HomeMy WebLinkAbout1905-1919 GRANToRS TO ORANTBK8 , PAOli OltANTBB8 paOM GRANTORS , ili}.! v",\(J. .J I ~. /11 (f<. <Z-- t1- <L ~~ It u J.. -'fr-A.'" l{~ /",-4-& yj'J1 ~_,<u<y f{'(~{#--uA..l..~Al ~,/ ()) II ./di. (l,l' l '(;"-'.l..~;" ~{J-y\tJ (I /}- -, kLff oPa.y~.L ~ .L<A--L-r/ (L"~Y"'l'''''' '.1' Hl.k \\,..~{.. .," a '''I (~, "'" ~"~.. (,",,~.~~.I.'s.,'n ~\\'..J,1..;' ('I \-\.. 1.M ;J;_ ~"'N..;,L.;;: ~ ';;;.'''';'.1.:;.;:) () (J A.. f'-(A..L.! (~. . I -, (/)') . /, 1ft Ivr "--- ,I,} (.~"~Iw""",,.IW,M. .k-...t. ..... :r.l <.l:vJ~ :.c::""'L.~'_fI /, ,g:/'f''',~r;'fj.'I-'h'l-r, 1f!.",,4-. "" NI4 1/'1> 1/ 1.f" 'f1./4Ih /~J. &J.t.3.4(.;, J..JJ~..J-Y?.r~, (#:;,f.~f ...... '.j t') "'" , fl.>': ,{i". ~ ,., 1~. .. , 0 II. , ,0(." I!' /,/3. ;",} 111. ;':., g;':!_; It",'.< ~. q~ : it '.'/' ,("..\ ,,., -'.j'.-; ;k t?.... I J<-~_ _-,,1 "".t ?5 '~. , J~ '_J;', :;::-f.;; ~;' ~ f'. ',(:<' '1>;.~.. ~ !. . ,., . 1.""./,. ...../ ,.,., (if/'If/J-l<:'~{f ~x- J,L- PJ,..-....aAIl--'77 ...i-da..,p-l ,L. 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(~":I' . /: ""IL'-'r.I'~ r/~'-""CI>r.!- ,1~....,oL-.. cP. or. l-;-.""--,,l..~ ,J"7. 3.6/. I~~.J~ J..l J. JJJ, J ,,} J ~--.z, '. ',' J:r11 'f{,J~ 3.r~ t,v,,_/ __, ,do, ;(I,G, ,~.)--t...-. eJ. ..9,4-1....1. ___ <::/:... &.....t/....~ .J7f'. ~.y'~ '1"'1;SI.("S'" J~'. ,i : , '''"j '-"--. ..... ,).- :./...... :"',.,.L;>,) -~( L" r ,.L) i 3. -:/.'..... '/' '~. ...r:.:.....,.,.c.!J~t!. (" /. ..;.. ,!,..-..) .r / , "~.~l--. ,'?-..c., (.AI'''~L. ~,/.:.c...) . ....1I.;. cl'l" "7/';U ~~.< (?,ll._ (,''''/'-7 I, "..- y'::,..-,(--I..II.~,L ..1.. ,.,. ('~<. (1),,_I/',,.=.- ~t~~~..-,- c,//.,~....,~) < ,J ~,J"- ~ y,,/:, "'7~ 7,~: "'?~,)~J.z..j77.nt S,.~ND,.J~I(~ ..r.J7{ l I If i I I I TJ \;iI t ;zi ~ >, ~.. ORANTORS TO ORANTHES ~~~ GRANTBR8 ItROM, 02AKTOIl8 PAOB , .'/p. <7 .. ,,/ /(>/1 ~~ (&,(. j ,..A '0t 11--\.",/ /('.... it ~ r t ,;',. ,.I. J " -: 11<< U.' '<:.' (,,-\. )( u!oJ(, ~~'-.. ~- ," <.f('.~" _jJ';!I!J~J~(/\.l..""~" J\ ;1 J I ) 'j ;... '" 'I ,"-to.., Y~"""{l )j) ...', . (0/' 'J--...~h.J.-1.. J . J, -!,.(J,.,-UJ,.d, . tw..u AJ-W 1'1'"'' sA'......y 11, iJf.-,1I-H. /dl1.9 (tU(Hh:/lv./ <O/~'I t. ..,. (t. (t. s.,~,~,'W..4~,.......~~(~~.\R~''::l -$"",,~, )...._d)~ ~'- ':"1,,,/Jt<f ';"1- "J .il( tt,'L~ ,,. ...'o..t 0/_ /j (~l J........\<.\.). ,'1'<, !"., '~r,,,~"H:. ~.'.r. i!,,,,J~J,9J.fo-~;; y.?~, ,M6,?4, : ~~s:n~ I . II d""lt C. ~I; ?!J, IC..II,l,'....l.IC,I.It.q. 1--.J3, zTt; 3"J. .J.1~, +"~!""y."",,, 6, ~~11,$"1,.9~f.l').111,.q, ,t.rf.,z,4.y. "<7J. .,..""~ tu-,,:"""'-,YJ,- ;4 II ::~""::':::9""'~-'" .'. [1 t'1. 71. ',,,a,,',' ""- ,\ ~ ,.~~ .,..311.2,) t. .317.J~.. ,,--l'l> ?t'-I'3.,,,..n,#.1.. . ,\ ~.;t, r~ '''. \,2,\,/,"'; ,..s, 1?+"7~ "1.1". ,,' .....7.ur,~....,...~ I. 0'1 i,", r.$;, o'\.rCHt.1tV1, .. , ":r;;~, f, / ,., <I./. I ce, I O'J. , '101, I oS. Jd,j, .i~~.; t 1f)'l,JI'2.,,zl'-': . 11<)... II '71,1'16, '" *' "", , .l. ':'1. 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(c.. ."0 .t-Yj', ,.l~ I., ,,(.t.6. .I., '", PAGB .,-;..,..,........-4 ,,,..1^-'..~?,3"'. Tb~ .N.I, S"J/< s,,~ ..... $1, " .f '9 $"71, L. < 7..... ~ . 2 _..L ..4:' ~ ' ""7'~ flU">"''"' ....zr.I#S,J: i'~";,,,~..:JVi.~~;J,,;o?J~".j-z-t!~!"~ss;ns;~7.S1.fnD.$"~ ,~ ~ t...-,:H..1. L77. .UI.l}i" .""', ,J1;,;SJ!.3;&.J.,3.1.J,.:j7""r. ~"r.Jfl/P'~J';". ..:JpJ. ?":..,.Wd.'~"'/.-.t. 'Y'-', "-17, 1.1'3, 2 f''': .JIJ. ,$.r/. ,]6~ '~IJ-...,./fJ., (~ 47- Ut~1.l..Jln""t,~..L-(~,"";:; $'1" 'oC. ~. . .t...k..1, (f? 'r;r.;j "...S7?,S""....",s~..... )( ~,lUI;l. syr- w-...--l~' or", >;- . :,..... ;,. ~ i ~':-(.,I-~.'/,.!./ ~t.dJ< ,.....,,/~tXdU~.~ Jh, P.t.~t7:d/~~. 3#,. Jl~,. d- h- '17, )/<nd/,.,.......?.(,' a..."1~. J.t.; 1l1t.w,..,;,. c ..vA- J~"'<L J.t-.; ();~7,j ..1i_~t,,-h ,-,J o./.~~...~4"" ..]~7,J.J...."Jyy. ..Jl.jI J",J,~7.;; ......:4' <Sf...., 1'''.'' "*7'-'" a,," u~ . JJ/ )/t.rn.,..~~ .t' ~, ' J r: iA*;.~/..~/. ~ 1- (O'~7'''..'.n._) Jy~ '7/.1'''~ (}?--=:t..... qJ,JI~ I~ ~t--:.....-) 3,J"%.J?~.-,i-:.i: ~~/h< JIt.~ ~"'7kt.,.;...... ~ ~7 f}J._(?-'-IG~((j'~J 3'.1, 9;,." ~l</~/~ ~,.(iY~.J d.'J. et...~~ 1It!-..<:.d (~J J?.:;JJJ,ltn,.w. ~..~, ~~ J7;'. PJ<..",,~ fJ.::r. l !;h,"""':lL....-) J n.. Q./~ "&-v/.,.}: Jljl6,"I" QIt,~.-L4- g.....~.a. ..eA- ,A.~. 3 )"6, 't'r ~7' ~t!! (au_I ~-.d /i'~'Z/) ,J~~ .y~.~ ~"""J-'f...-OV; (1->::- "/J/, . . .rJf;" -2C ?Jt-~,...., ; "".9)1-. ,;:.~.-.~, (v/~ 1'1:1_.._. I ~r) ~/..!..II~~.rJ.'1'^S"6'ti; ~~ ..r(J~,z..l~ "J.<. !lr....I.-.-.L7..:~..G.. ,.?.,'.td,S~f' w-..L..u. !. jf,l, 'fS"," w.....:t;;:...~, rs-:- <..............) ,",SIf' '\.<<-..... {... ~{~ ~M"7 ~-'r.:4- ~" ~ /):"'-'7' (Y t.. d.iP r/,"""'" , ~/",""a, {Ifl,....,,- cr.. " -} . ~--./.(/ ~ ~:......~) ~....L:L, Q.-r. ~~....t::~' (.<Pd. .z-~) w.....u Cfi.,: .I r' -) '())t.7..... tt. 4, ,. "'" ~.v .~r,., <>._~"'Io 'd'..t~'f ~"J.-"''1';:- ~ '\~" ,>~ '. ';'[;;~' \,~~..~.~.~, r-,i , ",'; ~( :~,'." ,--.....Ij. ~.:~..'~:;::Z-' - ';ii ">.:" . c,'1!> , "~':'-:O" #;:,' ~-r:~ . "'~1k" ., :, ~"",~:,,":"a>..' .'~~~;:'~,,~ ". "'" ~,~:',,"" \,;:j:i~J~:" 'f. " J' ~ ~ ' ,r.,., .. ;~':.:-,.I' -:- - ~ =r'77 : ,,,..,.,* 'l'?J. :"',7- "p........~""',, rt1J-..r/,J;~./r.s'f, s""J.J,,,....,,.....,,,RF.,,."",, rlD,rrt, ..,J : .......41 ..1....,7, ;'z,.- ". ,4. ...". 'j... '?,{ :~:...t ..../'.( .: . '., GRANTORS /)( n ,,', -4'..(A.l,-fJ /} ., (; ':'tlqli.lr'--"-"" !,~'!,u: /)11 (,) tt'",d,J-""I !" 1J1t. ~,l.-~ t1u-; . /;fSL.t..~...drJ!....4-~ /11. '"~1''''' I!t..~~/ //II! 14,J ~-/Y- tl f~ /--fu... /II/'''.{,.}J,,,, .::t" ~:d.~..<.A,.~, 1~ v-r>--.-.., cill...~ "\ ~ -1(,~.2u.lLy ~ ~:t"1P,; /AU' 1,\,~~tJ'~:,..:H\""~~T '-fL. J.'"..<, "y'~'-'..,-I.ll.s- "........ (/hL alft~~ ) ;n~+"-":t:k c?~..J., dLtJ-t:..A. ,,(a..o.-v- TO ORANTHH8 ORANTBBS PAGE Fll.Old GRANTORS PAGn ~~.u'-u..N ..d.~ :..r. .I: '1I-"'7a,11",l'~S", II. I/, 2.-Y~ ?tJ.'J".rl-f,lfl~. ~. ??/.-1 i. 1-','1l).N"1I.~ I~ J.~t , I I I .rr. qq, '/~'1 "~Z/~"/Y, J"I. g". M7."- ',(.)., I,: ~.... ~q, ,Z?.I.. ..tt/"J.tJ~< ;',. .,,J-';f J r: , ~l ",' 1<-- ;...;/....,t':,L- ~;~ (.~l"".....~) (C,; ,~.~ C;, I",,,,,, A.....<. t.";"Ll'~J ( -' ( , . I J _, .'-~ . ,..... . . ../<-L__'-- " ",. A-- ,<J ,~ J-_J.',.", i , :, J,"'~' " , " .F "tl..,/..,</,,, G;... (. i.~ t~~"~#-1,I) J . _ J I _, i . ../ . t."'_.,.,.. (.r-<~..L ( <:'-7~'" ,'. .'.o-.__--..".l.J ~,';z::~ ;;,;:;::; '~;~,:;~r."~-J . :ll~L1-___,.l.h, r~,l.~.__) I >'''(7/.I,u-; <J.h".' ..I' ,~,A-,W.Q9 J~...................) ~t).&..A- .f;/..{ ,--..", ....J"~ ;"Yo 7'1. +',~ ,ry,: i I ..<:: ... St.Ii;S7Jf-.S7'f, .'. ~'S', l " GRANTORS 'rG GRANTHRS PAGU GIlANTRBS PRO>! , ORANTORS PAGR {Ct,,~,.~ ,4>" It!. ~ ~((}'-l-((-<'~ ,0 ~ I"~r <9..b. ~,,MC.....~~ i~ ,\ ki" In., /) It J,4.<r.t/ /1,,- IIrul ..H.. ,. diu. II I..( e ^' f),-".'l.""'-.,~.. G... ""l<: Ii.. ,"~,..^~,. (\:rw-IV..-V. ,o-..-",,"~ _, 0, l\ .,..k<>l, 1Wo..... ~ 'f'..J.,J..':""", i-- .'J.ll ,g.I,.rI.f.H. 21, ~'/-1, ?1-,1~,'.,'" 'J~. 11,lfd,1k H-1. .U-'l...u-".-,.,~S"ti -11.99. I I <-'t.r?, ',4, 4~, 7~,r1-. (, ., :: I tiC :~ t. 'l,- ,,;>/., . .:f ,I J. .i I L., .J ~ 7-S/"';' s4, ?l.ff,l-tn"j'l7, , I'}~(("t.., (........".... ,A~~:.;r.........<V ,-I ORANTOKtI ,i i , , .~ . ~ ~,- I 'fl 1f: if! Ii '1\ , .J :>;'//-,,1- ail (,Jr~, " " . ,,(/ .t'jl,.. '/C (l(it...!.-t'4"~~ ~ TJ ~ l 'i 1,../j( ,L' '--- <II. (d~ cA.~'-'" hI. t1.i.1-y) il" u' ({ll Vt; , " 0 ','{1" <r"1 ~,/f ,J ?~,.A : 1J..-"'-'-'-<""'<fi--Y '.jJ. '<~ 'f~,,"1 r k.:~--f('" .,;;II~ -::-4(" '~'fhH-'I' {! a /I/".-J ,-~t( (/'((.(.;--:" t,.- ,/^- ~ l {. ~~.,,:' ~l~'!',f ..," ((,11...(''':'-') "-(fl~,( fo.,' (\,' ,I ~. ~,..,O...M" ~ <,p, ! . ,'. {, .J.e I', ,,_~'~ ...," (..' \. ~ ,; "- H:"!.L',. ) czI. (f.<<~('- 1\<'\r' --:~'\' ll+' >';,/;,).(<1...",'11, (ptJ~,.~.) ,Y~t.wJ/ ~!ri.<JK (t'. \ \.,<<, 't A I \1'''''........, ~~. ~ 01.......... 'V>,v. G>~ JI! ,.. u. y (v I:: "",(' 1-' '/ft1fJ'; e1~f.t., HV~ ' (t"",\,-':~......J..~ (~""~,h] ,'.I ",,"., _": ".'- < ~I ~ i . 1,/ I, .' ,I \. I:, U_. ')1./ ~;:l(T,'f/'I.I.?l..OI...t. \.ri .,;, .I" . '; . i 1'.l:,-tJI " (J , ,~. ~" . .1,.~ '-: J ...... " .. &).--:nIL. .Jo-()I'~ /."l.dl,/J" -I.~.r.-/ !, 'Lv';';, h (/l.tU"1'J,.... ~L~ L---) .'/~' _. 0 :':'~i_ I.-'l'1t.., /Ja_ r i ". r~...~~' 'J., J/,f'~ 1,,/. .! 1.-" !(jJ, ~ 'q, J.j i?.il ill ...t.l.- ("';'j.~.;,.r.:,,,/,,,,;,/~t ./.,~ <9./",;, _ ~1'.' ....., .. L (J\..."c.... a~-H' .. I .,~ I.. ((ff_...__.-~I-- J cr' .~;,L ., A "7/tA-- . 6'~_I) .~, .'. 6''''/7' .( tY. (c/... ~ I . 6?J":.:c.-, (,.flI. (a~.;>J-,L,&---"",,'ll-i""-H__"'~rt--) (~:n_::-.&-t ~~o/......~d-- ;';,.J..c... c;nI'0"~f(~ .~l.) 'o97...."~ ;9... 3~~ fiI: .,e.-J ~,,-- -f_ ,; ~",~ Y.,M:' 'fjft?-._. :(,l'w; ~,rr (~I-I:~'';''<.-:~) . {#,~/..J... -.1ru.&JL:... jI. (lfd- . . ..t, .r. TO ORAN'I'HHS J PROM i PAGa GRANTHIS ORANTORS ..= . I I I.h. ',,",.I.M-, '10.~.)y, jJ7.,J?"J,~.! 1'~7, l'J";.,u I;~n,~-J<l. I ! I I I ! If.....;...<'i...-; fl'tfI. (1....t;;,.,,1, f'c/. lf1A-..........~..._,.-- t-""-j .,-""I..:/..1. ~....::t;_ L, )., t'- 'rr:-:-:-.f.-.<J-<. ~,,*II......1.... ...,1-L~J..L:.._ ~;..i.... 'f...--k ~ f ;J <J:,.:....,~,)f;~ ~~-..(.,r.-(plf .., .~;> (f"~N-- ,t. e.. <>{_ a?+, 4.:/-, (ft-~, a;......,) '~,9,'lJ.JJ., .....d..q;. U~ ~ li.L...k.:..- ~ iJl"F :1. !3i /.ry. J-~-'. (, 3....~ ,J~i., '-0, S"$t.,S(,II-, SSl.., /1, 7~? I', fl'MVI9, /,)(/,/fI,lJlfr" $7./T, $",,-,. t"rt .' g5,J't>. 49, /J~.I'1j, N,I/-j, / r '";'. r '). I. 'J-/ d. US.)., ~'~~"7.S7J. /f1.'1ij. (",. ''t, 'I', ~1iJ.,Sf'..s'tf/, .r8D, sr~, S'rJf; 7 f., LY7 9?.J,.)-J/ '1~, ./<'" s :1. /.':'''' JG.I, !<I~,11ij,111 I(,~.:'\",~,u 11="'~../~' /;/" , ~, ").:.l .I.' 1,..1'/1. .y~"J--'l~ ...~ J i ..! ,. D. ,l.,~/, "?' ...:.7,.... -/" -'?y. ,1 I. 3....J?1;"f. . ~-,,7.Sl1'. ~',', J',J.~JT&,.J"~ Y"",~.l'J4,J.tS"Ji.~:;1~~-"..J. ~ <-'';01, Ji"-, J/l iJ":'~ ,).J ~. C,). c J.<~, J~7. J.-r/, ...'.J ;.~ J{.J, '-',~ r-, V7,?, "J-t.'I71.. . J7/. .:J~',7"1"~ ~d/. j'o/J. ,<'.2;>, '11'~, j7'J-'; "197, I'"...., ",'" ,""",rrs,s'w, .1.....;; ! I ! , ~ , .,{ '''iliZ 'iif ;r~~! '1\ tl ~; , , ,,,\. "fi II I Ii I Ij ( 1 "j ~ ; GRANTORS , -- -'-'- '--,._~-,"--,- /ild..., Lu.J AtMl<,/l( J:,"b<~"7ca"-U- A~" .Il/ Y';A(~ (tf1./...~..y) ;f,. ,I fl ~ /to-' tJ.. "/ /{J,. It {..~ III .-IV-./r 7 &~, ~ II~ (It(,. At fP"Hd<r .:11(H~i~H,'LL- j{j)tL.,'-u,-<../ 'j , .1fA- (( d., tA.'fof."J;ld.-(~r-r- /i'~"". J~,,/A, /cL.L< ~.fG !J,/',J. tC.~, .......u~: -Ju--'''j-<<.' .... .7. I ~~ 'V ('1/'1--"1/";" '.' ,~;... {"... {l A\<.-( tll \..\\. "t~ &'.U ,~, t( A~ '... (< l6.-r,,; lU.A} , I; ~"~ f{.~4L i,;. {II-, .J.-'f<Lo<<./~.t-l t" ,1( 4_',. . J -<t._,trrJLtJd'I'-~;' /i' I ' Ai . ( I' , <" ft.., ,,/. 1 ,. t ~ 9'-& (r l\ ;f; OM".flL Q<lr;t e,.. .i-"",3. ,,,,--IA:<<., .<) /' I t't" >Lv. U. , (f\..""""...h. ~ ~ '.... '\"Vv..J;:;... '~~. _. .~ \S'~ (j',\~ .), .~~ol.., t"..... kl"\ C ,..... ..\, r-( OJ ,. '" 0:'"" ... ('... . r'1:~'\'~ " (,.~, v ./1: .'-t,,! (""'! (.(l'(V ~~'i\..........<:;>.I-i, ~~,,~. rIM, "-1'- ~Ll'~.. , (I\"'""'^ 1 ( .' v...#, ~,~"'.~, "1,"'" (, 'r . " ), , '\'" .,,"'... ~H:. _",,'JA"'-~_"'" t.,........"..." "''''''''''?r) <t\fJ1>-tJ'v"'V' ~.':,-rtJ.';);;~ (\.<'\') ~~...... ~..,. ~o""""'p'Y't. r~ .-l,,~. ...,~.'~ (~i-~ ~'."J;' ,\:~... ~." 1. ~.....~.IYY.\ll...\ .\.,.'h, !,J."" ~l..,I,..I;., (i\......l\,'M-... ~, f\, otl,.,.).. "to, 'S..l.. \S>,.,J.J..:_ ~,~,'J. ~'i-~~\. ./ ~4...& H!/ ~~)J;:~, ' ~;..,~J.,."\" lV,.i ,).......1k... ~9.'- ~tl...r,.:....I.:t" ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~L.L(J..) 4 .. , 4V(.. .J'.M....u.., ~ ~~.,.,d~ If!~ _....wl......~ 1040. ~K.J~ ~~ fJ3......u(p~ H';~;,. f!... Uln.l.-O"1..!r.... ., (}~r..Lt"..,vJ.- ~l. "iI. . ~--/u- t..':""'I_J.t. (', ~tAk.J4J;ev.-,.I, ,'_'- " i TO GUNTNHS PAGS GRANTERS 1.114'. ~ ,I. 71.,/41 2SI, 331, pJZ ,( II0""J,Slol, v t- ft ~'~Cl,:t:;LOr:z.~',S$)f. 3. '/. /.1, /1. " ~.""HLl'I.()(.-t.Jltl'V -r;-~.J/..~ f?t-l-t-l___::.- {](".! ,L'k, Q"6- h'.J:'I.:;II~,"", &" ))-.g;....r;_-l1'~._ a,~/u- W-'ll,l. a,tv.C4 d:u-...... C4, ti,-..,A.,. djr.......U-v- t .~/...... rR.o.;I"'U",,; I))', ~'I' <;1'''/1 {(Jt4.d tIlt tJ.r~Hfl, ~irl.-4- .,.C. ~."'--, ;j~~ (It/I,.,. tH~L-{'#t,/. ~r....",',v! ~,'0>4.-~ ' (jl,"'"",(.... a".,.,:; t... t....<- C',,"/Y'''; l/u""H'J (jf"/I-,.,~rlu. aut--l--- (J...'l~- , 'Jr~.IIta. in,...ti.- ("-).;/~ .Ja.., r: (f " ?M(fl1. .-4,1f. ~of.'f1.f?' 'f{. <1"-1. err. 05~ J.'I'I. ~ ~ J-[ 4:'-. <<.q,'i.-:r, p'...,.... ]t.",S-,O, a.,.t~.. r~ nt-, ci-".:i ..i~ y.~' fl)AZ....- ~. (11'~) al!f-rt...~,:A..--- ~~/-;.~ ,-:i'~_--?;-r.~~ (i.r--.~I.-dk c.:"11'V':"7<- cJJ, tJr.c."t-,,-<--1. fill I t cl.....t,...~' "i:J" tI-.....lt.,~.<------ 05'1, '(I( "'6.,/~ (.1., 1/, '1\.1~1,'~ ",..,. ",:'. I,q, /1., '/(.,')")'7. (irondt:, fUi. {, 'J{.<r . t-. ,,,_, (j("h-.r..:t/l--' ../t,'-L. (.""~"4L'7 t. f.' .....L.) urJacl,y (d....-cA~.d~.~ 7" r 1-"_1'<14__) a,.....~.4~ .' c:,,__~o--__ (74.f.-L-.-....-~~L SI-/,r;'t"f, ~ ), J'/1 'Ho q~ cr,,(~:~ f.-.o t!..&1.,t,.,,'-"~/. .)d~. ~ -'.I' -' ' .~ ( . !t.J,t4-<--<'-k-<<.-. 't--yc.- (p,r--,-.~0..?... .H--':--p.,__J' Ui' "'-' 'v. 'p'>.,.-t l.~' . ,~.; ,/...., L-~ II.- /- " ,/ a. :"'/.......4......, ~ (/ Cl.. "'- '-r~.-t- a'~_, r.I t-... t. c7/,-../.. ,'~. 4 J7- - , (,f.,.....-; (.: ....0.-~- (lrA..,c a. u..v a..~ cI::_.L. ...~ ~~~ a..-":"'~ ti'~~~n,-; r>>'A'J:.t " ,,_ (,ro......'1 (i(6t- ,1'..../ '" (.(._r .k ~~ It~v tfI~ L.-.rt~ ~."..;-.. 7' ~/.J;.L e.. . " ./~., t.~,*,~, ~-AJ.-ar-.( -J.... ~_~(Jr;..:"lr 110. It'", 1\ '-\. ~-s"., 11f....I').S'. I I I V f '7,,/q.s;~. ~ ~" "4' I I I Il'!.-IJ.J., IHV..I.rI.IIe".17".l_.i'lI.I'!I", 1'-1, I t,q, ~~T .n,a4 ' "., "".",.1 I' (),/ 1("..lrl..;z.7~,.J;fr. JJ,'JJ.~../ 7,J,~"";....t'J~.."-rr,,1w. n"',Vf ,qS,~N; 11", "",kH"""', .lq~''1H1.I-I'''';':''. .'1H, . /H4. ,?-tJ'6. ~J'1. 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J ?-5, [ I I I I I .--L , ''',f'''' ~ ~;j;;..^ryl/".,...~. ~-J,~_tl~~~~.. :Z~~~<~:~Ji ~~~i-~--e- ~-...........~..ur-~ .LJ ~'@~~~ la?H" f .a.u.- 3- I I I i I I f rtt. ~ ~ (tl,/ " . ~~ . . ~~ , . J ~~ ~I/,..,f"';" ~f.u.~ ~~~64tJ J::u<#~ . ;JJ~ t!.w/(u...~ · $3i~ /T'A-,;..~...,,~ ~ ~3"f1 >>~ 8~1f' ;pi' ~ '~~"/d" Jl It ~~ -".7 :lr:r~ ~.....,......... ~6~"'" -?i.4~~ ~ ~8 (if .i.4 . ~tll -lA ':::; ~~:~__ t .~ 11"'''' ~/""U ,,,- h, ~iHI ~ I. 1-' ! . . , " ---. . . '" (;+/.4!A H /~6 4.'11 .#'/01- 6::J..,,'tI 6,').1- :/)..1.'''- ....#;/,f- -r./'t'- /.t,N- ??-'M or. " h'lJ ~e1' ?-foU "?or ~/,N- Jif, :N' I. JY'- 4.-Ptr ~U;:Z .f / &-41.'/4 lu 1.''- I~.", .1"1' I 1.,c'2.- ~fH, 11,'16 ~y."1 . <t'(.~ ,..~.o, 't;' I&'~', ,../,.s I I I I h~.!l/'~'f I I I I i I I ?? f. tJl /0 K'..1~ N""~- ,/19.tI . !ZJ7 ;;l,. ~II 'l! - ! fl...,., ~.l ~~ .. \ ~ t . r !! j !"I,! 1- ';'1 1 [, J' " ~ 'J ii'l ;, i!:" f ,,-/ i Ii I " . i J~ "I Ii ~ !Il i Hfi . 1'1H '.Jt<~J. ~/f, 1,,"1.0' f.'<<. II. JI"r 11, ~~. If. ~o... 't".L.. ./~.,..,--,:...t.~ A"tJ ~ ..,.......;{ ~/~.-- .x:/t4..r~ · 08,.., J d'I<<,- HI {,,~ · ~.f-~I ",;N~.~+4' '>>I.N' /h.,,,.., 7~ 7-ttuk.; ~'f 'II w::IV'-~",,j.-k""T ~.I",..u MA-.,,,"I.J ~~r: &-""'-~~.L4-f-'-'-"r>t/ ~'" ~ ~/JIS-- ~~~~ N'l /.8..D~ . ~ II (t:i! .tAi..,.,(;;L. . N-)'I, 9- 9-~ · ~oJ th/ 1Pht. .....:IK,.....,.tV ~.5"ld [/ !)/1.,"~_"<<1 ~tJll kk.~ ~~...:.,{~ . ll.. d" a 9.AlAA(~ . ')<l9,,'-'d &.u..... ~'17 /)wy..~ , h-N ~~ · .M';?- i,j~ · 3.fJf ~0~-e... I" IJt. J . !)-.&I f) C, Ii. -4''1. "'.H.L-t/ a""-I__J 4 (l".1......./-... d(~-;- tLf...:.t. ~J ..(J., H-/"10 ~'Y t9 Au-/?,'.............. . N~ Aif~~ . k.'1<? ~ A4'V~ r;t /,~ ~ /)t.w.-,...'...- tJ. ~ ~0 i(~ :t:::; ~~'8' ~ 1zt-l i' "'.d+.-L~I\ ~,/\13 //1..<.11" ,('>&I'll" (1.../........, . q,)/,/.r--~,,:~ ~u.<................ , #0"" dbf ~J......."-/ · h1~ ftw.~~ · ~101'- ..4VF4'~"", ~'." f ... .,1. f!,..... Jjln":t ~~; h '1<.....i..;;:', .I.v-ILH-......, ~.hll t!4t ~ : ::: ~~.,-y , .u~-_~ ~ ~-uu, A-~~~ 1-''f''';,t or,'",/-, I,- ll. ()# ,,,"", ,r.",- If.r' /..# ~'" r'l',,L,, /1'~~ #{,,,. #1.'J I'" 6'.r;~, 9"" N;,# /.r.;. ,s",tJ I,!-"" I J.of' 1P,6rr ~" .,o/-i 7'/" "rl,"" 1,'0 ~,,,(J of.1J- Ifill, ~o" ~,"" lei t'/d- 6(},~/ fa~ /~,,~() 1,00 ~/1- &';'f" I,,' " ~,- ?u;<l-r ifl), "" ""-;,~ ~1'1" M-{,fI, r, j d""VYI-".r/"UV-ofLdr , . i ~ a....~1 a"..~iJ'.. r?''''.'''~~"":-",~",,,~ F:;~.~:~'/(; ._;",~..~,a.':"''''{e.:~,,:,''t::;' It- ~,IJ.' :.-!t;. .......<~ . ...., . ~ .....,t" ~~~..t"L~7 "f.~ .A-~ - &_d:.., ~~~,L<"""~~~..J..., 1"'1().'.~.uu _: _' ~* "~ . . -1: '/ , , , ,,_ __ _ . , . . .,.,.. Ir. . . . . " is ~.-1lL- '~"'!(~'A:>-4~ aJ pr,;, ~~J-. .-6.,-.t~........U'v, /.kk;, ~..u.r-4-4-I.th ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~u.;oo.-I .J.....r-'1/~' ~ -......... .................&-dr ~ a.... ~ 7 ~I tL-t..."h.....Zi,~ ..6' ~ r~u'I 4A.w, i ! d... /cl~.:.). l~ "'-"'t -4 ......u~........:... ~...... ,.il" Ul ';~ ~f ~ . ~ L<..J '~1'/n-~~ 10/ ,I/r~ ~.-'y ~ h; ./r ~ y~, J../l-.t.. ''':r M I, 11trl, C-4 ~'~ '" P- '~.Ld1I P ~(h2d...~;/"U,..) , /''-'0... ~"L~~ au,.~ '/ ~~ ~"","O ~'~-, r,,,,,,,, ~1d;:;':;J:!:<= ~'1~;I~} i, ~ 4,..'-.....A. ~ d...y jn+,..toUlt.AA j,,~ ...I:i A...y C 1:") ',.wf.'.;&-~.k'/l~'r~~r~. , I~~~r ;;fj,..L.u.~"U'1~ .r.......",...:~: ~.. .LjtI~_ ~~;...., f~"~~ ~~ : n' ~i~..M:"'~?;:,,-I ,....~......A.~:.;..~<;...-'I,~: bu....lf ~.....", ",," , ~ ~;/1~ 1- ?-'.l.<Ld. '"", ~ .At.."'- "j>uc4 "'<A(.. . ~~~ ;;:Z~'t'-i~~~f-~ ,A,-#' ~r~4~~ ,N-" I ~~~%....;.,~~ ".". I ~.u..L ~H"" . ".. /..0 ; I I~~ I I rfw~~1tfP~~L~'Jrd.~! ~' ~ ~'<+-,lA ,.,.?~ t:L...r ~ ~.A.<<.., -jlh .fi <'-V,A ! ~~d~~~~~,...-U~~ 'rk~ "h-ou..L.:;", ~ ~""<1 : I I ~ -~~, ~ ~~ ;;t-(~ ~...-.J\ ~r'~ i, .~4' ~ t'l<-~, ~~ "f4" /!Q.~ ../-.....d~, ~'~.Jo..~f . ,. .~"., '-- Q. ~.('1-<- ~~4 ~ ~ 7 "l6 ~... ~ ~ ,-k.AL- 6-u..:..Lr...u..~ .u-v 'f!:1t~E:=L~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ i- ~ V"tL,zt; I~' ~~ ~~~, ~---l..~~i~ ~~~~~~~~~~, , I ~cbr,f;-~..k P-H~, I , ....{7 $-.t:.~..... t:.,./.. I ~,.., $,,,-,,. /I, ,. f' " o. H., Bal_. V.., 1aVI. rotb, 1906. W. H. 8. Rlobardeon, 22,00 Road 410. 'I'll. Bo..d ot a.p..U..... ot Ro_'" OOU..~..t 'M. d"ll 111 .....1... lIO..tllljr '.8810n "t. the Court-house. P....nt: S. P. Thruh." Oba1I'11Bn, &. w. Lewis, -. . 10... 1lp.1118 Dlot.l Oo"nw IIlnd ~.OO . J. 0; Xiag.'J . . . . 34,93 ~,Gb 6.50 B. w. Logan Me'; L. D. Bell. The .1111te" ot the laBt .""t1ftR ".e approv.d ae reao. The fOllowing alaae Bga1nsf;. 1.11" Coun\V we.. .xulned, approved, and Or- dered to be paid b)' warrant out of' the t\1ncf8 rcepeat1vely chars_able there"Stllt 8_ 0... 1lp.1ng D1.t, . . J, w,~. . . . . . , J .... A. Owen . . 8al.. . 4.00 Geo. !i. amle, 71".&8., eoa'a. on County fUnd 600. - 497,62 to w1t.: John A. Feather. Road .vo, (B1g 1,10k 1I1.t, tI1"d) BrldRe " (Count)' tund) 103<25 58,44 B. W. Logan. Supervlsor tor Fale. Distriot, thi8 day turneCl OVer to the Board th~ sum I ot one doll'l1" Ctl.OOJ reoe1ved ~ h1a 'from IBle ot olrl lUMber 1n l\ bridge 1n 881d d'ir-- 1.1"101., "'hl0h .-Dunt the Treasurer will plllo. to the 01"9dlt ot t.he ~eneral oount~ fUnd. .R8Illft C. w. i<l'-'J'tln Rofid .. (Cave lp.1DB Dl.t.\ 2.00 ilea. w. f)arat . . f,alpD'l D1Bt. 51,61 fame . . Count.y t'\1nd Ca.. Sp.1ng Dl.t, Blg LlOk Dl.t, 7,55 13,13 13,95 J. W. Gre.hUl. . . w. E. Medle)', f'upltrlntendent or the COunt~ At.shoUBe and tar., th1s d~ 8Ub~,1tted h1s: report of' expelUlftll 8n suoh fOr the IKmth ot duly, 1906,. a8 1"0110"8: 11. D. fIowbert . . I WIt. L4W1B Catawba Diet. 136,<0 . . C. E. EUer E. K, Plt.ge..ld & CO, Pott & pott 110, 4.0(, . llrooeri8s . Cave Sprlng Diet, County 1\1'nd 4.05 3,49 31,99 O. T. Kern . . Ssme Brown IJardft'Bl"ft Co. 5,67 Hardware &'0. . . t I I I . . .50 JolS. A. ""pn fl. II. Uartln . Or~ goode tOI" pwrerB !l.24 . Cave Spr1ng D1st. '10,08 E. ':'. ~Dre D. H. Bradley Grooerles 6:1. . . Catawba II :rJ,75 J. H. Tate BlaokB1lI1tlt1ne 19,16 n. II. ....eador . . ~aVe 8pr1~ Diet. 10.00 81dllly Smlth Goo, ~III 7.35 1,40 A. F. Walkp.1" Work on farm . . Count)' fUl"lcl 6,00 10.50 113.94 90,n -u"uns to 14.6.2 J. B. n",,.n8 . . . . . fial". D1et, I I I , , , I I I sald _unt ln ..ttle..nt 0 t .BIl., I J1o_.r Hale CentrA.! Kf'p-. (b. Lur..ber reI' oottSBI't at. farm . . . . 9.50 Dl11 Bra llrug CO. D. E. Kersuvet- DruES Ro.d .vo, AlE Llok Dlst, 7.~5 f:BJIl9 . . County fU nd (~l1woOd V8.(County tundJ The P,.b110) btl18110e ot' 4/0. tJB,04 9.2< J. J. Sloan Whioh 18 appl'Oved, and the Clerk 18 heN~bJf ordered t.o 1118'le hill a Wo.PrAnt fVr . . 142.65 15,00 0... plg .01d to l<ld111y Betlth 3,OG II. B. LloIbnald, Pau)Jftr &0. (Cata..ba J}.1et.) tie reported the f'o~1{lw1I'l8 r80e.11'ta tot' tne 80ntb or Jul)': 6d dp.n liD mer, Road .vo. 6.25 ~. E. Conw~. aont.h'lS rent ot cott~e 1.50 SlJlfl. D.1et. Au8tin Garland, Jl1n1tor' e serv10es 1.0G w. n. vtlorl Ro~d .vo. Pill 1,10k Dl.t, N,50 22,g2 51,07 Wh10h he 1s orcJ-..,.ed to turn over to the Treaaurfl'l" and take 1\18 receipt. theretoI'. r~alfl. Pro It Pt.b. 00. Pol" tax booke, advertl..1ns, &0. Hutt, Andre". Ie 'i'hoJl.fiD, ~.ed tbl" ...1.. 5.4Il 8... " . . 19,~ !I'IIo Cl...k thlo dq deU...." to t~ BoA.d the tollo"l"ll oh.oke: '1'0.... 0' ' 8.1e.. to. 30" ot ts.OOO.OO paid O. D. Oall.. on III" Jail E.erett "add.:.< 00, DoUIlqIl.nt tax bl..... 9,O[) Dr. R. II. W11.". Paul~.r Va. . (J,i...y Bro....l Bal.. Dl.t, 6.5CI n.76 9,76 47.45 a!O,44 4.* oontraot J. O. IlarU... to.. 'l...t IlOte Shan to. lend PU.Oha..d troI8 the 0011"~. tzr!.67;lnt.....t.. <<2.77: 'fila ..id .beou ...... POOPAPly A_..IAU and \11....0 OV'" to tl16 ,........... CO bit ....dU.d to t.~_a1 oounw fluid. , J. A. 1Io..a Road .. ~l.soc...: .. Dr. 8. 1. Oondutr, Pauper. I I T. II. ;:..... ~&d "...,. .......... Rellll~..', NIt. (1Ir.. IIt.t..1 W.. m.t. . . 00Q~ fIuIc! 1 Oat._o) ,.00 I. III ~ i I i, ..lli F~ i\ ~ ; tIt q h HI 1,1',. f ~ ! 'II !' J I t I I '" . I '''r\.....^.....~ ~.~..! I q c:r.~".k-..~f'I. ~:""'..J.\._~ , ,. ~"-'_.~..~ On tba appUuUon 0' tha IlOAlfOX/l OAf! AIID WA!I'IlIl 00, II>p ,_SaaSo. '" .... tend a l'ailroad ...UIb trow tho N. " w. R.il....., 11.... on . poSnt ,juat ....t 0' Caro11nd AV....e up tho 1I0Chnahan ro.., '" the puap-houe. lot 0' tho Ro....k. 0.. aM W.t.. CO~a"7; and St appea.1ns tbat tl,. Crl.h1 ~.Sng Land Co.......,.. om.. 0' I,rop..ty ."e~ted b,y ~~e l>uUdSns 0' .aid ...itob. O!>JlOts to tb. s..nUns 0' aald flffl"Pl18s1on., and ~.81re. to be heard 1n this behalf, on aotiOn or II.. Logan it 18 ordeP8d that action upon said epplioatlOn be postponed until tbe ''Pt._ber a,.etlng of this Board, and that notioe therBot be g1ven tbe O."lItll&1' Spring LUld Co~sny by _sU1ng to 1t & oopy ot th18 order. GItO. JI. Muse, COunty Treasurer, thill d~ la1d berore the Doard 'the t!el1n- quent tax llst8 ror the yee.r 1905, aho"Jng tlla fbllowli1R aiiOunt8., to .,1t: eatawba Distriot Delinquent re81 eotate, pPI"80nal proper't1 and penalty t4S.72 fat.1I. Dietriot Delinquent real 1tetate" personal property and penalty Cav. Spr1ng D1.tr10t ":'()tal dellnquenta a8 abovtt 118.76 99,7' BSy L10k D1.t.10t Tot.al dellnquenta as aboYe ;rQR. 20 C472.41 The ea1d l1BtH belng 8x~1n8d, are approved" 8nd the Bald Treasurer 1. SQ_ thor1zed to take oreol1. 1n h18 8ettl_ont ror 1905 tor the MOunte eho"", 1n 8ald 11st8. And th1s complet1ng the Tre8ftUrer' e eettl..ent t'Or 881d tax ~ear" lt 18 or- dered that the BaJae be reoorded by the Clerk 1n thlf book 8(HtQlally provided tor th&.t purpove, 88 hfirptoror~ donfi. \ ) I.. n. BPII, flUr,el'v180l". !--o.) ) Y8. : 'Roae! fr!>>1b Pine Oroye Cluroh to Franklin Count)' 11ne The Publ10 ) \ On the applloation or L. D. fie11 88 fluperYlr.or or CAY. Spring ~aglsterlal Dlstr10t, 1t 1s orc'er"d that C. W. ChAf:)IIl&n, O. L. 1U8h. W. O. WoOd" Robert LoBan an" J. W. l\aeho118, re81d"n\ f'retlnaldflre ot thl. COunty, whO are herebJ Ilppolntttd .1..e,.8 fOr the purpo&e (8l\)' threft of whoa, togwthe.. wlth R. E. KlBee, Coun~ fUrvIIJol', who i8 hereb)r dlHoted to 111818t th... ae.r 80\) dO, on Monday "'n . 27t'. 1906. Y1... tbe publ10 road 111 thlo COuntf trow . polllt ot PS... 0..... alllrall : to tho Pl'anltl1n Coun~ 11na, and repol't to thh Bo.l'd wIlotbap or lIOt '.14 ....., ba. . ..Sdth 0' tbSr~ (,0) ,..t~ 1r not. wbether 1\ WDu1d ba e"P.dSe'" '" .1<Ien St '" .aid .Sdtb; and 1t ... t~ .bal1 .oport. tba _. 0' tha 1_ 0_0 on ouoh routo. and at.to wh10h 0' tha18 "911ft oo".....tton tel' tile 1_ to ... .- 'alt_" i\JJ:' the purpo.e, ~ne pfGbabla -=cunt, in tha cp1nlcn or t?t.e- 1'1,."ezo8. to wbJoh eutllh p..u.. aa,y be .nUtled flIl' tho land 00 token oad 11>. d_. to tha ..o1<l&. ot tho tnot. b.,ond the Feou11a., benef'lts to be dei'l'1ect in ...epeot to lald ..e1due tN. the wlden1ng Of ..1d 1.'Oad. Sald vlewera Ih1 exaalne and report upon other l"Outee. and m~ make lNoh ohang.. in the present. road ae to tltell'\ ....sy Sfte. sdYleabIe" and th~,y shall return it aap I Or d1agr.... ot the "'uto or Oba'1g,. ..oo....end.d b,y tho. along ..1th their .aid repo.t, It I G. W. Lewla, SUperv1sor &0. YO, Catllwba Moad Tile PubUo 0.., the IIDt10n of O. w. L..ie" aJpervl,or or Catawba .M-.gl.tei'1al Dl$trlot, .it 18 01"- dehe' that. John S. ttennett. D. H. Shelol", J. w. Doosl>1g, del'll")" ~1'88n 8'nd R. ~. }laRa.. COunty Surye)'or, rft81dftnt treebolderB at this Count)', "ho are hereb)' sppo1nted viewerD for tbe }JUrpo.e (wv three of who. Ill~ 80t) do v1ft'fr the publlo road in th18 county known "8 tfle Catawba Road, ho" John S. Bennett'., to the n:ttfttourt CcU"1t)" 11n8', and report to thie Board wMther thil tenoes of' a~ property owners are enoroaohing thtreon; whether or not lald road haR a wldth at thlrt~ (30) teet; lt not, whether it would be expedient to .ake it eald wldth, and it flO, the)' ahall 'I'eport the nUlee of the l~dawn8r8 on Bald rou't.tl, Met at.te whiah" if BnI'" ot th.., .equ.f.re oOllpeD8at1on tor the land to be taken tOl" the purpOll8, the probable MOunt, in the oplnion ot the "lewers, to "hloh BUoh par- tlee would be entltled tOr the lend 80 taken and tor dP88ell to the r88100e Dr the trllot, be,ond the peoullar beneflt. to be derived 1n respeot to aaid restdUe from the wlden1tlh or 881d road. 1'tle 8atd "...lItwere aq ftI8IIine and report upon other routes, and m~ make 8uoh oha1'l8ea ln the present road 88 to tho.8,)' IIp.e. adYlsable. And the)' shall l'eturn ~ .81' Or d1118r.. 0' tbe .oute o. ohanp;e. ..oouendod b,y ~h.. a10Yl/< ..1th tho1,' 'a1d .eport'l I I 1 "he Board this day, pursuant to 8n order entered at a ".et1ng beld on the Vith d61' of' JUl)', 1906, pl"ooeeded to oon61der the .at\;&r of the adoptton ot thfll provision. of the Oene"81 ...enoe LaWt with r8apeot to horse., oattole, 'hogs, 8bepp and goats c.t! to that pOr- I tlon at North 881e. e180t1on dtatriot outlllide of ttJe corporate l1aJto ot the 'n)tm01" ~a1_, 1n Balf". Magilllterial n1etr1oti; and lt appearlng that tl1e not10ft8 at tllll'1 mefllt- 1118 baYe been regularly,posted and pub11ftl1ed in the aanner preeoribeCl b~ law. the 'bard prooeeded to d.te,..lne the que.tlon ":I . recorded \IOte" wh10b re8l.ilted BIB follO"II: i~elll, L. n. Bell and 8. P. Thraeher; nolll, B. ". Logan and O. W. LeulI. The ohaJ.~.n announcnd thai t.he YD'e'waa a tle, _nd tbe ftheritf' ".. dl1'eotel1 to su...n J; P. 'lout., eo_le8loner "'i'OlIItod b,y tba 0170111t COurt 1n tho DOd. and IV. tho purpo... 1,..oo.1b.d b,y Soo, 832 Cod. 0 tV.. (CI"'Pter 140 Altl~a ot ",...blf 1904) ..ho. .rt.r heor1ng tho ....""..n" and 001>- .idtirSng tho p.titto... t110d flIr .nd _Snot S~. Ildopt1Gn. oaet ~h. d..SdSng "',. Sn t.'" 0' iha .dop~1Gn ot ..Sd.p...YloS.... ot tho .....1'81 .",ok 1... 11>. ..1dllort.h a81o. .10"'; tSon d1.t.10t. out.SoI8 the oo.....t. 1imSt. ot tha 'l'Own 0' Bel... .' .' . X, 1ll t_ell>" ol'daWod '.' \lie p...n.So... (Of 1_ "'0111'1118 tha bouDduJ 1_ 0' I ~. l/i:t; S' IQ!l f, ~ ~ :II 'In \ ,; t ~ ;fll ;, ~ ~. !Ie' f ~ ~ I '" 'II, f; I ~! 1 Ii i ,~t 01 P;j ;: U ~ 'I' , 1 q 1.11 II I eaoh lot o. paro.l or land 1n that pOrtion of ,aid Ho.th Sal.. dl.,.tot. .. above ..t out, to be .. 1.."fil1 renoe 6" to hor..., Oatt1., hOSI, ..... aile! F.o,to. 10 11.roby .dOpt.d. .ffuti.. oh lIO"'h. fro. thl. dote, Sol.. n..uJljl' 1)>. """" '110, Couni)' rune1' Sol.. ~", fUnd Cave F-prlng D1Dt. Bjg ll10k D18t. 19,65 14,00 10.10 .J. If. Owen. . . . 0.0. L. 1'0.". R. D. Howbel't . . . . . . 105.22 IU WI JU>>ii, who WAi>. at tbj:f last lIe..tlJ'J8' or this PGal'd app01i1tKl . 00>>- _1ttfl@ or ond to have -the two otticfI roo.. ab.1ttlng on Oollege AYei'll. torn E. J(. P1tzg.l'sld &: 00. t,'uppl:l8a n.l' Jail L. ii'. Dtolokey (j 1108. Sal81";)' "'B OV.J'lIfter. Poor 1G,OG dOWll, l~O., th1s de,y .Rd. a written report th..eon, upon COnaldftl'atlot, or wtlloht on BlOtlon of !lr. Bell, the Baid order ..a8, by a unanUOU8 vote, ('sloind.d. It ~alt the~.tore, ordered, on motion of Uro Logan, that the three Oftioe rooms 011 the "est w1ng ot the Court.-boUge wilding be tor') dOwn and removed,' Ilnri that on. 1'00., 16 t'ef!t square, be ereoted in rear of' the roOIlt no... OoCUpied by the Fhel'lff. to be used as an or-fioe by the Co1lllDOnwealthf8 Attorn8Je It Will turth.r ordered that R. w. K1a@ be appOInted a OO"ltt.~e of one to hR.. thlp. work dOne in aocordanoe with the pl~n8 and eStimoteb submltted with his 8nid report, Bnd that ~e nlso have suoh repair WOrk done as 1Il~ ceell to him to be ne.tipc; 1n oonY'J,eotion w1th the 1'00ms on the '8st w11'1P. or tbe bul1dlJ1B, Inolud-- in#{ a Oellt!Ult t"loor 1n toe V&Oant splIoe between the Clerk'li Offioe and the new :'fa. 1'8riB Ho"" 10/0, C1e.tawba Tllst. f"l1.nd 13,'lO 11,0<1 J. T. Sh"Pl1ftro . . . . . Oro"" Ilar(tWar8 en. ROad A/o. Count)' fUnd 94,()p, 11,;>2 Ch&8. De Venit. Cl~rk, Ioe, RXPNP8,f1, I)ofltac.", eto. W. H. Ue RIohardson Hoad Ale. Cave Fpl'll1f( Ilif!t 0 7,y) 101. f;. F:f\lflwln . . . . . 13.f;O S"ft . . r.ount)" fUnd F.lg tJIC!k nI!';t. f\lnd 2,<)0 W. rle Woo(t!'; . . ~,25 Be A. H\1bb~rt . . fa] eM nlAt. 2.12 ,"'all,. . . nip ~jok n1st~ 10.00 n. c. Ho.".vm . . Count)" ftll'bi 5.(,0 room ordere~ to be ereoted. A. ,~'. Walk..r )0,50 . . . . J. J. f:loGn . " {:.i111n J~l"l~J:el " . 152."" ::811" . . . .. . . 11,63 6,74 Orderft~ th~t the r~ord be ~Journ~d. /("f- .7,-{-.-,w./.... ,-6.-~- J. W. "rohalll . . ~unt)' l\md Raile . . (~8VP fl.r1n,P, D18t~ 2tl~40 W. G. r.'rotts Re}lairs to book tW8tfr1ter 3.50 t. Ile lo'ltzf:ero.ld << C". ROI\d Va. (reeo rOt, u.tle8) (~unty fUnd 2!i.C1-; OOURT-ICOUf,E, f.ALDt, VA., SfP'i'. 17th; 1906. Tl1.. FOArd of fUlJ~rY1l1Or8 or Roanok" County Jtlet thle (~"'Y 4'\1, thtt ..Court- hOUfU'e PrA6fmt: f,. Fe 'PhrSBnRr, n. 11'. ',""de, De We JApon and Le D. n..ll. Je W. &"le 5,00 . . (Brldge work) . . c. 'l'e Mar.uIra . . C~1oY8 fprIne D18t. ~?o,) f>de . . CO\1nt~ fUnc' 5.5,.1 T1.. mInutps of" ttl" Iftllt Jl\flPtinr "':trill BJlIJroYftd a8 reaoe 'J'11" f"ollt>",1nr 0181.11 against- th" COU'lt,y "'''''P. examined, opproved QJ1d or- "'f'red to be 1,n1d by w"r",..nt out 0" f.hfl n.&ndr. 1'1IIapflGtlVf>ly oharg"abltt thprfl- Jno. C. Kinge!")' . . Cava fprInB D18t~ 4,00 Ore ~. M. Terrlll WJ\8"l1 A/o, (R. P. l....rr1 faleJll 1)1"t. {t"fOJ 2,50 f.&Ill.e Paupel" .tVCHI e 11,00 W1th, to tr1t~ Goo. II. ""'." IIak1nr off 1'011 tax 111\ !'or 1905 17.20 JOh." /.. F~nthftr Jar.. H. il"t.tl\ewa & Co. RO"''' A/oe nIg J,lok Jl1ltte 5t.~8 & I>84:J,I::lel"kje fltfioe 117,01 fr. U:. f'8am~,. J I W. AIIOB . . RoOd 10/0, l'81'Ul Cave rprlng DIAte COunty fbl1d 6ale. D1st. tund . ,20,00 2,00 (For error in tV'a.r..ndtl!l"f'd lallt MOnthl Dave reap . . 4.00 . ';0 w. ?1rklp T. 1&. neBlUtl" J.lInaoy A/o. ! II. p, Hurf) . . 67,00 2,20 J. f:. Jiratihy, JBUPI', f'Oar" 1"01' Faae n~a8. Oe n-nlt., Clfll"k, cert1f')'lnr {)Oll tax idet It;:05 8t.O. Jno. II. C18111}'Jftr, J. Pe. t.sklng arf'ldav1ta or 1loard &0. Be We naret. . . . . . 47.R:t 2.40 W. A. hanole, eo.. R*v. -let D1et.., tor extend 111ft 1<:106 1,,'1)' (p-,ablt> out 14.22 2,00 l;!lO t... l.unoO)' 10/0, (11, p, lIutf) 01' ..ld 1..)') It. It. Or.._od. 1)>.. Ro., ~_DlIt.. tor .xt.nd1ng 11)06 to'l)' (pl\Yobto out of .oid 1''1)'1 rol.. Prlnt1ns . Pub. 00" Prlnt1nc..d od..rtlling 2O,!lQ 3(,(j,M J. lIe 1'0111ne, HOM 10/0, tun..)' 10/0. Road .v-o. ralea nltot. 5.00 537.14 H. II. pow.IIt (Baral1 !" wn..Hnp,) 1,50 .a, W. r\ltt d. II. 8..,... no"" '110. fat.. Dilt. ,jIol.. Dbt. aou"" fUnd JIS,/iS 7,00 ',00 . l!8.15 a . " 8ttldln lIom.r - . . . . P. KUU.. lAa.... 410. 3,75 e~D 1 , I I i I I i I I I I I , , I! 111 IP ~ I, i HI ill' If, ii, f U! HI ill Ii 1'1 I I It I ". A. Mo... Roa~ A,tb, bal.. Ill.t. oount~ fIlnd b18 tlok Pl't. fUnd O:>unty fttnd Sal.. Dlot, fUnd O:>llnt~ film Hg J,iok Dlet. .1.,.lIfl SU. . . jl2,n 76,76 ~.YJ ",00 72,9:1 6,25 17,75 I). E. KerSUYer . . fame . . I. H. fJaw . . 6. tI. ~~ar(ll . . N. H. Gt\l"at . . O. D. Horn . . County fUnd f,lDlE' . . f.alpa 1)18t. f\md 21,75 '.'I. 1..'~1.:r:1E'.}" fllpe-rlntenc1ent of' the ec-unt)' Al"'ElhoUA9 and f'arD, t)ls dB)' allb.lbltt.pd his 1'f>!JOl't nt A>'!lAnSPR AM auoh f'b'!" t.h.. .nnt.h nl" "1P.lU't,~ 10(1(.; A!> ~ ro110"": Hrown ttQI'c'warp Uo. nard"t~rft 3,22 F. M, ".jtlP.g~ralv ,.. uo. UrooPI"1"", ,oto. ~5.1l U. M. !jrattl@oy . on(1 dry Boods !tor Ct1ttlnF.! OOrn 7,':!9 5.65 .J. U. t.tartin liar!')' t-:rlllt11 'fork on rar'" ,50 CrOOk~tt I:IPMBII . . . 13,00 1,51 4,64 O. R. l,fOWi'1I f<'or lU'aln hone Dry saada B. 1.1. :.4tu"tJn P. J,. Parrish 10'01" thre~hlne "heat ~ Amount1nr to ~~.41 Whioh 18 approVed, ",net th,. Clerk "111 ttiBU6 him a warrant tor eud 6IllOlmt 1n 8ettlfllllent or aBaft. ~te also rAportftd I'ftoeipts'te fOllow8: Pro. rPl'1:t or fl'ottRFP 1,5') 150 ,00 . on~ aul f'" r.old to n. T. .Ilart1n . . . . J. II. Trout 125.;)0 f216. ~ Thill 8111" BUr, (If' "'276.50 18 order"," to be turned OVal" to the'lr!,aeurer bf thf' "a1d f\1per1ntendft'lt, who will tllke the Treasurer' 8 reOelpt ~herefor, &S uaf>d. , The Cllllrk thia d~ turned over to the ~ard the followlns Oh'~k8; Fro:n J. C. .i.lartin, 2nd note livln tor P\lroh..e of' land fro. thfl County, tm ,67; 1nt.re.t. t4,47: Pro. Reo. w. ?'irkl., '01' puroh..-. or Ollt.hOullle on Court-hou.. '3!l2.14 lot l~.SO ., , f:!?4.64 h .A14 "",ou _n prop.r~ .ndor..d by tll. CIIIl1rIloll. and Order.d '" b. 4.1h.r'd '" ~ ,"._~r ~r O...dU,.. tIIo "~a1 __ ~'. ,h .aid OIlOllnt patti by~. O. lIort1n b.1IlIl 111 fUll of 1110 pur.ha.. of land fro. tll. ~unty. tho aot1on of tho Cl..k In o"'<!I'""" tho ""Rd. ond dollY.r1ng to h10 tII. d..d b.ll.tofts.. ...mJtdd, is h..reb,r ra'lti.tt~ I 1M Rio: Tl11EllA'lER RAILWAY 00, ""PLICAT10N HlR OROSSING PlJDUC ROAIl5. 'l'h1o d~ 0"'0 tII. TAd....t.. Rtllw~ Oollplllljr by W, P. Stalnlll<.r. it. ..ont and ..._ gtneer, snd moYed the ~.l'd ot AJp.l'vlMq,I'B of Roanoke County to grant it per.18s1on to or~ui8 the r~nt React. (near E. C. Thoaas 1 bAing 8tation -4 _., prov1ded 'the sald CoJ1- pan, should construal. the propel' Ol'08fl1ng 6nd a:-.dld, 81'. its oem costs. npproaoh8~ thf'rp.to -.1. a grade of' not 1lI0rfl than II1x t"8t to the onft ltundrAd; $Q1d likewlsft movPo the Donrcl to ,rant 1t pel'll1L<l10ri to 01'088 the Baid hent Roell near Slnr..r' 8 (b@tween the IMr1f' Of' Chas. W1lBon & I.uthel' D. floodw1n 811(1 SNaa True) bfllnf sttit10n '10. , prov1(h,,-' the sold I 1 I I ! ! i 1 I I I CORlp8l1f s!1Oulcl oon8truot the rroper arodt:1ng and w11d, at 1tc Olm coats, approaohes thereto at 6 Rl'ade or not JIlOre than slx reftt to tl\e oile hundreD, the w1c:'1th or the sait! approaohes to both or sald orossings to reaaln 88 the)' now al'e. U[<on conelderat1on of .bloh, the Board d~th Brant the sl.11d Coaparw the 8ald r1p,ht to 01'088 the Bllie! roa~8, pro- vided the 8ald OrGBBJ.ngu ant' approaahes shall bn oonst.,-"\loted 1),6 hereinbefore set on.t and at th" ooeta of the 8ald Cor.p8"1. Thls d8)" Cue aga1n the ROANOKE GAB AND WATER ro:'PA1W. b)r aounstt"l, nnd not walving the perahelon previous1;>, asked f'or, al'plo prEus-nted the petit10n followlng: I To the HOY'Orable Foard or Sl1pervl60r8 or RollllOkft <'.Qurltv': The lI.DJ:rs1fned l'81)resflnts that it 1s 0 Pnhuo Servioe (~rporntion, <'Illy ohar _ tered and organl'1l:ed under th.e 18ft's ot the Stah. of V1rBinl~: . it. 18 .engaged 1n U\A bueine88 ot t'Urn1Bh1ng Baa and water to the C1ty of' ~anokl '!'hat That its plant and thfl' lBrge _a,JOr1t)' or ~t8 taxable Pl'Opf'l"ty 1.. 81tufLtetl in thf' Dlg L1ak u.,p,iaterlal Dlstriot ln the COunt)' of ROBnolcp. on the 8Outl1 side or Roanokp River, and east 0' 'tt'f'l11I'\Rton A"'eme 1n the OrJ,etal S[)rlng. Adrtltlon; That 1t proposee to oonetruot & atdl traok of ral1.." frO. tho oenter I1ne of the Roamt. Anet Soutllern Kanway, at . point n.ar the south. b.nJc ot Roanoke Ittver to 1t6 -.ld plant, a d1BtlU'loe ot about l02!5 fe.t, the statton. of .Bld pIVpoeect tslde traok 88 no. 100at.4 and propo.ed to b. built rumina fro. one to t..nt)'- flye. nat the laid aid. traote, "b:reuabout 1t. ent1.8 1.ll8th, w111 t.r.....rll. the land 01' tile UIId...tano. 00"1>_. and wl11 touoh tho land of no 0'" .10.; T"'t .old propo." .ld. tnok will oro.. ..14 Wo111nston AY_. ..t .taUOIT ~r p1u. _tyo..... IIICI f.bat ..1e1 or...lna "111 be at ....d.. tho top. ot tho raUB '" b. '11 tile 1...1 w1th tho .urroo. .t .00d A......; .....t tile f..... 1111e .f _ ..1d AY_. "111 r..lII'!bor. it 1. at p......t. ~d thot ..to. wll1 be oo...tru.tod 0Il<I ..1nWnod ....... '.1' .~,. tr..k at ~ai4 ~"1"'; TIlat If., tho 11IIdIr.iIiMd oollpon,y, wll1 ..lIItoln...'....OP, 111' ....d rop.1r that pan .... . ~'- .t .ai, ."_. thaf. .., be ......4 '" .01,4 .1110 _..Ie, _ allO \llat.lllll't of ..1d AY_. ~. II '~'E .JS I~' p. 1.1 ~ 'if I I,q f,. J, . if. !1! ~ i' ,; ~ ~S f J \', "' I '" ~ '," iH ~ ~...ff. t hi '" .J I ' I ' J II II I i that .0,)1 11. ..1th.n .no ....t .~ dbtanc. ftoo.. 01t"-1' ."" 01' tho t1l. ., la1d sid, tpAok, us.1np snoh aatef..tal.e AS .~ tbaon ~ ue." tv 't~ Ooun~ Df JIItIanoke "'1. lIIIOllIIt 1. #461tOO 1n ..a.8ft ott.fl. .athlate ..de laet )".1'. Thf. Hoard 11 ('It t"" opmlul1 ttlat.9 1n orderr to ..et the n..de 0' tne BOtMto18t tn... .111 .. H911recJ " counv 1.~ of 20 cta. .n tho Ilund"'d doll a.. IIIId a d1ct1'1ct 18"l' .t 20 cta. on tho <lun- d..d rl011...8 1n all t.he 8cbool cJ1at.I",O.1 0' the OOunt;y, eXQept 1n Fal.a 1)htrlot, In 'llhl0h " d18trlot le'f)' ot 15 Ot8. will be rewired. Reepeotf\111." IJUb',U,ted t Tn. Co1lnty SOhool lloal'd or ROB1lOk4 Co. (S1~d' D. E. Ke~8UYar, Clerk. on 811117 Aveme: Thf\t 881(1 \Vpll1np-ton AVerJ.l8 is G.ne 0' the pUbt10 rouda ot the <:bunt)' Ot' f(OO;'1Ok@; "low, the1"efore. thp underft1rned COllfln..,., doUf most re8Jl~otfUlly pet1t.ion )lour Homr8bl~ 00('1), to Rrant 1t thp [l1"1v.!l,1f!Re end pflrmlfHllon to oonetr1.lot ond l!,alntB1n 1t8 8'"ld f!1~~ t.raek aoross c!l.1ri W~111~on Avenue, upon the above eonrilt1onf! . Roanoke na~ and Wftt~l" Oo.t S~If1m, Va., Auf. 31, 1906. ~ COt\nsol. Md thfll'At.\1lon ("'.ll!le aha the Cr~'r.tnl Sprln~' IJBnd Compa1'\f and 25 others, who t11p.d thptr petition 1n opvoslt1o'l1 to tl1ft granting or th9 per_Sedon Rsk,.d "or by 61lir! HOll1lokl' lis,. 1l1l~ \VatAr COllplUlJ', tU1n prQ)'Brl to be> "lids }lar- t1A'l": d~ren{liUlt to f141n af,p11c-nt1on, which 1s accorr'1np,ly ('On8. i.nd upon th.,1r ""tlon thA he8t'11lf' 01" Boid applioation 11'1 oontlnu,pr' until thp October To the 110n. Bnard of" Fuperv1sol"s Of Roanoke County, Gftntleaen: Pureuant to the ProVisions of "eo'\iol18 R33, 1&)6, 1447 ond 146(, or th~ Code, I b8g to eubJl1t tv 10u the foregoing elltlllifttAs, this d6f tiled with MfI. Roland E. Cook, , "Iv181on ::\1pt. or r.choo..ls. C1I'tPtlnp. o!" tt'l18 Pollr", it be1nR u-ndAr~toofl 1n open aeetlrtf; that all port1ell Upon oonflld@ratlon of the forp.golng reooJl'Jrlrndatlons, th~ f'.oard ","rI>hy 01"1erp the tol10"lnp levies for tho next tBX ~88r, to -.rlt: UpOI' 880h tlOO.OO Of Vflluatlon of' both 1"881 and persorml prollf!rty and Ollp1t~1 1n- lnt."rp.5hr' wi'll VA rurth~r notic" of' th", h~8rlnr of" 8a1d applioat1on. ROland E. CoOk, fllvlr:lon :upt. or fQhOOIS and PrE'f'ldent ot t.hA SChOOl no~rci or ltoaooke Cout.ty, thls d~ subJllolttetl to thR ["i)artt the tOllow1T11\ wr1tten Vestp.d 1n bu8lnee8,tor Count1 SChOol purp01!l811: '20~. StAtN'l('O"t\t: I I ' cap1tol inv..ted 1n bu..n..c, fOr 01.trict School purpo... (oth.r than .n I , j' I I 15J(. UIlon eaoh (loo.on or valuf.Ltlon or both l'e81. and perB<\nal propel't1 u'"'(! ~al&II'" Va., Aug. 31, 1906. P81~. D1etr1ct): To ireland f. Coo;;, IlI,on eaoh 1'100.00 or valuation or both rttsl and pp.rBon41 property, t'or 2Q.tt\ n1v1s1on ~IIJt. or r(.,'hoo]s; W., UtA Count1 FeMol Board of' Hoanokfl CoUl1ty, 1n 0CV1s1der1ne the 811Dllnt or .on@1 nOAriec r.urlnR thp 8oholaerio year ber1nnlng ~lr.. 1, 1907~ 1n the Count)l of RoBl\oke an(1 1n the ft"vRr,~l schQol c41strlots ther~l', have C8re- '\111y {'onp. OV@r the flfttlaatea r11ed tw tllf' "flVet"81 distriot boardl1, in aO- cordQnC!e w1th seot1on8 1447 antl 1466 of' the Cod.., j'nd bPF: to report that OUr Salea ~'" D18tr1ot Fahool l'urpQa6s: Walter "at.80n, Eniineer 1n cl1a.rRe, thb (!'\)' 8ubm1tted to tho f'Oard the tolloW'lt!~, report on oonutruatlon or neW' Jail: estll",Rte or th~ neoeft8ar1 expenses for all thft dlet>>iots Or the oountr, eX- oept ~n1e. D1fttrlat, 1ft the .... 8ft the 8stt.ate made ~r the year bey-1nn1ng Aur. 1, 1906. l'he e8t111atp of" the n"oeseary upenlfto 1n ~8le. Diet!'!ot fOr the 8ol101aet1o )'."1' hflp.lnn1n.... Au,.. 1, 1907, 18 88 fbl1oWfl: ~;l\lem, Vu., 9/17/1906. To the Honorable 8o.rd ot &lpervhorB or RollJ1Oke CO\lnt~, "a. _10_: PIIJ' of tlltaeh"rfl Text-hoOKS for 1nd18ellt ohll()rRn I t1"" f)bat the n." Jail 8nd Jailor'II residenoe I'or Roanoke Couhty 81. &tIe>>. V1r.1n~a, has been lxIl1t and OO~let.d, with the .XDept1on p088ibly 01' _.. slJ.eht alwratJ.ons Or addlt1on., 1n a sood wbatant!.l aannel', and 1n 6ooorda"de with hie contnot "UII YouI' Ilono1'Ab1. 80.1'(1. "... .ado Pll1't1a1 ..dit Of .ccou!'t. of label' ""d ..tI1'1.1. and find that tho llU,oxiaat. OOat (end 1t _ not COllp1ot.d ... ,.t. ancI t"-..to.. OOlt oannot be .tat.d Other sohool &ppllanaes D111tr1ot Clftrk t7 .6s0.00 25,00 200.00 51,QO R8nt- and fuel 250,uO lnau.-ano. 151.00 ~:l.oo t7.llOO .00 Pet' ot Treainirer Jen.toro Oth.. ...0......., .spon... 411I.00 4(11.... t9,Slll'OO ftZe.o\lJ) of tile.. b.llltUn.. \U'ttel' O. D. 0..,' a 'O....nt. oant...et. will.... exOlu.i.. of _I'll dOn. 011 ole! lulld1rl8 ,,"""' P...1ou. OOJit~....t, """ ..c1u'1.. of oo_a.lon.. lut 1Ilo1ud1111 1_ ""1011 unclO1' ...1d tak.,-. eont""ot lIOu1d bp oons1-'""e" as ext.. .oll, and ttwperor8 not OO.,...d 19' the llIapant",. of' coet ~lv..n in .kld oontraot. !hele eor._"' ... b. ~lao" (lnd fUrnl.hed) ., a 00'\ Of about t6S.00 r.. th. tllr.. ..lndo..., '!'hl. ..... t. .. t.o be. ..~ ~..tont it.. Gn th. .ut.ld. .r !lulld1"" I ,",,"ld ...._nd "'" p....ld1,;, .r dra1n. to d1or... Of' I"oor wate. into the at...t f(Utt..P8, .to.. the ~rad1ng or tne "round8 in a Bigl'\\1)' 'Work under prev10u s cantr.ot '1. !;4<l,"P f9.G49.20 __.1..'llNHL. L ill ,in I,j, ~', ,-t. 1'1 !q ~ ',.t'i I' ;~ f . 'L' 'II ~ 'H.- 'I; ~ !-\ t I i& f ~ L 'lit :n II' : HI iI I ApproxblBte total, eXOl'lBi'V@. 0" GO_18Bions 15; oo_1f1r1on on abov9 ~).lmQt8 total coat under old snd new oontl'aot8, 1nclu~lnr extra~. aenner 8I\d ln &uGh NannAI" &S to run the 8ur1'.Oe water a"~ t"~. Q1l1di11P'(1 all "'uon afl ~IO .407.08 pos8ible; the lqing of Oonorete walk8 around tbe lot on both north and east sldes, ~d f"roa the strp.ttte to \h.. e...l'a1 doore or the building8; 'the euoranfe.nt ot Nor lnto Court-roon, that prisoners !lay b. taken direotly frO. the J&t1 into 'tr.e rt'.ourt-room "l.'thout paRsinp; till'OUf:h t,J18 Clerk'lI (If''f1ce; ilJ1d the bulld1ne: of" " su1tablp. iron rfPllOft It wUl 1n ~ opin10n bft perreetll Gate &rUt proper to .ak. suoh ray-Gnts to p-n1r! Oa\-ey at l.resent time IJE"ndlne rlnftl bllt'lt and !~tt1em8nt as "111 aake tot'.l.l 1,~tt,ent~ to h1,~ un[lf"r both otr a.nd new contraotn arount. to tile 8Ulll ot tIO,:) JO.on. around thfP pl'Opltl"ty. Walter Wat8on, }~. 1'118 aPl'l'oxillatfl' oost or the.e II1f'l"Ove...nta, .It don.. 1n the beet .anner, will be "H'rOVe~: a8 follows: 'Into'" I. l'rel;ton) ) Cow-.1ttee. B. w. t.ognl'1 ) Upon eonsl<'P1''8t101~ ....,!~r..C'r~ 1t 1r: here})y ord~rAd that the SOlid rf'f1ort be rqf"p.rrerl ~ toe ~nint aurl1tl~ CO~~lttAe, whioh 1n Nltho~izod, it 1t teelG j11st1r1e{1 1'1. so (101n1', to 01111 tllH)n the Clerk to 1sfltle t.o o. D. Oakey, Con- Roreen8 '1"01' three 1 nrRe windows ~(i5.00 , Cuttinll and plaoing doo!' in wall or ol~ Co",l'"t-l"Oom 200' of 6- terra QOtta drain 6 17~. ?oo r.u. YdB. f'e.rth EtJ'tlc'ing l\l 0011. 15.00 34.00 100.00 1800 ~q. ft. oonor~te walke on 8trA9t~ (' 20'. Y'.>O.IlO tractor, 0. warrant Or warrants to the amount. of ;3,500.00 on nis edd contr'\ot. 1000 " Court at.o. 0 20~. . . . frOM Atre9t to bu11~1np" and fro= ja1l to Arc upon fm 1uFt.eet10n or BRld ja1l 8!ld Janor' ~ r.utldenoe, anl' " fUrthel' eanl\iderat1on of' thf' above report of th,. blf,'ineer, the FoaI'd orders 1t enterflo ot' reeorr' tha.t tile sR::,d bJl1rl1ns-' be r90elved traM thp contractor, oontllt.ionerl u~on his complpti~ sR1~ bu11~inr 1n QCCOr~ance with the above report, or &n h~ 200.00 , .~n4.00 In the abOve est1JWte, quantities Fiven do not profess to bn other than l!I!.1"OX1l1nte. but- I thInk that they 1'1111 tull,)' cover thp 8!lOl1nts anrl oost. The ItelD fOr walks on Btreets (t360.oo) JlB)-' .lJe ent.1rel)t' borne b)' the Town of" shull bp rpQUlrerl to do ht t~p. pnr.lne~r 1n Charge. Fa.1611- &Jll. not sure Ij,fl to the underete.ndine: Or Bf'rfUtJlll!tnt on thifl neore. Iron tenoe. is not 1noludsd 1n at>ove est1rnll.te. as the cost. would vnry co rreat1y with 8t~18 8elocte~. On IIOticn of ;':1', 8ell, 1t 18 ordAred that thf1 Clerk 1sBUe to fiol.bee h ~ RespeOtrull~ DubD1tted, Lafferty n WFl.rrl'),nt ror one h.unClred r'ollars (j'1on.lJOJ 1n fUll of' bnllU108 CUP thftm for tha plan8 nnd 8p80if'10at10n& under "hioh t11ft new Jail was ereoted. Walter """t80n, C1v. f-l'lgr. Upon onnsideration wherpot, the sRld report ia lald over fnr fUture oonp.1d~rat10n~ with 1;he underatandlnt: thlJ.t the rolldl!lt; oOllmittee 18 8lltl'\ori~ed to have the sore"nu on JR.11 windows put in 86 rftOOlllllende(]. The rollowlnR r~port from Walter WatHon, Engineer in oharR4, w.. this d., reo~lv~d nnd Inld bef'or" thfl Board: on _tlon of' Mr. YA:lglln, it 1s ordered that R. VI. Kia" b. an,l h.. hereb,y 111 J'ell.ved Bo1_. Va,. 911711Q06, 1"roa t\lrt.hel' servioA a. tJO_1ttee of' on.. in the order lutrAtofore "ntArftd c111'lIotlng hi8 To the JJoard 0 r &Jpel'Vi801'8 of' Roanoke County, Va.. Bantle.en: to ha.II t.h" thre.. otfia. 1'00.8 on the .st. wing of" t.l1e OO'lTt.-hOutlft blildhm r.roOved 1\nfi , \ "ne addit.ional roOM ereoted on the ~t wine. In .rdor t. flnloh tho ...Ud1np, ond Bl'Ounrl. .t th. n... 3.U and JaUor's re.idenoe in Sale. 1n the be." "Mer, I 'IIIOuld Mepeotf\lllr reoo.end that th. 1..... ..lndow. 1n tha 3.11 b. fIa.th.. Pl'Ote.tod '" h..1n& ....ID. .t h..."Y ..b. ""tU"" ..itll ...11 ...h pl..od .... t"-, till. to .tt'."'ll1~ 09_ .... th. po..lb111W of ........ .. tool. b.l... p....., to p.lion.~. ,.. tb. O""lllt. OrderAd that the Board be adJOurned. --/' /(. $,v..J',4.,,, -6. ~ 1 'I ! , . ~ ~ n f " r! i' II I' , t , . H , i It [ j ! I ;:: . OOV_IIGl1SI;, SALI;II, YA., GC7, 15, 1906, 'l'h. Boa.d or I!up...u... .r Ro.....b OOun'f "" till. dO\}' at tilt Oo\l't.- hou.e 1n regular .ont,bl~ I.,.lon. PRI8U1T: 8. F. ,br......!', Chai....n, L. D. ~ll t H. w. lAgan and (J. W. LA"l', Potr a. Port 2,4' Il>ppU.. e. III .war'in t>rr p,ood., trto. Dr~ goOde, .to. A,roo.rl.., .to. 2.00 l'101th a. P.rgnon ll. II. "'hE-oral" &0 00, '.9' 1<1,27 12.6<) 2.00 Thft IllnuteB ot I.at ..etin,..- ....... appf'OVed all read. Tile following al.1en 8flaln.t the COunt)' ...re .x..ln.d. to bfP- IHl1 c' Ra.rnett 6: EUI.. Cltoaerl!tl! t .1.0. W. E. Brown asndr1.. uPpro.'d and Ol'd.rtll by "arrant Out 0' tl.,,, rU:nd. re.p.otl".l,y o)-,izuog.able th'l'lwitbs to Crookett n..aha. 'KCtl'k un 'arlt 16,37 6,<10 Ylit: nlAm )i.rt1n WOl'k on farm Jno. A. J'.atheJ' W. 8. D1118r(l C,l3Q ~g. and ~.dlGlne. Road acoount. big tJlok. Distrlot Count)' Road account tss,GO Total Ro okh1l1 iooundr)' b :.laohlne CO. 6~.41 6.70 o. W. Rado11f'r \'Ih1ah 1. oppro..d, and tho Clerk 1s d1reot.ed to 1,Bue h111'\ Q, warrant. 1n s.ttl~ll1.nt. of' RAgletrar'lj 8f'r.ount t:otlttourt F}.l'lngl (,00 J. w. Dalfl'llOOd ealDe. Paup81" al~oount Cata"ba Diltl'iot f,.oo A. )0'. 1l"alk8l" H. report-Bd 11.0 reoe1pta ror t.h.. month. W. E. iAedle;y, Alp.rintendAnto of' the AlmahoulUt, 1.I11e d~ ~ad. 1"8VO.rt for t~ th1re! quarter of the OUl'rent ;veal', .ftowinR ten per.one oared ror 1n Jul)', eleven 1n Aueust. and ten 1n feptitmbel'. 'l'lJe aa1r1 I'fIJlort itl tflpl"Oyeo end ordftre{~ t.o be tUed. Noa~ ."DOunt Fill". D1st,.1ot 9.00 12,75 9.sn ,I. B. O"..n. Road eceount F81ma D1etriQt ~fll.m PI"1nt1,np ^" Publishing Co., PI'1ntlnp doff ta): booke, "'0. }I'. P. Ooodmn PatPIltl" aOc.'!Oltnt fat.., Di8tr:t.ot 4.00 Ii. S. I<\Il'"r'OW Ho~d It.oocmnt SIJ\~1Tl Dtetr10t 1l.~.., Frown lIa1."(lwal"~ C'n., Road 'U!(!()11't\'t CClllnty l"mr' 41.44 "?J:lt..llaAl"Vpr Broil., [;~lOrlfJ nnn ,,,,,.t1l1~f!'rll fOr COllnty 'farm nn notlon or :lr. Lop;1ill, 1t 18 ordered that. t.he Clerk flubln1t to the To1WJl ~unoll or Salem a st.at.ement I:lhO\ll111R t.he QOsta to t.h1e time or the new JI111 and Jaibr' 8 reddenae, and oall upOn that bod)' ftJr it!'! 30 l,er cent. flhsre 0 r t'111<f lllllOunt, ] eMS "hat 1'188 b"en heretorore IHl1tJ b,f 881~ C-ouno11. 77.6' "'. E. Bl"O"flI 1,11n60y aep.n1mt. w1tnPIIP f'~.. 'so 11. 74 .J. '11. Alrtrld,""" Ro9.tJ 8~ooHnt Cav~ fprlnp, nletr10t n. R. llll!!A,n, Por r' an!' ftf"!d ftl!.tlmlJ.t"s tor bl111(11nv. 10.1)(' I .J.~d it 18 fUrt.he1." ordered thq,t R. w. Ki..e, Commonwealt.h' e Attor'\~, be and he .1.8 nftJ"~ b;v- 1ntltruoted on hllthilllr ot thh r-ollrd 1.0 Bel( t.hft flal~ Counoil or thft Town o~. faIn. to re- '''It the bill f"or water oh8.rgpd f"lr,alnt>t tolle oontraotor for 861d Jail bulld1ng, 0.8 thft water was u8ed 1n the erAction of' Raid hulld1nr, 1... which tl1e town 8lld t'Oun1.)' are jointly interlste,' . T. :l. r..nltlpr ~ad Reoount ::::filflJll D1Rtrlot 10,5<) !:oll1nfl !n!!t it'lt.. r,~ "''' np.{"OlInt '"t,r L10k Dtptrl.,t !.O.ti4 F. H. P'leh r~O-'1d ~co""nt S41...m Djt-rtr1ot 4.25 Ill'. f."(. T~rrlll. Lunaoy aOOo1lnt (.":ra. P. C. Gray) 2.s<J 19,:?!; .J. :1. f;PRrI\ ROQ,d floco'.mt f.B1flDl D1etrlot J. H. Rpf\.r~' Rt'llu1 f\OeOIJ'lt fX)11llty f'"ltn~ ~9,75 T. !.(. P~8J1""J" ROf\(t Qaoount, r".1..", DhtJ"1ot 2.00 r. n. nfltnit, ;,!,.klnp; iVld l"Aoor"'lng ':'r"&I\11r"1""!l ::;..ttlfNllent The ~alem Dmd th1e dq pl"e..nted to the Board a pet1t1on recpeat11'1E the ~rlYl1ege or UI!", the Court. 1'008 .. . pliO' to ..et md prloto1o.. On motion or :&r. loOgen the ..1d pr1yUege 11 granted, proY1d.d the Baflcl "111 take propel' 06re or .&10 ro08 and it.. f1xture. ana w111 ASP" to .1e. up the roo. .rtfl'r eaoh .HUng ti"ld therlt!n b)r it. !l),OO f':. f.. flllllh RO.stt Vllt"~r ~ Rfltl1 Vlt. Publla' 3.00 C. w. Cl1apman No"d Vl~"..," (ndl v.. Publio' (P.Rll VII. Pub1101 ,.00 Robt. T.op:A.ll Road Vll1J..-wr 2.00 Hot:~. r:.. ,.in,.."e, ~ 11rY8~Or (~.11 YO. Puhl1c) 17,50 t'. 1'.1118 Parr1fttl, enun oarrbr (~OOM.W va. Publio' 4.00 "obt. E~ .isP"", It, tlIlP....ll1R to t.he Bo.'" tMt the i.... bulldlne in re".. ot the COurt-llou.~, h,.ro8- totor. 101d to O. W. Zlrkl., Gan ad lhOuld be eonYerted into a ooal-hOu.., and that 11.1'. Zbklo 1. ..UHlIR to r.....II.1f 1\ to tho OOuntf to.. ~ho .... or f12.51, 1t 1. orcl...d tlltt . ........., to.. ..ld _nt III 10...., to h1ll lIS.. .a1d bllUdlng, ....d thot U IlfI "x.d up flI.. tIlo ptlrpo... above .tat.d. follrVe)"O r (f.ll .., Publ1c' 20.00 ~Alt8r WQt~on, Engineer'. .ervioes on Jail buil~1~ 200,00 W. E. iAEDLl'.Y, fuperlntendent ot the Count)' .uaaho;.&I' ant! Fa.., tbll d., ~~bm1tt'd hie rftport or expen,.. al 'Ulh tVr the aonth ~dlng n.tober ll~, 19OG, ae ro11o_: fl..... liard...... 00, H"".re, _to. 2.02 ul If I ill', In Ii i " t H. 'iF ~ f ~ H ~ il i 0" j r r .11 " t ~ I ~ III !I f II 'I'bb d~ ... 1Il.1n tba ~"HOJ(B OJlll UP .AfI:R 1lOIIP""1' 111 au .UlIrllq, .... · nu.bol' or ...lNnto or tb. Ol'j/.t.1 flpl'lD11 "'Ub"'l'hIlool, n... lIO_to Oitr, bjr thOll' .t1omq; an" tb. ..tt... boll1S bo."" upon tb. p.uuo... ...., pop... ' hl.ftototb... read, an(t tb8 pr~.r of tbe laid Roanoke Ga. and Wat.. no~.,. lb. cflrtBin "'l,.htr: ant1 pl"lvllegl' 1n oonneotlon with the OI'CU~l'Ofl ot d.tf...on BtNI"'t 01" W~111np.ton Ay....nu~ ".1th Jta 8!d., tPIOlt, AIlI 8et out 1n 1ta laid p.tl- tion hltretofore f11fld; Wherftupon it 18 01"t'IAPIlId 'that th& Bald Roanoke Ga. and W.t.. Oo~lII\)' Il~ or08" add JlrhrBOn f:tt"llllt 01' wet hneton AvnD.Ul: with ita ,aid tilde traok, Pt'O- ':1~~d that BRid oroefllng ehall be at pratte, 81'1(9 thAt the AI-')'1'oaohell to 1.1 tp. l')"01"l'r1y P1'adp~ by .Hl1~ CoIllpIU1)'; (,llU. IJl'Ovl"E1d, 1'\1rt11.8r, that lIal., Colilpan,- 1'1116t 1 MaJntfl1n add oroaa.!", In peo" rep811"1 PO tttl\t the U88 0 r IIlAld street 01" !~ld avenue by thp publ~c m~' not be 1nterfered with, an~ maintain an~ keep 1n goo!l conrltlon thoee 1 arLtl 0 r 8111d et1"8pt Or anld avenue that. lDtW be co"erp.d by "',lrt f;lde traok and that "'61 111' wit.h!n one foot Of d1etBnoe f"rom e1t.her end of the tlee 0 r Buld el~e t.ro.ak, uelnp there for suoh DlAterlf\lll 81 rn~ then be ul'f!o~ by thp Count>, of HOo.nOke on lald atreet Or avenu.e; and flnal1)' provl~8d toot said ('olllJlI~n~' shall O'ontltruct .an~ ma1nt81n '~JiteJl. on either dc.1e o~ BRld cl'Ol!l!llnf' on the out81\Je hl\f!B Of said street Or I'ale:' A.Vel1Ue. .' Thlt. l''\)' C8l!Ie tl-Je TIDE1I'AttR RAIMrAY ro.w.PNlv,b;y it.a a~tornq. and lt 8p_ pea1"1JIR that 8a1d nan,,&)' has looated 1t, 11ne throURh Mid COunt)' and inter alla that ita looatect Une oro.s.. the pub11a l"oad, Or old 1\IrJ't)lke. near the J.lontgolrlp.I"Y 11ne, and panes bet."e"" the residenoe end t.he 80a1e hou.e or B.. F. ThoJ\ail; tlvt.t the sAld l.'OiIJ'oJ\y bas aCCJ1ired b)' dep.d duly reoorded ln the Clerk'l Ofrtae or thls County, a 100 root right 01" wilt)' f'I'ofl!; tlle sald B. p. Tho... ..t. al. Ilt tt',181,o1nt, in iihl~h sl\lrl l1r'J 1n(\t r1rht of way ill fllftbrlllCfl" thfl Bald l'ubllo ('0110" or tUl"np1Jcf>, an" has pnl~ thft !laid fl. F. ThomaB f.-t a1. for ~aid public ro.d At WAll A~ POl" thp. 4~nd owned 1n 1"ee a1,~le b,y t~ Al~~. ~. ThO.as ., a1.: and that Bald Collp." bA. .180 Iloqulred from sald.b. tf. Tno... fit al. an extra ~trlJl or land ~ refit ln ~l1dtn ar.a aGout 100 refit long, extending no. oppodtft etatlona 9G:"~70.(. to Ins or the oenter I1nll 0" aud r&llw~, &01 UP'" tully appeara f'roa Bald deftd, f.aid 30 foot strip being aOQ1lred tor the oonltruotlon or thfl public "pad t1'lff4llOn. And it tur'thAr 8plu,.rinv. t.o tt14t Baid Board or F.uperYi80..a that tbe w1dtl1 of" 1141d public roal1 Op turnpike U ""tablt.ihed 18 ab:t)' ((-,OJ feet, and it. ap_ pftar1nP. t.hat B~1d road .t t~11 point 18 oroeBed tDr a Ion, diltdnoe b.v ..Id ..11w&)"" t.tw.t 1t' thft sald I"OVl Is oo'ntlnued al at pl'ItBAnt looated. 1te ..ld " 'l'o..il1/l '" '.i~ ....11... "111 bo 0' S...t 1olllltll, 80101 ,....eI .nd 00101 ...U_ boin<< 10...toe! .0fU"'''''1r ro. . S,...t eli.ton... .nol tllot . '"_. in tll. 10... tlon or ..101 .....1 ""....111 _ '''''in<< or t'" 0_ .... bo ........oe! ..01 .IIO.tOll- .eI, wl11 b. to tll. ."",ntll/lo or tllo Oountr IlIIcI t'" pubU.. 4IIcI it \'\a_... .... 'P...l", that tol' tha 1'11""" or 1IOII1n8 tllb 0".'1.", .. 'IIon ... po..lbl., t'" ., : .- ......10 bo 10...toe! .fIout .t.tion en:? o. en, or Ule1 ,,,1.1,,.; .." th... '0101 .00lalt' .bciulol OoJllt....n .. n.w oounty ..'" r.o. ."1" ..0..111II to . point on .0101 lOuntr ro"" WIlt t""_r """ no... U.. Rl..,. B.l.elll', mel tllot rol' ule1 pu.,.o.. . ,.lgllt or ... .1xtr t.et 1. H~1red to ..tntaln the pre.ent w1dth. of" .a1~ Obu"ty road. Ane' it further ap_ pflAI'l"8 ". .torfula1d that lald OO~Ul)' ...-,0" own, only a st1'ip ." t......1It. .id. tor thlB purpofle and an additional atr1p or 30 "eet, luting 1055 l'e"t 1n l~ft8th~ aa aho"n by the Ill.p ot 'ald OO~8ll)'. 1_ r8CJl1red 1'01' the Bud construotion of Ba1d ou,mtr tOad 81 the 8ame 1a to be looated. Antl 1t further ""IlIA!'1n.! that said extt-B ~ root strip 18 l'&- qu1l".,. tor 'U\It p'l'l'1'Ose. of' the county 8S hlPtrelnabov& ::8\ out, and that the tftr.s or pl'loe fOr the B""'e OKnr.Ot bit BRreed upon by 8&1(1 001llp~ an-,l tl1e 111\111 T1. P. Tho11lBl'I, it 1Jl; therefore Orde,.ed that. a. su1t be lnstltut8~ ln tlle ClrCUit Court ot' this Count)' In t'tte nMe of this Board bJ' the Attorne)" tbr thp Co&llOrurealVI of' th18 County to aequ1re 801n land 88 by t.he Oodo of VirRinla b provided 1n t:\&oh 088.S. ); I D. D. ;.(000" at. ala. ) ) ) ) Ro~ ~p11aat1on- Dismissed I ) l n. The PubU. or". Countl l\Irvelor, tN whOJII th1s !!IGtter t)6d heretofore been rererrftd, th1B dn) hie report, show1ne the probuble GOlt or lJ&kine: the road 1n thb 6H;.lJcatJon, togfPthpr wlt,.h a I'l~t i,nrt llUrY8~ or Bald road; md 1t. Qpl,ear1ng rrOln sald report. t.nat the ftltimQ:t"ed oost or maKing anrt rnalntal111ng 8ald roar! 18 8rpatet' t.han t'n1B Board 1s JU8tlt1ed 1n .:li'm~ 1~ for th.at. purr-oee at th18 tl..; 11. 1" theref'ore ordered that 8aid l1H l1eat1on be dla- ! mlened. I' i I I I II. N. L~n., J. P., mi. d..~ prftaentAd to the Board an aooollnt end stateattnt of' tiS- pen.ee oonneated wlth a coroner' _ lntlJ,elt held b)' h:lln. oYer the body of J.. H. ~llton, ..,d the Bald aoaount not. belng unt'ePlltood. h laid O..r fop further lnv..tlgatiofl ...d ellp!" JIItion. 1,.. D. S.11, 8lp...Y1IOP, 8'..) ... ) I 'I'ho PlaDll.o I ) :~ 'I'IIlt .1..... .....toro.. oppolnt... ln thl. ..... ....111/< rlllCl thoir 1'lpo.t,' ....... . -"'in<< '''''''In ......... 111 tho puDUo ...., 1.....illll _. Pl... u.... _.'b 10 t... ....onlr11n Oountr 11.... ,",01 SI..i. t'" _.. Or '110 llllel .""... ,......flI\ """.. 1_. ..101 '1Ions.. ... 10'.'oe! 111 Clio .i..... will ,...; .. u 11'I>_1.. 'll!I' t'" 111III 0_' _ tile .... ..... "'''I...1f &110_ tI..;"'tllo .1._.., ... tlto ftI110"illSt~'III.~~ no 01_..; I. O. ItS...,.. . ......1 ., 0, ~"'1l, .1_ ........ ...114,('..... . m,oo; , " ril." I I I ii,l/ I' ;'"...!! ,'I' " ! 'I t ;J I ", I tHI '- I ~ it! ' It! I If ~ .1 i' I :1 I .1 , )1 If II I" II I I I total, f62,~; .... I,u.... ,..... d_..., '5,00; lla,JOp 1lMl.,~ .. 1_ o. _.. d"IIl"; it 10 Ord'''d t....t all t.h. ""1lO1111l 1_ 0...... .xltlpt~. C. <<......, ...d _. Lu....wllO p.r.onatl;,> tpp.....d __to.. t.... Bo..d't.hU d", ..d w&l.... fla.