~ " II 'I I, " It Ii ~ i Ii Ii Ii .I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " ,I II II Ii II I! " " " " Ii !I ~ li iI i' Ii II 'I I, I: ii il ,: II Ii " " j: II " " Ii ;! Level principal payments for 10 years ($4,847,294.00 -:- 10) ii il I' Ii :1 Ii ,I II ,I ij 'I !I " 'I Ii " 'I I, 'I , I II 595,813.22" 11 II I, II 'I !, H II '! I, 'I Ii i ~ $ 484,729.40 Level interest payments for 10 years ($l,llO,838.22 ~- 10) $ 111,083.82 Total Annual Payment of Principal and Interest for 10 years $ IN RE: ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 10, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE V, COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSES, SECTION 10-41, AMOUNT OF LICENSE TAX Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson moved that the Board rescind its act ion in ii I, II " ii ;! increasing taxes as set out in the subject amendment adopted by this Board at. its regular November 28, 1972, meeting. Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded. On a roll call vote, the Supervisors voted: AYES: C. Lawrence DOdson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III. ABSTAINING: Richard C. Flora REFER TO PAGE 57, BOOK 24, MINUTES OF MEETING OF THIS BOARD ON NOVEMBER 28, 1972. THE INTENDED EFFECT OF THIS MOTION IS TO RESTORE THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 10, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE V, COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSES, SECTION 10-41, AMOUNT OF I.ICENSE TAX, AS IT WAS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF THE ACTION OF THIS BOARD ON NOVEMBER 28, 1972. Supervisor John G. Seibel made the following statement for the record: "It was my intention to vote against increasing motor vehicle taxes, and I want the record to so reflect." Refer to Page 57, Book 24, Supervisor's Minutes. 12-12-72 ~ ~ IN RE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following i: recorded ,[ :: vote of the Board, the current bills totalling $103,671.33, and the bills paid since the last meeting, totalling $146,998.54 were this day approved, presently and retroactively. AYES: C. Lawrence DOdson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ...., , I -1 " " i' " i: 1- .I I! ii Ii II 3. i' il 4 i! . " " it Ii 5 i ~ . " i! !I 6. II ,I li 7 I . On motion of SUDP-'.isor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the following items were received and filed: 2. Memorandum from E~ecutive Director of VAC, dated 11-10-72, transmitting report of 1971 and 1972. Notice of and receipts from Sheriff's Sale of Unclaimed Bikes. Letter to May Roy Webber, dated 11-28-72, ~rom J. Thomas Engleby. Copy of letter from Deputy City Clerk to Roanoke City Committee, dated November 28, 1972, re wate~ situation. Letter from Mrs. O. H. Scott, Salem, Virginia re house trailers. Special Events - November 1972, Recreation Department. Letter to R. D. Kidwell (copy) from John G. seibel, dated 11-30-72, re County Vehicle License Tax Ordinance. n - 8. copy of letter of 11-29-72 from R. M. McMillen re automobile and trailer and trailer park ordinance. 9. Copy of letter of 11-30-72 from R. Robrecht, re Section 54-426 dealing with maintenance of railway rights of ways. 10. Letter with repcr~ on Regional Landfill Access, dated December 1, 1972, Deputy City Clerk, Roanoke. Letter transmitting copy of Resolution No. 20578, City of Roanoke, re filing of application for special use permit for operating regional sanitary landfill. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. t , 16. , ...J Memo and attachment (latest draft of Regional Landfill Agreement} dated December 5, 1972. Memo from James D. Apostolou, resigning. Letter dated 12-5-72. Memo dated 12-4-72 from John N. Lampros transmitting letter from L. G. Ferris. Sheriff's report of Record of Prisoners confined in Jail - 11-1972. Sanitary Landfill Feasibility Study, M. S. Thomas Property, Roanoke, Virginia - dated October, 1972. Th~mpson & Litton, Inc. Treasurer's Report, which is spread as follows: December 11, 1972 At the close of business November 30, 1972, there was to the credit of the foUowsing: r":1 i.l ~ Gen~ral Operating Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Parks , Recreation Construction - Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Fund - Available Cash Sales Tax Collection Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Welfare Fund - Available Cash ! Deferred Credit Account - Alfred C. Anderson $ 48,740.14 325,855.19 33,519.66 1,972.55 86,430.54 10,958.08 35,530.72 5,366.73 1,880.40 .85 1,200.20 2,778.83 30.47 ""lffi,264.36 101 i! 'I Ii I! " II II II J! il " Ii ii Ii Ii II Ii ,I 12-14-72 il II It Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia December 14, 1972 7:00 P. M. '1 Pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting of Dece~her 12, 1972, the Roanoke County Boara of Supervisors met this day ana upon motion of Vice-Chairman Richard C. Flora, and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, con,vened in open rr w In attendance at the meeting were Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III, i! I' " I! ii r II ,! " ii I[ II . Ii vJ.ce-1i I, Seibel !I .: '....J !i j! " Ii Ii ,Ii it house, Salem, Virginia. ii I: !) " C. Lawrence Dodsor. and John G. session in the County Court Room on the Third Floor of the Roano,ke County Court- Chairman Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr. were absent. Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III called the meeting to order. ~ i Ii !; IN RE: " Ii '! OGDEN BRANCH, ORIGINAL FRONT BUILDING, AWARDING OF BID r-'J w " Ii !I i' )i I' " j' I: Ii II Electric II I' ii Ii j) Ii ii " II Ii Ii 1; )! I, C. Lawrence Dodson Mr. Darrell Shell appeared and stated that no addi,.ior.al bids were Ii il " i! I: il [I " Ii Ii Entrance Hall and 1 Long Corridor and the bid of $261.00 for pel::formance of elec- il Ii Ii :j Ii " if il !i Ii i ~ " " available. Mr. R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that the Board accept the/bid of Engleby Company, Inc. of $723.00 for performance of electricallinstallation in the Original Section of the Building which includes the 4 Class: Room Areas, 1 trical items in the Basement. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, and R. E. H~lton, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: IN RE: , j SALARY INCREASE FOR CYNTHIA R. TAYLOR 11 u Ii ;: ,I i: ii I ,I " " " Richard C. Flora moved that the Board concur and that the increase in Mr. Billy Muse, Commissioner of the Revenue, requested an increase in Ii salary for Cynthia R. Taylor from $4,100.00 to $4,500.00 a year, effective January:! '! 1, 1973. salary for her be granted effective the first day of January, 1973. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and R. E. Eilton, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: C. Lawrence Dodson fl LJ At this point in the meeting the Board adjourned to reconvene at the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center, 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, Virginia. In attendance at the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center were J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel. C. Lawrence Dodson remained absent. The Commonweal.th's Attorney, John N. Lampros, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr. Thomas Key, The County Engineer, Mr. Paul B. Matthews 103 i II i: I' " " Ii if :! Ii 105 12-14-72 ~ !I IN RE: i: il i: II APPROVAL FOR DEMONSTRATION WATER PROJECT, INC. TO SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTE WATER TO TWO AREAS OF THE COUNTY KNOWN AS COOPERS COVE AND MAYFLOWER HILLS AYES: " . i! Mr. J. H. VanDeventer, Executive Director of Demonst~ation Water project~ ~ Inc., RoanOke, Virqinia, appeared to restate his position a.nd to give additional ii !l " information that had been requested by the Board of Supervisors at its previous i' !i ii meet.ing on December 12, 1972. Ii !, !i John G. Seibel moved that the Board approve the request to supply and Ii Ii distribute water to coopers Cove and Hayflower Hills, Roanoke cjunty, provided il that Demonstration Water Project, Inc. concur with the recomrnentation of the PubliJ I' :1 Ii 'i J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G.~ ,I " :1 i: ~ i: Ii I' Ii Ii r ii: Ii ii ii 11 Seibel r-"J w ,..., , ~ Service Authority using a 6 inch pipe. NAYS: None I' ABSENT: " Ii 1; " I: " II !i !; C. Lawrence Dodson IN RE: REGIONAL COURTHOUSE ~ W Richard C. Flora moved that the Board reques;: the Commonwealth' s Attor- :' 11 Ii ncy to prepare as promptly as possible for the benefit of the Regional Courthouse " Ii ,I of Virginia that need to be amended to permit the Committee to study the feaSibility ii Committee recommendations of the sections of the State Code and the Constitution of a Regional Courthouse in the Roanoke Valley. Seibel 1\ ,; G_j! I: " AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard c. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John NAYS: None Flora, Chairman J. Thomas Engleby, III asked that the Vice-Chairman, I preside over the meeting because of a throat conditiO\~ RichaI:d 'I' Ii 'i I ,I " ii " )j Ii :i c. ii ABSENT: C. Lawrence Dodson .~ I -.J The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke county Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider an application for Special Use Permit Ii I,' [1,., U for a 260 acre tract of land located in the Vinton Magisterial District. All members of the Public Service Authority and all members of the Board of SuperVisor*, John N. Lampros, Commonwealth's Attorney, Thomas Key, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, and Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer were present. Mr. T. D. Steele presented a presentation of background information about the regional land fill. Mr. william F. Clark from Roanoke City, Mr. Joseph A. RObinson, Jr., Project Manager from Thompson and Litton, Inc. presented additional facts pertaining to the land fill. C. H. Osterhoudt, attorney, appeared in opposition to the regional land \ .~.. i , fill, representing a large group of citizens from that area. '-------..--.---.---"~T" Carl Bollinger, ' Julius N. Shephard, Charles Lovelace, Jr., Robe~t Ham, Jr., Mrs. Janet Wintz, Donald Fuffell, James Ballard, Mrs. Betty Long, J. E. Clingenpeel, Donald C. Miller, Donald Dowles, Reverend George Stevenson, Mrs. Doris Fisher, and Walter Doran all appeared in opposition to the land fill. I Richard C. Flora moved that the Board receive and file the petition in opposition in granting the Special Use Permit with 592 names. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel NAYS: None I John G. Seibel requested that the Board go into an Executive Session for the purpose of receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel NAYS: None Mr. Engleby moved that the Board reconvene. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and John G. Seibel NAYS: None Since no recommendation was made to the Board of Supervisors on the Special Use Permit, the Board of Supervisors could take no action at this meetin I on the application for the Special Use Permit. Mr. R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved if there was no objection to him bringing ~ up an item that was not on the agenda that there was another matter he would lik' to have resolved. There being no objection, Mr. Hilton moved that the following II II I' ii AUTHORITY SEEK AND ACQUIRE THE ASSETS, LINES, etc. OF THE MOUNTAIN I'll SPRINGS WATER COMPANY WHEREAS the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that II the acquisition of the assets, lines, pumps, pump stations, well sites and pro- II posed well sites and easements and proposed easements of the Mountain Springs II Water Company will inure to the benefit of the citizens of Roanoke County; and, ii' \iHEREAS the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that I, II I: ,I I, !i ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Super- Ii resolution be heard: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE I the proper entity to acquire said system on behalf of the Roanoke County Board I of Supervisors is the Roanoke County Public Service Authority; i: visors request that the Roanoke County Public Service Authority seek the acquis- r tion of assets, lines, pumps, pump stations, well sites, proposed well sites and Ii I' easements and proposed easements of the Mountain Springs Water Company on behalf Ii 1: of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 1-9-73 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the ~ II II II Ii " " Ii Courthouse:; II " i' I: ii Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia January 9, 1973 1:00 P. H. ~ ! in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the second Tuesday, and the If " j: II " il ii " I' I. ii " , ' -~ Hernbers present: J. Thomas Engleby, III, ii ;: Richard C. Flora, R. E. lIilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Vice-Chairman, and C. Lawrencei' ii Dodson, Chairman. The Commonwealth's Attorney, John N. Lampros, and the county [I Ii " [I first regular meeting of the month. ...., I i ; ....J Engineer, Paul B. Hatthews, were also in attendance. " Ii " ;i il Reverend Willis S. Buchanan, minister of the St. Philip Lutheran Church, Roanoke, it Ii ii I i I' 'i II Ii Ii Ii Ii " i' The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:10 P. H., recognized The Virginia, who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was then given in unison, led by Chairm~n C. Lawrence Dodson. On motion of Supervisor R. ~. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the minutes of the special meeting of January 3, 1973 were approved o ji as spread. ~ ~ I, Ii I' Ii'l RE: SECTION 3-1 OF TilE BUSINJ;;SS LICENS<; ORDWANCE ii 1 t Hichael Ferguson appeared to present the case of Joe Bandy, H. L. Dame- wood, J. W. Divers and F. R. Habes. It seems that these four men are the only truck driverlowners that pay the Business License Tax as required in the Business License Ordinance for Roanoke County. Ferguson asked the Board to take this case under advisement. Chairman Dodson suggested :i this be referred tv the Transportationl 'I to the Board to better correct uni- ii " ;: , ii il Committee to study and bring recommendations formity of assessment already on the books. o IN RE: FIFTIl PLANNING DISTRICT COHI1ISSION STATUS REPORT ON WATER SYSTEI1S PUU~NING Because of the lengthy agenda, Chairme~ Dodson asked the Fifth Planning District Commission to give a short summary of the status report; the entire o report would be heard at a later date. Stephen Dice presented the summary, statin~, ; that the report was based on the Volume I Report with one additional final step - the development of a detailed financial feasibility study. The other five items already on the Volume I Report have been updated and are summarized as follows: 1) Data correction and analysis; 2) analysis of present and future water demand betterments; 3) A look at water sources and treatment needs (surface water); 4) Plan development - alternate ways to meet water supply (70% completion); and,S) A " 'i ii I' i, Ii " 11 I' II ,I II I II ,I ,I " II 'I II II II II I' II il II 11 'I II " II I I I , I 1/ ~ Ii I Ii I I II Ii , I II The II II 'I I, I: !i II Ii II II Ii ii t ii II II ,i !: i! II' 1: Ii Hr. R. 1:. hilton, Jr. moved to make it. a ;;oard pOlic:,' that any rezoning ii,' II 'i I matters advertised in the r;apor could not ue continued or withdrawn. lJaul liarberY'li , attorney, asked that the uoard not make it an ilrbitrary policy, listing several Ii ,; II, :1 n Ii ii, Ii II il Ii !i II j: I: ,Ii H "II .. AYES: I-I , I. * * i I wws: , , I I I I , , II I. Ii II " I' Ii IN RE: . -~-' ! 1-9-73 J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson Hone PE'rITION OF ':;'OSEPH ll. GORIS A,m B. G. PARROTT & COHPAi,lY, INC. FOR ro::ZONING FROB 11-1 '1'0 B-2 OF A LOT ON THE SOU'I'H SIDE OF ROUTE 117 (PETERS CREEK ROAD) AND W~ST OF ROUTE 628 {LOCH HAVJ,;N ROAD) SO Fu.'; OFFICE BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED BY OLIVETTI CORPORATION OF AI-lERICA I'AY BE BUILT THERE Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, attorney, appeared and presented blue prints ......i of the project. On motion of Richard C. Flora, seconded by John G. Seibel, the Board I concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval of the I ~ " II I' I NO one appeared in apposition. AYES: petition by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas r:ngleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. ailton, Jr., John G. NAYS: IiI RE: ] AYES: i-JAY5: W RE: , i , I iJ j reasons. IN RE: Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson 110ne PETITIOil OF FRAL!" & \'IALDR01I, I;iC. Aim J. !10RRIS CRUHPAC"l:.R FOR REZOiHilG FRO", RL AiiD A-l '..'a B-2, 11-3 !<liD R-3 OF FIVL PARCJ,;LS OF L1\HD Oil THl; iJORTH SIDE OF ROUTl; 460 l;,\ST AT ITS I:,Tl;RSEC'l'IOiI \'lITH ROUTE 604 because this public hearing was listed on the agenda for 7:00 P. H., John G. Seibel moved to continue the hearing to 7:00 P. B., Jar,uary 9,1973. motion was seconded by J. '..homas EnglcLy and passed by the following voice vote: All l:~one 1l0ARD POLICY FOR RLZ01IWG ADVL:R'l'ISLD Iil TilE PA'.ER On withdrawal of Hr. liilton's motion, Chairman Dodson stated the Boarci would meet at a later date to discuss the issue and was most receptive to any guidelines Hr. i.iarbery may have. AHL:ilDI"G THE ZONUG ORDIW'.NCL OR ALLO\iWG THL: 1l0ARD OF ZOi;IiiG APPEALS 'ro COilTI,WE TO ISSUE SPECIAL USL: PERl-lITS FOR Till; PARl;IilG OF TRAILERS Iii ROAiJOKJ,; COU,;T'l:: committee to look into the present zoning ordinances to see if they shoulu be Richard C. Flora moved that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a revised. 'l'he committee will consist of five persons from each magisterial dis- trict, with no more than two Board members on the committee. The n~tion was ~11!i "'11 6 ,/ I seconded by R. ~. Hilton, Jr., and adopted by the following voice vote: I Ii ~ AYES: All HAYS: iJone [I II !! i! :1 !I ii n 'I i! NOli, TH~RLFO~, UL IT RCSOLVLD that the ~oard of Supervisors of Roanoke ~ 'I county does hereby request its representatives in the General Assembly of Virginiall to seek and support legislation that would enable this Board to pass a local ordin~ ance to tax the sale or uSe of tobacco or tobacco prC'ducts withill Roanoke County. II 'i tiE IT FURTlil:.R RCSOLVJ.;D that copies of this resolution jle transmitted to I A RJ.;SOLUTIO" RLQUES'l'ING THE i-lJ.;HjjERS OF TilL VIRGI,UA GLNERAL ASSL~rnLY RLPRCSENTING ROh~OKL COUNTY TO SEI;K AiW SUPPORT LLGISLATI01/ TO ALLOH ROA,;WKE COUNTY TO IMPOSE A TAX 011 ClGARC1'TLS AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS I WHEREAS, Section 58-757.28 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, provides for a products in certain counties. I tax upon the sale and use of tobacco and tobacco Senator David Thornton, Senator 1/. ti. Hopkins, Delegate Raymond l{. Robrecht and Delegate C. Richard Cranwell. Upon motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, seconded by ii " Supervisor Ii Ii I' ,I 1 I, " I' II j: I Richard C. Flora, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYJ.;S: J. Thomas Lngleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr. and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: John G. Seibel IN RE: Mll:NDHENT TO TllL ZONING ORDI,.A"CJ;; BY ADDI,IG A SECTION IIHICH liOULD DLAL III'rii FILWG FLLS John N. L~npros presented copies of the Loudon County 'iling fees (flat rates) and Roanoke City filing fees (4 cacegories for filing fees) to the fee Board. lie also presented a proposed resolution for Roanoke Coun"y to i!mend the Zoning Ordinance by adding a section \'Jhich would. deal with fili:1Y fees; this follows closely the City's proof. On motion of J. Thomas Lngleby to adopt the reSOlution, !,lr. R. 1:. Hilton, Jr. presented a substitutc motion to continue this mi!tter to the night meeting, inorder that the ",oard become familiar with the resolution. 'l'he sub- I stitute motion was seconded by Richard C. Flora and passed by the following voice vote; AYL;S: All liAYS: .:.~one . I 1:'1 RE: STATI;1'U:ilT FOR ROA:W,;E COU:1TY FROH CHMmLR OF COHl,lERCL "".~ J.U.!... ~ Paul Hatthevls presentee a bill to Roanoke County for ;\'280.00 from the Chamber of Commerce. On motion of J. 'l'horr.as :':ngleb~1, seconded by Richard C. Flori!, the r,lotion for Fayment of the bi.ll was passed by the following recorded vote: 1-9-73 ..., i AYES: ji II J I! [i !I " II " :1 'I Ii 1 i i , I I i I , Seibel and C. Lawrence Dcdson J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richar<i C. Flora and C. Lawrence Dodson ;,AYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. and John G. Seibel II il " Ii Ii Paul Hatthews presented an invoice from 1. D. s. Leas'l.ng Co:::-poration, !I the contract rent on shoup voting machines for October 13, 19731 i . I On motion of J. Thomas Lngleby, seconded by Richard C. Flora, the motion I 'I ~ ,! 'I II ~ il ~ [I II II l II " II IN RE: INVOICE FROI-l 1. D. S. LEASING CORPORATION to pay the invoice was passed by the following recorded vote: AY1:S: I J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. c. liiltOl'l, Jr., John G. I Ii NAYS: Ii " Ii i ! Ii It I' I' 1 I i.'~one Due to the snow fall, the meeting schc~uled for 12:30 p.m. on January 0, 1973, to consider a survey of the Franklin-noanoke County boundary line was post- poned to 12:30 p.m. on January 15, 1973. STUDY SOURC1:S OF ReVCNUE IN RE: ~ I ....J J. Thomas Engleby moved that John N. Lampros, Paul B.j'Matthews, the discus, the problem of sources of revenue as soon as possible. II II 'rhe motion ",as seconde.. by John G. Seibel ~ H II I' II Ii II II II " n I, i' " ii il Ii 11 II I) 'i Commissioner and the Treasurer constitute a committee to and passed by the following voice vote: AYES: All liAYS: None III RE: OFFICE OF COU;JTY ATTORiJl:.Y J. 'rhomas l:.ngleby moved to create the office of County Attorney; it was seconded by Richard C. Flora. John G. Seibel offered a substitute motion to continue this matter to the next regular meeting to find out how much money "lOuld be needed for staffing I -.l and operating the office of County Attornpy. The motion was seconded by R. 1:. Hilton, Jr. and passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson 01 u HAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III and Richard C. Flora IiI RE: STAFFI;.G Ti.E PROPOSl:.D OFFICE OF COU;ITY AT'.i.'ORiIEY J. l'homas LngleLy mov,od to appropriate sufficient monies to staff the proposed office of County Attorney and that a co~nittee of one, J. Thomas Engleby, be appointed to obtain applications for County Attorney. The motion was passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Ric;1ard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr. ,~nd C. Lawrence Dodson .,117 _"'"JI 1-9-73 i 4---- --- u . all proper step~ be taken, orders ~-! ~ I: Ii entered, notices published to the end and purpose that the said zoning ordinance Ii il " Ii " ~ I! 1! i: tlllEREFORE, the petitioners pray that be amended so as to permit the above described property to ~e used for such uses under Classification B-2 of the Zoning ordi~tnce of Roanoke as are authorized County. I.....J Respectfully submitted this 5th day of January, 1973. RUFUS c. !lUR'!', BENTLEY J. KING and BARBARA L. KING By Counsel ,...., I i ; .....J Leon R. Kytchen, p.q. 201 Peoples Federal Building Roanoke, Virginia COUNTY, VIRGIjIA T!lE BOARD OF SUP~RVISORS OF ROANOKE JANUARY 9, 1973 o , ii IN RE: ~ ,i i , " " " " II " j! il , ~ ,I I ~ " ~ ii Ii ,I " " " , !! " that the proPlal to amend the same hereby i., delivered to the REZONING OF A CERTAIN LOT IN SPRINGS "~GISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COm,TY, VIRGINIA CAVE OF ORDER THIS DAY came Rufus C. llnrt, Bentley J. King and Barl,ara L. King, be " " Ii II 'I Ii II I ~ II II I' " 'I " ". II Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recorrme~~ation in accordance! i, ~ ~.D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED k~D ORDERED that when said Planning Commissio~i Ii shall report it.s recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as r('quired by the Code: :: i: it counsel, and requested leave to file a petition relative to rezoning the property described more fully in said petition. NO\"I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~1D ORDERED at its resular meeti~g of its , the said petitionlbe, and the same Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, blat hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED zoning as requested in said petition be, and the with the Ordinances of said County and the Code of Virginia. of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of t,lis Board forthwith set the same down for a pub.ic hearing at the next pc':missible shall regular or special meeting of the Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk J by publication in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia, and any Ordinances of the County. I ~.D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~,D ORDERED that one cert: 'ied copy of this resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of th? Board to the Sec- retary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, on motion lf Supervisor. Richard C. Flora. 1 . ': AYES: All NAYS: None ~"", ~' < III RE: REZONIUG OF A PARCEL AT TilE ;mRTll- ) EASTERLY COffi,ER OF U. S. ROUTE ) NUHBER 221 ~,D VA. SECONDARY ROUTE ) 696 ) ) OF ) ) C. F. KEFAUVER ) t PETITlj.N t 121 ~ I II II ,I " II Ii " " ,I ,I J; , Ii Ii ~ I' il Ii " " " " ~ Ii II I' Ii II I , I ,/ '! I.-J r-, ; L.J o 'I II U o 123 1-9-73 II " " " Ai.'lD IlE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor , I ~ Richard C. Flora and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: :i ii !i " Ii AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson i,AYS: None IH RE: REZONING OF THO PARCELS OF LAHD LYDiG * IN THE HOR'i'liEAST COffilER OF THE * IHTERSEC'i'IOH OF IHTERSTATE 81 ru,D * STATE ROUTE 601, COHTAIHl:D 4.40 * ACRES AND 0.48 ACRES, OHllED BY * DAVID SI1ITH rulD A. C. HYERS. * P l:: 'I' I 'I' I 0 II (1) The undersigned, DAVID SIUTH and A. C. HYERS, are the Owners of record of two certain tracts of land located in the Salem Hagisterial District of the County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, described as follows: Two Parcels of land lying in the northeast corner of the new Interstate Highway No. 81 and Route 601 respectively, belonging to David Smith and A. C. Myers, containing 4.40 acres and 0.48 acres, respec- tively; and i~ .. 'I I !i BEING the part of the same property conveyed unto A. ,C. Myers from G. T. I;oitnott by deed in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke in Deed Book 66l at page 364, which is referred to for a more complete description; and the same property conveyed unto David Smith by McDaniels in Deed Book 649 at page 94 of the records of the Circuit Court Clerk's Office for the County of Roanoke, to v/hich reference is made for a more complete description, excepting therefrom parcels conveyed unto the Commonwealth of Virginia for Interstate 81. (2) 'fhe undersigned intend to use the tract for certain commercial pur- poses requiring that it be rezoned ana it is therefore requested that the aforesaid!' " piece of property be rezoned from its present designation to "Business" (B-3). (3) Wherefore, the undersigned pray that the aforesaid tract be perman- ently rezoned as requested herein and ~hat the Request be referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County f~r recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, DAVID SMITH and A. C. ~lYE"S By Counsel KING, FULQJUM & RENICK 501 Colonial-American Bldg. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 By James II. Fulghum, Jr. Ii'RE: REZONING OF TWO PARCELS OF LAND LYIlIG * IN THE NORTHEAST COffilER OF TilE * INTERSECTION OF Ii,'fERSTATl: 81 Aim * ORDER STATE ROUTE 601, CONTAINING 4.40 * ACRES Ai.'lD 0.48 ACRES, Om,ED BY * DAVID SMITH AND A. C. HYERS * THIS DAY carne DAVID SNITH and A. C. llYERS, by counsel, and request.ed leave to file the Petition Relative to rezoning the property described in the said 124 Petition being property located in the Salem Magisterial District of the County of l :Roanoke, State of Virginia. ~ NOI'I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED A,m ORDERED at its regular meeting of the ~ ! ' ,Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said Petition be, and the sam is, hereby filed. i I zoning ,And it be FURTIll:R RESOLVED and ORDERED that the proposa{. to amend the said Petition be, and the same hereby is, re- I ordinance as requested in the HAYS: ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation I \ ~ , I "," ,",0.. <.'01."00 "" o<'e< ,~<. .""", '" ="00 of """'"' O. "o<oj ~ II accordance with the provision of the Code of Virginia. , lin I I I Aim it be FtiRTj,ER RESOLVED and ORDERI:D that one certifi"d copy of this ! resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this 'loard of Paul iHattheWS, Secretary "f the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. Ayr;s: All Hone I I~ RE: PETITION OF STATI:.\'lIDE ELLC'l'RICAL CONTRAC'l'ORS, FOR REZOiUHG FROI1 RE TO B-2 OF 68' x 150' LOT FRONTli/G 011 BUCK 110U;,TAIN ROAD SO A \;ARElIOUSE AHD STORAGE YARD FOR VJ;;ilICLLS aAY ilL BUILT TllERI: Ii,C. ) ) ) ) PETITION of iil",i'lIE SUE cRADBURY I. Ii Ii II Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii i: Ii I: Ii , , 1 , l'ursuant to Section 15.1-453 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and tile I Ordinances of Roanoke County, Virginia, your petitioner represents that: I FIRST: That the petitioner, llannie Sue Bradbury, acquired a tract of lani II hereinafter described locatecl in Roanoke County, Virginia, from Ralph llorris Creasy Ii I! ! and r:Qna J. Creasy by deed dated October 3, 1961, and recorded ill the Clerk's ! II Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 675, page 2l2~ II sEcorm: 'l'hat tile petitioner has entered into an agreement to sell the II ~ ,! I hereinafter described preperty to Statewide Llectrical Contractors, Inc., said ~ I agreement specifically conditioned upon t~e property being rezonE~ from its presentli I zoning of Residential Estates District RE to Industrial District '--2, it being the II ii i intention of the lJuyer to erect an addition to the existing building and to provide Ii ! , 'offstreet parking facilities for vehicles o"med and used by the buyer in its bus i- ,I j! i: ,I 'I 'I I, j: I' i! !i i: <I i; Ii " I' I " " I' " Ii ,i :j I' i ~ i Zonin9 I ness on the following descrilJed tract of land: I bEGrimING at a point on the South side of the Buck Mountain Road 6S.2 feet East of the Southeast corner of a certain 30 foot width roadway, leading Easterly towards the new Rocky Mount Highway through the oridinal w. D. Campbell Estate lands, known as buck Mountain Road, with a certain new 30 foot width roadway which is situated along the Easterly side of the 1 Acre Tract conveyed to l'Iilliam iiicks, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 141, Page 4; thence leaving the Buck Hountain Road and along a new division line through the original Tract iJo. 3 owned by Hr. R. L. Miller & wife, S. SO 30' W. 150 feet to a point; thence S. S70 22' E. 60 feet to a point; tilence :1. So 30' E. 150 feet to the Southerly side of Buck "~untain Road; thence U. 870 22' 1'1. 60 feet to the place of beginning, and being a lot 60 feet by 150 feet in the Northeast corner of Parcel "A" and fronting 60 feet on Buck 110untain Road, and reference is hereby made to a Nap of said Parcel "A", recorded in the above mentioned Clerk's Office in Deed Book 201, Page 563. I I THIRD: That petitioner is informed and therefore alleges that this tract ;:' I~ il '; I 1-9-73 - is now zoned as Residential Estates District RE and that 'to permit the proposed ~ use!: of the property it should be rezoned to Industrial District M-2. ii " " II 'i " , property I: ~ FOURTH: That your petitioner submits that the Industrial Di~trict M-2 is more in line and keeping with a general development of the area since the -, is utilized for business purposes and rezoning "lOuld not be detrimental. FIFTH: That petitioner believes the best and the highest use of the abovi!' ;i described tract will be its development for the purpose as stated above, and that ~I said use of the property will not be detrimental in any way to the property in the area and will best serve the growing need of the Count)'_ l ;, ii " WHEREFORE, your petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinanc~ , be amended as provided by la", so as to change the classification of the above des- II II ii It I: ---J cribed tract of land from Residential Estates District RE to Industrial District M-2. Respectfully submitted this 9th day of January, 197"\ ::~ur Petitioner: .iAN/HE sur: BRADBURY Isl /Iannie Sue Bradbury /s/ Harvey Lutins By Counsel .., -i HARVEY S. LUTINS Dominion Building 410 Elm Avenue, S. w. Roanoke, Virginia IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF A LOT 60 FEET BY 150 FEET IiI TilE iIORTIl- EAST CORNER OF PARCEL "A" FROiITIiIG- 60 FEET ON BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD, SIT- UATE III ROANQI,E COUilTY ORDER of :IMIlIIE SUE BRADBURY Came this day the petitioner by her counsel and asked leave to file her Petition relative to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke County and more specifically described in said Petition. NO.1 THEREFORE, iiL I1' RESOLVi:D AciD ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be, and the -I J same is, hereby filed. Bi: IT FUR'fUJ.:R RESOLVJ.;D 1,;';0 ORDERED that the propos'.l to amend the Zoning " Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be, and 'the same is, hereby referred :: to the Planning Corrunission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recolrJuendations in , accordance \lith provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as [J amended. I,lID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AiJD ORDERED that wIlen said Planning Corrunission': shall report its recorrunendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law the said Clerk of this ~oard shall forthwith set the sw~e down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this iloard. AiJD IT IS FURTliBR RLSOLVED AilD ORDERED that one certifiea copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of RoanoketCOunty, Virginia. I I The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion' of Ric~.ard c. II : Flora, a Supervisor. I i I! AYES: All i I I Ii ,I II ,I O t. f R E OJ" lt J th C h SA;. t' C ", t I n mo 1.on 0 .'., 1. on, r., e ourt.ouse pace .:.o,=a :Lon onun:LC ee I i I, :1 I I i II Ii I I II II ~ II " I: vising that Paul Matthews had taken care of her complaint, and requ~sting Board to 1 126 ! :lAYS: I L;, RE: I , was .PoYBS: 'I' i ~~AYS: i i I: I IN RE: I i I Scott , moved, t None I DISBAND~!ENT OF COUR~'ljQUSE SPACE ALLOCATION COi-lMITTEE abolished by the following voice vote: I All None RECEIVED Aim FILED: 12-18-72 trom Mrs. O. ll. On motion of R. E. Hilton, Jr., the letter of to the Board of Supervisors requesting that a trailer oppcsit~ her house be a letter of 12-26-72 from !1rs. O. il. Scott to the Board of Supervisors ad- have Health Department investigate unsanitary conditions at home of George Maxey, I the letter from Wythe County Administrator to Board Clerk acccmpani,~d by material Ion changing the form of a county government, the letter from Appala=hian Power Com- I : pany to Board Chairman in re: meeting to discuss a 'vater supply to:ounty Poor Farm! ! presently under option to a proposed neVI industry, and the lette.r f,rom the 11ayor of ~ ~ Salem to Board Chairman in re: meeting about water supply to coui'y Poor Farm and II I! suggesting necessity for new sewage transportation contract with ,;alem were receive~ ~ and filed by the following voice vote: ~ !IIII ~ AYES: All [I ~ i! :lAYS: None ,I II, r Ii t! ~ ' :: I: ii II Ii Ii Ii l' Ii ~ IN RE: $329.90 FOR Ai'l ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR I' ! On motion of R. E. Hilton, Jr. the request for the Treasurer to return th! ~ I! !: calculator and resubmit a request to the Board for approval of the purchase of a II Ii calculator was passed by the following recorded vote: II " ii AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, J'r., John G. I' ii il \'later and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended (Code i: 1;1239 to Section 15.1-1270, inclusive) a public hearing "1ill be held in the County 'i Courtroom in the Courthouse Building Ji " I, I' i! "AYS: [ I: i: I I Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson 1 I I i~one ;WTICL: OF PUBLIC liI:ARING Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provision"~f th", Virginia of Virginia of 1950, Section 15. on the 13th day of February 1 1973, at 1:00 n i I '--, ,....., ~ n w .,-..., , i ~.-J , fl" 1J 1-9-73 of Supervisors of Roanoke County that by previous petition he requested tllat Frantz ! ,I Street be vacated in accordance '-lit:, Virginia COG"', Sectiol' l5.l-482(b) , as 'I I' Ii " Ii Ii Ii I! Ii Ii [I !i " Ii l! 'I Ii II Ii " " Ii 'I I, :1 I J I I I amended. That further research into ti,is matter showed that proceeding under said section of the Code would be improper. Therefore, your petitioner, Dr. Rafael I , I Porres, respectfully requests that the original petition be dismissed and that this: II ji 'I II 1. That the said Dr. Rafael Porre~ is the owner of Lot 2, according to ~ the Map of Edgewood of record in the Clerk' s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanokejl County, Virginia in Plat Book 1, Page 122, and described more particularly as ~ I petition now submitted be accepted in place thereof. dOw, therefore, your petitioner, Dr. Rafael Porres, would respectfully show unto ~he ~oard of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: follows; Beginning at a point On the southeast corner of Frantz and Logan Street, this with the easterly line of Logan Street, s. 140 41 minutes W. 94 feet; thence S. 410 38 minut~s w. 100 feet; S. 90 14 minutes Iv. 36 feet; s. 160 6 minutes E. 25 feet to a point; thence I'ith the northerly line of Logan Street S. 840 36 minutes E. 275 feet to the westerly line of Lot ,"0. 3, according to the Hap of the Edgewood Land Company, Inc., thence with said line Ii. 40 30 minute:j E. 272 feet to Frantz Street; thence 197 feet to the be"inning, containing a fraction less than 2 acres, more or lesL. ~ ~ 2. That the said Lots 2, 3, 3 1/2, and 4, according to the Map of Edge- ~ 'I wood Land Company, Inc., are bounded on the south by Logan Street and on the north II by Frantz Street. ~ 3. That th., said Frantz Street is a part of the Vir~inia Secondary High-II way system4a.nd is designated as State Secondary Route No. 1444. III That there are no homes located on any of the afuresaid lots, except ,I Ii :1 Lot 4, which according to the Commission of Revenue of Roanoke County is owned by , :j l! 4 " ,i 1'1. Spurgeon St. Claire, 814 Helrose Avenue, iI.vi., and that Frantz Street, at this II ii time, is not being used as an access to any of the aforementioned lots. Ii il _I Ii s. That sa:Ld Frantz Street is no longer necessary to the use and enjoy- Ii II ment of those persons owning Lots 2, 3, 3 1/2, and 4, and that it is a proper causell 1:, in which to abandon the said St,Ve" Secondary Route No. 1444. II !i 6 That the vacation of said State Secondary Route No. 1444, also known ,I Ii as Frantz s~reet, or so much thereof as is adj acent to your petitioner's property, II " il would not abridge or destroy the rights of any person, firms or corporations. I' WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that as provided by Section 33.1-151 of the Code of Virginia, (1950) as amended to date, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County give notice of its intention to abandon the said street, or so much of same as is adjacent to your petitioner's property, by posting a notice of such application at least three days before the first day of the regular term of the Circuit Court, at the front door of the Courthouse for the Ccunty of Roanoke, and by publishing in a newspaper having general circulation in two or more issues the " intention to abandon the said street to the State Highway Commission and by setting!! " a public hearing date within 30 days after such notice is posted and published, at ii i~ , " which time all interested parties can be heard concerning thc abandonment of Frantz;! ): Street, or so much thereof as i,; adjacent to your petitioner's property and also 'i knO\-ln as State Secondary Route :Jo. 1444, as ShO\'ln upon the Hap of I::dge\-lood Land ~12H !i I, )i Ii 'Ii J ~ ,I I' 'I I, 'I I, i, Ii II II II ~ Ii JI 1\ II 'I 'I II Ii I' " !i ~ Ii " II Ii This day came Dr. Rafael Porres by Counsel, and asked leave to have the il !i ~Original petition dismissed and a new petition ~ccepted in lieu thereof as concerns~ Ii the abandonment of Frantz Street, also known as Virginia Highway Secondary Route "04 'I II I, 1444, as shO\'ltl by the Hap of I:dgewood Land Company, Inc., recorded in the Clerk's I! i. Ii ~Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 1, Page 122. j1 ~ NOli, TllEREFORJ;, IT IS ORDJ:RI:D that the previous petition filed be dismiss c ~ in lieu thereof the petition filed pursuant to Virginia Code, Section 33.1-151, as i, !i amended ",e accepted and the same is hereby iiled at the reo.ular meeting of the II" Ii ' i, I' II i!Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, on 9th day of January, 1972. " II II " Ii AND bI: IT FURTHi::R RLSOLVED A.JD ORDI:RED that the proposed abandonment of Ii II Ii I. I: 1,"1' Frantz Street, also known as Virginia Secondary Highway System Route ;/0. 1444, be i' Ii ii Ii it in compliance with Section 33.1-151 of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended, ii j: i! Ii and that the i:loard of Supervisors of Roanoke County give notice of its intention to" 1: \1 ii abandon said street, or so much of SMOe as is adjacent to the petitioner's property! ~bV posting a notice of su~h application ,t least three days before the first day of 11,1,' iI ... Ii !: I: the regular term of the Circuit Court, at the front door of the Courthouse for the Ii I' II ,I County of Roanoke, by publishing in a ne\~spaper having general circulation in two oi " , _130 Ii - !company, Inc., of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke jCounty, Virginia, in Plat Book 1, Page 122. I, I! I' " 'I il II " Ii ,i " II !i JOSEPH P. BOUNDS :1 I, Ii Attorney at Law I ~ 91:', Colonial-American Bank Building Ii II Roanoke, Virginia. II 'i IN RE: il I, a I! :1 Ii Respectfully submitted, :'JR. RAFAEL PORRES By /sl Joseph P. Bounds ABANDON/jIENT OF ROAD KNOI'll, AS FRANTZ ) STREET AS SHOI'i:, 0;, THE PLAT OF EDGEt'iOOD ) LA:<D COHPAl<Y, INC., OF RECORD I;< TH:i;; ) CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ) ROANOKE COU;/TY, VIRGI:UA IN PLAT BOO,; 1, ) PAGE 122. ) ORDER i: " r II setting II Ii more issues the intention of abandoning the said street, by giving notice of its "intention to abandon the saic street to the State Highway CO!l1Illission, and by \i Ii a public hearing date within 30 days after such notice is posted and published at " " ilwhich time interested parties can be heard concerning the proposed abandonment. " ,t,I And be it further resolved and ordered that the Clerk of the Board shall set this matter down for public hearing at the February 13, 1973 meeting of the tBoard~ II , ii I, ~YES: , Adopted and approved on the following vote. J. Thomas Engleby, III, RiChard c. Flora, R.I.:. !alton, Jr.. John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson :1 ;,JAYS: iJone IN RE: APPLICA'UO,J OF CLl,ffi;,ICI.: A. DUII!lA;J FOR RBilE;;AL OF A PL;RHIT 'fO PAR" 3 TRAILI.:R~ I I I I I , , , I , I ~ ,! ~ ,[ Ii r: II Ii ,I Ii I ! il ~~po~~~f~~ ~~o~h~r~i~~db:~~~ ~~n;id;~~3g~~ie~~et~sB~a~~g~;~~~ ~~~~~~i~g !i 7. Letter from State Highway Department to Board Chairman acknowledging II receipt of resolution requesting automatic gates and additional signs I at railroad crossing en Starkey Road adjacent to school and advising that I a study of the matter will be n,ade. I' 8. 65th Annu2.1 Report of the Virginia I1igh'f,'lay Conunission for the fiscal I year ended June 30, 1972. I I , 9. Notice of a National Conference on Consolidation: Partial or Total, l' being sponsored by the National Association of Counties on February 20-22' in Jacksonville, Florida. 10. Letter from Secretary of the committee appointed to study forms of government to Board Clerk acknO\~ledging receipt of Annual Reports. ,I I' 11. Certificate of Publication of the notice of cancellation of the regu-II lar meeting of the Board of Supervisors that would have been held December 26, 1972. . 12. Letter from Secretary of Roanoke Valley Unitarian Church, accompanied! by a check for $60.00 in voluntary payment for local governmental services1'! 13. Hinutes of Fifth Planning District Commiss -.on T,leeting held Hovember II! 16, 1972. I 14. ~linutes of Executive Committee, Fifth Planning District Commission meeting held November 16, 1972. I to! I 16. Copy of Board Chairman's letter to Director of State Division of I Statutory Research & Drafting suggesting corrections t" be made in thE' wording of a draft pertaining to salary increases for I:oanoke County Board II members. 15. Letter from State Chairman advising that personally contact Mr. Department of Welfare and Institutions to Board a member of their Field Staff has been requested Engleby regarding a regional jail facility. 17. Copy of letter from Richard C. Flora to Hampton R. Thomas resigning from the Executive Committee of the Fifth Planning District Commission. 18. Copy cf letter fron uirector of State llighllay Safety Division to Sheriff o. S. Foster, accompanied by a copy of the aUdit" report on Roanoke County's project, and suggesting that all records and d cumentation be kep for three years. I 19. Copy of a Report of Federal Outlays in Virginia for the fiscal year 1972 as prepared by the office of Economic Opportunity. II ~ II " " 21. Letter from Roanoke Branch - Vir,]inia Section of the American Society il of Civil Engineers to ~oard of Supervisors endorsing the principles set II forth in a letter frc:" tile Southwest Section - Virginia Chapter of the Ii American Institute of ARchitects. I] 20. Public Welfare Statistics for Virginia, September 1972. , I I! I: II " Ii , Ii i' ii I' " II ~ " i: " II " I' " i, " i' ! i: ;, I' Ii 'i " , Ii ] 22. Copy of a letter A~vance Stores in re: Brambleton Avenue, S. from State Fire Inspector to the Vice President of inspection report on the Advance Store at 3912 \',1. 23. December 1972 report of County Parks and Recreation Department. 24. December l'lewsletter for Roanoke County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. 25. Letter from Chairman of Regional Courthouse Committee requesting attorneys for Salem, ROunoke ant: Roano},:e County to join in preparing recom~ mendations as to th~ sections of the Virginia Code and Constitution, if an~, that should be amended to permit use by the affectpd bodies of a regional ]' courthouse. I 26. Letter fro", J. Oliver Stein to Board Chairnan declining to accept reappointment to the County Planning Conrnission. 27. Copy of a letter fron Roanoke City Deputy Clerk Roanoke's regional landfill cornnittee accompanie~ by agreement for the operation of a regional landfill. to merni>ers of Ci t:{ of i a draft of a proposed I! " " I,; , I 28. Letter from Roanoke City Deputy Clerk to Board Chairman advising that!: City Council would consider a resolution pertaining to improvements to Rutrougll Road at their meeting on December 11, 1972. , 29. Copy of a letter from Roanoke City Deputy Clerk to State Commissioner: of iiighways, accompanied by a resolution of City Council concurring in and,; supporting County's request for improvements to Rutrough Road. ' 1-9-73 30. Copy of a letter from Roanoke City Deputy Clerk ney and to Chairman of Regional Corr'actions Steering by a report of the Regional Courthouse Committee. to Roanoke City Attor-II COfiunittee accompanied :i i' :, " r !i 31. Copy of a letter from Roanoke City Roanoke City Lines, Inc. accompanied by jecting the bus company's letter giving tinue service as of December 31, 1972. Deputy Clerk to President of a resolution of City Council re- notice of its intention to discon- ,-. I 32. Report on the accomplislunents of the Manpower Programs operated by TAP. 33. Jail report. 34. Treasurer's report. -- I 35. Copy of a, letter from District Game Biologist to Sheriff o. S. Foster regarding employees from Lucky's Mobile Communications. 