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Qo .a.......4:....~~~. O~ ,~<<.r-" 1- ,,4-... -.. ~-J-2:.t.:L~~~:!L3, - . ~o.,,;:t ,2-/':; I . 'n-: 0,,,, __'Q t..:. ~ _ 'U1.- ._ 0 s- IAL 00. .~ 'u... l . a... 02, -r ':J.. ~~, . . ' .2.~~' 1lr. . (~ 0 tP n ., ~ ~ ~; - , ~-J'--, 2.. 2. ( , 2 -1'>- ' ','" :6",.,,',',.,',.,:,.~,i,',;;,.,'.'y,..,.,',.,.j~;~: , Iv .r~ !!.t.t-.~ ---2-_:c,e~. , k.}..,,(, , i,..'~\,:;; ~;:f!!!~-~~G , ---+-~''''- ~'l4~' __I/::i&... :; , '" 0 ,,<{ ,',' , ~~~,C~ '1;;.~~~~>I~ f'~ - . .;:0.>\ kr~. ~~0~ ,1: ~~ ~ ~_CJ;;;;.. wcU.~~~~,;>/";;':~,; .'.:-:.:i;')'<,,',.'-:p. < o o a n '- i,',' ~,", ..!'~' . No. U907. " U908. Roanoke Concrete Products Co., pipe, Vlm'son Rd. doseph G. Pollard Co., Inc., cut in connections San Dist. ftl San.' Dist Ifl Wm'son Rd. 52.50 13.40 .. 11909. 11910. 11911. 11912. 11915. 11916. 11917. Phip?s & Bird, Inc., ortho-tol1:dine,1lm'son Rd.San. Dist #1 ~.41 Dooley printinB Co., sewer asses~,ent cards,\1m'son Rd.San Dist #1 5.50 " Salem Hardware Co., hardware,supplies, A. G. ",ood, Pur. Agt., stamps &c .. Of '.. " 2.87 .. 116.09 .. " " .. " " .. Salem Bond Fund Cha~ers Ferguson, com. en col. delin. P. P. taxes in Dec. Ferrell Mattress Co., 15 mattresses at $3.65 Fa~ers National Bank, into on bonds, Williamson Rd.San Dist #1 2.90 54.75 360.00 Of .. .. l IN HE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLATIf,s &:C: The foll~wing claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of ~y dog taxes in the hands of the Treasurer, ,to11it: No. 11913. E. Y. Morehead, 1 sheep killed by dogs, 3.00 " 11914. d. A. Boone, Game Warden, 41 dogs killed at $2.00 each, 82.00 .. 11918. Town of Salem, refund to Town of Salem, being 10,0821 of net balance, 274.98 .. 11919. TOVln Of Vinton, retund to Town of Vinton, being 7.063% of net balance 192.65 IN HE: PURCHASING .wEt-IT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purohasing Agent, this day presented to the Board an account amounting to $189.82, in paYI"ent of sundry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher check be issued to him in payment of said account. (Said account is ordered to be filed.) , A. M. BO\'1'MAN, dR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of December, 1939, amounting to $855.34, two- thirds of which, amounting to $570.23, is payable by the county, and one-thirt, amounting to $285.11, is :>liyable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said A. M. Bowman, dr., Treasurer of Roanoke Cou~~J, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is ordered "0 be filed.) ED~. H. RIC~qDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of December, 1939, amounting to $408.33, one-half of which is, payable by the county and one-half by the State; and, /3-N- (, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to ~~, the said Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, for $204.17, the county's part 11/~1Yo , of s'aid account. W. C. lIDSE, Coll!Dlissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of Decembosr, 1939, amounting to $772.51, two-thirds of \1hich, amounting to $515.01, is payable by t!le County, and one-third, ," ~lM~;; b~~~i". ",;q;-~' t:>H~ jl(j) 22(,7.1<5 uN- '" ,.'. ~ ,,,",,'<' . 'J:~:,)i? ~..-.;,-.,..,.( '''.'';<':\,~:; 'I' s1 L/ a'''''';;"'' ",.".,.,;i:~;~~ o o C" lJ , Upon consideration whe~eof, on motion of Supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by SUpe~visor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that action ,upon said requests, with the exception of the radio fo~ Sheriff's car now in use in Vinton, be defe~red until the Budget Committee hearings for 1940-1941, and the said A. G. Wood, County Purchasing Agent, is authorized to purchase radio and have same installed in said car. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUperviso~s I.' D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. / d. C. Reynolds and other citizens of the Garden City Section, Big Lick District, this day appeared before the Board, and stated that the school in that community was over crowded; asked for new school building, and requested that this Board visit the school some morning in order that it might familiarize itself with . existing conditions there; upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by supervisor T~O. Richardson, and carried,. it is ordered that this Board meet with the citizens of that co~unity on Tuesday, January 23, 1940,at 10 o'clock A.M., at the school building. ,. ni :;tE: REP"'AT OF THE BRUCE BILL: C. C. Crockett, Mayor of the Town of Vinton, this day appeared before the Board, end presented petitions from the Town of Vinton, Valleydoah Civic League, Wildwood Civic League, and the Midway Better Service Club, and urged the Board to request our representative in the General Assembly to seek re~eal of bill #416 (The Bruce Bill), in so far as it is applicable to Roanoke County. R. S. Kime also appeared before the Board and opposed,the resolution offered by 1~. Crockett for the purpose of repealing said bill; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Superviso~ Mason L. Cook, seconded by supervl'Sor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that this Boa~d go on record as being in favor of repealing the Bruce Bill, and that a certified copy of this resolution be mailed to the Hon. Benj. E. Chapman, member of the House of Delegates, Richmond, Va., with the request that he take the necessary action to have same repealed. Ldppted by the following recorded vote: AyeS: SupervisQrs Mason 'L. Cook,T. O. Richardson, and L. D. Bell. N~s: SUpe~visor I. D. Chapman. citizens of Roanoke gertai-n/,Countythis da,. appeared before the Board and suggested to the Bocrd that f it take some action to strengthen the present laws relative to ar~exation of County'property so as to protect the interest of the County as far as possible; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason 1. Cook, seconded ( by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, it is ordered that Delegate Benj. E. Chapman, and r I Senators Harvey B. Apperson and Leonard G. Muse, be requested to strengthen the present annexation la~s so as to protect the county's interest, as suggested. ~::--;-~=-':""""-'_.::--::~-'-:-:-,--:---:---~~-'":"':-~----'- -'--'~.-----_.- .. - .,'....' .'.' , . 7 , "...--", ,~-, :'~{' ..':...,~ ~,',.,.;,~ ' r",' ~'",."',,,',',"',"~',/',',!t .' ',' _.,..~(,:.,.~:,~:;~ tl.. IV~" . .' :- --':':~'~<~ :-,:~!;;:i~~: 1/p:1.':ffJ;"", . ~,- -"',,':<,f 7- ~~'ift : ."~ !::-';.'/)~) f",'~":i!; ~,,":;1Ji . "'.q~' l/l~~,cf~; '~:',' " .' ',.,. ....' f3i,~ 'I/~'J-() r 'I "''1 <1-0 " , -' o u . ' c.. ~ said petitioners requesting that said roads be taken into the Secondary Highway Syst~ of roads in Roanoke County, and maintained as such; Upon consideration ~hereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered tl~t said applications be delivered to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the Joint Meeting of this Board and the State Highway Department is held a:t the April Meeting of this Board, for consideraUon. On the motion of Supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that Eon. Benj. E. Chapman; representative of Roanoke County, be requested to pas's legislation. to exempt Roanoke County from the State gasoline tax on all cars and trucks owned by Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~~pervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. ~ On the motion of 'Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D~ Bell, it is ordered that A. M. Bo\~, Jr., TTeasurer of Roanoke County, in compliance with resolutions adopted by this Board August 17th, 1936, and November 16th, 1938, turn over to the delinquent tax collector of Roanoke County for collection as of February 1st, 1940, so much of the 1937 delinquent personal property tax list as, remains uncollected as of that date; provided, however, that prior to the delivery of said delinquent list to the delinquent tax collector by the Treasurer, that an audit of said Treasurer's delinquent personal property accounts for said year be made, and that he be given proper credit for all remaining uncollected balance of said delinquent lists delivered to the said, delinquent. tax collector; and 'that the delinquent tax collector be allowed the same salary and commission as allowed for collections made in the year 1939. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and I.D.Chapman. Nays: None. 1/ E. K. MAT'"',:;,'U~, County Engineer, ,this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to purchase a blue print machine at a price of $180.00, 'for use in his depazotmant; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supe,rvisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered th~t said machine be purchased at said figure.-- .adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. b. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. On.the motion of. Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, it is ordered that Supervisor Mason L. Cook be appointed a Committe~ to confer with t 3oard~of Supervisors of Bedford and Franklin Counties in reference to a bridge ~i te:;;,2 .2.:- . ":",,,i, '~:.i".' . '..;..,'",i:~ . r"'~'.1' "".:":.:"":.;,,. '/I~<f" ., .; ~r 'l'l1~' e. _ i-y.' ,Ii ;rlf" v' ,; ~ tlJJ n,.lf!. .a..l:-: 1/11'/110 - ------. ----0.- _L__ 12 due to an emergency having arisen on account of the bad weater. Upon consideration thereof, on motion of Supervisor T. O. P~chardson, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, it is ordered that this BO!l'd appropriate the sum of Five Hur.dred Dollars \$500.00) for the said rel~ef; said amount to be matched by the State appropriating approximately $835.00, making a total of approximately $1335.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason ~. Cook,T. O. Richardson, and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. Orderec that the Board be, adjourned until the third Monday in February, 1940. ..(!, ,t.// d..u..e. qhairman. Court House, Salem, Virginia February 19, 1940 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this dat at the Court House in regular monthly session. Present were L. D. Bell, Chai=an, I. D. Chapmen, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson, also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. ThE. minutes of the last reeular monthly meeting and the special called meeting were approved as read. The following claims against the COUl'lty were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith ton t : No. 11951 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, Salaries $629.24 204.17 527.56 ft 11952 Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth Atty., Salary ft 11953 W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue, Salaries ft- 11954 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, jury tickets and Vital Statistics 441.50 ft-' 11955 Chas. Lunsford & Sons, 2/3 cost of Bond Fremium on Treas. Bond 535.00 ft 11956 Underwood E11iott Fisher Company, Repairs to typewriter 5.53 " 11957 Coronet Carbon and Ribbon Co., carbon paper, etc. 52.50 " 11958 Salem Publishing Co., binding boo~s for Treas. 14.75 " 11959 Dooley Printing Company, printing 20.00 " 11960 Harry Safran,' L'1c., office supplies' 10.21 " Co~onwealth of Virginia, forms for Treas. office 3.13 '10.94 11961 11962 11963 11964 ft Easter Supply Co., office supplies Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 7.76 227.85 55.14 15.00 14.05 " Fairview Home, monthly expenses " ft 11965 "" 11966 C & P Telephone Co., phone service Double Envelope Corporation, 5000 envelopes " 11967 Chalmers Ferguson, commission on collecting delinquent taxes 11968 R. T. Biggs, money paid for cleaning blankets, etc. 11969 D. 7. Oyler & Sons, greasing cars 11970 The Texas Co., gasoline 1.10 147.50 a 4.92 " a ft 11971 Goodyear Tire & Rub1Jer Co., Inc., tires for Sheriff's car 21.61 It 11972 Gottschalk's Garage, repairs to cars 30.73 12.02 " State Farm Mutual Auto. L'1s. Co., Ins. premium on car (Sheriff'S car) __L 11973 I ,I I I lIo. o o c o eI, ~ It 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 ' It It It It It It 11981 11982 11983 11984 It .. It It 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 It It It It It 11990 11991 11992 It, It It 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 It It It It It 11998 11999 It It 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 '12009 12010 l20n It It It It It It It It It It It It 12012 It 12013 It 12014 It 12015 It 12016 Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 7 coroner cases O. G. Lewis &: Co., L~c. Repairs to Sheriff's cars Hartman Radio Service, repairs to radios in Sheriff's cars' Magic City Motor Corp., repairs to cars Wiley Hall Motors Inc., repairs to cars Frank Gilbert, J. P., 3 Lunacy cases Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec., Sec. Medical bills for Roke. Co. Public Health Assoc. $ 35.00 9.85 8.50 70.22 41.00 48.75 325.00 10.70 4.87 4.36 Claude Kittinger, Registrar fees F. E. Lit~rell, carpenter work on Co'xrt House 'Salen Grocery Co., soap and powders Wiley Feed, Fuel &: Supply Corp. lumber for repairs to McClung Bldg. 6.50 Pasley Coal Yard, coal for Court House 122.50 J. J. Lewis, 8 tons coal for McClung Bldg. 40.94 Williams Coal and Transfer Co., unloading car coal 24.75 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware 68.25 Town of Salem, Lights'& water for jail, court house, &: McClung Bldg. 91.58 J. E. Carper &: Son, repairs to plumbing in Court House &: Jail 139.60 Salem Eaectric Service, repairing liehts in McClu-~g Bldg. 38.60 Abe Huddleston, Welding light on truck 0.65 Ideal Ventilator Co., ventilators for Super~isors room 16.50 Roanoke Ironi&: Bridge Works, Inc., Repairs to jail Brown Hardware Co., Paint for Jail 177.19' 54.10 Roanoke P~per Co., paper towels ~~d toilet paper 22.59 Ferrell Mattress Co., mattresses for Jail &: repairing 'desk for Sheriff 83.90 J=es River Oil Co., Gasoline' and oil 35.65 Town of Vinton, 1/2 cost of insur~ce on firemen as per contract 7/1/39 66.00 Vinton Ice &: Fuel Co., coal for Vinton sewing room 18.50 R. 'H. Lowe, Inc, Making blue printing sL~ 8.90 Roanoke Stamp,,&: Seal Co., 2 rubber stamps for Plan.~ing Co=. 6.08 Paul B. Matthews, Mileage traveled in making zoning maps 2.70 Goodwin Insurance &: Realty Co., Inc, Compensation 'nsurance 97.18 A. L. Semones, rugs, etc. for visiting house keeper 25.75 Salem Foundry &: Machine Works, Inc, use of Blue Print Machine E. B. Krebbs Supply Co., material for sidew. 1.00 8.90 8.90 3.50 11.50 10.89 E, B. Krebbs Supply Co., material for sidew. Virginia Foundry Co., material for sidewalk H. B. Mabes, Material for sidewalk Hollins Stone Co., material for sidew. A. G. Wood, Pur. Agt. &: Auditor, to reimburse cash fu..~d, etc. 330.10 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, Interest on bonds, Vimson. Rd. 40.00 San. Dist. No. 1 Wiley Feed, Fuel &: Supply Corp. Lime for plant, Wmson. Rd. 4.90 San. Dist. Ne. 1 Gillette Publishing Co., SUbscription to water works &: Sewerage Wmson.Rd. San.Dist.#l 2.00' C. B. McGhee, water used for WPA construction line, Wnson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 2.98 14 ~-r ~ f!1---" fL,..;1. -.-t. 'J-f~/:"'o '~~~ - "-! . ~/~II ;'6 No. 1.201.7 R. H. Lowe, Inc, making repairs to plant, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 6.20 Roanoke Welding to Equipment Co., Repairs to equipment, Wmson. Rd. San.Dist. No. 1 4.25 J.E.Carper & Son, repairing water line at plant, Vhnson Rd. ,San. Dist. No. 1 46.52 C & P Telephone Co, phone service, Wmson. Rd., San. Dist. No.1, 7.40 A. G. Wood, Pur. Agt & ~uditor, to reimburse cash fUnd, etc. Wmson. Rd., San;~ist. No.1 150.61 , O.G.Lewis & Company, L"lc., 1.-1940 Plymo1;1th Chalmers Ferguson, delinq. P.P. Taxes collected in Jan.-Comm. 720.00 1.93 IN RE: DOG TAXES. ETC. The following claims against the County \vere this ds.y pz:esented. approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out o:f any dog taxes in the hands of the Treasurer towit: No. 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 Moore Milling Co.. feed :for game 37.00 J.A.Boone, Game Warden. 78 dogs killed @ $2 each 156.00 Salem Publishing Co.. 12 Tax Receipts Books 7.75 Treasurer o~ Virginia. Dog Tags & Receipt Books 110.05 A. M. Bowman. Jr., 15% of Dog Tags sent to State for Oct..Nov." & Dec.. 19S9 1.43 " " " " IN BE: PORCHASINC, AGENT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purohasing Agent, this day presented to the Board an aooount ' amounting to $S5(>.1.0, in payment of sundry aooounts paid by him, and, on motion duJ.y seoonded and oarried, it is ordered that a vouoher oheok be issued to him in payment of said aocount. (Said account is ordered to be fi1.ed.) A. Y. BOllMAN, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and.expense account for the month of January, 1.940. amounting to $943.8~,two-thirds of WhiCh, amounting to $629.24, is payable by the oounty, and one-third, amounting to $31.4.62, is payable by the State, and on motion, dul.y seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-cheok be issued to the said A. Y. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the county's pert of said account. (Said account is ordered to be filed.) ED'GENl!: " CHELF, COmmonwea1.th's Attorney of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of January ~,l94O, amounting to $408.33 one-half of which is payable by the oounty and one-halt by the State; and, on motion, duJ.y seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-cheek be issued to the said Engene.W. Che1.f, CQmmonwea1.th's Attorney, for $204.1.7, the county's part of said accoun . w. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke county, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of January, 1.940, ,amounting to $791..34, two-thirds of which, amounting to $527.56, is payab1.e by the county, and one-third, amou-"lting to $263.78, is payable by the state, and on motion, duly seconded and carried I it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, for the county's part of said account. I I 'I i I i' I i I !...:<""~ , , !" f , , .n ...... n l....i c u ~ IN BE: BENT ACCOUNT: The Clerk this dsy delivered to the Board the check of A. M. Bowman, dr., for $7.00, for rent of basement room for one month, to ~ebruary 4, 1940, which he is directed to turn over to the Treasurer for credit to the proper fund. IN BE: DELINQUENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to, the Board the receipt of A. M. Bowman, ;rr., County Treasurer, tor $2l66.93, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of ;ranuary, 1940, less 5% commissions and turned over by him to the said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2058.58 net. A. M. BOllMAN, m., County Treasurer, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia, February 19, 1940. To the Board of SUperviso,rs of Boanoke County: At the olose of business Saturday February 17, 1940, there was to the credit of the - $39,493.59 3,885.73 4,664.50 Debt FUnd 1,029.09 4.770.51. '53,845.42 Respectfully submitted, . General fund .W.R.S.D. No. 1. '!lOx Tax Fund .salem Dist. Boad . School 1'und A. M. Bo1llllBIl, dr., Treasurer~" Said report is received end ordered filed. \. IN BE: FINANCIAL RE..PORT: A. G. Wood, County AUditor, this day laid before the Board his f1.nancial report to the Board of sUpervisors and County school Board of Roanoke County, Va., for the'period ending January 31st, 1940, which report'was examined, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered to be filed for such 1'uture reference as may be required. " iHEREAS, there is now pending in the General Assembly of Virginia a bill known as the Bustard Bill, Sectfon 17, of which said bill, would, if passed, eliminate the services of game wardens of the counties and cities in so far as they are paid for - inspections and are granted allowances thersfor from the dog .funds; AND WHEREAS, Section 17 of said Bustard Bill would tra~sfer from the several counties and cities, including :aoanoke County, to the COllDllission of Game and Inland ?isheries certain funds now being received fram the proceeds of sale ot dog licenses; AND WHEREAS, this Board is ot the opin10n that the serv1ces,of geme wardens for 1n~ections of dog damages 1s most necessary; and whereas, the Board is fUrther of the opinion that the present system of administration is satisfactory and ' should not be disturbed;and whereas, it appears to the Board that the purpose of the dog fund is not for the propagation ot game and fish; but tor other purposes,which are now well-knOwn, and should not be changed; and whereas, the Board is further of the opinion that such funds should remain in the eeveral counties and cities, and be adkinistered by the local boards, as the several boards deem wiss and expedient ~ ~)/9/y3 ~ 16 (.t~, del. h jg~Jfet c:.,.... ""'~ \;.b-ee. :/oJ '). '3/~!O, ' \-.Y" .r o:~\ \ torI! de..!.-\:. 1'YI-ro, c..'-Qwft.-<t!. Af2'3fLfb '''A v'\: \ '\ under the present law, ,rather than by a State commission; BE IT RESOLVED, the Honorable Harvey B. Apperson and the Honorable Leonard G. J!Use,Senl1-tors representing this District; and the Honorable Benj. R. Chapman, member of the BOuse of Delegates, be and are hereby requested to appear before the Legislative Committee in the hearing or hearings on this Bill and oppose the same, and slso oppose the same in any other method wh~ch they might deem advisable and I proper. On roll call the above resolution was adopted with the following recorded vote: L. D. Bell, Aye; I. D. Chapman, aye; T. O. Richardson, aye; Mason Cooke, aY!l. Nays: None. The Clerk of this Board is ordered to forward certified copies of this resolution to the above named representatives of Roanoke Co., in careof the Clerk of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Delegates. I IN BE: ~UES'l' FOR APPROPRIATION TOWARD ROANOKE COUNTY JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB - LIBRARY AT CONEHURST: )(rs. G. A.- smith, ~r., and Mrs. R. B. Irving, members, and Mrs. T. T. Harris, Adviso~, of the Roanoke County ~unior Woman's Club, this, day appeared before the Board, and made short talks concerning the activities of said club in regard to the library sponsored'by said club at Conehurst; snd recuested the Board to make a appropriation toward said work; , upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded Ii ' ~..' by Supe;Visor L. Budge. "CoDi1 ttee D. Bell, it is ordered ,that said request be referred to the to be taken under consideration, and if said committee can include said request in the budget to do so, in a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars <t300.00l, without any increase in taxes. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I., D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason I.. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. IN BE: HOME ASSISTANCE PROJECT: Mrs. Lula O. Crawtord,in connection,with women's work in Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to sponsor propossl IRA-51, for, cleaning and demonstraoion supplies, in connection with home assistance project in Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor I. D. Chepman, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that L. D. Bell, Chairman. of this Board, and A. M. Bowman. ~r., Treasurer of Roanoke County, be authorized to sign said proposal #HA-51when presented to them. Sponsor's part to be one hundred dollars CtJ,OO.OO). I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I r ! The following petitions for roads were this day laid before the Board: , or A petition signed by i. O. Tinnell, G. L. Ferguson, and sundry other tazpayers ri LJ and oitizens residing along and near Road No. 693 and Road No. 686, Yail and School Bus Boute, distance of between 1-1/2 and 2 miles, through the property of ~ohn H. Sears, GOode Saunders and Ruth Taybourn, and join Road No. 585 near .. O. Tinnell; and agreeing to deed to the State of. Virginia a free right~of-way to connect Road No. 593 and Road No. 585 in accord with the secondary Road Requirement; , i' U , A petition signed by W. E. McMillan, R. H. Stump, and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Phlegar Road, leaves River road east o:f Diuguld's Lane, and runs in a southerly direction to Koiner and West Orohard, 30 foot right of way, inclUding additional widths :for cuts and fills, guaranteed; A petition signed by Forest Park COrporation, Geo. C. Moomaw and Ben C. Moomaw, 'and sundry property owners on road or street known as Forest Park Boulevard and GllHdhall Avenue, from Cove Boad near Pleasant View School to Roanoke Gity Limit on F~rest Park Boulevard, 30 foot right of way inclUding additional widths for cuts 'and tills, guaranteed; .. A petition signed by Dr. Moffett H. Bowman and Mrs. H. Norton Stone, in lieu of Mr. ~~ne, property owners on road or street known as Persinger Rd., Center Hill, c from !Lt. Vernon Iloadthr!I Stone property, 40 fo"t right of ,way including widths tOr ,cuts and tills, guaranteed; , A petition signed by ~oseph H. Chitwood and Andrew d. Ghapman, requesting the re-establishlllent and inclusion in the State Highway system. of road leading froll!. the Bennett Springs Road in a westerly direction towards Mason's Creek and t.he Salem- Roanoke Higllllay, Route {f said road never having' been legally closed or abandoned; .; A ~tit ion signed by ;;. P. Bowman, property owner on road or street knolm as Hillcre3t Ave. from Chatham to SO. P. L. of Bowman Lawn, a 40 foot right of way including additional widths for cuts ai\d fills, guaranteed; ,/ A petition signed by '1'. R. Boggess, F. 'I. Booth, and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Mundy Ave. & Halliahurst Ave. from intersection thereof with dannette Ave. to intersection with (north) Halliahurst Ave., (WGst) to intersect on with Old Stewartsville Road - old route 124, a 30 foot right of way including additional w1d"ths for ou"ts and fills, guaranteed; ./ A :petition signed by J. 'I. Daniel, ~. E. vaughan anli Kenneth E. Doss, property owners on road or street known as LakeviellAve. from Route No. 820 to Route t, ~ No. 1420, a distance of 2 blocks, SUnset Village, a' 40 foot right 01' way including add! tional 'Widths tor outs and fills, guaranteed; C. C. Nelms, Casteel, C. A. Cook,land sundry other property owners - A peti"tion signed by R. L. a , on road or street known as Highland Road trom Roanoke BoulelTard in a southerly direotion through Fairfield Addition, Roanoke County, a 30 foot right or way including additional widths for cuts and fills, guaranteed; said :{:etitioners requesting that said roads be taken into the Saaondary- Highway System of roads in Roanoke County, and maintained as such; Upon oonsideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor I. D. Chapman and carried, it is ordered that said applications be delivered to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the joint meeting of this Board and the State Highway Department is held at the April Meeting of this Board, for consideration. Co f'f of-thIS. , oyd~v Qnd ,......'. a 1\ YOQd ' pe,/-,'t,.."... " ' }-.'I~d, J e.l.t~,/ E. 1<. n1 "He"", < 'C-./! 'J./ '1.3ftr(r t..JL,L ~,A- Jh~;. cW.. t; 'i ./(7; 'hi~ ')..{""J / 'f~ stees" " \18 Col"'1 {. ,H,C. mOY-(I'se..fd:, .. state. 14)( , (I)m. Y'o, ;s~'.o.~ ey It, 4-< '1""~., ...- Q"~ t:6 t5ud,~ Co m: "" t "tee. , "/H/'io (.f~ d~\. -t. ~. K., r'Yl11t.t:e..... '-12. ~I ~o. 'Copie."~ " W,~IV\ .;.delS' "1').3"'0.> L.\ c' \ ' (or'l4~\' h- A, C-, w.od 4"'" IY\-I. 'f""1 <1&.'" .r \loP ,./-\ po' '" IN HE: BE-ASSES-~T OF ALL REAL ESTATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY i'OR YEAR ~940: On the motion o~ SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that there be a re-assessment o~ all real estate in Roanoke COunty ~or the year 1940, and that the budget committee shall make provision for the cost of said re-assessment in the 1940-1941 budget. Adopted by the following recorded vote,: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, and L. D. Ball. Nays: None. A copy of ,this order to be certi~ied to the Department of Taxation at Richmond, Va. Chas. B. Satchwel~, Attorney, this day appeared before the Board on behal~ of Frank P. Hawley, and ~iled a petition of the said Hawley, requesting the Board to open a thirty ~oot road, tOe'his property down the natural grade of the branch through the R. A. Henry ~and to the juncture o~ 688, or through the'R. .8.. Henry land and the Lewi HOYles land to the Floyd-Bent Mountain 'H1'ghway, as well ss the petition of H. B. Wharton, Mrs. Hattie Grisso, Joe~ K. Grisso and I. A. Grisso, who joined in the petition ~lled by Frank P. Hawley, and further requested that the requested way be, 'mad a through road to R. F. D. 2, at a point on the branch opposite the H. B. Horton property; Upon consideration whareof, on motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seoonded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, and carried, it is ordered that said requests be referred to E. K. )(attern, COunty Engineer, ~or investigation and report to this Board. On the motion o~ SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L,. Cook, it is ordered that a committee constituted o~ E. K. Mattern, COunty Engineer, Trial. Justice R. T. R\1bard; A. Jl. Bowman. lr., county Treasurer, and Health Officer, C. d. Ward be appointed to investigate the adoption of the Virginia Statewide Plumbing COde in Roanoke county, and report to this Board at its next. meeting, and should there be a d1r~erence' or opinion in this Committee that a mdnority report be submitted to this Board. Adopted by the ~ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapmen end T. O. Bichardson. Nays: None. CHALMERS FERGUSON, Delinquent Personal Property Tax Collector of Roanoke Coun~y, this day appeared before the Board and made a verbal report of the delinquent personal property taxes collected by him since his appointment as such collecto~. end J requested the Board tc? dispense with the; 'salary and commissions heretofore paid him, a d allow him a straight ~i~ty per cent (50%) commission ~or his services as such , delinquent tax collector; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that said requef"'. be granted and the I I 'I , i , j I salary o~ the said Chalmers Ferguson be dispensed with, and that he be placed on a straight ~i;t'ty per cent (50j(;) cOlllIllission ~or all delinquent taxes collected by him until the fUrther order of this Board. Said change to be e~~eot1ve as o~ February 1st, 1940. o Adopted by the ~ollorlng recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. (j D. B. Ferguson this day appeared be~ore the Board and presented to the Board a letter reoeived by him from Hon. H. G. Shirley, State Highway Commissioner, advising him that there is no law to prohibit s laundry 1'rom dumping waste lIsterin the gutter 01' th( road"unless such waste water oontains sewerage or any other substance that is deleterious to health, the said Laundry in question being the NuWay Laundryr Upon consideration whereo~, on motion 01' SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the above matter be re1'erred to the Health Officer 01' Boanoke County 1'or investigation and re:port,to this Board at its next meeting. Adopted by the 1'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson, Mason L. Cook and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. c 'H. L. BAYSE, Constable 01' Big Lick District, Roanoke County, this day appeared be1'ore the Board and requested the Board to re-imburse him for prelll1um 01' ten d~llars ($lO.OOl paid by him'on his bond as such constable; Upon consideration whereo~, on motion o~ Supervisor I. D,. Chapman, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that said request be continued to a fUture meeting 01' this Board. Adopted by the 1'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, T. o. Richardson, Mas~n L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. . c The VAlLEYDOAH CIVIC LEAGUE 01' Roanoke County this day laid before the Board m a petition requesting the Board to enact an ordinance establishing a de1'inite closing hour o~ not later than 1;00 o'clock A.M., and to establish are-opening .. " hour o~ not be~ore 5;00 A.M. ~or night clubs, road houses and like places o~ amusement'in Roanoke County; upon consideration whereo1' , on motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that a Committee composed o~ the Commonwealth's Attorney, the Sheriff, and the County Health Officer be appointed to investigate and make a report at the next meeting at this Board of the advisability 0" any suoh an ordinanoe. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. 19 COf'" -f-. C ,J, 'l.}".}<iO' I c.-J/'-J ' ~. ~r):/.L~,-'/~.-. -- ,Yxl "' ' J' N",c , ^t'" , Cop' -e s 't-.. E. VV,Clte (,J. yVQvcI, l.Y>\""etj;. E, W~IJy.,,- 3 ;J..1~140- ~,;!. ' ;f"-<",,' .- (/ ...... tOf~d81--f-o ~h-.eyH>l'i,~' Wal4-ro>" - ~j~?JJljO- , . \C/'\ K. W. Cl'ie'1t', Commonwealth's A.ttorney, this day- appeared before the Boa::.-a and reported that there is now pending in Riohmond Bill No,.l37to regulate the use ot' fire oraokers and explosives, and reoommends that the Board takes no aotion on this matter until after the adjournment ot' the Legislature. Bmltett W'al~n,Sherit't'.o:t" Roanoke County, this day appeared bet'ore the Board and requested that the Board pay the premiumson the bonds of five deputy sheriffs of Roanoke County; upon oonsideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, seoonded by SUpervisor kson 1.. Cook, it is ordered that the Commonwealth's 'Attorney investigat the lew as to whether this Board has authority to pay premiums on said deputy sheriffs bonds, and report to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the 'fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, ~. O. Riohardson and L. D. Bell. Neys: lione. '" SUPERVISOR MASON L. COOK, who was at the last meeting o~ this Board, appointed to meet with the Board of Supervisors of Bedford and Franklin counties in reference to a. bridge across Roanoke River where Back Creek enters into Roanoke River, this day '. reported to the Board that there was no action to be taken by this Board in regard, to this matter. This day appeared before the Board H. H. Harris, Resident Engineer of the State Highway Dept., and called the attention of the Board to a letter written the Board of Supervisors on April 4, 1939, and signed by C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer. State Highway Dept. Seid letter sets forth the oonditions under whioh roads may be taken in"o the Seoondary Highway system and further states that one per cent of the existing m11eage may be taken in only if the road is graded and surfaced to a m1nimum width of sixteen feet with material capable of carrying a bituminous treatment. Whereas, it appears to this Board that it would be an impossibility to have farm, mountain or countlY roads graded and surfaoed due to the nu:nber of property owners interested ~~d whereas only one per oent of the existing m1leage nay be included in the petitions not graded & s'~faoed; Therefore, it is the opinion of this Board that petitions for new additions to the Secondary System in su~divisions should be considered under the additional 1% allowed for graded and surfaoed rds. as referred to in letter from C. S. Mullen, Chf. Eng. State liwy. Dept. dated April 4, 1939, provided, however, that if there is a.dditional m11eage left over from the 1% of oounty roads allowed and if there is sufficient taxable value erected on the subdivision road petitioned it may then be considered without improvements referred to above. On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, the above resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~ason L. Cook, I. D. Chap~an, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. '1 I; I "'I " I E. K. MATTEFa" County Engineer, of the Committee appointed at the last meeting of this Board to investieate the operating expenses of st,'eet l1&~ts in Roanoke county in btult up areas, this day appeared before the Board, ~~d re~uested that this matter be deferred until the next meeting of this Board. ii I~ = dated Feb. 19, 1940, A letter/signed by (Mrs) Mary F. spiggle, Case worker, and(Mrs~ 1~garet L. Malley, Superintendent, Roanoke County Public Welfare Board, in regard to two of their clients - Silas Hall and Isaac T~~er - was this day laid before the '0 Board; Upon consideration whereof, o~ motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the said Silas Hall and Isaac T~~er be sent to the Fair View Home. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and I.. D. Chapman. Nays: None. I. RIGHTS OF WAY: This day appeared before the Board, E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, and stated, that in his opinion, and in the opinion of Mr. E. H. Harris, Resident Engineer, of the State Highway Dept., a right of way of 30 ft. in roads that are to be taken L~to the secondary Highway system is not sufficient for public convenience nor for the efficient grading sr,d surfacing operations of the Highway Dept. ~~d that the preliminary pl~~s of the Ro~~oke County Pl~,ing Commission contemplate a forty ft. mi~ riget of way in certain districts for those roads already dedicated to public use, cut not in the secondary system. ~erefore, on motion of supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by supervisor Mason L. CooK, it is ordered that a forty foot right of way must be guaranteed before any o road will be considered f~r inclusion into the secondary highway system. if said road is within the area for ~hich a forty ft minimum width has been set by the Roanok~: County Planning Commission in its preliminary plans, It is :Urther ordered that if the road to be considered lies outside of said district, or districts a mini=1 right of way of thirty feet shall be required. All petitions for roads g'.laranteeing a thirty foot right of way 5.'lall be accompanied by a written statement from the Roanoke County Planning Commission advising this Board that in the opinion of the Planning Commission said thirty foot rie~t of way will be sufficient for the use to which said road will be put. a Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, T. o. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Uason L. Cook. l1ays: lIone. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Ball, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that a 1940 Plymouth ,Car be purchased for the Roanoke County Public Works Department for electrical inspection work, from O. G. Lewis & Company, at list price less 10% disco~~t. Adopted by the following recorded vote: A7es: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. 21 Cor t,e. s, " ',,' del. f"i'I'hs- M~Yl.fF , ",: 'Sp''! '11-e. i"<, j'l"(, 'l-.O\l ~~'?:$ c..,~, ' \yv'ev>'r, V'1 ..... .........:.":..;l f..."';,;, -!--low-." "1.,)(11" t. ...... .<.'..\'. YIJo..- 2iJ On motion of Supervisor I~ D. Chapman,seconded by Supervisor~T.o.Richardson,it is ordered 'that t~e Commonwealth's Attorney proceed to institute suit not later than April 1st, 1940, for the purpose of collecting all delinquent sewer charges in the' Williamson Road Sar~tary District #1. Adopted by the following recorded vote: o Copy.d-eIJo E W,Ckel ~~. / ' 4./ 'AI''- if'ir 0 . Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapm~~, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. }lays: None. o Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in ~[arch, 1940. ol#~~e:. Chairman. Court House, Salem, Va. March 18, 1940 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court Rou~e in rEgular monthly session. Present ~ere L. D. Bell, ChalrmanfT~o.Richardson and Mason L Cook. Absent: I. D. Chapman., Also present A. Jl. BOm:lan, Jr., County Treasurer. The ~nutes of the last re[ular no~thly ~eeting ~ere approved as read. The .follo"ili:tg cle..::'r:1s a.gainst the county were this clay presented, a:Jproved, and c wi th, to\'1it: orderec to be paid by voucher-checks out o~ t~le funds respectively c~argeable the~e- , No. 1.2060 It 1.2061. It 1.2062 11 1.2063 It 1.2064 It 1.2065 It 1.2066 n 12067 It 12068 It 12069 " 120"10 It 12071 1/ 12072 1/ 12073 It 1.2074 It 12075 m It 1.2076 .",.., It 1.2077 It 12078 It 1207 , It 120SC It 12081 It 12082 " 12083 It 12084 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treas. Eularies ~or Feb. $ 528.03 520.56 204.17 75.40 w. C. Muse, Co~ss1o~er of Rev., Salaries for Feb. Eugene W. Chelf, Com. Atty, Salaries for Feb. A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treas. Jury tickets & vital statistics A. G. Wood, Pur. Agent, to reI?:lb=se cash fund 197.62 FairvieVl Rome, mO:1thly expenses 221.45 C & P Telepho~e Co., phone services 57.10 Chalmers Ferguson, co~~. on collecting de1inq. taxes 26.38 T~e Western Union Telegraph Co., telegramS for Board of Super. 1.70 Henry Gr,r.n, repairi~5 typewriter for Com. of Rev. 8.50 Treasurer of Vi~~.nia, foms fer Treas. Office 3.13 Caldwell-SHes Co., Office sup~'lies 3.33 Easter Supply Co., offico sup::,;l1es 4.58 S~l~ Publishing Co., 6,000 printed Gov. Postal cards for Treas. 75.00 Dooley Printi:l[; Co., printing 23.00 Roanoke Stamp 8: Seal Compa..'1Y, 1 seal" sta..>np 5.06 The T~xas Co~pany, gasoline 146.76 Ea~tern Oil Comp~~y, oil 33.17 Gottschslk's Garace, repairs to cars 53.60 o. G. Lewis Co., r 69a:.rs to cars 20.23 Hardie 3r05., oiling and creasing cars 7.00 Woodward Studio, 4 packs films for Sheriff Dept. 2.80 liart~a..~ Radio service, police radio and repairs 84.25 Gurrett Wood Ess.) Station, Qul"bs an::' tire service 1.55 Dr. G. .A. L. Kolner, 3 coroner cases 15.00 30 top,,! cl~\. /;o.t.l,WCl{~.,.I n~.t~i<f<l'.""'J "!ll~ol LjO. tOf'l of.vd e't' .......l...oad. , l ,L,~..." <lei, 1"&<='" <"' \J m.tte'.... To .,,1" , '?>1~OI<lo. ,~Yklt ~t.l<.~~. f\.;(,. vJi~~t , ,~\;:ot~l> C. d. Ward, Health Officer of Roanoke County, to whem ~he matter of dumpiilg waste water by the Nu-Way Laundry in Cave Spring District, was referred at the last meeting of this Board, this day appeared berore the Board, and recommended that a chlorinator be placed by the Cave Spring Water Works Compan:;r at the water supply of said compen:;r, as recommended b:;r the State Board of Health in 1937; and that this Board take no action in regard to the dumping of waste water from said Uu-Wa:;r Laundry- on the advice from the Collllllonwealth's Attorne:;r of Roanoke County. I' , The following pet! tions for roads were this day laid before the Board: I J. W. Genu, . A petition signed by to. Z. Cochran, S. T. Lawrence and sundr:;r property 'owners to t"cleas't' ,.", grade and gravel a section of Washington Heights secondary roads in order to make passable Deleware Avenue east from defferson Street R 1421, toAdams Street and North on Adams Street tci Route 24, said petitioners guaranteeing:to','donate a 40 foot right or way including additional widths for cuts and fills; A petition signed b:;r Ottaway Barnett, Cora E. Blankenship and sundr:;r property owners on road or street known as from continuation of Rt. 1418 - 800' N., said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 30 foot right of w8:1 including additional widths for cuts and fills; A petition signed by R. d. Barger, New South Corporation, and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Gillispie Road from intersection of Liberty Road to the Norfolk &: West,ern Railroad a distance of about 500 ft., 30 foot right or way including additional widths for cuts and fills, guaranteed; .A petit ion signed by \1. d. Hudson, R. C. Louthian and sundry- other property Olmers on street known as Oakland Ave. from into of "insloe Drive past prop. of O. B. Bohon, 30 root right of w8:1 inclUding additional widths for cuts and fills guaranteed; A petition signed by G. L. Whitlow, S. W. Snead, and sundry other property holders on Ward street, Edgewood SUb. Division, petitioning: incorporation of that section of Ward street beginning at the end of the present maintenance of Rt.14l8 to the i~tersection of Rt. 1427, in Edgewood SUb. Division, into the Secondary 1'...,/ , ~ystem. \ " A petition " signed by das. P. Woods, property owner on ,"oad or street known as Tillett Road from city line (Weaver Heights) around hill and back into Spring Road, street laid out is already graded, sidewalks constructed, 50 foot right of way. including additional widths for outs and rills guaranteed; I said petitioners requesting that said roads be taken into the Secondary Highway system of roads in Roanoke County, and maintained as such; ~on consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell and carried, it is ordered that said applications be delivered to E. K. Mattern Count:;r Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the joint meeting of this Board and the State Highway Department is held at the April Meeting of this Board, for consideration. I, On motion of SUPervisor L. D. Bell, seconde~ b:;r Supervisor Mason L. Cook, and oarried. it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, Public Works Engineer or Roanoke Co;, be and he is hereby requested bnd authorized at the expense, of Roanoke Co., to go to Henrico Co., Va., for the purpose of investigating and Observing the operation of the proP=:~J 31 index system now in use in Henrico Co., and report to this Board his findings and for this purpose he is hereby authorized to use county car. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayp~' SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. o Nays: None. Absent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman. 0' This day appeared before this Board, E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, and '1(. C. ~~se, Commissioner of Revenue, and recommended that the issuing of building permits be transferred from'the Commissioner of Revenue's office to the County Engineer'S office. Cor.'1 -1-0 t-l 0....- rn oWl se-tL staie fa~ Con/\ "'" Therefore, on motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded. by supervisor Mason L. Cook, and oa=1ed, it is ordered that all building permits for Roanoke County be issued by the Commissioner of the Revenue by a deputy acting under the supervision of the 8ngineering departmen1; in the office of the county Engineer on and a1"ter May 1, 1940. It is further ordered that a committee to consist of W. C. Muse and E. K. Yattern, work out the details ,of this transfer and that said committee have " ? -' the authority to act. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to certifY a copy of this order to Hon. C. 'H. Morrisett, state Tax Commissioner, Richmond, Va. c Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. o. Richardson. Nays: None. Absent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman. The' fbllowing letter was ohis day laid before the Board: "Salem, Virginia March 16, 1940. u The Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia. Gentlemen: May I take this means of informing you of my action as a member of the House of Delegates of Virginia, ralative to certain matters requested of me by your Board. 1IllJ,',- ~. At a meeting of your Board on Monday, .Tanuary 15, 1940, you requested that I take some action "to strengthen the present annexation laws so as to protect the counties interest." In compliance with your request, and in accordance with my own Views, I. together with the members of the House of Delegates from Norfolk County, introduoed a bill which we thotight would better protect the interest of count residences in ~exation actions brought by cities. This bill was reported from Committee but met defeat on the floor of the House. However, the Legislature did adopt a resolution requesting the LegiSlative Advisory Council to make a st1.1dy of the question of annexation and report its findings to t he General Assembly before its next regular session, which investigation and report should be of particul r interest to us. At your meeting of January 15th a majority of your Board went on record "as being in favor of repealing the Bruce Bill", and requested me to "take ohe necess ry action to have the same repealed", so far as the same is applicable to Roanoke COunty May I first inform you that the so called "Bruce Bill" has never been "applicab:e to__ Roanoke County", as the Board of SUpervisors of the County has never edopted its provisions which was required by the original act before the same should be "applicab e to the County". However, in comuliance with your request, I introduced a bill ~hich I - , was enaoted into law deleting the neme of Roanoke County from the oontents of the so called "Brue Bill." At your same meeting or January 15th your Board requested that I npass legislation to exempt Roanoke County from the State gasoline tax on cars and trucks owned by Roanoke County." After discussing this matter with certain State Officials and other members of the State Legislature, I came to the conclusion that it would be 82 ~'~l ~, T~ &..1. ;/. d), ~ ,'Yr,rJ- :;J0if.~ a:..... ~~,co,fL ~ c.L cW.. $" 6], 1;, rr irrL- ~/-r1f. absolutely impossible to secure the passage of a local bill carrying into effect the wishes of your Board relative to this matter, and that a general State law exemption all counties from the State gasoline tax on cars and trucks owned by all counties of the State would likewise be opposed most vigorously by the state Highway Department. It should be borne in mind that county owned oars and truoks are operated to a large extent over the highways of the State looated in the counties. If counties were exempted from the gasoline tax as requested by your Board it would in turn mean a substantial reduction in State funds used for the construction and maintenanoe of secondary roads in our county. After discussing this matter with the Chairman of your Board, and other members thereof, I came to the conclusion that it would be to the best interest of the oounty and of the state as a whole not to introduoe a bill which would have for its purpose exempting counties from the State gasoline tax on oars and trucks owned by counties. At a meeting of your Board on February 19, 1940, you requested that I oppose the provisions of Section 17 of a Bill pending in the General ASsembly known as the Bustard Bill, which section would transfer from the counties and cities, inoluding Roanoke County, to,'the Commission or Game and Inland Fisheries certain funds now being received rrom the proceeds of sale of dog licenses. It was my pleasure to comply with your request and, in accordance with my own views, I app2~red before the Committee considering the Bustard Bill and opposed the provisions of Se~tion 17 as originally drafted, as well as oertain other provisions thereor which I thought undesirable in the Bill. There were certain desirable features in the Bustard Bill, however, the Bill was not reported from committee, and of course none of its provisions, including Section 17, became law. I wiSh to infol'll!. you that I greatly appreciate the interest which your Board sholfed tOlfards the past session of the General Assembly, and I shall ever be grateful for the co-operation which each member of your Board has extended to me in the past. May I assure you that I hold myselr in readiness to assist your Board and the people of the County at aDO' time that my services ma:y be thought to be or benef! t to the communi ty . I 'I Yours respectfully, Benj. E. Chapman, On motion of SUpervisor 1. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason 1. Cook, and carried, the Board desires to express its appreciation or the splendid services rendered by Mr. Chapman at the last session of the General Assembly. COMMUNITY GARDENS - Seeds &:c On motion of SUpervisor T. o. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason 1. Cook, it is ordered that an appropriation' be made for II P A & N Y A community Gerdens, amou~ting to $20.00 per garden, or a total of $120.00, for the purchase or seed. fertilizer &:c for said gardens. Adollte1 by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason 1. Cook 'and 1. D. Bell, Nays: None. Absent: SUperviso!' I. D. Chapman. I On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered tbMt Mrs. Gertrude S. York, County Project Supervisor, be allowed the ~ of one dollar ($l.OO) per day, for a period beginning March 22, 1940, and ending April 22, 1940, for purpose of supervising community garden projects in Roanoke County. I Adopted by the rollowing reco!'ded vote: Ayes: Superviso!'s L, D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L.'Cook. Nays: None. Absent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman. I l I I i i i i I I '0 On the motion o~ SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered'that the Department o~ Taxation be requested to Bend to the Clerk dt o~ sU~~~sors,,~~ Roanoke County the ~ollowing sheets ~or re-assessment in 3oanoke County tor the year 1940, towit: County Land Sheets #1 1000.00 - 3 books. County Land Sheets No. 2 - 35 County Land Sheets No. 3 - 300 0' County Sheets No. 4 12 County Land Sheets #5 66 County Land Sheets #5 5 County Land Sheets #7 24 County Lend Sheets #8 5 County Land Sheets #9 5 County Land Sheets #10 6 County Land Sheets #11 6 County Lend Sheets #12 6. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. Absent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman. c' On the motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that A. G. Wood, County Purchasing Agent, purchase an adding machine for use in the o~~ice o~ the Commissioner of Revenue o~ Roanoke County. Adopted by the ~ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. Absent: supervisor I- D. Chapman. c WHEREAS, certain public sewer lines are in use in Roanoke county, for which no maintenance is now provided; and, WHSREAS, situations may arise in connection with the operation of such lines, m 1f'lich may be detrimental to the health o~ Roanoke County; On J::Otion ot SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, s(lconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the County Engineer be hereby authorized. to use such equi:poent as is now in use and owned by other systems in Roanoke County, when ~uch an occasion arises, anc. to take such steps as !:laY be necessary to repair end maint~in such lines, the cost of which shall be billed to ~he Board o~ SUpervisors o~ Roanoke COunty tor payment. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, T. o. RiChardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Absent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, I the Board C"l"l ~;\-ed':i +Q 'De.fo...{....."t; 0(- 14'1'4tlo"l\) " ~/;..I<I.'; ~ &.J!. t:Y ~ , k 'h1.;:d;;jl ~.~ 3/~<J.o 34 -4 ~~ '2tI-.J<..~ te...'~, f>.G:&.. I!;r~~ 5/ry.;O CoY"! clt\, , -r-i~ .6-.vv'..J ~1)..I<lO H. H. Harris, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, this day ap;peared before tlle Board, and asked the Board to take whetever aotion it might ~ deem prope::- in regard to use of oonviot labor in Roanoke County for the next fisoal :;rear; U;pon oonsideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor T. O. Riohardson, seoonded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that use of oonviot oamp labor in Roanoke County be disoontinued. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Riohardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: SUpervisor Mason L. Cook. Absent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman. A letter dated Maroh 5th, 1940, from Mrs. Lula O. Crawford, SUpervisor Home Assistanoe Projeot, Roanoke County, expressing the appreoiat ion of her department of the kindness ~d oo-operation of the Board of SUpervisors in making possible the' Wffome Making Center", and extending to the Board an invitation to visit said oenter at its oonvenienoe, was this day laid before the Board, whioh letter was reoeived and ordered filed. IN BE: CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY APPROPRIATION: 1!'. D. Preston ot' the Children's Home Sooiety, this day apP"~J:'ed before the Board, made a verbal report of the work of said Sooiety, and requested the Board to make an appropriation towards said vlork; ~n oonsideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seoonded by SUpervisor '1'. O. Riohardson, it is ordered that an appropriation of four hundred dollars (t400.00) be made to said Children's Home SOoiety, and that said sum be included in the 1940-1941 County budget. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Abl!ent: SUpervisor I. D. Chapman. A letter dated February 12, 1940, from the Bent Mountain Game Protective ' Assooiation, requesting "that a portion of the amount exoeeding two hundred and fit'ty dollars obtained from the Dog Fund be transferred to the above organization or into a speoial fund to be used for the purpose of replenishing or re-stooking quail or other game in the vicinity of Bent Mountain. A portion of this fund would be used for t'eeding game during periOds of bad weather when it is practically impossible for game to obtain the neoessary amount of food for life,"was this day laid before the Board; which letter was ordered filed. , I A letter dated February 19, 1940, from G. H. Hodge, District Forester,' 1 Virginia Foreat Service, containing a covering fire oontrol work conducted - - --- ~---- I I I 35 in Roanoke County during the calender year ~938, for the intonnation of the members of the Board of Supervisors and other citizens of the County who are interested in the details of this work, was th18 day laid before the Board; , Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, said letter is ordered filed. o The following ~etter was this day laid bef'ore the Board: "ROANOKE COUNTY Salem, Virginia. lanuary 27, ~940. o Board of SUnervisors of Roanoke County, Sa~em, Virginia. Gentlemen: Y have audited the Treasurer's 1937 Personal Property Books, and have deduoted the items marked paid. The f'ollowing is a list by districts of' unpaid taxes.' u Big LiCk White. $1,487.35 Big Lick Co~ored 83.74 "ill~amson Road Sanitary District White 758.73 Williamson Road Sanitary District Colored 13.25 Geve Spring White 715.12 Cave Spring Colorp.d 87.88 Town. of Vinton White 421..24 Town of Vinton Co~ored 37.37 CataWba ihite 93.52 Catawba Colored 3.88 Salem 1Jh1te 805.75 Sal em Colored 42.24 TolrIl of Salem Tlhit e 534.5~ Town of Salem Colored 52.15 Total 15.245.94 --------- A new set of books has been made up f'or the above unpaid taxes and turned over to Mr. Chalmers Ferguson, the Delinquent Tax Co~lector. Respectf'ully submitted, A., G. Wood, County Auditor." Said letter spread and ordered filed. CJ It has come to the attention of' this Board, through rumor and press notices, that the Schoo~ Board of Roanoke County is considering the use of' county 1".lnds in covering the-branch ~ocated at the new Carver Schoo~ f'or colored pupils, in the , TOlrIl of' Sale~ at a cost of' approx1mate~y twenty-f'ive thousand dollars ($25,OOC.00); tJ:pon consideration whereof', on the motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bel~, in view of the possibi~ity of a shortage in funds for operating and instructiona~ costs of the schools in Roanoke County, and in ~~ ~,c., 1>~, '3/ ---7'" P! U view of the uncertainty of the future revenue of Roanoke County, the Board of Slipervisors requests the County School Board not to expend county funds for any such projeot. And the Clerk is ordered to certify a copy of' this reso~ution to the County SChool Board of Roanoke Co; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. Absent: Supervisor I. D. Chapman. ~ IJ .0 , " a " 11.I Court House, Salem, Va. AprH 15, 1940 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day et the Court House in regular session. Present, L. D.,Bell, Chairman, I.,D,'Chapman, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson, also present A. M. Bowman, dr., County Treasurer. The minutes of the lest regular monthly meeting and the' called meeting were approved as read. The following claims against the county were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be ~id by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable there- with towit: No. 12169 EUgene W. Chelf, Comlth. Atty. Salaries for March $204.17 529.89 520.56 " 12170 A. M. Bowman, dr., Treas. Salaries for March 12171 W. C. Muse, Comr. of Revenue, Salaries for March 12172 E. K. Mattern, Engr., Expenses of trip to Washington &: Henrico County :12173 A. M. Bowman, dr., Treas., dury TiCkets 12174 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes 12175 d. E. Fitzpatrick, dury Commissioner 12175 S. V. Hutson, dury Commissioner ,12177 A. G. Wood, Pur. Agent, to reimburse cash fund 12178 Fairview Home, Monthly expenses 12179 TOwn of Salem, Lights, water for jail and McClung Bldg. &: Court House 79.22 56.25 20.00 31.15 24.55 " " .. 15.00 32.90 19.54 7.50 7.50 198.35 269.18 " " .. .. .. " .. 12180 C &: P Telephone Co, Phone Service 12181 Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 4 Coroner cases 12182 State Forester of Virginia, Fighting fires in County 12183 d. E. Carper &: Son, repairing plumbing 12184 Bailey &: Lawrence, replacing locks on dai1. 121.85 Roanoke Iron &: Bridge Works, Inc., repairing jail 1.2186 Fred'k d. Siebrecht, Mop Cloth 12187 Roanoke Paper Co., Inc., Brooms 12188 d. d. Lewis, 5 Tons coal 121.89 Wiley Feed, Fuel &: Supply Corp., Lumber and Plaster 12190 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Adding machine &: ribbons 12191 Everett Waddey Co, Record books 12192 d. P. Bell Com~eny, Receipt forms for Clerk's Office 12193 Salem Publishing Co" delinquent postal cards 1.219~ Caldwell-Sites Co, Office Supplies 12195 Easter'Supply Company, 1 Inkwell 12196 The Texas Company, Gasoline 12197 Shepherds' Auto SUpply, Repairs 12198 Auto Starter Shop, Inc., repairs 12199 Gottschalk's Garage, repairs 12200 W. V. Crosswhite, repairs 12201. Master Service Station, repairs 12202 d. C. Shelton,Garage, repairs 12203 H. B. Edmundson, repairs 0.60 2.42 12.32 0.75 " .. " 3.75 .. 57.57 10.38 .. " 12.00 ,25.70 3.63 200.40 104.20 9.15 " .. .. " " " 34.75 30.19 1.35 73.75 3.46 5.85 6.60 0.79 11.10 .. " .. .. " ,. .. .. .. .. .. Co.- 12204 State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins,jinsurance 12205 Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Corp, repairs .. No. 12205' Wiley-Hall Service,Station, March account 12207 Magic '01 ty Motor Corp., repairs 12208 Vinton Motor, Company, repairs 12209 ,Sarah E.BlackWell, Sec., Medical bills 'for Roanoke County Public Health ABsoc. $ 1.45 4.42 13.31 325.00 19.78 9.21 I .. 'It .. .. 12210 12211 Brown Hardware Company, Inc., hardware Salem Hardware Co., Mdse. 12212 Williamson Rd. Sanitary Dist. No. I" reimbursement for repairs of sewer Une at 31e Arbutus Ave. 1.35 12213 Roanoke TYPewriter Sales Co., repairing typewriter 16.50 IN RE: PURCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: payment of said acco~~t. (said account is ordered to be fi1ed.l .. " .. .. 12214 J'ames River Oil Co., Gasoline and kerosine 12215 Vinton Ice and Fuel company, Coal &. wood for Sewing Room 12216 B. K. Elliott Co, planimeter 12217 A. L. Semones, 12 chairs 12218 Singer Sewing Machine Co., meterial for sewing rooms 12219 Hix-Palmer Company, Inc., material for sewing rooms 12220 J'. M. Logan, material for Home Center 12221 Salem Grocery Company, material for home Center 12222 Alba K. Simmons, water used in construction of sidewalk 12223 The Philip Carey company, material for sidewalk 12224 Engleby Equipment Company, repairs to Ransome Concrete Mixer 12225 Frank Gilbert, J'. P., 3 Lunacy cases 80.48 17.50 39.20 13.00 10.37 232.82 2.77 5.66 2.50 25.40 8.00 49.15 I .. .. " .. .. .. .. '.. .. .. .. .. 12226 W. E. Lindsey, WmBon. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 Formaldehyde and dis,ti11ed water 0.60 21.75 5.34 8.05 .. 12230 A. G. Wood, Pur. Agent &. Auditor, reimburse cash fund (Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. #1) 134.90 .. 12236 A. M. Bowman, J'r., Treas. ~ Interest on bonds 22.50 IN RE: DOX TAXES, S1111-:o:P CLA:mS &.c. The following claims against the COunty was this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of any dog taxes in the hands of the Treasurer tOl/it': .. 12227 E. B. Krebbs supply Co., Chlorine 12228 Salam Hardware Co., Hedge Clippers l wmson.Rd..San. Dist #ll 12229 '0 &. P Telephone Co, phone service( Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. ill .. .. I No. 12231 J'. E. Barton, Ewes &. lambs killed $ 37.50 " 12232 Densmore Foul try Fam, 5 hens killed by dog 5.00 .. 12233 B. D. Rakes, 4 hens killed by dog 4.00 " 12234 Mrs. R. H. Lovell, 4 hens killed by dog 4.00 " 12235 J. A. Boone, Game Warden, 52 dogs killed 104.00 I A. G. WOOD, Purchasing Agent, this day presented to the Board an account amounting to $198.35, in payment of s~~dry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered th~t a voucher check be issued to him in ( Dl "'" A. M. BOWMUU~, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary a~d expense account for the month of March. 1940, amounting to $790.83, two-thirds of ~hicn, amounting to $529.89, is payable by the county, and one-third, amounting to $254.94, is payable by the state, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said A; M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer of Ro~oke County, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is ordered to be filed ) f2..-t. '/ V"'- ~.,...' 't/tio/<.f(? / ',0 " EUGENE W. CRELF. Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of March, 1940, amounting to $408.33, one-half of ~hich is payable by the county and one-half by the State; and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, for $204.17, the county's part of said account. (Seid account is ordered filed). W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day submitted his sala..ry and expense account 'for the I!:Onth o'f March, 1940, emouI:.~ing to $780.84, two-thirds of which, amounting to $ 520.55, is payable by the County, and one-third amo~ting to $250.28, is payable by the State, end on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said iI. C. Muse, p. ,f;J"'f b 11 Commissioner of Revenue o'f Roanoke County, for the county's part o'f SaL d account. '-1/ t b I Yo. c'::':.,', ;~ ~,.".<,," ... ,..-"",.. ,,-7<.. ;;rrff";~j~: ~ I...>.... ()'t:.;~ '-1-/1 &/ ":~ '-10", ,':':;"':.\~: ,.;:F ,< .....,;:.;': .,. c ( Said account is ordered filed). 0( IN HE: DELINQmmT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt o'f A. M. Bowmen, Jr., County Treasurer, 'for $1091.32, on eccount o'f delinquent 'taxes collected by said Clerk 'for the month of !lerch, 1940, less 5% co=issions and turned: over by him to the said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1035.75. A.M.BOWMAN,JR.,County Treasurer,th~s day submitted to the Board the 'following repor : "Salem, Virginia, April 15, 1940. To ,the Board o'f SUpervisors of Roanoke County:- At the close of business Saturday, A?ril 13, 1940, there was to the credit of the - a 'General County Fund ,IV. R. S. D. No. '1 ,Dog Tax Fund Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund . County School Fund $25,394.71 3,807.83 3,942.94 714.87 8.531.08 $42,391.43 Respectfully submitted, A. M. BO\rnlan, Jr., Treasurer. Said report is received ~~d ordered 'filed IN HE: FIN;~CIAL REPORT: A. G. Wood, County Auditor, this day laid before the Board his ''financial report to the Board of SUpervisors and Coun,y School Board of Roanoke County, Va., 'fo~ tr.e period ending March 31st, 1940, which report was examined, and, cn motion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered to be filed for such future reference as may be required. 40 ~. m HE: REPORT OF ROA,~OKE COUNTY ]:f;'AT'I'R' OF3'ICER: C. J. Ward, Health Officer of Roanoke County, this day laid before the Board, his report for the month of January, 1940, which report, on motion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered filed. R. E. Cook, SU~erintendeno of Schools, this day ap~eared before the Board and submitted the County School Budget for the year 1940-1941; Upon consideration whereof, on motion 01' Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the Board of ,':.:.pervisors 01' Roanoke County ley the usual levy of one dollar ($1..00) per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation for school purposes in Roanoke CounoY for the year 1940-1941, and that the SChool Board 01' Roanoke County is hereby requested to revise the budget, as presented to this Board, so that the expenditures should not exceed the revenue thereof; And, further, that this Board requests the County School Board of Roanoke County to embody the ten dollar ($10.00) per month increase for teachers, and if necessary, to pare the budget so as to balance same in reference to receipts and expenditures; and that they make their cutting from some other source; and that there be no item included in th~ bUdget for capital outlay for this year; Adopted by the following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook end L. D. Bell Nays: None. Supervisor I. D. Chapman this day presented to the Board a letter in reference to school buildings in Roanoke County, which letter was read to the Board, and on motion 01' Supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, said letter is ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, and T. O. Richardso . Nays: None. On the motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor I. D. Chapman it is recowmended that two new school buildings be built in Roanoke County - one at Tinker Creek and the other at Garden City - as soon as funds are available, if PWA funds can be secured, the county to match 55% cost 01' same, borrowing the county's part from Literary 'fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook ,Nays: SUpervisors L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. And the tie-breaker, R. T. Hubard, having been called in, and the motion explained to him, stated to the Board that where a question of an increase in the levy was involved that the tie-breaker did not have the authority to cast the deciding vote. end thereupon, said motion was declared lost. ~ A letter dated April 15, 1940, from Rev. C. M. Key, Chairman, Tinker Creek Building Committee, in regard to conditions existing at Tinker Creek school, was this aay laid before the Board, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered i'iled. cl ., I I 0- c c a The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County this day held a Joint Meeting with the state Highway Department, represented by H. H. Harris, Resident Engineer, and the following action was taken on below named roads: The Board of Sll.pervisors havL"lg this day reconsidered the res:>lution of the Board dated Febr.:.ary 20, 1939, in connection with the petition signed by A. H. Owen, O. W. Owen, and sundry other property owners living along road known as 694 near the property of P~s Jones running south about 1/2 mile, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30t right'of way, including additional widths for outs and fills, and sta~ing that said road would benefit 8 families, and requesti~g that said road be taken into secondary highway system of roads of Roanoke County., upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said resolution of February 20, 1939,_ and -!'~'t::t'ii~, be and the same are hereby reconsidered by this Board, and reco=end that said road of 0.20 miles beginning on Route 694 be taken into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke County, and maintained as such. , The Board of Sll.pervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution of' the Board, dated MarCh 20, 1939, in connection with the petition of Walter A. Coleman, W. M. Harri and other residents of Roanoke County, together with a deed from W. M. Harris to Roanoke County, describing said road and bridge, and deeding same to the County of Roanoke, said road beg1Jllning at Highway 221 at the Westerly end of' a certain bridge owne'd by parties hereto and along the present road, southerly and easterly through respective property 'of the owners signed to said petition, and ending on Thomas H. Beaseley's property where the Skyline Drive comes throug..lJ. his property. Upon consideration, thereof', on motion duly seconded and carried it is ordered that said resolution of March 20, 1939, and petition be, and the same, are hereby reconsidered '::by this Board,With the,rec=endation that said 1l10ad of 0.24 Jidles beginning on Rou:f;e 221 be taken into the secondary s;:-stem of Roanoke County and main- tained as su.ch. The Board of Supervisors this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board, dated Bebruary 21, 1938, in connection with the petition signed by ?at Smith, property owner on road or street known begi~"ling at a point of secondar~ road 691 about 1/4 of a mile east of secondary road 690, and running in an easterly direction to the property of S. M. Fralin, and being about 0.30 of a mile in length, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30' right of way, 'ncluding additonal widths for cuts and fills, and requestin the Board to reco~~end that said road be taken into the secondary system of roads of Rosnoke County. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered ,;bet said resolution of' February 21, 1938, end petition,be and the same, are hereby reconsidered by this Board ~~th the reco~endation that said road of 0.15 miles, begin.."ling on Route 691 be taken into the secondard system of roads in Roanoke Cou.."lty, and maintained as such. The Board of Sll.pervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated March 28, 1939, in connection with the petition signed by F. L. Grisso, Wilford L:>ng, and sundry other property owners on road known as Wertz Mou.."ltain Road from Route 689 to a distance of 1/3 mile, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 3D' rig..'J.t of' way 3~ ~r"'."" JsI-,).l.i.j~ ' ~,~, '//'7/"", , ;.:.t:~ r ),j,jI-.).!.~ ((... 'i.y, I 'fjl'7)'10 42 ~r )f)J,~ fl,.., 'Z-y: '1/17/,';0 '3 c.:J.. . ~rA 'J:l.)J-,~ (&.,~. ','1)17/"'0 ;:tf JJ.,)./..~ R.... ' ~, 'f/ 17/ 'I- 0 ~:;p )J,)J.~ t?o-o .~, '1/ 11/ 'fo - including additional widths ~or cuts end fills, and requesting that said road be taken into Secondary highway system of roads of Roanoke County. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried it is ordered that said resolution o~ MarCh 28, 1939, ~~d petition, be and the same are hereby reconsidered by this Board, with the recommendation that said road of 0.25 ~1es be I taken into Secondary System of roads of Roanoke County, and maintained as suCh. The Board of supervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated March 20, 1939, in connection with a petition signed by C. M. Boone ~~d other property owners' along road known as the Boone Road from highway Rt. 220 to the home of C. M. Boone, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30' right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, and requesting the Board to recommend that said road be taken into ~~e secondary system of roads of Roanoke County. I Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said resolution of March 20th, 1939, and petition, be and the same, are hereby reconsidered by this board and with the reconnnendat,ion that said road of 0.20 miles be taken into t.~e Secondary System of roads in Roanoke County, and mainted as such. The Board of Supervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated May 25, 1938, in connection with a petition presented by G. T. Thomason and sundry other property owners 11 ving along said road or street known as Midway line street from Vinton/to Carvin Street, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30' right of way, including additional wij,ths for cuts and fills, and requesting that the Board recommend thatsaid street be taken into Secondary System of roads of Roanoke County. upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said resolution of May 25, 1938. and petition, be, and the same are hereby of 0.10 miles reconsidered by this Board with the reconnnendation that sUd roa&/ be taken into Secondary System of roads in Roanoke County, and maintained as such. The Board of' Supervisors, having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated January 16, 1939, in connection with the petition signed by James Gladden and other property owners on road known as Gladden Road from the Bend Road to Bob McGee's home off nt. 639 and back to Route 639, said petitioners agreeL~ to donate a 30' :roight of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, and requesting road that said road be taken into the secondary/system of Roanoke County. Upon consideration thereof, on motion seconded and carried, it is ordered that I said :roe solution of JamlS.ry 16, 1939, and petition, be and the same are hereby reconsidered by <::!".is Board with the recommendation that said road of 0.30 miles be taken into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke County, and maintained as suCh. I The Board of Supervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated March 20, 1939, in connection with petition signed by G. B. Bohon, on behalf of himself and other property owners, on the road known as Bohon Road from cement back to t~e w~ite brid~e on Roanoke River bridge on Roanoke River/west of Naturels Own, said petitioners requesting that said road be taken into the secondary highway system of roads of Roanoke County, and agreeing to donate a 30' :roight of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded' and carried, it is ordered that said resolution of Jr18rch 20, 1939, and petition, be and the same are hereby reconsidered by this Board, with the reconnendation that 0.30 miles begllL~ing at the cement bridge on Route 629 be taken into secondary system of roads of Roanoke'County, and :maintained as such. o The Board o:f Supervisors, having this day reconsidered the resolution by the Board dated March 20, 1939, in connection with petition signed by M. W. Turner, Mrs. R. T. Farmer, and other, property owners along Caldwell street from line of Edgewood Addition to Lynchburg Road on the south, saidpetitionera agreeing to donate a 30' right o:f way, including widths for cuts and :fills, and requesting the Board to recommend that said road be taken into the secondary system o:f roads of Roanoke o County. Upon c.onsideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said resolution of March 20, 1:?39, be hereby submitted to the state Highway Department with request tl'>..st said road of 0.16 miles be taken Into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke County, and maintained as such. The Board of Supervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution by the Board dated March 20, 1939, in connection with a petition signed by C. C. Nelms and other property owners on road known as Highland Road, from Roanoke-Salem Bou:levard and Midland Road, ~~d Midland Road from Highland Road to Easton Road, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 30' right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, and requesting that said roads be taken into the secondary system of roads of c Roanoke County. Upon consideration thereof, it is ordered that said resolution of March 20, 1939, be hereby submitted to the State Highway Department ~ith the request that said road of 0.40 miles be taken into the secondary system of roads ,of Roanoke County and maintained as such. a The Board of Supervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated March ,15, 1937, in co=ect'.on with the petition signed by J. 