- tllor noti... -- "'_"'d to "fp..r b.ro.. tht. lIo...d 011 tilt third .n8q tn NOYP.bel', to Wit: No..r,;b.. 19th, 1906. to .bow oau.., 1t uw t.he, elm, wbJf tho Bald rAport should not be oontlrmed end thft Ohll\A:81 .ade in ea1d 1'0." u b)" the vJlItWftl"1J pe40uendBd in their ..ief report, 1nolud1ng the eb4l1g. in the Old Caro- llna ~ft.d at Dll"k CJ'p.filk at a point aboy,. tbto red H'111 Churoh, through the lend. 0' ~.Rld""~,~"w-..? "'-M.'^r .... 1IO.ll-..._ fl20.00 . ""'Ol.op,,!, 4,'1.00 Ie. ei3 110"'"'' 'fI!IOrk. I.. 1ft doubt. wether o. not th... 1'... ... a plOp.. oha1'8e. All in doubt .. to .'\blltr or not, Under the ,..... 0' t\1. eontMot, th,81 'tIIl)uld be pl'Opero- IV oo....d ." 1\1. 00_1o.lon of 16;( on .oot of the b1lldll1/l' flor oon.tru.tion 0' tit. I"e~ I aa lnolined to think, h.o.....r't th4t under the t..... of" the oontl"&ot wlth the ..1(1 Oalre,}"'t tM)* ... be- proppr oha"s.., 1f of pJ'Opfl!J'" &lftount'a Aooount .....b.red 5O't "'.50 in aaount, i., I undel"et8lld, fbr bIuflI print" or old Jstl rf!jJ61t"B, "to., and "'\lld not b., a pl"Op~r ohal"ge 8fl:Rlnet tll. n... b.111dl"R, bJt .hould be 1nctIu(1ftd 1n the- 8e-ttleaent 0" aooounts ~n(ler 8 f'orllflr contraat. ~reo.er, t unc'Qret8ll(1 Mr* MblA'" wae 1n the employ of your ({o1\orahle Bo~ in dOnnAotlo'1 with thh WOl'k at thp. t11le that this bUl '4'a8 oontraot.d; ,..d 1" thle "a15 the C.le, &nll'....umt Made to hlm in Cl'OnnBotJOn th...rew1tl1 bJ' }I!'. Onkf')", tIlIOuld bp fot hl" 0,," pro))Pl' rhk. 1 thfllretorp Cl'amot .!lItf"!" "uteon, pnp,lnp.pr 1n oharR. 0'" oonatJ"llot1on of" ne" Jall lInd .1811.1"'8 rfla1'~flnoe, thitl dBY ftllbmltt,flId hill r~ort't datftd OotObfl!" "'rut, 1906, 88 fbllo"I': To thft Honorablf1 Tl'lP lOard or &If\ftrvlrora nf RORnokp CoUrtt)r, VR. approve or thl. bl11 as a o~4~e Qgaln't thp. ne_ bu11rl1~~. r.flIntll'llll.m: In thp m'ltt.er or thR oonflltt'uotton of" the npw Jilt11 8I1d Ja11et". re&ld"noR fOr J<<)lUlokp rountYdn thl'l to"'"' or r;Il1..m. Va.. I WOl11d rP.pOl"t thA.t thRllle bJlld.. inp:fI htlvp bej3n Arftctfl(f b,y O. Da OAkfl)'. of" Sdfl_, VB., Contrl\otor. 1n a rood and puhetl\l'\tltll manner 'lnrt 1n acCardan('e WIth the tlVeolt1on.tlona Bnd pl~nll fol" the 8&11e, fl8 ra" 8e it wa. praotioable 11I0 to do, and thllt. the work OOvltI'ed ~ oon. tr,aot "ith aB1d Oa D. O',kff)", dated fiftb. :md, 19OG't ha. been ooll[,leted, with the fOllowlnR exoeptions, namely: Tne followll1R 1te1fte find aaounte Qh.re~ 1'or etat1on.r~ I\11d toole 1n the oonstruo- tIon of the bul1,Ungs aJ'>J-'ear to .. to be properl)" <:o1fervd b)" the o~II1pBneatlon of 1~ &1.. lO".d on the oonat1'\1otlon coet of' the b.111rf1nps ~ tl'IA oontr&ot -.y1th the ae.!<' 081Ce.Y, IJl1d therefbre are not approved b)- Me, n~l)': Account ,~'41 Printing 4,50 Cn II 76 100 Toole la95 . . . 6,13 11<,00 Tot"l e30,~ . . 104 Work1na J'J&Ol1.1nBl')' ThIa b1mk.e t\.V8 not alii )FAt 08li'n J,laoed in tlie bo)'a. oell; T~ ateam nBBt111f::' plant taa. not OP8" t..teo aa )'et, nOr naYe tne J>&rflatore and plpft8 ot tne 1I~.teJll. Deftn Dron"'.efl as l"fH'J.lred Dy the 8ppolnoat.lons and eon-- traoti In JU8t1oe to Mr. Oake)', ho.ever, I wl11 state that it the laat mentioned item of t'U:.oo should be deemed ~ ..rol,er charge. lt. 18 exoeedlru!l)" low and reaeonab\e for tne Utle of maOh1ner.v Alao 1n aOQount #104" I 1'1n~ itt!lI\a fbr r.08t8f:8, aGF tare and telegrAII8 amountI",; to fl~.63, that 1 nIL unoertain lIbether Or 001. covered by tl1.8 l~p comp.nllation allo....d Tn.- -roof' ot tnp porob on north e1d8 ot the residenoe hu not. aD )'et r;l>oe1vtG thp laMt coat or llaint l'equJr84:1; 'l'bpl"'" .18 IIOJllft tUsoolopat-.1on 0' the 1M11._ (but no other dU8r8ft t.he,..to) 1n t'hfl two nortll-"ftet ron.. (froll what oau... I IUl not prRpa't"elt to .'tate.) j,(r. Oak~, !low"Y", am-el'll" to makft th1e ftpf'BrAnt dU&p,ft ~Od, elth.n.' 1t-i eAlOimlning or popw. 1nR, all Vou Jl'i~ ",160t1 -"t '1b 0",", Jrop..r OOflt an" expense.. In I!lJI' opin1on, peper- 1~ thRee walla 18 to be pre'.~rpd. Kr. oAke)" haa, I under.tand, &l.o ~r8.d to viace ehuttel"a oyer the OJlen1ny! or the two l)eep holee from. the f'herltf'G o trioe q.nd htl.llw~ Into t~* Jal1 J)"op~l", as a preollutJon 100Jcinp to the ."di- tlonal 8B"et~ or the tMl1d1np:. The a.counts pre.ented ~ ler. Oak.ft)' I find to be .orr..t; and't in ~ op1n- 10nl prop.r oh4l'ge. 4fta1nat the oora.tru:etlOn "f th.le buUdJnst'\UUf.,. hie allo.. ....tioned oon\...ot, "l\h the 1011ow1ll& ex'.ptto... ....d po..tbl" ""Pt.ton.: On ..oh of tII. ....unt. I\IIOIbot.d 31 to ,.;, tnUu.t".. 1 find 0_'" of !:O,oo to, booll:-Ir."".., ...., t7.!lO to".__lI'oph.r, '.""1IlIr'. 10tel 011.... .. fb110..: the said Oak. under the ...... or tUa contra.t ot Feb. 2nd. 1906, I81d tber.tbrfl leave deolston of t.bia po1nt ''It.b Your !lono"able Board. In aooount !!1o, I tiM an aPI,Qr,."t error or tl.05 1n credlt I'DI' t"relpnt on&rRe.. T'h1. ",..<<21t. I th1nk't should be t4."-'7, !nate." of !3.'?2 ae Itatltd, IIIU1d ln aOOO\1nt /F)l I r1M an Oyel'P.,.ent or ~aOO. The tunk. not Raying be", Pl"Oftd in the bo)'u' oft11't the ona1'8. or f'10.S0 ror t~ 18 nGt )'ftt tfl:.e, .d A ftU"Je1Iltnt J'"fuut,."atlon' fIIMu1d "'10 be ",...d.. to OO"er thA ooat of r.oti~111! <>II;( d.l'oot.'ln tlte h."ti"" phnt ""'t -.v POOo1bly tfnelop on t.ot 0' tho ..aP. and tor eOllpletlng the bron~bllh ~t' p&lntl~ thft north porth root the 1..t wat, tor repairing the dallaBtt b,r .,Jloo10,..Uol\ to the w.11ft of the north-w'lt roo.a. To R"IIp1tulatl: .-aunt. or erl'Ol'l 11\ aOOO\lnh ~.os . . . - bill_ no~ ~roytd a.. abo"e . .,' . 1" _bt ,,?d~.f'r...tf to JOur IlollOrobl. Il4dy to. "".teton .. to \heh 1011t~ -Ill 0' btlla 110' .-.. ... ,.. '\. 1f,.eo 34.OF. 177.63 . ~ < tl1ei I Id i jl III' tf ~ :r.. < ~ I 'l! " t, I I! r I HIl 1'[1 Ht'I II ~.I ,'I; I~ f il It I Ii IHI/ It! I 'ril l II Prop.. .....rY..Uon. '0 b. ..d. to in...ro tb. proper ...",loUon 0 f tbe .t.... Ile.U"II pi"'" ...... tile ",UI1g or .",.1.., .,.., ....... _nttoned. ,be ..ount or dewttion. lIIld IOneotloDe ..de wSll -t.. of Mup.. atr..", tho _unt or 008h.10n. ~. '0 'Ile ...1e1 oOkq UlId.. "'" "1e1 1O"'rut of Pob, ;on", 1906, WlI1.b 1. &110wed. lubJ.Gt. to tile oppro..1 of 'Ile ouellUIlll ...81th., whlo" h __ pO....d \0 alike tbe .......t.1on Hto_ended ~ th& eng1nup, Or .. upon their approY",l of ...1d .'.t..nt, tile 01e.k h outboth.d to 1"u, w...""t Ill. 001e1 b111 1n 11111, en .ot1on 6t Mr. Bell, th8 Clerk 1s direoted to tssue to J. B. W111ett a warrant for t3OO.00. beln,g papt a1101J8J\oe on rOad .r" done b)" h1a in Cay. SVf"lng ~~1.t.1tl.1 Dlat.riot. under the speaial appropriation of' f5OO.00 heretorb.. _ade to s41et d18tl"1ot tor epeoial rOad purposes" fiald BIlount to be ah8!'sed to Ca... ~rlng D1etr1a,. The .OOO\lnt. lb. extra worll, wblob haa been ..'bof'llHd bJ. YOM' lIDno.able txt01' frOlI tl1118 to t1_, U\a wb.l.n ttu befm p.rtor.ed, I f'1nd to be torr..t., and 1'l~rf'bl' approYft the _811.. A nuabfl!r or th... aoooun"e, altboUgb 11.t.ed a. -\l.ber., I do DOt. rind to be vouohere In the proper .elllle, b1t 11apl;y aocount., 8o. .. nu.ber ot t.hea ar@ not reoeipted. All .Ooount. are h8.eto ."t.ahed. R8lpe~tfUlly lU~ltt.d, W.\l tel' Wat"n, Ordered that th8 Boaf~ be adjourned. ~ f/..7k,,,,,/,,,... e,.( Enf.,'r ln Charge. AoCOunt #104 1. .a~tt out 8r! " d1reot oh""ge &gllln.t )tou. Doarc.', and .}JoIIId oftrtainly bit rttoe1pted, Wfa1 tel" Wateon (J"ll1RT-!if'm'f, :::Jd.F:.t, VII" lJoypmb,,1' Ill, 100(,. Ifpon oonttlderation 0' lald l"f!Port, the no"..o allow on~ on.-halt ot The AGard of"' FupPl"vhor8 of" lloanok.A County m~t tnll'! d~ 'It th~ COl1rt-hO'tlS~ 1n rp.Ftllar tl'1e ..tile oha"~f!d tb r stftl1O~raphftr and book-keeper, ~d .ul". Oakey eBr...1rw to waive the ~.03 charged hI" toole, 'lIld to earrttot the erl"Ore ..nt1on.d, &011. J'lontltl)' senlo,.. Freeent: f'. P. Thra8l)er~ Chalrm"n, U. w, T.or;lln, ll. \'1. Lewls tll'tfJ I.. I). UOunt1nF, to :2.05, he 8t1b1D1ttftd the rollow1~ aOpNoted aoaount: To the Board 0 t SltPerv.18ors, The mlm1.tell 0" the l~t m..pt1ne "erfl Alll,rovel1 a. l'el\,1. The fOllowlng olal.._ .<il\a1nst th.f> C:o't'nt;y "'''''8 ftx"mlnec:'l, llj,proYeft I\ltd or~f>red to bp lJr, o. D. Ou:e~, ~a1e., Vi!1. 'nJ Q/IlOttnt or bUl tbr bull<!ll1€ new Jan, 1noludlnp &IrlOunt 1.&i(1 ~ ""''''''U\t out of' th:p f\,J'1~8 r.~ftotlv.l'y ohargeabl". t,her...."'1ttJ, to ....1t: t.I. oj. 5104.n Ro.~ l1(!CO,tnt CaVA Hprlnp Dht'l."lct f'luld fllme . r!Oltnt;y 1"Ill'trt 01" r"lla1r8 on old Jbll, 88 per oontraat. Bnrl .ft9.t..nt rend.red f9(,q,% W. H. H. N1ahardaon ,. . . . To Mount 01" ..tl'a8 on new J81l aa orrlflrt'd by tlut ~g1nftftr and "o~n u. K1Y\f:ery . . C'Vf'! ~lJr1ng 1)ll1trlct f\1nrt DOl\rd, 48 pp.r 1''tf\1.ellent 1'f>11dp.Ntd n4.0't ~10463, 99 Tll1t&~r 1'01" br1flP.... l.:Cmnty runt:t ". E. Ur...M.ft)' ..aU fOxpel't8e county f'ltnt1 :I:olt. woth e,., P-y t.n o~ 41165.00 1'01' book-k.."'Pc!l!' aflef l'It,.no~r8Ph"r' II s. Jf'. Thor..hAp tilltrvloftr, On F.lftOt,oral Uo...rd UOl..m Dllt'h Ro..t1 aOCO'tnt l,:"t.a'fbll Uht"'lot f'ltnd flR18rleft cltarp,ed b"Ok "8 agr""d P;':?50 RegJatrar' a 8CCOtrnt John Johr1 .John'. ,"'MIl fty llJl'C)urlt of tools ohal"8l1td baok IUI agrAIld By error 1n oe.loulation8 In Acot. No. 70 8>' error it1 cta1aulat1one 1n Aoot. No. C;1 fl,G3 1,05 0. R. Hen<'er80n ROad aCOO'lnt CA.t,a....b'l Ohtl"'lot 1\tnc4 f-~&lc!lll lteat1n,:r eo. ftl!tU h.at:1~ Po. H. An" oft10'!t1 \.00 w. r.. Wood ROAd lIoQ6unt 131g J,1ok J>1st!'1ot nUl,l 92.~ G. T. Kern Blaak..1thlnf ROCO'tnt Co1lnty fund Cav. ~rl~: Dl1tr1ot nr 15p oo.~1eB10n orp.dtted bROk on this Aat. 'I'o't"l 1:J.R7 lOti.4l:'\ llftO. N. Pittard Road aocount 10367.54 Rooa rent ror eleat10n po~f' ,., I'off "~b, 20 n~ Dash on w&prant 1.:iOO,O~ fiftU 6al.. Dllt-r1ot 1"l1nd 'lOad aocount A(ll. 21 . . . . 1000.00 . 2000.00 . a>oO.OO . ~.OO to b. po1e1 ... or<l..1eI '" 15tl1. 1906 . . JQlt1n GarlAnd JU11tor'l 8erv10.. ~2l .. ... June 18 " ". &.pt. 18 .. .. 'to .-oW\t of bAlano8 _Vel of llUl'orY1IO.' Oot, Ot)SI, 1'. JloRI~1r. Road 60OO11nt a"v. ~.r1ng Diltriot ~~.~ 8_ . . CoUllt)" lI111d 0.... Ep.1ft1 Di"'!" 1"7.64 B. 'II. 8llelo. ~45. 3P I!;. "";1 1:?P .91 6.25 5.50 5,&3 ?on 15.00 3,:>0 'l'),?4 4~'I).')O !i7..75 b.oO 6.00 2.00 ?Q., l,GO 42.75 4,55 13,25 ..II rh 'I! lr i " d ~. " .' r II, .~' .- ,t, " i: ~ [-:" If1' ii", t"., J, it hi I HI f E. w. P08f'. WOad IlOeount Oa.. ~rlng DlI'rIO' CounQ> rund J. B. 1p1!lF1o . . EAoI')f J. liart."" 0, D, lU.hone . . . . . Sal.. Dlatrlot tun~ No H. F:r1ck~ . . Cavl!!' Epring blat. f'und Count)' f\lnd w. C. V8llttavftrn . . J. ... fr'OftTl H'ftg18trsl"' ~ ROcofmt li. F. Walker Road aocount {:alRlII. T:11\t.r1ot fUnc\ r.. F. ~P.rfJUYfl'1" . . 1.l!R hiok r...1Dt"1ot fund f>A.mie HftR!tit"!ll"t Il aQCO'lfit lJ1l1ft.rd Druf Co. Pau}>,," QQOO'lnt CnBf;. (1wRns ~Clatl account {'BIRa Dip.trj.ct fund J I 13. ...0."8 . . . . 1'1. 1-:. .-.(Pc"}ffY, f1lf,t. 'iX{iensp. rl!covpr1ne' ,.tolen horR" eI. .... Np1Rl1l)o1"f'1 lJOAO p1"1" '0.. Jntl Anti nr"iP.PF ~. Tl. f'Jlnit. ;:xp"m~p l"fJ-"'ovp..jnp of'f'jcp r;"~"'~ .r. :f-'!'!':,...'kr !'F.pi,:d,rA.T":' .'...'X'!'lnt "'1. 'I. f'iJr'l ~'on I{"li' q~~-l,.t CJ:i,Vf/ fl'rlnr DHtrlct A. "~I. T.1f'f' HOOJfl l"f'nt fo r t>] f'ction ,,1 b~rt Ip''it'oll . . . ii. 'I. fO'l'..11 . . " :"r. H. It. r.Rrtl1rl..~h t J.ilnt"l.l,f t\ccO'.1nt JflO. H. COlljl1f' HOllf~ Jlccount f,~lelrl DJ_trJett runfi n. w, r.nrtt JOII nr&tHp.y T. j,~. ff'l'unlP[' . . . . . . . . . . . . r;Vf'f""tt t/l'ft,l,',y Co. Rooks rOI' of~lce8 falp.Yn Prlntlnr; I. Pub. Co. ~'l'lntll"lf: fl,nrl ac:!vflrt1alng r. n. r.f>clcnp.r ~oQd dcCOunt n4V4 Eir.r1tJF. Oititr1ot c. n. Hf'u1er Winter. in ii. P. Ihrr lunacy CRi3e .Jame. na01R,)' Hoal1 8CC'QI!nt fllle. DIatl'lot fun(' Arlam:, Plt)'ne L r.lnavftl Pl1"P., ~to., "01" roarlfl ;i9,run Callt.l4 ~fttto Cnlitn ltOOIl1 tor AIftotlo" V,t. '" Ten". Tpl('i,llOne Co. f Phone at Alm.tUHlle, 3 mont-hll J. M. Roblm:on ',umber for brlrlp:ell Count)' t"Und Dr>. ~:. "'. DuvJ8 PsutJlftr &(WOI!l1t J. W. Graham Rood account County f'Und .N. E. ..(88P.P, &1J'V9Jf07' (0"11 VS. ThfJ Publio) Wrt.. f(I()E;A'IIl'~, C1ldnn:r..m . " . J. 11'. Ora}ullll, . . . . . O. L. Green9tOOd Heg1atrar'. aQcount R-"nOld. & ~'neu' D. T. IUI'Un & /l<>, Ballf11l({ 111aber I'DI' Cou,,~ fara Coal tol' Jan and O'flo.. H. H. 0.1"" Hoad .o....1\t RiS Llok Dlo'rlot. tund Sah. Dlo~ri" iliad O. II. ''-'-n . . :2.fIO. Oft _tioR ot 14,. >>'11, an a1low"no. Of .,.00 pep l\Ionttl, until the f\tl'the. order af the Io..tt, ,it "de for the help D1' Sa Wade. oolored, t.he W8fTant. to be dellverld to 2.00 1.Oa COnl"tld'. PhaN.aq, a. oal1ed to.. 64.45 73.87 6,5' '.00 9,00 ) D. O. *o.a" ) ) ... ) ) Th. l'uDU. ) I 20.00 3.00 Tl\la caUl", whlch bart Often dlf..b~8d.. is r...lnltatpt1, \l1,on thft petition of uPlill- cant". And on motion 0" Mr. Loam, 1t 1_ ordered that B. }I. ThrBllher, C11at..-tm of' Vlb Board, bit BIld h. 1. twtl'9bl' e.Pi1olntf!d a OC)l1O'llttN~ of one, to v1.", aIld 1nllF80t the pl'OpOllerl i roar'l, 1n OOl\)unotlon with the appl1otU\t... and t"flport to thp Board 1Iheth@J' or not I1p <htpt...l it expft~lAnt to np~ IIsa. ftl a publio rOar. 3.00 11'<,00 19,'10 :?75 ?"5 11.50 W'. E, .;.{fldl8)', fuper111tenilmt or thB COllJ1ty AIm_hou,"'" and f,ljrJll, thIs 'lay !11bmlttft(l P.lO his r"port n" 4Ixpen"'ftft 0.. 8ue1, ror thlJ IIIOnth 1)1' OOtObAI", 1")0(1, 1).11 rollowt!: 11. 25 2,00 Trcnm lJArrl"are Co. "'S.r." ~IRrcl"8-rA T.:. I.{. Plt'7,f!'''ral~ h roo (;rI)Cprhtfl, ~tc. 15,JP 2.00 port h porr 5,7~ f,\lJll.119~ 2.50 ConrBrl'~ PhRr~acy 1.1):1 VruR'f', ptl? 2.bO 8111 tll & ~erguftOn f1)ectal~l.('s 3.00 ~~ock&tt nl"jlJh.wl'l }7,.47 Work on tnI'm 34,36 36.55 52,7" J. c. lAB.rt1n 78) . . .. Chsr11.. 8"",1 Clltttnr cord "00(1 10.51 5'),50 76,'5 Sl(1n..)' fmlth 10.50 Cntttnr t1mbpr 'loJfu~r lIa1e . ".,)0 15,12 AmoUlltJnp to 170.05 .50 Whloh. h 81~proYfad. an<' the Clerk 1s l1AJ'Rby rllroot,rt to 1.~u~ him no W'iJ'rMt ill Ilet- 21.3' tleJDffnt of _lUte, II.. 0.1.0 r~'ol"tll l"f!cplptll fibI' th" I'IlOnth 1\1 follo".: 50.62 2.00 Proll .1 n.ke ;.(0)' 1.5lJ Pll..tu~. 4,50 " '1'. A. r.BW '?5Q . 4.90 . n, B. Ja'hnf'ton 10,f:0 IP-.OO ]1';.00 Wheat 2iOO ~ C~Bl_er" Perpufton . ~.30 . L. C. llanlbroUyt\ . 7,00 . C. B. Striok1..r 11.4:' T;epf and h)'de 1.00 Alllc)1Intine to !62,22 1,011 Wt\loh 1\1t h or".r.d to turn OYAl" to the Treu.urAP, IUld to.1r.6 hh reoeipt for IBII1e. 4.00 111.06 85.8' 1l.7!i , '.00 .'?5 ) r.. D. nell, f\!.pltl"V1801", eta. , ) ) ) I ) 1<'.". ?O l\r oe.ah on .&lIran~ 1500,00 10')0,00 2OGO,OO ApI, 21 .." 21 J~ 18 S.pt, I.f: . . . . v., Thfil P\lbllo .. . . . . . -- 2000.00 'fila. O&\IIA oalle on ae-aln tltla dfW to bo heard upon t.he ord...a he...toto.. . . . . -&:i!!'bJl!L qOOO.OO entnred l1el'f>ln, an(l it opp..arlng that all part.l.. lnte....ted naVe nDt bun 1111D- aoned, nnrt that thfl I'Pport of' tn.. view.r. 11 not mtf"lo1ently complete ftlr ae- t10n th","filbn, it J 5 or(t@reo that the a&.1(1 !"'!!'port btt w.rf'l'!'ed oack to the view- To lAOunt or balanoe to btt paid a. ol"d.....d b)' Board of 8Jp.rv1.ora Dot. 15th, 1906 1357,64 S.pt,' 1" fly "arrant 1IZ135 on &Ooount BR18J1oe 1000.00 81". ror 0 nlll report fU to toP. CMnf'ea oont8Plpl..te~ 1n .ald road, together with the nUll.. ot all propert)' O'ftl':>ra "ho will bo arreoted II)- the said proposed If. ~.64 (4et ooat o~ Jail fU abOve tl0357.54 301),00 _, ;;IJO,()o1 rl0f<57,5<\ OhonP:9R. Amt. paid Ifoll1boe tc Leffert7. Arohiteot.. . ~ Walter W&t.on~ Engineer On motion 0 I' lb. l!ogan. it 18 o!"d8red that. the ftl1f;lneftr 1n charge ot tha Town of f>a1..'. 30,~ !3257,<(; oonst.ruotlon or tJ1p. nf'''' In.ll, Ate., bA instruotfuJ and plBp01l'eppd to 'hI.lVEI the Cr. b)' _ount. htll"etoror. p61d 2lOtJ.s..CJ prl'lfli,u'" olllflned 0 r1' 8l\n 1.ropfI'rl)' gru{)@r', to Ill' to 'tukft all mr1'ao'" water away t125'J,71 T:18 :,uld oheck. were moo.'Eld b)' the Chalrmon, ,..nd up.llvpred to the Trenaurpr to bEl oredU"'d to tl'lA nOllnt)> fUnd. trom thfl t~J11(linp.t\, by conneotlnf: t.hp flip"'. 1'1'0", the bulldinJ::'II with th,.. 1I."pr., 01' 111 len> 'fay (tp'li)l"'lfPd beat by him, (In motion or .:ir. Bdl, it is or(lerp.d t1Q.t thp telp}>hon" eepvlop of' thp '!'he Clerk th1. df.IiY laid befbre the Hoard the cheok or the Aurl1tol'" or !,,,bllc Accounts' 01' Vl1'p,lnia tor the 8\1Dl. or f124Pi.OO, tlle rA)l.lJ\t)" II .bare or tJ1e 08pltation taxea col~eotAd and paid into the ~tot. Tre88Ur;y, a. per th& tollow1nR "tate.nt or "61d In<11tor: ..cou...t)' .I,dl b" IH:i1r Ollt 0" th4t count,)" treasul")". Total oapitation t,.,x.. 8....~ftrl ~4909.5t} The Tnwn or Salem t'lh (lt~, IJI~1~ to the fObrd by check!! the FUI!l or ~1250.71 111 ti~ttl,,"I1I"nt 01' ltfl }.Iro rata f;h'..re of' ClOst or con~J'truct1on of new Jl~11, o,r, per t,he roll~"""1nc IItatempnt: Jlel1nCflent. Aaount G011eoted 1l6~,50 3) ,'~44.01) ~12<F .00 ['''18., UrP.1J11a, Oot.. 15th. 190(.. 'I'hfl! r~ard 0 r fupRrvlllol"M, t\". On.-t.h1rrl t,o b,. r~tl.lrnerl to the ~A)unt)' To O. D. OWr:tt,)", ~nlltftl, VEto. " 1'11. R81n oheck wa. tt\rned Oyer to thtt TrflfllUrp.r, to bA rppos1tp.d to ored1t o-r To 'Ur.ot\nt 01' bill f'br bllldlng nR" Jo11, lnoluding ",mount r.O'tnt)' f'\lnd. 0' rpl)811:'1l on old Jail RI!l per cOnt.rllct 1\11~ .tBtea.nt ".nd-Z"l'd f<1&.9.96 'J'n Q,"l011nt 0 r extra. on n..- Jail lut orn~rPd ~ the foJ'1{'1ne~,. 'Nut followtnB alio_BIlop. .r,. ..de to 'he oftioer. 0' el.dtloR, fOr their ..rv10e. ~"'N.....bop H9061 .neuo..: 11.1\(' foard, fll!l 1).1' I!ltn.tflllll.p.nt rfl!nderpd ~n4.0~ tlo46',99 'IOR'i'1l AALEl P""CI~"I', CR, L. ~. Lop.. Judgl 1.(11 1.00 n. F. UOl'At"t J'~dflll Ay 1/,? ot ~lG5.I)O tor book-keApAr and .tenoB,l'&phllrt I Nat. Well_, t,hadge,'-Ind return1111f poll book. C. O. Uurrsr. Clerk 1.00 C. B. Renlo~, Cle~k SOUTII E'" PRECI~"I'. I. H. Carpllr. Judge BI'ld Co"lI.ion.~ I. H. Oil..., Jut!Re, Co_l..lone,.. and returning book. 2.0'l ftHlar1.. O~arrR~ h30~ a. 8~rl fl)' 'oJIiount 0 t tonl. charped baok I' Ilgl'~"" E,)" ~rrnr In oRloul~tlon. 1n AGO . ~. 70 82.50 8.03 1,05 _.L<lliL q2.~ 1.0.'1 2.00 r,)' flr"Or 1n oalw.ll\tlonll In Aoot.. lio. 1)1 '.00 J. T. IlUdd....th. JUdg. 1.00 w. G. nAer, O1erk 1.0G .. I BJ' 15,~ oomblllon ored1ted bRek on t1\t. Nit. Tot41 10357,54 lIF.FiI' 1lAL!JI PREOINOI'. c. C. ANY., Clerk' 1~.67 l.~~"'r 3,()) , ' ~~ 1.Of) 106.46 G. L. llIlrorl.. JudS', _h.lonop, .lId ..tU,1I1aI! poll book. B. f'. Be_Me, Juds. 1..00 L. .. DIll...,. 01.... 1.00 d... "altar., JUdge W. ... aow1.., Olark 1.00 I I I I .1 I i I llt-; I ',~ U I' ..! I I, , Ii ~I Ilh ,; II hi " I r( , ,ijl, ," 'I !II II ,I II ;1 'II il !I ! I " OLIIIlVAR PRP.OINO'I', o. w. Chlplan t Judge, and "etumiD<< book. (7 .n..) w. J. potr, JUOfre 1.00 T. W. Beaer, JUdge d. 1J. ~"rd, Clerk 1.00 A. ". H..lep, Clerk BoTETOURT SPRI'lllf> PRMINC'j', dacol) StoutQ1re, t.ludpe, sna return1ne poll book. (e a,Uel) E. A. ['i.hop, .ludp:e ].00 C. D. lUehong, Judge U. 8. Cooke, Clerk J. _. LO~an, Clerk 1.00 BHiJ'W'1i &rOIUo' PRFCl1~CT. C. E. TllOJIl8fl, J\\(tFe, li.nf' rp.turnll1(' poll bnok" (15 .1l.a) J. W. DuIrI~WOO(l, .lurFP l.on w. w. Le~1B, Clerk Jp.~~ Aor~an, Cl~rk JOHN'S f'HOp PHfo'Clflf:1'. O. h. 1;11P10r, ,IU(ly,", 1111(1 r.tum1nf~ pOll book" (15 al1eal JOl},n f. hnnptt, JU"f':~ 1.00 D. B. OarJrlan, ,h1<lpl! Jolln .John, elerk 1.00 d. T. thepnerr., Clerk VIN'i"(')N IH":CINC'!'. J. f,. :iurrls, Juclgq, ""n~ r"'tur'11nr pOll 000\(8 (10 rnl1P8~ J. il. ehllton, Judp:e 1.00 d. T. nho~9S, Jud~e 10. C. ',rl.lm~T,t. l~htr~ 1.,111 o. T. Tlrltt, Clerk f:(l1'~ACKf' rm':CI"C'I'. "'. n. WOO(l, .JUrl;ft, ltn!:' rfloturnln:' J--'ol1 bookH 'l~ mUfOa) Wm. ..t. L~mlHl, U'\('PA 1.00 8. ~. Thrusher, JUdgA o. \If. '~,.lnll~. CIerii': 1.110 w. to'. JI8)"num. Clerk 'lllRWIClI PRECINCT, d. r:. PO'YDll, J\1l1nt, 'tn~ rpturn1nF pOll boolcl'l (F' t!lllflofl' E. B. f,'''it.f'on..y, .Jll'-'f"F 1.00 r. R. 4.Yfi'i'"i\, ,lu(lRe II. .J. ..l8r',.j~Jclf, CleriC 1.00 .1. H. !'Owe11, ClprJc 'I'ltlKHl (!RHK PRI,CL Ie,!,. I.. C. .JOO11'lO..... Jude"', -,itn r"'t11l"n1ne poll bonks (10 1L1lflel 11. w. Coon, JU(lE"~ 1.00 H. B. ~p.lIhZl, JUllg", ~. w. ronthe, Clerk 1.00 E. H. AkAra. Clfllrk EIlI'IR'I<'N' ~ mop PRECINCT, r. P. RutJ"OIJl'h, JU(1F,p, ~.,( l"P~rn~n.g poll book. (lo mJ.lea' n. P. R10hllrrlsOn, Jllr1r.8 1.1)0 (-p.o. R. P11.on, ,...."., E. o. V1~Brd, ClerK TJ. 1-;. Kef"lUlver, r:lerJ... 1.00 OAVE BPRlIIO PRECINCT. neo. L. l'aAR_, JudB'lJ, ,',nd r"turn1nc Jlall book. (8 _11.11) J. T. Br.~nwool~ I JUdff,. t.OO II... 8. Allt.,.~, II, E. 1'111101'. Cl'1'1I: fl. ',a"1M.!", Clerk 1.00 2,56 1.00 1,00 PllNlF'r IllU,L PREOINCT. J. II. 01"1..0, dudg., BDd ret.urnlne pon book. (12 _11..) a,% L. D. Bell, JudFe 1.00 J. W. '1\11'1\(111', Jur'r,& 1,00 R. O. W.l"t7., Clerk 1.00 2.64 1,00 BFiiT itOllWI'AIN PREOtNC'l'. lJ. w. Powen, Judge, 'lIl~ rflturnlrf1l: pOll books (18 r.l1fts) ~.oo WIn. P. r.hf'llor, Jullp:p 1,00 ". R. WPllt, Jul"P'" 1.00 1,00 .1. ~. Cole8, ~lerk 1.00 1,00 r" w. Fhp-Ior, ClArk RED HILL t'i-?F.CI'Jrn. ,A. B. R1d,Re"BY. JUdf:e, anrl l"eturnlnp: poll books (14 1lI1l~.) 3,OG 3,00 1,00 J. U. Hal"t-.on, JUdgtf C. T. i.lcnu1rA, Judge 1.00 L. A. ~e~:hbor~, Clerk 1.00 l,GG 1.0/) w. P. TUrrtp.~, Clerk 1.00 ).on l,ao The Corparation CODl1eslon of' this Rtat.. ha,vlnr 8aaeued th~ value of nIl rallw~., onnatll, t'tlep,raph an(t telepl\on~ I1ne., lutd .)Cpr,.... oo"'panlea, (loing bu81npl!l8 In t111r ~Oll1llOll1I'ealth tor the PU!'J)OAP or extend1n,t tb~ tax tor State PUl"}-.08"S, tlle IIfl1l1lit 1. her~by anopted B" h hlls1. f"b r tflXBtlon t'Ofl COttnt,y and rallool Imrpo..., v1~: For Count)' PllrpO.... 50 oentll on tluo ~IOO.Q() POI' County Sohonl pl1!'po..a, ?O OMt. on th.. ~lOn.Of) For blatrlot Soltool l'urpalfall (othpr than hftlfUI D1atl'lot) 20 oent" on t"\" ~100.,)(~ POl" Sal." Sf!1l001 Dlatr1ot, 30 oent_ an tllP ~lOO.oo 1.0Q ?RO 1.00 1.00 2.% 1.00 1.00 I'IES'I'FRH UNION TfiU:ORAPJI COJ,lPJ;lY 2.64 1<'01' Caunt)' PurpO.IU 39.03 mUA8 IV\d per80nal pro}lerty ~G377 .0::'-50. 1'01' Dlatrlot Sch"ol PtU.p:l8.' Ralall Dht. 4.(,<<) mlIfts 01" "lre,on~ per.onal r,NP4t'ty t1l7fi.l~ _~}.. ;,53 30.~'2 1.00 Central JJi_triot 111.46 Jr\l1#OB 0" "'11'8, an(l Ji~r80nll1 J)~rpr"ty "?~5~. 7(}_20.. B1e 1,lek D1.tr1ct 1~.""5 zf)11ftll of' "jl"P., Atld person'll r,rop",rt.y ~~::'.IO-?O. C9.ve Fvrlng D1atrlot 11.6, 11&11811 Of" "1re, ARef perl'loY\l\l property ~727.Fa-20=- Far Caunt)" SOhoal Purpo8ell 1.45 I.Of} 4,52 4.G4 ~.r'O 1.00 7-}.0} J9ile., ..d pel"i10ilu.l 11l'UPt-i'"'".q tGlf'4.7::- _.1.1"" 12~37 l.oa fOU'r'tl-:R'~ ":XPPH~r OO.lP ,\NY ?~o For County Pul"por.e 1.0J BlR Liok DiBtriot &4.00 at tD 3.00 at 50 1.00 c~.. tpr1"H D1.triot 1o'or D.htr1ot 80hoo1 Purpo"., 2,64 1.00 1.00 ~a1.. SOhoo1 Dl1t1'10t ~43,OO .t ~ 818 Ll0k Sohool Dbtr10t 4,0.) a~ 20 Can Sp1'1ng SOhoo1 Dh~r1o~ 3.00 at :!Q IlD!, Count.y fOhDDl Pl1rpa..: Total Val... ill Oo\lll~ t7 .00 at :!Q .0:- .()~ ,lJ ,01 ,al .il2 92 I I i I I ,I , I ' L, ' I. :1' i I iI' 1.1 I' ~. lIol11n8 Institute Ro..d.QQOun~ - liS' Lt.pk~ll.bl.'~"'..' !54..~ W, I. I&ttdl,e". ""trio or tlte CO"'"" ~8bOUI. 8I1d ,.... II\lba.t.t.t.ed hie :teport or AS- pI..e. .. .UGh roI' the _n.th ot tk.IveBbef'a 19061 880 1'0110".,.,.4. . . . . 1l!,7S 16,/58 1,.65 11,1\9 . S"tt. . ~.rohand1.., eto. 7,54 10.74 . . Sal.. D18tr10t pott & Plitt Brown !la_..... 00. B, II. PU.lI/!.rald & CO, S.U.h & P.rll\l.oll Lawrenoe .. YO Daniel Shlnpl.. c, W. Garet Har(tWare, '''0, GrDoer18h eto. . . Cat."bli Dietriat d. T. Shepherd 2.00 Roo_ rent fOr eleotion :Ar8, T.oul88. Chap..n 1.43 Dzo)' goode, ..td. . . . 4.00 4,50 . Jo'out~ Bros. (,1<,42 6.00 6.00 Count)' f\1nd ROtld tools, Itto. Roanoke ntLPdW8r~ Co. 6.00 Wo rk on fare d. O. "art1" J. E. Bradley, Jailer, fbr 4 monthS' telephone dUes . . . 4.tD Glen J"lartln 8al.. ntstriot ~nd Road BeColmt \II. A. Thul"lrb.n{l 15.75 ;"[-1).35 . . . Insuranoe 10'01' C. 11. 8l\d Jail 225.00 Cro ok et t. nrl\l\aIt J. S. Perslngpr, At:':ent Aaonnt1nF t.o 24.00 Hervloes on Eleotor81 Board, eto. J. S. P~rR1np;er 1n\1011 1s approved" and t.he Clerk 18 direoted to 1ettue hUr. Q warrant for sald amount 1n settlflllent. 0 t Balle. lle also rRported the t'ollow1t1R reoft1pt.:l fbr the ~nt,h: (0:. o. Tln61py R08( account 11,,'1e f.l'rlng Dlstr10t count~ f\1n~ 2,50 5,50 19,67 36,P-II 24,03 ,75 ~11.80 K, G. Aliff . " Coal for Jo11 eta. D. T. ,l.art1n ~ Co. PrOP' C. fl. ftrlr.k1f'r, ~r hI"'" 'f'f' l';i.f'( ~. 7.~5 Cove fpr1ng Distr1ct ROBr' account J. J. Slonn 4.00 "11111\118 &. Perdue, t,um ('Inp ~~. B. ". IA'lgft,n~ fo.. 1/2: l'lOf"d or wood . county fund . . ~;AIT,P . . . Salem D18t.r10\ fUnd 12,OG A. F. Walk~l' AIIo1JntlnF. to 4.00 f.ervlCIHI on Eleotor'll Boll.rd C. I.. fufll1 Whloh he 1_ ordered: to turn over to \he tl'8B&Urel' and take his. I'pcplVt ~()r 8811e. T. ;'&. Bell . . . . 4,OG Joa6ph A. O"en Road aOOOUm C~ve ~rlng D1Rtrlat 13.7~ E. lA.. Flt.'7,p;erald l-t ~.o. fup}; l1e-8 for Jail 1,25 the tbl10w1nB ela1ae" p.,-able out of' 1.1\,. 1906 roo TAX r~E'VY, fire 8110"f'~: fl-tJl:19 . te.. pto. 24,;14 15,13 7.52 2,B5 35,62 w. A. PrNnole, Co.r. Revenue, &f.Beas1ns 509 tofa L. L. Grep.l'lIrood" COar. 8....m.,;'......in8 686 dogf. :5.45 . A. Ii. St. Cla1r Work on wll,11J1p' at fa!'m 34.30 F.. C. Wlll1s t.Ullber tor brldgp.s J. B. OWf!ne ....ork on ~.d and bridee'" ( On aot1on of Jar. Dell, thft Ol.rk 111 dlreotftd to 1118Ue to J. 8. WUlett. a wQr~ant O. F. :illOt I,' Co. I.umber fbr btldRA8 Cotmt.)' lhnd tor 'lUU.OU. be1n8 . '.0000 allawlldo. on 'work done by b1m 11 ",..VA ;~l't"ll18 ;"J:~l:>terl&l Dlat-J"lot, undftr th~ epeo1a1 appropriation of' ~9JO.OO _~ to flail! Diet.JI'1ot. 1'0,. speoial Au8tln (tar] Rni Jan1tor'IIi 8Arvioefl 1,00 H. S. l<\1rf'OW Fnad RC00110t County fund 45,41 ro..d l'\1~aen. ...ld ""'" to be oll&rsod to Ca... SprIng Dht..lat. 1IuI4, N. n. r;"'1C\lI!'~ . . Cove SprlnR D18tr1ot 18.00 fRIDe . . !".aunt;-.-' fund 9,E7 w. A. Fran01B, COmr. HftVAnU' ly,t n18t.,.~ot, ~xtend1ng lp.v)' us marltt h., Col'lloratlon COlN'llf.slon (A.7l L. J.. nrfl8nwoo~, Co1t,r. RAYI""J. 2nd J>lstrlot, Extendtnv. levy a. made by Corpo'tUot.lon r.oml"ibolon A2.66 T1ut aulD or ~,12 _ ,"". dq '''.....d ....r t.o "" Bo.rL "f llIp.rYloor,r"'g"" !'Or p...... t\lre on tara pald b:i W. A. "lilt, Bnd ,,180 tlts A'.l'n or '.5~ aolleoted b;f 81lltrltr Zirkle from lal. of an old atone, ""'1ah U'IOuntll 'IIffll"A ordarefl to bfl c1.allYel'f'!rl It' the Clerk w '116 !rI......... to be ~r."l_ to ~Ile g......r..l no,,"'" l'UM, N. U. "arlit Roa~ acaount nOUllt<l' l'Un~ 1:>.PP or. II. lIo...r . . Bill.., Di.t, fland' 10,00 COllnt<l' , flall4 I.... road) "'.S) 1'\ is oN.r.d t..bA'\ "he Olerk laaue 1:.0 WI.ber. of thlt\ Hoard w&l'r&n1:." for tnelt" lIa18'" and ail.age tor the 11X aonthl ending Deoe_ber 3let., 1906. 1r\ tn. rOllowlog BUllII, ...I-.o,,:I....~: "'. '" " J, C, King..,. . . .10htlo u. S88rfl . . . . . . 14.!5fJ Boa. . . Salem Distrlot tun~ 9:>,50 R. E. KaeeE'" 8ul"ve,or J. w. DoOII~. Viewer (L...lo .... '!'h. P\1blln) 21.00 IIU.ag. ~.20 7,~ 0.60 ' l.lIO Total .,.,.20 "',lIO ".60 31.20 . . 2.00 8. .. "",..taest S.l...,. ~,OO . . Jerr)f iIorgan . . . . 2.00 G. .. Lewle 30,00 30.00 30.00 . J01\ll S. Ilon"," . . . . 2.00 L. It. Bell . D. n, Sh.lor . . . . 2.00 8. fl. '..o.an . I III !Hl nH i~ f .j It! " :t \. \~},j .:.... fl.!, . I,. I i~ ~ " itH J W 1 L,Xn,.' i!lj ,I ! . JH 111 If, I I,r II , i i/ , The Olitawba'Vallf';y' RaU",8"V & Mlntnp- Collpany, bJ'R. W. Kia", lte attorn.." tn1r. dlO' laiN DefOrp. tnft VOal"d a" plan or tne Ol-10R. proposed to b~ wilt ~ ~Rid UORIJIWlY OVer tn" PUOI1C rOad )UlOWr\ 8:-1 tn. l4"notlOUI"R TurnpiKe, ""ion WuR Rj'}lJ'OV"d. (.~ 'vi ~~~..~~ . .. -0 .-- '1"", '."^~"=rr.--t~. (In . ~ t!l!l.d!c~t!Dn or 11~ \V. 1..og"'l1, f111@rvlf'1or, f'~c., 1t 18 orde.ed 'that C. tV. ChRpMBQ, 1'. W. Teamer, J. B. Nlol101n' 611<1 R. E. Ji~49, County BuI'V'e,yo.., ~ NIsldent 're..holdll<rtl. or this Vounty, "ho ar~ hereb)t appointed vl."8rs fOr the purpolle (lu1ythrp.p. of ",hom Ml\Y act) ('0 Vie" the .83 fOr e chnllgft 1n the publ10 rOad 1n this county from 0. point at th~ Lef'ler brld~e to another pOint at Illcl1.o1n' branch, lint! rpport to thlu Board th'" convenienoes and inoonven1enoes. that w1ll reSult QH wpIl to ln~lvlduA18 &8 to tn~ public, 1r suoh ohunfe 1n I'Dali nlt01l11i bp establ1shfHi 118 prop08fld, and f'Bpec1611;y ""Ather 8~ ;yard, gnrdpn or Ol'Chllrcf, Or a~ f'art thf!rf'Or, will, 111 BUell OfltfP., have to be ta~en; whpthf'r Ruili ehollRe in roed ..,111 bp. of fluoh lIere pl"lvate oonven1f:moP. 88 to make 1t. pro~ for fOr thut .it t'houlrl hI'!' oI~e-nerl and k~l)t 1n O""A" b,y tllft pf"r.Fon Ol' pprflony',.,.nOIlP ~~~"'l\_.,..fl., 1'[-':" eonv~nl~nop 1t if, dps1rpd; Hu1tt V18"9r8 Shr.l1 6180 l"p.Jlort thp. names of the Iunt1 OVft)prR thJ"('lIJf:h ~hDRn I',n(1l! thft s.ld clllU'lRe in l'O'ldt 1t establ1tihecl, w1l1 ~ MoB, nn:l state .mloh, it any, o.t them :rRq1Jl1'ft oomp"nsatlon 1"01' the lanos of theirs r~Qll1rArl to b? tak~n for snid Oha~p. 1n 001\", thR pro b&blp wno'lnt t.o w1lict1, in t'1eir oPinion, the said llUtd Otmet'B m8J' bp l'f'speotlvel,t ent1t1f"ct, to- f'Ath~r ,,1th f\rty ot)1f~r rr,uttflr rl-.eMAd pe1't1nfll'lt by thfta, /Iud shall alf10 rptUl'n a If.6p Dr rl18RrRl'l alone ...1th t.he1r rPf.ort. J.!}~.u}4......:...vl J.. 0, r"'l1, ~ VfI. ..../... (1"...&.1;.. Thp. PuhliC ) tl\1pf!rvlflor, etc. ) ) ) ) , Thin CnUBf'I Cll7lle on thb dny to bp h""aJ'd upon the f"or1tp.1" r,l'c-1~N~ foiltered li~"'~J.,.,"" ,l,,! .....l J.t.1,,~ I I - ~l," ""'" "'rYq .PIo<l1np 1I\e 1'ropo.." a1rarrP.'e thro~Rh tho lBrld of Abrah... Rld/t.... fAl'i."",..,.li fl~.....a t.",..;y " vt'" ..,,-<<.. '" ~ JkI1,~fdJt d...d that the .ald ..port of tho vlo...r. be and thof .... h...b;. conU.....d, and ALly .}t"iI'l.l'141 tho chal1!''' are ord....d to bot "'de In 8ald rood a. "......nded ~ .ald vln.r., .:LJ;., The Clerk 10 th.r.~pon 61...ot.d to 1....e to tho 1""" own... "or-Brlt. for tile ~J<tu.~,,~ h_, I 1I\l1llA Bwarded the. 10 81\1d report, to w1t: j !J.-:.'tl' w., JJ..lJ>..u.:.. , I t.flrF!1n and thfl' sUH hj.IP;~l,., rf1.ClJ'~ th1u d~ tiled tv VU~ v1e....(..:r:.., -..op:ether with Bonal1y Ul-l'.arlt" QlId aooepte<t tl1P d/dll8gftB 8e "....arded by th~ Yiewezoe, 1t is 0"'" ~",{11 W. C. UWIIIloelJ., lor LRI\d cfdl1C&S ct, !J'. tn.5O f'or liov1np; rences ~.on ! i f62.!iO "1111.. Lue.e, fui' iiiOv1ng fiilO& 5.00 II.." 111\1I. (rora.r1r ....1')' IIldg'''I\II) ano Willi.. d_.. . to "'1')' iI..... r....sns I!Id ..1" I alld And the laid J(ol')' KoiYo (to_rlr ftld/t..... J eftd 11'1111_ Rldg.... not ret haVll1/l: 1/ agr"d ao to I10w ..oh or the I...d d_.. ..oh shall !laY., both ha.lng P.....nallr opp.ar- i i ed befo.. tllj 80."" lt 10 l\Irtlutr ord...d that upon tho sald "ar~ 1l~8 (f.'Il.rl~ Rl<l/to- ! , wl\)') and 11'1111.. Rldg8W" "'''''tlll/l: to the Clerk or till. Iloard th.lr Jolnt rec.lpt for th~ I I I i a_let nUIft or ':?6..!lO, that he do d&11V81' to them a waN'lUIt fDr th& 8alrl 8'. a"4r(lHn f'vr tun'" dtUll8r@:"B ~ the vie".rt;. Me" the cnerk 18 t'11'8cted to reoord tne eald plate one' ~urve'y8 on tho Count.)' liOnll HoOk in his ofricfI. Anet thie 08.1188 18 db_tR8f!ti. r III Ht; ,.IOJi;WATER RAIL"AY OOIIPA~. It at'lJearlnr to the &"1'(1 of Superv1florl'l thllt at the July mflPtl"OEt, 1906, Of" th.ifl Eoar", t1H&t I/n ord,.l" ....us P!1tezofld on f-oae:e 55 0" the records or ttJ1s )bard, illlo....lnl' the edd R81h"~ CoIbJ)8ny to .ake Q oerta.1n change 1'1 the en"p' f,'I-Iril\'!' 'IUm!llkft I.l.t)lttlnt-~ the l<1l\<lti 0 f" oeorp:e w. I.op,an. Tru8teRt anrl 8llJol,Unp, .. OlJIVJg8 n"dp. in thp. Md of Roanoke Rive!', upon oond1Uon tltat, the Bl\ld IhinW'I)' CompQI'\)f '-'OUld 80 construct, care fOr and 1IlalntBln th. flOut.h bank or the 8Ql,l r1ver (adJolnlOJ( the Baid Ollange 1n t.l\e Bnl(; lllrnph:p I alt to proteot tl1e Str.llft against t.he ""tel's or the 8"io river f'ro'" OV81"f'low Or rlamr.we to th~ M,ld roQ,c1: An(J it ~ther aPl'1t4r1nr to tt)fl' aald 1~.l"d th4t the 88.1d r1ver llaB b~fun to iVash a"t\Y th8 Rail! bunk tlO 8.tI to entianf.'er th9 hld road and the stepl brldge spanning thA r1V8r JUllt bplo"" M,ld oh'"'lfP, it 18 Ordp.J"8d tltat a CDpy Of' t.Jl1s ordp.1" be IHtrVpo upon thp. .aid tJb.11,,~ CoZll}l'lo~, notifl'1nF the 1t\1d CoIllpU'l)' or the sald f'anptr, ..nft 1"8l:pItUc't1np, the aa!rl C()lnp~ forthwlth to t8k6 Buoll Rteptl a8 1ft&)" be 11P.OftS8Rry, under the auld OM"r ,.1\- tftNtd 4t the JUll' meetll1P. of this roarn'. li8 may proteot thp R.,i" road trolll overfloYf' Brlff daMage, &s eet out 1n the ti~ld or~er, as well hS thp. R~1d brldFe, requesttor t~fI vald COJDPIII1J' to JIla.ll.c anewer to thll11 orr'''r 4t thJi!' nIJx-t .."t1l1R or this fDaI'd. to bp 11f11(i on the t.lllrd i40nda)' 1n Jamal")'. ) O. -. tlllwh" nl))flrV1sor. fltC. ) ) V8. J C8ta"ba l'O'lff ) Thft PIlbl10 ) I The v1"fI~S herpto~rll aPfOlnte~ ln tills oause this d~ r1111d thp.1l" r~ort, to- g."he1'" Wit" pl..'ta ~d HUI'YflNa or thA Oh....a r.oO_ttnded b,y tRefIl. to ...it: (1) A 01\"111;. in the "ald Cat.awb.. No." through the llVldfl or .re. 11801',.1,,1. 4aaorc.1111p' to liap ",ne' ct.aol'1ption of lIJuzo"e,y, ttnd ......rc'111R daJl4E4t8 a8 follOll'8: tlaaaR. to tanet, sa aRr".d upon b;y o""..r P.llo1J1il KatlllatH lIoet of .akl11l! ohone. ^",,"tronl', : '-I ! .'.'10.00 . ll~ :20.00 '41.00 (Po) A ohang. 11\ .ald road thro~gh CII. land. of _n start'r, aooo'""lnB to .... and ou....... .. ftllo..: ----:....-.~. I h-._...."l'<_..H,I~'~ i 1 ) 1 ! I I: j ..J..<"MIt.t{~"1'1, I \ I \ r 1 II 1 J Iii - 'i ";--V...n'''''...,.''1.'ti,11\)\' I ll.-tI(I:e rOl' lsncl Mone aeked J l'enolnp. F.stimated OOlt or aaklng road end bridge No\h1nK ) D. O. Moo.aw ) I '98. ) I '\'h. PubUo I _---1. t60,GO (3) A ol\llnge 1n 6u1(1 road throuRh. the loDld of' Be'l'I")'lun BJl111b......t., l\ooo-rd1ng to the lIlup 8nll 8\11''1/8)', and 8...,ardl~ d~8Fft8 a8 thUowa: 'h,,\,_ aauae 0"8 on ae:aln this dB)' upon the report 0' s. F. Th:raehet', Co_it.tee, upon toM ....rbal 8t.at.e..~nt of D. O. ..loa_w. and biB lIrltt'lln off8l' to oone1.1"l.1ot. l.hft !'Oat' lJlIJnMe fo r Inn~ ~ 6.00 'IG,OO aa outllnftd by hw, a8 1:.0 In''ade8, etc., n>r the 8l\l'. of ~410.00 Upon conelrlftrRtlon 1'F'nCJny J.:st111'.atfild oost of 1l'.a:.:1nF rond ~.Q\!_. ~ 41,00 to the W.8hl~ton nelf,hteRoad, aKluntlng to !4~O.IJO, and l)\~"g.d by John A. 1'8ylor,: '1'. l.aIt. CO,\ol\t~ A. 8. \towel.l ..d C. W. Co",t.on, Ill'e ptt1d 1nto th1fl l:o/'ro; ood it h fill"- thet" order".. 'that the Clerk not1ty the 8".1tl' parties that the rOBd ..ntlolled hae bet'f\ oowpleted. "no reqtlest toll... to fUJ'Wl!t.rd thft amunt of U\A 8Ubf\cr1ptionl' ru8l'unteed by the., 8I'lounti1'lt: to ~400.00. whwl'lIIO'~ it ill o~d...,.,.d th.t 1\!!"th'P" !lot ton hereo~ 1).- e-ont1r!1-1ed u..,t-ll th" ~ubecr11't!on 'I~r, \ ^,\T\r'("""""' A~-.c.'''''''I.\ 1'1"\" (4l A C}-}BI\{Zf'" throUl'h the 1anl' or nlr~. Ell~8 Illrf'aan, aooord1nr. to map and 5urVPY, uno H.'lf8rri1tlf dttlfla~P.8 as follows: Il.cunnyp f'(tr la>>ci Nothl-n.(', by cOnfum't. of ownel' ~10 .00 lo'f!l\clnr: Fstim8te<<' cost of JIltt.klnf 1"08(1 ",nri br1dl'. ~&g !45.00 (5) A chant:e throueh th~ lands ovmed jOlntly b)' 11. G. st-,Rs88l"d and John '1'-. 'Woo(1r.., adC01'(11nt. to mall fl.nd surve)', 6Jld awartllnf dllln"r,P.8 BS fOlloW8: Walt".. wateon, the enFlnlt"r 1n oharRfI, thitJ day rURd in olfrlt1np, ':,H report ulmn thft r'!oostruotion of t1l.t" Court-MIlet'! lavf\tory,f"J"om. ",l\lah it. "lll't'at"~ t.hat tl\t\ 8n!D.9 he.a l:.e..n ereoted lU'ld cOPl}lletft(t in a. ..t1stllctory mannAr, I,nd l"p.colllll1ent11nr th~ I"~JftP1lt 0 f' thp fol- lo~ine b111~: ;o'or Innc:1 ~one BU\ctt{! l<'rnclnf' ~lO.O;' H.tlmtt.ted COf;t or maki.J1P. !"Oad ';1),00 C40,OO C~dp.n Iron ViOrkR, eto. ':1'13,45 ereot1on of .111l~' \ll'I.Bh1"F:, ~te. 1~1.\)0 foal.a Ttel\tlng no ~, 'lJ'h~rPllp()n 11. 16 ordprftc1 tllA.t the f'orego1nf::" land OWl'\ltr8 be lW\'IIIonf"d to Ill1l,f!ar at the n..xt mee\lng of th18 no~r(l, to be held on thft th1rd iolondR)' In Jan- 'Ulr~', 1907, to 1">11.0" caU~f", 1f" any -.:.11.8)' con, -why BIl1~ ohanges Bholll~ not be mEu'e at'> t'f<c(\l"lr.pn~9(l. h:f t\f\irl "ie",ert\ 1n their oRid report. AJ1fl it f\lrthpr o.pl'eari1'tg 1"rOlf, Blliel T'Pport t11at L. O. Barnett, T. C. C1tBI,man, J. R. -::uO"'8, :l. n. fl,"8eBrn IVld John T. Woorls, Jointly, and BfJrrymrm brillhart, 1tKVA t10 1,lacft" thp1 r rpnOe8 uI,on th... flull1 roBd Uti not to ,,110w tht" stfmtitt.rO ...loth of thirt;f (''50} f'Pf't, it. is f\1rthfl1" oT'deI'P~ 1.11.1\1. PQo't\ of th,. af'OresaF' pa-rt1e6 be ~u!1U"lon~r1 to A.}l'f,lp.ar" heforff 1.1'\18 no"rl1 II.t its n'Jxt mept1f'\g, to bp. ~\I~td o~ triP third Llon.1Il)1 in ,j8l:\'lll1')', 1')07, unc 8110w ORun", lf' o.~ thp.)' can, w~ thf!Y 8110'\1(1 not bf" 001""1,pl1p',l to "-.0 rp.moYe the1r ff>1'toes from Ra1d road 0.8 to ullo'lf thp. 8ulc1 8tan~arc' AJIountl1'1f. to ~424.4~ It 18 ortlered that. ul'on the approvlll of' th" M1d bills by the JOlnt bull(llnF com- Ill.lt"tftfl, that. the Clerk 188\18 -W8r1'8I1t6 1"01" eal" amo\lnt.n to thA lJroPP.l" 1"111"t1e8. G. fl. ?1rkle, ~;hflrif"f, thb rh~ prA8p.nted a cla.1m fOr ~3.50, "or ~eVp.n (lOps k111ftf' b~ him, ~elln~ent tor taxee for 1905, wh10h 1:; ol"deted to bit pa1d out 0 r 1.11,. nog tax fUn~ '0.. sRle' year lC)O~. On aot.ion of "ro. J~f.'fln, 1t 10 ~ l1nan1Jr!Ous vote, It()rderlltd that the Clerk 0' this Wltlt.h of Uu:rt)' (30' fel"t. noatct clve not.loe b1 publiaatlon In thfl ~..18. Tlm8s-Rep,i8ter und fent11lf"1,that at the next aee1.1T\R,t.o be held on the 1.1111''' Jond~ in .Jo.mal"j', 1907. 1.111e &ard "ill appoint a COUnf.l &1perlntendlnt. of' Roade, ....l\o IIhalt either hilt /1 01.11 ftneinflsr or . pereon well v.reed in road b.llldlnp:. ....~ellt dUt1 1t 8hal1 be to 8Ulutrlntend fU\d dlrftot 1.he openlnr, rttpalrlnp and keiFlpit1f: 1n order or all oount1 roads und br1d8411, en(t to pp.rfOrm fUott otbe'!' "''\1.. &8 "re p'l".IIDl'lb1d b1 1.". the e0.1&r, of DIlld superintendent to be flxed at ~OO per AIlnuai 8lUI applioat.iOne fOr laid l'ottltolon "ill he reoe!vfld until th" (tato. of oppolntllll\\'. ,\ J,. D. h,..l ) ) ) 1 In Re r't"+<.nklln T\1t"llI11ke Clhllng4l, ) ) 1 "f':. Thfll' Public , W. O. wood. Ch&11o JJ. 1\1e11 and C. W. Ctl8l'....". threfl ot the vl."lrll eppo1nt.. pet in thie cauee, ha.1nc thl. d~ tiled their .81101'\, reoo..end1n8 t.hat lnBt.e. 0' tl'\e ohanee ..ked tor, thft 1)1"98""t road be {)ropcrl)' (Iitoh.d. dr.ined and Ord...~ tlla\ \be noard bo oIIJollrn.d IInt11 tn. third 1Ionda,V in ~.....a.,., 1<)07, f7 Att'.--d.... ~tE....4- wo..k.~t 1t 1e sO ordered. And thie O~I' ie dl..leB.d. ,.... l'ttl~rotI10UIl'~, f.al "'m , Va., clan. PI, 1907. o. if. CapPo}l JuroJ" "PD. WJll1a.s OaB~ Th" HoaPr 0" HI)JPf\'1hor8 of Roenokfo Count)' ."t th18 (lay fit thfl' Colll'thOU8'" Roy D. Wask"y .J. N. T.. . W1t.1\AB8 1n 1'PPllup lIOn1.hly 0"8.100. Prfll!lp.nt:~. l<'. T~ra.h~r, Cltflll'"..n, g. W. LfI"i.s, . . . fl, l"I. 1.0FfU1 'm~ L. 1>. 1'''''11. . . . 'r'11.- "'lnutPfII of t I\P tar.t mPlltll1f Wtltr" llPl'l"O""d a. .."~{1. P. P. Ooodw.tn . . . . 'r'hp f'ollo~lnr c1811h &R'.Qln8t t.hl! Ctqm.y ""pr@ fi')r;'iJllnl'Jc'I. IlJ>~rOY"c'I And oroereel -- - .... .... .... n... J. P. Kl11181'1, to bit pJ:l1.r' b~' '''''..rrant (HIt or thp nlnrls r~tI!,pl.'t1~1'y cl11ll'('''''t,blft thftl"'ft'K1th,. to rit: l'x6lll1nlng bori~, ptQ. fll),pl1p'8 fo,. JRil (lalcpy JJaPll"',u'9 Co. 1"1'. ~. t. CoI1r"lf'f, PtHlpr Il~(>ollnt 5.,10 I:ro....n 'hll'dWQl.'A Co. . Ii. f. 1"I"1"(\.y . . f'IDttc' ."tccollnt Cnllnt.y f"lrk1 nr. 1'. B. b'tonp IJunncy ~ccount '2'1.?!-1 ,I. n. 11ItF. . . :-j81"" Pht "'101 R. ~. M8~P, ~lrvRYO~ (J,ol'lln Vs, 'NIP fUbl1c' In.so 4,5'> :Po. ,.t. :t1.l!'lP, T""'1I1'11r"T'. 00\lo1y." flhRl'fl ('If' 'J'lr'....... ...~,.... 2<lO,10 'ft. W. 1.~,,18 (CQt""b._ flhtT'lot \ 'loQ{l aOCOltnt ....I.f', f'rl'1tl'1f flJlf' f\.lhl1sl'\1nr Cn" Print.in,. 'tl"lrl K('IVI!1't1pjoy '-J-......O J....t>tll'l O.T'lnnr' J8nitor'f. ~p"'Ylefl~ fl. f'. K"r"rIV",", N"Jfl(l Ha(!('l'lnt, nif" 1.ick ntflt rim, runtf it.no W. O. WOoOd, Vip,,~r ,? "OJ'F P:'pll VB. 'rhp PUbJ1c) Vt. lo. ';'fII"1"y, Papt. of' P(l(l", (, I'<lnf'lr. 1">ll'll"Y If'?. ~,;) C. W. Cltllpma.." Y1f>Vl'(!l', '"' ,-I8)'~ (Fpll Vfi. Tl1.p P\lhlip.I 1,. l~. ! ""'1"''- t J I~Oll'" rf'nt ,'or plpotlo', '"'.ao J. P. 1I0Ilt,,:, "0,",'". (('10"'1".' t f'ppl J. J. floa.n, ;,("I.,r' ,("!Qollnt Collt1t.~' f~lnr' Jl....q.) ""1100,", Jior""lu.p Co. (~~W> rpr111f' nbtr1t:'t' 1:0m' '1t:'Il'Ollnt D. 11. r."!:>;nl . C'lt."l.Wb'l 01f!t r~ (?t 3i1.2tl J. C. 1{11l1'pr)' (~O'lrrt~' f'11T1~" ":df 'J, (~Ol\(' ac",o'1rtt (~. T. .v."r'J. nlhc,:~rit.1. h~fX"P\t. 5.')J !~( '1,1 >lro"OlU\t P. ft. 1-{i11 (f'llprn l'11;t. 1"1 at f\","r'I ". '" ;;OWhi'I"t IID'lf' ,.,~~(l;lJ.t. rlF Lick iii.;t"ict 2.bJ p... ..,1 '..t:'~~::nt :'1, '1. ~'!/lOfl [1'1.,: r..ir.!{ l'.l:;t :oi:~t: , .vu ,T. F. 1 ...".1p~l, p. r., ~,\In'l~~'- ltCp.o'.~l ~.ul] tlllntt~.-.'i: '11'1' ~(),. T~i'''''Vt'itp,. rl'. tOf)t) .'j.t)... 71. E..{A~lp.:>, f-ll,t. of' 1,hp. ~'ll1ty Alm~l)o'.J.t... .tOr ""11'!n. t"t1f: ~1i:J fi'limittP{' 'HI" PX- ,.. --'~'. .,:. ~,l: ('. '\''''''': . 1 I' ..."1'1' I' ,r! "?1'1lT1t. If .' I.) pRI1SP.~: J:l;V ~lJcl-J f'(Ir t.hA l'".ont:l Of 1)pt:'pr,hpl'. lq,')I,~, 11" f'allows: "''iI' "ij:l11-~'...t>= ~ C~'" i'':,r~:. "1. ('.. '-0" f:lP}"r": r f .l(!l' ;::'.'j:J f:1!I1t, 11. &: r'ArCUflon Dr>- ,OO{lfI .:o'~ 1 i.. l'ot. ,1"1' ;((UlI' ';,;,,:,'1t l-1l' T.ic;.; -j'l,,",lI.;t ':.'$!l ,~"}.,j 1 5ro,,", 1i'1"~""'1"~ en. ,11].1.'(1....'I.I'A ~. ',1L i'1I1, ~'~r r(,.I._ d.r: T.O ..ji.1-"\I'.1~,'r :)0 'll Cj.:y) s. ..... .':I\/"t.111 Or.y C:OOC1t>, (ltc. .,.::tJ .-:: lIT, PI', 11"('''', "u,,: ":1", '0.., .":llJrf: for J'1.il ~.J'J 1-:. ;A. i<1t?r:ftr~1'" ~. Go. 1~l"(lOP1"1p.", ptc. 11.0~) " !' 1. ~ ;: t" .. 5}.1? O~y rOOds antl ABlt. ........,1 I~('I'IP '1.,!('Oll.rt ~'Ive :'j./"li1t: r:-'l:-:trlct Pnrr lv, Pof>f> ':i:,:,o:~ :""'1' ::0., :::,11,[,-,,;,':, :>0"1' 1'O~",,;,;, ,,,.c. rot" U~p 0,1 ,~. :i, w. B. D111~r~ D~t~ 00. n,..Wf' q:,> ~1/:.~~"I' :""i,~l> Ploor:! 7 .l~' :;.,)-) 11811110p 1~R nnP tt~ 1.01) J. F.. iA"'dl~y ':;l"", f\r~'"p"'I; :.:O:ll,pI" f"o., fill. ;", "Ct:(llll1t r"n(lpr'-', !...l.h.' 0rookf'ttt r..."tlQw. '1107"1< on f6pm If'..,,'" J(',hn ::. '":tl.n'i.f'I", ,I. P., l.11n..~~' ..~,'O'~l1t 1 '~lI:l Juck LHl,r8lf Work on rft"lIl --2&.'1- .I. .J. [)(1'.1) 1f("il' '_Cr.Ollll1. .;f\VP fi,riof liiKt.rict. '-A;.19 AInO'lnt1np, to "(,7,.1--') "'",p ~"r: '\!C.,l . . . . .. 42.~O Wh10h 18 _})}JPO'IAt1, tU1~ the ClArk 1K r'11.'ftctp" to l/1.1\IIP tl11'\ 'l ""'''rant tor 8!,lr "rr{)1lOt. " P. ';L,r,r',;l'} ;o~'Pln (/,f'" 1'lIll"iul 0" };'1111'P'" !'i.O) H~ Also l.'Aportlltr' t.f\R f"o1l0''''1nR T'ACP11,f.fl f\Jr th,.. mol'\tt}: ~ '~1"P 1;0....1 n 'lnel batrlR.l 0 f' l"'Ul.~r 5.01) ProWl W11 11,ufl8 ,~ Pftrr1UfI '1'f11U!l 1 ~Q~ .....,')1 ~. P. V1"'3r~r" d. ,., I"tlp~ : ..lIU'Y '1: rverftPp.. of' r"or ror YPf.l," ~'().,).) PPol'l E. M. F'1t~rpr.lr' 1- ('.0, I i I i, I I I Thft Olftl"k 111 d1pf'ot"., t,o 1aP1lfl to W. R. ~n"l"y a WftP"al'lt to!' ~1f'2.50, bAll'11l n18 "alary 48 C01Jnt~ &tpltpimftrw!ent or thllt PODI' for th.. 81" ~.onttt8 ",.,.1"8 DflioPJDbttJ" 31, 1906. f~trOl'" '\lit. "PtllI 1n lunl\o:t Clt.flP 4.011 . ~\() From Crookett n~fth8~ :=;:UH'l1P.~ _--,-''3... "."OJ. '''I'j "'j,tl}ftJ\1\ 1h 11l'11l1!Y ORtlP ,~ Amo'lnt lnp to .,.. .1'3 0, I,. ftfllBrn~p. r.orol\pr, OfilO. Wll11N1lB 00.8P 3,00 Wh1ol'J IIp 111 "lrtt"t,1!11 to turn OVPp to tl\f~ Trl't,u:urAr, "nf1 takp ~1f! rpottlrlt f'lrl"I'ro,.. J. il. t;luT'l.pr, Jl!l'Or . . . 1.00 J. U. f!zoaWlrol'ft . . . . 1.00 A. T. ~hank.8 . . . . 1.00 J. II, Rh~ . . . . I,OG P. R, OPe,)< . . . . 1.00 ~.o{) F........ :.~J f.OD 1.')o} '::'.'Vt '".r)() ".8(} 1.(0 , -, ,.,'; 1,00 ,50 ,50 .M ~Jilt, .C}f} I III Wil iill, 'ill I ' !<~ .'1 .1 ..n. ~I " 11 :~ r t . ;! ij 11,1. .\1 Ht if '."'.'"., !', ',' 'I i~: " ; " r ',I~j I, 'f' I.! I ! IJJ Ill" III ,LI: i I I D. w. l.O~tln, ~IJl"rv180rt Erta-. ) ) ) } Road ApPlloation ) J ) VEl. Thp. Plunlc -- 'T'11is CI\'Il:iP ctUrl9 on RFRln t,h18 (i~y 1:.0 00 hfllaNt on tl1A l'Rport or th.e vlf1ltMl"8 \IP~Atof'o"'p apl,ointpel in thit Clat16P, I,.hich 113 in th~ \I'IOms 8n~ rJplrA6 fOllo"tn,.:;: '1'0 T.Op liono"H.blp ioo.rr of" ~"ll)~rvi80re of HouuokA County, f'tata at V1rr1nla: npar 811'~: ~"'P, U'IP l~n('Pl"c1f'flPt', vlp,,"prs ftpr..oJntPtJ by ;You on Dpc.. 17, 190(" to view thp. "l"I;}! lOr n ch'-\fP 1n thP rO'l(~ f'1oo)\", [,pflpl" l~rl~fP t.o 'J11ot.l1.Pl" polnt Hot. IUol\O!t;, hrunQ~, bpr to ~.lbtliJ.t 1 liP fOllo\lt'1nr '"PlJOrt.: "'P rf'lcorrJ',pn(' that thA ohanFP hI'> m!il1p f-rom a point on t.h.e O}(I 1'0", 50 fppt l....(llI'". tll.. 1'O.lt" "Ilr of thp bl"1lifP ljfl 8110\...." 0,", tltp map, ""h1Ch 1n i"..rt of' toP !"P.port" thl"'(IJlrh: tnp l'glnt' 0" RObf. fp/tr.fl .rmri th,. 'T1p,.....,.t,"'1' Rftl1l"olU", thp I'IPt,Pl' h.n~ boUl1(it; bpillJ" "',0"" "'Illy r1,.r~f'1b,.c1 in t.h" (pf;c"il;tlnn or t.~lP 51l1"VP':r of thp ProflO,flftd ('Il'in.,.". "'Il,. "'.1r' fl'J f('l,. " f'!~lI.\;" f:O"f; not ))1\1'" ~ ',"'QUr'l r~~' ;-.-nl'cl" !'uf'rtln or orehQN!. 'l'hp fUl.i,~ (n'ill."p 1.1 m~(p, rjf't;I, (tlr t,hp bpn~r1t or t.t}p T1r'pYl"ltfH" R&11rofi.rI; f:t"C- R...~" of ,A.f),h-'r .1"'" ~AAA.i CU:f,~ , (};,f.t,,- ~ffl :/uuL.L lItlt', '1P !,.uri CnWl/,p '.111 bP b"f,t...,. 1'O..t\1p ff\np.l'al r"ll)l1f'!, on AN:!Ol1nf l'f't'1pr.... ",p1nl' no ''''tV' "i11 1(' '.",\(p to N,t q().-.o~'t': ttv' rRoit""O'lrl" 1-hr. Mltr' rill '<r111:,:..w +f' "1<> ..,.,1" .:"~h.. i~l-t;nl~a 1, 'Ylt r,I,rp 't~ !:~O"l'J rrn ~'1P ":l.~:. Tnt' r..-,1~ %"1'11ronr "I!l"'prr, t,o ; ~,;, '1'1~c,.~ ~',... l'!. ,'11 (I,-.r-'l.,"~r ..nfl tltp ~Oflt "or 'DIl'{tnr tllp 1'oaf' "01' "lp\'- .)',d~.-T"""""- p~ '\l.,r>",,,,~ --"'o<t 11"'11 \1ob1. fpnf'S 'l.~k~ ,I l'J).!'P:O: """r 1.~,. "IJl.l"nl'!p of' tttp ''''~~', 1"1111~ , "I m,.,-'"':; W"J"~ ,,'r"'p,' ill,on l~;,z ~i' ~~. ""o110...f.: ~".'lf' .L,r.-"'F"'t fl.r'U' Pencinj : '/~. I) I:,:.t!'.-.t&-f' C-Ol:t "<1)'" 1'I'rdK1<1f: b"lur.cl> of' I"'OIf!' ~;).I)O d.:':i.n:' .\ tot~l 0'" 55..10 '['I-,p ~. '1.,' :(oht. ;'p...I'":', %llCP('pt; t.o thp County t.hp fltril' ().,. Ihl1( 1.)1rt.j. h.'t'''''''Pll t'1" """''I lil1r~ 0],; rO"elf;, l.n ,'rl<r,tl1Ir t'hp r1!-:ht of way fbr thR nf'W row'. \V'" l~l~o rpCOI'U",4"n1: t,lu\t th9 ol~ ,"ollt bP clofif!r r...orr. t11(> in1:.prRer.t1on of the 01" M(l 11P..y t"0..wr, I."W tht> ol(i 1"'06-7 U6p.r l)y f". ~. ThOll'l'I.,; t4B 8 PS'HI\lr8)' to hip pl'~cp, II. l'(,1nt ytplt1"' t "lP br1c'.:p to .~ l1",F! rno'llne "I. 77 50 r. "rnrrl otat1on 11 k:; ~ho,....n on thp. ,,",IlI"- t,hp bliJW"IGP 01" thA "OfU!W&)' 8nr 1 h,. f,tr1I' of' land t~1nr bf'_ t,'.yPl"n tl')p npl'1 IlM o)n roatio, rror. thp Unp r,\Jnn1np, U. 77 50 F. I""om rrt.at10n 11 to tJ1,> pn", .B shown on thR Illap, to bft'''fttl\1nfltcl b~ f.hp Count)' tor thP. bnttpl'" pro- tpp.tioo or thA forr' aorOll1l ~10hOllJ' hl"'"nOh. 'T'hA e~1" 1l0bprt I'P1iI'A B1I1O altrftA8 to lAt E. C.. Tholll'-8 havft . roatlw.q ?O tAf'lt "'1riA rro" th.P north Of thfl bricfp,A t.o " (JOint on N'1G1101eJ 13ranoh .u thf' Olef road no,," runs r}ft4'" thfl !flouth 01" Nloholn' Jl1"lU'lol1.. .Jao. :?1, 1907.. Rollt. E, ~"".. I ) T. ... 1)8..,. ~ ) Vlf1lwPtI C. W, CIIap..... ) ) J. B. ~14,,"1O I Upon.. oone.tth~r&t1ol1 whltl'mtr, 1t 18 Ord,..l,*cJ tI,.t Utflt tla1rl PI'port be .rioptp{~ ar.rl COne. ti"_d. And it opp.u1n~ to the Board thllt RoIHtrt; ~A'1l18 18 w1111nF to corr.plet.t'l- tht> i:.l. ... I'OecJ"IIat'A""ln B81ft rftport at a OOBt not '0 p.xdelt(t ~20.00, hl1 if' hp....eb). altt~r1."p" to ~o thfll add 1"Owl to tM ~O fAftt wlrle IlJVl "0 font t"Olldbtt(1. A1vi n. \If. LORan 18 8pl)o1nte~ 8 OO"'1Jft1ttAft of OM 011 thA part or this IOarll to vie", and I'AJOl't cpon ~a1(i ronel' nf'tp.l." 1te COJllplft't1on. 4fl(1 to r&Qf'!1v4!' 8a.,.1t 1n hiD JUflpJtilll'nt 1t 1s blllt noco:rrl1,l1': t.o thp rApa'J"t, L. n. f'flll, fupfllrv180r VI;. I'Jar App11cat10r 'J'hp P'llbl1o 00 t.l1A ~.(lt.lo" or c.. r.. r"'1811" C. w. 0hap1nat\ ffilf; H. fo:.. lllU.'flA, Vtp'1'fIrs, .("to rt.for'F l"'.or,ort. on t})p 1\1JoVft otylpri ro-w Ilpp11ont1on, thP~' ""1\ IlJ10"l'Fl(1 to .,hf"'yi t 'l~1r l"c.pfl'.t in t.l1h' to t'tm.. t"t.p.ll" 1nt,.nt10~~thP r'h'pOF~tit)" to bp. :r,':iP. of' in€' fl1rf',\cp. watp.,. ~1\1\r,,.,, f(') 1\8 aloop. 64i'" 1"0<<(", n~ ~"p.ll I'll' t.hfD1'" 1nti1'lt1on \'1,tth rp!'r>rAnl"p to tt.., "r1r11f! on f"ir' ;Cl.t", t"P (\1),1(1 r~l'ort or thP vlAvtAr~ :In t,1l1~' ChlllP h'l.vlnr ~PI"",l o!or"" hpf'n '...t10I'te(1 ~ci cooflrnf'r1,;. ~urJerv1801" B. w. J.o~81n t'11a (l'.l~' turllPcl ovpr to 1 hft no.lrc\ ttt"" f1Urr, Of',;:, c~ntl', ~,Qinr thA attount rprllndp.r~ to '11:', !>~I thp. ;{ol1l!.ol". fi"r"VIllr~ ~0'l"1'>l.'W fot' ,~n p1"ror In t-',,, ll.CCOUI1t 0" f;'111rl r.'Oh'lP&rJy {,.aiel b,y thP. salri J1011r~, '.y"1~'1 I'il"Ci)nt 1{; 0['(,.1""'" to tel" turnflf' ()vpr by thf! Clftl'k to thP. ~r9&ft..a.rp.1'. [;" tT,Otl0'1 of :l.r. bAll. it ls 01",1...,.(>,' tl1tlt hPloaf"t,pr 1\]] .U!P.O'll1tS i, pr88Rn1,Pd to tlU,f: r'():.rf fbr .sul'I,118ff l'tlrC:l~t:e{l tor roac18 or:. Ol.~p.r 1,>Ul'~OMn; 1T1JJ;t be O. I,r.. i by thp J.tlrt1es '1f....O 1.uronstiPI1 thA ~'~id 8uI'1111ps, oof'orf, 1'l"PflAnttl.\,1on to th~ r'Ohl'f1 for pa)"l!,ant. W111.!.am (J"t-nall.l ) ) ) ) , n, Thp fuhli~ Ii , It 6vp&>t.r1nr f,O thft T!nl1rd that W1111'lJn Oatnpul ')f'rp'toforA l''''MI",1ttpc\ I~ cl1ar1{~p. in thp PUb11p. tooat' "long Dry Dl"anch 11'1 f:alf'ltt'l ..(af.1tttel"1o.1 District. to bp. m.,,'e throuf''1 ~itl lund, upon aonr1t10n that. h9 be rp.1mD.ll'flPt1 rOl" l'\nrl ~o.Jf\a(;rff~, ::"n 'v'1 lUt.O\lnt to br 8E.rpp.Il ;q>on w1thout t.he apl)olntMnt or VlltW8rl. ~ and that llft 1B w1l11ng t,o If.CCftpt th~ 8111'1 or '~ll.1.,JII 1n fUll f'or 1II..td daaagfts; it 1s Oftifltr"d thH.t thft 01~"k 18BUIt n:l,,,, A WSl"rant f'Or fta1r' SUI!) 1n BAttlement. t01" d".gAB 8U8ta1nft(; by h1'" b)l' r"a80n of thfll ahanp:_ 1n 881d :roa(i" "hioh ohange 18 h"l'"ftb)t adopt.ftr' b~' f.hfl AoaNf. I On JIIOt1on or J.lr.. l.og.n, it 16 o~fItr.d tl1at an invitation bit 'xtendftrl to E'tat" Ul((ll- "AY COfftll111181oner W11e0I1 to llIflt"t ...1th this Board At t.h~1" J/JfI"t1ng on the t.h1nt 40m'a.y 1n "ebruu)l', 1907, Aftd Gonter with. the .fltIlbflra th"f1ftOt aB to t,hft ,,~ttfll" of' thA ~ or ~M pubUo ..,"'. till'''' ...noble ro. tho in thlo Ooutltl'. and """ ""lit to pm.."" "Uh ,..~ ..1th the pu-rpoelll" and' to elve to 'the no.rtfl ~fto()lIlJWlnct_'t10n"wlt.t\ ret.. ..l"tt....OIt to 1'0_ tulld1nr. 'tftd UlPI'O.fItlMnt a. ". "at tf.a1rlt. I!o- 18 t\1!'th~1' OM..'" t.Plat . the 1nv1t.at1on on tne p..t't of t ta l3o..riI btt _atAndftd b~ CoUlOnwe.1t.b' B Attorney R. W. Khl.f'. du.l)- llleoted to the offioe ot COunt;y E\lperlntAMent of RO~8 fOr the tAl'''' end4.l1It Z,!E.rOh lat, 1908:. T'hl! bontl of Bdd o~rloAr bQl~ ~ f1xe" bJ thlt TJOllrc' at t.1,ooo.on, thp Bald Ii. 1>. JlOlll'!>9pt, tog-8the!" with thll United St..tftB P1dal1ty and Oual"l\nty COrn1)U,T1~, pntflrfld 1nt.o 8l'ld ftoknowl(tde:ed a bow :S.n thp abow. lla1l18rl pl:>nt.ltl fiuril'\t t~9 seBslon of tlte ro~ro, wh1ol1 1s herftb~ ..pproved. The lJa1d U. D. !loltbltPt." .. CO\Jn't1 alp6p1nte"ftdel1it o!" ROIWE) 1~ hArAby d1rfliatflct, Upon l ~~U.,l.,\~b1 hI if~H, , ~lfr: [ ~ :i llll,' II-I,ll Ill' I h, , IW'i ~~l 1'1 ,'i, '[ji III il I' ~ 'I I (t. w. '.I'wl,., fupprwltor) ) Yr,. ) J 'J"lP P.lbUc ) , ;(oac1 AJ.l'Ueatlon -~ -'-- ---~.~--_. Ant.A1"lnpo: nq t.tva ~hohAl'pft of hh ~ut1~e, to takA hn 1nvll'Tlt;o~ ot. dl mlllpb, tf'!'1Jn~, ".ponfl:, . It 8ppp~rj--Jr to" t h~ EooJ'"rl t.hat thfll Is"'" O.....\,.1"S Arr"otpl' by tnI' ChQllF,p .nol11np[')', tOOls, et~., belonging to t;:p Count)" or to u.1\Y roarl d.htriot, ~ld ~11e a copy ""'oonrroPofltlrt bv t. ~ v1~~"'P"A 1n t.hb "boyp etylprt GAllBP t}IlVtl bll'po fl111~' 51\1ftltOnf'o. of' Bame ...1t.h thil> P.oard. ..0(1 not, lI'J~rtl'1"1n~ "11.('1,.. C\bJ"ct1npo to F.A.1rt "'''pol''t, it. 1s o~~r""d th.t 8,fl'iP be con- rll""p~ 'i~ tn ,:-,:r'~. ii.4,..,.jf\t Arlf.~tJ"onl', AJl'!"()n ft'lr'l(f\Y f1Tlr1 :.trR. r11",n !iuff'ann, Ordered t'hat the Poe.rrt b~ acfJournA( until tm th.irc'! -'.{onil',.~ 1n Fp.brtwry. ,.(/I(.,"J/.~ ?,/.'_ I,nr' it r.l....t'<!Ar QHJPaf'1np th'lt Jo'm T. ..,....Of' <U1fl ;.(, n. f:pAHs~rd Jointly e.n(l [1'''1')'- r:.rtl. Tl"llPltl"t, tttf' ot.~I'~' hnd (pmpl"S affp.ctp.ri thl'I'Ab,y, obJp.ct t(l th~ du.lft()(-~pn ."'I1l'(iPr' .:/ t'1o v1,.",.7"'!}.1 tI11:: C<iUH'f on thp!)' I'I'IOt1orl 1t h. OrrhJrf!c1 tno.t J. T. .,....pr'~"rd~ .r, w. na"lP100f1, fl. B. r,rlf,~o, T. C, Cl'taVl"um an~ Ii. 10;. ;':R':f>A., or any t'lrpp of't'l"'m, tlp nm' tlyl;y "rl=' hpl"p.by IIpr.o1 ntfuf comr,18c;10rwl's to fO upon th~ l'Ollt,. 0 r ~ ..1(' C'l.encp flS r~eOl"<Mp",'8t~ b., t l1P. Yle<",p-re throlJgil t hp Prollort)' 0 f t.l'w ahOYp- nQlM~d pprtiOlltl, IU1d uuof'!rt&.i.n 'fh",t. '411 be fi jutrt. cOlllpenas8l1on for tl'P lf1.~ 01~ tlleir~ to bp '-18"1'1 ror.l'UCI-) chanr.e .l~l row') tU'Vi rudU, tt.p..1r report to '~("J;(I'-IiOllfF, }',:J,F.q, V"" FJ.'bv. U", 11:07. 'I'l\tt ~","" or ~'tJlftrvlf1n"'l!I (\f Ho,mol<<> f1ol1nty I",Pt. t illA "RY ,.t t.l1P r.mtrt-',o'lflP in ,,"p,..,ilLr nlonthl)l' 1821'11100. .... pqy.;t-r.PfJ": f,. Jl. 'J'117"n~'1fI", Ch.~ll'mtm, n. ..... T.oeR", It. __ .... nnr fl. W. J.P"f1~. ~ .....lS,~\1.\. 'J'h8 IDln-1t9o hf 1.h9 last IlAPtiTlF \lfpr" !iI.l.rovpcJ 'UI ,,"Pail. toil!l, rO(u."'. ThA ronovt111P. 01a1.s Ql:"tLlnKt thtt County .!"~ fJx'im1I1Prf, api,rovpo an(f orc1.orPtl t,o b~ ~...;vv...~\-""I'!. r<. f:. Ero-vr. j.~1(1 bj' ....aP1"rmt Oilt or t'1P rUOO.tl ret>pect1vely c!lu.rJ-~ub1" ttt"J',...,1tlt, tn 1o\'1t: .J. 11. r.1\1lIpPt" '9t 1,1ft. (X)JOQnAP' 8 RCQO'tnt "'1f;.!'-') /q t) Yr,. C. f,. C1'l\tlt,.l"'_ ~. r.f\tll.~b'l IJ1t1t .,.1ct. nnnrf I\CCOllnt '?7....} T\H~ P,lthl f.. ;.0.. l.l1lJ'"t1'1 Jlr-wp,.t, Bl"lf' C'll"],Pt 1"0-,. C. 'j. 5~.0l} On rr.ot.lon or .';". r"'l-jr.,sh,..,., it 1:; ONlP1"PfI t1l'i-t t.hp. ;~l1'.,.k notlf)/' .1.r.f1~1"t>. ralA", ""intin,- lU\rl Pl\bl1ftt'tlnF CrI. :>.5;) tl..."I<H fOr CIArl{'~ ~f.'1cp ,fo"n l.lAttr; Roar- f~CCOllnt r."\VP. f.prirw n1~t r1ct ,J[l"l!l A. "'iytor, T. J.lt.... l~OUCi\, I~. ..... COlli,ton luld A. H. iiowE"ll that. unlr::a: Il.f);) tt. L. Bpllrr. J.~nl1 nll-l>)RF"~ f'Or J!l.ft.k1-.,C roov\ "4.50 t hf> U If.on nt, f(1l&.rantoA(l by tilArr. ror thp bllllr1Tij: of thA al)ovp IItYlf'(! roarl 1" w. R. iIetlte1\ &. Co. Coul fbr C. 'I. 1i.1)(t uf'ricp.& ~,25 l'Rir. lnto t'liH J.()Hl"Cl on ('" 'JfttnrR t~p. r<P!>J"llli"Y m"'~11nt. tl1f1orp.of, "'Hit tnp Jit- to"',lI'''.. f'or thp f:oa,.rl ...,111 bq lnr.t.ruot,p(i to 0011Act, trn. ~,tlMt in the ll'mnAr prp~ ~ot"1bp.tl by low_ 1). F.. K..r""lvAr How' acen'ant. rl1e r,j,ck 1l1At "iet J .5>) c. P. Pop-nit ~fl'rt1ry1ne ,'.HlHUI.} I1t;t, 0" orf'1cfllr~, ptc. :?on F. P. OOOfhl,l" ~of'f"inp. II.'fY! D.11"1'll 0 f' t."\'O r,f\lll'''''''' l(l.OO Tn.. rbQ.rtl th18 ttR)f, p-,rHUant tn the notloft hArptOt'Drtt C1VP.D, prooaede(1 1.0 tn" Ali1'tct.lon of a r'.allnt)" rll}'lArlntAndnnt or no",., to. th.A 11-. or ft1Kht app110ants ''f~ had Nlfttf l\PJ,11oillttona for- thft add T,,,,,1tion. J. w. o".]tn~" WHI'i plaOAri ln nomination by U.,... 8ftll, PARI" "--nSf>n "." 1.1&0#1" in noMinlltion by loll"'. J..,wb, und H. n. H('I...bprl. ",...B plaoAd 1n lXIllllna.t.ion b)' Mr.. '.Galan. "hftp" f). T. :.lBrtlT1 ~ Co- 73....1 eod f'tlr J1\11, t'\U'I1I\~A. flit-C. .'41l'C'Iln Cn:1tl1 1.oac' 0 r ",,1111 f"Or J..ll '::'.1)0 }I. O. l.(anJ~11l 1"0J' l~O ~hlfl.J'lPfl rat" fOhn, ....toO J. C. Tttl'tf ROO1f1 rAnt tor 8180t10n ;1,00 R. n. .iurt "aujHItl"' ROColmt ~.),) Vei. & T,m". '1'fllftphDntt CO. 'r'llOnf't "t Illrr.t>hout\P. 3 1rIOTlt"la bA1ne no plftctlon, nn tM f1J"at ballot, ;.(1"'. ""Men .... dl'Opp*" 'l'h,.. 81'oond '..0.) t':aJLfl . . . ,Jo.11 ballot- ,....sultAri: /tor J,I,.. r.W,.lt.T1'l~: ~1". FMtll Rftd'Ilt". r.Awl..; rrtl'" 1\,.. Ilowbttl't: J.~r. 1,0rl\" I\nt' ..t... 't''tlPAsh"r. ThA t'hlrcl 1)-..110" PA8ultl't~ no1 bttf6..,:o.rk1 thel"~ beLntr a t.ift vot~ on the DOa1nat.1on or "4al"S. n".ltl'le,v ...w llowbert, ,}. P. trcut2. thR COI!l1J118810"8" appolnted bJr ttu~ Circuit Coul't... was 0..11ed 1n to oAat tile do.1~1ng "'to, 110 th'~"'l""n VOhd fOr Ill', JlGwbe"" , 'WhO w.. d..l....., ~.:;o Au at 1n Garland Janitor'lI Mtrv1QPII 1.0;) Ih U. Iiowbftl't, eounty w.pftrlntenrlfmt. of Roac\t, thle da~ 8ubll1ttRd the fol10wll1t: :l'ftpol"t of fltxVp~1tt1:1'''''' for the IllOnth ending t.hle dat...: falA'" o1et1"1ct 1'000 tuIV1 7.fl"" P.R."#! SpJ"1ne' 01tttJ"ict f\nw '60,1<7 tit" l,iek . . 14.?5 p.ounty fltnr' ..iIZ'.!:U.- Ii iI \ ,\ \ I \ 1\ , ,11 " Ii II I ~14t'1.~3 'l"hf" fl)lC1 :l'flportft bp.inF al'l'rovP(l ,the Clprk 15 (ll:rpctP.f\ to letllle war- rRoots for thp f1lln,(\ num.pc;l, out of' tll'" f\lrxt~ :rftl!lpActlvplY ohur~fId th"l'ftW'1t.h. w. F. ....fIJ~1P.;)", &lpPl"1ntp.l'Wlpnt or th" Poor, this (1tlY Allhwlitt...r' hi8 r..pol't. of flJJ<l)fl'nl'll'-f nt thf' A11Jl8hOUflP and Par... tor f.hA tnOntlt of .J8I'l\18J"Y, 1907, a8 follOWS: Port'1r Poff 01"0 cPJ"lp t', fl!tc. ;!.7P rl1".it.h /.' t<pl"p\san n"Y l'a(l(lt:~ ptc. 1.00 T ro..-') '11\1"(\\II'8.rfIJ r"., .j""""'IIol'A l.t? L .-, r it ".fPral( I< Co, li-fOocer1A8 4.~~C) Conrlul Phat'Jlltt.Cy Ill"IlFfI .70 Crockfltt. f:rBhlUf. 9l0l"K on f"l"r. 1I',7~ Ruf'llr Ln;pJ"lIt> . 14.~ .IQcil T,>.l.t'e.{l, . . 'i. Of} Arr.ollnt,inp to ,6.311 Which 15 0110"lf>~, lifld tl\P CIP.1"k 1M hp'l"Pby n1rpof,ef\ to l~ti~lP. h11". "wn....- ,"unt for Bu1d hlflOllnt in ttPttlA..nt or 8,"",,1'. ;IFCUPl't' 'lIP nlflO J"f'TIOf"tIP'" 1.'lP f"ollO,.lne rpcPlpt,8 mr thp. IflOn1.h or Jnr11Utl"'Y, to wit: i<-rOWi llIt "'le l~Bli"&l~ 1 bl\",,.pl (\ f r\oufO 4.!,=.n . ~fOOOk#lt,t C1rnl'Lil.I".. Flo'lfO, ,~nf'fpP. ptc.. 1",.4\ '<),<)1 Wh1~11 hp 1l; r>11""H!tP(l to tllMl ovP'" to t,~p 'l'PPaf"lJrpl", nn~ t"k" n1fl J'f>- Cfllpt. tllPr,.rOI". n. W. r,A\lI1~~ f"lr,flr.1~n"', pto. n, '"P Pllh' Ie f\'l _t.1o'n or n. W. t~""l", f\l'Pfll1"V1P.o'!" of' Ce.t.A",hll 01f1tT"lftt, It 1" o!'rier,.t1 thu.t thp orr1pr f1nt,fIll'ft~ at t.he lo.flt apptlnp:. IlI'}rOlntlnp; o(l~'81Dnfllrl '\.0 allUI'. t'Rftlaf?'B to thfil lanc'fJ or John 1'. "oo~ aYM' 1&. O. 6pA18a-rc' Joint.1)', ..... nPr1")'!',S) Ilrl1lhft,rt "" ,..woltftff ~ "At B..~dft, 8nd 1-!lll" t.hB ohlUlt:ftll rftoollNnd.d ,b:f t"'" .1...... 1n thlo .au.. through thOl 1ani1. or t"" oa1d' parti.. ... not .000., .. it ~I4...i"8 to thOl 80...., tllat'tlw ..td .l\IIIlIn, .... ar. I I (\ 'Jt.~ ....,...:\.'-""\.;)... done awcq .1th~ beOauBIt or obJe,)t.lone II~A b)' thA 8&1r' land 0""1".\ I)lt"that t.h" ohs.nee& r.oo,,""." and .&t.at)lllbed tht'O-uftb t1\P. lwl' of' :-I:l'e.. llat"'l"lftt At"Il<<t.1'Onp;, AAIJIIOn fitlJ.l"'kftf antt aiI'll. Eli.'&& Hllff'Jllan bft .atllt 1n ap.COl"dBnOA with 1.hA l'eport of t.h~ 1\td.