36. Memo from John Lampros, Commonwealth's Attorney, regarding Board of Supervisors appointing School Board members. IN RE: JWENILE HOl1E AT COYNER SPRINGS J. Thomas Engleby stated that the County is paying 20% of maintenance at Coyner Springs, even though the Home is o~ Roanoke City property. J. Thomas Engleby moved that the present Juvenile Home Committee be the c~mmittee representing Roanoke County and th.t the Chairmali request the City to . set up a committee to meet with the County committee to discuss how to pay the 20%, the costs which the State does not pay. The motion \1aS passed by the follow- ing voice vote: ..., j AYES: All NAYS: None r; IH P.E: REVENUE SllARWG FUilDS John G. Seibel moved that the revenue sharing funds received as of now (two checks in the amount of $46,000) be put in a Bank in a separate account, pre- ferably to buy CD's, with interest for three months. The motion was denied by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. lIilton, Jr. and John G. Seibel HAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and C. Lawrence Dodson "I J On motion of J. Thomas Engleby and the following voice vote, the Board went into Executive Session: AYES: All J ilAYS: i10ne Chairman Dodson declared the meeting reconvene. IN RE: COUilTY PAYROLLS On motion of J. Thomas Engleby and the following voice vote the county n i \-1 -, ; '....J .., I ....J J S1,'," o 131 1-9-73 ~~. -_..-._------ . - ..- ---------~-~- Ii !:IN RE: , I, ! ~ !: PET I nON OF FRALIN & \'lALDRO;I, I,IC. AND J. MORRIS) CRUl>IPACKI:R FOR RLZONIaG FRO;'! RE Aim A-' TO B-2, ) B-3 AND R-3 OF FIVE PARCELS OF LAND OIl TllL NORTH) FINll.L ORDER SIDE OF ROUTE 460 EAST AT ITS INTERSECTIOlI WITH ) ROUTE 604 ) HHEREAS, Fralin & Waldron, Inc. and J. Morris crumpacker did petition the ;'Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to rezone certain properties described in !'said petition, and to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke county so as to provide !I :'that certain properties described in said petition as Parcel No. 1 and No. 2 be I ::rezoned from its present zoning to Business District B-2, and Pa,rcel "0. 3 and No. '4 be rezoned from its present zoning to Business District B-'3, and Parcel No.5 be ,rezoned from its present zoning to Residential District R-3, and Parcel NO. 6 be ,irezoned from its present zoning to Residential District R-l, which petition '.'as i, ::filed at a regular meeting of this Board on ,lovember 28, 1972, and by Order entered " ii ,:that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recom- ;,mendation, in accordance with provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; i' ;;and, !i 11 Ii l'/llEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting:! 'held on December 19, 1973, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said i'petition, recommended to' this Board that saio, County Zoning Ordinance be amended so i, " II of land described in said petitiop , ias to change the classification of the six parcels I'from their present zoning to Business District B-2 as to Parcel ilo. 1 and ilo. 2, I ~Business District E-3 as to Parcel No.3 and ;;0. 4, and Residential District R-3 , lias to Parcel NO. 5 and Residential District R-l as to Parcel No.6; and, I~IEREAS, thc Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COJnty did by its order, ,entered on the 28th day of llovember, 1?72, di.reet the Clerk of this Bo"rd to forth- !:with set the same down for a public he"ring at the next regular meeting of this 'Board following the receipt of the recommendation of said Planning Commission, and , ':give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance 'and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; "nd, mlEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this !Board, held on the 9th day of J"nu"ry, 1973, for a public he"ring on the aforesaid i' [,proposed "mendment to the saiel County Zoning Ordinance and advertise the same by :,notice duly published in the Roanoke \'/orld News, a newspaper having general circu- :,lation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions on December 26, 1972, ',and January 2, 1973 as provided by said order of this Doard "nc] in accordance with :said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and \JilEREAS, said public llearing \~~as t:lis GuY had on said proposed amendment; and, ImEREAS, this Doard, after giving c"refu1 consideration to sOlid petition ,anC: to said recomrnendatioll and after hearing evidence touchin';J 0;1 the merits of said!: 'proposed amenc:iment, being of the opinion ti1at ~he County Zoning Oreinance shoule be ',amended; 110\1, Tjjj;;REFORE, BE IT RLSOLVED l';W ORDERED th"t at this meeting of the '~oard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 9th day of January, '1973, the said Roanoke County Zoning Ordin"nce be, and the same is herelly amcnued as so to reclassify the hereinafter describcLl property from its present zoning to Business District B-2, which parcels are more pa~ticularly described as follows, PARCEL ;'0. 1: ~ II !I I I ~ II II ~ I to-wit: I' II ~ Ii I' Ii I: " II 'I I, Ii II Ii Ii ~ BEGI,I,HNG at a point on the northerly side of u.s. Highway Route ~60, said point Leing S. 390 31' 20" Ii. 310.0 feet from the intersection of the northerly side of U. s. Highway Route 460 with the westerly side of Virginia Sec. Route 604; thence leaving U. S. Route 460. and with three new lines through property of Hason Kei'oh Cook, N. 500 28' 40" \1. 70.0 feet to a point; thence il. 30 26' W. 345.04 feet to a point; thence il. 430 47' 14" E. 8').0 feet to a point on the westerly side of Virginia Sec. Rte. 604; thence with the same ii. 460 12' 46" N. 408.75 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the right, whose r~dius is 994.93 feet, an arc distance of 218.32 feet to a point; thence with the southerly line of Sam Crumpacker property, n. 700 37' 40" W. l8l.~S feet to a point; thence with a new line through Mason Keith Cook property s. 440 34' W. 1638.60 feet to a point on line of Hilmer Cook proper;:y; thence with the easterly line of the Wilmer Cook property, S. 400 43' 05" E. 870.0 feet to a point; thenCe with five new lines through M2son Keith Cook property, ;'1. 8 40' 40" E. 124.54 feet to a ;'oint; thence with a curved line 1:0 the left, whose radius is 320.0 feet, an arc distance of 1::6.93 feet to a point; thence N. 750 57' E. 140.0 feet to << point; thence with a curved line to the right. whose radius is 240.0 feet, an arc distance of 235.27 feet to a point; thence with a c~rved line to the right, whose radius is 25.0 feet, an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a point on the northerly side of U. S. Highway Route 460; thence with the same, N. 29~' 18' 20" E. 133.29 feet to a point on same; thence i'I. 40u 18' 20" E. 150.23 feet to a point; thence N. 620 41' 20" E. 106.75 feet to a point on same; thence N. 420 12' 20" E. 350.0 feet to a point on same; thence N. 390 31' 20" E. 3l0.33 feet to the place of BEGI1I:HNG, and containing 41. 51 acres I PARCEL No.2: Ii Ii 1 11 I' Ii Ii The Board being of the further opinion that the next [j II If II II i: i: I, !' 'i I, Ii I: " " Ii I' STARTIlIG at a point on the westerly side of Virginia Sec. Rte. 604, said point being on the northerly line of the property of Mason Keith Cook and the southerly line of the property of 5am Crumpacker; thence leaving said starting point, N. 70 37' 40" \'1. 2804.02 feet to the ACTUAL PLACE OF I3EGIliNING; thence S. 440 00' t'l. 172.53 feet to a point; thence N. 440 00' W. 571.17 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the left, whose radius is 650 feet, an arc distance of 130.42 feet to a point; thence N. 460 00' E. 95.45 feet to a point; thence with <" curved line to the right, whose radius is 25.0 Zeet, aI, arc distance of 39.27 feet to a point; thence S. 440 00' E. 508.14 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the right, whose radius is 25.0 feet, an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a point; thence S. 440 00' \'I. 52.47 feet to the ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGINNING, and. containing 3.21 acres I i I I ,I ~ Ii II ,I II Ii II ,I hereinafter described propertJ II II Ii II II " I should likewise be rezoned and reclassified from its present zoning to Business District B-3, which parcels are more particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL No.3: I BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of U. S. Highway Route 460, said point being at the intersection of the northerly side of U. s. Highway Route 460, and the westerly side of Virginia Sec. Rte. 604; thence contin'Jing \1ith U. S. ;righway Route 460, S. 390 31' 20" ',,1. 310. 0 fE~et to a point; thence \vith tllree nm-l lines, ~j. 500 28' .1011 \7. 70.0 feet; thence ~J. 30 26' ~l. 3'5.04 feet to a point; trience ~~. 430 47' 1411 E. 80.0 feet to a point on the westerly side of Virginia Sec. Rte. G04j thence \-lit~1 the same oS. 460 12' 46" E. 300.0 feet to the place of m;GI:liIIiiG, o.nd containing 1. 56 acres I PARCEL ,10. 4: Br.::GINi.;L;G at cJ. point on the northerly siC.e of U. S. iiighwat Route 460, said i'oint being on tile eas-cerly line of the pro- perty of \iilmer Cook and the \1csterly line of tile property of :.Iason i~eitj,l Cook; thence \\'ith tl18 line of the propcrt1" of \lihleZ' Cook, S. 760 2C' 30" \'i. 127.28 feet to a point; tilence .;.j'~ BOO 13' ::. 115.0 feet to .J. point; tl..:3nce L;~ GCo t 1-9-73 139 '';'~_. ,". 43' 05" VI. 165.0 feet to a point; thence leaving the property of Hilmer Cook, and. with five ne~l lines, ~.. 80 40' 40" E. 124.54 feet to a ooint; thence ~litl1 a curved line to the left, whose radius is 320.0 f~et, an arc distance o~ 126.93 feet to a point; thence N. i5 57' E. 140.0 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the right whose radius is 240.0 feet, an arc distance of 235.27 feet to a point; thenc~ with a curved line to the right, whose radius is 25.0 feet, an arc distance of 39.27 feet to the northerly side of U. S. Highway Route 460, thence with the same S. 420 07' II. 190.07 feet to the place of EEGI:mING, and containing 2.07 acres r-, I ....J '7he Board being of the further opinion blat the next hereinafter described property , -, , ,'should likewise be rezoned and reclassified from its present zoning to ResicJpntial . i:District R-3, which parcel is more particularly described as follO\~s, to-wit: , , PARCEL No.5: _.J BEGI:mING at a point, said point being located N. 700 37' 40" 1'1. 181.95 feet from the westerly side of Virginia Sec. Rte. 604, and being also on the northerly line of the property of Hason Keith Cook and the westerly line of the property of Sam Crumpacker; thence S. 440 34' W. 1638.60 feet to a point, being on the line of the property of \;ilmer Cook; thence with the same, ,I. 400 43' 05" w. 1308.0 feet to a point; thence N. 470 43' 05" Iv. 117.48 feet to a point; thence S. 470 31' 05" 1'1. 1490.20 feet to a point; thence with the line of the Stubler property, N. 430 20' 23" 1'1. 463.29 feet to a point on line with the Bohon property; thence wbth the same, and partly with the Chocklett progerty, N. 61 00' W. 1026.50 feet to a pobnt; thence N. 24 OU' E. 230.0 feet to a point; thence N. 61 00' W. 400.00 feet to a point; thence N. 290 00' E. 175.0 feet to a point; thence with a curvecJ line to the right, whose radius is 1400.0 feet, an arc distance of 1239.65 feet to a point; thence il. 700 43' E. 50.0 feet to a point; thence S. 470 25' E. 810.0 feet to a point; thence N. 420 35' E. 150.0 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the left, whose radius is 650.0 feet, an arc dis- tance of 364.54 feet to a point, thence 11. 750 OS' E. 220.0 feet to a point; thence N. 140 54' ~. 260.0 feet to a point; thence N. 310 20' E. 310.0 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the left, "hose radius is 480.0 feet, an arc distance of 526.11 feet to a Doint; thence i'l. 440 00' L. 160.0 feet to a point; thence'N. 460 00' W. 330,0 fect to a point; thence N. 310 55' E. 14,3.42 feet to a point;, thence il. 760 OS' r:. 430.19 feet to a poil).t, thence S. 3' 04' 08" II. 58.35 feet to a point; thence with a fenced line, N. 85 53' 08" E. 928.80 fee~ to a ppint; thence N. 690 29' 30" E. 134.45 feet to a point; thence N. 800 53' E. 429.0 feet to a point. thence S. 860 22' E. 231.0 feet to a point; thenc" S. 776 51' 4,8" E. 105.07 feet to a point, thence S. 250 03' E. 221.70 feet to a ooint; thence N. 660 ' 55' 30" E. 638.99 feet to a point on the ~Iesterly sicJe of Virginia Sec. Rte. 604; thence "ith the same and "ith a curved line to the left, "hose radius is 1481.65 feet, an arc distance of 26.95 feet to a point; thence S. 290 46' 50" E. 611.05 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the right, whose radius is 917.98 fe(~t, an arc distance of 532.47 feet to a point; thence S. 30 27' 14" W. 700.23 feet to a point; thence with a curved line to the left, whose radius is 994.93 feet, an arc distance of 246.69 feet to a point; thellce leaving Virginia Sec. Rte. 604, and "ith the westerly line of the property of Sar.l Crumpacker,S. 40 13' ~'j. 306.0 feet to tile place of DEGIlE'U:JG, containing a total area of 257.3 acres, r:XCEPTli.!G 'I'iiLRL.:FRO!.l Parcel :Jo. 2 here- inabove described J -, J :'The 3oarc. l.Jeing of tile further opinion that the next hereinafter described property should likewise be rezoned ",ncl reclassifiecl fron its present zoning to Residential District R-l, which parcel is more particularly described "'s follows, to-wit: o PARCEL ,';0. 6: STARTliIG at a. point on the westerly side of Virginia Sec. iligh\~ay Route 604, said point being the southeast corner of the property of \1. j;ent Hurray, Jr.; tilence leaving said Virginia Sec. iligl1\vay Route 604, anCi with the line bet\1Cen the Hurray and CrumPackel' prop8rties, the follo',,;ing courses and distances: S. 66 55' 30" \'1. 630.99 feet; i;. 250 03' \1. 221. 70 feet; ,I. 770 51' 48" il. 105.07 feet; ,I. 860 22' \'I. 231.0 feet; S. 800 53' 1'1. 429.0 feet to a point; S. 690 29' 3011 'I'll' 134..45 feet to a point; s. SSO 53' 0811 H. 928.80 feet to a point; N. 80 04' 0811 I':. 52.35 fee~ to a point, and s. 7Go 05' ~:. 430.19 feet to the ACTUAL PLACr; OF L3EGI:J:a~JG; thence with ne\V' lines througl1 the property of J.. ;.lorris Crumpacker, the following courses an,:: distances: S. 310 55' . f .' . 'Il,' 'r... 1-9-73 ii : 1 I...-J J.>LGI<1NIijG at a point on the south side cf Virginia Highway <10. 117 (130 feet widel, said point being 154.07 feet as measured along the southerly right- of-way line of Virginia Highway jlo. 117 from the \,esterly line of Secondary Idghway do. 628; thence leaving Virginia Highway No. 117, S. 330 56' 30" L. 200.00 feet to a point; thence s. 560 03' 30" w. l2~.00 feet to a point; thence ~. 330 56' 30" w. 200.00 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of Virginia Highway tlo. 117; thence with same ". 560 03' 30" E. 125.00 feet to the point of Beginning, as shown on plat made by David Dick & Associates, Lngineers and Surveyors, dated October 16, 1972. said property being located in Roanoke County and said rezoning being desired so o ': that a lJuilding may be constructed thereon for Olivetti Corporation of Anlerica, anC\i " 2. Upon receiving and filing of slid petition and referral of the same to the Roanoke County Planning commission, and upon notice of public hearing and recon~endation of said Planning Commission as is required by law, and upon public hearing before the Roanoke County Hoard of supervisors, pursuant to notice, ;'101, TllBREFORL, hE IT RESOLVLD that the above described property Le and hereby is rezoned from Manufacturing classification M-l to Business classification B-2, as an amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, effective February 1, ;, 1970, and the Roanoke County Planning Commission is directed to reflect saiCi change,! upon the Zoning Map of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded "by John G. Seibel, and the following recorded vote: o AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and C. La~lrence Dodson HAYS: i.J'one c4~~~ Cha~rman o o 1-23-73 143 Richard Flora moved thai; resolutior~ of January 9, 1973, in re Public Service Authority's request fer cQunty-v.ric.:c jurisC:iction over sewer systens be araent1ec. to read "puLlic Eearing to 1)0 set for Fcbruury 13, 197311, rather thi4n IIFehruary S, 197311. Z,:r. Joiln Seibel seconc.GG. All voted UAyelr. -I The iIotice of Public i.icaring anc:;, resolu.tion of January 9 I 1973 meeting is spread in minutes of this meeting: ~';OTICi;; OF PU';;LIC i1L..;ARL~G l~otice i3 hFreby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia ,'later and Se'IJer Authorities act, as aI:!enaeu (Coeie of Virginia of 1950, Section "l -! 15.1-1239 to Section 15.1-1270, inclusive) a public hearing will be helu in the county Courtroom in ti1e Courthouse Building on the 13th c.iay of February, 1973, at 1:00 o'cluck p.I:!. of that d"y, on t:1e resolution heretofore aeiopteei by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, signifying its intention to specify a further project in the nature of sewage collectio" and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution. The resolution referred to in this notice is set forth below: A RLSOLUTIO,'/ AUTliORIZI,JG TilE ROAilOKL COml'rY PUBLIC SERVICE AU'l'IiOIUTY TO OPERATE A,iD HAINTAI" A SEI'IER SYSTI:H, A..W ALL FACILI'rIES ThER.i;.FOR, FOR A PROJI.:CT AR.i;.A I,. ROA,lO::L COU,iTY J WHEREAS, the Boarei of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Public Service Authority entercei into a sewage treatment contract, dated ;larch 17, 1972, with the City of Roanoke for the treatment of sewage from Roanoke County Public Service Authority's sewerage system; and i>llLREAS, the Boa, of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems it is in the interest of the citizens of Roanoke County to specify an additional project area to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority. NOH, THEREFORE, ilE n' RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the iJoard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the governing body of Roanoke Cou....ty, to specify an arlditional project to be uneiertaken by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines, and other properties and facilities incidental J thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Public Service Authority by the Virginia Hater and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15.1-1239 to Section 15.1-1270, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) the aoc.:itional project consists of furnishing said services in the following additior.al area: n, LJ All of tIle unincornor~teC area or territory of Roaneke County Virginia, c:-:cluc.1ing well a.rea or areas of sai~ County as were servec by sewage collector, transrl,ission or treatr.:cnt facilities of any municipality on r'larch 17 I 1972. BI: IT FURTiiI.:R r-u;SOLVED that a pubEc hearing be ilnd is ilereby calle," Ly tllis ~oar<l to Le helo. in tne County Courtroora in the Courthouse iJuilding in Saler;" Virginia, on the 13th day of February, 1973, at 1:00 P.N., of that c1c.y for the purpose of further considering tile specification of said ~~rojcct at \.:hich time and place ~ll prospective users of the proposcC. services, ant: any other persons in interest, \.;i11 be given un opportunity to Lc heard. ShoulC: 148 1-23-73 I II I' Ii I' Ii ,I II " Ii I' 'I li Ii ~ .,., """""~",, : ".wo~"-"" ",.n I II I' II Ii I I I I initial tern of each melnner of the Board be for four (4) year terr.\s of office. (c) In 1980 and thereafter, the 11 r.1\..:!rnbcrs aut:.crizecl to be appointed to such Board. by t:1C goverr~ing Loc1ics of cach of the pa.rties hereto shall be rCFrcsentative of ar.u. .;J.IJpointc0. lJy tltc cOll"l:racl,;.ing parties !lercto in direct proportion to the population of the parties heroto as estaulislled by the r"ost cur~; I: , I rent population figures puulis:1ct; uy the Virginia Division of State PlaIlning ant'. cor:munity Affairs; houcver, each party hereto shall h~ve the right of appointing ,I appoint r.lore than four nerabGrs to the "oaru. 'rhe population of the Tm,.. of Vinto11 shall be considered a part of the population of the County of Roanoke in cietermin1i ing population for the right of representaticn On the said Corrections ,",oard, but II the governing body of the TO\:n of Vinton shall have the right to appoint to said I Corrections Doarc'i one (1) of the Deml.:ers to which the County of Roanoke is entit11 ~ Ii )1 ,I elected officials of the govern.ing boc:.y apl'oi,1ting sl.'\ch mer.Lbers provided, however ,I! that in case a party is entitled to only one (1) member on the Board,the person II ~ filling that position may be an electee official of the governing body appointing at least one r.1enDer to the 1302.rc:., 0ut no such party shall have tile right to I ed by virtue of such coniliinec'i population. (d) :lot more than one-half (1/2) of the r,\er.1b,~rs to be appointed to the Corrections Board by each of the governing bodies of the parties hereto may be such member; and provided, further, that any nernber of the Board who is also an ~ II ! Ii II Ii Ii I! ~ ~ I! ,I Ii ~ " Ii I' i! " i " ~! " Ii elected official of the governing lJody appointing l;in, or her ane who is not ;oe- I elected to the governing boc'iyappointing him or her sball be ,'eer.led to have vacate his or her position as a r.lenDer of the Corrections Board upon the expiration of I' II 'I his or her term of office as an elected official of the governing boCly appointing II hiI':l or her. The persa. ~.ppointec.:. to fill 4lny vacancy thus created shall be Ii appointed to fill the unexpirecJ term 0" the person surrendering membership on tile! Board as aforesaid.. Herabers of the Board shall hold office until t,heir successors!! Ii are duly appointed ani. qualify. !: !; (e) Each of t;he governing bodies of tilC parties hereto reserve and shall jj " have the right to replace any ncmber of the Board theretofore appointed by such Ii iI governing body who removes his place of resi~ence from the political jUriSuictionsli in which he resided at the time of such appo1ntment. t, " ~1:3 I',: OJ PJ;IHBURS;;;,lLlT OF EXPl::ilSES OF ROA;;OKE V,1>.LLl::Y CORRI;CTIOi1S !i I BOARD HEIlBERS -- 1'.11 duly appointee Board members shall be entitled to such i' " " i! alloi....ances and reirnburser(.er~t for actual expenses as shall be provided for by law. II i, " " Ill: 4 - Po;;LRS OF ROAlIOKL: VALLEY CORRI:CTIOiJS BOARD -- 'rhe Roanoke Valley " Ii Corrections Board is hereDY authorized, empowered and directed to: )! I a) Elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary anC: a Treasurer; b) Establish rcasona~lc rules anc procedures ir.clu~ing the term of office of its chairman, Vice-Chairnan, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall serve until his or her respectivc successor is electec: and qualifies; c) Heet not less frequently than bi-monthly; 153 1-23-73 0"'""'--'--.;.:.;:..._"-'------'____--'--'--___________.___________ __"..___,._. ll2:9 - i.ll..UTJ;;S OF ROA,;Qj~i.; VALL;;:': CORRECTIO..S i..OARD-- r.i':le .secretary of the .l,.iOart.:. s::.all ~~ee~i full and accu.rate minutes of the i; r I' r.lcetings a,nd of all o.Cti01l5 al~t1 trur~sa(:tior.s of the LoOarc.~, ~nc..: sai~ SE.::cr~tary shal1:i -, I I -I Farti~s hE:rcto a copy of tile r"iW..ltc3 of cuc;:. l.l~ctin<] of saiC:: ~card. pl*c:nptly furnisll CilCll f.lcr,wcr of each ~overr,ing 0C(~Y of t;).c political suLt:ivisions I ,...., I YZ; 10 - .i..;ii...J~( hCCOli~;''':'S OF Ti.i.. n.uA. Ol~.L VA::"'Li.:Y CORfu..C'.:.'Il):;S .GOl\.RD '.i.':lC: Loaru is l~creLr t:~ut~lcrizcC:, CU1C\'lcrcG. and. C:irectcc:..: to open IiGCeSsary aa(;. al:.proprirJ.t~ JJdU;'" accounts a.t any local Llank or l.;anks. All suc:n accounts s:nall be oper.ec ~nc..i mair.taincC:: in the name of tL..:: IlRoanoke Valley Corrections ooardli and all funC:s received Ly the .Laurci shall U.:;; deposited in cJ.11 appropriate Lank acccunt. i.very expcl.<liturc of t.i..c ....oar~ shall 1.,e l..)aid J.)}' cjH:~cJ. ur'-lwn on sucn bank account c:lnd. all SUCH checks sllall Le co-signet,;;. by tl,he Chairr..an and 0Y tlH~ 'l'rcasurer, and tllcrc shall be: provid.ct;. and 1.1i.lintaill8d a Llanket fidelity l.Jond. with corporate surety on all operilting E:mploYl;;;cs uw:i officials of the .JoarC: in the peIlalty of :y300,OOO.OO or of such larger ar,lCi..lut as is not loss ti!.J.n fifteen :)or c8nt (l~';.:) of the current annual operating Lflldget of the Roanoke Valley Corrections Center, conc1itionec. upon the faithful t.:ischarge of their C::utics in rel.:ltion to the funds !: il " ii ii ;! an~ pro,party of the ooar~, the corrections center or of the parties hereto, Witll penalty payable ',0 tha Cor;.moll\Jcalth of Virc.;:inia for tile use unci. lJ8nefit of the paI:ties hereto. A Copy of eacll sllch ~)ollcl c'r a proper certificate thereof shall l -J be promptly furnis:llec. by tlle uoarL. to t:-:.e Clerk of the governing ~ocly of each party 'lereto, "xc1ucling the '.'own of Vintcn. SZ: 11 - TRl'u~SPORrl'Ar.rIO~~ CO~'.i'~ ~OR.:,;,. i.Y '.l'i~L PAR'l'Ii:;S-- Lxcept as ma.y lJc otilcrwisc proviC:ec.: Ly luw, each of the parties hereto shall Leur the cost of transporting its r..risoners to and. frol.l the corrections Cen tor. 82: 12 - ChARGE 'l'O :JO,;-PilR'l'Y USi.:RS OF CORRECTIONS c;;:nI;R -- hithin the lir.~i ts allo..'..ea. b'.i l~vl, iile .:.;..oarcl \'lill establish a per diem charge and/or such other charge or charges as the lioard may datermine for tile care, mair!tenance and subsistence of persons confineo. in the regional corrections center for jurisciictions cbler than t:le pa!"tics h>i!reto; r.leaning hereby that such charges shall not apply to persons confineC:. in the regional corrections center for any party hereto. In cstablislling such cilargcs, the .I..:loard vlill take into J consideration, the per c.:iem varia:U1e costs and a fair and reasonable proportion of the fixed ane,;. capital costs. {j2: 13 - DUi,; DATi; OF PI1Y;..li,i-;~.s ;"0 CORfu.;C'l'IO~U:i CL~;TLR All payments ciue to be made l.>y the parties hereto to the uoard and by nOIl- ~,' W party uscrs of tll>O corrections facilities "ball ue cue and payabl:> lJy the 10th . of the month ne.xt follcv;ing the l~onth in '(..,lhich tile obligation ~las incurreC:; prc- videC:, ho\vever, that tllis provision shull not apply in instances ,;.;i.crc the state law prescribes some ot~cr due Gat~. ARneLL III. DURl',TIOU OF AGRi.:L:IL;;'.' ~3:1 - I;FPEC'rIVL Di)''l'I:: OF i'.GRZr;;'U";)'l' This agreement shall becor~c cffccti.vc from and after its execution by all of the parties hereto as authorized. Ly an apprcpriat:...~ ordinance or rc:sclution of . 1-23-73 ARTICw.; IV. AHi:,WATOR'i l'ROCl:;SS 114: 1 - AU'~ilORITY TO AlolEND AGRL!;HLdr-- I , , .....J The terms and conditions of this agr'''cment shall hereafter be modified and/or anended only in the manner hercillafter specified in 84:2. 114: 2 - 1,!A,;"LR OF l.),U;,WING AGREEHL,l'r Any party dcsiring to amend and/or modify the terms and conditions of this ] agreenlent shall initiate the same p~' the aco~:)tion of a resolution by its governing I' j: ,i ii " ;: , Ii :1 I, I: " I' i! " " I' Ii ,I I ,: i! 11 body setti"g forth the particulars of tite i'I'oc;osed amendment and/or nodification anti be date upon t'lhich such amcnC:mcnt or modification is proposecl to become effec- tive, Such resolution as finally u~optcd sLall be forwarded to the governi~g bodies of each of the parties to this agre(,mont at least sixty (60) days prior to the tine such amendment and/or modification is proposed to become effective. Such amcndncr.t and/or n~Qification shall become effective on the elate spe~ified :en said resolution provided that by sueil dOlt," the governing bodies of the parties " !: hereto t'lhich have, in the ac.gregatc, not l(~ss than three-fourths (3/4) repre- " I' ~(" ntation on the elevcr~ 'i (11) r;tcmber i;oarc:. ha'vc, by resolution C:uly adopted, initiatt " eo or concurred in such c:.r'lenc1ment and/or modification. :'Jothing herein contained, 1 ..... hOHever, shall authorize or permit, except by unanimous consent of all of the then i' i! :: parties hereto, (i) any alteration of th~ representation to wLlich the parties are Ii " " entitled on ::hc Roanoke Valley Corrections Loaro., or (ii) any increase of the 1! j: financial obligation of tile parties hereunLcr. II Ii !) Ii: m:;: ADOP~IO~'~ OF CI~rrV i\GRLl..r,:Li~'~~ .~~~ PR0POSi.;D ....y 'I'ili.. CI'l'Y OF ROl~~iO~~i:, ROA.';O~a.: COt;~'ir,;,"~ Ai~D 'l'l~l., 'l'0~;.; OF VI.j'I'0i~ supervisor Ric~:.arC: C. Flora noveL It" CO'lloty adopt tilC proposeC: Ch'l'V agreement anQ. authorize tile Chairr;.an -:'0 si~;l'L samCi .:I.lso to apIJropriatc; tile S\.1.ffi of $10,260, \;hicLl is 3E.t; of the $27,000 I:',a::i~:1w!\ cost to be expeneec;. for this ,. stu.dy. These func.s to be r~coverec.: from the cor..pany grar~ted tJ.1e franchise. 'i'he \' rvI " \ [i proposal to lJe advertised. ill 90 to 120 c1ay!,. 'l'he motion ""as adopted "uy the following recorded vot~, AYi;;';: C. La\<:rcnce Dcusor~, RicharC. C. Flora, R. L. ililton, Jr., JC:ln G. .:.,~iLel, ar~cl J. rJ.'ho~as ~nglci.ly, III. ,;AYS: ,lone J L. RL: l'RO!}OSLU iil'~i~D!<Li.a' Tv '.i.'iiL ;;Li.:C:i:RICI.L ORLJlc'IA,ICr; n W t') ~;1 Lt \lr i \ ~f~)' \ . i\ IV'I' AYJ....,~; C. L~\'irer~co DodsOil, Ricl~ilrc..:. c. Flora, R. L. idlton, Jr., John G. Scii>cl, Supervisor J. 'rhcr.las L:-LgleJ..:.'y, III r:.cvcc. tile r)royosc(. amcnc.ment to the Llectrical OrC::;inance Lc removed. from the Coue Rcvisior. Conu.littce and. referred to the CorrJi10n\\lca1 tl-l, 5 Attorney for his inllivi,iual consiGcration. 'l'ht metior. '.,'as iJ.cloptec. b~l tile follow ins recordec. vote: .:lIltl J. 'L'ilol':'las ,;",.ngleLy, III. :,,'iJl...YS: Z;onc 156 I Ii , I I ! ., II j It1!~$J t~~.!: ~~, w. II ~ Ii II 'I I Ii ~ ~ Ii II Ii 'I I, 'I ~ !: " 'I Ii ~ Ii I' II I: " ii ii I: I: I' I~ .I II I' II l' i ~ , !: tf~~1 I j":( "I't ~ ,\\ ~" ii an .ni)' ~V ii \ ~. I Ii Ii I' I' n ~ /.t) ~,1 1\\.? ,~; \t~ I Ii ~ Sllo,ring I II " II II II :1 II I i I , I ~ ,I I: ,I I, II Ii I i ': ,.' '.. '. .'. r , " . -" :;'-23-73 I~~ RL: Rl.:Vl::l,liL Slk"\RL:G Supervisor Richarc' Flora :L.loved that the i.ioard Chairrl-\an be authorized to file a fOrl,lal greivance and fOr\'lard to tla DepartIGCnt hancling RC"lenUE: noting e;:ceptions in L~e appropriate categories. Tile motion wns adoptee on the following recor<:1ed vote: AYES: J. Thonas Lngleby,III, R. E. llilton, Jr., John G. Ric:ilard C. Flora, S;iLel and c. ~awrence Douson ,iAYS: :~one El RL: RLCRLATIo:JAL Fl,CILITY 1;1 TilE GLLilVAR AllliA Supervisor R. L. Ililton, Jr. noved that the area set out below iJe designated as a recreational facility anC: that it be turned over to the Recreation Department within four I;lonths, graded ane: ready for the Recreation Department to seed; and that Hr. l;uck Hitc;,t'll ue authorized to coordinate have it rc:ady ioO turn over to the Recreation the developnent of this area and :.Jepartment in tne allotted tirae. JII This area is described as Deing 40') feet on the L"st bounuary; a?proximat i_ ly l,200 feet running Last and \'iest; approx..r..ately 500 foilet on the ;;est boundary; II containing approximately 11 acres, and situated directly behind the Fort Lewis ~ ~ I: 1: Ii II Ii Ii I' II 'I Ii i: Ii , " !I I: " Ii ii Ii i! , ii Ii Ii II I i! !! il I' i: " i! ;i sc:iLeJ.;i, Ii " Ii " , Ii Fire Station and the State Police Jieadquart"rs. All of which "ilall be subject to the concurrence of the Recreation ~oard. The motion "..as acloptcd. on tile follo\.'ing recorcied vote: AY;::S: J. Thomas Lngleby,III, Richard C. Flora, iiiltcn, Jr., R. L. John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence DOGson :lAYS: "one Copy of Plat is filed ,>"ith minutes ef this meeting. Li Ri:: COi'-IPLLTIOU OF 1'10Ur~T PLEl\SA:IT Si\FLTY liUILDI:iG Supervisor John G. Seibel Ii'iovcd the County Executive (;)fficcr, flaul Hatthe>ls, be autilorizec to obtain at least t".o bids to cor.lplete the Hount Pleasant Safety ~uilc1ir.g and brir..g the Lids tjac!-: to the r~ext regular iloard meeting. The motion \i13S adopted by tllC follo\.:ing roll call vot~: i\YLS: c. Lm'."rcncc. Dcc.son, Ric""rd C. Flora, R. E. liilton, Jr., Joha G. and J. Thor:Lus Lnglcby, III. i';AYS: 'i.lone 1., Ri:: TRLASURLR I S RL~Ul.;ST POR l\DDITIO.!AL i\PPROPIUATIOa On motion of Supervisor John G. Scib~l the: request of the Treasurer for additional appropriation of $(iOO \,:ill Lc reViC\'lCc1 in light of the :::'udgct ard the Donrc. of .supervisors \,:ill (:iscus3 the r:',at':cr \"litll ti1C Trc..::surcr. rfhe motion \'laS acopted ;')1' the follo..Jin~ rccor('!ec~ vat:::: I I I I I 1-':~-73 159 il ii T! On motion of SUi,)ervisor J. 'J.'hcmas :',nsl'.2lJy, III, seccmc8t: J):i' ':';uFcrvisor :rdC~1cJ.r<::' c. Flora anc.:. the uliar:.iLOu.S vote: of t~lC .JuarC: r,ier,wcrs, the fOllo\,;"ing ite~-.1s .o;;.;::r~ t:lis clar recE:iV(.;:(..l illi.t, fi18J: 1 . ,., " Ii Letter fro!': Fifth Flanning District COhlI.iission to Z.lanagers and Aw.dnistrators of litert4.)C;:r cities al1G. counti0s in re; requesting assistance anc.:i. sUSi9cstions f in tile evaluation an", r2vision of the 19i3 Crihlinal Justic" Plan (cor:tinuetii' from January 9t:~ r:ll;:etiLg) . Ii Ii Letter frol:'~ lJ.6:1ry Ccunt~l ;~dministratcr to Virginia County .doards of ~upcrvisors urgir.s t~~er.L to oPl:.oosc the pro~osal to give St.:Lte Planning Districts ili:.plementation po..,ers (accci.1panieC py resolution aciopt~c1Uy jlenry County lJoarti) Positive laboratory report of State Lealt~l Departmcnt on fox received trom Roanoke County January 10. 'i " Ji ii Letter fro;a Station l-ianager of Virgir ia \,'cstcrn COf.U11unity College outlining!i ble operation of their ed.ucational F:. radio station and reoucstincr corrunents!1 .... II an~ suggestions or-. their proposed IJrcac::.casting service. )) " " Ii Ii " r I: ~ , i ;....; Copy of letter from Deputy Roanoke City Clerk to Roanoke City Hanager authorizing employment of Ro~' F. Host.en, Inc., environr,lental scientists and engineers of Pennsylvania, to cor,Quct and industrial '1:1aste water survey_and prepare the form of an ini.ustrial waste water ordinance for the City (accomranied Ly City Ordinaree #20589 and copy of Roy F. \'/estoll, Inc.'s proposal to City of Roanoke). i Ii.. " " " ~ I ~~~A O ~\I If . :~~I\ !; \ Letter from Commander, Post 19, advising that tile American Legion has passed a resolution to repair the ;';oIld liar I Fieltipiece at their cost; the decision of the placement of the cannoll will be brought up at their next regular r.~eting. Ii; RL: BIDS Oi~ VI..:iiICLLS FOR 'l'hL: Si~i..RIFE" S Dl;PAP,1'i,lEl1T FOR 1973 Supervisor Ric~lar<l Flora moved. the RClanoke County Lxecutive Officer be authorized to secure bids from local dealers, and the State Central PurChasing for the 1973 vehicles for the Sllcriff I S Department. 'rhe motion was adopted by tIle rollolling recorded vote: AYES: ALL l~AYS: i~one On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas; Engleby, III, the request co adve'rtise intention to abanoon Frantz Street as Show" (>11 the map of Edgel.;ood Land Company is continued to the next regular meeting. On the motion of ~upervi3or J. '.L'homas l::ngleby,III, the letter from Pittsyl-i: ;j W vania County Administrator in re: urging all Virginia County uoards of SuperviFors to adapt resolution to secure a more equitauJ.e distribution of reVenue sharin~~ funds (accowpanieti by tLe resolution adopted by Pittsylvania County uoard) is con- tinued to next regular ~eeting. , o ,), \;1) \~,. ~ \ 1.1 RE: COU;lTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and. the follo~'ing recorded vote 'the Count}" payrolls (Semi-montilly 1/12/73 and lJi-weekly 1/17/73) \,:ere approved for payr-Ient ill tl,e gros:; a;:\Qullt of $67,997.41 rror" >:hicll the Sum of $3,856.04 F.LC.A., $8,096.26 F.I.~., $1,079.67 State tax, $152.00 h.C.C., $1,696.30 ~lue Cros3, $2,621.59 F:0t., $1,15G.76 .-lisG., $3G.G2 V.F. are i:ecuctetl lcuving a net pay roll of $49,302.11. i..;:...:ccptiol.ls \.;crc n.oted that tl",r..: salaries of tl:c Cbilirr,lan and LI "Chairr:1\l.l1 cf tl1('; i30aru arc in. error .:lnc':. to .u~ c:orrcctc~. AYLS: J. 'l'hcmu.s i.:ngleiJl. III, Richarc' C. Flora, h..~. l:ilton, Jr., anc:. C. La\v"rcn.::c DoC:sorl ~;AYS: :Jone 160 1~~ Ii rIA ~J il '\ 1:,"\ .', I! t ,t Ii \' ~ " II Ii II II lA '1{,~' ' ~f I \~,' ~ II I' \ I' I I I ~I ), ~.,' ! \.~Gi"-.Y i! II ,'~r! I.} '~ Ii \~.. "~I I , , \ II " I: i: i: I' Ii " r r " Ii i: 'I I Ii ~..~ \p~' - J.-23-73 I~j P.L: lI.CCQU:;'l':,j FOR i)AY:.Li:J'i' On motion of Supervisor Ric:1ard C. ?loru. and the follo\.:ing recorded vote the current bills totaling $120,372.77 and ':he Lills paid sir.ce last ;'oare: meeting totaling $1,241,289.59 ,,'ere today ai)proveC: presently ar.c, retro-activc,ly. AYES: J. Thor,1as LngleLy,III, Richard C. Flora, R. B. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lm;rence D00son ;.1AYS: :~onc L~ PL: Lli.-AARY Cj''..RrLTL~G AYBS: , Ii Ii Ii Ii " r II il Ii I , I I I I I I , ,I II i; 'I II ~ II , I , Ii II ,I I~ I' it Ii II l~t 0:25 fl.!i. Supc:rvisor J. 'l'~lor:,as ::'nslcJJJ:' r:.lovec; tL.at tIle .o.ioarc; of ~Uf)(~r- Ii " Ii I! !i II I! P.t 9: 00 l~ .L.~. the Supervisors rcturnE!G. to t112 CourtrOOI:l und upon tIle ral')tio.o Or. the notion o.f Supervisor J. Thoma.s I:nglcby,III, the statement from i:ell's Carpet Fashions in t;lC a;"ount of $2,369.47 fer carpctir.g for the Library Headquarters builcing be approved for payment. The motion WlS adopted by the followin", recorded vote: J. 'l'homas EngleLy 1 III, Richard C. Flora, R. L. hilton, Jr., John '.,). ;;;cibel ana C. Lar,.;rer.LCC Dodson i~l'..Y'.s : done LJ fili: PAY1-1L::rr' OF i'"CCCui~''::'' UF LuCi~ I S j.~04.irLL CO:t:'!U:~rCA'J.'lO~'::S Supervisor n. ....... uil ton., Jr. povec: i:hc stater~~ent of Luck~' t 5 :'lobilc Comr:mnicaticns in the a:-Jount 0:: :;577.030 lie ~)a.iCl.. The notion was adopted by the follot.jing rl2::cordeC: vote: AY:';~: J. '...'no~.:lS i.nsr1c.i.:iy, III, Ri~h':lr~ C. Flora, Joim G. R. L. ~lilton, Jr., Seibel, anti c. ~m;'rc:nC8 ::Jocson ..jhYS: ~~one visors go into :';^ccutivc Scssiou for the PUI"i")SC of discussing ~Jcr.sonnel and other raatt rs. The r,:otion carriec.: on the unanimous voice vete of the ~oarG.. of Supervisor J. ':..'hozw,s Lngle~y, III, ~n(: t~lQ illlanirr.ous vcice vote of the lJoaro., the ~ocJ.rd. rccor.:.v€:nec' in oi)cn sessicr.:.. r.i r-x: It:.;l\[; i.~OU~;'I'AL; \';A7LR CO!iI'l~IY, I~:C. On tIle r.'.oticr~ of Supervisor Ricl~cJ.rti c. Flora, the report by the Roanoj;:e Cour.ty Public Service P.uthority Service or. t:~8 upplic2.tion of G. iiorace Fralin w"1c': ElLert Ii. dalt:.rc-n ,for ~crmission -:'0 ():).:.:rilt~ tl puJ;lic service cor:)oration ";0 lJe }~nown as tho ncaci ~;ot:.ntail1 \;~tcr COr.',pn:lY, Inc. is contir,ued to the next rC(j- ular hlceting of the. .:.::.oarci of ';"'l,:.:.)<2rvisors. AYi.;S : All ~~AYS : :;cr.c I I I , I I I 1-23-73 161 supervisor J. Thomas Cngleby,III move~ the minutes of the last meeting be correctcc. on p<lgc 117 I bottom paragraph, to strik~ t.he r.,otion and. rccorc:.ed vote contained thcJ:~in. AYES: All r-, i '--1 :~AYS: aone Li Jlli- CRLA'rIOll OF 'rli;; OFFIC;; OF COUd'rY A'rTORiICY '! Supervisor J. 'rhomas Lnglei'JY, III r.loved the suo', of $ 8,200 be appropriated to employ a County Attorney, one secret<lry, and the necessary office eCluiprne't and law books for the remainder of the fiscal year 1972. . , ....J The motion was adopted D:l the following recorded vote: AYI:S: J. Thomas I:.ngleby,III, Ricllard C. Flora, nl.J C. La.....rence Dodson .iAYS: R. E.. Hilton, Jr. and John G. Seibel This concluded the business before the iJoard at this session, and upon the motion of Richard C. Flora, and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, th.::: meeting was najourncd. /' C1C:~~~ ~ J J o 162 2-13-73 The Board of , , I I I I It Supervisors of Roancke County met this day at the Courthouse II the County Courtroom, being the second Tuesday, and the firs~ :1 II Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia February 13, 1973 1:00 P. M. I i in Salem, Virginia, in , , i regular meeting of the month. Members present: ! John G. Seibel, Vice-Chairman, Richard C. Flora, J. Thomas Engleby, III and I IR. E. Hilton, Jr. i ~Engineer, Paul B. Matthews were also in attendance. II Chairman C. Lawrence Dodson called the me"ting to order at 1:00 p.m., Ii I recognized The Reverend Fred A. Driver, minister of the Peters ~reek Church of the Brethren, Roanoke, Virginia, who offered the in'location. The p.: ~dge of allegiance i I to the flag was given in unison, led by Chairman C. Lawrence Dods:m. i ! of the Board, the minutes of the regular meeting of January 23, 1973 were approved I as spread. I C. Lawrence Dodson, Chairman, The Commonwealth's Attorney, John N. Lampros, and the County I On the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous voice vote ,IN RE: APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A ROLLER SKATING RINK ON A TRACT OF LAND 400 FEET WIDE BY 200 FEET DEEP ON ROUTE 11 EAST OF THE LEE HIGHWAY SHOPPING CENTER IN ROANOKE COUNTY. ) ) ) r ) I FINAL ORDER , I! I: 'I II I I!erect a roller skating rink on certain property, as more specifically described I ,I I Ilthe~ein, pursuant to the terms of Sub-Section 7-1-6 of Ch~pter VII of the Zoning I r: Ord_ce of the County of Roanoke; and 1': ~I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did set the matter I II II !idown for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of said Board on February 13, 'I[ [1973, at 1:00 P. M. and gave notice thereof by publication, in accordance with the II , 'I , II isaid Zoning Ordinance, and as shown by certificate of publication filed in this ma Ii Ii matter; and Ii I II WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed construction, and Ilafter giving careful consideration to said petition and hearing- evidence as to the , I 'I iimerits of the said proposed construction, this Board, being of the opinion that the :: Ilsaid permission should be granted, Ii ,I i' Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Ii I'Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 13th day of FEBRUARY, 1973, " i:that the petitioner, ENTERCO INCORPORATED, be, and hereby is, AUTHORIZED to ,I ~CONSTRUCT and OPERATE a ROLLER SKATING RINK on that certain parcel of land with I I , , i II 13th day ! At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Boanoke County, held on the I of FEBRUARY, 1973. WHEREAS, ENTERCO INCORPORATED did petition this Board for permission to I .1 'dimensions of approximately 400 feet by 200 feet and lying on Route 11 just east I , IIOf the Lee Highway Shopping Center in ROi:'noke County; and " I i! i ~ " " I; II " It 2-13-73 ..-.---..---- ._~-'--_.-----------.-------,-.~- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that tl'>-a Clerk of this Board shall " ~ forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and order and mail same to Holman I' i: Willis, Jr., attorney for petitioner. ~ r-, I The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Richard C. Flora and seconded by Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and on the recorded vote, the I' Supervisors voted as follows: " AYES: tl Ii (! i' NAYS: Rev. C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, R. E. Hilton, Jr., Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III - : j None Mr. Holman Willis, Jr. appeared on behalf of the petitioner; there was " no opposition. i; " " ., i. !f IN RE: i ji A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY TO OPERATE AND KRINTAIN A SEWER SYSTEM, AND ALL FACILITIES THEREFOR, FOR A PROJECT AREA IN ROANOKE COUNTY i: :1 _ i llIeet:l.ng. This Resolution will be spread at the end of the minutes for this The final Resolution is being prepared by the Co~nwealth's Attorney. 'I ii I: IN RE: JOINT APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR A SPECIAL-USE PERMIT (CON- DITIONAL) TO OPERATE A SANITARy'-LANDFILL ON THE M. S. THOMAS PROPERTY This item was continued to 7:00 P. M. and will be spread at the end of ~ i, t: ii " Ii the , I! minutes. II IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.S. : ROUTES 11 AND 220, AT THE INTERSECTION OF SAID ROUTES WITH COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO NOLAN D. JACKSON AND J. M. TURNERr, : FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Nolan~D. Jackson and J. M. Turner, petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain! 1\ property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified from Business B-2 .] to Business a-a, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on 'i October 24, 1972, and by Order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the pro- visions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission, by a ReSOlution adopted at a llIeeting :, held January 16, 1973, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordi.mmce :.be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said Petition to Business-B-3, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did, by its Order, entered on the : 24th day of OctOber, 1972, direct the Clerk of this Court to forthwith set the , same down for a Public Hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board following : receipt of the recommendation of said ~lanning Commission and give notice thereof by publication in acoordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and I I . I ~ 1 Q , ., :j 163 2-13-7:3 WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting held on February 13, 1973, for a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment tQ said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in J the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation ill the County of Roanoke : I I Virginia, by two insertions on January 26, 19~3 and February 2, 1973, as provided I ~ by said Order of this Board and in accordance with said Ordinance and the 1950 j Ii Code of Virginia, as amended, and Ii! WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on said proposed amendmen , r I Ii I: I WHEREAS, this Board, after giving c;;,reful consideration to said petition ii ! and said recommendation, and after hearing elridence touching on the merits of said II It!: ,I I I II I II I II I 1 I I I the said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as II !i :1 II II II Business B-3, said property being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: I' II il I and I proposed amendment, being of the opinion that the County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held Qn the 13th day of February, 1973, to reclassify the property described in said petition from Business B-2 to " " Ii j. II II I, ': Ii shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of ,I I: ,I II :i Ii Ii :, ~ 'I I: ~ r i! Ii I " " " I' " 1: " BEGINNING at a point in the north line of Country Club Drive where the same intersects with the east line of U. S. Route 11 and 220; thence with the east line of said Routes 11 and 220, in a northerly direction 112 feet to a point; thence leaving said U. S. Routes 11 and 2~O in an easterly direc- tion parallel with the north right lof way line of Country Club Drive, 89 feet to a point; the'nce in a southerly direction with a line parallel to the east right of way line of U. S. Routes 11 and 220, 112 feet to a point in the north right of way line of saiclL Country Club Drive; thence with the north right of way jLine of Country Club Drive in a westerly direction, 89 f~et to the place of Beginning. I AND BE IT FURl'HER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board II I, r Ii I! I' II II !: .. ii 'I Hilton~ :! the Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Vi'~ginia, and a copy to Kime, JO~j;y, Clemens , Canterbury, Attorneys for Petitione,cs. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on Motion of Super\'isor R.E. Jr. and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follow::, to-wit: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilto;,l, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: Richard C. Flora I Mr. W. H. Jolly, attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners; there was no opposition. I 165 2-13-73 .__._~_~__.__."_.._.________.__..__.__ __._____..,..".i,..~~, IN RE: PETITION OF DR. RAFAEL PORRES TO ABANDON FRANTZ STREET ~!!!.!.~~ -"' On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas En9leby, III, the Petition of Dr. Rafael porres requesting Supervisors to abandon and to advertise its intention to abandon Frantz Street as shewn on the map of Edgewood Land Company was denied j: ,: ,: this date. , Ii Ii The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: iI !: AYES: J. Thomas En9leby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., " I: i John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Doc1son i: " ii NAYS: None l! I' Mr. Joseph P. Bounds, attorney, appeared on behalf of the Petitioner. f; ;! Mr. Dalton Baugess, attorney, and Mr. E. R. Sargeant both appeared on behalf of ,! 11 the citizens of that area in opposition to the Petition. 