'A. Palmer and sundry other property owners living along road known as Palmer Avenue, from Hollin Road to Nelms line, 2,100', and Tacoma Avenue 725', and Lele. Avenue to Columbia Street 200', totaling 3,025' as shown on revised ~p of Palmer Park Subdivision, requesting that the State Highway Department take said road into secondary system of roads in Roanoke County. Said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30' right or way, including additional widths for outs and fills. 1'1,' III Upon ,consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said r&solution of March 15, 1939 be hereby submitted to the State Highway Department, with the recommendation that 0.30 miles of Palmer Avenue beginning on Route 115 be taken in to the secondary system of roads of Roanoke County, and maintain 0. as such. The Board of Supervfsors having this day reconsidered the resolution of the Board dated March 20, 1939, in connection with the petition signed by o. V. Bliss and other property oymers along road ,known as Wild Acres Road, beginning at Old Jim Oatneal's plac.e on Rt. 619, running north, east and south connecting VIi th the Town \ of Salem and Baptist Orphanage, running through the property of Cundiff, BliSS, Ray Akers, Wildes and Baptist Orphanage, the petitioners guaranteeing to donate a, 30' ~r !l.)J.~ ' ~ ,'i..y, '1/'7/<1-0 ~~r, ).J.>>,~ Ie.. '4...y. '-1/17/<1-0 3 ::t:j )J...,),).j~ ~,~ t.f/17/'l-0 44 ~r )d..H.~ ~,~, *Inltlo ~~ J<I-,H"l~ ft,.o.4 . tilr7/<(~ ~~ ~ Ik '1:....v ~/J7lo.{. 3~ <yn~ r )..j.,)+.-;.t~ RLo.~. ~/Ii /,/ r! , . ." "" , . , r '!" '~~....~: right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, and requesting that said road be taken into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke County. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seo~~ded and oarried, it is ordered that said resolution of Maroh 20, 1939, be hereby submitted to the State Highway Department, w.1th request that said road of 0.30 miles beginning on Route 619 at Old Jim Oatmeal's Plaoe, be taken into the seoondary system of roads of Roanoke C01lllty, and 1l1ll.intained as such. I The Board of Supervisors having this day reconsidered the resolution by the Board dated February 20, 1939, in connection with the petition signed by Alfred P. Jones, L. M. Stephens, and R. C. Manning, a coll1l:li ttee reporting the property owners and users of the road, about 1/2 mile in length, leading west from Old HolUns Road to the Mountain View Brethern Church, again requesting that said road be taken into secondary highway system of roads of Roanoke County (original petition filed with this board at the Februan, 1938 meeting of the Board) was this aay laid before the Board, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30' right of way, including additional widths for cuts a.~d fills. I Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and ca:,ried, it is ordered that said resolution of February 20, 1939, be hereby submitted to the State Highway Department, with the request that said road of 0.25 Miles beginning on Rou~e 115 at the Mountain View Brethern Church, be taken into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke County, and =intai..~ed as such. A petition signed by S. J. Jones and other property owners living on Mountain , . View Boulevard in Garden City was presented to the Board and request that Mountain View Boulevard be extended from Route 669, 0.30 ~le" said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 30' right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly ,seconded and carried, it is ordered that said road be extended 0.30 miles and request that said road be taken into the secondary system of road of Roanoke County, and maintained as such; A petition signed by J. W. Daniel and other property owners living on Lake View Avenue was this day presented to the Board with the request that said street of 0.15 miles from Rout 629 to Rout 1420 be taken into secondary system of roads I of Roanoke County, said petitioners guaranteeing a 30' right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills. upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried it is ordered that this resolution be submitted to the Highway Department requesting that said road be taken into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke Cou.~ty, and maintained as I sucb. A petition signed by W. J. Hutson and other property owners living on Oakland Avenue was this day presented to the Board requesting that Oakland Avenue from the intersection of Winsloe Drive, past property of O. B. Bohon, be taken into the secondary system of roads of Roanoke county, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate 30' right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills. Upon coneideration thereof, on notion du~y seconded and carried it is ordered '- that this resolution be submitted to the Highway Department requesting that Oakland Avenue or 0.15 miles. be taken L"1.to the seconda!'Y road system of Roanoke County and maintained as such. o A request rrom citizens living on Harthstone Road was this day presented to the board requesting that a section or Harthstone Road be extended rrom Route :1573. approximately north 0.10 miles. said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30' right of way, inclucling additional widths for cuts and rills. Upon consideration thereof, on mot:l.o.n duly seconded and carried. it is ordered ~:t:r JJ.)J.~ R- ' '7....v ' 1//7/f() Cl that tllis I' e solut ion and request be submitted to the state Highway Dept.. requesting that said street of 0.10 miles be added to the secondary syetem of Roanoke County and maintained as such. A request from the citizens living on street leading north from Aspen Street was this day presented to the Board requesting tt~t said road be taken into the secondary highway system of roads of Roanoke County, said property owners guarar.i;eein to donate a 30' right of way. including adclitonal widths for cuts and rille. _i' .}. Upon considerat~on thereor. on motion duly seconded and carried. it is ordered that this resolution be presented to the Highway Department requesting that said road or 0.20 miles be taken into the seconda~ system and maintained as such. c A request rrom citizens living on Hallihurst Avenue east of Vinton. requesting that said street be taken into the secondary highway system of roads of Roanoke County. The request states that Hallihurst Avenue is recorded as a 30' right of way. Upon consideration thereof. on motion duly ssconded and carried. it is ordered th1s resolution be submitted to the Hie.hway Department' with the request that Hallihurtt Avenue, 0.30 miles, be taken into the secondary highway system of' Roanoke County and maintained as such. A request from citizens living on Old Deyerle Road in Winsor Hill Adclition requesting that said road be taken into the secondary system of Roanoke County. said property owners agreeing to donate a 30' right of' way, including additional widths for cuts and fills. c Upon consideration thereof. on motion duly seconded and carried. it is ordered that this resolution be submitted to the State Highway Department with the reque:st that said road of 0.17 miles beginning at the intersection of Rt. 683 be taken into the secondary system or Roanoke County. and naintained as such. ~ The Board of' Super-dsors having this day reconsidered the resolution by the Board, dated March 21. 1938. in connection with streets in Mount Vernon Heights Subcliv:l.sion. said streets shown as 50' right of'\vay on Mount Vernon Heights Sub- div:l.sion maps dated March 14. 1931. Upon consideration theror. on motion duly seconded and carried. it is ordered after reconsidering said resolution to reco=end 0.11 miles of Custis Avenue and 0.34 miles of Bunker Hill and Brandy Avenue. a total or 0.45 miles in tlo..1s subdivi- sion, said reco=endation to be submitted to the Highway Department to be taken into the secondary system of Roanoke County and maintained as such. 46 "'<1~' ,.~ . ~ z..K. M~C, 'f,..y , . 'fIn J'fD I The Board of SUpervisors this da-y reconsidered the resol.ution of the Board, dated March 2S, 1939, in connection with the petition fil.ed b-y Alice C. Ol.sen and others, requesting that Route #623 be e:xtended for a distance of appro:rlmatel.-y 95/100 of a mile, in accordance with petition heretofore filed with this Board on March 28, 1939, in wbich petition rig.'lt of wa-y 30 feet \ude, and additional. widths for cuts and fills was guaranteed; On motion duly seconded and carried,it is ordered by this Board that Route 623 be extende.d fro~ present maintenance 0.3 miles in a sout.herly ,direc:tion toward route 117 ~ ' and request tba:tthe,St-ate'Highway Department add this to the S.econdary Highway ,System of highways in Roanoke County. I .And in addition to the above J;'oads re-oonsidered, on motion, duly seconded and carr ed, theBo~rd'recomm.endsthat the following highways be t.aken into, the Se.c,ondary highway sy tem of roads of Roanoke County:, Number.' 'Description. 35. . From 617 to dead end (Garden City) ,55.' 'County Club Road - 34. -Gircle Dr., Winsor Dr., Eastview Dr. 48. . Lee Hi Road 36. . From 220 back to 220 (R. Hill) 44. "Streets in Cen"er liill 42. ,France St. 1'rom 1.425 to 1.1.7 49. .JUniJ;i~rSt., WestWood Annex Mileage. .20 .1.5 .26 ' ;26 .20 .26 ;1.0 .20 " i H. H. HARRIS, Resident-Engineer, state Highway Department, this liayappeared before, the Board.and stated that the State Highway Budget totalled $3.29,860.00,>,1'or the fiscal year 1940-1941, for Roanoke County Secondary'System, and on motion of Supervisor, I.D. Cha,pman,.secondEldby. supervisor,T. O. Richardson, it is orde:z;edthat se:idbudget, be, and the same is hereby approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L.,D. Bell Nays: None The following petitions for roads were this day laid before the Board: . A petition signed by C. H. Hal.e, Buck s.':1aver, and sundry other property o\mers on Road or Street l~own as Buck Shaver Road, from point on Bend Road (secondary Road #639), near home of r.. N. Kinzie and run_ing south and southeast to again intersect rlth Rt #639, near hO!lle o:f Frank Wi=er, about one mile in length, said petitioners guara~teeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills; . A petition signed by Mrs. Nellie Martin, requesting the Board to investigate the eondittcmo:f roads and streets servi.~e Washington HeighDs La~d Company, north of R1gh- wa-y #24 at Washington Heights; said petitioner stating that the roads were in dire need of repair; that the attention of the Highway Depart:nent and Mr. Mattern had been naIled to this fact; that at l.east twent-y families are served b-y the high\~ay designated as #1435 or Tennessee Street; particular attention being called to the condition of this street at the entrance from highway a~d to the need of a crossover culvert at first intersection, and requesting the Board for !llS.intenance work at least on this street; , , A petition signed by R. J. Davis and Grace Pearl Boone, property owners on road or street known as from Rocky Mt. Highway running 1280 East off 1220, petitioners guaranteeing a 40 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills; , A petition signed by V. H. Wil'bou."D.e, W. H. Cromer and E. B. Prillaman, property owners on road or street kn07l!l as Gilford Ave., contInuation of Route #1417 about 600 ft., right o:f way 40 :ft. wide, petitioners agreeing to donate additional. widths for cuts al'ld fi1.ls; / ,.",',1',', "i' I I o ,0 c II," ~ recommende I~r ~.~'~.t.. 'i117/<fO ~~, < A petition signed by J. O. Beach, Thad Harris and B. H. Gregory, and sundry other property owners on road or street knO\vn as Slate Hill from Pickett Store on highway 119 thru by the New Town school back to highway 119 at J. O. Beach' place; said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30 foot r~ght of way, including additional widths for cuts and fllJs; I A petition signed by C. E. Newman, Luther G. Wertz, and sundry other property owners on road or street known as road leading north from Virginia Highway Route 24, and also Forest Lawns Drive, as shown on the Forest La":ls Map; said petitioners agreeing to donate a 40 foot right of way including additional widths for cuts and fill s; A petition signed by Mrs. Claudine W. McConkey, Loyd J~es, Roscoe Banks, and Robert L. Gravely, property owners on road or street::known as WasM,ngton Broadway, and Dunbar Streets from Paul Ave. to Lincoln Ave., and Lawrence Ave. from Burrell < str. to Dunbar Street, all of these streets are in Lincoln Court, 'a recorded subdivi- sion in Roanoke County, and they are all 40 ft. wide or over, additional lfidths for cuts and fills guaranteed; said petitioners requesting that said roads be taken into the Secondary Highway Sy's,tem and maintained as such; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, and carried, it is ordered that said applications be delivered to E. K. Mattern, caunty Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the joint meeting of this Board and the State Highway Department is held, for consideration. Chas. B. Satchwell, Atto~ey, this day ap~eared before the Board on behalf of Frank P. Hawley, Stella Chattin and Mollie Eeckman, and ~resented a petition, which was ordered filed for future reference. Counsel for petitioners takes the position that the road asked for is a dire necessity, leading from the front of his dwelling to the County road leading to the County seat of goverr.ment of Roanoke County. , E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, this day- appeared before the Board and to the Board that it appoint viewers to appraise property of ~. H. Beckner, 1315 Williamson Road, Lot ?, Section 1, Liberty Land Company; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that S. E. Wood, H. E. Bo1<-r::an and E. F. J'amison be appointed viewers for the purpose of appraising the above described property. It is further ordered that said viewers be paid two dollars ($2.00) per diem for such se~ices, said amount to be payable out of the general county fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: 1<:'e8':' Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, I. D. Chapl!lSn and T. O. Richardson. ITays: None. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that E. W. Chelf, E. K. Mattern and W. C. Muse be appointed a committee to draft an ordinance imposing a license upon persons, firms or corporations, ~r d&,,,.. J,..... ~.,IJ,t.:,. '1/~3/".tO j<t f..K,' )'n~ 'c..,~, 'i/,~/#6 operating what is commonly known as "an automobile graveyard" in Roanoke County, and report to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, to whom the ma,tter of drafting an ordinance regulating the use of fire crackers and explosives was referred at a former meeting of this ,Board, this day appeared before the Board and asked that action bn this matter be deferred to the next meeting of the Board. E. K. Mat'j;ern, County Enginaer, Chairman of a Committee to draft a plumbing code ororciinance for Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and re~ueste that action on this matter be deferred to the next meeting of the Board. On motion of Supervisor L~ D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor M. L, Cook, it is ordered that the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) be incl~ded In the 1940-41, budget for the purpose of making a re-assessment of real property in Roanoke County. It is suggested that said sum be expended as follows: one chief asse~sor who shal have entire supervision of the re-assessment, "0 be appointed by the dudge of the ,Circuit Court and to receive a compensation of ten dollars ($10.00) per diem; two assistant assessors at five dollars ($5.00) per diem. Said'assistant assessors to be recoIDlllended to the JUdge of the Circuit Court by the Chief assessor and to be appointed by said dudge. It is further ordered that "te necessary clerical work be started immediately and that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, is hereby authorized to employ a sufficient number of clerks to prepare the necessary books for the re-assessment and that said preparatory clerical work be done under the supervision of "he County Engineer. It is further ordered that, at such time as the Chief assessor assumes his duties all clerical work shall be under his supervision and that the County Engineer i 3 hereby ordered to render such assistance as may be required in the be'st interests of the re-assessment. It is further suggested that permission be obtained from ,the County Treasurer to use the rooms in the Court House basement which he now has rented until such time as he might need said rooms in connection with the work pf the Treasurer's offica and in view of the faClt that said offices have been assigned for use by the Treasurer's office, it' is ordered that such rent as is now being paid by him for said offices shall be discontinued as of May 1, 1940. It is further ordered that saidre-assessment shall COIDlllence at such a time as to allow for its completion by December 31, 1940. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, M. L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I" i.- ," " , I ..~I n , ' ,...,f a "0, "..,. c ~;. -, ~ The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of receipts end expenses for the year ended December 31, 1938, of officers of Roanoke County, required by SUbsection (9) of Code Section 3516 as amended by chapter 198, Acts 1926, to be furnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, the same is ordered to be published as required by law once a week for two weeks in The Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. The Clerk this day laid before the Board a final allocation of funds to the Secondary System for fiscal year, July I, 1940 - June 30, 1941" submitted by the State Highway Department, which is ordered filed. ~ letter dated April 11, 1940, from Miss Jesse M. Hammerly, County Home Demonstration Agent, requesting the Board to help her to the extent of'$300.00 in Duying a new car for official duty in Roanoke County, was ordered filed. On the motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the premium on the bonds of deputy sheriffs and constables of Roanoke County be paid by this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ,Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. / On motion of SUpervi~or T. O. Richardson, se~onded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is hareby ordered that two hunc.red dollars ($200.00) is hareby appropriated from funds at the disposal of thfsboard for re-stocking with quail in this County in cooperation with the Qommission of Game and Inland Fisheries during ~he period, April 15, 1940 - June 30, 1942, said re-stocking to be done in accordance with letter from Carl H. Nolting, Chairman of said Commission to this Board dated April 9th, 1940, and copy of proposed agreement with landowners transmitted therewith, which letter and agreement are hereby ordered spread upon the minutes of this Board, and togethar with this resolution, form the basis of the understanding between this Board and the commissinn of Game and Inland Fisheries for re-stocking quail in this county during the period specified. Bills received from the commission for re-stocking quail in this County under this understanding, to the extent of the amount hereby appropriated, will be promptly passed by this Board and paid to the Treasurer of Virginia, out of the dog tax fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. .< ~Commonwealth of Virginia Commission of Game and Inland ~isharies. Richmond. April 9, 1940. To Boards of SUpervisors: Due to the severity of the weather which occurred in January, quail suffered 49 ~~ <U.t- ~ '1-//7/'10 (J 'n " ; I~., i/,.aJ',;~ 50 heavily and undoubtedly much of the carrJ-over brood stock perished. This is indicated by information received by this Coomission from many counties. The situation is serious and requires re-stocking promptly; otherwise years will be required to build the supply back to normal. This matter has given this Commission grave concern and we are negotiating'with the Bureau of BiOlogical SUrvey for financial assistance in this emergency, and there is reasonable certainty that some funds will be made available through Pittman-Robertson grants. In order to make the distribution of quail as widespread in scope as the situation seems to deNand for effectiveness, the financial assistance of the counties is solicited. Under Chapter 134, Acts 1938, amending section 80 of the dog law, it is provided that boards of supervisors may appropriate money from the 85% dog fund to replenish and !'estock quail and other game and, of course, you may also appropriate frcm the general county fund. The Commission, therefore, invites the financial assistance of those counties which desire restocking and are willing to bear a portion of the cost of such undertaking. Present plans call for the project to begin April 15, 1940, and continue throug June 30, 1942. Birds will be liberated on private lands Which are to b,~ posted for two breeding seasons after date of liberation - see, copy of agreement with landowner attached. The estimated price of birds is $2.00 each for spring liberation and $1.50 for tall liberation, to which will be added the expense of crating, shipping and banding. Counties are requested to bear one-half of the cost of birds liberated in are made available I be reduced ' their county with the understanding, however, that if Federal grants to the State for this purpose, the counties' proportion of cost will proportionately. If this restocking is to be undertaken, plans for ~tepping up production on the part of the State and private breeders must be made now. COpy of a resolution for your board is attached for your consideration. It is suggested that you authorize the maximtlm amount that you propose to expend for this purpose for the period April 15, 1940 - June 30, 1942, and send a certified copy of your resolution to us at the earliest possi ble moment. It should be ,understood tha. the Commission mey not find it possible to obtain all of the birds that you desire, either by reason of shortage of funds or lack of sup~ly, in which event, you will be billed for those actually liberated. Yours very truly, Carl H. Nolting, Chairman." AGREEMENT FOR RES'roCKING WI'lR Q,UilL. , Memorandum of agreement made this d$V c~ 194, bet~een of , Va., - - - - (owner) (?cst office ad re?s) of , hereinaf'Cer called the "OwnF.r", and Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, hereinafte~ zelled "the Commission." Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the release of ___ pairs of birds within the area hereinafter refer~ed to and the posting of said area as hereinafter specified, the owner hereby covenants and agrees, for himself, his heirs, personal representatives and assigne. That for two brooding seasons following liberation of quail at any time between the dates of April 15, 1940 and June 30, 1942, he will not hunt, kill or capture quall and will not hunt any wild bird or animal with dog and gun, within said area, or permit anyone else to do so. 'I I."',."".",,. ".',,: ",',1,,' > " I I The Commission shall provide and properly post adequate signs or posters warning the public against hunting within such area. 51 The erea herein referred to shall ne not larger than acres and shall be des',-,nated a by an Agent of the Commission prior to stocking. In the event that subsequent investigation discloses that stocked birds have moved off the closed area it is agreed that the limits of the closed area shown on the map of the farm appearing on the reverse side hereof shall be revised as deemed necessary by the Commission. The covenants herein contained shall run with the land. a Witness the following signatures and seals this the day and year first above written. Owner. COMMISSION OF GAME AND INLAND FIS IES Cha. im.an . Teste:: EXecutive Secretary. 194_ (To be executed in duplicate: White Copy to commission and buff copy to landowner. Po c WHEREAS, numerous:oomplaints have been made of training of bird dogs inflicting '. serious injury to young quail during the summer months on privately olJned property in Roanoke County; and, iHEREAS, this Board not being invested with authority under ,the state law to re~late the training of bird dogs, it desires the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to enact or adopt a resolution prohibiting the training of bird dogs on privately owned property in Roanoke County, without permission of the owner of sai pro:perty, prior to the first day of September and not later then the first day of !.larch in any yeflr; NOT, THEfu."'FORE, be it resolved that the said Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be requested to adopt a resolution pI'Ohibiting the training of bird dogs on privately owned property in Roanoke County, without permission of the owner of c s,aid pro:perty, prior to the first day of September and not later than the first day of March, and the same to be made effective as soon as possible. Adopted by the' following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. nays: None. ~ E. K. MATTERN, County Engineer, this day appeared before the Board and stated tha. as a result of his inspection trip to Henrico County, he was thoroughly convinced of the advisability of Roanoke County's installing the property index card system. The Board having been orficially informed by Mr. Lester M. Whitmore and R. E. Cook, SUperintendent, that the SChool Board of Roanoke County had fUlrilled its duty in submitting a budget that it believed covered the needs or the County School system, and that any revision must be made by the Supervisors themselves; whereupon, the Chairman of the Board of SUpervisors ordered the meeting adjourned , ~'l<t~:D~;{~ '6 t...:...;,~ ;i.!~ :li.~:. ~'it iJ '. - ,..',"" 1 ~........,l1!il i/~JJ Sl~"~' :~.. 'Sf 'Y ct"'r ",.,..~ ;.:\:~~ "52 ~~~, 1;," . " ~ 'fjJ'1j-fb ( "-) ~~ ',~ '7Wv> ,'>>il rn~.~ 1/Y3jVo until 9 o'clock A.M., April 15th, 1940, at which time the Board would take up the further study of the schoel budget. d? /;fJt!fZ. t7fChain.-"m. Court House, Salam, Va., April 15th, 1940. The Board of Supe::-visors of aoanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, Cave S~ring District; I. D. Chapman, Salem District, T. O. Richardson, Catawba District and Mason L. Cook, Eig Lick District. Also present A. M. Bowman, dr., County Treasurer. The meeting having been officially called to order by the Chairman, upon advice of the Commonwealth'S Attorney, the Board retired for a private study of the School budget with the County budget committee and the school officials. The Budget Committee heretofore appointed'by this Board to draft a budget for Roanoke County for the year 1940-1941, this day laid before the Board a draft of said proposed budget, also a draft of the proposed budget for count',.' Schools as prepared by the SUperintendent of Schools and rejected by this Board; whereupon the SChool budget,as submitted was re-considered, ane revised by this Board, which are unanimousl , approved by this Board; and the furthar hearing of same is continued until May 20, 1940, at 9 o'clock A.U., and the Clerk is directed to publish, as required by law, a brief synopsis of said budgets in the Times-Register, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, at least fifteen days prior to that date; said synopsis for publication to be prepared by A. G. Wood, County Auditor, a member of the Budget Committee. And it further appearing to this Board that said budget does not show a necessity for increasing the tax levy for Roanoke County, exc~pt that it is necessary to lay a special levy on all legal subjects,of taxation within Salem Magisterial District, including the Town of S~lem. Thereupon it is ordered that the Clerk prepare an advertisement, setting forth the fact that there will be an increase in the levy in Salem Magisterial District, including the Tbwn of Salem, of 5 cts. on each $100.00 of valuation, for the purpose of paying off and discharging the Salem District aoad Bonds and interest coupons as they become due and payable. And the Clerk is further ordered to adve::-tise the said increase in the Times-Register, a newspaper having general circulation in this County at least thirty (30) days prior to May 20th, 1940, at which time the special levy on the said district is proposed to be laid. On motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, aeopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjou::-ned until the third Monday in May, 1940; rP.,fJ./@..aJ( Chairman. I I' - , " " I I Courthouse,Salem, Va. May 8th. ~940. A called meeting of the Board of supervisors or Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House thereof, pursuant to the following call: "Salem, May 7, Virginia ~940 o J[r. Boy K. Brown. CJ:ez!t, BOard Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem. Virginia. Dear Sir: o Please call. a special meeting of the Board of supervisors of Roanoke County, to be held in its room at 10:00 A. M., Ieanesaw. 1my 8th. 1>140. Pllrpose of meeting as follows: Consider and pass upon the application of the County Sehool Board of Roanoke County for authority to make a temporary loan. Consider passing resolution required by W.P.A. Legal Division in order to make available 7ederal FUnds for side walk construction in Bound Hill Park. Consider the offer'of the State Planning Board to incorporate Roanoke County in a state wide planning survey project. c Mason L. Cook, Chairman T. O. Richardson I. D. Chapman SUpervisors Present: Mason L. Cook, Chairman, Big Lick District, T. O. Richardson. Catawba District and I. D. Chapman, salem District; Absent. L. D. Bel.l. Chairman, Cave Spring District; also present A. M. Bo_an, dr., County Treasurer. On motion of SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, duly seconded and carried, SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, 'was elected temporary Chairman. At a 'meeting of the County School Board of Roanoke County held in the office of Roland E. Cook, Div. Supt. of Schools on this the 18th day of April, 1940, the following resolution was passed and by order of said Board certified to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting to be held on May 8th, 1940: RESOLUTION: " iii WHEREAS, the County School Board of lloanoke County has been compelled to use current school funds'in the payment of amounts due to contractors in erecting achool buildings, and ~"RA!':, the County School Board of Roanoke County finds it necessary for the aforesaid reason to,negotiate a temporary loan in anticipation of their revenues for the tax year 1940 in order that current expenses be paid, and WHEREAS, in order to meet these expenses it is necessary that the Coti.nty School Board of Roanoke County do borrow a sum not exceeding $75,000.00, an~ WHEREAS, there are now no outstandin3 temporary loans made by the County SChool Board of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the amount now sought to be borrowed, is not in excess of one-half the amount of the total school revenue f:-om taxation in Roanoke County for the tax year ~940 t NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the County School. Board of Roanoke County do hereby request the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for and on behalf of the County SChool Board or Roanoke County that the said Board of supervisors of Roanoke County do giv'3 t1:eir approval, consent and authority as the - >l." j ;:~~' r~ ",> \i(.!""""" ,::.:,(,:;:::,~ opteh. ..j, . ',,:f";.;:-it ~ olG'Ila ''',;"", ~::':,:,,~~ C oD-fl.- .;; n.' 5 \/pt, of>,'!" }oA 1/. 'i' ",",,::~\.:,::,:;:(~t !i k.DO( \ - ';UZ " :,~ " .' '''e~ VCf/LJO " .-- 54 tax levying bodY' o:f Roanoke CountY' to the .making and negei tiating o:f a 'loan not to exceed the said sum o:f $75,000.00, SalD.e to be evidenced by a negotiable note or notes o:f the County School Board o:f Roanoke County payable wi thin one year atter date, bearing interest not.to exceed 4%, s.aid money or so much thereo:f as the County School Board of Roanoke County in their discretion may borrow pursuant to this authority to be used :for the purposes above set out; however, the County School Board of ROl!Iloke County is to have the right and authority to borrow so much o:f said l;lum ot $75,000.00 as may be necessary :from time to time and to issue its note nor notes :for such part or parts o~ the said sum ot $75,000.00 as may be' necessary or expedient as the said COunty School Board o:f Roanoke Coun~y,in their discretion may deem proper, ,said note or notes, howeve~, evidencing the same all to become due and payable within one year :from da'te thereat'. Upon a recorded, vote, the :following members o:f the County School Board of Roanoke County vot~d AYe: L. M. Whitmore, P. C.' Huff, N. C. P9well, Moss A. Plunkett, I. N. Moseley and Mrs. Bentley W. West; and the following voted No; None. The Clerk ot this Board is hereby authorized and directed to certi:ry a copy of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County so that same may be before the said Board of supervisors at their meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 8th day of May, 1940. / Wherea'Qon, on motion of supervisor I. D. Chspman, seconded by S\;.pervisorMason ' L. Cook, the tollowi~g resolution of this ,Board was adopted: WHEREAS, 'the Board or supervisors of Roanoke County has this. day'received from the COunty School Board of Roanoke County its resolution and application for authority and permission to borrow a sum o:f money not exceeding $75,000.00 ror the purpose or de:fraying the cost and expenses incident to the operation of its schools for the remainder ot the fiscal year ending d'l::.e 30, 1940, and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Supervisors ot Roanoke County that there are now no outstanding short time loans at the County SChool Board ot Roanoke County and it further appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county that an amount not excaeding $75,000.00 is necessary to be raised by a short time loan for the said county SC~~~:;' Board of Roanoke County and that sima is within the authority of the Virginia statute o:f such cases made and provided' and that the authority and consent '01' this Board should be granted to the County SChool Board of Roanoke County to borrow the atoresaid sum and that the said alD.ount so to be borrowed by the said County SChool :ece.rd of Roanoke County does not exceed one-half of the alD.ount produced by the COunty School levy laid in Roanoke county for the year in which said loan is to be negptiated (this Board of SUyervisors not having made a cash ayyroyria~ion for schools for the year beginning duly 1, 1940 l and there being now, no outstanding unpaid previOUSly made temporary loan, NOW, THEREFORE, be it rasolved that the Board o~ SUpervisors of Roanoke County do hereby approve ani authorize the County ,School Board of Roanoke County to borrow a sum of money not to exceed $75,000.00 for a period not exceeding one year at a rate o~ interest not exceeding 4:', to be expanded by the said County School Board of' Roanoke Coun"ty in ~he payment ot curren~ costs of opera~ion for the remainder of too tiscal year ending dune 30, 1940 and necessary operative costs in the preparation of the opening of' schools in September, 1940 and that said loan shall be evidenced by '"I i: "I ;':' , I " I I o a negot.iable note or notes or tl:e County Sohool Board of Roenoke County exeouted by th'e Chairman ot ,said School Board and countersigned by the Clerk or said Sohool Board, and shall not'exoeed in the aggregate the sum or $75,000.00 and the said note Qrnotes to bear interest not exoeeding 4% per annum to mature not later then one year arter the date or the original loan, end in the event that the lElnder or lenders of the fUnd thus borrowed shall desire said note or notes to mature in less time than one year or a: series of notes, to mature in one year, then the County School Board of Roanoke County is hereby aut..'lorized to ,issue sai d note or notes ro l' such sum or sums ror suoh time or times as may be expedient, the aggregate, however, not to exceed the sum of $75,000.00, nor shall any note be for a greater period of time than one year; such last ~ntioned note or notes may be renewed from time to time.in'whole or in part for suoh period of time as may be agreed upon by the Gounty School Board of Roanoke County and the'lender of suoh sum Of money for such periOd of time, not to exceed. however, one year in the aggregate length of time for the loan hereby authorized (that is, not to exceed one yea~ from the date of the original loan), it being intended hereby that all the money ,borrowed upon this authority end upon any note hereby eu1ohorized by this Board and issued by the County SChool Board ot Roanoke County shell be repaid within one year from the date of the original loan. Upon a recorded vote, the following supervisors voted Aye: MasonL. Cook, ~. O. Richardson., and I. D. Chapman. and the following voted No; None. c The CJ:erk of this Board is hereby authorized to make a certified copy of this resolution to give to the County Sohool Board of Roanoke COunty, and in lieu thereof is authorized to deliver a oertified copy 'of same to Roland E. Cook, Division SUperintendent of Schools of Roanoke County. for said County Sohool Bo&rd of Roanoke County. c On Motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook" seconded by r. O. aiohardson, the following preamble and resolution was this day preseIlted to the Board: 1I'hereaa, a map ot a certain parcel of lend lying and being in Roanoke County, Virginia, and known and designated as a porioion of Section 2 of Round Hill Park, was duly adl!l.itted ,to record. in the Clark's Of1'ice of the Cirouit, Court of ~anoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book No.2, at pages 125 and 135; and Whereas, on said reoorded maps the fee simple ownership of ell streets and avenues was reserved by the owners ot'said subdivision, whiCh reservations prohibited the Works ProJeots AdlILinistration from allocating and expending Federal Funds 1'01' work on certain streets and avenues in said subdivision; and Whereas, the owners of said SUb-division by an instrument in writing, bearing , date of the 20th day of February, 1940, end of record in the aforesaid Clerk's 01'tice in Deed Book 271, at page 534, have waived and released the reservations set forth in said maps; and Whereas, in order tor this County to be eligible to reoei ve Federal funds for ,I work on the streets and avenues in said subdivision, it is necessary that said streets and avenues shall become publicly owned property. and to that end be adopted as part of the Part of the Public Road System 01' Roanoke County; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of SUpervisors 01' Roanoke County, in meeting ~~ly assembled, that the streets and avenues in said subdivision, known as ',q 3cof/6 < (}toiled to L.'l!."fol'Pd,- Woy{h ~';~Jc nJrnJ 11Id~4f"r:'; { Fkv4li~~Kl~ .I' ' :,' y"",- ':J7'dtlO, ,. 'Pel 1-0 E.I(~,<:,; ll'l4{(..eVJ'l' . ;\'ii C.""hj tI19,xttf7' v 56 l~) y'{\.(;" ~ e~\ Section 2, o:r Bound Hill Park, be and the same are hereby adopted as constituting, a part. and parcel of the Publ5.c Road System of iloanoke County, Virginia. And be it :rurther resolved that the Clerk o:r this Board be and he is he..eby directed to have a copy of these preamble and resolutions, as signed by the Chairman of said Board, and .attested by the Clerk thereof, duly, recorded in the Clerk's Of:rice of the Ci=i t Court of Roanoke County, and then have fora-arded to the Legal Department, Federal Work Projects AdI!linistration, Richmond, Virginia. three (3) copies, thereot, duly certified by said Clerk. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors, Mason L. Cook, '1'. O. Richardson and I. D., Chapmal1.. Nays: None. On'motion Supervisor Uason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor '1'. O. Biehargson, v' it is' ordered that the Boanoke County Planning Commission be, and they are .hereby authorized to use :ror the period trom May 15, 1940 to .anuary 1st, 1941, one'ot the ;...is rooms noY in use by the Rehabilitation DepartmeIIt.; and :rurthermore it/ordered that the lloanoke County Planning Commission be, and they are hereby authorized to accept the otter ot the state planning Board to incorporate Boanoke County in the State wide planning survey. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, '1'. O. Richardson, and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1940. ht:..A __.. v: ~Chairman. Court House, Salem, Va. May 20, 1940.. . 'rheBo-.r.l otSUpervisors ot'Roanoke County IIIllt this day at the COurt. House in regul monthly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairmen,. I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook and '1'.. o. Richardson, also prasent A. M.Bowmen, .r., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as read. Supervisor L. D. Bell, having been absent at the called meeting of th~s Board, asked to be allowed to go on record as opposing the approving of the minutes of the called meeting of this Board held on May 8, 1940, in view of the fact that he was opposed to the spending of next year's revenue for current expenses, . and the minutes of the called meeting were approved by the following' recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and I. D. Chapman. Nays: Supervisor L. D. Bell. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by vouoher-checks out ot the funds respectively chargeable, therewith, towit: '1" ....-.....;....... ,.:" . ,.',c' ,: ".~ I......'...'. /'i.":: ""'-""\ ".:....' , '::\':; I......, '."' '1' ::.:'i; No. 12267. A. ll. Bowmen, Jr., Treasurer, salaries for April, .. 12268. Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Atty.," .. .. .. 12269. W. C. Muse, Comr. of Revenue, Salaries for April 12270.' C & P Telephone Co., 'phone service .. 12271. Fairview Home, Roanoke County's share monthly expense of Home &c 12272. A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, to re-imburse cash fund,freight 12273. Town of Salem, lights and water, 12274. The Delbridge Company, 1 tax chart for Comm. of Rev. 12275. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., coupon ribbon book, 12276. Double Envelope Corp., 10 M envelopes for clerk 12277. ,J. P. Bell Company, record books for clerk, .. '12278. Salem Publishing Company, publishing budget &'c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12279. Dooley Printing Co., letter heads for Clerk, .. '12280. Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies .. 12281. Easter Supply Co., office supplies, w 12282. A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, jury tickets, w 12383. State Forester of Virginia, fighting fires in County .. '12~~. Gittens &, Morton, Inc., bond premiums, .. 12285. H. L. Bayse, bond premium by order of Board of Supervisors, w 12286. The Texas Company, gasoline, .. 12287. Gottschalk's Garage, repairs to car, .. 12288. o. G. Lewis &, Co., ", n carst .. 12289. Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 6 coroner cases, .. 12290. ~rtman Radio Service, repairs to sheriff's cars, .. 12291. Magic City Motor Corp., repairs to sheriff's cars, " ' 12292. Wiley-Hall Service Station, tires for sheriff's cars .. - 12293. Shepherd's Auto Supp11, repairs for sheriffs' cars .. 12294. Peacok-Salem, Inc., cleaning blankets for jail, .. 12295. Magic City, .. .. " " w 12296. 12297. Salem Grocery Co., 2 cases soap for jail, 1. J. Newberry Co., supplies for Home Assistance Center, Brown Hardware Co., Inc., supplies for Home Assistance Center, Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec., medical bills for Roanoke Co. Public Health Association .. .. 12298. 12299. .. c " 12300. A. M. Bowmen, Jr., Vital Statistics fees, 12301, A. L. Hartman, rent of election Aug. & Nov., 1939, .. $532.19 204.17 520.56 62.40 222.62 349.20 76.80 2.65 6.00 21.07 38.07 107.10 13.50 55.46 14.22 127.10 92.60 60.00 10.00 147,50 1.45 17.65 30.00 8.90 17.45 22.81 9.55 8.60 3.87 4.10 12.83 12.55 325.00 3.50 4.00 .. 12302. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co., insurance premiuc of car, 12.02 " 12303. J. R. Taliaferro, expenses attending Conference of Electrical Inspecoors, 3.25 a .. 12304. J. C. Shelton Garage, greasing Talieferro's car, .. 12305. C. B. Malcolm, 3 blue prints, " 12306. Jemes River Oil Co., gasoline & kerosene " 12307. J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., disinfectant. 12308. J. E. Carper &, Son, putting plumbing in rest room and other work,188.l5 .. , ! " 12309. U. D. Smith, lumber for rest room, ' " .. 12310. Cinder Block Inc., cinder blocks for partition .. 12311. Old Virginia Brick Co., brick for rest room, .. 12312. Little Tree Nursery Farm, pruning &, spraying shrubs on Court House lawn 1.00 1.35 98.00 24.40 2.10 2.43 3.60 7.00 ,.,.,. F,; ~ :!." , ". .","i. .~l,~ti~g;t' r:;~'1i;;~;i~-i~~~:~ti;k~~fl . ':1," ,~;;z' ~;+,,' :',",,1:', ,,~'i,i;;k~~~:'~,::l ".!i, u\1';;f~;:~,;:f" iifi~},;'~\i~i~','l'l!"'O;t , i , , >}!', 'il~MGti ~:':w:~;!!~~~~~~::';:hN\'ii;:('it;"i:!'!,:";{'((;!;':'~!i-':~~\'f/~5:;:~)~f~~\"\5:;"!:: (f,"'''' ; ":;l~tf;;;:';r:,;,i;:,;; ., '" " '~:&~;~W3;!{xb,;'i q~iLS1,'i' M.:;. 1:\Ud;:, "",.."L;;/AI I. ',': ": :L0>FI'i";.iL'.'t!I:.'Ii'~,"'.',Fl.li:f,W'i':;,i':;i',.t;1~1]lYI\Jlj,.:y't'&!?ir;/fAKf9!i~iN'}ifi~;(t!i)I\' Iii 1\i; ~. ? ~l :t ~tf'l ~; ~:I[f.>i(llti~';ili; ~ 1" ''i m 1,.;, "",'' ~}V,' I' It ,:,1,"'';;::..: ,." L. :,",;, ,,:, 1/"" I "'-"':'::'1.1",' ,~",I",',,"" I;' , . _ ";~ ~~~i...~,f:"li\' lr. ';,~.' 'I.: (~ _.' , ~,. "};.:-;,_<<;;J/\\i~~t'::'!~f:~:,-:.-:~1:A:~di'<',-,;,~"-{l''',';.''; 1 I','. ' ":..~ ;1. ,;} .1; o'k_ ~ ~, !j , " " :.,.'~, ,". :',~t:~ .. :.(. ',-'" !',.',. 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I 9 bli. nn ~, 00 nn 1 I I I o .. .. I 'n - ,DO , .'I-GJ. 1n 1n '. '16:0; , I !JnL I ' .1., DO 17, ", "~'Inl 00 I 1.0 .. 11 tlo o , ..I~.. I' I "liD" ' u~ ~ft: ,', .. , ~. ,Jri" ." \. . I~ 0 1 '~~ , I, ... \., .,., " ,; " I" i C I', 00:' ".'~ 0 , .,." ,t~'.k ~~, '^ "oIn ,:; I . .. "",kLI:',>:" , I" " I,' , ..., ,,'~bdl'liln;I' ," ' ",... '/,",' " j:l"'.; ,~:~. ;f~lill'~~~:~~;. 1:\: ~. '>- '~{ ~J'I~V;;'.;~~' .(:~ .:. " , '." .' , , - ' " [)~.':<,< , '..'-.,', " ~: lJU' f ,",~ '..,': ' 'Lion. "" I,; '.if. ;;~y ;"~ ;~I~~' '1: ;~ ~. ~ V' t '" .,.,;.:, . , ,. , ^~ .,. Do.'D , h' ~2 hn, '," bo 1 bJ I~I<;, " , bo h, no ,.c- bo 6~ , I I , I elk, , 00 00 , J I kl 11.1 b~ 00 .,: i ',,! ~o ":. ...' 'i: ;\ 'I" 'I', 0 ..,;;,.:1 "/ J '.. ..' :, " '. ", . . :. ..1 '" "0'" , , , ~ 0': ~:o i /~~i.. '11,1;" 0, , F'1;, F. I!::~'; '. , I iloibi 100 .' , ',"1 ::'" :J .' '. ~CIi.:.l(t..,' < .., : " 1;/ . ~:. :,f i.. ,~: :; ," .',1,+" ,): ~, '~i->.'-'.r: """";{.'.. " i J " ..j "',I , (, I~- ", 1.':'_ ,'. i: I ! , ,', 1"' t " !, 0"1- ,,' ( , , . ~ / ~ '. l ; , 1: ; ~ :: , I, f \'f ~ , " ! .~ I r ;, I. t :j I , i r " '""", ,,) 1fl l1:' ...~ k." ," '. " ~, ,!(.- " " " !:l ., ',' '! , tl :,: " ; to' ~, ;\' " I " :~. ~j' .~~: " ,~~ ( ,', " .~, ,; ; :.." " , " .' , . ! I), ., M o M .. M ,,1 ., ., M M ., 1 M 0 0 00 1 0 " .. M M ',l .. ; i ,- " ", .; ; \. ',. '" .,", " , (;;:,/ ,', I 'j';'" ," , .. ., '" "-"~';..,i:";."- '_.0- ,','.,-. .>'.--' .'_......,"\., I. J.....'. .. " , "-..,, "'.'..rfJil.".' --,. IJiI fj ,'> ~ ,~ . 'JJa!';' .. t' 0 . 5 " ROANOKE ' ,COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR lHE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19 41 llF.NRRAT. C01TN'I'Y FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE JO.19-,,-~9 YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 1941, Number TiTlE OF FUNCTION YB Ak EHDIiJ or JUN. 10.19 0_ PROPOSED INCIlIAS.OVl!k Daua An UNO.. ALLOWaD Funulon Num. A'PAOPRIAT1ON E.'8NDITUIIIl A" 1I.0,II.I/o11ON YeA" END! Yu aEND4(} ~ro' TITLE OF ITEM E" ENonURU JUN. 30,19. 0 10.19 O_ n 00".0 hem JUN. -- I ,., "'T"'" & I I > I I :>nA "'n..A..t, ...1..A ......... ..,t,1nn RA"'vicA . sta"'e 0 00 , 20 0 00 0 00 Ie I- -J. 0 00 :>ac ...1..A .., ,~ ,. - -. ... "1Y\tnn <b6L. 00 I 0 00 1 <'0,;1, 00 1 Oil 00 k- .0. 1 0 00 \ JJ. \ 00 20 1 00 1 Oil 00 ,t61 00 -D. 1 0- 00 ! I , I A__A ---- I , , n< nt' 0 00 01\ 00 on 00 Oil 00 - .0. 0 00 j zoo >I' . .a _ WPA, ~"A, lllob 00 ;: ,>; 06 Db oh 00 00 00 I 1 00 1 00 - 1 0 do 00 ;0; ';0; 06 2 on 00 1 0 00 - 00 00 1 0 00 .. A__I> pnnR :>1'1;0; -.. ... - UnmA dldoi 00 ~ ;q~ OQI 0 00 0 00 - -0. 0 00 ,." .. ... t'Oa_a I. A;:>b 88 2 0 00 2 0 00 ~ 0 00 - - zac ..; " I' 00 <;0 I. 00 I. 00 - - - '121 f1nffina & 1'l1'rials paunera " 0 00 5 00 -Il of . 00 5 - - 70( Contribution to Confederate Veteran I. 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 - 2 0 70< Oontribution to Chlldren's Home Sooietv 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 - -0. ~.' 0 00 'n" " .." Inn " Inn Lr _ nino. ~~ I - , '. A__n --..-.. , ,A I , , . ~" , ",.1 . . ";f' nt'. . f1nmm1aa inn , 6 61; 0 00 0 00 ~( - O. 0 00 'Jp! 0 00 {J1. , . . '.' , . , ~' .."n ft#> , 1ft;' ,"ft . "...i,...: , , 112100 , I 0'11 ~ 00 10 00 7 00 1~ 00 - : I , !' I ,; ! , .' .\ , I 1 ;i: \ ";- t ! , ! ! ! "'C; . '. ; . !, ;('- " ,1~ 'Z fr 00 , .. . ~i " ) , , . i I, L , , :1 68 00 00 - 00 ! .. ,.,. ;:, i '; , 'i' t j:. \t , !' ! ".ILL'" if 11:\ .::':1' ,: ." "- /~.. ,-,', ',,1.; :' . ,; " '.. /; , , , " !',!, " !' .) -j .~">'.i : ", . I, " ;\1' .' v::'. :~. ,-, r \:"" , ! '. . " , ri\" ;,; '::, ~'; :; ;': ;.~"./!. I ~ .;.... L :1.",-.., '.'.1"",,,: ':,'," } :'_;i:.:i\> , " ,'~;. .;...' ~:'! ,c.": ,,;'1 '-~'; .- '~,'; " ,f ,'.co -, .. ,.,~ -." , " ";~- ':"," ..::'t:'l-',.,,_..'k.lfl..~~~."':~ if.""- . ~);fC~'~;':~y~r,~~.~~~~;'t1'i$?:7;~~~i~:=7~~~f~'1~%J'%:' ,. .', "., " . ,RxPENDrfURE'EsTiMATEs u1' FOR TH~YEARENDiNG JUNB- 30. 19 _ GENERAL, COUNTY , 'FUND , ',' .. YEAR ENDED JUNE 10, 1~9.. ~'! ~"~~\::'!f>:;.,ri);j;~'>)": ,::'~~;:: " /: . NumbCr or Funcdon 10 Q " 115 , , , ': , , , , , " TITLE OF, FUNCTION Num- bfro( hem , EXI'e:NDITuaL ^'PItOPIIIATIOH TITLE OF tTf,M I ~ 'Wf\'Q1('R , 102 CJomnensatinn nf'lm"ineJilr .. ... oh 00 .h. , , Inh 'nn I 11 :'711 on I,. ",n 1.11.1 Inn 1 no lno 1 no :>,s:l m_' ~la Rr...r.i .. nf' >A ~~ nf' El,onT.-roi "..1 ,nr.n... 0, m., 0'7 ,t;, at; ,~, 54 p."inT...r1 .. Sunulies 211 00 Oll 00 2 00 00 lot; 220 TransDortation ~QQ Miscellaneous - Mans J. n",1 "..nit..., OnT.'"v . , Blue Prints. etc. & "iT..... 1 c 11 I h Inn J.l1nlr.lm -.... U'I:'IATmu. 10' Nl1Y'sin" Rervice , 102 Comnensation of Health Officer , >:AI n. .. .r.,...... nf' vir...l!'lt:nM 1 '0 00 211 la6 : 1'7'" 1 '0 00 2 0 00 Inn 00 1 00 nn, 171 ~la Stationerv Printed Forms & Office Suunlies ~oo Miscel1anemls 00 . I!J.I: nli' r m'TD AT un",. 1'" - :>11'1 m.., ,..H nn nf' li'..1'1lI . II ".,_~ ... nn: , , 106 I, 1:>0 i, '''~ [71 inA -y.~~ "nn ......, ..T., 1 :In Ir ~ ,c, Inn' ""',,"- In6~ ' , , j , _ _. "L'.;~_ '_._~_-,._ .' "" ,t ... :' L i ~ _~.~ ~'j.f.~.4 '. ~:. ~_ ;-. 11:> , ,qn... of' "';....+:1nn ',' InhrUidl '7 !"n\ ,n lrin' 2 00 I 9 00; I I. ill; hn I>: Inn <IR ,100 ", I. ,,__.. , , :>:>:> ~'<l "nr.i.".. J.ist ". lIna"in~ "..... : o--~ '''-. '''ed Forms Ii. Office SUDnl1ee I>: 2'> ~5 ! In 1 , 1 j; I . i I 11,: ' ! , , " , , : !., ! , . , , , , J i i " '. . , VIl"1l ENDINf. 0 JUN. 30. 19._f..I,._ Ap"aOPRI...TION on 10 nn ill , Inn I~ On <; 00 o 00 2 00 IIJ. L~ 1 2 o 00 o 00 7 nn ~, 00 1 00 00 " " I nnn 00 I~ob on I, Inn III aoll Inn '-. "I, I ," 1'1.; 17' 1<10 Ion 'nn 100 2 21<14 00 00 PaOPO$BO E:tPENDlTl.lIIU ,In Ino I sinn ~Io ,Inn Inn '" ,Inn , 00 ),2 00 ~O 00 I", I", nn 1 0 2 0 i'7 00 00 nn 00 1 00 . I, 100 dolt 100 lln~ Inn ,Inh Inn dnh Ino I' I.. nn nn 100 00 00 2 21, ','-' 'i.(o:{'::, '~""~\_l ' INc..,Ua OVIlR v..... END'rO JUN. lO, 19.q.Q 'lol nn Aol An Jnl nn ,lnl nn o go 00 Io( . # 101. ~( . 101 . .(. .( . .( - . - . YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. ,.,..,41 Dan.AS. UND" V.U EN,!"O JUN. 30, lSIC.J..Q_ n o .h. .h_ .h. . . ). 2 00 . 2 00 .0. . }. - ). ,In l- on '0 00 - 110 00 ALLQWao fly BouD 00 ~'b nn h Js:lJ nn nn :.., nn o 00 2 00 o 00 . ~. I'> 00 1110 21' 0 00 00 00 00 1 00 I, 100 r- 100 "dO 100 1,10 100 ~b 00 .. --1- -,~' ,ik 10; 00 '7 ,Inn o 00 2 00 2 14 00 ':.'-"'," .,-....'. ..' '. ~_., "'t'. ,ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDlTUREESTIMA 'FES FOR THE YEAR ENDING ,JUNE 30, 1941 GENERAL oouny FUND .--, f." liliI1IIIIiif' ~ 7 Number .r Funnion TITLfi OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 10, 19,~,? Num- ~r of TITLE. OF ITEM Il~m ElPeNblTURa v..... ENOI'4i JUNI 30, 19__J)' A"AOpaIATION YEAR ENDING JUNE )0,19 ,4l A"ROI>RIATION PJlOrosBD l:XPl:NOITUIlU INcn.ua Ov.... VIA. END\lY JUNa]().I~....._ Daul....B UNDII y..... fiNDI4b JUN. 30. 19_____ ALLOWao BY Bo....D 14 MAINTl!l!lAlllCE OF mILDINGS AlIID GROUllDS 119 OOlllnaneaUon ot Jan i 'tore o 00 119 OODlDoneaUcn of Ex'tra JID:t'toro o 00 207 Ele 0 'tri 0 Our rant 000 210 PremiUIII on Fire IneurallBe 1,,1 '" 223 Wa'ter Servioe o 00 302 Buildino Ma'terial & SunnlieB lido 00 306 Oleani~ Material & SUDDl1e B kdo 00 307 Die infeo'tan't 000 311 Fuel 000 2lli Renairs o 00 Mieoelian~s c;.. 'Yt;~ / '0 00 399 # ~6 340 30 1 51 00 00 . 0 00 00 00 w 0 00 00 00 .,( - 0 ,~ 00 Ino no 0 'nn O. Ii 00 o 00 o 00 5 00 O. 00 o 00 000 - 0 00 O. 0 00 :6b 00 00 .c .. O. Ii 00 o 00 00 .C. D. 1 00 00 00 .C. 0'00 . 00 0 00 i6b 00 00 0 00 O. Ii 00 o 00 00 .C. o. I~~O 00 It o 00 ~ o 00 hl2 000 00 Ii 00 If' 9 96 2 60 2 75 7 29 6 63 98 3 18 o II.' of. 20 I - , , t \ \ 19 OAPITAL OUTLAY . . 400 Garblllte D1ellosal Lo't ~CO 00 G 00 iO~ 00 o 00 r( .. 0 00 - 402 Fir.. HOBe -' 0 .0," o 00 0 00 0 406 Of1'lAA ,nlo 5(ln 00 b ~l 10D 00 o 00 r( . ~do 00 , 405 Oour't House OanUal OuUav .odO 00 .bllla 78 I.. i02 84 It 000 1-0'( - . 2 84 , , 1~.~oIo 00 99 8 0284 I~ llb 00 tIOO 00 19 284 . , , : , , " : 0 : I, '. ' i : ' 0 :' ' '" ; , : I ' " c, 0 >,J ,: i I, I : i , :' '. , :{ '1 , , """ ;, , ,J: . 1 ,0 , :i-~ 'l'; 'j j J. , , , " , ,.-- " " OP 00 ioP 00 ~OO ~r1":: 11" CI':.~ .':,';W 'i:t" >,'iZ Jl "~ ....."',Jo-. >1q, ,~'o.__ '. 'l'i ;.,};;1'!,?,.'lO,';~.~-~f.~ ! .' " ", :,; ,c:',' \, ,:,' ..r: ::"'::~~~,: ;.J/i}I~~t~~?~~<~~f!gr?~t;";:~~~~:~f:':; ",~~t::') ':.;~~,.r?:';,; .: .'~"7~'{~;:.c~~tf?~;~'~~"~"<':~ "',':" :i,'(' ,', , ,;' ,',,' ROAlrOKlCOUNTY VIRGINIA ' ":"":':--.,' >_!_;>";-':" --_:,-',--'-':---:'-_.,:-':_-.-----.-:>,..,.- '.- ,-. . , 'EXPENDIrURB ESTIMA T1ls FOR ,THE YEAR ENOfNGJl1NE 30, 1941 ' , GElIEItAL COUll!Y FUND , , ',' YEAR ENDEp JUNE 1O.19,~IL -""'-"'--"~": ..,. ''';''~''':'i:''i":.:o,;i-;' ,.....:".,. L"",-:"" ~ ...' OJ Number of Funuion . 18 , , , ' TITLE OF FUNCTION Y.~. EN0I4o.... JUN. 30, 19._1\1. Num. ber of hem 199 203 308 102 02A I 399 I , i I , , \ I ; I \ I , 20 805 ; ~. T1Tl.E OF ITEM Apl'lfOPJUA7/0H ^1"Ao".t",.rON E.PSHDJTV.. MISCELLANEOUS , 1lo~ 00 I 60 2.0041 100 ,fl'1 DO SoD klo l,jJ bo rJo! 00 a 00 I ~ ,oIodl 00 46 00 114. 9" 6 ,ob~ 00 1k>~ 00 19 ~6 2 ~~B 88 1158. DO 2t1l lAB 142 l2 6,~b: 69 lEIa( 00 II OOG 00 6 00 00 1'6,21'7 03 6BZ 20 '1 6 \11 0 00 111 0 oc .bOo 00 ~Jo no ~J( I 0011 111 00 .1600 00 .~Jo 00 .bJo 00 14'4 96 19'316 .01- 1600 00 Rsasssssmen1; Shenandoah Valley, Ino. ~ li!ll 176 Il8 o~~ '19 1718 11 DEB! SERVICE: , In1;sres1; on Temporary Loans 164 1'07 "" I' O~ GRAND TOIJIU., ., I AI..,I,~;~~ "I&~,.. duls'oolh :t " .. .. , .. \ l , , , , , , , I ;' . '-J '(', ;, 'I ' ; '~ , , I \ , . , : \ I ! I i , i , ; i , , , ; , , . ;fkfc:{,. tJ PltOPOSBD EXl'l'.NDnUJlIlS 120 00 h~o 00 ,bJo 00 b~ no bJ( or o 00 .boo 00 .b!o 00 0,. Oi- 3 16 01- 00 . boo 00 bJ I 00 toloo .... 16 .. -.11>.' "118 ~&{q;:i ':,':S:i.," , YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 19..4,1, INCIl!!"".OVRII YB"'. EHDJND JUNS 10. 19_iO DSU~A'B UND.. V SloB ENDINO JONS 30. 19_40. , LC 10 00 0 1.0 0 2010 00 0 1.10 0 10 00 3 ob 00 b b, -b 10 -0 $010 00 !ob 00 1010 00 o 00 o o 000 4 96 o o o o o 00 tp 00 o JlBo 00 o o 4 95 1-10 .. ll' '21r -' -- --!Jc'*3-"0 ALLOWIlD BY Bo"'lln 2( 0 00 lC 000 2C 0 00 6( 0 00 2( 0 00 0 00 0 00 ~. o 00 01- .01- 3 16 .01- o( 0 00 , J( 0 00 B( 0 00 o 00 0 00 !Jc' l. 16 - -- 1 ""-9 58 --." "e ~ " ',- :_"_::_~~:':_:':"i~i'..'-;'~~_~: ;~~/{:~~'>?)r':~,_;:;:<,~ ,_, ,;',;:-,,-':. II';;':"::'," ""'~"'~'~~'::;!:;;~t:?:,':':~';'if:3~~~i~?~T?~{'1~)~'~:~~t~l~;S:]t:;!~{>J,'f , SOtJROE OF MVJ!a'lUE FOR GENERAL OOUN'rY FOND ANTIOIPATED SURPLUS , STATE SuPPLEKENTSI Share of Oapitaticll Tax . Trial Justiae Salar7 A.B.O. Board aevenue Welfare Deuartmen~ ! IinsOELLANEOUSI It [ Delinquent Taxes Land RedemD~iolls Ooun~y Farm Reoeiu1s Trial Justioe Fees Commollwealtil AUorne7's Fees Rent Liaellse from Rolling Stook (Motor Vehiales, Carriers) Transfer Foes from Olerk - Deeds & Wills n trom Dog Fun1 n n Williamson Road SanUary Dietriat #1 Eleotrlaal Inspea1ion Sale of ),{aps Misoellaneous - Sidewalks, eto. Amount 10 be raieed b7 cnrrent LeV7 , ".,!I!Qflal..R.:vilftU. ,Requ.1r,e4,., .". ....",.".... ,......,c.,.;..,-'......"..,.' .....'.. '. ' , , , , , .~ " 'i ' Oilla\llati on at LeVY I Amcnn~ to be raiBed bY OI1rren ,: leW Delinquent an basis of 15~ Levy Required Assessed ,Value af P~uerty Ra~e at LeVY , , ; , , . >j ii .. \~\l\:E:-:o' :?i.'~:!:?y!A~:--:~i{j;;:~~S:~f~~~1~::;~~~~0~~f$~r.t}t{~#N:}\:~~}1_:~~~;~;:r'?~'l?:'o. , V.A. fiNDI-U IUN8 30. 19,39 (ActfJ~J) 1116 '13 I~ 9 30 o 00 40... 10.188 l" 134 4 '1~ 83 2 99 66 II 69 31 1 l~ 95 3D 62 '1 00 ~I ... 1 5b 02 1 99 91 I ~ ob 00 11 8 10 tol ... If '1 19 ba., G 20' ~ ~ .. ,. i r " . Yau E~04~ JUN. 30. 19.-_\'-... (Esrimartd) I, ,nhloo I~ 0 00 o 00 Po~ 100 aol 100 e 0 00 2 0 00 E 0 00 1 0 00 o 00 o 00 7 00 11 0 00 1 0 00 12 5 00 1 00 - 1 0 00 ',41. 33 00 , i l ao " , L TENTATIVE EulM4TE II Inn I~ 0 00 o 00 .pAl ~"IKlnR 1I 0 00 2 0 00 II 0 00 1 0 00 o 00 o 00 '1 00 1 0 00 1 0 00 - 1 0 00 o 00 5 00 '41. 4 08 , 8" 60 8 ' ,I. 8 110 9 6 110 ,I! 00 o 0 00 20 f~1."" {P" ',,' ~'-;-;",-~,.--,-. ',.".''"'''-''',''',., C " ."', , " YE^" ENDING JUNE 30. 19,:\10,1, INcIl14saOvn YEIIIl. ENDIN~ JUNE 30. Id..__. - -D. 1'li",J;lnR - - o 00 <> I- o o o 01 00 - D. o 00 o o 6 00 00 08 bill.' 18 '18 l!l .;$ 00 . ~'I~'I....,".L ..,."..,... I . ~ i<!1110,tlrBI < .,3 ~ll ".; "'F" i;' "if, IF"! ."~ U 00 , , t '1 00 .2l 0 00 lid 0 0 OOlld DttU4IE UNDI!Il YEIla. ENDlab JUNE 30. 19_."",," Inn 1.0 1.0 adl 100 lico 00 .do 00 o 1-0 1-0 6 00 1-10. I- 0 1.0 In 00 \.0 10 1.0 '1600 .T''''.?'' ""';;;'"'/-',' "'\"e FINAL ESTIMATE II LL ^ 11M 00 tdo 00 Po. .dlolo 00 .!rob 00 Il.bdooo ,1do 00 ~oIo 00 LC 2 00 , L~ 5 00 .200 00 ..~ 00 1.10 I, rc 00 o 00 .dlolO 00 B~ 2 08 ~.- --_. ..... .. .-,.. .. '..,... '" ...... ....... -17 kI o~ .., ", .. ,_..... 'Iffi :! ,~ ~;;.j' ;1;. ~ ,$ I.: '-;-r 'i.;"JWci' ~~t,.:;-,;, ,'C._':';':;' .:~ _. " '-',,:,;,-:-.-;.- -"~I "f- .-...., . :, ~...... ,C_. -'...-'" . "-", rlllf" .' : ~. :- .,'.'.'.r.l.'" ;:'; . ,-~. ",' ,:.'" " , ..,' =- '" "' ~ - ,~ 1;" .,' ',_... .' , . 'r . aOAN.oitE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMA rES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,19 41 , WlLLIAllSOIl ROA'D SAlUTARY' DIS!I'RIO!l!' #1 FUND' TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. 19..219, YEAR ENDING JUNE 1O,19..:U Number Yo .u EMDll 01 JUNa 10, 19,_, Q PIlOPOSBD h''':J.IlA..Ova. Ok" "'. UNO" Au,Owm Funclion Num. A, PflOPRIATION EllP&NDITUAE A" RO'.IATION E, YIAIl END46 y" II ENDI'4t) berof TITLE OF ITEM ' PENDITUIlU a" BoARD hem JUNB 3D, 19._._... JUN. 30,19..____ , , 12 108 nonmsneaUon o-r Erulineer ]J 00 4 00 Ob 00 ob 00 ~l - -I - 00 00 I , hOG 1nfilnEfnsBtion n#O'.......atn.. , , " Lr Oil I. 2 00 h Oh 00 1 ob 00 - 1-1 . il Ob 00 . I 2?o nnm"sl1Bation of Labn....... 00 6 15 0 00 ob 00 2 00 -I - ob 00 , , 9.,?o I ita 'tn , , 00 8 98 7 00 7 00 - 1-1 - 7 00 22'6 Automobile &. Tmok .ExDenees 0 00 22 5 00 7 00 - 7 0 7 00 . 9., " &. '1'0" I 0 00 8 60 8 00 0 00 00 1-1 - 0 00 , 319 Sta1l1onel'U' Prinhd For JD8 &, Offine SUD plies 0 00 0 48 7 00 5 00 - 2 0( If 00 , , I.",,,, Iwat..... 10 iole 127 5 00 00 0 00 5 00 00 1-' - 207 IElsotrio Power &, LiRh ts zllio 00 32 00 0 00 .. 1&1 01 ko 00 306 ewer Kater ial s &, Sunn1:l.e s , " bfi O() 6 91 ~ 00 00 .. II 0 0 00 318 Small 'tools .. SunnlieB . . ~cb 00 236 30 16 00 l~loo ~l. .. 2 00 399 !l1sos1lanflOlls 10 00 I'ill 02 00 6D 00 l( 00 - - 6 00 "'rans-rer to Gen era 1 00. Fund (Loan) . I. 26 I~ b 00 -D. ~l - 00 .. , 800 RedempUons o-r Bond s Ao om 84 .tbdc 00 I. ob 00 131.. 00 00 ,^.I.. 00 ",I - 0 00 , , . , . 80a Interest on BoDl s .f 00 I .om 00 IE ob 00 00 00 .. -I - IE 00 00 . w. P. A. Pro .Ie 0 tB - Extel sions 1.0 8 57 0" 00 .. +u. 00 _n. 408 nttifte Eoul DllI8n t or OanU &l. OUtlaY ~15 - 1.1 0 00 ~ 00 "" .. I, 0 00 ~Il 00 6 2lS 8 00 3 00 4 00 W ~ 00 al. 3 00 " , ' ',1 . , "} ",:.:1' , ~ 'ol'!."!._ . . j:':"/"'~ , 'l ,. , " I p~:~'~ . , ' , , , , . " ': " i,' .,( i i I i, t ; .,;;. , , ,- .j , .;:1 , , ::::1., I. , W, j. , \ " I " , " -j'" ".;.;,'; , :. ., I' , t-~, _ " ! ' ,Ll;. ,.J:,\': ,-j,':":.:J:"::,, 'L.l/ .k <, .~~\; H:;,,'_,;,~~t"~:iK_::.!":'.j,L', . l,\'.;~;~;: \\ h: i; I -;{,: ;.~ " , ~;; , ",'--;': " . ,i~ f;,' {. ,. '" " : .;. ',,~\.~;i\ ~.:/,:;l).l -'-",., } ,-;1;' ,j. i , " ~ -~ " ......". " .. .~l. '~.J ,-,,:.M4 ia~'. k . ....., ., " " , " ',',-. Co:" ,'~ ,.;~t: ,...,~".,,,,.~~ B\ , tlf 'd' .. (~. ~" ROAlIOKB COUNTY, VIRGINIA 'REVENUE ESTlMATES ' FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~ wrn:.IAMSOK ROAD SAlII'!ARYDIS TRIO !I! #1. FUND . YEhR ENDING JUNE 30. ""jl.:J. YUR RHoaD V..... ENDINO .IUNII 10. 19_ 5, JUNa 30. ",,40 TENTATIVE INell BASIlOvU DaCRI! 418 UNDEIl FINhL (Actual) (Escilllaled) Et-rIMATI!. Y" II ENflINO Y" Il ENlllI'm EST IMATE JUNE 30..940" JUNE 30, ",40. 1 - - - I ABU o I-PAT ED SO RPL1JS. I~ 7 90 , 00 tI 0 00 8 00 ,tioo 00 , - - , Sell'er-Pliltmits 6 on 1M 00 D 00 20 00 0 00 I SernO'e 'Ohar..es II 44 9 9 Ob 00 3 00 0 Ob 00 I - .. 1 7 00 , Dc' . .6 .. on b 00 , tI 00 tI 00 0 0 , , ~ ok> 110 1.0 200 I Misoellaneous , 00 00 00 00 ! - .. , 6 00 tI tlO 00 13189 00 0 II ,bl 00 I - .. CALCULATION OF LEVY - i AmOl1.nt 1;0 be rai sed by ourren1; levy I, lRh 60 I, ,oIK 00 2 tlO Amount Revenue Requ1r ed 7 816 00 " 2 tlO , Delinml en 1; on Basis of 15( , : " 00 I, 87 IlO - LEVY Ra quU- ad .. .. 0 00 7 kiD 00 , , Assas1led Value ot Pro ""r1:v ' , . 6 00 19, o . Gok> 00 , Rate 'O:r- Levv .. , 2t1 26 .. - , - - .. - .. .. ,-~ .......j... -"..., -~-,< ._~ -~ .. - ! , .-<- :1 I - '!"- ....... -- ... .. -I. ... , , ............. , , , .. .. , , .;<i; , i , , , .:.;i~ ): . , .. 1: , ' , , .?i' , , , .' ; , , :.?t .' I i I oj 'O;. , ,~. . .' , -t- " , ~ I " : " " , , , , " ,I , ," , " " , ; , . ~ ; " , .\ ' , I , , , , , , , i . . , , ;" , ; , to 't~; , i ; .. 0 ". ~." ~.' ~ .. " l~-\ , -c Number of Function 1"- '1J!III!1 .-i,:-; .'. " -';, -". ;.' v,;-"'" 0,. ,.c'.',.','-' iIlMIiIi '. t.... ) 1:- 20 -, " IAnn .~n~ nf' , .> .. ,\ 80ll Int:e"'ARt: nn .. - ,nn "ft' m__ n_,,' .. - , " ,,', <_1 ,ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITUREESTIMA TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 41 SALEM DISTRICT & TOWN OF SALEM ROAD BOND TITlfi OF FUNCTION Num- bu of TITLE. OF ITEM hem , , .. , , : . , i ,," " , , ;. ,. .' . , t; .. ',' , FUND YEA" ENDED JUNE 10.19,-39 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 194~. YIII. END'l"O JUNE JO. 19.ij..O. lNUlJAI1l Ovn YIIAR ENDlrG JUNB JO, 19.J.I.O DIe""'s. UNO" YIlAII. EMOIKO JUNB JO. 19.q.Q. ALLOWED BY DoUD PROPOSBD EXPENDITUIIU Ap'RO'RIATION EIl,..NDITU.E ^"',OPIlIATION , " ),In'" ,"'n" I. iIln don ~n n. .n J"J !o !o "htl !~blnl , Ln h L" nlnn In ~n ~L I^ t^ Joe TI In n J,~1. ~L IL n JJ ~n ~~ JJ ~n I , I " h" i.~ .;+. I I , ,. , ? !'. I. <~ '_~ ",> ~1;.~:,>,~~-,~ .-t'.......; -. '-f-. , .. .' ,~O;~.ir> ":/'~",:"; ~".'." "'_t2i~W,i;:" ,'.,.' ".",. ~':, "~~'.;":{"'::-:'.' ,.;" . "">'U' .," ,~.'-: -, ',', - - .- ' .- .- . - .- , RdA~nto\, . "COUNTY VIRGINIA , '>' ,">>,".,.' ,. , 'RBVENUUESTWATES FORTB~ 'YEAR'" ENDING J\.JNnio,19~ SALEM DISTRICT'&'l'OWN OF sAf.'F.M ROAtJ BOND FUND , .,;-' " v.... I!NOBD .IuNalO.19~9.. (Actual) - YEAR END'rO' JUNS 30. J9-Lf.O. (Estimated) TENTATIVE EsTINATE: ,. n ,~ h.h.J. ,n 1<;01 ,n , J,l ,n "a' .. m~-.aa - - , ko ',~ 'n T,OM" n "'. d, n "n, ,n 11 I;rub ,n - - . mM~__"__ f'..nm 'h' - ,~ ll'o..... I:. nhr 'n 71 '" - - - , . ~' ~I; '" ~<; , DO I'! n.. T,""rv , De" - T.A"~ on n, ,. - n" , <; 01. ~ o 10 .' 'ao'l U,,'na _.. - n, ,n o Inn III ,n RO"A nf' T .A"~ , , , , .....- , ' la, Jill' YEhR ENllING JUNE 30. 19.41 JNru,us(}vp Y E"'R ENO\NO .IUNE 30. 19q..O. Ir nn Jnt 1<; DECREUll. UND2a YEAR ENDl'O J\lNE 30, 19_.q.0 ,n ,n ,<; o ~<; FJNA.L ESTIMATE oln, 'nn nn nn , nn ,', .}~ :ii' ~':,{ B. i I : ! : . , , , l , , , , , i : ; I I I. i , , .. " . i , " i I ! , I j h I f\ , " ! . " .. . - ~ : , \ - jjj": IIJ'" .... ". -" , ,-, --,'. , . ~ - .,- ..' "'.:'" '_'1 f.,) ! 1 ' \ 1:::11' ". _,_ J "'~" ' - , ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMA 'FES , FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, ]9 1~1 DOG FUND YEAR ENDEPJUNE 10. 19}'9.. YEAR ENDING JUNE 10.1941, Nurnb(r TITLE OF FUNCTION VB". ENUlHO or 1 JUNB 30. 19.IIJl PaoPOSao IN(""I. Ovu D.c"Asa UND" ALLOWKD Funuion Nurn- A" 1I0PRlIoTION EXPRNDITUU: ^rPRO~.IATION En Y..u END! Yu. I!ND4" n Douo btrof TITLE OF ITEM ENUlTIlAU JUNB )0, 19. 0 JUN. lO, 19 0_ hem I 12 OF And t;>nWT.CI.. I I - - 1102 I^~ of'llame 16mr ,Lo 161 dlo ~lhol 10 l:r-OO _no t;dlol 10 n ^f' ll..mA for k111 ina do as b, I ()O 00 _0. 21 0 0 IHac - - . 0 2 0 - , J,:1 , Inn I~ Ln , 17,17 ..~r1 111""0 lID<;1 Ln lalol ~n Ln Inn - , , lI:m Fowl In ..4~.. 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 00 _no 11 0 0 I '102 T.1vA m..1ms ..lIle bo 1 1 0 0 0 00 -0. 0 0 I -- '1~0 I <;07, IA din - ~I 0 0 0 00 - ). 31 0 0 - I In \ 7,1Q ",.,..f,' ""4n+...r1 & "......... ft_ -'4 qA I iii ,0 l'1 00 I? no IIJO -D. 0 H: <tl m^ O~.~ 1A:I><;lln ' All,l In B:~<; ~o I dnh nn 100 - (II 0 0 Q-' -- ... ... ^f' n^", l"n~r1 ~n ?' In P:." Bn Joh nn 00 - ~tIll1l Bn .. .,..~., ^... Dna Fnnd din In bo do b 00 100 - 2: ~<; 0 ,....- +." +'h" ., ,~ Fnnd In 11 ~, 0 0 0 00 11IK "L~ 0 - 18, 0 0 U4......" - f'eed Qn9,i1 I, ~Bn I~I=!:~~ OC - 0 i= hn l" ~ 100 - I cbo - , , " , , ,~"t ; , , I .jgB , :i':. , , . ,-,,- , . I , ~!" , ; ; l~ , , , , , ; ,,' : I" ~:1 , . ; . " , : ;j , ' , { jS~ , f " , , , j,t. in " ; " - - , \ , .,J .. :r:i,.',-.,IJ .-"".H0..,~,.:\l. }..... :,.,--\;l"'i~':':"';'" '!f,'i: ;;,L....i~".:';:;': } . !;", i" ~_ 'u, " " ,-;.'c ...-.t.'.... ," ;.'>. :~. .,." " ., .~--" " .. " . , , , \ . ~ i . .... ~', . ;,., , " ..r ,"', i, 1 I I I I I , " , " " ; ~ ~ : I 1 't, .-:. .. .. !IIi RC'iA.WOTfR I ". ' COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUEESTlMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 19-41--. DOG FUND Ant1cinated Surnlus n^N mDND , , " , ' , , VIA" ENDID .Iu.o 10; 19,..'9 <AcllIal) YEA. ENDI~o JUNB 30, J9q.O_ (ESlim3IW) TJ!NUTlVI EsnhUTB I, Il<Int Inn do! 100 .~ ',~,',' \ ~J'" ~.-~,,, '==t YE^. ENDING JUNE 10, 1.41 INcn"n Ov.. YIA" EN"l~O .lUNa 10. 19q.O. nfl, ,n hi 1n i, ,hrl 1n " . ,! , , , , , , " .. I \",1.. " 10 " ~'n rlnn nn ~ ~'r , '~ 01. ^^ , Du....... UNDI!1l YIEAII ENDlr~ JlJNJ! lO,19..ij.O , FIN^L ESTIMATE n. % tlnf nn " AnI, on n nfl Inn o. n. , ,.., _. ,__ ,_ __,_ n .. I." j :) ) .., .- .', ~iI. ',i;-;tj :(/~. ~,~. '1'" ""':'-4'r:"i~:~:::~"::~ef~::;~:~:(~W\5;;" ..."" Number of Function a-A " , ~ ',: ',: . , . , , : ,W~;;T"::;./ ,.. .'. ,.'. ..,-,. . ,.. . ;;: )\::?' :,.~.t::??~;'~~~1!~:t;,}?:;t:~k',r):;\'?i:;z";~T'~~~~:~;~1:i:"C!{~1~~:~;,;(;'~'!t}!~f~,~,t~~r;.;\jJ}~~;*~:~;~~~t~;;:)~W?~:' " ',. ",.' "R<lAtloxlcbiJNrrYvlR.$INIA . ::~'_::".-_::_"-:_-~:-::;-::,-,:-',..,',.~-:.-:!:'-:-------~:_-::..::'"-'..,., ", ".> ,,'.... EXP,ENDITUREES,TIMA 'PEs' , FOR TH~ ,~BARgNDING JUNE' 30, 19 4i. "VI RGII!! l'tmLm ASSIS'U.1fCB ,FUND , " TITLE OF FUNCTION , YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. io..39, Num- ber 01 TITle OF ITEM Item ApPIOPRIATION EIIP....OITU.f: ADUInS!RATIOIl , 02 OomoensaUon o;t"'S-uDerin1i8ndent ' 02! COlllnensation of Case Aide , , 021 01 - nllB t ion of' crBBe, Aid Il J;bobo 91J'ilO glJ'bo. 2 DO 9 0 o o o 2 0 7 ~o '<0 ~O 1lll1l )0 o ~O 'lInh ~n :thh 1;0 , , 1l>l:d nnll " nnll HO &, Bookkeener lob OQ ~ ndl Il>l: 1r:J: u~. Ir:.. IAft Comnensation of 01 Comnansation of Steno~anher n 1 In_8I10e PremiU.lll 8: Liabili1iY ' 12 Inauran oe Premium &, Sure tv Bond 99A Rent Post Offioe Box 21.5 Repairs to Offlo e F.~",i:ollll nt 215 Reo airs to Al1tomobila 220 ReiJlsoamen1; of Auto EOI1.i DlIIlnt 218 Telenhone &. '.i:olo"'rQnh - Pos tA.1I 220 !l!l'QveliDlr E:xn l.'lnses 220 !l!rav..1il'Ul' ExnonR.... Mil..s",.. aoo Auto Tires & Parts 312 Gasolino Grease 8: 011 U9 Stationery. Printed forms &, Off:loe SUDolles 1199 Misoellaneous ,.., Q '7'" lno ~ 2'; <;17 Ql) aob 00 JJ 00 >, ." AI: InA ... ...L II ~O lJ 00 , 8 , General Relief ,~."i:'i", " ,'1 3~ Oi :1...1 82 [. -.'} ,~. ~ ~" ...;t,.I~"el1'" - ~~ :7, ,lJL 1~ LJ... 0" ILl, ^_ ., '-',: ',' ..1.. .:. ~ ; r <, ,,-"" .... A:Ldfo].',DoDendent,GhiJ4ren. , " " " , ' " A~ for'BUIIl ' . .. , " i , 8 6 ~~" B 4 00' ...ol....b 136 , ; '. , . . , \ , , , : :;. " I '. , j , i :: ',' 1 I \ I ". \. 1 I ';,,' "","/{_t VB...I ENOIN1" JUNB lOt 19__~_O APf~O"I"'TION PROrolBD nXI'1!NDlTUUS J; bo obJ bO InbA hO II tlo o DO 1;0 fi ~o Ollll 00 InU ~o llbd 00 o 00 Iio PO bo o l 0 II 0 1110 0 00 IIlb DO 2 0 JIoo 0 .k,~ 0 61 0 o 00 01 0 3 00 8 1 110 I- 420 DO bo DO o o o $.f..o 1 IlO 1 00 1 00 II 51" " V11 h 1l'1' ":" 7 8 ~O 8 JO 7 1 4 9 &0 4 '0 . ~ 7 9 41 III 47 INUIl'ulIOVBJIt Yf:AR EN!l1NO JVHB 3D. 19__..10 -D. -0. .1'1. -0. -0- -D, -0' -P' -0 I" I- 0 ~O 1.0 ..0 o 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.,0 yaAR ENDING JUNE 10. .0,41 DEC",us UND" Y aAl ENDI'4; JUHll 30. 19____0 , o ,.... (j ~." 1.0 o o o o o o o o o o o .c O. .c f( O. o fC. 0- fC - fC. ~c . ~~ . ~e - ~e - ~c .. ALLQWIlD BY 80...80 5pe ~O olle 0 oae 00 2De 0 o~ 00 ~tl Iio po pO 2 PO I~ DO - 1- I~ PO o ~e 0 160 0 o ~o o 0 3 00 al'l GO ~ 1 00 IH 113+ 6]/ " 7 ~~ 8 0 llE 4 40' 1~7 9 41 I,:; n.ii j\ , " ' ..", , '..', I..., , "~~':"'J:'<r~':':'::'''."'Z-..~- .. , STATE ll'EnERAL ,._~ ..._~i~'~; . " LOCAL - Transfer from Oeneral Cnn n1i'v FuJl4 , , IE , ~ '. , , ;~. ":'i,'-' ~ :.>'i~"i;.'-~"i' "'.<.' """''''y:,;'-,- '.\'ir!'~~?':<;::" ~ ,- "'-~','. "'-"".',..:" . .'-_~" .l" ""S"':'", " .- ':-;, ";,,:';,.-.,-. ..'-.,:,-......,- '( -', aO.l1iop:.GOUNTY VIRGINIA - "'-".-.:".', :,;:-',,-. .,' :,-',:-;."-. -.' 'REVENOEESTIMATE& FOR THE YEAR~NDII'l/GjD/IIE 30~ 1941 - . '. VIRal:ll:tA ~LIC: 'ASSlS !!.AlnE FUND " " Yu. ENDED JUN. lOt 19.... <.Actual) 1 . ' ..~. I '7C; ,III~" h'7 . Ii ,,,I. ..z Izb 0",,,,,, , , , , . ' , , , : , , , , , ;i ! ! I , , I , . ; , {I !, , . l. ~-. J, ri VIlA. ENDlNO JUNE 30. 1940..- (Estimated) 1 ,9 9 1 1 ,31 4 9 6 It 2~' 14, .,i', !; . , , TENTATIVE EnuU.TR 1 ,91 ,31 l,~ 6 2 IU , YEA" ENDING JUNE 30. 19,41 h';CIlBUE OvaR YIAR ENDINO .IUNB JO. 1940... 1 4 - - ..' ... DECU:"f2 UNDBR YEAR ENDINO JUNE 30. 19~40. - 1.0 - 1.0 , FINAL ESTIMATE, 1 9;~ 1 !D, 3 lE 4 'I 94 16 147 9 Il.l -J '?,j ,',~'" , ,"" ; '~ " '. . i;.i " ,,~;~:~<f1: .'.-I.ji~' . ,,~. .,~, , 'X:~Ht.~j'. 'r ~ ;fr, v'. '~;-~':\' , :i;,:i:~jt:~~~ , " ',.> ((: f: ;,;:1: ',,',,:'IWll!' ;' ""'~')!!,,~,;<::~>: :-r-;~,:~:_~i:;':'~~t"~~'st,:,:,,:<:,t:_',;~:)~~,':Y;~::i:':'\?fh~:>;;;:":;;'::: "; "/':':?:;~;',J:~':'" "(~\< ,\ ~ ,- , , "", l ,,., ,,~...~,J,., . '''~ t'. . '<';f:?:'!"~,;\ ~(>h,~:J-d,;.~t~i;.~-.d~" .' ",' l.., ;,' ",,~>::~':';,""":,\;,~.O,UlO"'" ";'~Ot1N:ry,-'v,lltGINlA.' ,', ~'~"',' ,_~.'7':,_ . ~:f ,~ " ,';~\'r;J"" - -. '. -'h;';:,::, -!,'i':_:_::?-r:-::}::~g;:\:~-:~;~::;:}:;-,:r};H:fM~~~i~Y>(s;j,;~;(j'.::~}<;\:~.~;;:':~:fgk~~}?{r;__);_>.,' " - \ - ... " , "',' ,"'ExPEN'DITOIUf,IlSTIM.i\.TESi,- . " . '.',' "ro~rrHH';~:::~I,~~~'Y;;i; ~ND . , ' , , ""., , 39 YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. ..-'-_.. Number o( Funuion , TITLE OF FUNCTION VBA. EHD~b JUNII 30, 19._..__ , , EX,aNPlTUJlE Num- bcror hem A,paOPRIATlI)N Ap'''O'.IATION TlTLI1 OF ITEM HOR D , 'I JI all , I , illS en8a lion (1r ...._ Del'S · · Olerk , . ' !l!o1;al..Sol:1o 01 Bo ar4 ~~~ O~ I~. ob 00 ~ gg 00 1.jlgg gg 2 MOO I, lllln DO 1 6~ 00 35 00 IP 00 OJ IOJOJ 7~ 00 2~ 00 :Il~ 00 Ib 00 . 8~ 00 2 0 00 6 8 00 ~ S....t .,.....m ft__ .):1 · Saholl.l Boar4 · SeO'y. &> 01;he1' :miiDlojees F1'~lgh 1;, Ex},l' itBB &. Dr* ge "u10e ~1pJllenll' Pos1;age, !l!el'ephone ... Telegr8.JIIB , !l!ravel EJp ElIse ot Sup1;. "~ll..r~.na.8 otU. e Su_lies ...1->101') ~4~ ~ Ilb 100 'A 83 611 ., {,~~ 2 20 6 811 l: IV ,., 211 7 lit) I~,I 8 89 ; " I] , ; ,~ uu 'I 00,. ,rip 00 ~b 00 I 1 , OenSUB, Surveys, Rip or1;s, eta. To tal..Sup 1; , So Oft:lo e ' Tohl-Sohool Board,(U ehown:above) !l!al' AL - A4min1s 'Ill' aU on ~ 00 8 89 12l. 9 00 I~.~oo 9 00 IllS RUI 1011 TO!l!AL.. Ooat of InB1;ruotlon 2 '~OO 1 77 124.8 0 00 B {-' .1'. O!l!H ~ STHJ TIDIIAL OOS!i!S Ole rk s to Pr.I. no iDals Travel Expllllse-VooaUonal Jl'4uo aU on , " General SUllIlies,llqs ,Globe. &. Ohllrts .. ~ry "UPP.LllIB ' Kanual Train:l%Ur Su_li.. Tex1;bookB Furni!lhed! Free ' Voo aU onal 14uo aU on sw.)>>11~" ,.~~.p.' ,,' Tb!l!.At. ~ Othe1'hulh'u. homl00 ~~ 'i i1; . 00 00 o od " , ~6 36 +cj4 14 .~Il~ 7'1 TT ~. I "et' 66 .; , ... 110 .;,~:~ ~~ :" ~n :: ; ~ 1" -; ;.~ _. t\ '1 .,.\ ,'~. :,;' \ , ' ii, ' H;', ,"; ~.;. -- ',; ''':, V' " , ; ii', I' ,; ''.' ",' j :':.'}: i/i ~ ~ ,.~,' ;;'.< :;~ .': :_'" .~, ~I,'_-- . 00 00 ,600 o 00 1 iO 00 opU}' vv o 00 1, 0 00 o 00 e.-..", .""..,--', , .-1 "::'1 , , I . , I , , i. , , '''''',>-".1-, '; {'. I. ,-- ". '_-l'-~ .' PAOPOSBD EXPBNDlTURES , l.~ '~~ 2 0 00 11 <11"., lrio 1 6 go 3 0 ~ 00 IVV 451> 00 ~5f> 00 I"" o 00 10 00 " 311 00 B 00 00 6 36 00 IDdol 30 00 , 6b 00 . of> 00 op 00 'ov" vv b 00 1, 0 00 j ,--,',," ''>>''''', -,., '.~ ,:,'-~'. .' ':_:' :;,.',-!:C~, INCUAI. Ov.. V.u END1fo JUN. 30, 19_____.. rf 00 65C 00 1 00 I.., VVII 3 00 .. "00,,, 14ld' .._;"."""\.,,,..~ fi".. i':'..:_:":::: . ''':,', ',,{-.-- 4 YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. I....,~~ "" DIICUA$. UND;Il Yan ENDIN~O JUN. 30. 19~.__._ 7500 60 00 p 00 . Op 00 (, " ALl.oWBQ IIY DoUb 50 000 / Ii (l 0 00 /l0000 . I~I~~ bOO 1000 ~ 0 I:> ()D ~ 000 13 51' 00 600 ~OOO .~~ ~:~W~!~~ ~ ~ 5"00/1 , IOOfJ 'I , 'I '00 " Ok:; 00 &; ~ I~ (J() q 1'/ I .5 GO 0000 0000 11 0 00 I 00 00 10 00 ''',>, ~ , , '(T() .. ~ 01:1 ! .- or , 'Ii " . ,,' <~ . ; H.'" :.....- ~."',.,"',"',::,,,'~ .'."''''''' .f~~ .'J1 ~~" -.;.',. , ;'t'~ . .~,.)~, ""'>>J,f;; '... .?b. ",'i: ...;~:"~ '~, '-'~W<\,?~':vf <~~t"i> ~f;:,~,'''~Z'-''''i,",,-m--;.?~~~' Xf~ ~~}.;:\,ilj ~ri :i~li!,,,,i!,(~~t'f',,, ~'l-{;:"-i: ;';\f ~'?:ii'1t.:;;'''',1:lff~ ,- -: l..' ~>), :.t~l",""<_JJ::;~-!;'Y~:1r--;' ~'" 6''kt ;if~"'';'.~:,'":;.->t'::''' ~;h/~,~"''' f,.I, :<;.," ~~~~,\\' : :,:;/ ;1::Y' ','- ~, '~:'-:. -~~:';'?~~!:~;\~\;t:"': :',~:k~-::;"~~ :';~S~~t:,~tt~,f{}~':-,:'-:'~;::f,;,!,i~tt~~:.~:':~;~7i~~~l'{;??;:-:_:r:-.;;i~'. F f : ':"',::::!>;;";' ,'; .' " ""'.<'.. ,- ,,' "'lUIKitOKE' COt1N~ "VIRGINIA: ',' :,t"e,"" "::,,::.,;"~~i~~b~T,y~: ESJ:IM~t~'~;:,:" i, 'F:OR/'rHEYEARENDING jl)t';II~:-30.; 19 '~ ' " . "', ";" , ' 'aouH'y'~dllOo:t. . FUND '. 0- .':'. ,. ')i'" ~ < ;-:',.--. , ','. , " , - , ", . ; , , ' v,:", YEAR IlNIlEDJUNE 10,19_'-9 Number or Funcrion Nurn- 'berof lu~m TtTLE. OF ITEM AI!PROPIUATION , , , " bOORllIIluir AO~ IVITIBS Oompensa'iol1 of Doo'ors , : 10 Oo! '~o 00 tsdo 00 ' hdo 00 ..c 000 .~qo 00 , . . DenUs1a , !iu8e8 , . . , - 00a_100_ AUelllanoe Ohild Labor Ada1nia1;raUon Ho. Delllons1ra'lon Agem MeUoal SuPp1i~. 01lher Ooord1.nde ,AoUV1.1I1ea , , - Ooordinah Aotivi1l1ea , , TOTAL UXIT rARY AGl!NnIER aU! 00 !l!r mell' rta' ion TrllllllJ011la1l10n o:t Ocun\y Owned ~'1Il.ob; · by Oonn-aot T1'I1ok Repaire) Tires, !rubes &. Parh ,~kl 00 .);do 00 I ~ . Il1IO 00 111.600 Ql I, ,Un 011 I.... <t 0011 , Gasoline, Grease &. Oil 1br !l!1'Iloks , aeplaoflllen' of Truoltll ,<, ,,' ., ". ~ ,-', ", !l!6",Al. Trsnsllor1laUon uxil1ary ken,,18. '!u1111on 'aU O'h.. Dhhhn8 -.- , OO8UnU;y AoUvU it iI & 00lll..110eai8:111l 00810S , ~ er , tJ j.lo~ I ~U 00 1.1. brAri8. ' ....L. 00 ' " '. Pur.Oba.~o:f,feX1lb"'~8 ' lei, 01. " , "., "4f''" ~M =';. JJ~~~'ltilit~;:~ielO~'8* '~,,'" :'~": )"'-"1""}"':' " = ,j r ,- ; t " '.1lal-O'he; A~lliA1"lr A.enow 8 ' " , . ! I~ J.:.J~ ...." .' i, !l!~'Al.,~raDa,'por"ll~',~n ~a*~an abovH:" ; ~'2~ ~ 0,0 , ' fOUL, . i\tlti1;J.a17~ge~i.. · .,', "" I * lXI, ; " '; ",' ,,' , :' " , ""'" ", ,; ; .,',,' i " ",,' .. i "I, -" , : .\ -, ., ,t: ~ 1 ' , , " r I' ".' L: '.\1' j,. } 'l' :. ;t. i -, '. .... ii':~> 1" ~ ,'.j.. -:'c, :' -:;;, ,~:'\H' .';;:<"-,.j'::'( " . ';~', _," t, J'>" 1-\ EXP8~DITUU. Y.A;. ENDING JUN. 30. 19.-'0. AHao.aIATIQN Jao 00 II 150 III 00 'n 00 aaO 00 000 b 00 . ~*Ioo . 00 IJlzI'lll JI B 6' llll 92 r~ 00 13J22 00 UI., Lf 0 00 I ~ . 10/0 00 , OJ:) 00 lIlh 00 o 00 l 0'1 II llll . 9 'Ill . j,,~ 80 51 00 b II' !11J11 M Inn ~Oo ~OO ~. f{ Lab 00 #: Ii, .:!ale 00 12 0 'it,:' -'I'" ~';; " "',' ',.1"", 't, ',"" " , "~' ,.'. .-' Iv: .'>t-..'I! '.', "'." _.-'. t.lr:I~;' r;. ".' " '. '," ,,' :.J/": J~~ I. '" 00 00 " ';. '..,';-," C' PaoPOnm EXI'I'HDITUJrEl 1111 00 Ii 00 o 00 o 00 Iloloo 11. lqal 00 ~~ 0 00 ..$$. 00 I. ."h 00 I~. 5cb 00 IE, 010 00 00 o 00 ~Inn o 14 0 ~131.. I ( 00 00 00 " .., , .,. 'c_. :;) iOIJ .r.... 00 I:l '00, -c O:'Lll "'t"'-' I I INCau.I..Ovn VSAI. ENDIHp, JUN. 30. 19._~O obc 00 'I 00 00 *no :' III 00 , " ~\. '''.f' Ildllll nnll J.Jz!!l00 'I ~OO ',' -'.,-' ;, ,~ , ;", ,j,l~('_, ";~,."_'.-;\\, :~;:. -y' {(, _f~';... ;<,.,,,,,,,,,~<.,--....,-; YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 19..,41 DllCnA,. UNO.. YIlA. ENDIN9., JUNa )0, 19_'M. lido 00 fO 00 ~.. 0 00 ~E 0 00 ~oP 00 00 00 :./ ;: ,. .~ ! , I> ; ,"I ,,', I I" I :'i;' AU.oW'l.D .y BvAIlO i- () -, :>90 o 0000 ~~' ~ ~OOOO() oS' f? tJ 0 00 -0- 010 00 J 0 00 o (J 0 00 ~j.O 0 00 ,~ ~. ;" i, "i~"'.j'. ,1..1' <? ~O Iqlt.ll ~ 0 d~ .-' {,k:' " ,-.,' "j ;~i: ..... - '..., ~ -"".-" ;,',-, ,:L~~j "I,r~,( . ~ '. ' ~i f{~; ~,.. J )~-. "'. t' ,..'1.l I' ~" . " :rl~:i\\;:~lK~1l;;1;:jf' < .' .:I~' ~t(.7~~~~.n~r~'~t~{?~~~Yri.Jl1~tlfti:~~~;:~);:j' \ .'- .-' .,:.,"'i.._~_'~..:.'..'_r:.::,E~'-;<Ff.:(;;_:','<\'~;::.::<0<;' ,J_:,~;{,~_:,,'{~.:,_,~-_;F,~~,;.'_/,i ,,-: ,,', .,;', .' ,: ,,' P'.- -, . . .' '. . ,,'EXPEN't>11'URE : EsTIMATES F6R:.1~E. Y.EA~:cENDING JUNE 30, ')94:1; " .,' .':OI:i/HltYSaaooL ' 'FuND ~ "i .,"," , ',' YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. 'i9,_,8!l , , ", , Number I, - TITLE OF FUNCTION of Funclion Num- ~rol hem , Ap'ROPRIATION EXPlNDITU.. TITLE OF ITEM , DPERAIPION OFE CHOOL PLANT , Wages o'f Janitors .P( 0 00 . ~J 8 20 . II Ot!~r Employees Light and Power Phone Service to Sohool Bu.ild 1ngs Water . ~(O 00 III 000 .~I 000 o 00 )CO 0 0 h~ 9 70 b19 17 I' . ~E 7 56 .lsll 48 , .!J5 01 Fuel Janit,Qr eunulies Other Exnenses of Onerat1on~tollet towels, sewer assessments , tissue. nAne , e 9 00 Il~. \15 JJl , TarAL - Operation L , " 000 IumTnvANI E 0 SOmOL PLAliTS Repair of Buildinga 80 Upkeep of Grounts n & Replaoemant; of Furniture &. EQI,:lpment !XED OHA GES 'r~"'.- 'v__,'_' ~ " o ~O " PlI)O . 1$ 8D ~c 2 11 . Othe r Ex pelUl e s-MaUlt anano e o:r PJa:m s I Tar AL-Yain tenanoe 0 f Sollo;ll Plan1ls I. 000 I.' 15 96 , Fire 'IIil1u;i'an oe 600 . 8 88 . + L1a bl1lh' Insuram e Woxicmen's OOllluellSation " Ren' ' Other FiXed Oharge8~~el1nq.~ax Oolleotor _ ~_"_j . c; ._.__. _ .~ j,j,___ '':1:U',dl:' :. :r1Xe40har~.s- .--- , ., 9D Ball ,~rt, 100 ~dol 00 I ~I (ll)' ., DO ., ~Il"~ ., ~ ,rl. '-ii : : " (. ," , , 'I. ;.I' i ' .~ /, " , ; Yau ENDING Ju~, 10. 