(l '11AW~l'S 'h~l'~t.o- f'D re r.OQ1D.fm~.~ and h..r" 1>>1 conn....d. ""he ,!p.c'ht"..lcs' i\o".~ T,am CO. pt 1113. .S, ) ) ) I Thp. Ptlbl10 On Mt10n of J. E. f~lllih, llttorM)', 'fI'ho pl'f!pt"nt.<<<l e. I,4lJtit.1<H'\ 5ip:o.P.<\ b)' thE! :bHHuv\ict;' Home I,an~ CO., C. C. Thomnr,. iipn1"illtta Pol1tt.1"cl, 'Il. F.. k.1fOhPllrt, J\. J. HlrnA"rt, ,,:01114" F. W:r1p.h~, JO:t. H. 'tlll.tI, C. W. EnnfIJtI, T. A. flf,1tl1.. W. w. linp!" lln~ J. H. iinr"1~: to t.hp. Poat'r1 askin,..: tORt t.... roIlorio...- r;trflAtA ..rt1 ullPye of' thA ~'AClH\I1].tlt;,' tlomp J,nnci' eo. f l' Arl(11t ion to 1. hA 'T'O'4Tl of Vinton b" rp.-op{'nPCl: :Unr Ftl"f!Pt, P.tU\t of DrBl1rlOck ftrpf't nll.1A f,tl'R~ . . . . Val. . . T1n1c:PT" . . " . a~ wl'"ll (11$ ,\11 fll1-'Y8 ftaR of Prlu>"oc1c: n.,.P.P.t; "1M" strAftt north of nH.lp. $trAAt, Bnd 1\11p.;)"1' lIr1IM"rllat"lY P.I\F,t. >lrY' ''l'p.st of Glar~p l'\.refrt., llot'. l\'1O"'-I\ b)' thf! map ('If tllA ,':"Aol\anlcs' liOl',fl t,o,l'll Co. of rAoo"" 1n thp. Clflrk'fl Ot!'1oe fOr the count;>, or RoanDile, Va. It 18 Ol"l'lArfll~ that, thfl IItrP.fttfl anI alIA)''' bft oVpnA<' tUI l,p.t),tinnp" !'Or, D.tt. wit;n t~e UR1ArB'\a~1n~ that t.he r()Rt"~ tlOAfi not tlCCftpt thAIr.: If.:. -pub11c '11r-l1wO-yt' to bp flo1,..,tolnp.cl at l>ubl1o AXp8lUlA. IN H~. TIT1J;.Wi,'l'F.~ RAIL'''Av m.:aP,n'fV i , i I \ j TM rollo',,1ne lllttA'!" fro"l John ';:PP, Afll,1"tu.l1't AttO!"rut)' or thp. 'fie" P'NotAr Hallway CoaVany, w,.lt.ten 1n t'4ulponBf! t.o t",,, orCIer ftnt~r"it by ttt1~ 'nJ\~ >lot itt Tlftcembl>r, F'h)6~ 1114H.t1n,:. b hftr"'b)' If,rlo(ll B ptll"t of thp. rftC!or(l 1n 1"(1r"'t'f"no," to thP I'",kttprt, iJlV,'llVfI(I in f.u.ld ordei": 'u~_..&t-~ 1l..1l..~ Co..p"~ T118 De"pW'ater Ka11W'a>' COI'~l'UIIY \4or~'olo(, '/I~.. HflC. 31~>, 1')06. r 11A /; H-!i T.ftfli.l pftlll.lJ"1.rr"'llt 1\1 o,1f11ct : l~Uf\(l (~nf\.Orfll . l.lt'. l:hl\rlftH II. J)flll\lt, ClArK. t;tj,lp.Jll, Va. neat" filr: I h.VI bll'or.. Jr." a oop)" of an orelAI' ....p..d ~ thil eoa1'd of at(oerv18ol'B of Roanoke OQunt)'.. on Dlo..bat' 17th, .nd .al'm upon !tt. "alt"!'- Wataon on DftOan,b8r 26th., Hcp.laatlnp; tlw 'I'id....t.~ R..n.1lI 00.,.... to tall_ au41\ _,p, ... .~ ... "".......f to prot.", ,...Ii .....no. IUIIl OIMjl& ,. ....hin JIIlbl" ..11I1, _... tlla 01\-...011I. 11\ t1\. boO of __k. Rllfp1' at S.lf1... I bf!.,.. to a(Jyll'ft that our IInB1ne'F. haYe .eoel.." fUll lnJftl'Uot.lonl to do what. 18 neoftsaary at this point to 1\\11~ Pl"Otttot the aaid pubUo poad, W to do th1s h,!u'rllat@ly. Will you klndl)' 10 whlep. to,. aoll.rcl or A.lp"pvlaoPI? V.PN 'toNl)' ~UPft, John K""., Ati8b:tant ilttornfty. ) C. I.. Al"~P\"'lIon ) I v.. ) , -hp F\lbli~ , , On tlw '1! [Jl1cat10n or C. L. Anr,,.,.ltont 1t 11' l')""J~rpd l.hRt Fal!"..:~l ~~r", ii-o!')' t.tQ",t.!', Jonn ~"R.rfl, J_p.. i.(ow)a8 anct R. F. Mac-'u.., l'p(lltip.nt fr"'dhohhtrfl or t.111s fO.n1If'lt.y, "1110 ~t"P l\,.r"by 6j'lolntfl~ v11l~l'fI for tn_ l<U'1.loaflt (8~ thr.... of' ""~O!"l T'I'IY .~r.t \, c'o v1p.w tlV' VfaY fot' a proTJO""rl l~b11c '"oad 1n thit. count:.' from thp 1\'K)"t1f,H1n ro~ b"tWftP.R ttlfp l'dlt'ft 0" ;{P1/'~lll" Mrt r,pof \". ;{nln_r to th~ ,ol1ota1n l'iOr1 of l'lu1c' i,,'~pr!lonJ..l1 ~08tt ofth16 i.roca~1nr to bP at thl! cost (\1" t.h_ np~11c,mt \, .-..V' J""port. to thlft ~fIt conVPol~ncf"fl ...-lit lnconV"n1"'nc~r. t,~..t "'ill )'"pP;ult ",1\ Wp.l1 t.o 1l1(liv1r'UOl" all to thp. Jl'lhI10, lr mch 1'1 J-"lblle roQCJ t:1\o~llr.'! bOo I'>,.t'l.bli~hrc' -.5 !.rop,lt.II>d) ,"(1 flBPfI!(!ie.l~~ "(hRt~,. any yarn, l"IU'l''t"n or orcharil, or bll)' ptl.1"t 'tt'lprfltot', will, ~n frJ,en caBe. haYP. t.o be taken; "fh8thftr 1l1.\1(! i'!'Ol.(\t;Pt1 roarl wIll bp. of 6UC~ 1DP.r@ I,plv..tlt oonvI'>n1p.\lcP t*b to mnkp It, [,rol.Pl'tilut. it :;"1o'J!c' bP oI>f'tnl'!'r1 an,: ,ippt in ore'''?" hJf thp J.erf.on or l)p.rF.on~ for wno8~ oonvfln- h.ne.. 1t. it! ('F!S1rAfi ; lHI1r vip-....ArH dllll1 .u~o rpport thf' l1UJl',p.1I or thlt 14nt, Olfn- I>r~ th'"oUt:h "/'lO~'P l'al(lft tile rl'.urll,ropoll..r1 ro.~, if' f1tst.h.blir.hp.r, 'f1111.aI!i8, llI1Cf Ftfl,t.II> "'''le,",. 1'" all)', Or thRill. rp,,u1rp r.o~r.pnIlBtlor1 f'Dr thp. 1 "Ofl, of" PI.f.1rl~ ,.p_ 4u1,....(1 to 00 tu.{prl f'or :'I.J1~ l.roIJol'Nl roo", t~ flr(Jhr~bl", U-O\.\llt', to wh1ctl. ln thp1r 0}.1"1011 t.hp. t>'l1<' l'm,l 0''11\11>1'1'1 1'H!LY hp rl'f1ppcf.iv,..l)' pnt.1tlp.tf, topftt1ler ...-it'l any ot'tPr 1'Illttf-'r ~_P'I'\P,-\ p"J"t1np.1'lt bi' tl\PIr't Hml ...hall Of.l~n r~tl1rn Ii It.o.p 01" (l.1urror: ulonr Yf'1tl"! thP11' r"Y01"t. Tl\~ tcl1ow1Y'\l:" pAtltlon f,.oll'l J. P. nout~ was t.~lE t"~ (1Ib"',ttt_c1 to thp r:oal"d; Tn t"e ~"M of SUl1p.rvhorf: 01' HQIlookp ~o'lI,ty: 'i'hiA unf;Arely,f18o. olt1rll." Co..,.. or AOCOlU'rt;a or aa1d l.:ount)f, eoaJO. or tift" or BoaI'(! of' fUl'ftrvhorB, Cohr. to drllw Jurl"e Nfltqt1Ant 1)' , and CO.t'. of Pftn"lon", rfllBpecttuUY aeke t.he ~.rd t.o allow h1. t.he uee or 8 plrt or the two otfia.. 1n It.fllt "l"1f of' Court..tlOue... Buoh UI_ not to lntflrfAr-.W1th the USA l.h.....ot by , , 'the pre...... ooou)Jante. PAbf, 17t-I\, 1907, R.lpAottUl\f 1U~1ttod. J. P. UOUt.B. ! I j . ...J I R. S. Bro.TIt At, 4\18. 11\.......- "'"' (\. Lj VI, r>~!i'-h....,,>tl ...1 Thll' Pub110. "~~ f1'4t.~ ",,<~...4.... "M..........l~.lqf).... ~,1r~ J;,._....~ to"; tho 1h<>, . o Upon aon.id'.atlon wl\4treot, tM Daard F.raflt,e t~.<J1ftBt. pra)'f'd ro.... 110 tar a. the eeet flOO.. 0' the Ooun-houl' 1. oono.1"ntd, -the nfltxt 1"0010 bftlng rfll;eAt'vftd for thlt UIIi" of thil ClArk, an(\ tlubJeot to hie t11epo.ltlon. B. W. LoRan, FupAt'vhol", pto. ~8. The I\lb11e It 8pf"81'1nf:: to tltflt lbafd,rrorr. thfl vprbal rPllort 1."18 c11:tJ" tl'I\bJllIttll'-\ by D. Vi. J.oP'QO, hftriAtot'Or~ nPl'olrrt.fIJd 11 COlMr,lttpA to vtfIJW n~ r"'port upon t....P. ",lid road nf'tp.1' lt~ comple- Cion, ~ to t"Rcllti1/p. thlt elAn", 1f, in h1t! jllOI1r"",nt. it '11ll'- bfPl'n bJllt acco:rt1iYlr; to tOR vlf>wftro' r~pot"t, tl'1.at t~ !!.I.1d rOad hflll bepn bll11t. in a fluf.h:faotor)' ftl8l1t'1pr; it it:. thPrf>- 1'01'9 ord8r4!~, '11-'01) h1B rROOlWllfn\t1at1on, tllnt tlv! er..~d J"oad be l'ecelve~ ~m th8 contractor'll Hobftrt ff!aY"fl, ,~ .."tabllahfl!t" a"" f"01.tnty roan, in aQcorc1l.nc~ "}.tt'\ th.. "pl;.ort. of t.hp delfflrtl }V~rI'tto1'nr" 0001"1...". I ) ) I ) ) T'l18 r1"y C'lIDA A. B. UO.....ll 111 vp.rflon.. u~ JOhL A. Taylor, T. 1'801.. f'.our.n an(t c. w. Comi'ton, b)' R. C. tlontts, thpJr ar:ent, t 1JPJI I;R1np thp P.l1rtlf!'!I "Ihn "'1)11 hprptofo:rp pl(J.1'llO_ auba'Jl"1pt1onB to thf' Waehll\f{ton 1Ip.1Fl'!.t~ r'Ol1ll, to t.t\p 1.\1'IlO\\01. of t....w.U(l, in rp- l'lponsp to thp. notlce 1sf::u_('l to t!\9ID at thP tURt mpp.tin/.'; ...-nO on thp1r motion, th@;v (41''' permittAt'! to l'~ over to thl! Board thA BUr.. or !21G.OLl l'l c"'6h ..-1lt1 checkl', 'lnrl tlw rf!- CP111't of' fi. J. Gft.rflt, onft or thp mlbtl'cr1~rll, ror ~'lU.I)I), ror 'JIIOrk t!onp by h1lTl, in pq_ Itent o!" ~lh 8'l.ld eubllor1j'tlon, llll'ollJlt1ng 1n f~ll to :2~G.{)rJ ns R cyopcf1t. en t.h111J" t1u,rnn- tee of ?400.0Q of f1ubftOl"lI,tion:1 tOvr/lJ"ll tl'\@ conZltl'llct1nn 0" fi.:.lrl roae' , Anc! the tll!lft for the pa.y~u'nt. of the rAaall'lller or IIll1d ~400.tJO h, on t.h~lt" 'II'IOtloo, Axtfll~fIJc1 fbr At 1,erlor. of ninet)' dn)'5 frQp'_ thb cfutfll. ~Jt It 18 uncMrstooc' laW atrrA'PrJ b,}' thp. !laid fuo.runt.or6 t*n~ thie Board that thft &ce."tance or t.I1h Orltrlit ~;hu.ll In no ...,1!\fI! 1mpa.ir thp. l1ab111ty or the &u1.d A. B. IIOWfII11, Joltn A. T8flor, T. r.a:J.. Canol'!. IUIrI C. W. COlti.,ton ror thp rull IIUII F.Uarant.""'d b,y the.. ~J'd.P"d tMt tlvt no.1'd btt &dJoUl"rutrl until the tilll'(1 ~nt1ay in nfllxt month. J,;-:'//,~" J. /,.'-.. ({., .{ - II I il i :1 1111 ' , f !if,.' I ,hi' ,f, ! I n: ~ 1: ", ; 'I. Wi '11-,.1 'l Ii ilt!!1 Ii,: 1,;1 ~ I . , ~H f : ~'~." ~ r : 'II! ,< I II: i 'I' 11~!,li If: , t ~ i !JI. ,'Ij II , II I' II i I , I !, ~ f CouJ't-hDu.et Gah., Va., lIa,oh 18, 1907. 'I'M Board ot "'p~..h... .t Ro_k. COunt.~ _ '"10 da,y in .....ta.. IIOlSlIljl J G. W. L~.18, ~peP9ieo?, eto. ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) 8ft.stan.at thf' Court-IuIUlft. PRR8I',.".: 8. F. fl'1ra."l", Cha1MQ, G. W. Lftwt., D. w. Logan 8nd J.. D. BAll. YO, fl. P. Ooochdn Co f'f1n for ptl11lflr 4.00 I 'I'he ""bUo I t era ha.... b"iDn _arlit 1n thp ~t8...b8 ROHri, through tblt lmdB or thP bftlo'4' naaerl psrt188. it , j ! 18 Ol'dflrftd that t.lv. C18Pk 188\1<<' to :"'''11. IIQl'rtf!t Al'metro"f. l\ warrant for ~?l.OOt -the Ifll1('l 'J''''p mlnlJtlltIJ of thP IRet. IIPptlnR '"""It 8foPJ"O'lerl 8I1.d reall. Tnp. f'nl1o","lnp a181aa ~81net the Count)' "1"ft ftxelnlnecf, apPPOYftd arvt opcfftrett to bp paid by 'Jf8J'rsnt 0111. of thp ftlnde rftspltotlvpl;V cnal'gf'ablA thltr"w11:.h, 1:.0 ....U: On _1:.10n ot O. 11'. r.ftwle, Bl~ it appfllQ"ln~ that. tlWt Ch.RTtp;f1115 PftOOI'll_ndflld by t.h.. vi...". J. A. Thom8son, )oilIng County olook 2.50 &nd ~nc~ da!la~8 a""ar~~d h@p; fI.nt' to :Are. F.lhl'i Hllffl'nan R w8...rant fo1' ~lO.:)O, the {"6nOft Evpr@t.t WGil'r'f>,f Co. neat! boOk "olle' ptUll!I 19,19 1,53 d-.map:uft .waMfllrf Iter b)' thlt V!ftwP1'8. f'&.fTlP. Jl] ',nite fb r C1 erk' S 0 !"f1ce I'll'. n. .,. Wi)p,y J..unac)' /locount (N. 1). 11ean \ 2,50 'I'nA lialconfllt" Co. PM,t, ftto., ro... Cl,,~kf f! Office 10,<)3 A. ptttlt.lon, 81RMt1 ~ W. L. Cook nnd thirty ot.lvI'l" ree1ch'nt8 an1 q'ltf\111'1ftd VOt"1'8 J. :.l, llR1Rhbore J.oa,cl plnA fbr or1"10ftB :?50 or Bons8ok pp!o1not, In nip' 1.1~Jt M8.Flflct.8rlal nlst.T"lot ~ Bsking ror '-lIP adoption of thf'o Ilro.. ':!on",nct f H Ph.a.rlf,"c)' .lop for '1ourt-hou88 ~to. 3,25 .,11110n8 of' thP BfI!ne1"al otook 10.'" a8 t6 8alct prAQinot. '-"loS this day proell,.ntlD(l: uno thP. Bo8N1 oons1dftrlng Iu.lct 1>"t1t10n, 1t 18 Oftlprft(l that t,hfl! r.lf11:rl( 01" t"h foQrfl have poetf!rl J. w. Darr.."'lOClc' ~ t"f'1n r.rn' wr1al 0 l' PA.\1llflr !'l.oo P. T. ..~at't1n A: lb. Co'l! It) l' 0 rN098 S.on f'Ol" thirty dGfB, nt tt},q front door Of tM ~OUt't-hOU8B or Rf\"'nok~ Count.}' ,-.ntl at ftaoh vot- flUJlp 10.00 1ne plao" th8l"ftill, III'W .,1BO publ1ahed once 8 'lf9f1ok for r"Ut" 8\10....HUI1v~ weeks 1n th.. f,81el!l , . L. F. n,"l('k~y P"'lr,pr, Pt.c. 2.tiO T1Jftfll8-R981ater and P"nt1nll, 'J n""8pf\per JQbl1sMCt 1n ed" oounty, (\Dt1cfUi to nIl to whOT'. falf,f! . (f'orpit:npr' 1,.50 it may conoern, tha;t l)n t:\f~ thlJ'(t :1.0MB)' 1n 1ltlY, 1907, to w1t: t,h., 20tn ('~ o~ j,(~. 1907, . W. }o'. I.oeklt1:.t . . at thp Court-l\nUI\A 1n E~lf11., the 13041'(1, at 1t8 l'Pf,1l14r mont.hly m."t1ne, \If'111 cons1der the Qt!v1dab1t1ty of' dft~l.~lT11~ thfl bQuJ1(/ary 11n98 of ...ah lot or trR.nt of lam) 1'1 t.~at part of" Roa\1Oltft Co'\nty I\S 16 s1tuatfld w1th1n thlR pIlRotlon l,rAc1nct. 01" Ransack, 1n titg 1~lok ..lag1l;.. tartal D1strJ.ot, to bfl' 4 lawfUl f'enott a8 to Itl1 Ilm.ala JI'I''nt.101\efl 1n f....ct1on :2042 1n thf! COde of V1rf1n1R., to wlt: Tlorsfts, OOl"e, Qattle, hOF,8, 8heep 1IIl~ f,ont"'. !>,OO Sn.lpm "~n Co. WIl('OI1 tbr Count~ fl:lJ"lh 62,50 fl11p.m :.:attrp.Es Co. .':8ttr8SEf!8 f'Or Jllll 5.00 C. T. l,oc,!(ptt CtJ.l"'fln8 tb:r paupP.:rs (2l R,OO Johnrton h nay PlW.pp.r account .5) lllu;.t1n r.arlf:l.nd .hm1torF. 6f"rv1cP8 1.00 tf. F.. Ufllc'lp.y, t-;"tlp",rtntpnrt",nt of thf> lOor, th1s nay Il'llbmttt,," hJ.a rli'port or It. D. nOwbArt, Coul1ty fQpttl'lntal'Jh~nt or ROB(le, this c'ay 8\1b1n1t.tfl!d h1s ~P.port of ~x- pp.nd1turft8 f'br t'1.e month Anr'1nR' th1s ""ltft, as fOllow,,: PxppnSPf; at thr ^lmf,~lnllfj" Hnrl :'Ilt"fD for thp t!lOntl1 of 1'F'Df'Uary, lr"n, nE follows: ::;al". D18t "lot tu11l1 "lOP1: on l'08de 12,50 rb fr' ,. ro 1't. Ury rOO"I', ptc, ea... Sp'J"8 IlJst rJot lIJ"" . :'.'?~ . . 72,51 "'. Jj. ))11:.-.r,~ 01"1\[ Cr. T.""'VI" ...tc. Elg T,tok . . . . 7,10 . 152,41 Brown Tiarrlwarft 1":0. litt.r"W8rp. IlIAt""ba . . . 4,68 9,21 . . ~.10 r-:. A.. f.'1t7.Fp.rnlci k Co. GroCf!r1ft8, Ate. COunty fUl'k'I, 88 per etatftlMtm 55~,16 ~g2~.6l< R. D. HUM, I'OP anI! p1,.. Pry ROOtiF. ,7~ 17,2; l!\,OO ~.50 R. ~. :.If\rt 1n Wh1ot\ 18 approYfld. IIftlt tlwt Cl"l'k 18 (Ur*otlt<t to 188'.1" h1m "arrante fOl' the BJ!lOtlnt6 nRt'aed. ptq'ablft out of thtt f\lnc!s rea}lftat.1v81:( ohal:'geable t,hRr""'1t.h. r.ra Okf!t Orahalrl WnJ"k 01\ fum Runu 1,1l})J"r . . . Ht'n_y fJt\lt h "'O'lnt tng to . . . 1),00 '1'0).74 1lWIPl' PORI> SnIIlBF" ,/ On 'he ptIUUon Of 01IaJ'1.. 111hon and ot"".. to. . b.1dS' ..... &wItt. ....rd of Ro.... , olio IU...r, ..... 81J!ll1' /It.l.n, t"" Ilo.... ..n.td~'lns oa1d ptIUt1.n and not ""1"8 tulljl Wh10h 111 approved, 11M' thlt milt!"" 18 riil"f'otlltd to 18sue hJ.m ""AI'..,.nt fttp . "41ft ftIlII)unt., ln ft8tt.lllt.nt of II.... lie .~port.d no ....11>\0 nt. t... ..ntll, ""Y1o.. all to 'lie ooat. of .e1d ....1d1l' o. tlla benet1h to III "..h" ..\Son '......n '0 . tu,u.. ""1"8' oont1ru..- the.."f8_. I " III : . II lp!l I!~ 'I ~In I ;Jq i I ~!!d i [I ~ f ; :.11'11 th.\ Hi; ;> Ill' ~ 'HI ~ , , ~, : t~ ;', , i I ~, : ii,' 'I f"1 ii'f i 'I" , " , I I,'} , " ':1 Ilr i j i,:L;, nil I'.f' '.'... I' '; . " Iii I i III I I I . I , ! i \~"'_~l.~t.."" l;,1-\.._~...I.'J.""", 'nI......1 r"'.. ~ .1' I A, U. :.lertin' , ) Vs, ) , ThS Pllblio ) I ~>t\-~I\\ .~,'Vv\........ .in t-b111 county, to be "iIIdf'llate-d by or bft1"o... the t 1_ f\&1d roroe 18 available, this ap- plloation to be f11ed with eald stat.. illgh",~ eo...la81on8I", "Uh f.hft PAq\lftat toot toh' Nq-; ulaltlon be ~ii:d in thft order of' q,ppl.tcAtlonlnow flIed with hia tor Bald p.lrpos..; RESOLVEnt "1'Pthllr, t.h'lt. 8. F. Thrashery th8 I'ftprfu1entatlvft oathis BeaM frorrl Big Liok Ue.g.1ataozo1al l>.tatl'lat, be 0"" he 1. hepflb)' authorized to fJXpAnC titian of thfJ road riie- tr10t f'urvlu 08 ap*, 8"ial1ablfl fr'olli tnl) surplus 800\111Ula1.10n8 bAlongll1f; to oUd distriot, 1n .:.{aoadaml711nR BUoh Ileot.lona or th.. 1'0&(18 of sald dlstr10t Ifll8dlntt lnto Rounoke City 8n w1l1 Mst 811b8f1ll"'Ift 1 he 1nttn'..et8 of thR people 'or that dletrlot. The above ""t:otttttone _rtt &dopt<<d by unHn11lC1U8 vote, all JI"Jft~l"e bftlng P""~t'"t nnc' tOting , .1_11" ~). It apPfllal'.t11l1 to tM 80aM that the publio 1"0-' from thP 1"p.81dpnatt ot AI W. ;l.aM.ln to Kfln!")' branch, in Oa.8 6pri!lft Dhtrlot, hll~oO narrow, ~ 1". 60n of thp w8l1hinp: alWay of" 1ts banks by the oreAk, ~ 1. he eald A. II. >A.art1n aprpp.1ne 1n ppr80n to 8ltt h1s f"AnoA8 along 881<' POint baok Aight reet, and dttd_ 1aatfl the Baief i!llrht-tbot "trip to t.hA county, U' thA Eoo.rcf \11111 f\trn1Hh tllfll wi}'p. an4 Htaplfl8 npeAR8Br1 to llreot thft fenoe along sald rrtrlp~ it 18ord..red, by uno.nlrr.ous votp, 811 Dlftl'lbArn bPlng preafu1t and vot1T\1~, that the said strip for t.llflo wldftnlll1! of thfll roarl an flt"J11tionft,1 P.lRht (R) feet at ea1d point, bfll 80- ~~pte(f on sHid ooJkiitlon8, AI'lct 1. hat thp MO'U,sary ..trA and at.plee b& f\trnish- pci him t,o malr:ft llo1d fflnOft, 1n tUn 8Attlfl.,rnt of all dSIIUWft8 rot" Ba1d "tl'l)) or ll\nrl, IUlfl that thft fupK'rintftMPnt ot RoMB l'U"("!haAfI the wiNl I1nd st.aples fOr O,...:~.,.l t\~,J'--.,,: Is. W. l,O,o.:l1'l, "ilIO rprltf!(l plf!vftn 8erp8 of th8 eounty tarm ror thR ,yPar 1<lr>6, ,.t ~5.l),) l'''''~~l''A<..;~I)P1" '10r__, t111s da)' mart.. ftftt.t.lpln~nt witll. t.h... Bo-.rt', upon thP foll~wlnf tPrMs: On mot1on of """'.~ 1"'3ft.~"--. ....1'. Bell ~2:3.0\J or the 8IIIO\1n't. dult "tom IUt1d .~t. W~8 r81111ttfW to ;.(1'. T.op:an for Derv1N'll ~..~.....~~ '."".rod t. tho !Joa"" and tho COunty as . oo"'mltteo-man r.. vael.... 1''''''0...; tho ..maln- rYll)..OI-- -.,":J.a~., 'I ~'r' /h tlp.r, !>~.oo, was tl1".rp..lpon t.llrnfllft OYflr by,;j1'.. J..ojfon to thp. i.O'lNl, #u~ t;,p CliJIrk "laI~ rt1- . V.u.fJt,)/(pJL thp lY.lT'f'05P, at t hp la_at JrlarkAt prioft. {In JI'Ot10n or .41". Loglln, ~ ln l'ft8pOnflp. "'0 thp rpq\1t'8t of 8 o1tl~"n8' com-. JTl1ttI!P, 1t il: orc1l!r..r that thp. RUm of ~:'50.00 hfl aM 1r. ~8rftby nH..rop1'latftd out 0 f' t hI! Count:.' If'vy not OT.~P.rwls8 '1H'l'C'lr..rlatefl, t.o be ftxpfoMftd 1n oonJunotion ',dtlt ttlP nppJ'OpJ'lnt1oo mh~p. by the ToWn COllncil of u--dftlll M(l nuch llrlvlltp. sub- :tt4444vur, rpotfkl 1..0 del1w1r 8u.1d amount 'to 'the 'J't""681\rpr, to be orArUtp.f1 to t.,,, County flnyl, 81l1d "'-$11.110 t)ptnp in 1\-.11 or ~I'IO',l1lt <<l\\f!o by h1]"', frOr-> t.hp "'pnt of" ~a.1~ ftlpvf!n aOrp.8 or lonc1, nf'tpl"l (1p.vuct1nc thft Dbove~r extra servictts. II I :~cr111t1on8 QB m~ 00 l"Aofllvi'fl,.1n flAcurlng a propttr ft~hlb1t or t1Us Count~'R r~ r;O\1J'CftE /l.1T in Bt'vPrtls1JlE: '1f!r adVO:nt6gP.8 fUlrl A.ttrllctlona R8 a plRCft or rP.81_ On ~tlon or ~r. Thrasher, R. w. ;Utr,ft 18 hp.rpby fllr~ctp.d to Cull upon .J.11j. 71. Vf~crpal_ lar(1 f"Or tnft I\mount duft by him 1.0 t~A County for Of"1"10*' rf!nt, I.Lnc' if f.a1c1 Ill:"Olmt 18 not (Ipnee, in t11." m~OPt" p1"(ascrlhftc1 by lnw, at t.hA Jf\lllfUltOwn Jo:xpoa1t.lon, 8dd sum to hf! PXPf!rY!f!f1 undp)' thp. BU1,"'rvlfilon ItTH-! rllrAotlon o!" B. W.. J..o,R!ln, H. W. K.1J!lfJo, ~". H. '!'in~lAY IUlfl C':1,,~. D. np.n1t, act1nl; 8D a ooJ!',m1ttpf! for this J30at'd, 801d BlI!. J--81d OJ" JJl"Ov1(lerl !"or jn a f!ltlt.1sf"uotory l!Ialln8r byor berorR t'l". np.xt u.ep.tlnp. or tl1Jl:J foord. t.hen th~ 8dd Kim.f1 18 ltftrA~ c11l"Aotft" to r,rocpp~ too collAct 1,hA aJI.Ollnt so flUP. in " ",1"'1'lpr prencl'ihfltt' b~ Vl'*i th18 mot.ton bPlnp fWOr-tprt bJ' ununllf,o'lS vot.,.. 1111 ,",probprA b~lnf. -i,rpep,nt to bp f\vl1.ll'l.blp. 'fthpn cllllflrl tor by Hutrl COmm1ttftft; Mld tlvt Clerk 18 hfltrAby d1- a,l(! vot1nt;. l'"Pct.~c' to h~lP. '1. warrnnt f'O:r 1. hit fHUlIfIt whAn On,llM ft)r by thft coml';lt.tfl~. C'n tl1P a.ppl1eatlnn of thl'! J.:xecl1tlvP Cotl'l"..1tt.pp of thfl Tloltlloke County Clvlc 1m- OrrlftrP.rl t.hat th8 J'oa~ bp &rlJournP.rl unt.il thfl th1~ ;lOmoy in npx't month. 1,f'OVI'l',P.f\t y,fIt&f,UA, 1. tv. f'0110wlor rnAolutlono nrA, on motl0). of =,(1'. ""II,. anani_ r,ollf'ly I\f'ortpfl: ----1"/ .7~_..a~_ 4_L RF.~Y.VJ.:n: Jitrllf., thltt thA Poard or Alrlftl"alln Bnd CoftUDOn COunoil of" tlut City oP Roanokfl, 'with " vift,.. t.o 11l1provlnf t.hf' aPP1"Oaohtta to t.hf4, aU,)' oyftr thp county h.1eh'''nys ~ f\nr. t.hoy Ilrft hfll'ftb)o 1"ftlJ.1flStftt1 to opfln the following . ff't1"p"ta through thA 1.1nwoo" Md1t1Ctn to add a1ty: .g1nn1ng at. thft tfll"llll~. of" thfl r-:"At Rosnak" ftlflotrlo 8treftt-oRr l1nft, at thft obl J~ohburg RoN!: thenoe north RIonr ea.l~ !"OM 200 tftflt \!Met to Wlnon,," Btrftflt; tl\ftno.!l'rlth Winonah 8t.rftet to U.rYlltlld AVftrlUe; t.~no. ftaat with Ual")'land Av.nUl Orola1ng ttut N. &. WI It. R. at thfl tJ1at1118r,r to .41i1n Str.ftt (no" the old Finoadle road);- R~:EllJ.1M). IleOOnd. That this Board har." appU.. to tile Stat. 111811"~ COuts.ton.r rvr . rv... or urt.l' or ..... oo".i~. rvr ..rk fI" JIII,bUO"",," 1'1 III i nil ~HJ "'1 ' ,It, i lint' "~I I Ct:r . :1' ; ,;"f' "~ I ! ;!I:I' i'; ., tr " 'Ii: I ~ 'H ~ ! t!,i j !', ' ~, I: :'," ~ ii I: 'd HI: I 1': : I ' , I' " , f: ~ ~ ";f- ] I"" . id I 'I,'" I:" Id..,.: lie IPj -;[1 ! CoU1'tr..hOa:lti'. SalOl. Va.. 'flr!1 1S, 1907. ...... Bo.", ot IlIp...llOu ot Runok@ Oount.~ _ '''b d., .. '''" Oou"'-lIou.. 1n "e811ar eomhl)' .e.l1on. Pl'O..nt: s. P. Thruher, ohab'... n. w. Lo8Ul, /" 1>. ~ll and O. W. I,.wi.. ,The .1tu$.. or the last .....:lllt( we.. aPPJ'oYed aa I. I. CON""Y '''b dq .....1".., . olalli no. tl6.1lO 1'0. 0"" .....p 11111"". and ,... in, JUred b,v dogl 0'.... ,..... lib own. Upon aon.ld.raUon "".,oof, '''a Bo.rd dO.. no' .110" .a1d .1.111. it oppo.lng ,.... ,bit ..id .bI.p II... no, ....n ......ed Ill. '''''.'lon Ill. ,... 1'" ln ""1011 'III, ... 1111 lid 0' 1 n.lu rIHl. 1"&~. Th" fOllow1ng 01.1118 l!y,81nat the COunt~ 1lM..... ..aa1nftd, approYltd, and Ol'dftf'o< fld '0 bit paid b)' ".rrant out or 10he 1Unde reapeatt..1)" charS.llbl. \heftew1tl\, to Idt: .. P'UUon .1~ bl Jolin H. Sear. ...d fl",~-.h o'bA. '.old.nt. anrl lI'al1fltod "'ton ot South fal.. Pre01ftO't, 1n Sal.. JUgl.\&pla1 Diet-riot, t'M "M_ being propftrty owrutra In edd prltoSnDt, ..kSng fDr ,he adoptSon of tob.. prOvSe1f)na or t.f18, ,general mook 1.. aD to BaSd preo.tnott "ae tobi8 d~ presented, and tbe Hoard oonalderil1lt said pp.tltlon, it 18 Ol"'d..1'ft(t tb... the Clerk or the Board at. ono.. 110'" 1>08\9<1 tor 30 08)'8, at the rront HUo"-Flo.... 00, TypAwrlter rl'bons 7,30 D. T. .4.art1n &- 00. r.oal for eo\lnt.y orria". 5,0<) l\aln Prlm.ll1r " 1'\10, Co, Printlng and edY~r\181ng 34,75 C, T, Look8t\ eorr1n tor paupP.P 4.QQ door of t11e COurt-l1oUlut ot RoanDk.. County, and at euh tOting plaoe therein, and 811M) n. T. ~a1"tln Falary 8S OYerBtter or Poor rro!'1 July 1, publl11Md onoe a tlWl'ek tor tour aucet*o.1ye weeka in the S.I.. Taws-regiater 11lW &tntllJPl, " nft"",papltr pIId.l11h1d In fl~d COunt)', notloft8 to .~l "hO. lt aq conoArn, that on thl! 20th d41 or :"..)', 1907, at t.he COurt-houlle at Sal.'1 In .ald COunt)', thP Boai'd ,,111 00"",, told.1" tM .whhab1l1t)' or dRotarlng t~ boUMS!')' I1nfta ot' t1aoll lot 01' t.raot of land In that part or R0411l)klt Count)" as 18 B1tuat.1t "ith1n the bOund.zo)' l!nftB or thlt 881ft. :.ca8!et~- rlal Dtatrlot, to 'ldt: tl10ae Iota or tracta of land .. er. aituate &00 ~mbraoflld rith1l1 thl boundar)' I1Me of SOuth 5&le" Slftatton DIatrIft\" outl1dft or t.htt c-ol"pOrate 11.1t8 or tbe Town or Salflill and l)'lng ..at or Kartln "nl11ft, 80utll of KImb.ll A..tue, &8 Ihown on the up of' the ltanda ot the Sal... Dttv..lopftnt COJIP&ny and Itaat ot thlt T,",lylt 0' C100k Knob }AlbIIe rl)-', to bft l_flal tenoAR ". to aU animals ...ntton,", ln SRot.10n #~42 of the ODd.. lQn6. '0 "p'l1 1. lQG7 15,GO Jno. O. K17~"r PaUpAl" account, f;alAII Dl~t"ict. I,!'<J Vn. & 'l"Ann. TI!lef.hOnft Co. . Phone fit r'arm to July 1, 1907 '~.50 E"". ... JaB'" II . . 4,50 fWD..." HBJ'rlW'Qrp. ~. F.xpftnsft a~oount W1rn BM h9."'I'O" ro~ P.rl'l ',27 fa!',p 41."'0 J,IlW'1"fm<u, .'~ :':'oDanlftl flhlnp,IIItIl and lultlbftr folor liar... 4,54 nr. J. P. Kll11lll1. ralar" 1\11 phyBlohn t.o Com')t.)' AhnBbouftA ror Y"ar to datA 60.00 0., J, p, Kl1110n Paup"'!" aooount (l.OO ot VIrglnia, to ,,1t: hOJ"If''', WI8s, oat'tltt, hogs, ahllftp ..m p,oatu. f.v,p . . 10.en Hlr:t ln r.sl'"land .JanJtoJ"' B 8~"VJ~IIr. 2.0.) ".F.. :.cJ.:nLRv, fup"'''lntAMPnt or tllft COunt)' al1ushou8ft and tarli, Ul'ls d~ H. n. 1l0\fAF.1fr, COunty fuperin't.mftnt of ROadll, thi8 day matte h18 report or oxpeml_ 'tupe8 88 1IIl1011 tor t hi ..11th ..ndiJ1f1: thls dat., 'to .1t: 8Ubl',!tt.." hla ""'port or AJrpfln8ft8 81 BUoh tor the InOnth of' Uerott, lCJ07, Be f'olloe'sl 5&lIa 01",'101. out or OiBtr1ot. f\11'kf lQ,25 Brown Hardw4J"" Co. JJE&l"fhraPIt l,~ . Catawba 018tr1ot . . . 113.n JOhnston, Ji8)' " "ltrry (b. Cloth1ng 4,10 2~,OI 1-....36 Can Sp.1ng bl",'l'" Blg !.loo 1110\.1'" Count, rum TI":'.O:: . . . . F.. ii. F1t, "'.,-'19ral" ~ (b. f,ep" P01.8tO"8, eto. . . . 2y.,.17 Conratt' 8 Pharmao)' npug!!, etl!~ 2.50 ~I"()okftt, t Oraham P.brJc on ta1"JJl 22.40 _lne '0 !E91.24 51dn8)" r.mUll Amountl"" to . . . _ -"""OJ!.... ~1,'1 WhiOh rftport 18 apJ)I'OYed, end thft Clerk 1. dlr'otftd to lawe hbl "arrant II in 8ftt- t1e..nt or said A80Untf" ~ut or the fUnda r.spetat1..ft1)' ohary.fI.bla tlutra"ltll. 1rb1ch 111 appro.,,", AftI1 the Clflrk: ls dll"ftot."f'J to 18w. h1. a warr..nt 1n 8fttt.]1t1!l4ltnt 0 r 8u_. 11ft rftportftd nD rftoftlpt. rap the IIOnth. "'11. Cl..11 of 'III Board tlllo d., ..pol'tod ,,,., ....B... IiIIl'h "od pold '0 111m t... tlro' d8fe..ed P_'" on land pu.o".""" by 111. rro. ,... COunt,. ,,,. lIoJlrl "'lng to. f4G(j,66. orodl''''' b,v till p_", of t~,oo .. of ~o..bo. 24. 1906. and '118 balano.. wl'" 1'. ot 1160.67, . . 1..........0/.. Of April 5. 1907, _nUIIIl in all to f4l5.67; and it .pp.aring ,,,.t 'III .aid _unto ..... ....n pa1d to ".. eount, ............. .. appe... b,v 111. ..0.1P'. 'lIa .'UO of ,... 01..11 ln .....1l'1ng. '1Ia .....~ """ dOll...lng 'lIa bond '0 ,... .aid SIo1\" 1. ......., ..U fled and ....."". ", E. II.DLF.Y. Olpa.lnt.nd.... of '''a COunt, al..IIou... IUllIll"'" 1110 ..port. for '... .,.-.. 8ndl11l! )k.." '1"'. 1907. .!lo"lng 12 pOPoono 0_ Ill. du.illB J.......,. 9 du.ing PobNa..,. and 9 du.ll1B 11..011; w!l10" ..port 11 0""_ to ... fl1"". 'I'~ No...... 'I'.a.UOIl OO~. by ih 8\\0."",. 'Ma, dq ap",,_ botoN ,.. 8oa"". - Oil U. 8OUOll i\ it ol'd"'ed, 'b8\ e. II. 'l'h...h...., Chu....... of ,be, 8oa"", .11/I R. ft, 1(1_. OO_nwal'II'. ""0.1181. .. aDd \11.1 h..eby .... OODRUut- .d a'" appo1nhd a "D1U.. l'Polll \1110 Boa"" '0 GOnf... wUII llIid OO.p..., .. '0 QArtaln pl'l.-lllse. a.ked fOr b)' 'the latter 0'.1' Vl"sln1a Avcnue Bridge and the publio hlp;hw8Y 1n the Ylo1nlt~ or :W!'wlol\, ~a1d GO..Ute.. to report 'to this the etretoh1ng ot wire_ 0". the. A1Ie; ProY1d~tbat tblt 'oonBtruotlon am ..1nt.nanae or u1d \el.p'."" U... w111 1n 110 _ 1m.io'.... ""II \110 u.. 0' .aid hi8hW"1 by ''''' pubU.; and prOVided, f'Ut'ther, that tbB <,ralnap ot 8816 hlghwq be 1n no wrq interfered with or lafh.,.a, , Board ,,11 lIIatters relatlnp: to thelr aations nel'pUl'\rlftr. It 1s ordered that to aat"",1' ot' rept.oing ttw toot brldae over lJl8d'e Or-set, "ear ; Vinton, or fit putting 1n a new bl'ldB8 0'1." ...., be referred to the COunt,)' 8Jperlntftndent , 'Dr. 1t'. P. NOJ"l"le 18 appolntfld physioian to t hit Count)' alll8houee !Dr the en. 8u1nf )'A81'", at the prioe of f60.o0 1)"1' anrum, as &grftfld upon bet_An this Board anrf ttwt Roanoke COllnt)' ;'::Adios1 tOC1Aty, tllA tflrDI or Dr. J. P. 1(1111811 haV'1AA ,flX- 1 or ROads, and that he be requellted to cont8. with the Manager ot the Roanoke Rall~tq ~ j F.1eotrlo OO.p~, to .ft.. whether or nDt arranp_nts oan be llade witb aaid CO.pBny , on . behalt or thie COunt.1, tor a wallr:-wtQ' 0" a ateel bridge whioh said ODllpn~ proPOSP.8 to . ftrllot oyer said ol"eftk; 1r so, to report 88118 to this Board; otherwi8ft, to 'lSft hie ~lBor._ pirfld. tiOR 88 to thfl repairing or r.....1l11ld1ng of said bridge. It 1s also Ol"dfJl"8d that the Illlttftr ot Ntpa1rs to the WOolAn ,:,(111 Drld8f' OYAr RoanoJcA ) J.. U. BP.ll, EhpftP'Ihor, ftt.c. ) I YR. ) ) Thp PUblio ) , Rivflr, near SalA., be rfltflrred to t.hIt Count)' fbpel"lnt"ndent or ROllde, wit.h pow..!" to aot, o..rv..l\ B8 to 1Irhflth8r he shallllse etltel 01' wooden beams 1n making thtt rApairs t.o UQ1d br1dge. 'J'h1s C"lfI~ OMlP on th18 day, pursuant to lII'l ord"r entered by thA C1rCU1t Orderfl!d that the Boa1'd be ait.1ourn8d untl1 the third Uomay in nekt n:mth. ~/ $-r4 ,.&, ~ Court, upon an "PPAal 11._'" t herp1n by W. B. Ridgeway At als.: und on tbAlr mo- tion, thft hftar1np of the Sl1/ftft 1.. oontln.u"d until the nAn mp,.tl~ or t.hle lbard. It i8 orde..P.d tltat t.he Clprk ot tohis [OaJld notify toJvt Step ~rpOl"atlon Comm1sB1on tb~'t this Board has e%&1Il1ned thft l"ftpon mild,. by sa1d Corporation Com.. <""OUH"I'-HOUfT, fioLE...t, , VA., .:i\'.' ~.-). '1l~"7. lr.1sB1on 88 to 'the asse88ment ot. railroad, o.nal, telegraph and tftlftphonA 00" 1)an1~8 within thls County tor tbA YflAl' 1906, and has aeoertainet1 that the said Th<> l,o~"" or f1J;,prvit\o....to (If ~o(Ulokp Count.y pt this c'1i;Y 1'1. thp ('0;lrt-'lCllI5fi> in N!,- 111,,1' rr:ont.hly :;el'llIl1o'l. P"'lPspnt~ f,. F. "h"'J}.~~p", C'11\1l"rrl"n; E. ". T.ob',!l, T.. D. rt:tll "" " '. ". r"pol't 16, lO tal' &8 this &al'd 1s rWYlsflt'l, correot.. 'l'hp. ma1l1rlft or a oop)" u t J,flI"llt. thh ordAr to thfl Clprk ot the CorpOJ'8t ion Comm18sion shall bf' RUtr101flnt not1eEfo o t 1. t\r. a.otlon or this Roard. 'f'hp 1'11uut.e6 or t.f1p' lOtt PIPet1ng IIWtre 8.PJ rov.,.<i fUI rPtlci. Thft fOl10wlnR olaims ner,1nt.t the (''olIn1..' '.erp. ftxam1nprl, "'VI,rovAf' tutr Or~Prfi!' to tp p~1~ by "l"rrant out or th.A "Un't; rear,pct1vAI)' chllrg@ablp thpl"p""lt'l, to ':it.: Thp stotA H1gh"a, Cornm1.u.10nRr havinR aent to this lloVd, 1n response to itu 1"11- Itu,:t in '1ar!ntW .Janitor" ~ f1prv1cP'f1 1.;);) quAst for conv1ct" to VfQl"k on U1A publ10 hlRhw~. in this C3unt,. an intfll"roya.- to",}' sh'tet .lIkIng toro Val"10U8 1t".a ot int'ol'Jl&tJon, it 1. Ordlll'lItd t hilt the lIIa1d flMAt. of intftl'rogatoplea bA J'ftfR!TfId to thft County Alpftl"lntement or Roade and thR CoIlUllO..,.,.lth'. AttQPntt)' tol' I'pply and thft. .ns"fftpe to the fI,l86t.iona thftrein Dr. J. C. n8~1p.n Lun&oy ftceoltr'lt (~~. I.. :-"'~'lP; 2.:;) A. H. W1\itPspll F1kiu,J 'Court-houtlft Bt"}J~ ?~) J. fi. '~I!,"!ifJPr Corno",,'~' ll~oo1Jnt 17.1).) J. il. Campp" I..",.,u,oy 'teeO,lllt .( ()\~....~~- (JOIl. fJll1t.h\ 1.1...." aKked. !lIP, _ -... 1.....Il.,_ ~ f.,\,". F.. 1:. Ftonp 1.110(,OY /lcr 'lmt (1'. ~ra."rO,.rl1 ,?~,,1 'J. T. .~ar:.ln & Co. ConI tor t'Urnaop <':'.7~ \ On _'IDn 0' J. n. BANlJI' allll 0, D. KEBIlI.ER, by ~lId. a~toJ'1Ul1, ''''' .Aid J. It. R"pet. and n. D. Klte.1f1r are hRI'''')" BPMlted the pplvllf1p ot oona\ruatillR , 8IIlI .a1ma1n11l8 a ~.llpl1on. Uno alol11! 'III pubUo b181\w1,)' 108111ne tron ''''' 00'" I ! PO.a" U.1h ot '''' '0,"" 0' Sal.. '0 '''' aal.. 11011.. Kill. On IIoeon'. ar"Il, .ai~ p.ivUap iMludi>ta' 'M ......Uon ot POl., ,.. ,be .id.,.f allid bisllorq """ \:1~ Elllott-~1tih8r 00, T~'l,~wr1tf'r opr1nr TlIfO 111naO'y aOOOllntll .~4 Or. R. H. t'lqrt;\right 5.00 Rat". pr1nt1np 8n~ Publ1ehlnR Co. prlo\106 .~ .nv."I.lnp 3'),S8 w, ~, PoUal'<l, u. p, 1\IJ140)' &ooount ROM viewer (Tlfl"le v." ,,-,bU.) ~,GO Jflrr, .!tol'e.n JerP)' .l.loJ'F:..n ~.l)!J Rftel8'tr41"'. .~oount ~.fXl )1' d III III ,!l! ~ H t ~ - ~ ~ ~ i J~, j it ~ I' I ,I, , ,~ . ~ ~ i' I ' ",', ~" I Ii I, ~ ~ fHf -Ftt t'it ! lit ~ ~ r l ~ .~ pi \ .;'. j I"~ i 11\1 ! f. ' ",! ! ~:, I ; "U: : I, ~ ~ .' I, , ,Ii i l[ II f ' ,< R.. f'. nrown VI'. ..... ':'hp PUbl10 w. ... M.f>dl.~. fuper1ntftndpnt of thE" COunty Allllehoul\p uQ:1 Fa1"lI, thlf! day flI.1bmltti!"ll a rppon of hie "xpeOllftB aB lIuah !'or thP. IIOnth or April, }fl07, 811 rollowft: ~of't' t~ Potr Grocerol11ot, P.to. f). 35 A. ft. ;10""-'11 th111 (lay t.llrnp(' over to thp [(\ere' thA SUIT, O'~ ~22.00 &11 a Ol'pdlt DI'I thp .'U87"IUltPP. of h.!lI'lt,P.lf antJ oth"'r~ tOWBl"~ thfl l1onlft.l"ttot1on or th8 ro6!1, un- I pr thp nbov~ f1:flp(; 1l1'J licl.it1on; tUu1 on ll',otlon of .011'. Pell, It ia ortlpl"pfl that t11f> ,:"JT'l"',onwPl'tlth'a .fl.ttornf"Y hI" nnr hf' hpr~h)' it' in!-ltl'"llctpd to 1,roaf'pr1 with thp. collt'ctiofl of" th.- l'pl',alm"E'!r of 1 hp ,uarant,f.ft of ~4:I{}.O;) ma(p by John A. 'l'a.,vlor, e. .... Cor'Jt,on, T. La.... Couch (if1fl A. ~" :iO'lf'll, t.llp n1nPty rlny~' hpl'"ptO'brp glvpn f'flY' f 1\.. IU1::fT,~n.. Of FAic' b{tlRncl'> hllvinv, ""'l,1N.(1. ,'lr,i J (I" t '\l" ':'("'" 0 ,. "int.r ' v; , . . . ~, I " (' ';'hl~ C"loY CII!'," J. F. Uh'h'lmi B..v'....lf'y .BPrit.Il>lp)", J\tl.oroP~:l;, hnd f;8VP noticl'! t(1 1 hI'> [o&rr t!lllt t liP)' "KHit'. :',OVP thp {arO'.11t. f:ollrt" .<tt itJ; flPxt tpl'"l'l, to I'P- 10ft.'ltp Oil 1t~. dOckpt thp nt:ovp ~f.Ylwl c"'~rp; 'lncl ("In 1'.ot1on or ,..1"'. T.O"IO. not1C!P if. '1PY'P~Jr nccpptl!tI, /lnr'! thp CoJl'Ull('ln'N"'Rl..'h'~ Mt(p'n~.i' 11'l r117'pmp(1 to ""p"'''[''''nt. th1:' .,..'...f. in 1~lli~l (.('t il\n, r"n 11',('; lr,." n" -.:.... TO"'11'\, tht> r'l] P'I'1t\f.<<>TrlPflt of' prHlfl~ 1!'i R.'1t.i10l'1'1Rrl to clo~" t '1'" ~:[,1,. J..... ;U ~ - :--;" .. ";~1'O~' f "onl:Cl ~"" '.'i 'lpr, !f'nciif!F t hp 'l1'riv tl of" l'Iutp.ri",1 fo!" ':"1"(':",":, ,.,- .~. "'1' :u,ti} ~,,~, ...,.nj(,,, CFI') I:p wi""~ ~'i!"" !"Of" trflvPl, An 11.11owR.nep lf11 rt.ltrlP t,o O~OrF.A r.orr or -10.')11 "11th '-\'h1ah to 1"lr0I18f;p n,,"pr1f'Cl clcthl01':, {ltc., S~,1(1 lillowancp to t.... 1n rtlll ror thft cur~nt ~p'lr 1'01' toat Jlar- l.Of", I\nti 11'1 I'lArtp on IJIOt1on or ,"I"'. 1pll. I '."'1] 1 hl'. IH~..:"'""v POt. n18. ) , VII. ) I Thp Publlc ) , On IIIOt100, thp nu.thpJO hArtJ01n..- of thp "bovlt IItYlfl'C1 08l1glt, ..,.r""rAf' to tM mll:rf1 b~' trn- C1rcoJ.1t. Ccurt, 1::. contlm.1ett ur.t.n n#:);t, lIii"Atli1f. J}rown na"dWIII'A CO. Ha1'dwarp and f19P(l ~.S.f J.:. ..... !'1tZ!~9rQld & Co. Gro09r1~t, eto. 5,1:2 Jotm5tont n$)' &- Tprr)1 Q). Or)" f'ood~ 9 flotO. 'I.f-'F fal~JI Dry 000(11, Co. Dry eoOrl8, pto. :'.50 J. N. TatA Tllaekemithlnp, ,75 Crookett Oraharr. Work on f"nrm ?-,'jO :-;lrlnpy :-:rn1th work on ferm J-' .50 rnp.n ..tQ.rtin 1 (8)" to Yt1)rJ.t -_.-~~ J'Irnount 1n1' to ~~14. 7(.1 Which i8 aPl'rov,,"I't IlTld OrderAf.; to 11P. plli(l hy Vfarrunt 188UPd to n1m by t h... elPr%. iilt al80 re)lortftd th~ following rpc...1pt8 fOr t.llA' Il".onth: .I/o.. YIOO(I I\U'nll'1hPl' ~'choo I ~'5 '".'";"'; Fro,,", ,'. n. fnltl), fbr 1 bflPf ';''"1.(\'} " J. W. 'Rpynolde, 1'01'" ~trn"l <Ind !'lour 7.7,0 " rl,ln""~' Fmlth, 1'c1r tlO'lr 'jtl(l corn ...J-"J " '~T'ocii~tt '~I'a;\UI.., "'-'It aaTl !',Otll' f,. '~\l 'N. i\, ",-P:Jt, !'or l,urrpl of flour ~uu__ il.:r(J1lnt in;' to ~.=t:: .,.~ ~'nu,Qh !I'" i:-! rirl'>ct"'fl to tlJ~n oypr to thp 'rrellt.ut"pr, 'Jl~ tnk", hit' rpcfoiJ,t tt,"rf>'-or, TltA Clprk this ray r'pllvPrftd to thp &81"(1 thp. chf!Qk or w. A. '/P8t ror ~51f-'.<lO, bf\inl~ th~ IIl"lndJ,al nnc' lntflrftet (l'l two not..e or ~:?sr)'('6 pOi':!I" rllltpcl ..ia.y --6, 11)0(, ~ iVPn fot" (l&fP.rrt:!d p~JlIpnt8 on lanet IAlrOha8prl by H1t1(j Vpst f'i:oom rtOlU\Olo;p C01ll1ty, '.ytUeh 1r. ......lly rp'oll!'1v"d in 1\.111 or p!"ino1pal 11m 1ntpt'P:>t on vn1(1 rprft1"rf!rl lmympntr;; nllli on l', UOH of ;'l'. l.of:,\n, th" r:hal1'"n,an or thp. T'Ot\l"(l 18 r1l',.otpcl to pnrio:rs" f'd~ eltpck. to QP ch!l1vpre(: '!'.hut to thp TrfttlfUrpl' "01" crp(tU to tl1p. Coanty f\lnrl; IUll:1 11 ii!!! f'lT't..,,,.. ON'PT'''S,1 h,. i:Of"".oo- wealth':i AttornlOY l'....,.pu..'" 1.1 (lpfH' t.o 8~ti(i Ve2lt "01" ~/l1~ p1"(lI)'"rt~') to UP f-Y""c:ttf<( in fl\(' lnlin"lp.r i;r~~.':1"1'1,.r ~;;.. 1::.'.'( "m! rlp.l,t'l,'f"rr-r' to hi:"'., On Il'IOt1rn of" "'YO. 1.Dp.an, thft l'!l\tl\wba Vdlfty Ha1lway 11M Jr41n1np, Compan..v 1(5 l'PQlllr_cT to oont'ol'l\ to thf' oNl"r h..rfttofol'ft ftntAreci with rfttAr'u'\oA to thft oon8truot10n of 11.8 bl'1dee oYe~ thft tJ)'nOhb.ll'J'. TIlrnplkft9 nf.r Ua80n's Crepk, or t,o ftO Ilrl'll~,p !tl; 541<' bl'ldet' "8 not to lntftrfAr" \lIUh thlt DfOl,fIlr ~r1i1n1lE8 or said roal': /U'.rl 'thA (:O"...."'nwPalth.(l Attorney 18 d1reoted t.o notif}' thft 81.l1d Hnl1w6)' COlDp~ ot this aotlon. 'rhp. rcllo"1~ ela!ae W-:!"e thie de)' pre!l~nt@d to t,h'" 1b".... tor 8hlt"TI k111pr by t"ofUI othprs 'than the owners or dttid aM81'. whioh 01$11l8 warp. prolJt1rl~ 8M)rn to ,,0(: firfJ &.110w- 811, to Wlt.: L. C. ltlln&hrout.h, tor pne "heel', 43.00; U. C. J\l8ho1'lt" 8ftV.m 8MP}), ~lO.50. On .,otion Of'S. 11. 'J'hP8.h~1", f-bppI'Yj,sop of' Big Llok Jl1et.P1ot, hp j,n he~fI>bJ' 6uthorlz'P.rl to pUrOMep. ~ur ~tb Century GrftC\fJl"F fbr UIII! ln hie sAie' Dlfltl"1ot on thP llllbUl1 rofo~S, aOO to I:.. p81ci for out or thfl f11strlet rolld fUnd or fl81., D1D- tr1ct. , the qu..tion 0)' to I"f'oordett vote, whlah rfH\1}tEof:' 81 tollown: 1\Y~9, L. Ii. Bp11. '.. 1'. Lttwll1; noflll, B. w. J..opem ftW f. F. If'hrsllhp.r. Cha1rman aMOUnf!ll!f1 that t.hfl "otfl ''''If R tHo ! JII ~j ~ t ~ H'tl tf!:.J H.! IH,II "i"i I 1,"[ I W'l f~ L ~ I ~F 5 i lr,:r J .~ ,; " ',1""; !'G: '..1 11" pl I'! I ~ I Ii'[: .,;i' I r ! ill c:;t- ii' I ' I J HiliB T'. Iinrfmon thl~ ~8'y p:rP8PtJtPr' to thIJ &arti a W!'1ttpn nprJll~1itlon to anti thp. Sl\Al"lf'f' "/-'18 cllrllotiftcl to 8\11'II'.on .J. 'P. HOllt'P., Cotnm1"r.iollpr ~'pr()1ntf"'tl by thp. C1rcu1t I I Court 1n thA 1',of1p anri f'tlr thtt purpoSp.s prp.~l!ribp.(~ b;y f<1ctl0'1 fS}O: "'0(1" or V11'/l'r'1<" .\''1;0 .. j announOflrl thll.t hfl prflf'erreff not to oa8t: the deolding vote w1thout oPI,ortuntty of" hpllrlnJ,' ! thp. ollsa 8tQtAII by ooun.!!Rl nn~ to lnv8!1t1(l'atp the petlt.ion8 fi.lA~ 1'01' Vl(l e.e;qlnet thA adOIJtlon or the fAnoe 111w; Whftl'lhl1J('ln, by uns,,1r,o'1ft Bpl'p"rr1Ant, thP. f'Urthpl" hpBr1n~. of the 1',Akp 1\ cnnllFP in thp publ1n rOaff jn rEllplT, Dlf.trtct, ""8r hlfo prClrIP,.t;-,'? 't ffif'ltancp of' "~X"lt. }.;"- ;.....(lr. ',"'h1ch floPI,llc'lt.lC1'1 if, hpJ"P:::_' rpfpl"J"Pl'l tQ t.hft f!ollnt;.- rlll'pl'ln- J'lattp1" 1s contlnuftrl tmtl1 the Jl1np J1\pptlng of thp. Boare', t."n(ft>m o!" 1~...,.,,.~ f'Dr Fuch C'ifl,oRltlon nfl hp f'P~'/f,8 pT'OIJPr, J. w. Rf>ynol~r, tl\1f- c1a~. ftPlle8red bPfOl"fit thfl' Eoarcl with ') pl'Opof.ltloll to PIlY If} C"'ltt' r ;"'~P..t, r.01HI1:y r'lJ,pf>lflt.prr11'mt or ~O'irl!l. thl~ (IIJY tl'llJm!1 tpc 'l1t r"J.orot 'l!' "")'I,Pfl!'Pf; (,f'; 1"lC.~t f(\r t 'tp Tr.onth f'>tr1lnp t'11!' (l'lt.P, ...~ 1'Ollo\.yl<: '(.Ifill' load tor 8'iJld on th9 hnd b910np.lnf to 1.1110 County; /-tnri thP Jlnttpr 18, on J'f.otion 0 r ,.~r. ~ll. l'Pf"prrA(i to L w. J,ofan, or SfjlArn Oistrict, for 8uoll Action '111 he ~ftPm8 pro})pr rlll"'J!l n1~tro1ct ((I"t or (lbf."i"ict nmrl\ '19Cl.P:Q ln thf! rIlattftr, wit.h po....Ar to IlCl1P.I)t Of\' f\'AJP.ot th1a OJ" 8111 othfllr l'r"(1poft1t ion .'11th. I"Pr,.ro_ ,~,ttf\wb., .. .. " .. .. If'~.C)o pncp to thA "'tIe of 81tncf on thA Count)" t! I,rOllf\rty. ~RV" : }lY"inr .. .. .. .. .. 11',j.,SP; hI' I,ick .. .. .. .. .. ""7,53 -!!1li,~_ tl,5"5-,?'. v Count:.- t'tlf'lf.I .. .. .. .. JI. D. Howbert, fl1pt.. ~.o. JJ".ount 1nr to va" W\ll~11 it' lil'}.'I"OVFilf1, 'Inel th,.... ~lprk lf' ~1rpctp~ to 1amt'" w"r"flnt~ to hiI" in f1llot_ ThR Public , ll"JIIp.nt. Cl!' f"urp.~ oat, (I r 1. hI" 1"urv1 is N!apl"ctl vpl~' C')u'"l:pllblF> t.l1prAYli'":.ll. On thp. "I'l.110.,t10n of';L n. HO....bpl"t, }\lppr1ntf'>nrAnt or Ill'lacl~. it 1!'i orfh~rp.f' f.'lAt. t:'hp 71(11u'ct t':1r rAY, ~J'l"!>'l'lnt to nn O....l.'T' pntp'"".tl 'It R. Jo:. ;.tur"'t;t, ro'Hlty f\'T'''PY(!lr~ .J. ~. WO('l(1""11rrl. "'. iA.. 'Pll, fl. J. F)oan 'and C. J. r'o.11'"'On(1 I'lFilI-"tirw h~I(' O~l t.ho:> ('lIlY 1.hrpP or 'Nhom r,'ty act 1, r10 v1p,., thp ....(1;.' fpY" I) ahantp ln t.'~" FlbliC "!'Of\,l in ?'llf; )~ t i: ",,'" {," . I"C'I, 1.,';. i ,'(".~fl"r1p( ..0 '~CH\: if''-,,, tn'" r.'lt,tpr c f' t 1,,0. lu1ol,tion 0 r t,hf:> county 1'1'0" ~ point. np~lr Ant.l1oTlY T.POfl'l~' a burn, on thfl ?rlln.lin tnrnr.lI(P? to in tltp 5.<l1d rrovi~l~"', c~ th*" PI"\"",,1 ...~"I:f' 1.t,; "it~ Y'f'!\}"ct. to ':{,rtlf:>f". C111tlf", \o,~, :~lI'>f'I' turnplkfl' 'it 4 I,oint p~-1et or t.1'1'" Plnep O!' ..(Y'~. ,.~aI"Y B1"'Ilhllkp.., 'fnel I"pport, t.o t...1~ rO"11"O "'t'i'/'".t!' 'I' ~'''1~"''(''; Io,lnf:f 1n'; Prf'p.lnc~.. in ;1, LiCK ";'1' i:1tflriftl ":..:\trict; m1C' thp f'!onv'"nlpncflft Anc1 1nconvpn1~nQPft thl\t ..fill rpl";f_l1t 11:5 YiP}! to jflrlvlrll/,1~ ftt' to tJ1i" .... ,.j .",,"i 1 L.!.I.t t.....t. n~li"'.. 0" t~lj,f' I'"p1.i i\,t: :'''''n 11'-1 all;, i,Ol'tN' ane' Vl'Jlit,j;",; r,.Ub11c, if 5uat) Chnnf,& in rOlul ~h0l1}(1 i,I" ..~t{j ;11~'hp~ n!'l 1'!'("pC> ," ",(1 'mil PtlIPC1',11:. ,,,'11"1,,,,.- .in thf' l!','.nllpr f'rf'~cr1bp(1 by llil'l, th(' TOIlJ'll, ',11 l'lp.rr,b~r8 bAine p'.pel>nt ~c1 votine, (~f'c111"'r h~' ..lr'iltn1r,o.u: voti> thtl,t thp I.Fotit1ot\ l.rPfiElntpo fbr thf\l acloI,tlon of th.... 8~1(l ""'r1CA 1"., h"u1 not t;.PlQIn l'roaAfk'Aff with 1n thlQl m<U\l\lQI" p!,pflcriflp{l boY I"....? tmrl th.f' 'lfW ~"fl'~, t"l1N""n or <"IrCh,tl'"r. ()~ FfnJ--' 1"l1't t'1fll"POf', '1111 in nlO', ~'1!'1P ll'I"':P t.(" hp t'li'.i"n; W}18tbf>r :~'<,c' 'l!l!ll\(," 1~1 rOael 'Nill tJ" of' :--UCll tr;prl-' l,"i','ltf> conV'-'Hl<>I1CP '...~ 10 r:,~kfl 1t J,rol"''' th.~t' it 5houl(1 IJ~ oi,...np(l anr1 kp},t in (!Irrlp.r ~. t,~ F: llA)'O:\on or r.prf'(}>1.~ "or ','/llO~t ,~[lll' r ..l"'...Cf. ~ltl(l i;I", 1tton it hl>rPII:, .-11tr'11!,t~p{/~ thp rJOari' rl~allJ11nc to Ilf'oI,t tJ1;p I,revisions It ir (lenirI'll. :',\1,1 ',f",ers l\llMli ,.11>0 rfl1Alrt thf> n":,,,pl\ of' thF; l#.nd o'.'ml'.r,: t "'Ou, '1 "f 1 f}p rf'ncf' )f)'''I "01" ~.,j~ Jonnleit P"Q~jnct. WhO!:lA lun~1" t.\\f' lIuicl ChullLP 1'1 rooo, lr Plltab11nhp.f', -...111 lHH'~, t.nf' 1;1.I~t.#> ':'l~ic~l, .if !l~:, T~p l'oarr' tl)1g "AY, lI,lrell8Jlt to ...n orflp," "ntprp(t on thp 15th. flUY or ^r;r!I, 1("-,07, ~'T"OCPP(I", to condctpr t.hp Ihot+.'"r or thp "rtopt,lnn nr th.. )il"Ovlftlonft or thp of'thRIft I'ftquir.. aOWlpftnll8t1on fOr thft l'tnfl ot thft1rll rpqtl1rA(1 to bP tnium ror eaid OhAMP 1n roar', thfl prObAbIp ar.ount to ""..1a11 1n t.hAir op1nion thp .aid l..nrl 0"'lll9r8 r.ny bP t"P- elleot1vfll~' f'nt1tll!~, tORp.ther w1th any othftr JrtnttftI" rlftfll"lAt'I pprt1nllnt by f.hpm. IIni' 811'111 rPnFilr'll ~"'np.fI l'tW 'yit,h rptlt/PM to ~,"P\Pft. cAttl-., hop,ft, f1f1PFilf' 11m "Olltll &ft to aho r9tuJ"n a mill' 01" rliay,ram Rlonp.' with their rp.port. t.hat 1<11'1.10(1 Ci" Fl1llth .'"411"1" Elp(}t1(lr) l'/lstrlct, hi .';al"m :,('1 1t<tpJ'"1Id (11t'tr1cr, to W1t; 'j'~tl"o lot~ ("11' tJ'IJ't:; 0 (" 1,.n" "t' '-1rp r.1t!J'itp ~n,l 'O'mb"i'J('p( witl11,. tht> :JOun"'aJ''y 11npI! (If" fOllth :'..11'1'\ Flf->lJtlon nit'-tr1ct outflit'lFil or t,hlt IJo":"j:.orfttfl 111t'11t" ot' the 'I'o\ljn or :":I~',~, ',nr' l~inL I!t\ht or :,(urt1n AvenuF!, t'outh of l(1r\bl1U A'Ierup., all (lhown on the 11'''[' or 111l,ct~ or thA f,.lpJr. r.PvPlot,ment Corr.luU~, (lnl1 fI"at or the Tw,.lvfl ('I'Clook Knoh r04~; illv' it IlPllftarln, that not1afl8 or thh a,.8t.1nt h"ve be"n~[<Oatet! 400 IUbl:"1 hed .in the manner l'rftll!r1~ IJ~ 1a., the Board pl'Ooet<.led to 91terll1ne On'flrflrl tMt tbe f:oard bft 4~JournRd until thft th1rrl ;~nr'B)' ln JunP. ~;;. 4..... /,.., k, L II Ii IIi! lei!!! ! I,. ~ II ~q ! bUr. j ~'q! I ~h ~. . ~!;!1I1 i ~ ~ ~. I !) 11 I Ig;j j iPI' 1:1.'.1" I' m 'Iii III i I Oaupt-.hOuaUt Salea, Va!.. J\IJWl, 17th. lClO'1. OOunt~ _t t.hle d~ "t tM Cfnt,i!'t-bOu.. Th8 toaNl of fup.....vhO,.. of' honnoke -. .-. Mid-Ie,.. Sup.r.1Dt..lhmt of the COunt)' alJDehoU8. am '81'., thie day 8UtIIII1tted 8 report ot hie .xpens...8 &uoh fOr the ..nth of ll&Jl'. 1907, as folloJT8: 1n reeulal" IOOnthly 88as1on. Pl'etlent: S. li. Thraeher, Ch.ll""'fln, L. D. 8ftll, B. W. LORan and .i. W. LP.w18. .. Brq,wn flltrd"ue 00. I14Ua Drf'Ooodo Co. llardwV8 3,~O or.,. mlnutp15 of thft latrt. Il,.et,1np. vrP.l'e ftJ'1'1'Ovftd 118 read. '~hl" followin;.-- ~lalll8 8P'slnst thft County wPre ftx&IlI.lned. sPP1"OVf!f1, fl,OO oJ"der- p(i to b"! T)!11c1 by W81"J"ant. Oll? ot thp 1Un~s l"1I?8pActlvp.l)' Qh'1rp;..able therftw1th, to "fit.: nt')' fOods ?75 n. -,T. Kern E1"Ok..l~hlrlR ~.9~ COnrad PharlDao)l' nruge ~.~o E, II. Plhgoro1d '" Co, CroOk8tt Arehu ?1.50 01"(1081'188 7,43 CS!'lh FlJrr,l~' Co. 1/" r1n"'l"n srH-f.f1r'lr}" ro.,. c. ii, 1.~5 WOrk on farm rr.l~~1':. r7'1ntjnr " fHb, r:'n. p,.tnt1nEo' 11~t or votP7'ti't P.tc. S1dnej' fm1t.h TI,01' . . . 15.00 ",,,,. .. :tIt"'" ;'\1r- i"fO-b1.d!nr' r'.o:d,:p't flte. HOII'Iftr Hale 6.00 7?.7il . . . ;'-'5. Cl""n 'J'ininr'-r !~O:>l", l'pnt 1'0" l'1l!ct1on 'Il. E. .,{ftdlev ~.(lJ 1<'01" 20 nour ba"re18 bought 4.00 ~. ;.', ~:f>t'n "PI.nir: to to111:"r ,.t J'lil AIlOunt1ng to ....5 '70,?3 .JnC'l. 'J. ftrlcY.lpt' T'uttlnr in elnt:.. ,..t .rQl1 Whioh ls appJ'Ov,,", an~ thfll Clf'''k J~ "Jreoted to 185Ult h1Jr, a .,,-arrant to,. that 81r('!unt 1n settle.ent or 8aJlHt. '::~. ~. ..0(\'I....1n f'!(.f""ln for [",Hr''''1'' 4,'1'" '11 "J: ~ ", :''1P1'1 f'f' T.tI'1'l~:'" ll~~Onn~ 3.L,] Ifill! Rlso l"ftport"d thf! follo"lng f'f!OAlpttl fbr thp MOnth of ;"'''y: .r. !:, r'''''',r'''', .f. t., f>t (11. . r'rom J. W. Reynolds, hay, q.~f~; 8traW"'t ,'i.~j; flour, ,..75; ().I~O :"17.r---.: ~I. !Jl.,;,n,-, .!. 1'., l.t '11. " \~h/18. :f!onlp.r,l ~. T,. :':111 tit", . '1'''''0 bllrr;:lo16 of' 1"!nnr ?'.!)l) (I . ; 1 ~ '.'1.1-.. ;\I"'j.lie~ ~r J uU c. o. ;,(or~8n F. P. r.oo~,..1n . !i.tj-, . . . .. C).'O )0;. t. ..:urfP, Vlf>wr. :llr\1'f'.I0r (~:oy,::bf'rt Vf'. 'i'h,' i'uh11c1 . 10,50 rtroW' oS.lf: .1. (' "'OCil:l"IJ.'", ','iewf>J" , .. Jp\m l'8J1rn~ . . 1.)1) 1 bJ\rN'l (l r '"lO',Il' 4. 7~, '_. J. floa" I...:JJ . . . F. w. :: O~an . 10-1/2 bushels 01' whE:'..t CI.1I5 C. d. . ",'ll I ','1001' . J. E. r"'lIlilf!~ .. . 2 hllrrelt o!' '"lour l.Ju c .~~j r ('11 . . . J 4 1::. id:ed1e..' . .. 1.0.; 1 borr~1 o!' flour ",.75 i.u.:ti.n ~!.rl'lHl~ J ",-n1tor' 5 serV1Cp.f; . Crockfttt 11"'!hlt.T'l Hftnt, .c-.QO; 8ub 11~E, 2..')0 Lv;) .t.n:. ". '" r:~r"Plp.;.r p.t 'l~l'. ~-'.nrl cJUl'll.r:e:l, ':into,", AILolJntint' to 3(],JO -c .....1-' r;po. .:. ..:u::.e, Trf>lu-.....r'.~r "0:!"-8. 01'\ (10;; tax eoll~ctf!(l le.f':,S ''(h1c-h ,,<<.aunt tIe J8 rfJrpctild to turn over to tl1e TrRu~ur8r, 'Ind tar:p "i~ rpceitt therfttor. R. n. Jiowbprt, County IU}.Ar1ntenctent of Jq)fMl6, th1s dft)' BUbr.1tt"" of hlr. PX})fmrUI!8 liS l!l1oh to.- '-hit rr.onth pnrt'J1P. th18 r'Iat", 8S 1'0110"11: ClJtJli~bll fJ1::t,.1ct (n"t 0" T>1"trlot fi,m'!) hie l"f!port. 71,,. 15<)'?) t':flOI"F,A :.l. tlCueft, Count)' TrIt8auJ""r, this ~ay 1el~ heror.. tM Doearc' th.. foUow1nC: 8t~1)e- . ILfltnta or t.he aJU)unt reoel.,f1d frolll 1IJ.nds redeflmed b8tore 881ft, "'to. for th'" Y"'nr 100"', ; .....hich "fire Axamlnect anct "J1l,roYAd: ft4;t~rnftnt. o~ 'l1flO'lnt J"tltc,.tv~c' rror". 1l).MfI rec'..P.JII."~ h.."01"~ lHllp., nnd fron, lande ~(l1c! ell vp Fpr 1ng " . . ,. . n1r: r.ick . . ~02,'.'J fQ.1ftM I I to Dt"'pr~ t.hon t~ft Connr.on1\'Anlth't f"ro!' 1ANh!! rp.turne~ c'ft11nquftnt Count)' 1lJ'Jl1 Echool 18V1f>" f'UR thft.."on tor the )'Allr ICJ05 : I I . . . . . 1:J<,27 1'0" thl'l non-lJR,yr.4Ant 01" ~-Ount)' f"\1Oc' fIIxl>enl1t11(1 i Oft (18" Pfllport \ AIr.o1lnt1ne to l-:Y:(lo~-:S t193l:.06 Cotawba D1fttr1ot Which 18 apDPo'fed, am th" Clerk 18 ct1rltoted to 1SKUft warrant. to him 1n lIl'tttl...ent or 8IlI&e, out or 'the fund. rlt.pecrt.1Y"ly ohargeable therflwlth. From lands redeollloC.I be fore sale 11.~.1 . . 80ld to othflirft ttlan thf! Corr.rnonWAalth .'-1-' (12.14 Tot..1 for D1str1ot Central D1Iltl"i.Ot. Frot!. lands red..allt1 betore eat. 44.02 . . aold to at.h'l'lI than t.he CoUlOnw..lt!l "o~-.l fOr 1l1otrlo~ 1.52 n 'II I I II ,~l! I '11;\ I ~ ~ H I ";ip ~ ! ""II ~.I'H " . II . 'II, i : I' I I :'.'.'.';.' I' rq ,i'l [,5/ I ,'(!if !!\ ! ;i!t I 'IIi II1I I rl;1 ! 11'1 I' , . 'I ~ ~ nlK Liok D1etriot ~rolll IltndlJ redfUt..tl Olll1)1"e lale 46.77 . . 801d to othel'lI 1; han t.ne COllllftOnwe.lt. h. 7.74 Tot.el Ibr Dlotriot Co54.51 Cav.. b'prill8 Distriot i''rOt', lands rt>doPIr,p(t bA for. Bale 21,34 . . SOlLI tp otnerb t.tUUl the COJ:l.!Wnwealth Tot"l tor nlstl"lct lal. '\4 To"" or Flt18t'J From lAlltis rpdPP,,,pd bfllf01"'P snIp 21.66 . . solt" to etherft than thA Common"oalt h ,B'l Totlil tor J)1ut-,.1ct .'".~5 hig Liok Dhtriot MOunt reoe19_ and apport loned APpo1't1onA~ 4S fOllOW': COunty lAY)' 50 oent. on flOO VRluA.tt.n (bunt)" Bohool Ip.vy 10 ofllnta on floo. Yaluat ion D1Rt.J'iot sohoo1 lwvy 15 cttnts on tlOO, Vl\ltllltlot\ I I I i , I I !:i1..:il 7(,. '3<-~ ...,.~ lO,l"'!f\ "'54.51 _ C&v{' ~prlne 11lf\trlct Amount recplvPf'. and IlPiJort l'lJH!d "")1,~ APron 10nftcf 1t8 t'bnoW's:, Cn'mt~, le'ly 50 CAnts on ~tno. vn.lul\tlon ~I\nty flcl1001 levy 10 cents on ~100. vfl.lul\tlon fltstrtot l:':chool Ipv;; 15 cents on ':-100. vfduat1o'f 14.'710:-> ~'.f"5 _.:.!.:...;.::~~-- ~.....1. ~4 ft4t.f'1IlP.nt. 0 r 4I'T.ount I"R-oetvf'd hOll. 1","(18 redpP'il'IttcJ bP.fbre sRIe, and frOl'. lan~A r-Ol~ to OthP.~8 than t"lA COJflmon"'''fl1th, frOM In.nris returned d~llnqup.nt ntr ':'o~'fT1 or ff\lf'1f! ntf't"l~t thP. noll-lJ~l!tent of Count~ and fC}lOnl levies (lue ro~ thfl year 1905, b~ District.: Arno'Jnt rf'Qelw~ct &1'\(1 "lJlI.()rt toned ~?l; Clltuwba lJistr1ct APJ.nl'"tlnn~c' 'LA. ~110W5; 12,14 51,54 54,51 The ntJovp. 1s Ql1},ol"tlonect 68 fOr County tlnf1 8choOl levies !'Or the ye6r I<)J5. CpntrQI lJl8trlct f11strict f;chool Ipvy ;:0 cents on !FIO. Y'1hu~,tion ~~.ll.s Bip, I.lck 01Btl"lct "'OVfil 0 r Salftm " 22.52. '!'ot&l fln,ount Cour.-r,y llM f;chnnl levieI' collect",,, ~I62.00 Geo. j,{. :'::UU9, TrflQu'lrpr. h(if-ortlonerl by Difttrlots Cf!.tawba OhtJ:'ict I ) B, ):I. Jiurr .t 013) Va, The fuh11c AlrlOunt recA1vPd Iln(1 6PI.ort.i()nA(l 12.14 f 111'I.ortjonAC' 6ft fOl'10...ft: ('A)unt:,r l...vy 50 ft. (\'11 "lon, vnl'lPition f".I)Cl On the &I'Plioation of B. P. Iiuf"f and others, .".110 fllfld the1r l'et1tion , it 18 ordered' that c. L. lU:>n, R. F.. Jlsgft,." \9. O. WOOd, H. H. Powell ond G. w. ':iBh, r"..,jdent rr9P.nolrl~rt' Of' th1tl County, '.llo ar-. herftby ap},o1ntfld ViA1Ifft1"(; tor t.hllt purpolSl"o (IJny three or WMIl'! may , ! "(\ltnt;.; !:chOnl Jpv;,' lnY'. (''l "] '1. vr,h./ltlon l.e"' r'il'!trj,c< rChCl()l lpV'" IS? on ~lvO. Vullllitiol\ j , ~.4"'1 r12.l4 ~ot) (10 vie" the tallo"int, 8't.reete in Cr)'etal Sl,r1ng Adtl1t1on, to wit: WPllingt.on AVAflt18 Central District &0. lIioCl&ll&han Plaoe to Fifth Street, and P1ft,h Bt-reet. from ",.lUngt.on Avenue to n..al" N!',ClllOt rece1vp(l tt.rofl IlIJi.ortloned Rosa11nd AVftmu' , flfm fttpnrt to the aoa.rd thfl oonvftnlf1ncflS aM 1nOOnVftn1flnOAs thflt will bI.54 rellUlt 48 WfI}l to inctiv1ct\1a.ls as to the publ1o, 1t t1\lol1 I5treet,. should be QdOl)ted &net "'H,,(trt1on8fJ !IS I'bllol'>Z:; CD\lnt.~ leQ tlO oent. on 8100. valuat.1on county oohool l~v'y 10 oente on tIOO. Yalu"tlon &atabl.bhed boY th1a Coard aa COunt)' rOMS.. tOgftther 1II'1tll an,)' oth9r mattera cJp.E'med J'P"- 34.36 tinent b)' them, 400 ehol1 also return.. ...p or di4gru al0rw with their report. 6,1\7 D18'trJot sOhool IPv~ 15 ottnta on !'lOO. V41u.tJon 10.~ t51.~ On IIlOtlon or Ill'. Logan., it is ordered that R. W. KiM be a!\d he is hereby AI'J:01Iltf!O a OOM1tt... at one,to hav. a nflw noor put in tlUt Itaet 1'00. or thlt ColU..t-bOuftflt b..11ld1ns, 006l1p1~ by J. P. 'Iouts, CO_18don*l", and J. H. Cuper.. J. P. I n .. 124 I 11. P. llowlHtJ't, fUPftr~a. ) t. D. Bell, lUp.rv180r, .te. } ) YI.' ) ) 'l'h.. 1\11>110 ) ) II ill ' fld iii! I I If' , !:: ~ E ~ I fh! I ~I~" i I 11\1! , ~!hl ! iI,'!! ! "";1 'f:,' , ',I j Ii '., Ii , ~ I, , I,:.','",: ' dl' !;f ....j ',tj .,.'1, I'"~ ,"I 'JH III '/ v., ROport 0 r Yl....r. 'Uod and I.."" G_ra f\1tr.1'1Ol1fld '1'". I\Ibl1o f~. f.:. ;.(ap:P8, J. J. 5101\n, John S. WoOdrUM, 'rho1PlA8 M. a..ll l\1'ld ,0. d, ftlall- ""o~~~o""rs ".rotofor. ep/'Olnt.d to vl.w th. 1"'Opo..d OhallgO ln ...ed 6...,.11>- pd uncter ubov~ st:Vl~~ apT'l1cat1or.. th1f' ~IlY t1hf1 thpll' l'Plort reC01Mlend1111( the Th1A O-.IH Ouae On this d,,~ 1.0 be h8&rd upon 'the tbmel' 0",91'1 entepOd lterp.1n, thR decree in the 011'0011. Court 0" Roanolc,Q County, herfttOf'Ore @ntel"ed; upon oon81dere;tlon wbe~eot, 11. 18 ordered that the aaid seventy-six and tlft#-hundrAdths (!76.SO) dollars heretofore awarded to fiary MaJr811 l1r.t tenant, ond William RldftAW8)', be divided and appor- l'hant:f! n:> }lrI\YelJ for) 'md 8W8rd1nr; c1alliapes to the lcmd Owners 88 fOllows: '''0 Anthony "eons~: 1.1In( c1llrnages '56.00 t.1oned between the parties &S follows: TO ;Jar)' daylS J~""'AF~f' to th~ residue of traot :46,75 _ 20.00 To Wllllam Rld~.way 2'l. 7t1 ~otfll H6.0:J It 1s fUrther Ordered that uT..on 'the lIi"ld ..tal"Y J.a)'1Ii (t'oM"lftrly Rldgaw"y) and Tl' ..I.rs. 1<'8no18 :-{Plghbore: J,llnd r'.ottz8f,'ftS lO").!)!) Wl1110 Rld~e"8)I frxeoutlnp: to the Clerk. or thie Bo~rd thAlr \'8cel1lts respectlvnly ln the SUm or t46.75 fUld !?9.75, th&t he d81iVftr t.o tl1elfl warrants fOr th& I!Um llWUrtlp(\ by the f_UlfHl{1:P.f' to t~hp rp"lfl'1P -~!k.it! vlewe1"e. And this oause 18 vlsmlssvd. '."It }lllve SPP'l th1R oreter. "otll1 ,?l('),tJ() To !.trfl. ,;:Rr~' Ll"tlbl'lkpr: i~Obp.rt.e~ll ,. 'Y..ni:field ",oore, n.oge h Penn L<mr1 O"'l'l1l:PPJ' 171,00 Otto. j(. ),tuse) r.ounty Tr"seurAr, thia day made the fbllownng reilort 0 f the dop, t.t\-x r'flJt1A.f"":' to tt'lP reol1~dup _12,:1:1 aocount tor the fear 1905, 'rl\1oh is eX8IlI1ned aw appro."~: RD&nDke Oount.y ~R Tao AcCX)unt for 1905: ...!'t....1 ~'ot.j1 fl"mnf~3 to lA.nf1 ownPl"l'l ~ t-;!:til'.ntp^tt> t:Jl11r1 !'ollr --W3,<lO C47P,OO Number ot malft (or" 881'1eS8ec' 1n Flret. D18trlot llmnbp.r or fp.JJlele ~DFg I\S8~!I~P.d In F1YOst t)htYOicf. 45 ~)I). r-'2- 47q '!'nt. 11 ~61B,OO :'f.1mbp.t" o!' mnl(' rOrHI 8S8Pfl!led in reoeond n15tr1ct ('lfJ "~IPreu..,cr.,th#> r04r(t hPin(: or t~lf~ o[-lrl1on thRt thft- l'a1rl r.h,.mrp. .itl ro<KI 'dll hp t'tl:n thf' r'---l.t.Hc <"cn'/<mlpnr.e o;mr' :f>nP.ru, 11. :l!'l Q!,~Pt'e~ thnt. Ant,",on.}' r."Oh8t'd, Jfumber or female (~Of!~ osep.8sefl in fero",! nistri~~ 75 Tot'll 'U'lQunt Qf ('toe ta)Cp.s 1)flf'P.l'lMcJ in ~ollnty '-!''':'. ':',n'ih ,\'f!'it'hbor~ ,~rv' '.tr.~'. :':6r,y flrub"ker, O'."t1li'rtf of tlw If/ods thl"Otq;h wh1ch thp B'd!' f'~I)f1ff-: 1n rotJl 1:' i.re!.oseel to bf' mhi'e, he 8UJ"lrIOnfld to 4ill,p.sr hftrfl l.it Q TC\f,n) Il!'C1u,,\t collp.ctftrt by 7rp.RP11rI'!l' to ,ful;,' 1 ~t, l,!'~,: , f f I r I ~ I I lneet1n(.: or this TJoel'd to be held on the third J,(ond~ in JUly, 1907, and show To I'l~.o~lnt l"o11fl:~~t' h,) n. C. ,Jen}tlnll) ~om:ta.ble :-1[; tiC!1t CIW.8A, if ar})' they can, why thA laid chtU'lge 1n road 11tDuld not bA madfr as pro- ronprl. Platr1ct. ';0 n:mount OC'llll!lott'i1 h.)l H. C. IIRrDllln. ~onf;t.f1hlf> C~.vp. \ F-prlT1P. Pht,.l...t ~o llro-,ount colllltote~ b.}' n. w. Z1rJo:lp) ~l'lftrlrrr in ~aVul'l 'rhfl' Tlofllw8.t.fl'r Hallwfq ColDp~, by ita 88fl)tt and flngineer, w. P. E'talnakftr, thh ~l\'y aplift4t'fHi bftt't1t'fI thf!' Soard, and aerftftd that the said Rall"q CoIDP~ woulc1 ftlakft Ii riY~r pre""l T'Oad On thfr 81te or thft ohange or thp. publ10 highway, "tane tnA' prollArt~ 01" Ii. 1-'. Tho1l48, 111 the Wlurt find of' Sa1.... Martet"!'!"l Dh- D11' L1ak nn('t CI\t.."l.wbn nhtr10tft Tot,,} 1l1!lOunt colll'ctPtJ rlp.l1m:.lf1lnts Ca... ~pl'lne Plr1trict .. tr1ot, w!1f!t'f' !l'1d ohQn~p. in road waD r~aprat.ly 1Io.de, 1n oont'orm1ty with IJ. to\'lD8r .. .. fQlem Ordt'll' or this foard, at the Ih!ltelnOfl of the said T1dewI\t.er Rallw~ CoIllPtn\~, It bp1ng &l\rftp.(l that the prElvAI shall be l'dt. on at least nix 1nohes dftPp Over 1\ . .. Cl\t ~wbll; .. rOI!C'- bf'd at leQst '20 rftf"t wide, ..hlah th. lOarcf 4r,rftea to "ooept. in Ibu at t.he u'OAdaln road, 48 41. t11'6t proposed. Total amount oolleoted . , n H nl' 111I1 [: ~ ~ ! ~I" I 1111 ! HI! . Hili IzH I "11 I I.,.:ill hll' , I'ta . .~ I: 1,' .;1 .:1 T .l~, I ' ""I ,~ ~ I r :(~ j ; Illj I I J I J , Total UrOunt of werret" paid #"!li w. A. Prano1 It #44 T.. t.. r.reenwood t:!6.20 granted being eub.jeat to .11 t.na Gondltlona aft:J 1'~ltl'lQtlonlll by law fOr Iluoh Oa"'. I'lftrn and Pro.ld'd. ?t).~ #45 flAo. w. Z1rkle -ti'4f: fl. fi. fhaV9i' . 3,50 36,50 It 1e ordered that the Clerk 1e!'\le to the Jnltllbers or tbIe Board warrants tor thp.lr f!5~ A, K. kfl-sler 50,25 :~al.1'1ft8 and Illle.ge ror the ah"JI'Onths endlJ1Sot Junft ~, 1907, tOr the fOllo"lT18 8ltIYlS, l"P_ ~51 ~ra. R, J. I~ard 30.00 spftatlvPly: :i15? W. C. ~l7al 2ft.Ot) ~. ~. Thr~fth8r, salary ~30.00: m11~aFe. ,~.?n; total e37.20. ~'So :'orpan nrOfl;, 2.50 n. W. 1.1''<<15, 1'4191')-'. "30.00; 1l',1leae-fIJ, '7~1J; total, :;.37.2\>. /.' 1.. D. IlO('l(iwln 1.45 I.. D. ndl, flllhrV, ~30.0iJ; If,UfIoaen, r;G.6o; total, C36.Go. j'S5 (;po. Iii. !lIt!',., 1'''1'. COl'I. If:.P5 n. w. r.of~n, sfl.lary, C30.JQ; t<,llp.sge, .!1.2Dj total. .:31.20, ~;~4 n. c. ,ill!"','nn --L...QQ ~~~~.45 f<y hll.l1UlC" "PiO,., lC1l1prl to t.he ~pve"nl roft~ c41Rtr1ctR (I r ~11),.nokp ('o\lnty Purausnt t.o the order entered at the ltlllt mfut'tlng, the no.rd th1s da)' aellin r;onside!'- efltm...l)'t 111M rjet ed t.he mattAI' ot' the Gdoptlon Of thA prov1sions of the genftl"ol stoak law, for that por- 36,]<1 Y,,14 tion ot ~uth :'-:41e1l F.1ectlon Distrlot., In Sslem ulaa.1Bter1al Jli.l3t7"lot, outr.lde of"the cor- Po"'I\te 11Jftlta ot thft town of fdem, tlnd lyinp' Pftftt of ..tl'l.M',tn AVA",\~, !(11IPI or ;(1I'1l""11 r'llpltl .. :.1,. I.i'!t: .. '.6,n Avenue, J&B f'hown 011 thf" t!!.af of th~ lam'" Of the ~,.lp~ ;ip.velop%!'.fmt ~Ol!lI'o.~', Ilnd ..,-u;t c f' (''IVP F.proinp " ~7h.14 !'377.00 the '.lwe1ve O'C1oak. Kmb llUbl.lc roae. Ul'on a V1Vtl ';Oi.!6 '/Qt(), all !!iPMberfi hf'lnl." INHlf;nt ~he 1.tnd votint;, th8rR waa usajn a tle; whereupon J. P. '[OtltY~f'ln15s1oner 1\I'foil.ted by the ~o C1rou1t CourtJCllflt the dcc1dini' vot(, in all Oa8fUI "ltera t.hRt'a is a t.ift, voted against the udopt1On of the Prov1sions of 'aid law; ~nd 'tharp-upon it it! o:rderel3 to be entpred or Re8pect"'.J.11~' tlllb!'lltt.~r1, ~~o. A. MU89, TrA4~. record that the 8ppU,oat10n or pet1t1ohPr8 for t.hE" etock 1&19 18 N'J~ctP.d. On oot.ioo or A.r. Thraet1er, 1t ls Or{lered that H. \'1. ;{1r.'A, Commonwealth' 8 AttO:-lle)' of thin County, be and he 1s hereby ttlJl>ointed tt oor.'t'llttfl& of' onu, on bf'hal r or th1s floard, to confer w1th the IlftlJrs8snt4t1ve 1n the General A8e.8t1bly or thls Oount,y, Ilnc' r,pquftat aaid l-?aprellentat1vfI to UII8 hie befl't flf'fo'i'ts towa~t-. I w, w, l3q;rkpl~~ fU'I(t othflra t.his day p'MSfllntp.(t to t.ha fiOard I&n account of ~"SI).,l:) for land c1alll8P.88 he't"8tO!'ore r:11:,\..-pd by thp. County Co'-1rt, tor 1'lh1oh no warrant had !Jp""n J.snuHl" bp.1nr 1n "'...111 rot' dai':n;:p'~ to th,. 1 ropP.l'ty 1n thp to'-Vn of Vint.on knoWh atl the "Ch"~8P." ~p.cur1nr; 'dl IUIlP.l10lnEmt t.o 1 h.. .'op, tA.X 16w Of t.his Ftat~, l!0 Ilfl to IMke the tl\X on I,ot. ta',{pn b~ 1,hp. Count.,}' "or a ehm1rp 1n ','fhat 18 kr.otm 118 'V'leh1l1t'1.on ftrpPt ill ~H1{1 t.O";\T1. ('OH~ ,. 11~n On t\ny propn1"ty a8~f'srp.d to thp. OYmPrs of' "Of"5, 'md eol1p.etib1e as o t, ~~f'r t ClY-PoII hre co Ilflct8(]. ::;.,}, ; AV:y 0 r othflr"lf1P. ~j ~ --... ()rti~Nul th4t tha Roarcf lip adjourned rmtll thp third .!.ontia,)' jn ,Jul,y_ /f/!:/,4':.Afh.... _~._~_ \ ';'h., i,oart.. ktJ.':lltttr Pcwp.r Coml-'~n.v tl1h d8)" I,retumted to the 1\)ard 0. llet1tlo1l i,rnj'lIlE to he O"Ultftd the yl'lvUel:e or exteruUnc 1tu I.oltl' 11ne8 frOlfo thp. "r1dg8 l~Cr01'l8 HO&noke i\lvr>r, 141. the ergl or Virg1nia hV8B1ftt nOar Roalbkp. C1t)" along the 1;ul.11p. '11ghwf'Y kno...m '18 the roulpv:lrd. to the t.own or 8alell, 1n thll'1 Count)', nlonC the fll(1g o~ the, l'Oft(t hetlfflr>n said IJointst and to atrir1F and maintain ito ",ires thereupon, Boid' wlrell to be not letl~ t.han ;;0 feet above the grade 0 t said 1}ubl1o rood; ul.on oondderatlon or uald pet-1t.1Gn, the Foard, b)' unanimous vots, 1111 Illftftlber8 bp.1ne prellftnt. 8M vot.1nl',. grlUlte staid pr1v11eg8.. eo tar .a it 114. ~ the 1'Ower 60 to do, upon the express under.tandlnr. &l"Id 1tfJ1'eeunt that tilt pole., ereoted b.:, Bald Com1'4l\Y shall be eo p1.oed .1 not to 1ntel't'ere with th. tr."el on oald hlBh..,,*, or ~h. proper working _ dr.lIl4S' ~ho'lOr; ~Ilo prl.U.g. Ilo..bl/ ; ,,:.. COU.t-houH. 8a1.... Va... "u1~ 15. 1907. 