'I '! j ~ IN RE: READ MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, INC. The report by the Roanoke County PI1blic Service Aut:hority on the j I: !i application of G. Horace Fralin and Elbert H. Waldron for permission to operate a !! " " !: " Ii I: !; , public service corporation to be known as th,~ Read Mountain Water Company, Inc. is continued to the March 13, 1973 regular meetin9 of the Board of Supervisors. IN RE: SEWER LINE EASEMENT AND STORM DRA:;ll: EASEMENT 'l~ROUGH PROPERTY OF COUNTY OF ROANl.iKE, VIRGINIA j On motion of Supervisor Richard C.Flora and unanimously adopted, the Board of Superviaors of Roanoke County adopted the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED that a sewer line easement be 9ranted to Roanoke County i' " Public i' Service Authority to be laid across Roanoke County property, said easement to be 20 ft. in width, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a drainage easement be 9ranted to Century Development Corporation to be laid across Roanoke County pro- perty, said easement to be 10 ft. in width, both easements being shown on Plat showin9 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Easements, from Sec. 6, Windsor West into Garst Mill Park, made by David Dick' Associates, dated November 21, 1972." Mr. G. Horace Fralin appeared on behalf of the Resolution; there was no opposition. J IN RE: PETITION TO CLOSE THORNCREST ROAD Supervisor J. Thomas En9leby, III moved that the petition to Close Thorncrest Road be referred to the Plannin9 l:,ommission. The motion was adopted by the followin9 recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas En91eby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., r1 U John G, Seibel and C. Lawrence Doc1s,on NAYS: None I IN RE: 2-13-73 167 BIDS ON A NEW PICKUP TROCK FOR THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER ~ :: " Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved to authorize the County Engineer to obtain bids for the purchase of a new pickup t,=uck for the Animal Control Officer , ,-, and bring this information to the Board at th,e next meeting. The IIIOtion was adopted by the fOllO'"ing recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: - , J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson None REQtlEST OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR ADDITIONAL OFFICE EQVIPMENT Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that this matter ltb referred back to the Building, Plumbing & Electrical Inspector's Office, and tnat future requests ~ IN RE: be directed to the Chief Administrative Department for its recommendation and approval. The motion was seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the Ii l: following recorded vote: ji I' II l! ii AYES: NAYS: n I .- IN RE: " " :1 I: Ii J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson None PURCHASE OF A SAFE FOR THE TREASURER'S OFFICE Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby,III moved that the Treasurer return the safe and submit his request for purchase through the proper channels and report back to the Board. The IIIOtion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: IN RE: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson None DECALS FOR COUNTY VEHICLES On the recommendation of Supervisor John G. Seibel, this matter is continued to the March 13, 1973 regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. ] COMPLETION OF MT. PLEASANT FIRE STATION Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to accept the low bid from Viking Electrical Contractors in the amount of $1,200.00 and also to accept the low bid IN RE: from OWen Plumbing & Heating in the amount of $3,400.00 to complete the work at the !It. Pleasant Fire Station and that the County Executive Officer notify the two Firms of the acceptance of their bid. The motion was adopted by l:he fOll,:n'ing recorded vote: o AYES: NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson None , ',. .,. '. _ "." '. 'I - .o' 168 2-13-73 ~ II !i it !I I II Ii il Ii ,I Ii ,I Ii I II :1 ~ II R. E. Hilton, Jr. II Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., in a substitute motion, suggested that 1'1' this matter be referred to a Budget Study Committee and that this committee report~ back to the Board within 30 days. This motion was defeated by the following vote: II II II !I 'i I ~ IN RE: THE GENERAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, THE GENERAL APPROPRI- ATION ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ADOPTED DECEMBER 12, 1972, BE, A!.1D THE SAME IS HEREBY, AMENDED AS FOLLOWS TO BECOME: EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 13, 1973: 307 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION: AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF $ 7,919.70 IS HEREBY MADE FROM TIlE GENERAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 1973, FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS: 115 COMPENSATION OF FIREMEN - $7,500.00 301 BEDDING - $419.70 ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING, RECORDED VOTE: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr. and John G. Seibel NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and C. Lawrence Dodson The above-said motion on the Appropriation was approved. IN RE: ESCHEATOR Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the Board ask Mr. E. W. Chelf, who is the Escheator for the County of :Roanoke, to escheat necessa:ry funds i II back to the Commonwealth of Virginia: or if he is no longer interested that he II Ii submit his letter of resignation to the Governor of the State of Virgibia and 'that II' ~!' II Ii I' I II Ii II Ii 'I ii I' I Ii Ii , Ii I' I! he notify the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County of his intentions by MArch 13, 1973. The motion was seconded by Superviso:. Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: CIGARETTE TAX Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the matter of starting 11 Suit in regard to the Cigarette Tax be referred to the County Attorney and thal; he be 'requested to report back to the Board of Supervisors within 60 days. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote; AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. ~lora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: John G. Seibel I I I I I -----_.--_. ---------_._---~ -_._-_.,_._--------,.--~---..,.,....-_. 2-13-73 169 -- ----- - - -..- ----- IN RE: REZONING OF A CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN CATAWBA DISTRICT, LYING NORTH AND ADJACENT TO A SERVICE ROAD ALONG INTERSTATE ROUTE 511. LEADING TO VIRGINIA ROUTE 117, PRESENTLY OWNED BY LOU MAYO BROWN MOOMAW : : Q.!~~! n , -" This day came Overnite Transportation Company, by counsel, and requested leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning described therein, 1 ...I which request is granted and said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requeste,;i in said petition, be, and the same is. hereby referred to the Planning Commissi?n of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date; and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting and hearing shall be given by the Clark by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that Olle certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered ,by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planlling Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and on recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: - , , , , ....... AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: REZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF U.S. 11 - 460 WEST OF THE CITY LIMITS OF SALEM AND BOUNDED BY U.S. 11 - 460, HAWLEY DRIVE, GIVENS AVENUE AND ALLEGllANY DRIVE ) ) ) ) ) ) Q.!~~! ] This day came Ida Dell Perry, Albert D. Hawley, Minor H. Hawley, Virginia H. Smith, W. H. Hawthorne, F. Lee HB,wthorne, Sarah H. Field and Mary H. Lynch, by counsel, and asked leave tc, file their petition relative to the rezoning of a parcel of land situate on ~he northerly side of U.S. 11 - 460 west of the City Limits of Sate!", Vi.-ginia, '~,ounded by U.S. 11 - 460, Hawley Drive, Givens Avenue and Alleghany Drive, ana specifically described in said petition. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND' ORDERED that at its regular meeting . of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count~', Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDEREc1 that the proposal to amend the zoning Ordinance as requested in said petiticm be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. Commission sh~ll ~eport its recommendation to the Clerk of this Boa~d, as required, by law, the said Clerk of this Board shall fOl'thwith set the same down fo~ a II II this Boa~d, II accordanCE' Ii I' II II II ~esolution and orde~ be forthwith delive~ed b:i said Clerk of this Boa~d to II Paul B. Matthews, Secretary to the Planning collllllission of Roanoke County, Virgionia.! ~ ,I II Ii II I I ! 2-13-73 ~ID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDE~IED that when said Planning public hearing at the next permissible ~egUl,i' or special meeting of given by the said:le~k by publication in and that notice the~eof be with the provisions of the laws of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDE:~:ED that one certified copy of thi.s to-wit: J. Thomas Engleby, III abd on a recorded vote, the Superviso~s voted as follows, The above ~esolution and orde~ were adopted on motion of Supervi .,or AYES: NAYS: IN RE: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richa~d C. l;lo~a, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None RECEIVED AND FILED On the motion of Superviso~ J. Thomas Engleby, III, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flo~a and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the following items we~e this day received and filea: 1. Lette~ f~om the Compensation Board to Ml:s. Elizabeth Stokes in rega~d to Assistant Commonwea1tl'1's Attorney's salary. II ,I ~ n 11 '! II r, " Ii II , i , I Ii I I I I I I: 'I I' ,I I' ,I r! Ii if I, Ii il " ( 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. Lette~ from Department of Publi,:: Welfare and Institutions to O. S. Foste~ (jail inspection). I I I! II I' I I, il " Ii I I, ReSOlution No. 20675, City of Roanoke, p~oviding bus t~anspo~ta':;ion Ii services. il ij I, 'I I: Ii I' I' ,I I' ji 3. Letter to Roanoke County Board of superviso~s from O. S. Foste~ ~equesting that his name be delnated from the Highway Safety Committee. '<. 4. Letter to David Ayres from RaYllnnd R. Robrecht in regard to hi~ir.,g sD assistant Commonwealth's Attorney. s. Lette~ f~om State Water Control Board to Board Chairman in regar~ to Section 206 - New Law Reimbu~sement and Advanced Const~uction. 6. Lette~ to Byron E. Haner f~om Gl:anville B. Liles in regard to ~e1ease of 16.59 ac~es of land;:K. S. Thomas P~operty). 7. B. Lette~ f~om L. S. Wald~op to La\IrenCe Dodson on January 25, 197:.1. 9. Roanoke Valley Co~rections Center AgreulIent Lette~ from the Collecto~ of DeJ..inquent, Taxes and Accounts in regard to ce~tain property in Rcil,anoke C:ounty. Acknowledgment of a report on the audit of the Delinquent ACCOWlts of the County of Roanoke made b~' Daniel A. Robinson and receivell by the Auditor of Public Account,;. Minutes of Fifth Planning Dist~lct Co~ssion held on January 25, 1973. Ordinance No. 20671 f~om City oj' Roanoke in regard to Regional Corrections Center. Lette~ from Department of Health in regard to Dixie Caverns landfill!: site to be phased out July 1, 19'73. I I i ~ I' II Ii II I 'I II II I, II I I I I , . ~ ,<< , ' '1 . ., . 171 2-13-73 .__..~--- ._--~-,---_._-----_..__._-----~._--_.-_._._'-----"~-------- ! 15. Letter from Daniel A. Robinson , Associates in regard to Computations of the amounts due to or from the City of Salem to the county of Roanoke. 16. Ordinance No. 20669 from the City of Roanoke - an agreement employing the professional services of certain consultants to make a report and study on the feasibility of CATV. 17. Copy of letter to Bdward A. Fox in regard to Revenue Sharing. 18. Treasurer's Report 19. Statement of travel from the Sheriff's Office 20, Jail Report i IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS ...J On the motion of Supervisor Richa~~ C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Semi-monthly 1/3,)/73 and Bi-weekly 1/31/73 were approved for payment in the gross amount of $47,004.06 from which the sum of I' $2,635.48 F.I.C.A., $5,321.61 F.I.T.. $897.:~:2 State Tax, $618.21 Misc.. $2.50 U.F.~ !! are deducted leaving a net payroll of $37,52'3.34. I' 'j 1; i' AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence OOdson NAYS: None . I ....J " I' IN RE: I! !i I II ~ ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT vote, On the motion of Supervisor John Cl. Seibel and the following I the current bills totaling $13,285.24 were today approved. J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., .:John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence OOcl,son recorded " i1 I' ~ I' " it " I' , Ii " AYES: NAYS: None IN RE: PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT OF LUCKY I S MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved, that the statement of Lucky's Mobile communications in the amount of $920.53 be paid. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawr~nce Dodson NAYS: -.. I ..J ** ** None See Executive Session below IN RE: PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR THE CLEARBROOK FIRE STATION o Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III lDOved that the County Executive Officer be instructed to contact architects to prepare preliminary drawings ,for the Clearbrook Fire Station that would be suitable for housing a ladder trucK. The motion was adopted by the follliniing recorded vote: AYES: .:J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence DOdson NAYS: None ** On the motion of Supervisor J. 'L'homas Engleby, III land the unanimous voice vote of the members present, the Supervisors resolved to go into Executive Session to consider matters of personnel and legal questions. 172 ~ Ii II I: !i II " Ii I' I: Ii II I' I ; i , I I I ! 11 II I' II 'I I Ii Ii i II " ** ~ I I i , i Ii II 'I " 'I I' " II Ii i: t II I' I: " 1\ ~ , " ** 2-13-73 The Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and upon the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, reconvened in open session. The motion carried I I I' ,I il ii II II 'I Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the Commonwealth I s Attorney Ii " be instructed to obtain a six-months' option on the site for the Clearbrook Fire Ii ,I II Ii I! I! ,I I i I on the unanimous vote of the Boa,:d. IN RE: SITE FOR CLEARBROOK FIRE STATION I Station. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Roanoke County Board supervisors extend to Mr. William F. Clark the position of Chief Executive of Roanoke county. of I Officer! The motion was seconded by Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I See Chief Executive Officer below this page - terms & conditions of Offi1r APPOINTMENT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY Ii Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that Edward A. Natt be offered II II the position of County Attorney at a salary of $15,000.00 per year, that in the \ establishment of this office he be able to employ one secretary and necessary Offi~e r, rr !i I, Roanoke County Courthouse across from the present office of Miss Frances Fitzgeral~. ** IN RE: equipment, etc., and further that the office be located in the basement of the The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. ~homas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and C. Lawrence DOdson NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. OBSTAIN: John G. Seibel IN RE: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER I Following are the terms and conditions of Mr. William F. Clark the position of Chief Executive Officer of Roanoke county: accepting ~ \1 " , I: ii a. salary - $24,600 per year b. i: moving expenses fUlly paid - relocation into Roanoke County shall no~ be immediately mandatory, but within 18/24 months. I I' " The Chief Executive Officer of Roanoke County shall have responsibility :i for those departments and operations of County qovernment which can legally be i' assigned to him by the Board of Supervisors. He will be authorized to employ a 1 Finance Officer and County Engineer and may later approach the Board with recommenq- ations on Additional positions. Ii Ii It is further understood that a citizens committee is presently studying:: alternate forms of government for Roanoke County. At such time as any change is I, effected, William F. Clark shall continue to be the chief appointed administrative individual within the resulting government structure. ~~CI 173 2-13-73 Mr. Jim Beavers, Public Service Authority, appeared and presented the ~ following Resolution. Those speaking in opposition were: Mr. J. E. Hopkins, Mr. Holman Willis, representing the Roanoke !:anitary Disposal Syste.u, Mr. Elbert Waldron, President of the Roanoke Sanitary Disposal System, Mr. T. A. Carter" Jr. and Mr. Harry Poindexter. IN RE: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A SEWER Slt'STEM, AND ALL FACILITIES THEREFOR, FOR A PROJECT AREA IN ROANOKE COUNTY -, Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 9th and 23rd days of January, 1973, designatinq February 13, 1973 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. as the time and the County Courtroom in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a public hearing on the aforesaid resolution, signifying the intention of the said Board of Supervisors of ROanoke County, Virginia to specify further projects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia liater and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 28 of the Code of Virqinia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to s(,ction 15.1-1247 conceminq the -' fying of further projects to be undertaken bI' the Authority. . ' spec1-;i Ii II I! i: :! 'I " Ii " Ii I! ,! , " : ~ Ii :' Present: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, J. Thomas Engleby, II!, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr. .. ; ..J Absent: None The Chairman opened the meeting stating its qeneral purposes and after readinq by the clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published in the 'World-News', and also a readinq of slfid resolution proposed to be adopted,!! ii " " the Chairman called for a general discussion of the Subject. The Board hearing -I' 'I J no substantial objection by prospective users of the proposed services ~o be rendered, on the IIlOtion of Supervisor J. ThoDI8S Enqleby, III, and seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, the followinq rese,lutions were adopted: WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of tl,le Board of supervisors of Roanoke county, Virqinia, held February 13, 1973, as resolution was passed by recorded vote of said Board signifyinq its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Public serv4ce A,Uthority, pursuant to the pro- visions of the Virqinia Water and Sewer Authe,rities Act, as amended, and par- ticular reference being had to Section 15.1-1247 with reference to specifying of further projects; and WHEREAS, the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearinq, was duly published in the "World-News., a newspaper published in and havinq o general circulation in the County of Roanoke. Virginia" and in the City of Salem, Virginia, in which said City the Roanoke CoW',ty Public Service Authority has its principal office, and said publication havin~ been ha,d on January 30, and February 6, 1973. 174 2-13-73 ---- ------- ,_.___________m_____'______..________,_ '-'-..-..------i WHEREAS, the said Public Hearing wall duly held on February 13, 1973, at ~ 1:00 o'clock p.m. at the time and place as set: forth in the said notice and II It resolution ,. and II ! WHEREAS, in the judgment of the memhers of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no substantial ,I ~ I I I I I resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meet- I ing, and this Board doth so certify; and, i '11,i of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing for a referendum i ii as authorized in Section 15.1-1244 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, I I', . . and a referendum 1S therefore neither requ1red nor necessary; I , I: Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke III ~ County, Virginia, the governillg body of Roano~,e County, does hereby specify a., I i I II I opposition by prospective users of the proposnd services was heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said I WHEREAS, no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board Authority, for the purpose of operating and ~'intainin9 a sewer system, or systems additional project area to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Public Service pipe lines, and other properties and facilitie's incidental thereto, for the pur- pose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Public Service Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15.1-1239 to Section 15.1-1270, inclusive), of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and said project area is defined as follows: I I Ii " II Ii If Ii Ii 'I II Ii ,I I: Ii Ii and; II I' I: Ii II " " Ii I: Ii 11 I, I, Ii ,I I I: " " I ~: All of the unincorporated area or territory of Koanoke County, Virginia, and, also such areas of tli'e City of Salem as are of the date of this contract, March 17, 1972, served by sewage collector and transmission facilities of said county but excluding such area or areas of saic, county as are of the date of this contract, March 17, 1972, served by sewage collector, transmission or treatment facilities of any municipality, excluding those areas of Roanoke County previously specified as lllOject areas under the jurisdiction of the Roanoke County Pub ic Service Authority, or Roanoke County San1tation Author- 1ty, in accordance with Section 15.1-1247 of the Virgin1a Water and Sewer Authorities Act of 1950, as amended and as recorded 1n the Board of Superv1sors ' Order Books o~ Roanoke County. I WHEREAS, there are existing private 'water and sewer systems within the !' County now serving portions of the County, which systems will need to expand their Ii I I. i: , WHEREAS, there will possibly be priv'!te systems to be established in the!! I service areas from time to time, and future, all of which systems will, of necessit:v, have to have concurrent juris- I diction over areas hereby granted to the Roanoke County Public Service Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that those private water and sewer systems now existing and operating, and any systems to be hereafter established, shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Roanoke County Public Service Auth'or- ity so long as such systems, (and "systems" shall be interpreted to include " ..- i. " " individuals, partnerships and corporately-owned projects), shall comply with all .-, I . . l .", . :'.: ;, ' , - ".. , , .' ':'r', /"T ,":~ .1.75 State and local regulations; and so long as s\,1ch systems provide the Board of I Supervisors with evidence satisfactory to the Board as to the intent and ability ,: of such private systems to provide all citizer"s within the area to be served with r: J , 'its services, and to post a reasonable perforn~ce bond, if the Board of Supervisor. should deem it desirable. ..., , , An emergency is hereby declaz to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Upon motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Englebr, III, seconded by Jupervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following r,ecordecl vote: -.J "AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr. John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence DodsolB ,NAYS: None Prior to the vote on the foregoing resolution, Supervisor R. E. :,moved that anyone present be allowed to speak iJn the resolution. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: Hilton,Jd I: !: I i; :~AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. F,lora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson iNAYS: None ! :;Mr. , ilof At this time, those speaking in oppouition were: Mr. Joe Josefiak, Harry Poindexter, Mr. Frank Small, President of t.be Roanoke County Federation Civic Leagues, who presented the Board with a resolution. E On the mot.ion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, the Board unanimoUSly i: " iivoted t.o receive and file the resolution from the Roanoke County Federation of i!Civic Leagues. 11 , COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO REVIEW VARIOUS WAYS OF SERVING THE COUNTY WITH WATER Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved to appoint a committee of ten to , . ,'rev1.ew various ways of serving the County with water. Each Supervisor is to :'appoint two members fro. his district. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr. John G. Seibel and C. Lawrence Dodson J ,NAYS: None This concluded the business before the Board at this time and on the o motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the unanimous vote of the members, the meeting was adjourned to meet at the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center at 7:00 P'iM~ 'ebruary 13, 1973. CHAIRMAN 1j , j Ii '-1 i " I: I! " i' " ii ii ii ,1 1 " Ii " !i Ii i! I ,I I: " !i !i II II "I' , ,I ...J I; il I: II " " ", J o 179 2-27-:13 i I' 1: Roanoke County Courthouse i' Salem, Virginia ,I February 27, 1973 ii 7:00 P. M. (I Ii " " Ii The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county met this day at the courthousJ " , I: in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Tuesday, and the ii second regular meeting of the month. Members Present: C. Lawrence Dodson, Chairman, John G. Seibel, Vice-Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III, Riohard C. Flora and R. E. Hilton, Jr. The County Attorney, Edward A. Natt, was also in attendance. Chairman C. Lawrenoe Dodson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and also offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given in unison, led by Chairman C. Lawrence Dodson. On the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous voice vote ii of the Board, the minutes of the regular meeting of Februarj 13, 1973 were approveq " I; " II i: Ii il [i " as correoted. IN RE: PETITION OF OAK GROVE PROFESSIONAL CENTER ASSOCIATES FOR REZONING FROM R-l TO B-1 OF A TRACT AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 419 AND WOODMAR DRIVE SO A MEDICAL CLINIC MAY BE BUILT THERE. Mr. Alton B. Prillaman, Attorney, and Mr. Walker S. Burdette, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. Architect, Ii Ii Ii' " " Those speaking in opposition were: Mr. Harry Poindexter, President of the Civic League, representing citizens of that area. Mr. W. W. Tyree Mr. E. A. Hayden Mr. Harold Horn Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the Petition of Oak Grove Professional Center for rezoning from R-l to B-1 be continued to the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors as a Public Hearing. The motion was adopted by the following r~corded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None At this point, Chairman C. Lawrence Dodson recognized Mr. Edward A. Natt County Attorney, and Mr. William F. Clark, Chief Executive Officer for Roanoke County. -'.~ .' I . .' .' . " ' 2-27-73 IN RE: REZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF U.S. 11 - 460 iiEST OF THE CITY LIMITS OF SALEM AND BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE SOUTH BY U.S. 11 - 460, ON THE EAST BY HAWLEY DRIVE, ON THE NORTH BY GIVENS AVENUE AND ON THE WEST BY ALLEGHANY DRIVE FINAL ORDER I i , I I , ~ Smith, W. H. Hawthorne, F. Lee Hawthorne, Sarah H. Field and Mary H. Lynch, II I petitioned this Board and requested that the county Zoning Ordinance be amended to~ I Ii i II I II I i I II WHEREAS, said Planning Commission, by a Reoolution adopted at a meeting II I, Ii il WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did, by i.ts Order, entered on the 13th II i ! I] receipt of the recommendation of said Planning' Commi[lsion and give notice thereof I WHEREAS, Ida Dell Perry, Albert D. Hawley, Minor H. Hawley, Virginia H. rezone a certain tract of land approximating 30.30 acres described in said petition from partly R-l and partly B-1 to M-l, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on February 13, 1973 and by Order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of. Virginia, as amended, and held February 20, 1973, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordi- nance be amended but with certain modifications different from the requested rezoning contained in the petition, and day of February, 1973, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith set the same down for a Public Hearing at the next regular meetinlr of this Board following by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and II " I, ii I: the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of ~ " " RoanOke, Virginia, by two insertions on February 15, 1973 :,nd February 22, 1973, ii as provided by said Order of this Board and in accor~ance with said Ordinance and ~ I, II , Ii WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on said proposed amendmenl, i: Ii i! WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful e:onsideration to said petition Ii !i i: " I' " II I' " WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set tbe regular meeting held on February 27, 1973, for a Public Hearing on the aforee:aid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and and and said recommendation, and after hearing evidence ~ouching on the merits of said proposed amendment, being of the opinion that the county Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Ii I: !! Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 27th day of February, 1973, Ii " II " " Ii ,I il Ii Ii I' 'I j: ,I " [' ti I' the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition from partly R-l and partly B-1 to M-l, in its en~irety, said property being located on U.S. 11-460, West of the City Limits of Salem and bounded as follows: On the South by U.S. 11 - 460, on the East by Hawley Drive, on the North by Givens Avenue and on the West by Alleghany Drive. I I I I I '';_1 2-27-73 _._--_._--_._~_._-_.. --.--.-,----.-- "~+--'---- rl AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tha~ the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virgini", and a copy to Keith K. Hunt, " I Attorney for Medeco Security Locks, Inc. Ii " Ii The foregoing Resolution was adopted on Motion of Supervisor R.E. Hilton Ii ii and seconded by Supervisor J. Thomas, Engleby, III and on the recorded vote, the 'I:i, :i i' Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: il I: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., " '-I John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None -' Mr. Keith Hunt, Attorney, Mr. W. H. Gentry, Mr. Roy Oliver, President of Lock Corporation and Mr. Roy Kinsey appeared on behalf of the petitioners. Those in opposition were: Ms. Magadeline Burritt, who presented the Board with a petition, Ms. Eva Burritt, who presented the Board with three petitions and Mrs. E. R. Dearborn. Ii Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved to receive and file all petition~ II pertaining to the Petition of Ida Dell Perry and Others for rezoning from R-l and I: B-1 to M-l of a 30.30 acre tract West of Salem. Ii The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson ] NAYS: None IN RE: PETITION OF JAMES E. LONG FOR REZONING FROM : R-l TO R-3 OF A TRACT OF LAND ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF ROUTE 623 (DENT ROAD), BETWEEN WILLIAMSON ROAD AND AIRPORT ROAD AND ADJOINING rHE PROPERTIES OF J. M. MITCHELL, ANITA D. LEE, ET AL, SO APART- MENTS MAY BE BUILT THERE ~!!!!!~ : Supervisor Richard C. Flord moved that the Board of Supervisors concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the petition of James E. Long for rezoning from R-l to R-3. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson ] NAYS: None Mr. Bob Glenn, ~ttorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioner. D Mr. Morris Kessler. ~hose speaking in opposition were: Mrs. Anita D. Lee 2-27-73 IN RE: REQUEST OF THE ELECTORAL BOARD FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A BUILDING ON COUNTY-OWNED PROPERTY TO BE USED FOR STORAGE OF COUNTY'S VOTING MACHINES The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleb)r, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, (, Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None Mr. Leonard Pick, Mr. Ed Clark and Mr. Roy Kinsey, members of the Electoral Board, were present at the meeting. IN RE: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TREASURER TO BORROW MONEY WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County there is now a deficit in the General Fund of the County, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15.1-545 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, to borrow not I I 1 I ~ ~ ~ II Ii ~ ,! Ii .' II Ii II 'I I, Ii ii II Ii !i " " I: , Ii I' I' earlier than February 1 of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-half of the amount of money produced by the County Levy laid in sa:ld County for the year 1973, !i at a rate of interest not exceeding six percent per arulum, to be repaid not later II I II i' II " ![ II Ii I' II Ii Ii " maturity date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1973, Ii Ii !I ~ i! " !i !, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by C. Lawrence DOdson, whose ii Ii F " 'i I ii " . " WJ. thout il Ii than December 15, 1973; and WHEREAS, it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $1,500,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set o~L; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $1,500,000.00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a rate of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, on demand; which said said loan or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: signature shall be duly attested by Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity further order by this Board. I I I I I 2-27-73 -.. 183 ._~_._------------ The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor -~~ II " Ii I~ I J. Thomas Engleby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flo~!, C. Lawrence Dodson R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel NAYS: Prior to the vote on the foregoing motion, Supervisor John G. Seibel ! I reasons ,I offered a substitute motion directing the Board tc> investigate the various on the Treasurer's request to borrow $1,500,000.00 and to have this matter continued to the next regular meeting of the Boara of Supervisors. - The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, C. Lawrence Dodson IN RE: INDEX FRAMES FOR SWITCHBOARD I, " ,: " " II II il authorized :: ,I " !! Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the County Engineer be to purchase two index frames for the switchboard in the amount of $312.00. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., ~i I' ,I " , " " " ii I, , Ii I " i' Ii ~ ji :~ John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ., 1 , - IN RE: OVERTIME PAY FOR SEVERAL EMPLOYEES IN THE TREASURER'S OFFICE Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Board concur with the request of the Treasurer and pay overtime to several employees for the month of December, 1972, but in the future, all departments would worl; on the basis of compensatory time-off rather than overtime pay as is the established procedure of the State Compensation Board. The motion was defeated by the Zollowing recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel NAYS: Richard C. Flora, J. Thomas Engleby, III, C. Lawrence Dodson At this point, Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to pay overtime to --, I ....J several employees in the Treasurer's Office for the month of December, 1972. The motion was adopted by the fOllowing r,ecorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, RiChard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None m Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved to refer the matter of whether or not to award compensatory time-off or overtime pay for employees to the Chief Executive Officer for his recommendations to the Board. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following rE,corded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, RiChard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson ABSTAINING: John G. Seibel 184 2-27-73 IN RE: TRAFFIC PROBLEM AT INTERSECTION OF MUD LICK AND DEYERLE ROADS Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to request the State Highway Department to provide a thorough study into the intersection at Mud Lick and Deyerle Roads and that a traffic light be installed at the intersection for the safety of ! citizens if such a study indicates that a light is needed. Ii , I I [I ~ II II ~ II II II Ii II , I I 1 I I The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. also moved to refer the matter of the traffic problem at the intersection of Mud Lick and Deyerle Roads to the County Attorney and that he look into the possibility of requiring prope~ty owners to trim the shrubbery at the above-said intersection. The motion was adopted by the following reoorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E~ Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: LANDFILL RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that in view of the fact that various officials, includin Dr. Pope and State inspectors, have approved the Dixie Caverns landfill site; and WHEREAS the County Sanitation Department is willing to upgrade this site to meet any deficiencies; THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~hat the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors appoint a committee from the Board and the Sanitation Department to I ! call on State officials to find out exactly what the County needs to do in order " 'I I ,I ii !I It I; ~ " Ii I' ii I, ~ " it " " to comply and continue the use of the Dixie Caverns site as a sanitary landfill operation, and if necessary, meeting with the highest officials in the State to seek the answers. Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to adopt the foregoing resolution. ii ,I !i :1 ii " !I 'I i, I, Ii " " " Prior to Supervisor John G. Seibel's motion, he made the following i~ Ii remarks on the Special-Use Permit to operate a sanitary landfill in Roanoke Valley~ " " The II!Otion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 1. State Health Department must render approval for the site to operate a sanitary landfill. 2. If wells are damaged, citizens of the Dundee area should be compensated properly. 3. It will be nearly impossible to keep trucks off the road when the school buses run. -.- I ~ 'I II " ,I ji Ii II I, 'I I i II Ii " I ~ I I I ,i 'I I' I i [i II ~ ,I " I' I I I I ii L I 4. II s. 'I I Ii 6. " :-..., , i ! 7. -.J ~ Ii I: Ii Ii I! If I' II il 'i i! I i II II II " II II II l- I! !' i I I ~ Ii " ii II 'I I, Ii Ii i Ii Ii ~ " II " r 'I Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved to authorize the County Attorney Ii to meet with the Civic Center Commission to renegotiate the Civic Center Contract Ii ,I " " 'I jj " I! "'I I ..J I Ii 'I I: I; I' II 'I I' Ii Ii ,I " 'I Ii I' II IN RE: II I! " 1: " II Ii ,I Ii II I Ii Ii :i :1 , 2-27-73 Who will stop the City and private trucks on that road. Route 618 is as crookecl and narrow as Route 658 and would be a longer distance through a congested area. Can the County absolutely disregard the findings of the Planning Commission who voted to deny the Special- Use Permit to operate a sanitary landfill at the Dundee she. Appraisal of the District was macle to compare routes of the garbage trucks to both locations. It was discovered that it will take seven more trucks costing the County approximately $100,000.00. 8. Furthermore, it will take more time to the very southeast corner of the present landfill. to move the t~ucks County than the 9. Because more time is taken, the pa;,roll will increase. 10. From Salem, it takes 35 minutes to Dixie Caverns, but it will take almost an hour to drive to the Dundee site. JOINT MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS WATER SITUATION Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved to authorize the Chairman to set up a meeting of the Roanoke County Boarcl of Supe~visors and Roanoke City Council to discuss the water situation in the Roanoke Valley. AYES: j NAYS: IN RE: The motion was aclopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None CIVIC CENTER CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF SALEM AND COUNTY OF ROANOKE between the City of Salem and the COunty of Roanok(! from the County's point of view and report back to the Board for its consiclerlltion. AYES: -, :.J i' " iI I: NAYS: Ii Ij I, i' Ii IN RE: " " Ii 1~ " :i b The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None READVERTISEMENT OF BIDS ON A NEW PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved to authorize the County Engineer to readvertise bids for the purchase of a new pickup truck for the Animal Control @ Officer and to report back to the Board. The motion was aclopted by the following recordecl vo'ce: AYES: NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Doclson None 188 2-27-73 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ) ) RESOLUTION I G. H. T. CORPORATION I The petition of G. H. T. Corporation for the rezoning of a certain tractl of land located in the County of Roanoke from Agricultural A-l tc Manufacturing M-2, was on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., received and filed and referre to the Planning Commission for recommendation upon the following recorded vote: I I AYES: I .j II J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ) ) I PETITION WILLIAM T. BOWMAN Comes your petitioner, William T. Bo~~n, and respectfully represents unto the Board as follows: 1. That your petitioner, William T. Bowman, is the lawful owner of the following described parcel of land, all of which property is located in the County I of Roanoke, Virginia: Lots 24 and 25, Section 5, Mount Vernon Heights 2. Said property is presently classified under the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke as R-l. It is the desire of the petitioner that the prop- erty presently zoned R-l, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the County of I Ii II I' ,I the i I Roanoke, be rezoned as M-l, as defined in said ordinance, so that an existing business operation on adjacent property may be expanded. 3. The names and addresses of adjacent property owners according to records of the Commissioner of Revenue of the County of Roanoke are attached hereto as an exhibit, and are true to the best knowledge and belief of the peti- Ii 'I I, WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that this matter may be referred to the il Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and pursuant to notice, public hearings may II be held on this petition before the Planning Commission and the Board of supervisot' of Roanoke County, and that the property in question be rezoned in accordance with Ii Ii " Ii i! tioner. the request of the petitioner herein. I WILLIAM T. BOWMAN By Charles H. Osterhoudt, Counsel I IitlNTER, FOX & TRABUE 310 Seven-O-Seven Building P. O. Box 534 Roanoke, Virginia 24003 2-:27-73 described. I II Ii il I, Ii I II Ii ii " !i ;i '; This day came DeLois V. Ferguson and Willie C. Ferguson by Counsel, and ~ !! I' I' II 11 !~ " !i I IN RE: REZONING TO B-2 AND B-3 OF ) PORTIONS OF AN 11. 40 ACRE ) TRACT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY ) SIDE OF BRAMBLE TON AVENUE ) ) ORDER OF ) ----- ) DELOIS V. FERGUSON AND I WILLIE C. FERGUSON ) I ,I Ii I! Ii II " Ii Ii " asked leave to file a petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein ,I " Ii Ii Ii I ,I I' II ~ ~ f: ii " " ,: I, Ii , I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and ii " II !i Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same i~ hereby referred I: I' Ii .1 II ~I Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning commissi01 shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the ii Ii Ii 11 i the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. Code of Virginia, upon the receipt of the same, the Clerk of the Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said , I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AJ.'lD ORDERED that one certified copy of this Ii resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. I: Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. II The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor II R. E. Hilton, Jr., and on a recorded vote, the S~pervisors voted as follows, to-wiJ: " ,i Ii It il I' ,I H " Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., I II Ii Ii NAYS: , i j , Ii Ii [I !, H ~ " ii I, I' ,I ,! " ,I !: John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None IN RE: SUGGESTED CHANGES IN REGARD TO THE COUNTY'S FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS AND RECORD KEEPING Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved to refer the letter from Daniel A. I Robinson & Associates suggesting certain changes that might be beneficial in regard to the county's Financial Transactions and Record Keeping to William F. Clark, Chief Executive Officer, for his recommendations. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None II IN RE: I: , 2-27-73 191 RECEIVED AND FILED 'j I, I. On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the following items were this date received and filed: 1. Copy of letter from Daniel, A. Robinson & Associates to Salem City Manager regarding adjustments in County's billing Salem under services contract. ,~ --' 3. -1 , .- 4. 8. ii , I' Ii 9. "i 10. . I' I I! - IN RE: 2. Letter and resolution from Montgomery Presbytery, Synod of Virginia, urging Supervisors to enact effective open-housing ordinances. Letter from Virginia Department of Highways advising of Public Hearing on March 13 in Clearbrook School on location and design of northbound structure over railroad tracks on Route 220 and further advising that if desired, a 'department representative will meet with Board informally to discuss this. Letter from Virginia Department of Highways giving notice of willingness for a Public Hearing on the location and design of a Highway Department Project planned for Bandy Road. S. Copy of News Release prepared by County Treasurer pertaining to his office's collections of 1970 re,al estate taxes. 