19,.40 A'PItOPRIAl'ION . P( 0 00 o 00 o 00 . ~op 00 o 00 o 00 kl "'p 00 IE. ~ 00 I"' P 00 J !QIQ. 00 E. 0 00 00 00 ,-I: , IflO'~\";;'~'~!Yt PAoPOnD EXP.BNDlTUJlBll , pC 00 ) .$qo 00 i PC 00 ~( 00 , ~clo 00 LO bolo 00 IlUdo 00 1 , 1M 00 hi !$ 00 I~, P 00 Il. [0 00 LC 2,00 000 00 I f,oIJoo III OO! o 00 ", I. , " INCRIlASBOVER YEAR ENDING 40 JUNB lO. 19.~_.._. 8 1001 00 5 00 o 00 6 00 ,0 00 r n 2PC OC :',;1 '.""--'/0,_'",,; r_._ a. YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 19.:1. Uat..",. UNnn YB.u END'3b JUN. 30. 19~.___ oc o 00 OC I II. o 00 O( - .'l -- - 0 00 I ALLOwan BY' &".D / ? ,..~ _~.-.; ,'v':' /6> tl~lilo -0- III (J d oe 00 11;1 0000 ~(JO(JO too 00 I tJ () 00 "0 dO Kit (J 00 I (J (JO 00 (I GOOD 00000 I 01.::: DO 010 00 ,5000 ., E'.P1IV~ :,:: l~:,{;:/~;-- ~t';~,'J'r !,t,~itf\ I';~..,,< t~.,., (i~~];,. ' l,,~.~,'" }H~': _ lie,,",","',' . . .r_.', i ";>'-"'''1 ,"--;', Number 01 funcdoo TITLE OF FUNCTION n, Num- ber of TITLE OF ITEM hem 'i!_~. I_i t::J,; ,b"'~'~q .......--.,.~ il......nlta COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDlTUREEsTIM1\ TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUN2 30, 19 41 FUND ntll,nfl7 S'nhnc)' , .' YEAR ENDED JUNE 10, 19.-~9 , PkOPOSI!.D EXPIiNDITURIlI YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 19,41 VB". I!ND'N~ JUNIl 30. 19J.1.11. A"J\OPAIATION I INelllAlB OVIiR YEA" ENDING JUN. JO, 19......... DBeaa".. UND" V..... ENDING JUN. 30,19_.__._ ApPROPRIATION EXPliNUITUItB 121 .jll::n ." elM JI~ "''' ,Il II, ~L" 'fl , In nl I~ "'.., 1",1 11'1 oc .I. "'.. I", nr -, hAl, 1J~I, ,,, - 1~k "" , , , ' ,I "bo o~ "" Inn , , ' , , , " - ._A......Aott. r... & &~p.l'v1.101l ft..' ,;... ~... A'. UA_ A9 T,AM" ~9 .0.... -.. ^.......M "AMO"A' "'...._ ,.' - '. - ~^h nr ",.1 n~ 1.1 ~nh lV1 10.. IB_ I " dnb ~n , '" Aft 1,,1. nn 'l~~ lOn ....n Inn ALLOWliO BY DoUD Lj- .. .1.0.. . , , ,. /::r:i::~~~'~j!;~:~';t?:,:~:?~' ,:\., /;::;~ '~:~?,:-<~,',"{" n'}:; "l~:",;~,t, l:"~'?'\<,~:'. .'-',", '\~~J. <, "c. ". ~ \".,. . \: ,~;'~;:;~~~~~!?i1:;~~V~. ., ' .-'i."- "-".).-:;,~':-'\. i::\_}~;::;:~_:.'~"" " ~ . > ,:,-,,-,,-; , .. ; , bVJS1'IUJ!; FOR OPERATING COSTS From Sllate Funds GllI1eral Appropriall ion " Elelllenllarv l!'un4 II""l1JlifUl' .;., - &.'n.._'~'-"" I Speoia1 .. Adult EdUll aUoD ,I ,!USlo ~'U.na. I ,Workshop Ins true 1IorB , Jeantll 11I4 Slater Funds aehab1l11laUon Fund VooaUonal EdnoaUon D1II1I.Agr.Supervisor (Re~nd tor lIlIt.Soh.Bd. pays him) TOUL w From S1la'h Funds , j I , i From Otiler Funds , Sp eoial Gifts :t:rom Foa.nd aUon D and Boa rds Appropr1aUon :t:rom Bd. of Sa..t>erviaors-on Supt' B. Sal.a17 Tu.i tl.,1n Private Souroes Other COIlnUes Speoial Fees from Pupils Sale ot Supplies RllI11i s 1lI14 Reba1les , Sale ot aeal 11II1Iate Sale of Equip.llt Fire In8\l1'8D.oe AdJ\18llman 11 'Dona,llion for So~ool Librarie. =!fher'SpeOial ~..t~i~tut.d''G~B , ' TO'rAL whom 01lher hJiI1. " Tax .',-,...-':-~...~ , I Delinnuent Taxes , Total Miscellaneous R , L , . .H ,; ,ton.' tHE 'YEAR EN'DIN'G'jUNE 30;; 1941 "COUHYSOxOOL FUND , , ' , , , ' . .:. ; \ , Ya.'''i END~9 JUHaJO. 19_.m~. <Ai::(ual) , 1'-' /il~C 6 61 Isl 167 a 9 00 6 00 40 4 9 96, 4,ilzf ~O 7 6 64 1 2 ~O I' 6 77 4 81 ,II 72 ~~ 33 7 46 i3Il(1) I " e~ " "..-....-.~. , , 3 ea o 7" . 181, ! li>;l, 7Q , , , " , 1J , 1 ~ [< ("! > Yu.it ~NDI';fO JUNB 30. 19.____. (Estimatc:d) 4 ~ 10 00 11..1 00 Ii' 3,cIo 00, 1 ~~~ll 00 II II 00 4 10 00 2 7 00 6 00 1 2 00 ~ 00 ~O 00 8, 0 00 ,~c 00 8 00 i ,~* 00 .*llb 00 l:l ~ 00 ,Il'll~ 00 , . 1 ft 00 ',' . E ;:.-,;'. TENTATIVE EnINATB ~ 8.10 00 no 2.CK> 00 1.13 00 3~E 8 00 4lEI... 00 41- 9 00 6 00 11,4d> 00 -, o I. L, 00 00 4 lie 00 II, ~ 00 -i~1 : ""II 11, 00 I, , -'?"!J'.;"'':~: _~~' ,," "-.~'" .. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ,.......:1. IHClltUBOVSIl yB.... EHDlio JUNB lO. 19.......... ~4) l. 00 141 00 In 00 , , ill 00 ,II (1) 4~ 00 ..,.. .. ... -I" - or 4 ~ i,4nn DlECu.ua UHD211. YEAR END~b JUNE lO. J9_._...... .Ij:,~':! ...."., 'II. FINAL ESTIMATE / .rl~ () (J 00 Is or 1.3!.e7?00 OPI oc .2 t> 0 00 }6 OC 1 0 0 130 m ," o 10 " l.r 3 00 19 f $ 00 ~,", 0 0100 I '/-/ 1500 1/ (" 00 /J t)(:> I", b~lIi" IJ' LIIM Inloo [p 2. 0 0 00 I 6. a 06 1/ b Of) I^^ I I i: . 'i~ ~j!~ It" <I:~ . ~.1;;: ""' 1 100 , '":.-{~ if." I .1 t~ Number 01 Function TITLE OF FUNCTION , , , 1"\ ,-, " i\ , , \ (: i ::.' ',1.,""\" ' :, (.<4.:_ '. .:!\, - "r:!,' :,.,.:. " '" \\l~' . Num- ber 0' TITLE OF ITEM hem , ......~ ~, _ ...._A >_- _.,.A i... , ' . , -:..... . ...,',....:" ~.. .. - - -" '\ , , -.., '-.., ri .,,,,:.c:.~ ,:nr. o. '--'"-- .D '-'e;-' .-.";"-'~.n'- ""'''_'1'/,.-,'''','' h ~ , , " ~-_. . '. -','- ,', ' , ' , i; , '," <:0,\' i I 'j; ,~' ":L '._. n__,_~..~_____._.,..__.._____ __. ... " I.J ,ROANOK'R COUN:TY!, VIRGINIA EXPENDlTUREESTIMATES l'OJt THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 t.. FUND , \ ' " ~. .A ........ D_;,A ct__H,___ ......L .JJ.. ' ;'.,G,;"",, , , ,---' , r , , , , .. <, , (' ,:, ':" , >""'..',, :'("",.\',,:.1" ",.. . .,,(:', ': : " " :"" j,,'" r , ," . ,: '. ( .I " , " ',' J: " , ", rH')~.,,:~(,h ~~ .J '-;;'I:d~; ;iit\~- .. ... SUJ.ILIARY " YEAR ENDED JUNe 10.19,-'9 VUII ENnrO Jmn: lO, J9.q..O. Ap'1I0'II",TION EIf'lNDITUII. AI.'ltO'IIIAT10N ,'. ,1 , .io ,Jtll "". , I~ ]1,100 lloo '1" 10 a.::1:. 1'::0 'Jlx~ Ir:;? 76 I~ Inn nn nn nn Inn ..Job I~.. - 1..;1.: 0': '" 13j ",. -. I^~ ,.; -. " I. 1..1 I., ,. ',. L, nn o.:'loL, -. 101. lJ.:1 I';" I" ,101,. Inn ,. ;t" j 1"\1' '.' f >, Ii:: ,'.1, ,,:, .4., IC', " : , .. . ~ PltOf'OSllb EXP.lNDITUIlU ,..101 , , c .I~ ,. II I~ ~-"1: " ' ~4..;-..., ;J Ir:;A nn nn 1ft... II., ^^ ~ ~t:: I"" i' . , :J : , ) ,-,-l.i YEAR eNDING JUNE 30. 19,41 IHCRllAIB OVtlll YEAR ENDlNQ JU,NB JO, 19.ij:e 1101, 1:,1, "A nn _h_ .~"I nn h ...011 nn I. ...0 .. DatnASE UND" YBAIl ENDING JUN. 30, 19-40 1,1, .n .. 1< Inn In n_ "' I , Of" AUOWBD IIY BoUD lrio ,I~ ,.1., i,I I... I. f_ A _L." I.. Sc;~ nl 01 nl I., ~- '....l.. n. ,:1!i: \' t ''" If(;' ~_~H. i';'i?j~~#"~~:~~l~~ ,'!i<~;; '_~; -;" ,. " ',; sa,.;;:':Dt:'.t~ :&;~~:~;~:l~'B~n~PWtd' .:Q5" GeNlltal' CQ1.nt Flmd ' .. , '. . Wl~l1l11rtllOiih~~ S"ii1t.1'7~tll~ ::~~ Oount7 S 011001 'Fund ' , ' ';, , . :/:('. .. .. ,1.00 ; '< <,~ ""'<~rltl",':-;:i!:; ': i:~::. : :::, .:-;-"t,i~'\'-,-- '.~'P';',;:"'['~'" ' ~. : ~-:~::<\, ~~_.. , ..' .:i',;'. .,'- . " ;.... :: ," ...'~, ':'. :'_: ':' .~ _ .<' _. . ," '.... .' . ,.. . . , ,.. ,llbAl':OD' /,', ,'~6NTy:,VIR~iNIA :: ~"'~"~iritw~;n~4i'~i '., '. ': '8~iRy" ',,,,,.,,', FUND . ,.' ,::,' '(' ..,".. '..,,"':~,y;>'...'i.:','" ,,', .. '...:" " .,..' ,,', ' .. , , ' , ',..co .", ~. ~ " ;,',,_.,. ~ "',' ,.'j v' -'~ " " ..., SOUROE OF REV.ENUB ANTIOIPATED 8URPWSr Gtnel'al Oounty B'und , Dog 'rax Fun1 _ _ " . a .1>12&, 1~ , ' I. 01 I ~ ~I 106 ,~ jQo In. ',I"';~R 17n , Salem nt..tr.l.ot & TOWn or- &1JAlm Road Bond F.und W'I l' · llna'" ..~-. ..-- "'1..t. M 1 1Po...... - ... , , , , , I'PATED 8IJRPI.U8 , , " , , , I S1'ATE SUPP - .A dg'l';Ril ..~ <12 '11, h.. IJ, ILl. I. - 1Po..... . --. ,~ fi'....A ,- ..".; I;: bg ""~OtTS B~ -, ,. ... ... I, I~ 9'i rbli ~o 665l 90 10 ",hlJ I.w. , 21.IJ G~ Ib~'iO; "2' 117 Doit 'lax Fund Salem Dlstl'lot & Tovm of Salem Road Bond Fund Wl1l1amJ1on Road Smltan DiBt. Ii 1 Fund V1l'glnia Publio Assistant Fund School li\m4 TOTAL MISOELLANEOUS fi'mln OURRImT ~t n.&~ &~&, ....noll '.l..7i8 ..~ -. ... A. "'.._ ,,4' , Rn.~ ll~nd Va,"" 1 W4'1 Road Ji1 201..1 L... - fi'....A T,1>tTV A'~ I,.. ,/9J!J, . It. 0 . 'Iod 121.' 1...-0: , ;j i' . . , , i, \ ;;. . " . I i i; l '. . ,- ....,;" y~. ENDING JUNa 30. 19--40 (Estimated) o 00 2~ 0 00 IL 00 1<111 o~ 'it ?/.;Jo/o, "Lll h~~ I,,' b, An b" I^^ .,;,; '. I~ 81:5 PO .. I~D )0 14J2I1J.1 ~'i b 01 ~o 6 t1~D: ~. '^ nn '^~ ^^ !~ l~ :: IL l.d.g!.,oI.L " " ':_i\'~;':-{"'.:':<~':::(:',i,-:.,_ ~.. .-, " -". -." TI!NTATIVI! QTlNATI! aldoll O( I" o( or , ,or In. I ",h~ ..nil I ~ig 11'1 ,,[., "" ~ ~ 1.\', ,.. .~ 1 Po o 00 651 0 100 0 I, 6 . DO L6 'I. IAn "'n I. ~.~ ^^ I. I, I!!..II ~~:;1! :: ,J...I ~',i;",.: ,~_'.:,_ J-:' fa:' , t.;..,.,~:,;,_,~. r-5~~'f ,- ',--",-, ~; H,,' YEAR ENDING JUNE W.19..41 IHCJrBAJ.Ol'O: Y BAA ENDING JUNB 30. 19.40 .. . ,,,7' 0 00 lbJ 00 Ld~M .h. JI.I Inn " nn I. _^ ^n It. 00 00 . 00 i- i S!1lR 00 r:n brn^ I,,^ Id^ I^^ '^ Decu.t.& UND!? Y E.... ENDING JUNE 30. 19___,..__ " 0 00 .( . .N- In nn .r . , I- ~( . 6 95 ~( - ~- 1 00 be; 1...,.- ~I, I. ^n ,J2 n.. I^~ FINAL ESTIMATE . 2110 00 lo 0 O( 1010 oc In nr .' I , 11 CInA nnll A InA [ L: 21<>1, U ~, n ,,, 1.3 17- Po o tl. 0 OLI 0 6 1hl2II;R4 DO I~ !lIkJ 6 ~I n "" ill.,\- ..n . II ,II"n ~ Inn .R2I L, In.. ..10 I I, " r: ~. .;. 'f ~. ~. " ':'~'J~t:.~o:',,~::y: lit'1';!~~1,~",'J;'#:':~~~;~;!:':'?~:';}'\';'f; .to~: J:" ,':~~'~':::~::';~:0:'~;~:t~$"3:"J:~:;-'~;!.;~;;~~X(}r', "', , ' ";,; ,tJ,"' '. '>,' ",t6uN1'Y, VIRGINtA -'j:- -;._,"<.1 ;r'- . .' ~; , ,"" '''-., .~~?}, :71t~."',. .._" '.;:~:1'~:{ ",'.- ~'!_- ," , ,~ '" A. ';;"':~~-i- 0_ ->,c ~ __,'i ;~..;.,' ~ ,- "'''''''''',' "'~'II ENbW JUN,-lOi (9......__ (Actual) , REVENUE FOR DB! SERVIOE From Oounlo y Sob> 01 Levy of ,18<1 tor Debt ~ervio. · SalA n'l' BnL ~l.irnna r1:v I eAt dl .. T(7UL - REVENUE FOR DEBT SERVIOE , ' , '-The SomolBoard will at the,t'eouealo 01' the Board 01' Sunerv1eorsreviBe '11 h oo.ni lohat thA Bna!Od n'l' ,n!OR tAe'l. ""~.,.. bR ..ft1At,.,'" loAII IIn...inn "'be nex'" 1.1..0'" Assessed Value of Pronerb Ute yea l' 0 t 19'0 - Allllroximatel::r - $2D.1500 .00 .01 , Rate 01' Ocnnty 5011001 Levy Required tor Debt SeN10e - 18~ Total ooDibined raloe 01' levy required tor Opsra1;1.ng Oosts and Debt Serv:ID e . ~] 15 AIl1l1'oved by the Ocnnb SOlool BOlrd 01' lto81oke (lOllnloy at a meeting hel! AIIl"il12. 19'0 Prasmt ad 100 thA Bomod nf 511""'1' .. 11'1 10.4n ,ft t Romnke Q'nnlov At .. _tin:r held The OOllnty Sob>ol Board 01' R08l'loke (lcnnw BY BUIlt . , Saleiii:"Vil;'.'''A>>rIY-:i'is. "1940 p~ro~jllllole IUU.t ue 1011l -:.;n~WJ'i-f' '::q';~~li1\'~~j':i~L' 'T '. ti~!1~$~ .,,' ,~, "~"'w., '.:'~~:,*)'~..J;;.}.~.::;.{ yiif'lllf.r.~""""l",, JUNa JO. 19__m. (Estima[cd) " o fo. I , " " (~,~""~' ~ ~.. ";- -', I ~ ~.,. ~-_.. -- ~,..-~......,. -"""-".--- -,.......,..--_.,..~-.-:7_ 1 :; , I, , , , , , . " , , , ;'. , ' , , , " ; " , J. : ' , ' , L' , ,.,-, ...." ~ ". , ' 1, , '.,-' i; _, . .1~,\_~;,. .. ~ :7:.;;;-.:?,:::~f':~~~~::~~" .....,%..,'.. :"it'/;lk /if!~/>::c"',:~ -.>- .. ~,~ ~'m:;:::;~~~!~;~i; ):..;,~":, & " '.. t;~;:jlffJ;]1~J.o TI!NUiwJ: ESTlNAta Il<l, 0 00 In nn ~l 1le0 00 ~. o 0 n ;~;~::f.~;;':',; -;)'1 ".':h?~,~:. .,,-,...... "~'\ :,s-; ~ ,,"i. yeAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19.. ...1 INt:AlIlUIliOvBIl YUAR EN04b .IUNS 30, 19._...._.u D<<U'A'1t UHDI!R YEAR E."WINO 40 JUNE 30. 19_....... 101 a3 C alnt IW b11 1 10 ~ ot 8. FINAL EST~M^TE 6 ~( .,clo. (J " I , .~, .1.' J 'I : k" ! ,j; 'r ~ , , I 'lJ'"'r :l~.~\- .' . ' ~., ,./~ m ;.;:". ", ,,",.'. .. >"',, ", ,;;;;::.;.>:", " . '; .. :. , " I ,~ , I."::, ' f,,:..,...I, , .. . .':. ,:, .., I;' 1+ ,.. .,:,1, I',. ", , .' I 1..:." ,,' ,j ,is I": I ;"7 ..' I ,!,?:,~."~ ~,~' .'~ I '!{:j~,;~ . ,- -....,,' ~ ~'~~~'.~~ ,'" -~". J:r,J.."' -~t",~ ,,'b<~ i!~,":;"C.:::",'" '.,' ~.,,~] ;:~:,'"..,... ,. 't ~7~~ .~~ :;;.'::/ -.<" ,._,,;.::~~:;--,', ',-,,,"~ ;i-".,'> , ,. -: ::..~.; ;e'1 " ,.. :'.,:::'. " . ' ~ .',:': ".... ':1:= i2 '"', __'r ~:!1 I 'I I , < I 1 I I 1 , < ~ I I I I I 1 I , i i i I ! 1 i l:I I I I 1 I I I . I ~ ! i , , ! , " , . t . . , I ..~..,;;-:~,::'~_..- ~ (' , " , ~ " - . . , ", , " I . .~. ..--- .--" /--, .~ , ~'~'l ~i{ : ~f l~ l pi' i :~it,; ; I ~;: ~i}~ jf 'J I.~ HO'1'.ICE OE' PROPOSED INCREASE IN LOCAL TAX i~4' ~: ,;wljri;rif~ ~. Notice is hereby given that the Board of su:;?erit ':~:,~ i Roanoke County, Virginia, will meet on the 20 d~l;Q-" ;, ~ ~940, at 9 A.M., at the Court House of Roanoke Co~'" :'~ /M Salem, Va., at Vlhich time and place citizens 'Ili~l;'ii~> " I 1"or or acainst the following pItl!losed increase in ';.1.*... I ,;";~;~ levies for the tax year beginning January 1, 1940+lf" ^ :;~':;l Il,'">,,.,.,',~,',~.~~ ;,'.:'-. ,j' ';.'',: ., ....~ ",..f', 1~,f~f'..l' t " ,; ,I :~ ...~ -, ~. ~. -I: ...~ , ,;' ;i ~ o. .,) .! Pro:;;osed s:;Jecial levy of 5 cents on each "100.0,,,. -,;a~ of all classes of ::;>ro?eruY, which are the legal su~,'" ~~ ..':>'" taxation in Salelll Uagisterial District, including,,'" : ,."':; of SaleJr., for the purpose of, paying off and discha ,,,:/t.ic.:tf, '~'b'_ the 881:em District Road Bonds and interest coupons '.,c ';"~~ ffl!l due ana. payable. ~T"':} -i-:' _:~"if:~.-:Jif;f-. r~:' ~. . _ ,'.,s"~'. .... ~,~ t, J//.. --., ~ ~~..:.~.t: :-'.. ..." 11. ~ :~~.:~,' Board of Su:pe :i,f.."i~ .~ . .~"'* : ,~.. ~~~:~'fi1 ...tt-.-. "",' ;o-:~ ~~t~4f1f ., - \' ...! '- . I I. I, , ' ~. "'Z' :<'" ~ 0.3.....-: g. -~ , , I .., ::; ... '" a .., .., c "?f"U:~-... ~-"'-,.....~ ::-ll"" .'" '3 2.~ ~ ."', ~~"",,;' ,..~::.~ ,~". '. '. '\',?t;, ~ ,'S~~~\.f~}~(E .' ".,,,.~-.r.,(,41-,, ":,:;'; -~'df~' ~,">., -"{~JX~:; On this the ~eth day of A')ril, ~94C, the Boc.rda'ttfi i1.IQ supervisors of Roanoke Count~. met for the purpose otifui!it ~:,' and considering the local budget. of said County. .f,J ,;,~[; ""', Thereafter and on said day there was filed thJlJj~' :~ estimate. ' ,~L~~:;~:~: "r T'nereafter said estimate l\'as du13r considered"'. ",:" which in accordance with law, fixed as a date of 1i ..,.'~" said estimate the 20th day of May, 1940, at the re" meeting of the Board, at the hour of 9 A. U. of sa, said hearing to be had at the Court House in ROBnQ$' Virginia. The Clerk of the Board of SUllBrvisors ".. directed to publish a brief synopsis of the budge'.... notice of hearing as raquireo. by law, in the Time~, a newspaper having a general circu~ation in the 1ci~ affected, at ~east fifT.een days Drior to the date '5 hearing. i~t ~..,H)1f ~;: or the Boara or _' ~;;' ,J "~ Attest: ~Js ~ ' erl.. . .:t; SPECL^~ LEVY - PROPOSED INCREASE. ~~c~erk' Board of perv so:;:-s. ,;',. ' :011 .----.- -_.~.~.".:,~""'" ,.... . :. r~ n _..~'-"- I , k, ,'. .~ ...1". .~"':__tl~_ . ':' ~ J " 1 j :?t~::::',':' j~ i I I".......... ,'; ,: 'I. if . < 1 , " I , ::,,~:.-., ...~ \'::'lU.r ::-:,:,!~; )~/;~ .",,. f" I 1':':':" "'_:;";l: %;.'1 ,\" ,~~!.."- ',~ ...,.,"'" Iw~'c-"'^'''''~~' '- '.:'~~-',--r;:': , \ ,; . 1 (.....~._.....;.;;- . I .: i~""'"'''' t..'.,l . ~~~~ t,::,,;: ~~t~ F- ":'~r25'~~" . ~ )" A . 'IN BE: TAX L?"'ry 'FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 1940: This day came the ~~dget Committee of Roanoke County, heretofore appointed by this Board to draft the budget for the year 1940-1941, and said committee on April 15, o 1940, having filed their report containing a budget for Roanoke County and Roanoke County Schools for the fiscal year 1940-1941, which budget this Board ordered published as by law required, end said budget ROW coning on asain pursuant to ~ U said publication for final action. And it appearing to this Board that the notice,as provided by law, has been duly puclished in the Times-~egister, a newspaper published in Roanoke Gounty, notifying the pUblic of the proposed amount of the proposed budget, which amo~~t is neoessary to be raised by taxation, and the pUblic having been notified that on the 20th day of May, 1940, the rates of taxation would be fixed and levies made for the ta.:,; year, beginning 1940, for the County of Roanoke, and notifying all persons in interest to attend and protect their interest, and the said notice having been duly published according to law, and the publication thereof having been made in due time in' accordance with the statute, the budget filed as aforesaid having been adopted by this Board, and in order to carry the same into force and effect, it is ordered that the following levy be extended against all legal subjects of taxation in Roanoke County, and tge sever::1 districts thereof, including the Town of Salem and, the Town O'f Vinton, es follows: " All real estate and tangible personal property, and all legal subjects 01' taxation for county and district purposes, including railroads, express, telephone, telegraph, water, heat, light and power companics, also rolling stock, all electric railways, machinery and merchants' capital in Roanoke County for the year 1940,1941, as fol10vs, towit: County' school levy on each $100.00 of valuation --------------------$1.00 General County Purposes on each $100.00 of valuation -----~~---------- .'25 For the Williamson Road Sanitary District No.1, on each $100.,00 of valuation, a special levy of 25 cts for the purpose of paying inierest and creating a sinking fund for the $150,OOO.OC bon~s, dated Nov. 1, 1936, on behalf of the said Williamson Road Sani ta17 Distri.ct No.1, For Salem Magisterial District, including the Town of Salem, on each $100.00 of valuation, a special levy of 5 cts. for the purpose of paying off and discharging the Salem District Road Bonds and interest coupons as they become due and payable. o " Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYes: supervisors I. D. Chapnan, T. o. RiChardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: l~one. D m HE: APPROPRIATION TO BATTERY G - 246TH COAST ARTILLERY: Raymond H. Hill, and Lieut. 115th Inf. Va. NG (1st Lieu'!;. Battery G), this day ~ appeared before the Board and presented a letter dated May 9, 1940, signed by himself and William B. Johnson, Jr., 1st Lieut. 245th CA (ED) Va. NG (Capt. Comdg. Battery G); requesting'that the Board authorize ~ contribution of between $250.00 and $300.00, to ne,pa1dto'saidmilitar! units located in Salem upon Federal recognition be placed in the "Battery Fund"; and to be expend c. of said units, saij appropriation to only as set forth in said letter; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by supervisor L. D. Bell, it ,is ordered that an appropriation of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) be made to s~id military units - Battery G - 246th Coast Artillery payable after duly 1st, 1940, out of the general county fund. Clerk is directed to certify a copy of this orde~ the following recorded'vote: ".rO. ttZ= ~~!ii;'1 )~ , ~ ' ).1.:;;/:,1.0 Q.., '.-:;; 'bY" ,~,,";';:~1~~~ <j,1=-,f'.....~' r tIS"", ~1A.r.P.".,.... ..:r'. W ' 41>- :] froD the Valleydoah Civic League, A letter dated May 14, 1940,/addressed to Mr. Luther Bell, Chairman, 30anoke County Board of SUpervisors,~outlining in a general way, the needs of the Williamson noad Co=uni t;y, and if possible ascertain the attitude of the Board :en that res:pect", was this day laid before the Board, and the Chairman of the Bo~rd was directed to write the League expressing the Board'S appreciation of its letter, and expressing in the hope that/the ~next fiscal year there will be a relief from such items as re-assessoent costs and we hope to have fUnds available for such needed projects~. Said letter and answer ordered filed. J A petition signed by A. ~. Winfrey, H. L. Pendleton and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Hill St. from Broad St. to Academy St., as shown on map of Monterio Land ~ Residence Co., me:p on :page 77, Plat Book #1, in Clerk's Office Roanoke County, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 40 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts end fills, and requesting that said road be taken into the Secondary Highway System of Roads of 30enoke County, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion o~ SU:pervisor I. D. Chapmen, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, and carried, it is ordered that said application be delivered to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the joint meeting of this Board and the State High~ay De:partment is held, for consideration. o On the motion of supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, it is ordered that E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, be, and he hereby is directed to institute suit for collection of all 'delinquent tangible personal property taxes in Roanoke County against all persons 'by whom said taxes are due. Adopted !l.y the following recorded vote:' AYes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman, T. O. Riohardson, and L. D. BelL Nays: None. 1 '...J Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third :Jonda;,' in June, 1940. c/! //!&d&m. irnan. M U Court House, Salem, Va. June ~7, 1940. 'rhe llOard ot Supervisors ot: Roanoke County met this day at the Court House il1 regular IDOl1thly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chaiman, I. D. Chapman, Jlason L. Cook and '1'. O. Richerdson, also present A. )4. BoWlllan, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes ot the last regular monthly meeting were approved as read. The tollowing claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out ot: the t'unds respectively, chargeable therewith, to'lfit: 6a i.JE.- 'Ii. t/J f4u... a...;.... 1-lA.......e...-<. l1.....'/~. ~~r ~C 2., K,'1nat::.:! C~ ~1 ').I/fd 64 .. " '. lio. l.23815. A. M. Bowman, ;rr., Treasurer, salaries &c for month of !/lay, 1940, .. 12387. T. C. Ruse, Collllllissioner ot Bevenue " . " " .. 1940, " 12388. ~gel1e T. Chelf, Comlth's Atty., salaries for May, 1940, 12389. l!'lI1rview Home, monthly expense of Home,(Boanoke Co's Part) 12390. state l!'orester ot Virginia, :righting fires in Roanoke County, l2391. A. G. Tood, Purohasing Agent, re-illObursing petty oash tllnd, 12S92. C a: P l'elephons Co., 'phone servioe 12393. Challllllrs Yerguson, cOllll1ission on collecting Delinquent Ta;[es, 123\14. Henry Gwyn, repairing typeni ter 12395. J. P. Bell Company, forms for clerk of CO:1rt, 123915. Everett Waddey Company, torms for clerk of Court 12397. 'Huft and 'l'aylc't', rent of oftioes in Peter_s Building Boa. for 1 yr. 12398. &!lem Publishing company, printiilg, 12399. Dooley Printing Company, printing voters list &0 12400. Easter SUpply Company, office supplies and 2 files, 12401. CaldWell-Sites Co., office supplies, 12402. A. M. Bowman, Jr. J Treasurer, jury tickets, 12403. Master Service Station, repairs to Sheritf',s cars .. .. .. .. .. .. " " " " " .. .. " " .. 12404. Got tschalk' S Garage, ," '.. " " " 12405. liiley-Hall Service Station, repairs to sheriff's cars, 1.2406. 1.2407 . 12408. '!'he Texas Company, gasoline, Cancelled. State Farm Ilutual Auto Ins. Co., insurance on sherift_ car Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 5 coroner cases, Cancelled. G. E. !rout, salaries for member.!, ot Welfare Board, ," ' l.24Ot . 1241.0. 12Q1. .. " .. 1.24l8. Bernard Cook, salary 12413. Brnest l!'1shburn, " .. member of " .. " .. " " " " " 12414. Sarah E. Blackwell, Sac., IUd. bills for Co. Boa. Public Health A8so. 12415. B. T. Ritchie, 1 lunaoy case, 1.24l5. D. C. Mayes, )!:. D., 1 lunaoy case 12417. Dr.~.W.Young, 1 lunacy case, .. 12418. Cancelled. " .. " .. 1.2419. Frank Gilbert, J.' P., 6 lunacy cases, 12420. BDal10ke Telding and :Jquip. Co., repairs to truck, 12421. Dame Boofing CoIIIPBnY, repairing roofs, 12422. 'Bro'lfn Hardware COlIIPany, hardware, 12423. To'lfn ot Salem, lights and water, 12424. Bailey ud Lan8l1ce, building toilet to Clerk's Ottice, 12425. KHmAte-Pruf Paint Co., repairing floor in sheriff's office, 12426. Sals Electric service, repairing wiring in Court House, " " " .. " " " .. 1.242'1. U. D. 8IR1th, window and 11lJllber tor McClung Building, 12~. Lens Brothers, 2 tons coal tor jail, la~. Gittens and Morton, Incorporated, insurance on County property, .. .. .. lago. Ooodnn Insurance & Bealty Co., 12~. C. A. ..:.lbert, liay tor county tam, " .. " .. . .. 1~2. Growers &: Producers ~change, Inc., repairs for mower of county Farm . 1243S. Tiley hed, l!'l1el & Supply Corp., hardwood :ror binders :ror assessors, .. 1M34. B. K. lnliott Company, blue printing supplies, 550.1 520.5 204.1 238.4 22.2 191.9f 54.!'1~ 38.8 15.16 1l.12 2.10 146.76 12.53 25.00 1.00.00 100.00 100.00 325.00 3.00 6.90 D.SO 9'1.50 16.48 6.10 2.88 90.66 134.0'1 57.00 25.&5 25.25 1l.00 208.14 146.90 15.9'1 6.39 4.04 30.6'1 I I I 'I I NO. 12435.' Canoelled. " 124155. S. B. 'food, viewer,! ot road or. H. Beckner) " 12437. H. B. Bo1llllflll, " " .. .. " " It 12438. B. F. iF8III1scn, vieweI' ot road .. " " .. 12439. 'Louise Burt, 9 1/2 days 0 $3.00 per c!ay - 12MO. Wiley P. Givens, Assessor's salary )lay 20 to June 15:t;h, ]- '!' " 20 " If 15th If 12~. H. B. Bo1llllan, 124~. E. P. Dillon, " " " 20 " "15th If " .. " 12443. Oner :ldwards, ploYing garden tor Community Gardens 124<<. T. O. Goodwin & Co., plants tor Colllllll1Ility Gardens 12,U5. !Irs. l!'aJm1e Moore. material' for sewing rooms, 12445. Hix-Palmar Company, Inc.,' material for seYing rooms (2 IBOnths) 12447. James Biver Oil Company, material tor sideWalks. o " " " " .. 12<<8. R. H. Lowe, Incorporated, 1244.9. Hollins stone Company, 1241lO. H. B. Msbes, IM5l. The Philip carey Company, 12452. Valley LUmber Corp. 12453. Salem Hardware Compeny, 12454. !Irs. J. H. Brogan, " " .. .. .. .. " " " " " " " .. If " .. " " If " " If " .. .. " " 1.2455. 'rhe l!'oundry. "lhite l'bundry Co., matarial for sidewalks, 12455. Pierce Butler Badiator Corporation, 'boiler putty. '.'son Rd. San Dist. No.1, 12457. The Pardee ltlg1neering Cp." ~skets,1lIl'son Rd. San Dist No.1, " o .. .. 124&8. B. B. Krebbs Sllpply Co., ohlo~il1e, .. 1, " II " " " 12489. l.2450. 12451. 12452. 12453. IM6.. :UU59. i2494. Salem Hardllare Co., suppUe s, Roanoke Concrete Producta Co., " .. 1, " 1, sewer pipe,IlIl'sol1 Rd.San Dist .. " " " .. C & P !l'elephone Co.. 'Phone service,b'lion Bd.san Dist No.1, , Dist 110. 1, curtis G. Dobbins, ins. premo on 1/2 ton truck,lJIIl'son ad.san. A. H. 7rye, work on Pralin Extension, llIl'son Bd. san Dist No. ,1, J.. G. Wood, Pur. ~., stampl,t,water,current &c b'son Bd.San Dist #1 cn"'lII"rs Ferguson, Com. for oolleoting Del. P. P. Taxes in Kay, BreDJl8r Sllpply CO., matarial on sidewalks, If " If " .. .. r'4 J 65 2.00 2.00 2.00 28.50 220.00 192.00 1.92.00 2.25 9.80 .8' 308.4J: 55.75 9.75 235.09 175.95 14..70 1.52 513.2l 1.27 23.50 .50 1.11 '3.50 10.73 78.40 8.05 31.86 76.58 15:5.91 2.39 18.00 IN BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP rn,A1VA &c: 'lhe :rolloYing clams against the county were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by vouoher-checks out ot eny dog taxes in the bands ot the Treasurer, tewit: ~ No. 12455. l'-' " 12456. .. 12467. " 12458. S. D. stokes, milk does end sheep killed by dogs, R. v. Bell, sboates killed by dog L. C. Ga1'IIIan, lambs killed by dog J. A. Boone, Game "arden, .2 dogs killed, 255.00 20.00 80.00 ~.OO IN BE: PURCHASING AGm'l"S REPORT: .1. G. "ood, Purchasing ~ent, this day presented to the Board an account amounting to tJ.91.91 , in payment of sundry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, duly seconded end carried, it is ordered that a Toucher-cheek be issued to him in payment of said account. (Said acoount is ordered te be riled.) 66 *~' ~~~' ;tt:. tt. 1>/1'1'10 A. II. BOmAN, Jr., Treasurer ot Boanoke County, this day euba1 tted his salary ud e%pllnse account tor the month ot lIay, 1940, emounting to $825.211, two-thirds of which, amounting to $550.111, is :payable by the County, ed one-third, amounting to $275.10, is payable by the state, and on motion, duly seconded ed carried, it is orde that e Toucher-check be issued to the said A. II. Bo1llllan, Jr., Treasurer ot Boanoke County, tor the county's part ot said aocount. (Said account is ordered to be :riled.) lIUGEl'lE Y. CHKLP', CollllllOnwealth's Attorney ot BoaItoke County, this day- lIUbmitted his salary and expense account tor the DOnth ot lIay, 1940, amounting to ~08.33, one-halt of Which is payable by the county and one-halt by the state;fD.d, on motion, duly secoDded ed carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said Blgene Y. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, for ta04..17, the oounty's part ot saicl aocount. (Said account is ordered filed.) Y. C. WSR, ComIIIissioner ot Revenue ot Roanoke County, this day eublrl1t ted his salary ed expense aocount tor the month o:r lIay, 1940, 8IIIOunting to "'80.84, t~o- thirds of which, lIJIlOUJ1tiDg to $520.56, is payable by the County, ed one-third 8IIIOunt1llg to t260.28, is payable by the state, ed on lIIlltiol1, duly seoondecl and carrie , it is ordered that a Toucher-oheck be issued to the said Y. C. )luse, COIDIIrlaaiOlll rot ReTenue ot Boanoke County, tor the oounty's part ot seid account. orde:o:oecl filed.) (Said aocount is IN BE: IlELIN~tJEN'l' TAXES: The Clerk thie day delivered to the Board the receipt ot A.. )(. Bo1llllan, Jr., Count Treasurer, :ror $15'18.24, on account ot delinquent taxes collected by said,Clerk . tor the month ot 11117, 111~, 18ss 5", oolllllissions and turned over by him to said ~ . Treasurer, said check amounting to $141111.33 net. A. Jot. BOmAN, Jr., County Treasurer, this dll7 submitted to the Board the tollonn report: "Salem, Virginia June 15, 11140. ~ the Board o:r Supervisors ot Roeoke County: At the closa ot business Saturday, June tifteenth, there was to the credit ot the f . General fund , ... Ii. S. D. Sewer AC ct. . Do g Tax l!'Und ,Salem i1Dad Debt Fund . School l!'Und t!3,6115.32 5,540.68 3,781.'" 1,075.67 6,919.15 31,012.26 Respectfully submitted, A. !I., Bo1llllan, Jr., Treasurer ot Roanoke County." Said report is received and ordered tiled. IN RK: FINANCIAL REPORT: A. G. 'iood, County Judi tor, this day laid betore the Board his financial report to the Board of Supervisors and County School Board ot Boanoke County, Va., tor the pariod ending lIay 31, 1940, which report was exBlll1ned, and, on motion, duly seconded ed carried, is ordered to be filed for such :ruture reterence as may be required~ d I I I , I I I' [ , , t i i, ; I ! . 1 , ,~ , , - I ' I :...J o o ~ ~. / IN BE: llXPOB'l' OF ROANOKE COUNTY HEALTH OFnCEB: C. ". Ward, Health O:rticer of Boanoke County, this daT laid before the Board, his report for the IIOmh of !l8Y', 1940, whioh report, on IIOtion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered fUed. J. letter dated Kay 28, 1940, addressed to the Clerk of Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Hon. Carl H. Nolting, Chairman, Commission of Game and Inland l!'isheries, in regard to the training of dogs on private property in Boanoke County, was this d8Y' laid before the Board, and ordered fUed. J. letter dated June 1, 1940, addressed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, trom J. M. Layman, in regard to lamb killed by dogs, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. IN HE: JUIlGE'S SALARY: The Comptroller of Virginia having reported to this Board that the pert of the salary of the JUdge of the Twantieth Judioial Circuit apportioned to Roanoke County, for the year beginning February 1, 1941, is seven hundred, one dollars and sixty-three oents CtlOil.63)" which amount is required by statute to be paid into the Treasury of the State on or before Decamber 1, 1940, said amount is authorized, and a voucher- check ordered to be issued to the Treasurer of Virginia in payment ot said allol:ance at the November Meeting, 1940, of this Board. Mrs. sallie T. Boaz this day appeared before the Bosrd and requested that , ColIIm1ssioners be appointed to assess the damages on road running parallel with the Norfolk & Western Ballroad, 'trom intersection of State Route fI to the home o:r the I said Mrs. Sallie W. Boaz; through the lands of Jlrs. Mamie Vinyard; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, ,it is ordered that E. F. Jamison, W. E. Layman and W. 1.. Cook be appointed COmmissioners to assess said ~amages and report to this Board at its next meeting. Said COmmissioners to be paid two dollars (.2.00) per day, payable out of the general county fund, tor their services as such Commissioners. .dopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, I. D. Chapman and 7. O. Richerdson. Nays: None. \ Rev. John if. Wood, Pastor Oakland Baptist Church, Rev. Estes B118hing, Pastor Fort Lewis Baptist Church, and Rev. H. L. Cooper, Pastor Red Hill Baptist Church, and large delegations from Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and urged the Board to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer and wine from saturday midnight untU six o'clock A.M. on Monday, and filed sundry petitions purporting to have been signed by approximately four thousand persons; On motion of Supervisor I. D. Cha];mlan, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. COok, it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of this Board, to be held at the 67 , 1./ fuG c... tv..-qi ~ i("5i W ,.".....<-:- " ~ / 17 /,+0 ~~ . 1'1\ ., I>>.~ z.),~~:.,;:~~~ .cr. 14-;.J(' ";:; .~~, . '-;::]f~' /"j';'I/<t-o,c,@ ~~'l e~, b/,o/i;a .~~v{ .~ .liIJ. 1.0, "f.b>.~ 'Pl/<+ 0 ~ J:(t~ ~~. 7/ 17/ f~ I Court Rouse of this county, 011 the 15th day of July, 1940, an ordinance be proposed tor adoption prohibiting the sale of beer and wine in Roanoke County, Virginia, bei'lfeen the . hours of 12:00 o'olock Post Ker1dian of ep.ah Saturday and 6:00 o'clock Ante Jleridian of eaoh Monday. aDd prescribing fines and other penalties for violations ot suoh ordinance .' And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for the next two successive weeks in 'rhe Salem Times Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, B:lanoke County, the above notice of the intel1tion of this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, Kason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: Nons. Rev. John \1. ..ood, Pastor Oakland Baptist Church, and auiulry other eitizens of Roanoke County, having filed their petitions, this day appeared before the Board and requested that the Board pass an ordinance requiring all plaoes selling beer and wine to close their plaoss of business at 12 O'clock midnight until 6 o'clock A.M. on week days; On motion of' SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of thie Board, to be held at the COurt House of this county. on the 15th day of July, 1940, an ordinance be pr:lposed tor , adoption prescribing'closing hours for, and othera-ise regulating the operation of all dance halls and like places of emusement in Roanoke County, and prescribing tines and other punishment t'or violations of such ordinance. ad the Clerk ot this Board is ordered to publish once a week for ".;he nsrt two successive weeks in '!1le Salam Times Begister,a newspaper published in the Town ot Salem, Roanoke county, Virginia, the above notice of the intention ot this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: .Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Cha:pman and T. O. Richerdson. Nays: None. REV. JOHN T. WOOD, on behalf of sundry citizens of Boanoke County, this day appeare before the Roard and requested that this Board petition the .AloohOlic Beverage eon-troi issue similar instructions as have been issued in other counties - namely, Alleghany and Henrico Countiell - prohibiting the sale of wine and beer in road houses, dance hall and like places ot amusement in Roanoke County at 12 o'c.22ck midnight each week night; upon consideration whereat, on motion ot SUpervisor '1'. o. Richardson, seconded by SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, it is ordered that said request be granted, and that a petiti signed by tbe Board ot Supervisors, and the Sheriff of Roanoke County be forwarded. W the Alcoholic Beverege Control Board ot th,j,s state, said petition to be prepared by the COllllllOnwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: .Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, I. D. Chapman, L. D. Bell and Masol1 L. Cook. Nays: None. ard to I I I I I ;t,'" o o ~ o .';':"", , " 'j:.: '~ '. , ;~. ,; The ~ollowing petitions were this day laid be~ore the Board: - A petition signed by R. L. Godbey, W. W. Sheler and s~dry other property owners on road or street known as Mountain Avenue from River Road to intersection of a 15 ~oot alley off Uountain Avenue, near middle of Lot No.8, of Mt. View Addition 1855 ft., petitioners agreeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, (Mountain View Addition Plat Book No.1, page 311, Road also serving National Heights - Plat Book No.1, page 320) - A petition signed by W. H. Beverley, R. L. Beverley, Clarence Doyle and 'Sundry other property owners on road known as GUm Springs Road from Gum Springs to Texas Roller Road - west of Salem, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 40 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts' and fills; . L petition signed by Ivan R. Young, J. D. Deyerle and sundry other property o\vners, residents of Roanoke County, requesting that old road between Hanging Rock and Kessler's Mill be re-opened, said petitioners stating that this would include the erection of a bridge across Mason's Creek at the end of the now existing Route 630 and opening of the old road from there to Ranging Rock, a distance of about seven-eights of a mile, and it was believed that this road is needed for the benefit of the residents of this district; A petition signed by R. J. Rostetter, Y. E. Wood, and sundry other property o.vners on road or street kno~m as Westland Road from Lee F~gh\vay, Westview Add., said petitioners agreeing to donate a 40 foot right of ~ay including additional widths for cuts and fills, "", said petitioners requesting that said roads be taken into the Secondary Higrrnay ;:~. Systems of roads in Roanoke County, and maintained as such; --72' ~-~'" ,:f~~:' . "'....... Upon oonsideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said applications be delivered to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the joint meeting of this Board and the State ,.';'" ~{:.', ElghwBY'Department is held, for consideration. , . "\:", . '" ,~ Mrs. Mary J. Vernon, Supervisor of Eduoation, Recreation, and Nursery Schools of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested that the Board allow her two dollars' ($2.00) worth of cleaning supplies monthly for her Department; On motion of Supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the County PurChasing Agent, A. G. Wood, deliver to the said Mrs. Mary J. Vernon two dollars' ($2.00) worth of supplies each month, as requested, until the ~urther order of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: Hone. On the motion of Supervisor,L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, looate the old County mvned graders not sold to the State Highway Department when the Byrd law went into effect, and said County Engineer is hereby authorized to loan said graders to any parties in the County for private road construotion when requested. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, I. D. Chapman, T. Nays; None. -..--'- ... ..,,;... ''':;.~, . O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. 69 ~ '3 -...- j , ;1.. e-'t."''''- ~, i?1~~, au.;...,; I ,;.Ujq.o '.... ~, "h 4..s:""J... '6/<lI/'i-b ' ' ~.'k ~ -p,.,.TD. t....~ 6/tll/q.() ',', c.,f., , 'j ...-/-,'i 10 h ~" \q \ \ ",\,0.,\ ,. II, ' , " "l. \ ~/ .Il4~ :tv 4./<:1, w~cR.. Il.!.!/," The report of the Committee appointed at the April Meeting, 1940, of this Board, appraise the property or w. ,H. Beokner, - Lot 7, Section 1, Liberty Land Company - this day filed their report with the Board, and said report is ordered tiled. ~ I E. W. CHELl!', Commonwealth's Attorney, Chairman of the Collllllittee appointed at the APril Reeting, 1940, or this Board, to dra1't an ordinance imposing a""license upon persons, 1'irms and corporations operating automobile grave yards in Roanoke County, asked that aotion on this matter be deterred until the next meeting of this Board. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Bichal-dson, it is ordered thet at tha nextreguler meeting or this Board. to be held at the COurt House ot this county, on the 15th day of July, 1940, an ordinance be proposed for adoption for regulation of pl1llllbing work in Roanoke County, Va. And the Clerk ot this Board is ordered to publish once a week tor the next two suooessive weeks in the T1mss-Begieter, a newspaper pUbl:lshed in the ToG of Salem, Roanoke County, Va., the above notice 01' the intention 01' this Board to propose tor adoption the ordinance above re1'erred to. I Adopted by the tollO'lflng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors :I. D. Chapman, lolaaon L. Cook, T. o. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: !!lone. I Jlr&. J'annie loloore, supervisor Sewing Room Projeots in Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the t the :Board sponsor works Progress AdlII1n1stration, Projeot Proposal No. SIl-62, to provide employment for D,eedy persons il1 Boanoke County; upon oonsideration whereof, on motiol1 of SU::iervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor 1.. D. Bell, it is ordered that aotion on this matter be deterred until the next meeting of this Board at which time the same 1J111 be taken up for disoussion nth llrs. B. J. Cardel1, SUpervisor Women and Protessional Projeots in Roanoke County. Adopted by the tollowlng recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, I. D. Cb,apman and T. O. Riohardson. Nays: None. I J.. G. Wood, County .Auditor, this day appeared before the Board and reported that he had awarded the contract for the county Audit, including the Weltare records 01' this County, to Leslie A. Kimble & Company, at the price 01' tive hundred dollars <.500.00), according to the bid set forth in the letter dated June 5, 1940, trom said COmpany; said amount to be paid out 01' the general'county fund when said work is oompleted. The action of the County :Audi tor in awarding this contract is approved by this :aoard. I Adopted by the.tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, I. D. Chapman, T. O. Riohardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. :-'\ J j o o ~ 1W 71 , Letter, dated JUne 4, 1940, tram James W. Phillips, Director of Public Assistance, addressed to Mr. G. B. Trout, Clm;. Welfare Board, and to Hr. Luther D. Bell, Chm. Board of SUpervisors, Roanoke County; letter dated June 3.2, 1940, :from William H. Stau:fter, Commissioner o:f Public T61:rare, addressed to Luther D. Bell, Chairman, Board o:r SUpervisors, Roanoke County, and letter dated JUne 13, 1940, from G. E. Trout, Chairman, Roanoke County Public Wel:fare Board, addressed to the Board ot Supervisors, were this day laid be:fore the Board, and ordered :fUed. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in July, 1940. ~ ~h//~hairman/ Courthouse, Salem, Va., July 5th, IIJ40. A called _ting of the Board o:f Supervisors of Roanoke County wall held this day at the Conrt House thereot, pursuant to the :following call: "Salem, Va., JUly 5th, 1940. Mr. Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board o:f "apervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Va. Dear Sir: -' Please call a special meeting of the Board o:f ..Supervisors o:f Roanoke County, to be held in its room at 9:00 A.M., on July 5th, 1940. PI1rpOse o:f meeting is to appoint a temporary chairman to sign check to pay the interest dne IIJl the Williamson Road Sanitary District bonds, which interest was due 'I on July 1st, 1940. Mason L. Cook, Chairman. I. D. Chapman,' T. o. Richardson, Supervisors. " Pres'ent: MaSOD L. Cook, Chairman, Big Lick JJistrict, T. o. Bichardson,' Catawba ../ District, end I. D. Chapman, Salem District; Absent, L. D. Bell, Chairman, Cave Spring Dis1:rict; also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. On motion ot I. D. Chapman, duly seconded and carried, SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, , was elected tlllllporary Chairman.-",_ On motion of SUpervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor T. o. Richardson, -... it is ordered that the tlllllporary chairman, SUpervisor Masan L. Cook, be, and he is hersby authorized to sign the check for the payment of the interest due on the Williamson Road Sanitary District bonds, which interest became due on July lat, 1940, amounting to $3000.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. jJ. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjoumed until the th:lr d Monday in July, 1940. ~A~'/ y.fPr-diChairman. 72 Court House, Salem, Va. July 15, 1940. '!'he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular monthly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, I. B. Cha:pma.n, Mason L. Cook and '1. O. Richardson, also present A. U. BOlllllan, Jr., County ~easurer. 'l'he minutes of' the last regular and special meetings were approved as read. -'!'he fOllowing 01a1ma against the County were this day presente~, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respeotively, chargeable there'd towi t: I No. 1249!1. A. M. Billllllan, Jr., Treas., salaries & expense aocount for JUns I " 12497. T. C. Muse, Comr. of Revenue, salaries for JUne, $531.39 520.56 204.17 " 1.2498. EUgene T. Chelf, Comlth's Atty., " .. " " 12499. Fairview Home, monthly expenses of Rome, Boa Co's share, 254.28 12500. C. &. P. Telephone Co., 'phone service, 57.65 12501. state Forester ot Va., tighting county fires, Mar. 27-Jlay 26,1940, 1.6.00 12502. A. G. 'food, Pur. Agent, to re-imburse oash tund, 288.94 " " " .. 12503. C'''''-1"S Ferguson, cOllllllission on delinq. taxes, See & " 12504. Sarah E. Blaokwell, Sec.,/MediCal Bill for Roa.Co Publio Health 5(1.61 325.00 521..26 28.85 1.40 43.00 119.45 10.00 1.4.00 I 12l505. The Standard Register Co., tax tiokets, 12506. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., contraot on adding maohine 12507. Coronet carbon & :Ribbon Co., 1 ribbon, " '12508. Dooley Pril1t1ng Company, printing, " " .. " l.8309. Salem Publishing Company, advertising ordinance and printing, " 12610. Remington Rand, Ino., contract on typewriter, 1.2511. Easter supply Company, ottice sttpplies, 18512. CaldWell-Sites Co., office supplies, l2513. ;r. P. Bell Co., record book for clerk 12514. Everett'faddey company, sheets for Conditione1. Sales Book, 12515. Roanoke stamp & Saal Co., 1 stamp and pad 12516. underwood XUiott Fisher Co., repairing typewriters 55.54 40.30 2.06 2.10 29.35 76.10 10.00 8.62 " " " " " " " 12517. A. M. Bowman, Zr., Treasurer, jury tickets, 12516. Gittens & Ilorton, Inc., bond premium on Trial .Justice, 12519. Treasurer of Virginia, forms for Trial Justice " " " 125::0. Jlonarch Chemical Laboratories, Inc., 5 gal,. bug killer, 6.50 " 1251.~1. B. T. Biggs, cups and pans f~r jail I " 1252;;:. State Farm Jlutual Ins. Co., premium on car, 12525. Garrett-Wood Esso Service, 1 tube for car 121124. Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 2 coroner cases, 1.60 10.63 3.90 10.00 10.18 19.70 20.15 66.58 38.24 70.06 19.80 .25 27.00 I " " " 12525. Tiley-Hall Jlotora Co., repairing wreok Shariff's oar, " l2526. Vinton JIotor Co., repairs to Sheriff's oar, " 12527. o. G. Lewis' Co ,., repairs to oars, " 12528. Gottschalk's Garage, repairs to cars, " 12529. The Goodyear 'lire & Bubber Co., tires, " 12530 . '!'he Texas Company, gaso line " 12531. The American Railway Signal Co., a'.ltomoti ve fusees " 12532. Shepherds'.Auto supply, bulb for sheriff oar " 12533. state Farm Mutual .Auto Ins. Co" insurance on sherift's ear, n , r -.J , iO I I i , I I j o No. 12534. Frank Gilbert, J. P., 1 lunacy case, .. 12535. Jemes River Oil Company, gasoline, 12536. J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., 1 bbl. cleaner, 12537. J. E. Carper & Son, repairing plumbing, 12538. Alex T. Lee, making duplicate keys for Court House, 12539. i'o1lI1 of Salem, lights and water, ' 1.2540. 'Roanoke Paper company, paper towels and tissue 7H 16.25 54.58 15.31 3.50 2.00 77.86 '44.10 70.00 40.00 8.74 6.55 97.66 53.44 14.06 1.50 5.00 4.75 192.00 192.00 240.00 22.44 2.50 1.68 2011.23 38.34 " 12559. H. B. Mabes, matEorial for sidewalks projects 51.75 " 12560. The Philip Carey Company, sideWalk projects (material] 24.11 ~ 12551. John ?arter, work in office,wm. Head San Dist No.1, 12.50 " 1.2562. Caldwell-Sites Co., adding machine paper, iiln. Road San. Dist No. 1 .16 " It .. .. '" ..' 12541. Roy K. Brown, Clerk, certitying poll tax list as ot May'4th,194O, " :12542~ T. B. Dillard Drug Co., rent of rooms for NYA 2 months, 12543. Brown Hardware Co., hardware 12544. Joseph Altizer, plowing community Garden 12545. Coodwin Insurance & Realty Co., compensation insurance, 12546. Salem Hardware Co., hardware, 12547. Standard oU Company, Diesel Oil for Tractor on Co. Farm, 12548. salem, Foundry & Machine Works, Inc., repairs to binder, 1.2549. Weaver & Cooper Veterinary Hospital, treating steer on f8l'Dl, 12550. Growers 8o' P.roducers Exchange, Inc., repairs for binder, 12551. H. B. Bowman, assessing property, " " 1.75 5.00 9.06 " " .. .. .. .. ,.. .. " .. 12552. E. P. Dillon, " .. .. " " .. " .. 21.75 .. " 2.00 " 12553. Wiley P. G1venst" .. J No.1, " 12568. .American Meter Company, charts & repairs to meter,Tm. Rd.San Diat 21.90 .. 12569. The Do2l' Company, Inc, Paleo Packing, b.Rd. San Dist. No. 1 9.12 ~ " 12554. Hertllen G. SChanck, 51 hrs ill 44~ working on Index cards .. ,12555. C. L. Wilson, use ot water on sidewalk project .. 12555. Singer SeWing Machine Co., material tor sewing rooms " 12557. Hix Palmer CompEllY, material for sewing rooms, .. 12558. Hollins Stone Company, " sidewalk projects .. .. 12563. o. G. Lewis & Co., repairs to truck 12564. Dooley Printing 06., printing, 12565. SalE Hardware Company, hardware, " " " .. .. .. " " " .. " " .. " . 12565. E. B. Krebs supplY' CO., chlorine .. .. .. " .. 12567. Abe Huddleston, repairs to truok .. .. .. " .. 1.2570. 12571. 12572. 12573. Goodwin Ins. & Realty Co., bcnd premium on Lindsey & Mattern, Rd. San. Dist No.1, " " ft" .. Nelson Hardware Co., Oakum, 1Illl. .. ,c &: P 'l'el. Co., phone service, " .. " .. !' .. " " 12574. to trans. to Gen. Co. Fund gas and oil used - by 1/4 ton truck and 40~ cost ot operating Engineer'S car, . A. G. Wood, Pur. Agent, to re-imburse cash fund, ~.Rd.San Dist. il " A. 11. Bowman, " 12575. Farmers National Bank, interest on bonds, Wm. Rd. San Dist #l " 12575.' '!'own of Vinton, cost of Fire Dept. .. 12577. Town of Salem, maintenance 80c Roa. Co. Fire Truck for period July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1940, " 12578. Cha1lners Ferguson, com. on collection Delinq. P.P. taxes, " 12610. Battery G.C.A. (liD) Va. N. G. donation to National GUard Wm. 15.00 2.23 7.85 170.24 187.981 500.00 129.43 438.94 7.26 250.00 74 ~t ~ UtwnuI ~/,r.I'fD , IN BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &0: '!'he tollolling claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-cheeks out of any dog taxes in the hands of the Treas.urer, towit: No. 12579. l. A. Bo(\n.~ ; Game Warden, 24 dogs killed at $2.00 each, 48.00 " 12580. A. M. Bo'illlan, Jr., Tr3as., 15% of Dog Funds to State(Apr.May & June) 49.61 .. 12581. M. E. Petty, 8 turkeys killed by dogs, 14.00 .. 12582. Y. E. Petty, 29 .. " .. .. 56.,00 " 12583. w. B. Coles, ohickens .. " " 10.25 .. 12584. T. A. Weeks, " .. " " 13.50 .. 12585. J(rs. W. H. Beckner, 12 ohickens killed by dog 6.00 IN RE: PURCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, purchasing AeBnt, this day presented to the Board an account BJIIlunti to $288.94, il1 payment of sundry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, ,duly seoonded and oarried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment ot said aocount. (said account is ordered to be filed.) A. M. BOmAN, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day- submitted his salary and expens& accont for the lIIOnth ot June, 1940, amounting to $797.09, two-thirds of whioh, amounting to $531.3~, is payable by the County, and one-third, alllOuntlng to $265.70, is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is orde d that Ii:. voucher cheok be issued to the said A. M. Bowman, ;fr., Treasurer of Roanoke county, for the county's part of said aocount. (Silid aocount is ordered to be filed.) EUGENE W. CHELF, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke county, this day submitted his salary -ap-d expense aocount for the month of 'Jun4jl,l\l40, amounting to $408.33, one-hair of Which is ,payable by the county and one-half by the State; and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-cheek be iesued to the aaid m.tgene W. Chelf, COllllllonwealth's Attorney, for $204.17, the county's part of .. said account. (said account is ordered tiled.) w. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Bevenue of Roanoke county, this day submitted his salary and expense account far the month of June, 1940, amounting to $780.84, two- thirds of which, BJIIlunting to .520.56, is payable by the County, and one-third amounting to $260.28 is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it,is ordered that a voucher-cheek be issued to the said W. C. Muse, COllllllissioner ot Revenue of Roanoke County, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is ordered filed.) IN HE: DELINQ.UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. M. Bowman, lr., County I: , ,I ..' ,I I I Treasurer, ~or $1793.50, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk tor the month ot JUne, 1940, less 5~,commissions and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1703.82 net. ~ 'C...J A. M. B01MAN, JR., COUNTY T.REAStJRER, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia, July 15, 1940. n, i...J To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close o~ business Saturday, July 13th, there was to the credit of the - . General tund . W. R. S. D. No.1 ,Dog P'Und . Salem District Road Debt Fund . School Fund $ 5,485.14 3,315.27 3,319.69 1,227.02 11.659.82 25,006.94 Respeottully submitted, A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer." said report is recei ved and ordered filed. ii H. T. Hall, Attorney tor the Virginian RailwSf Company, this day appeared betore the Board and asked that the Board appoint the Collllllonwealth's Attorney ot Roanoke County to report at the next meeting of this Board whether the road west of the Lee Hignway known as MUrray Road, which road crosses the Virginian traoks going toward Bo8l10ke River, now designated as Route 709, has been regularl:\, established as a public road. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that sai d mat ter be referred to. the Collllllonweal th' s Attorney of Roanoke County ~or investigation and report at the next meeting o~ this Board. Adopted by the ~ollowing reoorded vote: .Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and T. O. Riohardson. Nays: NOl1e. r'i F. E. Garst ) I ' ) U v. ) Order Appointing Viewers. ) The Public. ) a This day came F. E. Garst, by oounsel, who begged leave to rile a petition of the ~osing of a certain unnemed street, whioh leave is granted, and the petition accompanied by a plat of the unnamed strest sought to be closed, and the at~idavit as to the :posting o~ notices is hereby tiled. And it appearing to this Board upon the said petition that the affiant has duly and legally published as is required by law a notice of his application to the Board for the o1osing of the lInnplI1ed street desoribed in the petition; that the pUblication of notice was had by proper posting in three publio places, one of which is at the front ooor of the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, one in the Municipal Building in the TOwn o~ Salem, and one on a board erected on the unnamed street BOUght to be closed, all o~ which is verified by an affidavit appended to the said petition; 75 ~,~.D..o_",": .:t; '/r'; Jif~ .O:r.cyj: f!L, '("- ,p< ,r."I,. ~E::.f7[ ~",,,,,,,, . . ,'~'" '.""',; , 7/17 !fo"ij . . '0./."1 .,"., :::t::-dJ.. {', ~,,",~-..; 16 And it f'I1rther appearing to this Board that at least five days, and at leaat twent days have elapsed since the posting of the above described notices, and this Board having tully cons1dered said petition and being of the opinion that the petitioner is entit:j.ed to the appointment of viewers, it is hereby ordered that L. K. Craft, L. W. I!cBride, A. L. Lake, C. L. .Tones and E. P. Dillon. five free-holders residing in Roanoke County, Virginia (any three of whom may act) as viewers, who atter first being duly sworn as reg:..:ired by law, shall view the said unnamed street and hear such evidence it any that may be offered, llllld report in writing pursuant to the statute in such cases ma de and provided whether in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from vacating, closing and discontinuing said unnamed street as prayed for in the petition. On IIIOtion of Mason L. Cook, supervisor, seconded by '1'. O. Richardson, Su];8:t'Tisor, and carried by unanimous vote, it was ordered that the above order be entered. On roll call the votes were as follows: o L. n., Bell, aye; I. D. Chapman, aye; Mason L. Cook, aye; T. L. Richardson, aye. 1 The following ordinance was this day offered for adoption, notice of intention to propose the same tor adoption having heretofore been pUblished as required by law: :'.,..fJt!, :L f .,/0 ~.f'm(,H. An ordinance prohibiting the sale of be,er and wine in Roanoke County ,between the hours of twelve O'Clock Post Meridian of each Saturday and six o'clock ante Meridian ot eaoh Monday, and to provide fines and other penalties for violations of such ordinances. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) It shell be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to sell, or permit the sa:Le ot beer and wine il1 Roanoke County, between the hours of twelve o'clock ,post meridian ot each saturday and six o'clock ante meridian of each Monday. (2) Any person, firm or oorporetion violating a provision of this ordinance, shall, upon convlction, be pUnished by a fine of not lesstl1ll.n five dollar:>, nor more than firty dollars tor a first offense, and for a second or subsequent offense, by imprisonment 'tor a periOd of not more than thirty days, and by a fine ot not exceeding fifty dollars. (3) This ordinance shali become effective on and after the 15th day of August, 194 . BE IT FtJRTH!R ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he ''1s hereby directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be published in two consecutive w:eekly issue'S of the Salem Times Register, a newspaper :PUbli~hed in this Coun~y, and to transmit a copy thereof, duly certified, to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. On motion o:r Supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor T. .0. Rio hardson, the foregoing ordinance was adopted, lld read, by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, T. o. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Neys: None. .' -, / The following ordinance was this day offered for adoption, notice for proposal to adopt same having been heretofore pUblished as required by law: >1 .1 " 'I I . I , I i I , i , i I I I I , I i I I J i An ordinance prescribing closing hours tor and otherwise regulating the operation of all dance halls and like places of Amusement in Roanoke County, and to provide penalties for violation of said ordinance. ,/' L~tr\"; 7/1(,./'1-" n U. .' I .: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, having authority 'under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more espeoially under provisions 0 Section 2743 o:r the Code of Virginia, to adopt such measurea as they ,may deem expedient to secure and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of this County; and iHERKAs, said Board deems it necessary in order to better secure and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County that this ordinance be adopted; , NOli THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board ot: supsrvis ors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as tollows: (1) It shall be unlaw:rul for any person, association of persons, firm or corporation, to operate or conduct a pUblic dance hall, as herein defined, in Roanoke County, between the houra of twelve o'clock midnight and six o'clock A.M. o:r any day, and from 'l'Irelve o'clock midnight on each Saturday night until six o'clock A.M. the following Monday. (21 It shall be unlawful for any person. association of persons, firm or corporati n /7 ';,1.::.;.:.~ /7 o v 0' conducting a public dance hall aa herein de:rined, to allow any person under the a~ of sixteen ye...ra to enter or to remain in said dance hall while dancing is l;d1ng conduct!ld therein, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or by a brother or sister oYer the sse ot twenty-one years, or except upon the written consent of sueh parent or legal guardian. (3) A PUblic dance hall, as here~n defined, shall. be conatrued to mean any place t1 .... .' wher. dancing is pemitted to which an admission tee is charged, or for which compensation is in 8l1.y manner received, either directly or indirectly, by cover charge or othera'is.e; or where refreshments or food or any form of merchanclise are served for colI,Penaatlon betore, during or after danoing, and the sale o:r any rstreshments, food or .any form o:r merchandise at such place, or the exhibiting of' such tor, sale shell be deemed direct 'compensation for aDY such dance hall as is contemplated by this ordinance, or any'place where any club, association, corporation, organization or group of persona conduct, operate or permit dances. ~is ordinance, however, shall no't apply to dances held for venBvolent or charitable purposes when the same are conduoted under the auspices of religious, ciVic, charitable> educational or m1l.itery organizations. (4) A:rJy person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this' ordinance, sball. be panillhed by a fine o:r not ,less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollers for a 1'1ret offense, and for a second, or subsequent of:rense, by . ' , ~"~' ~ imprisonment for a period of not IIlOre than thirty d~s, and by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. BE IT l!'URTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance be and the same is to be effective on end after the 15th da:y of August, 1940, BE IT l'IlRTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby direeted to cense a copy of this ordinance to be pUblished in two conseoutive w~ekly issuea'of the SalE Times Regiater, a newspeper pUblished in this County. On the moti~n of Supervisor L. ,D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor I. D. Chapman, ,Q8 ~..r 1>~ VI/flIt' ~-rb .~ - ~'i... \< ,~~c., .~ . 1['.7{cfO the foregoing ordinance was adopted, as read, by the following recorded vot3: '. AYes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. pi- y IIrs. Jane M. Herris, County Nurse, this day appeared before the Board and asked that the Board appropriate $966.75 (371/2%), and bave the'state Welfare Boarc! ~propriate $1,511.29 (52 1/2IC), which would make a total of t2,579.05, and that said ~d be 881'1l1l1rked "for medical relief and burial expenses of paupers in Roanoke County", as outlined in a letter dated May 31, 11140, signed by RoaIlOke County Public Health Association, signed by.i'. J. .Andrews, President. Upon consideration whereor, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason 1.. Cook, it is or dared that an appropriation of .955.75 (37 1/2%), as asked tor, be made toward medioal ralie:r and burial expenses o:r' paupers in Boaooke County, said amount payable out or the general county :rund, and to be expended on the order or the ,l'elrare Board of Roanoke County. Adopted by the fo11oring recorded vote: .&yes: SUpervisors 1.. D. Bell, Mason 1.. Cook, I. D. Chapman and '1'. O. Bichardson. Nays: None. A lettar dated July 5, 1940, from City Manager, W. P. Hunter, of Soanoke City, Va., in reterence to the aation taken by the Board or SUpervisors or Roanoke County as to the sale ot wine and beer on SUnday in lloanoke County, received, and ordered filed. m BE: SftING 100Il PROJECTS: Mrs. B. J. Carden, SUpervisor Women's and Protessional. Projects in, Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and asked that the Boerd sponsor liPA, Project Proposal #6R-52, to provide employment for needy women in Roanoke County, which request was presented at the last meeting of this Board by IIrs. Fannie Moore, SUpervisor Sewing Boom Projeets in Roanoke County, and upon which action was deterred until this :meeting for decision when l4rs. Carden could be present; On the motion of Supervisor I. D. c.hapman, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that all sewing room projects in Roanoke County be discontinued from August let, 1940, ~ November let, 1940. Adopted by the following recorded vote: .&yes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Bichardson and L. D. Bell. Nll7s: 110118. The :roll01l1ng petitions for roads were this day laid before the Board:' A petition ai gc.ed by C. E.' Boone, J. I. Kingery, ll!1cb'undry otbar property owners on ,road or street knOllD. as Kingery Road from Highway 220, east about one mile, a!,;dd petitioners agreeing to donate a 40 foot right of we:y-, including additional 'lfidths :ror cut s and fUls; (Apetition signed by 'i. R. Bradley, E. C. Pace, P. H. Dillard, Jr., and sundry I :1 I I I' r lil u o o a 7H'~ ,other property Clwners on road or street known as Lindbergh Lane from Gillaspie ioad to Shenandoah Valley Avenue, aa~ petitioners guaranteeing to donate 7 1/2 'feet on both sides of original 15-foot right of way, inCluding additional widths for cuts and 1'ills; said petitioners requesting that said roads be taken into the Secondary Highway System 01' Boads in Boanoke County, and maintained as such; uPon consideration whereot, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, and carried, it is ordered that said applications be dalivered to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, to be delivered by him to the Board when the 30int meeting o:r this Boerd and the state Highway Departmen'C is held for consideration. IN ,Rl!:: AGREJIM1!:NTS AS TO COON'l'Y FIRE TRUCKS: On the motion of Supervisor I. D. ChaJ]ll8Il, seconded by Supervisor T. o. Bichardson it is ordered that the agrelllllents entered into by the Board of Supervisors o:r Boanoke County with the 'l'owns of Vinton and Salem, dated July 1, 11139, and ezpiring June 30, 1940, be renewed for a period of one year beginning JUl.y 1, 1940, and ezpiring June 30, 1941; and the CoDlll1onwealth's Attorney is hereby authorized to draw up said contracts and have same properly signed and filed 1Ii th the minutes o:r this Boerd at its next meeting. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, T. O. Bichardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. , On the motion of Supervisor I. D. ChaplllllJl, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that a non-interest bearing note for eleven hundred and ninety-rive dollus ($1l95.00), :payable to Wlley-Halll1otors, Inc., in sixty days from this date, be signed bY' the Chairman of this Boerd, and attested by the Clerk, in payment of one 1940 'rtldor Sedan lIlotor No. 18-5770808, and one 1940 Mercury Sedan, Motor No. 99-231552, purchased by this Board for use in Sheriff'S department. r Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, Mason L. Cook, T. o. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Naya: None. A report of Roanoke County tires answered bY' Salam tireDlen with Roanoke Coum;y tru k a::.d Red car from JulY' 1, 1939, to June 30, 1940, was this day laid before the Board by L. A. Ballard, Chiet Fire Department, Tom of Salem, which report was ordered filed DmE'!"r E. WALDRON, Sheritt' of Roanoke County, this daY' appeared before the Board, and asked that the Board purchese a police radio tor the new Meroury oar purChased by this Board for use in th~ Sherift"s department; Upon consideration whereot, on motion of' Supervisor I.D.Ohapman, seconded bY' SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent purchase the ~ tAP- A,',." C1?.1~ r tv,,""- .', Co, P..w.- ,a..,t. , 1/'1/y.~ police radio for the new Mercury car as above set out. Adopted by the follo1ling recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I. D. Chapman, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Bichardson. Nays, .None. , 80 , The following ordinance was this day off'ered f'or adoption, notice to propose same f'or adoption having been heretof'ore published as required by law: AN ORDINANCE FOR TilE REGULATION OF PLUMBING WORK IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VA. tlLrJ- 7ft../'fo Be it ordained by the Board of' Supervisors of'Roanoke County, Virginia that the following code of' regulations be, and the same is hereby adopted as an ordinance of' Roanoke County. Be it further ordained that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PART I PL:J1lBING INSPECTImr AND PERMIT See. 1, Appo:!nlment:: A plumbing inspector shall be appointed by the Board of' Supervisors of Roanoke County and his compensation fixed by said Board from time to time. Sec. 2, Duties and Authority of Plumbing Inspector: It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to inspect all plumbing in course of' construction, alteration or repai-, to make prescribed tests, and generally see that the Plumbing Regulations of RO~...;.,Jke County are duly carried out and observed. He shall have full al1.thority to do any and all things necessary, to carry into effect all provisions of the Plumbing Reg!11ations and shall stop and plUIl'.bing work under way for which no permit has been issued. See. 3. Permit: It shall be unlawful f'or any person, firm or corporation to do any plumbing work until such person, f'irm or corporation shall have applied for and received a plumbing permit from the Plumbing Inspector. This requirement shall not apply to minor repair work, the total cost of which does not exceed $20.00. Pees f'or such plumbing permits shall be char,3ed as follows: 1. For "Roughing Inti and/or connec. tion with any County sewer except that of the Williamson Road Sanitary District Number One -- $1.00. 2. For each and every, fixture installed, replaced or moved f'rom one place to another -- $0.25. PART II DEFINITION OF PLUMBING See. 1, Plumbing: Plumbing shall be deemed to mean the profession or trade of, and all work done and materials used in and for: (a) IntrOducing, maintaining and/or extending a supply of' water through a pipe or pipes, or any appurtenance therof, in a building, lot, premises or establishment; (b) installing, connecting, or repairing any system of drainage whereby soil, f'oul waste, surplus water, gaa, odor, vapor or nuid is discharged or proposed to be discharged through a pipe or pipes from any building, lot, prendses or establishment into any main public or private sewer, drain, pit, box, septic tank or other receptacle, or into any natural or artif'icial body of' water, or watercourse or open ditch on public or private property. (c) ventilating any building sewer or f'ixtures, or appurtenances connected therewith; (d) connecting any buildLlg, 1't, premises, or establishment with any public or private water main or service pipe or with any pUblic or private sewer or other underground structure; (e) and in performing all classes of work generally done by the plumbing trade, or profession. Sec. 2, Fi.xtures: The fixtures shall include water closets, bathtubs, sitz tubs, catch basins, slop sinks, f'loor or shower drains, kitchen or pantry sinks, urinals, wash trays, wash basins, lavatories, drinking f'ountains. dental cuspidors, special sur- gical and hospital f'ixtures, swimming pools, baptistries, ornamental f'ountains, hydrant , and generally all appliances arranged as outlets for a domestic or sanitary water suppl or as inlets to a sewer or soil or surplus waste disposal system. I " I ,I I I 81 PART m GENERAL See. 1. Grades of Piping: Al horizontal piping shall be run in practical alignm nt and at a uniform grade of not less than one-quarter inch per foot if available, and shall be supported or anchored at intervals not to exceed ten :feet. Vertical stocks 'l .."J shall be supported at their bases. See. 2, Change in Direction: Al changes in directions shall be made by the appropriate use of 450 wyes, long or medium sweep quarter bends, sixth, eight, or six- teenth bends. Tee-wyes must be of the long sweep pattern, or combine~ wye and eight bends. Tees and crosses may be used in vent and water supply pipes. Sec. 3, Prohibited Fittings: No double hub, single or double tee, double wye br ch or single or double sanitary tee branch shall be used on soil or waste lines. The drilling and tapping of house drains soil, waste: or vent pipes and the use of saddle hubs and bands is prohibited. The use of unions flanges, or sUp joints on soil, wast or vent lines is prohibited. In general, the use of low heel fittings should be avoid d. Sec. 4. Installation by Owner: All plumbing installed by the owner shall comply with the requirement o:f this code and in such case the wore. owner shall be substituted for the word plumber. o PART IV QUALITY AND l7RIGHTS OF MATERIALS o Sec. 1, All material used shall be free from defects, of a recognized trade bran and shall be of a weight not less than that known commercially as standard. PART V JOINTS At'D CONNECTIONS Sec. 1. General: Al joints shall be made gas and water tight. Sec. 2, Concrete or Clay Pipe Joints: All joints in either concrete or vitri:fie clay pipe shall be either caulked with hemp or jute and wiped with cement grout or poured with an approved bituminous c~mpound. Al joints shall be thoroughly swabbed to remove any fins. Sec. 3, Lead and/or Solder Joints: All caulked joints shall be firmly packed with oakum. or hemp, and shall be secured only with pure lead, not less than one inch deep, well caulked. and no paint, varnish, or putty will be permitted until after the joint has been tested. Joints in lead pipe or between lead pipe and brass on copper pipes, ferrules, soldering nyples, bushings, or traps. in all cases on the sewer side .... . I ..... of the trap and in concealed joints on the inlet side of the trap, Shall be full-wiped joints, with an exposed surface of the solder to each side of the joints of not less than three-quarters o:f an inch and a minimum thickness at the thickest part of the joint of not less than three-quarters o:f an inch; except that solder joints will be permitted where bathtub. basin or sink, traps cement to arry lead waste pipe. Sec. 4. Prohibited Joints or Connections: Any fitting or connection Which has an enlargement, Chamber or recess with a ledge, shoulder, or reduction of the pipe are in the direction of flow is prohibited; except that slip joint nuts will be permitted ~ on trap connections on the sewer side. PART VI TRAPS AIm CLEAN OUTS Sec. 1 Kind and Size: Every trap shall be self-cleaning. Tr&ps for lavatoI'ies. sinks, and other similar fixtures shall be of lead, brass, cast iron, or of malleable iron galvanized or of uncoated cast iron and all traps shall have a full-bore smooth p ~ 'I w Sec. 2, Where Required, All fixtures, other than water closets more than seven feet from the main stack shall be vented. Where three or more water closets discharge immediately into a horizontal branch and thence to a vertical soil stack carried throu as a vent, the separate trap, vents may be omitted and the extension 01' the branch line permitt~d if not less than 'three inches in diameter. In no case shall the waste !'rom any other fixture connect with the water closet 1rap. All vent pipe terminals when within ten feet 01' a window or other opening must be carried above highest portion 01" roof if so ordered by the Plumbing Inspector. See. 3, Prohibited Connections: No soil or waste vent, circuit or loop vent above the highest installed fixture on the branch or main shall thereafter be used as a soil or waste:~ipe. PART X HOUSE DRAINS AND SEWERS Sec. 1, General: House drains shall be of cast iron pipe to a point three feet outside the basement wall and shall, be not less than four inches in diameter. Where 'cellar drains empty into a public sewer, they shall empty into an approved P or Strap 01' not less than four inches interval diameter. No cellar drain may be cOIl.."lected to any trap which depends for its action on o movable parts. House sewer drains must be run in practical lilignment and 01' not less and 1/4ft to l' grade where available. See. 2, Outside Toilets: Outside toilets must comply with the requirements 01' the Roanoke County ::1ealth Department. PART XI Y.AINTENANCE Sec. 1, Temporary Facilities: SUitable toilet facilities shall be'provided for the use of workmen during construction of any building. These toilet faoilities Shall be maintained in such a way as to meet the approval 01' the Roanoke County Health Officer. Sec. 2. Defective Fixtures: All fixtures found defective or in an insanitary condition smll be repaired or replaced or removed within thirty days upon written notice from the proper authority. PART XII TESTS o Sec. 1, Whare Required: Al plumbing installations subject to this ordinance Shall be submitted to such tests as are necessary in the opinion of the Plumbing Inspeotor. All necessary equipment, materials and labor required for the test Shall r be furnished by the plumber installing the work. PART XIII VALIDITY CLAUSE & PENALTY CLAUSE Sec. 1, Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase 01' this ordi- nance be declared unconstitutional, or invalid for any reason, the validity 01' the remainder 01' said ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Sec. 2, Any person, firm or corporation violating any 01' the provisions 01' this ordinance shall, if convicted, be punished by a fine 01' not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 84, ~~~ 1//' /if" , '< --....-.0; " THIS ORDINANClP. !'IRATT. BECOME EFl'ECTIVE ON AND AFTER THE 15TH DAY OF AUGUST 1940. , BE IT FURTHER OIlDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby directed to oause a copy of this ordinance to be published in two conseoutive weekly issues of the TimeS-Beglster, a newspaper publisbed in this County, as provided by law. On motion of supervisor I. D. Chapman, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, the foregoing ordinance was adopted, as read, by the following recorded vote: .Ayes: supervisors I,. D. Chapman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. I I~ IN BE: 'fIMPORARY LOAN: The tbllowing preamble and resolution was this day presented by supervisor Jlason 1.. Cook, and was unanimOUSly adopted: 'IIHEREAS by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke county. there is now a deticit in the general county :rund for general county operations" and it is therefore necessa:ryto borrow IIOney for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) detici ts in said fUnd and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue at said county; and I lHER1l!AS, the Board ot SUpervisors of Boa'noke County is authorized by the COde of Virginia, seotion 2'127, to borrow not earlier than June 1st of any year a sumot money not to exceed one-tourth of the am:lunt of money produced by the county levy for the mid county tor tbe yeer 1940, at a rate of interest not exceeding 6% per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1940, and lHERDS, it is necessary at this time ,for the said Board of Supervisors to borrow the sum of $5100.00 for the purposes hereinbefore set forth; NO., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT fhia Board of Supervisors do negotiate a loan and borrow the sum ot $5100.00 from such bank or institution of this state as is 1Iilling to make the loan at a rate of interest not exceeding 3~ per annum for a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of said loan; which said maturity date of said loan shall occur not later than December 15, 1940. Thia loan to be evidenced by the negotiable note o:r this Board of supervisors; the S8llB to be executed as tallows: Board ot supervisors of Boanoke County, by 1.. D. Bell, Chairman, whose sigI!!