'I'h. Iloord of Il1ponilora 0' Ro....ke Oount, "" .t tbo Ooun-bou.. '1'.1. dlf in regular &Goth1)! is.lalon. PH.ent: S. P. '1'h.a.ht., Chall'llaD.; L. D. Bell, B. W. Logan and B. W. Lewis. oJ. O. Martin Rlpp1to. cro.k.tt n._ WO I'll on raN 2',00 81ell.., S.ith Glen "art.in . . . 16,00 5.25 . . . The lIinutes of the 1aR .eAting were ft. and APP1'OYed. The following 01&1.. 8galnBt the OOunt~ were ell_illed.. appl'OY8d, end ol'de~ . ed to be pa1d b~ warrant out ot the tunds r"peotiY.l~ ah8l"(\oab18 therewith. ,-", ~O fH Hi rl .II IT: I .1 ,I .I " ! l I ! I , ~ I to ori.t: ~a1Am Heat 1nF Q). ~8IIl. Conrad' 8 Phannacy Bvp.rett wad~AY 00. Chos. D. Den1t, Clerk U. well., Rll1ott-~18her 00. 1<'. C. PlUDe & ev. Yf. E. :.(e~le'y ii'rank P. Good.....in Or. E. n. f.'tone aal{hel1_ S1t88 00. Just in l:s1"land F. R. Gr~, COnBt8ille W. f,. f'ollartf. .1. P. .lerl')' ,.:orean Vo. & Tenn. Telephone 00. f811\8 IUd .. TAwil Drool., Total expenae e<J},57 . . . Whioh 1e app1'oYed. end the Clerll: ls d1rAotfld to le8UA hll!l a warrant for said M.()Itnt, 1n Sfttt111wnt of 8811.. 8ft_r work at .T a11 4::?,oe He aim r.poned the f'ollow1nR reoelpts fbr the IIlOnth.: WOrk at Jail 9,50 For Ie. barrele or flour C ~4.50 !>rom Poff & PoYf 4!).on T(111et popel' 1.00 l(,,}O .. Whlt.scarv.r Droa. 24"J7 12,10 " 25-1/5 l\I. of wheat G .95 Deed Book 1/40, eta. . E. lot. P1t'1.p,ftrald 0\ Co. If 12-3/4 bu. or wh.at. G .95 RxpreslI, 10e, flo8togt, Ata. 1}.45 ~5.2f' . irlrll..2. J. }Iout~ 4-1/2 bu. of wheat {} .flS . "'rk on (o;aat roOIn or C. lie fl. 8. Cronk . . 1 barr..l or flour fuPJll1f1B !'or typewrlter .::'>4 . vohn IIcnulre . 1 barrel of flour Work lln Jei1 2,<)0 . 1 'arrs! 0 r flour . Isaao PhleRar 6 mos. salnry 'lB flupt. Poor 1"2.50 . ... ake *4q8 . peuture (b ftin and biu"1al 0 r plIlJflel' Lunac)" Aocount (J. W. Hurfman) g.OQ cro.k~\ Or...... . rent ot oott.Ct.k., 2.uo; tiUPl1118s, 1.50 2,50 . ". f.. Vflst " mov1111t 1 load Pens, ink.. eta. .60 . B. W. Logan Total r.081pt8 ~107. 31 . I bu. wheRt 0 .90 _~!L Janitor' 8 8erv10.., 2,GO K111ine mod dORB 3.00 15.50 Whioh he 1s direQted to turn over to thft "reaaurer, and take hie receipt tor Coroner' B 80 lOunt (Welter tValclronl ._, Ree1stral" II aOClOunt (Catawba) },OG Telephone at Jail "3 11lO8. 4.50 ft. E. Medley, fbperlnt....,ent or t.be Count.)' At.shouse, laid before the Boa.rd his e.oond quart.r1:,' r.port, beginning April let., end endine June 301oh, 1907, ehO~ log nine (9) Palper. oar.d ror in IIOnth of Apr11, ten (10) in ;.la,v, and nine (9) 1n June. whioh report 18 approved and ordflr.d 100 be rU.d. . " Almshouse ....50 c. r.. 1\1011 . H. 10;, ,.Iaeee, Road Viewer (E. P. Huff et a1. '\15. The Publ1o) 2.GO follows: ilrown liardwar. Co. F.. U. Fitzgerald & Q)", WhitesoarVlr Bros. Johnst.on, Dq. it T.rr)' 00. PofY.. Porf Sal.. nl')' Good 8 00. n. '1', K.m G: w. DQne 2.00 . . . . VI. a. Wnoct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.~0 O. w. 01811 . . . . . . . . . 2.Qo I.. P. nrloke)'. OVe1"88"'1" Poor, ~o.lary 6 mos. t.o .lunlt 'W 10.00 On .otlon, 111'. Logan 1a aP141nt.ed a oo_lt.tee 01' bne f'ror' t.hle noRrd, to Rot ln oon- Junction .1th .. aoamltt.e to be appointed by the COunoll or the '1'own of' F&lem, to conlllder the satter or 8Z'ad1ng and renoing t.he Jail fl!'Ol,ftrt.)' or thie County, thp. e&1d co_UteA be1ng g1Y8n PO"'I' to aot. 'f Vi. f;. _edlfty, f-\1perintendent or the County al..hou"e ond rora, t.h1u ""1 , , . , uubmttted .. rAport of hi.. 8xpeneA8 88 8Uoh tor the month 0 r Junfl, 1907, &11 Ilardw,.re &nd .efld 'Ph. Auditor or I\lb11Q Aacounts Of' V1rr:inia hav1np C1irt.it1ed to thi8 no.rd the et..e- 1,65 16.}7 10,11 ..Ilt .bow~ng tl>> appt.,1"'tiOnaent between the oount1e. al1d oit.1e. or the 20th .Judlo1al Cirouit, of tho ..1a17 oY till Judge \h'..Of to. till ,..... b'ginning P.bl'U.r, 1. 1901\. till ._. 0' Roanok. COunt, to be ~*.10. it 10 01'd.r.d thAt ~he '1'.'0111". 0" thi. CountN 8et a.id. said 8UII out of the 1.9)' 01' the ourNtnt )OeaJ" and f'~ .... OYflr too 8aid arooerlf1e, eta. EetKt. t.wine, .to. Ill7 sood. 3,06 O1ndr1.. 1,45 "ditO. OY FIlbUo Aooount. in tlv> 110'''''. _...ibld b, low, '1'11I"'" 81aok..i\hins JIIIr. UII 0 r b1lld.. .'18 .90 6.00 1.50 7.kO ':).9") 4,75 4,75 4,75 2.UU ;,50 1,50 showB : i I I I 11 II1I ..~ ~! ' "I< i :~q ; ",. I 'l!i . 'f:q; nl I t,'I' ' I': ~ 1 II: f ~, I d ,"I I "a. I H[ ! d" r I ~ ~, ! , ' ' ;',,! ! 1,11 : I . -- 1.11 W' J. ".. "',,"I'>f, 'fbi, It' ",.i,.... (,' >j IIOrgon Broa. \l11a dq proa.nt.d to n. Ilo.~ . 01.111 1'01' t4O,OO 1'01' ton .heep kill""' b)' dOffB Ot.)lf!r 'than t.beir own; IiI\d it. ap))eariDR that .aid .he.p had been U.'B.IC! toP taxeR at the rete or '4.00 per head, the latd 01&1. :t. al10wad, pqablo ou\ of . \he II1nda erhins rro. \he dOll ha IIII' \he l'8ar 1906, "h'!n the 86M Bhall hav.. been dlRtrl~tftd Or aPJJOl'tloned. 1n Ord.r bJ thp perSon 01" p'.DOne f'or whole oonv.n1....o.. it 18 d.sired.. Sald v18we'P8 aha} allO report. the nBlles or the lfUld Owner. thrOugh whol. lend. the Baid road, 1t efltabUsh- ed, wSll p.Ba, snd 8tat. whioh, 1t any, or the. reqult'. ooapen.at'lon tor the land or their. rlqu.lred to be talc,n lOp Buoh ohong., the probsbl. &mount to wmloh, 10 their oplrr lon, 1Ii\1d land OwiUtl'B .q bit r88p.otl.,.1~ entitled, together with aIW other matter deftaed pertinent b, t.he_. Including the width, and gFOO& :.&1d i"vad nh&ll tm made, and Shall 6180 The C18rk this dlq turned over to the floei'd th8 oheak 01' lIDr88l1 Smith for t497"7~, belng in f\l11 of the prinoipal Ct4G6.67) and intereBt. on 8811\e to July 5,1907 (!31.11>, on hls secon(1 bond eivAn.tor deterred l'~nt on that portlon of thft county farm purohased by hlm the 26th d~ 01" ~a..Y. 1907; the r~turn a IIIBp and d iar.1'811. &long with their uo.1d report. SAid check wau thereupon endor8ec:1 by the Chalraan and Ordered to be dellvered J: On IlOtlon of R&vge C. U:oomaw, he ls P8rmltted to erect poles ft)1' Q telephone line floo. lIoDalllel' 8, on the l.loltdamlzed Road, to intersect with the Washington lIeichts }-loud, ~ alOne sue to the limits or Roanoke C1t, , upon the expres8 uMer.tanding o.nd Ol:7re8- m8ot. that tha poleD so ereoted by h1m uhatl be sO placed aa not to lnterfel'e with travel on said highways or the prollttr working and drdnage thereot, privilege hereby C1'ontftcl belnr subJect to Bll the condit10ns and restrictions by law for GUoh cases made (,00 plOD- to t he l);)unt~ TrftSRUrer, to be ol"f~d lted to the 6ener8l county f\and. A lettp.r from w. ~. UCClonahsn, flU(!'Jfestl1V: that. thft County should make v1ded. t\ fUI on (.lp.rre1"son rtrept, Jud uouth or the Jftrreroon Stre('t hr1dRe, ond 'Neat of ;'~lA lowflr lake or the Hoanoke GaB and "Ilater CoD1pa1'\), wall 1'8coived, R. w. K1Jne, oommittee, thlB d~ turned 0..1' to the 80fti'd a cheok of W.. W. Dallard tor '20.0lJ, to be orfld1~ed on the aJIlOunt due b)' him fbr otr1ae rent, -..hiah said attook 1s ordered to be tUn18d over to the Count)' trea8UPfl1' end orRdited to the general county 'UKl ref'errfl!d to the Count)' ~4'l-er1ntendent of Road" for 8uch dJ8posit.1on 08 i8 deemed adv18BblP. by him. !'Und. Jt. O. Howhp.rt, fQpt., eta. V8, j ) B, P, \luff .t ala.) ) va, ) ) 1'hI "'bUo ) ) The Public 't'hft ~herlrr havins returned duly executed tJ1e, 8UJm!lona issued to the pro- priRtc:r8 o~ thA lands rnentlonerl 1n this aPl,lioatlon, to wit: Antho1l)' I..eonard, The viewera herfttofbre appointed in thill aauae th1s d~ autaltted the following report: To the Board ot Slp8rY1so1"1I , Count)' of Roanoke, state of V1rginJ.a: ..\1"8. [<'ann1e Neighbors BIld ....B. ...r)' Brubaker, the flo.ld defendants th1s d~ a]lj~U4J- by counllftl and riled in 19r1tinp, th.....1r exaepUona to the report or the vle~1"8 in t.hill 081188; upon oonsldp.ratlon whereor ttltl Board, by u.naniMuB vot." ~flclded toot the ftxc8(Jtlons should be susta1ned, and thft llaid rAport S1re: "'e, th.. Undere1Rned, .ie""l"8 apI.101nted by you June 17, 19(>7. in the 0&88 or B. P. nutr ys. The !Ublio, to view the IItPflfttS 1n er,8tal Spr111SC 1Add1t1on, and l'Aport what strfllete lhould be adopted 118 QOlmty J'OIIdl'l, having b4en ctuly nom, tleg 'to, !IJbrn1t the f'ol- lowlnp report, and reao-.end that' the fOllowing etreftta be adopted 88 count)' ro ad II: wellington Ayenue hom WoClanahan'1I Plaoe to 5th ~re.t; 5th 8t.rep.t trom Wft1l1YtRton AYftf1l1. to Rosal1nd Avel1l1e; H1ohl11eu AV8rue trom 5th st.ref"t to 1st 8tl"efft.; Bnd 2nd Str.et from the Mountain RDad to R1obe11eu Aveoo.8i aooord1r1f( to .ap Moorded 1n "Reool"d of Platll", pagea 102 and 10'. ln Clerk' 8 orna. or HDCUI)ke Count)". Approdllat. ooat \0 rava1r above a\ro.h !150,OO. 15 thereupon Y80atftd and set aside; wh~reupon, on motion or the said detendantt:, it 16 ordered th6t R. .-.:. :.(68.,8, VI, R. West, J. C. COI.... J..e. E. Ilowbert and w. J. potr, r811ident rr.eboldsra of th111 count)', ~ three of' who. m~ &at, who ~8 hereb)" 8PJ:01nted tOl' the purpose, do view the wq ft)p 6 ohangft in tile ~bll0 road in thill count)', from a point. near NlthDny Leonard'. barn, on the Jlra.nkl1n Tumpik." to 1n .ald turnpike at . point eaet of the place of Mra. lIal")' ~b4kertto hear suoh proper ev1~ence 8.. .q be aulastted to thea, and t-Aport to this Board, and r.IJOrt upon the esp..u.en~ or altering the looation of said road; whether the con.enlenoell and. 1noonven1.nfts that will result 611I well to individuals 5S to the iQblta, it Roh ohAllKe 1n road et>>u1d be e.t,a~ ; 11ahed o.e Prcl'O..di whlltber &n,y )".rd, P.&M4*n Or oPohA1"d. or ~ pan thoNOr, "111 1n Noh 0... ha.a \0 be hun; _ther .aid Oh_ ~1Id "ul be of NOh .... pr1.at. ""..mono. a. to _ it proPlr tllat U .bould be OPllled _ t.... , Ju1~ 1!l. 1907, Robt, E. :,(egftA ) ) W. G, WOod ) ) Vl....rll. Chaa, L. a.ah ) ) G. 11. Blah )' upon ..n.id...,qon "hor.. t, it 11 order.d th.t tho ot....h .bn. d..il\1l.Ud be on/I tlleV are h.r.l>V "'opt.d .. oountv ....,.. to be ...rk.d - ooDtlOll.d .. l>V ; la. pi"Ovlded in JUob oae8'. COurt-lIeu..,JulV 22, 1907, \ The Bo.rd or &1peni.ora or ftO....1uI OOuntv .ot thh dq at tlUl COurt-lieu.. In '.'Blon, all __be". being pr'D.nt. j ,he Jllnut.'8 or 'the last. apetlng wer. approved a8 read. ! i i ~ .arrant.: The fOll "'wing Ol.1ae against t.h. I)otlnt~ w.r. ex_inftd U1d ordered to be paid by i I , :1 tl Th. Cl..k tM. dq laid belDre till Board a r....t or 001.. or d.UnQU.nt to_ late puroha88d by the OOlD1lDn...al~h and J'e-BOld bJ the """'''.1' of the County or RoanOke, 88 reQ1Jll"ed by Chapt.r 52. Acts at 1906, 88 the .aas had been revltJed and corrected by the C1rcu1t COufi at thp June t.ra, 1907. The 88:ld report of Geo. Y. Muse, Treasurer, a11OW8 that the sal. ot 10tB, after he..... lllR been corrected by the Circult COurt, amounted to ~2,435.26, whioh the Tr.... utAf' al'l)~rtloned 88 tollow.: st.... t.ax, 1:'4N5.04j oount.)' tax, !S6'.92i \0_ 1."", ....\.~"t;::....~....~.,,~ '44!).65~1\ f1JtOf" 88 bid ov~;'th..c.ta.X, ~"51.~. tot. &.1 , t'2,43s.?6. Kia report. of ll1'O\}(lrl"t.~ 1"edeell8d before e&18 on 8tdd list. shows the t01.1owlng U'Ounts: Total arfOunt t.a~"8 red.Il'med, ~1,143.ql, or ~b1oh tm.IlO is mate tax; ";497.01, county """" t- t;;.......1o..._ ~......J.." f. ~'IIf,~t, tall; nM t247.00,,,town tall^ lIpon oon8ider\tion of said rftport, it 180rdftrftd that. t,hp Tre,\fIUrAr oharp,a hlmself w1th the ~!:63.C):' am t.he ~'4C)7.01 of taxI's dllP the County, 'tt4 per Baid report in making h1s settleJftftnt with th1s 1:o8rd. 'I'hl't ]11'1. furn1shed by 1.1ut treaBUt'er of propart,y on which there were no bldo i8 The r"ard thh day~ by un,mlrnouB vote, aU J'lellloors he111R prer>ent an" "lotiO"!, proop.p.dect _ to rix the f1BlarieR o!" thA COunty orricAra 'Or the f180al year beglnnlnp; ,'Ul~l 1, lC)117, 118 N. "11s, work on coal-hOuse 6,9' 1.54 30.00 lIrt. on lH8lnffl'otant. J. 1<. llrelll.V. WOrreU 'Ug, Co, Dla1nfeotanta for Jail, &t.o. "16.fll.t QAOf ~. ~u8e. Treas. ComB, on roell fUnd (f-~a18m nlut. \ . . . . (H~~ J,lok Oist. \ . . . . (CO"" Rpr1ne Dht, l ... . . . (Catawba nht.) . . . . ( county "'Del' ~ days' boar" tor lunat 10 ?.40 RAM 143,41 s.... liO,04 Fame ,,",,67 s... 'SOQ.7'. J. F.. Jll""dlflJY, Jallol'. rollow!': apJJ'l"OVfld a180 by thin hlard. Shl'trlf'r or t.hfl county (lncludlnp, Jailor' (OO.Of) COlfllllOmte81th.8 Attorney of County GOO.OO H. D. liowb8rt, ~unty fuper1ntendent of Roads, thia rll\Y made the f'ollOw1~ report or expenditures .'-1.h8 publio roads fbr the period ending 'this date, County ClArk 1.)00.1)0 30,00 Clerk Bo8~ or SUpervisors f".ounty fUr.t. of' Poor (exclu8!vp- of boarrl of farr,lly) :";05.00 i' It I to wit: Cave Spring District (out or distriot fUnd) 4105<) Blg I.1ok . . . . . 404.99 f.alem . . . . . 34,12 COuntv tund loa p.r ..port l ~ Alr.ountlnp; to t717,3l< vested or .aplo)'e,.; 1n businf!88, tor oount)" purpttBeo npon 860h ~lf')O or valuation of' bOth 1"8&1 nnrt perRon81 propRl'"ty ror county 1.\118 08.Y ThII Boar!tProoeed8d to 1~ the levy for derr~lnp, the c>>unty p.xpenefl8) for county fOr road PJ,rpo888 an!!,--t11atrlcrt. road purposes fOr the enllUlng tax year, 88 fOllow~: Ul.on eaoh tIOO, or 'Ialu8tlon of' both r8al and ])8r80na1 propprty and or C8]>1tu.l in- 'fIhlch 111 8])proVed, end the Clerk is diracted to 11111I.111' h1m werrente f')r Bald amounts, pa.YBblfl out of t.he fuMS re8~eot.1YelY ohal"geable t.b8re":lth. l\>..~"v"l\.,J;;._~,.~f>.._~"tL ...'r.... , \~~ l+.);;"""......~~"..:..J;...;. ~. ---fl!;7/.''-.....rL.... .4.~. road p.ll"JlO8ft1l HT.on 8aoh !10". of' ",.,lu.t.1on 0' bot.'" 1'eal and pel"flonal pl'OllPrty for cHe- ; trlat roact p.l!'poa8ft !log tax In}': Upon eaoh "",1e dOp' in thft count.)' Upon eaoh reale dog in thP county 'll\--. ......J... -~ }~_. -..~ ').. ~.-. ""f~~~ Iy....,) On _t.lon of Roland i:. ('.ook, f"upt. of Sohooll!. for t.hla f".ount)', 11. 1a ol"derftd thOot the lqlnp: of the leq tor countf am district 8ohool p.lt'por.eB bfl pastliOnttd until t.hf' ..otlnll 0 t thi. Boa"". ,'0 .l~ ,1~ ,50 1,00 1.,,0 1 Iii I ""I ',Il5't li"'1 ~ ~, , t:t\, I rill j ~d f ~ lilll !id ,~ ~ I ":;: 1 ,H ~ I : ~ " 1 "'1'1 ' ~ in i Ui I ill I llIi Iq'l Ih " II! :/ III i; 'j" I v.. I ale. ) I I ) ) __I llel.. Dhtrtn '.hl ..,um. .Ppo"U.l\lId '204,27 r<04, ~7 Appo"U.nld .. "'11...: M)r count)' purpose.. at SO at.. on '100. v61uatlon 145.91 lolOl" oo\lnt~ BOMOl lJlI,l'poS8B at 10 ota. on '100. valuation 29.1f< flt)r dietrlot. BChool purposes at 10 ote. on ~lOO. valuation .~F: ~OQ4,27 ~4,;rr._ R. S. Brown.t I Tho PI1bU. On mot-ton ot John A. T~lor and T. La;.(. €buah, t1lWO of' the 8UarantoJ'D of ttw ~400.0cJrurn' heretotore guararrt.8ed In tt'l18 oBUse, the)' are allOWfld to p~ the sum of t35.0iJ at; a Q!"@dlt on thR'll' 8Rid guarantee; end it 10 oMftJ"ed that II. JI. How-bart, fupt. or Roads. be and he hn...b)' 18 dll'8oted to inspeot. the "'08(.1 knowm ft.R the \'1llnh1nrton HflolFhtB Road, IU1d do what 111 neaeBB&I"Y, 1n tits Judr- MPnt, to complete the Ruid rDllt' and maktt rttport. of his act.ions 1n this matter to thA 1"lPxt mp.ptlnp of the ooarrl. And this 00ll8ft 18 contlmted. lUf( L1ak Distriot Total IlJT.Ount 8p}.-ortloned ()(j,p:.'J AppoJ"'tlonerl a8 follo"s: On motinn or .';1". l.oran, it lEl omerArl, by IlmmlftlO\1s votA, that thA ItIPlnt r,pptinR of' thi8 1lo81'd hI' held on thA fourth MondB,y, Im~tAad Of th... thll"rl L1oM,*" o r'~ If,onth, It 1fl fUrther ordered that the date f'br t he f~nnuo,l vl:;1t b.y thfl For tXiunt,y 11Urpos8s (,1. 50 ota. on thA 1'100. vt\luatlon 1"0.72 11\)1' county 8choOl Pu1'po88e at lOots. on the !100. valuntion 1).54 For rtlf'trlot 8ehool purposes at 10 ote. on the eton. valu~tlon q.54 ~GG.80 ~(i6.p,() 10'lI'IJ to 1,1lP. CC\111ty J,tm8honsp for the lnAp9~tlon oP the County 111'0118rty he f1x- ad fur t~p ;?Ilth Of Auf"a,t. ~IJ,V8 S}.Irlng n18tr10t 'rotat 81T,o\int aplJOrtioned :2'C)?,f R l'he anr.ll,~l rpT,(lrt ot' w. F:, ,.p.rlley, ~Oll'lty f\IT.t. 0" the Poor, "I8R th1s cay It-del be~r~ t'16 roard, 1n:-'(,"cted, '~lJ1,rovAri, und orderfl(' to hp filec:'. Apport lonad as follows: For county pUl'poSe8 at 50 ots. on t.hft ~lOO.I)O vnluat10n 20~}.20 Pol' county Behool purposes at lO eta. on tho fJlOO. vnlllat10n 4t.P4 For <'istr1ot soho01 ]JUI'I..oses at 10 eta. on the :101l. V01118t1on 41..&3 (:eo. .(. :.cufte, 'I'rAa8Ul'\'tr, this day 8UhJTi1t~,ed to th8 floard the tbl1owlnc- I"P- port., which "as 8Jl:amlned and approved: c:tatempnt of nel1nquent County and f'ohool taxe" fJa1d to the Clrrk of' the elrcult Court of Roanoke Count~, nnrl by hit!. I.aid to the Trea8Ur91" or ~8JlOke County, 1\8 1,f1r rellort f1terl w1th thp. TJ"ftBt.lII'p.r of" sald r.ounty thlt 15th day of Ju1;y, 1907, on(1 SQl'\ft 8])1,0I'tloned unon,-- the 8evel'a1 Sohoo1 D1str1ct.ti of 1l0RllOke. :!'?Cr.ns '&:'f)~.f,t: Town 0 f' fo.lelrl Total M.Ount api-Ort toned ~12.:?7 Al'I..ort1oned 6S follows: nlstr10t school 1 evy 30 eta. on the tlOlJ. v1.lluat1on 1:::'..2'"1 Total amount reoe1ved !'jQP:.2R '12,2'/.. _t1_~',<rL APrortloDmp.nt by PtstrlatR He8{J9ot rull;y 8Ub!!lltted, C",t,"'"h" nlstl"lot ,. 3:?O'; Oeo. .:... :<luse, Tr808. r,,,1p'1J\ nlntrlct 204, :>7 6Ci.p.o StlltPl!Ient or Ih't11nQUent County 8nd Sohool tax9:, [Jf,1d to the Clerk Of' t.hfl r.1rcll1t L11' Liek nhtr1ct Cnvn fprlnp h1fltr10t 2'JO,P.l'l Court or Roanoke Count)', and b)' him II".i.~ to the '('l"r.sf\urer or iloanoke Count)', at> liAr 1'''- '('own or fo.lem 1~.'27 po:.'t rUed w1th ttle Treasurer or sald County the 15th doy or Jul,)'t l<J;17, by ftlotr1cts. Catawba D1str1ot ~(~.~ U)OB.~ 1.p[-ortlolUllftnt or County and SOhOol TaX8a dOne the eever"l (118tJ"lote. n. F. 1I0uaton' 8 lire., 112 80ree :.laftOn' 8 CreAk 1l0war. JAoIlonald' II firs., 112 601'&8 Kallon'lI Creek ,1,19 10.~2 I ".75 i -Lli<l I "2,06l ~14, 34 Catawba D18tJ"1ot now.r~ KoJlonald'" I(l'e., 73 &OrAe U"80n' 8 CrAek Tot ~ M"4unt '2,06 Total Catawba UiatrlGt Apportioned &8 foUo1':S: lA.. 5 per 0."'. Go_1..10na Rlt' count)' purpose., 500te. on tlOO. valuation .'.... Co. .."'.1 I'Urpo.... 10 oh. ." 1100. .&luaU." !'or ~:I.tr:ln .0"'.1 1'Ul'pG.... 10 ot., .n tlOQ, V&luAU.n f~~.M :/2,<)0 4. !Ill ."t~ I I stRtell&nt. of' Del1ncpent OoUMl' ".xe. and COunt)' eat Diet!'1" Sahoal 'l'ax.. "aid to the CIftrll or the ClrOUlt Ooul't of Roano". Countf, and iii b... 1'_1u to t.he Trttaeurer of Roanoke Count)', &. per l"epot't. ftled with the '..am... or laid County t.118 15th d~ or J1j:ly, 1907, h)' DiRtriots. EO_l"a District Waltftr i.e.. Jewell, lot 7 flfle. 6,8. Ir o. J.. Co. lA. B. f'l\(!p., 4(J.fto 80".., Clrep.n Ringe EtilmtnrJ Wlnfiton, ., 801"fl8, ..se<Jn'<< CrpPk Choe. T. ',u)flnll. J,. 1, 2, -." Fee. 1(;, 1;. l~ f). 'I. Co., 2nd D1V'. Chae. T. IAlkino, I.. :> f>Aco 17, n, !_ O. I,. 00. F. .1. Cl\apman, 140 B.erf'8, Cl'l\ven'lI (:pppl( .T. Chapman, 135-1/4 'larPA, Craven' b Crettk '.'l!1~hlnJ;ton Club I,RTI(1 Co... G5.~rJ acres Wo.d\1npt.on ~lub Land Co... G? 8tlltprrA'tntfi 'h ,J. T'f!,{~rl~. G4U acres, ROanoke HiveI' "". !i. l'p'Iprlnr. lotf~ 1]. I? ,. 1~, HAc. 1(1, f{iv. J.lllld Co. .T. 71, n~'1pr1nt3' et ala. ';2 f.-c. If', Illv. T.~nd ~o. H.75 1.34 2.16 2.60 .12 1".~7 13 24 102.75 4!}'1~ 2<).57 W, H. Pet..s, I.. 9 B. 4; lu 21 8. II. lu 4 8. 11i L. l' D. 20 8fto. " N. D. 00. Southern Land & 1RY. Co., L. 16 B. 3; Tu 16 & 23, lJ. 9: I". 1 B. II; I,. 11 &: 1R 8. 17 880. 3, R. D. co. llAD. w. V8Ughan, I.. 15 8. 20 Sltc. 3, R. D. CO. Renr~ C. Dean, I" 2' B. 20 &to. ., R. D. 00. J.... E. Tyler. I,. 26 D. 7 ~. 4; L. 14 D. 18 f.-o. " H. n. 00. OeD. B. lltorr1Bon, I,. 9 B. 14; Ih "i & 4 B. 15 sec. " R. n. c>>. E. E. Dennitton,rh 42 D. 7; (" 2Q B. 9i f.. 4 I. 5 B. 16 CiAo. 3, H. O. Co. P.. E. llennhton. L. <) B. 2; L. 3 B. 6 &10. 4. n. D. 00. :.(. E. V8atman, J.. 1 h. P f,pc. 4 10:. E. I1ftnn1ston , L. 14 H. 1 feci 1, R. D. Co. t. E. Denn1Bton, Iu <) B. 2 Sec. 4; J.. 14 D. 15 Eftc. 3, n. ll. Co. Ida iA.. rotlnn. l,ot 1 Heo. 1, Pa1rv1ew I.and Co. ~Q,ry H. Walterr., Part lot 1 ~~c. , 1<1ne Inv8ntment ~mp&n)', r.. 4, 5, G ~AC. 6, AetnQ 1.. Co. V. II. "~M, T.. 4 l~ 5 fAO'. 7, V. T.. I.. & fl. Co. F.11za. 1-;. Cundlrr at als., 1.. 15 t,eo. 4, Petligo kid. ~, T. Bockovel', I.ot 5 rAe. 28. R. r.as & Watel' Co. 13. T. Fookover, I.. 1 Sec. 30, R. Oat! & Water Co. nolllY H18't1n, Lot 4 fee. ~, n. f.. Co. P. n. ^:Ic':oid'p,B, l.at 10, Vinton Inv. Co. f. W. Jam18on, J..ot. 11 Fee. 13, ;.{echan1cs' Ho~e Land t'o. Tota.l nIe Lick niatrlct Le5s 5 per cent. Clerk~ n cOmnllssion .j. "I. Dpvprinc et als. I.. 17 fflp.. 23, HIV. Land CO. liobt. W.1lS01l. Lot 2 fee>. 35, P. ,~ o. I,and Co. oi. ."'. ~',*,n1ck, Lot 6 C-ef~. I, r. L O. Lall(I ~. Fl1~:<bl'tth Campbell, 1.'80 UC-rp8, Cove Road .;;8:-;~ljnHton C)u~ LHh.! Co.: L. 5 l~ 6 ;ee. 29, W. c. J.. Co. Total fnler D1f:tT"ict l,ftf'F- 5 l~r Cfoot. f:le.,.k' fl cOJr,r111::ion .aC} .13 .13 .09 .31 .()4 ---~ ~21:>.iJ2 10.~ <~J1...!.L ft.htelWnt of Df'11nqul'>nt ColJonty IMlc' School TB,:8t: pn1d to thA Clnrk ot the ~iT'CU1t i~ourt of ~oanoke County, and by hirrl lla1d to the Treasure1' or nOtmOkp. "o\mt~., Ill) r'P.r r~port fUed -n1th thlJ '~'roa.surp.r of" 8111d County tne 15th flay o!' ';:.l1~. 1907, ~,~ T:b.trict6. Rig L1ck Dlot. r 1C1. F11".B f'(~tT,er60n, G flcres H. A. f.ovPlacp., T.ot, 4 f'>eo. 1, rf"rt1ro Md. l". J. hlrnett pt-8Is., Lot 3, Vinton R. 00. :"ary ro. jUt chell f Lot 1~ ["..-ec. B, "1008 f... Co. w. r:. nnrbour, Lot 5 ['..eo. <), r:}oc1e I.one) Co. .J. It. lTo.P;S8RG, I.ot 14 reel J.j, r.1~8 Land Co. tIno. .J. fleilKm, l.ot 16 f;ec. I), O-lade I,and Co. nettlA II. WilBOn, Lot 17 see. 9, lllede I.and Co. T. J.". HaJmer, Lot lIS Sftc. fS, lllade tend Co. (:. fi. nurhy, r.ot 1 8eo. 9, 01.,. r~and 00. C. Il. "'11. 'At , B. 20. seo. ,. R. D. 00. Il. II. Or.shu, I.ot 32 B. 17 Beo. " R. D. Co. w. J. Kine., ~. 29 B. 1& 8. 'i L. 7 n. 21 8. 3, R. D, CO. 10.94 :?18 1.49 2.7') 3.Q5 2.~ 1.1" .C)O .(,5 1.24 ."?OI 1.'7 '7,J.jZ :;.~., "G6.~lJ statftMnt or DelIn(l'l8nt Count)' &hi Sohool Taxes 1)a1d to the (~18rk ot the C1rol.l1t . Court or Roanoke Count~, and by him pa1d to 1.'\8 TreaBUrel" or Roanoke Count)', ae per report. flled with the Treasurer Of" IIIUd County the l~th d~ or ,JUlY, 1<)07, b~' D1striots. . nave Sl)ri~ 01etrlot: 2.91 &Jean flal"ker, 12 aorea, Red HUl .... C. R.rke.., 5 ao".., Red HUt C. c. Kaufman, 5401".8, Ro. De". Co" Pmf'l}!n.. W1npo, ;75 aO!'A,.:, Oed,." ,llUllftft rtone, 1.(,2 BorllB, Ogden WID. "'ashington, 2 ael',!., Solem "o~ Luo,)i d.. Itanaook, 7.10 aore., CaVe Spr1ne V. S. Smith, 1~.17 aore., BaOk Ore.k Henr)' A. Wltavel', 25.60 aOre8, BlUR Ridse ;.c. n. Pace, 25.31'" aorel, Illue Ridge Mrl. Y. A. WP1gh\, 20.75 &or~., ~.l.. HeArl 'I'ot"l O"vo ap.lll8 Ilhhlot Les. 5 per o.nt. Clerk'. oo.al.lion r .14 .li6 1.lR 1.61 1.64 2.22 1.6~ 6.52 3.43 .91 2.44 ,.99 .4' .H 2)fJ....2 .OR .~4 .tf) .70 ..n 1.ill ~.42 ~_l (308.29 7.82 .17 .41 .25 .22 .~f, .36 .::'G .:'6_ :f l III' III !Il , :: ~, l Ii' ! 1,1 i ; E ~i ','I, ! ! I '11; ,If' L "! I , j ~. I ~ l j Illl ! i II II! ~ I I ' I1II I b't.to..nt of fleUnlJl.nt Count~ end Ilohoo1 'UO', p~d to thO OlUk of thO O,.""lt Court of RoOllOU COunt~, OIId by h1Jo pa1d to ".. ,..._.... of lIO_u Cour>- ty, as I,rr report f11.., with tho 'ro.aurer of .ald COunt~ thO 15tb Cq of Ju1~, 1907. by Districts. Town 0 t' fatell: c. v. FrUI11fl.an ..t ala.. Lot 5 seo. ~, fit t. Co. lit f:. RJ"Oeh, Lots 1 Ul.d ~ &tc,r.7, f-o I. Ca. .'oph11.l Cock-rpll, Lot 4 FRO. 7, Katfp." Md. P. 1:'. Pl"Pf'ton. LotI! I,:' 1~ ~ f'p.c. (it '<osey /vIe:. r.8rrl~ P. Browe 7,..1/'" aOrAft .1. L. Fink.., Lotf' ,.: & <) f:fll!. t1~ Kase,)' MIl. .4'J 1906 I 01:1' ?4 ! . I ! l.J<j . 2.m .14 6.71 .10 .. .... Heniumso":ll;, tJo .~. 4, 5, G h II j flrt or, f-el~, 60, E. I. Co. . .Go .0<) ,~. '1'. fUl.lnr'pJ'r, P1. 0.}5.. 1.ot :'4 fiae. 13, f. I. Co. f'dl11e(;,.~., I.ot 113, I'IJrf, or, C'hai,nwn:-t. ;~'J...th8 ~~l'R.Yl Lot ll~, J'lirt ot, Chapl'l'LOn ~,. .T. 'i. f:;l",p:-;on. Lot -'; r~c. ? ':'otal Tol'lY'. 0 t' f"alr.rr, l.P~I. 5 Ilf!r I'!p.nt.. rll'lrk'~, corrJ.:1usion .<)7 1-. . . ~1.t:....- -:12.')1 1'106 oJul}' 24 HAC. 19 ---.:li'L . . ~12.~'7 1907 June 19 llAor,:p ,.:.. "':U~A, TrAQeUrer of' th1e Count:" thie dB;" 81lb1nitt,ffr' to toP roard thp fono'Him" stntp.mfrnto of' thA rear' tax ruM !hI" the tu yen" 190r:;-T7: II ! i :?O!alOJc~ County: r.ount~' IrOR,t'l all'COlmt, If)t)( ~, 19D7. ]C)r1f. ,1\11;,,,:::4 J'y h',1ance rtuA C(l~nt~' on annual ::!Elt.t]Am"!nt of 1")05, ~ounty rOBd fUnd "41.l).efJ lr ._ ~ '" I 'In. 1 ':(1 61'ount o!" r:ount~ levJ' tNlnHf'prI'ed to CO:lnty roa<l ~ln(tt 6.8 }.er O~'Ar or the r'()aro of fuper- '/1~ors 0 r lfoanokp. I':ount:f, 15 centB on the tIn:. valuatJon, trunrfo€frrA(' to sldd road fUnd frof.'. CeU'lt)' lpy;. nJT_Ollnt trl.ln8~ArrAd fro!", ~f\t.aW'h8. 01striet ~}9.!J-. . . . fo.lsJI1 . 12')2.21': :'G?4.41 951"..91 . nl<< 1,1ck . . . . . CavA' fr.rlnft . . . . ral1ro~et tplARraph and telflphone cOJ'I!lIlnle"'r 15,: 0 r entire Count)' lAV)' 'rotal rAoelpt.8, lnolurlinr. ba.lance ror l<}O5 ()75.7(., t6Ga< .110 Total 01eburaement. To Ruanoe clue C:ount,>' on CountV 1"0,", rund on anBlat o.ettlftlWmt -' t66a'l.fIO . ' 1'J06 July 24 PAO. 1f'J . . 100"; June 17 &'961. dO 1906 Jul, 24 D80. '-8 6lI1.110 f66:;r,.80 . . 1907 Apr. 24 Juno 19 '. Catawba Olotrlct Ro.., Aooount_ 1<)06-0'7. R'ceipt. Dy b.l..". $JA dJat-PJot on .nnual sett 1....... " liIlOunt fro. 1'}O6 lev. r88l 8~ pel'ltOnal . " . . 1906 lev)", railroads, telefPaphs . an:) telepbone~ D,y lUWunt, t.....r.rr.d rrom 1905, dog tax f'Und Total reoeipts Total D.iswrefllllent8 '1'0 balBnae dUff distriot on annual Sftttt"Jm8nt I1I1.VA Spring IJletrlat Road Aooount for 1<)Or)"o07 Reoeipt. . lJy balenoe due tUllt.rlot on anm"l eettlem.nt . lUlIOunt t"roa 190(, leY)" re.l and pArsonal . . . 1906 lev)' ....Uroad and telep,l'apl1 and telephon.. .. amount tranDferred from county dOy, t.ax t\and Total rftoeiptll Total Dieburseaent. To balence dUB Oistriot on anmal IIftttleaent. Big Liok District fb.,l Aocount fOr 11)0(1-07. RAcftlpts ~ balance due OJDtr1ot. on Mmel Bettlff.nt 1905 " amunt h'Orr. r.ounty levy 1906.. real ant' perlOna} . . . . . 1906, rAilrOads, tplppraph nnrl telephone" . .' transferred tror. County do(': tax !'It1'l<' Total receipts Tot.! d1sNrS9Mnts TO balance due D1strict on annuat .ettlement ~a1." Dlotr1ot Rl>... Account 1'01' 1906-07. R)' batanoe due 01etriot on annual eettle.erf, . UlOunt 'ro., County leY,Y 1906. re"l and pereon.t . . . . . 1906, railroads, telegraph and telephone, 1lr .Wfrp.,..nt of <Ilotrlct lIlIId. to N. n. nar.t, ~pt. . _unt tr....rorrod tro.. COunt~ dor. tu tu"" . 10hl "..1pt. 'otal dbbu,...nt. ,. lNol_ OlIo iii_riot on ......&1 C707. 'Yj 3D? !R 24;->.94 "'5(,.14 tl297.02 ~l~7 .02 612.10 9~.<JI 243.94 ~~ nfi4C).OQ lli49.09 "!:'u56.3(\ ?6?4..11 24~.'J4 Vi.Pi 0960.",7 l7'l60 ..fS7 ~1l05. 50 12')2.3S ~ "H't.'1~ 1.00 ~,.l.4..- '2678.86 ~7f;5. 52 !}tl.~D .1?c)7.u? 'l'7<)6 .4~ _5!!&L "'lR4Q.09 .:2fiy/.f:2 ___44~!..q,5....;.. t7<JGQ .K7 I ! I iI" UI I i'!lll I P ~ ! i. :, ; '1'1 I' ~ i ,I !PI i I,d I ~ ~ I I j, I iii I Ill,' I I 1'1: I i i i ! r j I ',II i Id, I IP ;' I ~ f' ,I .1111!11~ i, I; III GOO'S8 1&. ""... ,........... thh d-r llli,d beftl.... t_ IIp..., . PUShl ""1.- &ftnt 0 r hie l'eoe1pte al'kf ili.bu......t. of' the COunt, l.~ AI. t,... y.ar: 1906-07. but not yet having hi. deUnqu.ent list. fOp .aid yeU', ttLft ftnal Ntt"..nt 0" his "Dcount 1s oontlnued- until thP luguet I!leetlng. . Countjl- Taxel 1l.1hOAd ,."".. 1906 Vall., 'R. 11. COllponl 1.95 .55 . . . . . . . H. ol< W. R. R. hin Li.... 1'hp 1'011oW'1~ st.t'uMnts by sald 'l'rCtaBUl'nr nave tuum .,xaain*<<! U'Ill APproVed: 18~.16 36ft. 511 . .. . . Gben~o&h D1v1810n TotRl Amount 0 r County l,evy lc)06, real and pereonal, by hhtfllot8: . .. . It W1nsto1\oo~.1.. DiVision 611<.50 511.95 CatR"bu Oh,tl'lot Uflal f:state Whit,. 7~."5 15.'30 Salell Dletrlot Sohool Taxes It .... .. .. fto_Ok. Belt 1,1118 . . . ColorArl N. 6: 11. ;r.1n M,ne . . pprtional Propprty Whit9 Tld8.~t.r R. R. 00. 6.20 264.15 . . . . . . . . Colorp-rl 1.,90 1Q.7:L RollllOke Bt.re..t. R)r. ^' Eleotrio 00. f.lem Dist. ~Gh. Tax 310.f>' . . '" '" Cl\p11'.nl InVAf\tpd 10.65 f~(It.,,\Vbn 016trlct '!'ot!l.l ..lO~1.C)5 . . . . . . . . . "'88t..rn Union 'lIftlflRrapll CO. ef'ntral nl,tyolet 3t).()~ I~flal EstatE' i'1l1U,A ,3""6.:;0 ratAIl Oint. . . . . . . COlored f'()uthern r4tll Tftlwphonft Co. VA. & T~nn. ~elephonR Co. 7.C1 141'.70 . . f'preonRt rrOl,ert.y f;02.G~ 2.&3 "fltlte . . . 35."') . Colorerl . . . . ""'I.itn] Inv....tlted ~~I. .'5 ... fal9m nlntrict . . . . 70tal f,alAm n15tri~t ',. 43-17 . ~1I Southe~n ~xprA.B Co. f;it~ Lick J)1st,.1 c~ i1p.al };ntllte "'hUe $.5724. Y) . . . . . C:olored Total Amount or RailrOad -"faxes Levied and COlleoted fbr 1<J1j{) 54.7~ '~'owr. 0 l~ Vinton . White Western Union Telecrapb Co. fi()3.74 . " ('olorAd Telephone Ccm~an1e8 Total AItount Colleoted 32.35 19SG.1(' . fi,- !,ick rlm.rlet !''''rllonal frop'!rty Whit, p . . . . . Colored 21.45 ,"UI,itAt !flVPt;lec 65. 30 _ ll1t1trlot Ro~ T8.X 15 oents on the ';100. valUation Hip; I~lok D18tr1ct '!'otal '874>'.0,,_ Count". . " 15 ll"'nt e on t ~ .~100. Vduat 10n Total D1et.1"1ot ROQ(.l Tax Cave ~~J.lrinf: 'D16't.riot HAa1 EstatA Wh1tA t246U.1G . . Count y . . . . . . SB.G4 co 10 1"('(1 ~.t&wba n18triot .!243.f)4 . . . Pprncn1l1 PropP.rty \I1h.1t8 1;.1.. 21.'.94 601.55 . . . Cb 10 l'pd /liB Uok 243. <J4 . 19.05 . ~ap1tal Invp <<tAd so. '.0 'n8Q.70 !975.76 0&.. tiJ'''illf( . 24~.Q4 r.e.VA fil'1"1rlR 01Btl"lot. Total i i i I , lIDUM1 EO"".l TUfts .78 679'''2 147.43 247.40 23.5R 4.26 119.:;0 10.01 1.05 1l1et ,.tot So""ol 'raxes .71< 3.53 679.82 lcn.~.~ 247.40 23.5fI <!<J6.R& 1l<J.:?l) 4~.}I) lO.f)l '1.10 ]1:):) .B4 .f~4 .;"j211.42 3/).92 1L1.;;G f.~25.".GO_ !:'!97t>.76 :fn~),7" TO'al COWlt1 '1'..... in Cot._ n1str1ot. .....oed lOr 1<;06, 50 ..nto on tho tl00. .ortb of Pl'Oport, tl031.95 Apport10Md 1. _. on hOo. n1st.1n IIoAd '1'... . 15 """'. On floo. COU"', HoOd '1'"" D1-'.1'" JIoAd ,... <J.61 .02 .l~ ~~252.60 .122i'39..~~~ t3O').!"1I 00""', . . 3O'.MlIl ~.72 4.7'G f;:8l~ Di8triot Total COunty Taxell Allessed 1906 D1otr1ot Road 'I'u: . 15 .onto on tile floo. YlIluoU.n t4307.59 , I 'II' ~H J '.'1; I it ~ S id \ t ~ ~ ~ 'I'i t' ' !! f' i 'Ii I ! E' !g; f I h>; I !III I II! I> hi I! 't i I . ,I I I! I II I.' 'I I I COunty 15 oent. II on 1. hb .100. Yalua'lon A le'.tel" .all thi. daJ reoelvPd b~ the Foard frOIl tbe Salem Tannery Co_pan)' t.he burial. ot Andro 81'001, 8 tol"ltler ftlmployee 'It t.helre. QS a pauper, eontending that 11. "a8 not. pl"OpArly dc:mp, 8n~ 81150 .nt.i'l~ a -COMplaint 6& to the aannfll" or b.ll"y1nf; P8l1perll generally, ....hloh letter, on aotlon ot Llr. RPll, 1s reterred to the Attorney tot' the Com- mon"ealth tbJ" &uoh 1nv8st18a'tlon and aot1on B8 he deems Yfal"l'anted. . . D1otr1ot Rood 'I'ex tl292.31 County . . ~1292.~ BJe J..1ok nj~tJ"jot- Totnl County Taxes Assessed 1'01' 1fl06 Total ~1!741l.04 1l1titrlct ~a('l Tax, 15 efm1: e on the ~lOO". valuat10n If. E. JAerlley, COunt~ fupfl1'1ntflndent or tht'l Poor, 1.""'18 d...y Bllb1l'l1ttP.d hi" 1'pport of County . . 15 cents on the ~loo. valuation I J)1"llgs fliflt!"lct Ho.... Tax !26~4.41 ex\,onees at the Almshouse and 1-'ar" for the ft.onth of July, 68 fbllOWf!: K. 14.. 1O'1t~~Arald It- Co. Groceries C('lunt,y . . ,'..,W: ~26?4.41 Po pr /.- Po"'f Dry ROoda Qnd groM1'lp6 -::.57, w. 8. D1llard Dl"ug Co. r.'l1VP. rIJr1nr: ()lftrict_ Total County '1'l\xP.tI: ASBft5BSd fbr ll)oG 11.7..:) Brown Ii.ardwure 00. Jiardymre Total :'S. '~J "; 311>9.70 Crookett tl'''ham 25.75 i',lQrk un farm DiAl "let HOAd Ta:Y.. 15 cftnts on ~lOO. vAluot1on Sldn9:Y ~lth . . . r.ount..l' 15 centu 011 ~'l'Ji). 'lall~at1on 15.00 . . Gl@tn ..lart 1n "..mt. f>ifrt l"lot How' Tax . . . 'j.7p r956.ljl Conraft. 8 Pha.,.maoy n1"~""8 . '"..(,5 County . . ~Cjt6.<)1 G. T. K61"n Slack:mlthlm; :>.75 :n.19 '1'01. '\1 AXlui!nflP. OrdBrftd t.hat. thA fiDem be adJOUl'1'18f! until ttl.fI fourt.h :.laMa)' 1n JuBust.. "hieh 18 approvfld, and thif' Clark 1. rllrpcted to Ist.'Ue h1fT. 0 wQl'rnnt f'or said O!I:O tnt .. 4/! .u"M~ ~ _4C_ 1n SAl tlfllllf!'nt of "1\JIlP.. He alao 1'P'po,.tOt1 the followin€: rpcAlpt~ for th& month: '"1. O. j401"I:lIn 1 Beef ~5.JO J. n. Fm1th f; bl1rrpl::s 0 P rlour 7fj.;) ) OO;Ir.r.'-:iOtJfF, rIJ.F..:, 'I/>,. '\ tlJG. 7(j, Ifl07. C. I.. ;.{1l1A1' 3.,5 f'tJ'QW Crockett .;rQ,han. Bent, 2.00; flo,lr. ~.7[1; rleol, 1.O~ 'i'hl'! Eou,rrl of Hlllp.rvl801"8 of ROQl\Okf! County !'"Iflt Ulh (lay at the Collt't- 7.~'O .l. W. Hft:tTlOl(18 4.75 1 barrel 0 f flour .l('lll.EP in rpy,ulur rlonth1y 588810n, ~IS JJPr adjollrnB.j!lnt in ,iUty. 1'01' I)()tfltoes nnrl ca.bbllp,8 801(1 16.00 pPli~Fr: ~. 10'. ':"'nrlllihpr. ~h&lrm8n; c. w. 1,9"18f 13. W. J,O/:'11) un" J.. D. NP11. Thp m1l\utf>8 of the last map\1nv W*U'A IJ,pprovPft 11.8 1'11'00. Total r~cp1pt8 '95.'lO '1'ttp fOllow1n,:' Cla11'lR 'lfnlnf:t "'hp eo1tllty ""erA PXl\JftlllPi', oH'roVP.c*, und OJ'Cp.l'Ef' \lfhlch urr,ount he 18 ordfired to turn over to the Trf"uuurp.r, ~ tll.ke J'Pce1Jlt tor I:1wr19. t.o hp pot.1rl hy '~QrI"IUlt out 0 i th... l'lmt.:; l'fispectlvPlj" oh'Uif6ablfl< .. h__..._4+ "'- ....a&..........., t.n w1t: I've)"ptt '''fl,rl(l~y '~o. i-or on"" n~l1y T,'rlex to nflfK'ls 3.25 1.0<l 4.75 'Ol1t of" nist1'1ct f\tnd\ FM,9 .i-or hlaniot. t'arms 'Com. l.on(16) Ii. D. lio",bert, Count)' SUI,t. ot HOada. th18 day Dude the foUol'/1ng rp.VOrt Of f"k(lflnd1- tl1r"lI an tlut publio roailR 1'01' t.hfl p"J"10d Anding 1.h1., date, to w1t: v.'. o. r:A'yf'H'l~ Pluroblnf,' o\t Jal1, Rota. r.t\talfba D1st.rt at 1?,~.fl;6 t rown liart'wRre Co. Wire reno1np, at ''-arm '27.(10 (nut or nlotr1.t flJn~) (Out ot 1>1ztr1Qt t\U1l'tl , Out or nlfttr1Qt rund' ("B pltr rltport) 3~4.~5 Cav.. f:pr1nR D1otr1ot 571<.71 c. N. Howell PAUpfl" aecount (00 t"ln, t. L. Diet. 1.50 Sa\lIta Diet fllot l~r.~ t'!onl'RCI' f1 PhBrMBCY To 11 et pal~8r 1.00 nlg Liok nl~,rlot County f\1nr'l -:ry(,."'j A. H. ;,(af,:81t, i<'lxlng BrAte, hftarth, eto., in Jo:aet Rooln ot C. H. 7.flJ 0110. .:..c. .:hlse, '!'rftliz. Comlr:l'I1on8 On Count)' t'Uncb 540.91 1.00 AuAtin OBrland Janitor'. 'U'rV1QfUI W. H. R1ohsrdeon et als. ) ) I ) Rood IIPpl1oaUon ) ) ) .s. \ 1'he Fub11c On the &l'l)ljoat10n of W. R. R1chardson ond 22 othftr" pfttltlonere ",,"0 f'1100 thei.r petition,. 1t 1s or<ler8d ~hat C. J,. Wood, C. L. A1sh, G. W. nlsh, J. p. Vin- yard ~d R. E. ,(ap;ee, rpe1dent freeholders of thl~ County, who are herflb)> appo1nt- ed v1ew9rs fbr t hp ~rpol;e (any thrfl'e of whOID may "-' fbr a publio road...flirOftl aot) do, 011 the 9th d~ of' Sep- Big 1,1ok ;l8f(lster1al District, \ ! ; , I i I I I i \ I , \ { :\ 11 I tembpr, 1(')07, v1f"w the 'Nt.)' in th1s County, from Q point al ,,,to Pleasant Churoh to a po1nt on the Yflllow _\....o..J..~(.J ~~1 '.1 " j';'ountnin road in rniv r:lstrlct,. HlId rp.poi't to this lioan:l t.he conven1enoe8 mlO 10- conv.~nip.ncp.s t.hat will rps1l1t tt:-; ",p11 to lnc"ivUtla18 I\S t.o t.hft public, if such rOIl(l ~ho1l1rl bp f'ftn.b11f\hE'fl os 1'1"Or.oRed; .'Vlurther Rald rood ....111 )If' onp of suC" Mp.r'" l)riv'ltP. conv~nlfmae as to TlhKA it Vt'OpPY" thn:t 11, a'nould be opP.n~d Ifill' kept in o!'op.r b, tnp l)~t"t\on 01" Vi"l'~ong. fOr ."hosf" conven1~ncfIJ it. 1~ ,lfls1re(1.. '"lhf"thi"r ~ :;n!"(!,. t.;o.l'dpn or orch.,.rd ,,'fill hu"p t(l bp tlUc.en fl)'" 81\1d t'oe,(l. 1 hp nll1"le8 of ttln lone' o.....ers on Noh l'OutP; ",hicit 0 r 8ui(1 11\f\(1 {'IWI'\ertl reCft.lll'A coll"lpensl1tion ror t"\p!... h.nc1 t.akAl"1 fo'" f\Blrt JlI1"potlP.; ",h'lt ..,111 hp 6 Just comppnflaf,lon to thp land o'.ynpr~ req\11r1nr: cor.pp.nt>ttf,lo"l for tneir lanCl ~o tn.k~n and f'()1' thp clt1nlnF~ to thf> ( retoidue 0 r thp t ruct. ,lle,yoml the l,eculi8,r benefit. to be c1erive<' in rf1M1H1Ct to fuch rA~icup. Prot.. 1.hf' "OM' to be F-stoblishP<'; togpthp.r wit.\ 'lll oth",!' fact8 rmrl ~ir(!l\m8t.mcp.s 1., th,:>1!' pi..t'lion u~"'f\1I 1n p.n8,hl1r-~' f.ht'! f.'06rrl of f'tlf..p.rvlcorlJ in (,-.f,pl"!",lni'\E t hp. p.xPP 'ip.J1e~- of esta.hlh;hlnt~ the ro.~r~ un l,,:'OpoEflJr1; ~m(! tl1P.Y r.h",ll r.l~O return u mol-' or rlltlf:ruTfI '.'Iith their fluil' 1'('10'01'1., 'hich shall be filed "ith t"'lro ~l"'rlc of thi8 l:OJlJ"fl. J. Po. :iout7.., 1~tl\rl18810npl" of ACoountfl, ,..tc" this ct~ llt'psronted tl.' th,... Lotlof'(' II bill for 'G.~ fOr 1l81lprinc tnp eaflt "OOM of thp. r.ourl._nousP., 00'" oecu- l.iN' by 'lim 68 an orrie,,", ......\iot! blll thp hoard, hy un~oil'IOUtl vote,. r'fH-110Ps 10 ,dlow, t.h.. 8Il1rl pxppntlltlll'fIJ not llav1ne bp#Iln 'fuvlft PitMt' by 01'ctAr of the r.o8r(1 or thf" cor.un1ttee npl,olntecl at 0. former ..et1nL! to have repoiJ.lrs to said room ma<'e. , ~~. .t<; "t ..",,,;,,,,,. ) ( ~ ~:"Jn.""'.,? ~(' .J. C. :.101r et als. ) 1(~;Sf~~1~~ '0. l \,!~;\~'>No~ 'f'" ) 71I1~PL( 'I'hft PIlbl10 ) I J '. \ oy...:.....l..~~."'~ 1_, I It. 8.PI.<<a1'11lE t.o thfl &a1"d t.hat 611 t.bft lPo1\d aWOftJ'8 affflot.ttd ..... t.bP 1~lst''''':~' -. __ i" e..-~.. Chll.l1P.'IUI 1n 1'0&11 ...AQOIllflAnded ~ th.A viewers 1n thft above l,t)"liftd oa.ueift 'h.e.Vift", bJ n.t. ' _ . .i {lttrllOnal appeal'aIlott befOre thtt foard, waived ob,jfto'tlone to the report. or .h. ". ,rvt.~ . v1"wel'l'I and all d~ea bl' HaeOn ot the oonetruotlon ot .Ittid road through the1r respeot.1." pr81B11l8s. &nd 1t tul'hter appea:rin" that tho Bai~ ohallfl:e 1n t'08d w111 be ro1" the publl0 benftf'1t and convenienoe, it 1s ordered that the COunty &lpfllrlntt'iMftnt, of ft)8I'e do,. 08 800n a8 he oan oonvEtn1ently,prooeN' ',dth thf'. oonstruction of the ch!Ulftes in the road tteOOJ'l\JllAnc1er1 by ttle vie.era 1n thla oause, anti that he riQk~ hls r81:ort to this ['Out' of' l\Ow he has AXAcu\erl this order. Ii. n. liowbAt"1, f:\1l'f.., pt.e. ) I ) ) J\{lp11cution fOr Ch6llFe in Head ) ) ) u~ D~ lio\llhet't,. County fupte of Howls, 1t 1s orelAr"'. th.~t J. J,. 7.1rkle, J. n. ft,arkey, H. h. ,,(&.geA. J.. ri. 6r1.Jkey and F. B. Albert, rAdf!ent froe- holders of th1s County, '1100 t1.J'e hereby 6pr'01nted vle;.,ers tor t'le lJurpoae I "ny threc of whor, m,,*' act) r'lo, on the 11th flay of CAJ;itp.mhe1', 1907, v:'.ew 1.hp. w.\y fOr Ii. charl!1f! in thp publiC rond, in Cave ~J.t"lnr f11ut1'1ct, 1n th1~ Count)', "rom II 1,01nt or1 tllf! Aast hunk or .. . ~ . "1 the fOrd at iienl')' (iat'at' f to Cave f,lJt'1r'I~1 und rPlJOrt es.,t'ci""llY the cunVI''101POCfll'l 111\1,1 1n- __.."1.0,. C!onv(On1p-(lC~8 t.-Ia,t ....ill result. '18 wfO]} to 11\t1iv1r'111u18 /18 to thfO Imh11e, if thl" lOclltion Of flalrl roan 8110"let be chongl'Ul 0.8 pror..oSArl by thA aPl)11ctlnt.~ ...hethpr thp. Micl ohjjJ\f"P. "'Ul ;t4k- . 1.1'01ler ...1t phoull; be r,(IrIA -'l.nd kpr,t in be 0 r t\unh mere l>rlvo.te oonvenience as to rooke l't order by th~.l.eNlo" or pArsons ror wh05P ~onveniencfO it 1s rlflslrF'~; wh8thpr any ynl'll, pnrrlAn 0[' orahar<t will have \.0 be taken t'Or such ehan,.:e; the n'llnge of' t.he lhnf' owneN' on suoh route 68 s\)all b~ rR-r.-onlllent\ed~ 1'\00 .""'1.ch of s"ah If\I\o owner" l'fO;~,irp C!o.1.~n8l\t.1on; 'olfhat 'nill ~ a Just. cotllpen5ht.ion to th(" l.mo owners reql_\1rint Qomr'~m8"tlon ror thp sH1d land ::00 tak.en o.nd fot" the dam.e.ge to the re:J1due of the traat., be.yIJnC! the 1,E'cul1a.r bon.lf1t to be der1ved ln re9peot to tlUCh residue trom the change 1!1 road,. 1f pstab118hed; aod all OthA1' faots and f!'irrnul.lstances 1n thfl'il" opinion 'lsAf',l in fOnsbl.1ng 'thA Donrt1 0 r fUl'ftrV1S0r& to detern.lne tht\exf,pr'I.1ency of altp.r1nr, the roud 8S prtlllOSerl, ~n(l th~y sho.ll '-l1eo return u map or {liBerum '\lorw with t.hp.l~eJlOrt, ....i11el1 ~h'j,11 bfIJ fl1"'t! '.l'th the Clprk 0 r this noard. George 14. bluse..-Trea:urer of R()WlOke county present.ed hlb delinqUent tax list 'or tlip.. 1906 'ta)("8,. BS ro11o"e: n'FJ"11N~1'f-:ttr m\1~;1\V "" ^'(H~ r'OR 1C'jn6 From DfIll1nquent. l.andl\ Whit... It'lret D18t.r1ot Pfl1\alt.)r on 8>\1I.f11 Y1'orr, DellnCflftllt Jlande- ColorCltd- 1'1rst nlet~iot. ~ renalty on eame . I.proper AIIae.gent ot Lande- Plr"ftt n1fttrlot . Penalty on .... . r.r.ona\ rropert.f- Whlh- Plnt. Dht rlot . P.nal'tJ on .6IH . FerllOnal I'rOpert.V- COlorod- Pirat. Dl.trlC1t ~.4R 17.:'0 101.77 5.0<) 7.14 ~.Q7 .I'I' 5,50 .::>8 146 r~~ I. . , ~ .. " Fl"OJIl Pf"no.lt.J' on PArf'Dnal Pl"O}lflort)t- Color@(]- First. T.l8't.l"lo't. .36 . np.l1nqumt T,8l1dfl- 1Ih:lte- t;~QOnrl Diet. riot ppnal ty on flame 117.15 5.R6 .. .. j)ellnqlent. 1.aru\g- Co10re(\... f'econn nletdCt. 4.!'Q .2~ .. . .. Pf'malt,t on same tn'ld~pe'" Aflfl98snwmt of 1,lU\ds- facond District !'Q.'9I . .. 2.')7 1907 Jan. 21 p~m~1 t)' ()n S~If' 2:')7 . ?3 Feb. 12 :O'r\)l r'erf,Ooal lrGl.'f:rty- ':.'hltf'- feconrl olstrlct 12.86 ;.(on. 1. . Pf-nalt;1' on 80lf.P. 5.12 .. ?er~'()nnl 1'ro};erty- f'-OJ.oret'- recoll(' DLlt.ri':'t _o"'(j. Koh. 25 .. lp.nAl.t)' on no.r,p ~(i6G.{;:' ;,pr. 5 I i ! I i ~ ':,1 I: ii "'"!lie"" 1~ 8Hlrove(\ by the t'09.rtl. 'I.'" oJ ro 1't"P5~ntp.(1 a UAt or 8:11:oI1At'<ltlon Ol'CIf,l"S f"'rOt"I ('.aunty to,Xf'n, I\".cpmt- ilr t.o 057.0,.., 'hie'"!. i~ l1kpwl(lA ,.:.ppI"OV(l(l. ;.\a~ 21 .. . JIm"" 15 ~P:Ol"f~P. :l. .tl\.~~P., 'l'roa(n\rpr of' Ro<mokp. Co\\nty,. Ull.-: fillY fl1erl hie (lor(~llpt.ro :-'pttl~l".ent Ulll; 5tu t.(1r.ent of t.he 190(. taxP.c, as f"ollowt': .lul:! 15 .. . ;If.,~1f1'',E P,Cltnl?V A~Cr:UI~"!' 190(; ~. 1')07 . ~n,:~t.-n'i'f l/:fl( .hll~" ,"-,.~ 5/1.55 n.90 . By C'h~ck of C. O. ,~org8.f\ . . . f. J.. ;,aller lO;l.Oil . . ... 1-. t.. ..:illp.r . . . C'-'rt1flcate of iiE>iJ061t C. D. j'f"uit, {:terit 1250.0lJ l,;Jf~' '"..'J .. ~',C'L1nt f'rom 'N. f;. .,leI116)/, ~Ul't. Poot' Jo''lrr., ;~Acplpt Iio.l Il.!)) . .. . . '/ou~hp.l', 'rovm of rA.t'lm 1500.10 . .. ~hE!ck of J. C. :llArtln :J'l0.44 . . . nnl&n1C' ~ne count)' on tlflrl.',Jl\l settlPJr.ent 1,1().27 1907 Jan. 1 }eel,t. 17 It .kJ!.ount. from W. B. Aooley, MliJ't. Poor rat'lb, Recf'lpt tk). '? 27(,.50 12.50 . . . ChACk of OPO. W. 7,lrkl~ . . . . It .1. C. Llart1n 2f;2.14 . . from /4U~lt<H' "'\b\le Accoun1.8 . . .. Ilev. p. 124P.OO . . county Cap1tatlon TaXA8 1905 T)y OII'.ouot from VI. F.. Utmley, fupt. PoOl" Para, Reoe1pt No. 3 6?.:>:> . ?i} fOO.OO . . VO\1o\1.er TO"l'n of Salem, fu.lf'll Loon ". "!.'Net. ();). 651.71 .. . . . . .. . F6rm~~M' !latl. Denk . Arr.ount f"!'om C. D. V8nlt, ClerK, troll :.tore;&n ~ mit.h on Tlflo1\~ aond 325.00 nec. 17 . .. . wr.ollot of 1906 t.RVf oollp.otetJ trom auntJry 3211.42 . . R8<11road COIrIFan18& 1906 1ft.~, West.ern Union 'l'fl:leg!'aph 00. 10.26 3'}''):> . . " . . . .. . . TelephOne OoJllfan188 11 BJ tot 81 ..unt of 1906 COunty lev on real est.fle and personll1 ptopert~ by J>l.trloh 1031.<15 Ca1.awba Diat.l"lof1 fate!!! n1strlc~ 4307.!'Q Blr I.lok nut.lot K74C .04 Co."'. Spr1ng D1etr1ct. fly pftnalty ort unpaid ('ount.y 'i'a:xee Dec. 1st By &JIlOunt from W. E. ;'-8dI8)", Heoell~t 110. 5 3169.70 1UO.00 f.~~ .. .. .. w. ~'.. JilfK1.1flY.. RecfIJ1pt. No. Ii 9.')1 .. .. 88 B oredit on tlut Washington Heleht.a HOM ruaranti88d by CtO\lOh, Comlrt.on nile) Taylor jO.35 ?l(,.OO .. .. f'rOlf. C. D. Den!t... Clel'lt, NOli'\. B~ w. !.ogo.n .. . from C. D. PeoU.. olRrk, fBlance of Prinoipal and Int8t'ftet on F1rflt J.end Bon(1 of ;1or8l\n Smit.h 1(,0.(,7 . . froa W. E. Ae~lR~t ~pc@lp1. ~o. 7 51"'.75 .. .. . W. A. V8at... Chpok on Fal"mAr~' 'lat. nank 547.C}O . . . VI. f.. t.(.Adlfty, Reop.lpt ~lo. H 74.7~j 1;)7.011 .. . . 'If. f. ~e(\l.Y, ~ece1pt. ~o. q Doal"(t of f\Jpel"vlnOrnoof ioCorrBfl rMlth 4(r!.7P> . .. . .. .. . fro!!', I.OJuh Redeemed 1n Clluk' 8 of!"lCA, 0.8 ller l'f"'{lOl't. fl1erl.~ith 'f'rfIJ6'S".\T'fIJl', 1),8 \){'!1' (\'[1l>ort 10ni'n~mt 425.13 . . . from Lmds Rftd9Arr.Of1 Feforp. f;alO, '.AI'1f1 rro~ 1.'lOO6 foUl to Ott'".at'8 than the f'.ommoowealt.h for '.arlO~ ~3.01 Uelinq.\ent fOr VP5 ?Q.CJO . C'1f1ck of \Y. w. Bn118r(1 (OfflCP. RAnt \ ~:.)I,}'l/ ...0 DI8BJRff-APrrS To ;,JW\lnt of county I.evy Transrflrl'oci to Phtrlot RoM j.\mr Aocount., 15M of ent.1re count)' 1.~"':t uS p9.l' oreet' of noo.rc1 of f\lJlor'o'180l'S or ROal1Ol<P. County cnt6wbl! n;htrlot- He"l and PArsooBl 30)''''' 24;.<"14 . 'Pro", HI\-11ro~s. TAlflphcme and TAlefraph T.1nfIJ& SalAm D1str1ot- Real fi"ri Personf),l pro[Jftrty Rai1ro(1t49, 'l'ttlftI,"lonA and Tl>lftrrll.l)l1 t.1npl! 24}.94 <'624.41 12')2.:Y . .. fip, lJlolc nll1t.~1Qt- 1\80.l. /1.l\I1 personal. pt'opfl!rt.)' ~..l5.Q4 .. . RallrQadd. 'T'elftvhOoe .\I'ld TfIllf1f,ra{lh r.lniAf' . . Cave 8[,1'1118 D1et f'iot.. ReBl "nc1 pRt'8(mBl propprt.y 24~.q4 . I i I 61~.<14 \ 1271!:"h(ll . . . .. Rll.i1roBde, 'l'elelJ"!lonfll and TelArraph 1,1n8& To 1S/"'.Jl at Cauntf F\1nt1 Trf\netftl'rAd ta County RotUi ~c\ B8 1l8" order of' the noard of' BlpervllOt'a of ROanDke County '1'0 amount 0 t COunt~ wartlU'l't. a pal" .. . JU1f 22 01.""lt Ooun 'lIar.ant. pa1d 01.0I11t 0011.\ JU'f Tloket.e pa1d . '. . . .. . . .. . l!5f,.91 2$.60 367.16 3122.,,", :10047.40 Wh\Ch settp.lpmp.nt e.J1t; sta\pr.ent wall eXllrllned b)" the Doard and approved, o.r-L""'~A-"-. h4.. "'-"""'.4\."",,~..-\,.......J\. ~\-;;j.,.i:/I:-~' . Court-hOu88, F.alea, Va., Sftpt 16. 11)07. Th.E'! Doaro 01' f\lper.1Bors of' Roanoke County _at this d~ at tlul Court-houe8 1n l"eeulal' JIlOntl)I)" s8881on. Preeent: r. p. Thrfu,her, Chall"11an, L. D. Bell, D. W. [.oean 8m O. w. I,.wls_ 'j I I I I \ I I , , ,I 1 :1 :\ I, ii I I I 1 ~ j~ , I \ , , Ii " 1907 .lu1)" 2? ) K. D. lIo.be"', alpt.., ...... ) ) ) ) ) I 1'0 amount of' Fxonp.f'atlon Ordf'l"a paid 57.9<. . . 01' Impl'Opef' ASll8S8J1fmts 1906 to . Count)' Taxes Dfl'11nquent fOr 1906, on Real [statft fil\d personal Pl'OpArty On tile oppUcoU.n .r R. D. IIo.b...... lUpt.., ""c., 1t 10 .rd...d that ... R. H. R1cb- . YO. . . . 'l'ha I'UbUc J I I ~ aHlIOn. fl. L. fQage, 11. "t. 'fu"l'1\e1'. C. L. t.&ft11, aM (\. M. \11t,t.a~, 'l'eBldfln't. i't"eP.hDldel'e 666.62 . . County Warrll11t No. Commissions on Count.y taXP.8 tor 1906 1 of' thl~ count;" who are hereby 8Ilpolnted "1""er8 tor the purpose, (arw three or whOm aq I aot) do, on 1.he 1<)t~ d~ of Fepteater, 1907~ ViAW the ,,~ for a change in tht. publio road . . . . . 'l'o n"o. M. !lulie, Treas. 540.(n JlI!. " ";'0 BalN'\cP clUff County on "rmus1 f.ettlp.mpnt of 1906 in t.hlr count)' from a point at. Croftll' B {lap ford, on 'Back Cr88K, to in the public Mad at T. C. Caapbel1's store, and 1''1'0. Red 11111 Fohool-ho\l88 to John C. Hort1ll8n's 1'arll, and report to 'this Board the oonven1enoea tU\d .inoonvenience8 that w111 reau1t 88 well to in- (;"Orgp. ,.;. .J,usP, Gaunt)' TreatlUl"fI'r, this doy r11e~ :'l1~ -report of clPl1n~u~nt d1viduala 0.8 to the publio, 11' mah ah~.a in \"Oaf' al\Oult\ n9 9at.abl1ahed 88 propoeet\ and espeoially whether 'J.I1,~ ~ard, garden or orohal'd. or a~ vftrt thereot, w111 1n such (lOr taxefl for thf> yeet' IfJOG, a8 follo....~: oase have to be tuen; "hether aaid ohanges 1n road will be of suoh .ere l'rivate OOrlven- C'_ltllwb't D1f1t"lct 11I'hltf>B 15.50 6.00 lenoe al t.o aak.e 1t. propel' that lt ahould be opened t\l\d ~ept. in ot'(\er b:t ~he pflt"80n or Ilereona !'Or whose oonven1enoe 1\ 18 dedred: 8810 viewers Ih811 also raport the naaes of" the land owners t.hrough whOse lMds the la1d ohanges 1n road, if"' established, will pass, Colo1"f.\; ff\lf>J!l D1tJtrlct WhltpB t:fl.OO COI0,"pI1 5fi:.oa and m... wnloh, 1f ~, of 'thea 1'8~1re co.pel\latlon ~Of' the land of t.hell's req.11red to be t.&ken tor aa1d changes 1n road, the probable amount to "hich in their op1n1on the sllid land ollll'1et"S ~ be r'8peot1vel~ entitled, together wlth "I'\Y other i!latter deemed pertinent j iF I,ier, D1tltr1ct ....'hitPB (j(,.50 COloJ'ed 1').01) Cuv!' fl,rln." ,f;15t riot "IIhltel3 R4.:-J) b~ theil, t'1I(1 sball 8180 l'At.urn a. ma.p 01' d1agram. alone with'thall' report. Gt'lorep 20.f<) \'I!lic:"\ report i ~ tlP1J!'ovec1 f.nd 0 rt'iprp(; 1.0 IJ@ fUed. nr,"eN'fi t'IRt t hp l!Oo.rrl bJll lll;jOlIM1.AO until thp. third .i40J'lclay 1n npxt month. w. E. j,led1.e)", &lperlntp.ndent c>f 1:,he CO\l1\t;v ,,\laahouse and Fl\l'm, 'toh11l d~ subr.,lt.t.ed his report of' expens.8 0.8 !uoh tor the month of' /uRU,st, 1907. 6S rollo.8: ---f? ;0?..d.,{~ ~..-.L_ Port & Poft fundriea 1.45 5.6B F.. u. P1t_rald " co. Gl'Ooerl.. Brown KU'dware 00. Cider m111. eto. fha11J\8 31;783 lba. ot fPIac'l 0 10; pp.r 100 B\ao)L8.11.h1nr. 17.09 ~1.7l' .'15 1.50 U.rs... flIltll J.N....at. "'. n. Capper Uending l1am'as Crooklttt GrahMl 1I)rk on f.... 22.25 Sldney fotlth aJd Bradl.)' . . . . . . Ttte JIl1nutes 01" the last .ttftt1ng Wflrtt ApproVed as rearl. The r0110,,1n(' l!1a1.a l\8a1net the Count1 arlit exam1nftd, apJu'ovttd and ordered to be Va.1d by "arrante out or 'the f\uuhl r8speotivAll ohargeabltt tharfl!- ,,1th,t.o 'dt: 01ftn Wart1n . . 'I'.h1 'iIll1oh 10 aW..n.d U1d .rd....d t. 1lo p.1d '" ....r_ 10lUttI t. ll1a. R. 010. r.port.d thO tolloalns r.co1pt. tor tho ..nth: ~9.69 hurt-1n llarlADd J. H. Camper, .J. P. SaIl. Jan1tor'., aerv10llte 1.00 Rent, 0 r oo1..taae O"'.lle\t Orahall 2.0'.1 'l'aklllll orUdo.1h .t Iloa"" Lunac)' .ccount (111. E. Ilowtln) Poll tax U1d Dol. Land '1'0 r.porte 1'I'1I\t1llB tax bo.k., blank., at.. Paaper ordere paid Coal _ 1_ to.. Jail 2llO br101< -tor "paire, et.. l';.G;J Cb.... D. Den1t.. Clftl'k 42.M 47.25 &.00 5.75 1.:;0 rol.. Pro . Pub. CO. 0.0. M. 1.tu.'. Tre... D. T. Kartln 6: 00. Plerpont Brlok "rl<e, C).,)O 6."2 ~.n 2.00 1 IIi] II' II :::H! !III Iii! , I. ;'111 ! ;. 1'1 . , in! ii' , , ~ i ' f,)/ ,i .11, in j 11/1 1'1\ il$j' III I II! I I ! " . 1,1 1'1 "I' i 'I; i 'I 'j III , ! Roland ~. (bek, D1\'1.10n lUptt..1ntaad.... or Bollool., IIId PH.t<l_ or CIIe S.1Io0l Eo...., or 1lO__ (b"",.., Cbh dq ..r.UCed Co Cb. Boai'd C lit lblloldng 0... Sp..l'ng Dlat"l8t p~ 0 t 25 te..lIer. II t230. 00 writ ten Bt-'..nt: !57SO.00 1000.00 40.00 Pol' PfO'fldll'l8 sohool-houlI.. 'I'.xt-book. lbr lndlgenC puplls' Dlet..lat Ol.rk Elila., Va., s.pC. 16, 1907. 70 tbe HOllOrable ]bard or I\!P"l"v1aore of Ro.uaoJre ~Wlty: Oentl..en: f'u1"'suant to th& pron8Jona or geotiona 833, 1596, 1447 and 1466 ot the COde. 1 beg to au_it to yoq thP. 1'011ow1ng -F.eti_te ot Fxpenll.._ wh10h on July 31, 1907, 1188 .adlt to .. by the County ,ROllool noard or Roanoke QJunty: -we, the Count,. f:ohoOl Doard of Ro8l1Oke County, beg to submit the tollowtlfl' p.Bt1mate or n.oea..r~ ftxpen8ftB end CIIOunt ot lIOn,,)' n8p.dRd during the Bohlest1o Rent and tuel p~ 0 f Tre.suror 300.00 250.00 Ot.her neo.asary expenses roo . ao Total 1"01" Cave Sprl~ D1Bt.1'1ct Sslea District ~2'l mBl'~S: P&)' 0 r teacherll Text_ !Dolts t\) l" lnt'J1Fent pupils other sohool e.pp118Doe. 01atrlot Clerk }10.00 ,year bftglnn1118 Augullt 1.. 1908, 1n the Count)' ot Roanoke.. and in th:tt 8f,.,'prol Bchool "'j~r1ct8 theppot, bltBp.rl on thp. f'Bttm4tes tn~ bJ." thfP 8ev~I'.'\1 dfr.tr1ot ~OOO.OO 25.00 Catl'iwbe District Pa,Y or 7 tpnc)]p,"I" (' !210_1(} PuOl t1470.0U ~SO.OO Po" prov1c11nr 8Cho(ll-ho\.8fJS Insuranoe 100. elQ 100.00 P~ or Tre4SUfer J)jRtl"!ct ~lp':"k 325.0" SOO.OO 14.00 .J an1to I'll PRY 0" '1'I"P8SUl'ltr 60.00 Other neoeBa.r~ expense. Other nece5sa["~ expensfls SOO.OO ~1115'.0 ) "'6.00 Total fOr fale. DIstrIot Tot&l f'or Catatvba DistrIct .m~-.QQ.. To ..et theae neo.aa..,. expeneea, the Board 1a of the opinion that 1t. .,111 1'ft~1re a oount)' let)' of' twent~ (20) oent. on the hundred dOlla~... .nd . dlBtr.1ot Ittvy of fifteen (15) 00"". On ~h. hund".d doll.... for Bel.. rclloOl Dlohlat, and a dl.blot 10"Y ot ~..n~y (20) 001&. On tb. _".d doll.... lbr Ch. ...o1nlng diat.riat... I beg to oa11 )fOUf' attention to the f'aot the.t 1n the tor8go1ng estiaatell, no pt'OYle- 10n 1. .ad. ft)r the ooat or add1tional 80hoo1 wildinga for Sale. Diet-riot, the d_8Ild CentrAl n1str1ot Pq or 1tt t'-o.chftrs e r;240.au t4:320.00 15OO.uO For I'rov1ding SC~(l~l-hoI.lRfs Text-books n, r 1M~&i'nt l'up118 30.00 rt hf!r BChoo 1 appl1&llCe8 200,00 36.00 District. ClArk Rent und 1\1ft1 !'or whiCh H... aper.t!.... 300.00 Insuranoe Ro.poatflllly ""r.iUod, 1lo1oncl E. OOOk, 30.00 Ph)' 0 r Trea8Urer ::"'OQ.oa Other necessary expenses ---Z!l'h.QQ ~6Il16:..QQ D1..181on aapt. of [ol'\Oota. Upon oon.1dtllratlon of' thf!o tDNf01ng "OO..nd.tlon., 'the boe.M h...b1 ordwre 'the fvllowinl: 1e..1.. for the next tax )fear, to wit: tIl>On 'aoh tJ,OO.OO of nluaUon ot both ...t and po....n.l prop.rt.y and o.pltal in- Total "or CAntrol n1atr1ot Rig LiCk 01""lat p~ or 'Z7 tencher!! C -250.00 t675O.00 3000.00 20.00 'l()0.00 54.00 450.00 10.00 15 oent.. wllt.d 10 b.a.1....., fOr COunt.)' ..ohool plJ'lPO.'. FOr providing BChool-houses Tf!xt-books for 1nd1f;ent. PUllll. ::?O oent. Upon .0." .100.00 or :o.tuat.lon ot bo~h r..t and p.....n.t l'roport.y and o.pital ln- vest... 1n b.a.:ln..1I tar D1lt.rlot aohool purpoee. fother t.h.n 1n flal". D1.t....1O't} ro Cllnt. Upon '.oh ~100.00 of' vl\luat1on of' bath \0..1 8IYI pwrennal prop~rt)', for Sale. Sohool other Bohool apl'l1anofl8 01ot.loC Cl.rk Rent """ "'.1 purpoe.. InlU !'lane'" p~ or Trea.~r.r p~ or TrulltflftS 450.00 R.I>. I/al'tin thia dq p....""d Co tho a.al'd lID ..oount ot f6.25 to.. 25 1I.l'do ot ._, whioh ~1Ie Eoal'd d.oline. to aUo", it eppea"ing ~ba~ ~1Ie ..nil to. wIUob ~h. oh.rj!ll .... -. "eo 0llta11ltd to.. oou"'" JlUI'J'O... fro. tho publio hlg""'q, _ /lOt fro. Ch. 3'1.00 Janitors 125.00 Ot.be~ n.a....~ .xpelll,. IIlfOpttrt.. 0 t CIIe aa1d R.I>. lla.Un. SO.OO SO.OO 1 AI /.l ~ yI~:; (Jl.r. :tJ.t;er,- / f fI?, ! ~4;;;:;t::fi~ ~~~~#::JJ ~~.~~~~~~~~~, . JJ.,~~J"" ~ek~~-'-'/~ ~J~~~4~~-'-~~ . ~ ~~ ~..h-u.;.r: / UU, "1:-P/{;;.~(~.V O:-t'''-<, "'-'>-...r ',00 ~~ ~O' . t!,..,..+-~ ~ /3,,. :Jft/J1f Uu.JL fr..u--...-.- t1.i.. e;,~~ /Sl~ ~ ~~ .yt.--' 10 QQ eld.-~ J<~ ..9l.,,~""e...-- ~1~L ~~ . ~t.J 4-1~ &IJ'.j~ . . . ~O'~ ~~ !". 4f JtL~ ~ 4Ii.4u/~.....->" d.<..11:.t ~ te~.M/ ##?#.dJI- ~{!, ~ ~~(?, ;(frt71S--€~ ~.Lt.<-V1 (jg~ : ~ ~ ~-':t' x1"-1~. ~ ~ @...u..~ ~~tp.~ .du her ~~/~~r4I-L~/"..._..,~ . . ..t~.h /JUn.c;;l, "r;tJ/f.~A' Ij'IJ'f ~ I ~../kLW. ~ ~~~) ./fa ~? ti-:lld.i;~ '1b4..lJ./' f" (fl/,.~" .,~/ Y.'ifo/ . 8 eld.....v ~ Jb.... L., e. Uhy ~~) 1-. )'0 "<1 k.. ~ J '. (}>L....~"'! (~-") /./J- II~ J?t~ ~?/ I.U- ,,(, ~ca{.~ ~~ ~.s.., : ~ ~~ ~ : ': "" ". I~~ -1 ~ ~ '''' _ ~ ~~,A' J'~ /7f1..<FJ #/.:.Lw "I:t---..~ ~~..k ~c.;, ~ .4 ,_..... ~ I'-~... .'r-.t.....;.,.. d.AA.<.~ ~ ~/'.AI.14\d.-J~.r.~'4 ~rJ..u ~ ?u I . 4r.......l:J,~~.:.;;t.1 r: ~..LL Jt:H--;- ..' 17" , . .,... ~I'Y - - ....'e'" " /~,. I "- ~~ ..t-....i &(-l-f~~ . #'Iy ~ ^, toi..-;- '7'-'f.H ". I . 'I I I I 1111 I'l! I .!;ll lit; ~ !I" I t ij 1 l q, ~ i! ~j l~; { I 'I'," '.1 ) c. ~ ~ j ! t I ~ i ! i! ~ I I' ~ ~! 1 T' !Ili 1 IIi! I Ill. ill 1 i !. I f I i l( . I i ,i i i! I l . i ) II. D. 110.."".,. ~p", eto.) ) ve, )JItoonkl1n Turnpike I The PIlbl10 ) ) This cause Ode on thJs 081 upon 'the .Jnor1t~ report of J.e. F.. IID"bert, one of' the "ie.rll, rlled befttre t.he Board, 8l1d the reaalnder of t.he vl..eJ"s not havinp' mAde 8 rl:'port, 'the turther h&er1ng or thA applioation ls contlnued until the non mef>t.lnp. ) n. s. Frown 81. &1 s. ) ) V8. ) I ~h. PIlbUo ) ) H. n. Tlowbfltrt.. fupt. or NoMS, t'11s d~ aubriltted the tollowinF, report on t hfIJ JOoad a to Ve at~lfld: To the lOaril or fupervi80ra Roanoke Count,y.. Vu. O,mtlelll8n: I, the ttnde1"slgned &.aperlntAndent or no~8 1'br the Count.)' or Roanoke.. bee to J"'flport thAt I ha". aoapl.ted the road. leading troll thf't UaO.Ad8JD road, near the old FrlJ.nt'7, place.. pallslng Waah1ngton Heights to thft 011.)' 11m1ts at RoGr\Oke C1t)', n"elr W. H. Horton' 8 tarm. I ~prt. lu, 1907. Iieapeat f'ttll,y submitted, JI. D. JIowbezot t ~pt. Which "as aH,roved ant! or~erltd to be tlhd. Ii. f\. aC\....bltrt.. County ~upt. of" IbM., 1.hia du.y ftUbJli1ttf!d h1s rRlIOr1. of' ex- pRna'1I1 88 8uch on the lJUb11c roads of' the Count)" fbr t.he IlOnt.h endlfl8 thi8 date. fU:; 1"o1101Js: f'altUI P1strJct (out 0 r d,btr1ct fund; ,fl.JO.~{j eave Spring n18t~lot . . . . 1 48.71; Dig TJ10k n1lt.riot . . . 21....05 OOunt;( 1\1"" C.. p., report) 15~.C)4 "unt1ftg to f617.71 Wh10h i. appro.ed.. IIld the Clerk Is dlreated to lSt.Ut warrants out or the n.anda "".peotlyel;y oharg..ble tller.wlth. in lett181ll8rlt or a.e. Ord'red tbat tba Ilovd be -"Jou....'" untl1 tlWt third llondq 1ft. nellt _nt.h. . J.j(:lrtcd'~-\. ,-&_L_ I~t r- .10 a.4& I.QO l'IItJ " /"(/ /06;V f~"" b.dll 1.60 8.d4 . . I.", " , /.11# I." . ~x1uUA-~ ~~ t(JJ~ J"~, '~'n.... .._ wu/l'<Uf J./lAU1.L";' ~ /I:/u.:I_ . I,d~ /f4.(J(1 ~,. 154 I I I I I I I I I , I I I '1 I , ! I , I i I \ :, " . Ii I i' I , , UL;Llc., ,....ii.-. ~--=- .~k'" ,;:~ ~ r /b.- ~'fv .oL 4<'.v, I .t~ ~~~~,.4.,fo.r.-~:::~ I H~f:l:. ~ 10'> ~~~._ ~&H'7-~;d:'-'.:y I jJ;. ~.t&40<N'1~~7~ . ,JZ~ +.,." W tlf J ,..(J/;- d.uJ- ~,..k~Z '...4~ . 't ("{t),&~;,4y~"'~:l, / 'VJ . 3~,p.:...~Lf<<~:'-~' ...'JldJ",JL.. ~ g T . . /ftvd. LI'!-A":4-k-:::" II t."t, ~ ~ CY i<~'-....I'~ "', ,:&^ "H'" /1.d<.t..",,--, f,:- ,~~-~. eJ;I(}I~ flf}/:) '/l';L..e", U~L.,~ a~ C?~".I.Lf~L4/~~LA- (4 ~ &'-vu...u" M-~ 4.... .k....4 ..~A-^ .-,.U.<4<-U...f;dr.fz....'I'--'-- {"-".,.,t..~1~,w./;i<<..r 0~.~ d:i~*A-il'_U....<:~ ' I'" tL. ~~fQ\'" aM~~~'/ ~ .+~ ~ (;lI..0v<...I0.~fd'-.cA-~ 1hA.-v4 ?tA{'d~J.IA..~~ 'L, /Jt.r~~dct ~L th-~ --L ~4 ~ ')<<... ..a~ .JI.V.,..W.......vJdi.,.. ~..A<..a. d..<A;-a'.rb>'~{~-iZh!.'. .'.......G Lu../' ,d"..t I1-L~~ t1W-~..P-PUj>-?;?7t-r~ ~~ ~f ;.: .Iw./-A, ..U ",1.4 ).IL<-^/t""":~.-l"IJ "-P dH ~-/';~ ~ a 'u...d.t-, L-^ ~ ~A.-<A"..;t 'JU .~....t...h~'" I;:-ICh""f ,,~<-J- 'J(4 d#'f~" ..,..L-v.,./i cL~~"'dA-<1/' (/u.__tA..AA. ~ /-d~~~ i6.- (l,tA.P-A-A.l."<.A.#..~ (t<<_ J.._~-4...;t~~A.ol....L4' ~~.,..tL,c.~ ~ ~ft "~<d"'; ~~... ~. '" 4. f4Ji.1~ ..L.~ .k Ld;~Au f-f--'A....... A, tJ.~^.Lr.;. .-w-I.~ ~ Y It. l ^ ,'i "... cL<<<./ry #' ~~'^'-""Y "u.y ~~ . ,.<<k.U ~ ((uc.1Y ~.l...",^ ~.k L..AL.-v' AJ.~.J..<,Io..-A~~-k 1#1 x:. "". ~ ;ltu ..... /:..,.:.-~ (/rl.<......,,-<-<-<L~ <<- .<L4.-lA '><<..<4u. u~ IiM iI4~A.:k ~...../'~ ./~~ ~ -4 .LfF"ov d~t d:~ t;:::t-J<:::;l'U '~:::::::",t~.:2~':~ ~ 4<<.L.: c6.~-1.~I-.J~~.-,,~i.~-"" a..<..J.. ~ .1'''/'''.[...1 ~ ~./Uf-~ ~""'~~/:r--;;t4~ ,J.;J;..~.. ~.;.L~-~ .fL(C/-M.J t:. ~ ~ ;t:,.~........,...J 1u~'P-v ~ ~. rk,~,,~~~ ...,.....,,-iL- /I4"r~Ak."dy ~~k~~ ~ "~,,, ":1"""'" -b,-;Z .M~<.."4,Lu.F ~~...i:-..k-r~ iL.~-v'~",/~" .lS k ~k .ft~::..., ~~~.l..u; r ok ~u .k ~-lJ,..(,-~ fi.:-rJ:d....-w~ ~<<j ~~ 'l<A.~ ~........,~"^ Ju-J.Uwu-'4 cI:wJ. d.<A.",.Jd'LU_d.u~ a. ~ ,.-vA....~ ttl.......1 .w-U.t ~ .A.lju----7: 'j "'~\' {,? J: 4-<A- u.vY. ...-R.t.u.u....41~ ~*'-r.-...v "'..;f~ ~b<.~ ~ t/& dA..y ftt.-< ~J -tA".i:/.i ~~. t:C d...-.:./., h -?;; "''''I ~ ~./~.-4 ~~ ~tL;<.u~~.dE:"~ab"'L-' -';t;tI:;./~..orJj'Y r~ ~th-o...,~.....~~ , ___^J.y~ 1k4. ~ dt~<'''vfJl?p Ir~rJ(J.,' #- 141<+ 'h ~~-~tL.J\f ~ ~. .1.... ,( , jk~, ... ..~~. ~ u~ 5"1 ~~~-! .... _ .. f 11"",..w.