6. Copy of Mr. Dodson's letter to Mr. Hilton advising that if the Petition of Medeco Security Locks, Inc. for rezoning of the Hawley Property is denied, the company would like to purchase part of the County Farm. i. Letter from Roanoke City Clerk advising that on February 20, City Council will consider the request from Friendship Manor for connection onto the Roanoke City sewer line. 11. Letter from John Lampros to Board. I! II :1 111 i' Ii , !i [i ,I iJ ,I ii I, Ii " ., !i ,\ i; i! Ii .' I' " recorded !, Copy of letter from residents of Arlington Hills area to Public Service Authority expressing dissatisfaction with Service being rendered by the R & J Water Company. Letter from Edward A. Natt accepting position as County Attorney. copy of letter from Roanoke City Clerk to the persons appointed by City Council as Roanoke's representatives to the Roanoke Valley Corrections Board. COUNTY PAYROLLS On the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following vote the County Payrolls (Semi-monthly 2/15/73 and 2/28/73) and (Bi-weekly 2/14/731 " and Hourly 2/15/73 were approved for payment in the gross amount of $101,204.72 Ii ,1 from wh<.ch the sum of $5,676.86 F.I.C.A., $11,883.81 F.I.T., $2,006.62 State Tax, .. , i! $272.00 ACe, $1,748.00 Blue Cross, $2,743.52 Ret., $1,166.10 Misc., $35.68 U.F., are deducted leaving a net payroll of $75,626.76. AYES, J NAYS: IN RE: n .J J. Thomas Eng~eby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On the motion of supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the current bills totaling $122,794.78 and the bills paid since last Board meeting totaling $154,916.54 were today approved presently and retxo-actively. AYES: NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None ~ " \ " ft. 1",' . \. ': .. JL93 2-27-73 IN RE: COMMITTEE TO REVIEW WAYS OF SERVING COUNTY WITH WATER The following persons were appointed to serve on a Committee to review various ways of serving the County with water: ,..., I 1--1 CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Mr. A. M. Evans Mr. Hartwell Philips CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: ~ , . i I-J Mr. James L. Krantz Mr. Richard Peery HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Mr. Glenn Bowman Mr. Charles G. Sissler VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Mr. Cecil Richardson Mr. Lewis L. Hoback WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Mr. Harry E. Poindexter Mr. Kenneth W. Lussen o At 10:42 p.m., Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Board of Supervisors go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing legal and personnel matters. The motion carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Board. ;, I' " motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flofa f and the unanimous voice vote of the members, t.lle Board reconvened in open session. ii At 10:55 p.m., the Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and on the This concluded the business before tile Board at this session, and on the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, lIt, seconded by Supervisor o Richard C. Flora, and the unanimous voice vote of the members, the meeting was adjourned. Q r :( ~~~cC!)J1hvv CHAIRMAN - 3-13-73 :1.95 IN RE: REZONING OF 1.093 ACRES ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF STATE ROUTE 419 * * * * FINAL ORDER " ! WHEREAS, Oak Grove Professional Cen'~er Associates, a partnerhsip, did petition this Board and requested the county zoning ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be reclassified from R-l to B-1; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 16th day of January, 1973, after receiving _J evidence concerning the merits of said petition, unanimously recommended that said County zoning ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the ,-' property herein described to B-1; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County directed by its order, that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of the recommend- ation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible meeting of this Boa:,d and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County zoning ordinance and the Code of Virginia, as amended to date; and, ~ WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on February 27, 1972, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal to amend said County Zoning ordi- Ii Ii " nance and advertise the same by notice duly publish.~d in the Roanoke World-News, II a newspaper having general circulation in the City imd County of Roanoke, virginia~ it for two (2) insertions on the 13th day of February, 1973, and on the 20th day of February, 1973, as required by order of this Board, and in accord with the pro- vision of the County zoning ordinance and the Code of Virginia, as amended; and, WHEREAS, at its regular meeting held on February 27, 1973, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., the Board requested additional information from the petitioners and this matt~r was continued to March 13, 1973, at 1:00 o'clock p.m.; and, WHEREAS, this Board, after giving due consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission concerning the merits of said proposed amendment to the County zoning ordinance, being of the opinion that said County zoning ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended in the report of said Planning Commission. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED, at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 13th day of March, , 1973, that the Roanoke County zoning ordinance be, and the same is, hereby amended Ii o so as to classify the parcel of realty hereinafter described as follows: Parcel containing 1.093 acres as Office and Residential, B-1; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Woodmar Drive, N. 130 19' 30" W. 127.78 feet f.:om an iron on the northerly side of Woodmar Drive, which is N. 750 30' E. 173.84 feet from the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Woodmar Drive and Va. Route 419; thence along the northern boundary of the property of R. B. Goodwin and A. M. Clague, S. 680 43' 40" W. 252.15 feet to an iron; thence with the easterly side of Va. Route 419, N. 510 54' 30" w. 133.51. feet 1;0 a point, a highway monument; thence N. 390 03' 40" W. 78.72 feet to a point; thence N. 370 45' E. 13.84 feet to a 36" \<Ihite oak tree; thence along the south~rn boundary of the property of John Lewis and Lots 1 and 2, Section 1, Hidden Valley Estates, ll. 820 26' E. 358.24 feet to a point; thence with the western boundary of 0.55 acre ~ 3-13-73 ~ li II ~ I ~ ~ its final site plan a dry well facility on the property to control excess storm tract owned by D. E. and Eula Underwood, S. 130 19' 30" E. 113.18 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 1.093 acres, according to a plat made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., dated July 10, 1972, a copy of which is attached hereto and, by reference, made a part hereof. BEING a part of the same property conveyed to D. E. Underwood and Eula Underwood by deed from L. J. Martin and wife, dated April 8, 1947, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 356, at page 408. I It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that the petitioner incorporate into water runoff attributable to construction. It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forth- I with certify copies of this resolution to Alton B. Prillaman, Attorney for the petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and voted as follows: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richarj C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel NAYS: C. Lawrence Dodson Mr. Alton B. Prillaman, Attorney, and Mr. Dick Williams, Buford T. Lumsden & Associates, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. IN RE: I I ,I I' ~ ~ II I' I 'I I, I' , I VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN UNNAMED, UNOPENED ROAD, WHICH RUNS FOR A DISTANCE OF 135 FEET BETWEEN THE WESTERLY PORTION OF LOT 10, SECTION 5 AND THE EASTERLY PORTION OF LOT 9, SECTION 5. MAP OF BENNETT SPRINGS COMPANY OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 71 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Aubrey W. Desper and Betty Desper, petitioned this Board and requested that an ordinance of Roanoke county be adopted so as to vacate a.135 i , , I was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 12th day of December, 1972, I. ~ , I' (I I' 'i i i i i " ! II ~i II Ii ~ Ii i! " I! I: II " foot portion of an unnamed, unopened road hereinafter described, which petition and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of of Virginia; and, I' ,I I: Ii I' " 'I !: " I !i I, unnamed~ Ii II I' I: :1 !: " Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting I held on the 16th day of January, 1973, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the petition recommended to this Board that said portion of said unopened road be vacated as requested in the petition; and, I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 12th day of December, 1972, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the March 13, 1973 meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Code of Virginia; and, IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ) ) ) FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Village Investors, Inc. is the fee simple owner of a parcel of land situate in the Catawba Magisterial District, and has petitioned this Board and requested the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, 1970, be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition be rezoned and classified as B-3 as provided for in said zoning ordinance, which Petition was ii i Ii filed at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on the 23rd day of Ja.."luary '" :1 1973, and by Order entered on that day referred to the Planning Commission of .~ Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and the provisions of the zoning ordinance aforesaid; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by Resolution at its meeting held on February 20, 1973, at 7:30 p.m., after hearing evidence touching on tne merits of the said petition, pro and con, recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance of 1970 not be amended as requested in said petition; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order 1 ....i entered on the 23rd January, 1973, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Ii Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwithl: I 11 II I: I' :i paper having a circulation as required by the Code of Virginia, aforesaid and the to set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special, meeting of this Board and notice was given thereof by publication in a rules and regulations of the Ordinance of 1970, aforementioned; and ii WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did comply with the Order of this Board!; ,. ~ : and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on March 13, 1973, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the said Roanoke County zoning Ordinance of 1970, and advertised the same by publication as required by the Order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on the said proposal J contained in the aforementioned petition and the recommendation of the County Zoning Board, after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and o WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to the said petition and to ~le recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on and pertaining to the merits of the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance of 1970, being of the opinion that the said ordi- nance should be amended as requested in the said petition, rather than as recommended by the said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held March 13, 1973, at 1:00 p.m., that the said zoning ordinance of 1970, as aforementioned, be and the same hereby is amended so as to classify the property described in the aforementioned petition as. being zoned B-3 under the classification of the said zoning ordinance. 204 3-13-73 (3) Section 106.3, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 10G.3: Fees. Sewer inspection fee............................. First 50 fixtures (except floor drains).......... Allover 50 fixtures......................................................... Floor drains..................................... Minimum inspection fee........................... Water heater.............................................................. . . . . . . Rei~spec~ion fe7................... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . Tra11er 1nspect1on............................... Dishwashers and disposals........................ Roof drains...................................... $ 3.00 each 1.50 each .50 each .50 each 3.00 each 1.50 each 3.00 each 5.00 each 1.50 each 1.00 each 1.00 each I For installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment......... (4) Section 107.2(a), be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 107.2: Notification I (a) "Advance Notice: It shall be the duty 'of the holder of a permit to give a notice to the administrative authority when plumbing work is ready for test inspection. Such notification shall be given eight working hours before the work is ready for inspection. If the proper administrative authority fails to appear within twenty-four working hours of the time set for each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made, and the plumber required to file an affidavit with the proper administrative Authority that the work was installed in accordance with the chapter, the approved plans and permit, and that it was free from defects and that the required tests had been made and the system found free from leaks; also whether the owner or his authorized agent was present when such inspection or test was made, or was duly notified. (5) Section 110 be deleted and repealed. (G) Sec~ion 111 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 111: Violations ana Penalties. "Any person, firm or corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this chapter or fail to comply therewith or with any of the provisions thereof, or violate a detailed statement or plans submitted and approved thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof dur- ing which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed or continued, and upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction for any such violation such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or imprisonment for a term of not more than six (G) months, or be both such fine and imprisonment. I (7) Section 1212.1 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 1212.1: Materials. (a) "Above ground - Materials for water distribution pipes and tubing shall be brass, copper water tube, minimum type "L" stainless steel water tube, minimum grade "H", lead, or cast iron pressure waterpipe, all to be installed with the appropriate approved fittings. (b) "Under ground - Inaccessible water-distribution piping under floor slabs shall be minimum type "K" copper tubing, brass lead, or cast iron pressure water pipe, all to be installed with the appropriate approved fittings. All ferrous piping and fittings shall be coated with coal tar enamel or other coating approved for such purpose. (8) Section 1301.4 (a) be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 1301.4: Underground piping within buildings. I (DRAINAGE) (a) "All underground drains within buildings shall be cast iron soil pipe, lead, copper, or heavy schedule borosilicate glass. For buildings six (G) stories or under in height the underground pipe may be of service weight cast iron soil pipe, or type "L" copper. I 205 3-13-73 (9) Section 1401.4 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 1401.4: Piping Underground , ._..1 (VENTS) "Vent pJ.pJ.ng placed underground shall be cast iron, or copper tube of a weight not less than that of copper, water tube type "L", or heavy schedule borosilicate glass; provided that other materials may be used for underground vents when found adequate and installed as directed by the plumbing official. The following Sections be deleted, that they are covered by the herein -., adopted Southern Standard Plumbing Code: -, ! --.J Section 13-5 Section 13-15 Section 13-6 Section 13-16 Section 13-7 Section 13-17 Section 13-8 Section 13-28 Section 13-9 Section 13.,.29 Section 13-10 Section 13-30 Section 13-11 Section 13-31 Section 13-12 Section 13-32 Section 13-13 Section 13-33 Section 13-14 Section 13-40 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 13-40: Fees for examination. "The fees charged each applicant for examination as provided for in the two preceding sections shall be as follows: Master plumber examination. . $10.00 Journeyman plumber examination. 5.00 Apprentice plumber registration Renewal of Certificate of Qualification 3.00 1.00 ~ I .....l Section 13-42 ,be deleted and readopted as follows: Section lc-42: Duration of certificates, renewal. "Every plumber's certificate of qualification shall be issued for one year. Each such certificate shall be renewed from year to year without re-examination unl~ss said certificate has been revoked as provided for in Section 13-44 of this chapter. This amendment shall take effect on Tuesday, May 22 of 1973. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the proposed amendments and notice of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Roanoke-World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County. Said proposed amendments and notice of hearing thereon shall also be published and posted at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, and at ] each post office in Roanoke County. A copy of the proposed amendments are on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adop~ed by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby. III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., ::l U John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 206 3-13-73 ~ 'I 'I I I' ~ Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, this Board will Ii ii II Ii )i " ,: II II ii Ii I: r I', II I " Ii " I; II I: ,I Ii i' II ,I I: Ii H ! I: I' Ii I: I! I: " " II I I' " I' ~ ., I Ii 'I Ii NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF INTENTION TO ADOPT CERTAIN AMENDMENTS PRESENT ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE AND HEARING THEREON BE IT RESOLVED THAT cn Tuesday, May 22, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. in the County hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of certain amendments to the Roanoke County Electrical Code, more fully set out below. Section 8-11, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-11: .. Violations Generally. . "Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall upon con- viction thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, nor more.than six months in jail, or both, such fine to be recovered in the county court. Every day of failure to conform to the provisions 'of this chapter after written notification from the Inspector shall copstitute a separate punishable offense unless an appeal is made as :herein provided. In event an appeal is made and lost, then each day of failure to conform to this chapter after written notice of' loss of appeal shall constitute a separate punish- able offense. The Judge of the county court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction to try all cases arising under this chapter and all fines collected hereunder shall go into the General Fund of the county. Section 8-12, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-12: Office continued; qualifications generally. "The office of Electrical Inspector as now constituted is hereby continued subject to removal at any time for cause by the Board of Supervisors, and each Electrical Inspector herein and hereafter authorized shall be an active member in good standing of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors, and shall attend annual meetings thereof. Each Electrical Inspector be required to have a high school education and a minimum of (6) six years experi- ence as a master electrician in electrical construction and main- tenance. Section 8-30, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 6-30: Eligibility of applicants. "Only persons who have had a minimum of (4) four years practical experience in performing electrical work as a journeyman electrician as evidenced by the certified form submitted as to their practical experience in electrical construction and maintenance shall be eligible to apply for a master electrician's examination. Section 8-34, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 6-34: Expiration and renewal generally of electrical cards. i I I, I II II ii " Ii ,I !' "All electrical cards shall expire annually on December 31, but mas- ter electrician cards may be renewed without re-examination upon payment of ten dollars, receiving a renewal certificate and renewal of bond. Journeyman electrician original cards shall cost one dollar each and expire annually on December 31, but may be renewed without re-examination and without payment of a fee. All fees shall be paid to the electrical inspector. No.electrical card issued by the county inspector shall be transferable. Section 8-40, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-40: Master electrician's bond required. "All master electricians performing electrical work in this county shall familiarize thenselves with this chapter and shall give a good and sufficient annual bond in the sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars with approved corporate surety, the said bond to remain in full force and effect until December 31, following the year in which said bond is written. This bond shall be so conditioned that all electrical work performed by or under the supervision of said master electrician shall be in accordance with provisions of this chapter and to indemnify the Board of Supervisors or the owner of property against damage by reason of any defect in wiring or the opening of streets and further conditioned to refund to the Board of Supervisors or the property owner any money expended to correct any work or repair any damage done or caused by the electri~ian in the execution of his work and further co~ditioned to save harmless any person, firm, or corporation for whom the master electrician or his employees may do I I I I i I " I ,I " II I, I' " " I !: Ii '1 II ,I " I! " !) i ,I !, " I' I, :! " II ~ ! ii II ,I Ii II i I II Ii ., 1, I' " " II I' i! " ii I: " I I 3-13-73 207 ..... electrical work or furnish materials, and that he will pay all fees and all fines and penalties properly imposed upon him for viola- tion of any provision of this chapter. If the bonded master electrician fails, refuses or neglects to make such work conform to this chapter as directed by Inspector in written order, the County Attorney shall notify the surety on the bond in writing, and if the surety fails to make such correction within eight (8) days after such notice is mailed to last known address of surety, the amount of the bond shall be forfeited to the Board of Supervisors. This bond shall be approved by the County Engineer and deposited with the County Clerk. Section 8-43, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-43: Renewal of master electrician bond. - ~ "All county master electrician's bonds shall be renewed annually for the ensuJ.ng fiscal year on or before December 31. ........ A new section. numbered Section 8-43.1, be aaopted: Section 8-43.1: Owner Installation on Own Residence. "The owner may install his own wiring at his own residence provided a plan is submitted and an electrical permit is secured first as specified in this chapter. All wiring installed by the owner shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and in such event the work "owner" shall be substituted for the words "master electrician" throughout this chapter. No bond shall be reuqired of an owner. Section 8-45, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-45: Issuance; fees. "Permits shall no\: be issued by the electrical inspector until after the following fees have been paid to the electrical inspector by a bonded county master electrician or the owner who is to install the electrical work and the permit when issued shall be to such appli- cant: No electrical permit shall b~ issued for less than $1.00. Wiring to Outlets (Open and Concealed) ., - 1 to 10 outlets $ 3.00 11 to 20 outlets . 4.50 21 to 30 outlets . 5.50 31 to 50 outlets . 7.00 51 to 100 outlets 9.00 Allover 100 outlets - $9.00 plus for each outlet over 100 . . . . . .05 FIXTURES 1 to 20 lights . 21 to 40 lights . 41 to 75 lights . 76 to 150 lights. 151 to 350 lights. Allover 350 lights - $9.00 plus for each light over 350. . . .$ 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 .05 SERVICES ., J 150 amp and under . 151 amp to 200 amp. 201 amp to 400 amp. 401 amp and over... Temporary electric service (for each inspection) . . Trailer service . . . . . . . Trailer service (total electric). $ 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 MOTORS EACH G Cost of 1/2 H.P. and under. . . . . . . . . . Cost of over 1/2 H.P. to and including 1 H.P. Cost of over 1 H.P. to and including 3 H.P. . Cost of over 3 H.P. to and including 10 H.P.. Allover 10 H.P. ......."...... .1 $ 1. 00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 ELECTRIC HEAT Baseboard, ceiling electric furnace and heat pump. . . . . . . . . . .. .,.. $ 5.00 SPECIAL APPLIANCES Electric water heaters, ranges, space heaters, cook tops, ovens, signs, radio <<pparatus, gas or oil furnaces and other appliances requiring special wiring. . . $ 1.00 EACH 208 3-13-73 Section 8-54, to add the following subsections: Section 8-54: Amendments to National Electrical Code (c) "All wirings on or in buildings in the county used for business purposes must be in approved metal conduit or raceways; in buildings designed and used exclusively for residences, metal raceways are not required. Ii I: Ii Ii , (d) "Due to the soil conditions in many parts of permanent driven ground is necessary, only 8 foot for the purpose will be accepted. the county where a ground rod approved I (el "Service conductor in residence (from meter to disconnect) if more than 10 feet shall be in an approved type raceway. (f) "Approved rain tight service equipment shall be used on all temporary services. (g) "All lights in clothes closets in the county shall be as in 410-8 of the National Electrical Code or of a Fluorescent type approved for the purpose. I (h) "Only a total enclosed light with a guard or fluC:L"escent lights will be accepted in barns. (i) "All new swimming pool construction must be provided with ground fault circuit interrupters approved for this purpoee. Section 8-55, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-55: Issuance of copies of National Electrical Code "Two copies of The National Electrical Code, shall be furnished without additional charge master electrician who has paid all fees and specified. as herein described. to each bonded county charges as herein "Additional copies of The National Electrical Codes, as described, shall be kept in Treasurer's Office for sale dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) each, limited by supply herein at three on hand. A new section, numbered Section 8-55.1, be adopted: I Section 8-55.1: Codes Replenished "National Safety Codes and National Electrical Codes herein described for Treasurer's Office shall be reordered by inspector as needed." This amendment shall take effect on Tuesday, May 22 of 1973. The Clerk of this uoard is directed to publish the proposed amendments Said proposed amendEents and notice of hearing thereon shall also be published and posted at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, and at each post office in Roanoke County. A copy of the proposed amendments are on file in the Clerk's Office for I the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., I John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 210 3-13-73 .._"---- Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III offered a substitute motiou to refer ~ f .. h .. II , the matter 0 equJ.ppJ.ng County vehicles and where to purchase same to t e eXJ.stJ.ngll Ii Ii I II :1 Ii. II I: II 'I 1'1 I! !i I: Ii Ii :1 ii il \ II I, II Ii I! " , ii Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the County Engineer be auhtorized Ii Ii to obtain a breakdown of cost for a pickup truck for the Animal Control Officer II" 'I f I 'I! Ii Ii Ii Ii ~ . . I ii' II ~ II ~ II Ii i: Ii I Transportation Committee for their reco~~endation to the Board. The substitute motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson I NAYS: None IN RE: PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER I based on the State cost for such a vehicle and report back to the Board at the next regular meeting for its consideration. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, ~. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: MOBILE HOMES Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to authorize the County Attorney to prepare a resolution on an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance in regard to mobile telephone utilities (would produce over a million dollars), and an ordinance I, II Ii II Ii Ii i. " iI it I, Ii i: :i i~ I] Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved to authorize the County Attorney;: " I, Ii Ii I: levying a 5% tax on cigarettes (would produce approximately $400,000) and present Ii The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: I homes and present same to the Board at the next regular meeting. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: SOURCES OF REVENUE to prepare two ordinances: one which would levy a 15% tax on gas, electric and same at the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby. III amended his original motion to stipulate that the ordinances would be for a period no longer than 18 months, I, aftei; :! !i I which time they would automatically expire. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby. III, ~ichard C. Flora, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel I _~ r.,~)!! I'll. _ ._.J'!u=:,",-"" 3-13-73 215 IN RE: EXTENSION AGREEMENT Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that no action be taken on signing the Extension Agreement for a six-months' option on the M. S. Thomas Property for a landfill while the matter is in Court. .--, , , Supervisor Richard C. Flora offered a substitute motion that the Chair- man be authorized to sign the Extension Agreement for a six-months' option on the M. S. Thomas Property for a landfill and pay the Clerk's cost. The substitute motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., --, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: John G. Seibel IN RE: PURCHASE OF TWO AIR PACKS Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that two additional air packs be purchased for the Fort Lewis Fire Department. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson ABSTAINING: J. Thomas Engleby, III On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the letter from the County Engineer to Mr. Engleby in regard n w to Mr. John Garrett's letter of February 21 concerning equipment for each first- line truck for fire departments was this day received and filed. IN RE, LANDFILL AGREEMENT Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to continue consideration of the , Landfil~ il I' :! Agreement to the next regular meeting of the Board of Superviso~s. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None J On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the following items were this date received and filed: Financial Statement (January 31, 1973) - Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center. u Letter from M. B. Burritt to Clerk expressing appreciation of Clerk's letter of February 26 in regard to Civic Center Study. Expense reports for county-owned vehicles filed with the State Compensation Board by Sheriff's Office. Notice from State Water Control Board in regard to a series of hearings as to whether or not the Board should amend present water quality standards. Copy of letter from Town Manager of Vinton to County Engineer requesting County to pay Vinton its share of cost due to damage produced by "Hurricane Agnes." Treasurer's Report 216 3-13-73 'I II Ii On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded ~ Ii vote, the County Payroll (Bi-weekly 2/28/73) was approved for payment in the gross Ii il amount of $28,456.96 from which the sum of $1,664.76 F.I.C.A., $3,076.02, F.I.T., Ii I, I' ,I " " I, i IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS $518.77 State Tax, $559.75 Blue Cross, $572.64 Misc., are deducted leaving a net ,; payroll of $22,065.02. Ii " Ii Ii Ii 1; Ii " Ii ., I' Ii I: I AYES: J. Thomas Engleb~, III. Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. LawLance Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the current bills totaling $7,666.49 were today approved. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flor~, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT OF PITZER TRANSFER & STORAGE CORPORATION Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the statement of Pitzer Transfer & Storage Corporation in the amount of $1,410.00 be paid. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: REIMBURSEMENT OF PETTY CASH FUND Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved to reimburse the Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $140.20. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: COUNTY ENGINEER APPOINTED VIEWER ON ROUTE 657 On application of the below-named petitioner: (1) William J. Lotz - extension of State Secondary Route 657, 0.02 mile, to include the bridge over Back Creek, to dead end - 40-foot right of way who this day filed his petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the grounds and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public if s~ch road shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof will, in such case. have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon I I i , Ii I' I , I' ,I I, I, " I' I! Ii Ii I' " II , II II II II II I Ii I' 'I " I ! , ,j I' " :! 'I 'I I, I' ,I Ii !i " " " !i I I I --. " " i' " Ii " " ....., Ii , Ii .-.J I' I' Ii :1 " li " !i 1 - J o 3-13-73 217 ~ j1 , i; I II II ~ '! " 'I such mere private convenience as to make it p~oper that said road should be opened'; Ii and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. Ii He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitledll to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said road. ,I !i I' ,I Ii Ii shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other Ii cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State HighwaYl1 Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of Ii 'I II Ii iI order, certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said summons or Ii fi !i Ii " Ii !: II :i 'I " Ii II Ii I' ,I II ,\ I' " if !I Ii Ii " Ii " Ii or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road will be of And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., i , " " John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None At 3:55 p.m., Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Board of Supervisors go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing legal and personnel matters. The motion carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Board. At 5:50 p.m., the Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and on the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote of the members,il the Board reconvened in open session. IN RE: TAX RATE Supervisor John G. Seibel moved to authorize the County Attorney to prepare the necessary papers to set the Tax Rate the s~ne as it was last year. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I_~ ___~. - '. . 3-13-73 IN RE: SALARY APPROVAL i Ii il II i, I' ~ Ii j I I Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved to set the salary of Susan L. ~ Patterson, secretary to the County Attorney, at $450.00 per month. I' I: Ii " I' If II !! [I ti II Ii ~ 'I ~ I I' I II , The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton. Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT OF WOODS, ROGERS, MUSE, WALKER & THRONTON I Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby. III DL,oved that the statement of Woods, Rogers, Muse, Walker & Thornton in the amount of $1,363.83 be paid. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson I II " i' I ~ !I II !I NAYS: None IN RE: REGIONAL CORRECTIONS CENTER COMMITTEE The following persons were appointed to serve on the Regional Correc- tions Center Committee: J. Thomas Engleby, III Four-year term I W. B. Gochenour Two-year term C. Lawrence Dodson One-year term This concluded the business before the Board at this session, and on , the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr.. seconded by Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, and the unanimous voice vote of the members, the meeting was adjourned at 5:56 p.m. I --L.:. ffk~ CHAI RM.l\N tL-,L"",,- I 3-27-73 219 '..- Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia ' March 27, 1973 7:00 P. M. ! The board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the courthcus~ in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regular meeting of the month. recognized The Reverend Jesse Whitacre. who offered the invocation. The Pledge ii I; " i Ii ii il II Ii Ii ii 'I !i ,I Ii 'I !, " t' Dodson. il Ii " ........ Members Present: C. Lawrence Dodson, Chairman, John G. Seibel, ~ Vice-Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and R. E. Hilton, Jr. Mr. William F. Clark and Mr. Edward A. Watt, County Attorney, were also in attendance. Chairman C. Lawrence Dodson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., of Allegiance to the flag was given in unison, led by Chairman C. Lawrence On the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, approval of the minutes of the March 13, 1973 meeting is continued to ~le April lv, 1973 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Ii I , '....; IN RE: BUDGET REQUEST Dr. Harold H. Hopper, President of Virginia Western Community College, appeared before the ~oard and presented the College's Budget for the fiscal year 1973-74 and requested $18,479.84 from Roanoke County. Mr. C. L. Jennings, a member of the Virginia Western Community College Board, was also present at the meeting. On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the Budget request from Virginia Western Community College for the fiscal year 1973-i4 was this date received and filed. ....., i I J On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the petition from residents of Woodland Drive, S. w., requesting construction of sanitary sewer lines was this date received and filed. IN RE: JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITIES o Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the Chairrr~n be authorized to appoint two members to a committee to observe the conditions at the Juvenile Detention Home, one who would be a member of the Board of Supervisors and one a citizen of the County. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 3-27-73 n I II , 'I II Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to II lj II :1 Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, virginia~ Ii ~ Ii The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Richard C. Ii I I I' [I'I II II !l Ii II II !, ~ i Ii r I I 'I 1,1 I' ) I il ) I,i I I I Ii I I " I Ii I , I[ ~ I" I' II il II Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County to the end and purpose that a certain tract of I) ~ Ii .1 I I; Ii " , !: " AHD IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Flora, A Supervisor. I , '..-J AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard e. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., JOhn G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ~ i ! , --J IN RE: PETITION OF KING DOG OF AMERICA, INC., BY ITS PRESIDENT, JOSEPH W. LOCKHART, FOR REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U.S. ROUTE 11, LEE HIGHWAY, AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO MURRY ROAD. ORDER This day came O. Dalton Baugess. Attorney, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of King Dog of America, Inc., relative to amending the ,.., ~ f i".., ii II II rezoned from Industrial M-l to Business District B-3, whiCh leave is hereby granter a II ~ 11'/ under Business District B-3 of the present Zoning Ordinance, may be beneficial to Ii II ~ amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke so as to change the classifi- I' 11 i: ,: " II " " 'I Virginia, for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-49311 il ,i) " " ii i; ii ,I " land located on the North side of U. S. Route 11 (Lee Highway) and adjacent to Murry Road, Roanoke County, and owned by the hereinabove named corporation, be and said petition is accordingly filed. And this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the rezoning of said property so that it might be used for the purpose as designated the County at large; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to cation of said property from Industrial M-l to Business District B-3 be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the county of Roanoke, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary 'j of the Planning Commission, together with a copy of the petition of the said ownerl, 1 ;..J of the property in question. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Cle~k of this Board as required by Statute and upon receipt of said recommendation by sai.d Clerk of said Commission, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first s permissible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof shall!, !i be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Sectionli ii 15.1-431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. I The above resolutions were adopted on the motion of Supervisor Richard C, Flora, and on recorded vote, the vote was as follows: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 221 223. 3-2, -73 I I -l AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to adopt an ~ ordinance vacating the aforesaid street and easements as requested in the petition~ II is hereby referred to the Planning Commissic~ of Roanoke County, Virginia, for ~ I, II " 'I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board shallll set this matter down for a public hearing at the next permissible meeting of this ~ ii " it I' Ii I' !I [I Ii I' resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Ii 'I I, 'I !, ,1 !i Ii consideration and for a recommendation to this Board. Board after the Planning Commission makes its recommendation, ar.d that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. ] AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this i: I, 'I I ii I! , I' !: 1: I: I! ,I I: :1 II 1! Ii " 'I Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, . 'I to-w:a.t: I: Ii li 'I I, I' 'I !I I, " I' ,I I~ I I, ~ 'I I' AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ** See Page 239 Final Order - David Smith and A. C. Myers j Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the report from the County Attorney in regard to location of gas pumps at convenience stores in B-2 districts ,I II I' The motion carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Boar~. Ii Ii ii I! I' I! " " Ii :! Ii i! i II ,I ii I, [: be received and filed. IN RE: MOBILE HOMES Mobile home space. "A tract of land in any district used or designated for use by a single mobile home upon the application for and approval of a permit by the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of Section 21-7 of this chapter, containing the following conditions: (1) The site on which the mobile home is placed shall meet with the standard requirements of the local Health Department as to water and/or sewage usage. (2) The site shall be properly landscaped with at least eight pieces of shrubbery not less than 18 inches in height and to include one shade tree not less than 5 feet in height. J (3) (4) (5) 0 Within 60 days, the mobile home shall be completely skirted with a termite resistant material in such a manner as to be attractive. Metal skirting must be pre-pai~ted. Site shall conta~n a storage facility adequate for lawn equipment, garden tools. auto parts, etc. All fuel tanks shall be located at the rear of the mobile home and if adjacent to another dwelling, a screen is to be provided around tanks so as not to look unsightly and of a material that is fire resistant; and no such fuel tank shall be smaller than 270 gallons; provided, however, that the above permit shall not be required when the mobile home space is situate in a mobile home court." !. "" Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved to refer the above items in regard to mobile homes to th~ Planning Commission for their recommendations. The motion was seconded by Supervisor John G. Se:a.bel and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: i'lone 226 3-27.,73 i I IN RE: , II I' Ii ~ Ii " ii Ii i I I ! COUNTY ENGINEER APPOINTED VIEWER (1) On application of the below-named, petitioners: Richard U. Fisher, et al - unnamed road west off Route 677 one mile to DE - 40-foot right of way James W. Bradt, et ux, et al - extension of Route 917, 0.1 mile to DE - 40-foot right of way (2) I who this day filed their petitions for incJusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. it is ordered t.hat Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, Ii I, I I I , as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof II will, in such cases. have to be taken, and that no roads or landings shall be ~ I: ! view the grounds and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be I established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners t'lereof; and the said i County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this ~oard whether the said I II ji ! It I! II I! I II Ii I Ii , I , I I I " Ii " ii " I: ,: it Ii I; Ii Ii I' " l! " I! ,I " II ii I' ,: Ii Ii I' " I II I, il roaas will be o~ 5UC~ ~c~c. rri~~tc it proper that said co~......cr.icncc uS to ma]~e roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose con- venience they are desired. He shall also assess and report what damages. if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of I J I I said roads. And it is further ordered that U,e Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons I shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the, District Engineer of the State Highway II II I, II order, certified by the Clerk of this board, shall be attached to said summons or R 'I !i Ii ,i i! H II Ii ,I " Ii Ii " I, I! i1 Ii :i Ii " Ii 'I I, Ii ii " II I, ! Department of Virginia having supervision e,f maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road ?roceedings are continued. On motion by Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following, recorded vote: , AYI:.S: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. ililton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence uodson .,AYS: None I IN RE: REPORT OF COUNTY ENGINEER ON PROPOSED EXTENSION OF ROUTE 657 This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this I Board to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a report thereon, to-wit: EXTI::NSION OF STATI:: SI::CONDARY ROUTI:::657. 0.02 MILl::, TO INCLUDI:: 'rill:: BRIDGE OVER BACK CREEK, TO DEAD END - 40-FOOT RIGilT OF \'iAY whereupon, on motion by Supervisor John G. Seibel, said Engineer's report is approved. - I ! , I ; - , ! '-.i ~ w o ~ <. ~~;.,; ~ .~ 3-27-73 i I i ~ Ii H ~ ,I " Ii i: Ii " And it is hereby ordered that said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaran- teeing the right for drainage. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence DodslJIl I ,I Ii I: I ! I: .1 " I I ! NAYS: None IN RE: EVALUATION OF DIXIE CAVE~~S SITE supervisor John G. Seibel moved to accept the proposal of McNair and Associates, Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $3,800.00 to provide a feasibility study in regard to use of Dixie Caverns Site for operation of a sani- , tary landfill in the Roanoke Valley and also that the County pay the cost for sOi~I,' boring operations. ~ " II I, II II ~ I I I The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. lIilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: Richard C. Flora I ; I ,I I' ,I II !I IN RE: PICKUP TRUCK FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, In moved to purchase the pickup truck for the Animal Cont.rol Officer from the Stilte Department of Purchases and Supply on the basis of theLr low bid of $3,230.00. The motion was adopt~d by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel l: " Ii I: I' .I I' ~ Ii I, Ii " I' ,I ;j I: Ii ,: II I' " Ii Ii I' " ii r Ii AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: R. E. Hilton. Jr. " I, " 1: Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved to refer the matter of installing a " it I, II " jj Ii ,I :i !, " " I' ,I " II " I' IN RE: SINGLE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL single alarm annunciator panel in the new Communications Center to Bill Clark, Ed Natt and Mike Kavanaugh to work together on a uniform bid proposal for same and report back to the Board for its considerat~on. The motion, was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ji i I! 'J I il I' II ~ I :227 I' . ~__ _ _ l, ,~_~I I. , '- , "'., .-;... - ... ...;.' , 230 3-27-73 " IN RE: GARST LOG CABIN Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that Mr. Clark be authorized to pursue the matter of restoring the Garst Log Cabin as to the cost of the land and the availability of Federal funds and further whl~ther the Cabin is restorable and report back to the Board for its consideration. ' The motion was adopted by the followin'l recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Plo:ra, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I IN RE: LANDFILL SPACE I I I Supervisor Richard C. Flo~a moved tha~ the County Attorney be authorized I to obtain a legal opinion from the Attorney Geru,l:al of Virginia in regard to I Vinton's position in providing landfill space for citizens. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None On the moti"'l of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the unanimous voice vote of the lloard, the copy of the letter from Mr. Eugene W. Chelf tendering his resignation as Escheator for the County of Roanoke was this date received and filed. IN RE: FRANKLIN COUNTY/ROANOKE COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III instructed the County ~ngineer to locate the boundary line between Franklin County and Roanoke County and report I ,I !I ~ J ii II " 'I II public hearing will be held at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of II Roanoke County at the Roanoke county Courthouse on June 12, 1973, at 1:00 p.m. at il which time there will be considered the increasing of a levy for the calendar if year beginning January 1, 1973, and ending December 31, 1973, of a tax from $2.95 ii " to a rate not to exceed $5.90 per One Hundred Dollars of assessed valuation on all II " taxable tangible personal property, excluding all those classes of household gOOds!! t: I, I: I! classified by Ii I! 1950 as amended !i I! ., '1 back to the Board at the next regular meeting. IN RE: A RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ PROPOSED INCREASE IN THE COUNTY LEVY ON TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY FROM $2.95 TO A RATE NOT TO EXCEED $5.90 llE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that a and personal effects as are defined in Section 58-829.1 of t.he 1950 Code of Sections date, but including the property separately 58-831.1 58-829.2; 58-829.3;^58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia of Virginia, as amended to to date, loc~ted in this County on January 1, 1973, and tangible personal property, inc~uding the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1; and 58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, of public service corporations based upon the assessment thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. I I I I I 3-27-73 "I -- ..__._---_._-_._~---~--~-_.__._--------~-- ~ Such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of thiS~ lj County, shall be used to defray the County char\les and expenses and all necessary ii' I :1 ii Ii ii I The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the notice of the propose~ ,I !i increased levy in the World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in ;, 'i I' ii ii Ii :1 " , II il ,I " Ii II " " II II II II II I' ii ~ I' " charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. Roanoke, once a week for four (4) weeks, consecutively. Said proposed amendment and Notice of Hearing thereon shall also be -..J j' i: ii II \; j; I p j: I; , " " i! , Ii !i " ~ I, , i I! [i j! I' :1 NOT ICE published and posted at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, and at each post office in Roanoke County. A copy of the proposed amendment is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, J Ii I, I< II )i II ~ [' ~ Ii be held at 1:00 p.m. on June 12, 1973, at the,' Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Ii !i " " " " :1 I, !I I II II I, ,! ! ~ '< :! I' il :1 il :1 Ii I; i! C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. LEGAL Notice is hereby given by the Boarn of Supervisors of a Public Hearing to be held at a regular meeting of the BoardlOf Supervisors of Roanoke County to Virginia, at which time will be considered tr,e setting of a levy, for the twelve- month period beginning January 1, 1973, and e,nding December 31, 1973, of a tax rate of $2.95 per One Hundred Dollars of assessed valuation of all taxable real estate located in Roanoke County. Such taxes, when and if appropriatE;,a by the Board this County, shall be used to defray the Cour,ty f:harges and necessary charges incident to or arising from th~ execution of Supervisors of expenses and all of the lawful author- ity of the Board of Supervisors of this Count.y. J i) Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that a Public Hearing on the above legalll i! notice be held on June 12, 1973 at 1:00 p.m. and that the Clerk of this Board be Ii I: authorized to advertise same in the World-Ne,'s, d newspaper having general circu- lation in Roanoke, once a week for four (4) weeks, consecutively. The motion was adopted by the follClwin':I recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby. III, Richarc C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel, c. Lawrence Dodson r1 WI NAYS: None I 231 232 3-27-73 \ II IN RE: I, Ii NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 19, TAXATION, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION NUMBERED 19-8, ENTITLED CIGARETTE TAX. public hearing be held on Tuesday, June 12, 1973, at 1:00 p.m., at a Ii II ~ ~ I ~ I' I ! II i regular meet- I the Roanoke i I BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Supervisor's of RoanoJ;e County that a ing of the Board of Supervisors, at which time it will be moved that County Code be amended as follows: Chapter 19, Taxation, with the addiJion of a new section, Section 19-8, C~garette Tax, as follows: (a) There is hereby levied and imposed ~y the county upon each and every sale of cigarettes, as herein defined, a tax, equi- valent to two and one-half cents for ten cigarettes, or fractional number of ten cigarettes, sold within the county, the amount of said tax to be paid by the seller in the manner and at the time hereinafter prescribed. (b) It shall be the duty of every seller in acting as the tax collecting medium or agency for the county to collect from the purchaser for the use of the county, the tax hereby imposed and levied at the time of collection of the purchase price charged therefor and the taxes collected during each calendar month shall be reported by each seller to the commissioner of the revenue of the county on or before the fifteenth day of the calendar month thereafter, together with the name and address of any purchaser who has refused to pay his tax. Simultaneously therewith, the seller shall file a copy of such report with and remit to the treasurer of the county the taxes so collected and reported. The required report shall be in the form prescribed by the commissioner of the revenue. (c) All monies derived by the county fromt the tax on the sale of cigarettes imposed under the provisions of this section shall be deposited by the treasurer to the credit of the general fund of the county for utilization for such legal purposes as the Board of Supervisors of the county may from time to time determine. .i i I ,! il Ii I: " Ii . i: \: " , , r " II ;; ! . (d) Each seller shall keep complete recor'1s showing all purchases made by him and the total amount of sales made by him and such records shall be kept open for inspe,ction by the duly authorized agents of the county at a reasonable, time, and the duly authorized agents of thr. county shall have the right, power and authority to make transcripts thereof during such. time,; as they may desire. (e) It shal.; be unlawful and a viola,tion 'of this section for any person to perform any act, or to fail to?erform any act, for the purpose of evading the payment of such tax, or of any part there- of; or for any seller, with intent to violate any provision of this section, to fail or refuse to perforln any of the duties imposed upon him under the provisions of '~his section. Each viola- tion of, or noncompliance with, any o'f the provisions of this section shall be and constitute a separate offense and shall sub- ject every person guilty thereof to the hereinafter set out penal- ties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. (f) The following words and phrases, when, used in this section, shall for the purpose of this section, ha'/e the following respective meanings, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Commissioner. The word IIconunissione.r" shall mean the commissioner of the revenue of the County, of Roanoke. Package. The wore. "package" shall m"an and include every package, box, can or other containeI' of any cigarettes, irrespec- tive of the material from which sucb cont,~iner is made, to which the Internal Revenue stamp of the United ~tates Government is required to be affixed by and under feder'll statutes and regula- tions and in which retail sales of s,uch cigarettes are normally made or intended to be made. Person. The word .person" shall mea:a and include any individual, partnership, society, association, joint stock com- pany, corporation, estate, receiver, trustee, assignee, referee or any other person acting in a fidl",ciary or representative capacity, wile tiler appointed by a COl"rt or other wise, and any combination of individuals. , I I I i I I' II " Ii r ,I !I II ,I I! " j: I: , " it I II i; II I' It I! I: I' " i ~ " I' i! I I '-1 il I, I! , II - " , Ii .~ Ii II ,I Ii II .' Ii :1 Ii I I' Ii I' r !i " j; I: ~ ] o 3-27-73 II , Ii I. " Ii I: Sale. The word "sale" shall m'~an and include ..very act or transaction, irrespective of the method ,.)r means employed, includ- ing the use of vending machines and othe~ mechanical devices, whereby title to any cigarettes shall be transferred from the seller, as herein defined. to any other person within the county. Seller. The word "seller" shall meim and include every' person engaged in the business of s<:!llinl/ cigarettes who transfers title or in whose place of business titl" to any such cigarettes are transferred within the county for any purpose other than resale. Treasurer. The word "treasurer" Shilll mean and include the treasurer of the c;;ounty of Roanoke and e"ery person duly author- ized by him to serve as his representati"e. This amendment to take effect on July 1. 1973. The Clerk of the Board if directed to pWllish the proposed amendment and notice of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having a gennral circulation in Roanoke County. A copy of the p1'()posed amendment is the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Said proposed amendment and notice of hearing thereon shall also be on ftle in the Clerk's Office for published and posted at the front door of the Roanol::e County Courthouse, and at each post office in Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engll;,by, III, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. I'lora" C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel IN RE: A RESOLUTION INDICATING TilE BOARD'S INTENTION TO EXPEND FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO 'rilE IU;VENUE DERIVED FRO~l THE CIGARETTE TAX FOR l:ERTA::N USES. \'/HEREAS, the Board of Supervisors i:; des:.rous of having certain improve-II if ments made in certain of the county department", an,l; WHEREAS, the said Board is willing to expend funds in an amount equal to the revenue collected from the tax on cigar,~ttes for such purposes. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard oj' Supervisors that said Hoard hereby states its intention to expend funds in an aD\ount equal to ~le revenue collected from the tax on cigarettes for the following purposes: (1) The purchase of fire protection equ:.pment and repair and maintenance of said equipment and f;tre protection facilities; (2) The purchase and maintenance oj; equipment for the programs of the Parks and Recreation Departm'~nt; (3) The purchase of land and the construction and maintenance of juvenile detention facili'ties, whether regional or not. Upon motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Englcby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. J?lora, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel 23~~ ~ , ii 1: 1\ II i! " I' ii ['I, , II Ii !i Ii Ii " i' ii Ii Ii II I II I. il ij ~ Ii r Ii Ii " ;! ti ii i' ,I I, II 234 3-27-73 IN RE: II I " " II :1 II II' that the Roanoke County Code II :1 I' NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 19, TAXATION, BY TlIE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION NUMBERED 19-7, ENTITLED UTILITY SERVICE TAlC I i , i , i I ! I public hearing be held on June ! i I i i II I! Ii Ii ~ " :, I; I, i' Ii ,I Ii I: " I: I: i Ii I' I ! " Ii I: ~ Ii Ii I: I: i I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of SuperJisors of Roanoke county that a Board of Supervisors, at which 12, 1973 at 1:00 p.m. " " "11 bId' t1me 1t W1 e move at a regular meeting of the be amended as follows: Chapter 19, Taxation, with the addition of a new section, Section 19-7. Utility Service Tax as foll~,s: (a) There is hereby imposed and levied by the county, upon each and every purchaser of a utility service for the period commencing July 1, 1973 and expiring June 30, 1975, a tax in the amount of fifteen per- cent of the charge made by the seller against the purchaser with res- pect to each utility service, which tax, in every case, shall be collected by the seller from the pu~chaser and shall be paid by the purchaser unto the seller for the use of the county at the time that the purchase price or such charge shall be,:ome due and payable under the agreement between the purchaser and thl! seller; provided, however, that the tax hereinabove imposed shall not be deemed to apply to that part of the charge in excess of fifteen dollars per month made by any seller of any utility service to any purchaser thereof who uses such utility service in private homes or residential units. I 1 ! I li!1 (b) It shall be the duty of every seller i.n acting as the tax collec- ting medium or agency for the county to collect from the purchaser for the use of the county the tax hereby imposErd and levied at the time of 1'1 collecting the purchase price charged therefore and the taxes collected during each calendar month shall be reported by each seller to the I' commissioner of the revenue of the county on or before th'i! fifteenth If day of the calendar month thereafter, together with the name and address of any purchaser who has refused to pay his tax. Simultane- ~ ously therewith, the seller shall file a copy of such report with and I remit to the treasurer of the county the taxes so collected and reported. The required report shall be in the form prescribed by the commissioner of ti.e revenue. The tax levied or imposed under this section with respect to the purchase of any utility service shall be I', applicable to charges first appearing on bills rendered for service provided after July 1, 1973. ~ II " I' II Ii ~ I! i! ii Ii I' ~ II !i " ~ ,I " il !; (c) The county treasurer shall be charged with the power and the duty of collecting the taxes levied and imposed hereunder and shall cause the same to be paid into the general treasury of the county. (d) Each and every seller shall keep complete records showing all purchases in the county, which records shall show the price charged against each purchaser with respect to purchase, the date thereof, and the date of payment thereof, and the amount of tax imposed hereunder and such records shall be kept open for inspection by the duly authorized agents of the county at reason- able times, and the dulj authorized agents of the county shall have the right, power and authority to make transcripts thereof during such times as they may desire. ee) In all cases where the seller collects the price for utility services periodically, the tax hereby imposed and levied may be computed on the aggregate amount of purchases during such periOd, provided, that the amount of the tax to be collected shall be the nearest whole cent to the amount computed. ii 'I I, II " i: ;, Ii Ii " I, (f) The tax hereby imposed and levied on '~he purchasers with respect to local exchange telephone s,~rvice shall apply to all charges made for local exchange telephone service as defined under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. (g) The Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax being imposed at the rate of four percent on purchasers o~ bottled gas, the tax imposed in sub-section (b) of this section is hereby imposed and levied and shall apply to the purchase of bottled gas to be used within the county for cooking, heating gas,refrigeration and lighting, but at the rate of eleven percent of Vhe charge made by the seller against the purchaser with respect t03uch commodity. I I I I I 236 3-27-73 IN RE: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 19. TAXATION, SECTION 19-6 ~ II BE IT RES. LVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county that a ~ public hearing be held on June 12. 1973 at 1:00 p.m. at a regular meeting of the . Board of Supervisors, at which time it will be moved that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: Chapter 19, Taxation, Section 19-6, Pena1ti~s when county real estate and tanqible personal property taxes not paid on time. as follows: I I ! I II Ii I (a) Any person who shall fail to pay to the county treasurer any installment of real estate taxes becoming due and payable, as set forth in the preceding section. and any person '~ho shall fail to pay to the county treasurer on or before December fifth of each year the whole of the tangible personal property tax imposed for such year. shall be assessed by the county treasurer and shall pay, along with such tax a penalty of five percent (5%) for any real estate or tangible personal property taxes due and payable during the calendar year 1973, and a penalty of ten percent, (10%), of the amount of such unpaid installment of tax, or tax, as the case may be, due and payable on or after January 1, 1974. (b) until December 31. 1974, intereslo at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum shall be assessed unde~ the general law and collected on the principal of and penalties on ..11 taxes and levies imposed on real estate and tangible personal J?roperty remaining unpaid from the date fixed by general law fo" the payment of interest on delinqueftt local taxes and levies on such property. On and after January 1, 1975, in'~erest at the rate of eight percent, (8%), per annum shall be assessed and collected on the principal of an penalties on all such taxes remaining unpaid on January 1, 1975, asse3sed for prior tax years, until paid. Interest at the rate of eight pe"cent (8%) per annum commencing on January first of the next year following that for which such taxes are assessed shall be assessed and collected on the principal of and penalties on all taxes assessed by the county on real estate and tangible pe'sonal property for the 1974 tax year and each tax year fo1101~ing. remaining unpaid on the thirty-first day of December of the y~ar in which such taxes were assessed or due to have been assessed, and until paid. This amendment to take effect July 1, 1973. The Clerk of this Board is directed t" publish the proposed amendment and notice of hearing thereon as required by la'~, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) weeks, I consecutively. in the Roanoke World-News, a Newspaper having a general circu- Ii I i: lation in Roanoke County. ,. 'I I ., !ipublished and posted at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse. and at I' !i each post office in Roanoke County. Said proposed amendment and notice of hearing thereon shall also be i. t: f " ; the A copy of the proposed amendment is on file in the Clerk's Office for Circuit Court of Roanoke County. t Upon motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel. and adopted by the following ii I: recorded vote: I,AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III. Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., I John G. Seibel. C. Lawrence Dodson ,: NAYS: . None ! I , II ,I II !I ! , I I I II I I I I I I II I II I' " t' II [[ I: II 'I I, ~ Ii I I, II i1 " Ii I' ,I II I' I; !' I I I IIIN RE: ,: I' , !i II i~ote. the County Payrolls (Semi-monthly 3/15/73) and (Bi-weekly 3/14/73) were I: d f' 2 23 . I:approve or payment J.n the gross amount of $65,09. from whJ.ch the sum of ii il$3.686.09 F.I.C.A., $7,442.04 F.I.T., $1.250.53 State Tax. $260.50 ACC, ii ::$1,815.60 Blue Cross. $2.886.60 Ret.. $1,120.80 Misc.. $30.68 U.F.. are deducted Ii !!leaving a net payroll of $46.599.39. Ii " I:r.YEs: I' Ii :: I' iiNAYS: i! I. 'I 1: i!IN RE: ,I I: " I: I, lirecorded vote, the current bills totaling $87.115.69 and the bills paid since Ii last Board meeting totaling $38.625.85 were today approved presently and I, liretro-activelY. Ii I' I~YES: J. Thomas Engleby. III. Richard C. Flora. R. E. Hilton, Jr., I I: Irys: " I' :: i:m RE: i I 1; ,-, ~ -- ~ i I -- 3-27-73 COUNTY PAYROLLS On the motion of supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded J. Thomas Engleby, III. Richard C. Flora. R. E. Hilton. Jr.. John G. Seibel. C. Lawrence Dodson None ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr.. and the following John G. Seibel. C. Lawrence Dodson None PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT OF LUCKY'S MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor R. E. Hilton. Jr. moved that the statement from Lucky's :,Mobile Communications ir>. the amount of $966.56 be paid. i ~ ! :1\.YES: ;,NAYS: :INRE: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby. III, Richard C. Flora. R. E. Hilton. Jr.. John G. Seibel. C. Lawrence Dodson None JAIL REPORT ] Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Jail Report for the month of ,'February. 1973 be approved for payment as presented. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: i' 'iAYES: I, o i" :INAyS: , J. Thomas Engleby. III. Richard c. Flora, R. E. Hilton. Jr.. John G. Seibel. C. Lawrence Dodson None en the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby. III and the unanimous ~oice vote of the Board. the Audit Report for the year ending June 30. 1972 for '; ithe County of Roanoke was this date received and filed. , II II Ii I' ,i II II I, II II " II :1 'I i: 'I " " " " II , ! ~ I' " 'i I, ii " " " ii Ii I ,I " " II I: ,I Ii II " ii Ii II " 11 Ii " II Ii ~ tj I! i! ,: !I il Ii 'i II , " Ii II ,i Ii I: H ,I i: II " !I Ii 'I I, Ii Ii 'I II 'I Ii (! " " 'I matter. ~ ,. I! :1 " ?,-27-73 I I IN RE: I SALARIES FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III instructed Mr. Clark to obtain l,proposals from Yarger and Associates in regard to classification of pay plans ,I " 'I for the purpose of upgrading the salaries of County employees and to report back I I ,to the Board for its consideration. I I Ii IN RE: I A RESOLUTION COMMITTING THE BOARD TO SET ASIDE CERTAIN FUNDS IN THE 1973-74 BUDGET FOR THE UPGRADING OF VARIOUS POSITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE COUNTY GOVERNMEN'l: I II WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes that there exists a need Ii in the county for the upgrading of certain posi dons of employment, exclusive I iof I I I School Board personnel, in the county; and WHEREAS, the Board is desirous of having a prior study of the employ- ment structure in the County updated and to put into effect the recommendations , i ~of such study insofar as they relate to the upgrading of certain positions ~ in the County. , ! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that said Board I does hereby commit itself to place in a separate account funds. in an amount equal to two and one-half (2!:l%) of the total amount of compensation to be paid to all County employees during the 1973-74 Budget year, for the upgrading of I I salaries of various positions, exclusive of School Board personnel. in the I , " County government. ! The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor " ~J. Thomas En~leby, III and on the recorded vote. the Supervisors voted as ~ follows, to-wit: , ~ AYES: II II I! 'M3STAINING: John G. Seibel ii Ii I' ,I !I At 10:05 p.m.. Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Board of " il Supervisors go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a legal II " " Ii I: ii Ii Ii I' i! II motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice vote of the members, Ii the Board reconvened in open session. i: !~ Ii " J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson At 10:55 p.m., the Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and on the I I f I I I ~~ .:f :" _, ,," '.,' :1...:1,'t " 3-27-73 p.o- - ** IN RE: REZONING OF TWO PARCELS OF L&~D LYING ) IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTER- ) SECTION OF INTERSTATE 81 AND STATE ) ROUTE 601. CONTAINING 4.40 ACRES AND ) 0.48 ACRES, OWNED BY DAVID SMITH AND ) A. C. MYERS ) FINAL ORDER 1 At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on March 27, 1973. ..., WHEREAS, David Smith and A. C. :Iyers did petition this Board and request', the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that property described in! , said petition be classified as "business" (B-2) and ~ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County by resolution adopted!1 at its meeting on February 20, 1973, after hearing evidence touching on the meritsll of said petition that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the tl :1 " ~ " " " ~ .I upon receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I WHEREAS, the Clerk did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held ~ I; II ! -.J classification of the property described and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors 0:: Roanoke County directed by its Order entered on January 9, 1973, that the Cl.~rk of the Board of Supervisors I' Ii i! " I; if Ii II Ii " 'i same for a public hearing and give notice the:~eof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, and on March 27, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal to amend the said Zoning O::dinance and advertise the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke l'/orld-lleHs, a newspaper having general " ! - circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia. as required, and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing on thiB date held on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by the Board after notice thereof are duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, the Board after giving due consideration said petition and to said recommendations of the Planning Commission as herein evidenced touching on the merits of 'laid proposed amendment as requ"sted, is of the opinion that the County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as l:equested in the petition. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this meeting of the Board l ..J of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia, hE,ld on the 27th day of March. 1973, that the County Zcning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to class- ify the property described in the said petition as "Business (B-2) in keeping with the proposal presented to this Board. The property hereby classified as "Business" (13-2) is more particularly described as follows: Q BEING two parcels of land lying in the northeast corner of the new Interstate Highway No. 81 and Route 601 respectively, belonging to David Smith and A. C. Myers, cont.aining 4.40 acres and 0.48 acres respectively; and BEING the part of the same property conveyed unto A. C. Myers from G. T. Bcitnott by deed in the Clerk's Officeof the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke' in Deed Ilc,ok 661 at page 365, which i3 re- ferred to for a more complete description; and the same property conveyed unto David Smith by McDaniels in Deed Book 649 at page 94 of the records of the Circuit Court in the Clerk's Office for the County of Roanoke, to which reference is made for a more com- plete description, excepting therefrom parcels conveyed unto the Commonwealth of Virginia for Interstate 81. -~ 239 r----'..u.----. -,- I 240 . 3-27-73 . It is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to James H. Fulghum, Jr., 510 Colonial- American Building, Rc,3Iloke, Virginia. Attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. ililton, Jr., ~ II i I, If ~ i I R. E. Hilton, Jr., and on recorded vote of the Board of Supervisors voted as follows: John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I Mr. James iI. Fulghum, Jr., Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. II, RE: APPOINTMENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that Mr. L. S. Elder be appointed to serve as a member of the Roanoke County Planning Commission for a term of four years, expiring January 1, 1977. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I IN RE: HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE I, " II resignation as a member of the Highway Safety Committee be continued to the April I I II Supervisor R. E. ililton, Jr. moved that the matter of Sheriff Foster's 10, 1973 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote; AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that Mr. Clark be authorized to obt.ain information from Yarger and Associates for the purpose of studying classifica- tions of personnel and upgrading of certain positions of County employees, and I further that this study not exceed $5,000. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora. R. E. Hilton, Jr., I John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ,--' , , J ,-' u o 4-10-73 245 ~ I~ " Ii I: II ,I ii P II ,I I' t: I: I' " H " i ii " il L i: ,I i! II !i II II r II II Ii II " i: " ! On motion duly made, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal, as reqUest~d Ii in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission 'I i, for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permis- sible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Sei~el, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PETITION OF RUFUS C. HURT, ET AL, } FOR REZONING OF A CERTAIN LOT IN ) CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) FROM B-1 TO B-2 ) ~!!!!.~~ Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the Board concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the petition of Rufus C. Hurt for rezoning of a certain lot in Cave Spring Magisterial District from B-1 to B-2. AYES: The motion was adopted by ;;he following recorded vote; J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PETITION OF OVERNITE TRANSPORTATION ) COMPANY FOR REZONING /)F A CERTAIN TRACT ) OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN CATAWBA ) DISTRICT LYING NORTH AND ADJACENT TO A ) SERVICE ROAD ALONG INTERSTATE ROUTE 581, ) LEADING TO VIRGINIA ROUTE 117, PRESENTLY ) OWNED BY LOU MAYO BROWN MOOMAW ) FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, overnite Transportation Company, Yhich has entered into a contract to purchase the hereinatter described property, petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified from "Agricultural A-l" to "Industrial M-2", which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on February 13, 1973 and by order:'entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, 246 4-10-73 WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting held on March 20, 1973, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition to WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roan.',ke County aid, by its order I I I set the I meeting . 1 , I Ii II ~ I I, I I "Industrial M-2"; and, entered on February 13, 1973, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special of this Board following the receipt of the recommendation of said Planning Com- I mission, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board, held on April 10, 1973, for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a general .:irculation in the County of RoanOke, Virginia, by two insertions on March 28 and April 4, 1973. WHEREAS, the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 10th day of Aoril, 1973, the I said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition from "Agricultural A-l" to "Industrial M-2", said property being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: ~ II BEGINNING at an iron the northerly side of the service road along the Interstate Route 581, leading to Virginia Route 117, which beginning point marks the southwesterly corner of the 10.788 acre tract leased to Smith's Transfer corporation by Lou Mayo Brown Moomaw; thence with the northerly line of said service road, the following two courses and distances: South 850 47' West, 239.18 feet and North 850 10' West, 394.09 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 820 58' West, 25.5 feet to an iron in line of said service road, being 1:he southeast corner of the Marshall Harris property; thence uith the Harris property, North 330 57' 20" West, 591.25 feet to a point in said division line; thence leaving the Harris property and with a new division line through the Moomaw property, North 560 02' 40" East, 537.89 feet to a point marking the north- west corner of the Smith's Transfer Corporation I' s 10.788 acre tract of land; thence with said tract of land, South 330 45' 10" East, 979.51 feet to the place of BEGINNING, as shown on plat made by T. P. Parker & Son, Certified Engineers, dated September 3, 1971. ii II 'I " " ~ I; , I' II II 'I II ,I " " I' .' I! I Ii " ii \I I' Ii Ii Ii II Ii shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of Ii !i i 1 i! Ii i! I II " !i ,. f! AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this',Board I the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to Kime, Jolly, Clemens & Canterbury, Attorneys for petitioner. i: 'I I, I' 'I I' Ii 'I Ii I' ii ii ., I II - I: I: II " I! Ii Ii II II Ii I' I I' I II I' Ii I: I' ,I " Ii Ii " 'I I, I, " II i: J o 4-10-73 247 The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: NOne Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that !lor. Clark be authorized to with the Highway Department as to the adverse effect lighting might have on people traveling on the highway. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: , " ,. il Check!! I [' ,I II " Ii II Ii ii Ii " i: II AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrenoe Dodson NAYS: None Mr. R. S. Kime, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. was no opposition. II II I: There Ii 1i II Ii 'I II II II II II IN RE: PETITION OF C. F. KEFAUVER FOR REZONING ) OF A PARCEL AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER ) OF U. S. ROUTE NUMBER 221 AND VIRGINIA ) SECONDARY ROUTE 696 ) FINAL ORDER I County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended so as to provide that II " I! II I' Business B-2 property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board ,I Ii on the 9th day of January, 1973, and by order entered on that day was referred to il ,I " I ,I ii , I' " :! WHEREAS, c. F. Kefauver petitioned this Board llnd requested that the oertain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordanoe with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 20th day of March, 1973, after hearing evidence, at a public hearing held February 20, 1973, touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be amended as requested in said petition but with certain modifications; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 9th day of January, 1973, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular , :: or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord-I: ance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held on the 10th day of April, 1973, at 1:00 p.m. the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publ.ication as required by the order of this Board an~ in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning,' Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, 248 4-10-73 i ~ ~ WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition Ii and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing eVi~ence III touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ord1nance I (1970) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended. as WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board a:Eter notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid; and, requested in said petition, but with certain modifications and to comply with the I hereinafter referred to Development Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on April 10, 1973, at 1:00 p.m. the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify as Business B-2 property all thiat tract or parcel of land described as follows: STARTING at a point on the northerly side of U. S. Route Number 221 on the southwesterly line of the property conveyed to C. F. Kefauver by deed dated July 1, 1971, of record in Deed Book 911, page 408, said beginning point being on the northeasterly line of the M. P. Reed property; thence along U. S. Route Number 221, crossing Martin Creek, N. 480 24' 30" E. a distance of 392.90 feet THE ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence still with the northwesterly side of U. S. Route 221 and with a curve to the right whose radius is 1470.22 feet, an arc distance 304.10 feet to a point; thence still with said northwesterly side of U. S. Route 221, N. 600 15' 34" E. 103.0 feet to a point; thence leaving U. S. Route 221 and with a new line through the remaining property of C. F. Kefauver, N. 410 35' 30" W. 452.47 feet to a point; thence S. 480 24' 30" W. approximately 400 feet to a point; thence with a new line in a southeasterly direction approximately 400 feet to the Place of BEGINNING; and BEING a parcel fronting 407.10 feet on the north side of U. S. Route 221 and 400 feet, more or less, deep; and BEING the northeasterly portion of a parcel shown on a develop- ment plan for C. F. Kefauver showing office complex to be con- structed in southwest Roanoke County, Vi1'ginia, which development plan was made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers and Surveyors, and dated March 14, 1973. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED th'lt the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Plunkett & Logan, Attorneys for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor ! J. Thomas Engleby, and on the recorded vote, the Supe1visors voted as follows, , i Ii " II Ii I' 'I ~ I' ,I Ii I' Ii " I' " , to-wit: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None Mr. J. D. Logan, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Fred L. Jones, representing Mr. Reed, a citizen from that area, appeared in if I: opposition. 11 " n Ii !i , ii I' i! Ii Ii I. I I i , I II II I I I i I I ! Ii II iJ II I' ,I il II '1 II " I' I: ., I' Ii ,I Ii I I --, ! -..) ! -J J o 4-10-73 OAK GROVE PRECINCT ii ii Ii 'I Ii BEGINNING at the point where Route 419 crosses Barnharts Creek (also known as Cravens Creek); thence with Route 419 south to Grandin Road Extension (Route 686); thence with Grandin Road Extension (686) west to Hackney Lane; thence with Hackney Lane south to carriage Drive; thence with Carriage Drive east to Route 419; thence with Route 419 to a point on the westerly side of the property of the Headquarters of the Roanoke County Public Library; thence around said public library property the following courses and distances: S 160 47' 40. E 178.26 feet to a point; S 230 36' E 307.86 feet to a point; N 580 48' 30. E 399.76 feet to a point on the south side of Route 419; thence with Route 419 south to U. S. Route 221; thence with Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road, the old location) south to its inter- section with Route 689; thence with Route 689 north to its intersection with Route 692; thence with a line north 260 00' west 6,400 feet, more or less, to a point near the headwaters of Barnharts Creek; thence with Barnharts Creek at it meanders to Route 419, the place of BEGINNING. Windsor Hill's '2 Precinct BEGINNING at a point on Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) at the east corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) in a southwesterly direction to Virginia Route 419; thence with Virginia Route 419 northwest to the easterly line of the property of the Headquarters of the Roanoke County Public Library; thence around said public library property the following courses and distances: S 580 48' 30. W 399.76 feet to a point; N 230 36' W 307.86 feet to a point; thence N 160 47' 40. W 178.26 feet to a point on the south side of Virginia Route 419, thence with Virginia Route 419 northwest to Carriage Drive; thence with Carriage Drive south\les1; to Hackney Lane; thence with Hackney lane northwest to Grandin Road Extension (Route 686); thence with Grandin Road Extension (Route 686) northeast to Virginia Route 419; thence with Virginia Route 419 southeast to its intersection with Grandin Road Extension (Route 686); thence with Grandin Road Extension (Route 686) east to the east corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with the corporate limit of the City of Roanoke to the place of BEGINNING. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the polling place of Windsor Hill's .2 Precinct be changed from Peoples Federal Building on Oak Grove Plaza to the Headquarters of the Roanoke County Public Library. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Secretary of the Electoral Board shall notify by mail no later than 15 days prior to the next general election all registered voters whose precinct and/or polling place has been changed by the provisions of this ordinance. BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on August 1, 1973. The Clerk of the Board is directed to publish the proposed ordinance and:: notice of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having a general circulation in Roanoke County. A Copy of the proposed ordinance together with maps showing said changes: " are on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 253 i Ii i " I: Ii i! " " " " Ii I, ], l! II i! I' ,I iI ]' II II ;I Ii I' II II I I, :1 ii II Ii Ii Ii II 'I I. II ii " I' Ii ~ ; I, :i I. iI ij II Ii :, " II ~ !i Ii 254 4-10-73 I I vote of the Board, the copy of the proposed budget for the County Sheriff for the i fiscal year 1973-74 was this date received and filed. i I ~ On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice [i vote of the Board, the letter from Sheriff'Foster in regard to his resignation as la member of I~ the Highway Safety Committee was this date received and filed. I i IN RE: I ! On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice I , I I ~ I, I, II Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the copy of the proposed budget of II Ii II Ii i ,I I PROPOSED BUDGET OF THE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1973-74 the Commissioner of the Revenue for the fiscal year 1973-74 as submitted to the State Compensation Board be received and filed, but that the Commissioner and the State Compensation Board be informed that salaries will be increased 5 percent instead of the 5.5 percent requested by the Commissioner of the Revenue in his letter of March 28, 1973 to the State compensation Board. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the Treasurer's monthly report was this date received I 'I !: I! 'I Ii " ii ii II !I I' Ii !i I i I Ii tising for bids; and 'I WHEREAS, there exists a severe drainage condition in the Oak Grove Plaza~ area of said Route 419 which results in flooding of Norwood Street (Route 908) and II " " " " ;: II !I Ii i! ii " NOW, THEREFORE, to correct and improve the flooding conditions on NorwooQ Ii and filed. IN RE: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ViRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO INSTALL A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM BETWEEN GRANDIN ROAD EXTENSION (Route 686) AND CRAVENS (OR BARNHART) CREEK WHEREAS, the construction of the additional tra~fic lanes on Route 419 between Route 221 and Route 11 is now in final planning stages, prior to adver- damages to adjacent properties; and WHEREAS, it appeares that flooding conditions will increase due to the i I construction of the additional traffic lanes; , I Ii " I! H II II II " I, II Ii Ii " 'I I' ,I Ii Ii I: 'i !I Street and the adjacent areas along Route 419 between Grandin Road Extension (Route 686) and Cravens (or Barnhart) Creek, the Virginia Department of Highways is hereby requested to install a storm drainage system between Grandin Road Extension (Route 686) and Cravens (or Barnhart) Creek. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor to-wit: I' ,! " ;: RiChard C. Flora and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I I I I I 4-24-73 ......., " " 'I I, !i t' ~! " :i , I' Ii I' " " Ii Ii Ii I, 'I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthous. II II II Ii Ii Ii I' ,I II il II " i; Mr. Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, Mr. William F. Clark and Mr. Edward A. Natt~ II 11 !I Ii " II II " 'i II I' i' II ~ II I! " " Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia April 24, 1973 7:00 P.M. in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regular meeting of the month. ! ,j it ;1 I, I, it Ii 11 'I Ii Ii f I' .I I' II ~ I: F ji " I' If II II ;! I' " ii On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice Members Present: C. Lawrence Dodson, Chairman, John G. Seibel, Vice-Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and R. E. Hilton, Jr., County Attorney, were also in attendance. Chairman C. Lawrence Dodson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., recognized The Reverend Edward M. Ridout, Minister, Southview Methodist Church, 3539 Peters Creek Road, RoanOke, Virginia, who offered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given in unison, led by Chairman Dodson. vote of the Board, the minutes of the April 10, 1973 meeting were approved as corrected. n .... IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS BUDGET Mr. Arnold R. Burton, Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Bayes E. Wilson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, appeared before the Board and pre- sented the School Board Budget for the fiscal year 1973-74. supervi~or Richard C. Flora moved that the School Board Budget be received and filed and referred to the Budget Study Committee. The motion was adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, G. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None J IN RE: ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICES PLANNING COUNCIL BUDGET REQUEST Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Budget request submitted by ~ the Roanoke Valley Regional Health Services Planning Council be received and filed and referred to the Budget Study Committee. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 257 4-24-73 259 . . . . -, - .- - - - - ,. .---- ._---~-_._--_..__._._--~-------.,--_._-----------_._~---~--~_._.- n ~ .' :! ii I. ., 11 " ii WHEREAS, DeLois V. Ferguson and Willie c. Ferguson petitioned this Board!: " il and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amend- j, 'I Ii IN RE: PETITION OF DELOIS V. FERGUSON AN;) WILLIE C. FERGUSON FOR REZONING TJ B-2 AND B-3 OF PORTIONS OF AN 11.40 ACRE TRACT ON ~HE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF BRAMBLETON AVENUE. FINAL ORDER l_j ed so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned - I ; and reclassified as Business B-2 and Business B-3 property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 27th day of February, 1973 and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and i~ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 20th day of March after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be amended as requested in said petition; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 27th day of February, 1973 as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of " ...J this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular ij or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord-:I I, ance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and I' WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this II :1 Board held on the 24th day of April at 7: 00 p.m. as the date and time for a ii " , public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning ;: Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County zoning!i ii Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition o and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as provided herein only. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on April 24, 1973, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so that said property shall be classified as follows: (1) Business B-3 as to a parcel located at the southwesterly corner of an 11.40 acre tract shown on a survey made by T. P. Parker & Son for D. L. Ferguson, dated October 30, 1972, which parcel is traced on a copy of said survey filed with the petition in these proceedings and which parcel adjoins on the west portions of the easterly lines of the Shell Oil Company property, fronts 225' on Brandon Avenue, and extends generally back from Brambleton Avenue to a depth of approximately 200'; and (2) Business B-2 as to all portions of said 11.40 acre tract not presently zoned B-2. [] 4-24-73 261 -,_.- -----. -- ---.,-- .- -,. ,'- - - --, . . -," .. . - ... ... .... -.. ... ...- --'-, - ... .... ... . ....- -_..------_.._-_..__.~_.__._.._------._--_.._------_.------.-----..----.---- .-..-,-.----.--.... - -. ..-. -.-'--~.._-_.-._~----,-_.-.-_.".. --.- --~--,-~----- 0-,- '. __. r; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a special use permit be, and the same hereby is, issued to Malcolm Rosenberg and Morton Rosenberg in order that the above described property can be used as a facility for the sale of boats, boat repairs and boat accessories for a period of three (3) years from this date. The aforesaid Resolution was made by Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and unanimously passed by the following vote: ............ AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None -1 Mr. Paul S. Barbery, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. IN RE: PETITION OF JAMES RALPH LAPRADE, ) ET UX, FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN ) LOTS IN THE ALICE D. THOMAS MAP ) FINAL ORDER )i " i " II I; Upon petition for rezoning of James Ralph LaPrade, et ux, of cer~ain " U " property from Residential R-l to Business B-1 as an amendment to the Zoning 'i Ii Ordinance of Roanoke County, effective February 1, 1970, and described as follows:;i " Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, Section 2, Alice D. Thomas Map, said property being located !i " " in Roanoke County and said rezoning being desired so that office buildings may be ~ Ii constructed thereon; and Ii II Upon receiving and filing of said petition and referral of the same to :1 the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and upon notice of public hearing and recommendation of said Planning Commission as is required by law, and upon public hearing before the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to notice; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the above-described property be, and hereby is, rezoned from Residential R-l to Business B-1, as an amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, effective February 1, 1970, and the Roanoke County Planning Commission is directed to reflect said change upon the Zoning Map of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., o John G. Seibel, c. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None o Mr. James Ralph LaPrade, Petitic.1er, appeared on his behalf. There was no opposition. 262 4-24-73 IN RE: PETITION OF MARSHALL L. HARRIS, ) ET UX, TO CLOSE THORNCREST ROAD, ) MAP OF THORNCREST SUBDIVISION ) FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Marsaall L. Harris, et ux, did petition this Board on February I , I : 13, 1973, requesting the abandonment and closing of Thorncrest Road (that portion Ii 'I ~ not included in the rights of way of Interstate 581, Virginia Route 117, and II:; ~ Frontage Road) as shown on the plat of Thorncrest recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 67 ~ in the office of the Clerk fo Circuit Court of Roanoke County, which petition was ! referred to the Roanoke county Planning Commission, by Board order entered Februar~ ~ 13, 1973, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of ~ Ii Virginia; and ,[ I WHEREAS, said Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a meeting I I held on March 20, 1973, after due advertisement and after hearing evidence touch- ~ " ing on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that Thorncrest Road I~'I Ii (that portion not included in the rights of way for Interstate 581, Virginia Route I] I ii 117, and Frontaq9 Road), as shown on the plat of Thorncrest recorded in Plat Book II i ~ 3, page 67 in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Roano~e County, Virginia ~ be abandoned and closed; and ~I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order I! entered on the 13th day of February, 1973, order that the Clerk of this Board, ~ , upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set th1 same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular meeting of this BoaT and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Code of Virginia; an 'I I, ~ I, I, II II !i I! Ii \! 'I newspaper having general ci::culation in the City and county of Roanoke, Virginia, II Ii il I II )1 II " " II " abandonment and closing of Thorncrest Road (that portion not included in the right Ii " of way of Interstate 581, Virginia Route 117, and Frontage Road) as shown on the ii II Ii I' i; ,I I: il WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition I: i! and to said recommendation of the planning Commission and hearing evidence touching :i on the merits of said proposed abandonment and closing of a part of Thorncrest I! " Ii II WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on Tuesday, April 24, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid abandonment and closing of Thorncrest Road and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a as required by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed Ii plat of Thorncrest, which plat is recorded as aforesaid, after notice thereof was ~ II Ii !i I: " Ii Ii i! 'I Ii ,I I' " Ii I: i; " !i , duly published as aforesaid; and Road as aforesaid, is of the opinion that said abandonment and closing should be done as recommended by said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on April 24, 1973, the said abandonment and closing of a portion of Thorncrest Road, as hereinabove set out, be, and the same is hereby, discontinued and closed. I I I I I 266 4-24-73 IN RE: PLANNING ASSISTANCE ~ I, i' !I Ii I planning! Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that Mr. Clark be authorized to contact the Fifth Planning District Commission and express Roanoke county's interest in the possibility of obtaining use of a Federal Grant for local for the County. The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. ~lora R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: At this point, Mr. William F. Clark requested an Executive Session to discuss matters involving rea~state and personnel. IN RE: CLEARBROOK FIRE STATION Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that Mr. Engleby, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Natt be authorized to investigate possible alternate sites for the Clearbrook Fire Station and report back to the Board for i'os consideration. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson ". ~.. , ! NAYS: ~ I: ~ II ! il Ii (I 11 !; II II II I: :i I ,I Ii ii " 'I I , ! None IN RE: LEGISLATION PERMITTING BINGO GAMES AND RAFFLES Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved to refer the matter of legislation permitting operation of Bingo Games and Raffles by certain organizations to the County Attorney and that he prepare a study report for the Board's consideration. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: NOTICE OP INTENTION TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 10, MOTOR VEHICLEOS AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III, DRIVING WH1LE UNDER INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND OTHER INTOXICANTS. BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Hearing be held on the 22nd day of May, 1973, at 7:00 P.M., at a regular meeting of the Bo~rd of Supervisors, at which time it will be moved that the Roanoke County Cod~ be amended as follows: CHAPTER 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, ArtiCle III, Driving Wh1le Under Influence of Alcohol, Drugs and Other Intoxicants, amended as follows: A new section, Section 10-23.1, Analysis of breath to determine alcoholic content of blood, be adopted. This amendment to take effect on Tuesday, May 22, 1973. I I I I I' ,I II Ii I I' ii I: I' II ~ I' !! I i I il ~ Ii II 11 I' II " i' I Ii ii j) 'I I, " i: II II ,I I' ,I II " I I \. I t ... t ' . ~ I ,', I ~I 268 4-24-73 I I, Ii 'I ~ vote of the Board, the monthly Jail Report was this date received and filed. ~ II I' Ii ~ I, Ii Ii " On the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous voice IN RE: A RESOLUTION RELATING TO REAR ADMIRAL HARVEY P. LANHAM WHEREAS, Rear Admiral Harvey P. Lanham passed away on Sunday, April 8, 1973; and I Ii",,' Forms of County Government, and in serving in s..id capacity, expended large II 'I t i I WHEREAS, Admiral Lanham was elected Chairman of the committee to Study quantities of time, effort and energy in attending to the business of said Com- mittee and in pursuing the purposes for which said committee was formed; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors considers it appropriate to recognize the service to the County rendered by Admiral Lanham and to express said Board's passing. I I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County I i Ii 'I ~ i , I appreciation for such service. that said Board does hereby express its sincere appreciation for the devoted service rendered by Rear Admiral Harvey P. Lanham in serving as Chairman of the Committee to Study Forms of County Government, and its regret for his untimely BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk transmit to Mrs. Harvey P. Lanham ~ ~ an attested copy of this resolution on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. ~ On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III seconded by supervisoirl, Ii I! I ,I I 'i ~ II ~ Ii [' I Ii I I j ~ II i' II I! II , Ii jli,' Ii i' ,I Ii Richard C. Flora, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. La~.ence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ZONING - BILLBOARDS Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the County Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary papers requesting the Planning Commission to study possible amendments to the zoning ordinance in regard to controlling and restricting billboards in the County. The motion was adopted by the fOllOWin~ recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that Public Hearings be placed first on the Board of Supervisors' Agenda. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel NAYS: J. Thomas Engleby, III ABSTAINING: Richard C. Flora, C. Lawrence Dodson I Ii I' 11 ~ " !i !I 'I I, " I I II II 'I ~ I I I I I 4-24-73 IN RE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and the following recorded vote, the current bills totaling $69,595.56 and the bills paid since last Board meeting totaling $21,026.69 were today approved presently and retro-actively. I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: Richard C. Flora I Ii I the amount II of the Boardlr 'I I, II II " I' II IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIM Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Livestock Claim in of $40.00 for Mr. I. J. Bower be continued to the May 8, 1973 meeting of Supervisors. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None At 11:25 p.m., Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Board of Supervisors go into Executive Session to discuss matters involving real estate and persounel. The motion carrie"! on the unanimQus voice vote of the Board. I II motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the unanimous voice vote of the II I' Ii II Ii i: Ii II !i I: Ii " I II i I I Ii II i: I' Ii II Iii , j! II Ii i' r II I At 11:55 p.m., t:he Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and on the mem~ers, the Board reconvened in open session. IN RE: CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR , , .1 Dodson Ii II I' .1 'I I 'I h 'I Ii " Ii " il Ii ii ,. " " i: ,I II II " , ,I " ,I " Ii Ii " " :i I supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that Chairman C. Lawrence be named Director of Civil Defense effective May 1, 1973. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that William F. Clark be named Zoning Administrator effective May 1, 1973. The motion was adopted by the fol~,owin'g recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flo.,a, R. E. Hilton, Jr., I John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None This concluded the business before the Board at this time, and on the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the unanimous vote of the " II 'I members, i~ in the the meeting was adjourned to meet on Monday, April 30, 1973 at 1:30 p.m., Conference Room at the Roanoke County Courthouse to discuss personnel matters. (, ~~ CHAIRMAN ~ ~+-'~ I 272 4-30-73 I i I ~ Ii ~ I' I' I Ii ~ I, " Ii ! ~ II 'I recorded vote: (1) He shall be responsible for the operation of the County Engineering Department, including all matters pertaining to planning, zoning and buildings. (2) He shall have supervision over the Public Works Department of the County, including refuse collection, maintenance of buildings and grounds, and any street work and maintenance for which the county is responsible. I I I' II II II Ii II I 'I II :1 , I (3) He shall establish and have supervision over a centralized system of bOOkkeeping and accounting for the County, a centralized Purchasing Department (exclusive of the School Board and Welfare Department), and a centralized Personnel Department (exclusive of the School Board and Welfare Department). (4) He shall have supervision over the Delinquent Tax Department of the County. I (5) He shall have supervision over all matters dealing with animal control within the County. (6) He shall have such other duties and responsibilities as are directed by the Board of Supervisors. On the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the following AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard ". Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION PLACING SUPERVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION UNDER THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors by resolution dated April 30, 1973, appointed William F. Clark as County Executive Officer of Roanoke County; and I WHEREAS, the Board of S~pervisors by resolution dated April 30, 1973, prescribed the areas of responsibility of said County Executive Officer; and WHEREAS, said Board desires to place the Department of Parks and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke " i! ii II ,I il 'I I, Ii II ~ I' ,I " il Recreation under the supervision of the county Executive Officer. County that said Board hereby places the responsibility of supervision of the Department of Parks and Recreation under the County Er.ecutive Officer. ,i II Ii Ii Ii I I, I, Ii il I: Ii Ii i' I: Ii Ii ii i: On the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson I NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS TO ESTABLISH A CENTRALJZED SYSTEM OF BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING FOR ROANOKE COUNTY. I WHEREAS, in order to provide for the more efficient operation of the County government, the Board of Supervisors desires to establish a centralized system of bookkeeping and accounting for the County, to include all offices and departments of the County; and 5-8-73 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 24.1-1-37 and 24.1-1-39 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Oak Grove Precinct and the Windsor Hill's Precinct in the Windsor Hill's Magisterial District of - , , Roanoke County, Virginia, be and the same are hereby altered to be reestablished as follows: Oak Grove Precinct -; BEGINNING at the point where Route 419 crosses Barnharts Creek (also known as Cravens Creek); thence with Route 419 south to Grandin Road Extension (Route 686); thence with Grandin Road Extension (686) west to Hackney Lane; thence with Hackney Lane south to Carriage Drive; thence with Carriage Drive east to Route 419; thence with Route 419 to a point on the westerly side of the property of the Head- quarters of the Roanoke County Public Library; thence around said public library property the following courses ana distances; 5160 47' 40. E 178.26 feet to a point; S 230 36' E 307.86 feet to a point; N 580 48' 30" E 399.76 feet to a point on the south side of Route 419; thence with Route 419 south to U. S. Route 221; thence with Route 221 (Bent Moun- tain Road, the old location) south to its intersection with Route 689; thence with Route 689 north to its intersection with Route 692; thence with a line north 260 00' west 6,4000 feet, more or less, to a point near the Headwaters of Barn- harts Creek; thence with Barnharts Creek as it meanders to Route 419, the place of BEGINNING. ....... Windsor Hill's 12 Precinct J BEGINNING at a point on Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) at the east corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) in a southwesterly direction to virginia Route 419; thence with Virginia Route 419 northwest to the easterly line of the property of the Headquarters of the Roanoke County Public Library; thence around said public library property the fOllowing courses and distances: S 580 48' 30. W 399.76 feet to a point; N 230 36' W 307.86 feet to a point; thence N 160 47' 40. W 178.26 feet to a point on the south side of Virginia Route 419; thence with Virginia Route 419 northwest to Carriage Drive; thence with Carriage Drive southwest to Hackney Lane; thence with Hackney Lane northwest to Grandin Road Extension (Route 686); thence with Grandin Road Extension (Route 686) northeast to Virginia Route 419; thence with Virginia Route 419 southeast to its intersection with Grandin Road Ext,nsion (Route 686); thence with Grandin Road Extension (Route 686) east to the east corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with the corporate limit of the City of Roanoke to the place of BEGINNING. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the polling place of ~indsor Hill's 12 Precinct be changed from Peoples Federal Building on Oak Grove Plaza to the Headquarters of the Roanoke County Public Library. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Secretary of the Electoral Board shall notify by mail no later than 15 days prior to the next general election all registered voters whose p~ecinct and/or polling place has been changed by the J provisions of this ordinance. BE IT FINALLY ORDAINEr: that this ordinance shall be in full force and ~ effect on August 1, 1973. On motion of supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 275 .".,.....,.,... 276 5-8-73 IN RE: II I, ~ I' ~ I I RENEWAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR R. L. ARTHUR AND RACHEL ARTHUR FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, R. L. Arthur and Rachel H. Arthur did apply for renewal, for ten years, of the special use permit previously issued, allowing them to operate I a greenholllse on their property at 3527 Hemingway Road, S. E. (Mount Pleasant Community); and WHEREAS, the Roanoke county Planning Commission held a public hearing on this application on April 17, 1973, at which time the Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending approval of this use permit renewal for a ten- year period; I County that the application of R. L. Arthur and Rachel H. Arthur for renewal of Ii ~ their special use permit be granted for a five-year period, beginning October 14, ~ II I I I I I , I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke 1973, whi'::h is the date the original use permit expires. Ii recorded '/ote: On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the following AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PETITION OF KING DOG OF AMERICA, INC., I BY ITS PRESIDENT, JOSEPH W. LOCKHART, ) FOR REZONING OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND ) LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE ) 11, LEE HIGHWAY, AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT) TO MURRY ROAD FROM M-l TO B-3. ) FINAL ORDER I I I I 'I WHEREAS, King Dog of America, Inc., by its president, Joseph W. Lockhart~i I by its attorney, did on March 27, 1973, petition the Board of Supervisors of ~ I I r ~ It II Ii I,,!I "','" Ii " II tion in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinances, and said ~ Ii I' Ill,' Code of Virginia, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, did hold ? ,I 'II II public hearing on the aforesaid matter on May 1, 1973, and did by resolution I! [J !I adopted at said meeting, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that ,I, Ii,' i, " said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the I, ; Ii i' Ii 1\ ,I Ii il Ii Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the County Zoning Ordinances so as to provide that certain property described in said petition, now classified as Industrial M-l, be reclassified and rezoned as Business District B-3; and WHEREAS, as required by the Code of Virginia and more especially as required by Section 15.1-431 and Section 15.1-493 of said Code for a reccmmenda- I property herein described from Industrial M-l to Busi.ness District B-3; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its and Resolution !i !: I adopted on March 27, 1973, order the Clerk of this Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set down for a public hearing at a regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held on Hay 8, 1973, and to give notice thereof, through publication, in accord- :i I' ,I " ance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, !' , as amended to date; and ! ~ ~ --... " " " j: i: ~ -" " " Ii il , I, Ii ,! I' II ~ " 'I I, :1 !i ! 1 - J o 5-8-73 277 ~ I: WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on May 8, 1973, at 1:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the proposed amendment to said county Zoning Ordinance and did advertis~ Ii the same by notice thereof, duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper pub- It " lished in and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for~ " " " " i! i: i, i! ii , ~ i " I' ii ;i ,! II [; i' i: " ,I i: n I' Ii :1 !i Ii ;1 Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting!l Ii ii II " " May, 1973, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is'11 hereby amended so as to change the classification of the herein described tract i; t of land from Industrial M-l to Business District B-3, in order that said property 1 :: ::n::d B:::n:::h D:::::::s B::. are classified under the county Zoning Ordinance ,I ;i " ~ I: two insertions as required by and in accordance with, the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, as amended to date; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had and on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after full and complete notice thereof was duly published as afore said; and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of said Planning Commission and the Board having heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as heretofore requested by the petitioners. of the Board of Supervisors, Roanoke county, Virginia, held on this 8th day of AND IT IS FURTI-IER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board is to forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke county Planning Commission and a copy there~f to O. Dalton Baugess. Attorney for the petitioner. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None Mr. O. Dalton Baugess, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. IN RE: PETITION OF MAJOR MOTOR INNS, INC. ) FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE ) INSTALLATION OF GAS PUMPS ON THE ) PROPERTY OF D. SMITH AND A. C. MYERS ) LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE ) INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 81 AND STATE ) ROUTE 601, CONTAINING 4.40 ACRES AND ) 0.48 ACRES. ) ORDER FINAL WHEREAS, Major Motor Inns, Inc. did petition this Board and request the issuance of a Special Use Permit. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County by resolution adopted.' at its meeting after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said request; and 5-8-73 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County directed by its from the Planning Commission forthwith set the same for a public hearing and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, and WHEREAS, the Clerk did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on April 24, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid request for a Special Use Permit, and advertise the same by notice duly I published in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, as required; and WHEREAS, the ~oard after giving due consideration to said request and to said recommendations of the Planning Commission as herein evidenced touching on the merits of said request for a Special Use Permit, is of the opinion that the I Permit should be granted as requested in the petition. II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this meeting of the Board ~I of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 24th day of April, 1973, that the County grant Major Motor Inns, Inc. a Special Use Permit to allow instal-I! lation of gas pumps on the property of Oavid Smith and A. C. Myers, to permit construction of a motel and restaurant with gas pump service and such Special Use Permit is granted for a period of ten years. The property for which the Special Use Pe~~it is granted is more par- ticularly described as follows: BEING two parcels of land lying in the northeast corner of the new Interstate Highway No. 81 and Route 601 respectively, belonging to David Smith and A. C. !!yers, containing 4.40 acres and 0.48 acres respectively; and I BEING the part of the same property conveyed unto A. C. Myers from G. T. Boitnott by deed in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke in Deed Book 661 at page 365, which is referred to for a mtlre complete descrip- tion, and the same property conveyed unto David Smith by McDaniels in Deed Book 649 at page !14 of the records of the Circuit Court in the Clerk's Office for the County of Roanoke, to which reference is made for a moz:e complete description, excepting therefrom parcels conveyed unto the Commonwealth of Virginia for Interstate 81. It is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to James H. Fulghum, Jr., Attorney for the petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and on the recorded vote, the Supervi;ors voted as follows, to-wit: I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton" Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I Mr. James H. Fulghum, Jr., Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. 280 5-8-73 IN RE: PETITION OF EDWIN E. SHOWALTER AND ) VALLEY BUILDERS, INC. TO PERMANENTLY ) CLOSE AND VACATE A CERTAIN PORTION OF ) OLEVA STREET IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, ) VIRGINIA, AND SPECIFICALLY THAT PORTION ) LYING BETWEEN LOT 4, BLOCK 6, MAP OF ) HILLENDALE AND THE NEW LOCATION OF ) OLEVA STREET ) ORDER This day came Edwin D. Whowalter and Valley Builders, Inc., by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition to permanently vacate and close a certain portion of Oleva Street in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and on motion duly made and carried the same is hereby ordered filed and the matter is referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for study and recommendation and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is directed to set the same down for public hearing when such recommendation has been received. The above resolution and , , I order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor I recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows I, ~ ,I r I J. Thomas Engleby, III, and on the to-wit: AYES% J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: REVENUE SHARING Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that Mr. Clark's Report on Revenue AYES: ,I II I, " Ii Ii 't II " I' II Ii II ,I II ii I' " Ii ,I " II Ii I' II ji 'i I! i' WHEREAS, the State Board of Housing, pursuant to legislation adopted by il I Ii Sharing be referred to the Revenue Study Committee and that Mr. Clark be author- ized to consult with said committee on the Revenue Sharing Program and report , back to the Board for its consideration. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None Ii,', IN RE: !I I, I: i! " " II t: II I' I! ,I 'I I' Ii I! Ii ;: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF STATE BUILDING CODE REVIEW TO PERMIT THE ROANOKE COUNTY BUILDING AND PLUMBING CODES TO REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT UNTIL JULY 1, 1974. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has heretofor,e adopted the Southern Standard Building Code and the State Plumbing Code as its official building and plumbing codes; and the General Assembly of Virginia, adopted the Building Officials and Code Admini- strators International, Inc., (BOCA), Code as the Uniform Statewide Building Code for Virginia, to be effective September 1, 1973; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to request the Board of State Building Code Review to permit the Roanoke Coun~y Building and Plumbing Codes to remain in effect until July 1, 1974, so as to provide for the transition to implementation of the Uniform Statewide Buildin,. Code. I I I I I 282 5-8-73 IN RE: LANDFILL EQUIPMENT Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the County appropriate the I I Ii I I. Ij II II !I I, I, Ii Tuesday, May 8, 1973 at 1:00 p.m., the same having been previously filed with the ~ 1 I I I II il ~ expenditure of $2,500.00 for rental of landf:lll equipment. i i AYES: , ~ n Ii I The motion was adopted by the fOll,ming recorded vote: I J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson ABSTAINING: John G. Seibel IN RE: PETITION OF WILLIAM T. BOWMAN FOR ) REZONING FROM R-l TO M-l OF LOTS ) 24 AND 25, SECTION 5, MOUNT VERNON) HEIGHTS ) FINAL ORDER i I , I I i I , I Ii ! Supervisors at its regular meeting held at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, on J , I i I This matter came on to be heard before the Roanoke County Board of Board referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and upon notice and public hearing before the Planning Commission, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and upon notice of public hearing to be held this day, and upon the appearance of the petitioner by counsel and the recommendation of the Planning Commission recommending approval of the rezor,ing of property requested herein; the Board being of the opinion that such rezoning is in accord with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and consistent .'ith the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke, Virginia, it is accordingly: I i I, ORDERED that Lots 24 and 25, Secticln 5, Mount Vemon Heights be, and the II i, same hereby are, rezoned from Residential R-] to Manufacturing M-l on the Zoning ~ ~ ,I Ii Map which is a part of the Zoning Ordinance c,f Roanoke County, that the use of the Ii fr property may be changed in conformance with uses allowed under the Zoning ordinanc~ ~ of Roanoke County in the classification knowr., as Manufacturing M-l. And said Ii II I! ~ ordinance and zoning map as they relate to Lc,ts 24 and 25, Section 5, Mount Vernon I! I' Ii ,I I \ Heights located in Roanoke County, Virginia, are accordingly amended on motion of i I, 'I Ii 1: Ii ij " " ~ Ii I' II il 'I It I'! I'j il I', II . Ii Ii il I' I' ,I I I; !, Ii !i '1 Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the following recorded votes: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, Attomey. appeared on behalf of the petitioner. IN RE: PETITION OF G.H.T. CORPORATION FOR REZONING FROM A-l TO M-2 OF A 4-ACRE TRACT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 626 (KINGSTOWN ROAD) I ~ Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that the Public Hearing on the i, Petition of G.H.T. Corporation for rezoning from A-l to M-2 be continued to the " !j Ii May 22, 1973 meeting of the Board of Superviso'CS. II I' The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: )! i' AYES: " !i J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. S~ibel, C. Lawrence Dodson !i :, NAYS: I: " i' Ii , None 5-8-73 285 . Supervisor u. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the action taken on the two previous motions be rescinded. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, John G. Seibel, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR THE USE OF ROANOKE COUNTY ..... -.J WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is desirous of establishing a policy concerning the purchase of all motor vehicles for the use of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Board in the interest of ecology and in an effort to pro- vide for the more economical operation of said motor vehicles deems it in the best interests of the County, except for all vehicles used in police functions, to purchase only four cylinder compact cars, wherever practical. ~ . - Ii shall be four cylinder compact cars wherever practical. I: I, 'I ~ \11 I !! County vehicles. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that said Board hereby establishes as its policy for the purchase of motor vehicle. " Ii that all vehicles purchased by the County, except those used in police functions, i' Ii ji " " [I ji II II [I Ii " " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all County vehicles shall be identified as On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND REVISE THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AND REQUESTING THE PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE OF THE FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION IN SUCH REVIEW AND REVISION WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors by ordinance dated December 30, 1969, o adopted the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors i,s desirous of having the Roanoke '! County Planning Commission, with the professional assistance of the Fifth Planning District Commission, review said Zoning Ordinance and make recommendations as to necessary revisions to said Zoning Ordinance. o THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Roanoke County Planning Commission ce directed to review the existing Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and make recommendations as to possible revisions to said Zoning Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~hat the Board of Supervisors hereby requests the professional assistance of the Fifth Planning District Commission in making such review and recommended revisions. 5-8-73 287 IN RE: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY OF AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY PLACING MORE RESTRICTIONS AND CONTROLS ON THE PLACEMENT OF BILLBOARDS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY --' i Ii :: !I I. " I' 'I II !I " " 'I I, Ii Ii WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is desirous of having the Planning ~ I' il Commission investigate the possibility of restricting and controlling the place- ,I " ii ment of such billboards in Roanoke County by possible amendments to the Zoning 'I Ii Ordinance of Roanoke County. ii ;, I; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County !I ii . II that sa1d Board hereby requests the Roanoke County Planning Commission to inves- i! WHEREAS, the placement of billboards at many locations throughout the County is the cause of much concern to the Board of Supervisors in that said billboards in many instances detract from the natural beauty of Roanoke County; and -, ~ 'i tigate the possibility of amending the Zoning ordinance of Roanoke County by Ii I! placing more restrictions and controls on the location and placement of billboardsi' :1 'I throughout Roanoke County. i, I 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission report its findings and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible time. On motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: -. ! ...l AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING AND URGING THE INITIATION OF A PROJECT TO PROVIDE INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FROM U. S. ROUTE 11 NORTH ALONG VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE 642 TO A NEW MANUFACTuRING PLANT OF MEDECO SECURITY LOCKS, INC. WHEREAS, Medeco Security Locks, Inc., a manufacturing company engaged in the manufacturing of locks, has acquired a tract of undeveloped land situate in the Roanoke County north of U. S. Route 11, on which site said company will construct for its purposes, a plant for the manufacturing of locks, said new .-:'1 J plant being estimated to cost the approximate sum of $800,000; and WHEREAS, the nature of the business operations of Medeco Security Locks, Inc. at said site will involve the use of substantial numbers of heavy motor o vehicles as well as numerous smaller vehicles, all of which are anticipated to result in traffic of some three hundred fifty vehicle trips per work day generated by such operations; and WHEREAS, existing accessways to said new site are inadequate and unsuitable for the type and quantity of vehicular traffic which will be occasioned,' , by the opening of the manufacturing plant of said company for business operations;' and I 288 5-8-73 I --, '.o"~ "~:,~~:~,,,,:. of "<9in'" ., """':1 ! Highway Commission for constructing or improving access roads to industrial sites ! Ii j il I I' II,! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County I that said Board, having duly considered the matter, respectfully urges and rec- ~, I 1 i I I' 'I ! I i , Ii II I I' provides legislative authority for the use of certain public funds by the State on which manufacturing, processing or other establishments are or will be con- structed. I ommends to the Highway Commission of Virginia that consideration be given, that immediate studies be made, and that a project be approved and initiated pursuant I to the provisions of Section 33.1-221 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to provide a needed industrial access from U. S. Route 11 north along Virginia State Route 642 to the 30.6 acre site of the new manufacturing plant of Medeco Security Locks, Inc. located in the western portion of Roanoke County, on which site is being or is to be constructed a new manufacturing plant for the manu- facturing of locks. I , I I State BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk forthwith ~ransmit certified copies of this resolution, together with appropriate supporting data, to the Highway Commissioner of Virginia through the local office of the Virginia Depart- ment of Highways. On the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, and adopted by thL ~vllowing recorded vote: II AYES: Ii Ii II Ii " i I J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, II 11 i II 1/ I On the motion of Super>"isor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded II I vote, the County Payrolls (Semi-monthly 4/30/73) and (Bi-weekly 4/25/73) were Ii /I Ii Ii " Ii i: I', ~ . it I"i Ii I: II 1\ Iii I II Ii 11 Ii " II I' i' Ii ~ Ii II Ii , il I' ,I ii I, il f i II H I: I, ii !: " H " " " i I i C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS approved for payment in the gross amount of $66,314.98 from which the sum of $3,757.63 F.I.C.A., $7,673.01 F.I.T., $1,295.02 State Tax, $592.30 Blue Cross, $510.88 Misc., are deducted leaving a net payroll of $52,486.14. AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ABSTAINING: John G. Seibel I IN RE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the current bills totaling $l,230.92 were today approved. I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None ABSTAINING: John G. Seibel r ,I II II .. II [' I I II I DOdson, John G. Seibel, J. Thomas Engleby,JocI ~ II II I II I 290 5-22-73 Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia May 22, 1973 7:00 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse in Salem. Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regular meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Lawrence Richard C. Flora and R. E. Hilton, Jr. Mr. William F. Clark, County Executive Officer, and Mr. Edward A. Natt, County Attorney, were also in attendance. Chairman C. Lawrence Dodson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., recognized The Reverend John S. Pearsall, Chaplain, Veterans Administration, who offered the invocation. The Pledge of ~lleg~ance to the flag was given in unison, led by Chairman Dodson. On the motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton. Jr. and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 8, 1973 were approved as spread. t' ,I i I , II Ii ~ II meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors held on Tuesday, May 8, 1973 at Ii II II Ii I Ii " Ii Ii Ii the appearance of the Petitioner by counsel and upon the recommendation of the I! Planning Commission that the property herein sought to be rezoned from Ag,rigUlturalli ,I " A-l to Manufacturing M-2 be rezoned from Agricultural A-l to Manufacturing M-l, and!! Ii Ii " !I I Ii I, I~ 'I !' ;' IN RE: PETITION OF G.H.T. CORPORATION FOR REZONING) FROM A-l TO M-2 OF A 4-ACRE TRACT ON THE ) NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 626 (KINGSTOWN ROAD) ) ORDER FINAL This matter carne on to be heard before the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, on Tuesday, May 22, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., the same having been continued from the the same place at 1:00 p.m., and the same having previOUSly been filed with the Board, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and upon notice and public hearing before the Planning Commission and recommendation of the Planning Commission, and upon notice of public hearing before the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors advertised and held the 8th day of May, 1973 at 1:00 p.m.; and upon the Board having heard and weighed the evidence in the case and being of the opinion that the rezoning of the property in question would be in accord with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and consintent with the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, it is accordingly: I I I I I 5-22-73 291 -, I' ,I !: ORDERED that the following described property presently classified as Ii II Agricultural A-l be rezoned to Manufacturing M-2 on the zoning map of Roanoke j1 r County which is a part of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, and that the map be amended to reflect such change: BEGINNING at a point along the easterly property line of the property of G.H.T. Corporation approximately 205 feet north- east of the center line of Kingstown Road State Secondary Route 626 as shown on Map of David Dick and Harry Wall S.C.E., dated February 5, 19651 thence with the boundary between the property of G.H.T. Corporation and Lawrence and Edith Hancock S. 380 22' W. 205 feet to approximately the center line of the aforesaid road passing an iron pin at 180 feet; thence generally with the center of Kingstown Road N. 520 11' W. 546.74 feet to a point 1 thence away from Kingstown Road N. 560 24' E. 300 feet to a point; thence with a new line through the property of G.H.T. Corporation in a straight line to the point and place of BEGINNING and containing approximately two acres. i"""'I , n-' The use of the property shall henceforth be in conformance with all " " I: Ii t: r: Ii I! ;: i; i " ~ uses Ii I' ; -' allowed under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, in the classifi- cation known as Manufacturing M-2. And the said zoning Ordinance and zoning map as they relate to said property located in Roanoke County, Virginia, are likewise accordingly amended on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None r-, , I ..J Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the Petitioners. There was no opposition. IN RE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 10, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, ARTICLE III, DRIVING WHILE UNDER INFLUENCE OF ALOCIIOL, DRUGS AND OTHER INTOXICANTS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the Roanoke County Code to be necessary in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke CountYl and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to amend the Roanoke County Code as proposed, and Public Hearing thereon, have been advertised and posted in accord- ;"l ..J ance with law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: Chapter 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article III, Driving While Under Influence of Alochol, Drugs and Other Intoxicants, amended as follows: ~ A new section, Section 10-23.1: Analysis of breath to determine alcoholic content of blood, be adopted: (a) Any person who is suspected of a viOlation of Section 10-23 shall be entitled, if such equipment be available, to have his breath analyzed to determine the probable alcoholic content of his blood. Such breath may be analyzed by any police officer of the State, or ~f the county, or by any member of the Sheriff's Department of the County, in the normal discharge of his duties. 292 5-22-73 . -- ._----,_._~ . .------ -------~--_..- .- j II (b) The State Board of Health shall determine the proper method and ~ i equipment to be used in analyzing breath samples taken pursuant to this section and ,I shall advise the respective police and sheriff's departments of the same. '1'1 Ii !i (c) Any person who has been stopped by a police officer of the State, I ii or of the county, or by any member of the sheriff's department of the county and I I'i is suspected by such officer to be guilty of a violation of Section 10-23, shall . I have the right to refuse to permit his breath to be so analyzed, and his failure 'I 'Ii to do so shall not be evidenced in any prosecution under Section 10-23, provided, [I however, that nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting in any manner the provisions of Section 10-24. II I I 11II (d) Whenever the breath sample so taken and analyzed indicated that ther~ is alcohol present in the blood of the person from whom the breath was taken, the I officer may charge such person for the violation of Section ~0-23. Any person so I II charged shall then be subject to the provisions of Section 10-24. j I I II Ii ~ ~ II II II 'i 'I i i I I Ii i I ~ (b) Any person whether licensed by Virginia or not, who operates a Ii I' II ~ I I I (e) The results of such breath analysis shall not be admitted into evidence in any prosecution under Section 10-23, the purpose of this section being to permit a preliminary analysis of the alcoholic content of the blood of a person suspected of having violated the provisions of Section lO-23. I (f) Police officers or members of the sheriff's department shall, upon stopping any person suspected of having violated the provisions of Section 10-23, advise such person of his rights under the provisions of this section. Section 10-24: Use of chemical test to determine alcohol in bloodl procedure 1 qualifications and liability of person withdrawing blood; costs; evidence; suspension of license for refusal to submit to test, to amend and readopt the follow- ing subsections. motor vehicle upon a public street or highway in this county on and after January one, nineteen hundred seventy-three, shall be deemed thereby, as a condition of such operation, to have consented to have a sample of his blood or breath taken for a chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, if such per- son is arrested for a violation of Section 10-23 within two hours of the alleged offense. Any person so arrested shall elect to have either the breath or blood sample taken, but not both. It shall not be a matter of defense that either test is not available. I '" , j I I i II ! II Iii (dl) Portions of the blood sample so withdrawn shall be placed in each of two vials provided by the Division which vials shall be sealed and labeled by ii the person taking the sample or at his direction, showing on each the name of the 'I accused, the name of the person taking the blood sample, and the date and time 1,1 the blood sample was taken. The vials shall be placed in two containers provided Ii by the Division, which containers shall be sealed so as not to allow tampering Ji ,I with the contents. The arresting or accompanying officer shall take possession of ii ,I the two containers holding the vials as soon as the vials are placed in such con- " tainers and sealed, and shall transDort or mail one of the vials forthwith to the ,I Division. The officer taking possession of the other container (hereinafter refer1' red to as second container) shall, immediately after taking possession of said ii second container give to the accused a form provided by the Division which shall 'I set forth the procedure to obtain an independent analysis of the blood in the second container, and a list of those laboratories and their addresses, approved by the Divisionl such form shall contain a space for the accused or his counsel to direct the officer possessing such second cl)ntainer to forward the container to such approved laboratory for analysis, if desired. The officer having the second 'i container, after delivery of the form referred to in the preceding sentence (unles~1 at that time directed by the accused in writing on such form to forward the second 'i container to an approved laboratory of the accllsed's choice, in which event the ' officer shall do so) shall deliver said second container to the sheriff of the county and the sheriff who receives the same shall keep it in his possession for a period of seventy-two hours, during which time the accused or his counsel may, , in writing, on the form provided hereinabove, direct the sheriff having possession' of the second container to mail it to the laboratory of the accused's choice chose~ from the approved list. (c) If a person after being arrested for a violation of Section lO-23 after having been advised by the arresting officer that a person who operates a motor vehicle upon a public hihgway in this county shall be deemed thereby, as a condition of such operation, to have consented to have a sample of his blood or breath taken for a chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, and that the unreasonable refusal to do so constitutes grounds for the revocation Ii of the privilege of operating a motor vehicle upon the highways of this State, t then refuses to permit the taking of a sample of his blood or breath for such I, tests, the arresting officer shall take the person arrested before a committing Ii magistrate and if he does again so refuse after having been further advised by suc~: magistrate of the law requiring a blood or breath test to be taken and the penalty Ii for refusal, and so declares again his refusal in writing upon a form provided by Ii the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (hereinafter referred to as Ii Division), or refuses or fails to so declare in writing and such fact is certified 'i as prescribed in subsection (j), then no blood or breath sample shall be taken eve~i though he may thereafter request same. :1 !: I I 5-22-73 - _.