\ture shall be dl:tly atteated by Roy K. Bro1lll, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to and at su h bank or banking institution as the bank making the loan may direct. ',I I It is certified that all tmr;,Porary loans for all previous years have been paid. On motion, duly seconded and carried, a recorded vote being called for, the tollowing SUpervisors voted: Ayes: Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, I. D. Chapman and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. ]- J ~ I I , , I [ i I V I. I' I I I ! ! o ~ .. 11t:,t-:~~ ~ f6i3< '7/17/"'~ " We inspected the property on the road running paraIle~ with the Norfolk and / :::::~2~~t::et:,::e::::~::t:: :t:::i::;el:: ::2~h:h:::hs::: :n::eof ~~,t< road 10 x approximately 900 feet, or a fraotion less than 1/5 of an acre. ~~f We dllcided the amount of t.3O.00 to be reasonable and :rair damages, arriving at thi V~ Y""': amount on the following basis. Assessing the land at $150 per acre, 1/5 of an acre K1 ' ,,' would equal $30.00. _/ f'6/If& IN BE: SCHOOL BUDGE'!' APPROV3D AS REVISED: On the motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the Sohool Budget for tha year ending lune 30, 1941, as revised by the SUperintendent and the County School Board of Roanoke County, and this day presented to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, be approved as revised,. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and '1'. O. Richardson. Nays: None. ~ The following report of tha Commissioners haratot'ore appointed in thn matter was tJlis: day laid before the Board: "Roanoke, Va. luly 2, 1940. Board ot Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salam. Va. Gentlemen: Yours very truly, E. F. lamison. if. L. Cook 'I. E. Layman. On motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said report be spread and :riled, and that a cert1:ried copy of thi~ report be forwarded to Mrs. Sallie 1'. Boaz. ,- On the IIIOtion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the matter of collecting delinquent taxes on real estate in Roanoke County' through Court procadure, is re.ferred to the Planning Commission for investigation and report at the next meeting of this Board, as to any property in Roanoke County which is on the delinquent land list, and which wouJ.d be a desirable acquisition to the Planning ColllBlission's oomprehensive county plan. Adopted by the followiDg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. 85 Cj;, ~ r C.$~~ ~ 7/17j-i. c..rh dd.. 7:/ ~, fe.Yh~; Q,~, ' 7/ /7/<f ~ On the motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that all expenses for the County general county fund after July 1st, 1940. seconded by SUpervisor '1'. o. Richardson c-Po-c. &...e. If': a.p,'h~ Engineer's car be paid out of the ^ . ,.J- C,~I..,., 7/17 /:.;. (; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, I. D. Chapmen and L. D. ,Bell. Nays: None. " A. CRAWFORD Ill!:.lSEN, representing the TiIDes-Register, Salem, Va., this day appeared' before the Boerd, and requested an appropriation of one, hnndred and sixty-five dollars 86 ($155.00)tor County testure page in the rotagravure edition of Roanoke County, to be '. , issue$oy the Times-Register of Salem, Va. ."~ . , :\Up.on consideration whereof, on lIlotion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Sullervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that this Board appropriate the SUIll of ~ei5.00 for said purpose. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. All audit of 11'AIRVIEIf HOLtE, Dublin, Virginia, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed.' ~~ (;q.~ 1/11/'ft A ~etter dated Ju~y 15, ~940, from M. G-. Lewis, County Agricultural Agent, asking the. t the or~e hundred dollars ($100.00) appropriated by this Board for expenses o:t the County .&gricu~tu.ral Agent's offioe during the fisoal year beginning July 1st, ~940, be made in IIIOnthly payments to !!rs. Elsie If. Garst, secretary, supplementing the 8lIlall salary paid her from, the state Extension Fund. On IlIOtion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered the.t this request be granted. IN BE: ANl'l11AL SALAllIES: The Board ot SUpervisors of Roanoke County, as provided by Seotion 2711, Code of Virginia, this day proceeded to fix allowances to the County Officers for the ensuing year. on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook as follows; ROY K. BROiN, County Clerk, payable monthly, ROY K. B20WN. CLERK, Board of SUpervisors, salary, R. T. BDBARD. T~ial Justice &; JUdge Juvenile &; Domestic Belations Court, payable monthly, . R. R. COOK, Division Superintendent of Schools (1/2) sa1.ary fixed by State Board of Eduoation) . 700.00 150.00 3000.00 1285.00 D.lIIE'l"l' B. WALDRON, Sheriff, (and all fees allowed him by law)payable I!lOnthly, 1200.00 A. G. 'iIOOD, County Auditor &; Purchasing Agent, (payable monthly)out of the General County Fund, 2000.00 '. ;r. A. BOONE, Game Warden, salary, payable monthly, (lklg Fund) C. .1'. WARD, Health Officer, payable monthly, ,M. G. LEWIS, :!!'arm Agent, salary, payable 1Il0nthly, MRS. ELSIE W. GARST, Seoretary, County Agrioultural Agent, payableJ1lOnthly, L. D. BOOZE, Janitor, salary, payable monthly, ROBERT TALIAFERllO, payable monthly, Electrical Inspector, iY1NSLOE REYNOLDS, payeble lIlonthly, Clerk &; Deputy Oomr. of Revenue, 600.00 2500.00 1000.00 100.00 1000.00 1380.00 840.00 LOUISE MORGAN, $20.00 per month, until further notice, Clerk to County Auditor, E. K. UATTEBN, County Engineer, payab~e 1Il0nthly, 2700.00 Y. E. LINDSAY, Payable monthly, '1m. Road. San. Dist., Operator Disposal Plant ,1200.00 PAUL B. MA'rrHEWS, pa;rable monthly, Drattsman, ~080.CO A. W. CROUSE, paYable monthly, County Farm Manager, 5 Speoial Otfioers at various schools ($].0.00 each per mo. 9 months) 600.00 450.00 / I I I ,I ... ,.1 .' An a1.lowance of thirty-six hundred dollars ($3600.00) per year, is made to the Sheriff for salaries for four deputy sheriffs, names of whom to be turned in monthly to the Clerk by the Sheriff of Roanoke County, at the rate of $75.00 per IllOnth for .eac deputy. -- [ 1- ~ The above allowances shall be in full of all services for said county by said officers, except such as may be specially provided for by law and hereby allowed, it being understood, however, that the Clerk shall be entitled to the tees allo...ed h:l.m by la... for certifying the poll tax list, recording too del:l.Irquent-lists, and any other fees that may be speCially provided for, and the Sheriff shall be entitled to all fees allo...ed h:l.m by la.... .... , , ...J, Adopted by the following recorded vote: .Ayes: SUpervisors I. D. Chapman, T. o. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, the Board, 'If:l.th the consent of the Court, fixes the compensation of the members of the Board at $360.00 eaoh, per year, together with mileage, to ...hich they may be entitled, to...it: L. D. BELL, CIlail'lll3ll, salary $360.00 Mileage $1.2.00 MASON L. COOK salary $360.00 " 14.40 0 T. O. !lIClIARDSON sa1.ary $360.00 " 7.20 I. D. CHAPMAN salary $360.00 " 3.00 Adopted by the follo...ing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, I. D. Chapman and T. O. Richardson. ' Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in August, 1940. ~ #~Chairman. '. , Courthouse, salem, Va., J"uly 25th, 1940. a called meeting of the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County was held this day , at the Court House thereof, pursuant to the following call: '''''1 U "salem, Va.J"uly 28,1940. 1]., JIr. Roy K. Brown" Clerk, Board of SUpervisors, Roanoke County, salem, Virginia. Dear Sir: Please call a special meeting of the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County, to be held at its room at 9:00 A. M. On J"uly 26th, 1940. " , :' ~ Purpose of meeting is to rescind the order entered by this Board, at their regular monthly meeting in J"uly, 1940, said meeting being on the 15th day of J"ulYi which order was to transfer $956.76, to be matched by the State Welfare Board, and earmarked "for medical relief and burial expenses of paupers in Roanoke County"; ,.: .. ..,:, ....J o o rt w II!IlI U 89 { ~e following resolution w~s this day laid before tr.e Boerd: cOF.~ del.+p /;.K,matkYl1j W"ER~S, there is now pending in the Congress of thE! United States a bill to c.o,",,,,-/<; f:Vllj/~.er: give authority to the President to mobolize t':!e National Guard of tha several states 11f/"I/,!0- 'Jell c.ot" ,/:-s1'>'\.41 ,', for a period of one year; and, to 14djut..>1t-,,", :vm;R<,;. :" such order for mobilization, whi ch is presently antic ipated, will C, ......-e"" ( of."" , +, D t ~'/I''''':V1:''-) deprive this county of the services of E. ~ Mattern, head of the coun_s s epar - v' '.f <1 Ylcl C> . ment o~ P.J.blic Works, i'or t!1e duration of the training period; and, l.,f ,..i 1910>1.7. 0,',00/ ~S, Roanoke County has inaugurated an extensive program pf public ..Hil"+j,.Y",,I'V~. ;c.:,-...v-,., ," improvements, including a key index of all ,'eal estate in the county; mapping of lots K/.,jc/o " and parcels of land; the laying of meny thousands of feet of si~ewalk, curb and gutter; the planning and zoning of the county as a Whole; the operation of the sewer system of the Williamson Road Sanitary District, a surburban area of at least four thousand five hundred in population, likewise being under his supervision; and, WHEREAS, it would be very difficult, if not impossible for this Board to secure a competent engineer to adequately discharge the duties of the office of County Engineer during said Mattern's absence at camp; and, WHEREAS, this board is of the opiLion, that should it be deprived of the services of said County Engineer for a period of one year, or for any other extended period of time, th&t the program Of the County's Department of Public Norks would virtually be disrupted. NOW, THEREFORE, believing it to be to the public interest that the services of E. K. ?&.ttern as County Engineer of Roanoke County be not interrupted at this time on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by T. O. Richardson~ it is moved and unanimously carried, that Mr. Mattern be requested by this Board to forthwith tender his resignation as a member of the Virginia National Guard to the Adjutant General of Virginia; that Mr. Mattern be furnished a copy of this resolution, and that a copy be transmitted to'the Adjutant General of Virginia, and to Colonel Alonzo Wood, 246.h Reg. Va. National Guard, Lynchburg, Virginia, with the request that Mr. Mattern be released from National Guard Service. Adopted by t':!e following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and I. D. Chapman. Nays: None. Ordered tha. the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in ~ugust, 1940. ~~~~~~ Chairman. Court House, Salem, Va., August 19, 1940. The Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County Illet this day a t the Court House in regulsr monthly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, I. D. Chaplllan, Mason L. Cook, and T. O. RiChardson, also present A. M. BowI:18Il, Jr., County Treasurer. I- The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as read. The following claims egainst the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the :runds res:;>ectively, chargeable therewith, towit: 90 No. 12614. A. M. Bo'lflllan, Jr.. Treasurer, salaries for July, " 12515. W. C. Muse. Commissioner of Bevenue, " ~ " " 12616. EUgene W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney,salaries for July, " 12517. A. }..!. Bowman, Jr., _ Jury tickets,. " 12618. A. M. Bowman, Jr.,' Treasurer. Exoneration order, " 12619. C 8c P Telephone Company 'phone service, .. 12620. Fairview Home, monthly expenses, " 12621. A. G., Wood, Purchasing Agent, to re-imburse cash fund, 12522. EVerett Waddey Company, 1 daily index to deeds, 12623. J.P. Bell Company, reoeipt books and sheets, 12624. Gi,ttens & Morton, Inc., renewal of bonds of Sub.Trial Justice & County Auditor 8c Pur.Agt. " " " " 12625. Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 12626. Easter Supply Company, o'ffice supplies, 12627. Salem Publishing Company, publishing of ordinances, 12628. Dooley printing company, printing & purging Election Books, 12629. Chalmers Ferguson, oom. for collection on delinquent taxes, " " " " " 12630. Remington Band, Inc., ribbon coupon books 12631. Hill Directory Company, Inc., two city directories, 12632. Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 7 coroner cases, 12633. Woodward Studio, photographic supplies for sheriff, 12634. Hardie Bros. Service station, repairs to cars, " .. " " " 12635. Gottschalk's Garage, 12636. Wiley-Hall Service Station, .. " .. " ;, " " " 12537. state J.i'arDl lIutual AUtomobile Ins. Co., renewal on premium 12638. 'rhe Texas Company, gasoline, 12639. Magic City Ho,or Corporation, repairs to Sheriff's cars 12640. Midway Chemical company, disinfectant " " " " 12641.- R. T. Biggs, 2 qts. Bug ned, " 12642. Sar..ih E. Blackwell, Se.c., Med. Bills :for Boke Co.Public Health 12643. J. B. Thompson, 1 lunacy case, 12644. Frank Gilbert, J. P., 6 lunacy cases, 12645. B. K. Elliot t Company, mapping supplies 12646. James River Oil Company, gasoline 8c kerosene 12647. Town of Salam, lights and water, 12648. Graybar Electric Company, Inc., electricel suPlllies, 12649. J. E. Carper 8c Son, plumbing, 12650. Virginia Seed Company, seed for Community Garden, 12651. Brolln Hardware Company, hardware, 12652. Wiley Feed, Fuel 8c SUpply corp., lumber for sidewalks 12653. Salem Groce~ Company, cleaning supplies for Home Center " " .. " " " " " " .. " " 12554. Roanoke Paper Company, Inc., sewing room supplies, " 12655. Dillard Drug company, rent o:f Apartment for NY.&.. 12656. E. F. Jamison, viewers of road, " " 12657. \'l. L. Cook, 12658. W. E. Layman, 12529. Southern States Co-Operati7e Inc., supplies for County Farm, " " " " " " " " .. 12630. Mundy Bros. quarry, Lime :for County tar!ll $680.69 637.23 204.17 20.90 28.95 59.95 229.97 343.96 69.39 26.70 I I 20.00 44.6'1 14.00 136.90 9:5.00 26.46 ...., 10.00 24.00 35.00 8.40 10.25 58.25 1.10 11.13 149.71 1.47 3.50 .50 325.00 15.75 I 97.90 2.74 85.21 96.58 2.89 13.95 14.65 29.40 15.10 9.27 I I 2.86 20.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 188.49 83.12 o . I i I I I I I . I I I i In, 1- ;. ~~d it further bei~E sho~~ to the Board t~et the Tovm Council of the Tovm of Vinton has not as yet held a neetins to act u;on the said aDreenent,sai~ a8ree~ent is delivered to E.W.Chel~,Con~onwealth's Attorney,for the purpose of havi~G s~e signed; ~ow, TEZr~FO~E, on ~otion of Supervisor ~ason L. Cook, s~conded by Supervisor I. " Chap::nan , it is o:,dere", '-'. Iiaj--or of -;.,-=> Town of Vinton, ........... by E. ~:; . Cole~an, i-cs ele rk, 'vhat upon the sicninr of said agreenent bj" C." C. C: ockett a~d the seal of said Town attached and duly attested that ufon delivery of said agreement to the Clerk of this Board that that L. D. Eell, Chai~n~n of this Board, be and he is hereby authorized to sign said agree~e~t for a~d on behalf of the Eoard of SUfervisors of Boanoke County, ~C the Clerk of t~is Board is instructed, after the chai~an of said Eoard ~s si~ned said 6€rce~e~t to attach a~d attest the seal of said Eoard to said agree=3~t. It is furthe~ ordered t~at after said a[ree~Bnt has been pro~erly signed that one copy o~ S~e ce deli7ered to the Council of the TOim of Vinton, and one CJPY tiled with the records o~ this Board. J._dopted by the ~011o;;jing raco:rded vote: ...~yes: Supervisore l1ason L. Coe1-:, I. D. C~a'p:-,:e.~, ~. o. F..icr~rdson ar.l.d L.D.Eell. K~"s: :;::one. I, G. E. ~aSE, ?lace5ent Agent for Virfinia Cor~ission for tha Elind, this day appeared before the EoarQ a~d re~~ested the Eoard to grant pernission, under Cha::;;ter$}of the ]"cts of J..ssez.bly, 1938, to an:- bli~d person selected by the Virginia Conmission of the Blind, to construct, maintain, and operate llnQer the supa~vision of the said Co~~ission for the Blind, in the County Court house of Roanoke County, Va., a stahd for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, confeotions, to~acco prod~cts, and sioilar articles; ~~ereupon, the Eoard of Supervisors, after duly considering said request, it is ordered that said reqaest be, and tL8 s~e is, hereby granted; t~e Board of Su~ervisors reservinc tee rig~t to pr8sc~ibe a~r rules and regulations for the conduct of any such stand it ~ay dee~ needful, as well as the right to withdraw this permission at any ti=e it Qee::! aQviseble. ......... ~.. ~.~""',J The VirEinia Coremission for the Elind is elso given permission to. i~stallelectric outlets, at t~e cost of said Corr~ission, ~or current to be used in connection with said stand, ~he cost of said current to be supplied by the Eoard of Supervisors of Roanoke Co~~ty. o~ the motion of Supervisor I. D. Chap~an, seconded by SUgervisor T. O. P~c:~rdson, adopted by the following recorded vote: " ]"yes: Supervisors I. D. Chap!!1an, T. C. Richardson, l,:ason L. Cook and L.D.Bell. :Na~"s: l~one. COfY of this order to be se~t to G. E. Wise, Place~ent Agent, Vir6inia Corr~ission for tee Elind, and to the Cour_~il of the Tovm of Salen, Salem, Va. \. T~e following resolution ~as this day laid be:ore the Bo~rd: BE I~ RESOLVED BY?r-E BOJ.2D that Sub-sectio~ (b) of Code Section 5~5 as fu~ , y.:.z;: ~ 1.~. ct..J{. ~', ~ci:tt?' .'1lq)~D ,{, .;::i ~'n\....:t..1~ . ",,_,Sk ,!., ""-,." ',!,i ........ ........::r':" +-' '".' ~~f~;, ^' ~ _ () ,n .:(: ~~ti:1 Y"'- r.. , -:-;:"'i ~ r; ,,'." ~fI 0 ,I' ~ ~!~~: ~, ^. -, V"-., ',", 'P~if()i)~ \J { , ';;~;: I I I D. i i i , , ! , I o " !ill ':-'.~ 97 \. TI-x R3: TIGfoSU'?:::R' S A.NIW.A.L S~TTLZ\.~~T: _!o.. 1". BOW'~~, Jr., County Treasurer, this day subni tted to the :Soard his annual settle3ent for the year ending June 30, 1940, as follows: E~ ~ J :raw ';;~1l:,=,?~",~~ ,. "~');:-"'v""'l'!l--':<Il_~.,~':-~~:,~I,<~_..~~~~_", .- -- ...... -~ , "'. ..~- ~.. . ;~. ~ It"::" ~~~"~2:';; ::.....~ ::........""'..... ~.........::...~-;- _ , ' '. .:'i ,,__ \-.. :"i~:';:U,'.,<'" ,;"",~",;"i;,,3;'" "C' ,,' , '" . ' , .',' ".'Cd,/C 1lIIiIl,' ~~;::t"js~jL;,o;>";,:::;.:,i',:~,,, '.. ",,'," , "/ I .. ,jAAoh.o:;~i';, ~:ii l), ,it" 11; '. "I' ~~:: ,.,U<~;J;'1 ,..,., It,jl -" .... :l.)~ .?".~L;",..j, ",I "', '1;'1.1 ;"!I"A4,,':~~""."~!: l;;:'::t;.~;.,.,; .',',., " . "::JJt: ::~;J ,;f:JJ <il>fi,; , . I '... ';~ ,'.', . '. '''-''' '" 'j ,"\;' " " "I ,: .1,(': .~. J . ,,~., .,01,,' ,'+1" ',*" ":,:", ~i' t. . ~ "f .~':' Ik., '~, ':~,'I, Y<'i'" -'.' ~.; -~~t:'-t'- "_:: J:..~p. .- +'_','; :~-~{.'; ",J :- .:L./~ ", A' ";~5',:,":; <J. :f!,i;,~;L:, l>dJJ~:! [lAI i ,"" ,'f f .~. i::'" ~ ' '., " I ~ {, .: . '. 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Rict~~dson, ~~d carried, said settlenent is received and ordered to be attached hereto. . I. , ~ ;..... !ot... , i i:.... ,Ie-- -i'_ .:iv., ~~ ,(;' ;, ,<0, ~~!: 2::' '-~._,t~~:;"~';~:f6:r:'~.'~~ . ~, -'.-' ,.~. ~.~ '. . .~, .........~- ' .... - I" .......~.;t.:, "/1 , ~ -, -. -<< ' %-) .:- J.i:;:Etf,. --:-:f~-.i% i;:'-~' ~ ~-~~~t~.~-:-r.-' ~'f;.7fi',""'-: . ~~., ',....,:-='< J I..e,~, '~. _ "','<~' " .. .'f~-:~'l-4:.- ;~:.' '~~'.:.~.: "... t ,~,!,:;'<~l~~l: -.1 ,'~"~~~~ . - :~: .~~, ~~.'~*~~::,'~'r~~~ . ! ~"..;:;t:r~~~"f:<,.~ ,~- -r. .,,;, if'"' ,.r":'~~':''-~.'" ~ j~, :~'- ~~:~';:,~Er~; T- ---, -l~'~ :~-;-s-:.- - ~ ~,-- ';:'..i~,...".: :';''01, --- .- ! 4~~;"';:' -...-. I r rl,. : rf; J: ~ t~ -E[ 2). . II :.~ ! r e I, ,i[J~t .!;.:A ~ ... p. .. b7 io.u...... .~~..~ t' oo...a . I ~ I I i I i I I I I , flf) ~ I '-I ~ I ~~ . ~ ~. J : f l '~h-: ~ ~:-. ~ .!' '.. .1 ~!- ~ r t ~ ~' r ~ ~ ~ [tr ~ a~' h f:o~ -: :: t- '1' ~ ..... ~ - L~.4 .~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ .' ," ~r.. ~ ~ I ! 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San Dist No.1 9.90 12777. Roanoke Concrete Products Co., Concrete Sewer Pipe Wm. Road San. Dist. No. 1 127.~0 No. 12738. Mrs. Mary White, P. M., Stamps for Treasurer's Office 12739. .. Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec. Roke. County Public Health Asso., Medical bills, etc. " 12740. 12741. 12742. 12743. 12744. 12745. 12746. 12747. 12748. MaKesson & Robbins, Inc., disinfectant for jail The Texas Company, gasoline Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 3 Coroner accounts Magic City Motor Cor~oration, repairs to Sheriff's cars Wiley-Hall Motors, Inc, greasing car Wiley-Hall Service Station, greasing oar J. C. Shelton Garage, repairs to cars The Goodyear Tire & RubbeI 00, 2 tires & tubes Gottschalk's Garage, re~airs to cars " " .. .. .. .. " " .. 12749. James River Oil Company, gasoline and kerosene 12750. Chalmers Ferguson, copying registration book 987 names @ 10~ 12751. Lewis Brothers, 2 tons coal for jail 12752. Roanoke Iron & Bridge Works, Inc., re~airs to jail .. .. .. .. 12753. Brown Hardware Company, hardware 12754. J~ E. Carper & Son, re~airing plumbing 12755. Town of Salem, lights & water, 12756. Salem Grocery Company, soap and washing powders " " " " 12757. W. B. Dillard Drug Co. rent fo:' rooms for NYA for August .. 12758. Salem Rescue Squad, donation 12759. Vinton Rescue Squad, donation 12750. O. G. Lewis & Company, repairs to cars 12761. J. M. Logan, material for home center 12752. A. L. Semones, material for Heme Center '12753. J.J. Nawber~T Co., material for Home Center 12754. Wiley P. Givens, assessors salaries 12765. E. P. Dillon, salary for Assessor 12766. H. E. Bowman, salary' for Assessor 12767. Salem Publishing Company, legal publication SUpervisors Annual Statment 12758. H. B. Mabes, 85 Yds. Sand 0 1.15 12769. Salem Har~ware Company, Mdse for sidewalks 12770. Cinder Block Inc. of Roanoke, WPA sidewalks -12771. Hollins Stone Company, material for sidewelks 12772. The Philip Carey Company, material for sidewalks 12773. C & P Telephone Company, telephone service, Wmson Rd. 12774. E. B. Krebbs SUpply Company, Chlorine wmson Ed Disposal Plant .. ,; .. " .. " .. " .. .. " .. .. " " " .. .. .. " 12778. A. G. Wood Pur. Agent, to reimburse cash fund- wm. Road San. Dist. No. 1 12779. Chalmers Ferguson, Collactln~ Delinquent P. P. Taxes in Aug. 12780. A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treas., Interest on bonds Wm. Road San. Dist. No.1 .. .. $ 200.00 325.00 13.70 16.17 148.98 15.00 95.81 1.75 .75 4.40 17.20 68.37 98.70 11.50 85.00 11.56 9.75 86.65 - 4.51 20.00 100.00 100.00 6.25 .35 1.50 4.75 220.00 192.00 192.00 " 49.60 97.75 6.22 8.50 145.07 24.17 7.00 21.75 129.35 1.37 300.00 it;'i~ ~}';?-; ~~. ~/11fo ~il-.: . 'tE~ qll~<!-D , I. IN BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAlMS &0: The following claims against the COClnty were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by vouoher-cheoks out of any dog taxes in the hands o~ the Treasure tont: No. 12781. R90sevelt Oyler, 25 friers killed by dog " 12782. d. A. Boone, Game Warden, killing stray and ho~eless dogs $ 8.25 62.00 I IN BE: PURCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purohasing Agent, this d~ presented to the Board an aocount amounti to $254.68, in payment of sundry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, duly seconded a~d carried, it is ordered that a vouoher-oheck be issued to him in payment of said account. (Said acoount is ordered to be filed.) ,I A. M. EOW!.U,-., JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and ezpense account for the month of Augu~t, 1940, amounting to $1025.83" two-thirds ot, which, amounting to $683'.89, is payable by the County, and one-third, amounting to $341.94, is payable by the state, ~nd on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a vouoher check be issued to the said A. M. Bowman, dr., Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is 9rdered to be filed.) I EUGENE,W. CHELF, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, this day, submitted his salary end ezpense account for the month of August, 1940, amounting to $408.33, one-halt of which is payable by the county end one-half by the state; and, on motion, du~y seconded and carried, it is ordered that a VOUCher-check be issued to the said EUgene w. Chelf, Comnonwealth's Attorney, for $204.17, the oounty's part of said acoount. (said account is ordered filed.) W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of August, 1940, amounting to $780.84, .. ' I two-thirds of which, amounting to $520.56 is payable by the County, and o?-e-third amounting to $260.28 is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconde~ and carried it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is or~ered filed.) I IN RE:DELINQUENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. M. Bowman, dr., County Treasurer, for $2075.93, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of August, 1940, less 5% commissions and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1972.13 net. ,0 ] o o ~ . A. M. EOWMAll, Jr., County Treasurer, this day submitted to the Board the following repor.: "Salem, Virginia, September 16, 1940. To the Board ot' St1perviso.'s ot' Roanoke County: At the close of business Saturday September'14th., there was to the credit of the 'General :rund ,W. R. S. D. No.1 'Dog Tax Fund ,Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund ,School fund $24,754.77 3,460.87 3,032.83 1,155.69 28,429.88 60,834.04 Respectfully submitted, A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke County." said report is received and ordered filed. , IN BE: FINANCIAL REPORT: A. G. Wood, County Auditor, this day laid before the Board his finanoial report to the Board of SUpervisors and county School Board of Roanoke County, Va., for the period ending August 31, 1940, which report was examined, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered to be tiled for such future reference as may be required. IN RE: REPORT OF ROANOKE COUNTY HEALTH OFnCEI~: C. J. Ward, Health Officer of Roanoke County, this day laid bet'ore the Board, his report for the month ot' August, 1940, which report, 'on motion, duly seconded and carried, is ordered filed. E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, to whom the matter was referred at a previous meeting of this Board, this day laid be:'ore the Board his opinion in re'gard to road in Roanoke County, ~~own as the Murray Road, stating that the crossing over the Virginian Railway tracks on ,what is known as Murray Road, state Scondary Road 709, has not been legally established as a pUblic crossing, which opinion, on motion of supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by supervisor Mason L. Cook, is ordered filed. Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by ~~pervisor Mason L. COok, it is ordered that "he question of opening Murray's Road as a part of the Secondary Highway System of Roanoke county, be referred to County Engineer, E. K. Mattern, who shall report as to the necessity of the opening of said road as, a public highway, and as to the width, grade and locat:on of said road, following the re- qUirements of the Statute, Section 2039; wi th reference to the report that shall be made in connection with the establishment of a road as a public highway, and report to the next meeting of this Board. .And the said county Engineer in making such report shall conter with the COl!lIllOnwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County as to the req'.lt:rements of his report under the Statute, which provides for the establishment of public highways. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYes: supervisors T. o. Richa..dson, Mason L. Cook end L. D. Bell. Nays: None. A certified copy of this order to be sent to Harvey T. Hall, Attorney. )~, ~,~ 9/ wF~ M~I(, o/Yl ,.;tt;-",,- c.,~, "I}If'jt.J b ! - ~ "'Nt }...,":~ ~,(t,....Y-' 0-1,....,.,.._"-.-,.;._ k~63e: ,.- r:. ~4-~__,' :.) -, ~ -; ~, - ..,.- ".. - '-r ~l ~;..~- ~- d.'-.o.l~{ - O-,iC_c"__..~_,,,-, .. .. r ~..... ;.1..;..J'./...j , ^ ,'" crd:.- """ ".' .' v" ..__....__. '~. S;i; )- t;: ct.R.. 1 . )( ''.h1~ c., ~.' ~/11"() l!RS. SALLI~ w. BOAZ this day appeared before the Board an1 delivered to the Board the check of Cocke, Hazlegrove & Shackelford, Attorneys, for thirty dol:ars ($30.00) said check dated September 10, 1940, and payable to the said Mrs. Sallie W. Boaz, on account of damages to lands of Mrs. Mamie Vinyard, as shown by report of Commissioners heretofore ep~ointed by this Board to assess the damages on road I running parallel with the Norfolk and Western Railway at the intersection of State Route ,No. ,652, through the lands of Hrs. Mamie Vinyard, said report dated July 2 1940, and filed with this Board at its July Meeting, 1940; Upon consider2tion whereof, on motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, i;; is o::-dered thot said check" described above, be endorsed by the said (~!rs) Sallie \1. Boaz, and delivered to ;;he Clerk of this Board, to be sent by registe::-ed mail by him to Mrs. Mamie Vinyard, in payment of said I damage s. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Sup3rvisoi's ],!ason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, and T. o. Richardson. Nays: None. A certified copy of this order to be sent to Mrs. Sallie W. Boaz and to Mrs. Mami Vinyard. ~ A petition signed by W. H. Witt, ~~na E. Witt, and sundry other property owners 0 the street ~~own as La~ndale Road & Pinevale Road, from U S EW'y 221, 200 feet on Lawndale'Road & 600 feet on Pinevale Road, and will eventually connect with old Cave Springs Garst Mill 'Road, petitioners guaranteeing to donate a fifty foot right of I way, including additional widths fo~ cuts and fills, and requesting that said read or treet be included in the Department of Highways Secondary System for cons;;ruction and/or maintenance, was this day laid before the Board; ~pon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that said petition be referred ;;0 County Engineer, E. K. Ma;;tern, with the request that he check against the property owners adjacen;; ;;0 said road, in order that this Br,ard may guarantee a clear right of way to the State Highway Depar~ent at the next Joint Meeting of ;;he said Highway Department with this Board. Adopted by the follo.dng recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. A letter dated August 19, 1940, from "ohn P. McLaughlin, Secretary, Alcoholic I' Beverage Control Board, enclosing copy of Order No. 4953, of August 1, which prescribe restricted hours for the sale and consumption of wine and beer, effective September 15 were 'this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. A communication from E. W. C~elf,Commonwealthts Attorney, enclosing copy of a demurrer and a motion to dismiss the injunction which had heretofore been granted, ,by J'udge Beverley Berkeley, of the Law and Chancery Court of Roanoke' Ci ty, ,Virginia 105 in the case of B. F. Scott,et als vs. Emmett E. Waldron,Sheriff of Roanoke county, Virginia, et als,were this day laid before the Board,and ordered filed. ~ , I ...,i WALTER H. SCOTT, Attorney, this day appeared before the Board, and advised the Board that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roa."loke County, had, on motion of the oomplaina."lts, entered an order dissolving, without prejudice, the injunction o hereto~ore awarded in the case of B. F. scott, et als, vs. Emmett E. Waldron, Sheriff of Roanoke County. Virginia, et als, in regard to the sale of wine and beer,and operation of dance halls in Roanoke County, and suggested to the Board that the operators were anxious to co-operate with the Board and the bettsr people of Roanoke County, looking to a conplete solution of the entire matter, and requested the Board to simply publish such notice, as the law provides, to the end that, the ordinanoes might be changed, if, and when, the Board thought advisable. .tfter discussion by the Rev. John W. Wood, Rev. Estus Rushing, and Rev. L. N. Kinzie, and Walter H. scott, Aotorney, the members of the Boar~ each expressed themselves as being unfavorable to taking any action on ohe request, and as being satisfied with the two ordinances in question as heretofore passed. o The Committee heretofore appointed by this Board to investigate the advisability of installing street lights in the various urban areas of Roanoke County, this day submitted a written report to substantiate the verbal report heretofore made by the Committee to this Board, as follows: "Feb. 10, 1940. TO "SE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROMTOKE COmITY": The Committee appointed by the Boerd of SUpervisors to investigate the advisability of installing street lights in the various urban areas of Roanoke County vishes to submit the fol1ow~ng findings; Tnis Committee believes that the installation of street lights in these areas is advisable and should be underteken as soon as funds are available. This Committee reoommends that the matter be referred to the Budget Committee immediately and that the funds be set aside for this purpose if available. This Committee further recommends that if such funds are not available for this 1,"'1 ,- ~, next fiscal year, that this matter be given prior consideraoion by the Budget Committee in preparing the budget for the fiscal year 1941-42. E. K. Mattern. E. W. Chelf." A.G.Wood,Chairman. whioh report is approved. m E. K. MATTERN, County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board for the purpose, this day appeared before the Board, and stated that the Planning Commission of Roanoke County considers that there is no land on the delinquent list of Roanoke county, which is suitable for its program. 1015. B. J. CARDEr, Director P & S Division, this day appeared before the Board and asked that the Board sponsor W ? ~ Sewing Room Project, Proposal #~-60 for employment of needy women in Roanoke County, for a period of time noo exceeding June 30, 1941; ~ %. '., .L, rt.Ji)f~ ~,. f2L y- , "1/10/"" 106 ~""...j...(. r w...:... Q, <r . w ~1- ., )' ~ <.f 0 Whereupon, on motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor T. o. Richardson, it is ordered that such a project be approved, the cost of which as to I Roanoke County, she+l not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), exolusiv of rent, as provided for in the budget for the next fiscal year; and the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to sign the said sponsor's proposal on behalf of this Board when presented to him. Adopted by'the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. On the motion of supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor T. o. Richardson, it is ordered that County Engineer, E. K. Mattern, and Commonwealth's Attorney, E. W. Chelf, be a]pointed a Committee to confer with the proper representatives of the Norfolk and Western Railway, in regard to establishing a public orossing, with approaches and signals, on the road known as the Benois road crossing 'Ghe Norfolk and Western Railway right of way,north of Starkey Sta'Gion, and report to the next meeting of ,this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. RiChardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. A certi:ried copy of this order to be forwarded to Right of Way Department, Norfolk &. Western Railway Co., Roanoke, Va., and to S. W. Benois, R. F. D. #5, Roanoke, Va. On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. o. Richardson, the following preamble and resolution was this day presented to the Board: WHEREAS there is no; being made a general re-assessment of all real estate in Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to a resolution heretofore approved by the Board of Supervisors of this County; and WHEREAS, there is,a1so now being made a general re-assessment of all real estate in Bedford County, Virginia, pursuant to a resolution heretofore approved by the Board of supervisors of said oounty; and WHEREAS, it has been suggested to this Board that there is real estate lying in each of said counties, and along the boundary line of the two counties which is improperly assessed;and WHEREAS, by an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia of 1838 the boundary line between the counties of Bedford and Roanoke was established, as running along the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains, from a point in Roanoke River below where Back Creek ampties into the same, to a point on stewart's Knob on said Mountain where the counties of Roanoke, Botetourt and Bedford corner; and WHEREAS, so far as this Board oan ascertain, the said boundary line has never been accurately determined, and this Board deems it to the best interests of Roanoke County and Bedford County that said bounda~' line be accurately determined, prior to the end of the current tax year, and before the re-assessment aforesaid has I 0>1 I I I f I , , I I been completed, to the end that all real estate lying along the boundary line of said counties may be correctly assessed by the county in which it lies, and to the end also that same may eliminate any question of jurisdiction which might arise between the said counties; NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ot' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgi!1ia, that a committee composed of Hon. R. T. Hubard, Trial Justice, E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, Uason L. Cook, Supervisor of Big Lick District, and E. W. Chelt', Commonwealth's Attorney, be, and they are hereby appointed to meet and confer from time to time with a similar committee from Bedford County, Virginia, and arrange to take such steps as are necessary to have the boundary line between Bedford County and Roanoke County determined as accurately as possible. The said Committee is hereby authorized to act on behalf of this Board, and do all things necessary, and make such agreements with the euthorities of Bedford County as are necessary to establish the said boundary line. It is further ordered that after the determination of said boundary line, a mete and bound description shall be made of same, if possible, the same to be reported to the Circuit Court of the respective counties, and confirmed as an agreed boundary line between the said counties, and spread upon the proper deed book in the Clerk's Offices of the Circuit Courts of the said counties. j I , ! i , , I u-- I . I . I i r I o And it is further ordered t~at the aforesaid committee do report back to this Board from time to time their progress in this connection. o Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and 1. D. Bell. Nays: None. Copy of this order to be certified to the Chairman, Board ot' Supervisors, Bedford County, Bedford, Va. On the motion of Supervisor T.O. Richerdson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that Supervisor Mason L. Cook be made a member of the County Farm Committee in the place and stead of Supervisor I. D. Chapman, deceased. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. 14 l..J Nays: None. c. B. Clemmer, a resident of the Riverdale Section of Roanoke County, this ~ day appeared bet'ore the Board and requested that the Board bear the expense of erecting signs to be furnished by the citizens of that section on the various streets in R1verdale Section of the County; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that said request be referred to County Engineer, with power to act. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. --' e:..A.. "'~, q-O;:'l. .jJ, " IY/c..--A, , '" W.$" "i ~, . _0. _., f(.1- "1JI~Y.O --- M,d....Q., ~ 12.7, 1\', ~,~ c.,~, ? 11~';'d Court House, Salem, Va. October 21, 1940. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in, regular monthly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, Mason L. Cook, and T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey,recently appointed Supervisor for Salem District, 'by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Va., in the place and stead of I. D. Chapman, deceased. - , . . ! ..... o The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordared to be paid by voucher-checks out of the tunds respectively, chargeable therewith, towit: o ,... ! j U ~ 12812. A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, salaries for September, 12813. Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth Atty. salaries for September, 12814. W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue, salaries for September, 12815. A. M. B~wman, Jr., Treasurer, Jury Tickets 12816. A. M. Bowman, Jr. Treasurer, Exoneration order No. " " " " .. $684.55 204.17 520.56 77.70 12817. Leslie A. Kimble & Company, Auditing accts. & records of County 500.00 63.09 " 12818. Fairview Home, Fairview Home's Monthly expenses 12819. C. & P. Telephone Company, Phone service 12823. Dooley Printing Company, Printing 12824. Salem Publiehing Company, Ballots & Letterheads 12825. Roanoke Stamp & Seal Company, 1 model dater 12826. C,oronet Carbon & P.ibbon Company, office supplies 12827. Columbia Carbon Company, carbon paper 12828. Everett Waddey Company, 1 Marriage Register Letter No.5 12829. J. P. BGll Company, Forms for Clerk's Office 12830. Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies 12831. Easter Supply Company, Office supplies 12832. Henry Gwyn, Cleaning Typewriter " " 12820. to 12821. .. 12822. .. " " " " " .. " to " A. G. Wood, Purchasing agent, to reimburse cash fund, labor, freight, etc. Chalmers Ferguson, Collector, Collection of P. P. Delinquent Taxes for September f~!lg!l()re. Bru."!lYl. .._; James I. !>;oyer, Attorney, lJefending person accused of murdp- " 12833. Peacock - Salem Laundry, Laundry for Jury room " .. 12834. J. M. Logan, Material for Jury Room 12835. Magic City Laundry, Laundry for Jail 233.02 60.62 336.42 24.99 25.00 26.00 98.75 3.56 4.00 72.00 47.50 9.28 22.10 4.10 3.00 2.72 8~63 5.92 " 12836. Edward L. Brock, Bond Refund 5.00 Clearbrook School 12837. Gittens & Morton, Payment of premium on bond Special Officer at 5.00 " " 12838 . 12839. 12840. 12841. 12842. 12843. 12844. 12845. " to .. .. .. " " Gottschalk's Garage, ."ilpairs to cars Master Service Station, repairs to cars , Red Hill Prennct Guy M. Hartman, Registr!, ,/regiSterliig-ana posting notices The Texas Company, gasoline Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 9 coroner cases Garretts Esso Station, Repairs to cars J. C. Shelton Garage, repairs to cars Boyle-Swecker Tire Corporation, repairs to sherriff's cars 20.25 25.78 4.50 141.79 45.00 2.25 11.55 20.70 No. 12846. State Farm Mutual .-utomoblle Ins. 00. premium on policy No. 3655182 12847. R. B. Tyler, Special Officer's Salary 12848. A. L. Graham, Special Officer's Salary 12849. D. G. Dillon, Special Of ticer's Salary 12850. J. W. Gunn, Special officer's salary 12851. E. L. Brock, special officer's salary 12852. Dr. James A. Wilkins, 1 coroner case 12853. Magic City Motor Corporation, repairs to cars " " " " .. .. " $ 11.33 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.00 I. 48.02 .. 12854. a. J. ~elly, Fingerprinting in Francis K. Spradlin's case 25.00 12855. Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec., Medical bills for Roke. Co.Pub.Health 325.00 .1 .. " 12856. Frank Gilbert, J. P., 6 Lunacy cases 12857. O. G. Lewis & Company, repairs to cars 12858. Dame Rooting Company, repairing leaks 8r. slate 12859. J. E. Carper, Plumbing, Plumbing- 12860. Brown Hardware Company, hardware 12861. Ferrell Mattress Company, repairing desk & mattress in jail 12862. Lewis Brothers, 4 tons coal 12863. Wiley Feed, Fuel 8r. Supply Corp. material for Jail " " " " " " " " 12864. Thomason's Jewelry Store. repairing clock for court room 12865. H. H. MacKinzie, repairing plumbing in McClung Bldg. 12866. Town of Salel!l. Ligh1;s 8r. water 12867. Ozella L. Butts. 2 blinds 0 1.25 12868. B. K. Elliott Company, mapping supplies 12869. Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, EssO:gasoline to County Farm, 12870. Frank T. Cook, 21 bu. seed wheat for County Farm C 1.25 per ,bushel It " " .. " " " 12871. Wiley P. Givens, Assessor's salary 12872. E. P. Dillon, assessor's salary 12873. p. J. Jones, rent of garbage disposal lot 12874. H. B. ~bes, mdterial tor sidewalks 12875. Monroe Calculating Machine Co. material for sidewalks 12876. James River Oil Company, material for sidewalks 12877. Harris Service Station, material for sidewalks 12878. Hollins Stone Company, 107.7 tons 0 .99, 12879. Salem Hardware Company, material for sidewalks l2880~ Valley Lumber Corporation, material for sidewalks 12881. Cinder Block Inc. of Roanoke, material for sidewalks l~~. L. R. Reese, sidewalk project (driver) 12883. H. B. Mable, 5 yards sand 0 1.15 12884. Minor Vaught, work at disposal plant 12885. C. 8r. P. Telephone Co. phone service,'Wm..Rd. Santo Dist. No.1 " .. " " .. " " .. " .. " .. " .. " 12886. Roanoke Concrete Products Co., concrete pipes" .. .. " 12887. Harris Service Station, 1 can oil, flashlight batt~ies, balls of tape, transmission 8r. grease. Wm. Rd. Sant.Dist. No.1"' " 12888. Salem Hardware Company, hardware" " .. .. " .. " Old Virginia Brick Co. brick for sewer ditch " " " ,,_ Wm. Rd. Santo Dist. No.1 I ~raybar Electric Oompany, cord, plugs & connector bodiew Dooley Printing Company, 3,000 receipts Wm.Rd.Sant. Dist. No.1 " 12889. 12890. 12891. " " 1~92. Salem Grocery Company, 1 case Octogon waShing powder .. .. .. 32.70 19.25 .5.50 28.30 59.10 5.85 ,22.00 1.30 3.00 16.00 78.96 2.50 22.73 13.94 I " 26.25 300.00 240.00 20.00 149.50 292.50 74.70 14.91 106.62 496.80 23.35 5.00 13.20 5.75 8.10 8.00 2.25 I I, 3.38 16.07 16.00 13.58 17.50 2.48 112 . IIjv;Sj 'ff) ~~ n. 'c,1( &,.~ /IJj:J.-fj"0 , w. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of September, 1940, amounting to $780.84, two-thirds of which, amounting to. $520.56 is payable by the County, and ene-third amounting to $260.28 is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-oheck be issued to the said W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is ordered tiled.) I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES: I' The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. M. BoWIIIaD., Jr., County Treasurer, for $815.63, on account of delinquent, taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of September, 1940, less 5% commissions and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amoun.ing to $774.85 net. IN BE: PETITION OF (MIlS) SALLIE W. BOAZ, Damages Assessed on Road running parallel with the Norfolk & Western Railway at the Intersection of Route No. 652, through the lands of Mrs. Mamie W. Vinyard: A letter dated September 20, ,1940, from Mrs. Mamie Vinyard, enclosing check No. 6963, of Cocke, RaZlegrove & Shackelford, Attorneys, payable to Sallie W. Boaz, Ill. for thirty dollars ($;30.00), said letter addressed to Roy K. Brown, was this day ,laid ,before ,the Board, Mrs. Mamie Vinyard stating in said letter that above check was not satisfactory, and that she was not sole owner of this land; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. COOk, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that said cheek for $30.00 be returned to the saio. Mrs. Sallie W. Boaz by the Clerk of this Board by registered mail. I On th~motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seeonded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, who is hereby appointed for the purpose, do go upon and view a certain roadway running parallel with the Norfolk & Western Railway at the intersection of Route No. 652, through the lands of Mrs. Mamie W. Vinyard et als, and report to this Board at its next meeting the advisability of Widening the said road from twenty to thirty feet; the convenienoe or inconvenience that will result, as well t,o individuals as to the public; whether said road will be one of suoh IlIere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established or altered , and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and all other facts and circumstances in his opinion useful in enabling the Board of Supervisors in determining the expediency of establishing or widening said road, following the requirements of the statute, Section 2039, with reference to his report, and he shall file his report, together with a map or diagram of any change recommended by him at or before the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes:Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T.O.Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. l;ays: No!:.s. I I 114 MRS. M. E. CHAPMAN and other citizens of South View School Community, this day appeared before the Board and requested that a special offioe~ be appointed for use at said school; Upon consideration whereof, cn motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that a special officer be appointed at the , I South View School, at a salary of,ten dollars ($10.00) per month, to be paid out of the general county :fUnd, for the remainder of the school ,term. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors,H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. I The following report was this day laid before the Board: Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ) ) ) ) ) The Public and H. G. Shirley, ) State Highway Commissfoner. ) Report of County Engineer. vs. '1'0 THE BOABD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA.: The undersigned, Co~ty Engineer of Roanoke County, appointed at the September Meeting of this Board to go upon and view a certain road crossing over 'the Virginian Railway Company tracks and right of way, and known as Murray'S Road, State Secondary Route 709, just west of Virginian Railway mile post 241.8, and report as to the necessity' of opening said road as a p,ublic highway, and upon other pertinent questions required by Section 2039 of the Code of Virginia, respectfully reports as follows: (1) That said road is a public necessity, and for a number of years has been worked as a part of the State Secondary System, although according to an opinion recently rendered by the Commonwealth's Attorney of this County, has not been legally, established as a public highway, due to the fact that the Virginian Railway Company, one of the interested parties, did not have notice of the former proceedings. This road serves a number of persons on each side o:r said railway tracks-who have no other means of egress. (2) That the present location of the road is preferable to any other location, unless that part of said road leading over the railroad tracks is straightened. (3) That there will be no cost attaohed to establishing said road if the Virginian Railway Company will donate a right of way across its tracks, as the majority, if not all of the other land owners have heretofore donated the necessary 40 foot right of way, and the undersigned is of the opinion that all of said owners are willing to donate said right of way. (4) That no inconvenience will result to any person or to the public. (5) 'That said road is not of such mere private convenience as to make it prcper that it should be established and kept open by the persons for whose convenience it is desired. (6) That no yard, garden, or orchard wIll have to be taken. (7) That the names of the owners along said road are as follows: Ellis Ellett, L. C. Neal, R. L. Lynn, C. C. NelmS, James H. Beeler, Bessie Adams Caldwell, I. N. Akers, H. G. Spangler, .C. D. Spangler, Kathleen Cochran, G. M. Cochran, Warwick I I I :l u Laughon, and Virginian Railway Company. Not any' of said owners, With the exception of the Virginian Railway Company, will require campensation, and counsel for said Company will not disclose whether or not 1;hey intend to demand damages. Your undersigned tiles herewith a plat of the proposed road, With a notation of a recommended change in the crossing over said railroad. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Mattern, County Engineer." J Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ) , i ) ) ) Order. vs. The Public and H. G. Shirley ,State Highway Commissioner. o This day came E. K. Mattern, County Engineer of Roanoke County, who was heretofor appointed to go upon and view a proposed public road known as Murray's Road, State Secondary ,Road 709, and report upon the necessity of opening said road as a public highway-. and upon other pertinent questions required by statute, and recommended to this Board that asid road be established as a public road, and filed :with his said report a diagram of the proposed road. Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, the said report is hereby approved, and it is ordered that Ellis Ellett, L. C. Neal, R. L. ,Lynn, 'G. C. Ne1JDS, James H. Beeler, Bessie Adams Caldwell, I. N. Akers, H. G. Spangler, v. . C. ~. Spengler,lflthleen COChran, G. M. Cochran, Warwick LaUghon, and the.Virginian , Railway Company, the land owners affected by the establishment of said ,:road, and v H. G. Shirley, Stat'.:! Eighway Commissioner, be sUmmoned to appear here at the next meeting of this Board to show cause, if any they_ can,a:gainst establishing or altering the said road as proposed; any damages which might be cla:l:m.ed by any of ,the property owners affected, not t.o be paid by this Board, but shall be bo:t:lle , by the property owners benefitted by the establishing of such road. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O.R1chardson, adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: ~one. o On the motion of Supervisor H. V{. Starkey. seoonded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, ~ it is ordered that a Committee composed of E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, and L. D. Bell, Supervisor, be hereby appointed to draft a detailed procedure to be followed by this Board and its representatives in cOImection with the estabHshing of Secondary Roads in Roanoke County, and report to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O.Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. ~<t~ , ... (J ~d)i r' , -r- a....e. p , .. ~,[)J,rLet, "',',.,' ~ 1!Ulf"'" 101-.01/1{.0 ' ~6 e, 'UJ. ~}"....",. ~.'.. 1:~ ". Cu.~ I cJ}iJ3jqrJ ~'.. ::rr~.~t ~; (}r.J, I?.k~, . ....'~ I tJj1- '5Jl.fD 116 ~(J....o/ 't-d&.;.R _ € ,fA), UL...l!f-. ~~I/+O .r' /.... ~cY' ~dd-. b:!.f.: 'to~' I6J~~/IfO ~)na.;O. Q. ~ tueat. ti.O':..~fU<} , nj'-3/f/tJ It appearing to the Board that S. E. Wood, H. E. Bowman and Edgar Jamison, the viewers who have heretofore been appointed to appraise the' property of W. H. Beckner, 151'5 Williamson Road, Lot 7, Section 1, Libert.y Land'Company, have heretofore filed a'Teport with the Clerk of this Board recommending that a section of Midland Avenue be widened, and reporting that fifty dollars ($50.00) would be a just compensation to be paid to W. H. Beckner for a strip of land to be taken in connection with said road; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, <luly seconded and carried, the said report is hereby approved, and it having been brought to the attention of the Board that the said W. R. Beckner has re:rused the recom:men11ation of fifty dollars ($50.00) as such compensation, it is ordered that tha said W. R. Beckner, the oilly land owner affected }oy the proposed change, and H. G. Shirley, State Highway Commissioner, be summoned to appear before this Board at its next meeting, to show cause, if any, they can, against the establishment or altering of said road as proposed. On the motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. , E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, this day appeared before the Board, and asked that a report on the Benois Road, in Cave Spring District, be deferred until the next meeting of this Board. R. B. Bowers, Regional Director, N. Y. A., this day, at the invitation of the Chaiman of this Board, appeared before the Board, in regard to the work 'of the N. Y. A. in thiElDistrict; Upon consideration whereof, on the motion of Supervisor L. D. :Bell! seconded by Supervisor Mason L. 'Book, it if! ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, be appointed a Committee to confer with the State Highway Department and R. B. Bowers, Regional Director, N. Y. A., with reference to the use of N. Y. A. labor on 'road constructio:l work in Roanoke County, with power to act. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. ~ A Notice, Case No. 7089, having been served on this Board by the Sheriff ot Roanok County that the Roanoke Railway & Eleotric Company has made application to the State Corporation Commission for a certificate of ,public convenience and necessity as a common carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of passengers, and this Board having no interest to protect, or objection to same, on the motion of Superviso Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, said notice is ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and T. O.Richardson. Nays: None. I I I I, ,I I I I i, I D E. K. Mattern, Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, this day appeared before the Board and submitted to the Board a map of the Master Plan of Roanoke County, entitled"Comprehenslve County Plan, Section #1, County of Roanoke," in accordance with regulations of Chapter 109 E, Code 01' Virginia, 1937, as amended; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, the Master Plan of Roanoke County, entitled "Comprehensi'e County Plan, Section #1, County of Roanoke, is hereby approved, as certified. Ii I . i..!i Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: Hone. A letter from Leas & McVitty, dated October 8, 1940, requesting that foot- bridge leading from South Salem to the lower end of Elm Street be repaired; On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Couk, it is ordered that County Engineer,E.K. Mattern, confer with Supervisor H. W. Starkey, of Salem District, in regard to material and labor to repair same, at a cost not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) to be paid out of the general county fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. ' On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that County Engineer, E. K. Mattern, and Supervisor L. D. Bell, be appointed to ,represent this Board at the City Auditorium, Roanoke, Va., ~rovember 7, 1940, at 9'o'clock A.M., at a pUblic hearing of the State Highway Commissioner, to protect the interest of this Board in regard to allocation of State Highway ,Funds 01' the State Highway Primary System, for the fiscal year Jul." 1, 1941 _ June 30, 1942. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. 0' D. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, do go upon and view a certain roadway known as Hemlock Road, leading north from the Veteran's Facility road toward the Lynchburg Turnpike, with a view of establishing a connecting link between 1ale road known as Hemlock Road and another road leading south trom the Lynohburg Turnpike, as shown on a certain map showing the property of O. S. Hall, made by C. B. Malcolm, State Certified Engineer, on May 29, 1937, and report to this Board at its next meeting the advisability of establishing a connecting link between thesald roads; 'the convenience, or inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public; whether said link conneting the said roads'will be one of such mere private convenience as to mak-.. it proper that it should be opened, established, or altered, or kept in order by the person or persons for whose 117 ~AL"< f!iJ.~:" ~~j75;j'r~rf I W r-~ ~ '.A..,i,~ , """"", .~' '::,':'~':,:'~ /l't.J.F.,:'.~ .. . .C":-." Id~~~:~ /~( ~""':.',,-,:, I.J..',;/ ~'" ~o ',;j rcJ. I ~ lf7f,;5 Io/Z-o/lf~~ ,M.-kj E.~; e",~ ltij:;)!rj lftl 118 , ekL"h>: ~, , , :a.",~ ~,~~):$q~ - ~dd Jd: C_~Pt t.tJ-~ l6)1hj'lO. ~7n 1c>tJ. 14. fW.L ~. ;1,' sl4,.. ?f!:' ~a ~l.. ~- ~~ ItJj:J.~jIfO .. convenience it is desired, and all other facts and circUJ!lstances in his opinion useful in enabling the Board of Supervisors in determining the expediency of establishing the connecting link between the said roads, fOllowing the requirements of the Statute, Section 2039, with reference to his report. And he shall file his report, together with a map or diagram of any change recommended by him at or before the next meeting of this' Board. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: A3es: Supervisor H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. I , On the motion ot Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T~ O. Richardson it is ordered that the Chai= of this Board advise,'the Chief Assessor of Roanoke C:ounty, that the work of the re-assesSfD.en~ Board must be completed by the 1st day of' J~uary, 1941, and offer any other suggestion iie-.might see fit to expedite the work, and urge that the assessors take whatever steps may be necessary to complete this work by said date. Adop'ted by the following recorded vote: A3es: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L.D. Bell, and Mason L. Cook. Upon the recommendation of A. G. Wood, County Auditor, and on the motion of Supervisor R. W. Starkey, secoDded by Supervisor Masc;, L.Cook, it is ordered that the salari of (Miss) Louise Morgan, stenographer 'for A. G. Wood, County Auditor, be increased from twenty dollars ($20.00) to thirty dollars ($;30.00) per month, same to take effect as of this date. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Riohardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O.~Richardson it is ordered that Supervisors L. D. Bell and Mason i. Cook, and E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, be appointed to represent RoanOke County at the annual meeting of the League of Virginia Counties, at Old Point Comfort, on November 8th 8: 9th, 1940, expenses to be paid out of the general county fund of Roenoka County. 'I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors R. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell end Mason L. Cook. I Nays: None. IN BE: AUDIT OF SEERIFF'S OFFICE: On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that Supervisor H. W. Starkey end A. G. Wood, County Auditor, be appointed a committee to make a study of the audit of the Sheriff's Office, and 119 " to confer with the Commonwealth's Attorney on any legal questions involved, and to make any recommendations that they may see fit, and report to the next meeting of this Board. It is further ordered that the Sheriff's audit and audit of Criminal Charges to the Commonwealth of Virginia be filed. J Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and E. W. Starkey. Nays: None. o IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: There was this day laid before the Board the report of Leslie A. Kimble & Company on audit b~ accounts of records of Roanoke County, and A. M. Bowman; Jr., Treasurer, tor the fiscal year ended June' 30, 1940, and wh,ichaudit ll.aving been approved by:, L. McCarthy Downs, Auditor of Public Accounts, on motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardso , seco~ded ~y Supervisor L. D. Bell, and carried, it is ordered that said'Audit be file . The following petitions for roads were this day lsi1d before the Board: o , A petition signed by J. T. Eanes,and sundry other property owners, on road or street known as I.ittle BruShy Mt.Jiload, leading off from The Log Inn to J. T. Eanes' Cabins, said petitionera guaranteeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, inoluding additional widths for cuts and fills; , A petition signed by I. N. Bower and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Bower Road from Old Gs:rst Mill road, west approximately 1/2 mile 'to I. N. Bower_ home, said petitioners ~araliteeing to donate a 40 foot right of way, with addit,iona! widths for cuts and tills; A petition signed by J. R. Smiley and sundry other property owners, on road or street known as Smiley Road, in Big Lick District, approximate mileage 3/4; said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 40 foot right 01' way, inCluding additional widths for cuts and fills; v o A petition signed by Rosewood Park Corporation, Clarence Blankenship, and sundry other property owners, on road or street, known as Brookside Lane from Rutrough Road to Woodland Road, map on record size of road 30 feet, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, including additional widths,-t01!\",cuts and fills; A petition signed by H. M. Stanley, C. L. Sweet, and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Belleview Avenue, west of Conehurst School said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills; ~ ~; said petitioners requesting that said roads or streets be included in the Department of Highways Secondary System for construction and lor maintenance; On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the advisability of taking a 40 foot right of way instead of a 30 foot right of way as set forth in the petition 01' J. T. Eanes and other property owners on the road known as Little Brushrr.,Mt. Road, leading of$ from The Log Inn ~. 121 !l ...... and therefore the said E. K. Mattern should be compensated for this additional work; It is therefore ordered that the said E. K. Mattern be paid the sum of seventy- five dollars ($75.00) per month additional compensation for the said additional work" payable out of the sum of money so allocated to "Capital Outlay" in the current Roanoke County Budget, and this amount of additional payment to begin November 1, 1940, and continue until the further order of this Board, but not to continue longer than the end of the current fiscal year, June 30, 1941. '1 1....1 ,Adopted by the following recorded vote: ~es: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. ,Nays: None. o On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, the followiDg reSolution was this day presented to the Board: ,Whereas, there is now being made a general re-assessment of real estate in Roanoke County, pursuant to a resolution heretofore adopted by this Board; and WHEREAS, in order for this County to have the benefit of said re-assessment for the year 1941, it is necessary that said re-assessment be ~mpleted prior to the 31st day of December, 1940, and a doubt has arisen as to whether the present foroe of assessors can complete said work before said date; NOW. 'l'I'l'Rl1F.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in order that the general re-assessment of' real estate in Roanoke County may be completed prior to December 31, 1940, that the Judge. of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virgiz:ia, be requested to appoint two additional assistant assessors to assist the chief' assessor in ~ing said re- assessment, and that they be compensated at the rate of $8.00 each per day out of :runds, heretofore appropriated for such work, and that in making said appointments the Court consider the recommendations of the Chief Assessor, Mr. Wiley P. Givens. c...L cW.. 1" ~d.' Tt, ~ 11?-'1'fD Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L.Cook. , Nays: None. ,Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in November, 1940. cA/jl~ Chairman. folll U ~ Court House, Salem, Va. Nov. 18, 1940. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular monthly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, and Mason L. Cook, also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular and called meetings were, approved as read. The f'ollowing allowances are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of Election for their services in conducting the general election held November 5th, 1940, in Roe.noke County, payable out of the general county fund, towit: Jom.. s SHOP. No. 12938. A. E. McNeil, Judge &. returns $11.00 " 12939. Kyle Shelor"Judge &. Comr. 11.00 " 12940. James A. Garman, Judge 5.00 " 12941. Lois M. Barton, Clerk 5.00 " 12942. W. W. Gardner, Clerk 5.00 BRAND'S STORE I " 12943., Robert D. Morehead, Judge &. Ret. 11.00 " 12944. J. P. Grisso, Judge 5.00 " 12945 . E. W. Carroll, Judge 5.00 " 12946. H. M. Ketfer, Clerk 5.00 " 12947. John W. Morgan, Clerk 5.00 REES' STORE " 12948. C. P. Horne, Judge &. Return 10.50 I " 12949. W. :B". Moses, Judge 5.00 " 12950. W. B. Smith, Judge 5.00 " 12951. L. R. Cameron, Clerk 5.00 " 12952. F. W. Dolin, Clerk 5.00 WEST SALEI<1 " 12953~ Frank C. Shelton, Judge &. Ret. 10.00 " 12954. J. A. Goodwin, Judge 5.00 " 12955. Bruce H. Robinson, Judge 5.00 " 12956. Mrs. W. C. Blackard, Clerk 5.00 " 12957. Roland H. ,Clark, Clerk 5.00 GLENV' AR " 12958. W. D. Goodwin, Clerk &. Ret. 10.50 " 12959.' K~ Ji.. Holtz, Judge 5.00 " 12960. L. B. Chapman, Judge 5.00 " 12961. Margaret L. Rakes, J"udge 5.00 " 12962. E. D. Rettinger, Clerk 5.00 NORTH SALEM " 12963. W. E. Whitesell, Jr., Judge &. Ret. 10.00 I " 12964. James I. Moyer, Judge &. Comr. 10.00 " 1.2965. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Judge 5.00 " 12966. W. H. Oakey, Clerk 5.00 " 1.2967. Emma M. Francis, Clerk 5.00 SOUTH SALEM #1 " 1.2968. Charles Wilson, Judge &. Ret. 10.00 " 12969. W. I. Brad:j.ey, Clerk &; Comr. 10.00 " ,12970. Frank F. Farrier, Jr., Judge ,5.00 " 12971. L. C. Rimel, Judge 5.00 " 12972. Mrs. Mary J. 'Snapp, Clerk 5.00 SOUTH SALEM #2 " 12973. J. H. Early, Judge &. Ret. 10.00 " 12974. J. W. Sowder, Judge 5.00 " 12975. C. D. Wertz, Judge 5.00 .. 12976. A. M. Early, Clerk 5.00 " 12977. Everett L. Hutf. Clerk 5.00 PETER'S CREEK " 12978. Sa:!"ah M. Whitmore,' Clerk &. Ret. 10.30 " 12979. H. B. Donaldson, Judge 5.00 'I " 1.2980. J. M. Wigginton, Judge 5.00 " 12981. E. Goodykoontz, Clerk 5.00 " 12982. G. H. Keloh, Judge 5.00 BOTETOURT SPRINGS " 12983. R. L. Wal,g,rond, Judge &. Ret. 11.00 .. 12984. C. R. Davidson, Judge 5.00 " 12985 . J. C. Starr, Judge 5.00 I " 12986. Robert Bushong, Clerk 5.00 .,." 12987. P. W. Pettit, Clerk 5.00 !!9RTH VINTON " l2988. James E. Gish, Judge &. Ret. 11.00 " 12989. R. W. Daily, Judge 5.00 " 12990. J. P. Bakes, Judge 5.00 " 12991. Mrs. Susie A. Newman, Clerk 5.00 " 12992. Nelson Thurman, Clerk 5.00 SOUTH VINTON " 12993. J. G. Gray, Judge &. Ret. 11.00 " 12994. A. Lincoln Pedigo, Judge &. Comr. 11.00 " 12995. W. H. Cox, Judge 5.00 " 12996. J. H. Pollard, Clerk 5.00 " 12997. Mrs. Gladys H. Jenrette, Clerk 5.00 -- --~._.__.,_.._--- --"--.-.---... U..__ 12a BONSACK No. 12998. S. E. Wood, Judge Be Ret. $1l.00 .. 12999. R. A. Covington, Judge 5.00 . 13000. James E. Clifton, Judge 5.00 , .. 13001. Merna Wood, Clerk 5.00 I " 13002. E. H. RObinson, Clerk 5.00 I I " EDmGTON SHOP I n If 13003. J. o. Plunkett, Judge Be Ret. 1l.00 . 13004. B. P. Reynolds, J'udge 5.00 :".,. .. 13005. H. T. Old, J'udge 5.00 .. 13006. V. B. J'amison, Clerk 5.00 , 13007. 'P. L. Ferguson, Clerk 5.00 TINKER CREEK #1 :] .. 13008. R. P. Johnston, Judge Be Ret. 1l.00 " 13009. Carl L. Wilson, Judge 5.00 . 13010. R. A. Phlegar, Judge 5.00 " 130ll. Fannie Ireson, Clerk 5.00 .. 13012. Mae E. Phlegar, ,Clerk 5.00 TINKER CREEK #2 . . 13013. G. M. Zook, Clerk Be Rat. 1l.00 " 13pH. F. M. Fisher, Judge 5.00 .,~ . 13015. Bryan Beard, Judge 5.00 .. 13016. J. W. Patterson, Judge 5.00 .. 13017. Moyer Spigle, Clark 5.00 CRYSTAL SPRING . 13018. E. R. Wilbourne, Judge Be Rat. 10.50 .. 13919. K. L. Shoemaker, Judge 5.00 " 13020. J. P. Johnson, Judge 5.00 . 13021. R. W. Robertson, Clerk 5.00 F~v.lJ!.'" " 13022. T. G. Netf, Judge Be Ret. 10.50 " 13023. I. C. Easter, Judge 5.00 0 .. 13024. L. E. Minter, Judge 5.00 . 13025. I. T. Hooker, Clerk 5.00 " 13026. C. H. Garst, Clerk 5.00 RED HILL .. 13027. W. B. RidgwaY', Judge Be Return 11.00 " 13028. C. M. Boone, JUQge 5.00 " 13029. F. A. Robertson, Judge 5.00 " 13030. O. W. Boone, Clerk 5.00 " 13031. C. T. McGuire, Clerk 5.00 POAGE'S MILL " 13032. C. L. Graham, Judge Be Ret. 1l.00 " 13033. T. H. Martin, Judge 5.00 .. 13034. B. N. Grisso, Judge " , 5.00 .. 13035. R. V. Bell, Clerk 5.00 " 13036. R. A. Henry, Clerk 5.00 OGDEN " 13037. H. A. Tayloe, Judge, Comr. Be Ret. 17.00 .' 13038. C. T. Lockett, JUdge 5.00 -...... " 13039 . R. L. Saunders, Judge 5.00 d ' . . 13040. Gertrude D. Brugh, Clene 5.00 . 13041. 'l4rs. Helen L.-Pickett, Clerk 5.00 BENT MOUNTAIN " 13042. J. W. Lancaster, Judge and Ret. 1l~00 " 13043. Eugene King, Judge 5.00 If 13044. W. B. Coles, Judge 5.00 " 13045. W. B. Woodrum, Clerk 5.00 " 13046. T. J. King, Clerk 5.00 ~ ',' CAVE SPRING .. J.3047. H. S. Turner, Judge_' 10.60 .. 13048. J. M. Willett, Judge 5.00 " 13049. O. D. Eller, Judge 5.00 " 13050. C. M. Spessard, Clerk 5.00 " 13051. J. W. Beckner, Clerk 5.00 The f'ollow1ng claims against the oounty were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of' the tunds respectively, chargeable there- wi th, to-wit: lio. . 13052 13053 1:5054 1:5055 1:5056 13057 13058 13059 13060 13061 13062 1306:5 13064 1:5065 13066 13067 13068 13069 1:5070 1:5071 1:5072 1:5073 1:5074 13075 13076 13077 13078 13079 13080 13081 13082 1308:5 13084 13085 13086 13087 13088 13089 13090 13091 13092 13093 . . . " . . . . . . . . " . . . " . " " . . . . . . . It It 11 . . . It " " It " It it F. L. Garst, Registrar for Election Butner Plumbing to Heating Corp., rent for election Ballard E. Webb, Begistrar for Election Cancelled Mrs Louvema Shelor, writing /!c posting notices :~s. Prances A. Isbell, Begistrar tor election Mrs. H. D. Whitlow, rent for election Calaway GroceI7 Store, rent for election W. L. Moorman, rent for election Xie Goodwin, registrar for election W. O. Goodwin & Co., rent for election Mrs. Hannie H. Hartman, Registrar for election C. E. Pickett, rent for election lira. Effie G. Killgore, Registrar for election Rosa L. Fl1qua, Registrar for election O. L. Ga1'D8J1d. Rent for eleotion J. R. Goodwin, Jr., Registrer for election M. L. Howell, work for election M. S. McOlll11g, work for election William,,'Jobnston. Registrar for election I, C. Easter, rent for election A. 14. Bowman, Jr., Treas., salaries for October W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Rev., salaries for October Eugene W. Chelf. 00=. Atty., Salaries for October Furview Home, MonthJ.y expense A. G. Wood, Pur. Agent, to reimburse cash tund A. Y. Bo1illl!Ul, Jr., Treas, jury tickets F. L. Hoback, Atty., Defending persons accused of felony Dooley Printing Company, printing Chalmers Ferguson, Comm. on delinq. taxes Charles F. Spooner, Binding books for Clerk of Court C to P. Telephone Company, phone service Henry ~, Overhauling type=i ter Judge T. L. Keister, supplement to salary Burroughs Adding Machine Company, coupon books Everett Waddey Company, supplies for Clerk of Court J. P. Bell Company, forms for Clerk of Court Easter Sppply Company, envelopes, /!cc. Caldwell Sites Company, office supplies Sarah E. Blackwell, allowance for medical bills Gittens /!c Morton, Incorporated, bond for general officers Auto Sprtiig /!c Bearing,Co., 14 Gals. Prestone $ 14.10 2.00 28.80 ,-I 8.00 14.25 2.00 I 2.00 2.00 ,. 2.80 2.00 16.10 2.00 10.80 .13.10 2.00 25.00 , 28.00 45.00 11.70 I 2.00 707.52 520.56 204.17 285.84 296.99 89.60 25.00 30.00 26.61 560.00 57.80 25.00 400.00 6.00 438'.'15 5.35 16.26 55.95 325.00 17.10 24.88 I I n w I :l .... o o a No. 13094 .. 13095 13096 13097 13098 1309\1 13100 13101 13102 13103 13104 13106 13106 .. " .. .. .. It It .. " .. " It 13107 13108 13109 13110 13lll 13112 .. .. .. .. " .. 13113 13114 13115 13116 13117 13118 13ll9' 13120' 13121 13122 13123 13124 13125 13126 13127 13128 13129 13130 13131 13132 13133 13134 13135 13136 13137 13138 13139 13140 " i It . " " It .. .. .. .. .. .. It It " " II II II to II II II II II .. .. R. A. McNeal, repairs from Falls' Radiator Shop Taylor McCoy, J. P. 1 Lunacy case The Texas Company, gasoline Gottschalk's Garage Repairs to county cars Hartman Radio Service, repairs to Sheriff's cars G. A. L. EOlmer, M. D., 5 Coroner oases J. R" Taliaferro, electrical Inspectors meeting expo Penitentiary Ind~strial Dep., uniforms for deputies Boyle-Swecker Tire Corporation, tires for Sheriff's cars The National Ed. of Fire underwriters, 100 electrical codes Cancelled Water Work and Sewerage 'Subscription for one year State Farm Mutual Auto. Ina. Co., Renewal of Premium of Polioy No. 3646313 V~lley Paint 11: Wall Paper Company. wallpaper & paste R. S. l:sarkle, hanging paper Town of Salem. l1gb.t'S 11: water Brown Hardware Company, hardware J. E. Carper, plumbing & heating Littrell Brothers, repairs to chair Lewis B1rothers, coal for McClung bldg. 11: county ja11 E. B. Pedigo, flag for Courthouse Salem Post Number 19. American Legion; 5 American flags Times-World Corporation, Notice of Zoning Ordinance O. G. Lewis & Company, repairs to county cars J. P. ROberts, Drilling well Salem Groee17 Company, soap & washing powder W. B. Dillard Drug Co.. 2 mos. rent of NYA apartment Frank T. Cook, seed wheat Fort Lewis Lumber Co.. lumber 11: bldg. material B. K. Elliott Company, blueprint paper Salem Publishing Company, sundry articles Salem Hardware Company, material for sidewalks James River Oil Company. material ill sidewalks Abe HUddleston, material for sidewalks E. B. Toms, material for sidewalks Valley Lumber Corporation, material for sidewalks White Fbundry Company, material for sidewalks Ballard E. Webb, material for sidewalks Hollins Stone Company, stone H. B. Mabes, material for sidewalks John G. Seibel. rent for garbage dump Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Company. fireho'Se & couplings Sadie L. Ferguson, a days work on reassessment Wiley P. Givens. 28-1/2 clays CJ $10.00 per day. reassessment H. E. Bowman, 24 days CJ $8.00 per day, reassessment E. P. Dillon, 28-1/2 days" $8.00 per day, reassessment C. W. Lanford. 17-7/8 days. $8.00 per day, reassessment 125 $ 4.50 15.75 104.46 61.33 10.50 25.00 12.12 125.00 23.94 5.00 3.00 11.13 6.35 13.50 92.48 19.76 8.25 0.50 14.50 2.75 13.75 3.60 7.66 140.00 12.49 40~00 7.75 ,,56~08 1.57 189.50 559.07 24.06 3.00 5~60 7.80 9.40 16.00 109.66 11.50 50.00 514.50 24.00 285.00 192.00 228.00 143.00 No. 13141 13142 13143 13144 13145 13146 13147 13148 13149 It It It It It It It .. It 13150 It 1:3151 .. 13152 .. 13153 .. 13154 13155 13156 13157 13158 13159 13160 .. It .. It .. It G. E. Pierpont. 13-3/4 days ct $8.00 per day, reassessment Chalmers Fellguson, Registrar for election W. B. Smith, Registrar for election E. It. Jlattern, Expenses to County Convention $ 126.00 20.60 ':'7.20 15.88 L. D. Bell. Expenses to County Convention 'lEI'.'12 C 8: P Telephone Company, phone Servo Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. 8.20 No.1 E. B. Irrebbs Sapply Co.; chlorine Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 21.53 I U. D. Smith,Lumber Co., Lumber, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 15.24 Roanoke Concrete Products Co., concrete pipe, Wmson Rd. San~. Dist. No. 1 127.60 I Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co~y, Oakum, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 4.76 South Roanoke Lumber Company, supplies for disposal plant, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 12.56 Salem Hardware Company, cloths &: pail, WInson Rd. San. Dist. No.1 6.56 A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, reimburse cash 1'tmd. water 8:c., Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 111.21 O. H. Dooley, Registrar for election 23.20 C. S. Boitnott, rent for eleotion 2.00 E. G. Coleman, rent for election 2.00 C. C. Stanley, registrar for election 8.00 Cliff' It. Thomas, rent of bloodhounds 15.00 )(ason L. Cook, Expenses to County Convention 19.28 - Chalmers Feguaon. collection of dellnq. p.p. taxes, October 1.65 I , IN llEr DOG TAXES. SHEEP CLAIMS, &:c: ,The following claims against the county were this day presented. approved, and ordered to be paId by voucher-checks out of the 1'unds respectively chargeable therewith, to-1I11:: No. 13161 13162 13163 It " B. F. Ferrell, 9 hens killed by dog. $ 6.75 C. G. Sheffield, 11 chickens killed by dog. J. A. Boone, game warden, 16 dogs killed ct $2.00 each 4.00 32.00 IN HE: PlJRCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, thi" day presented to the Board an account amounting to $296.99, in payment of su~nry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment of said account. (Said account is ordered to be tiled.) A. Y. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of october, , 1940, amounting to $1061.28, two- thirds of which, amounting to $707.52, is payable by the County, and one-third, amounting to $353.76, is payable by the state, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a vou~her-check be issued to the said A. Y. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer or Roanoke County, for the county's part of said account. (Said account is ordered to be filed.) ~~r tt...t. U,...,.,......r. /I {, "1/'+0 I I GENERAL ROAD PETITION PROCEDURE: On motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor, H. W. Starkey, it is hereby ordered that all road matters presented to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, affeoting the inolusion of roads or streets, both new and old, into the State Highway Seoondary System, shall be handled in the following manner: 1. SUch petition and/or requests shall be referred to the Public Works Engineer ot Roanoke County at the end of each and every Board meeting by the follow~ng standard resolution; "On motion of Supervisor it is ordered that the petitions and/or requests , seconded by Supervisor for inclusion of.roads and/or , streets into the State Highway Secondary System for either mainten&4oe or oon- st~ction, or both; this day presented to this Board be referred to the' Public Works Engineer for action as set torth in the General ROad Petition Order adopted November 18, 1940.~ 2. The Public Works Engineer shall prepare a sketoh for each petition showing the property owners involved and other pertinent information. 3. The Engineer shall check each request or petition to ensure that all property owners involved have signed the necessary right of way agreements. 4. Such petitions and/or requests, together with the aforesaid sketch.! shall be referred to the Roanoke County Planning COmmission for comment and/or endorsement. 5. All petitions and/or requests, together with the aforesaid sketches'and the cO:.JIllllnt of the County Planning Commission identified by the signature of the secretary of the COmmission, shall then be filed in the office of the Public Works Engineer .and presented to the Board of Supervisors at their joint meeting with representatives of the State Highway Department. The Public Works Engineer shall prepare and emend, from time to time as he sees fit, suitable blank forms necessary to properly record and facilitate the procedu es set forth on this Order. This order is intended to serve as a guide in expediting the handling ot such road matters as are referred to above and is not intended in any way to confer additional authority on any County O~ficial, Department or Commission, nor to change in any way the authority ot the Board ot Supervisors in connection with road matters. Adopted by the tollo.ing reoorded vote: Ayes: saperviBOrs T. O. Riohardson, H. W. Starkey, L.' D. Bell 8lld Mason L. Cook Nays: None. '. " IN HE: AUDIT OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Supervisor H. 11. Starkey, Chairman of make a stUdy of the audit of the Sheriff's the COmmittee heretofore appointed to -to;- the year 1938, office! asks that a report on seme be deferred until the next meeting of this Board. L. D. Bell, Chairman of this Board, on behalf of the Committee heretofore appointed by this Board, this day made a verbal report to the Board of the meeting ot the League of Virginia Counties held at Old Point Comfort, Va., on November 8th &: 9th, 1940. I I I.. I I The toll owing letter was this day laid before the Board: "Ci ty of Roanoke, Virginia, November 8, 1940. n """ Mr. L.D.Bell, Chairman, Roanoke County Board ot SUpervisors, Mr. Carlton C. Massey, Town Manager, Salem, Va. Mr. H. W. Coleman, Town Manager, Vinton, Virginia. Gentlemen: ...... ; I W This is to ask that you gentlemen meet in my office at 2:30 P.M. Wednesday, November 13, to discuss the matter of the City ot ROanoke'S Fire Apparatus answering oalls in the County, and the Roanoke County, Salem and Vinton 7ire Apperatus answering call s in the City of Roanoke, to see if some equitable plan can be worked out for a reciprooal charge for this service. Yours truly, W. P. HUnter, City Manager,~ Which letter 1s ordered tiled for future referenoe. And the Chairman of this Board is authorized to oommunicate the sentiments or thi~ Board to Mr. Hun.er,'along with a copy of resolution in regard to Fire protection in Roanoke COunty, a oopy ot whioh letter is ordered to be filed with the minutes of this meeting. ~o IN HE: FIRE PROTECTION IN THE WILLIAMSON ROAD SECTION OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~, U H...Hill,Dr. R. S. Powell and W. P. Meador, on behalf of the Vel.leydoah Civio League and the Lions Club of the Will1emson Road Community, this day appeared before the Board, and requested that the Board make some adequate provision for rire protection in the Williamson Road Section of Roanoke County, the said parties stressing their needs and assuring the Board that the citizens of said oommunity will co-operate with this Board in every respect in regard to same; On motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that a o;:;:mn1 ttee oomposed of E. K. Mattern, County m:tgineer, Town Managers C. C. Massey and Coleman of SalllllL and Vinton, respectively, and Mr. H. W. Hill of the Williamson ROad Section, Roanoke County, make a thorough study ot the question of increasing the tire protection for Roanoke County. Said Committee to '. report on a definite long range program with specific recommendations as to the relative importance of the steps embodied in such a program. Said colllllli ttee is further instructed to confer with Roanoke City Fire Chief Mullins and the Fire Chiefs of Salem and Vinton, all of whom have expressed their willingness to assist in suoh a study. The Commonwealth's Attorney is to be consulted with respect to legal phases of said report. m Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, 1'. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. :t '., ,.,. ~ _,J"i t" c c.rn~ii N.W'.~;~ f"....~..:4ci ~............. T Y-'fit ~~t,/~; >1.)1" .....:. ~'...... ~..:.~<.: ru. Ill.. Y"'<' .. . ...'....,...' ,.~.~'...J~ E i1.9i14~+ /} /~';'d'..;; ~ - I ...." ~ ~...A..! 1J10';~ .~ t:W.f 't,..\~im . ~.4 II l,..rf <f · I This day came W. H. BECKNER, the only land owner atfected by the proposed widening of' a section of Midland Avenue, pursuant to a summons heretofore issued by the Clerk of this Board, and who stated to this Board that he was unwilling to aocept the sum ot fifty dollars ($50.00), which has heretofore been recommended as a fair value for the strip of land proposed to be taken. Whereupon. on motion ot SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by supervisor T. O. Riohardson, it is ordered that C. if. Lanford, C. N. Howell, Percy Oyler, G. G; Gish and 'i. E. Layman, any three of whom may act, do go upon the land of the- said T. H. Beckner proposed to be condemned for the widening ot the aforesaid street, and asoertain what will be a just compensation for the land proposed to be taken, and damages, i:t'any, to the residue ot said land beyond the benefits to be derived I by such residue, taking into consideration the enhanoement, it any, in the value l ot such residue, by reason of the widening of suoh road, and report back on or before the next meeting ot this Board, which award of said Commissioners shall be bor by the property O1mers affected by said change. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. cook. T. O. Riohardson,. L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. This day came ()(rs) A. G. Chattin, (Mrs) Mollie Heokman and F. P. HaWley, and filed their applioation, requesting this Board to es~ablish a publio road from their properties leading to Route 688; Whereupon, on motion of supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by supervisor Mason L. COok, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, do go upon' the: property mentioned in said applioation, and report to this Board the expediency and neoes3ity of establishing a public road leading tram the prOperty of the applioant to Route 688 of the State Seoondary Highway system of ROads in Roanoke County, fOllowing the requirements of Section 2039 (2) of the 1936 (Michie) Virginia Code, and report back to .this Board on or before the next meeting ot this Eoard. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. The fOllowing resolution was this day laid before the Board: RESOLVED: I .l, 'I , .1 . I 1. Whereas, bots and other internal parasites of horses and mules cause inestimable injury to these animals, lowering their strength, vitality, an~ efficienoy, '.11 and 2. Whereas, these parasites oan be effectively eliminated from horses end mules by the carbon disulphide treatment which can be safely amninistered only by a trained veterinarian, and 3. Whereas, successful eradioation of these pests oan be brought about most ettectively only when all horses and mules in a given area are regularly treated each season as long as infestation ooours; We, the Board of Supervisors of JilOanoke County, in official session this 18th I I i I I I ! i I i~ IJ - i day of November, 1940, resolve to urge the co-operation of all horse an~ mule owners in Boanoke County to employ at their expense the servioes ot the veterinarians . l.ooated in this county to administer the recClmmended treatment at the t.ime presoribed by the Boanoke County Agricultural Agent, each year. n is our understanding that said Roanoke County Agent, M. G. Lewis, will notify and advise all. owners of horses and mules through the Roanoke County Boar of Agricul.ture and the local committee in oo-operation with other agricultural worker in the County, through the press, by circular letter, and personal consultation, as to the proper time to have their horses treated. . COmmitteemen-, will arrange with a veterinarian for special low rates of charge not to exoeed 75p per head to owners who ~ have their horses and mules ready for treatment at the specified time. I ! ii I.......; I I I - i I , I i I I - I i I I .I I On motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor ~. O. Richardson, adopted by the tollowing reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. RiChardson, L. D.. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. Misses Anne Lumsden and Doris Ledford, and Paul. EPperley, of the Back creek school, present at the meeting of this Board, as observers in the interest of the Civic Department of said school, were recognized by the Chairman of the Board, who expressed the hope that their attendance upon said m!lej;ing would be " :> o both pleasant and helpful.. J Chas. S. Ballentine, Commander of the Local Post of Amerioan Legion, this day appeared before the Board, and suggested to the Board that a tlag and pole should be p1.aced at each school in Roanoke County; as well as on the Court House lawn 0:1: Roanoke County; ~pon consideration whereof, on motion of superVisor Mason L. Cook,seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell., it is ordered that the matter of the erection of a permanent pole and the ~urchase of a flag for the Court House Law be referred to E. K. .attern, County Engineer, to report the oost of seme at the next meeting of this Board. . 14 U Adopted by the foUowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Riohardson Nays: None. ~ iI IN HE: SEiER IN SOUTH SAL])t OWNED BY C. A. FIREBAUGH: On the motion of SUpervisor H. lit Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, C. J.. Ward, Health Officer of. Roanoke County, and E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth'S Attorney, be appointed a Committee to investigate, and report back to--;his Board their reoommendations in regard to the sewer in South Salem no,! privately owed by C. A. Firebaugh. ~.., ~:i'C 7 r;~~~'" ~ ,. " Jlli-r(~o Adopted by the foUowing recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. 132 ~ ttJ. ~ /l1")'('/~D . -".. / 'y \V Q./' :.; - '.,~I \i ./ ,. ~T &.&. . - .~ 11/ "1fo IN HE: Adoption of Provisions 01' General Stock Law iA John's Shop Preoinot - Catawba Magisterial District: . This day oame E. E. Brillhart, H. R. All, ;r.A. German, Clay Deeds, and others, residents, voters, and property owners of ;rohn's Shop Preoinct, in Catawba Magisteria District, who filed .their petition asking for the adoption of the provisions of the general stock law as to said Precinot; and the Board oonsidering their appliaation, on motion of SUpervisor T. O. Riohardson, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board have posted for thirty days at the front door ot the Court House of Roanoke county, Vil"ginia, and at eaoh voting preoinct therein, and also pUblished once a week for tour successive weeks in the Salem Times Register, a newspaper published in said county, notice to all to whom it may concern, that on the third Monday in January, 1941, towit: on the 20th day of January, 1941, the Board of Supervisors of Roano)ke County, at its regular meeting, to be held on said date, at the Court House ot said county, will consider the advisability of declaring the boundary lines of eaoh lot or tract of land in that part of. Roanoke county, VirgiIda, as is situate I1i thin John's Shop Election Precinct, in Catawba Magisterial District, to be a lawfUl fenoe as to all animals mentioned in Section 3541 of the Code ot VirgiDia, tow! t; horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep and goats. I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Riohardson, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. I IN HE: SALE OF PART OF COUNTY FARIl: On the ~otion of supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that a Committee composed of SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, E. ii. Chelf, Commoaealth's Attorney, and A. G. uood, County Auditor, be appointed lOOking toward the eale ot that part of the County Farm not necessary for the operation of the Mercy House. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. I The Committee heretofore appointed to study the question of establishing the boundary line between Roanoke and Bedford Counties wishes to submit the following report: It is the opinion of this committee that said boundary line should be de1'inite1y established by an adequate survey and such findings to be presented to the Circuit Court 1'or approval. It is further the opinion 01' this committee that such survey oannot be made in time to olari1'y the immediate question before.the Re-assessment Board of the two oounties, and it therefore recommends that the two Engineers of the two oounties in question, together with members ot their respective Boards, meet and attempt to settle the division of the boundary lands in such manner as to provide an equitable division of suoh lands on the Oommissioner of Revenue's I books. I , , Iii IJ I I This committee will proceed with the above recommendation unless instructed by the Board of SUpervisors not to do so, ~espeottully submitted, ROANOKE COUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSION R. T. H\lbard, Chairman, By E. K. Mattern, Secretary. i""" I , , I t..; On motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, adopted by the following reoorded vote: AYes: Supervisors H. Ii. Starkey, Mason L. cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. IN HE: Authority to sign ..P.~. Sponsor's Proposals: 'On.the motion of SUpervisor H. W. StarK0Y, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that R. K. Mattern, County Engineer, be authorized by this Board to sign W. P. A. sponsor's proposals to be sponsored by the Board of ~ Supervisors of Roanoke County. A.copy of this order to be certified to A. M. Marye, District Director of operations lI'.P.A.,ROanoke, Va., o Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, to whom the matter was referred at the last meeting of this Board, this day submitted the tollowing report: "Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ) ) vs. ) Report of County Rngineer. ) The Public and H. G. Shirley, state l Highway Commissioner. ) r, II.. , To the Board ot Supervisors or Roanoke County, Virginia: The undersigned, County.Engineer of ROanoke County, appointed at the Ootober Meeting of this Board, to go upon and view a certain roadway, known as Hemlock Bead, leading north from the Veteran's Feoility Road toward the Lynchburg TUrnpike, and report as to the advisability of establishing a conneoting link between the road knollll as Hemlock ROad and another road, leading south from the LYnohburg TUrnpike, as shown on a oertain map showing the property of O. S. Hall, dated May 29, 1937, and upon other pertinent questions required by Seotion 2039 or the Code or Virginia, respeoti'ully reports as follows: (1) That said road is not a pUblic neoessity, based upon a comparision with other roads petitioned. (2) That said connecting link will rest".t more to the interest of certain individuals than to the pUblic. (3) That Bach road constitutes such private convenience as to make it proper that it should be established and kept in order by the person or persons for whose oonvenience it is desired. ~. c..J..., dJ.- r ~.ql( ~:.~r 1" e<.I'7. /'YI~L -S....;;r ):J... :;;(;- ," Yr. f 1t-./lL yo.. I( l-,.rf'f- D (4) That suoh road and oonneoting liDk be oarried over from time to time until the oonvenience resulting from the establishment ot said road will have attained a more pu~lio character. It is my opinion' that such road constitutes an advisable step in the general devel.opment of this section. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Mattern, County ltlgineer." On motion of Supervisor H. W. starkey, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, adOPted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. Ii. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. R. K. Mattern, County ltlgineer, to whom the matter was reterred at the last meeting ot this Board, this d8.Y su"bmitted the following report: ~Board of SUpervisors ot Roanoke County, ) ) vs. ) Report of County ltlgineer. ) The Public and H. G. Shireley, state ) Highway Collllllissioner. ) TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: The undersigned, County En~ineer of ROanoke County, appointed at tha October Meeting of this Board to go upon and view a certain roadway. running parallel wi th the Norfolk and Western Railway at the intersection of ROute 652, through the lands of Mrs. Mamie T. Vinyard, et als, and report to this Board at its next meeting the advisebility of wiGening said road.from twenty to thirty feet, and upon other pertinent' questions required by Seotion 2039 in the COde of Virginia, respeotfully rep~rts as follows: (1) That said road is not a public neoessity as compared to other roads pe~itioned heretofore. (2) .That while said road will not result a sufticient public convenienoe to be reoommended by the State Seoondary System, it is, nevertheless, advisable that said road be widened from twenty to thirty feet with the view to future inolusion in the state Secondary System provided, however, that it is, in my opinion, not of suffioient public convenience to warrant public funds being expended for such widening. (3) There will be a cost attached to said widening, due to the objection of Mrs. Mamie W. Vinyard et also Respectfully submitted, E. K. Mattern, County Engineer." On the motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. Ii. Starkey, the above report is approved as read: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Ball, H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. At a regular meeting of the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Court House thereof on the 18th day of November, 1940, this "t>y the I I ~I I I ] Roanoke County Plann~ng Commission submitted to this Board its final report on the zoning Ordinanoe with its aocompanying Map for zoning Area No. One Qt Roanoke County; Whereupon on a motion of supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that a public hearing on said Ordinance be held at the next regular meeting of this Board, to be held at the Court House of this crounty on th 15th day of December, 1940. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to pUblish once a week, for the next two sucoessive weeks, in the Salem Times Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem. Roanoke COunty. Virginia. and the ROanoke World News, a newspaper having general oiroulation in Roanoke County. Virginia. the above notice of the intention ot this Board to conduct the aforesaid hearing, it appearing that the last of said i i I 10 t r I , I I I I I i I , i j publication will be had at least fifteen days prior to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. RiChardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN HE: MURRAY'S ROAD: o It appearing to the Board that .he summonses heretofore issued in the matter of he establishing ot the road known as Murray's Road, St~e Secondary Road #709,have not . been executed, on motion of SUpervisor H. W. starkey, seconded by Supervisor . Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting of this Board. And the Clerk of this Board is direoted to issue summonses for Ellis Ellett, L. C. Neal, R. L. Lynn, C. C. Nelms, James H. Beeler, Bessie Adams Caldwell, I. N. ( ... ., " Akers, H. G. Spangler, C. D. spangler, :::athleen Cochran, G. M. Cochran, Warwick Laughon and the Virginian .Railway'Company, the land owners af~ected by the establishme t ot said road. and H. G. shirley, State Highway Commissioner, returnable to the next meeting of this Board. f' ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: 'Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. The ~ollowing petitions ror roads were this day laid before the Board: D A petition signed by C. R. Henderson, Mrs. Clara Smith and sundry other property owners on road or street known as Va. Ave. &: Madison Ave. from Va. Ave. from Jefferson St. to Madison Ave. north on Madison Ave. to 'l'ennessee St., Washington Hts., said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, including additional widths for outs and fills; A petitio!l signed by J. M. Gray, Mrs. Helen D. Gray, and sundry other property owners on Arbutus Avenue, Big Liok District, requesting that the unsatisfacto y st~eet and walk conditions in front of their homes be remedied; . 135 ~ A."a.-- -'_ r .". t f....&.e..;L T: f(. r '/'>I<>;e,,",- r: j{... !Ai.r.R....<- 'l-<-. rU... Y" 11/"/"'0 ,. .~ JL c;t;~ ~ d..R. 'n1....a;:;:;.. c 1/ / ---/./ ... 136 ~ a..e 1 a..~)ymt c..~'" ,.~;. \1f11() A pe"!;ition signed by H. L. Pendle~ m, Alioe V. Hoskins and sundry other property owners on street known as Hill street from Board to Academy, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a forty (40) foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills; AJ'etltion signed by d. W. Hogan, W. C. Shockley and sundry other res- idents ot Rosewood Park and Riverdale, requestlng that the Board take over, and keep . in repair the road known as Rosewood CirCle, whioh starts from Bridge Avenue and goes through the Rosewood Park Property to the Ballyhack Road, sometimes called the Rutrough ~~d, said petitioners stating that when the river is in flood and the water over the Buzzard Rock Ford Bridge, and the road near the City ~ing Station, that this road is the only way for the citizens of Rosewood Park and Biverdale to reach their homes; I said petitioners requestir-g that said roads or streets be inoluded in the Department of Highways Secondary System for construction and / or maintenanoe; On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seoonded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the petitions and / or requests for inolusion of roads and/or streets into the State Highway Secondary system for either maintenance or construction, or both, this day presented to this Board be referred to the Public Works Engineer for action as set forth in the General Bead Petition Order adopted November 18, 1940. Adopted by the following recorded vote: .1. Ayes; Supervisors L. D. Bell, '1'. O. Richardson, H. 'i. Starkey and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. On the motion of SUpervisor H. lV. Starkey, seconded by supervisor L.. D. Bell, it is ordered that the Assessors,heretofore appointed for the gell.eral"re..,assessment ot all real estate in Roanoke county, be paid on the straight hourly basis for all time put in by said assessors over eight (8) hours per day. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I Noticesot the hearing by the Compensation Boa:-d for the fixing of salaries and expense accounts for the Commonwealth's Attorney, Commissioner of Revenue and the Treasurer of Roanoke county, for the year beginning danuary 1, 1941, were this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. I Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in December, 1940. ~ 1l/ddt Chairman. 13"~ ~. Court House, Salam, Va. December 16, 1940 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular monthly session. Present, L. D. Bell, Chairman, H. W. Stamey, T. O. Richard son and Mason L. Cook, . Also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The, following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respeotively chargeable therewi h: n , i... No. l3199 " 13200 r-' t ! , I b.I o '''1 'U ~ " " It. 13220 Hardie Bros. Service Station, repairs to Sheriff's cars 1322l Garrett-Wood Esso Station, repairs on Sheriff's cars 13222 O. G. Lewis &: Company, repairs on Sher~ff's cars 13223 Gottschalk's Garage, repairs to Sheriff's cars 13224- Shepherds' Auto Supply, anti-freeze 13225 Wiley-Hall Service Station, repairs on Sheriff's cars " 13201 13202 13203 13204 13205 13206 13207 13208 13209 13210 13211 13212 13213 13214 13215 13216 " " It .. " " " .. " It " " "- " " " 13217 l3218 13219 Ii " " " It It " " " 13226 13227 13228 13229 13230 13231 13232 13233 13234 It " " " " " " " It 13235 13236 13237 13238 A. M. Bowman, Jr., TreasureI', Salaries for November Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth'Atty., salary for November W. C. Muse, Com. of Revenue, sal~ries for November A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, jury tickets Fs.irview Home, mO:lthly expenses Chalmers Ferguson, comm. of col. of delinq. p.p. taxes Sarah E. Blackwell, Secretary, Medical bills &:c. Coronet Carbon &: Ribbon Co., typerwriter ribbons Roanoke Stamp &: Seal Company, 4 band numberer Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., repairs to typewriter Salem Publishing Company, publishing ordinances West Disinfecting Company, soap F. L. Hoback, substitute Trial Justice C &: P Telephone Company, phone service A. G. Wood, purchasing agent, reimburse cash fund The Goodyear Tire &: R'lbber Co., tires The Texas Company, gasoline Hs=onds Printing &: Litho Works, Coroner's Record Book - . State Farm1lutual Auto. Ins., Co., Renewal of premium Cancelled Boyle-Swecker Tire Corp., repairs on Sheriff's cars Wiley-Hall Motors, Inc., repair~ to Sheriff's cars G. A. L. Kolmer, M. D., 5 coroner. cases . Salem Grocery Company, Inc., 2 boxes soap Town of Salem, appropriation to Fire Department, 1 yr. State Forester of Virginia, fighting forest fires Frank Gilbert, J. P., 5 lunacy ca se s L. D. Bell, attending 6 meetings at Fairview $10.00 each Roanoke Paper Company, towels &: tissues Town of Salem, lights & water R. E. Scott, I cord wodd Wiley Feed, Fuel &: Supply Corp. 1 oak carpet strip Lewis Brothers, 2 tons coal for McClung Building $592.56 204.l6 520.56 36.90 222.78 17.60 322.39 34.50 .85 8.60 2.91 288.65 25.47 120.00 59.00 221.36 18.14 124.44 l5.oo 12.03 5.70 1.54 6.85 10.05 3.13 2.85 23.94 2.40 25.00 4.00 400.00 2.90 81.00 60.00 45.28 99.57 5.00 1.00 37.50 No. .13239 II 13240 13241 l3242 13243 13244 13245 13246 13247 13248 13249 13250 13251 13252 13253 13254 13255 13256 13257 13258 .. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II If II If II 13259 " 13260 11= 13261 II 13262 " 132E;3 13264 13265 If II II 13266 II 13267 it 13268 " 13269 13270 13271 If II ,,_ 13272 If 13273 11_ 13274 II. 13275 13276 II. II 13277 II. 13278 II 13279 II 13280 White Foundry Works, Manhole steps, Wm. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 H. B. Mabes, 5 yards sand, Wm. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 C & P Telephone Company, phone servil:e"Wm. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 Old Virginia Brick Company, 2,000 'Bricks @ 16.00 per M Wm. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 H.. M. Wood, plumbing 2< Heating, repairs to boiler J. E. Carper, plumbing &: heat~ag B. K. Elliott COI:lpany, Lenox drawing paper & copy paper Valley Lumber Corporation, drawing board 2< blue print cab. Rocky-dale ~uarriers Corporation, 10 tons lime VI. B. Dillard Drug Co., 1 mo. rent NYA apartment The Animal Hospital, treatment of horse at Mercy House J. M. Logan, goods, noss and thread Paul Matthews, mIleage for securing planning inf'ormation McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1 six-place table.! Times-World Corporation, publication of ordinance J. E. Atkins, rent for election Clarke E. Painter, registrar's fees R. T. Hunt, Jr., registrar for election Hix Palmer Company, material for sewing room Soott Grooery Compaay, material for sewing room Roanoke Paper Company, 1 roll 36/49 Kraft Singer Sewing Machine Company, =terial for sewing :r.oom Vinton Ice & Fuel Company, material for sewing room H. B. Mabes, material for sidewalks Salem Hardware Compa.TlY, material for sid'swalks The Philip Carey Company, Asphalt . Cancelled James River Oil Company, material for sidewalks Julia Kardos, 5-1/2 days i! 3.00 per day Mrs. Sadie Ferguson, 23 days <! 3.00 per day Elizabeth Henderson, 6 days a 2.50 per day Mrs. Elizabeth S. Hicks, 12 days <! 2.50 per day Wiley P..Givens, 26 days @ 10.00 per day E. P. Dillon, 32 5/8 days @ 8.00 per day C. W. LB...Tlford, 28 3/8 days @ 8.00 per day G. E. Pierpont, 28 3/4 days @ 8.00 per day H. E..Bowman, 23 days @8.00 per day Salem Hardware Company, mdse. for plant, Vlmson. "Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 Roanoke Concrete Products Co., Inverted Wyes & Bends, Wm. "Rd. San. Dist. No. I $ 12.00 7.10 43.54 57.50 19.00 20.00 5.00 .88 1.05 I 1.55 I 2.40 2.00 7.60 27.30 108.06 3.40 3.14 12~28 4.50 46.00 39.25 5.07 I 34.61 16.50 69.00 15.00 30.00 260.00 261.00 227.00 230.00 184.00 ,. 7.35 46.42 5.75 . I 8.10 32.00 I 4.4l E. B. Krebbs Supply Co., 500 lbs. Calcium Chloride, Wm. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 8.90 J. N. Phelps Water Co., repairs broken pipe line, Wm. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 5.25 A. G. Wood, Pur. Agent, reimburse cash fund, Wm.Rd., San. Dist. No. 1 128.85 .; No. 13281 $l,664.57 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, repay loan, Salem Bond Fund " 13282 Chalmers Ferguson, com. on colI. delinq. p.p. taxes, Salem Road Bond Fund .64 ; IN RE: DOG FITh'D, SHEEP CLAIMS. &C: o The 1'ollowing claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith: No. 13283 J. A. Boone, killing 25 dogs 50.00 " 13284 F. C. Wiley, 1 ewe and. 1 buck killed by dogs 10.00 0 " 13285 E. O. Nichols, 1 125 lb. hog killed by dog 5~25 " 13286 W. L. Lair..g, 2 chickens 1.75 " 13287 Mrs. A. M. Wade,8 hens killed by dog 8.00 " 13288 A. E. McNeil, 15 young turkeys and I old turkey 30.00 IN EE: PURCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, this day presented to the Board an account emounting to $221.36, in payment of sundry accounts paid by him, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment 01' said account. (Said account is ordered to be 1'iled). ,; A. M. BOViMAN. JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of November, 1940, amounting to $883.84, two-third o . , 01' which, amounting to $592.56, is payable by the County, and one-third, amounting to $296.28, is payabl'e by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-cheok be issued to the said A. M. BoYmllUl, Jr., Treasurer 01' Roanoke County, for the county's part of said accou-'1t. (Said account is ordered to. be filed.) '0 .' EUGENE w. CHELF, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account 1'01' the month 01' November, 194C, amounting to $408.33 one-hal1' of which is payable by the county and one-half by the State; and, on motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, for $204.1'6, the countyt.s part 01' said :1 I.i . account. (Ssid account is ordered 1'iled.) W. C. MtTSE. Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of November, 1940, amou-'1t1ng to $780.84, ., ~ two-thirds of which, amounting to $520.56 is payable by the County, and one-third amounting to $260.28 is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and carri it is ordered that a Voucher check be issued to the said W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue 01' Roanoke County, 1'01' the county's pal't 01' said account. (Said account is ordered filed.) IN HE: DEl.IN~UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. M. BOWlllSIl, Jr., County Treasurer, for $1.408.23,on acoount of delinquent taxes collected by said 139 ~'~i.\j cQw..:' ~....c. . '. ,"-":.:>'. . ,.." z::;.;.. "_.".........;, ,jJ'n'''u~':t r~........."I). '?-i"/'!' ~..................'....:..i . ~~ ~~.. -r-:c......;;. ~':~ ,/,) .n u:. .f;1 r~<~...,...., J~) 17/~" , _n_ __. _ 'On _ _ _____ _L. 140 ~0i;1 r ~~~.. I '1 1'1 <l-d Clerk tor the month of November, 1940, less 5% commissions and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $l337.82 net. A. M. BOY/11AN, dR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: ~Sa~em, Virginia, December ~6,~ 40. To the BOard of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the c~ose ot business Saturday, December fourteenth, there was to the credit of the - . General fund 'W. R. S. D. No. 1 . Dog Fund . Salem District Rd. Debt Fund School Fund $52,160.27 9,507.56 2,874.35 4,966.74 ll2.4~4.11 181,923.04 Respectfully submitted, A. M. Bowmar., dr., Treas." Said report is received and ordered filed. On the motion of supervisor H. W. Starkey, seoonded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that sixteen hundred, and'tifty dollars ($1650.00), with interest at the rate ot three (3%) per cent. from September 1, 1940, to Deoember 16,1940, amounting to $l4.57, making a total of $l664.57,be transferred from the Salem District ROad Debt Fund to the General County Fund in. re: payment of a loan from the general county fund to said road debt fund, made as of September 1, 11l40, and that said trans:t'er.be made by a regular voucher warrant of this Board. Adopted by the follewing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. \7. Starkey; Mason L. Cook, T. O. Riohardson.and L. D. Bell. . Nays: None. W. A. Carter, Attorney, for the Virginian Railway Company, this day appeared before the Board, and on behalf of said company. opposed the opening as a public road, the road known as Murray'S Road, State Secondary 709, said road crossing the tracks of the Virginian Railway Company; UPon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor H. W. Star~ey, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the matter of the grade orossing on the Murray's Road be deferred until the next meeting of this Board, and that the Virginian Railway Company be asked to set a figure for amount of damages required by it for said railway orossing on said Murray's Road, State Secondary: '109, said amount to be paid by the property owners on said road. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. C. M. Key and Alex. Arnold, on behalf of the patrons of the Tinker Creek Sohool, this day appeared before the Board, stated that the school was orowded, and water system not sound, and renewed their appeal for a new school building .at Tinker Greek; I I I I ~ I 141 o and asked that the matter be considered in the budget for the next current year; whereupon, the Chairman of this Board, stated to the appliaants that all matters concerning repairs to old buildings or the ereation of new buildings must be taken up with the School Bo&rd of Roanoke County, and that any reoommendations of the School Board will be considered when the school budget for the next current year is presented. ~ - U Jas. I. Moyer, Attorney for the appliaants in the applioation of (~~s) A. G. Chattin, et als, requesting the establishment of a publio road from their properties leading to Route 688, this day appeared before yhe Board, and asked what action had been taken as to said application, whereupon, Supervisor L. D. Bell, Chairman of this Board, disqualitied himself as suoh chairman in view of the faot that he had testitied in Court as a witness in the matter of the F. P. Hawley Boad, and, on his motion, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, Supervisor H. W. Starkey is made Chairman of the Board for the oonsideration of the above request, thereupon Supervisor H.'W. Starkey took the chair, and the following report was this day laid before the Board: "Report of County Engineer on Establishment of a road on Right of way to the Property of F. P. Hawley in accordanae with Seation 2309 of the 1936 Code of Virginia. o After ceing informed by the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney that the Court having jurisdiction over this matter had ruled that. a right of way eltisted to the property in question, I viewed this right of way personally and, proceeding under the assumption that suah right of way exists, I respeatfully make the following report. l. That said right of way exists for the mere private oonvenienae of the parties petitioning and should not be considered a publia road. 2. That, again acting under the assumption that such right of way exists, there is no necessity for the establishment of an additional right of way. 3. That again aating u~der the assumption that su~h right of way exists, the provisions of Seation 2039 of the 1936 Code of Virginia relating to this report and concerning oosts, agreements, damages, etc. are not applicable, and I therefore make no report on same. Respeatfully submitted, '0 E. K. Mattern, County' Engineer." After a lengthy disoussion of said report, on the motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that said report be approved, spread and filed. a Adopted by the followillt: recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey. Supervisor L. D. Bell not voting. None. and T. -0. Richardson. The t~mporary Chairman retires, and the permanent Chairman resumes his duties as such. .~J~ Temporary Chairman. 142 IN HE: FINA.T>ICIAL REPORTS: A. G. Wood, County Auditor, this day laid before the Board his financial reports" to the Board of SUperviso~s and County School Board of Roanoke County, Va., for the periods ending October 3lat, 1940, and November 30th, 1940, which reports were examined, and, on motion, duly seoonded and oarried, are ordered to be filed for such future referenoe as may be desired. I The Roanoke Railway and Electric Company, having notified the Chai~an of this Board that it will make application to the State Corporation Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a Common Carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of passengers on the routes set forth in Cases Nos. 71l9, 7120, and 712l, and this Board having no interest to protect~r Objection thereto, on the motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that said notices be filed. I . <:. ~-"); ,"" "''':',~' ~:~..~,. ":. -~i:,.,,;:;::~'iJf~~ Adopted by the following recorded vo te: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, E. ;'7. Starkey, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. -.. IN RE:SEWER IN SOUTH SAL3! OWNED BY C. A. FIREBAUGH: E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, Chairman ot' the Committee appointed by this Board at its last ~eting, to"investigate and report back to this Board their recommendations in regard to the sewer in South Salem now privately owned by C. A. Firebaugh, this day appeared before the Board, and reported thet due to the inability of one member of the Committee to be present, and requested that the report of said Committee be extended until the next meeting of this Board; upon oonsideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor H. 'i:T. Starke-y, seoonded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that said Committee be extended until the next meeting of this Board. I Adcpted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. 1'.he Public ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I Mason L. COok, Supervisor of Big tick District vs. ORDER APPOINTING VIEWERS. ~... ~~ ~ ,. 1~171<.J~ This day came- Mason L. Cook, SUpervisor ot Big Lick District, by ...oounsel. who begged leava to tile a psti tion tor the closing or a certain unnamed alley, which leave is granted. and the petition aocompanied by a plat ot tw unnemed alley sought to be closed, and the affidavit as to the posting of notices is hereby tiled. I '. And it appearing to this Board upon the said pezition that the affiant has duly and legally published as is required by law a notioe or his application to the Board for the olosing of the unnamed alley described in the petitio that the pUblication of notice was had by proper posting in three pUblio places. one " , of which is at the front door of the Court HOUDe of Roanoke County, Virginia, one on al --"----,.----..:....--.--.- ".-."---- r1 w o ;f':---,:',.: -', '--'~.~";;. . ,~~k~~?~ :.;{; I" :.' f , i-. I a o ~ . 14a board erected on the unnamed alley so"Ugh~ to be closed, and also another no~ice on the fence surrounding the Williemson Road Sad tary Dist!'ict No. 1. Sewerage Disposal Plant, taoing on Lincoln Avenue, which is in the neighbcrhood of the unnamed alley sought to be closed, all of which is verified by an atfidavit appended to the sa~ petition; And it further appearing to this Board that a"l; least twenty days have elapsed since the posting ot the above described notice; and this Board having tully considered said petition, and being ot the opinion ~hat the ~etitioner is entitled to the appointment of viewers, it is hereby ordered that c. 'i. Lanford, C. N. Howell, Percy Oyler, G. G. Gish and.. E. LaY1'lan, tree holders residing in B'oenoke County, Tirs1n1a, (any three of whom may act) as viewers, who, after first having been duly sworn as required by law, shall view the said unnamed alley, and hear such evidence, if any may be otfered, end report in writing pursuant to "the statute in such cases made end provided, whether, in their opinion, any, and it> any, whet inconvenience would result, from vacating, closing and discontinuing aaid unnamed alley as prayed for in the petition. on motion of Howard W. Starkey, Supervisor, seconded by L. D. Bell, SUpervis r, and carried by unanimous vote, it was ordered that the above order be entered. On roll oall the votes were as "f'"llows: Ayes: L. D. Bell, H. 'I. starkey, Mason L. liloak, and '1'. O. Bichardson. Nays: None. A letter dated November 25, 1940, from H. W. COleman, TOwn Manager, Vinton, Va. aocepting appointment on the oommittee appointed by this Board at the last meeting of the Board, to study and report upon a long range program for fire tighting in Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, end ordered filed. REPORT OF FIHE COMMITTEE: The COmmittee heretofore appointed by the Board ot Supervisors to study the question of increasing the fire protection in Roanoke County wishes to respectfully submit the following report; I. It is our opinion that increased fire proteotion for Roanoke County is vitally necessary a t this time. 2. We recommend that a three year program be adopted by the Board of SUpervisor with the ultimate goal of attaining a minimum of four oompletely equip_ed fire statio s, looated approximately as sholm on the attached map. It is our opinion that these' stations should be established in the order of their importance, which we believe to be Williamson Road Section, first; Uave Spring area, second. 3. We estimate tba. t the original cost of equipment tor the Williamson Bead Station will approximate $5000. We understand that the ~quivalent of $1000 has been, or will be, subsoribed by the businesses in the Williamson Bead section, and we have received an offer from one business to construct a suitable station and rent it to the county for a periOd of from one to two years. 4. We recommend ~ha~, if the Board desired ~o start immediately on this program, the commit~ee be appointed to prepare plans and specifications -ror the necessary equipman~ and to oonfer with the Towns of Salem and Vinton and the Oity of Boanoke in an efrort to evolve plans looking toward a complete coordination or all tire tighting equipment in ~his area. 5. !his oommittee has ascertained that a minimum period of four months mus~ be allowed -ror the delivery of :rire equipment, due to priority of governmental defense orders. 6. This committee further recommends ~hat the Public Works Department of Boanoke COunty be authorized to make a study Of roads 'and streams 'in 'the ~unty with the visw Of determining roads w:!iloh might be of .importanoe in enabling fire equipment " to be moved from the station to various urban areas and with the view ot CI:J,nstructing small impounding dems in streama so ~hat the water might be available in case of fire. ~J~ Jr. K. Mattern, GhaiXlllllIl." On the motion Of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. cook, with map attaohed, it is ordered that the above report/be approved, and that the same committee be oontinued to draw up plans and specifioations for erection of a suitable fire s~ation in the Williamson Road Seotion of Roanoke County, and submit same at the next meeting ot this Board. CMr.-v-tk" ".;... . O~_' IJ-1. . VV'.... ffc-<- Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. cook, H. a. Starkey and T. O~ Riohardson. Nays: None. It is the sense of this Board that the interested oitizens on the. Williamson Road will seoure Lot l4, Section 4, Connistone, at a prioe not to exceed seven hundred and rifty dollars ($750.00), on the motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seoonded by SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, it is agreed that this Board will either erect a permanent fire station on the above lot, or assume the obligation of the full purohase price as above set out. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and T. O.Riohardson. Nays: None. IN HE: AUDIT OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE: SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, Chairmen of the Committee heretofore appointed to make a stu:iy of the audit of the Sheriff'S office for the year 1938, asks that a report on same be deterred to a future meeting of this Board. E. K. MATTERN, County Engineer, to whom the matter of the ereotion of a permanen ~ U f" pole' and purohase of a tlag for the Court Rouse Lawn was referred at the last meeting f. ~~~ of this Board, this day reported to the Board that the cost of a steel pole would e.~.~ be fifty dollars ($50.00), and a wooden pole twentY-five dollars ($25.00); ~~.,." Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor H. \1. Starkey, seoonded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the County Engineer ereot the steel flag ?Ole at a oost not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), and the .anitor of the Court 'I I I. I I n' ~ o c 1"4 LJ ftIJ.. ~ House, or any other party who mat be later designated by this Board, to be responsible for the raising or lowering of the tlag at the proper time. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. W. Starkey,Mason.L.eook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Riohardson. Nays: None. A letter dated December 2, 1940, from Honorable .ames H. Price, GOvernor ot Virginia, addressed to the Boards of S...tpervisors of all Counties and the Councils of all Independent Cities of Virginia, stating in said letter that he had asked the Board of Direotors of the Virginia Chspter of the Alllerican Sooietyfor Publio Administration to constitute themselvcs a committee for the purpose ot studying and reporting to him on the best method for the state and local governments of Vir~inia to work together in behalf of the national detense,and setting forth the report of said Committee in said letter, was this day laid before the Board: Upon consideration whereof, on the motion of SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, seoonded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board. write a letter to the GOvernor expressing the sentiments ot this Board. A copy of which letter is to be filed with the minutes of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors H. ~. starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell Nays: None. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. RiChardson, it is ordered that L. D. Bell, Chairman of this Board, represent this Board at Christiansburg, Va., at 1:30 o'clook P. M., on December 17, 1940, at Which time consideration of the Governor's requests, as to the best methods for the State and local governments of Virginia to work together in behalf of the national defense, as outlined in his letter dated December 2nd, 1940, will be considered. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook ~~d L. D. Bell Nays: None. The following petitions for roads were this day laid before the Board: A petition signed by.. Lewis Hartman and&ndry other property owners on the street known as Shadeland and Kellogg Avenues, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a forty foot right ot way, including additional widths for cuts and fills; A petition signed by C. L. Wilson, and sund~- other citizens of Roanoke County requesting the Board to consider taking Round Hill Park Seotion #2 of the Williamson l Road District into the State seoondary road system, as soon as allocations will permit; A petition signed by W. L. Dixon, Mrs. Randolph E. Williams, and sundry other property owners on the Street known as Corbieshaw road, Woodland and Evergreen Avenue , from Ashby Street to Red Rock Road and Ashby Street from Route 221 north to Woods Hall AvenUe, said petitioners agreeing to donate a forty foot right of way, inoluding 145 e.-f....r~ ...J....' t . ~~. c.w.. t ~. I( ~c..~, 1....,('?f~(J ~dd-r 'E.li('1h~ ~ / n ~. /'Lf lif'i-~ ------- . ...~ ";.u-~ -~\~..A~ -"~~~~;,;."v C2;.- ,5t)~ . 1~, .., ~ IJO ..~ additional widths for cuts and fills; said petitioners requesting that said roads or streets be included in the Department of Highways Secondary System for oonstruotion and / or maintenance; On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. o. Richardson, it is ordered that the petitions and / or requests for inclusion of roads and/ or stre ts into the state Highway Seoondary System for either maintenance or construction, or both, this day presented to this Board be referred to the Publio Works Engineer for action as set forth in the General Road Petition Order adopted November l8, 1940. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, T. o. Richardson, H. W. Starkey and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Frank W. Rogers, Attorney, Mr. _ Whitfield, of the APpalaChian Power Company, Mr. _Richards of the C &: P Telephone company, and Mr. _ Moore,of the Roanoke Water Works Company, this day appeared before the Board, pursuant to a published notioe of a public hearing to be held by this Board this day on the Zoning Ordinance for Zoning Area No..l of Roanoke County, and after consideration of said ordinanoe, the following changes in the zoning Report, as certified to this Board, by the Roanoke County Planning Commission, were recommended by the Board, and ordered such changes to be referred to the Planning Commission for its approval or disapproval in accordance with procedure established by the 1938 Zoning Act, towit: ftl. That business district in vicinity of lOth St. Extension and Williamson Road be extended north to the intersection of Williamson Road and pioneer Road, said extension to be on both sides of Williamson Road. 2. That the "B~ Residenti~ district on Williamson Road proper between Carter 30ad and Forest Hill Road be ch~~ged to Local Business District. 3. That the "3" Residential district on Willianson Road proper between Frontier Road and Oaklawn Ave. be changed.to Local Business District on the northeast side of Willil3J:1son BoaJ. 4. That the words ftLocation and " appearing on line 4, page 3, Par.. 8, Sec. l, Article 3 ot the proposed Zoning Ordinance be deleted entirely." On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by S~pe.rvisor T. O. Richardson, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUllervisors Mason L. cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Nays: None. I Starkey. On the motion of SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, be authorized to employ such additional clerical help as is necessary in order to complete the general re-assessmen of real estate in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Ifason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. On the motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that all monthly ohecks be issued on December 2l, 1940, instead of the last of the month. Adopted by the following recorded vote: :Ayes:Sullervisors L.D.:sell,T. O. Richardson,Mason L. Cook and H. W. starkey. ~ayl:i: _~one. I I I I I No. l5353 Double Envelope Corporation, 10 M Envelopes l5354 Burroughs Adding Machine Co'., Service on Machines 149 $ l8.82 26.40 8.\;06 " l3356 Remington Rand, Inc. SerVice agreement for one year on machines 20.00 .0 .0 -0 ... " a. ~ .~ " " 13355 ;T. P. Bell Company, Forms for Clerk's Offioe " " 13357 Dooley Printing Company, Printing service 59.00 l3358 Salem PUblishing Company, lOOO tax cards (Treasurer's Office) &: 1200 receipts for capitation tax~s 10.50 l3360 Caldwell-Sites Company, l/2 doz. Index Books &: Office S11,;'plies l3.22 .* 13361 Hartman Radio Service, 4 Radios fixed 5.00 l3362 The Texas Company, Gasoline l34.07 " l3359 Easter Supply Company, Office Supplies " ~ " " 13363 Master Servioe Station, Repairs to Sheriff's Cars " 15364 Vinton Motor Company, Gas tank &: repairs &: weld light bracket " 13365 O. G. Lewis &: Company, repairs to sheriff's cars " 15366 Gottschalk's Garage, repairs to sheriff's cers l3367 Town of Salem, Telephone oalls to Baltimore, Maryland and Washington police. " " 13368 Ferrell Mattress Company, 3 jail mattresses 1336\1 . Garretts Esso Station, Tire Service l3370 Ferrell Insurance Agency-, Premium on Polioy l337l Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, II Coroner Cases l3372 Gittens &: Morton, Inc. Bonds on R. T. Biggs, T. J. Orander, R. A. MoNeal, C. E. Boone, Harold E. Krum ~ " " 13373 State Farm Mutual Auto. Ins. Co., Premium on Policy 3632348 on Ford and Pelicy 3777132 Meroury ~ l3374 Magic City Laundry, Laundry 13375 Cliff K. ThOlllSS, Bloodhound Serfice l5376 Frank Gilbert, J. P., 3 Lunacy Cases' 13377 Sarah E. Blackwell, Seo. Medical expenses l3378 Brown Hardware Company-,flashlight l5379 B. K. Elliott Company, Drawing materials and field Books ~ " ~ " " " 'l5380 Mary Elizabeth White, 1 day at reassessment l338l Goodyear Tire &: Rubber Company, repairs to car 13382 Henry GY1YI1, Clean, oil &: adjust Royal Std. Tnswriter, Serial KMM--2383393 " ~ " l3383 Auto Spring &: Bearing Company, repairs to cars l3384 F. W. Dodenhoff, Registrar, Registrar's fees l3385 Mike George, rent of Nov. election l3386 F. H. Bohon, room rent for November election 13387 Mrs. Willie L. Richardson, Vlork for November eleotion 13388 ;T. E. Carper, plumbing and heating " " ~ " " " 13389 ;T. I. Holcomb Mg. Co., Cleaning powder &: puritine l3390 TOll'll of Salem, lights and water ". " l539l Bluefield Coal &: Coke Company, one car coal l3392 Williams Transfer Company , dryage 13393 Salem Hardware Company, hardware " ~ l3394 Lewis Brothers, 4 tons coal l5395 Town of Salem, wort done at Mercy Ho~se " 14.02 8.84. 1.00 4.45 6.90 9.58 lO.95 1.00 35.00 55.00 25..00 33.06 5.63 15.00 49.60 325.00 l.45 lll.96 2.50 9.49 7.50 2l.69 14.30 2.00 2.00 lO.lO 67.15 15.33 93.25 l68.98 30.l8 29.40 25.50 88.65 No. 13396 Harris Service Station, greasing I 1/2 ton truck $ 2.25 " 13397 Mary Powers, work on reassessment l3396 dulia Kardos, work on 'reassessment 12.00 7.50 6.00 20.75 5.00 I " " l3399 Underwood Elliott Fisher Company, .work on typewriter l3l00 Fort Lewis Lumber Co. lumber :tor County Farm 1340l Americaij$ooiety of Planning O:t:ticials, Membership dues, 1 yr. l3402 W. B. Dillard Drug. Co., Rent of NYA Apartment l3403 dames River Oil Company, kerosene, gasoline &: oil 13404 Dixie Furniture Company, 10 split bottom oak ohairs 13405 Singer Sewing Machine Company, l2 Packages Needle s 13406 Hix-Palmer Company, Inc. material for Sewing Room 20.00 ll7.37 18.00 l.20 I " " ~ " ~ ~ " " l3407 Caldwell-Sites Co~pany, 1 record book, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. I l3408 Dooley 1'rintlng Co~any, 3000 Service cards, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 42. 75 3.60 9.50 100.00 8.75 43.06 9.l2 " l34l3 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co. Oakum, Wmson, Rd. San. Dist. . No.1' . 5.38 I " 13414 Salem Hardware Company, merchandise, Wmson. Rd..San. Dist. No. 1 l.47 5.75 96.00 131.46 .32 56.98 IN HE: DOG TAXES,SHEEP CLA1MS &:0: The :to110wing claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher ohecks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, towit: ~ " l3409 A. M. Bowman, dr., Treasurer, interest on bonds, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 . " 13410 C. &: P. Telephone Company, telephone service, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 I No. 13418. R. H.Q.uinn, 19 does, 18 bucks and 9 does, 4 bucks and 2 does killed by dogs 50.00 " 13419. S.H. Brown, 3 pheasants killed by dog 7,00 " l3420. Arthur R. Aldridge, 2 turkeys killed by dogs 7.60 I " 13421. G. O. Givens, 1 Angora goat killed by dogs 3,00 ~ ~3422 . Mrs. d. Engressia, hog killed by dogs, 7.00 " l3423. Dooley Printing Company, 24 books of dog tax receipts 13.50 " 13424. . J. A. Boone, Game Warden, 57 dogs killed at $2.00 each, ll4.00 " 134ll E. B. Krebbs Supply Co;npany, 2 150 lb. Cylinders Chlorine Wmson. Road San. Dist. No. 1 ~ 13412 Harris Service Station, battery, greasing truck .& kerosene Wmson. Rd. SaIl. Dist. No. 1 ~ 13415 H. B. Mabes, 5 yards sand,Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 l34l6 Old Virginia Brick Company, 6...000 common h!lrd brick, Wmson ~d. San. Dist. No. 1 " " l3417 A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, to reimburse cash fund :tor labor, water, current and freight, WInSon, Rd.. San. Dist. No. 1 " l3425. Chalmers'Ferguson,Collectlon of del.P.P. taxes in Deo. 13426. Southern Or,vgen Company, oxygen " IN HE: PURCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purohasing Agent, this day presented. to the Board an account amounting to $482.60, in payment of sundry accounts paid by him,and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment or s~ie aocount. (Said account is ordered to be filed.) n .... n i..J A. M. BOWMAN, JR., T:!:"easurer of Roanoke County, this day submi tted his salary and expense acoount for the month of Deoember, 1940, amounting to $833.34, two-thirds of which, amounting to $555.55, is payable by the County, and one-:third, amounting to $277.78, is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and oarried, it is ordered that a vouoher-oheok be issued to the said A. M. Bo.v.man, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the oounty's part of said account. (Said aooount is ordered filed.) a EUGEliE W. CHELF, Commonwealth's AttOTney.of.Roanoke County, this ,day submitted his salary and expense aocount for the month of Deoember, 1940, amounting to $408.33, ~ne-half of whioh is payable by the county and one-half by the State;and, 'on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that 'a voucher-oheck be issued to the said Eugene W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, for $214.l6, the county's part of said account. (Said aooount is ordered filed.) W. C. ].'USE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day svomitted his salary and expense account for the month of December, 1940, amountilOg to $791.34 two-thirds. of wllloh,amounting to $527.56, is payable by the County', and one-third, amounting to $263.78, is payable by the 2tate, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a vouoher-check be issued to 1;he se.id W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, for the oounty's par~ of said aooount. ~Said account is ordered filed.) IN RE: IlELlNQ.UEl:;"T TAXES: n... .' U The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the reoeipt of A. U. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer, for $l628.59, on account of delinquent taxes colleoted by said Clerk for the month of December, 1940, less 5% commissions and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to ?1547.16 net. ".:: WI 1.~ A. M. BO;~~, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia January 20, 1941. To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At.the olose of business Saturday, January.l8, 1941, there was to the oredit of the - 'General Fund ,Vi.R.S. D. Sewer Acot. $ 47,858.60 7,718.89 .._-~-_. ------.-----.. ~ .----.-.-----.-. ~,."." ....,..L..<j ,. r- . -, Cw+- ....- 1;;;;.. f3......L.. p {po (5'1 {; 7/ _ ...i;. ~"fy4..'. '/"1<' J I . '.' I~~.; d:;.P,,;_c-.l-~ ,~~ {6~;-' (!(p./3r;. ~ 71- ..: ~r' ,'- -,. '/'"1Y1 ~'~~",';~;J!~ ~ IU:-'~:; b... _ ~":<~,')~ "m" "..-r""f'O;; r.~. '..J~' , ""';:''':.-/:,:)'t /J.n '..._.... '~I'r;-~::'f& '1...'1~/./:~ ':'1.' ( COI"f 'Y'\,,:r€Jto fl'I~.c.JI\.m "'$~ht..""o~ ~~<lII~~ . .....-.... e "k..<<o.. -.- I3\Q~.e...~lv",- "').1-/'11 r c.lw..w. r ... tl:~, 1.1......... . Co .a......J..: r.; ""1'11 Cop~ 4e\. h t.W.cnel~ II ';I.).\'.jP- ':", ,.., '" ~/ /. 'Salem Road Debt Fund ,Dog Fund . School Fund 3,446.61 979.44 116 . 901. 97 l76,905.5l Respectfully submitted, A. M. Bowman, dr., Tr<:lasurer, Roanoke County." Said report is received and ordered filed. The applications of Richard B. Oglesby, W. W. Reynolds, T. M. Bush, dr., C. S. McLearen, d. H. Eller, David A. Jackson and Edward Moffett dones for appointment as County Agricultural Agent for Roanoke County, to fill the vaoancy occasioned by the death of the late M. G. Lewis, County Agricultural Agent, were this day laid before the Board; Upon oonsideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that Edward Moffett Jones be employed as County Agricultural Agent for Roanoke County, at a salary of twenty-eight hundred dollars ($2800.00), effective as of February lst, 1941, one-third to be paid by the Co ty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W.. Starkey. Nays: None. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that voucher-checks check #l299l, issued November 21, be issued to Mrs. Susie A. Newman, in place of for $5.00, . 1940,!and to E. H. Robinson, in place of check #13002, issued Novembe~ 21, 1940, for $5.00, as Clerks of the general election, held November 5th, 1940, said voucher-checks never having been reoeived by them, . and that payment on said original voucher-checks be stopped. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T.0.Richar1son. Nays: None. Upon motion of Supervisor E. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that E. W. Chelf be, and he is hereby employed as attorney for this Board, to oollect taxes and levies on real estate by suit when such real estate heretofore or hereafter purchased in the neme of the Commonwealth by the Treasurer of: Roanoke Coimty is not redeemed by the previous owner, his heirs or assigns, or by some one having the right to charge the seme with a debt, within three years from the date of such purohase, for which services as such attorney the said E. W. Chelf shall be paid a commission of ten per centum upon such sums as may be collected by him; provided however, that in the event collection is made before suit is aotUally instituted he shall be paid five per zentum of such sums so collected, but before proceeding under this order the said Chelf shall give bond of $500.00, with surety to be approved by this Board, conditioned upon the lawful accounting for all funds which may come into his hands as such attorney, and in the discharge of his duties hereunder he shall in all respects act in compliance with the provisio~s I I I I I 154 C"f~ JJ. -1.10 l-. A.lUlla"ID. So.l~"', Vo.- 'v"'^' (y ;( I j,:2./ ~ ,. COf''lrtlCl:I~<l~ f'IW. C. jI, tIIo4 ~~,~~~ .~!..St.~ o,,,,,,'s".,,,, ,rJarJs- """'''I,'Il-- ">-"'14 ,- C.. P'I de-I. ~.. 1i.G. w.od. fl,t. c...o~, JJ~I/H:. 0-''<. 'Y On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that L. A. Ballard, Fire Chief, of Salem, Va., represent this Board at a conference called by the Chairman of the State Derense Council, to be held at Richmond, Va., at lO!30 A. M., Friday, January 24, 1941. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seoonded by Supervisor T. O. . Richardson, it is ordered that the salary tor the month of January, 1941, of M. G. Lewis, late County _~ricultural Agent of Roanoke,County; be paid.to.Mrs. ~.'G. Lewis, widow of said deoedent. I A-copy of this order to be sent to Mr. C. A. Montgomery, Blacksburg, Va. Adopted by the following.recorded vote:. Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Na:;rs: None. Mr. Peyton Shaner, and a Committee from Southview School this day appeared before the Board, and asked for an.appropriation for the salary of a recreational direotor at said School; Upon consideration wnereof, on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that an appropriation of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) be made by this Board to the County School Board for the I salary,for the month of February, 1941, of a recreational director in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUPervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Lawrence Legg, Chairman of the Committee.of the William Fleming High School, and on behalf of the Parent-Teachers' Association of said School, W. E. Meador, and R. D. Nininger, principal, of said High School, this day appeared before the Board and stated to the Board the growth of said school, its needs &c, and urged that this Board and the County School Board of Roanoke County set up a well planned program to take care of the needs of said School; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is suggested that the above request be referred to the County School Board of Roanoke County as that is the proper Board with which to confer upon matters of this nature. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. I I . .-",,- -;.. A letter dated January IS, 1941, from Citizens of Garden City, in regard to a new school building at Garden City, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is suggested that the above request be referred to the County School Board of Roanoke County as that is the proper Board with which to !1 r.d confer upon matters of this nature. Adopted by the rollowing recor~ed vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~ason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN RE: ADO?TION OF PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL STOCK LMl IN JOHN'S SHOP PRECINCT - Catawba Magisterial District: c The' Board this day, pursuant to order entered at its November Meeting, 1940, ;=oceeded to further consider the petition filed at its November meeting, 1940, by E. E. Brillhart, E. R. All, J. A. Garman, Clay Deeds, and others, asking for the adoption of the provisions of the General Stock Law as to all of John's Shop Voting Precinct, in Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia; And it appearing that the notice of the consideration of such petition has been regularly published and posted as required by law, and all members being present, on motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, for the adoption of the provisions of the Stock law, whichm otion was duly seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, all members being present and voting, said motion was adopted by unanimous vote. It is thereupon ordered that the boundary lines of each lot or tract of land in John's Shop Voting Precinot, Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, be declared a lawful fence as to all animals named in Section 354l of the Code of Virginia, and Acts amendatory thereof, towit: horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep and goats; except with relation to the division lines between adjoining land. owners, as provided by law; said provisions to be effective as of February lst, 1941. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. r, u IK RE: MORRAY'S ROAD: m It appearing to the Board that at its last meeting held on the 16th day of December, 1940, the Virginian Railway was requested to inform this Board of the amount of damages which they intend to claim resulting from the establishment of a public road west of the Lee Highway, known as Murray's Road, located between Roanoke and Salem, and designated as Secondary Route 709. And it now appearing to the Board that counsel for said company has indicated that they intend to claim the sum of $600.00 as damages if this Board proceeds furthe toward the establishment of said road; And it further appearing that this Board is without funds to pay damages in such cases, upo~ ~otion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Be it is ordered that this matter be cont.inued until the next meeting of t.his Board, and that E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, contact the abutting property owners along said 155 Copies mQ,'/ec1 -h. c. P. Johs/..r>. i:J."if: Wh~~, ((:ch.rno..J, V....-' 1/7.1../11/. t......... -....... u..C~ >-/--t'H 156 Road, to ascertain whether or not they are willing to contribute the aforesaid sum, or whatever sum may be allowed the Virginian Railway Company as damages in connection with the establishment of suoh road, and that said land owners be given until the next meeting of this Board to decide whether they are willing to pay said damages, and in the event of their failure to so inform this Board, at or before the next meeting of this Board, the proceedings heretofore instituted to establish this road as a public road shall be abandoned, and the seme discontinued as a public road. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this order to Hon. H. G. Shirley, State Highway Commissioner, and to C. P. Johnston, State Highway Resident Engineer, at Sale:n, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason !..Cook. Nays: None. Mason L. Cook ) ) ) ) ) Order discontinuing a portion of an unnamed alley shown on the map of Lincoln Court. vs. The Public. It appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, upon the petition of Mason L. Cook, Supervisor of Big Lick District, which petition was filed herein on December 16th, 1940, puxsuant to the provisions of Section 5220 of the Code of Virginia, as emended by the Acts of the General Assembly of 1940, and Chapter 85 (a) (especially Secticln 2039, Subsection 9) as amended by the Acts of the General Assembly of 1940; and after due and legal notice had been given to the public as to the filing of the aforesaid petition, whioh appears from an order heretofore entered herein by the Board of Supervisors at a meeting of said Board held on December 16th, 1940, in the ~ourt House Building, to which reference is herein had, and in which said order appointed 7iewers for the purpose of viewing all of that portion of said unnamed alley in Lincoln Court, as shown on plat accompanyi?g the petition filed in this proceeding; And upon the report of four of the five viewers appointed as aforesaid, towit: C. W. Lanford, C. 'N. Howell, W. :E. Layman and G. G. Gish, filed with the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, January 18, 1941, and which report is dated January 10, 1941, and to Which report no exceptions have been filed, and which said report is to the effeot that the said viewers were and are unanimOUSly of the opinion that no inconvenience would result to any person, or to the public from discontinuing, vaoating and closing the aforesaid portion of an unnamed alley in Lincoln Court; It further appearing to the Board of Supervisors from the evidence before the said Board that due notice was given of the filing of the petition; that the viewers have reported favorably to the prayer of the petition, and that there would be no inoonvenienoe from closing the same; and it further appearing to the Board from ,evidence introduced before it that there is no need whatsoever for keeping open that portion of the unnemed alley sought in this prooeeding to be closed; and it still further appearing to the Board that the portion of the unnamed alley sought to be closed was platted, but never actually opened upon the ground and used by the 'I I I' I I C'f'~"'S d...l. +.. J:\.G-w."" ..",d.~m. roo...."""''' - ,/,.>-/ l.{ I. \,.p.' r, ">~ '. \-0 ioWt'l e.~ 1V\..:"..,.... o!- SJ...t1\ v...- ~4. ~.~W.~ '. ~ t"'v,-es. " '/~,,-\I(l On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke CO.Ulty, in oompliance with resolutions adopted by this Board August 17th, 1936, and November 16th, 1938, turn over to the delinquent tax collector of Roanoke County for collection as of February 1st, 1941, so much of the 1938 delinquent personal property t~~ list as remains uncollected as of that date; provided, however, that prior to the delivery of said delinquent list to the delinquent tax collector by the Treasurer, I that an audit of said Treasurer's delinquent personal property acoounts for said year be made, an~ that he be given proper credit for all remaining uncollected balance of said delinquent lists delivered to the said delinquent tax collector. I, Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Riohardson, and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. The following report was this day laid before the Board: "REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FIRE PROTECTION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. Proposals were asked to furnish complete fire apparatus for Station No. 3 ~~,' f of the Roanoke County Fire Department. The proposals received were as followS: l. American La France - Foam1te Corporetion On Diamond T Chassis On Ford Chassis 2. Roanoke Welding & Equipment Company On Diamond T Chassis $4415.00 3700.00 I $3939.75 . 3. O. G. Lewis On Dodge . 4. Charles E. Baker On Diemond T 2% 10 days On Dodge 2% lO days On Ford 2% lO days $3775.00 $3922.20 3843.76 3622.20 3544.76 3237.10 3172.35 This committee recommends that a representative be authorized to visit and inspect appe"t'atus of the above manufactures and that award of the contract be made after a report is submitted of said inspection. This committee further recommends that it be authorized to affect the transfer of the lot on Williamson Road which is to be donated by interested citizens. This committee recommends that the sum of $lO,OOO.OO be set aside for the oomplete fire station and equipment. E. K. Mattern, Chairman." I On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the above report be filed. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L~Cook. Nays: None. I A letter dated January?~ 1941, addressed to Carlton C. Massey,Town Manager of Salem, Va., from Howard Clock Sales & Service Corporation, in regard to the cost of repairing the clook on the Court House of Roanoke County, at a figure of $28l.00,for the work and material, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the County pay one-half of the expense or $281.00. amount necessary to repair said clock. Adopted by the rollowing reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. ~. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. I I I i , I 10 A Notice, Case No. 7148, having been served on the Chairman of this Board, that G. W. Nolen, G. L. Martin and E. G. Foster, trading as Roanoke-Stuart Freight line has made application to the State Corporation ror a Certificate or Public Convenience and necessity as a oommon carrier by motor vehicle for the handling or property on the rollowing route or routes Beginning at Roanoke, Virginia, thence along Route U. S. 220 to Rocky MOunt, thence along Route 40 to Ferrum, thence along Route 40, via Smith's Store, Endicott and Charity to Woolwine, on Route 8, thence via Burralo Ridge and Akers Store to Stuart, thence on Route 8 to Shelton's Store, thence Secondary Route 625 to Fairystone Park, thence Secondary Route 623 via Dodson nd Ingram's Store to Ferru_, and thence on Route 40 to Rocky Mount and U. S. No. 220 -.:to Roanoke. No property to be transported from Roanoke consigned to Recky Mount and intermediate points or property consigned from Rocky Mount and intermediate points to Roanoke, and this Board having no interest to protect, or objeotion to same, on the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, said notice is ordered tiled. c Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. u Letters dated December 30, 1940, and Jan.13, 1941, from Rollin H. Wampler, to the 9hairman or this Board, in regard to placing a ban on the sale and use of fireworks on both public and private property throughout the County, were this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconde!l by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the Commonwealth's .Attorney cf Roanoke County,be appointed. to confer with the Attorneys for the Towns of Salem and Vinton, respectively, and the Attorn~y for the City of Roanoke, Va., to endeavor to draft an uniform ordinance to control the sale and shooting of fire crackers in the Roanoke area. o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, 1Ia.son L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. The following letter was this day laid berore the Board: "Salem, Virginia, January l3,l94l. Mr. L.D.Bell, Floyd Star Route, Roanoke, Va. Dear Mr. Bell: The rollcw1ing is an analysis of receipts and expenditures of the Virginia 15~ C"I'''/ del,+o. t:. w. Cl-\ e I f:i,i(~ Co"'~"weilWif: jq.\o+oyY>'t'J/ ,','.;, ~ 7." <-.-.j, I{ {"'ot...:... <'I; 1jP/LlJ o n .. ;,M' .~ " a ~. hearing held at 4:00 P.M. Thursday, Deoember 5, that said W. H. Beokner should receive the sum or $85.00 in rull payment of all damage done to him beoause or said ~treet widening. C. W. Lanford. . W. E. Layman C. N. Howell G. G. Gish." Said report is ordered filed. ( The following petitions for roads were this day laid before the Board: A petition signed by E. M. Dean and sundry other property owners on Street known as Tillett Road and Holland Roau, from Fugate Road to Upson Addition, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a 40 foot right or way, including additional . widths for outs and fills; A petition signed by E. R. Johnson and sundry other property owners on the cop\.