-L--.t J. 4wl .J..a -4..~ 1-1~ ":~,,,.r. ~ ~ ~~-;. 0. ~L~'" M~74 r>' ".......l.. ,~ '". .~ ~ ~ "-f,A ",j"" ~ L jI.<J--. tL-<-.J-# ilI- . l~ tb..r-~~~ ~LJ~:~"; ~~~ ';t;.. ~ 4Hr~.k~ u d6-A, /::!t.!!k~~.~ ~~ rA.hfl'1~'~.:t- ~"..._,;, ~ /..... i ~Aj.e~",-<" ~~lU: .L"t~ ~.-,.J..,h-d.~AJ.. ';/-t K1~ ilf'HA-. ~....ur~,,~lA:ivr":' d.:-~~~-4"Zi !~g~.: ~~~~u ~d~-^i'A"N<~'A~ ! 1r~....v--4 ..&--~ f4<-/ -HI ~..6-':et O-"-~'1r~J:, : ~~~~-'i~..<b~~t---;;~ ;~ZtJ::~L~:t~:~U~'~~~~ . . ~1_ ~ l- ~~+r{~f .t..~fu-..& /14, "y . ~ ~ ~ 11'l'J~ d~~ t<Ut4V' NI.o,,? . ~~~~:;. . ~ . . ,~u ~#+~ ll-l-J-it. ofL..-.t... tJ_ .&~~.b lC ~"<.. . .l.:..vAJ ~.!....#'~~4 h~ ,.1....r~/U-4k~ l-u~j-r~.u. . ~-<M.4~. / - /' .. ~. cU~/.-di~.i~~~'~~~ ./Tfk~~_~ ~ 4t-~~:"",,~A..I-..A ..0.A,J4~~- A ~~~ ~~/~X> ~~~ .~ ..:q~,,;tI;,w d-t-<J.. ~A. ~-I:r:::...... ~.;,-.,..~~ ~1:. ~...t."",,-- .A<f:~><./di- ~/U~""--..., ~~ ~ ~'~~f-du~. '~'~""'I"~ ~. ~~ ~ ~('4.M.4 flL+ Cf--.J, . ..L L".. ....~ 4. ~ r tL--J.........,-A.-M....t~ ! ~/1A--~__Mu",_~ ~.II?Io. r1- LJf~ ~&U~e'j'.e- !,d"... .<-Ai' j(],.~~ . aC"LL ru-;;f;u a.-r /frt../-.-J. ~~~J.... I'>-V.-~O'~.&J.~.<..-Y, ~~(J'..at~ lI.7-'.......J..I....-...z ~~...<-U ;;fz, t.,HAL, . tLM'cTWPH"1h~.......:+,E.fdr-tl.""'.f"-" ~~.. .<..\ . lh.-':;; ~jl.~Z4h'd:::;::; 'L.b-f:::::::b~:~ ~ ..w-L,.,.fu.--;~~ tlA~.."i':~1' .rr.4"",.~ ~........- ~J~ ~..;;<r r -n i ~I ~~. ..Ap-~ ~~~&..,. ......j..<-~'vt2~-<--; ~ a~/~, ... ~ .,;;J..;. L,.. <fA I.~. . . . iT"<J ",,:.... ;/z; L..y 1; .&- I. .. ,. ^ ~~_ n '.- /l~1 ' ,1- dz <4y ~ ~ tIi! ~ ~---- . ~ ,I ,_ ~ 1 Lh I ~ ~fP; , fUll! f...f'/llIi.. ~ H ! ! Ii i , .;1 I WiT.1 r! ii!1 1111 I'. . I( II I" I }1tf.J/u-f. atd~~.. ~d.t :lv.H:~'~~"~~~ . .~ ~..K...~.Ir'/JA"".: -;;j:t,.. :.1. A..u.. '4-- .., ~~ ~~~.4<.-A ~ ~4.i.~ I~ .~.~ tE ~~~1:~~~~c!:.,ii!:;~f.:-f .h ~<t ~~+..(?re.~~~~ ~:". ~4W..A--f--~ ~~ ~~ z!J:M-t<-." IfA Mf:~ .z..~4MA...~ d.c~ ~~Lf~""" ct.~~~.'d..~.4Hr.... ~ ~~~.._..,.~ .d,...,f~A""IlA';#~~"-"'V~ ~'/ol~....A.~. ., ^h~~'",-.~ _ 1'-4. (t::~.w~~ ~A4.~4t/ .~%~ ~,:t<;t-"-!l:~ ~"^^"'~~..e'.-..Al~.rvik~.~ ." .~.4 'k<,,-t"v..6:~ .. .~.z ~~~~. ,L..itAj2!,u~ tL.d"ur~J>.~ ~~i""~ .-.L,t'';..A<<<r' ,<u,~. ~.......i../.-....;;t-IJ--..A. ~ ~~_ ,~.~ ~-r'" MJ.H-1I..A<'-idr~ Lu.+~, .:6-A..~'7":~ ",-df,,~rlTb ci x1~u<</!#~k.dz h ~ ,,(~. .t'H<.';f, .l1rtAd..v...., f4.<....~ ~ ~ ~.04, II. ,'''" d!l -?-J-n.~..."" <t.-t-e U-U,I<>A-A.4 '" ~<.-A~di: ~_ - l"li-1A4 4~A..- "'U4-uu,.J\ j d -1fu.:.r., aL..,1 'If;) C1ii;(~r oL...,~~~, .2t. {iJ.u..- - _~I- #.~~~1 h~~"",:l.,r ~ ~~.-d.-~ ,,-- ~k fr tI, 4'fzf" .,..'7 ~~ ~~ .t-1--<4 h-~,",^~ ,k/PJ.H ~ALr-4 d:t af#~.~ ",~,.:J- A";' ~ ..t ~ 'f-L-- kLu .~ ~ ~...tt.<--Ur~-Z.I ~i:.t. -4 <i.t ~~ ~ ~J,. ~<A..<.J.-k-~ ~.~,k~"" ~ ~ ~ 'Ju "-~.N.y.fu.. '7(v-.u..ud'40. (J 4..7h '-a.r~~&:.../::. s. P. "hr..hel' 8.,...10.. OD El.ato~.l 111.", 2.00 Sal.. ....,~1111 10- PIIblhh1tl/1 01. PIIblhlUnll deUnlJ1.nt Un,no 51\.75 G. W. Blah Regl8t.l'ar'tI aocoun:t_ Vinton ~"clnat 4.00 AuoU" O...land Janltoa-'. at COUJ"t-taDU8P. ~to. 2.0,) Sal.. pp1nting to I'll bl hh1ng co. ....1nt1l1il .1.otlon tlokno 10.25 o. L. Po_ ROOM for el.at 10n- fUaRe'" :4:111 2.0) O. If. RodolHr Reg18tZ"oSr'", sceount- Botet.ourt 6pr1nge Prttolnat 6.00 o. N. Pitt.Pll ffItR18t1'&J" II 4CGOUnt_ RM 11111 Pr8alMt 3.10 G. L. Gr&enWOod R8g1etrar' 8 aoaount_ Cav8 Sprlr11t Pr801not '.00 Va. & -renn. Tft1. CO. Tel. at A:lnr lJOU88 f't)l' 3 month8 "'..50 s.... . . Jell . . . 4.!"1O ~~8. Clara Nlnln,.r Roo~ for 8lactlo..... Dot. SVl'lftKs "rftolnat 2.00 411'.95 w. A. Franoll'. (bar. ot Rev. Com. on IUI8ttaBINtnt T.. To. 111'8P.n.oOd, . R. E. tMg88. C. To. 'Ilbod 'IlIIl. OiBh J. P. V1~.'" II. T.. Po.ge . . . . . 556.El Road aooount.. Rlohardson va. The l'ubllo 10.50 . s.me 4.{)O . . Seae 4.00 . . Seae 3.00 1.54 . . IlubbOrt Vo. 'l'tle T'UbUa H. D. IIo'llfbert., &J.pt. or -HDada 1n thls Count~. thls day lnlbmlt.ted h.1s Nport of 8x- penr:tlt-u1"es ln t-he varloue (iist.rlota of the Co\lnt-~, aa alao amunt out, of' COunt)" t\mch , together with tOuohers Au. 8U6, vJz: . COURl'-IiC'1l1Sf', fAl,~, VIt., I.ov. 1S, 1907. fioa1'd met thb d~ in 1'''1-';\1181' montnl~ 88sa10n, 'ioU a.mbers b8inp; prft8811t. CAtawba Dlltrlcrt Salem Dlst riot ".75 Big Toiak Vi11t _1 at Cave Spr~ll18 D1l1tp1at ~.. Amount" Of co-.n&)' tund Total !lJ r ..nt h 9?.q..~ 353.50 11.74 491.11 t957 .501 pa)'!:.ent or age, and payable out of' the l'ftapftotlv8 tunds 8S 1!18t fCrttt nbaVA. On motlon, Clftrk wae ordered to 1SllU8 'IOUohet"8 to sald II. n. 1I0w~rt t fupt. t ln w. B. Aledlef" 8Jpt. or Count)" AI..mu.. and Para. Butaitt8d hie ~port of' expend1_ tur.. tor the _nth or nGtoMr, .-ountlng to t18.l41 Ibr "hioh the Clerk wa. dlrecrted to llaue to 1\1. . YDuoher. ne Ill.eo repol'ted reOltipte fttr the Mnth, Ba)unt1~ to ~41.1flJ" ..l11oh uaunt twJ ".. dlreot.ed to turn 0..1' to tbe OO\lnt~ TrealNl'er. EllpO.... AaOOllnt of W. I. lIodley, &apt.. of Poo'. ftlp ...nth of Oat. . 1907: ..1nutfts or last IlftAtl'flR r~u.d ond iljppro"f'ed. TlJ.e '~:.lO?llnn aocounts Wftr8 al1o"",,,_ and If&J'J'ante ordered to be ~.8U8d ln l'a~ll'lent of' 8t&1!1.e, Viz: RoMo1c.ft 00. ElftotOl"al (bard Pol' ..rvl"l. Plmerftd 36.00 16.00 J. 11. Camper, J . P. 1..un.01 aOOQunt- J. f,. Sl'Own RftR1BtrAr'a Aooount- N. Sale. T'Pftc1nat Dr. R. .... -W11e~ Pauper eocrount H. II. POWltl1 Room I'br .,14rat1on Nomoh Preainat H. J. .ilerrlolla R.gldtrap'. aooount- No.lI1ah p,...1nat C.ld....U-V1UR lb. lUpplb. to 01'.11.'1: otf1oe 8.'10 13.00 2.~ 7.?5 .1l0 lito"" 1Ior""_ <b. Poff" Pofr R!U'd_... 5.72 1.')9 lUppU.. ~..l'ie. 4.15 ' I. II. Pitrp'A111 It 011. 158 6. M. :.I.nin D1'l' flOod. Ilor 1 st... ,.20 12.00 'I'1Ie 01erl< t.hh dill .ullltlt.t.od . report. rro. t.h8 .lUdlt.or of PubUO Aooounh. .howl111< t.v ".....-n, end aoU.ft:lOn t..lml" or t.1\A oapltation 'tex.. of tide O>>unty, 88 fOl- 10..: n. ;4. WOrd J8t\e. Who.l"l.~ .. 1 oalt 5.00 Cro oltet Ol'ahllJii _1"k on t.1"II 22.58 MlOunt ot .Il......,... tnt, .bit.e and aolored ~4962.00 Ad, IJaprad . . 11l.50 IltIUn(Jlont. ~unt 0011eatod 12B.50 t~4Il.50 1249.50 . Andy T:oot he Tot 01 F.Jpenae . . 5.00 f7lI.14 CI\Ilo~ ~r ".id amount ... del1'fltt8d 1.0 the Board, al1d bf Bald Roar" dlrflated to be I tut'ned OVfl1" to t.\\tt OOum., Tr."""l'f1I". . 1/30 to be ret.urnsd to Roanolat county RECEIPl'S i ! I i . \ Johnston, DIl)" ~" Terr)' 00. Pol' 'Z7F..6 Net 1"8... n.9' For pigs Bolti fl'Olf. farm 22.25 Pol' aFI,lell f101d . . 5.00_ TIM!". "ILII .ub::nltted to the lDard ..t.l1ftat..., rrOi!l the Natlonal Index COJnV&nY, or 00- tuatua, OhiO, on luppl)'lng YlArl0tll .y.1.... or Oeneral Index... fOr the neltd laok. or this COunt,. The Board, aondder1~ laid .e't.laatee, eto., hereby appropriates the aIlO\mt nee- Total <<(H!el~t8 '41.1(7, ) To",,", 0" Vinton ) I '1a. ~ ...af'~ rot" th.. puf'oha.. ot toh. booka, t.he 'S~st.e. t.o be eaploYfld to be det.1\f'ft\lnfld by the Clerk of thie Board and the Judge of the 01raul't COUl"t. rrl1~ Publ1e Th8 '0110,,1ng Allowanoe. are hflHbJ Made to tft" Judgee, Clerke 8I1d Oommlarloners 0' Eleotlon, h11d on tl1e 5th da)' ot November, 1907. anri th8 Clerk :18 directed to lemA _-1- ny 8r~rAPm.ent bfttwftAn Attorney fbr th.. applioants am the Attorney tor thp. C>>... rr.on1'f1"altl1, t'1i~ CllU8e i8 contlmUtd until th" M:tt ttftRUl8J" mepti!1lr. "Icue1\e!'. 1n ptqMnt of ...e, "Ii?: Judge. Clerkll JOlIN' 6 61/01' On motion of L. D. J3ftll, the ~hdrr,lIn Of' thi8 bod)" "811 author1zed to pur- J. T. Shftpherd P. W. J,qaan 1.00 n'hag~ ''01101' 2\)th Ct'ntU1':I (\r-adet~ 1n1" th~ V.1bll~ 1'1,!.p.;11...,~!' of' H\:1!' <>>\1n'-)"\ on" ft;),. D. II. 6h81or B. B. Rar'JIan 1.00 eaoh Aagir:terl11l Oht"lot.\ 8"'11'I8 to t. puld fOr out 01' thp. County rund. Jm. 5. B8rmett, and ..king returne ,.00 BRA1lIl' 6 BrOR\-: \ c. F.. ThD_e, anr1 ..king returns ~.80 w. w. LP',,1a 1.00 .J. W. DUlewood 1.00 P. T. Hal"tb90rE'""r 1.tJO I \ 1 ) Roll' Application ) ) ) W. P. Hlah,'lrdson '1'. C. Chapman 1.00 VR. nUNV/lH ~. c. ThOmall 1.00 CMS. w11l1on \.00 TI'\p. f'l, bl1 c 'I'hp. v1f!were hAretof'orFl ~Pl101ntAd 1n thin 08118e h'.lv1nc. tiled the1r report. rectOllIJl'lU'kUnEl t.hat thp. t~ piecA8 of' road aPt-11tle' t"Or. be oontltructel'l, 811(! olJened to the f\1bUo, top,8ther with the nallell of' the persona through wbue 1ande 8&1d ronds "ill pS8S; and 1t appearinc that the land owners. ani' the 81.1mB !"esp.attvely allowed them b~ aoid vie.er8. &.re 68 rollo"a: ft. J. 1ip.81.ep c. ". Cb6paan 1.00 J. e. Vee:tnDan. and aaklftR Htut"tla 2.56 o,.;!lI'611LF.Il Jail. WJllterll, Bod _kinA' pftturn. arx1 as Comr. ,.00 B. '1'. fhanlUJ B. .... se.,....e Lon 8. V. Duke "'''fl.. .4801":1 DNbalt"'r 1.43 acres (160.00 60.00 200.00 MILt. W811a 1.00 fl. U. tlftft P. O. Pa1ntftr 1.00 John R. Gearh60rt l.~ 1.76 . NOR'l'1I SAUJl ThOa. B. lloodwln . It 1e ordered that all or the f'O~"golnc l&nd owners be aw.onftd to ap- I'8ar before this 9)ard on the thl'td .l4oDdq 1n Dece.ber nest, to ,JJDw o...e. 1t B~ the)" 011.1\, wn, the eaj"d roads .'hDu1.d not 'be OPftned.,u reoo..end:e4 _ aaid '11_..re, thflOuRb t.bIt 16Ma afDNaald. Iol. Iol. Dy.r G. P. KG)"I' 1.00 I. II. 011..r, and Mklng rlttunaa aDd .. COat'. ,.00 1.\'0 1.00 1.vi) 1.00 1.00 l.tlO 1.00 ,_ -Judgftll 0., ~ Po';' _0 ....)~ - H, -l" ~..s,~.l<4~' ~ 1"''' .;~~_.... t""',. roUTH BALEIl ~.' '" o~ ;.It '~V" ~.. . -. 1:. It. Carl)"", and as ColiI.'. 2.00 .I- 0.' ~- '.' "~!r- ,... ....... 111 ...........M... _. Ila.... _.. o,*,tll1ue of' all ..U_.. .0..... ..._.,..... "'.j..r.u 1iM.. _ ....... .....". IMiIIIl ...os.... ln tbi. ...... lb. .he .... or .....tq t. 'OIl till' .... _~... t1I._ 1. ..."~ odDpt.- .. ... _do ... ......s." "It _,_ "_1 "'..... tSs: Jill. OOU.... P"PpO.... !!1J1f 0" .... t1oo.oo: Jill. 00....' Bolilol "'."".... 20 ..at. on .... tlOO.OO; "l'1I1.lirl.. _ .-..... (.....1' t_ 801_ 1I1",.lot) 20 _. on.... tlOO.OO: JilIp Bol_ eOOollll",rln. 1& _'- on ,... 1100.00. .;-ot,......... -',11";'.,... _ ,>ot ......J-iIi;' --. p~ L. SbRlor 1.00 .J. T. Sud<tarth, alld _kIng ret.urns ?oo 8. II. :lonon.1d 1.00 Elm,TOUR'!' SPRI~RS Jf\COb stoutSlhlre, am JMk1n~ f6tu.m8 2.7~ F. A. Blohop 1.00 , ! 1 . . , j ! I i 1.00 ,JOfi. ii. fobinson CAVl< SPRING w. F. 1.(1 ckett, and uk1ng returns 2.4F.' n. JIo PDagP. 1.00 J. 'I. rhaltney 1.00 f1'IJf.F.~S ;,(I~TI J. w. TurnPr't und tll8~1nr return8 2.8X T. 11. ,"art1n 1,nO I :1 .J. Jl. r:r1seo 1.00 RED HIlL A. Bo RlrllJW&)', RM maldne roturna 3.00 .1. ":1. r.l'aham 1.00 C1188. T. :.&cGulrllt 1.00 smr 1l0UNTA1N n. W. POwpll't ~d making l'lltturnB 3.00 ..ioil. 'Anothe 1.00 n. w. Rler~n , 1.00 iWHWlCH L. O. Thaoko. 1.00 " W. E. Painter \,. !l~ A. ~1_1~ard Il, W" liart.BJl H. 'IAvlndfu' O. T. .olartin R. c. wertz "'.. P. 'rumer C, w. lI.ortln J. C, COle a Thoman Powflll 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1II1l1'IJUI UNIO~ 'PfLEIIIW'H OOllPNlY 39.0' IOU.. _ p...ono1 propml'. 16.2,..72. !!1J ..at. '31.17 Jill. Diot.l'" 8._1 I'I1PPO". 1la1.. Dlot.1ot 5.69 1Il1.. of win . per..".l prop."'l' ...367.42. 15 oonh 2.05 00...1 Dlllriot 10.46 IOn.. of ltl.. _ pe."D&1 prope'-l' '2._.70 g l!O 0...$0 4.52 11I.1 Llok Dlotriot 12.25 IOU.. Of.1ft _ penoDol prop."'l' t.!.07?.10 ., 20 11 4.14 eo.. Sp.ll1lllllotrl'" 11.6' Ill.... 0' "'" """Pf...1Ial plrOpml'. f7:ndlO 0 l!O~ 1.46 Jill. CO""'"l' 8011001 I'I1tilO... 3').0' ltl1... 0IIlI penoD&1 prope"" f6.04.72 ., 20 o.at. 12.47 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0'.1 EOU'f1lERll EXPlI58B OOIIPAIIY JIop OO..atl' I'I1rpo... 1.00 Bo1.. 1I1ot.l'" 811 Llok Dlotriot. ....00., so _. on n. '100.00 C... 8pl'1D(l Dill.lot. t3.00 0 SO _. on ..... tlOO.oo "'. 1I1....1ot 8011001 I'I1rpo... 801.. Bollool Dlot.lot t4,.00 0 15 _. on ~... tlOO.oo III.S Llok SollOol Dlot,lot '4.00 0 l!O _. on tllO tlOO.OO C... Sp.l". 1ll....1ot .,.00 It l!O ..lIh on ,.... '100.00 Jill. oouatl' BollOol I'I1rpo... 'Po~o1 .,..... ln _,. lnol..dlJla 801... tso.OO lJ 20 ..at. 1.0.) H. ,J. .c8r...loks't ~ Jhlking l"P.turnF 2.56 1.01 f. ,. J.;:'8rn 1.00 C. E. :l.ft"rlck~ 1.0n .J. .4. li'lnfllB 1.no ;. , lI)~~Ci< VI. o. WOo(t, nncJ lTII~kln~~ I'P.tUf'ns ~.% o. w. JI~ll'le 1..00 1.00 Yr. A. CarM)' VllrrON .J. I,. Ilarrh. and mAking ret\lme 2.P-'O T. J. Ii. Huicfll 1.00 J. H. Chilton 1,00 TINK~R CRf.EK t" c. )(00.&", ~ m...king ftt.\1'l'n8 2,BO A, W. COon 1.00 5,.1( Mere .1,00 EI1ilfli'iON' 6 SIlOP D. P. Rl.l1ordaon. end aaIl1nB ."'11..... ~.1lO , I,. f). PillIOn 1.00 R. 1f._lillt'r 'rY. fo'.I,~an C. J. Pout.? J. fI, tJralg a. T. B.1tt Judge. aote~ a. Clerke D, E, Kef..'. I!; O. Vl1ll'." 1.00 1.00 'fI1llIINlA . 'I'.IOIIlB81ll 'I'1Ll!J'OOlIl! OlIlPIlNY JlIr oo""'l' I'I1rpo... 19 1Il1.. '1.526.00 0 SO ..... Jill. 1I1otriot sollOol I'I1rpo... Bol" Dlnn". 19 .11... ",8110.00 It 15 -. _.01 1ll...1ot. II IOn... t4l!O.oo., l!O ..at. JlIr _,80"01 1'\aI'pO'" 1.00 1.00 1.00 . ...... .... ftLIlIJWIII . tUI'IIlD oa.PAIIT ... ~, 1lUIO- tl12.00 . SO -. 'Z1 Dlo. ....,00,00 . III -- 1.00 1.00 J.4 IdIea 1.00 ,-0 ~ I : 1. . ~ (.1 : " .. I l:'l'( .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .10 7.6' 5.112 .114 11.60 4.06 I .111 f-II , ' I !! III i. !!~. '. 1'1 ~ ; II,i.1 · ;, nl IIi.'. I j; ! i .'lii i 1'1' p- , 'I'! '. i ! i! i I,ll' f: 1 ! IIW , , t I, jl II r It II ..... 1I11&.lot '._1 ~... OM._ 1I11&.lot. 7.IUl... f406.oo f) tal .... Bl. 1.1011 1I1"'n"'. 7 1Ul... ".00 tJ 20 .."'. lib. co"., 8ollDOl P\arpl... 14 1111.. fll12.oo . 20 .."'. IIORJIOLK . ftlll'IlRll RAlLwA" OOIIPAIlT ;l6.9:> alh. lib.. CO"nt, l'II.po... '579.0ll7.00 0 50 .... JIb. 01"'.101. S.lIDol I'IIrpl'.. llal.a S.lIDol Dlltn",. 3.111 1111... 191I.953.00.20 _. 0_"1 S.lIDol Dlet.l"'. 11.89 1111... f234.9!l7.oo I) 20 .... 811 tloll 8ollDol Dlet.lo1.. 10.77 .U... f2\l1.831.oo. 20 ..nh 0.... Sp.lllll S.IIDOl Dbt.l"'. 12.97 au... fl14.!i!l0.OO 0 20 0... '\ JIb. COuntlf 8ollDol I'IIrpl'" 39.50 .U.... 1650.921.00 0 20 oent. VAU,y,y IlAlLIIOAD, OlIIPANT ..... COWltIf I'IIrpo... "otal "alu.lon :!soo.oo 0 50 aent. ..... Dlet.lot BOlIDol PII...... Oont.al Dllt.lot U90.00 0 20 olllt. fl.285.00 0 15 ..nt. Salea Dl.t.lol. JIb. COUDtIf 8<111001 !\I.p.... ~.675.00 !'l ro 0_. VIRIIINUN RAlLWAT COIIPAIlY 15.10 au.. "'. COWltIf !\II'I'O'" t47t1!oo.00 0 50 .ont. lib. Dldrtot SololOl !\I.po... Ilal_ Dbt.lo1.. 3.30 1111... tl:>.415.oo 015 o"'h 0....1 Dlet.lol.. 8.40 1111.... t26.2lIO.OO., 20 _to Il1s Llol< Dlet.l.t. 4.9(1 1111... fl5.610.oo 0 tal _. 04... Bp.taa Dllt.lo1.. 1.00 II1le.. '3.025.00. 20 _. 17.60 aile.. ..... COWltIf SOllool I'I1rpl". 157.,00.00 . 20 _. 7.61 1111.. ROAIIID RAlLWAT " aaoJ'/IJO CIlII,. Ill. ~, I'll.... 1$3.670.00 . eo .... .81 ... 111"'""" 80IlMi "'-.po". lIal.. Dtatrl'" , 1.86 IIn... t11,160.oo .,111 .."'. 0."'..1 Dlohl"'. 2.00 1111.., f12.ooo.00 . 20 .."'. '111.1.011 DiohlGt. 5." 1111... t!i9.!llO.OO . 20 ...nt. 79.02 .81 16.74 24.00 1.6:/ 7.62 an.. JIb. COWltIf BolIDol l'II.po". '53,670.00 ., 20 ollllh 107.34 f2t1lC)5.43 Ord.red nat tb. Iloard . ldJau.....-4~~J~ t. thlJ!lllfl>nd~ In,pe...,,,,.. -$~' ~.~~ -tC.r;L_ 197.91 479.91 <103.66 :>2~/ol6 . court-nou.., Sale., Va.. Deo. 16. 1907. Tbe eoard Of IbperY1eor8 of' Ro&nD". OOunt~ aet thi. dar .. the COul"t-hou.e in reg- ular Mntb1)r lIee.lon. Pre.ent: S. P. '!hr..her, Cttalrnr.an, B. 11'. Logan, L. D. Bell and 1.301.112 tI. W. Led.. 2.50 The .1rut.. or the laet aHt1ng were app1'098d .. read. The tttl1ow1ng 0'1&1_ aga1net the ODl1nt)' fIIlltPe fUr-aIlJ.ned, Approved and ordered to be paid bJ" war.rant. out ot the ftJDda r8apeat..1vel)' ot1sJ"g'able trhltrell'1th. J. W. Daa8'11Ood, &lar,)' O.e...eer Poor ellts.bs L. F. Briak,)', Sa11U"1 O.er.eer Poor Cave Spring li. P. Welle, Se.lal")f O.erseer Poor Salea Louisa Ohapman, Rooa rent. for election Conrad'. Pbaraae)', Ink. eta., fbr Clerk'. Ot!"iae .711 t. Ir1t: 20.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 3.50 4.00 2.50 .35 7.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 77.87 26.60 85.04 3:\.70 4.01 3lI.00 2.25 4.20 2.!lO 1.93 3.35 P. P. Goodwin, COttin tbr pauper C. L. Rstoher, Lo~ pine tor Jail, et.o. J. a. Oak~ It: ron, Curtain fOr Clerk'. ,Otfioe EIUott-Phhe. eo.. 'I'lfPe..U.. .lbbono . 239.00 R. E. Illllleo Ilood Viewer UJ.d furv'lOr W. J. Fo,.,. . . . . J. B. ~1.hol. . . . . E. C.. !bo... . . . . llUatln Barland. Janl\or'l ...rio.. 111.62 :1?5} 31.2:1 w. A. hUl01., Co.. Rey., Co_l..lonl On tax extended 6.05 8IIIe . . . " dQS tu extended L. L. __04. eo... H...., COat..to". tu ."'.nd.d 114.60 II.- dOB tu e"'end.d . . . Nat., WeU., e.lea .... . !\lb. "pal.. to _ floor, et.. CO. f lit. llUbU.lI1ng d.Un",ent Uet., 010.. ... . , E. R. "'0... 8er...... IItr 9 .1.oIorlo 81..... "..., ...._...11&..... ..iouat J1W. o. D. ....., .1A111M1lf .._ I III! 11'1 '! I,'. 10, d:; iI' (it, .t.1 IIi! I'H,' !'i ~q ,Ii. ill! i 'PI' :11,< i 'I' , ~ ! I II: : . . I ' !, I j i j ! It .J~<<<,J- ~<'Wf"'1'~ " ". r"('e4..~.' :..r- ~. ,. D. __..., Luna.._WI\ ,.... Fal..n.. Oo..p...,. ShUon~., ft. 01..k'. om.. Gee. M. Mule, ......., Oount,'. p." .1> .I........ lat.., Brown Hard.." CO. t Ifatod...., eta. 1.110 ...b 91.". UJIOn OOD.'~"a ._t, ,illt 110..." by W1am.o". ""., .110_ t... .... · t .10.00 PO' '101' ft. .01' ,.... ;'101\0,"'111<I111II tbe aU..,.. D.. ,....111 th.....JIOn 1_- \0 tbe 1llI,,"" ,be, be 1IO,,1~ no 1011II" .... Ill. tbe p.U.nt _ tbe ..te ot ~10.00 per 91.it, 104''''"t an..".. """ ..011'10' t... 0." ot tho ..... On ..tion ot 1oI.. Bell. I aa"..YiIO. B. W. Losan, or Sal.. Dlltriot t ... AI.point.ed & eo_u.te., on the part of the j ao.rd, 1.0 Mke &J"l"ang..nt.. tor ..cU.at af,t.'Ddan.. to t.he laid ...11pox patient, and to . take aJ.h lI!Itep. 1n bay1ng tbtrr p...l... p'uArd8d a. he deeii& proper. 10.90 200.10 ,.04 2.00 10.26 "'.. o. Po rr A Po rr, Rloa ...nt Ill. .1,.Uon Bal... "Ohr\~ ~ke, Ib" mak1D8 box. eto. h.""-Iyvo" ,""""-_~""d, ~_ w. E. !ladle" aaf'. ot the Oo"nt;r Al......u.. an~ ,'..... thh ~~ aubel'tOd h1e report or eap.nale fOol' toh.. IIOnth of No.'.ber, 19()7, lie fo1l0.': ll:mrt&df d Ph&t'.ao~ 1 Drugs E. B. IlarIIlta end W. O. De~.lO, ..P....IIUIlll tbe 110."" of St.......,. ot ttw "etllo~lat , Ohurab, Sa1.., appoar.d ..fOre t.b8 Board, aDd iU'I\OW\OId t.hat t.ber. ..re 25 or -.re ohat.. lla1ollllln4l to tile _ld CIIl..h no. Ilalll1l".O<I ln the Oourt-........ .11II 0 fr....d to ..n the .bal.. to ,be OoUDt" at. a pP101 t.o bit -SHed upon. On mtlon, oir. Log.... ..11 appol"'ed · 00_1tt... of' one t.Q tllk' up tbe ..t.tlr with t.hIt oool'on 00_1tt"., .'" rflport. at the Mat Meting or tb. board .. \0 whe\MP or not. t.he COunt.~ 'IIliOuld purehan the ohair.. 1."0 E. Ill. Fltzrera1d Groeerle. ~'''7 69.64 Whlt..~al"v.r bro.. ~'d and rertl111wr J. N. Tat. Horae-ehaelnll .75 Mll;r lIoot h 'tI)rlt on tU'll 7.40 4.00 ero ek.t Orahazn . . M. r,,,pl"afl . . 10.1:" Total expeRe. f'>7.!f' n. D. rro.t>>ert., (bunt)' Cupt. or Road., t.bi8 da)' lU_lt.ted hia rwport- of expenditure. 011 the pubU. hiSIur~ Ill. the ..nth enllll1l thi. d.U. .. 1ll110..: Wh10h 18 ord.re'- to be aPVro.'d, bnct t.he OlArk 1a dlr.ct.d to 18m. hi. a .lJrrUlt 1n 8ettle..m of' a... He 811D reported the fbl'owlng r...iptl fOr the JIOnt,h: F.xp_.d ln Catawba Dlatriat, out or Di8'tpiat. 1''''Id . . na"" SJ.rll1B{llat.l.t . . . . . . Bls Llok Dlatrl'" . . . . . . Salem nl at r! at. . . . . 53.25 117.40 235.90 283. 3~ ~5.1G White.oarver froll. FO. IItr.. 2,0241 C. L. IUl1.r . . 2,Ooo,r S.hl111og . lIo...n . . 1.500# c. O. ilorgan . . l,2<Tlfl . ..lnat 32Gb E. iI. PU""...ld " . 1.9'4N. BlUet 3'<811 Dag. Lltt..ll . . ....., a_oka Sol. 9ro...~ 00. . . 3.342; 10.12 10.00 7.50 11.92 10.53 1.51 16.21 Expendad out 0 r Count~ II1nd lA.kine a total ot !1,055.1.l6 Whl.b weport. 11 .pro....",...." 'h.'_Ol..k 11 dlreat8d; to 1a8U8 warrant. in ..tt l...."t 01 ..... out. or the t\!ut'"a ro..peot1Y8l1' oba..r....bl. t.herewitb. "oto1 ...elf'. lIIllab h. 10 ~lr.atad to tu.n 0". to the ,....au.... t64.7l! fJ<<tr,. .... Mu.e, Treasure.. of "".noJre Count.~, thle d~ 1a1d befbre the Board the fUll01040g .tet..nt: IlPPorLlonMut. ot COu:nt.1', and COunt,. and District toboOl tax.a, Gall.ot.ed fro. De- I1ncpent 1aM8 bllonsing to the eo..,n.altb of V.1rg1nla, and rA-801d umel" Chapter 52, "lit. 1906,'ottllO LeIli.1....... or V1'Rinl. IV Dlat.lat. . _A1. OR Il.\LI!II llI8'l'RIOI' 11011111. In.titut.. b.l< Joe.ph A. 'Pu..... 1oI_.. tl11. d~ ","."'0<1 to t... 110..., . .1.101 ftl. t'<!.10 Ill. . .h..p 1<1110<1 by cIoS. atlle. tllan the 0_. ot" u.le' .heap, UI,on aont1derat1on w'hereof, t,h. Ib&l'd allow. t,be aua or '2.50 in 1I.ttl.... I)" 8.1d .1a1.. . Br _"nt tNa 1..... ..ld Br _Ill tNa 1_. "'._d '1'0&.1 ...unt OOll.atO<l f12!5.74 ~5i. .181.27 Dr. G. Il. ,....111. 1I..1th Offl... to. Ro....ke Co"nt,. tl11. 'OJ ,.,......~ to tho Bo..., thot Lo.. 51"., ..l.Nd. ...l~lnt _t Dll! Hl11, ln thi. Count,. w.. .rI'11"'." 104th ael11''''' aont..atO<l .III ..at V.I.s.ln1a. .... that he had a..,. "0". vlalh to "WI p.tiont ...., eat.bU.hed . lPIud 0". tile p..Id.... wIIl.h be had p1..Od ,,11II.. ",...ntlllO. lie th......JIOn p....nl.e' to tllll ,a.ud . ~11 Ill. IIl4.oo, IIolll1 M t... .... ot fJO.OO per n.u, .... .,.110 1111.... ft. t... 10~ "..&Ill...'. GO_ta.lon .. _lit to be apportlo"" "18.12 163.15 I , I II Ii Ii i : 'I L , ," , ' ,'ll',I,', . "j'l I; I I L' ' ,.Ii I ' I' illl f d I '''I ' Ii' I ,_:. l il,l i rqj! Iii' 11/ i t ~ i/l i i Illl J J,' :i J , I 1111 1II1 I .6ppOl'U.ned .. f'Dl1o..: Oowrt.r In, 5/1 f116." Ooumr S.ht.1 1.... 1/1 8.'1 Dl"".lot S.....l la... 1/1 ~.~l '16~.1!i . I g. a. II..., "" ~.. I ) ... ) JI"he IIIbU. (N.nnl. C. .1Ilb.,.n "" ~I i 'I'hI. .... ... .n 1ll.1n 'hi. dar '" ... heard upon 'h. pro....rllngl h....'.!'o., hed I in tlw .... be"".. h.. Boerd ..., be""... the Oi.cuit Ooun .r 1Io....k.. <loumr; "R1 it "1>- po.PIne to th" Ilo.." that II' an .rd... ..t...d In ..ld .au." br tho 01.cult Oourt .r 110..... aka COunt,. at It.8 _.".bel' 'tera, 19C)7, tollt daaag.. to .hieh "....ni. C. Willi__n cd lie. .hild...n ar. _in." 10 t1.36O.00. "'" th.t .aid Cl.cuit <loun IIacI ...nln.d .aid ...unt. . r ..~_.\l.n to the Board "". ..oil oct lon tho....n .. .aid Ilo erd ..,. d_ od- .l..ble. ...., It ftanhll' appe.r!... '0 .. Boai'd, from ttuf report. or the d..... aDd llaid Ol"d.. of the C1rcult OOul't, that the d_... too the proprietors dMlandlng oo.pent.ton . 1'01' tlWlp land.. 0"1" and aboYtt tbl ...Nt., .1. .a tDl1o..: BIG LICK DH'\'IU or D)r ffirlount fro. land. lold By 8I:lOunt fro. lAnd, redeB_d '215.57 291.15 '506.72 Tot "I ..ount 00 U.at. ed Leal 10~ f'..lNrer'. OO_lll11on. Net. MOunt to be 8Pl1ortlonMl 50.67 $456.05 Countr le"1 5/1 COunty Sohoo 1 leY)' 1/1 Dlstrl.t S.I1o'1 '''''1 1/1 C32!S.7S 6!l.IS ((l._,..,.~ ~~~#/f~ 6...11I.15 II.... !<IUIIlle C. Wll1l_lOn 8I1.d bel" abUd:ren tor llU\d Uld tenae thlll"pee JUIIII I(ate Carter fOr 1Jftd ItI'ld tin,. d..168. ~1360.00 _f456.o') 25.00 TO~ n F S/3.0&l DIIJI'Rlor nr _unt r.... Il11\d. 1.1d nr ....unt fro. land. reb_d AnEI 1t t'\lrt:her appeal'lne to t.h. (bard that the Clrou1t Court or RnlY\oke Countl' c!ef9.11 It expedlent 'to eatabl1a" the road _ntloned and. de.oribed ln ..10 order, and u(<On 1IlOt.10n, duly aeeonded, to Mke the neo".a~ appropriation fDr the p~ent ot fohe da_.. to toM proprietors, and to ~q th4t oost of openll28 ..1d 1'Oad; 1t 1. therefbre unan1J1lOuJl.ly re.- aolV8d b,J the 8Q,a~ ot Superyl80ra ot ROMOk. Count.;V that the Mo.alla~ aPl'fOpr1at.lon t.o open aQd ..tabll.b .ald road be .8de, and t.he '''&IU"l' or hoamke Count)' 18 here b1' autbol'lzed cd direat.act to pq the uount.. hereinabove .e.ertameet 1n taYOl' at the proprl.t.r. wbo.. land. ... tak.n _ d...peI br th" opening ., ea1d r..d. It. 10 f'urt.h..r Ordered thd 10he COunt)' Sul'.e~. or Roanok. Count, do proa8ftd to at... and lq out. aaid t222 ,64 150.33 e~2.97 '1'01..1 UlOunt aoUellt&d J.... 10" TplUUJ"8J"'. oo_i..ion ".to ..unt too be apportioned Apport loned a. to 110.' n.29 t335.6l! Sal... S,I1o., Di""riot t':J~.6K T.tal _WIt to .. ..edlted to tile Countr Rind 0 r Ro....klt Oowrt.r: Fro. nelinqo~ Lond. . road &OCOftU.. to tJII itagr.. ~ d..ctr:lpt1on ..,. by Jos. R. Woode, COunt,. Bur"6~r, am flIed in this ..... .. .. part at the I1tport ot t.hlt vi...rll"end bnanng d..te or April 15t.n, (kJ,unt.y Fund Central Dlst1"let 1905. 1116. S3 325.75 It 10 tIInlw. ord....d thato .dd road be .p..n"d .nd "'l1t bjI ..,nt..", to the 1..."" bidder, and 'tba ChaiN." or t.. Board 1e Mt"flby 8llthDrl~4Id to aall f'br bin., and aao.pt. .uoh bid .. be .., d.. 1Id'l1.abl., and e..r 1nto & entraat fb~ t.. IUlTlO.e 0 r l\ayinp .ald , . .. Jl1p; f.lok D1Bt1"lcrt '1'0 _"lit. pubUahi"l' d"Un",.nt Uot. 60.00 To ..ount. paid fbr ppJnt1np, blanlce 1"01' .akJIlr up report. of d.11nCJIent eale 17.50 T.tal t519.711 Re.poctfl1l1r ""talt'"" t. th" lion. Boerd.r !Up.ni.... .r Hll...,k. iNad laid out and op.~d, a.OO1"dlng foo t"" plan. and IIpeaitio.tto". made b)r ,loa. R. JltJocre ,_net riled ., . part 0 r t.he ....port 0 r tblt Vllll'81'1I. t i J I' I.. I ... r.ount.)' . Beo. W. AluM, "..a.. R. R1ohardoon ) ) ) ! ) , I Whlen report ..11 appro..d .,.,. OM,red foo be &pHad on lohe .1~'... 'I'he I'IlbU. . '1'''' -... to. to... proP.i."... and to.....toe 0' tll. 1_. tohNu8h _.11 to... p..po_ 1"11I. ..... to... 1"_Ito~11ll _l1l1\loa. will p.... If ooaItoN.III. ba'fillll ....a ",unod '","l~ .__Ill. II.... ....., ..._. _ "OM ft. 01.._",. two 0' tho 1_ o_ro. appo....d . ' 1.. pOP.... .."".. tho lillIi'll tolli. dar. and ,...... .. Oood_. br hi. inot.....'" in mUng ,i,~_' : tillll ..ttoll UII P.... ..~ "'15'1ll tolll ,,--. ..--Ill to_ , tolla .1..... .. . .Jut. . ~..' ~ -~-'-'~- f ~I/' .111 pi j d1 ! t l ~ I q'; . jc: n{ I ~ f ! if I I Wi i 1'li'l : '. I i! ) I Ij ! I 11,11 ; ill ,. i I Ii II "'''~,.J~lf. I ooap.nI&U.n lbr ,lie lUll! p...po..., \0 lit '..n U1/J ,lie d_.... .HNlI.,'~_ 9It'~-fr1f(,t.... , 1l<~1"'I'" , r..... to wU: ..... "'.f Ilt<ullaller. 1.4' ...... '1.60.00; Jollll H. lIe...be.... 1.32 ft:.1<< "Y.8.1J....J.~~ ...... (60.00; '1'110.... e. ltoo~..... 1.76 ...... f200.001 And U _..11l1l '0 'lie - 'it." '!.t...~ ....... ,"'" 80..., tbat 1t _ld be ro. tlta jlIIb1t. ..nv.lli.n.. t. op.n _ ..1:0011011 tile t.ltlf 'I."U)~. .....:.." road. .. PII'O."'nd"'ct by t.. .1....8, tbl- fflpoJ"t. Of the^Yl..... II tutre", 8On- I . t' l'& .. 0-.., t_ 'lie m..... 1_' '.. ...._IIe....r. '1a1. '.._,......" .-. to. 'lie -.1..., eIIII .u.... ftI. 'lie da...... __ 110_....)1. 19O? ..'1Ie .1- -- ~ :)k.......:7~~.7~ ,...:o[u"-^;&~ ~4t.#-"'4I-~__-L.. t?.... ?-t ("lff-If. / , , I I i I I I I I I I 10""" ..... ".".UYll,: 8. .. .......h... ..1...,.. f30.00, aU..... t7.20; '.'.1 '".20, G. 11. Leah. .&1.., t30.~; .1l'1lII' t7.20; 'ota1 .".20; L. D Bell. ..18., t30'lll1; "U'Ill' t6 .60; '0'&1 ~36 .60; B. .. to..n. .&1.., m.oo; .11.... '1.20; tot.1 ,,1.20. ~ n...d; but t h1& .... 1& ..nUbl'" to ...It bid. ftI. tile ..nn.....U.n or tile eald ohange. 1n the rollda 10 "_..ride. O.d...d 'h.' "'. Do...d lit .clJo......d ..ntH the 'hi.d IoIond~ In J.......f.I9llR. R. O. UOwbert, fupt., .'e. I ) I ) 1 ) \ (J; ~a-fd"... d../f. v.. 'rho 1'I10U. + OO\Irt-hou.., &al.., Va., JM. 2Ot.11, 1908. The Board or 81Jlf'p.,l80ra or Roanoke ODunt)' .et thle d-.y at the ODu'Pt-bou.. 1n rllsulU' ; IIOntb17 ....1on. On t hit ooh.n 0 r lIr.. P_1. Ne1ghbo... 1\ 10 ord...d that the &p..l11- t.Merlt. 0 r Road. do, .. loon .. aonYAment, ....bJl1d th" renoe along t.he Plb1!. hlglnrOJ' .vor the 1_ 0' t.... .ad lIr.. P.rnl. HetghboPO .rr.....d o.r t.... ........ In t"O"" l"ftOfultly m&de by him. AM It III ftarthftr Ordered that the ..tter" ot ll.a11d1nr. br1dge. aaroell the bpU\oh.. on thf> .ald road under thie applloatl('1n, be OOntlBUtd fbr 1'\1tUl'ft oonslderation. Pre.., S. P. Tbr..her, L. D. Be:U. B. 11. Loaan &I\d O. W. 1#8,,1.. who ...re duly ol.n'" ..IIe.. or 'be lID.", o.r 'h. cp&l1ft.d """. or 'h... ...pe"'l"" dlo'.l.... ., ,lie .1....10n 11.1d No_o.. 5\h. 1907. wllO ha.. ......,.., ,Ile bond. ..d "'k.n tho o...h. P"_ ."1bed IQr 1... lIP. II. P. 'rhl'..h.. ... ....ll1&\od o.r II.. I..gan lb. CI1a1...... or 'Ile lID.'" ll>. 'h. en- The Bo8l'd th111 dfq pl'Ooeeded, purauant to fleot.1on 95 Cod. ot Vlr~nla. to reCOBlllend to t. he Clrau1t. ("..ourt of' Roanoke COunt)" suitable perlOnll f'ol" tip- l'o11t..,nt ae C"unty fuperlmem.nt of the Poor 811" Count)" Alr.e)'Or~ relp."'lft- 1;y; whereupon, b)' unanilllDuB 'VOte of tile Board, it Ie Ol"dered that .... F.. "ettle)", the lncur,bem., ~e l'eQomaemed to the said Court fbr re-lIppolutMnt. at! County nlpftr1nt,,",ent. of th9 Poor, and t.hat R. E. =-aeee be l'floo.ended fOr .ppol_._ .8 COunt)' 6J.rv8)'or. 8ulng t.en, anrl _as unan1_ual)" eleat.lId. The alll1t.. of t.hft lallt aeet.ll18 wer. appl'O'fed ae relld. 'JIhe fol1oldn,g olaS.. against. 'the ~unty Wlt!'Jt e:raa1ned, IIpproved IUJd ordered to bit p-.1d bJ' warl"antll out. Of t.he fluids re.peat1veq. ohargeable there.Uh, t.o l~ (lor..n RI..... fOr C. JI. Rooa rent tor eleot.lon "": .30 2.00 15.75 1.50 1.50 1.48 2.75 182.50 15.00 n.75 '.00 84.66 . 2.~ 2.50 4.30 20.00 19.00 S." 8.00 1. !Ill Cuh a.l'P~ 0.. L. G. lIa..." Everet' .add., t\>. -. &'0)(., MO.;j for Clerk' 8 Of't1oe . . . . . - . . . . . Ida B. 1Io0r. Plgp.. ..ooun\- 8&1.. Dl8\rlo\ ano"flftS( (R'A<! VB. 'I'1le ""bU.. n..' On aol1on or .11'. Bell, 1t 1. Ord.Nd that.. &110_..0. of 12;.00 bc aacte '0 B. .. Logan. BJ~.nho. 0 f 8&1.. Dln.1C1t, lb. .xb. dwU.. ,..ro...., o.r hi. 1n 8pP.olal ooaa1t.tee eerY1o.. to f.be Boai'd. .And th.. Clerk 11 dlreoted R. It, 4lIeg.. .. E. lI.d1.,. BJpt.. Poo.. 8&1..,. ..oount 'rrun... II. E. Olaa.oh. 8o....h. lb. 30 .11&1.. lIa1.. ...1nt11l1l" 1'I10U.hlng 0... ...1nUng, ad""rUa1nllt .to. to i_llUe to him "wa)t.,."nt fbr Mid "'1m. \ Dr. R. II. wu., D. ... IIa..Un" 0.. . Pauper> acoount o.al ftl. J.n. 0\0. Lun.., ..OOWlt (Routt I W. fl. Batftll, fo:.q., '~ltl F.ngineer ot Roanok., in a Ifttt.ep to t.he noaPd, .0_1111...."" .n '.U.s," "or tluo hlndlll1l or . !I11thwq wld". ........ ,.la1r.r O..ok. 111 BIg Llok Dlo\.1O\. In ....loh "" ..kid ,Ile 8o.rd w"'" pl'Opo...lon or thO .0.' or 'lie bul1~lng 0 p Mid b.l~g. 'h~ ....Ill oon.ttI.. Ull! "oo_nd. Upon "'lon of IIr. togan. the 1nte. ... 1a1d on 'h. t.01. "",....., IIIRbe. ....lon. w. R. Oallallan R..1R'... 01.n...... Aooount , O. P. Y11\Vafd. 0....... Poo... (Mg Llok D1ow1nl Dr. I... D."l. _11po. ..oo..nt (I.... Lowh. .ot.t Dr. A. D. Id.ard. Dr. 4. L. 11__. . . ",ohanon " Pow Jd1 -' ....... .._ - Ib.. _&11p.. P.U_. a. ,.. Roop .. B. B. ll1.heftl.". oJ. P.. ......., ..__ (1lIMat'1 ~I :JII jJl .H "n ": ~ i ~ !Hi '''.; . ~ ~ ",, nj qL t" i !!! ! p:" .';! ~ ' ~ 1'1" :, ; II!! : 'i r fl: I.: Ii ;1 ' ! ~ \ " . 'I' :. It I 1111i 'II/! n. '!'. II...Un,. 01. 01&1 tar .....1'.. 116\S.II" . 5.00 1I1I1h OSt7 Grad.r 01. 4 plld..I, 1... fl!9.15 ,..1811t 420.85 o. '!'. K.... Repair. to Ja11 '.00 J. E. Brodlol' "-~ .prS... tar J..n .!iO nr. W. P. Horpl. P8UpttP aoooullt 12.!iO 8. B. .nu. &o&11pox ...00_ 2.!iO Roberta Jlurn1tupft 01. 0". bo~ tar Jail ,.50 o...~ 8lo&11pox ..oo~m. (Ro.I 'Il.e) 5.3'1 porr,. "'ff Sla1l11po. ..aount (6i.. ...., 30.45 O. c. Captor EWi-.tlpax aoeount IIoJarcI (Ill.. ....) 50.00 I I I I f , 0' 'XPO""i"'r.. Wad. 01.... 1IIil. r.d JiIil. ....r&1 -l. 10', ., r.d "ot&1 ....S,.. 1IIo.Sab 110 Sa db.ot'd to t....... o..r to \lIe 0il_7 .....&aur.r. , 4.7S 8.p'p_ . W.85 Upo" .....ld.~.Uo" 0' \110 .ppU...Uo"., tb. OoWlOU 0' tho. 'I'own 01 6&1" t.o lla... PoSd to St .. po"'1o.. 0' tbe oo.pihUo" tOll" poS~ lnto t.. CU7 tr...aurl' b7 t... ..dUor 0' ""bU. A._nt.. ." ......unt 0' tho ."pU'Uo" ta... pa1d l\7 o1t.l..". 0' Ro....k. 00_7. lnOlwUng t!WI 70" or Sal... tbe 8)..-d, _ U.nan!.,UI 'ID'., on .tton of II.. Logan, de- .id... thot. St ...... no ..tborU7 t.o r.1I11ld to .aid Olu".U 0' tho. 'I'own 0' F&1.. ~ portl.n o t we! .apltatlon tax.., -.d ord... 1\ to be .11t.....d or l"8oord. Dr. ~. M. "'.r-111 t.hil d~ oubaltt..d t.. t.... lID.rd .. bill IIlr tn.oo: IIlr B&Yf'n vilit. to Ft.ephen RD..' II '''11l, t70.00: and to. t_ Y1.1t. to Toll Elllh tn.OJ; t.ot...l 197.00; &11.gOd t.o lIaY. hod ..&11po.. upo" ..neSd....Uo" 0' "aid aatt..., t.he Board, b,y unan1IllDU8 '90\'" on ..tion of' Kr. Bell, al10". the awa of' t45.00 in aettle.ent of .ald ol.~, it. .PP..I'1nt~ that. Aid aaount 1. II. D. (Io.bort. 00_7 Illpt. or Road., t.1ll. d~ oubalt.tOd 1110 Nport on t.... P\lbU. hSgllwo.y. IIlr t.b. _nth OI1IIing t.1ll. date, .. IIlno..: Out. 0' Oountl fluid Out. . r C... 6pl'l"B Dbbiot II1I1d Out. .r Bal.. DilltrSot fluid Out 0' Big Llok DSat.r Sot fUnd llakl.ng .. t..t.l 0 r reasonable aOollpen.atlon fo.. t.he ..1".10.. renderltd. 315.77 66.25 54.75 73.60 C480."" I I I f II , I I I ". ~. l(~%EY. Illpt. OOuntl &1..hD~.. """ r.... t.hb ~. t110d botar. t... lIDarcI h10 ...port tar tho ",art.r .1Idl.ng Do...bor 31"", 1907. .hDwing 8 per",,,. oa...d fUr at. t.h. alll_hou.e lbr t.he JIOntba or Oatobel'. No..aber 8Dd Deoe.ber .ach. The n1d report ".. approved and ordered to be f'1led. WhS.h 10 o.pP.....d. end t.h. Cl.rk Sa dl....ot.d te 10.... hill ....rant. l.n IIO\U.._ 0' ... 011\ 0.' tho "'Ild. ....pocrUY017 .herB..bl~ t.11....ltll. ". E. 1l0<l1.7. Illpt. or tho OOum.7 &1..hD".. end r..... t.1ll. d~ ouboltt.d hie I'ftport ot exper... .e .\loh tbr the _nth ot Deo..ber, 1907, .. ft))low.: 0" _ti." 0' J. E. Obh. At.tom'7 tar t.h. 'I'own 0' Vint..., to ...".ld..... p'UU." or t.... '1'0... or Vi"t.." to he.. t.1Io 00_, ...., Diot.riot rood 1.YI' ..still" t.1I. 'I'own 0' Vint.o". which ba. MNt01b.. ~tln appropriated ~ tlle Boa'" ot 8.1p...laor. ot Rovaoke CDun&7 fUr gener.l road PUrpoll.., ret\1l1d.8d tw t_ ,...IMl... of' R>>....k. ODunt~ to ttut "r..as..r ot 'toile To,,", 0 t V1nton; IIIIEREAt. t.... '1'0... or Vint." 10 dull .....rt....d ulld.. t.h. 1...0' 1." Bl.ato or Ybglns., ..st.h ..thDrlt7 t. 1. orr, .p.". ll1'od.. ael.nt.oS.. .no! .10.. lta IItroote ...., &11117' II\d t.o 1., . 1... ~r oald purpo...; end IlllERlAll, lIo...t.l\I... .."'oSn otroo1:. h... 110... ""rk.d _ llI'ad.d l\7 t.1Io 00_7 or Ilo_k. .. P\lb1i. Nad.;. MId _All, t.... llDerd 0' Illp.ni.... ..... 0' t... epSII1." thot t... 'I'own ., V~r&o" 10 .ntltlH t.o oald 00_7 ~ Dl.t.rSot "ad t.... .. P"""dH l.n .oS~ jlftStlon; 'l'IIEREJORIl. t.... .........1'01' 0" RD._k. 00unt.7 10 du.otH to. P.... nor to. tllo 'l'r......r 0'1.110 '1'0... ., YiIlton Sta P..,."'1oIl&1' p,"" 0' t.ho -7 IIId DSot.rSot l'Oad tax ooU..tood : i 1" Bl. L1.k DSnrSot tor t.... 70&r 1907. IIId ...... _ ''''7 7.... t.ho.r..n.r _11 t.... I ""111\ 0' VintOft 1lla11 P"""". 81' n. .11.otS... r M1e ha. I - t... 01... S. dlH_H t.& ..U~ 'be o..s..~ ..' 110_. er 1118 Lift DSo- 'rSot t.& ...., .. ___. 111\ .,t.be per.lI&1 P"~7 _._ .,11I11 t.U ...,...... lSldto ., 1.... Yea .t VlM.... . 8rown Rardwr.re Q). nardwa!'e 3.60 Port & Poff F.. II. PSt.zgor&1d Dr7 go.~. &lid _..ri.. 3.55 01'00111'1.. 8.0~ Salo. D"1' Go.d. 00. Dr7 go.d. 6.4? &. II. J&U't1n . . 3.50 '.10 O. T. Kftrn Bl..k_St.hl.ng AI'. t,appad _rk on t.l'II 14.00 -7 Boot. h ond Bon 11&1. Qlt.tl.ns ...rd wood lft.fi2 . IUd Brodl'7 _rk on r.... 3.51 C64.!iO Total .xp.... 1Ih1oh 1. appreYed. .nd tbe O1.erk ill dlr.et.d to iaBUII b1. . WU'I'ant 1n .ot.t.l...ont. 0' _. 110 &100 reported r...ipt. tar t.1Io ."'11 ... taUo..: O. L. J&111.. PIor r.1lCI 1,.01 5.~ 10.!IO tp. J. "......p..n . . Wa. Oat.neal . . I ! I "l!' I lipI' 'in ~ :111I..1 d.: ! 1'1\ ! 11111 IJ 1 II' I H I II, I I I I : I 1'1 II Upon "II. \N9M'" ., .old hll.-' "... ,......... ., ,be 'town ., Vi""on. a. h...ln dl'..","". the Oluntl/ .t 'JII>anok. "'''Ii roto... eIIlI H1,lnqullll1h 00""...1 0'.0 ...ld ......d. HlIll .tr..to 'oI'hln tho OO!'pOO." 1101h 0' tll. ao1tI1'D.... ot Vinton. Adopt." by unarU..u. YO'.. J It "!>P....lng t. tho Bo.1'd th.t "h. C",...b. V.U.1' Roll..1iI' ond IUnlng 01.- pany, in O1O.'11'1R the ~oAd_l.ttd 10_ near lI.eon'. er..k, hae aNle . gp..,. fit Bald point exo..dins: th!'P.8 teet, 1n Ylo1atlon ot the w.athorltl' 81.e., b7 1.1118 . , Board tor Bald oro8.1n'h at it. ll&roh tem, 1906i 11. 1. ordeHd, on _tlon of II.. Logon. th'" noti.. be 81v." t.... ...ld Cotowb. VaU.1' R011,,1iI'. 1I1nlng 01.- P4rw that ltnt.BD it 1Iak.. t.h.. pro)"Jftr approaoh.. to Hid crolalr11:, ndUOlft8 the Erade .to aud point to t111"88 ""tt OJ' 1..., tor the n.n m.M.1~ ot tbi. Jk)ard, '. tho .Hid "PI''''''''''.. ..111 be ,..d. by th. Bo""". ot tho .;.p..... ot aa1d OlDp'"'!'. AI'Itf it 1a t\lrth"l' ordered that the 881'..108 ot . aap~ ot this o!'deJ' uppn ..a1ct (1)Jnpa11y shaU btt deemed IS 1Il11"t101ent 88rY108 0 r this notloe. Ordered that. the Sheriff be ..u~horlzed tv have t'RO steel and ~wo oanvas bunkll put 1n tile Jail, 1\11 per thft "8tl..t..s .&de ~ MI". O. D. Oake)', ntr the r.""'ttn Iron Work!, to w1t: R),r the st...l bunk!, not exoe.d1ne 110.50 eaoh; fbr thA can".ft bunks, not. e]Eo.ttdlng 'S.SO eaoh. , J.hn ". lIuncll.~ .t al.. I ) V.. ) ) 'l'h. PubU. I ___, On mtion 0 r tho OI'pU.ont.. th.l' 0" oil.".., "ho .... 0 t 125.00 to......, tho oonstn.lotlon of the road desorlbed under the abo"...at,lltd applloat.lon, t.he Mid appropriation to l>> aval1able oDl~ when tbe lOad 1. oo.plned to the .a"l... r.ctio" or tile /lo.rd. and upon the ....._ ot tho BoOrd, 11. belll1l the Und.... .tandlng that. t.... "'14 rood 10 to be _0 0IIlI ..1nta1ud IIr "he oppU..lIh without additlonol .'Jl"".. to tllO Count.y. . 1 , ". R. Rl.h.rdoon at .1.. I I ... ) ) 'l'h. PubU. ) . '1'1>1. ...... ... oD Illl&1D tll1. 4'9 to be he..., .n t... ,.,... flI_17 1 .0&11 and tile ord... he","IlI.. ....... .....la, u,.a ..nd....1on "......r. n 11. ord.... thot. ,he 001lt..", flI. "'11"1llIl tllo1 ""'loa.r n. ..ad ..."'10_ ia tllO n_..' "1'9" . .... 11\. Pl.... .ll1Ilu.h '., \Iilt 0..... l'lI". be Yard"" 10 Jolln B. 0.......... ., 'lie ,,.i.. ., f)!!C),00. tllO 001. Nad to be IlId1& .~n ....1'tI..... a'h the plan - QOo1fto.Uo.. .. .... i,,'''' "_..' ..po.. and '.4be ""tioton1o" ot 'hb Ilt."". It 18 III...... .'''-..d tllo. eo ...h 0 f tile o.d.. .nto..d ..t th. 1.ot ...... .. oonft....'... yt....... ..port. ro"..ndll11l'he OP_ng.f tho l'Oad too. tho G.."""" PO"" to tho ,..n.. lCoullto1n ADad be .nnull.d 0Ild .n .ald.. p.nd1ng tlle. ...port .t tho vl..... to be ho...".. Cll>polnt..6. AIIll 1\ 10 l'UPtbe. .'d...d th.t R. I" Lel'\l. D. E. XefW"I', O. w. .lI.anln, L.t>. lfllaon iUId R. E. .lias'" "l1d.nt. freebolderll ot tl1.1~unt~, who ue Mr.bJ epp:Jln\lId. 'fl...r8 tDr t.he pu'po_ (..., t,hI'ee 0 f wllD. ..,. .at), ;0 view t... "'9 lb. "oto1n .1Iuse. In tilt PIlbll. "'ad ln tl>1. Olunt.l/. .. tbll....: 1. Prom. po~nt On the GU'DuId }Gad, llIar K1tl8'. SObDol-mu.., to the V.Uo. Mountain "-ad, ne.. W. H. n. R1oba~.n; 2. Meo a oh&nBe on the Vellow :.&ounta1n RDlId BJ'1WJ1ne al'Ound a MIl. Mal" S. n.. 81_...1' 3. Alao. Dbpge .tD tbe 7urnel" 'JiDad, near King' 8 S<rhool-houee; . ... .t o~ ln tbe PUblio ",ad. .....IA.It.tt.. sto.., ..U ln 1118 Ll0'k D101..1ot., and Nport to this a..1'd the oon\jlen:1_oe8 Cd 1noonftnttnoea t.hct "'111 l"fIsutt a" tfttl1 to ll1tlhl"\l.ta ..1.0 tbe Publ1., lT ...." .hango '''uld ... .",.bU.had. .. P"'PO..d, .._hoo said 0h8n8....111 be ot Noh _re private conftn1enoe .. to llake It proper that the~ ubo'J1" ... opened &lid apt. 1n order tw the person Or per.on. tor ~.e oonven1tno8 tbe)' are de- aired. w!wtlw. .., )'ard, garden Or orobard., or .." part th'nor, will b'J" to bft taken tbr Bald Ollaase., the ilia.. of the IMM! 0.... on lNob l"OUt.e., ~Oh ot Aid n"""r8 atreated t.....by "'quir. _..tio" tb. tl1.1. l..d to ... tok." tbo .00d PIl!'pO.... ....t will. be · Just OOapeQ....1on to the land OwneP8 req.llr.tng ao.pl1Ulation fOp 'tbeir land eo taken and thel? d"8Ie to the re81du.e or 'the tra~, beJlOnd tbe pauuU... benent. to M derived in re8peR t.o Nob ".idue h01'l the OhaDgea Md_, 11' 4lQ", together with all othe.. fact. aDd olJ"ou.atano.. .11"J \u1r opinion u...t\11 in enabling ttle Board o~ Super'fiaore In detefl- a1nlng tho .xpedi."Ol/.or .at.bU.h1ng tl10 propo.." POad and _lng t". .Ilons.. p.tition.d ft)1'; and the, Ih.ll al.. ntul1l. .ap or rl1as.... w1t1\ tl\e1r laid repol'\, to be flied u t h9 law dl.'O\I. I I B. 8. ""1.. at 01.. ) I V.I. I ) Tbe PubU. ) -' On tbe .Ppl1onlon or B. B. ""to. and ....n 01110. p",p.rtl' 0_... _ til"" th.i. pniUon. it b Ord..." 1110t 8. .. 8bh, .. II. lltIOd. C. 1.. ~.h. Ii. L. FeU... and R. E. Ii_.. .....1cI.. ,......ld... ot thl. Oluntl/. _ ... ha..by ,,!>polnt"" vl_.. flI. tho PU'" pe.. I ~ "h... 0 r -. .1iI' .ct I. do ~1.. tl10 "'9 Ill. . pubUo fOad ln IllS Llok Dlot.ln. 00_01lla ot t... 00.oot1on U.. ot AD_ko ." 10th llh_. throUlll> "hot "oo kno.. oo the .... t.... to & peint .n . _ ..ad oo ....._"" ... 'I!- P"'peRy .f II.. I. J. .....11. · "i",_ .r ....... 1-1~ 1111... tllo "!>pUoont. _.lns tllot 'beN al!.tll be no d.OIl". I '0 .... 1_ 0_.. -.. ~ Nod. fto O&ld n_. will' ...'" .. 'lie ...,. tIl;.... I II ~'Il ! ~ II ~lll ! ~j! I ! !hn 1 :un: "H! I 1'1'1 Ill' I Jll, ' i ',' I Hl: lit i Pi I ", I i i ~ I [1 I /I j !'i II' I/I.l 111111 ! ""!l1....... \II. "Ul .....1\ .. wall sa lndl.'li4uIll. .. ,. 'be ...IIU.. if ...... HeAl .""..ld "" .n.1I1hllad .. P""'~"4; _,be. " ..Ul be ot "11I\. ReN p.h"'. ......... 1...... .. ,. ..k. lt P"P" that it W..l" be optt..." ..'" apt 1.. ."".. lilY tlla p.... 80all n.p who.. GOIlY.m....o. it. 18 dell11'8d; wbet.her...., ,ald. g.1'd~!1 or OP"'obard will h..... to be tat... fIb:r "011 road, the .... ot tohe l81ld o.e". Oil ..... lOut. am whlab. ot the. l'equ1J"ft 008petal.tioD ft)1' their lad tuen tDr .aid pu:rpo...; what. .111 be .. Juat COllplDeatial). to the land OwM.. requiring oollpaaat.lon fOr thU. 1_ .. talt.n """ tbeh d_ to \I,. ..dell. or tho b."'. "",nil tho ppOUllar benefit to be derived In Nlpeat to lUoh 1'1.141. bro. tbtt :road to be established, tGrether with &11 otl'Wrr r.ata and olrawaItUlO.' 1n thtlli:r opl1l1on ullef\11 1n enabllnt\ the BDard or tUpervl80J"a 1n deteratnlng the .~pedlenOJ 0' 88- tabl1shlng the road u plOpo.ed. a~ thel ahall lUlO l"ftturn .. ..p or dlQfll'aIn with thelr ea1d report. a8 retplred by l~". On l"oOt10\1 ot ;.&1". Bell. pef'll1aalon 18 granted the Southern eral. Chapter U. D.e. to ..... the J"'l/ roo" 0 r tblt Ooul'l.-ho.... 1'0. thol. ..otlng. ....po.... t.ho .ol" Chap_ tel' 4gl"eelng to pro{Jerl~ .qulp the laid rOoa fOr ltl purpoI.. alld take goOd oar. 01" thlt "e. An allowana. ot ~.OO per .Ionth Ibr the _Ill ~nth_ in "hioh f1re. al'ft DeCfta- a"rYJ Ie aadft to H. It. Powell. JallAI'.. fbr tiring the f\}rnaltft whioh ....at.a the Ooul"t,... hoUle.. ClArk' B Off'1clIl.. eta., tlut total allowano. tbr e&1d p....rpoa. belDS t12.00 f1ft'" 8nnu!1.. On _tlon of IIr. TA>gan. an allo1l'U1Oft o~ !5.00.. ohargeable to thP Poor MIIW.. i8 Made to JOhn WlcGnl1"f!o. tor tfltllpOl"..ry &8s18t.anc,," on &OOOu"t ot lnJu1"lC!te reoelypd. which 1oe.porary c'ieabl..., him f'rom ..arning a I1v"11l~lt)d; thia allowanoe to be In f\J.ll of' said 8111l1et.&noft. The Emard having Inspected the .~ld 8ev.ral blda ort.red fbr tbe parpo.... hftrftl:ft' ."artl t hit oontraat '01" putting outa1dft blind. ooa:plftte.. palmed. Ito.. on the Jail.. &I'll.; the neoe.sal')' lnalde r..palra.. .. apeolfted or t:8f'.ed upon. to N. "ell., .t. Ill. bld or t49.95. ~ It. "'01118 lMl.n ..pol'I.oeI \0 tho Bo."" t...t t.he .but..nto 0.. t.he ..61.n 11111 ; '!lJoldllO . I IilYtbe ne.. S.l... ... belng In,l...acI lilY lilt_a Ill.... .la.. ~to bocI .... ......" . ,- ,. .' j 'fld...at.. R.11_ 00"1'_; on "U~n ot II.. Boll. it la 0""._ t.bot. B. .. Ihp.nl..~. aiact R. D. 110..110"'_ Oo""'~'aapt. of lIItacll. be _ '... ... be..'" . .~, . .PpelMacI ..._t.t.... t.o In.....lll... _ ..po,", '0. till. ...., t.be' ...'" '0 _.h ool" .but_1 Oft bel1l81n,l...oct It' tile ..at... or .IIItMOk. Rl"... """ ..1lD 10 "aponalbl. tllO..1'o.. O""."d tll.t t.1Io Bo."" be acIJ....noct .."'h tho till"" IIoncto,)' ln ...b.....l/. 1'lOl1. ~/! 7/.'......,~'L -~.-"c ~ ; Court. IlDue.,8al.... Va.. l'eb. I'. 190A:. Tho 110.'" 0' Ihp...to... or 110....... COunt)' .at. tll10 do,)' .t tho 00..1'1. 110.... ln '.au- lar .,ntbl~ .Wee1on. Pr..em: S. P. Tlll"aeher. Chairun. T.. D. Bttl1. B. _. J..ogan and B. W. L..ie. Ttl. a1ntit.. 0 f' the 1.-" ..8\1118 _... .pproftd .. "ad. '1''''. 10110,,1118 ald.. agalnet the Count,. _re .x....ined. apProved and Ordered to be pa1., · ..'1"'" out 0' the t\1nde Nap.atl..1)' oha!'Jl:a.ble t.h.rftll1th. to "It: c. D. o.1\1t.. Olerk. oertlf')tlf1P-' 1111\ at .COunt,. otf'iottPf.. eta. 1.1'0 s... Expr.... 10. tlok.ta, po~&ge. et.u. 1111:1,... Jud..'. ohair .50 O. L. l!eo.. 12.40 ...Un O..land Janitor' a ..rvloe. ).,}3 4.50 v.._ 'P.nn. 'f.l.phone 00. "'.lop'>one ot. Al..ho.... 1'0. 3 ..nth. E_ 'I'01apho... .t Jotl "'. 3 ..ntha 4.50 JIlO. O. Kta.. Pauper aooount Road d...... .'&0. t (Read va. Pu.bll0\ 1.'18 w. If. Touqer 1.flO Eoerot. t "..,dOll 00. Natlon41 Inde. lb. Pena. flto.. fOr Clerk' a ort1oe 1.)5 160.ilO 5.00 N'ew lnd.x~. fOr 01".11;' II Off1oe C. T,. Jon.. . Aro. Pmpe.,. aoOOUDt. (fbthftptord' ". S. D1U..d n"'F: 00. SolI. Ink, eta. 4.00 P-.tptlr aocuUllt 1'.<)5 4.17 J.I. A. Mo.... fbl' taot bridge OftI' n,.~ Hollo. Dranoh. ho. W. O. MaO.,I... a...l1poll aaaount JAlMO)' .Qooun't. l<? :'>0 J. II. e..pe.. J. P. lP.,J(J I I P. O. Ilt...l.~ tit .la.) I 0.. I lilt"" o\i>pU.atlon I 'Pbe I'Iablio ) -) "'1\0 01_.. llaNtol'o.. .ppolnt." ln thia 0." h.olng ..t......" tllol. "PO'" .. .U.."'oeI IW · 1'0_. 0""... and It. .Ppe..lllll tro.' 001" "Po'" thot. the~ d... t.he p~_ PO"" -. .. ."'1"11 tap..'U..l """ '00 ".U~. _ that t.1I8 ..ad. if bullt. WO"l" be ot ...... lpeollll IMllom '0 oppU."",. onlJ. .... ot ~ U'U. po" '0 t.... __.111 ' , ...bUI; 1\ Sa 0__ ,. '110 ool" _lioOlU.. 110 "1_._. ~ ~ , r I I, I iI, I f'" '\ I ~' I 'I" I , ~, .' I 0'1 i 1\; ; !.r, ! /H!l Hi: "'..'..; I ~} , i ~ i i l III I , !I! t I ~ f! I I., j ;i! !II I, 0 q! I II I I I I j' ~.lln i. ar_. !lI. "... 1>1'1.. P.,~_. '"1& d-V ""I'.~ed 110,... ,... lIoord. aI\IJ OIl....d ,... 1t 'h. 1lo..1'd ......1" .l".op '". plllU. 1'0"" al... ,... _ .r 110_ .Ire illY.. .. did.... ., 7I'l '"' .. ,... _ ...... P..all.l wi'" tll. 1_. .r t... ...id "... '071& P.O,,,,,.. tba' ohe ....ld _ "". fen... ....t al.""., onU.. bo..... dsrtee on ~&1r POad, eO A' \0 RI'alSht8ll _Ct, &ad (foraa'. 1.0 tohe Cou"''' the Itr1p orland t 1\1. t"ro'Ml out, 110 that. till' .... WDuld bfI .t 1..R tift ,,,... wid" wi:. the na"ro_et. point. Upon oondd.ratlon of thie o,tap, the Board, bJ unenl_ua yot., agreed tl1.....to; lUId on _'ton or -l.... Bell, MI'. Logan 1. .ppotJlt.ed .00_1"... o t one on the part. 0 t the Board to Ray. the ,"lprapplna t'One, 88 ....ed, or to let tM .... to contraot, 88 la 1118 Jud~ent ." .... bP8\. ~ IIln J. I. ,._. M L...."" D.... L...."" ...... .iIiIl.. 1\aa.... "". IIl.aok.St'llllll!'. I'll..... .11 r_ 6.45 , .. 1.25 14.00 6.oq t4S.~ " . II . ,..t.l 1III1a1l i. ._"d, _ ..d...d t. be "ald. lie al.. 'OPO"'.~ ....lpt. fer "'" ...h .. Illll...: lib. 1 "l, 101d 2.!IO I'D. re.. ..ld 8.00 ,..tal tlO.!IO Wh1ah ... he 1. dl..at.d to turn 0"8. to 'the '!'r..1I\I1'81'. fl. n. 1Il1lll~CR!', ru".rlnt.nd."t or Illlod.. thlo dq a"". tile I'I>ll.Winl! r.port o t" tlxpandl'turee on t.he publ10 h.1gh.ye fbr t.he perlod ending t.Ms date, t.o 1d.t.: r . ! On "'lon .r II.. Lo'''''. 1\ b ."'."d tllat 8. P. ,.1iP..oIl.. be _ h. lo h...~ OJ'- polnt.d · ...un.. .r one. .n belleU or thb Do...,. wl,U. po... t. ..ot. in ~ot....lnlll(! "po" tile .""dn..Uon. Ill. "...alI_hins .. pol'tl.n or t... ""IIU. hip_ .......ing rraa _.....t.. It't... Jl1'Ope"'1 or II. L. Pen... ..... .the.., .hioll ..."" it b "...poood t. 1I...alI_ _"'. ...l1l17 It' ,,'hat. ...b..rlptl.... tro. t... p",poot7 ....... ..1... .ald .."". ""t . r Count7 fIlnd 147.16 o,.t ., C..h.... blotrlot. fIlnd .75 Out ., Big M.k nlot riot. "'lid 260.49 o..t ., Salem Plot.l ot. II1nd 21. 50 n.16 . Out. r C.... !'p'lng Plot.lat fUnd .l.kl~ . 'total 0 r 467 .06 . WIIlall h 11'''1'0_.,_ ,... Cl..k.lo db.ated t. h.... Ma ...._. Ill. .dd . _unt.. p-V..1I1. .ut .r till fIllld. '.opeat1..17 .""_.111. 'llI_th. It. le &leo ol'dered that. ".r"aat. !Dr !700.00 be leeued \0 H. B. HowtMpt f'Dr hilS 11&1..,. all (buntl" fUpwl'lnteDlent 0 r 'Roads, fbr tM ~ar tDdl"8 MROh 1, 19Of!. ordors rro. tlut 0........ ot the Foor fttr 8I1ob atdloo,l .ttelld_ee. DR. 8. I. lJlNIlUJIIO till. dq p...."'.. '0 'Ile Bo..... .. .1ala Ill. tl1.oo Ill. _loal ""."'loll ,. II... Sa1U. Itt... ""loll h not al1...~. .Ill. t......_1I tbat th... .... ... On the .pl'11...".n 0' J.eeph A. 'I'U..... ODd .,..... rep....nt1.. t... tll"". rap....."""t I..""a 0' lIo_k. CoUDt1. it h ...,...d t""t 'Ill> Cl...t .~hlld to state IIl<<h"", COaal..1oM:- P. Bt. .John Wl1110D AJllnvltatlon to ..et tile ...HP.t: .1' 'hl. "'.."" """ p.ppU..atl...., tho Cl"". lap........' La_a .r till. eo..., at ar, tlS"l,)" . date as po..ib1e, to ..p. out conan ..atJou. or tJle ClOunt.y !'i!Y!J 1n B1e Ll.k Dlet.l at. ""loh it 1. 1'''''''_ t. pe...oII.nt11 lap..... _ >>...""....1... .. 0.1...." 1'1....."". .ut ., tll. 1lJ1ld. ., Bald BJg M.t Dlatplat. '1''''' lIe..l.....r t... J_ot.WIl IlIpealU.n ba.lD, ...Unad ~hlo Bo..., thot lIo_k. C....nt1 - been ......,.d . bran... "'.1 .n t... ,..... "racluat. .'ll1bltod b7 lIo_t. OIIunt7 "" .ald hplolU.n. lilt that the lie.."'... .UIIIOt 1\1.nl." t... ...id _al "....r 00111., lat will .... .. at .. "d ., ft.7!!. it h .I'd.""" tllat . ....._ be d...... !lI. ...ld _unto .11II th.t t... Cl..t nll in tile 1I1ank n1ed ..it" aa1. noU.., ODd ..t..... .... t.gotller Wit" tile re..r fI.7!!.t. ..au.. tll. aedal 10 _I'd". .. I. 1IF.Dl,N. IlJpe.___ 0' tile Count1 .u..""u.. aIIII /Ian. till. d"1 ...S1tt.d hb "'flOP!. 0' .","""".. .. "'DII Ill. t"" ""'h Dr J_a..,. 19Of1, .. 011 "U.n or 11'.1_.. t... _Uff h ..t""dsod ta "".."".. tllr... "..ir..r hond- o aurre reo tha .... .r tll. OOIlnt1 .rn..... ., tllAt ".b. or t4.!50 PO' Pall'. 1'0110..: Bra... liard...... 00 ~..... 1... llal... llr7 00011. Bo. n., /POd. .71 Bo"''''''. """_87 DIU.. ,.75 . 8.?2 F.. II. JPtt....a1d ......... Por,.. Po" lll7 :fl.'. 201111 J. ct. ...... ooaloU .711 Upon tll. OJlPUOatloll of' DR. 8. II. 'I'IlIlRlI.L t. ......... tile a""d.n.. "JlOn Ill. 01_ ftt. f97.oo reo _llpo~ "'."U... "POll WIll." olala tile Bo.."" "" .. ",... ...U.. al10_ ,lIlt - .r t4!1.00 .. "_lIabla "_._lon fer Ill. aald ...""..... it ... lir ..noniao... to" d..ld.. lilt t. ....pell aaid 0.... II i l-: ? Ij! 1" I"'. . .Ihl ;. ,., , Hi I' 'II! I Ini IJjJ Ilil' lid II! I ! ,I I, 'I 1/, I ~ ! , I I' '1111 I ,1111' I II , J fin MUon ,~..,.a,u.. t. ..........d '11. tI,o .b_ ..oa...n .110 .... 111'" ot. tl.- Oo"".beu.. ...S.Ut.... alJotnSlls llIId .... ot tl.- ".._..... ..otrt... lie torn dO"". wttb . .s.. to OII1...tllll'lIO ,.......... om.. _ "1Ioh1.. Up...... iftll tho ,rope..,. P...sd.. oot. .ouo. ..... II1tla tllO OIIP".o1 .t tbA Oolln.U .t tho ,... .t Sol... """ tt ... 1lI~1.-. ........ tllU a,pe..-t... B. w. LogAll ... ..... b. ho...., to 'Ppoillh. . oo.-tt". ot 0110 t:ro. tilt. a,... to oolla. II1tb .01.. oou...n 0" tllP ...bJ.at. ..... to ... tn .....,......t.n II1th _ ....-tttoo ~ pointod 1IV 'oI.d OoUROn ,.. tho !lUPpO.""th...tn ...... _ _0 I'Opo.t to tilt. a,.rd. . 011 _t'n Of"'~ 1.0"';. tl.--.ll.........' ~.OO P'. .!Rb I.-.".fa.o _ a. tl.- .... - 811"''' .t LUll, OUt. . _pe..' d";'SIll.. .. tl.- 1.. O...lIi Ootf. lie .to..... '1"'''''. .., tbot tllO ootd Ltnt. 90 tt bo do_itt"" t. tllO Al..llou... unleo. "'fpol'tod 1IV ".i_. 01' .01.h... Ord..." thot tho 1lo0l'<I bo OClJoum.d usn tho tbird IIond.., in noxt _nth. ~;(/r~r< ./",-&.__~_ . On _t1on of Mr. Logan, t.1wt Clerk 1. IUthDr1.ed to ..au.. Blttaat_s end aped t'J.aatton8 tor &Mitton.l book .pAO'. and rJl1ng ctaee fb~ th~ uae ~! t!t-e. 01"'1"k' 8 0'1'108, 1tb!Oh .aid tt8t1a_.. 'to IHt IlUbdtt.. to the BDar' fttl' 1ta aatJon. COurt-hoUE8 I Eale.., Va., ,;lll1"O1'1 16th. ll'}Cle. 'Ph.. Board or 8Jp..rieorll or Ro8DOke Oount~ aet tb1. de)' at t.he COurt-bou.. 1n regullll" _ntb1~ le.llon.. Pr...nt.: 8. P. Thr..her, Cba1marl, L. D. Bell, B. W. Legen IIIId 9. w. LOW1o. On "'Uon .t IIr. Boll. &1pontoor '.og.n .... tJut Shorttt oro .ppotntOd . oo_tt1..e to 'take Maob at."s 61 t.he)' de... MOffI.'" to atop the now ot 8Urtue 1I'ate. under the Court.-mllUt bJ..lldlng, and 'to mid)', it po.stble, the d_age ...hloh 'has reeulte" tbereho1ft. 'l'he _SllItes or the last .e'&ll1R were approved .1 read. "be tullO_rig alai.a against the Ctli1.lnty'were eawned, appro.ed and ol'del'ftd to be . pa1cJ ~ warrant. out ot the flUids reep.at!,..l,. ohargeable tberewJ.th, t.o wit: Pox It Pats"t Smallpox aaoolJ1rt. Everet.te .addey 00. 2 deed boolra and eXJ:l"ft88 S.le. Prlntlng at Pub. C. Delanoe on 111uatratect l)uphlet On ..tlon of Ill". LoEtAll, 11. ..... 1:17 URam.'I. .1.. .0rdMred that the enerk ot thi. Ilo.rd Rho "'U.O .., ""bU..tion 1n tlYl 1Ial.. 'I'lMo-IIog1ot.or .nd 5f>nti- ~l thot at tho nod _ottlll!. to be hold on tho tbi.. IIond.., ot lIor.h. 1908. tho a,ol'd .nl pro.... t. .ppolnt 0 Qlunt, RlpoPint.ndont ot Rled.. whO oholl Ottlllr be & C1Y11 ~."B1_.r 01" It "ep80D _11 ,",peed .in 1'0" tu11dlag, wID.. duty it .""11 be h ...pe~lnt_ _ dlroat tho opontll8. ....petrins _ kOlpl... In ON" or all road. lIftd brldgwtt, am to pArfan lI1ah otur duties &. .... p1'fleorlbed bJ' l.w. tllo .ol.r, or ....h ,",porlnt_ollt bot.... .., u_..uo ..to. tind .t ~400.00 p~p ......... AppU.ation. ftlr oatd poslUon 11111 bo ....d... 1I11Ul tho d.o ot op. . . .Ad.ert1B1ne . . . Dr. Allen Black SIlallpos aocount Cldden Iron Works BuDks, &to 0., COr Jail. N. Woll. BUnd. end npol. r. to Jon JOhnston, J>q &: '!"l!r~ CO. Pauper aOQOunt . . . . . . Dr. W. P Norrie flelal")' &8 ~1U"Y Poor P1vslalan PaapeI' .oooul!t Road Y1.1f8r and mrYft1Q1' (RlohardllOn 01)11" J JIID. O. JClzftJ" R. F.. .Il&ge~ !f. L. Lo,yd D. E. Ket....,., !!oed .i...r (J d",., ChalJ111On. 2 ""'8 point_lit. .. 6110.. ...d.... . . . . C. W. lIarttn . 2 """ . . ftIporn.. Loson .. ftIportllloondor& 0 tRIed. IIowbol't. who ....0 ... t.... l.ot ....tlll! 'PpolS.d . oo_itt.. t. tn.oottsot. _ "PO" to tho Bo.", ......t.... o. lilt tllO .blt.llto to the lIbol.n IIll1 ""tllp o..r 1lo_1ra ll1..r .... botlll! tn- ; Ju.", .., tlYl ..or. ., I01d ~1..r. _ t. pl... tho "'OPOII.tbtUt, tl.-...ftI.. tbtl <I.., rope"'"" .....,.11r tllU tbe, 1Iod.,..fano"" tllll.. ""tteo. _ tbet tllO 801.d ....t..... """ not bo.n _.rt.Ur tn.!II."" .., t. 811MA'e of tho .t.....bod .. ....0 .., tho ftd...t.. Ro11_ 01181'''''. L. D. Pillon . Dr. A. O. Edwards Road 'I1ewer, 3 dqe Lunao)' .ooeurrt Roo. rlllt fOp .teot.ion Repa'trar'. .ooount OOal r.r J.ll. oto. . IIr.. A. V. WblUO.k JoIuI Jobn D. '1'. lIarttn" 00. >>to. R. w. nayl. PaapeI' .0COUnt. IIulttn 0..1_ Jan1tor- II ..rna.., eto. H. a. ....11 Illr _~Il Oil _ oIlwt Otult-...... ., lIOed .to.... _ ......,.,r (I'I't.. ...., R. I. 11_ C. L. Ibob . . . I . . 1.30 :;Jl.50 23.:'8 5.00 :22.00 36.75 53.65 11'.IA A.26 60.00 .50 14.00 ?;i.OJ 5.00 5.00 ,.00 2.50 2.110 ,.AO 124.15 6.00 2.00 ,.SO 10.50 1.00 ~ < I II 0. W. Glib Rood y1..n ..., .II~""'''_ I...~.. ...., 1.00 O.".k D1"'t'1"'. ollt. or "i....hl..fund bpolll04 Ollt .r ..../It,- tImd, .. p.. ",at_lit lIa1r1JW . total 0 r ~'.9~ '11.78 ISH .85 w. O. WDod . . . . . . 1.00 106.94 II. II. flllwbert. !Up'. or Ro._., ..10l'1 Jan. 21 t. Ii....h 16. 19(11 , ~, I 'I i" \ I 1,1; . i.< 1 I << d ~ 111 ; . -;! lili ; 1"11 ,-In i ill' 111111 III i I. . '11 ' II ' III i 1 II I II Ii Wh10h 1. appro_d, r&Dd tbe Cl.rk 1.8 el..at.ed to 118\&8 him ..p'l"antll,out ot thf fUnds re.pe"'1Yo1l' .harge.b1. thorew1th. 1.. POl_ I , j Ji w. E. ;.Iedl.~, Euper1nten!p.nt of the Coud.~ ala.boll81 end. tal'll, tb1a dlliV reported h1s expenses for tbe IftOnth of' Pebl'Uar~, 1908, a8 followII: 01' .... 10:. :l. Flt.~era1d G!'Qcer1es 9.96 6.30 'Z7.G9 1.10 there to oonn_at 'lld.th 8a1d pip.. line, 80 ~8 to oarr)' the water through the countrY tAn. , am a01'088 the Plbllo toad lnt.o hie own pre.1HS On the flouth Bide or the aaid publio l'Oq,r'. , Thia per.tl.lon 1. gr'lfltld upon oonJl1.lon that tbe Paid Dr. Nolen put ln, at. hi. own ex- ~ penile, at le.at . 2-tnoh pipe tro. 'the lIpr1ng to the aIashouse _ unr' \.0 put thA sUle at i le.llt 6 Jonabell de4JHtr in the ground tf1an the pNllent line, &11 espenlle oonneated w1th ttte ..1d P.Opo.'d ohonge to bo IIomo ~ th. _1d II.. If. L. 1101.... On tohe applloatlon or DP. w. L. Nolen. permiss10n 18 gr.mted hi. to put in 8 : pipe l1ne fro. the spring on the count)' al.sbouse tan to the aIlllshoUSA Propertl. Johnrt.on. DRY & "err~ (b. Dry good" larger Whltp.8catvet Bros. 1-'a", BfIt""S ond J. C. Martin areosrie. Sherman HUl Sawing luab&,. 6.n Brown HarrJ"ljrr- Co. Utlrchr8J'A .?20 ,John Bra~l.)' aa1<1nr boards 2.43 13.00 12.85 1.50 Ar1 r,ar.ra,l "I)r" on taN IIonl'()8 La.trait ~ llrad1.y . . . . . . Total "".79 " j ) . w. R. RlotJaftdaon .t all. ) , VI. J ) The I\I~Uo ) ) 1fh1cb 111 approve." and the merk la dll'ttated to isaue h1II . warr_ 1ft aettltllll8nt at I.e. 'Ie 8100 report.d ~ho IbUOwill8 .....1pt. lb. tho ..11th: U:onroe tJsprad Rent 0 r GO" lIIlO 3.00 On tho ..tion or J. R. lieu...."'. th. ...ob."'o. lb. t... ooo"'....Uoo or . po..Uon : or ~... "ad 1111II.. t... .1,... aty1.d .ppl1o.t1oo. be 10 8110_ tho ... or f50.00 O. port p.,..nt on bill 8814 oont.r.at.. III1d the merit 1. dlreoted tol.BUe a warrant 1n his rtlVDr lb. .aid _nt, 1t .ppeull18 h tbe Bo.rd tha~ .t 1..'" ~h.~ _II11t .... .1Nedl/ b..o.x- ' , PODII.d ~ b10l 11\ ....k 0" the ea1d ".d, th. "'.inder to bO p&1d llpoO 1h OOmpl.Uon. B. If. Logon 1 lOad or wood .75 ~3.75 till I i . Tot al Wh10h he is d1r"atlJd to turn over to the Tre.lRlrer ft)r ored1t to tbP genttPJll count)' fund. On t.he a.J,lplloat10n or the Town or Vinton, it. le ordered 'that warrAl'lta ~.. 1o..M in ro""r 0' tII. oe1d To... 00un.1l or Vint.o flI. tho flIU.w1111l .....unto: f2Oo.oo "0l.b1.ollt or ~h. BiB L10k D1"'r1010 rood !\Jill. 0IId f2oo.oo Oll~ or~... County rood !\JDII, in ~.qord..... with ~... ....1"'10n ...ent1y adopted ~ ~hlo Boai'd, .aid _IInto baillll . ....d1t 0" tI.. .....&1 fIIod. duo .aid ,..... or V1nt'n ollt or ~ho ...... fIIod. .PPropr1ot.04 to odd ,.... lOr k..p1111l1te ..odo ...., ",r.ot. 1n repai., ..., ar. 1Iad. "",,,lJW . flOal .etn_nt .r the On th. "U... or Ii.. Boll, 1~ 10 .rd...d that !Up...l... B. ". LIllleD be ..." h. 1. benbN apPOinted a co_it-tee of one, with )10ftI' to aat .upon the proposition or Morf.'aR ; SIo1th ~o ...l1d . wi.. d1Y10100 to..... bot..... tho """nt.y r... 8Dlt ~h. proporty or .'.1d I I SIoUh. llPO" .Ond1tlon ~h.t ~"" CoII","y !\al'lU..h 300 POllnd. or wi.., ..., !\a_. to II.. hle Jut1gMnt in the atter of enOlosing the entire woad land of the COunt~ with tdrft tence. 