~ n -...J ! I~ ~,' (d2) The testing of the contents of the second container shall be made ~ ~ in the same manner as hereafter set forth concerning the procedure to be followed I ji . . I by the D1v1sion, and all procedures established herein for transmittal, testing I il and admission of the res~lt in the trial of the case shall be the same as for the ~ sample sent to the Division. ii (d3) A fee not to exceed $l5.00 shall be allowed the approved laborato~ for making the analysis of the second blood sample which fee shall be paid out of ~ the appropriation for criminal charges. If the person whose blood sample wasil withdrawn is subsequently convicted for violation of Section 10-23, the fee II charged by the laboratory for testing the blood sample shall be taxed as part of II the costs of the criminal case and shall be paid into the general fund nf the ,! county. I! " i' .I said!1 ii I' (e) Upon receipt of the blood sample forwarded to the Division for :1 analysis, the Division shall cause it to be examined for alcoholic content and il the Director of the Division or his designated representative shall. execute a II certificate which shall indicate the name of the accused, the date, time and by II whom the blood sample was received and examined., a statement that the container 1'1 seal had not been broken or otherwise tampered with, a statement that the con- i tainer was one provided by the Division and a statement of the alcoholic content ,I of the sample. The certificate attached to the vial from which the blood sample ~' examined was taken shall be returned to the clerk of the court in which the charge i will be heard. The certificate attached to the container forwarded on behalf of I the accused shall also be returned to the clerk of the court in which the charge , will be heard, and such certificate shall be admissible in evidence when attested ~ by the pathologist or by the supervisor of the laboratory approved by the Divisioni, II (f) When any blood sample taken in accordance with the provisions of II this section is forwarded for analysis to the Division, a report of the results I: of such analysis shall bemade and filed in that office. Upon proper identificatioJ of the vial into which the blood sample was placed, the certificate as provided 1'1 for in this section shall, when duly attested by the Director of the Division or I , his designated representative, be admissible in any court, in any criminal pro- I: ~ ceeding, as evidence of the facts therein stated and of the results of such II Ii analysis. Ii ~ (g) Upon the request of the person whose blood or breath sample was ii II '-taken for a chemical te.st to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, the ~I,!,!. ,I results of such test or tests shall be amde available to him. I: I: i (i) In any trial for a violation of Section 10-23, this section shall "1 I not otherwise limit the intrOduction of any relevant evidence bearing upon any i, I question at issue before the court, and the court shall, regardless of the result Ii 1'1,' of the blood or breath test or tests, if any, consider such other relevant evidenc~ I' of the condition of the accused as shall be admissible in evidence. The failure n I,!, of an accused to permit a sample of his blood or breath to be taken for a chemical ii test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood is not evidence and shall not ,i :1:, be subject to comment at the trial of the casel nor shall the fact thaI: a blood !I or breath test had been offered the accused be evidence or the subject of comment. :, I: (j) The form referred to in subsection (c) shall contain a brief 'i il statement of the law requiring the taking of a blood or breath sample and the ii penalty for refusal, a declaration of refusal and lines for the signature of the "'I' person from whom the blood or breath sample is sought, the date and the signature of a witness to the signing. If such person refuses or fails to execute such II declaration, the committing justice, clerk or assistant clerk shall certify such Ii fact, and that the committing justice, clerk or assistant clerk advised advised " the person arrested that such refusal or failure, if found to be unreasonable, ij constitutes grounds for the revocation of such person's license to drive. The Ii committing of issuing justice, clerk or assistant clerk shall forthwith issue a warrant charging the person refusing to take the test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, with violation of this section. The warrant shall be executed in the same manner as criminal warrants. ,-, \_..-J ii II , I I ,i ,-, i: ! -..J , ~ n II " I' [' Ii Ii Ii Ii r ~ i I (d4) If the sheriff is not directed as herein provided to mail the second container within seventy-two hours after receiVing said container then officer, shall destroy same. J o o (l) When the court receives the declaration of refusal or certificate referred to in subsection (k) together with the warrant charging the defendant with refusing to submit to having a sample of his blood or breath taken for the determination of the alcoholic content of his blood, the court shall fix a date , for the trial of said warrant, at such time as the court shall designate, but sub-I' sequent to the defendant's criminal trial for driving under the influence of I' intoxicants. (m) The declaration of refusal or certificate under subsection (k), as" the case may be, shall be prima facie evidence that the defendant refused to submit to the taking of a sample of his blood or breath to determine the alcoholic con- ti tent of his blood as provided hereinabove. However, this shall not be deemed to f prohibit the defendant from introducing on his behalf evidence of the basis for , his refusal to submit to the taking of a sample of his blood or breath to determine the reasonableness of such refusal. 294 5-22-73 Ii I (rl) Chemical analysis of a person's breath, to be considered valid , under the provisions of this sect10n, shall be performed by an individual possess- ing a valid license to conduct such tests, with.a type of equipment and in accord- ance with the methods approved by the State Health Commissioner. Such breathtest- ing equipment shall be tested for its accuracy by the State Health Commissioner's II officer at least once every six months. ' The State Health Commissioner is directed to establish a training pro- gran for all individuals who are to administer the breath tests, of at least forty hours of instruction in the operation of the breath test equipment and the admini- stration of such tests. Upon the successful completion of the training program th Commissioner may issue a license to the individual operator indicating that he has completed the course and is authorized to conduct a breath test analysis. Any individual conducting a breath test under the provisions of this section and as authorized by the State Health Commissioner shall issue a certifi- cate which will indicate that the test was conducted in accordance with the manu- facturer's specifications, the equipment on which the breath test was conducted has been tested within the past six months, the name of the accused, the date, the time the sample was taken from the accused, the alcoholic content of the sample, and by whom the sample was examined. The certificate as provided for in this section, when duly attested by the authorized individual conducting the breath test, shall be admissible in any court in criminal proceeding as evidence of the alcoholic content of the blood of the accused. In no case may the officer making I the arrest, or anyone with him at the time of the arrest, or anyone participating in the arrest of the accused, make the breath test or analyze the results thereof. (s) The steps herein set forth relating to the taking, handling, identification, and dispostition of blood or breath samples are procedural in nature and not substantive. Substantial compliance therewith shall be deemed to be sufficient. Failure to comply with anyone or more of such steps or portions thereof, or a variance in the results of the two blood tests shall not of itself be grounds for finding the defendant not guilty, but shall glo to the weight of the evidence and shall be considered as set forth above with all the evidence in the case, provided that the defendant shall have the right to introduce evidence on his own behalf to show noncompliance with tt.e aforesaid procedure or any part thereof, and that as a result his rights were prejudiced. Section 10-25: Driving while ability to dri,ve is impaired by alcohol, is repealed. Section 10-26: Presumptions from alcoholic content of blood, to be amended and readopted as fol.lows: In any prosecution of a violation of Section 10-23, the amount of alcoho in the blood of the accused at the time of the alleged offense as indicated by a chemical analysis of the accused's blood in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-24 shall give rise to the following presumptions: I I I (1) If there was at that time C.05 percent or less by weight of alcohol in the accused's blood, it shall be presumed that the accused was not unde the influence of alcoholic intoxicants. II II Ii ~ Ii , (2) If there was at that time in excess of 0.05 percent but less than 0.10 percent by weight of alcohol in the accused's blood, such facts shall not give rise to any presumption that the accused was or was not under the influence of alcoholic intoxicants, but such facts may be considered with other competent evidence in determining the guilt or innocence of the accused. (3) If there was at that time O.lO percent or more by in the accused's bleod, it shall be presumed that the accused was ence of alcoholic intoxicants. weight of alcoho under the influ- Section 10-28: Forfeiture of driver's license 1 suspension of sentence, to be amended and readopted as follows: The judgment of conviction, or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, if for a first offense under Section lO-23, shall of itself operate to deprive the person so convicted or found not innocent of the right to drive or operate any such vehicle, conveyance, engine or train in this state for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year in the discretion of the court from the date of such judgment, and if for a second or other subsequent offense within ten years thereof for a period of three years from the date of the judgment of conviction or finding of not innocent thereof, any such period in either case to run consecutively with any period of suspension for failure to permit a blood sample to be taken as required by section lO-24. If any person has heretofore been convicted or found not innocent of violating any similar act of this state and thereafter is convicted or found not innocent of violating the provisions of Section 10-23, such convicti.on or finding shall, for the purpose of this section and Section lO-27, be a subsequent offense and shall be punished accordingly; and the court may, in its discretion suspend the sentence during the good behaviour of the person convicted or found not innocent. I I ; ~ I' 'I I ! i -, i , " -l II Ii i! li ! _J 'I I! " I! 'I " II Ii II r, " " " 'I " I' ~ II ~ " ::l J o 5-22-73 ~._- _.- This amendment to take effect on June 1, 1973. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ADOPTION OF CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY PLUMBING CODE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the Roanoke County Plumbing Code to be necessary in the best interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to amend the Roanoke County Plumbing Code as proposed, and Public Hearing thereon, have been advertised and posted in accordance with law: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke I Ii [I I' Ii q I' I! ij II Ii Ii I' ,I " County, that the Roanoke County Plumbing Code be amended as follows: Section l3-3, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section l3-3: Southern Standard Plumbing Code - Adopted. "There is hereby adopted by the county, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations applicable to governing plumbing as therein defined, that certain code known as The Southern Standard Plumbing Code, 1971 Edition, except such portions as are deleted, modified or amended in this chapter of which no less than (3) three copies are filed in the office of the clerk of the county, and are obtainable at the office of the county clerk during regular business hours. The same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out in length herein from the effective date of this ordinance, the provisions thereof shall apply to and govern plumbing, includ- ing the practice, materials and fixtures used in the install- ation, maintenance, extension and alteration of all piping, fixtures, and appliances and appurtenances in connection with any of the following: sanitary drainage or storm sewer drainage facilities, venting systems and the public or private water systems within or ad;acent to any building or other structure, or conveyance 1 also, the practice and materials used in the installation, maintenance, extension or alteration of the storm water or sewage systems of any premises to their connection with any point of public or private disposal or terminal. All installation, operation, maintenance, alteration, repair, relo- cation, conversion to other uses and demolition of plumbing shall conform to the provisions of this chapter. Section l3-4, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section l3-4: Amendments, deletions. "The Southern Standard Plumbing Code, 1971 Edition, as adopted in this chapter is amended and changed as follows: (l) Section 101.5 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section lOl.5: Plumbing installation or maintenance by homeowner. "Nothing in this code shall prevent any homeowner from install- ing or maintaining plumbing within his own property boundaries, providing such plumbing work is done by himself and is used exclusively by him or his family. Such privilege does not con- vey the right to violate any of the provisions of this code, nor is it to be construed as exempting any such property owner from obtaining a permit and paying the required fees therefor, providing he can qualify as follows: 295 ~ ,I ~ " " I' ,I II ii II " H Ii " ir " I II i' ~ II I' " I' Ii II 'I !I Ii ~ II I ! I I I, ~ I' II n I' " Ii i! ! i 'I II Ii II " II il " II I' ri Ii I' " Ii II " " ,I !! " 296 5-22-73 ~ ij I' II !I (a) lie shall satisfy the county plumbing inspector as to his ability to do such work. (b) lie shall file an affidavit that he is the actual owner of the premises and will personally do the work. (c) He shall submit plans and specifications to the county plumbing inspector and shall secure and pay for a permit and shall notify the county plubming inspector when the work is ready for inspection. ' (d) He shall perform the work in accordance with the county plumbing code. (e) He may not employ anyone to help him except a licensed master plumber. (2) Section l06.2, be deleted and readopted as follows: I ~ ~ ~ II I' !I !I ~ ,I ,I I' ~ ~ II ~ II r Ii I' ~ Ii II II II Ii " Ii il ~ I, Ii I, 'I I, I' " ii " ii I! Section l06.2: Failure to obtain a permit. "If any person commences c\llY work on a plumbing installation before obtaining the necessary permit from the county, he shall be subject to the penalty prescribed herein. (3) Section 106.3, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 106.3: Fees. Sewer Inspection Fee............................ First 50 fixtures (except floor drains)......... Allover SO fixtures............................ Floor Drains....................."........................................ Minimum inspection fee................~......... Water heater..."..............." ")"........................................ Reinspection fee (when needed).................. Trailer inspection.............................. Dishwashers and disposals....................... Roof drains......................................................................... For installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment.......... (4) Section l07.2(a), be deleted and readopted as follows: Section l07.2: Notification. $ 3.00 each 1.50 each .50 each .50 each 3.00 each 1.50 each 3.00 each 5.00 each l.50 each 1.00 each 1.00 each (al "Advance notice: It shall be the duty of the holder of a permit to give a notice to the administrative authoJ:'ity when plumbing work is ready for test inspection. Such notification shall be given eight working hours Defore the work is ready for inspection. If the proper administrative authority fails to appear within twenty-four working hours of the time set for each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made, and the plumber required to file an affidavit with the proper administrative authority that the work was installed in accordance with the chapter, the approved plans and permit, and that it was free from defects and that the required tests had been made and the system found free from leaks; also whether the owner or his authorized agent was present when such inspection or test was made, or was duly notified. (5) Section llO be deleted and repealed. (6) Section III be deleted anc readopted as follows: Section lll: Violations and Penalties. "Any person, firm or corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this chapter or fail to comply therewith or with any of the provisions thereof, or violate a detailed statement or plans submitted and approved thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof dur- ing which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed or continued, and upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction for any such violation such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($lO.OO), nor more than one hundred dollars ($lOO.OOl. or imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or by both such fine and impris- onment. I I I I I, II II II 'I Ii I' Ii II II " II I' " 'I II II 11 )1 J ,I II I' :1 I, I, " i; I: il " Ii I I: I' " I' " " ~! h I I - .-J f -' ~ - ''''4 J Q "_ _.___..___u_ t: " " i! :, I: Ii )i r Ii 1 J! " I f II I ii I' II ./ I' Ii Ii Ii ~ 'I I: " ii II II I I II :1 " 11 Ii I' I' II I' t I, I' \\ I' ,I I: ,I , i: " ,I ii I, II i: 5-22-73 297 --_... .-- -.--..---- -_. .,.,..",..,.,,-,....-.. .._-- ... ._- (7) Section l2l2.1, be deleted and readopted as follows: section l2l2.1: Materials. (a) "Above ground - Materials tor water distribution pipes and tubing shall be brass, copper water tube, minimum type "L" stainless steel water tube, minimum grade "H", lead, or cast iron pressure water pipe, all to be installed with the appropriate approved fittings. (b) "Under ground - Inaccessible water-distribution pJ.pJ.ng under floor slabs shall be minimum type "K" copper tubing, brass lead, or cast iron pressure water pipe, all to be installed with the appropriate approved fittings. All ferrous piping and fittings shall be coated with coal,tar,enamel or other coating approved for such purpose. (8) Section l30l.4 (a), be deleted and readopted as follows: Section l30l.4: Underground piping within buildings. DRAINAGE (a) "All underground drains within buildings shall be cast iron soil pipe, lead, copper or heavy schedule borosilicate glass. For buildings six stories or under in height the underground pipe may be of service weight cast iron soil pipe, or type "L" copper. (9) Section l401.4 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 140l.4: Piping Undergro~~d. VENTS "Vent pJ.pJ.ng placed underground shall be cast iron, or copper tube of a weight not less than that of copper, water tube type "L", or heavy schedule borosilicate glass 1 provided that other materials may be used for underground vents when found adequate and installed as directed by the plumbing official. The following sections be deleted, that they are covered by the herein adopted Southern Standard Plumbing Code: section l3-5 Section l3-15 Section 13-6 Section 13-16 Section l3-7 Section l3-J7 Section l3-8 Section l3-28 Section l3-9 Section l3-29 Section 13-l0 Section l3-30 Section l3-ll Section l3-31 Section 13-l2 Section l3-32 Section l3-l3 Section l3-33 Section l3-l4 Section 13-40 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 13-40: Fees for examination. "The fees charged each applicant for examination as provided for in the two preceding sections shall be as follows: Master plumber examination.............. Journeyman plumber examination.......... Apprentice plumber registration......... Renewal of Certificate of Qualification. $lO.OO 5.00 3.00 1.00 Section 13-42 be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 13-42: Duration of certificates, renewal. "Every plumber's certificate of qualification shall be issued for one year. Each such certificate shall be renewed from year to year without reexamination unless said certificate has been revoked as provided for in Section 13-44 of this chapter." This amendment to take effect on June l, 1973. On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the following AYES: recorded vote: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. lIilton, Jr., NAYS: John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson None ~,-22-73 -'- .-- - -- _._._..=~._---- -+,---~ - ,--. , , I ~ ~ " " ~ Ii " ii Ii II Ii II ,I ,I II i I 'I ! Ii II " II I, " I, ~ II ,I ~ ~ I' " Ii ,I I 'I I, r. i' /, ,I 'I I' ,I j: " ;1 I: " " i' ,I 'I II , ;: Ii ii I' ,I r: Ii " I, Ii 'I I, " said bond to remain in full force and effect until December 31, following the year in which said bond is written. This bond shall be so conditioned that all electrical work performed by or under the supervision of said master electrician shall be in accordance with provisions of this chapter and to indemnify the Board of Supervisors or the owner of property against damage by reason of any defect in wiring or the opening of streets and further conditioned to refund to the Board of Supervisors or the property owner any money expended to correct any work or repair any damage done or caused by the electrician in the execution of his work and further conditioned to save harmless any person, firm or corporation for whom the master electrician or his employees may do electrical work or furnish materials, and that he will pay all fees and all fines and penalties properly imposed upon him for violation of any pro- vision of this chapter. If the bonded master electrician fails, refuses or neglects to make such work conform to this chapter as directed by Inspector in written order, the county attorney shall notify the surety on the bond in writing, and if the surety fails to make such correction within eight days after such notice is mailed to last known address of surety, the amount of the bond shall be forfeited to the Board of Supervisors. This bond shall be approved by the county engineer and deposited with the county clerk." ~ i " 'I II II II Ii ,I " II ~ :1 Ii II II " II II II Ii " Ii Ii ~ " Ii ~ " ![ II " II ~ ,I " " il :i II " :j I, I' ii I' 1 i; I' ,i ii , II " II II " ij : U , i - Section 8-43, be deleted,readopted as follows: Section 8-43: Renewal of master electrician bond. "All county master electrician's bonds shall be renewed annually for the ensuing fiscal year on or before December 3l. A new section, numbered Section 8-43.l, be adopted: Section 8-43.l Owner installation on own residence. ~ ...J "The owner may install his own wiring at his own residence provided a plan is submitted and an electrical permit is secured first as specified in this chapter. All wiring installed by the owner shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and in such event the word "owner" shall be substituted for the words "master electri::ian" throughout this chapter. No bond shall be required of an owner. Section 8-45, be deleted and readopted as follows: Section 8-45: Issuance; fees. "Permits shall not be issued by the electrical inspector until after the following fees have been paid to the electrical inspector by a bonded county master electrician or the owner who is to install the electrical work and the permit when issued shall be to such applicant: NO electrical permit shall be issued for less than $l.OO Wiring to OUtlets (Open and Concealed) 1 to 10 outlets...................... $ 3.00 II to 20 outlets..................... 4.50 21 to 30 outlets..................... 5.50 31 to 50 outlets..................... 7.00 51 to lOO outlets.................... 9.00 Allover lOO outlets - $9.00 plus for each outlet over lOO................. .05 o Fixture.s o Ii I, H !! " " " ,I I, II , 1 to 20 lights....................... $ 3.00 21 to 40 lights...................... 4.00 41 to 75 lights...................... 5.00 76 to l50 lights..................... 6.00 l5l to 350 lights.................... 9.00 Allover 350 lights - $9.00 plus for each light over 350.................. .05 Services Ii Ii \' !! 150 amp and under.................... 151 amp to 200 amp................... 201 amp to 400 amp................... 40l amp and over..................... Tempo~ary el7ctric service (for each 1nspect1on) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trailer service......,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. Trailer service (total electric)..... $ 3.00 5.00 7.00 lO.OO 3.00 3.00 5.00 'i !I !I " " Ii I ! 300 5-22-73 Cost of l/2 H.P. and under...................... $ Cost of over 1/2 H.P. to and including 1 H.P.... Cost of over 1 H.P. to and including 3 H.P...... Cost of over 3 H.P. to and including 10 H.P..... Allover 10 H.P................................. 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 i Ii I I I :1 Ii II II II ! ~ II II 1 I I I I Motors EACII Electric Heat Baseboard, ceiling electric furnace and heat pump................................................................................. $ 5.00 Special Appliances Electric water heaters, ranges, space heaters, cook tops, ovens, signs, radio apparatus, gas or oil furnaces and other appliances requiring special wiring.................................. $ 1.00 each I Section 8-54, to add the following subsections: Section 8-54: Amendr.2nts to National Elect~~cal Code. (c) "All wirings on or in buildings in the county used for business purposes must be in approved metal conduit or race- ways 1 in buildings designed and used exclusively for residences, metal raceways are not required. (d) "Due to the soil conditions in many parts of the county where a permanent driven ground is necessary, only 8 foot ground rod approved for the purpose will be accepted. (e) "Service conductor in residence (from meter to disconnect) if more than lO feet shall be in an approved type raceway. (f) "Approved raLl tight service equipment shall be used on all temporary services. (gl "All lights in clothes closets in the county shall be as in 410-8 of the National Electrical Code or of a fluorescent type approved for the purpose. (h) "Only a total enclosed light with a guard or fluorescent lights will be accepted in barns. (i) "All new swimming pool construction must be provided with ground fault circuit interrupters approved for 'this purpose." Section 8-55, be deleted and readopted as follows: I Section 8-55: Issuance of copies of National Electrical Code. "Two copies of The National Electrical Code, as herein described, shall be furnished without additional charge to each bonded county master electrician who has paid all fees and charges as herein specified. ,I n !I " "Additional copies of The National Electrical Code, as herein described, shall be kept in Treasurer's Office for sale at three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) each, limited by supply on hand." A new section, numbered Section 8-55.l, be adopted: Section 8-55.l: Codes Replenished. I "National Safety Codes and National Electrical Codes herein described for Treasurer's Office shall be reordered by inspector as needed." This amendment shall take effect on June l, 1973. On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the following AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson I recorded vote: NAYS: None 301 5-22-73 IN RE: PETITION OF UNIVERSAL HOUSING CORP.FOR CLOSING OF A PORTION OF PENGUIN DRIVE, AS SHOWN ON PLA'I' OF SE'CTION NO.8, PENN FOREST, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 64, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. FINAL ORDER 1"""1 I , i -< At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held at the Courthouse on the 22 day of May, 1973: WHEREAS, Universal Housing Corp. did petition this Board requesting the abandonment and closing of a portion of Penguin Drive as shown on Plat of n I W Section NO.8, Penn Forest, which plat is recorded in Plat Book 7, page 64, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and as shown on plat attached to said petition; which petition was filed at the regu- lar meeting of this Board on the lOth day of April, 1973, and by Order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommen- dation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1 and ~ WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on the 17th day of April, 1973, after due advertisement and after proper notice as required by the Code of Virginia, and after hearing evidence touching on the I merits of said Petition, recommended to this Board that a portion of Penguin Drive~ as shown on Plat of Section No.8, Penn Forest, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 64, II i in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, I and also shown on plat attached to said petition, be permanently closed and vaca- Virginia; and II II WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order !i Ii entered on the lOth day of April, 1973, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this! I Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith I set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special ~ meeting of this Board, and give notice of its intention to abandon said portion otfl ill Penguin Drive by publication and by posting notice in accordance with the Code of " II li I; J " Ii Ii for public hearing on the aforesaid permanently closing and vacating of a portion II 'I I, I' I I, ii I: " Ii il I, \1 thereof :' , I; WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this ted; and Board to be held on the 22nd day of May, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time of Penguin Drive, as shown 011 plat ,,e Section No.8, Penn Forest, which map is """'l U recorded as aforesaid, and also as shown on plat attached to said Petition, and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions as required by said Order of this Board, and by posting notice o all in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1 and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on the said proposed permanently closing and vacating a portion of Penguin Drive, as shown on Plat of Section No.8, Penn Forest, which map is recorded as aforesaid, and more fully shown on plat attached to said Petition, after notices thereof were duly published ,; :1 and posted, as aforesaidl and WIIEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and hearing evidence touch- ing on the merits of said proposed permanently closing and vacating of a portion 302 5-22-73 of Penguin Drive, as shown on Plat of Section No.8, Penn Forest, which map is recorded as aforesaid, and more fully shown on plat attached to said Petition, being of the opinion that said permanently closing and vacating should be done as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the I Board of Super.isors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 22nd day of May, 1973, the said permanently closing and vacating of a portion of penguin Drive as shown on Plat of Section No.8, Penn forest, which map is recorded in Plat Book ~ I 7, Page 64, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and more fully shown on plat prepared by David Dick & Associates, dated March 9, 1973, and the said portion of penguin Drive be and the same is hereby permanently closed, discontinued and vacated. I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board mark permanently closed and vacated that portion of Penguin Drive as shown On Plat of Section No.8, Penn Forest, recorded as aforesaid, and also shown on plat attached to said petition, referring to this Order, and the said fee simple title to the portion of Penguin Drive shall vest to the owner of the adjoining lands as pro- vided in Section 15.1-483 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED Al,D ORDERED that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board execute a Deed conveying that portion of Penguin Drive hereby permanently closed, discontinued and vacated to Universal Housing corp., a copy of said deed being attached hereto and marked "ExhibitA." I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwi certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Com- mission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to W. H. Fralin, Attorney for the petitioner. ~ [' II ,I I ~ ~ ~ Ii The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and the fOllowing recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None Mr. W. H. Fralin, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. I I ,[ Ii Ii " I: I' ii ri Ii I: " I' il Ii Ii II '! ii Ii ,I II 11 I: Ii !; " ii " i! ~ Ii I IN RE: CONTINtlM!ICl OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PETITIO,~S Or. ROSEMARY HASH PETTIGREI'I AND DOlUS JUNE HASH SHAW Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Public Hearings on the Petitions of Rosemary lIash Pettigrew and Doris June Hash Shaw be continued to the I June l2, 1973 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 304 5-22-73 IN RE: PETITION OF G. WAYNE FRALIN FOR REZONING ALL PROPERTY LYING WEST OF TilE CENTERLINE OF PETERS CREEK CONTAINING 4.97 ACES FROM R-l TO B-2. ORDER ----- , hi. ,.",ioo ....'iv. <0 '.,ooio, cO. "'P"'Y ...or>bod ,,"",'no vhicO ..".., I This day came G. Wayne Fralin, by counsel, and requested leave to file is granted and said petition is hereby filed. I On motion made and carried it is hereby ordered that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested by said Petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accozdance with the provisions of the 19S0 Code amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its of Virginia, as II recommendation I I to the Clerk of this Board, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dod~on I NAYS: None IN RE: PETITION OF JERRY B. BOWEN &~D J.M. BECKER FOR REZONING OF LOTS 27, 28 AND THE EASTERN l/2 OF LOT 26, SECTION l, ACCORDING TO TIlE MAP OF DILLARD COURT Q.~~!~ Came this day the petitioners by their counsel and ask leave to file their petition relative to the zoning of a parcel of land situated on the South I side of Peters Creek Road, Virginia lIighway ROute No. l17, in Roanoke County, and ~ ,I more specifically described as LOts 27, 28 and the eastern l/2 of Lot 26, Section II! " 11,1:, l, according to the Map of Dillard Court. J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the II Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said petition be and the II same is hereby filed. Ii ~ .I ~ BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED A.'lD ORDERELJ that when said Planning Commission 'I'i, !l 1'1 I ,I shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law the~ ! said Clerk shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per-'I': i II missable regular or special meeting of this Board. !i II AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Ii Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to ) Ii I j' 'j ~ Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I: ~I i: i! II If I' il ii " II ,I Ii I' I' 'f ( ii II II !i,' I' II I I ------"- ""i , _J - , I I - 1 - J ~ 5-22-73 307 - --- -_.. -i ~ ~ I; ii On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson I; II " " Ii II " I i I, I: I; Ii Ii II II II I' Ii II 'I II !I Ii Ii I i I I ~ ~ Ii Ii I: ~ " " I, I, I. i; I' Ii ~ 'I II '1 II , Ii ,I Ii 'I II I, Ii I, " I, H Ii , 11 ;1 " " i: !I h i! I, I " ! :: i! " !i !' 'I 1! [I ,: if i: ~ I' " ii ii :i I; II II Public Accountants, has performed such audit in the past and is highly qualified il II Ii ~ ;1 said firm to conduct the 1973 fiscal audit for Roanoke County. I! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County il I' that the firm of Daniel A. Robinson and Associates, Certified Public Accountants, ~ be, and said firm is hereby employed to conduct the 1973 fiscal audit for Roanoke I; ~ I I ! ,I " Ii I, NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION EMPLOYING DANIEL A. ROBINSON AND ASSOCIATES TO PERFORM THE FISCAL 1973 COUNTY AUDIT WHEREAS, there is required to be performed an audit on all funds of Roanoke County for each fiscal year; and WIIERE.\S, the firm of Daniel A. Robinson and Associates, Certified in said area; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to employ County. On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. lIilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: GLENVAR RECREATION FIELD Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III moved that the County concur with the proposal of the Marine Corps to grade the Glenvar Recreation Field at no cost to the County other than fuel and materials and that said proposal be referred tu the County Attorney to prepare the necessary papers and also that a sign be erected stating that such work is being done by the Marine Corps Reserves. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: EMPLOYMENT OF YOUTHS FOR SUMMER Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that Mr. Clark be directed to do the necessary work to instigate the program for summer employment for 12 youths (l4 to 2l years of age), the cost of which will be funded 90 percent by the State and 10 percent by the County. The County's 10 percent will be in kind contribu- tions. This program is for nine weeks beginning June ll, 1973 and the youths will' be employed in the County's Public Works Department at a salary of $1.9ij per hour. 5-22-73 The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: I PAYMENT OF LIVESTOCK CLAIM Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved ~hat the livestock claim for Earl and Claude Sirry (l lamb) in the amount of $l5.00 be paid. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: PRELIMINARY REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO STUDY FORMS OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT Mr. Jennings T. Bird, Chairman of the Committee to Study Forms of County Government, appeared before the Board and presented the Committee's preliminary report recommending the adoption of the County Executive form of government. On the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the preliminary report submitted by the Committee to Study Forms of I , Ii " 'I I' ~ I I I I Ii ~ " 'I I! Ii :1 i ~ i' I' " " 'I Ii II " " 'I I, Ii II ~ " If Ii " I! I, I, Ii r' ,I ;1 :' " II ~ ,I ~ 'I II ,I WHEREAS, the real estate taxes assessed against real estate situate in Ii Roanoke County for the first half of 1973 are due and payable on June 5, 1973; an~1 WHEREAS, Section 58-963.l provides that the Board of Supervisors may, bylll ordinance, extend by one calendar month the date on which said payments are duel ! ;1 II I, II II THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County I! II " II I' ,i 'I " I: I: " ,: Ii !1 I County Government was this date received and filed. IN RE: AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING BY THIRTEEN DAYS THE DATE ON WHICH THE REAL ESTATE TAX FOR THE FIRST IlALF OF THE 1973 CALENDAR YEAR IS DUE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY and WHEREAS, an emergency is hereby declared to exist in order that this ordinance take effect upon its passage. I that the due date for the first half of the 1973 real estate tax be extended by thirteen days and that no penalty shall be incurred in connection with the pay- ment of such County real estate taxes on or before June 18, 1973. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk publish this ordinance in the I newspaper in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. BE IT FINALLY ORDIANED THAT TillS ORDINk'<CE shall be in full force and effect upon its passage. On motion of S"pervisor R. t.. Hilton, Jr. and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 5-22-73 --......--:-= IN RE: PROMOTION OF E~~LOYEE IN THE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S OFFICE Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Board concur with the request .-., I ! -' of the Commissioner of the Revenue to promote Cynthia S. Compton to Deputy Com- missioner, effective June l, 1973, at a salary of $4,500.00. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson -, I ---- NAYS: None IN RE: INSURANCE Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that Mr. Clark be directed to investi- , ~ i I I I Ii II ij 'I II ~ r, ~ !I Ii II WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to provide for the economical ;: · Ii " Ii 'I II deems it necessary to establish a committee to study the utilization of facilitie~!, " 'I il , II THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COunty 'i il , gate the total insurance package for the County and report back to the Board as soon as possible. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE UTILIZATION OF FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND MANPOWER IN ROANOKE COUNTY operation of the various departments of the County; and WHEREAS, in order to determine the best method of operation, the Board equipment and manpower in the County government. that a committee be, and it is hereby estnbl~shed to study the utilization of facilities, equipment and manpower in the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said committee include in its study all departments of the County including schools, the departments concerned with J public safety, i.e. fire, police and rescue, and all the departments concerned with public works, i.e. ref~se collection, parks and recreation, maintenance of buildings and grounds and transportation. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that said committee shall be comprised of ten o members, each Supervisor to appoint two persons from his district. On motion of Supervisor R. E. lIilton, Jr. and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None 311 312 5-22-73 'i Ii II I, I II i 'I I I, I hming <he ~,,~ of imp.d., , ,~ 00 eh, ,,1. .f oi,~"". 10 ....... 0000"'" I ,I 1 II " I: II il II II I II Ii IN RE: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING TilE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE METHODS OF Cl~LENGING THE VALIDITY OF STATE STATUTES CONCE&~ING THE IMPOSITION OF A CIGARETTE TAX BY TilE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has set for public and I WlIEREAS, the Attorney General has rendered an opinion that the imposi- tion of such tax would be in violation of the law of the Commonwealth of Virginial and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires the County Attorney to I investigate possible methods of challenging the validity of such statutes. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the County Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to investigate all possible methods of challenging the validity of state statutes concerning the imposition of I a tax on the sale of cigarettes by the County. ! i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said County Attorney report his findings to the Board at the June l2, 1973 meeting. On motion of Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None I ,~STAINING: John G. Seibel I I ~ II,' i! !I II "I 'I I: ~ Ii WHEREAS, the members of the Board of Supervisors will, on July 24, 1973, II II 'I, II I I I, II II 'I ,I I I 1 I'! Ii 'I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County !II [I I " that the regularly scheduled meeting of the said Board set for July 24, 1973, be, '!,jl Ii I' I I, and it is hereby canceled. ' t; 1'1 Ii it BE IT FURThER RESOLVED that any business set for the aforesaid meeti~g Ii il be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Superv1sor~. 1: ji i! BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board be, and she is hereby I! !i II i' directed to publish the resolution once a week for two weeks in the Roanoke World " 'i II " Ii II II Ii II Said resolution shall also be published and posted at the front door of " Ii II 'I I! 'I II Ii ,I " Ii Ii IN RE: A RESOLUTION CANCELING TilE SECOND MEETING OF THE B~RD OF SUPERVISORS IN JULY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is required to meet no less than one time each month in regular session; and the date of the second regularly scheduled meeting in July, be attending the National Association of Counties Conference; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, therefore, desires to cancel their regular meeting scheduled for July 24, 1973. I I News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County. the Roanoke County Courthouse. 5-22-73 On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: ..., , i , - ,I ~ il " i' I! ~ I, Ii 11 'I 'I I, I I ~ organizations to conduct bingo games and raffles in accordance with certain con- AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A FORM OF PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION BY CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONS OF BINGO GAMES AND RAFFLES I I i i II ,I ditions set out in said statutes; and i; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is desirous of establishing a standard~ permit to be issued to said organizations upon the adoption of a resolution by ~ II Ii THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard of Supervisors of Roanoke County I that the following form of permit be adopted as the permit to be issued to any , ii II I, 'I II I ~ I, I' ~ il 'I , I ...... WHEREAS, the General Assembly adopted legislation permitting certain said Board granting the privilege of conducting said activities. organization being granted the privilege of conducting bingo games and raffles: PERMIT Pursuant to the provisions of Sections l8.l-3l6 and 18.1-340 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has, by resolution duly adopted, granted a permit to !'""'I ! ".j to conduct a pursuant to the provisions of the above-mentioned Code sections. This permit shall be in force and effect for the period June l, 1973 to May 3l, 1974; however, it may be revoked by the ,Board of Supervisors should the permittee fail to comply with any of the provisions of Section 18.1-340. This permit shall be posted at a conspicuous location on the premises upon which the activity herein permitted is to be conducted. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County By William F. Clark County Executive Officer BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the county Executive Officer be directed to have a sufficient number of these forms prepared so that they may be issued J to any organization authorized to conduct said activities. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora, R. E. lIilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, C. Lawrence Dodson o NAYS: None At 9:05 p.m., Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that the Board of Supervisors go into Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter. The motion:: carried on the unanimous voice vote of the Board. 