{ . e,K '/1-~/"n '~ Street_known as Lakewood Drive, East Drive and West Drive &: Persinger Lane,Lakewood Colony, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a thirty foot right of way, inoluding add! tional widths for cuts and fills; . A petition signed by D. H. Law and sundry other property owners on the. Street known as 714 rrom Extension to _' said petitioners guarantee,ing to donate a forty foot right of way, inoluding additional widths for outs and rUls; A. petition signed by C. F. Kefauver, and sundry other property owners on Street known as Corbieshaw Road, Woodland and Evergreen Avenues, Ashby Street to Red Rook Road, and Ashby Street rrom Route 221 north to Evergreen Avenue, said petitioners agreeing to donate a forty foot right of way, including addi tional widths for outs and fills; , A petition signed by D. H. Goodman and sundry other property owners on the Street known as Welton Avenue from Main Street to Graoe Stree~; said petitioners agreeing to donate a rorty root right of way, including additional widths for outs and rills; A petition signed by Mrs. Lena Nininger and sundry other property owners on Street known as Col. Fleming Road and Pioneer Road &. Cook Av. from Williemson Road to Prinoeton Cirole, said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a forty root right of way, i~oluding additional widths for outs and rills; , A petition signed by Mrs. Roy Cole; and sundry other property owners on the Streets known as Courtl:md and Greenland Avenues, Oakland Boulevard and Cumberland Street, as shown on Map of Seotion 2, Round Eill Park, said petitioners stating that a 50 foot minimum right-of-way already dedioated and acoepted by Roanolre County; said petitioners reQ.uesting that said roads or streets be inoluded in the Department or Eighways Secondary System for oonstruotion and / or maintenanoe; On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the petitions and / or requests ror inolusion of roads and / or streets into the State Highway Secondary System for either maintenanoe or construoti n, fv or both, this day presented to this Board be referred to the Public Works Engineer ror aotion as set forth in the General Road Petition Order adopted November l8, 1940 Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L.D.Bell, T. O. Riohardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. .Jl ~. @~.,. I/:>"/~ J .:tr "'j ~~- ....... i(..;,L.j';""" ..c...Jr..,,..</,r "'"" t'~ J1".J\J /v ;J. I ! Cf 'f(.; ----- E. K. MATTEEU',.Seoretary, of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, this day appeared before the Board and reported that the Roanoke County Planning Commission had approved the recommendations ordered presented to it by the Board of Supervisors at its December Meeting, 1940. { , A letter from the Valleydoah Civio League, and from the Lions Club,of Williamson Road, requesting that certain chang~s be made in the Zoning District of that section of Roanoke County, were t his day laid be l'ore the Board; and the matters therein further discussed pro and con by C. L. Riley, H. W. Hill, D. W. Moomaw, and other citizens; Upon consideration thereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the following recommendations be referred to the .Roanoke County Planning Commission for its approval or disapproval: l. That the Map of Zoning Area Number One be changed so as to provide for local business distriots'~ both sides of Williamson Road proper, from the Roanoke City limits north to the intersection of Pioneer Road on the north side of Williamson Road, and to include Lot 7 of Round Bill Terrace on the south side of Williamson Road, only that portion of Lot 7 to be included as will conform to previously laid out lines. 2. That this recommendation supersede all previous recommendations and orders. This recommendation is not to affeot the Zoning District in any other section of Zoning Area No. One. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and E. W. Starkey. Nays: None. E. K. MATTERJ._, Secretary, of the ROSllloke County Planning Commission, tflis day appeared before the Board and reported that the Roanoke County Planning Commission, in Special Session, had approved the recommendations o~dered presented to it by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting this day. Upon the motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, the following ordinance was this day proposed for aaoption, notice of a public hearin thereon, having been published, as required by law, towit: i'IHEREAS, by Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 1, 1938, Chapter 415 Acts of 1938, the Boards of Supervisors or other governing bodies in countie3 are authorized to divide the area of counties in the unincorporated portions thereof into one or more districts; to regulate the use of lands and of buildings and other structures; to provide the location of those areas which may be used as places of residence or in which agriculture, forestry, trade, industry or other specific uses, may be conducted, the height, bulk and size of buildings or other s1;ructures, the percentage of land area which may be occupied, and the minimum sizes of yards, oourts or other open spaces; to provide for amendnents and changes therein; to require county planning commissions to perform certain duties with reference thereto; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: ARTICLE I. DISTRICTS. For the purpose of this ordinance, the zoning areas of Roanoke County are hereby divided into five classes of districts as follows: "A" Residence Districts. "En Residence Districts. Local Business Distriots Light Industrial Districts Heavy Industrial Districts These classes of Districts and this ordinance shall apply to the General Zoning Areas as. said Areas are established and approved aocording to statute. The locations . and boundaries of such classes of di..stricts, as shown on the General Zoning District I I 1- I I- Maps, are hereby declared a part of this ordinance. These district boundary lines are intended to follow street and property lines unless specifically dimensioned on the Zoning Area Yaps and together with all notations and designations, "are as much a part of this ordinanoe as if the same were fully.described herein. .ARTICLE 2. DEFThTITIONS. o l. The word shall is mandatory and not directory. 2. 'Accessory Buildin~ is a subordinate building in the same lot with a main building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building. 3. Alley - A public thoroughfare less than 30 feet wide. 4. Apartment House: A building used or intended to be used as the residence of three (3) or more families, living independently of each other. 5. Billboards or Poster'Panel: Any sign or advertisement used as an outdoor display by painting, posting or affixing on a surfaoe a picture, emblem, words, figures, numer:als or lettering for the purpose of making anything known; the matter advertised or displayed being remote from the origin or point of sale. 6. Buildinp; Heip;ht: The vertical distance measured from the level of the curb or the established curb grade opposite the middle of the house to the highest point of the roof surface if a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; and to the mean height level between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip or gembrel roof. For buildings set back twenty-five (25) feet or more 'from the front property line, these heights may be measured from the average elevation of the ground along the f.ront of the building. . 7. Buildinp; Line and / or Set Back Line: A line between which and any street line. no buildings or parts of buildings may be erected or structually altered, provided however, that said distance shall be measured to the main body of a building or structure and that porches, stoops and / or steps may project into this prohibited area a distanoe not to exceed eight (8) feet. . 8. Sin!>l e Family DwelliIlf':: A building having a single front entrance within which provision may be made for not more than two family units. 9. Duplex DwelliIlf':: A dwelling planned and intended primarily to provide living quarters for two families with no communication between said quarters except that they may have a COlllllIon entrance. 10. Private Gara~e: A garage intended for and used by the private motor vehicles of the families resident upon the premises. ll. Public GaraJ>:e: A garage intended for the storage, building or repair of automotive equipment. l2. Hotel: Any building containing ten or more rooms in which lodging and / or food is provided for transients. . l3. !2i: A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by one building and accessory buildings nnd uses, and including the open spaces required by this. ordinance. A lot may be land so recorded on a plat of record or considered as a unit of property and described by metes and bounds, but it may include parts of, or a combination of such lots when adjacent to one another, provided such ground is used for one improv.ement. 14. Lot Depth: The mean distance between front and reEl'lot lines.' l5. Lot. Front of: The front of a lot shall be considered to be that side of the lot which fronts on a street. In the case of a corner lot, the narrowest side fronting on the street shall. be considered the front of the lot. In case the lot has equal trontage on two or more streets, the lot shall be considered to front on that street on, which the greatest number of buildings have been erected on that side.of the street within the same block. 16. Tourist Home: .'. building in which board or lodging, or both, are offered to the traveling public for compensation. 17. Rear Yard: An open spaoe on the same lot with a building, between the rear line of the building and the rear line of the lot for the i'ull width of the lot. 18. Side Yard: An open unoccupied space in the Seme lot with the building, between tb.e building and the side line of the lot, extending through from. the front of the building to the rear yard. 19. ~: Any words, letters, figures, numerals, sentences, emblems, devices, de signs, trade names or trade marks by which anything is ms.de knOW.!lj such as are used to designate an individual, firm, association, corporation, prof~sion, business, or oOIlllllOdity or prop.ucts, which are visible from any public highway. o ~. ARTICLE 3 "A" RESIDENCE DISTRICTS SECTION l. USES .! In any "A~ Residence Districts, no buildings or premises shall be used and no building shall hereafter be erected or struotually altered unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, except .for one or more of the following uses: 1. l:..ingle family dwelling 2. The office of a resident member of a recognized profession suoh as a doctor. architect or lawyer; provided that the office is located in a dwelling and that no goods are displayed and that no sign is displayed other than the name and profeSSion of the person using the office and provided further that said sign shall not be large than 2 square feet. 3. Clubs and grounds for games, recreation or sports , provided such use is not primarily for commercial gain. . 4. Educational, religious or philanthropic use, exclUding hospital, sanitarium and/or correctional institutions. 5. Municipal or public buildings, excluding hospital, sanitarium and/or correc- tional institutions. 6. Public parks or playgrounds. 7. Railroad or bus passenger stations provided the exterior appearance.of such building be in keeping with the general arthiteoture of the buildings immediately surro=ding such station. 8.' Telephone, power transmission, water and light substations, provided that the outside appearance of such structure.shall be in keeping with the residential section in which it is looated and provided further that the appearance of any such 164 -".' structure be approved by the Roanoke County Planning Co=ission. The use permitted under this paragraph does not include storage and/or repair facilities nor other publ c business racilities or operations. 9. Truck gardens, rarming, dairy farr:rl.ng and other like agricultural uses, ex- cept that such uses will !lot be permitted on land that has been subdivided into lots, of1'ered 1'or sale, and portions or lots sold to one or more persons; provided, however that this shall not restrict the incidental raising or ramily gardens, the produoe or which is not offered for sale. 10. Accessory use on the same lot with any of the above uses, inoluding a privat garage, but not including the raising or hogs or other live stock. SECTION 2. BIGHT REGULATION: In any "A~ Residence District, no bUilding shall be erected, or materially al- tered to be more than three stories in height. No building shall exceed forty-rive reet in height. The prov.isions or this seotion shall not apply to ohurch spires, monuments, wa- ter towers, chimneys, rlag poles, radio poles nor to parapet walls extending not more than 1'our 1'eet above the limiting height or the building on which it rests. SECTION 3. SET BACK LINES: l. In any "A" Residence Distriot, no building shall be erected, or materially altered nearer to the property line or the street Which it races then the average set baok line or the buildings on the same side or the block at the time o:f passage or thi-s ordinance; provided, however, that in no case shall the minimum set back line be less than twenty-rive (25) reet. 2. Where there are buildings on only one side or a street within the blook at t e time or passage or this ordinance, the e",t back line for the unoccupied side shall be same as that of the occupied side, provi led that in no case shall the required set back line be lllore than sixty (60) fee~, 3. The side line of a buildi;:l,G Oil il corner lot shall not be a factor in estab- lishing the set back line; provided, however, that corner lots that are resubdivided shall oonrorm to the set baok line of the street which they originally faced in addi- tion to the set back line of the street which they face after resubdivision; provided, however, that the min1m.um set back line from any side street line or a corner lot shal be not less than twenty (20 I percent or t he wi dth of suoh lot and' shall in no case be less than ten (10) feet. 4. Where there is no building on either side of a street within a block at the time 01' passage or this ordinance, the set back lines shall not be less than fifty 1'eet measured from the center line of a street o:f :fifty (50) 1'oot width or less and shall be not less than twenty-1'ive (25) feet measured from the street property lines when fronting on a street of more than fifty (50) feet in width. 5. In any "A" Residence District, there shall be a side yard along each side or any building or structure and the sum of the widths o:f the two side yards may not be less than thirty J,(30) per cent 01' the width 01' the lot. No side yard shall in any case be less than ten (IC) per cent of the width of a lot. provided, however, that in no case shall any such side yard be less than tive (5) feet in width. Where the total 01' the side yard widths, based on the above peroenta6es, is more than twenty~five feet, one or such side yardS need not be more than twelve (12) reet in width. I ARTICLE 4 "B" RESID~ICE DISTRICTS SECTION l. In any "E" Residence District, no building or premises shall be used and no build ing shall herea:fter be erected or struotually altered except ror one or more or the 1'ollowing uses. . . 1. Any use hereinberore permitted in "A" Residence Districts. 2. Sem1-detac1led or multiple dwellings. 3. . Apartment Houses. 4. Hotels. 5. Tourist Homes. 6. Family hotels not carrying on any merchandising. 7. Hospitals, sanitariums or olinics. S. Acoessor-j use on seme lot with any of the above uses but not detr1m.ental to the residential neighborhood in which it is located. SECTION 2. HEIGHT REGULA.'l'IONS I In a "B" Residential District, no building shall be erected, or struotually al- tered to exceed :fifty (50) reet in height unless such portions as exceed fifty (50) 1'eet in height are set back an additional one root for eaoh one root of excess height. No building' shall in any case exceed seventy-rive (75) reet in height. SECTION 3. EUILDING SET BACK LImS I l. In any "E" Residence Distriot, no building sllall be erected, or materially al tered nearer to the property line of the street which it faces tkan the average set back line or the buildings on the same side o:f the block at tbe time of passage of thi ordinance; proVided, havever, that in no case shall the minimum set back line be less than twen~-five (25) feet. .2. Where there are buildings on only one side of a street within the block at ~s.he~ime of passage of this ordinance, the set back line for the unoccupied side shall ',"be the same as that o:f the occupied side, provided that in no case shall the required set back line be more than si:x:~y (60) feet. . 3. The side line or a building on a corner lot shall not be a factor in estab- 165 o lishing the set bacl:: line; provided, however, that corner lots that are resubdivided.:.. shall cont'orm to the set back line of the street whioh they originally faced in addi- tion to the set back line of the street which they face after resubdivision;. provided hO\fever, that the minimuJ; set back line from any side street line of a corner lot shall be not less than twenty (20) per cent of the width of such lot and shall in no caSe be less than ten (10) feet. . 4. Where t~ere is no building on either side ot a street within a block at the time of passage of .this ordinance, the set back lines shall not be less than fifty (50) feet measured from the center line of a street of fifty (50) ,foot width or less and shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet measured from the street property lines when fronting on a street of more than fifty (50) feet in width. 5. In any "B" Residence District, there shall be a side yard along each side of any building or structure and the sum of the widths of the two side yards. may not be 1.ess than thirty (30) per cent of the width of the lot. No side yard shall in any case be less than ten IlO) per cent of the width of a lot, provided, however, that in no case shall any such side yard be less than five (5) feet in width. Where the tota of the side yerd widths, based on the above percentages, is more than twenty-five (25 feet, one of such side yards need not be more than twelve (l2) feet in width.. ARTlCLE 5 LOCAL BOSINESS DISTRICTS I I , , I Ii f I I j I l J f . .SECTION 1. USES In any local business district, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall hereafter be erected or structually altered excep.t for one or more of the following uses: 1. .Any uses hereinbefore permitted in "B" Residence Districts.' 2. Restaurants and tea rooms. c. 3. Banks or offices.. 4. Automobile service stations provide.d that all pumps and accessories are plac d so that oars may be servioed without obstruoting the sidewalk and further, provided that all .pumps and tanks shall be placed in back of all buil1l.ing set back'. lines. 5. .Any retail trade or service, provided that no industry or manUfacturing shal be permitted except the.mRking of articles to be sold at retail on the premises. SECTION II. HEIGHT REGULATION I. In any Looal Business District, no building shall be erected or materially altered to exceed in height one and one-half times the width of the widest street on which it abuts; provided, however, that an additional five feet may be added for each additional foot the added portion sets back from the building line. . 2. The height regulation for this district shall not apply to towers, flag pole, chimneys nor parapet walls where such parapet walls do not extend more than five feet above the main level of the roof. SECTION III. BUILDnm SET BACK LINES 1.. In any Local Business District, no building may be erected nor structually altered nearer to the property line of the street upon which it faces than twenty- feet. a SECTION IT. AREA REGULATION In a Local Business District, lOO% of that portion of the lot remaining behind the building set back line may be occupied by the building provided, however, that where such business building abuts a residence constructed previous to the date of passage of this ordinance it shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the prop- erty line abutting suoh a residence. ARTICLE 6 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES ! In any Light Industrial District, any building or premises may be used and any building may hereafter be erected or structually altered for any use except the following: ~"" l. Aoetylene gas manufacture 2. Asphalt manufacture or refining 3. :Blast furnaces or coke ovens 4. Boiler Works 5. Brick or clay products manufacture 6. Creosote treatment or man'J.facture 7. Abrasive manufacture 8. Forge plant 9. Glucose or starch manufaoture 10. Gasolene storage, treatment or refining II. Gas manufacture 12. Metal foundry IS. Oilcloth or linoleum manufacture l4. Oiled rubber or leather goods manufaoture l5. Nitrating process 16. Paint, oil, varnish or turpentine manutacture l7. Paper manufacture lB. Petroleum products refining or the wholesale storage of petroleum or petrole products. '1. r the provisions of the General Assembly House Bill No. l89, approved April 1, 1938, and the secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission is hereby appointed as adminis trative officer for the purpose of administering this ordinanae. . SECTION II. 1.PPEALS - ! I i."j Any person, firm or aorporation aggrieved by any decision or by any interpreta- tion of said ordinance made by the administrative officer may present to the next re- gular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, held not earlier than ten days from the time said deaision and/or interpretation was rendered, a petition setting forth the grounds on which suah person, firm or corporation is aggrieved, at which meeting or the next regular meeting thereafter the Board of Supervisors shall approve or disappro e said decision and/or interpretation of said administrative offiaer. SECTION III. EFFECT OF INV.ALIDITY OF ONE SECTION o Should any seation or provision of this ordinance be deoided by the Courts to be unaonstitutionel or invalid, such decisions shall not affeat the validity of the or- dinanae as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so deaided to be unaonsti- tutionel or invalid. . SECTION IV. .AMEND1lEIft The Board of Supervisors may, from tiine to time as they see fit, amend any pro- ) vision of 'this ordinance as provided by law. ~/ SECTION V. VIOLA.TIONS lU.'D PENALTIES Any person who violates any of the provisions 0 f this ordinanae shell be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than five (5) dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars and eaoh day upon which the said violation shell continue shall aonstitute a separate offense. SECTION VI. INTERPHETATION, PURPOSE AND CONFLICT c In interpretating and applying the provisions of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the publia safety, health, aonvenienoe and general welfare. It is not the inte~tion of this ordinanae to inter- fere with or abrogate any aovenants or other agreement between parties; provided, however, that where this ordinanoe imposes a greater restriation upon the use of buildings or' premises or upon height of buildings, or requires larger open spaoes or greater bUilding set baak lines than are required by other ordinanaes, rules, regul- ations or by covenants or agreements, the provisions of this ordinance shall govern.. . Be it fu..-rther ordairad that the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby direated to cause a copy of this ordinanae to be published in two conseautive weekly issues of the Times-Register, a newspaper published in this County, as provided by law. This ordinance shell become effeative on and after the fifteenth day of February, 1941. On motion of Supervisor Mason L. COOk, seaonded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, the foregoing ordinance was adopted as read by the following recorded votes: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Riahardson, ~. D. Bell, and Howard W. Stal$ey. Nays: None. A aommunication dated'Deoember 9, 1940, from the Joint Committee to Curtail the Transmigration of Virginia Source Materials to other states was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, .on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the matter be referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke 'County for report at the next meeting of this Board. ~ Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and E. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN RS: COM?ENSATION OF COUNTY TRZASURER AIID COlJMONW"'...ALTH' S .ATTORJ:..'EY FOR TEE YEAR 1941: The Compensation Board of the State of Virginia having aertitied to this Board the following allowances ! Commo~wealth'~ Attorney for Roanoke and expense allowanoes to the County Treasurer ~ County for the year 1941, towit: 'I'ei and - CQ~rt House, Sale~, Va. February 17, 1941. The Board o~ Supervisors o~ Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular monthly session. Present, L. D. Bell, Chairman, H. W. Starkey, T. C. Riohards n, and Mason r...Cook. Also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular and ~alled meetings were approved as read. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks ouc of the funds respectively chargeable there- .. " " " with, to-wit: 13466 NO.; A. M. Bowman. Jr. Treasurer, Salaries for January " 13467 Eugene W. Chelf, Como. Atty. Salaries for January " l3468 W. C. Muse, Com. of Revenue. Salaries tor January It 1346S C.,&: P. Telephone Company, Phone Service 13470 Fairview Home, ~onthly expenses " " 13471 A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, to reimburse cash fund " 13472 ~~Jn of Salem, lights & water l3473 Chalmers Ferguson, Delinquent Taxes collected in January " " 13474 Chas. Lunsford &: Sons, Premium on Bond for Treasurer of Roanoke County " l3475 A. U. Bowman, Jr., Treas. Jury Tickets & Registrar of Vital Statistics " l3476. J. P. Bell Company, Forms for Clerk's Office 13477 Dooley Printing Company, Printing " " 13478 Salem Publisj:dng Company, Printing and binding " l3479 Riohmond Office Supply Co. Inc., I Deed Book " l3480 Easter Supply Company, office supplies It 13481 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 13482 Gittens &'Uorton, Inc. premi~ on bond for Davy Filliam Dillon 13483 State Farm llutual Auto. Co., premium on Policy 3776451 on Ford " " " 13484 Garretts Esso Service, Grease & Wash Job " 13485 The Texas Company, Gasoline 13486 Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer, 6 Coroner cases It " 13487 Wiley-Hall.Motors, Inc. Replacement of tail pipe bracket on McNeal's car " 13488 .Advance Stores Company, l DeLuxe Battery 1348S Magio City Motor Corporation, repairs to Sheriff's cars I 13490 Dame Roofing Company, 2 coffee pots repaired (large size)" " " " 134S1 Tow~ of Vinton, donation to Vinton for upkeep of County Fire Truck " 13492 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, tires for fire truck 13493 State Forester of Virginia, fighting fires in Roanoke County " " l3494 Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec. Medical bills for Roanoke County " 13495 J. C. Shelton Garage, repairs on cars " l3496 The Grand Piano Company, Ino. 2 springs for Blueprint maohine 13497 James River Oil Comp~~y, gas.& kerosene 134S8 J. E. Carper, plumbing and heating 13499 Lewis Brothers, 6 tons of Coal 13~00 RoyC. Kinsey Sign Company, I metal sign, $ 647.64 "204.l6 520.56 57.89 226.60 218.82 105.71 l2.12 535.00 249.50 7.6l 86.50 160.65 3S.89 3.56 9.01 5;'00 12.53 3.60 70.44 30.00 .90 7.45 3.98 1.75 400.00 78.38 9.15 325.00 2.35 .50 35.50 25.85 37.50 7.50 '1 I I I 174 'tor'! .ru.:1-ed 'hC,V\.mo~ I\wdq",t-~ ~1QC.""sb-I"1,'1'1. . ,....f"l+ol'l.G-. Wood- )./,"oljl " , :/ '!)' i / ./ Adopted by the followin5 recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. J. D. LOCKARD, R~T. L. C. HALL, and a large delegation fram the Garden City Section of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board,and urged the Board to erect a new school building in the Garden City Seotion of Roanoke County, as the present sohool was inadequate from the standpoint of growth in the community, and the condition of t.he present building; upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervi~or L. D. Bell, seoonded by supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that sard request be referred to the ~ounty School Board, as that is the proper Board with which to.confer upon reatters of this nature. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, .T. O. Richardson, H. W. Starkey and Mason L. ~ook. Nays: None. A letter dated January 27, 1941, from C. A. Montgomery, Assistant Director, Extension Division,Agrioulture and Home Economics, ..in regard to the salary of the Agricultural Agent of Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. The following resolution was this day presented to the Board: It appearing to this Board tha"C at its last meeting Edward Moffett Jones was employed as County AgricuI"Cural Agent of Roano~e County, to succeed the late M. G. Lewis, and his compensation was fixed at $2800.00 per annum, $933.33 of whioh ...as to be paid by Roanoke County; And it turther appearing to the Board the.y; some misunderstanding arose, and that the EXtension Division U. S. D. A., Virginia PolyteChnic Institute, reoommended to the Governor of this State that Mr. Jones be paid a salary from the State of $1800.00 per annum, which sum, together with the sum authorized to be paid by the County would not amount to the total sum of $2800.00, as stipulated by this Board; And it further appearing that in addi t10n to the aforesaid sum of $1800.00 to be paid by the state, a further sum of $180.00 per annum was recommended by the said Extension Division to be paid to Mr. ,ones out of State funds, for and as his travaling e.-;.enses, :ne.king a total of $1980.00 to be paid out of State funds, whioh, together with the aforesaid "'.all. of $933.33 would make a total of $2913.33 to be paid to Mr. Jones; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Board go on reoord as conc~rring in the aforesaid recommendations of the E4tension Division of U. .5. D. A., and as hereto!'ore ordered at the last meeting of this Board, Mr. Edward Moffett Jones be, and he is hereby a&ployed as County Agricultural Agent of Roanoke County, and his com?ensation from s~id County is hereby fixed at $933.33 per annum. And the Clerk of this Board is direoted to transmit a certified copy of this order to C. A. Montgomery, Assistant Director, Rx:tension, D1visioR,.".U. S. D. A. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~~pervisors H.W.Starkey,T.O. Riohardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. 'I I I .1 The follouing letter was this day laid before the Board: ttVIEGINIA C01TVEP$ATION CO~~~SSION Richmond, February 6th, 1941. o. Honorable Benjamin E. Chapman, Salem, Virginia. Dear Ben: The Division of F~story of this Coomission sponsored and supervised a W.P.A. projeot, the Virginia Historical Inventory, which made careful and complete records of much of our physical remains existing prior to 1865. This work covers structures principally, such as homes, churches, taverns, mills, etc. Apart from a complete architectural description of both exteriors and interiors of these old places, their o~ners' names have been listed, and other locally interesting facts given whioh are not compiled'in any other work. o While we o,vn and use this data here at Richmond it is also of value and interest locally, and we have'an arrangement at present with the N.Y.A., to type additional copies of the localmanusoripts for the various county clerk's offices. We ask the counties to pay for the materials used in this work. The Federal . Government pays the worke~s, and we furnish the supervision. The cost of materials to type a set of the manuscripts for Roanoke County will amount to $25.00,and if you find the Board of Supervisors agreeable to this we will start the workers on the' Roanoke manuscriots. It takes some months to deliver these, as the work is done by young typists who work only eighty hours a month With kind personal regards, I am, Very sincerely yours, R. A. Gilliam, Executive Seoretary and Treasurer.tt On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, said letter is referred to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, A. G. Wood, County Auditor, E. W.Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Honorable Benj. E. Chapman, tor investigation and report to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by t~e following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN HE: SOlJ"TR SALEM SEViER: o C. A. Firebaugh again this day appeared before the Board in regard to the sewer line privatelyowned'by him in the South Salam Section of Roanoke County,whioh County Engineer, . matter .was continued'at the last meeting of this Board tQ this date,and E.K.Mattern, Chairman of the Committee heretofore appointed by this Board, to investigate the said matter, verbally reported to the Board that, in his opinion, it would be .to 'the best interest of all concerned if the sewer line constructed by the said C. A. Firebaugh were to remain a private line; and not be accepted by aoanoke County as a public sewer. . On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded hy Supervisor L. D. Bell, the verbal report of the said E. K. Mattern,' County Engineer, is accepted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: .~ Ayes: Supervisors E. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. Copy of this action to be certified to C. A. Firebaugh, Route 2, Troutville, Va. and to F. G. Woodson, Attorney, Salem, Va., at the request of the said C. A. Firebaugh. The following resoluticn was this day presented: WHEREAS, it is necessary to survey and check the rights of way of all roads petitioned for inclusion into the state secondary road system; and WEEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of Supervisors to personally inspect 175 ~~,:i, ~~i) --J~~l '-'~r:' ~~ '~"'ll~H"~- c:t~ ~.Ct..6~ /J",",.~. , 'J,/"-('fJ ~ ,,' \. ~~ tY\i\oo. ~a.-ef l-,<<1QIle.~ I ItOq~eCoci.!y W~tct"t~ . S;iloenl( y...- .. ?{~l/l- such roads; and WEEREAS, this Board must submit its recommendations at the joint meeting between this Board and the State Highway Department, NOW, THEREFOP~, BE IT RESOLVED that only petitions received by this Board. prior to March 17, 1941, will be considered for this year's recommendations and that I all petitions received after Maroh 17, 1941 will be considered for inolusion in the road system under the allocation of 1941-42. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the foregoing resolution be adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. The following resolution was this day presented: WHEREAS, the enormous increase in the population and in the rate of building considerable incraase in Roanoke County within the past'five years has created/in the reQ.uests for in- clusion of County roads into the State Secondary Road System: and WHEREAS, while the population of Roanoke County has inoreased more than 22% the number of' additional miles of roads allowed the County per year has ~ncreased only approxilllately .15%; ~nd , WHEREAS, the increase in population has brought about a considerable increase in the gasoline taxes accruing to the State; and WHEREAS, the fact that this enormous increase in population av.d building has been conoentrated in the urban area of Roanoke County makes it impossible to levy addition al taxes over the whole County in order to set up County road forces, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be reQ.uested to grant additional mileage to Roanoke County over and above the present allowed mileage which amounts to two per cent of existing mileage. Be it further resolved that data oolleoted by the PubUQ Works Engineer which reflects the seriousness of the secondary road. situation in Roanoke County, be copied and sent with a copy of this resolution to eaoh member of the Highway ColllIllission, to Mr. H. G. Shirley, State Commissioner, and to Mr. F. A. Davis, Salem District Enginee On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T.O.Richardson, Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell,T.O.Richa~dson,E. W. Starkey and Mason L. Cook. Nays: ~oue. . ~ The following r~solution was this day presented: i'/HEREAS, this Board is in receipt of a letter from G. E. Trout, Chairman of the Roanoke County Welfare Board, together with a copy of a letter from Mr. dames W. Phillips, Director Bureau of County and ;;ity Organil::ations of the State Welfare Board and \1.HEREAS, the purport of this correspondence if to inform the Board of Supervisors tha"t; an additional appropriation will be required to tinance the local welfare organ- izations at its present level of expenditure; and ~~A~, the local welfare Board has been repeatedly requested to live within the budget as approved by the Board of ~upervisors for the fiscal year 1940-41; and WHEREAS, unemployment is practically non-existant due to the defense activity; a.ild 'I "I.' .' I I ,.. . 1/7 o i1-E&REAS, the Board of Supervisors cannot raise the tax levy at this time and has no funds whatsoever with whioh to make additional appropriations, NOW. THEP.EFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the looal welfare Board be; and the same here by is notified that no additional appropriation will be made for welfare activities during the remainder of this fiscal year. Be it further resolved that the local welfare board be, and the same hereby is, again requested to adapt their expenditures to the balances remaining in their appro- priations and that all possible sums be transferred from all general relief categorie to old .age assistance, aid to Dependent Children and aid to the Blind; these categori s baing less affected by the level of prosperity than other relief categories. On motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, Adopted by the following recorded v~te: Ayes: Supervisors E.W.Starkey, Mason L~ COOk, L. D. Bell, and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. ij i~ '.,'0. The following resolution was this day presented: 7ffiEREAS, it appears to this Board that amendments to the Roanoke County Plumbing Code are necessary to insure the proper functioning of this Code, NO\'{, THEREFORE, BE IT P.ESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, instructed to have published as provided by statute the following notice of the inten tion of this Board to make such amendments, ~At the next regular session of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to be held in the Court House at Salem, Virginia, on MOnday, March 17, 1941, there will be proposed for adoption amendments to the plumbing Code of Roanoke County and all parso s ~ ~. ~lql+1 interested therein are hereby notified of such intention to propose such amendments. On the motion of Supervisor H.W.Starkey,seoonded by Supervisor T~O.Richardson, adopted by the follo~.ing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey,T.O.Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. The following resolution was this day presented: WEEREAS, the unprecedented ~rovnh of Roanoke County over the past three-year per- iod has creuted a multitude of miscellaneous problems which come under the powers of . l~ 'U th~ Board of SUpervisors; and W~, the Board of Supervisors in regular monthly meeting are experiencing in- creasing difficulty in disposing of such miscellaneous problems withL~ the time pres- cribed by statute for their monthly meetings; and WHEREAS, it is the earnest desire of this Board to promote the efficiency of all phases of County Gover=ent; NOW, TEEREFOP.E, BE IT F.ESOLVED that E. K. Mattern, Public Works Engineer of Roano e C?unty, be and he hereby is appointed executive officer and co-ordinator for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in all matters in so tar as this Board has the 'a authority and power to make such appointment. Be it further resolved that all matters, both written and oral, including all correspondence, coming to the attention of any County offioial, and which in the opin ion of said official should be brough'to the attention of this Board, should be turne ~ over to said E. K. Mattern, prior to the nezt regular meeting of this Board. Be it further resolved that any person or persons, appearing before any County official conoerning matters whioh should be brought to the attention of this Board, should be referred to said E. K. Mattern. Be it further resolved that said E. K. Mattern shall prepare an agenda of aU J .~ -_.-_.~------~ --- matters thus coming to his attention, together with suoh pertinent facts conoerning such matters as he ,might be able to obtain, and submit a copy 01' said agenda to each member 01' the Board of Supervisors not later than the Friday preoeding the Monday on which the regular meeting is to be held. Acoompanying said agenda should be typed legal opinions and resolutions prepared by.the Commonwealth's Attorney, both yea and nay for all matters seemingly to require such action. Be it further resolved that the said E. K. Mattern is invested With no new authori y under this order, whatsoever, nor shall any authority whatsoever be oonsidered as hav- ing been transferred from the Board 01' Supervisors to any person or persons. This resolut~on shall in no way affect the regular authority and/or routine of all County officials in the performance of their duties. Be it further resolved that this resolution be considered as an attempt to co- ordinate and simplify the activities of the Board of Supervisors, looking toward in- oreased efficiency and increased ease by which the public may contact this Board. To this end it is hereby requested that all County offioials co-operate in this attempt and that as much publicity as is commensurate with the best interests of Roanoke Count . be given this resolution so as to acquaint the publio with this more efficient method 61' having matters handled by the Board 01' Supervisors 01' Roanoke County. Be it fur"her resolved that the additional work placed upon the said E. K. Mattern by this resolution .~rants additional compensation and in as much as the preparation 'of plans and specifioations for the new Court House have been substantially completed, it is hereby ordered that the additional compensation being paid to the said E. K. Mattern from the Capital OUtlay Fund, amounting to $'75.00 per month, be m.ade a per- manent part 01' his salary for the fiScal year ending June 30, 1941. On the motion 01' Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L.D. Bell, E. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. The following resolution was this day presented: --r-' q,;:....~~,'-- -w.~t/--_ . r ., ~i'...,._;.... --r .~~, this Board is in reoeipt of a letter from G. E. Trout, Chairman of the Roanoke County Welfare Board, together with'a coPy 01' a letter from Mr. James W. Phillips, Director Bureau of County and City Organizations 01' the State Welfare Board; and, VmE~~S, the purport of this oorrespondence is to inform the Board of Supervisors that an additional appropriation will be required to finance the local welfare organi- zations at its present level of expenditure; and YrE~~S, the local welfare Board has been repeatedly requested to live within the budget as approved by the Board of Supervisors for the fiscal year 1940-4l; and VffiEREAS, unemplo~ent is practically non-existant due to the defense activity; and VffiEREAS, the Board of Supervisors ca~not raise the tax levy at this time and has no funds whutsoever with which to make additional appropriations, NOW, THEP~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the local welfare Board be, end the same here by is notified that no additional appropriation will be made for welfare activities during the remainder of this fisoal year. Be it further resolved that the local ,:elfare board be, and the same hereby is, I. I I I I level of prosperity in all categories of community existance is a definite indication that the necessity for relief expenditures has become less acute, and such necessity will oontinue to decline during the next several years; and 1~~AS, it is the definite opinion of this Board that, as the Governing and Tax Levying Body of Roanoke County, it is paramount in the interest of a democratic form of. government that they be allowed to have a voice in the budgetary 'estimates of the " Welfare Department, !iOW, TIIER3~'OP.E, BE IT RESOLVED that this local Welfare Board and the State Hel- fere Department be and the same hereby are notified that the Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke County does not intend to oonsider a budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, whioh will re~uire a local appropriation in excess of approximately $10,000. Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be certified by the Clerk . , of this Board to the State Welfare Department and to the Roanoke County Welfare Board with the request that they govern their actions accordingly. On the motion of Supervi~or E.W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E.W. Starkey, L. D. 3ell; Mason L. Cook and T. O. Riohardson. Nays: Irone. The follmving letter was this day laid before the Board: ~ROA..'lOKE COUNTY Salem, Virginia. February 5th, 1941. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia Gentle!:len: I have audited the Treasurer's 1938 Personal Property Books, and have dep.uoted t':" paid i tellS. items and unpaid taxes. Districts. Th'e following is tin an~l:rsis by Districts of :the number of .' j:,umber of Items. Total. Amount. Over Fran Less ;1;5 $1-S5 than $l 52 471 366 889 1,508.83 3 27 67 97 89.75 42 204 59 305 853.35 I 8 3 12 2.6.55 28 212 255 495 757.36 32 79 III 87.38 II 151 171 333 452.27 13 46 59 39.00 2 21 36 59 113.65 2 12 14 9.61 17 258 365 640 815.53 I II 79 91 52.16 28 211 224 463 761. 63 10 94 104 51.01 185 1,631 1,856 3,672 $5,618.08 -------------------------------------------------------- Big Lick, White Big Lick, Colored Wm. Rd. San. White Wm. Rd. San., Col. Cave Spring, White Cave Spring, Col. Town of Vinton, Yfuite Townof Vinton, Col. Catawba, White Catawba, Colored Salem, White Salem, Colored Town of Salem, White Town of Salem, Col A new set of books has been made un for the above unpaid taxes and turned over to Mr. Chalmers Ferguson, the Delinquent Tax Collector. Res!,ectfully, A. G. Wood, County Auditor." Said letter ordered spread und filed. ,I I I , I I..... I I i I i i I , I ! i , /- I D', I !, 1 n . " lJ ~' " " " " " " " " " 185 said School Board. . BE IT ~~~T~~ RESOLVED that the details of suoh an arrangement be worked out by Roland E. Cook, Superintendent of Schools and 3. K. llattern, County Engineer, and said 3. K. Mattern shall have the power to act for this Board under this resolution. BE IT ~U~~r~~ RESOLVED that such supervisory services be compensated for by the School Board in an amount not to exceed $2100.00 per year, payable to the General County Fund of ROa:loke Oounty and that in the event such an arrangement proved unsatisfaotory to either Board, they shall each have the right to terminate suoh arrangement with thirty days notice to all parties concerned. BE IT ~URTE1l~ RESOLVED that such arrangements as are conoluded between the said R. E. Cook and 3. K. Mattern, be submitted to this Board for approval although not necessarily be~ore action is taken under this arrangement. On the motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seoonded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~ason L. Cook, H. Y. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. Absent: Supervisor L. D. Bell. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in March, 1941. v~..f-J7-Chairman P.T. ". Court House, Salem, Va. Maroh 17, 1941 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in re- gular J:lonthly session. Present, L. D. Bell, Chairman, H. W. StlOrkey, T. '0. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Also present h. M. Bowman, dr., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular and Called meetings were approved as read. .Tlie fol1~ling olaims aBlOinst the County were this day presented, -approved and order / ed_to be paid by voucher-cheoks out of the funds respeotively chargeable therewith, to.,.wit: No. 13578 Farmer's National Bank, SaleJ:l Road Bond Fund, Pso~ent of Bonds #85 & #86 plus interest e 2;157~50 " 13579 Cancelled " 13580 Farmer's National Bank, SlOlem Road Bond Fund, Payment on cou- pons on bond 1358l A. li. Bowman, dr. Treasurer, Salaries for month of February 13582 W. C. Euse, Salaries for February 520.56 607.50 528.03 13583 Eugene W. Chelf, Salaries for February 204.16 13584 Fairview EOJ:le, ~onthly expenses 256.75 13585 A. G. Wood, to reimburse cash fund for freight, labor, gas, stamps, and fuel 2l3.46 13586 Chalmers Ferguson, oo~s5ion on Delinquent P. P. Taxes 19.40 13587 C. & P. Telephone Company, phone service 57.75 l3588 Richmond Office Supply Company, one settlement Book lio. 14 l3589 Everett Waddey Company, One Delinquent Land Register & Postage 39.80 60.57 - - - I f i I I i , I , .. , i '0 o c " 13631 Salem Hardware Company, hardware $ 12.68 No. 13632 Standard Oil Company, motor oil & Essoheet light 18.05 13633 Mrs.. Lillian J..leshire, w!>ter for sidewalk project # 207 1.50 l3634 The Philip Curey Company, asphalt expansion joint 200 pes. 3/8 in. X 5 in. X 5 ft. 2~.45 13635 }.Irs. li. "G. Lewis, 1 Heavy Flat Top Table 5.00 " " " " 13636 Hix-Pclmer Company, Inc. 38 pcs. Pepperell prints 62 1/4 yds definance Chambray 158.58 2.00 2.24 64.20 1l.50 10.09 183.41 40.00 3.71 7.20 64.00 19.22 65.25 8.30 22.50 1.39 The follovling claims bgainst the County were this day presented, approved and or to-wit: :m ~: PtJ!1~P..ASING AGS1iT'S RL""'PORT: " 13637 Singer Sewing liuohine Company, 5 needles, 18 needles n 13638 J. 1:. Logan,' sewing room supplies dered to be paid by voucher cheoks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, " ~:'. 13639 Frank Gilbet, 4 lunaoy cases No. 13652 J. A. Boone, ~6 dogs killed @ $2.00 each t 152. " 13653 ""ck Brown, 20 bantams killed by dogs 5.0 " 13654 us. F. L. Cormell, 3 hens killed by dogs 3.0 " 13655 Treasurer of Virginia, I duplicate dog tag .3 a " 13640 E. B. ~"bes, 10 yards sand @ 1.15, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. I 13641 The Philip Carey Company, 2 drums flat N"bosar Asphalt, Wmson, Rd. San. Dist. No. I l3642 1l.. G. "[ood, to reimburse cash fund, '!lmson Rd. San. Dist. no. 1 13643 A.~. Bowman, Jr. interest on bonds, Wmson. Rd. san. Dist. No. 1 b.G. V!ood, Pu?chasing Agent, this day presented to the no~rd an account amounting n " " " 13644 E. K. rattern, trip to Washington, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 to $213.46, in paj,"ent of sundry accounts paid by him, and on motic~, duly seconded ~ " 13645 Salem Hardware Company, 1 Oakum, 1 roll roofing, Wmson. Rd. San. ::list. No. I 13646 Old Virginia Brick Company, 4,000 common hard brick, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. I 13647 Roanoke Conorete Products Co. concrete sewer pipe, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 13648 3. B. Krebbs Supply Company, Chlorine invoices Feb. 19, 1941 ~ulY lO.... 1940 &: S~pt. ~3, 1940 ~Imson. ltd. San. D~st. _-JO. 1 and carried, it is o~dered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment of said aooount. (S~id accountis ordered to be ~iled.) .. " " " l3649 C. & P. Telephone Co. phone service, Wmson, Rd. San. Dist. rIot 1 13650 A. U. Bm~man, Jr. interest on bonds ~.M. ~07nL~J, 'JR., Treasurer of Ro~noke County, this day submitted his s~lbry and expense ~ccowrrt for the month of February, 1941, amounting to $792.04, two-thirds of which, amountins to ~528.03, is payable by the County, ~nd one-third, amounting to $254.0l, is Payable by the State, and on motion, duly seconded and c~rried, it is ordered th~t a vouoher-check be issued to the said A.M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the county's p~rt of said account. (Suid uccount " " 13551 C~ers Ferguson, commission for colleotion of delinquent P. P. taxes , n, ;TI:: DOG T.~S, SHE3P CL.\ TJ'!'l &;c: is ordered filed.) ~r There are some places in the County where additional seating space is imperative. The schools which are most seriously crowded are William Fleming E. S., and Ft. Lewis Elementary School. If more room is not provided, we fear some pupils ,~ill have to be excluded next year. The School Board, therefore, recommends that the Board of Supervisors provide funds to erect a 6 room addition at William Fleming High School and 4 rooms at Ft. Lewis Elementary Sohool. The additional room at Ft. Lewis will also relieve conditions in the elementary schools of Salem where pupils who should go to Ft. Lewis have been attending sohool on account of laok of room at Ft. Lewis. These two additions could be made at a cost of $50,OCO.00, derived from current funds supplemented by special levy of 5p and loans from the Literary Fund. Without such 5p levy, the Board would have to be assured that the Supervisors would grant them permission to make a temporary loan. We urge that measures be taken by the Board of Supervisors at this meeting to make possiole these additions, ~ich are so badly needed. Other buildings are badly needed in the County, and should be constructed at an early date in order to relieve tne over-crowded oonditions in our High Sohools, which within the next two years will not be sufficient to hold the pupils. We, thererore, expect to recommend that a new Elgh School be erected in the Cave Spring District in 1942. If properly looated, such a building would relieve Andrew Lewis and William Byrd. This building would cost not less than ~100,000.00 unde~ present oonditions. There should be new buildin~ sat Tinke r Creek and Garn.en City, and we recommend that the School Board be authorized to purchase suitable lots on which to construct these buildings. A new Elementary Sohool should be constructed in the To~~ of Salem, and the School Board should be authorized to arrange for purchase of a suitable location for that building.. Addition should be made at Riverdale or ~ount Pleasant. All these buildings are needed at the present time, and we hope can be completed in a period of 5 years or less, as there are other needs whiCh may have to be met within a few years. Additional spaoe at William Byrd and William Fleming High Schools will probably be required, and we are sure other needs which cannot be determined at the present time will arise. With the above needs in mind the Sohool Board feels that the construction of additional school rooms as reco~ended should take preoedence over replacement of existing obsolete buildings, and urges the Board of Supervisors to pro,ide for a minim~~ of $50,000.00 construction in the coming budget. This can be financed by a ~40,000 loan from the Literary Fund and either a 5~ levy or temporary loan. Additional funds for the purchase of land and further oonstruction should be provided by the Board of Supervisors as soon as possible. Very truly yours, THE COlTh'TY SCHOOL BOAP.D OF ROANOKE COUNTY, L. M. Whitmore, Chairman." Said letter ordered filed. , J.~. Doran, W. B. Bowles, and Mrs. D. C. Hart, President, Riverdale Parent-Teacher Association, or. the Riverdale section; W. T. Hylton, Alex Arnold, 12rs. Everett Peters, . and Mrs. _ Tice, of the Tinker Creek section; ~~s. Chandler T. ~artin, President Parent-Teachers' Association, Academy Street school, J. A-~strong Cross and C. H. Lewi , ..___._..___...L __ I I I I I Aoademy Street School, Salem; and R. Douglas Ninineer, principal of the William Fleming Ugh School, Williamson Road, and Wesley Chap!:lan, as a patron, and as a representative of the Parent-Teachers Association of the Fort Lewis School, appeared before the Board, and after the letter from The County School Board of Roanoke County had been read, each delegation explained in detail the needs, n l_ some provision to remedy the were representing, and urged that the Board make I existing conditions; whereupon Supervisor E. W. Starkey &c of the schools which they moved the Board that the program,as outlined by the Chairoan of the County n ~ Sohool Board,be adopted in principal, and that the Board of Supervisors provide fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) on short tine loans to be spent at the discretion of the School Board, there being no second to said motion, same is declared lost. The following resolution was this day presented: l1hEP~, the Roanoke County School Board, under authority of the Board of Supervisors, has borrowed from the State Literary Fund a sum of approxiIr.ately siX hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00) which has been applied to construction of school buildings in Roanoke County, and W5ER.EAS, while this sum was borrowed at the current interest rate of 4% in force at the tine such sum was borrowed, said current interest rate has decreased to approximately 1 l/Z% to 2%, and ,j~REAS, while the present low interest rate could be secured through refunding of said loan, it would seriously reflect on the excellent eoonomic value of the Literary Fund plan and in all probability send such interest as is payable on said loan outside the boundaries of the Comnonwealth of Virginia. NOW, T.aBL~iO~, BE IT RESOLVED that the legislature of Virginia be and the same hereby is requested to l~,er the present intereso rate on Literary Fund Loans from 4% to the prevailing interest rate of from I l/Z% to 2%. BE IT FURTr3R RESOL\~D that oopies of this resolution be oertified to the following agencies and persons:- The Virg~ia State Board of Education ~ne Roanoke County SChool Board The Hon. F..arvey B. Apperson The Eon. Leonard G. lfuae The Eon. Benjanin E. ChapEan. c On notion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor l.cason L. Cook, adopted by the follm7ing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. 3ell, 1*50n L. Cook, E. ~. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Eays: None. a n~ RE: R3:?ORT OF FIE COl..2-IITSE: 11s.son L. Cook and 3:. ?:. 1.!attern heretofore appointed to select s. site for the 7lilli=5on Road Fire Statio!: hereby !7:ade the following report; n;~l available sites for the fire station have been carefully co~s:dered with a view toward securing s site that is easily accessible to the volunteers who will live around the station, ~ith a vieTI towa~d providin~ an easy outlet for the truck an with a v~ew to~ard savir~ as wuch money as possible. ~e have tentatively selected ~ site in the vicinity of liberty Road and ~illiawso Read rather than the Grove Street location. We have found it a~ost ~~ossible to ~198 ~~ ~. I\<ktrZk. IltXWl .' $...&.... . ~ 1/ 'ii'f' The Budget Committee heretofore appoi~ted by this Board to draft a budget for Roanoke County for the year 1941-1942, this day laid before the Board a dra~c of said proposed budget, also a draft of the proposed budget for the County Schools, as prepared by the Superintende~t of Schools, and approved by the Division Superintendent of Schools, which are approved by this Board; and the further I' hearing of the same is oontinued ULtil to the regular meeting of this Board on ~~nday, the 21st day of April, 1941, at 2 o'clook P.M. And the Clerk is directed to publish, as required by law, a brief synopsis of said budget in the Times-Register, a ne~spaper havi~g a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, at least fifteen days prior to that date; said synopsis to be prepared by A. G. Wood, County Auditor, a member of the ~~dget Committee. I On the motion of Supervisor T. 8. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, approved by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, 1~son L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third MOnday in April, 1941. A ~~hairman. Court House, Salem, Va. April. 1, 1941. A oalled meeting ot the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following oall: "Salem, Virginia March 31st, 1941. Mr. BoY K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors. Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia. Dear Sir: .please call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ROanoke County, to be held in its room at 3:00 P. M.; on Tuesday, APril lst, 1941. Purpose of meeting to consider 1;he following: 1. Authorization of Kqualization Board. 2. Payment ot following bills: a. To if. C. McCOnkey for lot on Williamson Road. b. To Roanoke Electrical Supply Co. for material used at Mercy House. 3. Discuss and aot on necessity and advisability of employing counsel to assist the Commonwealth _ Attorney in .he matter of annexation. L. D. Bell, Chairman. Mason L. Cook H. W. Starkey T. O. Riohardson, Supervisors. " I I Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson, also present A. M. Bowman, dr., Coun1;y Treasurer. The fo~ow1ng resolu1;ion was this day laid before the Board: WHERRAS, it has oome to the attention of this Board that various and numerous complaints and requests' have been made looking toward the appointment of a Board of Equalization for the county of Roanoke, and WEEREAS, it is the desire of 1;his Board to enable ell property. owners of Roanoke County to express themselves freely on the matter of the recent re~assessment; I"- , I l.l NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that "udge T. L. Keister of .he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, be, and he hereby is requested to appoint an Equalization' Board to review oomplaints resulting from the re-assessment of real property held in Roanoke County in 1940; BE IT FURTHER RESOL\rED that it is the opinion of this Board that such an E~alization Board should consist of not more than three men, one or more member~~" of such Board to be selected from the Assessors who made the re-assessment; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation of the members of the Equalization Board shall not exceed $7.50 per diem; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of $848.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose ot d8fraying the expenses ot said Rqualization Board and the prelimi~ary work pertinent thereto. After such Equalization Board has been appointed, details and procedure shall be worked out and submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval not later than its regular meeting on April 2lst, 1941, said details to include meeting dates and procedure. /"_..".,' " I'. ,. r i I I I i /0 On motion of SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, seoonded by Supervisor T. O. Riohardson, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Riohardson, L. D. Bell and H. V. Starkey, Nays: None. c IN HE: PV5CEASE OF LOT ON WILLIAMSON ROAD u A deed dated Maroh 5th, 1941, from Mrs. Claudine W. MOConkey and "as. G. McConkey, her husband, to .he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, for a lot on Williamson Road, known as Lot I, Section 9, LinCOln Court, was this day laid before the Board; Upon oonsideration~hereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconde~ by SUpervisor T. o. Riohardson, it is ordered that.said deed be acoepted, and that a voucher-oheck for two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) be issued to the said Mrs. Claudine W. McCOnkey in payment of purchase prioe of said lot, said voucher- oheck to be drawn on the Williamson Road Sanitary District #1 Acooun.. Said deed to be recorded in the Clerk's Offioe of Roanoke County, and .he recordation fee for same to be paid by the County Purchasing Agent. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. I Nays: None. ~ ELECTRICAL IN RE: MATERIAL USED AT MERCY HOUSE: On the motion of Supervisor T. O. Riohardson, seoonded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that a voucher-oheok tor two hundred, twenty-eight dollars and thirty-fOur cents ($228.34) be issued in favor of the Roanoke Electrioal SUpply Company, for material used at .he Meroy House of Roanoke County~ Adopted by the following reoorded vote: .~es: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. 200 c..A.. rJ....i.. r i:.\I,'eR....ei.. ~ .M-, ... ltR.&. ~C&vv<r. ~. 't/~/V( -"'. \..:i ' The tollowing resolution was this day laid before the Board: l1HEREAS; the general question of annexation of Roanoke County areas by the City of Roanoke will seriously affect the plans of the County government, and IHEREAS, under section 2728 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of SUpervisors has the authority to employ counsel to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney on suoh matters; NOW, THEREFOHE' BE IT RESOLVED that Furman B. Whitesoarver, practicing Attorney, be and he hereby is employed by this Board,to serve at the pleasure ot the Board, to assist the Commonweal th' s Attorney ot Roanoke County on the question of annexation of areas of Roanoke COunty and particularly in the preparation and oompilation of data pertaining to annexation and in any action which may be instituted by the City of Roanoke for :the annexation of any area or areas of !loanoke County. BE IT roRTHER RESOLVED that statements of the accrued compensation and expenses of said special counsel shall be presented to this Board when requested, and that an appropriation ot two hundred dollars '$200.00) be made for starting this work. On the motion ot SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, seoonded by SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. A copy of this order to be oertified to the Commonwealth's Attorney of.Roanoke County and to Furman B. Whitescarver, Attorney. On the motion of SUpervisor H. U. Starkey, seoonded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that all county officials of Roanoke County'be requested to ........ furnish the EXecutive Offioer of Roanoke County with any information that he may deem necessary in the compilation of any necessary data, pertaining to annexation proceedings, which may be institUi;ed by the City of Boanoke tor the anne%S.tion of any area or areas in ROanoke County. ~dopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. \1. St~key, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Riohardson. Nays: None. Copy of this order to be certitied to the heads of all County offices. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in ~. 1941. ofJ 4< Chairman. Court House, Salem, Va. April 21, 1941 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in re-. gular monthly session. Present, L. D. Bell, Chairman, T. O. Richardson, and Mason L. Cook, Absent, R. W. Starkey. Also present A. M. Bowman, _T., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular and called meetings were approved as read. The following clail!lS against the County were this day presented, approved and ord r- ed to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 'I I I ~"""'..<;.':'!t~. - -, ,"':';.~0,} ,." ..tf....,' ~ ....... .,.., -..''-,:-;."',i.' . ',,',:.,'jf:~' and, on notion, duly seddilded-iw.. >.;fii the said Eugene ?T. (I.;l .,,~~:~ ., /.... 1'1'1, " ." ",/ IN BE: DOG TAES, SHE;;:P curus &c: The following cluims ugainst the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher ohecks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewit , to-wit: no. l3764 Mrs. H. S. Beard, I Turkey killed by dog $ 3.00 n " l3765 J. A. Boone, Dogs killed 208.00 ~ " l3766 A. 11. Bcrv~man, Jr., Treasurer, 15% to state 837.94 IN RE: PURCHASING AGENT'S REPORT: .u A. G. Wood, Purohasing Agent, this day presented to the Board an account amount- ing to $159.84, in payment of sundry accounts paid by him, and on motion, duly seconde and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment of said account. (Said account is ordered to be filed.) 0{" A. M. BO~~~, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted his salary an expense account for the month of March, 1941, amount to $793.34, two-thirds of which, amounting to $528.89, is payable by the County, and one-third, amounting to $264.45, is payable by the State, and on motion, duly seoonded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the ?aid A. M. Bmvman, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke Cc.~ty, for the county's part ot said account. (Said account is ordered filed.) c EUGErffi U. CHELF, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke qounty, this day submitted hi salary and expense account for the month of March, 1941, amounting to $408.33, one-hal of which is payable by the county and one-halt by the State; and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to Chelf, Commonv:ealth's Attor~ey, for $204.16, the oounty's part of suia account. (Said account is ordered filed.) w. C. ll1JSE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, "his day submitted his salary and expense account for the month of March,", 1941, amounti~g to $780.84, two- thirds of whioh, amounting to $520.56, is payable by the County, and one-third, aJllOunt ing to $260.28, is payable by the State, and on notion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued tc the said W. C. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, for the county's part of said acoount. (S~id account is ordered filed. ) IN RE: DELD1Q,UENT TAXES: ~ The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. li. Bow.can, Jr., Count Treasurer, for $1359.68, on ~ccount of delinquent t":tes collected by said Clerk for by him turned over/to said Treasurer, said the month of March, 1941, less 5% commissions end said check acount to $1291.70 net. 203 e..J,...:.. t: .; ~~"""".'........ ~ ,...;~;: ~ ....,. M-~.r;:i '1/;;'1 ~ J .e; ..~ u~ 'if>'''';' D' c a ! " IN HE:: VIEVIS OF REPP.ESENTATlVES: . On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seoonded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is'ordered that E. K. Mattern, Exeoutive Officer, prepare a letter to each mamber of the General Assembly representing Roanoke County. Such letter to request their ~ . views on the subjects of annexation, welfare and the fee system of compensation. It is further ordered that before such letter is sent,. each member of the Board of Supervisors reeds s~e and initials a copy to show their approval. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. ~ n~ HE: BUS ROUTE NOTICES: On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the notices from the State Corporation Commission concerning cases number 7226 and 7227 and satting forth new routes for the bussas of the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be filed as this Board approves of such change snd / or extension of the routes detailed therein. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. }- The following petition was this day laid before the ~oard: A petition signed by J. B. Harris, F. L. Hodges, and s~dry other property owners on the street known as Fort Lewis Boulevard, from Lee Highway to Texas Hollow road as said street meanders, as sho\vn in plat book 2, page 151, in the clerk's.office, Roanoke County, said petitioners agreeing to donate a fifty foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, approximate mileage 2500 feet; said petitioners requesting thQt s8id road or street be included in the Depart~ent of Highways Secondary System for construction and lor maintenance; On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is o,dered that the petition and or request for inclusion of said road and or street into the State Highway Secondary System for either maintenance 'or oonstruction, or both, this day presented to this Board be referred to the Public Works Engineer for action as set forth in the General Road Petition Order adopted November 18,1940. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors llason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. nays: None. " SECONDARY ROAD ADDITIONS On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the following roads be and th~ sam~ hereby are certified to the State Highway Coocission, as represented by its Resident Engineer, with the request. that they be included in the State Secondary Road System as provided by Statute and as pro vided by the rulings of the State Highway Coocission. ---_..... ---- _.. ._-----_._._-_.__._._~---_.._-_.__.. .-.- ~ .uz." to', '/(.-m..oz: 'i.t,~ 'fln/~1 5ttr..' ~J~ . "ft;;t;.~,; , 1!- "r: ...e...... /)..:;/..;, . 207, :,~;.~', 21 Ext'n. of 1418 North UN. .15 .15 11 Bellview Ave. from 117, Conehurst tIN. .10 .10 4 Frantz st., Edgewood UN. .05 .05 27 Ext'n. Rt. 14l7, Guilford Ave. UN. .10 .05 rJ 43 Madison Ave., ~ashington Hgts. UN. .27 .07 35 Westland Rd., Westland I. .17 .15 14 Ext'n. Rt. 623, Hollins UN. 1.00 .l5 73 Old Catawba Rd. at Flora's UN. .25 .25 ~ 83 Ext'n. Rt. 736 UN. .75 .10 39 Ext 'no Rt. 636 Nor th UN. .40 .10 The total allowed mileage is 6.77 miles plus .10 mile abandoned in Salem Distric . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook Absent: Supervisor, H. W. Starkey Nays: None v Howard W. Starkey, Supervisor ) Salem District ) ) . \IS. ) ) The Public ) Order Appointing Viewers Thie day came Howard W. Starkey, Supervisor of Salem Distriot, by counsel, who begged leave to file a petition for the abandonment and discontinuance of a portion of State Secondary Route #709, which leave is granted, and the petition acoompanied b a plat. of the portion of said road sought to be abandoned, and the affidavit as to th posting of notices is hereby filed. And it appearing to this Board upon the said petition that the affiant has duly and legally published, as is required by law, a notice of his applioation to the Boar C' for the abandonment and discontinuance as a publio road of that portion of State Seco - daryRoad'#70S. described in the petition; t~at the publication of notice was had by proper posting in three public places, one of whioh is at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County, and also on a board erected on the road sought to be abandon on the nort~ side of the Virginian Railway tracks, and one on a board on the ~ of the Virginian Railway tracks on said road, all of which is verified by an affidavi appended to the said petition; And it further appearing to this Board that at least twenty days have elapsed si ce the posting of the above desoribed notice, apd this Board having fully considered sa d petition, and being of the opinion that the petitioner is entitled to the appointment of viewers, it is hereby ~rdered that Wiley Givens, E. B. Bowman & R. M. Goodwin free holders residing in Roanoke County, Virginia be and they are hereby appointed as view ers. who, after first having been dulY~lorn as required by law, shall view the said portion of State Secondary Road #709 hereby sought to be abandoned and discontinued, nd '-.' ..~" ..! u u c , " IN HE: KAZm TmPLE PROPERTY: On motion of SUpervisor L. D. Bell, seoonded by supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the report of the Committee appointed to study and act on the question ot tax exemption for the Kazim Temple Property located just south of Brandon Road be and the same hereby is approved, accepted, and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Masen L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. or- I I On motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the report of the Committee heretofore appointed to investigate, the disposal of refuse near' the Jewish Cemetery, be riled; and it is further ordered that said COmmittee investigate the possibilities of securing a new site for the disposal of refuse, and that said Committee report at the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. of' , Chae. D. FoX, Jr., Attorney, oounsel for a group of property owners, and F. L. Hobaok, Attorney, for W. B. Weeks, this day appeared before the Board, in regard to the establishment ot a.stockyard on the Hollins Read, on property owned by the said 1/. B. Weeks; On motion ot supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that X. VI. Chelf, COmmonwealth's Attorney, furnish all parties concerned with a written opinion concerning the points brought out in a letter submitted by Yr. Charles D. Fox, Jr., in oonnection with the above matter, whioh lette is ordered filed. And the Clerk is directed to certify a copy of this.order to Chas. D. Fox, Jr., Attorney, and to F. L. Hoback, Atty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, and T. O. Riohardson. Nays: None. Of' dated April I, 1941, A letter/from Sidney B. Hall, SUperintendent of Public Instruction, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk. Board of SUpervisors Roanoke County,in regard to a reduction in the interest rate on Literary Fund Bonds, was this day laid before thE; . Board, and ordered tiled. " m HE: LOG INN SEWERAGE: The following letter was this day laid before the Board: "Salem, Virginia April 2l, 1941. The Board of Supervisors Roanoke Coun1;y As requested by the Board at its March Meeting: The kitohen sink and fountain drains and two drains from septic tanks have been taken out of the State Highway ditch by the permission and also the oo-operation of Mr. Johnsto~, Resident Engineer of the Highway Department. " : . i'\"" e fOe e ", " Number of Function :. Num. {)ctof Ittm , /"*~;;',,:!."; >'.:;~ :~:.' ..' >:<': ,(: : 'J",\: :<,: ;":~;i', " '.' \.; ," < Kl ',' "th~ -~,;:..~. ..' '. ,~,'0.~'tla~:.?:ih . ,,"... l~~.i ;-.,],j. ,~~' . _-:.";7'JW. ,.' '.~ .,., . ,"" '7", '.',:' ..........:. . , .' ' " . . : ': YEAR ENOE[; JiJNE 10: 19.40. '. I TITLE' OF ITEM \~J ,;~'';I?-<9-;.(..,;' ~ ;;!.}) 7) "Amo,....,o. Em.o"... ., ; . '.':..: ; ( '. ....... .. , . .' ' . . TITtf OF; FI.i~CTIO~ . '.'.. . l-A " :: . 10 nil , I nnll 1;1nr'llnnll /,,/nlnnT :Inlnn ,~Inl~n I, Inll.n nl; , ,,:':' , .. nli' , nsation ... .... i.f' .' 100 '101 I h nf' . nf' , , :>n ,. Innll 11 nil , , A"ditina ""AS "n . nf' tl'A n. .....A& .____A ",.",. AAO,l n... n f" 201 I:>nt: 2:>10 :>aa "'.... I I" Inn 10 Rn ...~ , ,. 0'" ; l..B ~ . ~ , ... I 10:1 . hna :>1 :> .. I , , . nn In '. n" '" ",.- .~&_.. 10 Ia 10 0'7 '2 bJo;;n Inn nf' nn Rn.... , 20CH! 1'519 211; 218 6 260 Post 01'f1oe Stationery, Box Rent Printed Forme & 01'1'ioe ~'nnliee " 00 . I 1/0 0 00 , R nn 8 00 2 i 100 I I 1 00 00 00 '51; 01 . Maintenance 01' 01'fice Eouinment Telephone and TeleRl'aph Service . 2-B OOlrlMISSIONER OF REVENUE. : I. __,' _ I1U,", nO' IlS inner 9.1' It: I.R lion:. . llilnn I 1:0." , I, I.~ '.' ',' I.:. .1:0."'':' '.. ~ , ',,,: .;;;.....,.. ':rl...~.J. ~i'~.; , ' 'c" ,.' ..1...1. " , I~ , 1100 . .. ,'. 2aJ, ~nlr .: . .. . " . I. ^" , . .-. , hlJlstant r . " ", '." . , , . .--;Lj;2~' '-"''-~'''''W'.., -"~-iUJlt~oh,} '.' :-'JDnd""'--'-"'-~'" ."_..........:' , " .,'.,', ' ': ':..' , . 211. , RA"" ,,#' '. ". n..~. A'" I 218 'l'el i ,& "'ele _;.. , ", . ' ,1~1Q' .' I' . .. ",.,' I Mai ' .'. nr i.... '. I '; ;-'("1 .. " : 399 R.~t1ng4....tm.nt. :" '.... .' .': :' '. '''lon 01' DeDlltiee 'M' r; , , -:-="'..,,......:-~ :~.~ -4 -~ '-..;. ,':::;';....' ". ~h ,.:' ;:~. .~ . ~ -"J " '.~" . '. , .~x ~; "~;':)A -?"\ ":j:.. . r...... ENDING JUNEl 30. 19.~.._.. , A"PJtDP.lU,1'JDN " .1. PJlOPOSED EJl:I'IiHOITU.U II.nll h Ic:.lnlnn "d~lnl on t.nll I.n" Inn '., In" I" nn I. nn b~ I.n '~Iftl "^ nn ht} ~ I.. nlnln nn Inn 1 Inn ,,, Inn 100 1 0100 on o 00 00 ^^ 17 ~ ~ 1'5!lI? 00 00 00 00 b Ix I ~ '<'1. b at. o I, I, '<'1. ,. I.,b 01. Inn 11 '''n ,1:0.1 n, I.nn. . h Inn ", -..... -- -- il - , i:M ---....--.-/.., . -.," " " "... 13~ 'I'~~ ""'1' . . . '.' i '.:, '.1 ",:1.;. r nn'l.i,~ h .j ! :;..1 , ";: 'I.: I ~,.!H I,"; ,': ',( i I',-I-~i Inn ~-~ I, )1> d ~,~ ~- III Inn ~ ~ . C,. I I 'f.," , .;.... ',.,;::,.,..