1t he-IHs propel'. "I're&IIU.Hr tbr tM CUrrent fe.. I n. D. 1I'.bart, County !Uper1ntend... or Road., thh dOl _. hb .aport , .r .xp.lIlitu... ... th. JlIIbl1. h111hwq 1'0. tho pe.lod 0ftCl1111l thi. d... .. fOlIo..: ) B. S. "'10. .t al.. ) , Y.. , J Thtt I\Ibl1. ) , Tho d...... .....tolb.. appo1nt.., 1n thS. .... IIav1111l ~h~. dOl ..tll_ th.1. .... POrt, he. wIli.h it .ppear. that the 1_ 1'0. t... road .'" OIl' 10 t... .1'1111001 appl1.atl.o.. hu ....a ~lIrollll opon to t... pIIbU. '" t... 1..., 0....... _ .... be.n pr.."'1'a11, ...nt eo.. Sp.illll 01"'.1"'. .'" or d1"'.iolo !\Jnd Bal. ll1atnet. Ollt .r dl"'riet llalld IIS8 Liok Di"'.S.. "'" .t dlet.let fIIII4 1lO.211 44.. _ 111.40 , -. . -ntf J II II it I 1'1 Ii I . l' II II! I I !i' I 11'11 : f!.t I f" " ill I. lr 'Ii 1 ,1/ [ II I i I I I ..d 18 .... u.1d ., tile pubUo. _ 1UralfM. "'11..., 1Id1- IOU'. ..hbl18ll.~ upon It. lilld U fllI'I>o. .pp."SJIjl 'lIet tile ._. to all tllo P""'"' "'Id... o1ong tllo ..ld fOllII 0011 Ill. ,,'" pubUo b1Bhwlll/ 0'" tll.... p..po_ UM. ... . tll", tbel. oe1d d..~" oleo O.U 11>. tile o.nt.. or tlul Iud In '110 d....lp.. tlone therein lIet. out, 1t 1s OPd...d, bJ unan180ua YO". or the BDardt that ,he I It .ppeUlll1lllo tll.' 1ID1lftl. f'rOll .. et",,__ or D. o. lIoo_ tll10 dlll/ ...10011, .od.. tbat tlul publ10 tOed 111 th18 _, k...... .. 'he 00.. \10011. 'fro. . polnt "' tll. Junation of tl;a 110........118. 110'" to tile Ua1te or \Io....u OU" ho. probebl, b..n .naroaollOCl upOn b7 tile plOp."''' 0..... 010111l .aid lO.d. eo that tile.... 10 II>t. .... or the noo.....,. wldtb .r t.he p.abllo collum.nae, it 1s order.d, Oil .'Uon ot Mr. Logan, that CoDOn- "o1tll'. A$to...., R. w, Xlae be dir.otOCl to look up tile .....d. .ot.bU.h1ng .00d lOad. , j .anrtaln tbe orldnal width thereof, 811(1 'llbethe. Dr not t.he rowl haa ".n reduoed by enOl"O&o"'Dt frO. 1tll Or1glnQ1 width, together with ~ pertlaent facts in relation thereto. am report to a t'-:tul'e ..st1ng at tbe 8:tal'd. road .. 01...011,. .ot.b11ohOll ... _~OCI .. .. ""unt, lOed. plOvldOCl tbe eppl1- oont. conotl'Uot it at t".ir 0" .lIp...... lt .PP."1118 tllet the oa1d road will bo or ..... l>elMtl'1t to tile propa",,. ...Id... o1.ng ..1d rout. t..... t. tho t;OllO.o1 ptabllo. The lOad 8. 88~.b11ehed 18 Or the width ot ,0 teet, aDd 18 to be mllUnt_tned at moh w:ldth aDd aocording to tblt desoriptione set out 1n tbl' 1'8- pon 0 r the v1ewers this da)' filed. .. ~ JoM A. 'I'1ll/1... one .r tbe puent... or tho lIUboo.lptl.n t. tho W..h1n8ton 1I.1ght. The a,ard this d~, pursu.,n to notioe m-retotbre given, prooeeded to the> elect10n or a ())um.)" fupsrlntendmt. ot !tied. tb:- 'the inNing ~al". J. T. l<1nger~ ""8 nominated by ~r. Bell and unan11lO1u1l)" elected. !'hIt bond ot said .1'1'10" bolng r1..~ .". tho no.'d .t 0"" tllou._ d.U... efl,ooo.oO). tbe .aid J. T. 1('1l'J861")", together "ith th6 United Stat." FideUt)" If nuar~1Ot)' Comp~, pn- tered 1nto &rut ackm"dedged . bonrt 1n the above named penalty during the 88"':' IIlon or the !bard, '..:hioh 18 bereb)r ~pproYed. '1m he 111 MltbDrlzed to enter at once upon the d18charp;e ot hie duties. He ls turther rltreated to 'take an In- ; Hood. till. dlll/ oppo....d ..11>.. tllo Bo.rd _ ..k.d tbat tll. bolon.. due '" JUas.It, C. w. i OO.on. '1'. Loll. OO".h _ otbe... ...unt1"8 to '11'1.29. b. t.....rel'l'.d to tlul p,opOS.d , . 1 wb8orlpt,lon tow..d a&GIId_lung .ald roMJ, ..loh ..cpellt the IDai'd. b)' unanimous vot.. . deoUllOd t. Brent. ,J Jo..ph A. 'I'u...... on ..halr .r tile Cl111. I.pre_nt Leagu. .r lIo....k. OOunt,., thi. ; dlll/ l.id ..11>.. tllo IIDlIl'd tile rollowing OO_lI1o",1on: ; Do..., Of 8upernlOra Of "'.roll. ODunt7. V.. Ilal... nrsln1.. n.tltl..a: "he 01910 I~ro....Dt. L.aeu. Of R)lII"IOk. COunt)', In ...alon PAbl\l&ry 20. 1908, iMJopted tile ftlllowill8 ....Iuti.n. ..hl.h 10 Ile..with 1IUIloUtOCl to ,you: eRE8nVJm, That Wldre.., t.b" COaa1t.te. ot the Civio I~J'O~aent lAift8U8 ot Rlanok.e , COunt1, the County Board ot 8L.:yernllOrs '1Dd the ..ber. from 'the Roamke Clty OOuno1~ ; ha". "l.wd tbe fl.", ..atlomot roade ,ropoeed for l.proy.ent; and wbere., it. 1. thelr 1 opln1on tbat in n.. of thlt Ill11ted reBOuro.s at thelr oo_and at the pre'.nt tlae 8I\d ! tho ,,"o...U,. n.. us1llB tb... fUnIIs t. tho be.t pO..1ble advamOB. tllet "0111 lnllU.o tho . \8I'8ateet. &ooo.-od..tlon to the lal"gttat I'IlJrlber Of olti~en8 ot t.h, COunt)': 'tblrerore be It. i ....1.0<1 that tll. Vlnton \load ... oubotltutod 11>. the .10.... lIoad a. 0"," .r tlul 1'1.. road. ..I.ot.d _ ll1p..._nt. till. ..nt.ll11till8 to....d the .ot.bU._nt 0 r . ..ntl_u. [ ~o\ road oomeot1ng to thr.. _at ll1pOrtant centera 1n the Yalle)", n6lll.1)": Vinton, Roan- I ok. aad 8~.., and in additlon to 'tohlt .bOye, 61110 a.oooDD"lIte t.he largeet oofttl8\1oue ..A.. Your. V811' truly, P. 11. Lan.u.. wntol',y 0 raIl mulfur, teuur, "'':igOns, maahlner,y, tOOls, <<to., 1'1)", In the 1'08_ sellslon of' the ret.1rlflR I:\lperll'\tpnt1C1tnt II. D. Howlwtrt, or beloQl1ng to the COunty or to ~ l't'ad d1l1t'l"lot t.hftre1n, JJnd t1le 8 OOpy of add 1nftntory td.th tho Cle.k or t.... lID."'. <-- 01'1 motion Of lI'l". Logan, t.hP 8Mr1 rr .ut Supftrvleor Bell are 1>>1""11)' .... . pointed a oo_ltte. to aat. upon .U'Mt IIlggeBtlon or 'the Judge of the CirClUlt COurt 0 f this County to prop..rly fit up ttLe .pper roo. o~ the O)urt-hoUM tdtb oot" mattre.... or neoe..&1"~dd1ng ftJr u.. of Juri.. .... ODurt otf1~r. dul'1ItI: tile CIOu'" t.... _n Ju.l.. ... ..",l..d to ... sept t.g........ tll. .aid 00... al".. bell18 giv.. lUll pO", t. .ot ln the """... t. On tbe ..Uon or II.. Ben. tile Oount, ~n_. 10 dl...ot.d to ..._.....,. &lid prop..I,. ....k tile bOund..., Une Hl....... 81.g Llok _ 0... 8I>'1na lIog1....... .1&1 D1.t.lot.. 011I to tUB wit.. tbe no..d . written .epo'" or tbe ......f IDd .._nt. utabl1ohOCl ., hill. Joe. A\ -..urnel" Ooiuu"... UlOn oono1d...Uon tlle.oor tha no.rd. .11 ..Uon or II." 'I'h...Iul., '" unan1aou. ..t.. ....... t_ t'" ..rplu. roed fUnd to tile ...dlt or B1g Llok Dletl.lot .Ill/ be dl.tr1I1l,tOCl 10 i"''''1I1.. IIIld _""_&1" tllo riM ..ot1008 or rood IIIlA1w _. .., t'" .""'lIdit.... . , .r fl.ooo.oo ..pea .....: 'fIul .ft_oa ...ed. 111.0..... 1llP1dll.; t... IleM llounta1n lOad, tile , , r 184 Ill' I q " 1 . Ii j I H I I ~;f I If Ii 1111 1:.'. I ; Ii I ; II1I ij , Bo.....t Rolld; tile .v"..IIt."" hSgIIt. HIId; ,... /loIU". rolld. 06 .., o~ h~'. IIPSII<<O; tll1. approp." llhtnilt tli1'..ii"q rsi.'d tiles.- NPo.t; ......ndlng ...taln .b_..;'UIlI .lIOwing tbe ".... or ".. p...o". t_usll wllo.. t...de ..id .bAIla" in rolld wi11 p.... 1.110 ...... 0' tho tOlld 0"'1'8," 1Ili! tu eua. t"4tapeotl..1t al10Md tbaa, tieing a. tollo".: CllA~9E No, 1, &0& & point. on the o.Mland l'Oad, ne.r JIClf1g'e iiGl-.ool-hDul!". to vello"" Mou.ntaln l'Oad, nWBP W. n. II. R1oht.pdlOn. AOOO.'1111 to t.h.. report or the v1,u'tre. the. -.lon. ........... not to .. ..alt.bl. until till dull oon.Utlltotl ..t....SU.. or Ro_ olle Oity plOY1d. !lI. -i118 tbe oo1lll\y Hilda at tllo poSnt. _ In till oSty t~ ita, with proP"ll' ...IId__ .hMta. On motlon of jir, Login, thA allowllbO. at t::?OO ~p IlOfttb tbr tile OaN or Lillie Oott, a plIl.lper, rlt90ked at the l..t. a4fttlng, 1. hereby relltored, 'to be .trectlve f'roe the tla.. or the dp.at.h ot her rathel', the late George Oott; aald allowance to be pqabl& to A. p. Phll11p8, who appelJred befbre the !bard, and agreed to Blalntaln her fOr the M1d BUll. ohll\88 r.QO"'~ed b)' t.118., a. em"", by.the p14t f'tled ",J:t,h .ald report, "111 paSB throup.h. ) W. D. CUlpb.ll at al) ) Yo. ) ) Th. Publ1.. ) -) ~ Iii~~ ' tbe. lands ot Izard ~ 1I..1eon, 1.33 aoree; N. R. 1leoon, !6/loo $OI'e; W. U H. lt1ohard-- &'.....,t. J1..1r.I7";I~ .on, 3/V100 ....; ...., 8. H. Bt01'llf81h, 91100 ....; tba dlllllY-.. .llowod to IiI.joG and 'f-r17,f"!!~1 J..loDn bUn!! t"15.00; to tb. otb.. propel't). 0...... 110 dBlIll'/I..:/::.l'Il.d tar tb. Y1o...... .. ~i~' whO rftOOlllltend that the road w111 not bit at auoh convenienoe to tM publIo as w111 Just1t)o t::i:::;;;;f tllo "p.Mitu.. 0' _ 8Or. ..n.,y l'f tb. Oount,y than the 18lld d..og.. aboY_ m.ntioned, ~ ! Tbay 1I1l'th.r .'00_1lll that tit. p.l'tt.. i....N.tod be ..",i"'d to mak. .nd ke.p it in J....... .:r-MoMwYl ':f:::;I.~";' ),.1 I ord.'C'HIII"E un. "_. on 1..- 4,. ~ - g ... ... Tellow Mountain R1tad,gr&dlns .round . h111 ....r S. B. SiftlM)ns. ~ '1'110 .10..... '."_1IlI tbe .-11" Sn tllh ro.d. .. .bOwn tar tho ..p UIlI ourY.y rslotl by ~~N-okt'1"": t_.. p.l't or till. ..pol't. lfhS.h ....... "Ul p." thHIlptb. l...d. 0' hard and Jam!_ lon, 6o/lo0 .cr.; and Q. JiI. Ward' B belr., 9110.) aON, T.... d..ac. allowed b)r the> v1ewera On tne application or W. ll. C&apoell, 1t. i~ ordered that ~. J~4tOnard. B. D. UO....hen, w. t. Lookett, L. L. Grep.nwood and N. J:o~. .ilagee, reaIdent rreehDldp.re orthla count)'. "00 arfl berebl 8p~ted viewers tor the purpose (au, three or "hom II&.)' .at) do, on Karch 20th, 1?08, at 10 A. J(., vlft" the "af tDr .. char1ge In the publio ~&d In th1s count.)' fro. a POlnt Dear t.he bo.. ot W. T. Luoaa, de- eeGlSed, t.o P\ne Rrove Cbur"ch, &nd 'Nport t.o t.hfJ ~ard the oon.en1enoea and in- COnvp.nlencfta that "111 reO.11t 88 well to In':'I'lduala 88 to thft publlo, lt B\lob ohang.. 1n !'Clad 8hould be establ1ahed 6l!!I proposed,. end espeolal1)' wbetbftr .., yard, gardltn or orohard, Or an:! part therPOr. "'ill 1n moh OS8e bave to be t!Jokell whetMr cn1d change in ro.d rill bit or suoh IIftr" lJrJ.vate ool'J;Yen1enoe as to .ake it prop'u' that it should bft opened end kept in order tw l.he perllOn or perea". for Qoe conven1Ance It 1a deJ1re(1. Satd n....r' shall &180 report the namea of the land Omera t.hrough whoBe lunda the .aid ohenge ln road, 1f eat.bll'hf.~, wll1 P"8fl, and etate whlo1\, lt UW, ot the. HQ1ire ~o.pen..,tlon tor lhe laDd5 or theirtl r.qull"erl to be taken 1\:11' lald ohange 1n road, the probable aMunt to whloh, ln thelr opinlon, t.he Bald ll\nd uwner' ..q be reapecrtl.el)' ..1tlAd, to- geth.r with an;)' other matt.er dee..d pertinent tw the., aDJ .hall &1_ retuPD a to Izud UIIJ J..ll1On, in this ohMRe, ia t7S.00; to the hell's Of Q. LI. WOrd, noth1nfC 1t app""rl1'18 from 'thttir f'8pol"t that thtt aald Q. .I. WOrd. 8 hell'S ,,111 p;<<t JDOr'ft l~d 1n the old roat'" whln abandoned,. whloh la l'8oo"'ndttd by th_, If'thtt rot.... road la adoptttd, than "'SI) P8qulr." to make thlt ohaJJ811 through t-helr lam., ClIA,.aE NO. ,. in tbe 'tUrn.r ro-.t" neal' King'S sohool-1Ouse. In thi8 case the view- er, reoo....nd tbftt the ohanp .pplled tbr be nDt .ad., all tILe PNslnt road oould be ~&ded "own lIUoh oh.apttr than the proposed o1\an8e oould be aade. It 1. therefore Ordered that the applloat.lon f'bl" ollans-, a8 lilt out ln t'h1fl 018\1ee, be dlell1s.ed. ,IV' Q..4 ....-..f,C..;-J#fruJ.. ~ reoo...nd that. the ro..! be widened, aa sltO.., on the aap flled 1Wlth thttlr report, neoeae1- :n......./ /f",/I) r. t_Ung - ot'ip off tbe l.nd or J. II. Bl.nkon.llip of 99/l00 ..... who 10 .Uowlld tar ..id vlewe,." the sua ot "'5.00 fttl" land taken'" daaage to thA ""aldue ln this Ohange. Tl\e CHANGF. NO.4, In t118 publlo road, Mal" taokett'. store. In t.hie oalllA 'the .1ewera v1e...rll al,o reoo.end that .J. P. ShDw"ltftp bft rAcp.llt'8tt to a-.t baok hi. t"noe, to Bt-ak"8 put 1n tM l"Oad b3 the 91e.plI,. tM e.1deno. 'befbre them, lI.tl shown b)o their report, b!tlr11t that tM pr...nt hno. fJJ1m-oaoh.. upr." th'" publio tlighw6Jf "long 1.11e premta.a or lel" Sho".UftJ:- . It is 1\Irt.Ml" ordttred that aait! 17.ard ..nd "allliean, N. R. u:..eon, W. II. U. Rtah'lMt'On, I ~. II. &tor.felt..., the hAll'S ot Q. M. _1"1'I,. dAOAatlAd, J. K. BlankenBbip n'\d J. p. 8'lOwl\ltifl!~ be 1S\.I1I1IO!MHI to I\ppe..l' .t the rwJrt, MAtlns ot t1'l11 Board to s'hOw OIW."., lt ft.I\I the, aAll, w~ 'b. Idd OtlangeB ln road .bo.e _ntloned should not be 11I11I18, ... reoouended ." thft ~i.WI" in tllolP .ud repol't, whi.b Sa .Ppro..d .. .1IoY. .at. out. , ..p or di... along with t.bal. _l't. 'l'h. ~1...... .ppoSn\.., at tlla lUl. _Sill Of tilt. 1lo.1'd to .1.. UIlI .... popt upon tbe 1Id~1"II1Ut.7.r MII1na 1.110 Ord...d tbto tbe Bo_rd be IIdJOUl'llld 111I\11 tlul tll1rd !illllll~ in JIl.n. 1<)08. .A.-!JI....,...(je.-A.- -6'.L ,be /loU'll ..t 81pO...l.... Of 1lo_1lo 00....' _ '1111 d., . 'h. ColI"'-lloIIH ltl "'811V __h1~ ....Ie.Il.. h......: 8. P. iflwaa_r; ChdalAlI L. D. Bell, B, w, ToIOI_ MId G. Wa Lewil, '110 .1_.. .t tho 1_ ."'1G8 _ OPP"_ .. Had. '110 Illllowiag Oloia. ...lDII& ,be OIl""" .... .aaa1Dad. .PIO_ _ ."".r- ad t. lie pAiO .'" .t ,be !\Ind. .UP.OU"'l, oba....Io1.1Ihorowith. .. wi': t f · I . )!il !Ill i i aSHt: I!H: I .jlll i i till i I!lll I h. I Hi : II. ! q! I Ii 11 'III 111.1 ! Ii ! -j 1'1, I. I ! iJ v.. " '.DD. ,.1. 00. - J. D. 8I1th IIObo"'. ilI.lI1t... 00. d. .. ..hIIi..eon ."'_1.....00"..11 00. W, B. "Item." Dr. R. II. O""''''lsht 080. II. Mu.e P. P. Goodwin D. O. J'fIInk1nl, C. R. O. ,LunaOJ' aaoount. '_,-.' :..'"0 O. I.. W~.Y." ....11 _h. 1908. _'h 10.",._. oIIIl 11M 01.... 11 dl..".., ,. 1..... bill . ....._ lD .00U....t 'f._. .r Be 01.. ropo"'ed ....tp.. Ill. 'Ile ....h all Illllo..: ..... 110>"",. T..pr"". Ill. .... ot ",,_ ~~.OO ! WIltoh _lIt ho 10 dl""ad ,. '..... 0""0 ,be ColI'" ,.......... to lie dope.n.d I t. tho o.adl' .t tho _"1 00""', !IlDd. i 'PhDne .. al...UN , _I. 4.!lO . . . , .... 4.!lO 2.21 6.10 6.00 9.75 2.,S I "1..... he. 'ho Ooop., 61110. _ 01... Ooap_. lIT I. 8. a..lI1h. 0.....01 11_.. to C. D. DeIl1'. ct..... w.. tilt. d., .."" to tho 110_. .hl.1ag. ln ..to..".. to tllo Ol'd.. l.....d ~ tho Bo."" on tho l10th or J.....,. lC)01l: ... ba.. _l1ad 11I11, with tilt. ol'd.., .. .. tlltlll<. - pIlt tho 0....1G8 OD t.1Io ....""l81sad t'O"". ......II...n.. Cruk, ln P.d ahapO. ....ld lt1l. Ill. 1O" t. ..po'" _. '0 tho lIoard . tbeb ne", ..etlag.' Upon..... ..ld...UOD .....t. tllo ..".. 11 ..to'lOd to tho eo...., 81pO.l"'__ or 110"". Ill. Ilt. ..port. tho...n. ,.. 'IIort..l, ..port. or .. I. lIedl.,. 1\1,..1.....,.", of th. """" .1..MIlI..Ib. tit. ".1Od -Dilll...h "... _ tilt. dq 101d lIelll.. '110 Bo_, .hDw1G8 111... p"p.'. ...ad ro. ln J.....". .1...n ln h1>N.". _ ftlurt.... in II...". ,,,. .00d ..port. w.. opp.n.d - Ol'd...d '0 bo filad. P..p.. ........ 1lo1.. dt"'.let 81ppU.. Ill. ....rt-IItOl" Rep.t.. to olook. eto. flUId.., ffa r.. J.11.. Repl'1'. '" J011 Saa11poI ...."'" Pcpe. .I'dlru p.ld P..,.. ......'" (..rrtn) 5.00 12.00 ,.00 2.10 14.05 1.00 lS.oo ..etln ~""1_ Johnlten, Dq " Tel"f7 Co._ PalP"!, aoH\U!t UPOD t.ho oppU..Uon.t P. o. W.b_. " _,.""._. on _t1OOl .t II.. Bell, that .. balt'~"UD,or _ft, 1t ...1ftd, 01' t.be _ah.. "'l'IIer17 u..d In tllo ....It.-Ilo...., be dOllOtocl t.o tho '1'0111\ of 801.. fo. .... ln L.... 1IJp.1G8 Ilt'OWIl!. - oth.. polll&., it "'1tl(l und..otood thot. tllo '1'0... will 0110w tho Board '0 ua. tbe rold1118 ohal.. aD. .tored in 1.be oourt-bou.e, in pi... 01' th. beDotlllte, "ben the.. 1. oQoaalon ftr t.belr u... Dr. 8. M. "'1'1'111 JfUl1ter'!II Bernoe. PIUPWI" &oooullt (d. O. ElII.' "",,'n_llIa'. _I" 1b"".l"'.Jld.. ot 110""., tilt. dq _. Ilt. _" ot exp.lIlIl- . t...e. On tbe pIlbU. Il1tlllwq. Ill. tho ....n .JllI1Dil tbt. dq. .. Illllo..: IllpOIIlIod t.. 801011 dlet.lot. ...t of dlet.let !IlIId EllpOIIdod ln 00.\...110 dletrtet. out Of dlet.let _ Bap_.d in II1c Lto" dld.lot, out ot diet.lot !\I1IlI ~ed in c.". ap.tag dlet.lot. out. ot dtoblot !IlIId Eal>_ad OIlt 0 f """" fIlllll. .. P" ...port fil.d 1IoII1tl(l . "'\01 of f96.2!1 II,.IIS li6,.S, _.120 ~74... tl,JiII.!19 .. 1,11-'1'1, ClOIan&, l\lpOI'l..hDll_ .f the Alo.. t.1lt. d., "_"ed Ilt. ..port .f ._n... '" folio aluhDu.. _ t... lb. tbe .."'" of Ilar..... .. 11I110.. dohtt_on, nQ. ""1'7 00. Bro... a_.... 00. E. II. Pit._.old OOftf'.u'. ~ J. O. lIartln - III Lop.."" ....... lAP."" Jolin 1lr8d107 B. rJ. ....... 00. , Wbtoh 10 .Pft..d. _ t....Cl..k 11 db."ad to b... bill ...._. OIlt Of 'ho !Ilnllo I ! .._otl".1I' .bo~.bl. t.ho..."". in ..t\1__ of .00d ..xp...dlt".... f Ilr1 1I>0d. Wi.. ODd notl. ,.11I 21.7S 10.41 , llt'O...1o. 'ho Bo.... .. .,......-Ol. ,"to. t.1lt. dq _"'.d tho Ibllowiag .ohadu1. ot .... Ill. -ti- oa tho pIl1011. hi"""'" _. ,." _ d.l.... t;!.!50 ,.. dllr: .flI. 10........ f1.oo pO' dap: Ill. Ill_. 11.21 pOI' d.,: Ill. ..ad.. wi'h .1. 110.... o. aoat... d.l... _ .pO..... 19.00 pO' d.,: "."II'OdO.. _-..,... ho.... .. ..1.., dn... MId .P...... f6.!lO pOI' dIF' 1lru8. ,.10 1.211 OI'O"rS... ..... .D t... 1,.00 17.50 . . . . . . 7.21 lAIa.... M-' ....... 2.00 . ..14 I I; I' 11 I! ! I j'll I." III, ' l ~.' I i_,": I III l I [", I !Ii ! ! ~ r 1 d I I '1'1 i I, , 'I I 1,1 ! I J I < j i (,) ! II i I; I II: U! I ,I>> .... Ha...q Ot_b.u.... ""vi.. "....U.... ... .lit_ ...s.o.. .r ,lie 00. of ooub""Uon of ,.. .......1 ...\1ono or ..... _PO'" '0 lie ...~.... ODd Up..... In Bill Ll.t dl...l"'. '."lIe. 'Ii'h _m... ".'0Dd ..1ft... Uon. lb. aa1d .."'lon. Of ....,.. l' 18 Ord.... ,"'" ,.. Cll..t "_1.. lb. y' bldo lb. 'h. oon...."'lon or n. ... .."'Ion. tllO. .. ''''' lit_ire ODd _no.. ..... Ill! .U. 10nll> and tho "'_Ire ODd "'_ill ..od. .s, .n. 10Dll. 'fh. "140 Ill. ,,,,,.. propo." l'Ood. ohall be "'HO: 1"'. on .....,. 16 hot 101d. ODd 6 In.lI.. d..p .ft.. ""111".: 11II 2lId, on ...od.. 12 '"' 'lid. ..d ,6 In.... d..p .tt.. 1'0111118; tho oonat..."'lon '0 lie ln .....OID.. 'Ii'h'lIe P..ftl... . up. .,d ap.at ft..Uon. 1\1.111_ '" t.. ... 81S","" Ot_h.lo..... _ 101'h , .'.'.- - 'II. D. ...,"11 It al.. ) , , I ) ) ) .... f ,.. """110 'ho '11..... lIe",OIll" _1_.0 In till. 0..... till. oq ftl" 'lIel. I'.po". _ l' I .Ppu.l118 nooa .010 ..port t""t ,.... '11_.. .......nd ,hilt tlllt old rood lie "pal..o. .... j tlllti t.. obonp P.UUoDOd to. .. DOt _... l' 18 ord.... 'h'" till. 8PVU..tloo .. 010- atl,sed. tho .1"" to ..J.'" _ o. all "10.. / l 8'1111I1' JIORD IlRIDOI. '111. dq .- aI610 'ho P.UUOIlO.. to. . ""1".. o"r B:I_t. Ri.... '" o. no.. . hiltt \IlIrd. ODd 1'11.d ID _lUoDol }..1..... .."...lptlon U". _....poo. 00 wotlon .r II.. lAISID. lt 10 ord...... t"'" tl>> 01ert "'''.U.. Ill. 1.1.... .po'lft..Uono ODd bid. to. t1lo ..."'100 Of. 12-1ll0' w14. 1..0 o. ",..1 lIrl01ll ...... lID_t. Rl.... .. tho .1Id of lJu.t'l11d.. L_. .... 8II1ft IItrd. t1lo .010 br1~ '0 "".. lron pl11... _ ..n..... 1'1111ns. ~ .011'10..100. ODd _to lie Ill. . .....10.. ooap1.... w1'h tlle ....ptlon Of tl>> app....ho.. _ 'h. btd. to lie ...... on 'lie """lUon to"'"~ p_", Ill.. ._ .boll .. -. In ,,,,,.. ..,.al 1lUU0I l....a1Ilont. .t 0.... to.. _ tohr.. ,..... 'tho .1Sht boll1ll .....- " ..J.'" ..., o. all W.. , 'I J j 1 ! I ) 'II. 8. Rl.h..doon ot. 01.. ) ) 'fl. ) ) 1 '1'''' 1\ibUo I Ito .ppo.nns to. to... 110.... noom to... "ot_nt. or 'II. '1'. "'no.. _..1. H. a...b.OPt. thot thot portion of tho l'II'" ,,""... tlllt ...... .'71.d opl'l1o"lon ho.... to ~.. dl..."'oeI t. lie ...n......otoel ,,"".. ..."'... ..1\h tl>> 0010 J. H. O...bo.... .. 'A.....,' .' , . .'.. , , .... bo.n oollpl".o. lt 1. Ord...d th.t . ....._ Ill. tl>> .... of '100.00 bo 10- ou.d t. t1lo .alo J. H. 0...1Io0Pt ln 1\111 of t1lo bol.... .... II1a 1lIId... 111. .00d oont.."'. lto boills Ill.... lI;v II1a t""to 11'. .ft... In.'''lon or .old ....., b;v tile CO"nt7 &'po..l"'__ o~ "'lid.. lt _ld .. _.... thot t1lo ._ .... .., be.. buUt ln ......0..... 'litob to... ..1ftootIo0. _. '" t.. Y1_... to1lo u10 00_ hoart 18 too l'1D1oh l' t. tile ."1otootlon of tho lID..d. .ft.. t"" nport. of t... .old Il1po.lnt.",,_ or 1ID1ld0 h.. be.n _.. ) H. D. 110..110'" ) ) ... ) "'_Ire _ Oa" IIp.l.. Rood J ,I>> l'IIbU. ) ) 'ho '11_. oppolnt.od ln t bi. 0.... .....1Da toh1. ol\1l' ftlod to1lob I'.po". nooa will"" lt W.... t... '110 .... Of aok1n8 'be .__. ... ftlrt.h 10 'lIeb .old roport. .."ld bo .... ._1.. to_ tho IIoI1d 10 .. '111. 'lae J....lI'1O<1 ln W1d.rt.aIl1ns. l' 10 0....N<! thot tho. old HIlI"' 1Io 1'11'" .... laid .... Ill. flit".. oon.ld...-,1oo. lIP. 10_. tho ...ltot.. ..... ,lie _lid, _ lIP. J. C. L_bo..no, tl>> oo_U,.. .ppoll1tOll to ...,....nt. tolle Ot..nou Of tho To.. of Bal.a. till. ol\1l' .Ppo",o "'Ill.. tho Boord. - .._"... pl.... .... opeo1l'1."lo.. to.. to1lo propo... tap....._ ot tollo 00llrt.- bduH ADll tpP....u'. offlo., arter tbe ...... of tbe '.e. Dlfto.. OD tbe .._ wing 01"1>> -..-_.. ""Uoll111. Upoo oono1o...\1on ..IlIHOf. toh. _... '" .._..". ..h .ppoll1to .... lAISID to HpH_ it. .. . ""lM1II8 .,-,\0. to ... In ..D,lun"'lon w1t.h · oo_t.t.. nooa tho _.11 of tho To.. or 801. '0 PlOoood 101tll oo1d taplO...nt. 11' _0"." lI;v eald Oounoll of tho To"" of Sol... On """lUon tohot lt pq ,~. p..-.ot. ....... of tho coot of ealo tap..._. ..... 011.....11 Of t... "''''' of Bal.. IIaf'1ll<< p.UUo"" t.. 110_ $I till "pon . pnoo ..., -- to. t1lo 0." of tlla t... p..,.... of. toile __, ala._... ODd it. oppoar1n,r fro. tho ...__ .r 'II. S. _117. tho _, .......1___ of tho Poo'" t.hot tho.. S. 11I\ M'II -. .. .... "'01tio..1 ...,.. lit ,,, oo1d -l' __... it. 10 0"""" ,. lie _._ .r ..... _ u-t.u. .... 'hi' ,... 8o11d U _~. " _.. _ .... ... - r 'I 'lith ,... ..u 0Ian011 or ,.. "'_ or llal. ot. ,... __ 'UlI to. 'I>> ._ 0 r ,... .... ......... " '. J III j' :1 'I I I I I, I !..... I I"; I In Ii /11 Ii i lo ~ I III ill ~u lilll i! f ] 'II II II: j"i ,I ! Ii 'I Ii r , 1 I ~ I j ~~~)1't. lIll__ .,.... "11. .. .u._.. ,r flO.9!lI. -. IF... ....... ..,.,.,.... ....... .r ....,1ne ... .. .1II1m..r ClIlwl.. ON_I'. ..1It"'I.d .... '.IIt.1ll 0.... ~. "".. .. ............ I' op,u..a.. "w ... ..a. Clt._ II "..-.. '0 ,. ,... .... dd 'IIM ,.. ..a. .......... OIlaIPU. B. llI'._ ad PaulO. ON_I'. "Idea. "DI"" .. ,.. ..ad O.,htou. lit... _ld .'IlaI'Wl.. lIo_ . 011.... 0...... .....,. .... _I''''' ~. .ai. all...... Ie .... .. .. B. "'''1''7 ... .... ",rpo.. .lIoft _... be .....1.. '0 i ...'_.0.... _".... ,. ) , Jr. R. RI.........:.. al.. ) ) .) ) ) ) .... ..... Ap,U..UO. , ,,1lII PIlIUo It. 011....1.. 'ha' ,... _..11'1' ... ..." ,." _ III. "".... or t... _.. ". ,... 1_ 0"." 1011o.. land. .... ".91I..d ~.. 'lie JIleIIO- obaltp. 1.. ..... .... ......d 111 "Ill. &pplh.tio..; _ It "'........ .......1.. ".." ,... 'Il_... ha.. DO' "'11, ..t !'o"''' t... _.. or tha 1_ 0_. .r~"ad ..,. .aid ,lOpa_ _.... I" b Ord...d ,..." "... ..pa.t lIo -"_U"d '0 'be ..ad la_... ~.. ,... __ or... fIJU, d.u...U.. ,be pana.. .. ... __ .. 1_ 0_.... 011 tll. _UOII or d. ... KINOKRI'. 00"..., SoI'...I........... or ....... _ It op..' ,...111. hOB III. .."__"1011 ,hat t.. .ala... or ..... In'lIb _, b ..' ....t .. to .-.. 1\ l......lOal .. IJla to ..,..'Il.. .....JJa11V .... 0"1IIa8 oDd ...klll8 or all ,,, ...... 111 till. ..u...,. tlla ~U...l.. deput, ..... ~.. '__a .... ....&at.. IF 1Jla._ _.... ......-._. .... or...... 1It_: a.....b. dl".IOI_ Jo""... IlIJopllard. a. E. 'I'IJo.... w. Jr. Lewa. ..., w. L. POJ"ter-; a.ft ep.ll18 dl".lot_ N. n. Ilrloke,. J. J. 810.... JOIlD a. Itlap., _ orOIlJJ c. 001..; Bl. Mot dlll!o.a..- dobll ""lb. Jr. 0....1..11 "Od, Jo. Olall. Jr. 't. ...,..... _ Joaeph L lfl1!'D1tr; s.... dll1!o.lot- J_. A. :.ro.... R. II. GoOdwill. J. .. R.,...l". B_II JII.... row aDd J. A. 'i\1rllBr; ..... .aid ..p..l....IIII..... '0 ....Ift ... .al8l'J'. ..... a,.. dl_ or . _ ""en .......all' 811B_d In PO" .....k. _ .Ilall ..., ...... IIJlOII ''''11' ....1.. _il t"'" h.... ea.....t... . bond 111 ,... ,.DIl1'~ or f250.00 ....h. wltll .......... ......I.' llafb... t... lll..k or 'hia 110_. _ ..ndIUo...., .. ,be 1_ dl...... ) S. J. Ibllon at al.. I ) ".. } ) ..... PUllllo I ) OIl"'lon.r oJ... 0.- 001.. _ .......\ .... ...lho&lo. ~.. a _ J '11I !'ro. !lobell'. '0 1&......1011 wltll ,lie '110III1I _... 0& ... __ 01_. Ir. 1Io0dw111'.. lla _ ,.. ._ I. ............ ,. or. S. '..-f M.... Il. ..... If. oJ. PIltt. R. s. __a _ ....... II. __. ~ ,~. or _. 0" a... .. 'Il_. wi'lI lDlI!o...",Io" to IJaft .1Ie lOad .. _..,... ... a. .. ell... ........,.. , , !'roo It. 1I&......illn .wl'Ia'~ .... _.. t. ~ fl... .,.... ......~ .t ....lhllllDl a .... e1~"'. -.f ... ..etoft .. ... ... ..._ .f _. ..... .... ~11...1.. "''''__ .... till. d"l' ....h.d fI'oo "" Ilht~_.alOIl.: AfII'llf_ IlllowllllJ ,... Value or Raal _ '....lIal Propa.., or ,,,, eat..... V.u., Rail.."I' _ 1I1111a8 00101I..., III ,... 00__.1'11 or 1'1..1111. . ........ ..,. ,... ."'. ODrpo.'''1011 00__ .: .haloll. .... .... t.a .1I!o.lIdad ,......... .. '1Ia ~.... -1118 ","118 30111. 1907. ......._ to ~ ! ,,,, ...UOII. 'r1 - lIII or .. _ or ,.. O.....al .......I4r .r 1'11'11111., app...... Ap.il 16'11. 1903. OOIlJlt~ o. ODrpo....lolI 1111.. Ibod.... VIll......._ 3. 8....01 Dl"not " .....k 1111II.. _ . '..ok oon....."'Io.. ullde. OJn- .....0\1011 ..0.... 0 I' llel_ 0.80 510 ROMlIJ[J OIlOIlPT s.... DI.hl'" 1.73 700 C._..l 0 3.11 1,!500 0...... 0 ~ 1.600 "o'al IbMlOko 00. 6." ',800 Or_ ""e1 9.3S 4.300 Value Ileal Val.... 0' Eot". 110' 0 rn.. IlIoludOd In "'rllltu.. O\ha. Ill..... 'total ValUft or R..l oDd P'el'.nal ....,.rt.;v 2.635 2.110 2!i 700 1.!lOO 2.000 ~.6cA1 5,800 8,435 2.000 4.110 2S "a on '''.1 mu. ., 20 ._. on ."17 (100 tlla..., lb. au'l'Ort. or ,... Oo..._at "a on 'oh1 .Ill.... ... 10 _.011 ....;V fl00 tlla...r .. ....ppo.. or PIlIU. ..... 80110010 "a 00 'otal lalU. . S ..... 011 .ft.;v f100 t......r .. P"I'D_ or Panmlll t16 .ll7 11.44 4.21 'otal 29.52 ......0111.. 'a AllIN.". ,.... :2Q.~ "ilia 18 \'0 ClIIlI'UI' tlJal ,... ~""1DII b a'.... ..p, or tlla ._.__ or .... ,..... RIO_lid. v... .....b .J1., 1908. It. ,. 1ftl.n..01..k.. I Upall ....Id....ill. __r._ .11I 1It_ 1.'Il.. IIJlOn t... _ 0oll..... Vall07 Rall_ _I 1I1111D! 011.,... '110 ..-.-' _. _~. ..."t _ .... parpo... .. 1"'hllllJlOlI ."".. I _""1.. .......bl. _. '.....1011 111 ,... _, On ,... '..-.10_ ... 11-. .. "Uo..: I IIH I ,I !/1 II.l1l 'iqj J!!! ! fl'l illl i ,! Ilil i JI $1\ 1 I! I! ill I 11.1 lId I 1,1 i,1 , I I , I, I If j i'll~ ......, llIIQO'... 1lO _. .. \'- '100.00 Fll~ 1IQ""" '.~.1 p1l.,..... ilO _. O. ,... '100.00 MI~ ~lohlO\ ..hoOl "'.,.... (.,.... \haIl Bal.. 8.11001 ~l.hl") 20 ..at.. Oft '110 '100.00 MI~ Bal.. 8OlIDOl 1l1ohlO\, ilO ._. 0," ,... flOO.oo ] O. B., Bal_, Mir 111\11, 19O1l. "110 It... Of ....Wl... .f 11I":"100 OOIlll\l' ." 'Ill. tor .. 'II. ............. 1ft "lPIl... ._lItar ...010.. ........-I!. '0 ,,,,..hO" .bal...; L. Il. Bell, II. W. LoS_'" 9. W. to...l.. . ..... .~.. ot 'lie 1... ....SIts _.. .,p....... II "'ed. .... 1ll1l0w11l1l .1_ --- ,... _, _~. ....1_, OPP.....,. ..., 01'd...4 \0 O. polO." ........ OIl' ot ,... 1Il1lll. Nopoot.lo.tar Obarlll.Ol. '1Io"'1\b. '0 _,: i'll~ oouat., purpo... J, H. C..,.., J. F, 1'<.55 .n.. ',,eoo .00 0 llO 01"'. on '110 0100.00 Roal II''''' 2.000.00 I) llO .."'. Oft '110 1100.00 MI. oount)' Somol PuPpO... 6.55.n.. './lOO.oo I) 20 ..nt. .n '110 tloo.oo AltaI eet..te 2.000.00 I) 20 oeata on the !100 .00 Lunaor ......nt (lll11.rd ....) 8.10 117.00 - (J.... ,...) 10.00 38.llO 114.12 1.00 2.00 . . 10.00 8&1.. 1'o1"'11l1l . Pub. 00. ...1.\1... _ ed....U.lllB W. B. 11..,1.,. &lpt. IUUdlns .......at AInu Garlud Janitor' 8 .'rYI,.. G. if. Kern Repairl to .-.t.. olo..t R. B. ...... ROId fQr"e)'Or, eta. 38.50 17.00 11.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.(JJ 4.00 If. M_ Be..r Fo. 1l1l,.10\ Sohool P1l~PO'" 601.. 50"".1 1l1lt.lO\ 2.5' .U.. '1.200.00, 20 Jf On ,". '100.00 2.40 Ro.l """ P....ns1 Pl'Op.n, 2.135.00. 20; on ,he '100.00 4.27 Cont..1 S."".l 1l1oc.lo\, ,.11 .U... l,llOO.O'l, 20; On 'b. '100.00 '.00 . . 0\0. W, R. _.t . . 0\0. P. B, Rood.1n Cbal_ Jr. J. Be...r . .1. 8. Y..taan 110-.:1 91...r Cata.ba Somol D18'tr1ot, '.71 aile., 1,610.00, 20 . on ,be '100.00 '1OJf On \I.. '100.00 '.20 W. .1. Pott . Roal .R"'. . 2 ,000 .00, 4.00 w... IIldl." &lp&. ot'lIo 00..1\\, &1..bou.. aIIII t_, '111. dQ' Je1lO....,. 111. .._ po..... .. l1I.b Ill~ lIIe _at.h or AprU, II 1ll110..: (Addltional .Uo........ oJl1U.d .n lot Pes.) R. E. Magee, Vi.wer ..~ fhr. ( C..pbe11 ... 'I'll. I'11bUo) 10.50 H. D. Howbert., Vi.wer, lito. . . . . '.00 Anthorw Leonard, V1...., eto. . . . . 3.00 11. E. Lookett, Vi...r, eto. . . . . :1.00 R. E. )legA., fUl'..)'OJ" and ,J.... (JI. Il. lIo.ben 08. '1'110 I'11bUo) 21.llO I.. 11'. Bpiot.)' . . . . . . 4.00 J. I.. 74.kl. . . . . . 4.00 P. B. Alben . . . . . 4.00 1.25 B. II. .1l_llld Gre..l". 7.05 9.45 6.86 5.2') 'Wh1,........ Bro.. "nUbOJ' ..4 ._ 0.. Ilro". ....",... 00. Porr. Porr _.... 910.,..1... RO. 4. t". Kftrn Bl"'koal'lWls ,.?5 lit. toOw1. ".ok ,... !l .111... lIro...l.. 18.00 J. C. II.Rin 110...... Lop..., Ad !.ap'" ~....k.....\ J.~<J.- J.... p.. _ ~\,\,\l)7,. " ~"- "'~~At.. ~ \'vu.h..l.'"] ~ l:z. ?L4-.s...M. ~A- WOJtk OD fa'" 18.00 . . . 13.00 Yo'&1 *,2.15 _.b 10 apP"'-. aIIII C.. CI.~k 10 dl"'''ed Co 1..... 111. . wvr_ fb~ .aid .......1\\ j In .AU_at or ._. lit 111M ~"'''od ....lpt. Ill~ ,be .I\\b .. 1ll110..: ". Il. 1la1'1I JII.l_r llll.OIl J. O. ....in . 1 0111 t 10.00 .110_. t.opoed . 1 Pl4r 2.50 IlId 1INd1., . 1 PlC 2.llO ...., _11I1., . 2 pl.. -A.r.OJL "AIll t4B .00 i _.ta '- a. 'ho..od \41 \IllS 0... \41 ,lie OOIu*r ha_ '-I _it to ,.. ....., .... 11 i ''1 "II !i I 1/1 I ~n! I ;q! l j! ~, I Iii I! I';! 1 :1 i I L, 'L' I l.; i [Ill I II, III " I j , I "I II.' I II 11/ i I!j I I: J I I 0.. _ioa ot ii. .. /A..... i' ... _."4 .., ...-..... .~. or '110 _~. .11 -.... or '110 _.11I -.s.. _... _ "'\!.'" ill '110 ""_i... ,_ R. .. ]u_. .. a:.__al".'. -"\0_,., Ilo__ OIIu"" _ 0" "wr.".. _...... Ie ,......" t. ""....U.. lit. 001. ,. ".Ii"'. 0' u. a.u-r JUlI. ... II'" ... OIl alll....II... tll. ... lIoiac .1I.....00d 1.. ''''' huh 0' 1_. 0" 0' .1Iool' '" _. ot ..1..1' IIottoll. 0IIlI 'III 0'''..0' ......, 230 ....... lnolll"lDII tlIlo ......loa ........ ........lng 'h. n.. Clott.... ......1tI IlPO" t. ....... to Ilo .._.1tI .., t... 110.... ., .1W U.. P..lO. to tho dOll..." ot llall .......10.. to tllo Pl..IIo.... .... allot t... II1'Owins OI'Op. to Ilo .110 .....""". witll ...dlllll po ....010.. to Ilo 11.... '0 'Il. pu..Ilao.. t1u.illll t... lot. _.. 0IIlI Pall ot 1908. _ t\all po.....lo.. to Ilo gi.... ...t 1.r..1' ,..... J_.." 1"'. 1909; .old ,.. P.....l. ot 1_ to Ilo n.", o~ "'..d ., Jl\lbUo .al. "P....l,. 0IIlI t..... .. . _1.; _ will........ _. .1t...1' .., 1'....10 01' .. . .hol., will ....ins tho ...t IlOIlO'. will .... ""-"".d. it 4._d odYi.obl. i.. tll. dl'.."'l... .t t... Bo.IlI. to tll. Cir...it OOIlI't.t 1\)....1t. COllnty Ibl' Ita opp.OY.l .. d18OPP",'.l. tll. no.1lI .....nlDg t... ..iBbt to .Uh- ".... troll 001. .it.... o. olio' till P....l. ot 1_ .. it IllY H. tit. '1'[11111 0/1 1WoF. to bo ......thi..d 0..11. ODd 'II. flolono. 1.. 011I _ t.. ,..... d."'...d P_..to to III .Yid.....d .., ..."". ot "'" PIlI'......I'. IIltll ",d P......ol ......It'. .....Plng Int...", 1'1'0.. tll. dote 0 r 0&1.. .... Utl. ..t.lIItd Wltll all o t thl pul'o..... Ill""" 011.11 ..... ....... pold In llall. I . I ... ..._...~... Sa 'ilia. .,a_.. 11"1\11 all _w.. till _ud to< .d.....lIlao t. ."""1....1 I tq ., ....bl1.... ..u ,....-....,: _ t1Wr .11&11 'IItnw.... m. 'ilia. _pont to- I ........ wltll . 1IlIP o. "1....... wi'" ,... ox..1t 0' 'III 110_. II Pl'OYidltl .., I.. I B. L. 110"'" at ol.. ) I I I ) __I t.. Boad ~pl1..tlo.. '1''- ""bUo ~ I 0.. 'III .,plio.lon ot S. L. II...., 0IIlI otlll. olt1...... ot Bl, I.l.1t dl.1II'l"'. who f'lltd ''-11' p.UUo... it 10 011I....4 'M\ 1\)"'. E. 1111I'" CIlu. .. lIartln. L. D.IIU..... R. L. Loftl - D. B. B.t...... ....111_ ,....lIold... ot till. 0011""._ _ 110... oppoi"'''' .1.... Ib.. ,... Pl""''' (111/I ,...... 0' _II.. ."'>. do. 0""1IY 215tll, 1900. Yi.. tll.. _ Ib.. · Pl'OJlOOOd 0..... ill tbe PIlbUo l'Oad in till. OOuDt,. troll . pol'" 0" tll. O.......d ........ .... ,be po... 110...... _lIS ,~... 'Ill 1_. 0' B. L. 11.....1 '0 tho V.Uo. 1I01lnto:l.. fOod; - I'IpOrt \0 \1lI IIoI1'd ,... 00.._10..... _ lnoon.....l.n... 'hot will ....11 .. ..11 to lndlYitlu.x. .. '0 t... publSo. it 11I011 o~. 1.. ro... ollOlIld bo ."'.1>- U...., .. Pl'OI4Hc1; _III. tllo ..14 "'ad "'11 1Io ot 0\1011 .... p.iYot. ......nt.n.. .. '0 -. it p..po. t...t It .bould bo o_d _ Itopt 1.. Olll... .., till p...... or 1\1.1011. lit. / -.. oo....nton.. It Jo d.Ol. -; .lIot.... IJW. 1.... d.... 1l1I'd. ... or O~hII'd. o. Ulf "part t!lo..... ot. will ..... to Ilo t......, ,... __..0J' tile. 111III o",!~.. on;-of _.; wh&oll ot 0\1011 1.... 0..... ..~1.. .o_otlon; _t will 1Io . Ju~ ....,....,[10.. to tllo 101111 0..... ...~... . 1... OO.....otlon lit. tbo .ald lUId 00 t...... _ lit.. tb. 4__ tA till ..o1t1u. ot tile boot. 1Io"1ll1 t... P....ll.. bollll1t to 1Io 4.rS.1tI In ..ope'" to ..011 ".lt1u. tro.. till HOlI _po.1tI to 1Io .ot.bU....d: _ .U otllo. ~ot. _ 01"__. In tlloa. Op1111O.. 1I..lltl in .....bIi... till liDOI'd .,. !bp...l.... to d.....iIl. ,. .1Ipltllonq of' ."'.bIloblng .old 1'0"": - \Il. lllid 91..... oIIall .... .....n to ,be liD&I'd _lIo. ,... IIld PNJlO"d road will bo ot - ..... oo....nt..... to tllo ......al Plbllo t..... tll. o!ual.. ....__ - ,lie 1Il4 Yi..... 1.. '.1. ....n "'''''''IIt... nlltl In tll. .pplSo.lon ot W. R. Rio__ .... - Otlle.. ... 'Il. Plllll.. d.o1_" .. .holl8l. 110.. 1 0IIlI 2. '1'11I1 .11011 allO Yi.. .Ill' ot.... 1'011'.. ....__ to t...... _ ....... to tll. 110_ wIIlOIl. it _. 0' tho. .bou14 Ilo ....bll_; 11III '1Ia1r .lIol1 al.. ""11'" . I.p o. 410111''' .10'" witb _ ....1'1 ...00_1118 tile .o\.bll_ .t _ Pl'OPO.1tI Nad o. 0..... 1.. 1'00lI. II. P. RutPOullh .t ol.' ) .8. ) I Tho Publl. ) -----) On 'Il. petition ot P. P. Rut"'llIlII _ otll.. ...01_.0' Blli Llok "iO\.i"'. 11 10 0""...." tM\ C. L. /U.h. L. D. /I.1100n, J. P. VllW_. R. E. II.... _ I. G. Lo,d. ....ld_ ,....hOld... ot till. IOU"'" who .... 1Io"1l7 oppolntltl Yi_... lit. t... pUl'pO" (_ t...... Ot.lIOlI_ ."". do. onllllY 25t1l.19Oll. '10.'11I_ fo.. · "'-IIY 111 tllSo 00111&1, tro.. . point 0" t... PrIll1llU.. tuPIlpl.... oppo.lte tllo 1Iu.. .......; tll..... ill III ......11 dl..",lo.. ....... . .....ob; 0IIlI ,.......'" . ..utllo.l, 41..."'lon. Pollowi... till bo'" ..od. 0"'.1aolll.. '0 . polnt no.. 'Il. Jo..pll ~ 101111 on t... Bill Llok POad; 0IIlI ...... to tllo 110_ '110 ooaNDi...... ..., _....as...... tM\ .111 ..lIllt .. WIll '0 lndlYl"'.x. .. to tllo P\lllllo. 11 ..011 l'Oad .bould bo .ot.blhhltl .. ,...po.ltI; ..."'..... '110 1IIi" l'Oad will bo 0' 011011 ..... p.s..r.. ......nton.. .. '0 ..k. it ,..,... ,ItA i' .1I;,.1d Ito 0''- - Itopt i.. olll... _ ,. PO""" 0" ,..._. foI' ...... _..Id_ it a. ."""; -... IJW '''''. Il_'" o. 0.011011I will ..... to III tolron .... lllid l'Dad; 'III ......0' '110 1_ 0..... 0" 0\1011 1OIIt.; will... ot ...11 1_ 0_.. "IP1.. __ .,....otlo.. Ib.. _ 111III ,...... Ill... t.. ........ .... will 110 . Jun 0011.....10.. !to '110 1_ 0...... ".qu1rlq ........"'10.. lit.. '110 .~4 '-d 10 ,_ _ till' ,lie "- to t.. "'111I'.0' 'Ilo bod. 110,... 'Ilo ,.lIlli_ ......11'. to Ito d..b... Sa .....at to ...11 ..oltaa. .... ''!e .... to 110 ...UU,....; _ ~ .,.... 'lift. ) .. R. Ri....I'd.... at al.. I } ) } I 1 l' So 0.......4 tbot ...... Ito 1....1t1 to II... II..., Brullollo.. lit. '160.00, till d_.t alla_ .... .. 'ho Yi_... ....... 'II. ."-"'tl... op,11O.'1o... n 1. t\aP\.... .1lI..... 'Mt t.. ....... 10. 4 "_.... .., '110 Yl_.. '" 'Ill. _.. Sa '110 PA"lo Illod ..... 1.00....' . "'_" Ilo -...... _ <I. II. IlMkftOld,. ... 1_ _ ,..... ... .... ..... to '110 ..... .r,.~,,"ntII ...... '110 ........ or f7s.oo """,... "'110 91_.. '110 ... / 'tllo l'\abUo f r L' :,.11'1 II I n_ I ~H I mil ',I.!., i I I" I , I '11 ! I 1111 I , ! I: li'l II i Iii'! i 1'1' I [1111 I I I i I I i 01..1t ia ....., di""'ed ,. hili. biD ....."'" iii. ~ald -..M; lIlllI ,lit lllpe.. : lat.IId... of Rooll. h O.d...d ,. pM..ed 111\1& -ilia tllo .1lIII,p ......, .p.d. r .. ...... 1lM,1l.... .1011II L. "'Od1l1n. 11i.. 1Io0dwin. B. 8. ';oim"'on. 0.. .10""""", 'I. n. dO_n. d. I. dO_OD.' 81....110 dollllll\.n. Idi'b d.luIa\.n. 01." J'IIII"'on. Ilba.. d.IIII.\on. IIU.. 1191.. JOlIIIII\on. .... Ioala ...11. JUnnia II. fbo....n. J. B. fbo....n. d. .to '!'holl_n. Lul.0ldlaM. ..... of f. 4. ___.n. ".OO.Md. _ a...ia 1I'111..n. 110 _nod t. app... I at tllo 1lII'" _111II Of 'Ilia !lo...d tb. 'iiii'd 1Iollll'lf Of J..ao. 1908. '0 .bo. ...... it ..." I ! tllor .an. 1119 '110 oold "011 .bould .." ... @"'.blblloll ....L'dlnB to tllo ..pon of laid ! n..... ,o,.w l~t<I?1d1'(' 1',(1'''/''''1' (~t:" (-', SIlEEP CLAlIIS '1'.. flIllotGll8 Olat.. flI. .1Ie.p Itlll.d .., cIoS. 0'.... 'lion .., 'lie 0_.. of .at" .h.op ...... tl>1. d'lf P....ntod. bolna ""1, ".1 tiod. .... 611'_. p."abl. out of ''''' clog tu l\IIId or 19Of. t. WIt: N. P. n..ton. ft>. two oIto'P 1I1110d. .1a111 '10.00. _unt 6110_ l!l.co E. g. co.....,. _lAnt .1-.110.00. _uat 611._ 6.00 J. f. KINIIERY. COlAatr lIlpo.intolldont of Rooll.. thb d'lf _0 1>1. .oport Of ollp_l_ ; t..... on t... ""loll. 1>1011ttq. Ill. tll. _atll .nllans tllh dol... .. 1lI110..: ..... llI110tGllg ola111. wo". tlli. d'lf p....nt.d. _ ..... 110... "_8<1 _ dloopp.....d: ,-"""" ln lUg 14.1< dlot.l"'. out of dilt.1ot IIII1d 1~8<I in Cat..ba d1o't.l"'. OIlt 0 f dllt.l'" IIII1d IlIp_8<I ln 0... 1lp.in8 dbt.l"'. OIlt of dlahl'" t\1lId IlIp_8<I ln llal.. dllt.l"'. ...t of di.t.l'" tIInd I~"" out Of OOWlt, fUnd. ... pep ..port I'lled loIa1t1116 .. total 0 f !1.49G.36 Dr. J. C. Darden Poupa. 1'.."'100 P..pel' praatJcre F.&-O 'fe..... 0 t 1100.,. 1!l.00 12.00 !l.00 .m.6<J 258.25 1!#).1'l!l 2Sl.67 "". B. I. 00"""" M. P. well. ~.CJO On tho ..tion ot L. D. Boll. an 6110..... ot 17.50. o. .. ...ob tb_r ,. .'If be .........,. 1. ~110_ ~.....d d."'ar11l6 ..at of ~UUna dltoll on tll. II.... ro.. .. CoroUn. Road. 1I1tll tho ll1ld.rat_lna tllo.t O. 'I. Martln and ot"". p..p- ."7 0...... .10na .aid 1'0011 cIo tllo ...11 and P'lf ''Il' oIId1tlo"-l ...It tbat "'If 'bo In''''rNCI the..!Ir. 1lbtoh 10 .pp....ed; and tllo Cle'l< 10 dl""'ed t. hau. 1>1_ ....ont. out of ~ho "'Rd. ...1'0"'10.1, oh..ge.bl. th...""th. ln .ottl_nt of .Illd .~lt...... , On DotlOD of .... 'I'Jao"."".. tba OOUnt.r IIIporlnt._ent or Rooll. la bo..., _ho.l...d and dl..",OII to p..ot . ..It.ble b1'ldp 0'" tllo "'.... 0" "ad no.. Looltot~.. "0... ln BJa 14"1< dl8\rlO\. ".. lIo_k. a.. and Wat.. Collp_. ., tIlll. 08'__ in ...lUna. lIo..ins -"" to p.., l!lO.oo to.OI'<I tbe ...It of oald b1'lc18o. t"" lllpanl... .f Il1B Ll.1< dl"'.l'" _Jna te par t... .00' or tba till.. t... _.. of tll. .lIp....,l"'.. \0 110 pllld OIlt of t1lo OOUII&, roall l\IIId. On wotion 01'.... Boll. It 10 0""'.8<1 tbat R. W. KiD. and B. W. Losan IIlo """ thq ... 110...., .pPOinl..d . ooat\\.. \0 open bid. flI. the _1'00011 brill8. 0... 8wltt PoL'd. tho Siaid bid. to 110 opa_ on tba "I'lllna of tba ~h inlt.. and oII..rt1o. and .aport to tllo ...'" ..ot11lg 0 f t h10 !loOl'<l. I: On _Uon Of... 1Awl.. OIl .PPl'OpI'latlon of f2OO.oo 1., .., unonl.Olo1l. ..to, DOd. OIlt of tba 0_7 ..011 11I11II. to be ...dited b7 tllo "'._.... to Catawba dlot.l'" "011 _, to ..d.t 111 DaltJnc ........., ..pal.. _ lDp.._..to to the _. ln .ald dlotriet. ) 8. J. Bohon at .la. ) ) n. ) Roacl ''Ppl100l.10n ) ,."" "'b:~"--__--1 ,.h1. 0".. a... on upon the NpOI't ot R. B. Ke8M, If, II. Be.... aDd w. R. W."'. thre. ot tllo n_.. ....otoft>.. .PPOlnt.d. _.. .apon .... till. d." nled; and it oppaOl'Jna tbat 1.... _PO_ noli. if' .1It.OU.hId. w111 1'." thl'ou8h tho land. or J. C. Col... D. 8. Col~. MId -. 001... 4.011 .....; A. I. "0... - to.... .. ....... Ill'Otllo... ,.1' _.; 8. A. 11'111..... Ilob.. - ]gOO'.'.' ft. .. ...... "at &ON; J, L. Goodwill, 6.91 MN; J. !I. "......... h.lr.. ....... 2.000 .,. t'oft; _ .... BU.. 1100-"..0 _; ,.. 11I_. ..stho\lt ..... P"'in8 lIJOD ,.. __11&111., ., ...w... 'ald ..... da..",. ,-., t... _d J. O. 001... D. .. 001... ... Gllae. A. .. '1'0... ..,. _ ....... I ~ ~a>..,..,i &6A.rA.4 . 1<<-, .,.6'/14'1.' ) Jollll W. au.ll.r ot .10. ) ) .a. ) ) "... ",ou. ) ) ..... III,,,, 1Ia.u. bo.""olb.. _OOd to oppI'OpI'lat. tllo _ of t:I!l.oo to._ tllo 00... I otN"'io. 01 1.110 ..011 - t... .1Io_otrled eppU..Uon. ln a... Bp.Jnc dl"'.l"'. to lie L .....U..1l1e ..... tile ..ed 10 OODp1l1\od, 111ft 'ba _..rt_~hat l' wee to lie - lIlllI 11<11 t__ .., '1M _U_.. _ho\lt addl'1o"-l ._.. to ".. COU""; _ it oppo..lllll ,.. ,... M14 .... .... --- ..1...... ... ... .IM IIl1d _ ... _... to R. O. ...ta , ~ "'~" ,.. ...."'....u... ..... l' 1. ."'._ ,!let ,... 01..1< 1_. " ....... ., ..00 ,. ''''' Hid R. D. Won. i.. 11I11 ., all .1AS. WIll.. ,lilt 0""_""'"", __. n. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 001c1"'11-81\o. 00. .. M. wen R. ,. lIasJ'. O. L. /U.h t. D. PUeon t. G. '",y~ J. H. OAe:rh"..rt nr. R. K. WJley J. 'P. fhltpherd J. G. 1l10kok , Do'no 0'11lk RIgll\papl. aooount.. RuhoURh ... "h. Pub1h .25 6.00 t' fl~ "",,\,1,(' 7' ~ '~ \ l R. S. u........t &1.. i 'i'"" ~~,<:'I~."'.. I L, .lvl<.<w..", t ;~l.. t.".,; ,~" 'I'll. Pub110 2:~~') ~^^. ," on tho .tson 01 JOM A. 'l'o,y10. _ '1'. Loll. OOuob. thoy ... PGnittotl to po,y .JJf.~ 'I 1/1. 0'." thoi" .l1lOke i.. tho .'.01129.25...11. .. . 0.0111$ on tb.l" .__.. 01 dl~.srl!l~ '1,) oub...ipUon to tho POad undo. tho .""..-.tl/led oppU..tton. .1I10b... ..ClO!'di~~ ' I"''',;/, 1l/ done; """ tbo C1."k 10 di....d to tUft> 09.. .old oh..1<o to tb. OOu....l/ ""'..._ Vie"ins and 8Up.8)'inp 10.5/1 Vi.willl! ?.oo .. 1.00 . ?OQ . 1.0" PaupftP aocount 1~.01l nate for rOad_ay ~.OO Spe,e1al ret"v1aes "oM upel' fbl' oredlt to 'the oount,- ro.., t\1nd. Tbe aaoept,anoe or tl>> .ald obeoke,_IID.. ..... i. "d. .ith tho und...t_i... tbot it "".. not in 0IIf .q ..1.... till .old 'I'''lI10. II\d OOu.h f\'Oa thob U.biUtl/ lb. tho _asllll..., Hid au"""... .. II. 'l'ln.1.l/" Son HuM. 1\ IloPRan Jollnllton, D~ ~ Tftr~ Co. J. B. Brown Auntn nl\l"ll1l11d Stamps aM 8nvft1opftB 1. ~5 P..per aocount . . 1.50 1~.7~ RIl~il!tI-a1"' 8 SO(!Ount ().~ Janitor' s :!e1".!cfll~ '='.00 'the a,.m tbJ.a cfq, pur",... to not1oe l'Wretotbre pubUIlted, proo.eded to opon ~h. bld. 1110d to. tho 110I<1... 01 tho ~wo ...U.... 01 propo..d 111011I.. po..,. Imo... .. ~ho ItJ n...k r ~ ..cI tho Pl'lIIklln POIII; end tho.. blS... but .n. bid Ill..,. ~hot 01 tho Ro_k. OOn.Nt. 001lp~; end lt .W...l... th.t .old bid. ... "'" ....unt. 8...te. ~hon tho Doard lid. JU"'1ISld ln ."Pencll... .t tbi. tta. on J&IlfIII .'d(!O"ntftY Rtlllr 'U~COIU\t, falP.M Otl\t "tet 10.00 J. T. J{1TU:l'~"Y, Atpt. Sall"'1 tor ~ month" tOO.01) I I .ascl rOId., tboo eold bid 10. 1>)' unon1loou. ..t. 01 tho Ro..." "J.ot...,. f "'Or thp. month of' 1"~, I'LC f'Ol1owl!I: 1f. E. IIp.''tli!'~', A1[!t. of' County Alml'l'louee IU1d fat'!!:, mArlp. a 1'p.port 0", p."Xpenl'llt of nrune .A':/: ~_..,(..... 4.-4 Salem nr~ OOolle Co. Dry eood~ 4.P;"'3 Brown Hal'rh'ore Co. !AO'll'fU", repa1rb Mld cult! vato:r 9.97 mTin'" Rol'fJ., f/J,JOU:, VA., Junp. 15. 1l')Of. Johnflton, Da,y & Terry Co. E. Y. F1t."geral.. Potf'''' ""f'tt Dr,)' s::oorls .').40 01'('1 0'" r1111 II ".95 Purpl1f11l; 6.4F ef!'.u!1on. l'''ftl'lpnt: f. P. Tht'l'L""'f"r, ~al"m&n, t.. fl. &11, B. W. TlOgan 'In" O. ". Poal"r mpt t"tJn It. !I.. "It l() o'clock, lit th.. CotU.t-~IU'" 1n N~E'Ulal" /IIOnthl~' J. C. !ls)"tln Orocerll!'B .'lR 1tA!. r,.pr~ '?6 (I~8t work on ""MIl. G 51JJf 13.00 J.,p'1'l'b. Konl'O. Laprad 24 dA)'8' wopk; On r..1"JI 0 75}'1 lM.:)Q :UfIltee o~ 1,ut !Il1'~t!nR l"1t&d R!1d "pproYlld. 'JIh" follow1nr accounts wp..rf1 4txUllntr(' anti nppro",,(' by th" lbard, ant' wu.. rante OY'f'pr..r' to b{I. l1'1Muu" 1n pqJDfIlnt O~ 8""''', Gut of' th.. f'ltnde "".pwati"ff'ly Ord.red that. w.ppant- IHt l"auftd Ira PqJMnt of' 81lJ1". f66.61 ChaJOP:"ablp t""rlllw1th, .1,-' A1 f"N~d !Acflpol'pfIl ROom ft)J" f>lltallon 2.00 lI.b.,. ... 'l'h~ Pub11. R. E. 11:.",.. Vl11WlnR ..... 0Il"~l/1... 10.!lO o. 11'. lI.rUn Viewing :?oo R. I.. l.ol'~ . 2.00 Il. l'. X'ft'AUV~r . 2.00 I.. D. P:lleon . 1.00 J.... II. 0...." & Ilon P..p~. aoaaunt. 4.00 S_ . . 9.711 w. ,. Mlld1,,)' a1110 1"'ltPOJ'<tfll" receipt II fbr BlUle p",rlod &8 fOlloWIJ: ItJpt " lIo"i'on 1 ""., ~5.oo 1Iil. Lepr... 1 p18 :".50 t8.aa flJ,t ,.pt P'VIIllnt 0':' plg 1.50 IIOnl"O. t,ap"", Part p_nt on baJ"Nl of non!' ~ 'rot.1 '31.!'O WhiOh aIlOunt hit 18 dlreo'... '\0 '\U1"ft In "0 ttwt count, TreaflUl"ft'P. .,... I i 'I fi 1 111 !; I :: j i I [i I, 'I] 'I J , I II II i I 'I ! ! j"i Ii II I -) F. r.. :l:ahPy ,. ) ) ) . Repco.rt or ~l.w.l"e, 8\0. S.' in · -.oo\b oondlt10n. The 8Dal'tt, uone1'ftrlng eal' "'<Al'st, on.ertUll~ ~r8l1\e e.., - ~l"'.h that tho 00""', lID.., aap..lnt.""""t "-Opo~at. with .ald "''''.SatSon ln tts .tn.'" to bop olid J'Oe<Jwq tn IIDO~ ..nUtSon. VB. I Th. PllbUc Thfl' V1f!Wffre 8l'l01nted at the leal. aeet1nr of' tltf!' &3a:rd fbr the purpose. lIfl'to "on., in tlt~ OI"<'PI', illfI !"~oorc'..rl on Plop''' 195, t~le d~ NIp,. it.e report, tOl"pther ..,it., " fIl"P Or' ~il!ll~re.m 01" th,. cPlanp:e "fI r"col'Ullf'n(f..~. Ant' it apPplI.l"inR ("'Olft sairl - _. 1 P. P. Rutrough et ..t..) ) VO. 1 Road Applt.otton I j 1 'Ph. !'ubU. ) ) ....,..JlOl"'t that 1'f.l:1<' vlp,...r.r!' rf'{\()mlflend &l\. &110,,8I'l0... of '100.00 to be paid t.o T. w. Gootlrn.an, throllP~ who,;e 1anl'a ft"1<' "'nae' ,,111 pa.fl.8, toP '118 d...-r,P8 fbr t11" llUtd tflk_n, lUll B1flO tor hi.. c'M1l1Pct8 to the l'ee1du.. aboye tbft peCUl1ar oonltr1.ts to bt, (.~r1t;..{. ty'tit, b)t ",uI.8Dn 01' the opeftia<< of" 8aid l"oarf, am thff eatd T. w. Oood... Tttn l"f1port of' thp. viewers 1n th1s Q8UBP. having hf!lm '11ed. end 1t IlppA8r1ng from. 88M that thft proposed ~Oad, 11' ftstl&bUBhed, w111 paS8 tnrollgh the lands or J089ph B1ah,1.. D. Jl'RrRluon JU1tf J. o. AnP,a-Il, eM requ.tl'e the usa or thf?1r rRspective lands, ~B follows: .JOflsph Rieh, 0.41 aore; S. O. ....rguson, 2-.65 801""8; and .1. O. Anf(1t11, 0.07 Bore; it 1" Ol'd"'r"~ t1\Bt. I'sic' JOlu,pb n1sl1. ~. D. PerlnlBon Ul\('1 J. O. Mgf!ll bit BUJ:\~.Ot\f'!e Z"l1Ul "'Y'p"'l'I.'I"lnp 1n p."Fon bl'"ttJr" t~p. roa:rd and "lfl.mt1np: to and accepting 1!I1U1l", it 1!'< 0 "d"r..rt t ""t r.lde' "oaf b... opj)n~o 111" f'fl~!t:l'l'mc'ftd by 8"ld V1fl1fP.rB. . .- ,~ , .'.... . ~ J" ,_ \I . , \,' . \i\/ It .'. H. nfln.l"'hp.".,.t this ""y appP'lrl!'r' b"'f"orr t.hn Boar", on" of'f'prpr to con- ~t !"'llet fOn1" r.hlln(':f' in rnir' roor'wq, Ilccortflng to thlt pl.ns and d:1agrllll. 'tibet by ~alr' yi...,....!'!, for t-,. flU'" ot "100.00, 1'I.1d ...ork to b.. completfl'it by fO'..tp-uer)' If!t. to II.plH'Ar Il.t the lVtxt .,...tl~ Of t.his 13o"'I"d, IJ.nd alto" 08lUU', l' l\J\y tl1fl)" cnn, wl1y Snld road I'I~Ollltf 1')Qt b~ ,u't..bUB~It'" 111'1 1'"ltat'lJllnt'!nd"d boY 8.'l1d v1ltWftl'l'I. l()O("}. II.t whiCh t.lmft thp County EuFAJ"1nt~Mfmt 0 r 'Ro-.r'ft r:hBll AXllftlnlt 8"''', ...nd jp ~onrt'"l.Jct,.~ .IlcOOJOe'lnR to said plana.-Jd a14Rram, th.. r.a1tf ~l(}o.o,? If))411 bit I r."1r' to ~lt1cf J. H. Upa"tlP&1't. It 8PI"'flrlng to the Eoal'd, by s"t.181'aotory ..vldltnolt, 'tbat. thft br1dRIt I)t l,ock..tt' 8 StOr" h.IIs bIt~n OOltpl..t..tt, it 18 ol"d..~tf t.hilt Roanolt.. nas .u1d Wftt"r Co. ~ ""CIllltst,.t1 to PB~ 0"...,. to thfa Cl"rl( of' t.ltlll &81"d thf' !11m of" f50.0n, it bft1l1.R thp lUllOl1nt B'lbBC..ib_d to th,.. conet1'Ucttt'n of' pAid bP1t'p'- by 1I'f\1~ rn1ll.pa.n.v. It Ie Also O.,.dfOrf"it that. tllfo d"'~ftft or '1/")0.00 alii afoJ'f'sa1d shall bft Pllid ~\ ~,... ".','1' . ~ :</{ \\0"1)-' . ,r' t.o ~a1(t "'. ..r.oo~rn..n 01)t or ttl.. county 1'011" fund of' th.. )'fta.,. 111OR. -. R. Richardson 1 I ) ) I ) ) 1'0110W8: YO. J. T. Klngf!l"Y, Coun'ty &lPfl'l"lnt~c1"nt or ROath1, this d"l~ fnlb,ttt.fld h18 report of' l!'Xp"n~1tul""'s on th.. p'Jb1to !'ORt'lr 0' t,h!" county, f"or t'ltl"! '!'IIont_l1 ~"~ln", tl11e itllt..., fl!'l 1'l't.. ~1t>11.C Thh: CQIIP was t10tls r!8)' 1\11't'w!r consldftred by tbft Board, an" 1t app..rlns that f.hf' 1Alld Own''''1II thrc)Jgh whostll landr: ah.81gft No. 1 ,,111 paaa (a8 ,ut't fOrth "07.1G "-'67.61 Cll'tawbB fl!l'Itr! ct (/).(1.7 R&lftm nletriet on pltPt" lP~), vh;: I?9;r~ Ir .1<<m1aon, fl. R. JJaf'On, .... H. H, Rloh.rdeon aRC'" [,. H. ~1p, T,1et 1118'triC't Cave Fylr1nR nlet:r1at (lut 0 l' County roat' runct 5:?::'.P.') ft.oJ'1llf'~lt7, 11,1'lv,. b""n T"flP'"t]lI.1'ly RUlflIlOn..t" to "PP""" IIl'U' BmW OftU8t1l, 11' &rQr tht')" loa.~7 ('011]e', _hy flR1" l!hn.1Ul''' i1'1 l!ul1d Marl B~U]~ T'IOt bp. mMp.; fl.Nt Mid Ian" o"W1~"" not Rpr"'arinp~ 1t 1f! Ort1-rl'~ thit 8n1d ehan~.. bft mart", BII rtllCOJJa-ncted . thft , 1. I .L \ " Total)...t' , i l'().,<o.\.."^^"-o 0.-. "":'"~~~~.; ...'\~ ~ "l'J.. t"-o~-'r~ I'~ -"'\... J-__~ . J~ ~ . On mot10n Or Mr. Bell, U. 18 ordered that. warr4l1t bit 1B,fJU".f!"' thft C18rk or thIB J'c)a~. p~able to J. 8. Aoldll1ll1th, 1n thp. ~.l1ll. 01' '5.00, to be und 1n dftfr~1ng thp f"X- i1,lG7.BO vt_.,.:,:. flrov!r'f'l", oo'''f!'v'''r, th",t Olllllft 8hall b.. tlBC'f:fI ann ktllpt 1n ordftr bJf tnff nrr11csnt8 h"'T'rln, an!"! to b@ of no expenl'lft whatey".,. to tltP. (bunt" o1ttu.r fbr CCtnnNotlon .01" for JIl"1nt~nano~. .\'. ,i . </ pen... 0 t A."DI Lo~d am hi. tamU, to Oi18s Count,. .'.-.K. MA...stellfl'r. Esq., Prf!s1~"bt or .Roanok.. lutollDbl1e AallOoll.tlon.. thta da,y "PJlfla~'~ botfb.. tile Boal'tl, ...",a.Ung that .dd A..oohUon b. pa...UtlHl '0 kftllPp · lIan 01\ ttle rocM'l. be'I_ftn Bei_, Jtli8l>>r. ani BDnsaOk. 1dtb plok, ahDNl ...., h_..,t'roa tilt. date UIIUI t"" 1'1..", ot No__, lb. ,... JlUltPO.. ot {..... .,.atlng .dd "'''a, tlll'o..sq 100.. look .... dUt 111\0 th. .!lol", and koapt", . , J o ~ ~ The Auditor at Publl~ Ao~unt8 ha.!ne IJlJP'tlf1",' to thl. ~..,... the ."'''M'l\ eho1J\ftft t"" ,apportlo_ ""'...... the 00\111'1.. and olU.. ot tho 20th J\ldtotal Oir...1t, of t"" .al&J7 0' '110 Jud,. tho..o, lb. tllo 7.a. 1la8inn1", "hrua17 lilt. 1909, Ibo.. ,bAt ap,..... /1 Jlil Ii II , 1 I I il Ii i i , ' , , II, I, ! I: I! II II t10llMllfJ to ft)anok& Count,. H be '288.69, 110 :II' oNered that ttw !'r..auNI' or thill ~unt)' e.' .Iide 8&1d au. out Of 'tne l.~ or 'he OUl"l'ent ~"'4fI. ... per slime 0."", t.o eat" IUdltor of Publ1a Aaoount.e 1n tlw .,nnAI" preeotolbed b7 1... at thi. 1Io8Jt' 11 lnnl'\la\.. to luue 8 wafl'1'Ant fbl' lEIaid &R:01.lnt, p8Jfabl" t.0 Blid T. A. Hel.., J. P., In lI"tl_.lIi' 0' 9"'. "'he 018.11: 1. fU~hfl!!r lnlYtruotf'd to *p1te 111'. nAG. W. Wilson, Clerk or llontF.olDery County, tha\ thie BoA", (leolln,.,.. to pay 1'01' ,,~ tta,magft "one b:I aa$.d I1matlo w1\11f1! in , FWIP! MlRD BRIDGE Jal1 In Bald ~unt)'t 0.,. for th,., expense of' c8rlnp. 1'01' ltllJ "'hUe In th~ ouatody or thp In r8BpronSp. to tbe advenlel!!'Mnt: rot" Plane, spec! 11. 08t10nll IU'1d bids tttr thp. Pl"pot1on at a 12-toot witte brIdge aOl'OSI!I RD8l1Oke Rlvft1", at f.h.e end of' Ot'f"1altrs of <<a.e. f>llckw11-'PJO LU'tfl, neS1' 9Jrlft. F01'"d, thftl"~ ,",1''' thie dllY submittfld tw) DldB tot' thp constJ"tu~t.10" or fln1r'1 b,.it'lpp.! ete., v1'1:: C8m~pn Tron ~~k~ i ~ ,,~ \~. i ~\){ It ePP8arinll to thft lllard that it will probably b,. n~oPftfl,lJ,'t"y to t~,u. down thf!' pn- ti!'fit brick W01"Ie or the T~fI"aurftrt ft Office, ANt to eonRtruot 1t e.np.'N, on :r.o1.loo or :,(r. R~11, it is o'r.'ftl"pd that fir. .. D. It'. to~an, wl\o woe herf'ltof'brp 'lPT,olnte,. ~ CoJlt'Dlttpp' to act 1n conjunction with & commUteR f'rOt!'. the Council or the Town or Salem Be n I~.ii.-j- i~ OOIr1ll1tt.ee, to auperlrrtentl the con~ructlon or sA1d work, shall uee hlt'! J1ldp;rr,Ant in behalf or thlb Board all to whethfllr or not the entlre/.ork flholl be baHt anew, fUll !t'l5,~o.oo RolUlOkp Erlr'lle Co., Inc. ~,~fl'l.oo '!'hp FoRird, oon:'.1t'lp.'!"i71R llnid hJ.cf8, hp.l",oby owarolt 8ldd contraot to Sllttt J)()f\T\Ob e,.1d.llt" ColTlpnny, 81. thpi1" bitt or ~~,"l')f).I')O, payablp in threp equal Ilf\.o. JlIJfll in!TtA.1!1'.f>ntp. or :f1,l~'7,.on PllC'!1, pa.yablp, :rP.llPP.ct.ive1:.., out 0' th,. Ipv!flIft 0" 1f'}OP, It):Jf) '1nci 1f)ltJ. Anrl sater Roal1oke :jr1dglJ ();1.., InQ., bP.1ng requlmd tl3 P.XP.C\lt9 bon~ 1n t.hp ~.ull. or :'6,800 ,oc" tenderncl the United ftBtes }o'1c'ftl1ty ane' powrer to Bat in tht' pl'f'lDlt18e being hereby given him. "uaranty Co. A!" ~tr,.t)' on ~nm(', whlc'l ..ae o.CCf>ptpr! by thfo f'Oard, 8al~ bonc1 to bp, l'}"P(Oo..1tp.~ bp.'Orp. thp. C1Rl"k or thtc r1lnrrl. On IIDtlon of J~ T. l(lngery, 11. 1s ordered that Geo. W. Go.ret be, and he here~ 1f1" appoint.ed D8puty Road f\l(ler1ntendent tor Salem Dll1trlot, ....ho aha11 bp 81..lt"1orl~ed to en- tin." upon thP ctutiPB 01' h1e of'f'io@ BO POOI'I tUI ttp 8holl l1av" fil'xfil'~tet' bon" in PIP 81.1Jft of" ~o.oo, w1th 8ecur1t~ to be approved b)' tlle Clerk or t!t18 Board, and condlt1oned BS t!tf! law d1r8ota. I It app9A.rinF to thp. f'oarrl that 11. 1s np.cp.8so\ry to oondemn 8Ufrlo1fmt lo1l(t at .~{' north lIln~ 01" thr> f!ite fbr ~lL1r' brlcpe, upon "'"lion to mild an approacth to BMlP., 1t 1c. of"rpr~d that (ipo. fl. JO'lneton, F.. Y. AorehP.at'f, J. w. Re~lds, w. J. Pof~ llhr H. F. Uu.rpp (or o.~ th't"ee ot thArn) , ....ho arC'! hereby appointftd tbr thp purpo~~. ro, on thP Ipth r:'~ of" J.tne, lQO,":, attAr Nrct belnr- rlul)'" ?~"n t'br thp pur1=of'~. V1f'\lr t~P. n1te flbr !'.1i~ app:-oaoh, amI 1"Ppot't thp. names 0" t~,. 'r:.nr O'NTlf"l"f' t"l"Oo.r"l, ':rO"i "n,a OV~l" '..,hO~e Innrle th~ fla1f1 8:Dprc.ach 1s to b(l (!or.M.l":.lctf"~, an<' P.t'lt.. "''h1r'h, 1 r ."".-"1)' 0" t ltmr., rpqulrp eom.ppnBfltlon for th.. J Geo. W. G8l"8t. th1f1 d&)' appeared bef'ore the Board, and reported th'lt the pulJlic t'Oa(i l@8f'lnF f'Poa SalMI to Cat~b", at 01" near the r."QOnd f"orrl at :.IM'.o\1le CrAP1c:, aboV9 th~ rne1rff'nOft of' John Gar"'. 1a be1np:- btLdly C'aMagffd by Niaflon ot thf! cOnBtnlct1on or t.np. Catawba Vall It)' RaUway h. Mlnlnp Co.'s r&llroad. The Clflrk or this floard 18 dlr"C!'tec1 to not.lt)' Judd Compan)t' or I'..ld d811\8,RA, anti apt tt\a.t 8MU~ bfl COl",....ctfJd tt1thout del,v. '*> ,- '.>J>.J' '\ \.}'\::" lanr'r. ~, thp1rs 60 ,,1loq.l1r@ld, th,. MlOunt to whloh, 111 thpir opinion, t181d land 0"lT\""", o'!" o"n...,." 61"1' pnt1tlpr:', torpt'lp.", ....it'h a m"p Or fllol?'rtm of th", lane's P4 rpG'lir~t' to bf' tnlum, alV' 'lny othf'JO r1ft.ttpr ~ppmp.~ TlP.cpsen1".)' b)' tlut1Jl. nnd mo.1r:p. rpport to "!lie Ttll:."" at ite nf'xt l"PR'Jll1r mpptlT1f'. J. A. ;~08"1: anr! R. 11.. l1oorl.tn. tllO of' t,h@ olt.l?flne whoefJ n"lllft., appear upon thp. prlvl'ltp. ftUbl101"1pt10n 118t for the COn8truotlon of' the atbreaftnt10nfld br1r'rp. tf11e t'~ pfJrllOno.lI)' appear8cf tMttbrp. 'the Board, ad fMl.ranteftd the p-.y_ lIumt ot 1/4 of the f1l"t1t 1nstalJlflnt, eatd 1IIDO'lnt being ~:s.~. It 1P.l.ordpr,," that thfl Clerk or th1" FOard 181nl" to t.h" m"Jnbf!l"8 th.ftr"'of WI'L""'lU'lte, rPtlp*ot1~lY, fOr th~1r eoh..,.;y antf lIlUftll,Q'P 1"0:r thll! dx IlIGnthH f1M1nR J\lnA 7.ot1th, Jt")Ofo':. aft rollowe: ,," . A lunaO)' aooount ... th1ft dq lald INtraptt thft Board b)r". A. Iiftl.., I. Juat10e of tho P.... of lIont/ll>lIot')' COunty, -untlll8 to -!'10.l.'l, is ....1118 the oone of ftxq1n1np, BenJlIIIl1n O&l"Ilm, a lunatio, b)' "lIont80..17 Ccunt)' 00_1e- : 1I10n, Idd OrMUl betna .. .._idem ot RoaJ'IDke count,. ..'1oh tao\, it .pp..re. , I .a. unknown 'to said GO_il1.1on unl11 .n... .aid lunette .aa oo_.Ut.. ..., ..... /..19"" lnto the !lout_at YSI'Sin1a a... lI""pShl lit ...ton. ,... IIG..., .''''1' "". oo...StI..IltSon, 0..... that .." b111 .r tto.l!1 ... pill', _ ,Ile Olftll 1'. ~. Th,.alJhltJ" Ba1sr,y t~.oo ml1f1l"-RlIl '7.'>l) '!Iota1 1'37.20 O. VI. fjfltwis . ~.oo . 7.'ro . '5'/.20 f" D. Bell . 30.00 . 6.(.0 . ;!G.GO ". 11'. Logan . ~.OO . 1.2> . 31.20 l I AdJoul'Ile" to .... on the 19'h In.t. at 10 O' alook A. II. .f }[rhC..1tA L... - ~ ~L. . 1I11 llllJ I' II!f II 'I ~HH 1 I 'l'c,l I !!r' ! Illll i I iHil i . mil hi' III ! 'III I III! i !III" I' I II' I I I I ~ ~..~n1. 'fit. .J" . 1....../\ ty I,} I t . OOUM'-IIlUss. 8AL111. VA.. oIU" 19. '1", lIO..d ... 'bb d... ]IlOII'''.' ,. edJo_ ... ,hit mb lIIn. ....... 8. .. ,.hra.ber, OhaSaan; B. w. to... L. D. IItl1 ..., e. .. LntB. All ....11II, ... '111. d'9' P.......hd b.lr ". P. ".n.., 11>. ,hit 1&1I11..~ ,. ;,....1111II. ~ clOg. loth... ,_ hi. ....1 ... ,hit 16'h d"l' .~ II..., 19011. ~ 110_. .....1d...11111 .aid .1ain. .J'd.". tll4t the Ol...k .~ thi. IIOIll'd 10... . ......._ PIQr- .bl. t. .aid ". P. d.n.. 11>.. tho ... .r f26.00 I.. P....JIt .~ ._, pq.bl. .u' .~ tho dog t... tblld .~ 1901T' ... Ill.. hi. proport1on.*" part .~ _..... _ that .., be "Ya11able f'bl' euab JlU1'pO.... I 'i w. R. Prl.. - _ ....ddl. tM. dill' app.....d bell>l'O thlt 110_. ...d P"_ polled to oonetruat _ l'Oanwq on &tnt Kounta1n, tro. . point kno~. -street' II Entry,- to · point Oppoatt.. to U'ld ..at or 'the bal'n or A. 11'. 81apeon, .. dl....oe or about !"our .11.., l'I'O'f1ded tbe BDard wuld aooept .... .. .. publio hig_.,.. 0.. ..tl... .t 1I... !JeU. it 10 OJ'd....d thet lt tbo 10Dd ........, t.....uBb _.. 1_. .aid ....d 1I111 p.... 1I111 app.... bell>... thi. IIOIll'd at Ita ...'" ".1lU1... ..atll1ll. 0IId ..al... .U d_.... at... 0IId tbat .aid l'Ood.q be ....atN.hd ot. w1dth.t not 1... t.ban e1gbt reet wide anet . 81'llde Dot to .SCNtId 5 degree., w1tb IUtn. olent p.Baing points, f're. o~ oast -to 'the aou.,., this lGard .111 aooept .... .. · p"bU. hillhwq, .rt... honns ""on lnopoot.d _ "".....1~ ....ptad .. h.nll/! b..n lullt .. h....ll1boll>... .ot II>rtb. ThIt Count;, po... t..... 0 t tl11. OOIIntl' hanllll "".n 0 fto1'Od at pobl1. ..ot1l>.. th10 dill'. .. horotofo... ."'.1'Od ~ thi. lIOard, aIM! _ h.1I1IIIl be... )lU...II..ad .. · .....1. b;, w. B. Tlnol.;,. at tho P..l.. or .11,400.00, lt 10 Old....d thet ... bot ..rtlt1"" to tll. 01"0111\ COurt, .t tll1. Countl', lI1tll .....-"".U.n tll4t .aid .al. bo .Wl'''ad. - thot ... b. .l...d up ......,ll1ll to t.... to.... .. odyort.io.d, """""~ ....+,'r.{<R.'YV.~. ~'IM)' U- ~....l.. 0.. ..Uo.. .r II'. !Jell. 'he CoullOll ot 'hit 'to. of _ 10 hit.... .....nOd . . to ~.~ 11: ""':UIIot1o" _II tll1. !Jelll'd on tho 27tb lIIot., '" tho 0iIwI011 0__ " 0' the ,..... of llol... at 10 o' .1001& A. M.. "I' ,be )IUl'pO.. or dl.....d.. the P"_ pl'lotl' of ~1d11111 0 _ --IoIu.. Qtl' __ko Count,.. 'l'b. roU.w.111ll ...port ot. B. ., )[1.. .... ....., oDd ...d."od to be "o"l'dad: IT. 'hit IIono...b1. 110.1'11 .t aJp.nl!1O". .f 10_... CoIIJlt;,., !/lrl1nl.: Ilolltl_..: . . I 1 ho..Otr1th ...port t. ,"u tll4t 1.. ......d..... .1th 0 ""Olutl.n .JIt...~ b)' ,"u I ! _at tbe .., 1.leien. 190ft. to wtt: I advertiaed tor aale the NII1r".ue ot the land. .er.rred ! t. I.. ,"uP .....luU.... .t tho ..ld ....1..., t. w.1t: lot., . tr.at ., .bout 30 ...... .r ! "her bott..; - :!lid, the t...", .r about 230 ....... 