316 6-12-73 ! IN RE: PETITION OF ROSEMARY HASH PETTIGREW AND ) DORIS JUNE HASH SHAW FOR REZONING OF LOTS ) 1 THROUGH 5, BLOCK ll, AND LOTS 1 AND 2, ) FINAL BLOCK 6, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF NORTH HILLS ) ORDER WHEREAS, Rosemary Hash Pettigrew and Doris June Hash Shaw petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (l970) I be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as B-2 as to Lots 1 through 5, Block ll, and B-3 as to Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, according to the Map of North Hills which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 27th day of March and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1 and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolction adopted at its meeting held on t~e 15th and 29th day of May, 1973 after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance, I (l970) be amended as requested in said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 27th day of March as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regclar meeting of this I ~ Board held on the 12th day of June, 1973 at 1:00 p.m. as the date and time for a ! public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, I I Ii II II II ,I ), II II WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition II Ii and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence III Ii II' touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance I r II, I: III II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting ,~~ 'I ~ of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on June 12, 1973, l ~ ~ Ii the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so as to fl i: ii I ' II I'! ! Ii ~ ~ Ii 'I I, II II " I ~ i[ Ii " II II " Ii ,I ! WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid 1 and (1970) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended I as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. classify as B-2 as to Lots 1 through 5, Block 11, and B-3 as to Lots land 2, I Block 6, all that tract or parcel of land described as follows: Lots 1 through 5, Block 11, and Lots 1 according to the Map of North Hills of Book 3, page 20, in the Clerk's Office Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and 2, record of the Block 6 in Plat Circuit i; " II I' " :, II !: 6-12-73 --_.- -- .- .-.- -.-- .-. _. - -~~.._.- ,- I ! i ~ I! WHEREAS, this Board did refer this matter to the Roanoke County Planning !I 'i I' I Iii Commission, which Commissior. recommended the approval of this project at a special meeting held on May 29, 1973, conditioned, however, upon using only acceptable II Ii I' ~~::::l:o::i::::::i::a:: the Department of Health, Commonwealth of virginia and il il l. That stoves, refrigerators, and all appliances be crused prior to ~ r placement in the quarry. ,I " l! 2. That trees be cut to such a size as to facilitate compaction. Ii 'I 3. That the fill areas be periodically treated and sprayeu for insect I II and rodent control as may be recommended by the Health Department. ~ 4. That a maximum time limit of four (4) years be imposed and that a Ii . II performance bond be posted in an amount to be determined by the Board of superv~sorrl for the duration of the permit. II il 5. That the completed fill be capped with ample earth to promote tree II II growth, graded to drain in a satisfactory manner, and topsoiled and seeded. !~ II Ii I' 6. That all safety regulations in effect be s';:J>:ictly followed, and !i 'I WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did cause to be published in the World- !i News of Roanoke, Virginia, a newspaper having a general circulation in Roanoke I: 'i County on May 29 and June 5, 1973, a legal notice that this Board would hold a II public hearing at l:OO p.m. on June l2, 1973, on the request of Strauss constructior Company, Inc. that it be granted a special permit to engage in a disposal operati041 I for demolition wastes at the quarry site off Lockhaven Road in Roanoke County, ~ I ~ I conditioned upon said company complying with all requirements and safeguards pre- Ii Ii scribed by the Department of Health, Commonwealth of Virginia; and Ii :1 'I II, WHEREAS, after giving careful consideration to said request and to the Ii II II recommendation of the Planning Commission and there being no opposition thereto, Ii Ii II I and being of the opinion that the request should be granted: II II :1 II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Strauss Construction II Ii Company, Inc. be, and it is hereby, granted a special use permit to operate a ,,'I jl :1 i! disposal :>peration for demolition wastes for the purpose of filling a quarry off I' :1 Ii III ,,,, of Lockhaven Road in Roanoke County conditioned upon said construction company I) i 'I H complying with all requirements and safeguards prescribed by the Department of il Ii Health, Commonwealth of Virginia, and the conditions and requirements set forth I' II and enumerated in the preceeding whereas clauses hereof, but this order shall not !: " " !: become effective until the Strauss Construction Company, Inc. shall enter into a II II good and sufficient performance bond before the Clerk of this Board in the penalty Ii II of $5,000.00, conditioned upon its faithful compliance with the conditions and I, Ii requirements herein set forth. ~ II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the Clerk of this Board shall ~ II forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the secretary of the " -' ...... 1 i -! J J Q Planning Commission, to the Virginia State Department of Health and a copy to Kime, Jolly, Clemens and Canterbury, attorneys for petitioner. 319 320 ---~,-- ...~,-, 6-12-73 The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Engl~bl and the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None Mr. R. S. Kime, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the petitioners. There was no opposition. IN RE: I before il II 'I II '1 I II I I I II , REQUEST FOR BINGO PERMIT Mr. W. F. Patterson, Secretary of the Vinton Lodge l121, appeared the Board and requested issuance of a Bingo Permit for said Lodge. Supervisor Seibel moved that a Bingo Permit be granted to the Vinton Moose Lodge ll2l to become effective June l2, 1973 for a period of one year. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: REQUEST FOR BINGO PERMIT e. Mr. H. R. Hopkins, representing the Glenvar Youth Boosters, appeared before the Board and requested issuance of a Bingo Permit. Supervisor Hilton moved that a Bingo Permit be granted to the Glenvar Ii Youth Boosters to become effective June l2, 1973 for a period of one year. Ii II ,I II ~ !j il ~ ~ ~ " Ii 'I Ii Ii Ii 'I !I Ii 'I I Ii II " ,; I' Ii Ii " Ii II i' n i! !! i\ " II II 'I :: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: REQUEST FOR BINr~ PERMIT Supervisor Seibel moved that a Bingo Permit be issued to the Catawba Valley Ruritan Club to become effective June 12, 1973 for a period of one year, I I, ii Ii I' II I! I! II ,I 'I I' ,I Ii !I ,I I', I , !, $50,000.00 of additional revenue and five percent of any increase above $50,000.001 II 'I and further, that such additional fees shall not exceed the sum of $15,000.00. I, " i! il " 'I I " [' which permit does not include holding of auction sales and raffles. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Supervisor Flora moved that $1,000.00 retainer fee be appropriated to the law firm of Fitzgerald and Smith and an additional fee in an amount equal to ten percent of any additional allocation of such revenue to Roanoke County up to The Chairman and the Clerk are authorized to execute any necessary agreements between the County and said law firm. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, M~. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None I I I I I 6-12-73 -, _.. -~- _. -- .--.. -- --- ---. ~ , ! ~ I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning commission:! I Ij 'II shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, that upon receipt of il " i same, said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing!,:,! i ~ ~ " II ! at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice ff :1 'I 11 ii , I! I: j: 'I Ii 'I II The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Flora 'I II 'I I, 'I Ii I I I' II II II 'I II II This day came Aubrey N. NiChols, by counsel, and requested leave to file" !i Ii II I, ': II iI Ii ,I ~ i! II II [, iI AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning commission!! !j I: shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, that upon receipt of [I l( 'I il II ~ :~:~e s:::t C~::::i:::s r:::::r S::l:p:::::w:::t::: :e t:~:o:::: ::: :::~i:o::::ingll :i ~'Il I be given by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. II II Ii ii II,' I: I', Ii II I', Ii :i I ! I , ! I II I: :1 'I II iI " I' I' ii :1 1\ " thereof be given by said Clerk by publication. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. '-: ; -' I II " ~ Ii I I I I , II I ., - and the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, ~rr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None } ) ) n~ RE: PETITION OF AUBREY N. NICHOLS FOR REZONING OF A 7.70 ACRE TRACT LYING SOUTH OF ROUTE #221 FROM RE TO M-l ORDER his petition for rezoning of the property therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED "hat the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as requested in said petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation to th~s Boardl AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith aelivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County. The foregoing resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor J Flora and the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: Norie o IN RE: PETITION OF PAUL G. BLACK FOR REZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF DEXTER AND PLANTATION ROADS FROM B-1 TO B-2 AND FROM R-l to R-2 ORDER ) ) ) ) Came this day the Petitioner and ask leave to file his petition relative to the zoning of land described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors that said petition be and the same is hereby filed. 323 ...-_..--_.... 6-l2-73 --- BE:T FUR:HE:RE::~~D ~D -O:ERE:-t~~ the propos a: t~ hameerenbdythreeferre--d-j, zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition bp. and the same is to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its recommendations. J AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commissio I shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, said Clerk shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board. I AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be delivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. I The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Flora and the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER PETITION OF K. B. GRAHAM, BUILDER, INC. FOR REZONING OF ONE PARCEL CONTAINING 35 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND ADJOINING THE TWO PARCELS CONTAINING TWELVE (l2) ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED IN A PETITION AND ORDER DATED MARCH 20, 1973 Came this day the petitioner by its counsel and asked leave to file its petition relative to the zoning of ii parcel of land located in Roanoke County and more specifically described in said petition. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors that said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the II Zoning Ordinance as requested in sa.cd petition be, and the same, is hereby referrel' to the Planning Commission for its l:ecommendation. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning commissiol shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, said Clerk shall set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special I ji II Resolution and Order be delivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of .I il 'I I, I! 'i I , meeting of this Board. , I! II [I Ii ji Ii " !I Ii AYES: ~ I! I; " " i' ,I Ii " II " I ~ Ii ii " :1 !: Ii II I, I, 'I I' , i AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this the Planning Commission. I The above resolutions and orders were adopted on motion of Supervisor Flora and the following recorded vote: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None II ,I Ii I' II i' II " I' " i! .' " ,I Ii Ii " I! Ii I 326 6-12-73 WHEREAS, the County Administrator has recommended that the County enter into a revised contract with the City of Roanoke, said contract providing for the payment to the City of Roanoke of $6.48 per day per juvenile; said rate to be adjusted January 1 of each year to the amount set by the State Departmer.t of Welfare and Institutions; in which recommendation the Board concurs. I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roahoke County that the Chairman of said Board and the Clerk to said Board be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute, seal and attest, on behalf of the County, that certain agreement with the City of Roanoke for the use of the facilities of the City of Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home by Roanoke County at rate of $6.48 per day per juvenile; said rate to be adjusted January 1 of each year to the amount set by the State Department of Welfare and Institutions; said rate to become effective July 1, 1973, said contract to be otherwise in such form Ii 'I as is approved by the County Attorney. ~ On motion of Superv~or Seibel and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE:. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS On motion of Supervisor Seibel, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted December l2, 1972, be, and the same is hereby, I I I i ~ ! , I I I II II i ! , I , 'I I il 'I ii 'I Ii II Ii Ii I: i: ii II il !I II Ii amended as follows to become effective June l2, 1973: 307- FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION: An additional appropriation of $28,828.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1973, for the function or purpose hereinabove described Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ASSISTANT FINANCE OFFICER Supervisor Flora moved that Mr. John M. Chambliss, Jr. be employed as Assistant Finance Officer with a salary of $7,800.00 per year. AYES: The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Engleby and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, Mr. Clark's report on radio communciations maintenance was this date received and filed. I II thelj I I I I I , 'I II it " I' Ii Ii ,I II I , , I II !I I, II II I, Ii il H II I' ,I Ii ]: 'I I' I] Ii II 'I I, I I 6-12-73 =~",:.__... ._-~"_'"-'__.~n--" _,""" -_.=.~-. n i I ' ..-l T , I' I! I' ~ I' Ii ,I Ii I' " 11 " I, Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson it " " ii II " II Ii II " " II " 'I Ii ,t 'I I; I' ~ " II I: :1 I, 11 " ij II ! Ii I, II II " ,I I' II Board Ii I, ii I, II I, I, ~ ,I II I' ,I i! I' " IN RE: REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATIONS - 72-73 Supervisor Flora moved that Mr. Clark's report on Revenue Sharing be adopted and that the Revenue Sharing Allocations be submitted by Mr. Clark for advertisement in a local newspaper of general circulation for the information of County citizens. The motion was adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: None ~ , Ii II IN RE: Ii ~ I i II Ii I' Ii ,I II " II !i II 11 I II 'I I, Ii 11 II II Supervisor Hilton moved to appropriate the additional sum of $2,400.00 ,..J PROPOSED REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATIONS - 72-73 Operating/Maintenance Expenditures Public Safety Environmental Protection $ 62,000 37,500 Capital Environmental Conservation 13,673 Public Safety Public Works 58,23l 23,000 $194,404 The above represents the items proposed for use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds anticipated to be received by Roanoke County during fiscal 1972-73. '1 -' Details of these activities may be reviewed in the office of the Clerk to the of Supervisors at the Courthouse, Salem, Virginia 24153. IN RE: DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL STUDY in order to obtain a comprehensive report from McNair and Associates concerning J ji the Dixie Caverns Landfill and authorized execution of the revised proposal from I; John McNair and Associates. 11 The motion ~]as seconded by Supervisor Seibel and adopted by the Ii Ii following recorded vote: II AYES: ,I II Ii NAYS: 1: 'I Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson None o ii Ii On the motion of Supervisor Engleby and the unanimous voice vote of the Ii I' ii Board, the County Attorney's report regarding Cigarette Tax was this date I' II received and filed. II I' !i i' IN RE: PENN FOREST WATER CORPORATION l.' Ii I' I' supervisor Seibel moved to approve the request of Penn Forest Water \: II Corporation to furnish a water supply system to two tracts of land being developed Ii :iby Fralin & Waldron, Inc. and Horace G. Fralin, et als, provided water hydrants !i I: are installed simultaneously and that a letter be written to the State Corporation Ii I' Commission infOrm~ng said Commission of the action taken by the Board. '; The motl.on was adopted by the following recorded vote: i 'I I'AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson i: Ii NAYS: None 'I I, II I 327 6-l2-73 - ---- - --- ...~._- ~ 1 I I I I: I 1':,' i I I , I II!, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems it advisable to have a committee II , established to study the existing license tax ordinance and to make recommendations! , I, II l! II Ii " , I i I 'I II H II , Ii II II I, II II I I, II il 'I Board of Supervisors and for the overall efficient operation of County government 1 ~ II ij " II I) Ii ,I IN RE: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE TO STUDY ROANOKE COUNTY'S LICENSE TAX STRUCTURE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has heretofore adopted a license tax ordinance, which ordinance imposes a license tax on the privilege of conducting business in Roanoke County; and '...1 to the Board for revisions to said license tax ordinance. - , ~. i '-1 , " Ii I: I' 11 II Ii I) ,I II II vote: II AYES: Ii Ii NAYS: Ii ~ I IN RE: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Chairman appoint a committee comprised of five persons, two of whom shall be members of the Board of Supervisors and that the County Attorney and the County Administrator be ex officio me~~ers to study the county's license tax ordinance and to submit a report to the Board of Supervisors on possible revisions to said license tax ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Seibel and adopted by the following recorded Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel and Mr. Dodson None. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR ROANOKE COUNTY AND PRESCRIBING HIS POWERS AND DUTIES WHEREAS, the increased size and complexity of Roanoke County government , -J in recent years has created a need for expanded and clarified administrative procedures necessary to carry out the powers and duties assigned by law to the and ] " " I, I tive organization more capable of carrying out the Board's community and legal 'I I: ,I Ii ~ ~ Ii Ii 'I I 'I !i il WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to provide for an administra- responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner, and also desires to define the powers and duties of the administrative personnel 1 and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the method for commencing the accomplishment of the desires of the Board is the appointment of a County Administrator pursuant to its authority contained in Article 8, Title l5.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors establish the position of County Administrator of Roanoke County, said position to be filled by appointment of the Board, said Administrator to serve at the pleasure of the Board and to receive compensation as fixed by the Board, and o " II said Administrator is empowered to immediately exercise the powers and duties !i " " II Ii of a County Administrator as set forth in S15-ll7, Sl5.l-l27, Sl5.1-l28 and S15.1-l30 and Sl5.1-l23 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended except for centralized purchasing and a~counting for the Board of Public Welfare and the School Board, unless hereinafter authorized by the Board of Supervisors. 329 " 'I I' ,I " " il " i: I,' 11 " Ii i' " 334 _!i__II_~- 6-12-73 ! I! AYES: II 'j ! --T The motion was adopted by the following rec'Jrded vote: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: BINGO PERMITS I Supervisor Flora moved that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee consisting of the County Administrator, County Attorney and three other members to submit to the Board a policy on issuing Bingo Permits to '~ertain organizations. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NA'iS: None I Ii II ~ il !I i , ij IN RE: A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SERVICES OF FRANCES FITZGERALD I WHEREAS, FRANCES FITZGERALD, who is to retire on June 30, 1973, has I: served the County for twenty-eight and one half years in the capacity of bookkeepe~ I I ~ , and assistant finance officer 1 and WHEREAS, Miss Fitzgerald, while serving in the above-mentioned capaci- ties, has performed her duties in an outstandi.ng manner and has displayed the highest quality of public service and dedicati.on; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems it appropriate to recognize the I I 1 I " i ~ II I' II i' ,I Ii , I I . I occasion of the retirement of cl person who has contributed so much to the operatJ.ol I BE IT RESOLVED by the, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that this !I Board hereby expresses its appI'eciation to Frances Fitzgerald for the meritorious ~ service rendered to Roanoke County and wishes for her a long and happy retirement.~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE:D that the Clerk transmit a certified copy of this I I II I' ~ ii ,I II 'I i Supervisor Seibel moved that Miss Frances Fitzgerald, Assistant Finance I II I of the County government. resolution to Miss Fitzgerald on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. On motion of Supervisor Engleby, seconded by Supervisor Seibel and adopted by the following recorded vote: II I! Ii II I, " 11 it I; II il , Ii II 'I I, I: I: I: Ii I' I " I' II !! i; AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, ~r. Dodson NAYS: None IN RE: ACCUMULATED VACATION PAY I Officer, be paid for vacation she has accumulated during her employment with Roanoke County. Miss Fitzgerald will be retiring as of June 30, 1973. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None 336 dITJ.' rREec5tOsLVEthDe- = ".'0='0' 'O":~~<O~::"::=~Cy :, "i~1111 '- County Administrator to procure options on one or more I , , 1_.." 6-12-73 BE Board hereby parcels of land in the 581-peters Creek Road area considered for the proposed Regional Corrections Center site for a correction center and for the County Courthouse and administrative offices and that Salem and Craig County be invited to participate in either or both of these efforts in the event the Regional Corrections Center should fail for lack of support by Roanoke City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator investigate the possibilities of a regional courthouse and administrative facilities in Kimball or Downtown Roanoke City and report to the Board of Supervisors. on motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Dodson NAYS: Mr. Hi! ton ABSTAINING: Mr. Seibel IN RE: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD TO SUBMIT A REPORT ON THE EXPENDITURE OF CERTAIN BOND FUNDS WHEREAS, the citizens of Roanoke County, at a referendum held on May 22, 1967, approved the sale of $500,000.00 of bonds for the Parks and Re,creation program of the CountYl and ~ Ii Ii 'I It I' Ii i! Ii Ii I' II II II ii " " ii Ii II Ii , I I , of tne County's Parks and ~ Supervisors at the earliest II ~ Ii Ii .I ii I, I! ~ II I, I' II Ii I: I' II Ii Ii Ii i' I' i! I: I: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is desirous of having the Ce,unty Administrator and the Parks and Recreation Board study possible alternatives for the expenditure of said bond funds for the development llecreation program and submit a report to the Board of possible date. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the County Administrator and the Parks and Recreation Board be, and they are hereby directed to study possible alternatives for the expenditure of the remaining bond funds sold for the development of the County's Parks and Recreation program and to submit a report to the Board of Supervisors on said alternatives at the earliest possible date. On motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel., Mr. Dodson NAYS: None I I I I I n I ._.1 i I' ,"'" il , '--i II r !I I II and , ..,; o o -11IIII111 6-l2-73 IN RE: I !j II ,I II 'i )1 II \1 " Ii II " 'I I II II II I, II jl II !I " il :1 " II , , i I i I 'I II ~ I: II d ,.'d p<opo_" ........, ..d HoC'", 0' .,or,"q "-<'00 ..." bo p","'''' I ij II I :/ I i: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 19, TAXATION, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Heiuing be held on August 14, 1973, at 1:00 P.M. at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, at which time it will be moved that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: Chapter 19, Taxation, be amended by the addition of a new section numbered 19-6.1 entitled Bad checks tendered for pa~nen~ of local taxes, as follows: If any check tendered for any amount due for local taxes be not paid by the bank on which it is drawn, the person by whom such check was 'tenolered shall remain liable for the payment of such amount the same as if such check had not been tendered, and in addition to other penalties imposed by law, be subject to a penalty of ten d,llars. This amendment to take effect OIl September 1, 1973. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publiSh the proposed amen~~ent Notice of Hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.l-S04, , of the 19S0 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four consecuti'\I'e weeks in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a general circulation in RI~anoke II County. ,I II A copy of the proposed amendmen,t is on file in the Clerk's Office for ! the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. and posted at the front door of the Roano]{e County Courthouse. On motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr" Seibel and Mr. Dodson NAYS: None. IN RE: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF A SUMMER JOB PROGRAM AGREEMENT AND AL:L OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. WHEREAS, the Virginia Employment Cornnlission has approved positions requested for the nine week PEP Summer Jobs Progr~~ commencing June 11th, 19731 WHEREAS, the County Administrator has recommended that Roanoke county enter into an agreement with the Virginia Employment Commission to hire unemployed " residents of the County meeting certain qualifications, in which recommendation the!1 !! Board cf Supervisors concurs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the _ounty Administrator be, and he is hereby' authorized and directed to execute, for and on behalf of the County, that certain agreement dated May 17th, 1973, between the Virginia Employment Commission and Roanoke county for the Summer Jobs Program, the County agreeing to furnish $950 cash or in-kind services. ii I' II andi, Ii 'i 6-l2-73 ----------'------"1 I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator be, and he is hereby authorized to execute any other necessary documents for the implementation of the above-named program. On motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel and Mr. Dodson NAYS: None. IN RE: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE UKITED STATES MARINE CORPS RESERVE UNIT TO GRADE THE GLENVAR RECREATION FIELD AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER TO EXECUTE ALL APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as part of its parks and recreation program, desires to develop a community park in the Glenvar Area of the County, which will necessitate the grading of a recreation field in said areal and WHEREAS, the United States Marine Corps Reserve Unit has offered to grade the area at no cost to the County other than the cost of fuel and materials. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the offer of the United States Marine Corps Reserve Unit to grade the Glenvar Recreation Field at no cost to the County other than fuel and materials be, and it is hereby accepted and the County Administrator be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County the necessary papers for such work. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriate sign be erected at the site of said work indicating that the work is being done by the United States Marine Corps Reserve Unit. On motion of Supervisor Seibel and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel and Mr. Dodson NAYS: None. I I I I ~ I, II ,I II II !I II Ii ~ I II I' 'I !I I' ~ I I, I, 'I I' II ,I Ii II :1 II II i! " ii ii ,I I I .--'-.... ' for "'\. 6-12-73 ~ IN RE: ~ II ~ I' I: I -r Ii " II I !I II II II II I WHEREAS, plans for the proposed water supply system have been previously i 'I I, II II 'I L 'I I, II I, ~ ) I' II II II Ii II ~ II II II I, II I ! I II I, ~ II I , i I' ~ il II " if II il II II " i' i1 ii II 11 ,I " ESTABLISHMENT OF A WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM BY THE JELCO WM'ER COMPANY TO SERVE MEADOWVIEW ACRES s s s s s ORDER THE SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, Jelco Water Company did this day notify this Board of its n intention to establish a water supply system to serve a tract of 67 acres, more ,---1 or less, known as Meadowview Acres and 1-' I ! I submitted to and reviewed by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority and said I I II " I: 'I review has shown that the water system as designed meets State Health Department standards, and WHEREAS, the Public Service Authority has indicated that it has no existing water system in the noted area and is not able to furnish water service through a Public Service Authority water system, and WHEREAS, said Jelco Water Company this day appeared before this Board in person, by Counsell and WHEREAS, said corporation has requested that this Board approve the establishment of said water supply systeml and WHEREAS, ~~is Board after giving careful consideration to the request of said corporation, after reviewing the supporting data submitted by said corporation and hearing evidence with respect to the proposed facilities of ~ said water supply system, is of the opinion that approval should be given to the establishment of this water supply system as requested by Jelco Water Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting (' U I ~ of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the l2th day ~ I' ,I r II 'I Ii II i .I I' II !l n II Ii ~ II II I, Ii " 'I L Ii it I~ !! 1j 'I " 11 Ii i: !: of June, 1973, the following resolution be and the same is hereby adopted so as to approve the establishment of a water supply system by the Jelco Water Company upon property therein described: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the consent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, be and the same is hereby given to the establishment, construction and installation of a water supply system by Jelco Water Company in a certain tract of land containing 67 acres, more or less, located near Old Mountain Road on the westerly side of Nelms Lane in Roanoke County, Virginia, and known as Meadowview Acres, said corporation to be perm::'tted to install its water mains and other facilities as may be reasonably required in and under any public street or road which may now or hereafter be laid out in or adjacent to the aforesaid 67 acre tract, provided that said corporation shall install the aforesaid mains and other facilities at its sole cost and expense and shall promptly restore the surface of any street or road under which said facilities may be installed. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall o forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to Eggleston & Glenn, P.O. Box 2887, Roanoke, Virginia, 2400l, Attorneys for the Jclco Water Company. Supervisor Flora moved that the request of Jelco Water Company be granted conditioned upon the alteration of plans providing that all mains be -... 6-l2-73 IN RE: PURCHASE OF LAND ADJACENT TO HOLLINS FIRE STATION n , , I , i.J I I I I <ho So"'.' F',. '''''00 'ThO Ch., Ch. 00"'" "CO"", b. ..,,",',,, Co ,"eo" II II I, I I , Supervisor Flora moved that the County purchase the land adjacent to the necessary papers, which papers would state the sum of $6,000.00. The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None -, -.J This concluded the business before the Board at this time, and on the motion of Supervisor Engleby, and the unanimous voice vote of the members, the meeting was adjoured at 4:23 p.m. to reconvene at the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center at 7:00 p.m. C~Y~cbL CHA N' 0 , I II j: " II " 'I II i' ,I il Ii I! " I' II II ~i n ,I II " i' 0 II I, " 'I " r i Ii :1 ii ,I II 0 Ii !' ,i I' I " I' il II II II , !i 341 I il Ii ., IJ II " il II 'I I, II I, II il 'I II Ii II II I[ II II I I, [i ,I " Ii Ii I, r , , ..' I~.. " , ..., I ,- ",_.' . J/If< I I..,!'" 6-12-73 Salem/Roanoke Valley civic Center Salem, Virginia June 12, 1973 7:00 P.M. Pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting of June l2, 1973, the I Roanoke County Board of Supervisors met this day and convened in open session at the Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center, Salem, virginia. Members Present: C. Lawrence Dodson, Chairman, John G. Seibel, I Vice-Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III, Richard C. Flora and R. E. Hilton, Jr. Mr. William F. Clark, County Administrator, and Mr. Edward A. Natt, County Attorne,' were also in attendance. Chairman Dodson called the meeting to order. IN RE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 19, TAXATION, SECTION 19-6 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the Roanoke County Code to be necessary in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to amend the Roanoke County Code as accordance with law; I proposed, and Public Hearing thereon, have been advertised and posted in NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: II Ii I I ~ II II II Ii Ii II II II II ii 'I II II II II " ii " 'I II II II Ii I' ,I I' il Chapter 19, Taxation, Section 19-6, Penalties when county real estate and tangible ~ersonal property taxes are not pa1d on t1me, as follows: I II I I 'I i I I II II I I I, I I I' ,I " II II [I ,I " Ii II ji II .1 I (a) Any person who shall fail to pay to the county treasurer any installment of real estate taxes becoming due and payable, as set forth in the preceding section, and any person who shall fail to pay to the county treasurer on or before December fiftn of each year the whole of the tangible personal property tax imposed for such year, shall be assessed by the county treasurer and shall pay, along with such tax a penalty of five percent for any real estate or tangible personal pro- perty taxes due and payable during the calendar year 1973, and a penalty of ten percent of the amount of such unpaid installment of tax, or taxes, as the case may be, due and payable on or after January 1st, 1974. (b) Until December 31st, 1974, interest at the rate of six percent per annum shall be assessed under the general law and colle~ted on the principal of and penalties on all taxes and levies imposed on real estate and tangible personal property remaining unpaid from the date fixed by general law for the payment of interest on delinquent local taxes and levies on such property. I On and after January lst, 1975, interest at the rate of eight percent, per annUl" shClll be assessed and collected on the princi.pal of and penalties on all such taxes remaining unpaid on January lst, 1975, assessed for prior tax years, until paid. Mrs. Mathena Burton, President, Roano~e Valley Council PTA, Mr. Fred Eichleman, Teacher and member of Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System, Mr. Leonard Pick, Miss Suzanne Smith, Roanoke County Teacher, and '~ I: '1 io " I: ii ji " " Ii II Ii " i: " " I, I' ,I Ii II I, it ii )1 I, I It vote: Ii Ii " :i I' Ii ,I Ii II ~ I! Ii - ; I , ---J AYES: NAYS: 345 6-l2-73 (iv) Utility Service. service" shall include local service, electricity service furnished in the County. The phrase "utility exchange telephone and gas service 'i :, " [I " Ii ii II ji " Ii II II " jl " 'I I, Ii " II ! II ,I I' " 1: ,I I: I' i: I, Ii i: " il 11 I I: jl Ii .I ;t Ii 'I I, " (k) The provisions of this section shall not apply within the limits of any incorporated town located within the County which town now or hereafter imposes a town tax on consumers of utility service or services provided by any public service corporation, provided that such town (1) provides police or fire protection and water or sewer services or (2) constitutes a special district under a town shcool board of three members appointed by the town council. The amendments to take effect on July 1, 1973. On motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora and Mr. Dodson Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel Those speaking on behalf of the Utility Tax were: Mr. David Graple, Mr. Lewis Black, County resident and parent. 1 - Those speaking in opposition were: Mr. D. C. Kennedy, Division Manager of Appalachian Power Company, Mr. Frank W. Rogers, Jr., Attorney representing Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, Mr. Frank N. Small, President of the Roanoke County Federation of Civic Leagues, Mrs. Wanita Kesseler, Mr. Paul Hollyfield, taxpayer and property owner in Roanoke County, Mr. William S. Brent, resident of Roanoke County and taxpayer, Mr. E. L. Dickerson, representing Windsor Hills Civic League, Mr. Ed Hopkins, Mr.' Charles F. Bell, Mrs. Russell G. Beckner, resident of the Hollins area, Mr. W. F. Pernell, Mrs. Belma Houstan, Mrs. J. E. Clingingpeel and Ms. Lela Spitz. D Q 346 6-12-73 IN RE: A RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY l, 1973 TO DECEMBER 31, 1973. I' II i II I ~ ~ I BE IT RESOLVED that the levy, for the twelve month period beginning January l, 1973 and ending December 3l, 1973, be and it hereby is set for a tax rate of $2.95 per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS of assessed valuation on all taxable, I tangible, personal property, excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in S 58-829 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, but including the property separately classified by S 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-83l.l1 and 58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, located in this-County on January l, 1973, tangible I personal property including the property separately classified by S 58-829.21 58-829.31 58-831.1; and 58-83l.2 in the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. On motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel and Mr. Dodson NAYS: None. Prior to the vote on the foregoing resolution, Supervisor Seibel offered a substitute motion to set the tax levy on personal property for the period January l, 1973 to December 31, 1973 at $3.20 per $100.00. The substitute motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Seibel NAYS: Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Dodson I I' II II ,I II Ii II I' II II I Ii II II II Ii !i I' Ii Ii ; IN RE: A RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1973 TO DECEMBER 31, 1973. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of supervisors of Roanoke County that the levy, for the twelve month period beginning January l, 1973 and ending December 3l, 1973, be and it is hereby set for a tax rate of $2.95 per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate situate I II II II ,I II ,I II II Ii I, " I' " Ii ,i I' " Ii II " II ii " , , " 'I 1 ,I " I, I' !; " I: :1 Ii " in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson NAYS: None.. IN RE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 21, ZONING, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, SECTION 21-11, AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER, TO ADD A NEW SECTION (d), FILING FEES. I I " ii H " il - 'I I, jl " i) WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the Roanoke County Code, Chapter 2l, Zoning, necessary by the addition of a new section (d), entitled Filing Fees; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to amend the Roanoke County Code as proposed, and Public Hearing thereon, have been advertised and posted in 6-12-73 347 II Iii, accordance with law; " Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke " Ii County, that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: Chapter 2l, Zoning, Article I, In General, Section 2l-ll, Amendments to Chapter, to add a new section (d), as follows: '-1 -, I .-j ~i " ~. Ii I' II I, 'I I, I: Ii ,I Ii I' " " ,I I, , '1 ~ - I I " I' I' j! 11 I' Ii i: " ii 11 ji i ,I I: !) vote: " AYES: I: " Ii " h NAYS: IN RE: J Section 21-11, Amendments to Chapter. Cd) Filing Fees. There shall be imposed on each petitioner filing with the governing body a petition for a zoning change, filing fees as follows: Ii " i" Ii " H II !i li l' i/ :! ii I' ii ~ i !, Ir ii Ii Ii II Ii , :; 'I 'I I; ,I ;i ii (l) Petition to rezone to A-l Agricult~ral District, R-E Residential District, or R-l Residential District, a fee in the amount of $35.00. (2) Petition to rezone to R-2 Residential District, R-3 Residential District, or B-l Office and Residential District, fee in the amount of $50.00 plus $5.00 for ecah acre or portion thereof. (3) Petition to rezone to R-4 Mobile Home Courts District, fee in the amount of $lOO.OO, plus $5.00 for each acre or portion thereof. (4) Petition to rezone to B-2 B~siness District or B-3 Business District, fee in the amount of $100.00, plus $5.00 for each acre or portion thereof. (5) Petition to rezone to M-l Industrial District, M-2 Industrial District, or M-3 Industrial District, fee in the amount of $75.00, plus $5.00 for each acre or portion thereof. (6) Petition for non-conforming use, fee in the amount of $50.00. (7) All of the aforesaid filino fees shall be paid to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at the time the petition for such change is filed with said Clerk. No matter shall be placed on the agenda of the Board of Supervisors unless such fees shall have been paid. This amendment to take effect on June l5, 1973. On motion of Supervisor Engleby and adopted by the following recorded Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson None NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 5, ANIMALS AND FOWL BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Hearing be held on August 14, 1973, at l:OO P.M., at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, at which time it will be moved that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: 0,' " ! A new section numbered Section 5-10.1, Vicious Dogs, be adopted as follows: Section 5-10.1 - Vicious Dogs. It shall be unlawful for any owner to keep within the County any dog which is known to be vicious or which has evidenced a disposition to attack human beings. Upon conviction of any owner as a violator of this section, the Judge of the Court trying the case may order the dog warden, deputy dog warden or officer of law of the County to humanely kill such dog. 1-; , -~ """"'\ . 1 . . ~ II I' Public Safety !; 'I 1, Ii !: " " n Policing and Investigating Confinement and Care of Prisoners Fire Prevention and Extension Animal Control Civil Defense Rescue Squads ;~ " i! ,. Ii ji !i b !: Pu lic Works: i: " I: " " Engineering Building Inspection Planning and Zoning Refuse Collection and Disposal Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Highways, Roads and Street Lighting Capital Outlay Health and Welfare: Public Health Air Pollution Control Board of Public Welfare Public Welafare Department Public Assistance Institutional Care Lunacy commission 'r! ii I' II i' Libraries and Recreation: Ii Ii i ;1 Schools: " t J ] o Public Library Parks and Recreation Deaprtment Operations Textbooks Construction Federal Programs Cafeteria Debt Retirement Data Processing All Other: County Clerk Circuit Court County Court Commonwealth's Attorney Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics Elections Employee Retirement and other benefits Annexation Miscellaneous Salem-Roanoke Available for Operating Functions Valley Civic Center Appropriation TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES 6-12-73 349 $ 455,799.00 40,639.00 2l2,425.00 35,335.00 6,752.00 20,280.00 " i: i " :: " , Ii II I, ;i ,[ " Ii Ii ii " $ 771,230.00 $ 54,430.00 75,075.00 l8,482.00 804,884.00 191,600.00 43,000.00 100,000.00 $ l,287,471.00 $ l23,983.00 8,800.00 2,400.00 508,488.00 1,700.574.00 , 49,200.00 l,700.00 $ 2,395,l45.00 $ 309,162.00 191,512.00 $ 500,674.00 $20,l30,417.00 l35,238.00 6,309,509.00 36l,544.00 1,680,000.00 2,898,038.00 l8,OOO.00 $31,542,746.00 $ 32,l75.00 58,505.00 5,521.00 30,4l7.(I1) 102,90.00 23,543.00 35,700.00 178,300.00 50,000.00 2l2, 761. 00 12,000.00 194,083.00 $ 935,525.00 $37,942,919.00 Local Property Taxes: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Real Estate Personal Public Utilities All Other Other Local Taxes: Sales and Use Public Utilities Miscellaneous $ 5,5l0,OOO.00 l,235,OOO.00 45J., 250.00 !;20, 250.00 $ 7,716,500.00 $ l,700,000.00 l,OlO,OOO.OO 165,000.00 $ 2,875,000.00 350 Licenses, Permits and Fees: ,I II II Ii ~ ~ Ii II If II ~ ~ I Motor Vehicles Merchants and Professional Refuse Collection Permits Miscellaneous Other Local Governments: City of Salem All Other Use of Money and Property: School Construction Bonds Bond Interest Sale of Property Miscellaneous Other Local Sources: Cafeteria Receipts All Other Commonwealth of virginia: Sales and Use Taxes Public Assistance Grants Schools Share of ABC Profits All Other Federal Government: " II II I ~ " II I' .1 Ii ~ I' 'I Ii Ii " Ii Ii ii " 'I " ii ~ Ii II ,r I' il Ii F ,I 'I I 'I II Ii I, II \i Revenue Sharing School Lunch Program Public Law 874 Education Acts All Other TOTAL ANTICIPATED REVENUE Information on details of County Executive Officer in Room 5, Supervisor Engleby moved prepare an appropriation ordinance fiscal year commencing July 1, 1973. 6-12-'73 $ 225,000.00 350,000.00 600,000.00 102,000.00 55,300.00 $ l,332,300.00 $ 2,228,715.00 58,l57.00 I $ 2,286,872.00 ~ II II ~ Ii i II 'I II " II 'I I ~ I' I $ 6,309,509.00 375,000.00 240,000.00 3JL8,188.00 $ 7,242,697.00 $ l,l70,OOO.00 64,659.00 $ l,234,659.00 $ 2,l27,514.00 1,947,980.00 9,498,549.00 225,000.00 236,276.00 $l4,035,247.00 $ 388,000.00 360,000.00 llO,OOO.OO 350,544.00 ll,lOO.OO I $ l,2l9,644.00 $37,942,9l9.00 this budget synopsis are available from the i Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. I! that the County Attorney be authorized to II in accordance with the Budget Synopsis for the~ I, Ii It II Ii 'I II Ii Ii Ii ,I Ii Ii ii " ii II I: " Ii 'I !i II II I, The motion was adopted by the following recorded vote: NAYS: None Mr. Engleby, Mr. Flora, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Dodson AYES: This concluded the business before the Board at this session, and on I the motion of Supervisor Engleby and the unanimous voice vote of the members, the meeting was adjourned at ll:OO p.m. C'~~. CHAIRMAN I 1------ 352 ~ II II " I' I: ii I' il 11 Ii II H " ii 'I Ii II II II ~ ,I :1 I' ,I Ii I' ,I " Ii Ii Ii Ii II " II ,I ~ , I I , j! I' il 'I I ~ II I: 1: I, II " il II ~ Ii " I' ii , I I Ii I' II I: ,I II ,I !I Ii II II I ,I ! I i II I Ii Ii I " I 'I II !, Ii " I " Ii II II II " Ii Ii " I' I' " ,I , ,I Ii " :1 ii " I, , II ., ii I, , ii ., " II I' Ii " I " " II I. Ii I' II t! !, .' I I' " I 353 - ~_..._. -.....-_._---- ~ - -'" ... ---.- ._- - .~ , I ,I {, 'I i i I I Ii 'I , i I 'j I: , 1 I ~ ~ II II It II II ~ Ii Ii I' II 'I I I I I, II II I I , I ! I, r: I il I ~ ! i --' , I I ~ Ii i ] " ~ II ,I Ii I, II II " II " I ,I I' II ~ il " I! II ~ ~ I' il ~ I' I' ;i I I' i: " II '1 Ii " ~ II " " I' i' 'I ~ il ~ Ii 'I Ii !: n !I i! I' il " Ii i~ ,.., I, j f ;i F 'I " ij I, " Ii Ii Ii !I " " ji " 'I , " :i I' ,I " ~ ;: . ~,' i: I' I ~ II :1 I, Ii Ii !: I' Ii ii if , I~ I' ,I i! ,: " " " ,: :1 , ;1 " :1 ii 11 :1 r . J . · . .~..... ~r I ' .,,' I 'I I I I I 1 I I I ,I Ii I II I I, ! J I Ii I I I II Ii Ii 'I I I I I ,I !I II II II I ~ II II II ! i ,: II I, ,I II II Ii Ii Ii r II I! ;1 I' i I , I i , , I' Ii i !! 'j " r: " Ii 'I i: I I' II I J " I, " " j! j; II 'I II i, I, " 'I Ii " Ii !: Ii II ii 'I Ii I 'I " I, II I: !i " , i: II II II t! II II :1 i! !i !' ! r Ii I' I' " I' I' - ~_.._~.. -"--._-".-- 'I u I, II ! 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