~, fa.. " ,. '1" I.n I~ nlt 1'" 00 18 : ,._'~':"~.;::1 'I ,,':, " .1 ii._ " , .' ""J. _. : . I. : ~i" i" ~-'3 '.j l ~y "J n: i . ~' . -: ;, ~" ;,' 'i, h .-, . . . , '. -...,J ',",-", In;;- U "'f I,i il."":~"" .".,.; ,.. Inn. , - '. M nn U. nn '. . '1,ln nn .. d62 16 62 '-'" '. INCAIIA,.OVE. YIlAI ENDING JUNI )0, 19.__..... .:.101 :>C 1c;lnl n/ 61~2( I"" nn _h. .1. .J. 00 alii 000 .h. _'I. - m . .11. 21.; 00 ". , ....;...i:: . {. -. YEAR ENDING JUNE )0, 1942. UJlCIU'1 UNO" YIl.U ENDING JUN. )0, 19_.__._ n n .Inl .Inl In, In n o o o o r.o In. In n. 0, .- f- .- -+~ n IJnl Q In, In o o ALLOWID .v BoAID In '71'1160 1111;Inl nn 61~lol nn -'",lnIM Idnlnn 'I' nn A , ~ n ..'nl nn , 10011 : 100 1 0 00 1 00 17 00 ! 117 00 : L U:'" I >I, ., Ia oJ: ! i ""Inn " "IAI nn , ..... .._! III nn 16 nn ''7 nnH. h nn _n. 6 911. 62 .., -;1); .1'.iM ',S'.ifi "~;a l' . .!~ 1/;-, Numbu of Fufttdon 3 I' 4 " _... ,-.!..;-,~.. #.. .:'~~'- J ~ i .1 ._,..-}ci' .;-.">i ....;\.11....';;,., . ,~._~,:" ~ ~W~~;:~:?":;}:r-~'. .'. V :i' .-ii-;'- ~;~;:.;H. -::::-~1'~'~';-:(';f';:( ,-...--,,:,' "j"..,.' TITLE OF FUNCTION Num- btr d( TITLe:; OF ITEM hem ""~"iSl"~"':~:~~~~~~tNf^ EXPENDltUiiEESTlMAT{!s : COLLECTIONS & DISBURSEMENTS OF TAXES: 101 105 109 199 109 204 212 200 214 218 215 220 299 319 399 RECORDING OF DonUl-'--' ,m n ^4' n, a~1r 204 Book Bind illor 215 Repairs ~o Offioe )J~u1nmen1i 22 Publioation ot Legal No1i ioes ,,~,..~- ................. ~~~~,............ ......---,.....-"....-.............. ........ 317 Reoord Booke . !lI,a "~.~ _...,.~ 11 ....M.MD ... . . , . ',I FOR THILYEAR ENDING'JUNE':}O, ]9' is GENERAL OOUllTYFUND . ' . . YE^" ENDED JUNE 10. 19,...40 ^,pao,aI4TIOH Elt'KNDITUII!. '" ,1_1- n..J1 4 2 c or 2 9 2 6 6E Ii or IInlr nrll ~I ~1^la adl ~( - 2 9 26 8C I~ odl ,,11 ,,~I 25 21 128 4' ~3 OC 11 ! 0 00 1'11~ '11 I.I~ "'< 'J< I: ;'AII 1 ,14 fl4 2 R 14 3C 021;.1... ...!'III 35 00 8 9 0 9' 28 II or . 1 2 0 Of 8 II Of "I f nrll . ..., ~ flAil 1[,; 0 0 or 2 0 0 or , 0 7 liLt 6~ ~ . I"nh :nnll', 1.2811 or , II 0 or I' I. I ~ 0 1"001: ; , i .) ~. '~i ~$,t i/ ,- lb IS 0 :00" .' a!lill."" II I:: i . . I"'''' In Mo;," 1.1.. "'. l:J.:TI1.ftJ.l I~I..L..I~ ",,11 I' . ; :',~ nlr nr L( .. 17 lie ~I~ 0011 ""~n" ;'0 . . '. .'1- ;.. ' I I.. . - ~ ~. ~ I I ,:-' ; i,' ~-, ':":'ti'f'>i""; <;.\/ . VaAl ENDlN<l JUNE 30. i9._____ AppJIOPlIATION 1:>1 l) 111 Mil 10 Or 2 9 2 6 6E 1,\1 nnll r M 05 or liIo1 00 8 or 20 Of 181111 M I. M ..., ""II o or 50 00 1104161317' I nlnl nnll I P.I8 5 Of 50 Of I3nnll. 810 00 nn nil "nil ~ .:.'::-. . PIIOP01!O Elt'lINOIlUIIU I.. nil nr 3 ~ 0 odl II 911 6 6E L, _ gnl c Or ~ Ii or 600 or 85 or 1,lf nr lei. nr.J1 1.1, M ,..I... ..., I, "dl I, I "In I^ n~1 2 5 0 or , Inl ""liAI '1r/ ."h nt IS!A 5 00 i'10 00 1,,1, nnH Qb 0 00 AI,': nr I lal"I"li "nil I.~ ., it"":': ."~GE 2 YE^" ENDING JUNE 10.19..42 -~ 'NeRBUR Ovn Y."R ENOINn JUN. 30, 19......... - Io( _ h In on - ~( - ~( - ~I - Lr.. lu 10100 Io( - 00 o 00 lel,,1 nn ,1010 00 Inl,~1 nn "'..Inlnn , ~ ~I-H 7 - ~/j;r-'-<-' -- .... I~., _ _ I c/n L U&cuu. UNon YEAI ENDINO JUN. 30. J9~.~_._ - ,. ..D. f nnll -D- 50 00 n. .. 1111111 noli ~ I ..\ " ALLOWIO BT BoAlio 3 <0 Ol 11Il1S! mil 1"101,, "JI lain I f odl ~IIII oJI 6 olJ oc .Rllllo( IJ!/J nrll 1,,1,,1 n, ,~Inl nrll 11I1...1..., ,,1lI1 mlr h 1"ln 26000 Iftl'~'17 00 28 5 Ol O( oc ,.MIl.. or I I ,., ..-. ',,; . ""'.'''''''''. .;4 1/1 "r:; t '-.~l ;.'!~-(;J /Y- ~' '~~" .}~M . :\ .~ -, .~ i-t~- ~\)ti ,;:::':'!fJt f ';,)\'~\~ ~. @-." IAL-. ~ "nil ~:;JI .--.......-,,...-...--..-- r CJ ::.:.2- ...,. Z]ll ROANOKR COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDlTUREESPMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,19 112 GENERAL COUNTY FUND =- C:J Page , YE.R ENDED JUNE 1O,I'.lf.O VEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1942. Numbtr TITLE OF FUNCTION Va"lI ENblND 01 . JUN. lO, 19.__ -.. P.OP01~D INCltlAs.Ovn O<<U"II UNO" ALLOWIlO Funcrion Num. Ap,aO..1ATIOH El.PaNDITUIlE AI'UO'1I"t10N ElIPaNDITUlla VIAll ENOINU Van ENDINO 8'1" Do"aD btr of TITLE OF ITEM JUNE lO, 19......... JUN& lO, 19_'M'''. hem , 'i.A . I-- 1,1l2 .... A~ nf" ' In t:, I~ 1:. In I L.. 1011 {,. .!0L. _h. In {,'111 10~ Comoensation'of Snecial 6.ttornev nnll I~ 1 nn 1",lnl n~ Inlnl nn 1..ln nn ..h, I~ nn 120 Comoensation of Relief Judue I~ 00 . I", Inn I:> . on ]ol _h. 1",ld nr 1 :>1 .~" AI' ..n<'l oa " I", I AA or I., Ie: I nr 1'71.:.101 on . lnl _no Ie nn . . h I nnll . "' I, 1M 122 I1nmnensat-lnn nf .Tn,.v h n, '. h , nr - . a2h. Miso"" "lnlMII - - .. - 0:JI - ~lQ Statinne"v PY>int.ed - I, Inn Ion - L1 no u _ 202 6'1 I:>h 0 ':''1 IA t:211 I:> In 1{,'1 Inn - {" '5-B C 1 n:> AI' m~' ft' ~...U nnll ..Innl... 0011 I.. n~ , I, In ,,'; . bl\ Mil In "" 10'1 nf" Aft.".~ ,ftft ~.. :>, :> - In "Ii 12 11 '" 1"ln,,1I . I, g:" nr I,~ ~ .,'''' .,.,11 2'0 ......~..ft.. .. d"le: ,. 12 I, ~ I~~~ '" In Inn I~ nn 1'1 IC:;:Q!;! " or In In I~ Inn "I~I nnll ",II: "n 11 In ,,( In ~'i nnll 'i_n ,... ..^~ A" " .. "'.;, i'- . 'Aft,. .. . .' : i \ '. ) ". .1"lnl-I-- 1..LI"lnn I. . I, ;1'1; 1 U.i ' i ',~I1.hl; ;;fVl.',~,'~ ; ~121 T , i.T;I.... ,.11'.:;! I~ ,,1,,1,,1 ^I. 1~1"lr tv> .Inln or ~': .101 "'nl nn! .JnL - '.:iJ 1..1,,1,,1 ^" J"L ,.'::~ I I., . n" 1.:I"ln" - :.. 01 ,Iii \ [If"" wo~ JnL ;v~ . .." " ::Sf .... ;1 - - ~]~ ..:. ,1:d!Jl. I?II 100 ffldolnr JoL .D. ft51~ 00 , II I )f~ I . ';'. "'.- ....,' .,. ..... .~ , ; . ; {; I \ , ,,,.. ,,,a . ",A' "'.., ,4^.. ,;,.. . : I. , , .1 .d: , , ;' , I I, ", , . "~!'~!i~r!:~~~tW{~f?<Y'~;.~~:~}~if~~<t' NI.I~btr or Funcrion 6-A 6-c . c, S"~t$':~~~~:in~('w~;.\~i~~~~:i;<\. ,." -~ - ,.:';",. >". c' :~;. "':_ '~';5' ~'::::',~.~~:-~;M~'Vn-5~~-t:,~'Tit;(~~;:.:::t\ ~ : ',_0 -. ',',-,' -..... ", _'.. -., ;.',-:':-'-:;',"','",,::-:-' ....,.....,:..., -....,-;..:.>.>..._'...., ';-~:.:':;(=:;;'~ ,;.'-'~--'-;<-~.,", (.-" . . , . :'FOR.THi\iE~lt' ENDINGjtiNE 30; J9 42 .~ _,': ,i _-,::':::":'__ ;__, '/' ",-, '_:~ .. '... ,:" -.. ..:. -.- . GENERAL cotmTY . FUND . . . TITLE of FUNCTION . .. . . . '.' . . . , .... ...... .... . . 40 YEAR ENIlEO JUNE 10.19___. EXPINDITU". Num. !ltto" Item APPROPIIIATION TITLE Of=' ITEM " , . , pm.Ti"'Tt\Ta & INVESTIGATION I , .... Comnensation of' Sherif'f' .. . J.I~ bo I' 100 I~ ~6 1.11d1 1"8 I, 16J. 00 h.c 00 60' '78 2~C Q. ID2 '78 11 41" >'7 111. '7. i:l 00 t2 QO ~4 I 102 11 ~ :>0 IE )(). 1'6 bo I~ 100 11l~0 be L . 106 on of' Deout.iss 106, Cnmnens"t.ion of' Special O:f':f'icers 1107 . ot Coroner 218"^6 , 212 Rnnil ' 214 R6n+. ".p, 00 ~ 00 4bdl bO ~~~ bO '~~ bo I ?,~ ':\00 211 .12 t.n ,.p..., , ('!"..." Ant,n 'l'i ...,,;. ",","" et.a .. ies. Cars . .... n_ n. &011 'l.1Q '^"6_' ,,"< "+0" 400 ,"_L ,..,.. & "....... ^;. , l4u bo 'i'Odl DO ,~~ bo ~:l0 .QQ Ui" " rrni . , ('!O T " CARE OF PRISONERS I '''^H' nf' n ... , , : 11)1 :l0 li00 JO Jb~ uO 00: OOi f; 1 I ??~ 1 ':\01 ':\06 ':\0'7 'l.]Q d~'''';;''''''''"'''I~ 400 . '7. "Q 0' 08 :1 ,I\.I) 8~ .,...~ ....,..~,. -I I2cb I~~ .' . '6'" 'IiAA' . .' . :. · ".,,~r.+';" . '&; : . . :' J.k.t~.~~ 1~ ~.~~~~-"~J.~;i.~~jH~~~O';".0~~i.....~~~ ...+~ 'h Jr- . . '" . en. .,n,," . , r ~ -; - ~ .,,, . ., o 00 )0 . I, , '"14 . , : ~ ~ , " , " ' " ' , " . . . , .( :. , , , . . j. . . ,,; I , .1 , , I' ii... ;.,' ; '." I , I ,r;- ;1. ! , I:. ; . " , . ~ i ._._". i_._,._~' ',r . '. ", :. Va.u END~ll JUN. 30. 19.~~_ A"AO'.",-.ION 2 PO l'\l~ 00 141~cb Po 1317400 I'J~I 00 11)' :l0 ~c :l0 2~1 :l0 l4bcb :l0 1115'c :>0 h, :>0 11\., DO i:l, b 7' 00 DO ~ '7' 0 01 0 Oi 0 2' Po 1. bO - ,-- .~, ~.,.,..~, 21 bO bo ~ -,-,'.,.,. . . PJlOPOSBO ElIP.NDITOU' . 1 2M bO Ie bo ~ bo l.kJ 00' lk~ 00 6~ 00 10\1 :>0 '\bcb :>0 JJ DO 2~1 DO li:h, ~O 17, :>0 8P, 0 Pi DO ll';.\" 0 o 100 100 100 I1CD 100 '>-,'J,- ac 100 I2cb bo ~ IHe.Ula Ova. VB"JI ENDING JUN' 30. 19.~~ 1-80 I 00 000 410100 000 00 I. ~OO o 1-01- I.O!" O!" 01- Ot- Oio o L YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1.42.. n.caUH UNDU V'loa END.l,N9 JUNa 30. I~_ 1-' 00 00 00 i:l, o ~ o ~. ~. _bJ . . Au.owm BY Bo"..) 210Q :l0 da~ 00 11\.,' 00 5" 00 5" DO I9G :>0 31 :>0 01 DO OC 0 ~, OC )Q '71 0 II 0 DO 01, bo bo 1,1oc bo I '101 100 2 00 1 bo 2 bO 12m DO A . . o ~ ~ ~i.'/,~~ r.~~-~t{;ii /h1'''.'\-6 4:.~:.; .'.1;t- ~,.. , ilcW .' f'i. " -';~j,; " , \ , I .I i ! L ,'~ '/_~r<:-"' "-'"?,:'" "'C.:,.,:', ..... 'i,~-:'\'c Number of . Funuion '1' 8-A 8_R . A_h ! :. .'. ~ . "5'1;;,:,_'<' dh "0- ~)"':;:':i: -<,':-4 ,- :';"~-~";'" .' . ".;: 1iI~(,t~'ii:.,:' '." :';!~~;i;";,<;'r:'1!~!""'<;""""~jl;:!;}1F~j\/0'P'f,,'ji;,' ';";:;;""; >?:''i,.iY'''i,:,,;:,,''/7: "!' TITLE OF FUNCTION Num. btrof hcm ::>08 . 2QQ l02 ':l.QQ ::>o~ ':l'~ ':l.QQ , . ':l?~ " . 70b '. '10? .' .' . ~;i.t. ,-I i 1-,'; -I'~,ii I:. T j ,.... L , , TitLE OF ITEM 1i'Tlm );,il'A . );'1...A Inn <' . . Ja<)ANoK!iiC;OUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDlTlJltE;\I!STIMA 'FES FOR THE YEAR ENDlNG'JUNE 30. ]942 .' . GENERAL COUNTY ' FUND . YE^R ENDEO JUNE lO,19.Ao. . ^,,,O'AIATIOH . . ;."',. - St.ate In'" "',. 1 !~1.l1~l!Il!'on. ~oa~ , . . 2DC )0 Ie' )0 2[)' O' , . _ "'ft'" HnmA I,. nt> "';..n"nft ; '. , . , . IA Hnm.. n. '. - , . I/,. PUBLIC WELFARE ADMINISTRATION: . . ComDensat.ion of Welfare Board Members Miscellaneous - WPA. et.c. - Sewin" Room POOR nt>' u_~, ., (!..:.... ... . ,1 ,. . I/,. C -to , ", , ~.n : '. I" " ~', ;. " .j r }" I,,'. ' J. ':_': 11< !' -L " ? {',-" '1; , "} .. 'u ., " . r. '~:f:. _i. oi , : , . ; .; . '. i ,; ;ftf.;. ! , ~, ....,. )'l; .. J. ,; f i ,j. I 1. I ) -, i,' . "2... .}. , .' , I,DC' 0 illabcb )0 ~~)O; , ; 1:1 ohIb ~o '2~ "0 I ~I )0 ~I 10 ~I )0: 4bcb )0 ,~~ . ; , '''Bien! ' ....1"..J ...A-t, ;; t C&JW' UUi ; ~{ l't btii I ',: ; j ( , I , , I \ . ! ,'". ., ! j, I ., 'J ; I v , ' EIlPlNblTo.a 2 I ~ ll7 1'1)( 1.18 ~~ ::> 21 8r:l' 2' DC ,~ , " , r ~; v..... EN~41 JON. 30. 19._..__ Ar.Bo,aIATIDN ~n 1:17 o 2 0 2 0 ~ bo n n. )( DC )0 il ~ :ll l~ I:l 11 )0 2 DC )0 '1 - )Q )0. 7" 2' Xl loAnl )0 )0 6 , I;, ~ 10; .. 6bO )0 l' )Q '. ':" 10 {ll" o o (:,:t;;-;f PllOPOSBD EllPItNDITOUS 3)( ,JiliN 1!~( p~ 2)( o o o )( )( o o o I\hl )0 4~c O. ~( - 4bc )0 )0 6bcb Xl )Q 6D! )Q f,........ tNUU'. OV&R YaAR ENDIJfU JUN. 30. 19.~... let 00 ~OO - -'.t:: YE^R ENDING JUNE 30. 19..42 OKU.",. Utw.. VaAR BNDINjI.. JUNK ]0, 19~~ ~i - - :.., ~, - ~. .. ~""''"'"'' '.'-' , ,....,',. B. )() ~ ",-:". .'~'.. ,....' Au,owm BY Bouo 2)( 0 1f bo )( 0 )( 0)1 )( o 10 o DC )0 DC 0 -C .C - 4bd )0 M)~ .-J i 'i' 1 . _..;:~ ". : ~-.i -,~'. 'j:'~ ". ,?...j' llocb 00 l' DO l' DO 1)' ,":,:',.' !r' : ..1.... Number 01 Function I Q I I I , 11 .' ".t~'J , ~~ . .., ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA! EXPENDlTUREESTIMA TES ., .,\..~. FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 42 GENERAL COUNTY FUND ., &l'" '?"\>'::'.~'-' Num. btrof IItrn 102 102 l38 ':\19 ~QQ ]14 114 ?1A <QQ .' 1':1. 11.2 1214 I??? UQ . , , , ,1 TITLI! OF FUNCTION , A'..O..IATIOH. EXnNOITUlI1! TITLE. OF ITEM FUBL IC HEALTHI Nursimr Service tL 01 :>0 1 62 :>0 Comnensa~ion of Health Officer 21 ~Ol 00 2 IiM DO Registrar of Vital Statistics 27' DO 2bJ "'0 ,::+"H '" ".w.o. ._ H..S 00 I< ~I;' .. .n DO .0 11.1 < )0 4,$ 71;' AnVA ow - JIOUE ECONOMICS I ,+,~ nn of' w.......... ,... Inn of' HnmA 'inn A"...n+, "'.., '" In" u ... ~. Off. w'ouin. ...~ ' .. nn of' ..., ..n.... n OfficiAls ~..,,+, , , .. ..+ ," A- ...~~Z}~~SI PrintedForli1s &Off1oe'SuDD1:Les , , ,'., . "., " ,. ." . <'; " r' ' "'1 . '". ,.i . I C",_; .; '''<''N . , ,.. .~. S . ' : : " ., _'_',~my,>..,""" =>>le6 -'JI - YEA" ENOEn JUNE 10. 19...1Q YEA" ENDING JUNE 10, 1942. v..... ENDlN41 JUNe 30. 19,._...._ A""OPaIATION' A LLOW.O liT 8010110 IN'CUA1BOVU Ye.u, ENOlfn JUNK 30. 19.q.~ 011:...0\18 UND" Y I!.... ENDINO JUN' 10. l!Ill. PltOPOSIID ElI:PIlN'DITUIIEI 01 01 217' 00 i "bell DO . l'ibd bO 0 1'7b.A 00 90 - 1r,14l bo 0 2 00 i 217' bo - . DO M DO - . I~, bo bo .hl - lonll .b, ~ .;~ )0 ,gg, 4 ~"-' )0 :!!o Ie 0 1001 DO 001 0 ~ n ~( . 6 67 . -0. 201 0 201 DO ~( . 1-01 _ 11 0 1<< DC 0 Ibl 0 ~( 1-01 _ . : I, 0 01 bo DC 0 III )0 iok 00 - ~.~ 12 I<~ 2 0 ~ ~< J$ 00 616~ , , , 1<: 33 201 00 P 00 01 DO 1':\ n - 11. ,C 0 7. DO . .' . CJ!5'G () ~~ be s;~Lbo', I, ~bo, ?Ir:~~~: .. . '-~ :,\ :~ L' il? 20 bo J~ bo D.6~ ::'I2~I.. . , "" ;.-:- / " I:' :..'~ f ~ ;; 0 )( 0 .()~ - - 170 lO 71 0 ~C- - <bel 0 :x 0 100 00 I. bdbO ~ ~d.. .m..l '~~o ~ ~ WOO 01 21 ~ ," ;,~ . '.-~ ''."',' 1J--'l: :~j;;-r.~' -'/" bo :+'f;T- ' ..... - ~~~ :'~r:l~. : _i)\' Ji1 . "0 . ;~:t4l;t" o o .~. '~ :--1 --j ~ ~. I;' :< :"f l: ','- ,; i-. .J, .'.. -;-. ~', I' ." . I ..":""J;"':' . J "~':""(:' ;" "~~, Supplement to page=:;a -'-I ';:d!< d. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE EsTIMA TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19-i?._ GENERAL COUNTY FUND Number or Funnjon TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. '9.AQ VUII ENtl3tli JUNE JO. 19~, .. A"..ontATION PIlOP05!.D EXPItNDITUII U INCAltA,a Ovu Y....1l ENDINU JUN' 10. 194~ , Num- bu of TITLE. OF ITEM hem A,..oralATION EX'8NPlTDII8 ho ~ . ",.., - . . nt' lobI. 0 m~ Ibd DO I.,h, hO 11 100 I .n~ nof" 1'11\1 '0 IRU ho Inll. f,,, 10" ",n - nt' "', . . _~, T__. 2 )0 1 2 4.<: ":\~J )0 t;l>r 0 '4b 00 '00 .....-- nof" -, <:1l 10 " 10 J~L. .- _. - - '00 _h. 41>( '0 .- - - ,,,n -- -b. 2hl 0 1 00 -- . - ",0: llanD ~..." +"~ (!"..." - b~ .0. k( 0 00 ",A -. ~ riG bo k, 8 b, 0 1~1 0 00 ~~^ ^.....- I/,. _b. P' fh _h. b.r )0 I~ on ""0 . -...- M "0 211.- ,Q 4b, nO 2 0 - - ."., - ,,-- I/,. nil .b. ~ )2 _0- 4 0 4.dc 00 -. ~~ I- .,00 ..> - MRDS 42" bo . ~., 2bl Blue Prints. etc. 0 2 0 I. 4110 ",.n.'. " _b: I b, )0 -). - I. , r- 1.,'0 n-.."'ed I/,. Offine S"':;"lies 1<;-, "0 RI 0 bl 0 1 hO Ir.b 00 I R<: ~ 6"" b~ , 8li' DO I" I~h 00 . . .r. . I ' L I. , i " . " , , '"', . " ,":', , , , " ". .~ . .' .' , " , .' .. '" , '. , , " ". '. ".,.,' '. ") .\ '" ,".- r , .' ."-",',. . , . , W "" I i " "'. .i,' i, I ;: " i , ~,-'. , , '. , . ,'. . i ,;"C; " " : ; i :,.l, , ; . I i . I , i , ! , ,\., 1." , ';' ,'.. - . , ... .".. ....._r>;-<........."........-__. YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 1042. 1)acll.."1I UNDU YU. ENDINU JUN. 30. 19!1~. w - - - ~I - . - 1.1 _ 1.1 _ .~ 00 - - - - ~ 00 ALWWIID IIY 80".0 h. h(\ 1:1. ~^ )(\ "b, hn J,( 0 - 2)( 0 - "I 0 ~~I 0 ~ 0 2 )( )0 14 bo 2 bo - I, ho *bO , c....:'! ll:':,'::;;; "1..""'.:'1"'.' . .\?f~~?'. f ,'I-I...-r. ,...':'-"1t ""'''&>iRi ,J!~~,_'~~ ::~~t~~ ' Num~r or Function 14 19 1 ". ,"1 ,..:.....:...:....:..,. ,ce') .~"..': ~'''1'i-i'''"(><-''~''''''",,''<'~"''T_'''. _... _~'o.' .~~. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, )9 41 GENERAL COUNTY FUND ::]I" ::11 Page 7 TITLE OF FUNCTION YEA" ENDED JUNE 10. 1....4.0 , YEA" ENDING JUNE 10, 19 ..4? Y.~. EN(lINO JUN' 10, ,.4>1.. J("It(lPllo\1"ION INCU"" Qvu Va",- ENDING JUNIl lO, 19......... DlCu",. UNOIA Va",- ENOINU JUN. lOj 19___... Num- ber of TITLE OF ITEM Item P"OP(JfID EUOINIJI1UIIU ^".OPII',,1"IOH E."NDITU.. , MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS &. GROT.mDS: 119 Comnensation of Janitors 0101Il 00 0 00 0 0 00 7 O~ ~ Ian. 00 0 119 Oompensation of ~xtra Janitors 2bJ 00 1 0 50 2 o 00 - 0 2hl O~ 297 Electrio Cur~ent 7k~ 00 71t1l 63 7 0011 IBM 0011 10 00 ~e 210 Premium on Fire Insuranoe 5b~ 0011 h 04 165 or lAb, AAII I- 2 1'14 223 Water Servioe I~, 00 2 27 3 00 2 00 1-0 lbl 00 302 Building: Material &. SUlllll1es 401 00 73:t 17 500 00 750 00 2 00 0 306 Cleaning Material &. Supplies 25 00 20 22 2 5 0 00 250 00 - -I - 307 Disinfeotant 0 00 2 20 lO 00 10 00 - -r - 311 Fuel 000 00 0 844 9 0 0 or 900 00 -10 - 215 Renairs 2110 0011 III 39 41e 0011 4 00 -b - 399 Misoellaneous - Pension .0 0011 0-- 10 00 480 00 710 00 - , el ~ 0011' .J.I B611 61cl4 0011 Inll\l 4611 51410 00 5 2 54 , CAPITAL OUTLAY: . , 400 Garbag:e Disllosal Lot 402 Fire Hose 51e 0 00 1121. 00 0- - ISO 0 00 S 37 91S 71611 2 B4U IJ 10I21S" 91sl. 91S11 200 00 2 o 00 -0 ISloo 00 5 0 0 00 -p 250 00 ISO 0 00 211 0 00 516 100 I; lal~I:LI!lC1 11311 I~A!l\ nnll rwrL .I~I 8~ il.I.'JI~a5 406 406 Offioe ~ouinment Court House Capital Outlay ,'. . ' " I' I' I. 1 " ! I , - l~ .. ;; 1 " .... : , . I' 'I L" _.., Ie: :_" ~ ^U.oWIlO av 80....0 . , I" O~ Ir 11"21 or 427 46 " 51e O( 750 00 250 00 10 00 900 00 I~ Ii 0 00 480 00 601517 4!i 2 0 0 00 500 00 5 0 00 . .,-: ilii.~n' 6311 i. .,:ct ..Cl~' ,\:.~.t~~"~f ''-' I S' O~ "~'If,>' '~~..'.'~~~ . ;"':'2u J~''<i !>.~. :"';.;, -'$t~:,. '~~1' :~'-!-.~, t-_"~'i-;--' ,i,:,;.O-(':.<' /"Yt,:- "_ _. Number of Function 18 ~;:'.'-\' . .". . . . -c- . '. Tll'Ln OF FUNCTION Num- beror Icem . A"IO'IIAlION ';:llPANDITUI.. TITLE OF ITEM . , MISCELLANEOUS: 199 Donation - Life l:iavin.!Z Grewe ..03 Insurance Premium (workman's Gomnenaation) 308 Countv ~arm. cattle l:ieed & eto. 102 ~arm fiands 02A Extra Farm He1n 2 0 0 oe 3e 9~ I, I ( or 100 oe 2000 OC eo 0 OC 200 00 150 UC 150 OC 2 2 0 OC 4000 00 141 4 7 ~ 96 1 9 4:3 Ie - fie oc I _ - 9 1981 eo ~9 00 79 4 n 5 69 7 2f 1220 00 .c- 399 klefund of 'faxes W.P.A. Proleots Transfer to l:iohoo1 ~und (Sunt.'s Salsrv) Trans1'er to l:iohoo1 ~und (Cani tal Ou tlav) Transfer to l:ia1em ll1striot kload Hond ~und 44. 'Ill 95 1 7 5 d!,j 79 I ~J 21 EO 27 f 8 43 1 C63 71 Trans1'er to Va. Publio Assistanoe ~und Misoe1laneous ~.P.A. Phone &: eto. P1annin'" &: Loonin.!Z Uommission Indexinll: Reassessment l:lhenandoah Va11ev. !no. Batte"" G Coast Arti1lerv l:ltreet Li.<lhts Community Garden, w.P.A. Pr01. I House Keeninll: Aid. W.' P. A, Pro1. ConUnaenov Fund .0. ~e - ~( .n ~( - ~( - ~ - - - ;'., . . -' ,~':""" ...,.....--,. . -~!"'"i-'-'-;';~""~-' .... ,- -. .--, ~~... ,""-'~~'~' '.' ,~.J ilL-. H"')~ .1 r.' - ',' ._--'~ .~ 'io ...--;-- .-- -iliBT BERneEl' :j ". 80 , Inter&et on Temnorarv Loans . I i- 3 75 I. -, ,,' IF ,. n~ :/h:d. '1 , . ,95 h "'0."'. . u ; . .;. '; . ;, , , !: , , l'; ~ ., .< . . . -:- ., ':'':;.:1. . I , 42 ,.,,-.-,,-, VUI ENDING JUN' lO. 19.-4.1 Al'tAG"IIAT1()N III r 00 , 0 00 l: 0 00 e n 00 o 0 00 51{ 00 If 0 00 122 00 0- 0- 1 Cl 4 IP PIl()POSED EnlNDITUUS 2 00 10 00 120 00 6 0 00 121 e 0 00 50 00 5 01 (I ( oe I 21 E 9f 0- 00 5 C 00 100000 000 00 500 oe 5 0 0 oe 50 00 2 ..Inion .. >- 0>- ~ ,1 Ai , 3 11\ o OIF 29 51l I 0 0 0 00 5 0 00 ,e- ele 00 ~o 00 20 oc 10 00 i- c. a d,,\ 00 ..In\.. 12 67 ~ 00 ri::-':-?:yr\';,;:' .-; '-:_'~,,::<~,.r,?..; -! ,':;,~-> ~j.'~'" ",,-. "-',;' ":.r ~;", ,/;.." '~"; : ~;~T.\ ." '?!~'_'~;':r>~T~,. ;,<~ '~i:iT .X(,?~\;(L:: . .... ~:':';.,."::.~: ':';r;;1~::~:~~'0~~\:{~~;::;"0\i;;;f.'~;~",!j'~T;'i"".:}?'{~~~:~C"'Vt'''i . ,'" . '.' .r'~BAt1dim.-:"COU~TYViIRGtNIA . . C '.;: "" ,'.,'-.' -":"~<':::':>'-,:,,:' -,.;/:::',_:,; :' ,:;:(i~:_:'~'.',_"''',-:::':',;->,::-:,'._:_'':;:':';-;'::~:,,_;r-'; ; -,[/,,-, --,' -,'. "" . EXPE"N]:)lTllllE EsTIMATES. "'. FORTHE. YEAReNDIN<:jUNE'30~'19 II! _ . . GENERAL OOUN'J.'t FUND . . . . .. YE^" ENDED JUNE lO. 19,,-4:~ . , YE^" ENDING JUNE )0. 19........ . , INCIlUSB Ovu YAAI END4l JUNa 30. 19._....__ .c- .c- .{ - .c- 6 96 .c- .0- ~( .. 00 00 aloo 00 0000 .( - , ISJlAI 2 ~ -~,--, .---'- 1- 1 0 O{ - ~Io~ 00 _ - -J'41l oc CI" 16 _ -,11 -9f --'. - - ! OICARA" UND" Y UIl ENDIN41 JUNK 30. 19____._ - 1- ' - I- I- )- >-1 ~ ~ - >- 4 9 4 3 16 5 0 0 0 00 -I - 2 00 1- ou ,Ill'.. .10 0" 79 240R 7 37 . ,',;!<,.;-:'I;., : ALLOWIlD BY Douo OC lO 0 OC oc oc 20 2200 eo ~oooo 50 0 bOO 0 OC 1284 ge 00 oe 00 ll( OC leole oe 5 OC 8 nlol O{ ,~I e O( ,~; :-', .,: ~~ :::':"1 1 24 ~ O~,.};;; \;~~~:i~-: _'/~~'.-'-t - . j:":I" ",t . ...... ,\Wfi, r.-;'.'$.,l,}'~i;".~;~.~~"'~t"', ,,~;., ._, <,.( -"'-~ ,~Ir,j-"-f.-""(~' ~~(::;Jtr .... L.' <(~::,~,~t~'.::n':' - '" :,:-", >ii .,:; , ,. .'PQitdHEYEAR. ENDINGJIJNI! 3CV19 4oil' gENERAL OOUNTY ,; FUND '. . . .: .' .. .. . . '. vi". EHDIiD" YlAa ENDINO JUN.-\O. 19..:4.0 JUNO 30. 19_4J. (ACUl.lI) (Estimated) ..>,' , ';,,' ) -:.-"" . '. :;f~ ~ :~j,,~ ~ '. :.. "', '. .... .... ...... . .... . . . ..' SOURCE OF REVF;N"UE FOR GENERAL COUNTY FOND . . . . . ANTIOIPATED SURPLUS . STATE SUPPLEMENTS: Share of Uanitation ~ax Trial Justioe . . - A. B. O. Board Hevenue . . . . MISOELLM'EOUS: ~elinauent Taxes Land Redemntions County Farm Reoeipts Trial Justioe Jfees Commonweal th Attorney' s ~'ees Rent Lioense trom JlollinR Stook ('Motor Vehiole Uarriers) Transfer Fees tram Ulerk - Ueeds & Wills Transfer trom DOR Fund Eleotrioal Inspection Plumbing Insneotion Sales of Maps MIsoellaneous - Sidewal~s . Transfer tram ~ohool Fund eto. -c . Amount to be rAised by our~t Levy Total Ilevenue Heauired '. : : ' ii ; 6~tou~a~ih~'~t;~';;il';i\ri~JI1,\~t~e\'f<<~i~cH~~ldli~Ii.~1:i.ki. ..... .' .... i '. 1 i I ;i~l1hll!u';nltlo~:bl~1;:wri 1.1' ,f.V'!!';' ill,>. {{'it ,<,'(!( I iT.' !li.LJU;iiT.. ",!."l:;!., ,. i.... ,;--T ii ..' i " : ....." i< I.)i', ." 1..!.1' > ..:a..qUl~ed' .! " i . .'. ! , 'i..,', . "; ,. "", :, !!!LLi;A\8Je8tl~~>~~1he ~t'tbb~~rf,;l Ii i",!: ,;! !;, (.. ,in} j,.. , '.' ""'".I'.d.I" 'L.r'"1'; ., 'j Ii" ',: .~ i "I' c'. I ;, :1 ,'i'/ :".' '.; i: 1';IL);':I;~;)l\il.~O:r'ILe,",':; .1 ;I.t:,!: 1'.1 : Ii .j:';.,' " >.;: :; ~: ;):.!i!~:;'~Vr,ry;; El' ; 'i I:: I,! :i I: : I ~ TV!f .... iii' ! : i ,;! \;.ii :.'i'3Ff 4('k~&;@'in;i'i.:\I~;'Lili.J;;,LJdfu1;d,.kk.iCb1iikt';II;~t,j;:I' Vii. .,!...I;jLcii...ili.l.d.ill:dA / , ~ I. ~ '13 . 3 8 2 7 98 . 15 00 00 i 2 5 2 2 77 I I) 4 4 9 26 1~23441 1~069l54 894 13 29548 81~ 57 6 9 0 64 1 4 6 9 37 2 1 1 37 2 6 7 3 75 . .1 0- '. . II 0 00 7 043 83 I. 01- Lllll"l r 0011 I I I 600 00 6 00 00 2476508 5 It 0 00 I~ 3 00 00 o 0 0 00 l60lc 00 I 2 0 0 00 1 2 00 1 7 6 00 120 00 8 00 00 1 71 ( 00 0- 210 00 500 00 o p;14InI42 nAil 64 67 50 TIl,.,UT'VI! WINA'" Inl,,1 0011 olr 0 00 61 ( 0 00 21e Oltlc 00 5000 0 :i"lh 0 00 3 0 00 00 8 0 00 3 It 00 36 00 175 00 1 2 0 00 60 00 27 0 0 00 50 00 1 0 0 00 500lc OC 2110101 Of 1\ 10I h I, 001 Ie 1 0 6 0 OC 1~1..1~7j, 0' 1~1~lelc Oi ,; 99 O! OC 1 ocl 21 . YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19.... .. INUEAlaOv.." VB". ENDINQ JUNB 30. 19...4,1 I 1100 ''''00 00 I- 0 3 Q2 -0 -0 -o~ '100 00 00 00 o o o 1-0 1 00 00 15 00 00 I. 0 1.0 2 0 0 00 9734 92 I . ". ...., I I OECRR.ua UND" YEA. END1a1. JUNE lO, 19-. m.." ", - .rl.. ~( - ~( - 1-1 - 66 00 "1- ~C - ~C - I- .c- 1 0 0 00 .c - 166 00 I :~ ~~;~;:-:~~~{;~)!J!iV:1~B.,:;:}r y~'~;W; c',- FINAL ESTIMATE 14 0'" oc 4 0 0 OC 6 0 0 O( 261nlnlr nr 5000 OC 3 3 0 0 oc 3 0 0 0 O( 1 81 e 0 oe 300 OC 36 Ot 175 O( 1 2 0 0 O( 11e101c O( 2 7 0 'c OC 500 OC 100 oc 51e ob oe 2 10 0 O( 6 316 1 1 OC 1'-"_:' , ..:~q :-:.~~ '.}' .! >, i" ~ . ~ - 1,1 '; '-". IIInl311'11111 83 51Ja 55 74- , . III 11 a OR~ 01$ B B9 1)8 t~ /: ;'! . ~;: :.qt:' ;t'1.: !\ ~" ! jf ,,' ;/, " :.,'.", " ~ ';" 'c "i' i'; " I .,0.1. ,I.., III 8.7 '50 ... k ..U,j .:~ ;. {I'i, r 1~ ItT~I..I';!";'O' ", ,.~ . 0:. ' .., ,':-, t. ( ';.nl iii' f\ .p Ii J;) I; 1. :A8IM~I~;';oo 1 0 ,. I, " ,..., rmrmT\:' I' t i:' i; l"l!.,! ' 1'61h1~IOI,e 'OOIliAI. 0 ole 0 ! LK ,;,r l!T " ~'II ft" 1._ [,1:- 1 f" ~ '-l':~t ' : , !'26 j. " r I '1:\1 Ii k' If I '3t .' 'j\! :,i'.:.;' } lJ.'r i-' 1: I j ;. H 1,- 2 f f); i' ~...t h~ 'j h c' -?;, 1;" :~ ;"i "r: '~, ~:, ...-! .' <",''''.'.~'.< ..... (/ !i ~, ~ "j ~~ I ~, ~, ~ \. , \' Number 01 Funcrlon TITLE OF FUNCTION Num- brlor hem III lOll 109 125 216 2116 218 ., . , . '! ' ; I , i T 519 285 207 306 318 599 . eoo 8()5 . 406 499 " .~) . . ~ .... TiTlE OF ITEM . Comnensation of ~naineer Compensation of Operator . Comnensation of Laborers Henairs to JSauillD1ent "'--:-::r~'c.~:,-.ryr-."-'-~,,",-,---,,,,,,,~~,~W- ~~--"'-'._~"""""'-',-'-------"'~"-- ........~..,:; \. "",,~'.l&I '. _.,aiJ~.;t ROANOTm. COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDlTUREE8TIMA TES .' FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 42 WILLIAMSON ROAD SANITARY DISTRICT NO.IllUND '. Automobile and Trunk JSx~nees 'J.'el8llhone &. Telegranh I::>tationerv. Printed Forms &. Offioe sunnUes Water JSleotrio Power &. LiQhts Sewer Materials &: Sunnliee b~llTools &. Sunnlies Misoellaneous .. . , . Tranefer to General Co. Fund Hedemntion .,1' J:lnnlls Rnnrl1...l Interest on tionds W. P. A, Projeots - JSxtension . . '. Offioe JSquinment or Gl'lllit81 . ., Delinouent Tax Golleotor . !;' . . . .- . . . :.. ; .i :;. i '.', .', ...., '!' ' . . . , . . ; ; . L j'~ ;;, ~ \ Loan Outlay' , . . : . . .' .. , " :' i ',:;: i' , ", . L .: ' j.'. ! T YEA" ENDED JUNE 10. 19...~O AFPJlOPIlIAT10N . 6 " o ot , o( I . O( III 0 0 & 00 75 4" 0 OC .O( 85 00 l'~ 5 m (l000 1 31 ( ( 01 I e15lX). 1111600 25000, 5750 00 .',,'. : I (Mil & 01 (OQ 8 0 000 ":' : ... ; n, '1 IA/'ob , , ; p! ~.. :"i '. '.-\ , r ~" ; '-.\. i'" ; "r ~~. r' iF ~,' , ~,I' -.1 : I f I EXPBNDITURE YEAR ENllIND JUN' ]0, 19.4.1- Al'PROPRIATlON 1100 O( 1110 O( 94733 6997 24 95 96 tlO 8643 1610101 or 1200 O( eo 00 H 08 75 00 1 ~51 or , 0 00 150 00 350 OC 29 e 26 120 II 00 o lX) 41 95 2r!89 7917 225 00 OC I 369 25 .. 1 Q.C 51 ( 6000 lX). 6 0 00 00 119886 : I.. 6'1'100 1000 00 -0.1 "IJ6Il7l.~01l 111~lf.3 'MII' I . : r " ,. ( ':1 ..... '. .1'" CJ PAOI"OSED ExnNDITUIlBS IIWnO 1110 0 O( el (0 00 7 O( I ~ ,1,,1 nril I. 0 00 11510 00 350 00 300 00 5 0 00 225 O( Ii O( If n1nl f)~ 590 00 lie 000 I 120 O( 10 0 01 21 & 4 ;~'-~i INCREASE OVaa YEAR ENPlljq. JUNE )0, 19.!tU. - 0- 01. o '^I~ on 01- 01- 01. 01- 01- 01- 01- 01- 5 nlnl 00 01- 10 0 00 200 00 _ 0 00 .. 1613 0 00 YEAR ENDING JUNE ]0. 19 ....... D.-aKA'_ UNO" Yu. ENOIN~ JUN. 30, 19~.J.._ - - -l- - ). - . -~. -). -~. -~. - ). -D. -D. - ~. 101 ( O( -I). -D, -I). 10000 ALLOWBD BY BoARD 600 O( l50 0 900 0 100 OC ,,1 ~ n, 100 0 150 00 55 O( 12 25 00 6 0 0 00 40000 460lX) 850 O( 590 O( 1 0 0 0 01 > 1 2 0 0 00 1 2227 0 I ... , , f L ':1 'k/ . ~ . ,,'. ,. "'_'e-".:.:,/I' "(.:.,.,:.",.;:,,(<,_" :". - ~.~ 1-.<'!1'.. , ANTIOTPATEDstffiPLUS Sewer PeJ'llli.ts , " Service charliell Delinauent ~axes Misoellaneeus .~ . ,'CALCULATION'OF LEVY' .. ,t tl> b'a ~ai aa" "..,..n " Amount Revenue Reauired lIel1nauent '~on Basis 1.4% ' . .. LeVY Reau1.red .~ h Assessed"Val ue of Pro1l ertv llata of.Levv , , , . -c . '." .c I I I, . : . 1'1,. ' . .':'," " :F I I. ~. I ..' , ,+ T;"~. . . " I..' '.J. - . , , . I " I. ':" I:' >~ ',,, :l:!:""~id;laJi~:' ~t:((t"_:,_"o,--';('-/"i-;':~') :~lj::~~:~;--;: <'(~:{ ~-,:~~>'5~ 'Itof,#o'rd{"il'COUNTY, VIRGINIA '. REV'ftNtlE.p;STIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~ WILLIAtlSOlL1!Cl,\D SAlUTARY tifSTRtl1T NO. I FUND '. '. . . ',' ,:. to , . .. .-. I I I. , ,,' . ,,;., ~, : ~ , , ..I I .1 ' :".,<, Yu;. RHDCO JUN. 10. t9....~.-. <Acmal) " ..T YItA.f. ENDING JUNa )0, 19.__.... (Estimated) . . 2 Ol~ 00 9 8 31Q 63 & IlJa3 ,'1.JJ"1\1\ I] A lelM 550 cr 1.lf 00 9 a 0 00 oil 00 aide 00 . , . " Illig I. 81'(11 0 h. 110 1.6 a 1. 7 1 150 b B7 150 I, " 000 I .' .Inln'" , " '. .-, .. , , I,' , .' ~ ~ . : ' , f 1, ' ~ : ' , ~- " '- '" "\ 'f ,'. " 'II . , r , /1." r-- . I tL ' " .. ;~ ':'{- ..,; -~ ., ..~ .~; ':i .::-f0~q',J ' ,.. !j ...... 'I,' ',~ TaNT"Tlva w."'".,. lQ \ 1010 00 Ie 0 00 9 3 0 0 00 7 0 00 In 0011 1'. 'n "" 215 RO i.;; e llc1~ 50 1172 50 all 00 31316 doloo 86 , ."-;" ! , . I :-' ! . ! ';, . , ~, . ; <r..;;.:. '.:'-.,,_,,'C 1'':::.-j;'- YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19......... IHC""'. Ov.. YaAll ENPINO JUN. JO. 19....,... II; 000 00 50 00 10 0 or , o O~ Ii I.llnl or . . , ,_' I,' . ,./ .)1., .' , !, J' ~: ""l,:/_.~ i . Dtt'u.ua UNO". YEA" ENDINO JUN. }O.l<J_......... ~l- ~t - ~t - l-l - .. I , j: FINAL ESTIMATE 10 51 c 0 00 I . a r 0 00 II 3 0 0 00 71 ( 0 00 alo 0 00 a 9111 nnll 8 alo 2 !l0 1 0 2 50 , , '., : ;' i.-.j .... "1 , -. ""'"\ , ., ~ !~ .> " ~. .-,~*, \\,d~ ~ '~);~~~r' ('~,!' . "',"~~ ~f :(:;, ';:~?l ','!-~< ?~ , ..... .., '. .....':'::.,,;'.;;;:q '. .::.:. '" ... ,:",.,.:.::'.'. :." :::' it w~i~~~"'< >; " :.....":;.'.:::i,',..~:..:......:-: ,y, ,'j ,,:'.}.,,: ::: '.' ;:\ , . c:,.' ":".'" RJfp1 ~~~ j,,,, ({j,,~':)::<;,p.f~ ,>'':, " " . :", . >.J.. '~^h'~.~~' \'1~ " \{.'A:'<~ < .~~~=,. ,~,~I~I~U, ",,:,: IU~'l . .' . :/ ," ',',"lil IND' ,'. ....... '.': .....: ':" ...... .',. " , . -. '. ' ..: ,','" " ..' " . '.. '.,":,.' ',,' . . . . , . . :. ." ":YEAR ENDED JUNE 10.19_4;9 YB"'. ENDlNO .... "'" "". ';', : Numbc-, or Function . . '. ,- .-.- - '.... . .-...-.-,\,:';:': TITLE OF. FUNCTION ' .. 8-A . ... , I 101 , 101 I 2l~ ~. . Num. bf!rof lurn TITL~ OF ITEM Mhll' JI'ranoell MoManaway " ..: MillS Sara Q. Jamison . 111filciln 00 1 0 0 00 11.0&1> 00; ~O .. 1 2 0 00 o 00 Comnensation of ulerk andaookkeeper Comnensa tion 01' otenolZra mer: Miss Mary aower . .. , , Uomnen. of Stenogranher I Mrs. Helen Minter 1"0 I' lalSO 001 . ~ 00 ! I 00 00 4 . COO 1 '( 00" 7 000 00 21e 00 .' 41e 0 00 I al~ 00 e 71 0 50 211 Insuranoe Premium - Liability 299 2lf Insuranoe Premium - oU1'ety Bond !lent Post 01'fioe !:lox !lepairs to 01'1'ioe ~quinment . 215 !lepuir13 to Automobile 2'lE ~'el e..phone - Tel egraph & Pos tage 220 ~'r!lvel1ng J!:ll:penses, - Oonferenoe , , 220 ~raveling ~xpenses- Mileage 30C Auto Tires'& Parts . .. .. . , '. ~ - . --'. . . , , I. 1,.< I 312 Gasoline.. Grease & Oil 319 BtationeJ:'Y. Printed .I!'orma & 01'fioe ounnlies 399 Misoellaneous , .! : I ',','1. . . , . . . , '. - '~ , . , " , General .tlelie1', ", ~.... . J.........~._., ..:.. .. . ".', , 'Old Age Assis tanoe ii, : . J Aidfo,..lJependllnt (;hlldren. . . I . Aid fO~li11n" i .- '.",' _ } , : : - i , , _n . , ~ , . . , , , i I: , .i ,,' ~; j' '. l .' , I. '_'.' ,i , ~ t, _ . i,. !, ; " : -, " ,;10, i : I. T \: ';, , \\ ':. ;.iI.1.:,~i. 1: L . f 1-'-', "e ;' I , EXPINDITUJlI '. ;1 , oln nn 19 71S 11 50 11 ( 50 '120000 I' 1 0 8 0 00 00 .2400 16/00 75 3 32 500 35' 54 2 e 40 54555 25 10 18 3 3 1 06 , a 9.2 13 '$ IS 90 93 113 .4 Bt5 06 2 '29~ k 125 I"" i ' . JUNa 10. 19'4'1- APPROPRIATION , 1 e 0 00 I] 8 0 00 1-. - 2 O'Q 00 21C 00 I: 50 00 00 2 00 5000 21 ( 00 0000 I ~ O[ C 00 6 00 2 0 0 00 4 0 0 00 'e12 00 le71050 ,e 1 17 00 1 3H 51 I. 00 IE 4'9 40 14 1819111141 . J FaoPO$IID EXPINDITUUI I, ,..In I, ole 10 1 ., 0 0 00 lol~o 00 3550 It 00 300 I ~ 00 51 ( 00 '12 (l 00 1 000 7 00 00 6000 .2 0 e 00 lei e 00 83.2 00 IE 7 Ie 50 ; B 1 1 ? 00 21113/ ~ 51 HIE 8 00 81 ~ 0 40 14 'ol"IA' I . - INCII:BAlBOVU Yu.. ENblNO JUNa 10. 19-41 ~(- . 00 00 ~( - H- ~( - -'- ,.:" " . . , 42 YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 19........ DURl:iAIIlUNtlU Yan €NDIH~ JUNB 30. 19_4.L.. o. o o o '.0 I" 0 -p o o o o o o o o 1.0 ,"0 o o . o o o I" 0 I' 0 , ADMINISTRATTON '. " . : , 'IOIlI ~ , Lon of bU1'B-ri.+ : .: " ", 102 Comnensation of Case A1de:Mrs hla,ry l!'. SJ)il':gl , 102J Oompen. of Case Aide: , . 1021. OomJ)en. of Case Aide: , lOl I:: \ ,. Ie 1 il.. 00 . '~..' .....". ..,< . 211341S:I;. ":'1 ; 7 4 800 i 011111e 13 1 J ~9 40 '. i. 7 8 20 I~ I Job I,i .' ,:. . . ALLOWao aT Do.laD 5 0 0 00 e 8 00 08 0 00 ' 1..(1000 1 0 2 0 00 3 50' 500 12 00 . 21f 00 5000 4 2 00 0000 71 C 0 00 6000 20 00 4 ole 00 Ia 31E QO 7 1 0 50 I" 0 "';1, 1513 601 113 I.." 'c 70 1.: 1111 . ..;! '. 'j" 00" "~if ' {. : . 81 t...kJJ t;~ (-.Ill n. :;-. ' ~.-.~-~ ROANOK1r.'COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE :!!STIMATES: FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30; 19~ vtBGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND ," . Y.AIlnN~ .1u",&'30.19__..o. (Actual)" S'!:ATE . 1 2131" 38 . FEDERAL 1 '191015140 , LOCAL - 'J!ransfer from General Countv' Jrund 11" 543 '19 1..1..,,,I..hl.,,, , I ;', . ~y 'm~r I '.\' rn \ " ." c. ',' I:' I. ".,' . Ii' I" I ,,' .....'. I I I'. ...;i ,I , .__ '.. ,- 1 . .... I 'i', Vi ';, t, .,1 " , \. ~'~~'\~L F,,~;', ':;' )~.;..: I ~ '~:, :"" ,';C :,11 !;.. "' ::; I;, .:, r",: '" ,i. '1 '~:}i.-1 ",1\. ;\ " I'i';',. '. ,." _,?.. '! ~, ." .,' :1 ;- '-', : i,'j~:: ,;i!; ':,,' ,. i,f: ;~: .., , ''I.' 0' ".".- ;' ,",' "0 ,'loW ,'- > ,t '" ' OJ 1 '. " fj ~~1 ,~ ~(; \; it rj '~: ~ ~~~.>\:.~ y) _,'< .' ;i; :{i. 7~-~l:; ~ ,,~~ ~~; ~'; r ., U'f~'~ :i 'if, (,~ i'~: -i) ,,' ~;;! l','fi;.: }'~ ,',?!' n, ' "".f, - Ii; r it'~ ~ ',}!, . YeA. ENDIN4 .IUNS 30. 19.._.J. (Estimated) 6 9 6 9 51 11531H 74 111410413116 141,,19.1010141 I 'I' ~:, "~~ U it " ~l "' ;1 f. ;''1:; ~ .~>J c' , l ~ ..; ~.- .. YE^" ENDING JUNE 10. 19_42 TI!NTATIVII EnIMATJI INUIlA'BOvBk VB.... ENDlN41 JUNIl 30. 19......._. DECU"II UNDU YEAR ENDIN~ JUNI! 30. 19_:4.... . 1 1 6101 9 51 .1nL I h "4 L. 1L"Jg 13 11\ 1"1,,,lei 41 I^ In . . .. ! I..! , , FINAL ESTIMATE 11 1",1 ",Inl nn IAlnl nr 1~lnlr nnll 31 010 0 00 ! I ! I I '.' -, ~" ~M .>)." L j: ":'/""".".". r Ii.. I... ...... 1,/: '?:'-'I,~ -', -, '1,'- I, I. --i.T i ILl il'/,: ,J " .'li:iU;;1hL [":.11\:";::,';.0 : ,",' , i1l\. .~'i;,*,:.;1t,~)-~1.::.~i/,1!: :y, .',,', ~_Y.,:,~!Ly,flioi"':"'I'_:' _ ~,:Jt',_'/f,.' -':::,i~.:,:1,~" :;_~t;:/ i.<,~'~\;:'Y _:.~y,';: II,.: r;5.'I"r.~' c::':A:,; :a.'!l,(~T:l_R ~iq.~Il'!t\'..1 ~., JJ,,:S :,",ll 1', '-.1 :,co .'1jy'-.1,,~-~'.\r.<) ~-l:af;,;'J.i:h~:li'\\"l~,~\::r}~tt<;:, ;:.~;ti\:"_o T /~-\':('~ 5~fl~<! ~ r~~g,,;_'r~;;.;:~ '-i~t~\j .\'''1, ~ l\ ~ 1 , . <.:,d/~!' j;:',\\'~.<"~ ("" . rt' ~ , i~ ..,\,," .p');,' rFf,!;\F ";;':";a~i~~~9::O;':'\'?'i;~'''W~;':\'iWF\:WfY;i'fW';1i4;",1 "";'i":'j"~f!7(""iww'e"'!'r~"\''?'" ,..,'!'...,..... "(J"i"!','::F' '-'1'-' " 1:3, =--;1 ~-~ j . ; ~OANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA , , , i , '__,'___.,,_ " _n .," " . EXPENDITURE,'ES.TI~A'fES FOR THE YEAR ENDING Jl)NE 30" 19 41l , , . DOG .' FUND '. . " YEAR ' . 40 YBAR ENDING JUNB 10, 19-42 , ENDED JUNe-JO. 19,___.. NumMc TITLE OF FUNCTION . I' , V, "..ENJ)I~ . 01 I, JUIU 30, 19._____ P.oPOSan INCUAlII Oval; DKn,UII UNO" ALt.Qwan Num- I A,raOPIIUITIOH En.NOITUII. ,- Vau ENDINIl V", B"04"i. Funnion berof TITLE OF ITEM A" aOPAIATION EllP8NOITUIIBI oY Do.ub ", JUN. 30. 19......... JUN. )0, 19_.~_ htln . " , . I' , 12 PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK & FOWLS' . , I , . -- i , , . I , 10J OomnenB8 tion ot . Game . . .... 61610100 , ...1" 100 '1010100 61",,, 00 - - - I ele 0011 I 1~1 . " . .~16Inl Ofil OOml)lll)sation of 'Game . Warden . for klll1nli do.. s h rlr nn I" Ion Ielr nn - to' - 1 2 olc 00 , 317 Record Booke & T,9.ll:e . 11" 100 ,I 11 14~ 13 5100 h I_Inn - - 11 501 ~'owl Claims , 00 I" I~nn 0 00 39 73 - - 00 00 502 Live ~took Claima 310b 00 4 0 50 5 0 000 I IInl" In/nn 0.0 - , 010100 010100 603 Rabies ~'reatment 21 C 0 00 I - - 3 0 0 00 3 - f-' - - 319 l.';tationer:v. Prin red J!orms & Offioe b'utlDl1 es I; 6 00 2 25 2 00 2 15 00 - - - ale 00 15% To :>tate . 8 I~ 00 B'1 2 03 9 0 0 00 9 0 0 00 - - - 90 0 00 " Salem Part of Vog Jrund 2 21 ISI 00 2 7 98 3 0 00 - - 3 00 00 tol - i vinton Part 01': Dog Jj'und , 1 60 00 ," 9 2 65 2 8 5 00 - - ~ 5 00 I- - 'J!ransfer to the General Uounty ~'und 1 << 0 00 I 13 ;0 I) 86 0 00 2 0 0 00 20 0 00 f- - ~ 0 op 00 I Misosllanerius . Oil! I - lfeed 'tuaH - 37 00 1010100 1 00 - to' - _0 0 00 I , 115171 ~ 00 Is 0 $/.43 6 6 00 181 141c 00 1:!J0 0 00 1~11 00 Is 0 41 c 00 . . 'I'., 1 , . . . '. I , I , , I , , .. I . i i ; , . - :~,f , : , . ; '. l !' , . , I. I " , , L :.)"_IJi ; , , .. "1 , . , ,: ; ',;;;)hY ! , ; , , , L . ,-" i::i;!~ ~ ' . , , .\ " " i ", 1- , , ; I ; '( : , i i....: ' , Ii 1 : - . : , !. ;' \1 , , .i '. ,', ,"- " , . . ! , i { ,"J, ! ; ",; , j 'I: I . , (',(;i , , .. i. i '-1, ". , i j j " i j tit i j , '1 '. \-~~ . I ; , .. , i; i , I;: i '. I: , i J , , l ~ , " \ , ~"'N':' , i , , , \ j , '. " i l i . ".'r: ~~, ,i. I '.;.'. l. i' ij . ! i , '- ~: , , " ,: .. - , , .. ! .. , .. ,- . " " -. .' , , , " l ,-' I '~i{-~;:,;: ;....v', ,;,_ - , . " JI;."", .\- '-'. ..,-,\,::~<,-.::,,<,y-; QJ AWTICIPATRP SURPLUS VOll TAOS , , .. , , , .;.. " '-li.J .'," " '~ 1,:-.,.:.":..',;, _. ... ,'", ,-'r',. -: - -, ,..1,...-, ' ......"". 'J t..\.' , '''::1:):''-:' "-, ,;'; '0' '_'''''_ ,'r "'Of'.. ~. .. , ~ , 1- 'I I " 1:- ~:'l;:;L !,~. H,,t ~..'O-:-"'; ., '.' " ',t-.".-Oo;:," " , , , , .,,;:\'::,,"/~";'Hi;;}i ,,?f:;fi;','}', ,"';\" .;;~.."?" .;"'.:..COUNTY, VIRGINIA "REVENUE<'ES11MATES' . FOR THE )'EAR ENIlING JUNE 30, 1948 000 FUND , , .' I I ~ ' ~ 1 } " i J\O,I!lm<l!'/,' . , ..,' .... -...'-.... "." , " V.A. ENofiO .fUN. 10. 19"H"_' (Adult) , , , IH \" ..,1.1 i. 01 180 11\, , , I .-,. (.... "/'~ w..'_ ~,., , , , ; 'i I J .' \: t : " i;' ,J: I \ I; i >il \ ',' t. I i J .J. 1- .l:',1_, 1 'I f t \ '1 J! , " I ' ] r ",- I' .. f"i, " - I'" . " , ; , I , \ .1 I: ,,1 ':', i '. ,I"" ': L--\ l,}( ~: '_:;r YEA" EN~ JUN. 30, 19_.__ (Esllmatw) , I~d( Idol .J . , , , I' _ ~ " ~ J " i ! '-: _1" .: ' ; i , .' i I j ; ~ i ( -~' ! 'I i,j' ~ ! !, I -t 'to , , I '\1;, A 00 ~ I.2lI. " ",-, T.m.41iva UTlMA1'8 8<.'1* 00 _I c on 1~1~~nn , ! , ) "I ' i; "i i ; , 1 , , , , , f ,-:: . 4, ^...... YEAR ENDING JUNE 10, 19....",.., INcnA" Ov.. YB_"..Ewn JUNa 30. 19.._...... - .. " , , r- '-il , ! ,; , . ,\ : I; : ; : ; , OEt.u" UNDItR YEAR ENDlft JUNa lO. 19_.,.~.... - I. 0 IJn1. A I " ! , i ~ " ! - . ..l, I FINAL ESTIMATE 3001( 00 :~:e , : , : ; i I 1 n" , .' -- ""'~ ;,~~ /","~.i~ {, ''1.;~l 'Nt~~! .~;~ ~ t ';~"".il,'-- .,' 1'" "''7~''~.''''r;~~::t:,-','~1_;- " ,'"'' '" '~ " "'_._.'"'t! .,,-;,\- ..:'-3.'i .- '"' ., .. . ".;: ~ " '-"~1 '-'.:;;-':~-::',,, yv;;m,.;"C<> .; :~\~~~ i; 2~-:::"f',;~:r:-:~;''{f' }:b:'"",' " ....'j: . \ ,,-, 4[ l::;jl \~ - / " . r "",:,.:,...,.-., , . .. .RO~I'lOKlS .' COUNTY, VIRGINIA , , EXPENDITURE 'EsTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 ... ~'lJ\lm' Dl S'tflTC'l' &: TOWN ':11' SAl.JiM liOADDONZI' FUND . YEAR ENDED JUNE 10.19. 4_1:)- YEAR ENDING JUNE io. 19 ,..,? Num~r TITLE OF FUNCTION V. loR EtlDlN&l of JUN. 30.19._____ PROPmED INCRBA$1l0VU DaCllE AlE UND.. A'.l.QW.D Funtlion Num. ^" ROI'IIIATION ExpaNDITU.. ^" ROPIIATlON E" YIlAR ENnlN'l V.. It END''Il B., BoAltD BNDITUIII!I btrof TITLE OF ITEM JUNB 30. 19.p...... JUNK 30. 19-.___ , hem I SO ',- D1!B'1' Sl'1RVIOR I ' " I , , 800 Hel1olllpUon of: Bon"" (tlel'hl Ilonde ~ " Ie 0 ~ Ie Ol 0 01 01 r1t lOb. to >") 00 lei 11.10 ocIl 1 , I, eo8. :, In "'l'lIe' 011 1:Iell'" , . :" I~; 001 Il Ol llEI.l 01 1 00 I 109 ~,~ ~ ~~ it ..h~ .. Ue111lQuen' 'tax uo11l1Otol' -- .. .. . .. . ' II , Ill' "r I ~ . - , ; , , , " . " , i f. ~ 1 , i . , t. , , , , , ! . ~ , I . . i " i'~ , ! , :: , . ". , , ,: J 0 I : . : . i,ti :, . . , 1 f : , , : " '- , , , , ~ . , . ~ i , : , . , , : : , t , :. , , -c-: . , : ! , , , " ' : , , I , . . ' , , , ; I ,1 ,.' ..1 i , ... ,', ,- .j , ..' , \.... , ; i : ! '. .' , 'i' (-. , ; 1 , i , f , ; , . -- " , I , , . -c , , , , , , , '. ....- - .:..1-. , ('" " " ~', t~! ~', 'I " - "s:, ...-.,f" .~;. , , ~-- ..~ '-. {>, ',' ~'.;,.,/: ',..-". , \~;:f~~??( ~;, '," /::'~_:;>. ;":~/'.: ~ '.' . -'; ..:\~~'?:."'~/':,~:,: t.' ,:,:;::-"ti:">:'" ., Antioinated Surnlue Del1nouen t Taxes L~4 Redemptions Tr'ansferred ,from General County Fund, , CALOULATION OF LEVY: , Amount to be Raised by Current Levv .- Amount Revenue Renuired Do" ^~ Baa' 0 ^" l4% Levy,R\lquired _,i. "':1 " Asso8sed Value of Pronerty Ra te of Levv 1 :.. " -'bSt. :.,.~~; :~ '~.: :;.-~. ~.I_::,~: ,,', I:.~~. :,'; """ -. '.' (, :~_\!:.::!~ -~ ...:,. . , , , .1 I ~. ..c " '; ""~' : -;,"';, CPUNTY, VIRGINIA 'RBVENOE;')ESTIMATESJ >:'r.\'" FOR'TI--IE y'E~RENbrNG JUNE 30, 1942, SALEM'DISTRIOT & T; Oli'SALEM ROAD.BOND FUND , " ':;}t~~,~~~Wr~/::~:JiJf~:::;:~{~~~f':?~:~':'~:~\}W[:/: ., - i, r:~: ~~/: . ,,~.~..'- -~- \ :r; ",' ".:- /. 'R6.ANOKE" . " I Y!A."~N"'O .fUN. ]0; 19... (Accual) , I a ~ 8 06 , 'I 614 ,90 66131615 ., ,!.'....: -~, ", ~41z/9l. 96 , "I ~ 51 I I .. I, : :fl: , i j,. , i I ;..,: .' , :1' . .~. "t'; YllAiI,ENDlfi .lUNa 30. 19._____ (EstiOl:ucd) I 00 00 I 5 00 6 00 I- 21 15 Ol 3 2 5 00 15 9 7 00 1,,1p;loolI 50 00 9 0 0 0 01 ( I' . ! . " j J. i , , 1-" ".j i ,:" _'"\ .:'i' i 00 99 015 i' I " , , TaNTATlVB WIMAn I~ 00 O( 50 O( 1 6 0 0 O( I- 85 (J) 4 2 9 oe -I 6 1 0 7 OC Il\lol~IO( 49 I e oe o 01 , ! " : " ; " " " . , " , I ....,--;",.;'., ":,,'.-~,.-. ,-, /r.."j jM", ,~;';~ .-~ ';f ' "r~ . . - -~, 42 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. J9.......... DKRI!AIB UHDU YEA" ENDil JUNe; )0, 19......... 2 0 0 00 100 00 -b, 0.. 30 00 INcn.",. Ovu VBA" END1aQ" .luNa 30. 19.....~"'" 01-' 1.0 I' 0 1.0 , . , , " " , j :! " : . ;,: ": ~ ~ i : l \ ! , ;> .: : ,',.. ';,' , }{:,':C(8;{,S'L.-L.k:;k-,i;:":, :';"'1,;Fi+i:',V. ,:.'; ,,-S" .".,..,'~ FINAL ESTIMATE , 3 ole O( 50 01 1 5 0 0 01 I, _po 1 8 5 0 00 -, ! . ; - -< : ' ',' , , :h'-. ., ......,.....!\I l! 1 , " I, i ,'. j"'~ \# {.1;! I.#! , ":j ".t'. '-l;.'t ..& i& ,. //Jj';~~~~h'~~?;'~ ;~~t~' ,,' I I , I I i I I , I , , " . I , 'i" ,- , I' _I , I i: " Ii' I t, h I; __ ;j { " t :'-1 !1 II I' " I: 'i ,; , '-"; I t-X I, ',' " I' F'::;,., J ,:i': I;' '1-. , , Number of Fum:don :"~\i#'fll"""1': ~"'~.. . ,'11~i(... ., .' .. . -~. , '. .',;',:':,-::;~i~.;?1, ';, ~/>}~~~fr~~kE!~i~'XT~" :,: '." .~< '.. . ..':;',:':'>\/ ..., XP .;P':t'<,'l.'".;.,.;'." :. .FOR'THE YEAR ENOiNi'fj{fNI((.30.'19 42 , , ,", '-' ' . . . ': SdHCIGL ".:,' .,. FuND ". ," -;' , .. ' " YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 19,JiQ '--, '" ',' ~, 1-" , , " " ',' TITLE OF FUNCTION " .. '.. Num- ber of TITLI! OF ITEM htm , , , , c, , ii ii Supt. from Bd. of Supervisors ',: " II"" Sohool Board " " II " n1:he""- ;- ., Frei~t. Express &, Dr~agtI l'urrJ.oe J!iquJ.pmen~ l'PolltaD'e Tel e &, Itle'e , Travel Expense of Supt. ... ...,,~- , Otfioe SUDDlies C,enBlls. Surveys &, Reports TOTAL - Administration " INST nCT' I'IN TOTAL .. Ooat of Inatruot ion EVE5 NG.PaRT- I!m.SPECIAL &, ADULT EDUCATION Pari-time Vooationa1 IDetensel .ll:Ipeoial &, Adult Eduoation 1 "::;'--';:;-T' n U6_6 ;..~n..;y Snh.Bd.& ,"".-Ionnd.a by TO TAr,.Part- time. Sp eo ial &, Ac1ul t Ed" INS RUll IONAL ooars OTlIE , , *T," I. ,- ..j, S1:At -- Clerks 11 0 Prino ~als ITravel Ezp....Vooational Ed. I Hom. Eo. '" AgriouJ,t Tuition 1Ia14'.Other DivisLons.., " l!ener~L~Pi;h~l_~V:L~1.o~~B. 'r~';~~a1u\' (, __.~~~~:: FL\Dl1~he1-~.~;!~;:~',1~~ 1:~,__.""_',\,, , '; ':_-.;;.-;,:..:;~ ""'u' .;: "",_, o ~:i~..::;go~tIi- ~~Cl;!-a:ln8 S~!o 1_1 ~~~~Jor: ,',. ';;) --',' - -..' ' !I!O!l!AL .. O-thAr ,....; ,_.. "..., " '.,.j iT .' i': .- , ' _ :' ":. ,1: , , i ';".r i ,LX} , I , ~, ,_ .._t~, - ~,' ~._. .' - ,,' . , ' '-',' i ., -: j . ,.",;,' , C"'" . A"aO.AIATION ,- EllPINtJITU." , 10 100 l,tO pO 1,12 100 1'~1~2 . 1 00' I' "'u ! l7 0 112 0 I! 15 <> 1 0 6,~ 8 0 I 9 00 ~l 0 100 lL1ll2 00 lf~lt Ig~ I' I ~ 2 113 123 r''Io 91 87 IV' 32 6114 77 2418110 [JO ii ,S4j} 88 . , 1 ~ oct r'. I.'~r. 00 H~~~J~~, 1;16 110 I~gll , 37 . ,,111ft , I 3WR16S. ,~~.2l'lt2 -- -- ..1~ .: ?~]~f'I~-1 iJ;i~: I ~ t / "In~\lifi\! '-,', .' ~! .,194 " ~'. ~:.I--: :,1 ";'. ;~f;1i t;:: ~. n ?-.- I, I', ;. ," ~, ':, ':;'_ \. \'-:(r,. n (;" , ...':~: t~;';i_, to ':.i _ ,;,>{~ , ',< ,_ .>:': X;~,-, ,1 " t ',:;:: ~::J "t:. ," "" ., '. ':: i.' J :! '.t> ,$:-?;~~;~;J';~~~r_- , ..! ,-J ,'" v..... ENDlNl JUNI 30. 19.4 .. A'..o,aIATlON 1110, nO 1 1.In'" hn 1112 po llfl~ ~R 1 100 I "1UIjI FJU I~ Ii 100 Ilii 0 .... 116 0 1 0 6 3 0 1~" 0 1~~~ 00 00 ~~ It 0 RR I-l_ ;;~:; .r 11 , , ~ , .. '.I ' Of ;.::,,:,::,- " , P.OPOSIlD EJlPIiNDnUltf.5 ! f 00 1..hJ. In" I. 00 llf6_E_ II po I. no o PO '"'u Il 00 I1dl 00 .,1. 7 gO ~ 9 I~~~ 7 .,Ln KlO ~~ 00 1 100 ~4r100 I~ '.~~ Ig~ o ~R 'Ii .,..1 ..'.,' 100 O. '. ~:.., ;;lnn. .Iri" ~', "ft'. ..... "I , - ,; :,1 '.L "" < 'i ',i 1;: 100 " ,', .;.-;'t:<">; 'J? .T}~:, '~~, -,- ... :-,'" .1.' " '1 ~ , -~ ". r\ , ." ,.~;, ~r ~~ ~ i I \ '~, ~ J' :-' .,_, t) 'n j ~ ,.,; .) '.1 ) ( !;'( ,,(:: "tol "~,~ ~l: ' ,'1t _o'.~)~ 'V4. ,,':'iY~ ',1 " ",'. i.) '.' ,~' " ,.) (: ie' 'U: YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19..... lv, ...:.. ,': i~ INCltll4lE Ovn VUlt ENDlNO JON& 30, 19.41 II 00 ~11"1 00 $10 00 l( 0 00 l, 0 00 In 00 5' 8 00 o 00 ~115rm .1100100 P.l 000 UKItIl,U. UnD" YIIA. ENDING JON& 30. tL~l - -brln1oo -.. ". 00 .\i In ~O '0 ~O AuowaD n BoARD Il<hrl hn I. ho 1 8 00 1 6 00 3 00 1 00 I ~~g 199 19~f I~~ , ., 7 '1 00 ' ...--..- --.-... ADMTl IST" T IO Soh'; 1 B erd Comnsneation ef Kembel'S , " " 01 erk of Board ~\ 3 0 00 ' , , o 00 12 17 00 4 0 00 ., .; 00") . , ! 1 _~~I.- 00 t ~o , 1 60 00 'il"" ~n _ 0 -. ..:,i_~~_ -di III nn if, ~ [ 4 00 P ,,1 i 11 " . ., :'. 'j ".' ';::.;t>"'- ~';':;:~:ifL;:: '<~;blY'_ ...... ,,\,C, '':': ','~ '-~?:-'y~;:'~r,:_:','.:'::::._,-,___~_:,_::_;.",,-, :':_'. h .' 'RO.~O~ :' ;COtJNTY, VIRGINIA '. : EXPENDITURE EsTiMATEs ,'. -"<,. ':<,"-<', . - -,:' . ",.,. . -',- " :-",- FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNlho,19 4.2 snJm(lT. FUND , ~ YE'R ENDED JUNE 3O.19"jO, ",,:.","'.jI"". ""V~~_ <"I_.f:>:;;';... ':,~{,!:yl:-::;'/i.)"';'f' ~"(;~:t~ ~y;!X!:} /-;' '-i'_;"-<"",, ;::>-<;\.}:":-r" " , .\.. .-',' -...', ,.-....,.' ~ ,":,.,... , Number or Funuion TiTlE OF FUNCTION Num- btr of TITLE OF lTEM hem A'UQ.AIAlION EIl;Pl.NtllTlUIIIt r100R' mAT ~IVI'l'IES " OomDensation 01' Dootors · " Dentists Ii 00 Ii 00 o 00 000 e 00 o ~~II -! t 0 00 bti..l..nll i~ 60 bJAI " " " " BUrses - " OomDuleory A'li1ieIJ1allO' Ohild Labor Administration Home Demonstrat ion' Agent ._".... AA.... _'L' Medioal lJuppl1es .. Nnn..'Ii ~ 0". A Iailo 00 66 1 . HAA h"'~1 "nil nnrT,IT A"V ra I t to" Inomnen..ation o~ !I!...,...lr D..ivAWA !l!l'an..nortotin~ by C I, ReDairs. !l!ires !l!ubes and PAWts Gasoline, Grease & 011 Replaoement of !l!ruok8 TO'l!AL e Tran sportat ion the Auxiliarv A"eno1es ~UiUOll Pa~d uther D1vi!!10ns ,+- A,... ,v.,.. A_ &. Other Auxiliary Agencies h ..."'^~ O~ n~nl 0011' ~Aol 0011 '" n~ lanAI !Ill! ~\''1 AA . ~d3 44 .n 415 b~llI 03 I ; o 00 o 00 rftoo ~1~1~~ ,,, ,,~ Oafeterias !rextbooks Pu:rohaeed ror Resale 1.~60 00 !:O 63 a.e1 33 ~'... r"'l~e '08 " , ... ,.,,-~"~..;~..... ....,-,..--.., ~'--_. TO'l!AL - Other Auxiliary A.ll:eno tes 0 00 ___n-o -:"."!I!O!fAL">"'-'.rl'al1'SJ;ll)rtll:1l1bil-"('aS-';lihQ'lrD~abO"1!l)"-'____'~' -a '00 , .. mnmAT ..' . ,~~ . n....,,?_h . ~ '. , . '" , . .,' . I , " ; , " " L I '. ~L~_~__l_...j_ :: (' .} "I I :i , t:, " v..... ENDlNo JUN' 30, 19__41 AI'PJO,aI4Tlf;lN ~QO 00 000 I nnll Amnl 1t.;"l\nnl 00 ~dl1 nn Mil . ~do 00 ~O 00 3' !a/o 00 In_ - -- '1' JC 0 00 uln 00 .BI 9 '00 __II ~;~;.;> }.:,'.\" ...'. " I. .... "', :'r'(_~_ ,.. PIlOI'OSED E.PENDnuItU 15 00 6 00 o 00 I3do 00 000 o 00 MsL noli o 00 l~ no MO no ::: III 0 00 ,tlnl nn :$!!11 0 00 o 00 ..--U;W~ --00 __ JJ __II I I ... INUI!41B OVE. Y IlAIt END4'l JVH. 30, J9......... 00 00 2& 00 Ifb 00 ~Ino I, 00 . bob 00 ob 00 ..~ 00- ^- " )' 2. . " YE^R ENDING JUNE 30.19 4? UtIC.ula UNO" VBAI. ENDUa'l JVNB 30. 19___._.. 'n nn 000 '. "_ ..1,__ AU.oWBD IT BcUIlD fj 00 6 00 2 0 00 6 0 OC o OC o OC o OC 1 0 O( 1 O( o 0 ObI 0 O~I 0 14p. lb( 0 ~ 11 orll o 0 .mill 0 2Ll~~ ~d . '~"'-.. n I,~~. ;;/ f:~ , il "I ! " I, Jj I r. ~ $ ~. " l~ i r' ~, I 'l'i :,r: :r----'--' ;\ 11 :1 '!, , , \.-....;;..;...--.~ ;-i:/~' :,::, jn::-;;/ "-"-.',,,-. ..-" -",' :'~,::'-' ':.' ;,~ :;;'~-.':'::': - '-',:,-,'i.-",'" ,,--.,-,>,~\ , "-'-:;":,-",'::': >:.'~ . Number of Funuion "'T:,_. ;,'" ':;;"';~..?'~\'._ . ' ,,' Rc5XioXE' COUN~Y;VIRGINIA ;'__' _'_ _::_ _ ",_.0-'>.1"";'" 'EXPENDITURE ES'fIMATEs .. 'FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30; J942 !lOHoor. FUND '..,,-- -, ""';)"'l;~""'-'Y;::';:- "-'. . - -,-' "-.' -"'- '-"- - , . - . . ''''..'~'-':'' ,.)'. :.' ,',"ii-','." YE^" ENDED JUNE 10, .94lL TITLE OF _ FUNCTION Num- bu of TITLE OF ITEM htm ^".o.arATIOH ., OPER..lTIOI OF CHOOL PLANT VA , FIXED CIUiRGEE 1lI~ .a~ ni' JAn1-tn,.... . n n Other' Emnloyeee Light and Power Phone to Sohool Bulldi%IRS WAt...,.. S .TAni tn,.. . i.... W.,..1 ., lL (Toilet tissue,paper Other -xpenses.of Plant . towels , sewer assess.) TOTAL - Olleration of Plant hIP. 001 OC ~ 1l0' OC b () 11 01 0 a 0 0 b 001 OC 211101 OC oil> ~ 01' B, ~".. &, TTnlr RAn 0 f l~ 18 01 01 1 01 0 Repair &, Renlaoemen t of Furn. &, Equinment Other Expense_II-Main tenanoe of Plan t - Maintenanoe of Soho~l Plant 9 0 0 Fire Insurm.. 6 0 1 0 o 0 Liabilitv InBU.ranoe 'a ft Lon Tn.... , Rent Other Fi:md Oharges "... ~ ""vAA n"" o 0 .. I" " 101. oil : ~.~.L._~.~ l~...._.___':_~___--+::_ - ' EXP!NDITUIl& ,~ 1 10 110 I~. 3 156 II 11 I] 3 911 7 153 9 II 43 11,1 119 ~ 77 nil I 92 oa 94 214 19 L4I61 77 I ..t11:: . VUlt ENDING JUNE 30. 19..4~. AppllopalATlON II 0 00 3 0 00 o 00 1 0 00 al.401> 00 9 0 00 1 0 00 i2 0 00 8 0 , 0 00 00 9 0 00 ~. 00 00 ~c 00 lido 00 II Itl: '" PIIOPOSID EXPIINDITUItEl ll(l 00 3~1 0 00 I: 0 00 1 II 00 2',1 00 o.c 0 00 1 0 00 4 II 00 8 0 00 00 9 000 .4010 00 o 00 ~b 00 61500 bfl.2l.00 'NCRUIIfOVI!Il Y EAII ENDlNc1 JUN!. 30, 19..~_u _.:l.. _ __ llpl 00 11141 00 ~( 00 DC 00 ~( 00 5 0 o 1 0 1 0 .. ...,., .....- 3. YE^" ENDING JUNE 10, 19 ,4a lJ&cuua UNO" YUIl ENO'N41 JUNS }O. 19___._. 'Op 00 00 00 00 00 ,.or ALl.QWIID 81,80".0 II Ichl nn I;, Op 00 n 00 Il,lWIo 00 I:, 0 00 LC, 00 00 , 00 00 . pc 0 00 . ~C 0 00 pJ: 0 00 . ~CO 00 ,pC 00 pI 0 00 pi II 00 ,~, II 00 ,-. I;, ~I~' " lJ .,..~~ flf .C.,f.- 1..." ~!~ ~. ?{~. _J > :'.:-:~- \.' W:...Jl~ , ,,,..-~ , 4...-'.".. I COUNTY, VIRGINIA 4. RO,\NOTl'm EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 42 SCHOOL FUND . . YEAR ENDED JUNE )0. 19_40. YE^R ENDING JUNE 30, 19 .. 4.2 Ntimbtr TITLE OF FUNCTION y, .... ENDING DC JUNB )0. '9,_'U PIIOPmED INCII.IIUIOVIla OICU ASI UNO" "htoWID Funcrion Num. ^"'OPaIATION EIP'NOITUIIE A" 'OP.IUJON E. Y BAlI. ENOINJil. y" . END1'4l. n boUD buof TITLE OF ITEM PIi.NOITUIlU JUNe 30, 19.~...._ JUN. 30,19____.._ , hem . I I I ,.-. IT I A--l. H__..t.. 11'..." 1~ 31ul 7 P.HO 00 3 5 00 0;" -- ._- I New B''''''es .e. Motor V"hin1a.. Ii III anI 0 I Equipment for Buildings .01 o 00 IJ~ 61l~ 3 . 0 00 6 0 00 Ob 00 l'uro hasll of Land 0 00 7111 a I Improvement to Sites . o 00 6 ~4. I- . o 00 1 0 00 I] . 01:> 00 - New Buildings a a li8 ~l . o 00 I~ 5 01:> 00 I tol .. Al"A~n"inn nf 01d B,,""'~~a 2liFi ~6 Othe" Cani talOn tlavs .. , - On~. tA 1 n".., n_ hrll'l 00 ~ ~A M~OO 4 5 00 I: 0 00 DEBT ERV OE , ~ - ... t nf Li terary F..W! Lo...... !!t4toO . h 1I~2 00 bd . /;31: 0 00 7 9 00 00 ., -- ~... 'l! - R-. T.oans b 0111 bo , . __ T> 11'..~.. . . ~41'lt t\~ . I..h La 1>0, Inl'l rlnlM hrl II.!. Il'ln 06 0 .. " !l'lllll1l0rarY'LOans a 0 ~I 00 0 00 I- .. ~ R ,,-r'l! - . III 0 00 I ' 0 0 00 - .. I I I ._- _ n.'-t Ircl41noll ~ IlIhll il.ll fi1t O~ Ill\. iLltol 00 ()o II 000 ! 7 , I , ; " i. , Uo ~1 ,hJo 00 . ~J4. 00 " I I"D''''' ",nflllL _ i 4 00, 9 86 4. II 9 00 4. 00 ;,j , ~~. I, i , , . f > . . , .. .. '. I , , , , i , " . . , " , , , , '"'I,,, ' " , 1 . ,:. /~~~~~""f,~~111?~~:!:t:1~~.;tc:\;Yfr;;,;;~~,:,," 'r, ',' '. ,,; !itEVENUE:E~mMA TES. FOR,-rJk,ygi\RENDING JUNE 30.1942 ", '. . SCHOOL .' FUND- ,4rt/;'i\ ;tf~~1:;t~)J?~,~" '),:V", ~~' ~ .., '---"'?" ';"' .:., , I" , . . .' , ' ',' Xu_ eNDE40 J.u'Ntl1O. )9.,....... (^cruOlI) ':, ' ,. )r~om State Fuds , .- 2;5, 5 2I,2rl 2 7~: L( "'Iij f,.." " ' 6\J o o General Appropriation i ___ Elementary Fund (Ino. Rural Sp 80ial and Adu.lt Eduoation JlU. sio Fund Supervision Workshop Instruotors i--- ! i..- _._JeannelLFl1n~ (SauJihsrJWI:d.-.Ass!n.--l i R..".."il i.. ....MiI I1nt hn ~o 14 !5 8li' 3 Vooational Edu.oation Dist. Agr.Supervisor (RefUnd for 4mt.5ohl.Bd. pays him) Other stat e Funds TOTAL FROM STATE FUNDS 4 911: k52 iFrom Other FuncJs Speoia~ Guts from Foundations and Bnards . __AP>>1'-OPriatinn 1'rnm Bd. 01' Sl1p..=1"....." on B.'pt'S. SA) <)7- Tuition from Private Sauro8s IHt nn 1 " bo 0151 140 I. 1M Ie : 120 " " Other OounUea ~ . ___ ___~~.e1l1~e.e.B_trom Pnpi1s : 5al" nfSnnft11.... .- ".....+... ... >.... , I AIlI'fi "1.J..!1ft1l I, r; . ',i lil pO, t..- j .~ I: ~, n S..'~ of Real Estate Sale of Equipment ...F.~~:tD~~;~~~18i~bn.t..--.--- -.-,. ---'--- "- ^+.. a_ o. F..MA u Refund Gas !rex TO'UL - Other Funds 48 60 . . .... -.. -- --, .- -..... " ", ~f '. : IAlfl' . : I:: lllil5 IEi~O: ; {, , , " , -- ''-';,''', I , I:" .' 'J -- ~ .- \' , , -; '. , Y u.. ENDING JUNE 30, 19., __4=-1 (Estjmued) 131 .1600 00 .~17 00 ,~( 00 b>l<..J 0011 R 00 ,16, 00 h 00 1 00 I.. .nnll 6 00 2 00 0011 , 650 O( .!I! 5~COC TeNTUIVE En'M"TE 5 6b~ aD 4"' ~O 2 9" ~o 2 apl aD ,nn nn I,lIoo 4.-:ili;~ 00 4 10, no I.. 7'1ioIl, 00 11 a nn o 00 1 5b 00 I 19 01\ 00 00 lMh 00 I5b 00 1 5~ 00 1 6~ 00 YE;.' ENDING JUNE 30.19_42 ISCUASEOVI!ll YIlAlt EN()~'1 JUNli: 30. 19__.. . . 10 , P( 00 ~co 00 , ~ , ~.. 8 00 3C 0 00 lllA 00 ill 5 00 B" 0 00 I lJ 00 o 00 1",d.n1 00 ~ 00 . ,'" 1 00 7 00 DECJlUSE l1~ml!ll ~. Hit END1Nl] JUNE }O. 19, 4:2 I. 3 00 6 00 o 00 o 00 00 ~ 'y; :,/1 :,,!-:~(,~; :c_'~:f/;~: )i~~,J&~~;r;~~ ::CS;t~~ -, ,.., .," ': ;' ,i, f~ I. \~t ~.{r FIN.\L ESTIM.HE 8 6b, bo 3.47 00 2 97 00 2 8pl 00 '0 00 1 0 00 4 6 00 4 0 00 I' 7 06 00 --' ,:.. -----. J '':'" .~, . -~.,-- , 1 a 00 o 00 1~ - ~ -- 0;- ~~--~- -- j-- - --- --- 3 0 00 [) 00 1 0 00 15 00 11'll~A InO 1,\5 00 l~a 00 - , I I ;) ~: 11 " " , " ,,',' . '" ,'" ....",' "115~~j~':~~(~'D{;:.coU~fY, VIRGINIA '. " .;:/ .c_ - . <c' ,'~, -."", ",-, _'.~ REVENUE ESTIMATES ".,j:':; " FOR THE YEAR END1NGjONIl 30, 19~ ." smfOOT. ..- , YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19,,42 FUND ,,' " Ya.u. ENDEIJ_ JUN. '\0, 19_..~ (Awl.a1) YIlAR ENtUNCi JUN' 30. IL~,ih (&ri"':It~d) TENT"'TIVE Estt"'ATE I~ClIusl! OVER yE....R: ENntN41 JUNE 30. 19.... , . '~"'. "",><.<,,:'" _f';1,,>N,:' ." OECREAIB Us-ou \'UR ENDlN41 JUNE. 30. 19. Fr.i)m Oounty Sohool Funds --- Oounty Sohool Levy of :h.06,less 14% Estimated for Delinquents ** 19 4~~ 15 1 3PQ DO 6 4~; 0 5? , P 2 00 - ~ lat".. \.." InhA ho - 10 " .. " .. .. n..linqu.ents~1' dn"n I~ hi .. .. ll'unds (See 1'al>:e 61 4391<, lbA DO From Ste. te Sohool 2 6 I" 71'1 70: 0 ~, 0 00 From Other Sohool Funds (See 1'al>:e 6) *Less 1'WA Funds II) 6~l 4 1 6bd DO III 26 0 2 00 ---... From Loans from Li terary Fund -- I~b b, no hlO 00 - - bnm TAll\};>orary Loan to~be-=pai-d-du ~i~ _ .'_~ ,n nrln 00 TOTAL ESTIMAT~ REOEIPTS FROM ALL SOUROES #8~f eG " 012& 0 $I5IG 42m 0 ~~ 6 00 ._ Assessed value of Property for the year 1941 - AporoximatelY $28,400.000.0 Deduoted for unoolleoted taxes - 14% Approximate amoun t due the Literary Fund - $616 000,00' ---f-' Approved by the Oounty Sohool Board ot Roanoke Oounty at a .- meet ing hald Karch 16, 1961 , 1'resent~_~t.o_Jil1e Bo ard ot SuperviBors regular meeUng held Maroh 17, 1941 ot Roanoke Oounty at their , - , : The Oountv Sohool BOll1"d 0 t Ro anok" OOl1ntv fPoknAf.a By Snnt ., ;,---- --Ba-:I.<>m....Y.a. ..-Ka.......h.-J.6, J.941. _ ,--- ,_ ._..____.., ~ .. ., .,_,.',-0;'0' ..~'-..__,~._... ."L_-." " .'. (', 1 " ,." _ '-'..J ~ _ ...:.: 0' .* The Bonl'd of' !'ll1PA,..,i "'lire did l10t AnOW II g01l.~;aty S011991 Levy 9f .1. ne butplaoed the levy at 61.00 ' . - I, , , . , .- . , , , " I " '. (, , ~;r?f,~" ::'.' :;i:.i,.'f: ;:',' .. '. FINAL ESTIM,'\TE ,G. -- ,- - r--------- o L~Vi50 .-_ ____ _!t_~. ~~4 2~ ~l 06 0 f7~r 0 -t..-",- ---i--~ I J 1 ~6 -10 -'h- I -,0 ~E 4 ,~O t- o pO 1', j-' -.'-., , " " '.,:,3 , i-i: .'.....f.!, ;jJ!I~} ~' ,. !ii' -~ :1 .",t* '!t.' Ii :; . , -J,.......-.I I .t ..... ( . .- ',' , , '.', ";{;~l~~~!~\"t:~~~~trl~:~::~F' .,. .1~1~'f::~:q~" .",C ,~: , 'ltBVENOEESTlMi\:TES' ,,' '('~"i,!'n!,f'"~":i"" it J _', _' _" _ -,~;t,__,';.-A;~,~t'-,:t.(~,.tfA1,o FOltTHE i:aAR ENDING JUNE 3, r' . I ' .. b~ , " ~~rr~~]:~r1~;t~t!!1fl~i~,r;:':iJ~f~~f~~;;'::~0~;;:::"',':".~:~:'~."" , ~y~. .. :;~,:",_:--,;~;-~_:-,_-.:t:.:,< :;'::_:"::"i>::,::;,':;i" _-~:':-:':O:;"_:~':""_:- _"":: - _:'_:~,i ":,_ _:_:",,:>.,.:, SaletU,Dl11t.-&;'Town of' Salem Bond. !.Iund. GEi~~;~,~<C(hulty\E)iw1d~' "_" ",' ", ....-~_... ',; Wmson,':Hd. San. 'Vist. Jlo. 1 llund . .'~ U -~ oo~_ty \SO.ho_ol::Yund. ... . . . .. . .. .-. .. ..~~-< ' . Oil . " ,'" " , , , ' , , . , ! Y~.I!ND4b .Iur.~ Jo, 19__..._. '(Actual) SOURCE OF RZVENUE , Al,TICIPATED SURPLUS: , 'General Oounty Fund , , , 21526 n 0"" 3 '3 5 1 [J] 8 ~ 01 4 8 ., 21' 9( , , " !lOg ',CuJi'und , , , , , I , '\ "Salem D1str1iSt-& 'fown-of tialem .l'(oad Bond Jnind , Williamson Road Sani tarv'Jlist. Ifll!'und Sohool .rund TOTAL ANTICIPATED SURPLUS STATE SUPPLEMENTS I General Coun tv Fund V1r~1n1<< Public Assistance Fund :;ohool Jfund 1~'9515~ IJ21~0 06 - 11 15 . 70 . 12191f 13Ial?IAI, '115 'IF . TOTAL STATE FUNDS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: General Vountv Fund VOIl: 'i'ax JI'und Salem Vistriot & Town of Salem tlond JI'und YIU11amson tload bani tal'V vist. it'" ..fund , Virginia Publio Assistanoe Fund sohool JI'und 1< h 1",1.<1 S!\ 5 8 1 00 61119 6( , 0 77 1 , I; N^ III~ ..17 2~ ,1" ..lAb 1111 1'. ~. ~. -'-'-. - I ,. . ~ TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS FUND . CURHlIN'l' LEVYI . General County Fund I ", ." 'el:&lelfillll '14 .' ',I Salem: .lli~triot & 'rown of :;;alam kload Bond .rund .. .' , ., '.', " '; ,>.~"~>:.!~:~~~~~~ ~~'~'l,~~:!!.:!.,,~~s~.~:.~,t.!'...:__..._~__.___'f';;'__';''' '_:,;'~'------'T'-' :_~~ 9~f ""i'J' , : sohoo1 Jl'imd,! . I . i" , . , : . i.' i' i j . :!I;'I,;I!r~r;'I~I", , " r' " i.mnmr'-;': ',' ;"," ,<, ' '! . " '. i,.r;. 'I :.I~li' ~'~~~nd~ ! ',: > :' : .: ", "".." j, !',' i ! ! :;" l ''! . :,' :~OTAf:,JlEVE~RE~;rJlEf' ,:."... i ,.!):":..' ':J:~it~li~ 1',1'1:,,': ,',:..1, ;i: II: 1",.1.; l'<! I(;i:' i i 'i :.kJ. !" '.' I "FlIJi./ht}L:;,'dl" ':ir; i . i ;:;";~ I' ;, .;;, ,....,'.'ii; 1;", I ENDINDl JUN. 30. "19_1.". (Esdmatw) 200 oe 3 0 0 0 O( oc 6600 01 II 0 0( 218IBIIII~ oell 1311J151 2511 I] 5 41J 9 5 OC 2 1151 ~ 1 6 3 12 hJ~ oe 1610101 odl 11 e 5 0 00 . TIINTATIVIl EnIMATa 4000 O( 30000( o O( 1015 0 O( b 8 0 0/ u'al~ I?II 1 7 7 7 0 00 214121 e 6125 Inn 11110101 Inn lie 5 0 00 IlJolc 15 00 I] GI4131111 141alel31J oc 1119J?Ip.IIIIJ n., g ;IIIIJ 11111 "IJ ,,1,1..1, II 1"-141 ! I.' 382600 I ! 6 /11850 ;-I~' , .IJ fiel.l LI. I i I 6~~ , , I 1 1,14 II ',ll 11111" 41 s 5 00 I? 21012150 .- .'.-1'1 100 I:>{Y1'!-'>' YeAR eNDING JUNe 30. 19",~? ., INC"AS. Ova. YS.\R ENDlfi JUNB 30. 19."h_'" 200000 .fe fe 5 0000 ~( - 7 0 00 131~ 14 Q211 ~( - 2 3 1 e 00 2 4 92 0011 5 0011 II-'ll n1rl ,IJ 100 m IIIIR '5~ 141: 00 Ill( 00 .- ~... 1!'Ilnl,'~ on '11891"160 4fl411 50 I 41' 411 '1 '11 ~1 1 6 lell 42 .,~ [ i" ., "i.;; ":i&."t Ct,C '"' ~!<. " DSCUAIII UNDER YEAR ENDil JUNE 30. 19_........ -0. -0' .e 0 C O( -t>o o 2 o o 1111lol"lnn , FIN^L ESTIMATE I 410010 0 121 e 01 e 0 3 ole 0 1 lIon 01 ()( 7 ni 131216101 100 1"11,, Inn 11 71 r.lnln I on $/!7Jl 31010100 I, Inn Ion o 00 1 I, I ^O o 11 1 ^ I 00 1,lnlnlr nn 1419.19.1, nn alPl"nn "IJ. 'nn I. 1.0 I- 0 In, I-b 712 3 00 " , ';,i. ~~. 10 I~ On III Inl~ 00 If 00 I( 1150 3J.1~175 60 le~ OJi~ 60 ! ,ii ,'.. ..' -~ ...... ; , . l'}" ".;) '''':~';i WfJ.-. ,,:)~ .' -"- '- >' .~~ . .:-, -::-,'< < '" ,,'" i" ;' , ,'- "'ll :,iii;f A"'O''''''ON I ", :',~~"Nonu.. .'-: ':'. "Nu'~~- ,. :FllQction ,-,":". 'beraf. 'ttm " - ..,........:.__f. ~-.. . -. - ',. ,-,.-.-.,. , ....._i. '_,~ :,;! ,',,-" ) - "". : , , : " -, , :- , , : ,', '"I ., . , -- , , "!' ,'." i TS[ ;,i.'\ : 'iJ,.....,.. ",: ' , : "'1- ,',' , ? _ :, i ,~'_' ',' ,.. , i . I: ' ; \, J ".,,::' ' TiTlli,oF ITEM c-" I .. .~'.~.<';- " I: ~ GENERAL GOVJ!:RNMENT: : : '. ! i !, ';' , ' ,. ,Gene"'~lO()Ub.ty.Fund :,,: ,,', ""OU e 061 ~1,47I19 911 ,-J,lQIt Tax,ll'~" "ro' 7 0 6.6 r 1'1~ 0 115 43 .: : ,'" "., ""'~-~'-r'>"'" ;'C~"'~" !:,':- ';""!" ~ ~ ....... .......:.-'" :'_''':::.f"~":'"~~ttY ~: ~.;..; . '~~ ", ,': ~ j (I}: 6aiem, lJ1st.,"'!\. ,of SBl'I:iiii' 130n'd'l!'lUl.d' U ,; , ! i a c '00 ~ 'G 0 97 00 : ' , , !,':" :,' , I. ',,: "W1lliamson 'Road 'l3an,:'D1st. '#1 ' : ,," !,;, .;.',- 11 IS 06 ( 11 '61 71 70 I .' I' I:' I " V'~~'"'ft"""'''''' ,j ll'"nil , ' IAI lid 1'41 L ,:I..I..loh. 5? :', Total: General Gov:e1'J1lllent ;,., Ii 1~1~llIQI24~ : lil~ 9 ell'll 6f. , ' . , ~. : : l 'I:' : Sohool Fund , - " , , I '",." I. i 91 8 ee 51 I:~ 01 Rol rltl 4 .0 "I' . , I5IAI~I. 7 2 4~ ( I \, t. !. ,: , -'"'. '. "'- ".' ~ .. , " !~ , '753 , , t,' ; ~;' /\ , , , ,. , , " , , '.: , ," ~ I :': ;;~~. : , , , \ " " ,';. , ;\ '. :;::J , , I : , .' J. " I' I,. : , ,', ,), , , .. ':' i I , ,,' i '!" ,~,: '. \" ",,; \.. \\, ii ,; , . ~ : ,l, ,,;,;; , I I: (L'., !.-; ~'.i ,'" ) i, ' ; :;I.J~ Ii ! :ll;!L,', ~~ ~:I ~ Ji : l t I. ; ~((j (; .' . ilil f', .\ ~" ',' ;.. ,)} p~ ~:;', {, }" t, !' ,:':"r I ~;~ ~j.: i;! , ; ,",,'r," '''~, r', r, 'I" I let; i/ ,," I.') , ,-',' ',' "" .,\ ,," ) ~'(l' ;\1 ,'I ':.;' ;., :'j; ,!,;:: '~', \ t, ;,' I,' b. '.l ! ~: I, ;, J k ;J. I .. _. t',; ":';""i ;,','1 ,.- ~ \' ,I --' ,,'~'" ," , , I I' I , , , ~... "~,elf, : " r ,. , , 'i;;( " I ! ",),.'>,~,,: " ' l"." 1(,. , , : , I } : ; ,;.1 I -- '" ,i'.,',.,_" ;"....; " i.'i, 'ii" , ' ;;.1; ..,.-, _ ,__ . ~l" I. " I" I, I,' !: !: ,;, , , ;'i":,') .. ...,' I. ~:: 'I ' 'i,', '" " ':'; ), I i , ,; j : " , j-T, i t I !, . . ;, ; i '; L ; :.;, ~:~ ~~ lr f I I", 'f. _7 ,,,,' .;' Y~A:tENtlINo"_-" JUN' 30.19._41 'Ap,aopa'ATION 10 I~~ 58 62615 00 159115 00 1543500 71~IQIQI 41 11514Z99 41 Ic ~ 00 59 11'1 9g I I " .' -':'", . PaoPOSao EXP.lNUITUUS ,~Ie ioo 6 C 4 0 00 15 7 3 15 00 211e,oo 4729941 21~51~9 41 - - INCRUS.I Ovaa Yau ENDIIiP JUN.I 30; 19.~;k 'J,e 92 30 631 35 55 5 61 AI ~ O~ 1129 15 76 0'1 4l171n1 , II. I " 'I' I, " I-I, I I I I -. ~ --"'"'"',:,':,,,:." ,< , \'B^-R"EJlQi~(ljO';E'lii.194g - o 00 , 2 79 I ' I 1.1 " -I' 79 I. 00 00 1 79 DK.BAS. UNO._ I::, Yan ENDla~ JUNe 30, 19__ 2487 37 525 00 leo 00 .:1.00 00. , o 311'J9237 .r 389237 ALLOWSO liT BoA_D 124~ 7100 604000 6731500 2 ;;: '10 00 .31lco 00 1 9 7 00 46 Ic 3 00 6 '/5 Ol , I . .'--. \, -' , '!J ~ ::~,. ,~;~ ,,' .:t. '-,~:~& ~ 'r... , . , ' t . , ,- ~. '..',~,~-_. . -' ," "_:::'" --' .... .-. I. " --, " - - -' '- :.;..-' o., -- "c- , --- .---' '. co...,- , ".i:.e_ -,.' ' .-_. ---.- I'" - ".- , , " - . ...--~ ... - - -.. , . _ c. . ,.' .- ,-, ..'. .,.:.... ,., _.. --.~ .'- ..__L;-I_-~ _L~! . 1- ~"~. .- . ..... - , "." .;,~. -', I .. :1..- S , . ." .-' " -, "", ..' ,-'- ".~ -.- <"~'-" ~. ',- ' ,",:'.."'.,, .-.-. .. -_..', " :.-;.. , . ,__ '., 1- , , ' . , . .,...- ' , .- ", ',:'-' .- '- :.-- ,..,.. - '- ...' - !: - I 1--- "" ., -,-,., i).... . iJ',', n I,.:::~ .. ,'- ~.- -".. ".- n, ~ , . .. ". .- - - -- ,~ -"C' .~ ~s. :.' ;"c.. _ -.''- .' .. - " ,-,--.--.;. ~ri'., - '~':::""."'-'~. .,~-'-' "".~,"-'. ~.' - , " , " - ".' '. "c.; ..' C ~.~ ~,~;.. '}~;.' .-. .';....;:::- .-,..-.. - ~:.':.-;I..I!,"'" '._";.'. .___ -,,;:~6._ "~':C".'f" . .- ,-__. ..r.-.. ',""'- . ',......,~ '.' . .. f' , . ,1;'- .>"'i:-t .~q ::".' ~ '. . ~.:~ <- p',,- ;-"," '~i:,~;:' .", "" :;<0.. -"" , -"",':'--,,' y- ';~"},~;' 0'_ ---..-- - -- - .. , .\ ~..'" ...~..,. "'.. ,-'-:':.- -; ("'f' \ I \ i \ :) , i f \ ! " ) I ! - , , , I I , ,',' i , , , , , -,.j "\ :::-. <' ',; ~1iL If~lr'>:;~f~ 'iii.','-;-" '-'~~:: i .,-.,-~ .. '4-,;)2~~ r ::' W ~ /'/? '/'~~-"-" . . . .~:'5, ~-,:, :o~c 2: l~i ~ . . ~ . '" ,,, ~ ......: .... ", :;j ~ ~ 1>>-: ~~ ; !- , , - '- " i - - . ,,' ,.' , , -\: ,.' -. . ",; . '.' ..' ,', ,'.> ~~, I !I r; l.'i; ,..~.. .... . ~ 1 ~.,/.:~, if. " :' ;.: <.' ~; - ( PROPOSED INCREASE IN LEvns -- NONE.) ;;:- On th1s the 17th day ot: March, 1941, the Board 0 supervisors of Roanoke countY'met t:or the purpose 0 preparing and considering the local budget of said """1""- ..'~ .. ~-'~~i:~) s;:t;.:' ,1t ..>.:j;;'~ ,'~,:. ./l ~(~.~~~ ':,~~,~rr ,:.' ~ ~I'~ Thereafter, and on said day there was t:iled thec$ estimate. ~ ,',-'. .~ --:q~' .1 Thereat:ter said estimate was duly considered by t Board, which tn accordance with law, t:ixed as a date, hearing on said estimate, the 21st day ot: April, 1941, 'II the regular meeting of the Board, at the hour of 2 o'cl. ."~:\,,,:f;;11';L- P.M. of said daY', said hearing to be had at the Co' "t~~-h-" >:j~,...~,.. Roanoke COunty, Virginia. The Clerk of the Board of' SUpervisors was directed to publish a brief synopsis of the budget, and the notice of hearing aa required by law, in the Times-Register, a newspaper having a general circulation in the localitY' at:t:ected, at least t:it:teen daY'S prior to the date set for hearing. /{4~_Cbairman of the Board of SUpervisors. Attest: Clerk. '-.....;; .". -,~p!::. , ;1' ~'~ '< ~ ;~i~: . ~\'.~' '~fI ~" :.,,',:,'~~i:; i ;':''j~;~ "<:."~J (J~;j:;!f.:>~~!' '! :-:::.;:..;:.""",:,.. , C>1 tI> '" II> I;' C>1 IT "'" ~ C>1 - '" II> 0 C>1 I' "'" .... tI> ell .... l'O Cl) 01 "'" o C>1 o '"", 'I-' I-' o Cl) o 0 o 0 o 0 0> .... 0> ;~ "'" " (1, ClI I-' tI> ... C ~ "'" 0 .0> ClI .. "'" 01 0 I-' 000 000 ,. I-' , I~ ~ C>l tI:> '" I-' i.. ....::I r,;." l\:l ... 0 "'" ,.. '.... 0 000 000 r . , ," ,:.' ,", -:-':-:'~ f.:" ; i ii, LV :;, ~ " ii i'!, O! .., I.. " o , ~' ,; '~3: . ':,.r.'" ,',_" " necessary ~or the operation of the government of Roanoke county, and the operation and maintenance of the Roanoke County SChool System having been adopted by this Board, and ~t lIHEREAS, all provisions of the statute concerning the adoption, advertisement and~€5b.> R>-"":~:a.';... ~,..... P....' qt';] Lt-r..:t'.,..yJ;,' t..:L.........A ,if I' ,_:_-":~;~~~ 11'Y~/<ir,.h ~. , IN BE: TAX LEVY :FOR ROANOKE COUNTY' FOR THE YEAR 1941: 1IHEREAS, the Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, allocating the fund public hearing of said budget have been fulfilled, and, ~1l!A~. in order to carry said budget into force and effeot, it is necessary that a tax levy be extended over all legal subjects of taxation in Roanoke County and the several districts thereof, inoluding the Tbwn of Salem and the Townot: Vinton, and the Wil1.iamson Road Sanitary Distriot No.1. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seoonded by Supervisor Uason L. Cook, it is ordered that the following tax levy be and the semehereby is .extended. over all legal sUbjeots of taxation in itlanoke County, and the several: districts therein, including the TOwn of Salem, the Town of Vinton and the Tilliamson Road Sanitary Distri~t No.1; AU. r6al estate and tangible personal property, and all legal SUbjects of taxation for County and District purposes, including railroads, express, telephone, telegraph, water, heat, light and power oompanies, also all rolling stook, all electric railways, machinery and merchants oapi tal in Roanoke CouIity for the fisoal year 1941.-1942, as follows, towit: COunty School Levy on each $100.00 of valuation ---------------$1.00 General County Purposes on each $1.00.00 of valuation ---------- 0.25 :For the Williamson Boad Sanitary District No.1, on each tJ,00.00 o~-valuation a speoial levy of $0.25 for the purpose -01' paying interest and oreating a sinking fund for the $150,000.00 of bonds, dated November 1, 1936, issued on behalf o~ the said Williamson Road Sanitary Distriot No.1. For, the Salem Magisterial District, including ,the Town of . Salem, on eaoh $100.00 valuation, a speoial levy 01' ---------- to.05 ~orthepurpc.se 01' .pay-ing oft and discharging the Salem DistriotRoad Bonds and interest ooupons as they become due and payable. AdoPted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson and Mason L. Cook. Absent: Supervisor H. W. Starkey-. Nays: None. r A letter dated April 5, 1941, from The Richmond Times-Dispatch, ~~ressed to the County Board 01' Supervisors, Roanoke 'County, was this day laid betore the Board, and ordered filed. 1 letter dated .Al>r1l 7, 1941, from Milton I. Hargrave, Clerk, Dinwiddie County, Va., addressed to Mr. L. D. Bell, Chairman, was this day leid betore the Boaz:d, and ordared ti1ed. On the motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that Robert Taliaferro, County Eleotrical Inspector, attend the Electrical Convention to be held in Richmond, Va., on April 29 & 30, 1941., and that he be authorized to use the County oar for such purpose, and that his expenses be paid by this Board, if, in the opinion of the County Exeoutive Offioer, it is advisable that the said Electrical Inspec~or to attend such convention. Adopted by thefollowil!g reoorded vote: Ayes; ,su~fso~,.:r~_~~jaohardson,L. D, ,:~~~;;1~:~~~;~~>'},.:";:'::~):,_;, . :.;~~~~:'\~;:~,.,::_ " ',',.':" '.., ~l. " ,.. ~-- The following list for the appointment of an Equalization Board was this day laid before the Board: 1. Walter Graham, 1132 Mountain Avenue, S. E. 2. Mrs. Eazel S. Grubb, College Avenue, Salem. 3. Mrs. Daisy V. Williams, Big Lick District. 4. C. G. :lammond, p F. D. Jl4, Roanoke, .-. Tr-, 5. T. E. Blan..1cenship, R. F. D. #6, Roanoke. 6. Mrs. E. J. Po~:ers, Williams Road. 7. T. D. Epperley, Route 1, Salem. 8. E. C. Eall, Route 6, Roanoke. 9. Frank N. Morgan, Panarama Heishts. 10. D. B. Ferguson, Cave Spring. 11. C. K. Hunton, Salem. 12. W. F. Conner, Cave Spring. 13. H. G. Whitlow, Big Lick District. 14. Mrs. A. B. i?fi.lker.;on,Norfolk, Va. 15. C. P. Moses, Troutville, Virginia. Said list ordered filed. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third :-&onday elf if#a( in May, lSH. Chairman. Court House, Salem, Va. r April 30, 1941. A Called Keeting of the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: 'Salem, Virginia, April 29th,1941 Mr. Roy K. BrOl1ln, Clerk Board of SJ.pervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia. Dear Sir: Please call a specisl meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, to be held in its room at 3;30 P.M., on Wednesday, April 30th, 1941: Purpose of meeting to consider the following: 1. Revision of Highway Additions. 2. Abandonment of part of Secondary Route 1709 (Murrey Road.) 3. Beer and Dance Hall Ordinance. 4. Payment of expense accounts of E. K. Mattern, E. W. Chelf and F.B.Whitescarve 5. Discussion of N. Y. A. Project operated by Mrs. Rebecca Fischel. L. D. Bell, Chairmen. H. W. starkey T. O. Richerdson Mason L. Cook, SUpervisors.- Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richerdson and Mason L.Cook. ,- " I .1 I I - I The follo~ing resolutions was this day presented: WHEREAS, it has been pointed out to this Board that the list of roeds certified to the State Highway Department on April 21, 1941, for inciusin :in-the Secondary Road systam contained .44 miles more roads marked unimproved .44 miles less roads merked 3~ _'"_D. . .., J) ~,~lfli' C"...... .: foI;~'~~~, -5"- 3- ~ I . "'~'O' . -j -' improved than allowed by the ruling of the State Highway Commission, and ~, said list contained .03 more miles than allowed for the total mileage, Now, therefore, on motion of SUpeDvisorH. W. Starkey, seconded by supe~visor Meson L. Cook, it is ordered that the changes listed below be and the same hereby are made in said certified list of secondary road edditions for the year 1941-42. o DEDUCTED , PETITION DESCRIPl'ION CLASSIFICATION !lILEAG3 Ro. Ethel street, Garden City Un. .20 .15 .09 57 21 69 Deyerle Road and Pineland Road Ex1:ension Rt. 1418 North un. Un. TqTAL DEDUCTED ..oDDEn .44 ~ I. .11 .24 47 82 68 Roads Lakewood Colony Jltt. Vernon Ib:ive & Persinger Road I. Westwood Boulevard I. ,..06 TOTAL ADDED .41 3 copies to be certified to state 'Highway Department: Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpB~isors H. W. Starkey, Meson L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. ,f The following resolution was this day presented. WHEREAS, all provisions of the regulations of the Highway Department have been fulfilled regarding the abandonment of the section of Secondary Route 709 lying north of the south right of way line of the Virginian Railway and being .10 mile in length, ':l ,~ .rl ~. and, B--.' .p... ,""< ~E~S, this Board desires to use this abandoned mileage in the allocations for secondary additions in the year 1941-42 as provided by law, Now, therefore, on m~tion of supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by supB~visor L. D. Bell, it is ordered thetthat portion of Route 709 as described above be and the same hereby is abandoned from the State Secondary system of Roads. 3 copies to be certified to the State Highway Department Adopted by the following recorded vote: - SUpervisors Ayes:!'?!. w. Starkey, L. D. Bell, ,Cason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. The following reaolution was this day Presented, WHEREAS, Roanoke County has passed and is enforcing ordiances generally known as the Beer and Dance Hall Ordinances of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke and Town'S of" Salem and Vinton have mede no effort ~ """"'1' t ~.-c.P ,.0 to follow the passage of these ordinences with similar ordinances, and "-o~, w~~. sj3lll' WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that the effecasy of their efforts to improve conditions in Roanoke coun.y is impaired by the failure of Roanoke City and TOwn8~ of Salem and Vinton to make similar provisions for-the regulation of'the~ activities concerned and that mf similar ordinancea1l'ere passed by the CitY~QfRoanoke and the Town of Salem and Vinton., ,the general condition of the - entire area would bs im 216 '.';; "'..,....,' Now, thererore, on motion of suprevisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUprevisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that e copy or the ordinances regulating the sale or Beer on sunday and the operation or Dance Hells be mailed to th~,Counc1:HI, of,the City of R08noke,Tbwn$ of Salem and Vinton with the request of this Board that they seriously consider passage or similor regulatory measures. Adopted by the tello.ing recorded vote: Ayes: L. D.Bell, T. O.,Richardson, Meson L. Cook and H. W. starkey. Nays: None. I','.' ,. ~11: Mrs. ~becca Fischel, SUpervisor N. Y. A. Home Service Ceriter, and Miss Sarah Thomas, State .5upervisor,Girl's N. Y. A. projects, this day appea:-ed before the Board in regard to the york and p19ns of the N. Y. A., and requested that the Board ma' e an appropriation ror said york for the year 1941-1942; UPon consideration ~hereof, on the motion at Supervisor H.W.Starkey; seconded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the sum Of two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) be transferred from the contingency fUnd in the 1941-1942 budget to the N. Y. A. Home Service Center, said sum to be expended in twelve equal payments to the SUpervisor of said project. It is fUrther ,ordered that the expenditures of this sum be audited and approved by the County AUditor of Roanoke County., Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors H. W. Starkey. Mason L. Cook, L. 'D. ,Bell and ''1'. O. Richardson. '" Nays: None. On the motion of supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by SUpervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the expense account of twenty-six dollars ($25.00) of E. K. Mattern, E. W. Chelf and F. B. Whitescarver be allowed, said account 'payable out of ,the appropriation heretofore made by this Board to defray any costs incurred in connection with annexation proceedings in !panoke County. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors T. o. Richardson, H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1941. ~ ilk( Chainnan. Court House, Salem, Va. May 12, 1941. A called meeting or the Board of Supervisors or Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the fOllow"ng call: "Salem, Virginia, May 12, 1941. I" tf., Mr. Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board or Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia. Dear Sir: Please call a special meeting of the Board or Supervisore or Roanoke County, to be held in its roam at 3:00 o'clock P.!!., on Monday, May 12th, 1941. o J D. ..~"",. '..... t-,' 217 Purpose of meeting'to consider ,the following: 1. To make temporary arrangements to carry on the work of A.G. Wood, County Auditor and Purchasing Agent.. - ,2. To authorize the Commonwealth's Att,orney to file a. petition asr.1ng for an inJunction against the State Welfare Board, restraining saH. Board trom attaching State t'unds due Roanoke County for the use 01' Welfare progrem in' Roanoke County. L. D. Bell, Chairman. T. o. Ricbardson. H. W. Starkey. Mason L. Cook, Supervisors." D. Bell, Chairman, T. O. Richardson, H. W. Starkey and Mason L. Coo . Present: L. The tollowing resolution was this daJ' presenf<ed: . WHEREAS, the County Auditor and PurChasing Agent, A. G. Wood, is unable to .' attend his office because of serious 1l1neSls, and WHEllEAS, it is necessary to satisfy the requirements of law as pertaining to the operation 01' said ottice; NOW, THEREFOBE, on motion 01' Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded.-by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the abovEI mentioned A. G. Woe&- be, and he hereby is, gran~eda leave of absence with tull compensation. Said leave of absence to remain 1Ji. etr-ect at the pleasure of thilJ Board. , BE IT FURTHER OFnim?1rn that all countlr voucher ohecks, inclUding those issued. _.by the Roanoke County Scho01 Board be honored and aooepted without the signature of the said A. G. Wood until such t1llle as the said A. G. Wood returns and resumes his duties, Notice of this paragraph of this order to be certified to all. County Depo.sitories. BE IT FURTHER ORDEEED that E. K. ME>t'cern, County'Executive Officer, be,and he hereby is, appointed Acting Purchasing A.ge:tlt and that he shall, and does, have all authority and privilege of said A. G. Wood, County Purchasing Agent, inclUding the supervision of such clerical assistance as is at present employed in said Purchasing Agent's Office. . BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that ;r. R. Ta3.1aferro:, County Inspector, be,and he hereby is, authorized to supervise and assist in the keeping of the books no~ maintained by A. G. Wood, County Auditor, and in the preparation of such reports as are now in torce in the office of the said A. G. Wood. RE IT ~ ORDERED that all transfer 01' authority, all appointments and all authorizations made under proviSions 01' this order be in force and effect at the pleas;ure of this Board, and that seme ma;l" be declared null and void by this Board at any ~1me. Adopted by the following recorded vo,te: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. if. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L.Cook. Nays: None. Copy of this reSolution to be mailed to A. G. Wood, County Auditor. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the Commonviealth's Attorney, E. W. Chelf, be, and he hereby is, authorized and instructed to file a petition in the proper Court asking for an injunction against the State Welfare Board, restraining it from attaohing and using State t'unds due Roanoke County for the purpose of carrying - .218 '",:, 529.89 520.56 204.16 I 196.35 325.00 119.89 69.10 out Welfare expenditures in Roanoke County ror the riscal year ending June 30, 1941. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. I Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1941. /<.If~ Chairman. Court Rouse, Salem, Va. May 19, 1941 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in re gular monthly session. Present, L. D. Bell, Chairman, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes of the last regular and called meetings were approved as read. County were this day presented, approved and orjered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wi : No. 13800 E. K. Mattern, Expenses of trip to Richmond $ 26.00 The following claims against the " 13801 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, Salaries for April " 13802 W. C. Muse, Salaries for April " 13803 Eugene U. Chelf, Salaries for April " 13804 Fairview Home, Monthly expenses " 13805 Sarah E. Blackwell, medical bills for Public Health 13806 A. G. Wood, to reimburse revolving cash fund " " 13807 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Jury Tickets " 13808 Chalmers Ferguson, commission on collection of delinquent taxes 73.29 " 13609 C. & P. Telephone Company, Phone service 59.15 " 13810 Everett-Waddey Company, 12 Deed Books 13811 J. P. Bell Company, Forms and Deed Book for Clerk's Office 13812 Coronet Carbon and Rib~onCo. Coupon books for Clerk 13813 Dooley Printing Company, Printing for Treasurer and Sherifr 13814< Salem Publishing Company, 24 bound bks. in quadruplicate "Omitted Capitation Receipts" Treasurer's Ofrice 432.00 " 46.59 " 34.50 " -33.00 " 48.50 " 13815 Baptist Orphenage Printing Co., 5,000 Government Post 'Cards for Equalization Board 62.75 " 13816 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 66.94 " 13817 Easter Supply Company, office supplies 31.49 " 13818 State Forester of Virginia, Fighting Forest Fires 40.00 n 13819 Dr. Russell Smiley, 5 Coroner cases 25.00 101.76 n 13820 The Texas Company, Gasoline n 13821 Falls' Radiator Shop, Clean out and repair Ford Radiator 5.00 " 13822 Garretts Esso Station, repairs to Sheriff's cars 7.50 12.28 " 13823 Wiley-Hall Motors, Inc. repairs to Sheriff's cars n 13824 Magic City Motor Corporation, repairs to Sheriff's cars 20.97 ; I I I I :-222 ~i?