1n.ludll1ll th. .....1... hou.., "...l'~- : ins the ft.. 00"."8 ftpeoted upon t-hf" .farm, to be 1'8aJVed' b~ the It)a.rd at 4l\Y tilDe prior i to tn. del1v.r~ of fUll POlIs8ss1on to the pUl"chaBerj also &11 Of thf! gro"ing crops to be i ..eserved, td.th aeedJ.ng P081118i1Ulion to !Ie given to tl1p. purcf1astr during the lote 8.lmmnr ; and Pall ot 1908. &nt1 fUll popsesslon given nbt later than Januarv 1st, 1909, 8al~ two . parael. or laud to be o"rerld at pl.lblla late .Iparatel)", and then 88 a whole. and wblOb- 1 ..... "1\1', eithlt.. b)I P_lo ... .. . ..hOl., 08 ..111 b..tlll! the ...t .....T. t. be ..........IId. , i .d, 1t d._ odYl..b1. b.lr tho 1I001'd. tq, tho Oil'OUlt Court or llo0n0k. Count;, no.. 1," .1>- : PI'O*'&l 01" disapprOVal, tM a..1'd ....erY.1ag the right t~ withdrA" fro. 1IA18 e1th." or aU of the peael. 0' land .. it -.J ... tit, the t.... being olUlt-tb1rd a..h. and tl\{> balVl08 in 01'Ml lUMt twO )'e.... .widenaed bJ bondB bearing int.relt fro. date, title retained ....ntl1 .' all the purallalle -ne7 bae btten pa1d, and aft'r nl".t 1IdV81"t18ing tor thirt7 d.,.. t.btt t1_. tara. and. Plac. Of ea1e in tbe"Ral.. Tl.....R.gllSter and &tntlnel,ft a ne"II(Ulpttl' pub- , lished in th1a com.,., am by hal1lfb1118 poated at thft fl'Vnt etoor of t_ coul"t-h!use ot' . this oount~. &1'11 dlatrltuted throughout portlon. ot t.h8 _ate, on June 19, 1(')00', G the tront door O~ the OCIurt-hou8e o~ this count)', 8m purllUant to th8 tlllid 8dvertll!1e.ent, orre..d the Bdd paroele or lam fOr lale, first separately, 8!1d then o.a n ..mole, and 88 a wholtt t1h.,y brought tbe _at, and ....rA kI10cked 0 tr to W. B. 't'lnaley. at the prioe 0 t '11,400.00w So ~azo the PUl"Oha8ftr haa nDt OOJlpl1ed ri't-h the 'ero_. ot 8al., bJt de8ir.. th.t the... be reOO."'d to "the Board, fth1ab il her.~ done, f't)r the Boardtll rat.lt1_ ; ..Uo... 00 thot t""....pon tho s.. _ be ",port.d to t"" Cl..cult Court. r Ilo...k. lllunt;, tor 1tll reJeation or oont1t"llat:lon. 'he underllign.ftd reOOllll8l1da that the purohaler I'lII\Y be cl.lO_G, at "41\ tl.. .. l\e ~ desi.. before the aaturlty, to Ultio1pate foh, p~ent ot tho hO..d., .b."l!11111 IWt l,z...e'" Db....... ...1)' t. tbe tl.. . t au.h p_Dt. All .r .bloh 10 ",op.atlllll;, oula1tt.d. R. W'. Ki.., ComllOnwealtbt. Attorn.~ of !banoke ODUl'ltl' 0 'l''''''''''POll l' ... ."'o..d th.t: 1IIIIRRAS, R. W. '(1_. 00_l'lwealth' e AttOPn8y of AD.nuke.Oountl'. PUI"IU-nt to re801ut:f.Qnl entered at th'lIl., lMleting, 190ft, ot tbis BDard, dirttotii18 b1a to a(h.rti.. """ .,,... 11>... .1. the "'o1du. ., the '.01 .not. ._ b.lr tho OOuntT a. .... Al.shou.. . P..... th10 dq filed hb ...port. .holl1l1ll thot .n Jun. 19th. 1906, .t 12 .' .1..k ....n, .rt... rl...t havll111 OII...rtlo.d tho U.., t...... &lid Pl... ot solo nor tl11rtl' dill'. 1n tho hl.. orlooo-llo81ot... ...., SoIll.1...1,' . ....op_.. ]IlOIbl1ohed In the. aid ..unt;" .ho bl' "-OU1. r"''''''' '" f,ho ,"ft' .do... .f' thlt aourt-hOu.. . r thlt .aid aountl'. _ dlo- hlbl1tfC! thnqhollt "...tou. ...\1oa. .r tho ".0, tlla$ ho Ilad ..ld tho . _. oubJon \0 ,hit '- 01 tll. "'''..\1_ _ ,... "._at1oll at ,hit __ \0 thlt 011'0111\ aou,", 0' .Ilo_t. Oitum;y Ill.. U. ...J.OUOIl ... OOlln....UOII. t.... .1lI....dd P"'p."'l..; ..1d prepertl.. IIoYll18 beell 801d t. .. B. '1...1.,. .t tM P..l.. or .11.400.00; .11II tM Ilo..., beUnlns th.t it will be to t"" boat lnt....at 0' tM count, to haft 81tch eale ".tined am confl!"'" b:f tbft Beld Colin, thie BDard deee M1"ltb)t, 8G far al!!l it. 18 JlO8e1blft fOr it 80 to do, ratlf)r uad oont1,. t.he e.l. .ale, and thet-eupon doea bJ its unan!mus wte heFeb,y reoo..nct to the C1r~1t Court or the 8B1d Count)' tile afbre8a1d 8&1" fbr it. ratifioation and cont'1ra&tloD, 8UbJeot t . however, to the rp.lIftJ'Yat:1ons and reat1'10't1on8 rftt8J'J"ftd to in tJ1e report or the aaid OolDDlDnwe&lth'lI Attorn.)', and the COurt doe. be1'8b)t direR the Q)-.onwalth'll Att.01'll"1 0' thi. OOuntJ U subtllt thh ".OO_OIId.tlon to tllo ...ld court Ill.. lta l'at1t1catlon ud cont1raatlon of" 'the aftttleaa1d eale; and 'boule! lobe .aid ~urt ratifY and oonfirm fob. Bald .1.18, I.. heJ'lftln'reoo_ended, then upon allot thft purchase price being paid 1n full, the ChatMan ot th1a !bard 1. heZOtlb.Y d.iN-at&t', upon bfth&1t..f t.he Board, to.,A..eoute a QOn.e~anOft of the .ald ledll to the aftJl"e- IIUd pI.pohallep, Or to flUob pal'ty OP partle. a. be aq d1rftot, ~ Join1ng 1n BUah oon"ft)"MOft, III\d the Clftpk or th1s IhBrd 111 berftb;y dlreoted to attaoh m'ltI .tteet the IIflal or t.hi. !bard t.o suoh dftftdll or oon".,."oe.: and t.hfi Clerk 1. hereby dt... rftatttcf to CP.rtlt:( " copy of" 'th18 ol"dftr to tltfl sald Q)urt IUI a I'flOO_endatlon or this &81'd tbr a ?"fttlrtoat10n-at\(1 oonf"11"'a.tion or thft eaid 8ale. 01"d~Pftd t.hllt th.. leai'd bP ,,"Journftl"J until th" 27th Inlrt.., at. 10 0' clook A. ;.<<. I ~C)'(7~~~ -O.~_ ~UJ'l't-~lUl'ft, 8al"'III, Va. June ?7th, 19M. Tb" Fo",.., JIlpt f111JOrusnt to S(1joum..mt. Prfts,.nt: L. O. Bell, R. W. Lflw1s nnd n. w. I.op,an. On 1lIOtlon, TOo Tl. BAll "all oal1fltd t.o the ohat,., s. F. 'fIhl'88hel", Utlt Chair- mAn, bBlftR Bb~*"t. Afti'll" l"net~ dll1C!l.ulllon of" th., question or aonstruot.1nr. a new OOul"t-hnue C.q' ilJit1zene being pl"e;s.nt ur1d taking pm .1n ....>. on .-.t1on, 1t- ... order'" tllot tho 80."" be .dJoU_d t. ..at on J\pid~. tM 3l'd d~ 0' JulJ. 19l'K. 'ar the ntJ'lthep OI)J)eid"J'Iatlon 0 1" Mid eubJeat. O..,....d thot tll. Ilo_bo OlIJOU.....d UlltU tll. 3l'd ,,~ or Ju1;y. 1901l. "f Q>u",-bou... Sab.. V... JulJ ,. 19O1l !lo...d ..t thi. ~~ 1lU...... t. odJ....._IIt.. P.......t: B. P. 'I'''''..h.... ClIl.l......1 L. D. Boll. 8. .. Logon 0IIlI 8. .. Lew1.. "Uh.. ...teon. .op.", .nsl....... OIIbt11tt.d tho llJllowins ...pe",: I I '1'0 tllo 1Io.....b1. Ilo_ 0' a.P....1..... 0' lIo...k. ClIum,. v.. I 8.ntl_n: ! - I.. 'purDUano. or I'8cpen tre. )'OU... lIoDDrable bod,. I he.. aad. an Ix..a1nat.lon 611 to I tllo pll;yo1..1 """lttoll.t tlM OOul't-lIou.. at B.l.., V... OIl" would ....po..t II,\' Nnding. ...d 1 oonOlualoftll .. tallo..: ~ I ttnd that "17 POOl' Band wae u8ed 1n 'the .rtar t:l811d:~ln;th. bu.l1dlng, and that owinn to th.18, to the poor 'fIa1Uy ot eo_ .t the brick used, and 'tltft dampnes8 to wh1o~ it haB ; been IUbJeotect fthe aJl'tal' hav1l1B lost its Ur. and adheatve Propttrtjl.', th" ,,011s belo... the ground 8\1l"faoe, and tor . .hort distance nbo.8, are at thie point hardly 1n better colXfltlon tban lr briok had been dmply piled and l1D mortar used. Tb1s condition 18 well show in the 10.8r COurae ot that Portion of bu11dJng _h!oh hal be..n torn down. An .a..l~tlon or the floor of 'the Oourt-roQm,wh1oh wall ....newed 80me aeVen 180.rs ~, r8.lal. inoipient deoa.Y, bot.h 10 80118 ot the stringers euPlXlrtlng foh. floor und in flOme or the flool" bo&1':ds th81ll881vea, end 1n ~ "pinion this noor w111 have 'to be renewed "Y1th_ 1n rive )"61"8, at the oute1de- do r>>t think it oan l.et lonser than tb1e. The rloor ot the hall OVftr the COuPt. roOm does not &.1'118&1" to be sato for the gather- lng ot' lUIJ 101'110 ....be.. ", peopl. ln thi. holl 0.. tho plaolR1! 0' .n,y groat ....iSht on tll1. floor. 'l'hi. 10 pr..U..llr l""lo.ted br tll. p...._nt .OS whlo11 ll.. d.velop.d ln thto floor, 1n Bpitt or .1'f8rt. to oorren the ..... The bu11din8, ex"pt the vault attaohed to the Cle..k'lI O1'f10e, ill not nre-pt'oor, and .1. uled tbr the Itor.... 0 t valuable papers. T... oonoluI1ons "hioh I I.uld d... troorrl t.he.. taot, ... .e ro 1\0".: 'h.... 11. ln II,\' opini.n, 110 dongo.. ot ooH.p.. or lulldtng at tllb U.. 0.. ln tllo M... tuture, .e tbe ".UII .bo" nit lndloation ....... 0 r eettl1ng or gl:dng. BI'ld thie oon- d1t10n ..111 Pl'Oboblr oo>ltJ.... .. lons .. tho fttWld.Uon 1. not dlltu..bod ln _ ..q ..., nD oha__. are atte.td in the walla:o.. general al'rang...nt or noor., eta. tt ohang, or d1Bturbanoe or toUGdatlon 1. atteJDtlt.td, Or ir 1t Mould be att'-"d to 1"...8 . oo.1"eA .1'OUIlll tllo luUdtng to In..,,, . d_pl'Oot oou..... I .lIould be doubtllll OOIl....ntng tho at.b11lt)' If" t.he blll1f11ng, no IlAtter 1lO" oareftll1;v this WDrJt might be done. I thttl'Rtbl"e oannot. ... hOw the d8llpneea wb1ah now r18e8 in the ..118, c8ue1ng rottIng ot nOOl'S, wainocoting .1Id otllo.. ...od.....k. and ..""lng tll. bulldtng dllllp and unh.oltll;y. .an be p... ..1It.d tr.. ..181118. Prop.r er.dlne outsld. ot' lulldll18 would pro~.blJ l....n thi. dlt'l- wltJ .11ghtl;y. lut would IIDt ....... it. ~ ex-.tn.tlon leld8 ., to belle"e t.hAt the e.lpen.. or uanu.al repal1"e and aalnte- naDae 0 r thl. tul1d1ng 11'111 tend to 1nol".... at . r.pld rat.., &lid alaJ tbe,t .it 1. IIOrtt or lea. a doubt.tu.l PropositIon "8 to ita saret)', eta., .ben addition II ar. a-'le to or o!\ang...lI&d. ~n tho 0 .... I. 110......... do IlOt tlllJlk tllot ollonge .. pllUUlOtl br II... Rag... I ...'" 111 prooo.. Wl11 in _ w~ .r!wllt tb. ....blUtJ 0' tho building, ..... boill8 1."".n ln . JOlnill8 tho old ..sth tho n..., Sal.., V.., dull' 3, 1908. .I(r. B. w. Logan 1IO'fed t.bt 1nstead ot" oont1nu1ng the I'flpa:lr8 t.o the pre..nt Co\lrt- house. as 'heretOfore proposed AJ1d ordered, whioh ordltl" 1_ h81"1Itb;y re'fOke4, tbe !bard. ~ and II'1tb the OOnCUI'Nn~. ot the COunoil ot the TOMl ot Bal..., ereat .. new oourt-bou.. , .luUding Oil tllo o1t. 0' tho p.....nt lulldtng .t SU... at . ooat IIOt to O&o..d nltJ tllou."'" doll.... Itso,ooo.OO); ..., tbat thi. ...olutlon be ..rt.ln.d to tllo OO\ln.n ot' the Town Of' Sale. fbr suob aatton u tha.t body 8... provlr to talce in the ....t.r, IInd With the reoouend._U,on that ea1d COunol1, 1t it ~nour8, appo1nt a ooamitte. from sald I."" to .ot 1I1tll . luilcJtng oo_tt". 0' thi. ~.l'd to be 1Io....rt... .1Il'0111t.d. to _ au... pl..... .poolt'1..\1on. ...., .atl.at.. llJ.. tllo .00d Pl'Opoeod IIOw,bu11dll18. 'l'hi. ..tlol1 . ... eooonded II;y Ilr. Boll. aDd _Jltad upon. 1'000l'd.d ...t.. 1I...r.. Boll. Lowi. 0IIlI Loa_ tOt1r&s .,.., .... lfhra.ur voting 111). 'hO ClIloi_ .ppolnted M....... L. D. Boll ...., B. .. Loa... aDd oo_....Uth'. IlI.tOI'llOJ R. ... X1M a _U.. to .ot with ""V oo_lU.. ,.". t... OIIun.ll or 1.11& '1\1... or 1101_. if OlIO b .....Sllied. to ...."" 1'1_. .,.oltlo.tlOI11 IIld .at1aot.. fIl.. t... 1'........., _ ODIart-hou.. IIuU'irlI. ..... __n.. $a MIro Jh I'OJlOrt $a '110 80_ tb.. flirt..... _lIal.... .U.II. . 'I 208 111I111~~.tJ.ei~. On mUon of' II.. Boll. ..llOncI"" bl'lI.. towl.. it ... 0"''''''' t~.t Ibp..... . I ::..~ -.~. . IloVlo...0: B. .. LQg.... h_olll.. .PPOint.4 · 1Iu1ldina ao_tt" on tlut p." 01' thia iIa~ .... in the ..tteJ' "f tJut Pl'Opo.ed addition to the 7HUQr.p', om_, eae., fl!11 i.I' , "" md Iut 10 ~.r.1Il' ._....d to ..__ with w. J. PUo_t. tlla oont..otor. :f . I 1 to dleooRtlBie work on aald bJl1dlng until fb1"\hAp 01"4.. ot" 'he lioU'd, 'and to 'r ! I ,I ....ng. · ..ttlO...t 10fth 111. Ill. .11 U.UUtl' of' tlut oount)' to. 1ta I,.rt Of' tN a" " j~~! t 00"11 f'jQ taT' InOU!'J'ed on accoul'lt of work rtonft 0,"" hie Bald contract. '1" , lifll !'Ii' H _ i II11I I ( I ili IIII i ~ l...-l h ~"/o n"'dll!:r8d that. thp, Ibard btt adJO\lrlUtd until thP. thIrd J.{ond~ 1" July. ... --f";: 7~L...... .&- ,~-<. The eoanl of Ibpllrvleora or RolJ'lIOke Coullt7 IIftt thi. dllV in l"l1IBUlal" monthly S.l.., V.o, O. Ho, Ju17 20th, 1908. fttUla1on. Preeellt_ S. P. Thrasher, ohura.n; L. D. Bell, B. w. Logan 8ld n. w. IJe.nB. The JliRltea of' the previou8 .",,,tinge: were approved a8 reed. The fbl1ow1ng ola1l1e agalnt:.1. the Count)' "ft'e e:laa1ned, .ppro"." and Ordered to be paid b)' w<<rrauts out or the tundB r..p.otlvel)' Dharg..bl. 'thereWith, I I I ! 1 to lOlt: W61te1" Wataon, engineer W. F.. :ledle)', OJ,. Supt. Poor, 6 .00. sat&!"1" Report. on C. H. 182.", 5.00 19.~ 1.0J 2.50 11.00 111.01 1.00 55.25 46.ot 11.00 Ill.'" 1.50 7.00 1.00 1.00 10.11 , 9.00 5.00 11.00 10.00 o. ,.. Pouta, reglHtrar JOneaoks, account. C. L. llotahe. A. l11111uu!I; la. to. C. n. Por "Pall's to JurI' roo. HoD. ...nt tbr "leotlon . - j I J. II. Roll'10111! ) I Yo. ) \load 'PplioeUoa I 'fIl. PUb110 ) _I . on t_ .ppl1oatJon 0' J. R. Jbwl..." 1t 1. Ord.red that c.. L. !\aSh, W. Q. 'MJode, G. 11. Glib, J. P. ViMlard end R. I. 1Iage., resid'" freeholdere of thh OOUllt;y, ...m are ho..,,)' lIJlpo1ated v1_.. to. tho FUl'J'O.. (Oftl' th... of' ,,110. "1\1' .ot) do Ylo.. tho "1\1' Ill. a aha.e In tile publio road in thie county, tro. . point on the IbGllOIr:. end Clov.rdale roM about 200 lerda lOuth-we. of ....ra. M. E. Nela.' t.f'II. to a point. on tbe publio ro&ct i nortll 01' Uw Cr.... prop..t)'. 1'''''o1ng tJh1'ough tho lUll. or J. R. !lo.land, lol... lol. E. Nol.... J. W. Mo01toh1ne et. ala., ad report to thi. Bo.rd tbe conven1ences U1d InOOnY8n1en08a tllat "'111 .....It .. ..11 to 1""1 Y1....b .. t. tb. FUbUo. 1r BUob chango 1JI roBe .llOuld be est.bUalied .. proposed, and lapaclalll _ether a~ _~ard, gardon or .orOhard, or &n1 p.rt thereor, wl11 ln suoh. Oaa8 haft 'to be telle...; wlWther satd road wl11 be ot suoh _fie prlYate oonftQlenoe .. to llake lt propel" that It ahould be opened UId kept in order b7 thlt pe"lon or persons fbl' YfhDI. oonYen1eno. it 1s dealre.. Said ne.MI ehall alea 1"8_ po" tllo -. or tho IoIlll 0...... tlzroU8b ollo.. 1_. tho oo1d 1'00<1. it .ot.bU.h"", w111 p.... end ata'e "hioh, It UII', Of the. require oollpell8atloD tor t.he landa ot tbel.a '.9>i..~ to be t_a Ill. oaid road, tile probebl. _unt to whlOh. 1n tlle1r Op1n1on, tho .ald 1_ 0_.. .1\1' bo '..pooth.llI _it1.d. toptho. .1th _ otbe. matt.. d....d p.,_ tiMat Ill' t_. - .lIo11 o1ao .atum. ..p o. diOS'" .10Jlg with thoir ._rt. J. 0.. LaagbDna, .... B. Dill", .... JObutOD ." .'1. 1. Pre_OD, . OO..ltt.. n-o. Vll81D1a. 1... 00_011 .1' 1... ,... of llal.,!.fI.lIh dq wlldtt"" t. ".. l!lI.ld tll. Ill110wSDs "PO"" at · Oal1.d ..at11l8 or tlut 00ua011 or tll. '1"0... or Salo.. Vil'(l1n1.. hold .t Ita Chubo.. Pridq. Jull' 10. 19O1'. tho to11owina ..tton .OO tal<aa: .,.... ft)l~01t'1Di .eeolutlon .aI, On aot.lon, .ad .eOOnded. .dopted: -WIleN... . 4ertlft.d Gapy 0-0. tile NOGI'd ot the !bard ot Super,.1..,ra Ctt lGanoke OOunt)' .OO tllb d'"l' oullOlittod to thi. bod)'. oo IIlllo..: "At · ".Uns or tho lID.", 01' Ibp...h... or Ro_lro OOu"")', hold at tlut OOu.t_ be.... tho...f. On tho 'l'Il d07 01' Ju4-. 19011. II.. B. W. to.... .._ tllat 1n.UO<I or oonti"'1na tile "pai.. to tllo p....nt OOurt_ bou... a. berd.atr. proPO.ed MId ordered, whlob order 1e hlretl)' "1Uked, the Ibard. b)' ..... .1'11 tlut oon._ 01' 'tho 001111011 or tb. toon of SIll... ...ot . .... ool&",-bel&.. Io111t\- 1. on tile alt. or tile p....1It Io1Ud1ng 01. 801_. at . ooot not to ......d tift)' tbo..._ do1lau (150,000.00); - "hot tllia ..101..Uon lie oort1ft"" to tlao Counoil 01' tlut to... or llal.. ,.. ..oil aotioa .. that bod)' .... Pl'OP.. to tal<. 1n tha utta.. _ with tlut ..00... _d10a tllat OaidOOua.U. it it ..a...... .ppo1nt . oo_tt.. troll .dd bOd)' to .ot with · Io1lldi. OO_U.. 01' thia lIDAI'd. to lie 1IO...n.. .ppoll1t.d. to ....... pI..... 8JHlelt.l~'toa. ud .at!.c&S.. =r- to... sdd pl'DpJacd ne.. bdld1ag. 1IMa =t1Oo. _e eee. .11II11I '" Mr. Ball. IlIllI adlp1ied upon a ..oolded ",to. II...... Ball.'Lowi. _ Lo.... "'tina .,.. II.. ftIoult.. "'''~.. M>lrt. Bro.. Jim wn Hardw&!'e QJ. nr. F.. W. Dana Ilal... P'. & PUb. 00.. In.. <lit)' or Romoko Ilahlll1ng & 1!lI.... J. R. Caper, d. P. R. E. 1116... lb...,... s.. " ~. Y. lIol'etwlltl, Vl...r J. .. R'~ld.. . 'l'be "-_1I:e I,a... J. K. 04..,,,z. P. ,et al.. W. B. '1na1q Auatla 0.'1_. J. I. !lrdq. ...Uo..... o. O. 1101''' _t...._ .... Wire, d7n&mlt.. eta Poop.. ..oount (LIlli. Oaltl AdYOrtloina. p'ir&ina. d.. 1IIo011po. aooount ."1'0' .000_ IAuIaq ..oount (01_...) l.lloo_lIOad) (8wift. M>.d !lriq'l " . " . " . Ad""idll8 00...)" to.. OII'O.r" aOflluat A.llI".l~... no., 110.111' d..d .lens...... ".Yl"'t ..... M>. "llil18 _)".toft 110o. _ lit. .lens. Poupe. ..... I. ....don. D. 0.. ! Iii' I ~ lilll i ,tpr " H!.!l Ii, II ,..,. j 'I 'I" . III ,I ; Hill; ill! III/ ! ,I pi'i I': I . ) ! I i I' , '1'1' Ii; I I I , I II , Ot.lido.iIIIl -. " 1. 'lie __ .r 'Ill. OtuaOll ,..., ,lie' Ot""'-aou_. .. ..,....d to. h 11\\"1. .110--".". <ilI....l"..1IIII ,_ '"1o OtGllo11 .....ld ""'.Ib- ..te lta..._ '0_. ,... Coot or oo.ot....U.II.r .... aJId.l.... d01... ,... 'own or llaloll 11I0111. lI&YO OOM0700 '0 l' all ...."'lIto roo .impl. .S_ ln .lid PI'O~"'II'. """ ,..., all .....~lJ Iloll oIIo..ld lie ...lIt...ot... 1n ~n",CIl,loD ..1$" .ud buildl.., '0 bo ....d I>,J .lid ,..... 11III ,... .UII eo""" .r __k.. wI.'lI '110 r1ght. to a&1d to.. to 1e... __ fttl' OOIlp....UOD t.o ........10&1 troop., eto., 'l'IlEREMlRE 1\ 10 O.II...d t Illlt . "_"... "_"II .r IC...... J. C. r...._ homo. w. B. D111"'d ODd .... Jollnaton. lie _ l' 10 110..", OPpol"'''' lb. ,... (lIl1'pCl1O or '.IUDg t.ho ."'to. up wi\lo oo1d lbOI'd or Illp....l..... wI.,"inot....U.n to ....."'o1n wh'" odJuotllOn' .r tIlo '""',.. ... lie ...011.... ...d repo... 1Ie.".to thi. bodll' lb. .otlon. _ 01.. ,. ........11 to 'Ill. bod, .. to wloot pIDpo"'lon or tbe GOat at said Ulpl"OYMen'f. should tie bonae b) th1a OOuno11.f -On JIOtlon of JDO. E. Shank, .eCOnded, &lid oa1"rled, ~r 'PbI)e. t. Preeton "&8 adl1ed to 1.hft above oomm1ttee. II' . j 11III., q,AtIf. ,... .u._. .101.. ft. -op IIUlld .. liD.. (0'.... ,_ ,... ._.) ..... 'Ill. d., ~""'1' _".H. - lIell1<< '1'0,..1,. ~.lft.d. .... .11._. P".~l. ..... .r ., ......-.d doll ,.., "1'7" . 'u fluid lD '''" _. or '110 ........... "'. tIl. Ii'.... l~ I , J 1Io1U... III.U'ute . ill. 2 lulle IrU1.d 5.00 I J_. GoJ'd... Po. 8 .1I.ep and 2 l..~. 18.00 .. w. g. 11..,1.,.. 1ll~.lDl...d_ .r '110 eount,. .l..bou... _ 1'1.... t1l1. dQ' au~1ttod b10 ; ..110.' of' .ape.... a. BUoh tor tlle _nth at dune, 19Oe't as fOllowl: A lbPIi'- T.IIt..: 1. Btown IJopdw.... Co. nal'd.. aeect ad binder tlf1ne 3.50 2. f\)tf'" Porr Oro08'1'le. ad d'l')' good. 2.90 3. E. .. Pit .gorald (}rooer~.1I 5.73 4. Conrad'lI Pbal'll.&o)' Df\lglI 4.15 5. Balo. "'" 00.". CD. ""~ CO.". 5.15 7. J. C. lIa"'lD Orooeri.. 1.51 8. Ad Lop.'" 216 dQ'" wrJr: On tar. u 50; 13.00 9. Monroe Lapr&d 24 . . . . . 7~ 18.00 10. ADIf~ lIoot II 1 dl\}' .......Une 1.:15 11. John llradl.1i' 3 ".,. . 3.75 12. C. T. C..pllell M>>l' U.. 0 t b1Dder 1.50 !60..... A. A. PalMer,Clerk. ~nl.m, Va., Jul~ 11, 1906. Upon conSideration ot the reaoluUon aa pr...nted by tbe Q)uno11 0' the ToWll or flale. the 1b.rc1 111 e.d91ettd that it bee no legal power to comply wU.h tbft zoftq:est at the I&1d COunoil 112 the ..ttar at C'Oal1'e,y1ng AlW tee 81ltpl.. in.. to.rest in the Court-houae pl'Opert1 t.o add COunc11, nor 'to agree to a JOlnt. oourt-oouse and 118lJabl,y hall, with the right to _dd town to leu8 tM _II fbr oolDpens&t lon. It 11' there1b1"8 ~~..re." ~ un.n1"u~ vvt" ~hat SO 8Cltft .. the aa1d 0:Jun- ~ 1<:.1j\;;.;. P-o..-l.Jo,...",,,,,,,, " e11 of the Tovm ot Sal_",to bear at 18&8t 30 p81" oe'nt. or the coat or t.ha pro- posed IV" coultt-ho\uft ~11dil1t, that the 8:lard, the Mid Q:Juuct1 oonO\lrr1ng, w111 t.ue t.h8 neae.s.r~ st.eps loolr.lnr to 'the eecunne or Plana, IIpe01 f"1aatlonllt eta., rtJr said court-hollSO building, together "it" the aatter of' 1s....1Dg bonde WJdcth 1. approved, aDd the Clerk 18 tf1raoted to l.au. hia . _&rI'IUJt In aettl...lIt of' .a.. Ilo 0100 ..po"'." '''" toll.cog ....dpt. lb. tb. ..nab: 1. l..ao RWr Bol..... 'n pig B&1 Mal' on noW"' 1.00 2.00 2. .Monroe L.pr~ 3. !lb. 3 ......1. . r po..'.'. IOld ,woUDtl.. to 2.25 t5.25 lb. buUdlng PUl'pD'" Illl "'lon o~ II.. Boll. 1t 10 Ord'..d ,..., it'". eoUII .1 o~ tllo 'I'o_.r Bal.. OOD..... ln ,... .~OY. .....lIlU.. _"H .., till Bo...d. _ .. .....lfto. '0 'ho 1IoU'd .. .. lIer... lI..d., Dollt. t.... 27'11 111Ot.. tII., t1l1. a.U'd will t.... _110.1.. tlle 1Q1l'1" eo_l'to. '0 IIh. mU.. '110' pl.... _ _.Uloatl.no ftI. · ...w OO\ll't.-lIOu.. "'Ud1Dg wl11 bo ....1_ _ 0'- o. ,... '1l11'd 1Io1ld., ln ~"'. 19O1!. 1IlI1011 _uat ... 10 "l..ot.d to tU1'll .... to ''''' eollDl~ T......... lb. OPodl' '0 'ho ClOUDt,. tlJlId. W. E. IIod107. COIIDlIi' Illp..ln&ODdoat. or '110 "la.IIO..... ,u. d., ......ltt.d 1l1. ..0- 0"" "'......1' ..,.'" III". t... ""'h -_ ."II-,otll. -cll<< 14 _00'" ....od lIt. at tlao 'laobouH In ....n. 14 lIt. 'lie _1l .t If 17. _ 14 lIt. '110 _," Dr J....; _.11 .Ud..._ i po" 10 ."....d' _ 1t1'dond ,. ... hlod. Tho Iblloc.. .101.. ~Dot 'Ile OOu"" ... '1l1. "., p...."'.... _ .., IIel.. ..t.....l..d .., 1.... .... .., .110_: w. s. Poll.YOI. J. F., fb.. .'-n1D8 tile "oil.. ., _., OrO/lIlood J. ... lltaco.,. Ot_, 1lIl~.iIl'__ or Ilo"".. '1l1. d.., ..-.sttld Ill. !'Opopt or... poIldUIIH. .. '''" 11II11110 1l1....,. ot 'lie .._,. III. .... __1l _1" .u. dO&., .. "'U.... : &lid Obaa. IIctOQt.. I I D.. R. B. Guthl'1_. ~ MoGui.. _,,-Id ill III Llo1l di..i". ..., .r 1Ii".i" t\a8lI s.._ 11l O..llo 1Ii."1"'. 011\ .t di..i'" t\a8lI ~"" ill 11<I1_ dl".._. .... .t '.nn.. ~ 1"_11 OIl' .t -', ..lid ftaJIlI ..........ol.or 5.00 7al1.. 111.00 11... '" ... .-"'1on .r ...di.. .t Orltlllood , 212 , . I I - tllo Cl..t Ii dl......,. to .1..... ... ......._. .u, Of ,... fbU. ....OP...l_\< .b"'IIO...l.' '..........'" . ..""..11118 '0' bi. 'hid ........... .. "-.. _. I...,. '011.., M hoo.oo d_. lie ".. ....... or 1110 '.."'1 ......... 1\ _ -.....IId.'IIo' 011 ...... ....U ... .ot_ .., .... ".11\I11011. 1.. .....a_.UOIl of tllO /-..1..... .f ..1. ....,. '111. _.. 10 eo",_1Id .. '0 Ilia. "'" OOllft.... .. to .lOllpll Glob _ J. O. AD8tll. . I I ..! ~ 1 WI: 1"1'1 !! ~ i 1/111:1 !IIIIII 111111 iff II i/ ilf II i ." I, :, IH III ~: 'I~~ 1.. B. Ooodwl.. ., at.., ..lgbt .r wo,v ... lOuth old., ".65. P....bl. t. .aid ?-7./1". T.. n. n..dwl.. - E. V. OO.d..... "COl'dill8 to ,... ,..... IIId OOIld1\io.. .r .oid ".M, ""1011 10 ho".1>7 ....ptlll ad O"'....d to 110 "".itted to ....."'. .1Id tb. IN HE SlIIJI'1' JIIIIlO BIlIOOE. Tb. 91..... llI.et.... .ppei"''' '0 new ..d COM.... 0 n8bt Of..., t. tho """" .PPro..b to .old brJdge. throuRlt tile lad. or A. J. IIo.l.p., 01.. lIoo1llg 1'11.d thli.. ..Jd ..eport. In 1rb1ab Jt "".1>0... tbat tbe P..p....l' .U.... on """ Old.. .r 'ho ..i_.. ..... t. tbe .iddl. .f'tbe ..h.... ond 'bo' 1\ _1' 110 n........l' t. ""nd..n tho land Ib.. tbe .W.....hI. """ l'Dod.o,v. It "'\h tbe IDrth """ eo"th ...,. of' .aid bt'l..S'; """ Jt IIl"h... "Ppell'ing tho' t.bo. ....... .f' tllO 1_ th",ulll> "h1eh. it 115 required to Goner.... Bald road..,.. or .preaohe. baYing ....Out.d ad ..knold.dgo.. · d... ,. tbe Dou"'l' Ib.. tbe ..J_ Of'.a,y .......I!'f to.. .oid PUr- ~'...'.-.A P..dtt '>1./f, 9 1-'08.., tOl' the followSng OOna.lde""U.on., to Idt: 'Ibe Cl..t 10 110...., di""'1Id to ..1III.. '0 tllO 00"".11 of tllo 'I'own of 801_ . ..... ! ."'. ollo..... 10. 30 pe. .."'. .11.... Of' n. 00.. "._1, pol. '0 .. Won. fb.. Pl"l118 I bUnd.. .\0.. on 'be -, Jot1. -JDs '" ts~.!t"; ... 01110 ito 30 p.. .1Ilt. of' tho I. tlSl.oo pol. '. .. J. "".ket'. co",..ot.!., 011'110 p...po..., """"-bou.. illp......."' ......at- 1;)' ..1o_J....., 1>7 ."'....f' tb. a..",. ...tb tb. ......'" of' oold GDU".11. I j v/ It opP...~ill8 f''', tho otot_t of' no.. 101. Mu". OOU"'7 t............ thot UIlCI... tllo ' . ! ....nt 11I_'" bot... Ilia 14.10 Dht..lot ad tho "0'" of Vinto... ..n....lling tho rOod , /11I"". of' .... dhtdot. 'hot tbe... 10 duo tllo Town of' Vim... tbe IIUm .r ts7.97 .n "count , i ot ,",u..tl' .0"" AUld fb.. 1907. - &110 ttn.97 0" ..count .f' c1J"..l.t "'od IIlnd fb.. ool. , i ;yo... It 10 01'll...., tllot tbe a.......... J.... to lI&l.. ,..... .r VJnt.n ........" fb.. oaJ' I . ! -. po,v.bl'. ....pooth.17 Out of'tbe OOUIlt;)' ....d I'IlIllI _ B1B 1.J.k Dl...Jot ""od IIlIlll . fo.. tbe ~.. 1907. . ..o,v A. J. lIeelep e~ ale., r1stft of'.. to -rth app1'Oaoh, 'SO.OO, aat" r18bt of' boJII8 0 O.rt.in ot..ip o. P..oo1 Of' 1011I 30 f'ott 1.. 'lidth. oIld 444 fWot. ...... or l..e, 1n length; l'OoiI.e,y. th....ln d.....ibld ... h....1>7 .""d OIld ....bUobed .. /-UbU. hJSh..... r ~~~v...t ~l.. t <)..r"-~'\r-M.~~ M ~A.''l~r. A'~ ,;1~a-d", --6_ ~_ J 1'. P. 'IIIt.oulll> .t 01.~ ) Va. } ) Tile ""bU. , --- ---, Th. 10nd 0""". through lObo.. prop.rty tbe . old Pl'opo..d "'od .Jll p.... 1f' .'''bU obOCl. "...ing 110., dull' ..........., to .PP"~ thh do,v _ ."",, ....., if on7. whl'tho oold 'ood obould ...t 110 o...bU.hod .. ...00....,.. ..." tbe n.......... - Mk....J...W..lf.., tbe, bed. l801arit- .~.. ~ 1>7 .ol. n......; J...pb Oilb - J. O. ...,..,11. 'wo or oold lend 0...... .W....1Id ..., wol_ 011 ObJ.otl.n to tb. ....bU.......t 0 r oaJd .....,. _ Ill..... '0 ..oopt tbe d_OIl" ...!'dld ttwa, a. to11o...: Court Houett, Sal..., v.., dul)' 27, lC)Of!. The Board Of' SupernllOl'8 Of' Ro_:j';.Ck;:l ~unty m~ th1. d~ "t the Oourt-tK)u8e, puruuant to atfJourn_nt, 1n Nr.ulsl' 8"..10n. Presftrrt_ S. P. Thrasher, 1,. D. nell, B. w. 7.og.,.. M:(' G. w. Lh1.. ,n. 111...... 0 r tbe 10.. ..ot lIls .... .W'" 'lid .. ..."". 'III. fbll....118 .1at.. O<<o1Il.. tho OoU"'1' ...... ..."0<<. 'PPN.od. ond .........d to b. paid b7 ...rr-nt out of the f\Jnde l'e.peatiwtly ohal'8e.bltl t.hePllnritb, to wit: Joo.ph Obh. 41/100 .0... 1_ d~. n....... to ....idu. 'I'oto1 C. D. nt.n1t, Ol.rk PoItA<<'" .xprelll, eto. 9.40 3>.00 C. D. Dont'. Cl.rt l'br a.rt1t)'1ng poll tu, last 'tl'.a~r.rf 8 report 40.00 O~ ".-.al.., nO. '9."" 31.46 81.6' 149.19 61.47 320.n 60.00 080.W:. :lu.e.. ,..UU". CO_inlon, on Catawba niltrlot toad tax \ ' J. O. Angell. 7/100 ..... 1_ d_. D..... to ".idoM "oto1 s.. s.. : . s... r_. . . 0.1.. 15.00 . . . . . B18 Ll.k' . . Clo_ Sp.l118 . . . oo....F nod fbU. . Ift.OR . . ".00 8. D. ,....10... t... O'lIa. 1_ 0_: at,....., ,......... 1Io'l1lljf ~... "IF _ -. fot10<< to oppo",; IIllI It .1I>_11l8 to '110 __ ',,,"* tllo '"....~10_ 214 III I 1,111: Iii i I ;~!h I I"'.' '1 H ~ ,I I . q! ~ ! I ~ !II'I I . Illll . !Iij . II I! :1. II i'li. II i "11-11 I ij' i I I I I I W. F.. 1I11t.1Ir. OoU"'1' lUp..1Ilb",,_ or ,be Poor, 'lib dq ...lrIl1"", lib lOll- ....at report ft.. tile ,... .1ld11lg Juno 31- 19O1l, .1Io"'n,R ... ...._ or 10-1,41 p..,_ pere O...d toP during tu "..1', .... t1M ..luA 0 t gr.ta end other orop. I'&t..d on ~twt poOl"-M\U8 ~.l'IIl to be '1 ,~71.90; value or stoak 0" .... f9!P.l.OO; and aIDwing 1\ balanoe on band or orops ral.ed last )'881', valued at 1235.75. Sald report. wae lnspeete(l, approved, and ordered to ~ riled. Th. lba.d. by unonl..u. "'h, d..l..d to 118k. lta .....uat Snap.otlo" of' tile ""ulltlf ra.. on tile aatu.d... bttlb... tlla tll11'd 1Io1ldlQ/ 1n Augu.t, 19O1l. Adopt.., on 1IOt.1on 0 f' iiI'. Lewis. '1'''0 lbard tll1. dlQ/ proO..d.d to la.v tllo 1."l' lb. d.rrlQ/11lll tba oountli' u- Plm.., tbJ- oount,. road purpose., ilII'Id to!' dll1tr1at POad purpo..., Ibr the ensu- 1n6 'tIlX year, &8 10110..: / UVOn eaoh 'lOa. of' V81uetlon of' lath real Bbd perllOnal ProP.rtf, or or oap1t.l 1nvftated or "Played 1n bulhlt.. tbr oounty purpo... Upon ftaoh UOO. 0 f" ..lu~10n 0 r loth Nal and pel'eonal propert~ fbr count~ road PUl"pOB88 Upo~"ah tlOO. Of" .-.tuMion of" both real am pel'lIOoal pPoperty 1'01" r'lstrlct l'oa~ P!ll"POSftB .20 .15 , .15 Dog ,.... Ilevy '.'poo ~ao" mate rioe; itt the co\.:.;.rt~. Upon each '''Mille dog 1'1 thft :::",:~IJt.v lIr.on ta"oh mRle p..1'8O\'1. o"~r ?l y..arB 0 t 88l! (QApltatlon tax) Tn thp. abBftl'lae or lIIII' I'ftOO.u'mdl\tlon of ttut Oount".y SChoOl fbard, . Sf) 1.00 1.50 it 10 ordered that the laj1ne or the 18Y,y rop count,y snd district echool purp08a-e be l-Ot1tl-oned unt1l 8 t\1ture meet1nu of the Board. ----- The Tt:tarc! this da)', by lJnanlmU8 \Ote, 0.11 JMlIt--eJ'8 be1118 presmt and \IOt1J18, procppdft~ to fix the ."18r1811 of the oountl Off1.oer8 to!' the fll1081 ,..ar be81nn11'8 JU1v 1, IQM, 68 tblJ01t'S: She.l rt 0 t the Coullt~ (1noludlng Janer) CoJnJflQnwealth'1 lottOI'M)' or OOum.,. !6oo.00 (GOO.oo 600.00 30.00 365.00 Oount.v Cl..k Clerk foard or BupervJ,lIOra ~ountl' Super1nt.nd.nt or Poor (..olu.h. 0 r board or ,..11.1') lb. Bell orr..od tba 1b110"'1IB .....lUt!on. _blob.... ....."".d !ijI M.. r..."1e: '1lB1lOL1IBD," T"-t lt 10 tllo '.D.. or tllh Bo.", ".:..t tll... obould be a ..........,...nt or lit. Llot, CaM Spr1llB - 8&1.. aogtot.rlat dhhlat.. lt OPp....ll1l1 that tba road or. 1\111d. or the dlotploh _.d eo no. --t'tutosv Dot .qJ1hb1.v d1at.1buhd ... t.o Yoluo- i , Hon or PlOp.n.v - tll. a1101ll. or l'Oad. to 110 O....d to. in .ald '1ot.lot.."o.l",n ~ ro. , i ...rd"" Yote, II.. !loll iOt<<i a,y.. II.. 'I'1Ir"hor m; :i...... LoFon on" 1...10 d.ollMd to ! ! vote. / The oommlttee On behalf' ot the C<JunQil of the Town or ShlA~ this da.Y submitted to tho Boord tlla Ibllo"'ng ...olutlon.. odOpt.d b.v .ald Oouno11. witll "'ft..no. to tll. pro. posed ne" oouZ"t-houce: At a oal1e" ..ting or the CounCil at the To",," or 8816", Virginia. hPld at ita OhM_ be..., 1Pr1dq, Jutl 24, 19Ofl,tbe tolIow11'18 .otion "&8 taken: "Upon _tJon or W. B. Dillard, seOOMecf by J. I. Sh8l1k, 'this O;)uno11 hereb)' a8rees to pay t~~y o,!nta 1n the dolle of' the coat or the bu1lding or tho O)urt HoU!lD, providAd the Bald Ooef..llball not .~088d fSo.ooo.OO. Motion all.rr1&d by tlte followlng recordAd 'VOte:' ". ll. DiUa.d, A#'. J. E. Shank, ~e W. P. Morebead ~ .1. C. T.anghorne " 11. R. Helter . WII. JohnBton, Absent A Cop.v- hot.: A. A. Palmer, 018~k. "l1.POn :lIOtlol'} of" J. C. Langhorne, seoondltd by W. R. "lutel', IIUUI c(1rrl~d, W. B. Dillard and Wm. Johnston were ap}lo1nted Q J)u1ld1ng Co1tlnittee t.o act 'N1th t.he COllllDitt,.., from th.e Board or a.apel"91eoPII or Roanoke Count" in the OOn8tNatlon or a I18w Couf't HaUH.- A OoW- r.ot.: A. A. P.t..... Clerk. Upon "'1\81do.at1on or tba 1Il..1lO11lg ",olutlon., a. adoII',", by t... Ooun.11 or tb. TO'lfJ) of Sa1... on DOtlon of lip.. leg..", 1t 18 Ol'der.tt tbat the !bard having ttel'etoror~ 8P'l"'Utd to erftct & new court-hOu!le b.1ilding 0'\ the present 1I1te at Salem, Va., Qt a coat not. to "zoeed the BU.a 0 r tso ,000 .00, the CO\lno11 0 r the Town 0 t Sale. ooncurring; and WJfEREAS, t.he Counc.U ot t.be To.n or Sale. he. oert1t'.led to the Ittard Ita Jt1l1i~..t' I to beo. Ita pl'OporUollah part or tho ooot or .old IiuU"lng. _ 110. appo1~.d a Iiulld1ng i oo...itt.. ~o .at wltll tb. :..ndlng OOlla1th. .....tolb.. appolnted by ~111. Ibard. tll. Clo.1</ . . , 10 dl'.Gl.d to publbh one! POet mU... to tba .rt.at t"-t plan. and ap.olr1oo'''lon. lb. tile propo..d .,.. ooul't-l1ou.. liu11d11lll wl11 be "o.hod ond op.n.d by tba JoSnt oo_ltt.. .ppotntOd to. tba purpoo. on tile thlrd lIondlQ/ ln ,,"~.t, 1908, 0IId ...k. tbo1. ..port to tile Boai'd tor ita adoptlon Or NJ.Gllon. '''- rlgb&: "'1lIB r.......d,.by the It>ard to roJ.ot a~ o. all pi.... OUlrll1thd. 216 ~.... II. II..... \be ".......... or RDmoh 00""". thlo df\}' ....1\..d the fIll- 10ll'11l1l' 8ht...nt of Dos ".. Aaoount lb. RD_k. Oollllt, fb. 1!lO7. ..p to "..Ii al, 1901!: "'otat ntDIMr of aal. dogs ......Od 2n Pint m.tl-in 474 l~ so oent II pAr tJolI: "'otol numbe.. or rr..le dog., " aues8ed 6 ~.OO pAl' dog Nullbftr or malA dops 88~ft8f1ed in Second District, 626 Q t237 .00 ~.OO bn cents per dOt: Illrnber 0 r ff'male riogs 88B"8sed .1n fiecond D,t st 1'.1 at, 88 ., 313.00 . f.l.00 iter rloe Tot e1 &If,aunt 0 f' Aoe8s11ment. 88.00 f696.00 EXPENDITURJ..S 1')011 Jan. Amount. j.n1d out am dtll1n(l.18nt to d~te Co. W&rrant l~tJjt W. A. FJ'enoJe $26 .60 35.70 . . . ~57. L. L. Greenwood Ju"ir::!l ~el1n'#JentB boY D1f,tr1ats Clltawba fa.lel:! .30.00 1(;0.00 113.00 123.00 '''''''..30 Pig J.1 ck Cave Spring f1ala~lce (us Cbur:t,y on collectlon..to .July 27,1908 207.70 i696 .00 neo. :l. .lue~t the- Treasurer or J:banok~ COlJnty, th1a dq t!UbM1tt.t>~ the nn- lO''llnr- NtD"rt of reg" f'UndS"f'Dr Roanoke COunt~: 00""1, IlI""el Aaoou.... lb. 1907 and 1906 RECEIPI'6 l.907 Jill)' P3 /ly aheak of". L"'. Oo..al1 t35.oo . . . balano.. rltle lbuntJf, on OKt."1.t,y road &OOl)Wlt. ftaad 667.ftO Doa.. 1 . _unt of ",u"" I.." 1..1.d 1'01' _, ro-.l p.a;rpo..., .. pill" order ot the &.... of . 8\1pel"~IOJ"e Of' RoanDlI:e CoU1lt", 15 Hnte or tho 50 ao"'. In)' on *100 ..lu.Uon. bolng .ft)J" count)' roa" I'UPPO... _u'" by Illotl'lot. C......1ta Dlotl'lGt 8al.. Dlotl'lGt 81S Llok Illot.lot C... 8Jl1'11l1l D10\1'1ot 310.119 13;74.31 2725. 'S 971.00 1).0. 1 1908 ... 2S . . I Jul, 27 I :1907 : J..l, 23 ;Deo, 1 . 1 '''une 13 1907 , July 23 Dea. 1 . 1 . By aheak Of '1'. L.... Clouoh . . . Jno. A. 1'81101' To ba181loe due Tre.uur81' on &lUlU.81. 8ettle.ent Total d18bur.e~nt8 ht..,08 due 1'''.IIU'H1' Oft UIftllal .ettl..ent C.ta..b. Dlot.lot D10\rl'" lI..d Aaco_ .. 1907 _ 19O11 RUlEIPI'6 n, lIal..... ct... dlot.101 on lIllm>al ..tU_t . _lint fro. 00_, 1..)' 1907 . -""'''''" "il..&<I 1.")' 1907 . . tl'anahPHd 1\00. OOUJ1t7 1'Oee! tund b)' or-del" or 8D&I''' 01' 8up'~.18D'P8 01' R:JaraoJce COunt)' Total HO_.tptS 'I'ot.l a.po~itu..o Il&Jano8 due D1atr1ot on Anl1l1al Sett.lement Balmoe due 01oriot On &"'ual 88ttl.~' ~~.. Spring Dhtriot. Dlet.rlot Rol\d Aocount ft)r 1907 and 19QR RECEIPI'& ny balanoe due dll!1trlot on 8lII1Ual settlement /ly ....unt troll county 1.Y)' 1907 . . courf.;y an ra1lroads 1907 Total reoeipte Balanoe due Tre&8UNl' on annual lurtt hllPnt 'rot.l tUsoorslMnte Relenoe d\1e '1"reallUrer on amual lettt..ent Bi8 L101t D1l1\J'lot DlotrlGt 1lo0cl A.ooun\ Ibr 1907 and 1906. R...l1>\o 1907 Ju1, 23 D.a. 1 . 1 ~ bo.1...a. d... Dlot.lot on .rn&a! .ottU...... rJy ...WIt f.... 00_, Ie")' 1907 ~ _WIt tro. 00_7 1.Y)' on .0111'0-.1. 1!lO7 Total ....'11''" "ot.l EaJ>elldlt..... 29;2S ...22,,~!L 7176.6P lO".~ ./ flJ2li,.oO 8207.(;0 .!lOYJaQ:t 511.50 310.89 ~.45 :>on .~9__ 13\"0.84 - ----~- BSO .(y 1.::BO.84 43J.16 -:'" 13fO.lJ4 _ By - f.... ranroad. tel.81'.ph """ te15pllo1l8 8.1_ due dlot.l'" on_a! ",U_t ""P_... 1!V!lO 0 t ooullll' 1.., 1033.113 < 430.16 50.64 ')71.00 258.46 l2110.1n ~- 1720.06 -1720.~: 4~.q6 ... 5323.05 . :m5.3S 2-1IfII,,46 A'106~_ "S197. .1<) Bel.. OS..10t Rood AO..UIIt fa. 1907 _ 19O1l OA'E SPRING DIIll'RIll1' 1907 Ju1~ 23 Reae.tpt:s U, bal onoo duo d1et.1ot Oil ",",ual ..tU_ 1291).. Iloal Elt at. White Colo"d i.llnlral Londl . . >>ec. 1 1374,'1 PerlOnal Propert.)f lIb1t.. U, ....unt !'roll GO_,. ley,. 1907 Efv 8l!.Ount f'roll ral1roaft, countf 1".1, 1')07 Total l"f1ftfpts 2'H2 .1:/ fl~c. 1 . . ColOred "'!:R.46 Cepit al Inveat ed Total ra. Dletrlot Totel FxpAndlturA8 To 6ffiOLlnt due diBtr10t on 6Ll101.1s1 8ettl.Ullt 1703.0G 122Q.W../ 2)32.45 AlnOunt due distriot on anllllal. 6ettlell8nt 1907 "ount,)" aDd CoU)}t~ IVld D1strJ.ot SchoOl TaKes 2932.45 122Q.~ fbunt~ TaxoB 0-'0. ~. ~UIIP, Count)' Trlasurer" t 111a d~ l&1d bef'bre t.he Q)ard 8 PBl'tlal tlP.-ttlmnpnt of his I"ftr.f11pts end dlslJlu's8ll.ants ot the lJOunt)" lev)" fbr the t'180a! )lAa!" lC)07..Of't but ~t )"ftt ha.ln,.-; hie lilt. for 8aid year oompleted, the final ~uthftrn Bpl1 "etephone Co. Virginia & Tenne8ae. Telephone Co. 4.06 7.63 . . . " Salem Dl8'trlot . N. " W. R. R. :&.In L1n. B,.ttl~~nt of hie "cOOunt 18 oontll'l1ed until l.he nftxt .eeting. T!1P fbllowlng stateJllftnte by Bald TrftUUrA,. ".....8 thla d~ exaa1nlld 811ft all- 11':43.41 .. II.. .. " " ." !i81.a Dletriot SOhoOl Tax " "" " " "1naton.!r Bal_ D!Y2e!on Pl"Ovp.d: fltllt..mf!nt or Count)' TllJfi(lS for 1l)J7 by Diflt.rlote 621.w " "" " " Shen&nr'oah D1YJ.B1on 368.78 !E.95 .95 .. .. . - Belt L1Qe C/II' AViB.. DtSl'RtCl' RO_kA . Ilodfb.d Oount~ 'l'.10pllon. . 'l'.lO/lPopll 00. VAllA,. R.Uro.d Co.pe,. 2.50 R~nl EoUh VjhJ.te , , CoIOl"Cd Perr.on41 f'~pert.Y "d:11te " , Co lorAc!' C&.P1t&l Inv8stc!rl Total 73O.ft!; 15.3-l Zl5.70 1.95 . . . Salea Dlatrlot Sahool 1'&1: TllA V1rgJn1on RaU". 00. ~YJ.OO . . . " ral. Dl"'l"let SolloOl "'.x no.nOk" HaJI".." A- ElttQtp! 0 0>>. 12.50 !l)~.}0 ~.~5 .. . . . " EieJea nim.rlct f,aMal TaxeR SAT,f:: DHl1''Ucr Weatftrl'1 11'11on 'l'ftlftB'1"aph Co. 31.17 . . . " f41em Diet,riot ECMOl TUite ~9o.1 l:.r.t .....t.e Wn1te 3331.25 12280.22 157.35 59.43 6f:IJ.6/ 48.87 3236.CQ Count~ I;ollool 7'cues 1.62 1;':3.13 :?41!.52 147.51 2'.58 .38 .76 1l9.77 103.0:? 10.1:? 22.11 n1CJt. riet fOhool Tl.iX8S loG3 .64 .1<4 1 "'j.ffl (i':~.t2 341~ . 33 241<.5:? '47.51 23.58 .38 .76 4.46 1l9.77 43.45 10'.02 :7).06 lO.l~ i441i.lO l3OQ.:n 1760.1'}4 ---:!.:22 The Cl.rk l.hll11 d~ laid berore t.he Poerd a rel-'Ort. 0 f Sa.l.. 0 f Oel1ncpent. TOwn Lo1,e . Purall.l.d by tll. Co_""a,.ltll ond 1I<t-'01d by tll. Tn.lur.. a r It>.."'h Oount,., .1 r.qo.tr"" , i bl mtaptAr 52, J\01,1II or 1906, AlII th.e u~.. had been r"'tiBed 8lld correot.ed II)' t.he Circuit. i Court at it.. June t.Pa, 1908. 1'1:18 said r.,port o~ 0110_'. II. .\Cued show. that the fle!e of" , ! 1.to, on.. lIa"laa ...... oo.:"'.hll by tile Obouit Oourt, _uDt.d to t1~.4~, ..11101l tlllt I..ill ,......... .PPo.Uo..." .. rollo...: ."'. t.. 18.01; GO...., tu f).57; town h. '21.15; '...... bid ..... tbe'h.'...94.. .R.r d."",UlIlll1 oenh Shh h., ..., ~ ..IItI ..lUll., It.., ......"''''' by I1oUd. lie "port ot Propert,. _oe_ botON S.l. On oo1d UIt 1110..1 tllo fbllow111ll _..ntl: 'l'otal. -'" t..... .-_ f469.48, 0' oIlloll _ '14.77. 10 ."'. t..; f20.!IIl "WIt, tu; ..., #4:14.1' 1. tOIril tu. 11_ 00""1c1o..t1o.. ot 181/1 ..port, 1t 10 O.d.1'O/I tbat tlla 'l'N...... ....... I11_U w1tb t... 19.117 ..., tllo tau.eIl ot t.... duo t~ 00""'" .1 P" .01/1 ...,..., ill uIr1llC bS. _tll._ II1t1l tbSl 110..... n. U" fta....oIlocI br tllo ,........ ., prope..,. On _.b tlleM _ .. bid. ... 01.. ...__ _ opp...... ... tM 110..... I ':O)orer' P~rBon"l Pro'p8rt", White 152.ro 1029.43 ., ~lorp.d ~I}Jlito.l InvABted ~5.G5 3?r-)l) Tot001 -4ffll..:l:L, RTn T.T (]I TlIF'I'RT"'" Real l!ot"'. White Dlat.. 00lor"" D1 et . Wl'1to Vinton 0010..d . Vinton 6150.85 5'.40 910.JII} '20 32 18J6.~ "'.111 . . . . . . P....noJ, Proport, 1IIl1\o '. . 0010."" Oap1t 01 Ill...."" I .Ii Ii 1. ! I. I' I1I11 :' 'I11I ill j IIIIH !Iii r III :1... ! Ii.. "li'11.. .1' i , . I I' . I tU.-J..~wl~tl ~ ~ ....l i. ~J. -wWll ~ ~ ~-.t-l' ~~ I'\U ----f/! ~/'-<-'\.. --& ._/[_. t I I ----- OOUR'I'-1l0U5l<. SALllI, Vlo., JlUG. 17, 1906. The ~ard or 5.ll'ervleorll or hDanoke COunt)' met thle da.y at the OoQrt.-iloullf' in :rp.!"1Jler monthly JlP"a1on. Pre..nt: S. Jt'. 'l'hra8her, 01:.1r..n, L. D. &U, B. w. 1.0';8n and G. W. Le''I1e. ______ The minute! ot' the laBt hleet.lng were t1.pl'l'OYed 8~ read. The tollow1ne clalma agaln8t the Count)' .81'e exealned, apI'roved am ordered to be lla1d b,y wttrrant out or th~ fund8 reepeot1vel,y ohargeable t,herewith, t.o w1t: ;,;r8. .':ar,}' ile1Etztorll P-..per aocount. 10.00 11\.15 r:eo. 1.(. Uuae, Tr.as. llaJtlOB: ul-l poll tax l1at. l\1r,f1ng dead horse- Claim tbr fIO.O(j. ~u nt allo wed 5.00 JUles ttU'l,y c. W. irlAl' Hepa1rn to J 011 .:25 D. W. r.oeM, fpc. I. Tr8a~.. ..(p.mbftrehlp t&e in F. & 'I. Ina. Co. 1.00 . n L. ft.eenel'l COroner' IS aocount 19.50 1'.... J. li. Camper, J. S'. . . 11;.00 16.50 7.65 . . I I I ,I II II ~~al.1Z1 li.eat.1nt; 0". Hupaire to JaU" .'to. JOhneton, 1>&3 &0 Terr~ Q). Pa.uper aooount 10.!;6 160.0' W. E. IIledl.y, fu..t. ot PoOl" fu1lding aOcount ut oount.~ tat'Dl. Soh1111ng.. IbWllon P8U14r aocounts Lunao1' account 7.90 4.00 J. U. OBt.a, J. P. neO. li. Uuae, Tree-s. lIJatln O.,.land PAuper aC!count Janitopo8 servl08e 6.00 2.00 \ Upon the oWl1..t1.n.f the ROIoIlOKE WATER RlWl.R OOIlPAIlr l\lr the ..noent _ },lermlal1on to ttw u.. of 08rta1n publio 1"O.s. of tbie OO\lll\J ..81".....4 IW tbe 1bl1owlJJB ""aolutl0ft, it ... un.".s.ou~.y r..1Y8d: -That. the OGneent. of the hoard of' asp,...,!... ot HD_ktt Glunt~, Va., be end It 10 hereby g~Y.n .dd ...pony to ....t aIId to perp.tually .a1nta1n pal.., 01'0.......1: ..-ad wtH8 0&"71118 ourrent. of fII1.otr101\, on, a.to..t. upon and alonR the Ibllow1ng "_lid public !'01lI. 0' the ..wit" Iltglnn1ng at the ...tern Inte....t1on of 1lo11nq6'IIt...t ..., Pie_nt St.r8"t; t.hen.oe welt on Plftd_nt streltt, oro..1fta Wall1Qt. st...t, to tbe ....at 11ne th.... 1; Ulen.. ....th .n ".ln1t Str.ot to tile "!'pOr.. 11111 to 0" the .Uy 0 f ";-.- Ro&nDk'j aleo lIt.inn..... ., foil. inUr.eotio.. of Pl_..t IItr."..Uh Walllll' 11\...,: th.noo ...,' 010'" P1_..t IItr"t to 1\0 ..otol'tl1nt...."'io.. Illth-ll!tll.n...""r.o\; tile... ... 0" Bell...1.. .....,. ......1ng J.',....n "'_. to tIl. ._... . ., ".hr.. Rail"ad; OlIO .....ing "'Wl1l1.II"'" lIe'...n "'OIlkl1n 1lI>... "'1dge ..d tho 1lI>r- , ~lt '" .....1'Il Railroad 8IICt V1I'gJ.n1a "Vftl'll. MAP it. 1nter.8ot.1on wlth the IItr..t. 01.,. l1ne~ , PRlVlDkD, HOWIVER, 'hat ayw portion or sal(\ e1.reete or roada torn up ~ Bald OOr,p8~ 8tl&11 be b11t replaCHl'f, 1n as goOd ooncUt1on as bel'b1'6 being torn up, lWld the said pol.. and W11"8 1111111 be eo pI.oeiO, oonllt.ruot.ed and maintained b;v flatu C})1lIp.:n~ &11 rDt to unnec- 8111arl1)' Interfere w1t.h t.lle ptlbllo tl'avel OVAl' 8alt) roadfl 01' f1tl"eets, and all wire. upon suoh polel rl'H~11 be !:Ialnta1ned at leaat 20 "eet above tbe 5Urfao., 0 r the road or ~t"..t. W. E. JAEDLkY, fUpt. or the oount,y .lD"hou8e and tara, th1a dq lIu~1tt.d hie report of .apene.. ae euClh tor the IIOnt:l of July, 190fh .e fbIloW's: .fl. Pott,. Pot,. lobI" wppl1.. 2'.40 2. Brown lIardwar. 00. For lIeed, eto. 2.27 16.7, 20.50 ,. t. K. '1tagerald fobI' ~oeI'1.. 4. 1101'1')' Sllith 5. G. .'1'. Kern 6. J. C. ;larUn ..r baU"" 10-1/4 ton. . t feed :) ~.OO Alr bla.Ir..1th11ll! 3.00 1.30 10.00 J<br supplies 7. 14:01'1I'08 l)aprad 14 del)"II' work on farm Q .75 M. John Brodley 1-1/.1 . . . . - 1.25 1.87 9. M 1..p.a11 5 " " . .. II .75 ~.75 Tatol W1110h is approved and ordered to lit paid by warrant ~ f62.,2 He &180 8\d111t.te(l a report 0 r hie I'eoei}lta tor the mot.h .a followlI: .f!. 11..1')' So1th 2. 11011. Ib.th ,. E. K. Flt_rald Pa. 10 bu. co.n.. 90)1' 9.00 Pol" boud 0 r horl. aDd .an 10.vO AI. 7 !oJ. patato.. 1>.25 ) . 50 lb.. !oJtte.l0.00) 15.25 4. ft. dODOS N~ 160 Iba. .1.1'4... .80 Total Naa1pt, t~.05 1IhlOh 8I.11111\ft 18 dlflJoted to turn over to the tr..BUrer tor depoB1t to the credit of the county flmd. aEO. Ii. 'lUBE, fr..wl"l', 8\l_1~ted hle repon o~ dOB tu .oOOunt. Ibr t.he 1e.. 1906, a. fbl1011o, I\' bal.... due Oount~ on ..nl...nt AIR. l!I6, 1907 1906 Apr. 20 I\' _unt',... B. C. lI_n aJ7.:1!I 10.00 J"l~ 20 . . .. 8~ O. U...a :<'.50 . rrI . . . . D. C. J.JIlc1n. ""al _t due aI'.7!! 4.00 R. al. pro_od a oia1ll flI. f17.l7 I'or ~..Jo... on 008 tOll ....Wit I'or 1906. ...l*-lLatl.....~.,.* .1l'0, u.. f\uIoI..n.... It...eid ,... \0 tll. ..OCIlt Of .del . ---...' "---.' I III Ii I11II1I !.lld !, f' II ~ -~ I ~ j, ~' P'1' I-I l!qjl '11'11 !'I'i II I I II :111..1. I II 1.11 , I, I: ,. . I II I. 1 I:!I, f' III' , ; IUlll , i 1 I 011 ..tlon ., lI.. loll.... ..n ..Uo.....o. 0' '110.00 10 ...d. to \11. Union . Benno1ont ....k... 0' Vlnton. v.... to. tll.. ......Ut of 111.. '_1. ~.....u. .. paupe., who haa been in tohei.. OUj MId Gt.IawQ. fte ....liDt to. aa1d _unt !; ....... .ot.. .11 ....... 1lo111M ,....'" ...., ..t1llM. d... 1I..el>)' &dopt hld 1lo11.1... ....... ... · plbUo 11181l_. to b. .a1..t.1MtI o. ... _ng tho 'ood. 111 Bill Llok dbbl.t; &lid it appe_..1nc tN. .aScI pnit.t.n tbat ..id Belt de. Al"elaJe 1. In aM ot !'t!P.!t!P~: !'t it. ..d...... tll.t tile CDIIJ\t~ Illpt. 0' Alad. ~o. .. ..... ... \>O..lbl.. ,,,..M t. pI.... .00d l'Oad' in p....hl. oond1t1on. 18 01"d.red to be i.Nld 1.0 Lm... D. V6Ulitban, p....ldent 0 t eatd unton, &0 the Cl"~lI: 18 d1Not~d to notifY he.. that no othep allo_.o. oan be ...... ftI l' thl bM\ltt1t 01' Baid 1iaonl. ~rn.tt, ItI\d that unl..a otner provision Ibp h81" a.rlll can bit llIadf', 8hfl ,,111 hayt' to b8 ooMtttftd to the ooullty alJtOhoua.. ) P. p. R.ltl'OUllh .t ..10.) On JIk'lt.1on or .11'. ThJ"aMltl", whlol'l. .ot.:lDn .8 duly 88conded EWld oarrl@d, ... I ) ) ) ) W. '1'. TllrM'r 111 tU'tl'orl""ed and ellpOwered to oolleot rro. the Roeske aas end Water 00. th<< 8U or tifty dollar" (~50.fJO'. IlhlGh said Compatl)" ,<<.."ltO, through him, to contJOib.tte to"srd the coat of erflot1rv~ the brld,Re on publio l 'lb. Pu b11. s. D. Fltr8QaoJ1, one of' 'the 1..., OM1epa ~oa19 Pl"OP"~y "8e taken fOr thft proPOllftc) rotld under 'the al:oY8 et.yled appUcat1on, this de-v appeared bef'Dre the FOard 1n per60n "nd "...lYffd the .~:?OO.oo d.....8'88 allowed hi", by the vl,,,..,,l" ft)p d...geB to till! 1"f'81flup of roed Mllr T.ookett' II atorA. no... On IIlOt1on or .ir. Thrasher, the varloulI ppane wb.ltted tbr thfP' propoet!!V COurt-houee ore rotet"red over to the Joint b.111J1ns committee for Inl'lpeetlon h1e traot, 88 well Be 811 daaaR8a Yrh10h he mo.,Y tRlsta1n b)r reallOn 0 t the tv.lldlng 0 r eaid rOad, om thereupon the f1ald report. 1e ln all other reepeate confirmed. And it. BPIAt.1rilJ8 that tho aa.id road ltOul~be 0' R1".at conyenience to the pUblic, should it be OOl1t at onoe, u.nd there being now no mone)' 1n the tr8aBur~ to tho ored1t and reool1llll8ndo.t1on, B11d report to th1f1 Doard On the 11'1. day ot ::i8p'teJl'lber o t tohe oount~ road flam, the said S. D. Ferguson agreee- to advsnae the all'OiJnt neoeaell1'Y to bu.l1d sa1d rOad, ."lth the privilege to the Foard to rep8)" sdd alrDunt ~ Or berore Jan1!lr~ 1, 19Of' t.he alaOunt. to be adYanced and expended Ol\ said road not to 'xoeed tsoO.OO. The lbard, tor unan1n:.oua vote, hereby aooept.1I t.be oond1t1onll nu.ed tw' the Bald S. D. P8rpJ.Bon, and the Oount~ road fbpt. le d1reoted to proceed forthw1th to eonetroct aaid road in aocordAnce with th. report 0 r uald vienra, and maXe n1a report to thie Foard. "__%t. .... 't. KINt:J.HY, (bunty SJpt. ot Hoc., 1:.tl1. d-.r IJUbaltt~ hi, ..eport of expend1turp8 on the publlo hl~.1i)"8 ror t.be matb md1ng this date, a. roUo_: ,;,q.."".d ln !llg Ll.. dbt.lot. out 0' MIIt.loll tund 453.08 El\pend.d 111 c..ta...~. d1otrlot. out. or dlot.lot IInld 19l.6l! J.".kI',ended 1n CaY& Spring distriot, out of di.triot t\I.nd 103~t.5 lo.xpe';'ed 1n .81.. rl1atr1at, out ot di.triot fund ~4." Fxp.....d out of ..unt.y ...d 111M ~6!1. 1l..k1nS .. t.tal of e l5;n.a< Yf11Ch J"9por't 1a ap}.Il'oved. and the Clftrk 18 dlreQted to iaN' him war_ l'l\nte out ot the f\lIVh!; J"IItBpeot1vel#, oharg..blo therewith, in cettle.~nt or On IIOtlon ot Ur. Bell" 11. 11 ordered that f:Upervlear B. W. Lo(!8Il be Ul(l he le hOl"eb1 .Pl~lnt.d a oo..1ttee- of one to aaoftPta1n and report to the Board, at a fbturft ..pting, the adYl..b1l1t,. ot purohaltng . traotion engine tor count)' road purpoeeD, cd the pr~a. and tel'.' on wh.J oil ..1d 'togi... om be purohued. ...... \ 1 I rl , I I 'lb. PubUG. ) .t.. ) ) ) ) ) ) 'fbi_laldll a.. On ...In to be havoc!. upon the .tion of Ill... &...;;" .uJ it app,a,.iag, ) W. IC. Andre"lI at &1.1. ) ) Ya. ) ) 'i'II. PubU. ) ) H. JII.. HOwbert, 8.lpt., ... AppU...tio.. IlIr 011.011/IO 111 C... Sp.lng dlotr1ot Nod Road AppU...Uon On tho poUt1on 0' ll'. 1(. ArI<I.... ...., othn ,roP...t1 0...... in B1R L1.k idlot.lot. in thb ...unt1. to h... Belhl.. ."'IIl'. ..1.. 10 . ot..ot 1.ading ; '..... ....111lt. 1It...t 111 Al_k. ..unt... o..t to tll<l __to IIoIlpUel _ to tho SAt....otion 0' J.r.'.... 8t...,. on tIl. .14. of 11111 IIOlIIIhin. odJ-- to __ko 01'... odo"" .. . ,..11110 Il~.. 1D tIlio ...,. 'Ile __'. .. ..... troa tll. ..port of tile .1...... thot tll. load 0011... .."..tot! I>)' tb. PMpo..d "0IIIl.' 1.. tb. ,..b11. h18ll... ., Oa.. Bp.1Jl8 dll1trl.t. ... ..t out i.. tll. ..1d .1_..' ..po.t. topthn wUh tll. d_e. all....., tll...... ... tollO..: 11... liar.. ,. CDOIIt lll/l.OO ...... 1_ d_. ...., d_. to tho ...i<lu. 41,.00 J_b 0..." 1-'1100 ..re, 1..., d_. oDd d...,. to tb. ...1du. lll.OO Ii ~ p. II I II I, f 1.\ 11.1 d 1': rl!; 1111, II jl I,li / I J III 'I I ~ I II I J. >>. DoVerl.. 0.6/!, ..... 1.." "...".. _ "..... too 'iii ...t.... :'121.00 M... L. B. V... m....n. 1.103 ...... 1.." "_. ." ,,_.. too , " tha ...iQu. 2!iO .00 s. O. Bo.kJIa.. 0.635 ..... 1.." "....... _ "..... too tha ..at.... 125.00 Wre. J. W. I3eI'P)', 0.&15 .or69 Illld G_... end. d..... _ "be ...1cb~.OO s. O. Beokner, .Q26 aore, land doll&8e. and' daa-.ge to the re.14&:. 50.00 It 111 theHupOn ordered that the 8ald ~l".. "'ap)' p. QJon, c1aoob Garet.... tl. 1>. Dft,yerl", .wits. L. 10;. VMlI a.vern, Jars. J. W. Be!")",y and 8. O. Beokner be ...._ fI'1Onp.~ to 8pPf"8!" hlt?A at t~ next meftt1ng ot thb &ard, to be held on the third ~ond fly o t" thP. in &tpte1D~~, l~t .t:':~a.o:..u:.:l/f 8DJ tn.~ OIn, viewere Ilho~~^'8t.bll.hed .;::;r--....,.d b)' 0IIIf \b. .atd ..port t.he. On motion of .r. Dell, 1t 1e 0 I'dered t.hat QapervlllOl' b. w. Logan be 8.lt.hOl'- l."p~ to [>lacft the lneuranoe.thl'ough the lIarmers' !Gd Aeob801oll' Benevolfllnt "sro- 01&tolon, on the tul1dlnp,B on the count~ tlll'm 1.0 an almun1. not. ..e..dlng t.wo thoueaM dDllar~ ('::~.\JO\J.vO). and 'tbat. a warrant. be leNed to hi. tbl" t.he lllo81ll- berllh1p prpmium 1n 801d _8001at1on 1n the au_ 0 f f1.0il. t Ordered t.hat t.he Board be IidJourned unt11 the the t1r.r. dq or fepteaber. at. th.e rr.qtlftst of" ~unty T,.80SUl"." o. II. ..(U8ft, to MIlCh "a1.e Je poetponed the eae;- JnBtlon Ctthia deUnQ'.lftnt- 11sts and thft completion ot hie umual sltt.18'11lent. r --- On ftlOtton, adJoUI'Md unt11 ~pt.8Ibbr.:r 1 ~, 19Of'". A.~//_$~ -&~_ ---- COURT HOU~. 8_..4, VA., 1W.P\''''BJoJl 1. 1901\. ",. Boord of IUp...hore ..t. tbh "I\V pur.....t. to adJo..-. P.._t_ 6. II. 'ft1.ra."h.r. dllainan, L. D. Bell, 8. W. LoS_ Mad O. W. Lew1.. - II. C. tfYGALL tll~. "I\V .pp....., belli.. \b. 110..." _ _. .. orf.. Of riv. d.l1... (S!;.OOJ Ill. tb. awiagtng 11I.\ brid.. .._.. llD_ko Rh.., near Swift, Jlbrd, the .... to be My.d by h18 to "'_"1" poiIR ...... .aid ,.h'.I', tbr ~. .ooor.-odatlon or hi. 0... taaUJ'. On IIOt1on ot %4,.. Lo8a1l, ..oond.d b)t wr. 8ftl1, and o.l'1'1ed, the ott.r .aa aoo.pt.ed .nd 1oh. _wn. paid to t.h. &ard. ,.. Gin. M. 1lUSF., T......... .r 1lo_1<. Qlumv. tilt. dl\V ....Ut." too \b.."" t.h. ".U""...t. t... lill" Ill. ua. r.... 1907. .. 1ll11o_: 0.1111"..t. Clovn~l' ,.... Ill. 1907 IlaOOIltl I>lo"'le\ >>.1tnqo.a& Load. ......1\V on ._ ~ 129.71 6.411 66.41 3.32 27l!.3' n.9:? l.plOper ".'.aaen\. POlla1 t.V on a.. Do1tn~.a& Prop.rtv P'nalt, on ... Fir.t. I>tobt.\ IleliQ~"t. Lcda Penalty on I.. 174.40 ".72 r.p,"Opel' As...a.ents Pirat D1st. 1.65 Pflnalt.>' on I._ n.Un91.nt Prop..\~ PenaltJ on 116M .OF 174.33 6.72 ,p66.07 'n1.ft aald settU..nt WSII exealned one! approved md t.he Treasurer t..llowed to credit. 1l11lself with the &lIQunt or 8WH 1n the eettl.ant fbr th& ~'llr 11)07_ An aooount. fOr (505.06 was t."\18 c1~ preeen1.ed b., cleo. 14...cuse, Count~ Treasurer, f'Or coai.e1one on col1.at1on 01" the oountV turtd, ..m..1ch said llooount W~8 examined 'Jnd allo."ed. The OO"U.t.7 !load 8.ap.rlnteDdeat. hav1ng reponed that an additional 11I\118 W8S n'.l;1ed 1'or work on oounty l'OIl.(l~, he 1. hl'trA~- authorbed to purohs!:lIt a ftft.ll.. hOm thp Plt'tltr T:ranaf'Ar OOIlp~ 1'\).. th.~ ..~ ot (200.00, and thp Clerk 1a herftb)' directed. to 1aBu, l!L war- rant fOr sald 8AOunt, p~&bl. out of' Big Liok d18trlot road f\1nd, the sdd UQunt to be ..etl,lrntd to Bald dbtriot tUn(! out 0 t the oount.~ road t\lnd, eo BOon a. the COWltV fund hall' a surplus to it.s oredit in the h8l'lda ot the Tree.tiUrflr. ~ I On the aN'11oat1on or Rev. D. W. Hunt and others to have tht'f road leacl:1nc trom the "oArtu road .&a't ot Uo~augh:11n'a Btore, tl'lroufll What J. known as "fb. Old Fjeld", 11"\- proy.d eDl! repaired, on lOtion, .ald applioation 18 referred to Joseph A. Turner, <'''put..}' road 8I.1ry.)'Or, tDr BlIoh aot1on thereon 611 h. deems eapetllent.. IN RE IllIIJI'1' IIOnD BRIDGE ",. 1lo_1le IlpUS. Qlap~. Inc.. b.dng ..port." ua.t tIl. b.Up .t Ilw1ft MI.d. ..-.. Ilo_ko Rt..., Ill. ua. to..t....otto. of IIItob ua. aont.._ ... ...."'ll' ....dad, w .at" .....ko ..~ Ql_. 1Ia4 ...n to.1_. iDd t.Il. to_v roa4 ..p...1nt.o1ltl.. 1I...,iDe t.Ilt. dar .ope"" 'Ia.t. ... ha4 .v_...... _ .....pM" ..U brl.clp on babalt or t.Ile ; If ~ ! J II I r, ..1 II. 1'1 ., lhli, HI " I.' , . ' ill!l' ,"i'! I. Ii I I i' llli I ., IJ i' l'~ ! I, II :11 I . ooun',. .old ....1"..... 18 _.... .."flail. .... ,"pon ,....oppu..u.. or 'Il. .old 110....... J&o1d1\O OoTP_. b1 110111", Jlu.....d. 1\0 011."'. l' 18 Old...d 'ha' .......\0 be l..uotl ,. .old lG_k. J&o1d1\O <>>1Ip0l\Y 1. ..Ul..'" ot ita Hid ....u.,. ,.. fII. 10..: .........t to. "'~. 75. Pa,yabl. .11. ~... .n.. d.'.. bdllll ,... rbat p_.'. 10" fat,.2!i. _OUllt ot p.1yah aab...1pUon to .ald l>rldl\O. &ad 117.00 in'..o'" Oft ... fOr one )f....; . ...,...t. tor '1133.00, pyable twm ,BU'S .rt.. date; and a warrant for ~1l"3.00. }J.,.bltt th".ft )fpapa aftllt!" date't out or thlt OOwt.t)' t'06d . ".,." R.il..ad. ..... 1\8 1"'.....'I.o..U" "'. .....,_... U~.; PIIOvtDID. IIOlInER. tha' .1llI po.tio. ot' .old at...,. q. ..."'.to... up b1 .old Oo.pallr .".u bo lit' 1\ ..pI.Md. 111 .. flOod OOlldJt1011 .. bitfllH bitJ. to... up; .ad 'Ile ..id poI.. ~ .1N8 shall be 80 pleoe" .ad oonlJ't.rvo'.., Met _lnt.ln~ ~ laid Q)IIpMlJ ..e not to u.... n.ae...,,111 lnt..r.re with the PUbllo trayel ove.. ..1d roade or at...te, "M an wl,.ttl upoa lNeb pole. Bhall be ..1ntB1nect at le.st. twenty f..t alD... tIw ..."faae of tltP lOad OP __t...t. fUnd... ne1thep 0 r s':l1fi 8111111 to beep int.-refit. I" RF "F.W roURT HOllSF Il:III,DINQ, Ordered that. thft BDarc! be "'JOl.lrft8d Wltll the third :lond., ift F.pt..ber. ,",8 Joint b.111rUng oOJrlll;ittee ttlill d~ reported to thfl h:lard that ~ a \IOte ~/! $LAA'./~ --&,,~ of' 3 to 1. the add 00",,1ttft8 har' reoollf ended O. R. R86M 88 the 81"Ohlteot to pre- pare the pl'ins and ep801r1oat1ons ftlr the propoaed new Oourt-houBe. IIr. Logan tllpl'Aupon noV('04 t!1at the report or the colllllltteE" be adOllted bf the rvard, whlf'1h . '--i 1l'oOt10n, ullon a v1va voce vote, "'au reJeoted. 1ber8\lpon, on IIOt1on of Mr. Bell, ttw Po Bl"et , b~ 9. vote of :3 to 1, 8ft18Cfted fl. II. Hugginl'! a.s ttle arah1teot to prepare COURT ltOUG:. SALFA. VA.. U"PT. 21st, lC)0R. 'l"h.e I:toarct 0 r &.11)ervl80..1'! 0 r Roanoke COunt)" met thls d~ at the ~ut"t-hou.e 1!1 regu- lar aonthl)' ....ton. rr..ent_ f.. 10'. Thrasher, oha1....an, I.. H. URll, u. W. Logan and r.. w. the plans ancJ speo1f'1catlona fbl" Boid Pl"Opolffl''' lulldlng. h1. .Bal~ plane and apee- J.rlcatJ.onB to be sub.Utf!" to and 9.pprovl!:d b} ~he Joint building commUt.I. at a ruturA <<latf!, tha stUd Joint -!uUdlne: co_It tee ~1~, on lDOt.ton, oontlOlled. '.ft"l.. Th. all'l1t.e. of t.he l.st r.8U1ar and f.hl adJourned ...ttna. ..r. approved &8 read. Th. !tIllowlO@: ala1a. BltaJoat tne COunt)' were ..x_ined. spproyftd and ordpred to be P&1d t:w "e,rpante out of the ruM. pe.peot1v.ly chaPReable thlltrll!l"lth, to "it: - Upon motlon ot B. 'If. lAJp.an, dul)l Ileoonded .8Ild unsn1B:tu:!ll)" oVl"l.d, the per- F.l1io't-~I8h.r 00. 5.01l 46.10 26.05 Repair. to Iaoolt t)1MtW1"ite.. T>ellnq.tent tax .OOO\Ult. c. D. tlenlt, Cle..k m1t grMtflld the ltJanoke "liter Power llJmpsn.)' to ....ot and maintain 1..01.. on Pl..d_ lraOnt Str8f1t, a8 set ft)1"tb on page 220 of thl. reoot"d. 18 her. by ....olndflld; snd 11. E. 1I0dl.~, aap'.. ".. fpeolBl aocount for rApalrs, 8tO. J. Ii. Cuper, J. P. TaklnR oatha of Uoard t.o d.llnqu.nt l1ets.,&o. 2.0') the..IlItU{oOn, on WIOt1on 0 r B. w. Lop:BIl., and aeoondlltd by L. D. Bell, the fb11owlr1<< J. II. Cuper, J. P. J.unao)" aocount 8.60 ~.OO rp.8Qlutlon waa unanlDO'-lal)' 8dopted: "Upon thF 'lPl'l1oat.lon 0 r t.",. Hoamlc"l "",.tll!'l" Fbwer 00. tor COneent an~ per- J. Ii. Cuper, d. P. OoronR'" 8 acoount 80111111118 10 Eo....... PsupfIJr aocount 3.50 1.50 m1l'II'11on to +hp Ul'lP. 01' oRrtaln l}ubllc !'CadA 0 r thi8 count)', aft B?lIntfu' by the 8..... . . fbl1o"f1np, I'p.f!Obtlon, it "81'1 ul\al\lm',lel)' r8tlOlvftd: '1t1&.t t.he consent o~ the fbord of Su{lervbor8 of IblllOk. Q)unt~. Virginia., bjlt anrf It ie hcre~ ~lye(l !'laid O:Jmp~ to ereot and to perp.tu&ll~ aa1t1taln Caol1 aapVI~ 00. Jno. II. Oak.~ 10 00. Olldlalld "'..10.1 00. 7.~ J2 .;.0 76.Ul 01a8ae8, brourl, ItO., fbr C. Ii. l.()j 8.U'1&1 0 f p&1p8rB, eta. Dirtin!"4tcttdlte tbr Jail, eta. I.ole8, CrfJlftf-armlJ 4M ,,1rlts oarzo.)'1"R tlIrrentB Clf elfl'otrio1t)' on, .OZ'088, upon t:v.r.tt R'&lldOlt 00. E. R. Moor., .8e.reeant Fooks lUJc' ataUonel"l'. ItO. Ellotrlo light glObtt8 fbr Jdl, AtO. , and along the f'ollo'dnB n._" J.lUbllo !'Oeda or this OOUJlt.)': Beginning at the .altern intere.otlon ot Bellew.e E:treet and Piedmont street. oro..ing Wal....t 8tr@oet to the ...It line thereot; thenGe north Oil ".lmt str@et to the COrporate l1alts of the 01t)' ot .aJDke; &1_ 1lal!lnnlng .t tlul into...ot.l.o11 0 t Pi_nt l!t.ro.' ..1U. ...1..., 11\. ...d Ilallo"". A..m.; th..... al91l8 Ilall..... ........ -"lna Dl...."&1 Street. Pt~ Str.et, ed all lDter.,en1ns all.,., '- tile ..nel'll 1"._~ tl.on ot Ilallo..... Et.....ot .1'" Plod....' ..."'.; u..... ....aing Pi..11t ....... .ad ...., alo,,& Boll..... 11\...,. ."ulna ".rtar.a'lI\...t to u.. " I 1.75 8a1.. Prlnt11'1B & Publbhlng CO.T... book8, 8rlvprtls1ng, eto. 4fl.!50 c. I.. 1I"oher 10', rre1gt\.t., eta. 1__., ....UIl' 'Pnou ..r.,loe at alalbou.. '.01 , 2.110 4.SO 4.SO - v.. . or.... or.UphOIl8 00. - . . Joll . JOIla.to.. !ll\J . or....~ at. _,'in 0..1_ lIo.fIIlk . ..et.!'" Roll..",,; &1. c....i1lg ,,_UII Hlad. be'_ ~_U. ..."" Bpi.,.. _ &lie ...fIIlk O. D. ,_1~. Oluk PlUpe, aooount Janitor'. ..,'10.. PI_. .,... fllio p..poHd _. to a. H. II.".... ..... q.l1l' fII. JUI lIa1W1c .. .....11.. ...._rap.. _111&1 '.M 4.211 2.00 O. R. R.an 21G.2S 110 be.... Puml.... :00. W. A. .PP.nOi8," COal'. It.v....,_ Jet Di8triot, ..tendlDM Ie.,. tbrl908,. 1 p~8bl. out. of 1908 t..ftll L. L. 01'.enwood, 00.1'. Re,enue 2nd D18tr10t, ezteftltlng lev to. 19.")F, pqabl. out 0' 19Of" taxe. "altfllr Watson, gervioe. to Board ae. 8"81neAI', eto. 4~.07 573.74 26.a5 On the 8Pl,11 0 1\1, 10n () r the VlHTOK-ROANOJCF WATER C('J,(p,wy RJr per.l..lon to l~ 11,. plpes along the publlc roed 1n t.h1s county known all t.he Carl' ROad, from the corporat.e U..ite of th-. to., or Vinton to the corpor.te 1aU. of' ttUt olty of' Roanoke, sald pIP.lesion wa., br uauUItOU8 vote or the Board, &l'anC.d, upon oond1t1on, howeyftr, that sald \l>.pan;v 10 OOft.t1'Uot. 11,. p1pe ..1101, to in- Jure the s<<ld road tal' 1,1".".1 no~ Pl'Opert.y lnt8p8at. .tuttlng thereon,. and that sald Oollp~ Ih~ll replaae the 1'0-' 1n a. good oondlt1on aRel" ita pipes are 161d aa bftfbr8 be1ng town up, cd mall J)8"PetU.l1y ..dnt.tn that portion or the fOOM 1n liS good oondltion a8 "h4tn this prolv111t81t ""8 SJ'nnteit. . (tn motton OrM,.. &'11, QIJ "110"lUImt of" ~.",., 15 made to Mrs. f'!Jreh Rlnnk- ens!ll}" 0 r Dtg J.ick dhtrlat, with '.-J)loh to provide neoesse!")' te.pOr817 medi- cal e.ttl;>ntlon,. and the Clerk 1s direct.ed to lawe her & ..a.rrant t'br Baid BJ:Dunt, 'lllh1ch :"a~ be delivered to J. U. GeQl'heart ~or her. On its .,t1on, the VA. & 'PENH. "ET~FfJjOM! (J)JlPAMJ 18 granted perm.1s81on to J08placA ita palel!; along the public road in t.hls county, Doa the .ont- pamer)' line to the ClDrpor.ttt U..lts or 5e.lea, laid VOle. ...., tILe wire. to be ueed tIlereon to be so }Jlaoed IY1d oonstructed ADd aainta1ned "1' sa1d (bIlP~ 61 not to lnterfere with the public travel 0.,,,1" Iud road, nor to intertere with the pJ'Op.r drainage th.ftrAOr, arid thw.Y eIlall be ftO plaoed undep the JUD1... dlct1un 4nd supflr1ntend.noe 0 ~ the c!ept.lt,y road surveiOr along said point. ^ 0111 1'0.. t... hund..d doll.. f.talo.OOl ... th10 do,)' P.....nt.d ~ the &I...d bjI BIle& . WES'IllN. .all*o1l... _ ....nto1~ "1Ip.to.d all ...... .it.h ...... ...e! ot.h.... 111.. p1.... to be adopted ftI.. th. propoMd .... ..u.t.-belu.. build- lnil. .el.d bill ..ill/l .1Ilud bjI th.. ftI.. p...11aillU7 d"_lnill. fo",,,UII/I U- pena.., hot.l U'U! tlae, eto., ""loll bill, upon ao...ldel"atlon, .H, twun~ j 11lOUd vote, all .atwlt8 be1ftR pZO..ftAt .. YOtillF., q,t al10....." it b!1ng the oplnion or tho &le..d t.hat ifo 10 undo. no obl1llaUon ....tn.. ~ .aid RI.. oIld W..foon lb. llD1 .lIp..... foo ...i... th~ .0,)' h... be.n pufo in "1Ip.UIIft Ill.. tho 1'1"". to .. adopt." uncl... the to.... or fohe 01'11... ..klDs lbr 1'1..... _ .p..i "..folon.. j~"/'If': ~ "1/"1/110 'I'll. 1'o1l0.1nR plt1f.lon ... tll1e "0,)' laid bel'o.. folll llo...d ~ Roland E. Co.k. Dhillon a.....int.'" or BOIlO.le,'...d fIo..td.nt or BOIlool &llI'd Of llrI_k. Q)unt~: EIll... Virginia. Sept. 21. 1908. ,.. foh. "ollD..able lIl...d or a.p.nhorl or lOenok. Q)un'~. aeatle.n: In. purlUanoe to the provision. of the ODde, I beR to su..1t to )'Ou the tollow- ! lnlf l"8poN or th. ODunt)t School eoard ot HoBnoke County, fl~ed with m.e f;ellt.. P, 19t1B: 'To llrIllnd E. Qlok. nlv1810n 9.lperlntetKJent ot Sahools: we, the COunty School PoBrd or Roamkll County, ln cons1del"lng the amour\t of mone,y ne.ded dUring the sOholaat1o ,rear, beginning hJl'.. 1, 1909. in the lbunt,)' of Rlanokp and 1n the several dietriots thereof, have oare1\111y (:one ove1" the 8sti.atea f1led by the a&V8r,.t diatf'lot. boards, '.d1d have found that. t118 neoesaar,y eXl1ens8s !'or all the die- t.r1ot8 of the count,;" ore pl"..otloA11~ the sam. ae the 98t.1.mate z:.ade tor th8 8ohool ,year 'beglnnlll8 "'C. 1,1908. The &>>ard 1. of tht oplnlon \hat in ord9r to m.tot 1.I1.t needo or the sohOole, the eame sOl\ool lev!.e will be "~l...d to be IBid 88 ....r. laid tor 1-he )'ear 190ft, nuely, & oount,y leV)' or 20 01,8. on th. '100, an" a distrlot 18'11 of 20 ot.e. ou the "100 ln C.t....ba, Blg L10k Cave SprlQh: &lid 08ntpal BohGal dlat.r1ot.., 81'1.d Do diatr1ot. levy or 15 ata. on the '100 in Oal.. sohOol dlatrlot. R..peotfU1ly ..Omitt.d. lftle COunty Bohool ~.rd ot ftJanoke County, (Signed) O. Fo. Kefaner, Clerk. The Q)unty 6011001 DDSI'd h.. reqtleetftd a... to lq befbre )IOu the fbregolng rftpol"t, and to ask your ~ard to ltq the levies oallftd for therein. Reapeat rully, Roland E. Q)ok. DiY. IIJpfo. UpOn oone1derc.tlon ot the ft)r.golng reOD~atlon, thft Board httrebJ orders the ft)llo'v1ng 1ty1.. 1br the nest )'e.r, to wit: Upon ..111 1100. 00 of vllluatlon of both ..el and p....nlll p..p.rt.~ aIld oapUIll in- y.ned in bJl1ne.I.f'bp l:munt)' sahOOl PUl"}lOM., 20 cents; Upon ..Oh flOO.OO 0 t' valuation 0 t both real aDd p.raonlll pPOI.erty M'ld oapital In- yeeted in 1u81nAIIII, fbr dlstriat sChool {lJ.rpo..s (othflll" thlUl 1n SAltJl distr1ct' 20 ot,-.; Upon ..oh '100.00 of valllation 01" both r8al and pereonf&l l.ropftrt)', 1"01' Sale. sahool dlti+.r1ot purpol8S,. 15 ot.. 'nl. tu&t'IlUII/I.leill. ..r. thte do,)' pr...nt.d and Illlowed b~ t.h. llo..d I'or oattl. bUt.n by .lId dol.'_ kill.d. po,)'.bl. out of tll. dOl tea fUnd lb. 1908. to .it: J. If. ~."le.. ftlr fo.. .... bitt.n b~ .lId dol. and kill.d. t15.00 ..a11 :30.0J L. ". ....an... On. oelf bUt.n by .ad dOll and killed 10.00 .~ fH ,-" 1..1 il'l I I 1l1l: HI, II,},] I!I' III 111' 1'/'.' IJ 1111: ~! 'I' I I I P I .. D. no"bert, IlJpt. aU. ) I I v.. I Cay. Sp~lng 1'0611 <bllllg', ) I 1b. PubUo ) I B. B. HUROINS. tlw "'hlt,..t ~e.."'~ ...la.t'd .., the !loUd 10 p.'p_ phne _ .peoln.at1o"" Ib~ tlllt PrGpo..d D'. CoUl't-ho".. ...Udl.... thI. d., p~..."'.d ~ev1o.d Pl.... 1'O~ 'da t>aUdlnll. ...loll h...tnll ""'D ,""ProV'd by tn. Jolnt ...Udlng oo_Ut~.. u. - .......a.... vo" 1II0ptld .., tal. Bbud; ell 1t 10 Ol'd'~'d t_t thO .dd '~aIl1teot lie Ilh.n tlnt11 tbe a...t aetlDR 0' the IU,v.d in 1lb1ctJ to pNpa"e det.U.d ape.lf'iDat1one fOr 'the GOn.truoUon Ot' ea1d ...lld11l1l. eo ... to ....bl. bba Bba1'd 10 1II..~t1o. Ib~ b1d. II>~ it. oonetl'Uatlon. This da.)' 0". J. .B. a.,..t, -'11'1. Mvl' P. Oot'n, 111"8. J. W. Berl'l', G.. O. Beat- o nero, J. n. Deyerlfl cd "-1'8. L. E. Van stavern, bJ C. w. Ven st...,.rn, Ile.. hus- bMl:d and eeent, the land OtlDftl"8 'Ilbo.. led. ... propo.ed t.o be t..n f')1' the Oh....R.8 1n tht; publio rOod ...oo..ended bJ the .1__1"1 In thla Oal.8, dad tbft eatd 1.m 0.er8, witb thft eaoeptlon of .ire. Ih F. Ven f:t..ywrn, 86Np.ll'l8 to "ooept the d8ll1lt18 awarded th.. boY the Yi_.l"8. thft .ald Mr.. L. };. Va" Etayprn obJeot1nR to thP d8ll8F(t'8 Bwarded her,bJt &grafting to donatfl the r1gh.t of WQ' J. T. KINfU:RY, COunt,. &lpezointftndent or Roade, thi.., tJq BUblt1ttfld his report or expeDtllt.un8 on the IQbllo hlShw&1a tbf' the pre08d1np' IIOnth 8P follows: throull1 her preJlt1B~8 f'or a onon,R9 1-) rO'td, pl'Ov!~'!!d. l!!~1~ ~h!!np,e 18 8etabl1Bhld nt f\ poin.ito bA a81'flP{t Itpon; on tlut wotton of' i'l'. I3fIll to adopt the report of niP Ezpended in Catawba'd1strict, out of' diRtriot 1\1nd Expen:1ed in Big ',iok distriot, out ot ~18trlot t'Und Expemed 1'0. Sale.., d1et.rlot, out ot rl1l'trlot !'und F.spert!ed au.t 0 f count,y tlInd Ma'klf1e a total of 145.70 2~0. 75 vlewel"ll uJ'1ti 8t1'ttt.blhh thp. C;'l'~'lf:e8 10. t.he lOad 1118 teOOlLlnended, Ha1d mot1on we8 L"'q.~ lost tb r If.l.ck 0 r u majority vote 0 r the membei'sj thffl'eU!..on, on motion 0 l' dr. PPI1, r'l11,y cecoOfled, f"urthftr action ufon thin nppl1oo.tlon 18 continued. 276. 7J ~:34.40 Vlhldt SUJllS are allowed, and th& Clerk 19 tllrfJcted to 11l8ue }-,1JD warrontf' 1br the settlement Of' 8Qt,e, P~able out 0 r .he t\lnde I'l!spect.l'18lr Ohargeable therewith. On motion 0 t' Mr. LOF;IVJ, ceconded b.v :.II'. Bell, 1t "~8 orderod, by une.n1r.-.ous vote, that fU1Jsrvlsol" E. F. 'l'hraa'1er be Q~ he 18 herflb:t' appointed tI. com:dttefl [}!" O!le to N;t,ort PS to the oon"1tlon 0 r the rock ONentr owned br t.hla count)' t whether the eaa8 18 no.. beJne uesd, fJI'I.d "utther it lIOuld be ""vieab1tt to sell I J. R. Rola,nj at ale. ) ) VB. J Appl1cation for challl,:es 1n I'C)BC.I ) The Publ10 } --l , , or (~12lPOBP. ot lulld oI'1.1I!1hl'tr, IIld the price which it "~ll bring, etc., and report. to tl1ft 13oard. ~. lfhi. 0..... CUlt. "Rain to tift heard, upon action ot the .pJ;Jl1oanta, auf it appearing rro. t.he "POrt of' the .1e.ers this d.,. r11ftd t.hat the lend 0..1'11 .tf'8QtA~ lJ1 the Pt-Opolec1 Ohans-s in the road therein dellorilMd and IIAt Old, togftUter with thft d'UIILlp,p.f/ :.&1'. '.og&n, herAto fbrA appolntAd '1 oo_ttte8 to ..po~ upon tbe adyj 8&bJUtJ. ot purcbaelng a traattan engine fbr oount)' l'Oad purpo.lI~ mllde a ftrbal r~t.:J1"'t of" h1a lnvestlp;at.lon, Uld,on IIlOt10n, was oont1rued ftJr fttrther In''eatlg4t1on al1o_d 'the., are ae f'nl1owl: J.. R. ftlland tU\d JaGOb llerBhbffrl(8l", .74 aore, land (''-888' and dallage to the 811,1 rfpDrt. 1"'eeidUe 1"".00 '!'tI,. C'lp.r1c 'th1s It'*' tum~d ovltr 'to 'the !bArd a 'fOuoher of' the Roanoke nae lit .aU~ Co.pUll' t'o~ th. .....r t'l.tt~ dollu. (t50.00J. .aid _,,'" be1lljllta ...1>- aor1pt10n toward the ereotion ot.& bridge on the pu,bl10 road near I.oOlr.ett.'. 6tor.. lD thIe "UDt~. .dd _uDt to be or.cUtld 10 the _m, 1'0611 1Imd. 8.W. Patter.on,. .54 aore, land d8D4gB &lid dWII&gft to the rflllidue J. W. j,(oCut.Ohlne, .73 aore, land daaare and dQJIDge to 'Lhe r.~1due Yrl. 1(. E. Nellis, 2.12 aores, land dftlnage and d~. to the resldue 146&d 424.(lJ l;~.iJO 1. ii. Ol1ver, .70 aore, lend dBJIll88 and do.mag8 to the re.idue i , i It 10 th'''''l'On'o.'CI.~.d that th. .dd J. R. Roland IIIcl J..n n.~ehlle~l!'~' B. .. ratteraofl,J. 1f. llal)utch1na,thft heirs or Kra.. ~Ja. F.:. N,.tall and I. II. nl1v~r bet I\JJIIIOnect to I a~p..~ hI~. at tho neat ..etlng 0 r thIe "'.rd, 10 be hold on tho thl~d "''''d~ In Oot,OIIn, , 1908, to 8hOw OBU'8, 1r lU\Y t.he7 O~, wh1' the 8ald .....port of the .18"1'8 should not be 140 .00 Co..nt, 'l'r.......~ Reo. Il. II..... thh d~ report.d 10 the a.a~d that th.. Cl.~k ot' the 10_ ot' 8&1_ hili tumid ...~ to hla YO"aIl... _saU. *1"l/....... doll... a'" t.n ....t. (161.10). "'1118 tho 10..... P......~&ta cft_ ot the ...at Ib~ re..m ..p&1~. 10 th~""'~ Jdl IIld 1b~ ~_.1... ot'6.. ...Ud1ngl at the ....rt- hoUOl. .. p.~ atat......"t ..IId.red. tlltla1l _unt tII. "'.a....... b flNned to - <I..dit to the _."at .""" 1Imd. . oont'l...d OIId the ......, cheng.. ..tabl1cft.d .. ~'GO_IIId.d l>f thoa. "/ j .I I'i, I~ I; , ii ! I I , ( I s. J. IGho" et 81a. ) ) n. ) Road Appl1oation ) "'e Pub1!o ) I L. D. Bell ~. P. 'lhraaheJ" U :Ie orde..." tbat ..a"&Db be blUed to tbe lbll".ill8 ....be.. ot the .Boud lb. II1IIlI r..pootbe~ IIlIllaeel to tblb """'" tor t.1\eb t.ayeUIIS ellplllllO to 1n8peot \bo OOU.t...hOU.. ., 1\11&.1l1, Gto., to wlt: tho 2.85 B. w.. !.og_ 2.85 1ft11e ..p)>llaatlon 0'" on thls d~ to ~ heard upon the P.... fbna"11 read end oona1dlfttd, u{lOn the two report. or 'the .'''8''.1 vl....r-' 1'i18d .Ub the papers 1n thie GaUBe, toM t1ret l"ftport .~. bJ s. A. WUt_a IIbd other., viewer..., and profUe oJ" .tOad, filed with 8011e, and the _oond report _ade b)' RJbert E. :.cap:.e~ T. U. ee.,.1' sn.d W. R. west, viewers, with. r....lR.Il"v.Y ot "aid road fro. Orohard (hp, B point about on'~ mile below 'lfh.ere the sald road begin. at. or nABI' f. J. fbhon' f! to thp. lnt9rsectlon with th~ Bend Road !l.t or nftsl" Jno. L. Oood- ,.10 OmR9.E M. MUSE, OOunt~ Treaaurer, this dq au_itted the tOl10,,1. report: .Apport.lo__t. or Count)" end COunt)" rmd Dist.r1ot Sohool taxes, reoe1ved fro. de11n- quflftt land. 1')1' 1906. rroa lande red..med beftJre .ale, ... rro. 1ande sold to others than tbe CO'''''''""alth. b,r d1str10t CA'l'AWIlA DI8l'RIC'l' win' a; and it. spppA.r1ng frolD the two reports that thfl road a~ lIurv8,y8d fro7'l S. J. !'rom },and. 801d to ethers than OOrM'OftWeal th ,2.01) rohon'lI to OrOhard Oap by S. A. "'11180n, sb)ut one mile, am from that point to its 1nt"rDPctJon \'11th the public road koown oe th~ ~end rood, w111 be Or great . . fled.e.ed Pefb.l'8 581" ~ 9.69 'let llIIDunt to be apport1o ned convenionce to the general p'.1b11c, !)I1.d the grode 0 f 8ame does not exceed rlve ~ef~rf~e8; oM it fUrther 8l-'liearlng that aU t.he lend owners through llihose 1m! II Apportloned a8 t011ows: ~unt~ 1ey.v 5.,.A) or amount County 8011001 le'q 219 or MlOunt Dlstriot BOhOol levy 2.1) 0" atJOunt 2.1(; ..2..16_ !S~"5l t.',e l;.roposecl roatJ w111 IJtU!fl ',aye been BUll'Inoned, end the lIald. land Ownel"B, 1.0 w1t: ~'tAp!'1An Iklhon, lienJam1n ft)Wdlsn, J. C. (bles, D. lJ. (blea, C. A. Hurt, John r.olee, ~r., T.tlulB ,f.. Wilson, J. E. Johnst.on, J. f.. Thollaeon, l.uo)' D. Oldham, Alv1ra Johnston, t:. H. John8ton, W. A. Franole, Cinnie :4. ilranolt1, W. O. John- ston, Ed1t.h JO:1nston, H L~ JOhnston, o. T. ~rc"t, r..aula furoh., tilsnotte .Johll- ston, J. A. Tho.seon end O1arl811 JOhn.ton, C1~ JOhnston, b,- their guardil1l, &. J~ A. 'l'ho.EulOn, A. E. Towel" and _ To_V ~ F. To..,. & Brother, haYing 8ig- nifled 1n wr1tinp; BIld tlled .lth the papers in th1e alane, th"t the)' rec.,.1re 9.69__ SJ\loElI DI8l'RICT .Prom T..ands Sold to OtheJ''s than Commonwealth 7.67 . . Hedeelll8d befbro Sale 29.fo<:4 Net 4.ount to be apportioned no compftnftatlon fbr tlll' land taken fro. t.hf:>lr several trans ot land tbr tlte 37.51 purposes 0 f th.e satd rood, and fOr dIilll8UP,8 to the !e81due ot t.heir trq,ota 0 r lend respeetlVo<>lY1 and do not ele.lm arw dtl8lagP.8 therefbr; ukf it appearlnF; th.at ~portloned .a tollow:s: COunty 10vy 5/9 0 t eaount COWlty 101\001 10vy 2Al 0 r _unt Di.trlat. IGhOol lev, 2A of &munt ~0.8' 1';.34 Ell,.,8 (;00c1.1n, throu,(ifl WloSe Ian" the ludd road will po.ft8, la entltled to (1lr1 _ aRes 1br 80 IlUch 0 r her land aD 18 tai(en 1'01" i'hls road Ilnt1 dsmase. .to t.he ree- B.~ 1duEt, anC that three dollL\r8 will be f\111 d_ase fbr the II"'; and it 1\1rt.her appear1DB that the land owner. throu8'l .-wile lun.d. the .as." road... .ur'l.,ld -~:#.,.,...- t)y t. A. W111BOn, wl11 p.,a, t'l"o. at. or- n'al" 8. .1. ,-on' 8- to Oroharct O"P, BIn LICK OI8rRICT Fro. T,and. SOld to othe,.. the t'bJlllOnwealth ,,111 tu.l1d the ea1d road Iil.t th.ir 0_ I,roper oone 8ld ctl.l'8ee; it le ol'de.ed th.t .. IU'" 0 r tbo repoPt. wodo blf 6. A. WiU"D !'rOw 0 point. ....... s. J. .Bobon'. 7.61 . . Redeemed be fttre ..le Not _Wlt to be apportionod Appo.U...." .. tDUo...: eoUllty 10vy 5/9 0 t _unt eount.y 101\001 10vy :lI9 or YOWlt ".61 to Ord1.&i"d Gap, and ttle report or BJbt. E. M~.... T. M. Be.11' aliff W. R. W.at, " 56.22 ( end 'the L'UrYft, tiled with ..1d report be UMl the a_ are herft. oont1raed, Nt4 t.hAt thft old roflld be And thft age 18 hftl"eby flatablll11utd, th_ width 0' ..e toO be "':0 ffUtt, wlth ft 12 fbot rtlElt!-bed, I1nd with 100P8 t)r tuMl"OUt8 :20 r,ttM wt4., oa1d 1.8B8-W~f: to be in elght ot eaCh other, &Ild, b:f oon..nt ot the as.lIJl108l'1tl, tbo <on.tNotioD ot tb' l'!lel road 10 "ororrld Wltll tbo lIlrtbIP .otion ot tbb Bo....d. "'0 I\lJIl ot IODOy, to wit: ~.OO.dlpoa1tod with tile Ollrk ot tbis ': t' '1.24 (,.... 1~.4Q , Dbtriot "_01 10vy ~ 0 t eaolUlt r :r!?~4C) '\, 56122 :I Boa.d by .JIIO. C. COlel , OlIO 0 r tIIo eppUOll\1.o, undo.. t.1\0 Nlo odoptecl by t.1\h \ ...... .Bo.I'd. So ol'dorld to be ..tuInod to b1.. I" Ii ! CAVE IlP.Rlll9 1>1BPRIO'P Pro. Land. sold to otharo than CO_n..aUh ,. 0.0. I!u,t 4. l/at. _orSOD 5 bu. r~. 0 90 ..D'. Be..1o. 0' "1. h.g. 21 bu. ..,..t " 90 ..nts 4.150 ,.l!O JL..32 ".50 7.'111 r...lph . . r.d....d be .r. eale 1.00 5. B. w. rAgan lIBt uoullt t. be apportlolled Apportl.D.d .. !b11o..: COUD'~ 1.Vy 5/9 or _u~ <.bunty 80hool 189)" 2.19 0 t' 80unt 1>18tr1crt BOhOol 11'1)' 2~ of amul1t 18.QO 72.90 18.60 7.45 "'1ctl he 1, d1.eotecr to. turn. ov.r to t_ 'b.eNrer for d.po.it to 0I'8d1t of gener.l OO\lD'l' I\md. 7.45 ".so The followIng latter w.. th1a d"f pr...Dt.d to the Board: !: Sale., Virglnia, Sept.aber 3d. If){JR. TOIIH o~ SAL~JI To tbe Board ot SUpe,...1IOra ot ADmOke Oountl', Ilelttl._: jlrO~811d BOld to othera than u,mmonWftalth 4.~ " . R"dp..ed befb1'fI 8&1.. Net. 8JIOun't to be aJ.lpo rt.loned Apportioned 11\8 1b110"8: <bunt)' school levy :?~ or- amunt D18triQt 1II0hoOl levy 1..0 of amunt 14. ?() UL!'f) t UnderlJ'tad that 1lJ'l. 11. k. Andre"8 8q. the road on the 80uth 81de or flDanoke R1".!" ha. beu ab_~d aDd ttl. pre.ent 1'0'" 1. not the or1g1ne1 one; ln thl. he i8 mill- taken. "I'll. ro~ t.o-de.y 1. 'tIb.r. 11. was wilen I 1'11'.1. traveled 11. 1n 1659, 8Ild aU tbP IlDd aorth or the eoutb line 0 f .ald 1'0'" 1. Owned tor the heir. 0 r the late h. T. Tlnp_ 1"7. Plllit".. .at.- thi. .. ..tt.r Of" ftlOOJ'd, that JlGU .~ not take 8I'Q' RApS to Jeopardize a..id lntereat. in ths abasnoe of' an, of the pa,.tl.. intere.ted. ~rrJ I dld not know tohe ...tter "... up .. ,.. tt.. 880, a. 11\1'" positive prOOf of", stat...nt, ""1m IIlf!J1t have bftJuttitlltd lOu tIIId othere. Aa atov", PIAl.\ae lIacfe this", m8.tter or :meord. 12.3'/ 6.20 IF; .:i2..- ~e8peotf\l11y :1',l1m1t.tf!d to the HOT'k)t'R~l., Jbard of fulHtl'v!e:ore: for thplr p.XaJtI1nAtton and approvflI1. Geo. :.(. i-lUfle, '!'rf'8surer. Yours v.r~ (. !'Uly, w. II. T1n81..v. \bleb, u}JOn motton, 18 ordered to be flIed "01' f'uture zoeterenoe. "I F:. ;{.~1lt,F.Y, f".Jper1ntendent 0" the oount,y almshouse and (arm, thIs da.v !"'t=-ortftr'! hie expenses a~ 8'.loh 1"or the _nth ot Augullt, 1908. all folloWa: Ordered the tha.!:/f:ouct be adjourned until th" ~1rd .;Lond, 10 Ooto bar , 19l1B. .././. ;:f .;J,,{t-= & d.____. . C; ~ _ 1. Po rr & Porr Dr; good 8 and Da11 IS 7.'JR 2. Jonnston, T)~ &: TIPr,y Co. Drjr go.d. 6.35 3. Conradt 8 PIlarJla.OV Drug. 6.40 4. B.rotlll Jiard"are Co. li ard"are 1.99 O. J. c. "'art 111 ilroop.rlee 1.90 6. ~:. 01. P1tze:era1d H.47 7. J. E. Drad1ejr ~5 Un ..... ".25 8. R. D. Hurt 4 0.... tin oan. 2.60 9. ....onl'O. L~l"8d 1 aonth work on t.1'II 11<.00 10. Ad. Lapzo&d 12 ""f.' work on t'aJ"B 9.00 11. JOhn Br&dl*1 Qltt1na corn, 6 .ore. ~.J!!L ""t.at Aspenae ~6L.94 .. ooUlI'I'-1I008, SlILEII, VA., 001'. 19, 1906. 'Ill. lbOI'd or I!upen1e... or 110_1<. COunt~ ..t th1e ""f a' 'h. COurt-h.u.. In rall1- 1.. _af.bI7 ....lon. Pr...nt_ S. P. ftu......., C1h&1rQlII'I: L. J). &11. B. W. 148m &rid G. W. LA.i.. !II. .1nIIt.. or \II. .leet _ung .... 1II>_"d a. Had. !II. !bUo.loa .ldlo. agaiut tIl. COunt, .... u_iud, III>Pl'Oyed aDd ...d....d to be pald _ ......_ out or tIl. _. ...,.ati"'l~ "'...ge"b1. u.._th, "'p.'..', .alOun' P.upel' .GGOu", to "xt: 6.00 7.67 1.75 1.f.7 . 5.50 65.!p !S.OO D. B. .. f'Iu.... Wh10h 18 aWI'O".d, and the Olerk 1. d1reoted to 18w. hiJl "Arrant in lett1.. ".ent 0 f' aaaft. oJOllDotoD, Ileir & 1'oY17 CO. C_ I....n IIIrll. RepaI... to JaIl 100118 Ite alao reported reoelpta ftr .... period as tul \uwi: Sue . . . . 1. V11'g1n1a FruIt.. PI'odu.. Co. 4j Iu. potato.. ~ 50; 2. E. II. P1tzg.rald, 34 lU. potato.. 117.00, 50 lb.. _butt... 10.00 I. a. Io"'. 21.50 R.SS.....'. &000\&. 8al_ ..Will8 & Plab. CO. O. L. .._, ClJ.._ "lnt1ll8, OlI'Nt'tteillg, .t.. Y. B. !In. 1., st......ophlo ".po,", 0' 1114put 9.00 B.... ...UJlB a.. Op.nlDB ...... "" J.ll 1.50 a..Un 6...1_ "..1"'.'. ..1'.1".. 2.00 J, If. K1ns-." lIood Ebpt.. Be1~ lbr lot ",,,,,,... 100.00 Bro"" H_... eo. lDad .a.unt 29.06 5. II. :l..Un '" Bro. BlU1ket.s) eto. lb.. J.ll ,.00 ) J. R. 1101_ et 01.. ) \ ) ) ) ) l YO. 'tb.Publlo 'ftl. ....i", h..iIIs .11I. hl. I'Otu... "'owills tIl. 1_ 0...... _DId .. .h....\o lb... o..d.l'I<I; - 11. OPPO"'iD<< 1.11.1. .u or tit. l..d 0...... _.. l..d. .... propo.1d \0 ... tab.. fII.. tIl. ........ in Nad .. d.....l""" UIIlI... thb .ppUootSOn h.... ......d \0 tho d_. o1lo..d th_ .....pt J. w. II.Qat""1ft. _ .ppo...atI _ ObJoot.d \0 tho d..... 0110..11 hia. .. WIll .. 1.110 100""SO.. ot tIl. Propo..d ...... 1.. l'Ood thfOU" hb l"d~ 0" hl. ..tSO... tho IlIrtll... h....iIIs 0' thb ...... b <lOnt.\nuld. w. F.. IIEDl,EY, t\apt. COUnt1 tIolml!l10u88 ,., '.-at subaltted hie e"IlM sO- oount toP _nth 0' f:ftptember, 19OfJ, .8 fo11o..: t. Fat.. Dr1 Aoode (b. Ilrlf l\O.d. Aeat and gro"r18. 4.10 I I I Ii I ,: Iii: ". . II i I 2. F.. K. iiit.....p;.rald 3. Brown Ii Nriware (b. 14.78 It&&tlng iltove, i'1po;, ;;t~ 4.5' J. '1'. 111lGIlRl'. eountJ' a1pt.. ot Ilood.. t.hb dq .....It.ted hb ..apol't .t ._dltu.... 0" tho pubU. hll!l1wq. ot tIl. ....ntJ' lb.. th. aontll ...41116 th10 d.t.. .. /bU....: Eapa_d in Bll1 r.l.1< dbt..lot.. .ut ot dletl'lllt f'Il"" "5.<ll! ~d 1.. C.... Sp"iIIs dbtrlot. ...t ot dlet..lo1. f\1nd &I." Eapollllatl in Iloloa dlet..l"'. out 0 t dl ""..ll1t IIIIId 1:51.70 Sqellll.d 0..1. ot "WltJ' - 1116.24 4. lIhltfl8oapYfll" Broil. Irass .eed 12.., 26.50 '.77 1.".00 5. F&I"'II..8' flapl'l,y Q). Fertilizer end gru. ...d 6. J. C. :l.l'tln a1pplleo 7. llonro, J,.prlld I'l. Jo.. BJo..l.;V One _nUl'.. 1Dl'k on farM 3 dqa' work. , d.,a' horae hire 4 aa..e. tin o-na 0 65; '.00 I). Jaaa... De)'erle 10. R. D. nul't 1.50 2.60 ~.91 EllpIIIded b;V J. H. Se.... On ....ldp ..0000nt .1. Ihlll1ll.' .......... ;,&.1<1118 . t.oto1 0 I' ..l!!!!.,Jl!l_ tSlll.75 Totol WlldJ: 1. appro "ed, and tbe Clerk 1. diNeted to i.BU. h1a . warrant. fbl' lIald UDunt. 11. 01.. ,.pol't.d t.h. rDU."tng ....lpt.. rD.. 1.11. ....tII: "1* eapenditur.. .r. appro..d, ad the Clerk 1. direoted to laaue hb warrant. in settl..ent or ...., out or the ftmda "'.peet1...1,. C1hargeable th."...ith. 1. n. w, J/O,. Fo.. Iao.... p."""... .90 2. r..". stel.1f 2 plg. 5.00 ,. E. II. Pit Z8...o1d 40 lb.. butte.. 8.00 Tot.l t13.9O On hi. _tlon, J. If. ICINGEfn', Q)uftt7 8.apt. or R)tId., 1. authorized to purchase fbr oouat;y purpo... 1,,000 ftret or '/4 <table "tN, at I-lh cent. per fOot. Wlloh he II direoted to turn oyer to the 'bunt)' b....".r fibI' Ol'edlt to <lOUDty 1lI11d. It appearlDg fro. tb. report or GlJ)R(Jt; M. IlUSR, COunt)' !'r..lUrer, tbat the bal_QII ... hmd \0 tho <<atilt ot tIl. dog t... Ill"" Ill.. tIl. ;V.... 1906-07 10 tas'.7!l. 1... '17.17 00_111..101'1. on -." it la ord.Hd that the Clerk la-u. to tho.. entitled tIlereto ..,... .....to rD. tholr ..ap 01.1a. .Uo"'d. p.,..bl. out 0 t tho doll t.0ll "'lid lb. .old If.... I 1906-07. II\Cl It tII. .a1CI IIuId 10 not. III ,t101...t \0 p.,. tho .1.111. .11._ 1n 1lI11. th.t , ! h. p...-...t. ..Id ....nt _ng _.. .ntlU.d tIl.....to. i W. E. IIEOJ,F.Y.Oa....t.1f Illpt. ot t.he oountJ' ala"""" _ t..... thla d.,. ...~ oUted u. ...po.t Ill.. tIl. ",...ta. ...diD<< Septo._ "30th, 19l18. __ tIlot t...h. p........ ..... .....d rD.. at tII. alaohou.. 1ft JII1If. tIIll't.... 1ft AIiPlot. _ rDu.t.... ln Sept__. Ilold ....po..t ".. opp.....d _ 0"'.1'1<I to ... I'llod. Y. R. CALl,_. th10 d.,. __t..d . .1&ia lb.. 0'" ..... 1<1llOd .. do.. . oth... t.he h10 0"". IIIIld IIld olol11 "'1116 ....1tlatl .. 0_. It. 10 O"'....d tIl.t. h. 110 0110_ tIl. _ 0 t .,.00 lD ~~l 0 t oa1cJ .1ol11'. pqabl. out. 0 t tII. doll tOll _ in tho 1I1111ld. 0 t tIl. '1'1'._..... till. tIIo ,.0.. 1907:-08. I R. D. 80.110,",. ... ) ) ) ) ) I aapt." ....0. 'III. Publl. '11I10 .... 0_ OD ...m to Ila b...d, OD tII. o~..nOD ot lb.. ....01{ E. VOll ......... , 0.. ot tlle 1_ ....... ..... 1_ 10 PIOIIO_ to Ila ..... ftI. tII. 011..... 111 road .. "1. o..t WIll... UIo alla_It71Od oppllootlo... _ Ut. _ ..... loa. .. v. ...._. If O. .. !.H I'll II J IIi': I' II) III: 1!ll III :1 I~ I i v... a....... .... ....._ .... ..._. ........O.'MlY. all d_. Ill.. 1.11II ,alia" .,., d"_ '" tb. ..aldu. t........" it . dUIbl''''' 1o,"UO.. 1. .pt'" _. .'b.' h._ to Ill.. "'''_IIlI." .., th. .1..... 1D tbd.. HpOrt '11." ln '''10 .....; it 10 .OP- , I 'ftlb "~YlRCIIIUI .RAlLwAY CCIIPIoII't <<..0...... 0' ,... "141_... 11.11.... 00.,...". [ 1 .., 1'. ""'''''''7; - l' op,....lnI '" '1Ia Bo-" 0' .,.1'91....0' AD_Ira Ooun'" Vb,l"l.,' ..., · !apOrt. "dlld .....t 21. 1908. Of' 8. 11. .Log.... .,.nl... 0' lla1u Dl.-..lot. tb., ,... o'.'dD p.... 0' .Oad .ad. .. _.111..... ., '1Ia _.... 0' tllo "1""..... H.n...... 1lo1lp1ll7. 'h. - lIalDil . oil.... 1D'1\I 110M.. lIDad. ...... "'0 P"''''''' 0' 8. P. "'0.'., .M .....1_ .., 'hb Bo.rd JUII' 17. 1907, b.. ....11 _I."" 1D .0GOrd..... .1'" tho '.1cI .H.... 011 ..\10.. 0' 'Il. oa1" 11.1.1_ Oollp_. l' 1a Ord..H "'.t. tho ..ld road ob-" .. ."'....ld ... ad '1Ia ... 1a h'''''' ....p'od .. _ lb. . pubUo b~.1II' Ill. 'h1o "''''''7. de"8d that R_ E_ 1I....t J. 8. Sear., IP. W. .-0_. I. I. Gr.. a1Id C. L. aua.. .... 1".", "......1".... 0' 'h1a "'''''''' who are h'"'''' OPpo1Dtod .1..... fII.. '1uI ""rpo... I..., 'br.. of who. .. .ot) dO .1." "'" .. fill' . ......... 111 'h. publlo road 1D thl. <Dunt~,tbI'Chl.. the lmde ot J.. D. DI~e.l.. 11I.8. L. I!;. Va aa98P1l, n. 8. . SlaMP aDd W. D. HubbaJod. tJooa. point at 3-t94 on lut ..p tiled in 'toll!. 0..., to . pol.., 1.. 'b. ..."" 0' 'h. road 1D tro.., 0' the ......b..1III hOu..~ .,., ...port to thll ft)uod the conven1enG.. .nd Inoonventenoe8 that w111 r...lt .. wtt11 to t~ d191OO&18 .. to the publio, it alClh ahmge 18 e.tabli"'bed. 1Ihethlr the lald. roc ..111 be one 0 f eum. .11'1 private GOny,ntenoe .. to ... 11. proper th.t 1t 8hould be opened mil lutpt in order bI tbe parBOn or plr8CU18 fbr tIhOaa OODY8n:lenol It 1. oeBiNd; 1Ihetbe,. any yard, garden 01" ormal'd will have to be tuen tor Nab pip... po'.; the n.... 0 t tile lend O"lre on sudl route; ""tm 0 r lUoh laDf! owner. re- CJllre ooapenllat1on. "'at. ,,111 bP It Just ClOmpea..tton to the lend OW_I'D reqqir1ng coapeneatlon ft)1" the laid land .. t.un UIIl fbr the duap to the relldue 0 r the traat, be~ond tbl pe.,.,.llar benl,tte to be derl"'d 1n .1"'SP'ot to llUob reeldue tro. the J'Oed to be ..tabl1Ilhed; aDd all othlr taat. and 011'0\11I8......0.. In their opinion u..tbl 1n enabling the !bard ot llapel"V',ho1'8 to d,teraJ_ thl IxptdleDD)' or .atablbh1ng or altering 'UlI road. ancS thl' mall tile thelr report, together with. .ap or dlagrUl ot the oh....p. rlOO..ndid bJ thea, with the Clerk ot the "'. 1ll11Owtllll ....l"''''n ... &cIop,.d "" . UII...ioou. 110" 0 r the Iloartl: tIlEREAS. 1\ b.. bMn ..p...._." '0 the 80...." 0' .pa..i.... 0' SImek. OIIunt~ th., thlre 1. lID. in tbe ODullt., ot Romon a gr. at, eovo1t,,. or qu'l1l Or partrldR'.; Nl1llllEREAS. 1\ h 'b. dt16.. 0' 'h. 01\1..... 0' AD....1uI Ooun',. .. wen .. tn. ;."bel"l or tbl. &tanS, tbat the open elaeon lb. the lalrf\al hunting, tUl1ng 01" oaptul"1DIC 1D or ..oll blrd8 1.. 'hb _..t, ""all "" oha"'8M!!/ O.rlar th., .. ..'" bb". .. po.db1. "'Ill' ..o.p. kl111118 _ qapt"r1ns "U1'1ng the 0'''' ....on lb. 'h. ,.... 19O1l; HOW'DIEIlIIJIORE, BE IT REIllLVEIl "" ",. Bo-" ot .p........ or R>....". 011""'7 in ..g_ "I.... ....1011 .._b1.". 'h.' llU.".' '" 'b' ..tbo.1" g....'.d thb 110..., .., O1ap'.' 95 'ot Poll...'. ODd. or Virgln1.t 'the open ...aDD .1a the Glum)" ot JbanDte tor fob. hunting, o.ptu.. - ..llU", 0' qu.ll o. po1'\.ld... b. .... ",. ... 10 b'..bJ ",,0.'.""" III" .... .,...... .. 'ba, 'h. op... .....n lIbal1 ""R1II 011 the 31th "III' of De...."".. 19O1l. ...d a" On 'h. 25th d. Of De...""... 19O1l. _ 'b.' 1\ ...all "" U111_1II1 to hunt. kill 0" .apt.u.. UO' quall 01" partridges In the .ald OD\lnt,~. ..oept, bet..en the dati. h....:l.nbetor. tised. IiIIcl 1G. Ol..... or 'bb Bo..., 10 b...bJ dl..otod to ad_1.. ~ ",. 00""" pap.... a of'lJ'"tlf'Jed oopy or 'this order, in orde. that all p..80Ui deai.1q 'to hunt. kill 01' o~ tu.. bir". 1D 'hb 00IlIl" .. h.... .... ...U.. \Ii_,; _ 'bb Bo_ dO.. h...lly Oall "po.. all or 1G. 1....b1".... o1U..... or 'hh GO""" to ..d.' Ill. orrio... 0' th. ._ ln 'b. ".tao''''" a" ""'1....'" 0' all o'_d... ...1Dot \I.. ,_ 1.... Of thb Oo_n- weal'h. !bord. U HI: IIEl1 (DURI'-HOUtE lVu..IHIJ II. H. 1Iu1ll'1II.. tIl. ......1'.0\ ..1.otod "" 'bb 80-". ....1t'acI b1. ...... pla'.d pI.... or 'h. propo..d .... ..."l't-ho".., "'sa"'.. "'''' 'b. opeotrio.tio..", ...d 0" ",,,,,, 0' II... Ilall, l' 10 o!'da.." 'h.' the Ol.... of thb Board 81.. IIOUO., .., publ1..''''.., ",., ...al'" bll1a .111 ... .....h.""p '" 10 o' 0100" A. II., 1Io...... bel" 16th, 19012. tbl" tile .~.~ .ft or,. aunt,. ~UPt-hou.. fbp "'_k. Qtunt,)J', at ....~xto.lI.-. -!. _ ,....~ Sal.., Va.,,..,Ia1cfiiida to dr..Nd 01... D. Denit, Clerk, 8&1_, Va., aDd ..'" bl" ....11 ... .0GO.,_." "" . ..rt.trlad ...k lb. 'U'.en b"IId.." dO n..... <.1500.00). Plollll _ op,olrio.''''", 011I be ..an ., 1G. orn.. 0' tho C1>"II', Clerk. at W.., Va., and at th. 0 tt10e of H. H. R\IIIInI, ..mUeot, Roanon, V... the ..111II,........ ......1Id "" 1Gb 1lO"" to ..J.ot _ 0.. all bid. .....l.od.. 'lb. 1b"'1I01Ilil ...U.. 1. diNoted '" be ",,011011'" ln tIl. 1la1_ .._....R.'lot... _ llan'lu1. ",. Il_r.otu..... !<aOOrd. _ 111 0... o. _.. or "" \10_". .OU, p.par.. _ .11_.... .. __ .apedl...'. 0........, 'h.' 'b. Bo.... b. "".Iou_ 11II\11 'b' 'bire 110M. 1.. !lo_...... 1_. {;:.g,..ur.... .6.. /.._ III I IHI 'I' III "ll! I: :1 \, II r I /1 11'1 L II' h i ,I I, I d Iii ; I I + OOURl' HOllIII. &\LiIl. "A..II>\IPlIq." 16. 19M. 'lb. Boai'd 0' !\&p...horl 0' AD__. 00""', .., 'lilt ... a' ,... Oo".t.-hOUOO in 1"ltsular mntb17 ..,.1on. Pr...nt- S.. P. "'1'..'" abair..'Ilt L. D.Bell, B. W. : r.ogon ond 4. w. L..18. " 7. 11011... Lop.", II. JOlla Brodl., The a1111.\t.. ot lut. ..tintl ..re eppraw.d .. P.M. 'I'll. follo1<\lI8 0101.. 0801110' 'II. 0,"11\, ..... uOIDlllOd. opprovod .... 0.010"'" to be paid b)' werr.nt., out. of tb<< tunda r..pe:ot.t..ll ohNse.ble therewith" to wlt: 1 _n_'. ..k ~.,10 I-I/!! dll/'. 1IO.k r "0\41 ..ea.. 1.50 '7!;.ffi a... "htoll i. .PPJlO"~t ant the Oterk 1'd11'.o"'~ to 18au8 hi. . ..rrftll't 11\ l'~.nt 0'" AI fred :'on.01.'"88 2.00 1. O. lIi. !lJtt He &180 reported r.oelpts to!' the _nth ..a fOllowa: ~ tu. rye L80 Rooa 1'8Ilt tor eloatlon s. P. 'nlrallhel' ~..'JO :? r.. K.. Fttzgerald ~ 1ol..lIe. Eleoto.o1 Boai'd H. J. .;ierrick" 2.00 3. IIonro. Lap.'" RoOltl rlllt. fOr 81.0\lon f8ll8 Reg1.trap' 8 .ooount 7.10 :;e18. Print1. t\ Publl8hlng Q). AdyortlulDg, prlDt1ne, eto. ~.75 E... Printing .1eotlon t.taJr:.'.. .to. >>.00 40 Iba. b.1tter R.;hl Co PO and ..at 1."0 Total ~11.(),) 'fI11dti 1)8 1a dipeated to turn Dyer to the tbunty Tl"easu:rer 101' dftposit to crectlt of' gen.rlAl ooun.t)' t\1nd. Ca.1I S,.pp1:f t'o. matton.r)' for eleatlDn .53 .l!1 1.25 1.80 6.80 Judge. ~6Ile . . . F.. R. ~or9, ferppant ro. c. O..e A: l)). 'nt. tollo~ne allowances ar8' ..(fit to the Off10.rs or eleotion or this count)' "or th"~ ser'llo.. .. NOh. at the e18ct1on h.eld HovfII.ber 3rd. 19Qe, to _tt: El.ot-lo /C10 lie. lb. J.n Repair. tbr Jail, eta. Reglstrar Cave F.prlnp. RoOm rent tor eleot.1on :?IJi) N. JI. Hl"iolr:ey ;,lre. Loule. Olapman l JbO. s. Bennett J. W. Jilll"t .iesln!'s!' Welt. [al.. 2.00 7.60 E. n. Bl"\lnk JUutln ORland Jon1tol" 8 8el'v10.. 2.00 1.00 P. W. Lo:,o.... !'lat. ~.l1B BoOK IIheld fOr Jud(l;8 2.00 .!lO ;';'al1llraoturer8' heoord Pub. "'vt. or bld. for C. II. 7.80 Cl.88. 1... Ibah FJltl'Y10P8 On Fl"otopal Eb.rd q.~., 2.00 C. E. ThO... '1'. ll. Boll . . . . 7.~, 11."3 5.00 2.00 Cl.rfl.~e Pal_tel' .2.00 "'... w. J.l.oClunf, Cl"rlr: . . . J. ... O_WOOd Tlr. S. 1. <lOndu" ~er'lloft. at ooroner' a 1nqJ.8." I Ii, G. '1'. Kern Repo1.. to toll.t 1.00 C. W, \hop.... w. R. Callollon O. S. 110_11 Registrar. . .aoount 2.00 3.70 3.10 2.00 J. 8. Hlabol, . . J. S. Ilrook. 8. o. 'I'ho... 2.00 Rooa rent for el.otlon 2.\)0 Va. ~ 1'ertn. 1'.1. Qo. . PIIOM a' J.l1 3 .... to Oot. :no 19Of! 4.!\O S... o. W. 01011 . . at.mou.., _a. . . . 4.51 8. L. oIolllUlton B. T. f<tllOna. 2.00 2.00 lIesl.t.,ar" aaaouat. 7.00 P.O. Po1"'.. 2 .00 w. E. oiSIll,~Y. !\&p'. ODIIDt.:f 01......... ODd ,.... ....l\\.d alo .o,p lib 8lI_" .._'" Ill. ..11\11 0' O....lIe.. 190M. .. 1lI111lwe: I. II. Olh.. 2.00 "". 1- JOh...ton. D.. & '1'...;( 00. Dr:t lIIlOd. o. P. .,." 2.011 4.95 ,.a11 11.12 )Il.16 ';00 C. O. KIl.... No. 2- .... H...._.,O'. ,'0. 3. E. Il., .1'III..o1d & 00. 2.00 """d'. '01.... Bl.... 1\0. 1lo0011 ...., llfO""..1e. r.t4l1h.. ll1aollllld"'iIII 1lup1'U.. 2.00 4. *It..O_HI'' .... .JOI. !I. Iladd....b 2.00 5. J. M. lJ'.. B. 11. lI_fbld 2.00 is. ". a. KuU.. ...l.1l7 W. A. ...... Clerke R"turna , "OliN' B mop J" T. Slepbel'd D. H. Rlelor 2.00 2.00 E. D. Brunk 2.00 DRJi.~D' S STORE W.. W. Lewia 2.00 Ed. ThO... 2.00 J'. T. H..tbltrger ?oo OLEllVAII A. J. H..lep C. M. n8)'81"1. 2.00 2.00 c. .... Chapman CO..... c. 11'. Chap... 1.50 2.50 WEill' llALFll s. R" mar JJ..~ G. E. P1erpoll' 2.00 2.00 s. D. JOhnston 1.00 NOR'l'l15ALEll d. II. Riae 2.00' I. 11. 01h.. 00... . I. Il. 011....r 1.00 L. SI. t.. 2.00 :/.00 IIlU!II SALIIII 41. G. niollok O. If. Prit. 2.00 .r.'f. IIadd_ 1.00 2.00 'III ..'.' I m III! i' , , J ; II, 11 I. Ill. ~, I,t 11 11\ Iti iii :: I :i . ! UU'!le' E. A. Bhllop 2.00 Jaoo b stOutu1re 2.00 W. E. Painter 2.00 L. C. "ooa.. 2.00 A. W. Cklon .2.00 Una. il. Pot tr 2.00 W. G. Wbod 2.00 A. '!f. Capnft.Y 2.0a O. w. Nplms 2.00 J. L. Hat"1"18 2.00 O. T. Dritt 2.00 Il. W. Crf>88~ 2.00 . D. p. R1choflduon .?dJ r.. o. Filson 2.00 t. G. I~~d 2.00 f.o R. .-yers 2.00 w. n. Dal\lf'l 2.00 J. .. [~ne8 2.00 n. D. Ridgway 2.00 ChaD. T. aor.u1re ::.00 J. W. GI'8hul 2.00 w. 1'.. llOckett 2.00 2.00 F. L. La nand J. Ii. UiU. 2.00 J. II. 0~1000 2.00 J. ". Turner 2.00 T. II. Lla.tin 2.00 01..k. BO'I'F.'I'IlOR!' SPIlIMOS H. A. Dllhop 2.00 P. II. Pl.Ib.... 2.00 '\'INlIER CRD:K S. Ii. AIlo.. 2.00 U. G. Rlc1lardoon 2.00 DONSACK w. P. L~SI'J 2.00 A. ". Uarvs,r 2.00 VINTOII W!I:l. II. Grav.. 2.0Q J. T. Rhodes 2.00 EDIHGTON'S mop D. E. ;~ef'''V8r 2.00 T. D. l.oaJrett 2.00 NOR"I(]l H. J. Aerrlota 2.00 C. E. Ael'rloka 2.00 H~llll= W. P. 1\1rn.r 2.00 J. j(. iiart.an 2.00 CAVE SPRINO G. W. Hart.aan 2.00 2.00 Ii. Lay lnder POME'S IIILL O. '1'. 1I00000ln 2.00 2.00 J. II. '.mltt RotV,," JlJ"~.. 01 "Pll:. Returns J. Stollt_'.. BFll'f 1I01IJl'UIN 1.RO lion. Bootll 2.00 J. O. <rol.. 2.00 :fan, Ilootli 2.00 o. .. PIl...ll 2.00 B. n. wl11.tt 2.00 9. II. "illott 2.00 L. C. Mooaaw 2.00 ". O. "od OO.r. W. G. Wood 'J'JJ' ODrpozoatlon a._i.slon 0' th1. St.. bAY1ns a'...eed u..e "alue. 0 f all ra11- .qa, cena18, telerraph an., telephone 11ne., ell e,.pre~e co.panie. doing buslnese In this state. fbl" tb. purpose of' .xtending the ta~ for Etat. purpo.es, the .... 1. bereb)' adopted .. . bad. lOr taxat10n Ibr County aDd 8oboo1 purpoHs. .,lz: Jlbr ll>unt;v pu.po....50 ...nt. On tb. tloO.oo Rtr couDt)J' 8aboo1 puJOpo.... 20 Oftnt. on the '100,00 .. Pol' di,trlot IIMoo1 purpo.e.. lothl!tr than S.le. D1at.rlotl .20 oenta on t.ne tl0l.1.0) FbI' 8a1.. eahoot dietplot, 15 Ot'nte on tbe ~lOO.OO 2.00 ,.00 noo. T. BrItto 2.00 WEIlrERll UNIO~ 'I'.LF.aRAl'II ro. ~.3 alle. IWld pPl'llOnal prop,,")', !6,572.4~ at 50 opnt.a Por Dietrlat f'choo1 Pul'QOse'. Sal.. Dietrlot, 4.69 mUtts of .1re and p8reonal pl'D1Ml'rty ~1,394,:;2 at 15 oente 2.09 132.86 L. D. 9U..n C8nt..l Dietr1ot, 10.46 .11e. or _1re .nd peraoDe1 property, '2,368.70 8 20 oAnts 4.;~ aig Llok Di81:11"'10t, 12.25 .11e8 of -,dre Uld IJer80nal pl'Opert,v, '2,117.10620 Gents 4.23 Caye Splt1ng Distrlot, 11.63 .11ee of' .1re and ller80n&\ propel't)'. ~-R'.60 @ 20 ~ 1.77 }1'Ol" COunt.,v roheol Purpoaes 2.00 39., .U.. ond personal propertr, ,6,572.42 0 20 oonto 1,.14 U. J. .IIerrioka 1.70 SOU'IlIERN UPRF.BS ro;lPAlIY A. B. RidllWo,)' 101' COunt)' Purpoae. Bal.. D1ot.lot, :6,.00 at SO oonte Oil tllo fl00.00 Big Liak Distriat, t4.00 .t 50 aente on the fIoo.oo Cave b'p.lng Dl~.lot, ".00 .t 50 o.nto Oil tlle 'lilO.OO Pol' D.tetr1ot Sohool Purpo8"8 :1.0,) W. E. LoOk.tt CO,.... W" E. LookoU Fal.. Bohool D1otrlot. f6,.00 at 15 o.nte on the tl00.00 BIg Llok F""ool Dletrlot, 'r4.no .t 20 o.nte on tM ~100.00 C.... Spring follo.l D~otrlot, '!l.OO at 20 o.nt. .n tho :100.00 A>. Qtunt, BOl\OOl 1\1'1'0.0. 1'o~.1 Ya1ue ia .unt" 1ncrltlding Ba1.., flo.oo at 20 Dent. on the 1100.00 ::>.AO 1.80 d. W. 'turner VIROINU 10 'l'1lIIIII!B8E88 'I'lL. DO. .... Oount, 1'IIrpo ... 19 .11.., '1,598.00 ilIt. 50 .... On tll. '100 .00 ... Dln.10\ 801lo01 1'11.,..... 801.. Mn.10\, 19 ail.., '3.9S!.5O. 15 _. on th. t1oo.00 OInt.a1 Dl.bln, II ail... t492.00 II 20 ..at. on tho tl00.oo 2.00 1'8. 00_, ~1 1'II!llO". FI _0'. ",<II/O'lIl!, . 20 _. ~... "00.00 .32 .:J2 .02 .J,) .01 .01 .14 7.~ 5.1\9 .114 n !UI n II ~,', ' ,1 i I: I,', ': , , , :1 , '1 I , I ! j' II! I I , I i II I' I! II i' l " I l1D1' IloUft~~ p'JI'PO." 18.f10 .110.. '47.525.00 11 50 ""lit. on tile '100.00 1'01' 0101.1'101. S",ool !\al'po.ee S.le. 6"'001 01a~l'lot., 2.51 .11... tll,n5.00 () 15 oen~. on ~Ile '100.00 13.16 cent.".l Sohool Dlatrtot, 10.046 .11ee, f26,2-Jo.oO G 20 oIJnte on the t100000\,5204O Big 'ItOlr: Sohool Dlart'l'lot., 7.45 .11"8, ~lBt~50.00 0 2J, 0., the fl00.00 y!.20 roU'I'IIIUllI IlfLL TIlL " ,n, CO. 1'01' Cloun', I\1rpot.. t506.00 If 50 oento on the '100.00 lID" Oh~l'tot. School !\arpo... O.ml'd BeIlool Dh~l'to~, '506.00 It 20 oento On ~he 1100.00 Fop COunt, rchoot P\u'po ... .506.00 .~ 20 oents on ~he '100.00 , CJtrAWBA VALLEY RAILWAY COIIPAHY 2.53 For Cloun~, !\aI'PO". R.55 aU... '4.600.00 G 51 cents on ~he fl00.00 For Dietriot SohOol Purpo... fat.. [oho01 Dhtr1ot, 2.53.1118, tISOO.OO 0 15 olnts on the tIOO.OO central SOhOOl Distriot, ,.11 IIUeSt $2,000.00 tJ 20 oents on the 'lOO.vO C.tawba ',,",001 l/lat.rlot, 3.71 mllea, fI6QO.oO 9 20 Ctnta on thlli tIOD.OO Jo'or Count)" SahOol I\1rpo..e 1).35 1l11tt8, ~5flOo.oo f} 20 oents on the f100.00 1.01 1.01 ROAHOItF" BFDl<ORD Tn. "Tn,. 00. For COunty I\1rpo 888 !1~?..50 0 5.) cents on the ~lOt,).OO Fbr Dist.riot fahool p..u'pose8 Oif T.lelc Distrlot, t189.SO .:; 20 aents on the .flOO.OO i'or (bunt)" Echoa! Rlrposee: ::,"lft9.50 0 20 ""nte on th8 !100.00 .95 VIlUF.Y RAlLOOAD C(O;jPAHY .)8 }t'or Count~ Ptlrpo... tsoO.OO .~ 5) oento on ~Ile '100.00 Rtr D1Btplot School Purpo".. Sal@a fQbOol Dtat.rlot, !'1.~5.00 015 omt.. on the tl00.00 Central SOMol nlatrlot, !390.00 0 20 oent. On the tl00.00 FlII' COunt, School I\1l'po.e. t1675.00 0 20 oents on tile '100.00 . 3ft ROANOXE "OOTfTOUR'I' TEL. CO. }lbr Count)' Purposes !7a5 .JO 0 5) cente. on the (100.00 lo'or 1.l1strlot tahool furpo.8. tip' I.lok Distriot, ~733 .00 cJ 2\J cente on the $100.00 FOr OOunt~ rchool ~rpo8e8 }.60 1.46 VlRGINIA~ RAIL"AY OO;lPAHY i7~.vu G 2) cente on the 1100.00 1.46 ROAl/O,F. OOU~'I'Y 'I'fL. 00. For ~unt)" Purpo 888 .:215.00 G 50 cent" on the .$100.00 1.37 For Distriot [Chool Purpose8 C&ve Spring S'al\ool nt.tr1ot, .P;7 mUtts, -;?,17S.00 C ?f>, 00 the tlOO.OO lo'or CO\lnt.)' School Plrpo8e. 21.31011... !SS,l!OO. 1I ?O oem. on tile el00.00 BiS I.ick. SchOOl DletrllJt, 4270.00 tI 20 O.nt.d on the flOO.OO ;'.0 r (bunt~ fOhOol Purpo II.. .55 !275.00 0 20 oente on thft tlOO.OO .55 RO.vlOKf: S'l'REEI' AAlI,WAV 00. NORFOLl" IIJ'S'I'ERN KY. 00. JloP County Purpoll.. 7.62 aU.., 253.670.00 Ii 50 ""nto on ~h. '100.00 For D1.triot BahGat f\J:rpo... S.lea 111otriot. 1..116 .Ue.. ,11.lGo.oo 0 15 oento on tile tlOO.<lO Central Dlatrlot. 2.00 .11,., 112.000.00 U 20 oe~. Ofl the '100.00 B1& Lt.k lltab1ot. 5.:26 .U... f39,510.00 I) 20 ..nt. on ~h. ~100.00 lID" COum, 8chool !\a!'pO". 9.12 aU... !62.670.00 g 20 oente on ~11. '100.00 F'or QJunty Purpo... 37.53 ml1ee, .:Sfi:3,7Go.OO 050 cents on the tlO'J.OO 29Ul.PO FlII' DtatI'1.~ Schoo 1 !\arpo... SaUo Sollaol Dta~l'lot, ~,In alle., f')P.<JI't3.00 0 15 oents on tile tlOO. 1<18.47 cen~l'&l rollaol Ohtl'tot.. 12.56 all.., f2.40.631.00 \J 20' on tIl. hOD. <ll!1.26 , Rig 1.10k S_Ol Dh~l'tot.. 10.n all... t201.420.00 It 20'0. tlae '100. <<)2.R4 C... Spring rOllool oiotl'tot.. 12.97 aU.., 'l1!l.~O.OO 0 2O',D.'tIl."I100\229.16 . IIDr COuat, 6011001 !\arpo... 40.11 ..n... !6SS.614.00 0 20 ....to on the '100.00 1}1l.2"5 23.00 10.20 2.37 .63 111.60 26R .35 16.74 24.00 7').00 125.34 2.25 .q.JO 3,20 2.50 1.93 .78 }.}5 4.35 'fit! 'III. 1.1. i " ~ !! l' III i I I , i I: /I I I I ; ~ I :i l , i .. IN RF N.:- OlIU"" ROUf!< Itute.d..... of 11......11. 011""',. ..'1nB fOr aIld 1" bellalf.f 'II. .all! 011""',. ontI 1" pur...- - of "" Ordu Of t.1I. lloUd of IUpe..loo.. of 1lo_1ot 011""',. .,,'.r.d upon 'II. "'11I"". of 'lie . &1d. llDard. On 'II. _ d~ of __' 19_. II... .l_d ""d ooun'erell\ll.d 'thl11 bOtId, aDd h.r.to .ttiled and a:tte.ted the ...1 0 t the II aid no.1'd 0 t Ellper'f'll1Ore 0 r At. a rlflrt1181r lIflM1"P ot the IID.1'd ot Elaper.leorl ot Mo..kft OnQDtl. a... of V1rIlIn1a, h.ld .t. 'h. OIlllrt.....u.. Of 'II. .&1d CO""'" OU'1Ie 16'11 d., of 110_ ber, 19O1!. .11 the ..."".. of ,h. .all! llDard of 8lp...lo.... be1aa p......,. \0 wit< II. S. .P. Thr.sh..... J~. D. Bell, Georgi W. LI"'. and neat.. JA)BID. wit. 8. 1'. '!bra..... Ql,alraen or th,. .laid Boai'd, pr..1d1n&. ., aterl,. D. Den.1t,'f cnll'k of Jtt._ke Count)', and .8 suGh. ClftrAc 0 r tile. aid So.rod of &lpeFv11O"., ~. NJzas pr..."~ the tollowlng Pl"...ble W R'101ut1one "PI unanuou.ly Adapted: lot. 'MIF.ftEAll, tl\1a !lo."" Of Supenhou of 110....11. llo""', 111 of tho oplnion that tll" pllbllo n8ede 0 r thi. Count)' aalee it. neOlllllarJ' tor thi. O;t'~ntlV to p.rpct 110_'" 001.lnt.,. on thh tll. _ d~ of .19_" O1.a1raan or the 8oa1'"d or f\Jp.'1"v1eor8 o f Ro aDO ke COunt~ ~ Clt\,.k 0 r thp BaliNt or fupftl"v180I'"a .. nlllft Gou.,.t-hOUfl8 and ClerK' 6 Ort'lee, at H 008t not t.O eJ:ceed the lUll ot :~J,J'Jv.OIJ; of RoMl.\ke OOunt~. Attflflt: 2d. A.~n WlIt-:nEAf", thh Eoarc' o!' f11I'prvhol"s hos rot the re<r.1ir8d J'lOnftl wit.h ....ttich to erpct the 8Rld Oourt-!loUBP. and ~lpri(' 5 orrlC!~; nlttl'k of thp !bani of' at!U'l'vte01'8 ?;d. .t.'m 'Uit.I.:t.hf, 1t ls oe088881",)' 1'01' this roard 0 f 9Jpervhors to COn- . I"l\ct A. 100.n, not AJ:c~p.dlne in th.. 8egrp.gate the Rum ot f50,OOO.OO, tal" thp f!1l1f' or Roano'kft r.ount:y. IllP'C.oSR 0" er8ctlnH A ne. ColJrt-hoUBe and Clprlt'lS otrioe, on the credit of' th18 Fo... O!" CoUPD n rxJ'lnty; ~ t :iOW, TiIERf.IilJRf.. r:t; U' ~roLVED: (1) That thil r~.pd 0 f a..ervlaors do pro08"d to ereat suOh 03ur't-hous8 Heoelvo.ble .1n.er ..:BtLlrlt)' in P~llIlent or an,y Ta.x8B e>r D.J9f1 to the /:IntI Clprk' 9 ort1e. fbr thh: count)' aa t'hatl bft npe".ear, for the purpoep8 ot th1s oounty, the ooflt 1'1'.\08 "'ereat mell not eZOlllpd 1n tile aggregate t.hp said Count~ of RoalX)ke VIHGUU 8um ot !50,OJO.oO: (2) 'l'hat thie Ibard or fup~ryhor8 do con'tl""'ct a loan of not ~J:eliUl'f'1~ thp. sdd 8'110. of ~50,OIJI').()'J tor the eaid pul"PGB8 or II!rt~ottng . new Oourt-hOU8ft find C}prkt:'l Ortloo, on thp Orfldit or this OQunt;y, ond that Bl'ld loan shall ~ pv!cJfa!)opd by cour,on !I',.rJal banda 01" th18 CQ11nty, 1n denomtn'Jtione or Uoo.ao. The Count)' 0 r Roanoke '1111 p~ to r.aZ'f\!r, on the _ day 0 r Oourrt;)' Treasurer ot R;)anoke OOunt~, llt Sal".. Virelnh" ~ intereet on b3nd; , being 81:1: lItlI'lthsl at th.. Ot1"108 of thft 110_. or dtl1tJ.IJlf'8 therNJ t, ~a,.1nf, tnteNet at the I'ate or flYp prr efIJnt. pftr Q!')flJ., Olall'm&ll 0 r the Bo.rd 0 t IUpervllOra ot IIDamke asunt~. l-'8)o.blp lip'lIli-annually, the ta1'll ot 'fIhiah bonds ahall tHt 48 tbllO"6, to ...it: IINITFD STIlrf.S 01' N(f:RICA . Total IGII~e ~50,~OO.OO Clerk 0 t th. Board 0 t fUpervl.ol'. 0' B)amJc. QJiunt)'. No. ( TIIF. COUIrI'Y 01" MlAllln VIRGINIA (3) 'lb.t tI,. .old ..."". oh.ll "" b...ed """ BOld In ...... ..rlal Iba. 1t tllo .dd ......, ...U .. .1.ot. ,.. too p.r.1t. tho .old llDard to relle.., PIlV off lUIII .......1. .t 1."'" tJ.OOO.OO llOnll of tb. .dd ..."". per ........ in ""dlUon to 0.11 Int.l'ttot ...""Ing thereupon; (4) Th.t 'bill ."'io:n of tllill !bard of a.p..d..... .. ..."....., 1n tbe 1b1'tt1P1n8 Pre.bl. end th... ""..IlIt.lon.. be ..rtH!ed to th. HonorabI. W. W. lIoft.tt. Jlldgo of tb. 01rClllU OIllln 0 f 110.11011. Clount.;r. Ibr hlo ."'lon ODd .PPPOYo.1. [II indebted to . or tearer, 1n the 8UII ot ~. ...mien IILlUl in pro'liBee to p-.v to the eald , or B6arer.. on the _ d~ of , 19_, at the ott1oe or the CIount.1 Tre.8l1rer ot ftl)MlOke Count)', .1. Sal.lI. V1rg1n1a. ...it!! iuterlt.t .~~ the r,,"e or _ per oentu pel" annua, pq.bie tiflaal-unnuell.v. to .if,: on the _ dq 0 r and tbe _ dq 0 t 1n eo.c11 :;eal' t until 'fli. bond uball haye been paid, upon the pJ"e8.nt.tlon and , delivery ot the proper oouponlll hereto at.t.Gbed. at the .... p1a". Id wrlNE88 lIIER1ll..... . lJI&1r_ of \IN aa1l\ ......, ot aap...ll1Or. of 110_'" 0lllIa\;r. _ . en.... of "'. ......, 0 f 1- I, I 11 I i: ~ i' , I ! + J. R. Ho1aRd .t. ale. YIllo~ 1.. approved, and the Ch.rk 18 dl,.ot.ed to 188118 hl. warrantoe out ot the f'u1'lt.:'!P r.lpeottv.l)l' ohargeable there"ith 1n sett1..."t at ".... ". The Public t, 't'hia d8f c8Il.e J.. w. ..loC\JtChln, one or the defendant8 to thle appl1Qat.lon, o.nrl lDOv,.d thflo loard to Ql181\!l the writ 8ft,(1 .....pOl"t of th,.. viewer8 rl1fld'ln thle . It appearlng 1.0 the i'oard thot th..re at t.he dog rex tund fOr the )"81' 1906 the 111 in the banda ot the Treaeurlr to the oredit ------ eu. of' (266.5f$, the Clerk 1~ dlreoted to 11lt!Ue C811S~, bftca\Ulfl the)' did mt oontor. to the provisions at t.he statute, 1IIt\1Oh 110- warrante anartteable to eaid fUnd to the following ppl"lIona wh.olle "'ef!p olai.. ha...e bereto.. tore been allowed:. IJ. C.HBDebroufltl, !'-'.oo; j,l. C. Fullhonfh !lO.50j :lorgan BI'08., ~4u.'JO; B. ii. Oal'man, ~f'..JO; lio111'1f\ Il'l8tit~tp, ~~.5J; [alOe, ;2.50; :1. r. Tleo8!-Otl, Cs.ao; F. F. COn.....ay, ~1J.,1): J. P. Jones, :~.OoJ; Hollins I':st.ltut.~, :b.JI); JlWes fi'.1rdn8I', U8.\)O; TO't,tll, ;17G.50. tion thp l'oA1'"~ r'p.c11"." to P8P" 'lpon at thh t.l.p.: !Ind, on h1s mot1on; the f'uf>4 t"'~T' '1,",,"lnr ('It' thl~ C'l'JfI~ if' contimJP~. C. !.. ;ilt'OIFH, lherlrr or thl~' count)', t.',ls rtH~' epIlE"B"f'd, 'lnc' oall"''' attp".- tior'l to tt),p I'rovl:11on:' or the Act or the General Jot;sembl,y ot Vlrt-:inla fbr I",;?" q!; f'('Il1n~ on I>Bf"" 4", tJon(!'H'~lnr. thft 11Ppl)ratlon 01' prilSOners in Jail 8'.1t- On motion or ..I:r. Logan, l'f'condp.d by Ill'. T,~...h, aft allowanae 01' ~l.oo !leI' IIOnth ta .ade to .(la~ S..tH~\n Dott.8 r'Or her 0"'81'8 and auppOl't fOr rive IIOnths, beglnnlnR with t'prll'1t .rorr:. I"11IOOn"'r~ aT'll" 18.1")'r'lrAal tubp.rr.,10e15 t'rom other InfJ,att"B ot the Inrt.1- tutlo" n"'le flY''' not. !'In l\....~~tp.rt. UI,01 conslc1erutlon whereot, t.he r!lut.t..r 15 COR- Oo!oelDtMlr 1st, 1908. t.ll'\'.led fbr f'i.ltl.lr8 actlon. On t.he IIOt.ion or j(r. Bell, It la orri.....d that the allowance or '2.00 p.... aonth 't'h.e Clerk thle dt1)# su1:laitt.ed Cl rellOrt tor the Auditor of fubllo .Account.s, e-r'lowinp: the 8t!8eUIlB\t"nt md aoUe-ction thflref'rom or t.he oap1tat10n t..... for h@t"etomre _adfl to"ord thfl OaNt and e.&[Jpot"t or Lilli" Oot'r, It pmpflil", bfl dhoontlrt'.lpd, and that t.hfll aald LUlle Go tr bfI' oolIl'l'lltted to th~ tll.ahOuae, Uftllfls& o8r(llld tor by Othf'rtlo ta16 count.#, U8 talluwas: ..count 0 t c"}Jlt.atlon ta):80 alu~e8ued !s-.vO.;JO n~llntJ1l!lnt On th~ lIIOtlon or .00r. Lew1a, a.conded by :4r. Logatl, 11. 1a ordered that a reward 0 r 2.6)4.00 hJount colh-ctflc'! Utt)' dollars (ESO.OO) be offered by this courrty, to sul'ple-ment the reward of"erflld by f?JI~6.1):) 1/':: of' M1t1 urr.ount l"..turnflrl to Poanake Ib'.lnt.y tl?42.0n ~-.pck rOl" fI'lid arr,otlnt '1'1'88 dftl1v..r"d to th,. [Oa!'d, an" b)r the Ibard tUrned others tor the al"rut and convict.lon of StdnfllY Br1tts, 8USp40tlltd or the JIllrc1ftf' of' Ed",.rd Oaraon. OV~r to th(' County Trftosul"ftr !Dr Clepoalt to the proper fund. > Till!! FAllers &.011f1t ColJlpaf\V, by:.l. L. Fftllerfl, th1a dfll 8'lbtlitt,ftd fl." Orrel" ot t'lllO WPr,VlroR r. r".T.ikhoC'Jif:.R thl1 day roportftd that he hu.'" turJ'WId oVllr to.\ht nundred aDd tifty dollar.e i:2to.OO) tor thtt purchaae of the rook arueh"r o<<f1fld b)' tl1ill ())unt)' Treasurer tll~.25 rttoeived r"O!D.... A. Rifte, tor the V1..g1nla Helght. county, whiah orrpr la, on motion of ;1.(0. Dell, find duly aeconded, 80C""r.tllti. Corl'Oru.t.lon, on aooount or extra work on toade ro.. Bald Corporation. Said noount. ".s direoted to be ored1tftd to BIR JJiok dlat.rlot ro~ f\a.nd. d. T. KllIOERY, COllnt;y IlJp>rlnt>n401lt of Road>, th10 da;y reportacl 8xpendl- 'nIe Po...." th1. dB,Y, pursulIDt. to notioe httr.to tore given, proceeded publioly to open tne b.1da au_U~ed fbr the erect.10n or tbe DeW oount.)' ooJ.rt-bouse, there belnR If: b1dder-B, th.ir n... and bids belng a8 folIo".; tllr'-a on oounty h1gtu,~ft, All follOwa: E. L. Robbins, Independenoe, Vo.. I '59,1'146.00 E.vondod 1. B18 LIck dIe trlct, 011t 0 f d10trlct fIlnd Expended 11l Ctlt,a"ba dlatl"1ot, out 0 t d1et1"lot. f\a.nd I-.:xpM\dfld 1n Cavil Spr1ng dlat.riot, out. at dilltrlot !\lad F.xpollllOd 1. Sel.. d1oirlct, 011t 0 r dhtr1ct fIlnd E.pendAcl ol1t 0 r 00l1ntl( fIlnd .". B. ~e'" and eoapAn3. t.ornahlUrR, Va. D. J. ft\1pPI, !fftwpGrt NewlI, VII. 46.600.00 '20'.97 1'.!50 62.82 1'78.22 50,000.011 ..... !I, Aft"Y l'!.?'Jd Sol'll Lynohl-J-'"Bj Ve. 50,1)14.00 J.P. Pa!'bol.lp and Compar1)I, Roanolc~, Va. lIehge. _ "eUe,. ",ll..,elplll. II. D. 1I00re, ChrleUen.t!u.B 51,000.;10 4fl,041.00 t ! I' 1 r l' , I J 'G. 7(.r/.~~ Qrov., :i9.~Jvv.<./-.f If;'J/,: . ~ Ci~ ,uld+v.-y,,:o~'ia,,~'-h C.~7 "nJ ,,1...:_ l,d7.J- t:/..... ~<-- ,;..,. L''''I.~'n''*nZI.4-/Jvu'':tr'''-'. (f, <4vwj..~ .eI';: c7 /~h.' v; ,r;-k....:.~t...v'v; .c 49. (J d, (j Of:.&;~ .~~ If9f:7', . _ . ! c.;,'- "":~'-'4.-V-:l"-"t.wtm~ "'.~rr...,..re-d-....... u..<<.eL. ! c/ft..vJ"...ur~C/~"4/4.1~J- '~.:..#7 ~.~~.L. !.~fFU~'~ '~.7:4 ~f'~ ?;tW1lA/.:.<t-v.A-- -.+- '1,tIu-- :l"""'~ UAp~<-4t: ~.tt..;tJt,t!L<.,,~LIv, U-M44-: ;~. -'>.A2......a, (,U-" Ie.-, -It; ,j"", "I /~ ...... ! ft-u. JJt.~. -a->>Lfh..~ 1 h- /" "'e ;llt.":"~,O":lt./' ;~~ u~ j'IV ;...:u.:..~ .,..,~ /""'>Uw ex ; a,,,,,,,,,A..., 'Jf,..u. . . .. ..... .. ..c. t. fl<~rn:I.-. ~~ a--. -0-t....'-<7 ~ NoV c. v},...u....n..- ,9f.a.au<-~ .... .. '. .. iJ."'vv{t. )/~?~ c7M c..~r<-<-c-o .~4.-. e.~ ,,tJ~' "!,,,a. aAHV L"..J /#v.(.~z.:...... .~! dt.-.~, tJ.. /!,,,'~.'.o<.-v'Ak~ Co. (;1:- di;~ . ai'P.Vv.(I t4d~. 4M.- v>.-, t; % ~d~4....- r..",~.c.c/..<--. /"-'/~ c;.~. WM..,'t; &0 . (Jv-rJ.."., t-t~lrv tA-71f. . . Q/: ~'~<:I~. (1~L"'f~aA-I.u..l" ~li. . ftu. .liAt....o><..-. ~<A-V. ~~ ..j/"<W.'- ~ (p",~~ !...dl<-4-'"a./.r ur. 't 'l.u. w-: :!J",:.~....w""d... 0"....7 &"':",,<-<-,.- 'I.cP~". ~~ .;:.p. "'" ,U'~.;l"",,~&.. d""'ff-t..i..../"'/~t. 7<-. .:I. JJ' r. -r'J ' . ..' ( ,CAA-1.~~_ A--L.-~, 1~~-"-1V.yl/~c..t..c.- . r;/~ . ~ .. ('J},J,.. &., r?--t-.~"""""I-. t,;,t. ~<-o ,~dbu...t... .d~/-#V fAA_"~ .L.tF.~.~~~6'-n~. ~d-f)~J-. .& LA"'~ d~. t.1:~''''''' ~!7,:J:;.,..4-,a..~ .'!..Of.CiJuCc.lif. ~~~"<A>~"'I- .' . ~ ,f. /J.~/Vl-;~ q- fA," t-lHl-l f'#V I~''''-c.-. 1.i1-. (j{.,~. ~...t~ "'-0<A>......-.vI- ~c:.......~A-tf ~.r~ ~" r?......~ ~ . . ; i.JI(l~....." c1~ {f}WA-<'U--./~~""', da..~,.J.<41-. :a.J/9fJ......."t.N. a...f""';"",,-:-' ~<w,~ ~rtJ........--. , , I ; 91 c, ~. d'~fA 'I Uu... c.-,~ /~~c..- ~ f~. :dw...~~~.... ~~ a~{-"/~ 1~-'.f~r ,'A/i4un/: . . h/_ o.m..cr7!~ ~IJ#-v..f"""~.1 . .- .; - .Jffw,....---. ~7. (/"(1 (}, (-I-;v ~/~d.v_ ,). ~"...,~(J~ (~) - . 'i- ~A'.t..r.~,./,~) " ~- - @1Jd}if / / #'V ,,", "/>1' t..u..., .. .. /~~~ . f""'t.~..t.nJ.~). . 7- J,<I.~ (. ?!...,~.k",~ ) r. ~,t~ (1-m.n>C"'/~nv!..............) . ?'/"'-~ (J'7~) /1"orF~ p8kPl"'~ ChattaMoFB, 'r8nn. J. C. \)-l'rt1s,' "jewport Me"e., Va. oj: 1:. CalT and Co;. At.l..."a, Oa. 47,CJ'7Ij.OO 4a.470.'JO 49.330.00 45.l!JiJ.oo 47.979.00 ClIllden Iron Works, Salem, V!J. JeonPA ,~ Malis. tQrnChtul"tr C. w. ,iAnt!Oc. It- Scm" L:vno'1bure C. H. 1\1..Qftl'" ,UIf (bIlPIll1,y, Ed1n~on, VIIl. fit F. fm1th li1r-"-pl'Oot Chnst'l.lot1on (b.J~~),. wa8hi.JJHton 49,614.00 49.'1?9.;>:> 50,7"0.00 c. w. In..."11~, .;.aar1etta, Ohio fOl1t.1-t"J"n fu1tdln,R CO.pan>" Louisville, K.v. :<'in,r 1.11mb",. <bmplJn)', Ola1"1ott.A8vlllfll, VB. 47,r;)6l).I\i) 49.000.00 43,k70.'1() -.( And it f\ppfllaring that the 1Cinp: T'lmb"" (})mpof1y 18 t,h" lowst bid!:!..r, nn~ t.il.},t 1t ip II l"pspOllolblp compnny, it Ie 0.,.",.,.,,('\ that thll! oont\"8ct for t.hp pI"I'Qtion o~ t.h.:- '101rl b1ihlinF, 1.'1 "'Iccordnnofit ....lth f.h.. pInns Bt'I~ speclr1ostlono ~:;It:rnittp(l hJ' t."l" u,!"r.hU.pct 'ln~ h"r(!b~ ml1~A '1 p~rt or !-hlf' or~p.r, bP ~"a"dp.rl +n th'" .'1M L'lr.'1b",,. l'brr'lHlOY , liT, its hie' 0" . "4":,~'7.,).(1;), '1{lOn" ::..tf' pntprlnf' into thp ;outruct thh 6~ drlt.'Ml und t:utnlttf>d ulolli': with thf' lJlans nnd 111>ttolflco.t101\t'. fulf. it i~ ~i.r.,"'lP" o"~fll'eti, on rwtlon or ;lr. Loeltl1, t1lut the ct\Birnlan ot th12 f'-o(.or'c1 be uuthor17.ed und lotltructed to ~lrn tJdd contr!lO~ on behdr ot t.his I~'.l'{;, ',0(; nls :;lgllutUl'f' to bt' 'Jttested ~ th~ Clp.r;. or thl> P.our(ll who la aleo "\lthorj;~ec too. l,r~.1Jo: t1t\ t-<!,.l thpreto. lio1l1nll Institute, b)r J. A. Turner, It-a ;,(fJIlager, thie dey eu.telttfld a claim for .~7 .(1, fbr onp. sheep :me! one 1ub kll1l!d b)' dOFS other than 1t. own. Upon Consideration whereot, It 1s or~ered t.hfl.t the 8U 0' .!3.75 tJfI a1.loW'f'd th" said Holline Institute In fUll or its e81d-ola1Pl, on thft baal.1I ot t2..~ for thfl sheett, und f1.25 tbr the i_b. On IIIOtlon lJt liT'. &11, .8ftOOnd"d b)r :4'1". ,.oS...., thfll follow11\tt resolution was unanimcnU1)" A.f'optAd: fJf'mr,~'n, by thf! no",.d of f\1pfll'v180l"lI of R::I."'t" (bunt,., thllt tl'le\prtt",. r"plfr.tIng to thf! oP~" sr.&eOn flir huntIng in thI. (bunt" .. 4dopted .t tblt noto- h",!, mpI't.lnP.' of' th,. &'aY"", t.. UIIfIlnd," PO D8 to 1rJ,olude rabbite, Md fUrther _ad. et' eo a.. to l'fI&d .. followa: ..",. op.n .uean f\l. tIlo IIuntil1B. ..ptu.i"ll ..., kUling ot ....U o. p..... tri"p'fllI and rabbit II , be and the 8aa" 111 h...ltb7 Ib,o'l'"tened and l'eetptated, 80 .that thp open 8e.8On man begin on the 1!5th dq of' Deopabttp, 19oP., inlte" 0' the 20th, ant .nd on th.. 25th dq 0' Dea..bftr, l':'lM, and tb.t it lhaU be UI'll... nil to hunt. kin o. .ap~.. 8Ilf quail o. p....t.1dg.. o. rabbit. in tho .aid Count" exoept bet.e" .". date. h.r.lnbefb.. rized.. . Ord.Hd that tho Board be ,;./. <:.- .'J..n' ), ..rd f..F(} r.>:'J rr'7" )'. <rl -t-oH .y...!...J /,..:. ;~ .IJ. ~,J- Z. J-..t. ..;;:.. tnJ ~ J>-f r. 1.1.4 2~.4"'# 9JSJ J.1>1J '.S'1I /.J:ff I. Zf .r.77 +..nJ '1...!.- /./+ .y./J I. "J .y."4 I r.rl oJ'''__. I."" .J,,:"pc '....4 J ~ I, I i'..'i ! ' ;1 " :i :, , " II!!' ill! "I III II ,I :1 I' 1/". I".. 9rlv.v .(".fc,..d- ifh/ .<4f""':9.-wrt'd. / ~.~11 (" J r ., v'~VvI''->t4f/ ~'7.'" Vf/..:e/.v ....:.."1r-uf., . a."".d .-::1,... t"t.-..I.. A4- .d ~ ~ ,W~<-<-<-- h..:....... ....-4- vvtVt.-'t-4.-n.-I-I#'V'",),:.~t ~~va--wa,~_ _ . .. i,. ",l,. _uf ....ud. . ,t.-<-<:fC... In' rt..... 'M-<-~K(..t.. A...o/ f ~~: )1, / -;,d (j"..,.Ci.v fl1/ <, l';!,v . , .:; - ~~4~l7 f~ If'i~ . J - (,lho""?J'~ /#1/ .t~.lt... ~ '1- ..9",,<- df~ ..l.... {.t.. ~ .) - ;/lvrr cr~ _I In...- . ,,"0 _ ,.fr..a.;! ~ - JJ-...~ {. "e..f'vu-el f". hvw..L /~ cl,t:,.,t u-<-<-'1J?:'" . I tf'.;.r _t)~~.~/v ;(" L-~ c-v:-u-G.{~d-,;'J~~vt4klu.,..~___~_~ ~ . '<.ct..? :, :hvl.;..~...l (."'7 f'~~l.., J I CU-,t/"""7'"':"- 1.9"r .Y>.......~ '1 t:k. (jrw.-d- ,/ d~J''-~~ i '1. ~ .c,"';7,' t...d.d. ,(J<-c....~~ Z/....J, I}W;cvJ.! h.<- Lh<A.-t. k .."....;. ~1z1u. J~l u-~..~ ~J:I.l4~.u-U -ck.,~/ I~'tt....... J.....:a (J,~. ;(;d.,->J.: d do. c/l..-..--I..vv. -G.JJ. (jdl. Cl"-'V-U-t.- OJ: . ~ ~ f~ Of: ~ d'~'::.{. d ~ dku..4/u...---; ~t.<U:......~q....-, I "'<"<> .d, V"JI' A>...a..VM.-cl..t,t...~;v '!. .i.9~, & ~~ 1 ~~ k.... . : c:.~,-~l.. a.<v,a,~ ~~'1.d<<..-e- (i,AA--d-. .a~"'. h...:v;I l~~ A.-k. f~ .~-t'Va.-g/~ -"'f"'-V.ck.- ~ !/~ /lA-<1~ ~<>4 .aeo&;.:tUf,RI- .:t............f.Ja-<-- ;Ju.~,,-k...- ..""-L~ ,tt/r ~ vk~ Y:JtrP..A.el.:. u.ta-h.~<- ,~ eft.<.- ,~,:"t"~ % a.-_~ c........'! /~UV& . <<-~L- {t<-.~'1J:~<<- I','" _ ,."./'-"A-- (1 v....~~':;. ,4 ~u'l ) "'V ,ILL- .~"'.t.,;...,.,Z' "I. I.h... Chh<h .'. z....,"'-<-- {,t:..... , ( /" .., 'II . ~1, .. , ,(' _, 1 .~CA-44~./~:1' J~..I4'7~'l.-~t4t--.1-4' .LL--C'A- ./,J.vt-c--J.-t./ L:~I~t..-C--A~~~ . ~ .,:t.'i-vl'-i/..- ')j;:~',~ 7;[.~(h-Il--<-<1.'l.-q<-(...ef.. .L' it...... ,)S (!-"~Ih,atr... 9f.9I-. /1Uf./d:-i-, (.~7<--- H' tl....... ('q~....d fJ,.........'i- 7' f..!!......... ~ .-(.':"7 /"v.l..~iv .a.c.lc,.",. ""Hi. "');"l-nr...L, : h.../J.....v~~ ;:.,17~:~ vaGh.. . /.--hf., Q1.~ it.. v tJ-/' fi./J/~/",,'r'T'4...l .tr~ ,t-~ ....ec...c...-e.t A'h-v. f>>:0I. ;M;r~-'ia.. ~ ~~_' j(-l-,',,_:t.i.el. tIt,' k. .#, ;;; ~ f3ra...-.d ."'-"V f,.[l-t,7A''-'':' ,;,;" ..J.: , ) tlt,~;,.,.. (/7: (PAM,!JJ?~ c.~"'~z~ (,,~~ c,"'~.A-:I . ce.,."....,Ju.- c,':""'7,' M....iy'~... c?/...4. ().rP.A-d. ;~tu- ....u~............." "1'_ .!::MVf{ e "'(" , """~h1/ Ql:r)f; In:f./....u-l~r y"!':-- ~'~c-~ t;,,.,,~.1- 't : a".......nl...- G...""..,,':;;I', "...fnv "tt.:.;..J-.-u.-...l........... a..c.-<'-<'-+n.- -r ....1.....:0- rJr",,"d-. .-Iva..d (".1- ,i;'" ;1.{<-<akv.yy,<A..:{....~';$ /?ol'; "':'lati-....... ~. l.-/...... {.A.L-c0r._ 'I' ,a.-.",.......- (..~......t /:"."'-4-(.. .c~""l- (..c....~#(~c.<-Ir...-,-::.t...;.. c.~, "n~t. ..Uu- -t""',cL'7 'f t/"';" Ctn~f; .(M/ .ll".} f-4~"" '1 ~7 : k. ';~7..r~el.v ~-/.... .~~ ("<A.-G-t-",~/..-..c.o....vt ,,",<4& ~ c.~A....... '3J""C-<.-' 1V.../;{.t...w-...., -':d_ w-<J.: . 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" do. .0A-<>kv. 4..9 ()~ ft...7......0I-:~~ O'~~, ~ €I do. c/~k..v UA-V-..........."'-" ~:a.....-,o~ CJ#7V..d-.. /MA""..d"'71.: ~ CwI~~.I!J~I-, M..".A 1~"":""k.. ~~,.a.......,l a..v.o~ -l>'!......I... .1. ;t;1......4~ (Jnt.-ul-#/' d.....f-<--w...u..~ -a.I-.u ~ j.>./,l.-o<....../-. -rt:...- 1-~ (j'cc.~A-.-r-d a...,~~.~'~7 ! ;~r-c..,t. : I I..J. ~~~ (Jr~ .'t..d...f~~..y Cid~k.. ~ .w-'l.;t;k..,~~.t:I.....~ ~'r't'k.4.-~. . ~~ I-'V..tk:...- ~.t# ~.-'~ u'7~ ........t- ~"." ,J.H t...,t4- /,J" /. JIJ .1., ~~() \ j. '" ~ .'- ...:.,; 'I :: /" II I ..'~ } ((""d.. ::;fjo!.~ ,,~,~, . / ( ,:i-- (..... . /1<.-(- .!J" . /, v :i.j,}JLut..,~>-<.- ".I1~.v -t. a,c, /",,~~, )~ ~..t.....-: a............... . - .' /. J/"' ?ul {I". ".0,[,:,[." ..n., ,I ,... .d-l-rl..-u.<><.-:t....f. 6..<9. .{'fY................, " :' ,;. ,; .'., u. ".~:-'-., 1:''''.{..t2 ..~/..";" .'- )1.,. .c."",-<-- ".oct a. G: ;1-;'-7'-<.... ,..., ~ 'j .{< ..,.td...'W.-- .y ,!......,- ,..,~>.~. .,>f.. ,,-,,-,, /'<""'7 <Llf(J-,~lLd-.vu...~ .., ~./ -L/~ f vtJo~c- l.~ 'r" l'J~ -;t' VVIU-J-H--- "'H_a-z:.~t..".~} /tU ~dt.e- j' - 'I I. u' " _' _ /. .., ~ V;'--:J} #1/-1./ ElKI'1-?),., 1"~c..--l--J17t.-C'-.I~'" -C~V'-7)~-{~ ,J)J.fadev~ /1-h'.el; r:"JI- "',,1-.,,- 'lu..-t'~'7<'---"" c.........7 .t.!.'...... ....~ ,j "j......... ..- ,U.-A. -:, 'l,...~.c. aJ.t'."",,< .t'''~d..~. <-<fM-l-- :, .:.k4.. !b-.J- ,1.... ,;.r/..-v-~c-<.../ ~ ~~~/ -:k""'. -:u ............u .............. .VH.U- -:.. tk.. A.~.ev.v,14 .,:,t:.,.. ;-....u<;-;, ''1 .v,.....c.1t .....A.d.. jj;rntd .':c..- CAt~kd. a.vf~"'<-d..-,.~ .l.-()-jo~~~ 7';fa.-t.-d-'f~""" "1/~, .,....""7 1'<",...1- ~ ..-Lt, /....... v <-<--<-.~v ,;."",.c..- /UVH--.w!.'.c. !a.A......~: .i/vd....Z:t...:......4,""-d. /Z'd,1:L ."",,'tl. h- l' .j'.CI':.-/1~ I"'~te.. (C~~~..u.........c.c.... ,a-v'!" .J..I.~..:t f"'1-<A/ '/,/~.J. ,!h~-l.. Ie. "f~ ~ 4JJ;"" ~Iy.tk../oc.-Lq~ "-1/ /.:.i~l-/.Jtnt.d.---_,'N_J'yl/A"(J.~ L:-6~~~_t--'J. l-~ dt-J/t--'u..e:f. ...d4--~l ' . q,'~-<--L.... .-Il-a.t.e a l..." u.,(, n.-I L-I...- "''''~.1' ,'Z".{.. . ':""...-c). ~........ .-t~, 0 ;,.~!~ "JJ--:v 1...a...wt.....irlLL- :_AA.'.d. /""<-d, -'f .t...7.a.tlw.Iu.d.., ......:tl- ,~A.o.Y, :CL-,,'!/ .),;-t...~~. 'J"1t7' 1.Z~/LC"Aot--t--....../~__ ~,'L.-()-;'V I #"1/,.....-u..- _..4V"""~~ "d-I .(....It...(...t...-w- "l-t..J(-'H..-~ ,t, -~;~ //~ _<J~ !'-'PeL., ,-cJ..-<- t.",,~ f......-#-"""...t-,t{,.~..;..."./~.~ .-:;/u.. n...:d v~~...,.;;?'.t....~'U4-;..u~ ~/n/ J,~ :)# ~ /~ 1'4-V.t:M- ~-l--.U ~~ .r:tJ.., .uc;.c,.l..t<t.y.....-d,.. .I.-k.-~ t...""'f~,f, -t....-.~/""" .1~.JJ<-<..I--;t; 4.....<-1... ~ ,dw.t.- f-t-/..... 4AA.'.e>l. /l.'~. M~,...4 4'Z,~~ ,J->-L-..;z-.......~~4.~~~...L'" .Il-- l)uvf' h/ .&~.............. .ed-(? ~ ;tl..c..;... ~#1A-. 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