>~ 1t:f-~. s1~1 J ~ I ..; ~:,,"'- - :'J::.t.c..a(t~~ T" ",&...e,. I f~ ~-; '1a.I(fl various letters written to counties and other agencies familiar with the W.P.A. Bookmobil.e, and requested that an additional thirty days be allowed said Committee within which to secure such information, on motion, duJ.y seconded and carried, said request is granted. IN RE: llESCINDING ORDER REGULATING SALE OF BEER IN ROANOKE COUNTY ON SUNDAY: ,I A petition signed by Thomas C. Scordas, and twenty-one other tax-payers and licensed beer and dance hall operators of Roanoke County, requesting the Board to rescind its action regulating ,the sale of beer on Sunday, and the closing of dance haJ.ls at 12 o'clock at night to all.dancing, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer and wine in Roanoke County between the hours of 12 o'clock post meridian on Saturday, and 6 o'clock ante meridian each Monday, heretofore adopted by this Board on JUly 15, 1940, be,and the same' hereby is, rescinded and reyoked", to take effect immediately. .1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: kres: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Copy of this order to be certified to the A. B. C. Board, at Richmond, Va. "'1' ".' -. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered tbat at the next regular meeting of this Board to be held at the Court House of this--eounty on the 16th day of June, 1941, an amended ordinaIlce be proposed for adoption amending and re-adopting an ordinance heretofore adopted by this Board on the 15th day of July, 1949, prescribing closing hours for, and otherwise regulating the operation of aJ.1. 1.ance halls and like places of amusement in Roanoke County, and prescribing fines and other punishment for violations thereof. _ And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for the next two successive weeks in the SaJ.em-Times Register, a newspaper publiShed in the Town of Salem,~anoke County, the above notice of the intention of this Board to amend and re-adopt the ordinance above referred to. I ~pted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I o J ,~ , Ji , ~' ,~.l,:: 07" it is ordered that the action taken' by"'E. K. Mattern'1n answer to the letter :from R. W. Coleman, dated May 5, he and the same hereby is approved, and made a part of this record. Copy of this order to be certi1'ied to H. W. Coleman, Town Manager, Vinton, Va. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L.D. Bell end H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. On m6tion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SuperVisor Mason L. COOk, it is ordered'that the request of E. R. Johnson for street lights in Lakewood Colony be referred. to E. K. Mattern, Executive Officer, and that said request be presented to this Board with other requests when the contract ::ro.r-'street lights is submitte4, for tentative approval. The letter of E. R. Johnson, dated May 10, 1941, is ordered fUed. And the Clerk is directed to certify a copy of this order to E. R. Johnson. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bel1, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of Receipts and Expenses for the year ended December 31, 1939, of Officers of Roanoke County, required by Subsection (9) of Code Section 3516 as amended by Chapter 198, Acts 1926*. to be :1'urni.shed Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, the same -is ordered to be pub1ished as required by law once a weak for t;vo weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper pub1iehed in Roanoke County. Report on Surplus Commodities was this day 1aid before the Board, and on motion du1y seconded and carried, said report'ordered fi1ed, and the County Executive Officer directed to make blue print copies of same to be de1ivered to each member of this Board. t The Committee heretofore appointed to investigate the possi-bl1ity ot securiIlg a new site for garbage disposal in Roanoke County respecttully requests an additional thirty days due to their inability to arrive at a det'inite agreement with property owners of suitable sites. On motion, duly seconded end carried, said report is ordered :filed, and the request for additional time is granted. Mrs. :FallIl1e Moore, Supervisor SewiIlg Room Project in Roanoke County, ti.1is day appeared before the Board and requested the Board to sponsor a proposal in 'Jo~ection - with W P A Sewing Room Project in Roanoke County; e".p...,.,...; I.~ j;: "tll~~" a..,fF';-;.; . ... .', ~.t..o. ~'<,: '2-.'l m,;;;t;;:p;i s1 '-I/~ I .:';' '~~.-~:! r: 1<. '<n~'~ 5/:.1/ ~/, ,1--, ~ d..L ./..i;, :1. 'K.;..,.,..?T.::0" c.,~(];~-; J1 '-IN I <,'1:. r~,,~~ "':'-, ,'-". ,"'.--.;..- ('.k.~ ~/~I /'+1 p,~;;i~;.; Ji+o;~' I._f). .... rf'i . Upon oonsideration whereof, on motion, duly seoonded and oarried, it is ordered that L. D. Eell, Chairman of this Eoard, and A. M. Eowman, Jr., County Treasurer, be authorized to sign said sewing room projeot when presented to them. Said projeot designated as follows: "To oontinue O.P. 165-1-31-176-W P ~998-SS 50201,' for $9123.00.8 Adopted by' the f'ollewing reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Riohardson, L. D. Ball end Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. Chas. D. Fox, Jr., Attorney, for sund-ry property owners on Hollins Road, this day appeared betore the Board and requested that the Eoard take some aotion oonoerning the p;oposed operation ot a stockyard in the Williamson Road Sanitary Distriot; Whereupon, it appearing to this Board, in view of' the P9$1t5:onheretofore taken by the Roanoke County Planning Commission, end in view of the opinion rendered by the COllDJlonwealth's Attorney, on JDOtion,of Superv1sorH. "If. . Starkey , second d by ,SUpervisor, Mason L. Cook,it is ordered that the Board take no f'llrther action in this matter. Adopted by the tollewing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Eel1 and T. O. Richardson. Nays-: None. A letter _dated 'Yay 17; 1941, from Earl Gandy, addressed to this Eoard, in regard to the abandonment ota certain seotion of the Roanoke Eent MOuntain Highway from a point near the Baron Baptist Church west to the intersection ofU. S. Route 221, to a point near Martin's Creek Fillfng Station was this day laid betore the Board; Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Eell, seoonded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, the matter is referred to E. K. Mattern, County Engineer, for investigation and report at the next meeting of this Board, according to the provisions of the statute in such cases made and provided. 'Said letter is ordered fUed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ... Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson, Mason L. Cook end H. W. StarkllY. Nays: N9ne. H. W. Starkey, Supervisor, Salem D1 striot, ) ) vs. ) ) The Public and H. G. Shirley, State Highw6lll Commissioner. ) An order abandoning as a public road an discontinuing as a part of the State Highway Secondary System, a portion of State Secondary Road 1709, and known as Murray's Road. It appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, upon the petition of H. W. Starkey, Supervisor of Salem District, which petition was fUed herein on April 21, 1941, pursuant to the provisions of Section ~220 of the Code of Virginia, as amended by the Aots of the General Assembly of 1940, and Chapter 85 (a) (espeoiaJ.ly Section 2039, Su~section 9), as amended by the Acts of the General Assembly of 1940; after due and legaJ. notice had been given to the public, and to - H. G. Shirl-ey, State Highway Commissioner, as to the filing of the aforesaid petition which appears :from an order heretofore entered herein by the Board of Supervisors at I ii' I -I " '";' -~;;:.. o Cl o m' ":i.-, of... ",":/ . ..: ~ -'. meeting 01' said Board held on April 21, 1941, in the Court House Building, to which reference is herein had, and which said order appointed viewers for the purpose of' viewing that portion of' said road which is shown on the plat aocom~ing the petition tiled in this proceeding, and which is also more fully described in the petition f'iled herein; Upon the report of' three of' the five viewers appointed as af'oresaid, towit: Wi1.e P. Givens,li. E. Bo'lillllm, and R. M._Goodwin, f'Ued with the C1.erk 01' the Boerg of' Supervisors of' Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 9, 1941, and which report is dated May 5, 1941, and to which report no exceptions have been filed, and which said repor is to the effect that the said viewers werennAnim"lls1y 01' the opinion that no 1nllonvenienoe would result to any,"person, or to the publio trom abandoning as a pub1. c road and discontinuilig as a part 01' the State Hig!Iway Secondary System of' RoadS, the portion of' the said road described in said petition. And it. further appearing to the Board of' SUpervisors'trom the evidence bef'ore th said Board that due notice was given to the 1.and proprietors along the road proposed to be discontinued, of' the tiling of' the petition herein, and of' the further' proceedings had herein; that the viewers have reported tavorably to the prayer "of' the petition, and that there would be no inoonvenience trom abandoning the same' as a public road, and discontinuing same as' a part of' the State Secondary System of' Roads, 1n view of' the fact that the land proprietors along the said road Will continue to have an easement which has heretof'ore been'dedioated to the use of' the pUblic, except as to such po~ion of' said road as lies wi thin the 1.1m1ts of' t e right of' way of' the Virginian Railway Company, and will continue to have the right to a private crossing ove,. said right of' way. It is, theref'ore, ("~"ered that that 'portion of Murray's Road which has heretofo baen designated. "as state Secondary Highway #709, Which is described in the :petition fil&d herein, and upon the plat accompanyiilg same, be, and the same is hereby abandoned as a public road, and discontinued as a part 01' the State Highway . Secondary Sys1;em at Roads; And the Clerk of' this Board is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of' this order to H. G. Shirley, State Highway Commissioner, through C. P. "ohnston, State-,Highway Resident Engineer, at Sa1.em, Virginia, and a copy to Messrs. Hall, .' Carter and Hall, Attorneys tor the Virginian RaUway Company, and to spread this order upon the Minute Book of' the Board of' Supervisors. 'Adopted by the f'ollowing recorded. vote: Ayes: 1.. D. Be1.1, H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. The following resolution was this day presented: WHl<"I<A~, the Board of' Supervisors f'eels that more efficient and equitable government can be provided for the entire area within the limits of Roanoke County by a unif'ormity of' rules and regulations applicable to entire area, and lmlUI1lA~, this Board is willing and eager to co-operate with the other governmental units 1n securlng such uniform rules and regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of' SUpervisor L. D. Be11, seconded by Supervisor .Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, Executive Of'ficer of' Ro~oke County, be,and he hereby is, authorized and instructed to contact 'the City ~~,.1.: G. N, >>>~ .s/:u /~ I ,226 .,.. and Town.UAnagers ot Roanoke, Vinton and Salem and ascertain whether or not they are ~11ing to serve on 'a committee to review ordinances and need ot ordinances atteoting the entire area with the end in view ot bringing in reoommendations, looking toward the seouring ot,~eater uniformity in governmental policies. Adopted by the tollowfng recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. 9n motion ot Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that an appropriation be made tor a period ot two months, to the tollo~ng IIamed persons: : .1'.. . .:.... Name. Address. Amount. Balley, Tip W. . BrOTfll" AIIIIIon .Day, Luther . P6ar80n, Lelia . Sink, Elsie G. .1JUlla:ms, Belle llt. 1, Salem, Va. 316 Bowman Ave., Salem, Va. Sa1.EIIIl, Va. 407".Colorado St., Salem,'Va; Rt. 1, Salem, Va. CataWba, Va. $9.00 , 5.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 7.00 '!'hey'being recommended by the Weltare Department for assistance, and are cases which were cancelled as of' May 1st, 1941, said appropriation to be made out of the GeneraJ.Cowity J1UIid. 'Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: A;yes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook: Nays: None. At__ the request ot the Weltare Board ot Roanake County, and on motion ot SupeJ."v1so::,- H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. o. _Ri chardson, it is ordered that an appropriation ot $170.00 be made to defray the cost of the oare ot six children listed in the letter 01' Mrs. Mary F. Spiggle, Case Worker in Charge, addressed to the Ron. R. T. Hubard, .rudge.- 01' the .ruvenile and Lbmestic Relations Court, said letter dated -May 15th, 1941, copy ot which letter is ordered tiled, said appropriatio payable out.o1' the general county fund, and said checks to be payable to the Foster Home Mothers as listed below;1'or a period of two months: Name ~ ~. Foster Home Mother. Amount. nS -- - -, ~f I . Woodrow BrOltgJ=An 14 Mrs. Cline Kirby $15.00 . Kildred Carter 20 Mrs. C. E. Austin 10.OC . Ba3mond Dewease 2 Mrs. Haspel Wade 15.00 , James Ferguson 7 Mrs. E. L. Cronise 15.00 . Audrey Richards 10 Mrs. E. L. Cronise 15.0C , Eunice Sparks 12 Mrs. Haspel Wade 15.00 ~J,j",:e1r. ..~ iJ....., ,'e, - .[} :1J,-"."~ . e lr '. 'II' . J. ~.~~ $f:IJ}-.I. Adopted by the 1'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. .1 A letter dated May 15, 1941, i'romJ}.. E. Trout, Chairman, Roanoke COUllty Public Wel1'are Board, enclosing copy ot the annual budget of the Board ot Public Weltare 01' Roanoke County, for the tiscal year ending June 30, 1942, amoUllting to $78,025.52, local tunds amounting to $23,004.38, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereot, on motion, duly seconded and carried, the Chairman , IN RE: DOG T.crES, SEElI:P, CLll.ThIS &c: The ~0110wins claims against the County were this ~ay presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the ~unds respectively chargeable therewit , to-wit: 0 No. 14005 Roanoke County Public H. Asso, Board, Hos. medicine, etc. $ 37.60 " 14007 W. L. Cook,' Turkey, killed by dogs 6.00 " 14008 J. A. Boone, Game ~arden, Dogs killed and buried 102.00 " 14050 J. A. Boone, Game 'Warden, Salary for June 50.00 '] . o ~".,', ~ .." _.~ ~ IN PoE: PURCHASING AGEl'<'"T' S REPORT: A. G. Wood, Purchasing Agent, this day presented to the Board an account amount in to $274.70, in payment of sundry accounts paid by him, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to him in payment of said account. (Said account is ordered ~iled.) The following accounts were this day laid b~fore the Board: I A. M. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense account for the month of liay, 1941, $813.32, one -chird of which amounting to $273~76, payable by the State, and two-thirds, amounting to $547.51, payable by the County; , W. C. MuSE, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, salaries for month of May, 1941, $780.84,- one-third of which amounting to $260.p8, payable by the State, and two- thirds, amounting to $520.56, payable by the County; .{ E. W. CHELF, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, salaries ~or month o~ May . - 1941. $408.33, one-halt' o~ which payable by the state, amounting to $204.17, and one- halt. by the County, amounting to $204.16 , And, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued to the above naned parties ~or the County's part of said accounts, and said accounts are ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQ,UE,m' T.ilXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt o~ A. M. Bowman, Jr., Coanty Treasurer, for $1908.84, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month.o~ May, 1941, less 5%' commissions and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1813.40 net. A. M. BOV~j. JR., Treasurer o~ Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following account: "Salem, Virginia _June 16, 1941. To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business Saturday June 14th. there was to the credit o~ the ~r ~ P.J#' "N. {l:..L~, ~/,? I'" Section Six ]. That the Board of Trustees of the County Free Library System of Roanoke County, after it is duly established, is hereby requested to proceed immediately to make 'any and all arrangements necessary to get the benefit of any Federal fUnds that may be available for aid in the maintenance and operation of the County Free Library Syste: of Roanoke County, and to make any and all arrangements necessary to get the benefit of any State aid in connection with the maintenance and operation of said system, and to take any further steps that it sees fit to establish the system in full operation as quiCkly as possible. Upon motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: .4.yes: Supervisor L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. Vi. Starkey. liays: None. IN RE: _l\PPROPRI..<l.TIO!. FOR V{.P .-4.. LIBR<.RY PROJECT: Upon the recommendation of E. K. Mattern, County ~~ecutive Officer, and on the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded-by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that an appropriation of Five Hundred Dollars. ($500.00) be made to W. P. -4.. Library Project in ~oanoke County. Letter dated June 12, 1941, from Mrs. Florence N. McCathern, Pres., Roanoke County Junior Woman's Club ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorfied vote:' Ayes: Supervisors L. D; Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. An audit of FAIR~V HOME for the year ending December 31, 1940, was this day presented to the Board by L. D. Bell, Chairman 'of this Board, and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that this Board go on record as opposing any sale or transfer of the Fairview Home at Dublin at this time. n u Be it further ordered that a copy of this order be sent to the Chairman of the Fairview District Home Board, Dublin, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: irone. A letter dated June 14, 1941, from C. E. Hunter, City Attorney, of Roanoke, Va., enclosing a copy of a resolution to be presented to Roanoke City Council on June 16, 1941, requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to enter into a reciprocal arrangement with the City of Roanoke whereby the City and County shall have access to the records of each other to be used in the pending annexation case, was this day presented to the Board; upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by \ ""\, \\.< "', ~.,.,. "'~,"'.'. , ... , '; "::'~ " r-."T....':~ .v.~~"-'f ',,"',:,. I'< ....... )~/---....O ~~ yc- .< I'" ',' Io/'~'f' c,L-y.-:. $Hc..~. t~~. "'1/'1'1-1 Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that said resolution be referred to the .annexation Committee. with power to act. .~optsd by the followins recorded vote: Ayes: Sunervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey, and L. D. Bell. Neys: None. IN RE: COUNTY AUDIT .. .. On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the contract for the audit of the finances of Roarroke County for the fis- cal year ending June 30, 1941, be and Ghe same hereby is awarded to the Leslie A. Kimball Co. Total price of this contract to be five hundred dollars, according to terms of the letter from Leslie A. ~ball, dated June 4, 1941. Said letter and lette from A. R. Kennett & Co., dated june 5, 1941 in regard to County audit ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None ABANDONMENT OF SECTION BENT MT. -RICE. Fr-NY. " On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is . - ordered that the report of E. K. Mattern, qounty Engineer, concerning the advisability of closing a section of the Old Bent Mt. Roanoke Highway, be and the same hereby is approved and accepted. Be it further ordered that the interested proPerty owners be notified of this report and that they be informed that when they have secured the necessary right of way, an order abandoning the section referred to in the report of . said Engineer will be .entered. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey and Mason L. Cook Nays: None I On motion of Supervisor M. L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the decision of Miss Jesse Hammerly, Home Demonstration Agent, to take ad- vantage of the school held at ~eenville, S. C., June 9-15, inclusive, be and t~~ same ,I hereby is approved and confirmed. Be it further ordered that this time is not/be con- strued as part of any regular vacation time due Miss Eammerly. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. COOk, H. W. Starkey and L. D. Bell Nays: None '. ,...~~ trp'" Cn motion of SUpervisor 1~son L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that E. K. Mattern, County Executive Officer and E. W. Chelf, Co=onwealth's Attorney, prepare the necessary deed of conveyance and proceed with the purchase of a tract of land, consisting of approximately 14 acres or less, owned by M. D. Smith and located just northeast of the Monteray Golf Course. Said tract to be used for dis- .~,:-~;;h~ ...1 ......: o J , o o ,~~~'.:. "sa'S ",~ . .'>'-',' '. ..'.' :;;..... .'....,.;... posa1 of garbage for the Williamson Road Section an~ other sections of the County as needed. The total purchase price of this tract not to exceed $575.00. ,Adopted by the following recorde~ vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. vr. Starkey. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, secon~ed by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it i ordered that E. K. Mattern, Executive Officer, write to Mr. Siebel and notify him of the desire of Roanoke County to terminate its lease on his property,which is now lease for the purpose of garbage ~isposal. Sai~ notice of intention to terminate this lease being in accordance with the terms of a contract duly recorded in Deed Book 264, Page 96, in the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County. Copy of this orderea to be certified to dOhn G. Seibel. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors MasonL. Cook, H. W. Starkey and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. SAI.ARY SCHEDULE On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded, by Supervisor E. W. Starkey, it is - - ordered, as provi~ed by Section 2711, Co~e of Virginia, that the ~~~~dl allowances -to County Officers for the fiscal year ending dune 30, 1942 be as follows: -Roy K. Brown, County Clerk, payable monthly 700.00 ..-- ~y K. Brown, Clerk of Board of Supervisors 150.00........- R. T. Hubard, Trial dustice and dudge, duveni11e and Domestic Re1ations Court, .payab1e monthly 3000.00 ~. E. Cook, Division Superintendent Scho01s (1/2) Sa1ary fixed by State Board of Education 1285.00 ....Emmett E. Waldron, Sheriff (al1 fees a110wed by law) payab1e monthly 1200.00,........ - A. G. Wood, County lmditor and Purchasing Agent (payab1e month1y) Genera1_County Fund . 2200.00 ~A. Boone. Game 'Warden, Sa1ary, payable monthly (Dog Fund) 600.00 ...c. d. Ward, Health Officer (payable monthly) 2740.00 cEo. Y. d ones, Farm Agent, Sa1ary " " 933.33 . -- v1I!irs. Elsie W. Garst, Sec., Co. Agricultural Agt. (Payable month1y) vl.. D. Booze, danitor, Sa1ary, payab1e monthly ~bert Ta1iaferro, E1ec. Inspector, payable monthly vninsloe Reynolds, C1erk and Deputy Commissioner of Revenue, payable monthly 300.00 1000.00 1620.00 1080.00 780.00 3900.00 420.00 Louise Morgan, Clerk to _~ditor, payable monthly ~. K. Mattern, County Engineer, payable month1y W. E. Lindsey, payable monthly, Genera1 Co~ Superintendent ~. E. Angel, payab1e m~athly, Wm'son, Rd. San. District! Assistant Operator 780.00 vpaul B. Matthews, Draftsman, payable monthly "A. W. Crouse, Co. Farm Mgr., ';payable monthly ~6 Specia1 Offi~ers at various schools ($10.00 per month 9 months) 1260.00 600.00 540.00 r.t(, '1hz!;;::. ~H '11~'I'r ~~.< ~" ~. t....J.i.. V;i;f-/s I d.~ 'I'~~/ vd'esse Hammerly, payable monthly 1200.00 F. E. Littre],l, .Handyman, payable monthly 1200.00 vW. E. Lindsey, Operator, Wm'son Rd. San. Dist. #1, payable mont~y 1500.00 y. - An allowance of four ,thousand and eighty dollars ($4080.) per year is made to the Sheriff for salaries for four deputy sheriffs, names of whom are to be turned in monthl to the Clerk by the Sheriff of P.oanoke County, at the rate of $85.00 per month for eaoh deputy. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L.. D. Bell, H. ,'if. Starkey and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None -' On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, .seconded by supervisor Mason L. Cook, th~ Board, with the consent o~ the Court, fixes the compensation of the ~ers of the Boar , together with mileage, to which they may be entitled to wit: L. D. Bell, Chairman Salary $510.00 Mileage $3,2.00 Mason L. Cook . Salary 510.00 Mileage 14.40 T. O. Richardson Salary 510.00 Mileage 7.20 E. w. Starkey Salary 510.00 1ii.leage 0.00 il2040.00 33.60 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and E. W. Starkey. Nays: None WEERE_~, William Green & Co. has appealed the decision of the Secretary of the Planning Commission not to grant a building permit because of noncompliance with the re- quired set back line, and w~~~, this property is located on Lincoln Ave., Wm'son. Road District, which str et ( ~~V' is sixty feet wide, and Iff/ ~ I,~" '!E_~, the County Planning Commission has ordered the said Lincoln Avenue to be r - ~o~ ~ garded as a fifty foot street and curb and gutter has been constructed, based on ~ fifty ~ foot standard, thus leaving a strip of average width of 21 feet be~Jeen said curb ~d th \4' V' b\'" ~~. property line. ~<t... ~~ ~ Now, therefore, on motion of Supervisor E. W. Starkey" seconded by Supervisor L. D. ~ 101' . Bell, it is ordered that William Green and Co. be issued a permit to construct the. de- sired building and that the required set back line of twentY,feet be, measured from a point eight feet in back of the face of the existing curb and gutter. It. is further ordered that a copy of this order be sent the Roanoke County Planning Commission and to Vim. Green & Co. Letter from Wm. Green, dated June 5, 1941, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E: W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and Maso~ L. Cook. Nays: None. .1 'I , , - I ~ '~ - - I '1 ing,the authority of this 30ard to bcrrow money, which said resolution was received and read, and is in the following words and figures, to wit: At a meeting of the County School Board of Roanoke County held in the office of Roland E. Cook, Div. Supt. of Schools on this the 7th day of .Tune, 194:L, the following resolution, on motion of Mrs. Frank B. Tilomas seconded by E. W. CarrolJ., was passed and by order of said Board certified to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting to . " be held on .Tune 16th, 194:L: RESOLuTION: WHEREAS, certain county and state school funds which were included in the budget of the County School Board for the year 1940-41 have not yet been received and V/EERE.<\S, teachers, janitors, bus drivers and ?ther employees of the school board would be compelled to wait for their salaries till these funds are collected, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the School Board to make immediate payment to these e,mployees of all amounts due them, and WHERE..-1.S, it will further be necessary for the School Beard to purchase coal, mske necessary repairs to school buildings, aquipment and grounds and to meet other expense for several months before any funds for the session of 1941-42 are avaiJ.able, and WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County deems it imperative to constru t immediately an addition to the Fort .Lewis School building in order to provide for the overcrowded condition in said building, and WHEREAS, should such an additiQn be constructed it would become necessary to ne- gotiate a loan from the Literary Fund of Virginia of approximately $15,000.00, and - - ~~-1.S, should such a loan be.effected it would also become necessary for the County School Board of Roanoke County to make advances of funds in anticipation of the receipt of money to be borrowed frCl!ll. the Literary Fund, and . - WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County finds it necessary for the a- foresaid reasons to negotiate a temporary loan in anticipation of the receipt of un- collected school funds for the schOol year 1940-4:L and of the revenues for the tax year 1941 in order that all expen$e~ may be paid when due, and WHERE.-1.S, in order to meet these expenses promptly it is necessary th~t the County School Board of Roanoke County do borr~N a sum not exceeding $30,OOO.?0, and iI~AS, there are now no outstanding temporary loans made by the County School Board of Roanoke County, and w~.s, the amount now sought to be borrowed is not in excess of one-haJ.f the amount of the total school revenue from taxation in Roanoke County for the tax year 194:Lj NOW, 'I'H,:'{EFORE, be it resolved that the County School Board of Roanoke County do hereby request. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for and on behalf' of the County School Board of Roanoke County that the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County do give their approval, consent and authority as the tax levying body of Roanokd County to the making and negotiating of a loan not to exceed the said sum of $30,OOO.00,same to be evid.enced by a negotiable note or notes of the County School Board of Roanoke County, payable within one year after date, bearing interest not to exceed 4%, said money, or so much thereof as the County School Board of Roanoke Count .may. borrow pursuant to this authority, to be used for the purposes above set out;, however, the County School Board of Roanoke County is to have the right and authority I I I I to borrow so much of said SUill of $30,000.00 as may be necessary from time to time and to issue its note or notes for suoh part or parts of the said sum of $30,000.00 as may be neoessary or expedient as the Courl1 Sohool Board of Roanoke County in their disoret on rAY deem proper, said note or notes, however, evidencing the same all to become due an n u pa~"able within one year 1'rom ;rune 30, 1941. Upon a recorded vote, the following members of the County Sohool Board of Roanoke County voted Aye: L. M. Whitmore, I. N. Moseley, Mrs. Frank B. Thomas and E. '11. Carro and the following voted No: None. The Clerk of the Sohool Board is hereby authorized and directed to oertify a oopy of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County so that same may be o .~ before the said Board of Supervisors at their meeting to be held on MOnday, the six- teenth day of ;rune, 1941. d A Copy Teste: Hazel F. Ballentine, Clerk Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook the following resolution of this Board was adopted: W~~~, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has this day reoeived from t ~.); ;f;' ',.',:' -t, .. .,..,....'.,... '''<''~-:;, 2{lI. 'ii '/ feJ.~1 . >i) ''';';; . - County School Board of Roanoke County its resolution and applioation for authority permission to borrow a sum of money not exceeding ~30,COO.OO, and WEERElIS, it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that ., now no outstanding short time loans of the County School Board of Roanoke County and it further appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that an amount not exceeding $30,600.00 is neoessary to be raised by a short time loan for the said COUll Sohool Board of Roanoke County and that same is within the authority of the Virginia statute 01' such cases made and provided and that the authority'and consent of this Board should b egranted to the County Sohool Board of Roanoke County to borrow the aforesaid sum and that the said amount so to be borrowed by the said County Sohool o Board 01' Roanoke County does not exoeed one-half' of the amount produced by the County School Levy laid in Roanoke County for the year in whioh said loan is to be negotiat d, and there being now no outstanding unpaid previously made temporary loan, lWW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County d hereby aprove and authorize the County Sohool Board of Roanoke County to borrow a sum of money not to exoeed $30,000.00 for a period not exoeeding one year from, the 16th day of dune, 1941 at a rate 01' interest not exceeding 4%, to be expended by the said County School Board of Roanoke County in the payment of current oosts of operation fo the remainder of the fisoal year ending dune 30, 1941 and necessary operative costs in the preparation of the opening of schools in Septembe~, 1941 and in the payment 0 oertain advances which may be made necessary in anticipation of a proposed loan of not more than $15,00C.00 to be used in enlarging the Fort Lewis School, the aforesaid loan of an amount not exceeding $30,000.00 to be evidenced by a negotiable note or notes of the County School Board of Roanoke County executed by the Chairman of said School Board and cantersigned by the Clerk of said School Board, and shall not exceed , in the aggregate the sum of 930,000.00 and the said note or notes to bear interest ~o exoeeding 4% per annum to mature not later than one year from the 16th day of dUne, ~"' 4.' ;;';" \ , p.. j() . , . F . , - 1941, and in the event that the lender or lender or lenders of the fund thus borrowed shall desire said note or nota3 to mature in less time than one year or a series 131' nates to mature in one year" then the Caunty Schaal Baard 131' Raanake County is hereby autherized te issue said note ar nates fer such sum or sums for such,time ar times as may be expedient, the aggregate, hawever,.note te exceed the sum 131' $30;000.00, nor shall any nete be far a greater peri ad of time than one year from June 16, 1941; such last. mentioned nete or nates may be renewed rrom time ta time in whale ar in part far such period of time as may be agreed upon by the Cpunty Sohool Baard af Roanake County and the lender of such sum of maney fer such period af time, not to exceed, however, a e year in the aggregate length af time for the loan hereby autharized (that is, not to exceed one year from the date of the ariginal loan), it being intended hereby that all the money upon this autharity and upon any nate hereby authorized, by this Board and issued by the County Schoal Baard af Raanoke County shall be repaid wi thin one yeal' from June 16, 1941. Upan a recorded vate, the rollowing supervisors vated Aye: H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and Masan L. Caok, and the follawing voted No: Nane. ~~e Clerk or this Baard is hereby, autharized ta make a certified copy af this resolution ta give to the CeUnty Schaal Baard of Roanoke Caunt~, and in lieu thereaf i autharized to deliver a certified copy of same ta Roland E. Caak, Divisian Superintend nt af Schaals 131' Roanoke County, for said Ceunty Schoal Board af Roanake Caunty. :i~--"- "H"".:4i':, The Schaal Baard far the county I3t Roanake on the 16th day of June, 194 , prese~~ed,to this Baard ar Cauncil, ~ application addressed ta the State Baard 131' Ed- . - .c .......... \;... J. ,. ~ . ucatiqn 0.1', Virginia, for' tte-purpo--se 1Yf -harrow~D.6 fram the Literary Fund ~5,000.00 fa . '; .. f .' . -- .;. '. - 'ac!a-ing.~o: tJ?,e p:;,es~;tt SChaal building at Fart Lewis School in Salem Magisterial Distri t, - '-". - ~)-- - . to be repaid in 00 ~ual installments, an~ the interest therean paid semi-annually. / RESOLVED, That'~he applicatian 131' the county Schoal Board ta the State Board of - . ,. Educatian af Virginia, far a loan af ;i;l5r,OOO.OO from the Literary Fund is hereby appra ed 1- . : . - ~. ~ '. ." '.~'. and authority is hereby granted the said caunty Schaol Baard ta borraw the said amaunt r' -"_." \l . 7-' for - the purpose set;--aiit lil'saiet appli~ti.:m. \ The Board of Supervisarsfor said county will each year during the life of this loan, at the time they fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for schools or make a cash apprapriation sufficient far ape=~tian expenses and to repay this loan in annual' installments, and the interest "hereon, as required by law regulating loans from the Literary Fund. On IllOtian of Supervisor H. "il. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell. Adopte by the following recorded vate: c~es: Supervisor H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and Masan L. Caok. Nays: None -~ I I I 'I. q. .,,~ I .r 0_; ~ .. i i I i !' 10 I , I I ~ U j. 'i'" t;::.f! o Ie,...' .......,. .. ~" .. -.(, The following ordinance VIas this day offered for adoption, notice of intention to propose the same tor adoption havinG heretofore been published as required by law: , ,m ORDINANCE PROEIEITIKG :'lw M.;',3:mG IT ID/'LAWFUL FOR ,.;}iY PERSON TO DRIVE OR OPERATE p;J,;"Y MOTOR VEEICI3, EIiGn8, OR TRAIN nr RO.alOKE couitTY ,'1HIU TINDER TEE nmlJEHCE OF ALCOEOL, BRiu'IDY, nm.:, l:iEISI::IT, G:rn, -,:,nlE, 3E3R, LAGER BEER, .u.E, PORTER, STOUT, OR lillY O"'~o:f{ LI'lUID, BEV:2:l.:\.GE OR .,-~ICLE CONT.AIIITNG l'!'COEOL, OR UNDER 'I''''; Th'FL1lENCE'OF AllY ,p-:rr:!'1m <;"';.LF':'.!\1l!mITS'.l:~..8D INTOxicANT OR DRUG OF Wm,TSO;';V1:.l{ NATu"RE, !\lID TO' PRESCRIBE FJ1lES '.AND OTHER PIDITgp.I'~T FCR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. BE IT ORDADi'ED BY TEE BO.ARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY .AS FOLLOWS: (l) It shall be =1.aw1'ul for any person to drive or operate any automobile or oth r motor vehicle', engine or train in ltoanoke County while under the influence of aJ.cohol, brandy, rum, whiskey, gin, wine, beer, Lager beer, ale, porter, stout, or any other liq id, beverage, or article containing alcohol, or under the influence 01' any other self-admi s- tered intoxicant or drug of whatsoever nature. '(2) :Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a _ C misdemeanor,;' punishable bY- a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than - one tho~sand dolllfs, or imprisonment for not lesstlian one month,. nor mora than six ..., months., 'either or f.ooth in the discretion of the Court or Jmy trying the same, for a ;' :.';::'-''<;. . .~. ,. . first',oftense,'andthe Cour'~ may, in its discretion, suspend the sentence during the .,.~ ' ., .. good'beha~or, of the person convicted. Any person convicted of a second, or SUbsequent offenSe~~~r'this,ordinance, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than one hundre nor more than one thous~nd dollars, and by ,imprisonment for not less than one' month nor more than one year" and .the Court may, in its. .tl,iscretion,. suspend the sen.tence dur- " ,~...,...~,: .- ing the'go()d.be~vior'of.the person convicted. (3) The,Judgmejl1;of conviction, if for a first offense under this ordinance, shaJ. >.:';'::~:";'~;.?',<:';~",::;.'-,;: ' . " " oPElra,teti&depri~the person convicted of the right to drive or operate any , ....;. of itself' , ~ such .vehicle ,~ngi;o,e; or traft.;in this state fo~ a period of one year from the date of . such judpnent. .and- if for a s.e,c(?nd, orothar subsequent offense, for a period of three y'earsri."om::,:t~~ date of judgment 01' convict inn thereof. If any person has heretofore_: been conVic..edo1' 'Violating any siJnilar ordinance of this county, or any siJnilar genera law of this state, and thereafter is convicted of violating Section Lof this ordinance such conviction, shaJ.l, for the purpose of this o::-dinance, be a subsequent offense, and shall be punisheda~cordiJ?gly. (4) The Clerks 01' all Courts .- of record, and every dustice of the.Peace, inclUding ~ police, Trial and Juveniie Justice, shall, within thirty days after final conviction of any person in his Court under this ordinance, report the fact thereof,. and the name, Po t O:fficea.ddress.imds"treet address of such peri;;on, together with the license plate num- .. . -,~, ;'. "".'.,. . .., . . ber of the vehicle operated by such p~rson to the Director of the Devision of Motor Vehicles, who sball preserve a record thereof in his office. (5) This ordinance shall become effective on and after the 5th day of duly, 1941. -.' , Be it further ordained that the Clerk 01' this Board be, and he is hereby instructe .;.. ; and directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be published once a week for two, successive weeks in the Salem Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion at Supervisor ,Meson L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey the foregoing ordinance was adopted, as read, by the following recorded vote: ~.Jl..r ~ I./Iij 'fl " I Ayes: Supervisors, Mason L. Cook, Howard W. Starkey, and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. '" '\J ... V cpr Sundry petitions were this day filed, and the Rev. ;rohn D. Wood, Pastor 01' the Oak- 1and Baptist Church, Mrs. Frank Beabm and Mrs. R. V. 6Jhenk, 01' the Williamson Road Section, Rev. Estus Rushing, Pastor Fort Lewis Baptist Church, Rev. Robert L. Strickler, Pastor Peter's Creek Church of the Bre-:'hren, W. A. Hall of the Mason Cove Church 01' the Brethren, and Rev. E. L. DOUglas, ~r Mount Pleasant Church, urging the Board to reconsi- - - - der the matter 01' repea1ing and revoking the ort' ;.nance passed at the ;ruJ.y, 1940, Meeting 01' i;his Board, prohibiting the sale of wine and beer in Roanoke County on Sunday, which ordinance was rep~aled and revoked at the May Meeting, 1941, of this Board; and Thomas C. Scordas, on 'behali' 01' himself and other beer and wine licensees in Roanoke County, against reconsideration 01' the actio:a taken by the Board at said Yay Meeting, 1941, this day appeared before the Board, and upon consideration whereof', action on said requests i continued pending a report from the Committee heretofore apppinted by this Board to in- vestigate the matter. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the matter 01' amending the ordinance presc:t:ibing closing hours for, and ,otherwise regulating, the operation 01' dance halls and like places 01' amusement in Roanoke County, be continued to the next meeting 01' this Board. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. On the motion 01' Supervisor Mason L. COOk, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is - ordered that the Chairman 01' this Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to sign the necessary deed 01' lease to effect- the operation of the Community Garden Project, super- vised by-Mrs. Gertrude S. York, in accordance with an order entered at the February Meet ing, 1941, 01' this Board. Adopted uy +.ne following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W~ Starkey and L. D. Bell. :rrays : None. ...:, On the motion of Supervisor Mason L. COOk, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that, an appropriation of nine dollars (~9.00) be made to Mary Rollins for the month of ;rune, 1941, said ~ppropriation having been made upon the recommendation of the Vle11'are Department the said Mary Rollins being one 01' the parties taken off the relief roll as 01' May 1st, 1941. The above appropriation to be paid out 01' the general county fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. ':.' ,.1: '" . ... ~';.:,- I> I I '244 ~. The following ordinanoe, as amended, was this day offered for adoption, notioe of intention to amend and re-adopt the same having heretofore been published as required b law: ~~ ~/I'ij~1 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF PLUMBING ~'IORK TI'l ROANOKE COu:NTY, VIRGINIA. Be it ordained by the Board'of Supervisors of Ro~okeCounty,'Virginia, that an ordinance for the Regulation of Plumbing work 'in Roanoke County, Virginia, heretofore adopted on the 15 day of July, 1940, be amended and readopted to read 'as follows: PART I GE1'EP.AL SECTION l. '.APPOINTMENT: A Pl.umbing Inspector shall. be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and his oompensation fixed by said Board frOlll time to time. SECTION 2 DUTIES AND AUTl:O:'.ITY OF PLU1:lBING INSPECTOR: It shall. be the duty of the Plumbing In- spector to inspect all plumbing in oourse of oonstruoting, alterations, or repair, to ma~e presoribed tests, and generally see that the Plumbing Regulations of Roanoke Count are duly carried out and observed. He shal.l have full. authority to do any and all thin s neoessary to carry into effeot all provisions of the Pl.umhing Regulation~d shall stop any plumbing work'under way for whioh no permit has been issued. SECTION 3 PERMIT: It shall be unlewf'ul for any person, firm or corporation to do any plumbing work until. such person, firm or corporation shall have appl.ied for and received a plumb ing permit trom the Plumbing Inspector. This requirement shall not apply to minor re- pair work, where the total cost of labor and material does not exceed $20.00. Fees for suoh plumbing permits shall be oharged as'fol.l.ows: a. For "Rou~ ~" and/or oonneotion with any County Sewer exoept that of the Williamson Road Sanitary Distriot Number One--$l.OO. b. For eaoh and every fixture installed, replaoed or moved from one plaoe to anot er $0.25. c. Septio tank on separate permit $1.00. SECTION 4 PLUMBING: Plumbing shall be deemed to mean the profession or trade ot, and all work do e and materials used in and for (a) Introduoing, maintaining and/or extending a supplY of , , water through a pipe or pipes, or any appurtenanoes thereof, in a building, lot, premis s or establis~ent; (b) Installing, oonneoting or repairing any system of drainage where" y soil, foul waste, surplus water, gas, odor, vapor or fluid is disoharged or proposed to be disoharged through a pipe or pipes from any building, lot, premises or establishment into any main. publio or private sewer, drain. pit, box, septio tank or other reoeptaol . or into any natural or artifioial body of water, or water oourse or open ditoh on publi or publio or private property; (0) Ventilating any building sewer or fixtures, or appur tenanoes oonneoted therewith; (d) Conneoting any building, lot. premises or establish- 'ment with any publio or private water main or servioe pipe or with any publio or privat sewer or other underground struoture; (e) And in performing all olasses of work gen- erally done by the plumbing trade or profession. I I I. I { , .'. '" .~ ~ . -( - instal1.ation of a septic tank and its appurtenances be permitted if the minimum require ments are not satisfied as set forth in the Virginia Eealth Bu1.1.etin No.7, Vo1.ume No. 28, July, 1936 Supplement. All septic tanks and their appurtanances installed in 'this - _County shall be subject to inspection by the Plumbing Inspector as other p1.umbing in- stallations are inspected. The County of Roanoke accepts no responsibility for the successful operation of an septic tank permitted under this ordinance or any liability for damages due to such sep ic, tank. SECTION :10 No a.ischarge frcm any sink:, bath room or other water fixtures, shall be permitted to flow into ~y street, alley, sideWalk.or on adjacent property. This shall not apply to f1.oor drains from private garages or floor drains in basements of residences provided written permission is secured from the Plumbing Inspector. PART II M.4.TERIAL ;\IID FITTIUGS SECTION II All material used shall be free from defects, of a recognized trade brand and shall be of a weight not less than that known commercial:1y a s standdard. SECTION 12 GRADE OF PIPING: All horizontal piping shall be run in practical alignment and at a un - torm gradeot not less than one-quarter inch per toot it available, and shall be Buppor ed or-anchored at intervals not to exceed ten feet. Vertical stacks shall be supported at their bases. SECTION 13 All horizontal plumbing pipes suspended from ceiling shall be suspended by strong metal hangers. SECTION 14 CH.'lNGE IN DIRECTION: All changes in direction in horizontal piping shall be made by th appropriate use of 45 degree wyes, long or mediUljl. sweep quarter bends, sixth, eighth, 0 sixteenth bends. Tee-wyes must be of the long sweep pattern, or combined wye and eight bends. Tees and crosses may be used invent and v'ater supply pipes. Sanitary tees and sanitary crosses may be used only in vertical stacks. Short quarter bends may be used b - I tween floor joists. SECTION 15 PROEIBlTED FITTINGS: No aouble hub fittings or double tee shall be used on soil ,or was e lines. The use of lOVl heel fittings is prohibited. No fitting other than drainage typ tittings shall be used in any waste line. P.1l.R'l' III JOINTS .,um CmrnECTIONS , SECTION 16 GENER..~: .Ul joints shall be made gas and water tight. AJ.l joints in either concrete or vitrified clay pipe sha:11 be either cement grout or poured with an approved bitumino s compound. All joints shall be thoroughJ.y swabbed to remove any fins. I I SECTION 17 PROHIBITED JOINTS OR C<lli'NECTIONS: my fitting or connection which has an en1argement, ~ U chamber or recess with a 1edge, shoulder or reduction of the pipe area in the direction of f10w is prohibited in waste lines except that slip joint nuts wi11 be permitted on trap connections on the sewer side. Lead and/or s01der joints: All caulked joints sha 1 be firmJ.y packed ,with oakum or hemp, end shall be secured only with pure lead, not less than 3/4 inch deep, well caulked and no paint, varnish or putty will be permitted until 8 after the joint has been inspected. Joints in lead pipe or betvleen lead pipe and: brass or copper pipes, earrules, soldering nipples, bushings, or traps, in all cases on the sewer side of the trap and in concealed joints on the inlet side of the trap, sha11 be 1'u11-wiped joints, with an exposed surface of the solder to each side of the joints of not less than three-quarters of an- inch end a minimum thickness at the t ickest part of the joints of not less than one-half of an inch; except that solder joints will be p~rmitte where bath tub, basin or sink, traps connect to any lead waste pipe. M U SECTION 18 LEAD _iII'<"D IRON CONNECTIONS: A11 connections of lead with iron pipes shall be made with brass e~~~]1as or combination iron and lead ferrules or solder nipples of the same in- ternal diameter as that of the lead pipe~ used, and caulked with oakum and lead. SECTION 19 o wET VENTS.: No soil or waste vent, circuit or loop vent below the highest installed fix ture on the branch main shall thereafter be used as a soil or waste pipe except that one additional basin may be connected to a vent pipe from a lower floor. PART IV TRAPS &; VENTS SECTION 20 TR.~S: Every trap shall be self-cleaning. Traps for lavatories, sinks and other simi- lar fixtures shall be of lead, brass, cast iron, or of malleable iron galvanized or of uncoated cast iron and 'all traps shall have a full-bore smooth interior waterw~y. ,Drum traps shall be used for bath tubs. S'';:CTION 21 0, TRP.PS - Wm:RE REQ.1JIRED: Each fixture shall be separately trapped ':ly a water-sealed trap, placed as near to the fixture as possible. No fixture shall be double trapped. Al1 traps shall be set to true level with respect to their water seals. SECTION 22 ~ VENT PIPES: ..uJ. vent pipes when hot vertical must have a continuous flow to avoid condensation or trapping. Vent pipes from closets, sinks, bath tubs, basins, urinals, wash trays or other like plumbing fixtures shall be either lead, cast iron, or galvaniz d iron pipe. SECTION 23 V~ REQ.UIRED: All fixtures other than water closets more than seven feet from_the main stack, shall be vented. In no case shall the waste from any other fixture connect with the water closet trap. All vent pipe terminals when within ten feet of a window or other opening must be carried two feet above such opening or through the roof if ----~._--_...._,....-.- .,....-.>.'-- " ,;, ,I Cl'o,:' ordered by the Plumbing Inspector. No closet shall be placed more than five feet from a three inch minimum vent stack which serves said closet, except, that where there is more than one closet served by one stack, the additional lOOler closets shall be re- vented with a pipe of not less than two inch diameter. I SECTION 24 SIZES: The minimum size vents, traps and waste lines shall be governed by the followin table: Fixture Size in inche s ' Vents Traps Waste Pipes I Bath Tubs 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 Bath Shower 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 Combination Fixture 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 Drinking Fountains 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 Floor Drains: a. Public Sewer Connected 2 4 4 b. Private Disposal Connected 2 2 2 Laundry Trays 1 1/2 1 l/2 1 1/2 Sinks, Kitohen 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 Sinks, Eotel 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 Sinks, Slop 2 3 3 Urw.als 11/2 1 1/2 2 Wa!fu Basins 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 Water Closets 3 4 4 SECTICN 25 CLEP1T OUTS: A clean out easily accessible shall be provided at the foot of each verti- cal waste or soil line, regardless of the final disposition of the sewerage or waste. SECTION 26 I OLD WOP.K: . On repair or old work, in lieu of back vent pipe, a nonsyphoning trap when connected with a wash basin, sink, urinal, wash tray or like fixture, which is not mora than fifteen feet fram a main will be permitted. SECTION 1!l7 No soil or waste stacks shall be installed or permitted on the outside of a new buiJdi g. In exist inS buildings, where it is found to be impractible to install such soil or wast stacks inside the soil or waste stacks may be installed outside, upon written permissio from the Plumbing Inspector. P.ART V W.;,:n;!! StiPPLY _~lD DISTRIBUTION SECTION 28 WATER S1.Jl?PLY TO .FIXTURES: Every water closet or pedestal =inal shall be flushed by means of an approved tank or flush valve of at least four gallons capacity for water 01 - sets and at least two gallons for urinals. The flush pipe for water closets shall be not less than one inch in diameter. No water closet or urinal shall be supplied direct ly from a water supply system through a flushometer or other valve unless such valve is ,I set above the water closet or urinal. No plumbing fixture, device or construction sha be installed which will provide a cross connection so as 0 permit or make possible the back flow of sewage or waste into the water supply system. , '.:t' .'. ~, ~ " . SECTION 29 o CUT-OFFS .'lliD DRAmS: A main Stop and waste Cook or other approved means for draining shall be installed in the water supply line at the nearest praotioal point where suoh water line enteres the building and all water distribution pipes shall be graded to drain at suoh Stop and waste Cook or other approved means. All out-offs and drain oook must be approved by the Plumbing Inspeotor. P.ART VI HOUSE DRAINS AND SE'i1ERS SECTICN 30 HOUSE DP_~S: House drains shall be of oast iron pipe to a point three feet outside th basement wall and shall be not less than four inohes in diameter. Where oellar drains empty into a publio sewer, they shall empty into an approved P or S trap of not less than four inohes internal diameter. .Vhere area drains empty into a publio sewer they shall be not less than two inohes internal diamter and shall be trapped by an approved P or S. trap. No oellar drain may be oonneoted to any trap whioh depends on movable parts for its seal or aotion. A maximum run of twenty feet from the point of disoharge will be allowed for area and oellar drains wi t!:out venting. SECTION 3l. ,- HOUSE SE\IiERS: ilJ.l house sewers must be laid to a uniform straight line and grade, bot vertioal and horizontal, and shall b e either four inoh oast iron or six inoh or oonorete sewer pipe. A minimum grade of one-fourth ino~ to one foot must where praotioal. ilJ.l. ohanges in direotion must be aooomplished by use of st,andard ben or Y-branohes. All joints and oonneotions shall be made water tight. The joints shal. be made of oement grout of a mixture of one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts olean dry sand; all joints shall be thoroughly swabbed on the inside after being made up or else first caulked with jute or oakum. No drain from a roof, paved oourt, yard 0 sub-soiled drainage system shall. be oonneoted to any house sewer or sanitary sewerage system. o ilJ.l taps or oonneotions into any publio sewer shall be made by use of an approved oast iron saddle or out-in. The oast iron saddle or out-in will be furnished by Roano County upon issuanoe of the plumbing permit. No house sewer line when laid shall. be baokfilled until inspeoted and approved by the Plumbing Inspeotor. The provisions of this seotion shall not apply to those house sewers oonneoted to the sewerage system of the Williamson Road Sanitary Distriot No.1. ~'.'... >." , -3'_- SECTION 32 In no oase will atwo inoh pipe be allowed to reoeive the water from more than two sink and if a waste line is run horizontally, the length of run must not be more than thirt feet without inoreasing size of pipe. ed Court House, Salem, Va. lUly 21., 1941. !rhe Board ot Supervisors ot Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular monthly session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chaiman, )lason L. Cook, H. W. starkey and T. O. Riohardson. Also present A. )I. 'Bo1llllan, Jr., County -Treasurer. o '-On the motion ot Supervisor H. I. Starkey, seoonded 'by Supervisor, '1'. O. Richardson, it ill ordered that the minutes ot the meetinga ot the llQard or, Su!lervisors be approved, nthout the reading ot said minutes at said Board l18etings, each member of the Board having read the oopy or said minutes :tarnished h1m by the Clerk. - 1 I ....I Adopted by the tollowing reoorded vote: Ay'es: Supervisors H. W. S.tarkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. COok and L. D. Bell. , Nays: None. The minutes ot the last regular meeting were approved as spread, eaoh member ot ~he Bosrd having read the copy of said minutes ~ished him by 'thaCl.erk. Therollowing claims against the County were th1a dll7 presented, approv~d and.ordereil to be paid by voucher-checks out ot the :tundsres,pectively ch&rgeable tberenth, tont: :l l.i ~.- W NO. 14053. .. 1.4054. l!'a1Se~s National Bank, interest on, bonda, 1Il:IIson.Bd. San. niltli No. 1 · t 'imSOn :ad. San. _ Dist. Ro. 1 ' .L )I. Bo1llll8I1, Jr., !reas., salaries ror JUne, 12,000.00 500.00 . 530.68 520.56 " 204.16 102. '10 117.19 127.35 64.22 325.00 19.85 240.00 37.80 11.74 511.00 28.21 2.00 195.03 7.00 .50 12.60 27.19 900.00 14.45 182.1'1 .75 .. 14079. )lagio City Motor Ool:poration, overhauling and repairs to cars,1l6.90 .. .. Fa1'IlIer~1l Rational Bank, · 1&055. . 14066. 1l'. C. )luse, Oomr. of Rev., .. .. .. .. 140157. ]1ngane W. Chell, Comlth's Atty., salaries tor JUne 14058. A. K. Bowman, Jr., Trealll1rer, ,fury tickets, 14059. caldwell-Sites Sompany, supplies & equiplllant tor ottices, 14060. ~er Supply COIIlPllllY, ottice supplies & equipment, 14061. C & P ~ephone Company, 'phone service, 14062. Sarah E. Elacueli, Sec., monthl.y I18dical bills tor Ptlblic Health 1406:5. B. K. llattern, trips to Riclmlond and o-teen, 14054. City Developing COrporation, rent ot ottice in Peterll , Bldg., July 1, 1940 to ;ruJ.y 1, 1941., 14055. Barroughs .Adcling Machine Co., ribbon book and repairs to Tax Machine tor 6 months, 14055. CoIIlIlon1realth ot Virginia, torms for T. J. & TreaBU~r, 14067. standrirll Register Company, tax tickets 'for TrelUllU'&r. 14068. lb-erett Walldey Company, 'forms 'for oJ. srk' a ottice, l-lO&9. mn.er-Bryant Pierce Co., carbon paper, 14070., h1rv1ew Home, monthly expanses, 140'71. UnderwOOd Blliott Fillher Co., ribbon and rent o'f typewriter, 14072. COronet carbon 8r. Ribbon CO., type oleaner tor clerk's office, 140'18. Garrett's Bsso station, repairs to Sberi'ff's cers, , Policy No. 38024'11 14074. State l1'erm Yut. Auto Ins. Co" payment ot prlllll1UJ1l on Car 14075. vinton Motor Company, two cara for Sherif'f's llept. 14076. Boanoke Photo Finishing CO., ringer :printing materials, 14077. The Texas COmpany, gasoline -tor county carll, .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. ____~~1~_'_ Gottschalk's ~g~-" repairs to SherU'f's cara, lio. ,1.4080. 0., G. r....1s &: aompllDJ', repairs to oars, .. .. It 1.4086. Gooclrln-tillilllB8 Chevro1.et Corp. , repairs to cal:'8, 3.00 14087. Bal_ Grocery Comp8DY, cle..niYlg material tor Jail, 4.52 14088. 'fl)-.n ot Sal8lll, current &. ..atel:' tor buil.dings, 86.92 14089. !'own ot Sal.em, main1;enance &: operation ot truck, 41.&.1.4 14090. I. I. Butt, 1. standard ..ool. Fl.ag, ll.20 14091.. l1. D. sm1th LuIIlber Co., courthouse repairs, 5.80 14092. Lewis B1'O~rs, coal tor Jail &: oourthouse, 25.50 1409S. P. L. stukey, groceries tor VisiUng Housekeeper, 2.615 1.&094. cr.:I. carper, plUl1lbing ..ork in C. R. 8.50 14095. IJ,1;trall. B1'Othera, lettering on signs &: painting, 1.:5.00 14095. tile:r hed, J'Uel. &: &1ppl.y _, signs &: paint tor the COUrthouse, 15.20 1409'1. Virginis Seed CompBn7, Beed tor-COIImUnity Garden, 9.150 14098. Sa1.lD Hardware Company, hard..are, 19.51 14099. In'O..ers &: Producers ExChange, materia1 tor county tarm. ll.155 1&00. Standerll Oil eom,peny, oU &. Easoheat tor lParm, ll.23 1.4101. Louise Morgan, overtime in Auditor's ottice, 10.00 .. 14081. Goodwin DISllrance &: Bealty Co., :r.lre &. Iorkman'8 Insurance, 1408a. ~t1;ens &: !lorton, Inc., bond tor County Otticers, 1408S. CUrtis G. Dobbins, Liability, 71re, Thet'* Ins. 14084. B. K. Rlliot1; C<lm;pBn7, indenng &: IIapping supplies, 1408$. ;T. C. Shel.ton Garage, r~s to cars It .. It It It It .. It .. It It It . It It .. .. . 14102. 1Ir. Bernard COok, attendance at Walte.rs M!l8tings, . 14l.0S. G. E. 1'rOut, 14104. b'nest J'1shburn, .. . .. .. . . .. .. - .. . 141()5~ Chalmers hrguson, l./2 total. taxes oollec.ted in ;rune for COlIlIIlissioD. (delinquent l 14108. A. G. 1Io0d, Purchasing Agent, to re-imburse cash t'und, , 1410'1. Peacock-Salem Launderers, cleaning bedding tor Jail., 14108. Reman R. so~ok, lrClrk on Am1exation and Equalization, . . . .. 14109. Cancelled. " 14J.lO. cancelled. .. 1~. Cancelled. to Ul1.2. Dool.ey Printing company, printing, .' 1411S. Salem Pub1iah1ng Company, printing, It' 14114. ]i.,..ington llaIld !nc., renewal fO,r service agreement, 14ll.5. Yrenk Gilbert, ;r~ P., 2 lunacy cases, 141115. Bussell SIIliley, M. D., 9 coroner ,oases, 14117. Dr..A.. Jl. Showalter, :5 coroner cases, 14ll.8. E.": Chelf', e:x;pensea to RichmOnd, 14l19. ~eiican!larsh Pumps Ino., Fire p;qui:pment, 1.4120. Ohaa.:L Baker, -Fire Xquipment, 1.4121. Manhattan 21bber utg. Division, tire hose, 141.23. G &: P., 'l'elephone Go., 'phone servioe for month,1'mson Boad, 141.23. B. K. :llJ.iott, mapping supplies, 1'mson Rd. San l)ist No.1, No.1 14124. Ga:ldwell-Sites COmpany, -ottice supplies, Wmson :ad. San Dist. Rd. San Dist. No.J. 141.25. :Boanoke Concrete Products CO; ooncrete sewer pipe, Wmson. It. .' - . - .' .- ~ .. .. . . to . 4.25 830.ll 50.00 25.59 43.96 10.30 1.00.00 100.CO 100.00 ll.C.70 326.05 7.33 41..00 46.15 150.25 10.00 S3.00 45.00 15.00 10.9'1 1,350.00 2,199.'16 1,281.84 9.4 5 30.61 5.04 65.40 I v' I I o o u r . '> .11 ", "i .- ......... rn ,~'. ,No. 14126. E. B. Krebbs SUpply COIlI.pany, 2 Cylinders chJ.orine,1Illlson lid. 21.75 San. Dist No,. 1, ;roseph G. Pollard, cu~ in connections, 1lm8on ,:ad. San. Dist No.1, 52.50 Salem HarclYare CO., IIIs:terial purobased on JUne l8th, \fmSon. Rd. 8.82 San. Dist No.1, C1....,merB :rerguaon, COma. tor collection of delinquent P. P. 14.88 taxes, bson. :ad. San. Dist No.1, Goodnn InBl1rlmce & Realty aompany. PQment of bonds on 15.00 Engineer and L1ndBey.Wm.aon Bd. San. Dist. No.1, A. M. Eo1llllen, ;rr.. Treas., coupons on bonds accrued, 1ImSon.:ad. 200.00 San. Dist No.1, .A.. G. Iood, Pur. Agent, to re-imburse cash :t'tI.nd, 'lmson :ad. San. 147..24 Dist .0. 1, ChA'mA~e Ferguson, collection of Del. ,taxes,Salem Bo~d lUndDebt, 5.79 Debt i'Und A. M. Eo1llllan. n., Treas., COllpons on bonds, Salem !list.Road 135.00 It 14127. 14128. 14129. 14130. 14131. 14152. l41SS. 14134. It .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 1.413'. Forest~. 'rQ'lor"one LUIllicy caile, 14l38. J'Ilman B. 'fhiteacarver, Annexation, 14l39. County of Roanoke, Board ot .,~te.re, trans. to Va. Public Assistance lI'Und tor "~e.re tor the Public ot Roanoke County tor one lllDnth, 14140. Shenandoah Valley, Incorporated, annual membership, 14141. X. P. Dillon, Equalization Work, 16.75 .. 50.00 .. 4,60L65 50.00 273.10 232.50 232.50 It It It 14142. dOhn C. Parrott, 14143. R. D. Htlrt, It .. It .. .. , IN BE: DOG 1'AXE9, SHEXE' crr,4TM~ &c: i'he following cJ.a1ms against the I:oun-:;y ..are this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the tunds re8Pect1v~y chargeable therellli th, - ton 10: No. 14135. A. M. Eo1llllll11. 'lr., Treasurer, 15~ to State, .. 14136. d. A. Boone, Geme Warden, killing end burying dogs, 53.56 154.00 The toll01lf1ng acoounts were this day laid betore the Board: r A. M. BO'IIUN,m., Treasurer ot Boanoke County, salar,ies and laPenae account tor the month ot June, 1941, _;796.02, one tl:1ird ot .hich, ll1IIllunting to *1&5.34, payall1e b1 the state, end, two-thirda,amount~ng to $530.68, . :pQ'ab1.e .by the C%oUnty; . 'J W'. C. 1m3!, Collllllissioner of :a:evenue ot Roanoke County, salaries tor month ot crc.ne, 1941, $780.84, one-t)lird'of which, amounting to $2150.28, payable by the state, and two-thirds, amounting to *520.56, payable by the COunty; " X. W. CHELF, Commonwealth's A.ttorney of itlanoke County, salaries.tor month of JUne; 1.9U" $408.33, ona-half' ot which paye,ble by the state, am.ounting to $204.17, and one-half by the County. emounting to $204.16, And, on lDOtion, duly seconded end carried, it is ordered that voucher-checka be iswed to the above na:med parties for the county's :part ot said accounts, ad aaid aocounts are ordered tiled. ',:'.,:, ~' . w...:.t...lei~: l' '!fit,': '.',"...'.',,".,'.'. .',' ',' --:3fJ 1tl' b. ii. ,,,,,,,,. . -..' '-r,'.~'" ~, '/::~ '1/;;'3/41 ".' IN PoE: m:LINQ;iJElfl' TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the BOard the receipt of A. M. Bowman, dr., County Treasurer, for $1511.13, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of June, 1i141, less 5% commiSSions, and tUXILed over by him to said Treasurer, said check a:mounting to $1435.57 liet.' 256 ~tid. tU ' ~...M-, )L..L uc.~, 7/?"~J~1 L..- ~ ~ ~,1711~ , v n~ llE: l3UDGETARY POLICY OF BOARD: . ~RL~, it is the desire of this Board to fUrnish governmental services on as. conservative a financial basis as 1s consistent with efficiency, and WHF.R?A~, it is the express desire of this Board to live strictly within the expenditure estiJnate as set forth in the Budget, NOW, .~~, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that no budgetary item be exceeded except upon special order of this Board. Be it fUrther ordered that the Purchasing Agent and the Treasurer be and they hereby are instructed not to honor requests for purchases nor requests for pa:l'1llent of purchases unless the sums involved come within the " I "I budgetary amounts so allowed by the Board either by regular adoption of the budget ,.2- 'or by Special Order. Be it fUrther ordered that copies of this order be sent to each Department Head of the Roanoke County Government. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. r On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the week beginning July 20 be officially designated as Aluminum Collection Week for Roanoke County. Be it further ordered that every citizen of Roanoke County be requested to co- operate whole-heartedly in this effort to assist in the National Defense Program. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and 3:.W.Starkey. Nays: None. R. W. Dalton this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to detray the hospital expenses occasioned by a f'all sustained. by his daugl:ter, :Miss ,Pauline Dalton, at the Vinton High School last spring; On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that this Board take no action on _said request, as it teels that this is a :matter for the School Board to determine. I A card heretofore received by this Board from Mr. Dalton, in regard to above request, ordered filed. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, R. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook; Nays: None. .1 A copy of a letterd-ited July 21, 1941, from the Roanoke County Co=ittee on Annexation, addressed to Messrs. C. 3. Hunter and L. D. James, City Co=ittee on Annexation, was this day read to the Board, and said letter ordered filed. I I IJ' r .. i i_ rn ~ '0 n - , BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE BOARD OF SUPERVISOBS that the State Forester of Virginia . be, and is hereby, reg,uested to approve a ohange in the rate of pay to persons am~loyed by the Forest Wardens of the said County for the suppression of forest fires, from the present rate of 20~ per hour for registered fire fighters and 15~ per hour for non-registered fire fighters to the revised rate of 25~ per hour for registered fire fighters and,20~ per hour for non-registered fire fighters, and the Clerk is direoted to-transm1t an attested oopy of this resolution to the State Forester, Box 1368, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia. -On motion of SUpervisor' H. W. Starkey, seoonded by SUpervisor Mason L. Cook, adopted by the following reoorded vote: , Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Riohardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Maloolm Griffin, grandson, and one of the heirs of DR. .OEN H. GRIFFIN, deoeased, this day appeared before the Board, and reg,uested the Board to remit the deling,uent taxes on "he property known as Buok Mountain traot in Cave Spring Distriot, now owned by the heirs of said daoedent, in lieu of the Griffin Heirs giving :the Board of Supervisors of ROlmoke County a deed to right of way through said land for road reoently re-looated, being road #679; lihereupOll, 00 motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seoonded by Supervisor T. O. Rioliardson, it is ordered that the matter b'3 referred 'to the County Exeoutive ottioe.r, E. Ie. Mat1;ern, (the Commonwealt-h's Attorney to furnish any legal advioe neoes8ary-l-, for repor-c and reoo=endations e-o; the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following :-eoordec vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. NIJYS: None. " F. H. Chel1" l l ) Order Appointing Viewers. ) ) ) vs. The l?ublio, and E. G. Shirley, State E1ghwayCommissioner. This day oame P. H. Chelf, by oounsel, who begged leave to file a petition for the olosing of a oertain street and unnamed alley, whioh leave, is granted, ami the petitio aooompanied by a plat of the street and unnamed alley sought to be olosed, and the affidavit as to the posting of notioes is hereby filed. And it appearing to this Board upon the said petition that th'3 affiant has duly and legally published as is reg,uired by law, a notioe of his applioation to the Board for the olosing of the street and the unnamed alley desoribed in the petition; that the publioation of notice was had by proper posting in three publio plaoes, one of . which is at the front door or the Court House or Roanoke County, Virginia, one on a post ereoted on the street herein sought to be closed, and also another on a post on t e , unnamed alley herein sought to be olosed, all of which is verified by an affidavit appended to the said petition; And it further appearing to this Board-that at 'least twenty days have elapsed sino ~'~.'f...I!."'''' (~. '-;,' ~. ~, ~/3 'rr-.'...',... u......:_~ .' ',.. ea..u.~~ ", 'T/;--I/ ~I ' ~~H' ~,w,~ ~. ' 7/ 'H;-tfl , I , 2.62 :' No. 14275. Wi1ey-Hall Service Station, repairs to County cars, to 14277. Peacock-Salam Laundry, c1eaning bedding for jai1, to 14278. Chas. E. Baker, siren, remote contr01 &; switch for firetruck or -14279. Town-of Vinton, maintenance of fire truck for,1 year, to -14280. The Dorr Company, packing for pump, to 14281. Fairview Home, monthly expenses, tt 1.4282. Frank Gi~bert, J. P., 5 lunacy cases, to 14283. Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec., medical re1ief to county, - It 14284. W. E. Lindsey, miJ.eage 1'rom JuJ.y 1st to Aug. 15th, to - , 14285. C. B. MaJ.colm, maps for annexation and b1ue prints, 14286. James, River OU Company, gasoJ.ine'for county cars, 14287. Boanoke Paper Company, towe1s for Court House for, three months, 14288. Brown Hardware Company, hardware for Court House and Jei1, 14289. J. E. Carper, plumbing at Court House &; McC1ung B1dg. 14290. E. L. Morris, Electrician, attachment of p1ug and cord, 14291. West 1).isini'ect~g ,C~p~ny, Disin1'ec~t 14292. Town 01' Salem, J.ights and water fo:!" bui1dings, 14293. ~. E. Clifton, e1ectrical repair work, . , 14294. ,Growers &; Producers Exchange Inc. Repairs for County Farm 14295. Gottschalk's Garage, repairs to concrete mixer, to - It It II to to to to " to It - 14296. Virginia Seed Company, Community Garden Seed, 14297. ,Y. Lee Eaw1ey, 500 feet of 1umber for county farm, 1429~. Marvin Doy1e, Lettering for AJ.=inun Drive, 14299. Standard Oll Company of N. J., 0iJ. for County Fam., 24300. PauJ. B. Matthews, work on Annexation, - .. " " " " Annexation, 24301. Roanoke Photo Finishing Company, deve10ping and printing for 14302. Herman H. Schanck, work on Annexation, 14303. Fuman B. Whitescarver, work on Annexation, 14304. Graybar Electric Company, fan for county, It - to " - to Garden Rake, 24305. Salem Hardware Company, suppJ.ies for Courthouse, jaiJ. & Com. 14306. Dooley Printing Company, printing, 14307. Chalmers Ferguson, JuJ.y's Tax C011ection Commission, 14308. Salem Hardware Company, material for plant, Wmson Rd. San Dist, " " " " 14309. C &; P. Tel Company, 'phone service, " " " " '! " " '! It - 14310. ~. M. Bowman, Jr., Trees. pa;yment of bond Coupons/ - .. 143ll. E.B.Krebs Supp1y Co., 2 cyJ.inders chJ.orine Wmson " " " .. 14312. Roanoke Concrete Products Co., sewer pipe, " " " " 30.36 6.83 120.00 96.63 9.12 237.25 80.00 325.00 8.75 24.00 96.75 23.30 24.89 250.95 ~, ': .50 14.10 90.48 8.35 7.5 21.5C 4.15 10.00 4.00 4.00 55.00 4.32 36.00 125.30 24.38 78.77 68.00 109.97 5.25 9.40 300.00 21.54 21.86 - - 14313. F1exible Sewer-Rod Equipment Co.,. 1 Standard City Set, Wmson Rd. _ San. Dist, 404.28 24314. Foundry Service Incorporated, 2 Sanitary Plates,WIllson Rd.San.Dist. 10.22 " .. " 14315. American Yeter Company, reap iring of meter, 24316. Dooley Printing Company, printing, 14317. C. L. Tinsley, construction work on-sewer line, 14318. Roanoke Concrete Products Co., concrete sewer pipe," " " " " " " " " " " " " " ", " " 14319. Abe Huddleston, to brlj,ze water, cut off valve, " " " " " " ", " " 14320. Graybar Electrio Company, fan for plant, 14321. E.K.Mattern, Executive Officer, to re-imburse~~h " " " " " " " " 14322. Chalmers Ferguson, commission on delinq. taxes, " " 14323. Salem Publishing Company, plumbing ordinance printing &; Treas. office book binding, " 48:70 3.75 75.50 20.40 .75 " " 8.42 132.75 " 4.55 53.25 I> . 'I'" .:-::' I I No. 14324. .. 14325. .. 14328. n L.;- Pen.itell.tiary Industrial Department, UIliforms for deputies, 154.05 Chalmers Ferguson, co~ssion for collection of delinq. F.P. Taxes, Salem Road Bond Fund, Benjamin E. Chapman,Return of primary filing fee, 5.60 14.40 r n"llE: DOG T.b.XES, ::;~":,,~ CLA-DSS &0: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds, respectively, chargeable . therewith, towit: o 1.0. 14326. .. 14327. J. A. Boone, Game .Varden, killing and bur;y-ing 62 dogs, C. F. Kefauver, 2 sheep killed by dogs, 124.00 12.00 The following allowances are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of Election for their services in conducting the primary election held August 5th, 1.942, in Roanoke County, payable out of the general county fund, towit: JOHN'S SHOP. No. 14178. .. 14179. No. 14280. .. 14281. '-' 14182. 0 No. 1.4183. " 14184. '-' 141.85. N:o. 1.4186. .. 1.4187. No. 1.41.88. ,; 1.4189. ti 141.90. N:o. 141.91.. .. 14292. ,; 141.93. 0 No. 141.94. " 14195. Ii 14196. ljo. 14197. .. 14198. ~ '-' 14299. No. 14200. .. 14201. ... 14202. No. .. '-' 14203. 14204. 14205. A. E. McNeil, Judge &. returns, Kyl<. Shelor, Clerk & Commissioner, B..~11)'S STORE:. 11.00 11.00 I E. W. Carroll, Judge &. returns, R. D. Morehead, ,Judge, C. :E. Carroll, Clerk, 11.00 5.00 5.00 :RiC'<~' STORE:. C. P. Horn, Judge &. returns, W. B. S::li th, Judge, LeRoy Cameron, Clerk, 10.50 5.00 5.00 WEST SALEM, Frank C. Shelton, Judge & returns, P. O. Painter, Judge, GLENV.~. 10.00 5.00 W. O. Goodwin, Clerk &. returns, L. B. Chapman, Judge, Margaret Rakes, _Judge, 10.50 5.00 5.00 NORTH S.ALEM. w. E. Whitesell, J"r., J"udge &; returns, F. Omeron inley, Jr., Judge, K. K. Hunt, Clerk & Comr. SOUTH SlIIoEM #1. 10.00 5.00 10.CO Charles Wilson, Judge &. returns, C.-Fergu!>on, Judge, A. D. Hurt, Clerk, SOUTH SALEM #2. J. H. Early, Judge &. returns, C. D. Wertz, Judge, A. M. Early, Clerk, .<' -"i'l'-"'.!i' S CRRRK. Mrs. Sarah M. Whitmire, Clerk &. returns, G. n. Kelch, Judge, H. B. Donaldson, Judge, 10.CC 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.30 5.00 5.00 BOTETOlB.T SPP.INGS. R. L. Walrond, Judge &. returns, J. C. Starr, Judge, Robert F. Bushong, Clerk, 11.00 5.00 5.00 ,-,,264 ~~ ~;:J.,{ . ~I"\ [4-\ No. 14206. .. ' 1420'1. .. 14208. No. 14209. .. 14210. .. 14211. No. 14212. .. 14213. '! 14214. '- No. 14215. .. 14216. .. 14217. No. 14218. .. 14219. tt 14220 . No. 14221. .. 14222. " ' 14223.: No. 14224. " 14225. . tt' 14226. No. 14227. tt 14228. .. 14229. No. 14230. " 14231. '! 14232. No. '14233. · 14234. '! 14235. No. 14236. " 14237. !! 14238. No. 14239. tt 14240. " 14241. No. 14242. If 14243. '! 14244. NORTH VINTON. James E. Gish, Judge &. returns, J. P. Baker, Judge, Nelson R. Thurman, Clerk I SOUTH VINTON. J. G. Gray, Judge &. returns, W. H. Cox, Judge, Ellis C. Howell, Clerk, BONSACK. - S. E. Wood, Clerk &. retu..-ns, 'J. E. Clifton, Judge, H. B., Adkins, Judge, EDINGTON SHOP. J. O. P1UDkett, Jr., 'Judge &. returns, ,E. T. Old, Judge, F. L. Ferguson, Clerk, TTh'IiER CREEK #1. R. P. Johnston, Judge &. returns, Fannie ,Ireson, Judge, Clara L. Johnston, Clerk, TIN.!CE:R CREEK #2. F. M. Fisher, J'udge &. returns, Bryari Beard, Judge, Robert -0. McNeil, Clerk, CRYSTAL SPRINGS. E. R. Wilbourn, Clerk &. returns K. L. Shoemaker, Judge, J. P. Johnston, Judge, FAut v .u;;i. T. G. Nat1", Judge &. returns, C. E. Garst, .Judge, :t. C. Easter, ,Clerk, RED EILL. W. B. Ridgeway, Judge &. returns, C!lIlk A. Robertson, Judge, C. T. McGuire, Clerk, POAGE'S MILL. C. L. Graham, Judge &. returns, T. H. Martin, Judge, R. V. Bell, Clerk, CAVE SPRING. E. S. Turner, Judge &. returns, C. M. Spessard, Judge, J. W. Griggs, Clerk, BENT MOUNTAIN. J. W. Lancaster, Judge &. returns, Taz _Lancaster, Judge, _ W. B. Woodrum, Clerk, OGDEN. E. A. Tayloe, trudge, returns &. Comr. C. T. Lockett, ,Judge, Gertrude D. Brugh, Clerk, The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: 'A. M. BCWIMAN, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense account for the month of July, 1941, $1,059.33, one-third of which, amounting to $353.11, payable by the State, and two-thirds, amounting to $706.22, payable by the County; W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue, salaries for month of July, 1941, $970.84, one-third of which, amounting to $323.61, payable by the State, and two:-thirds, amounting to $647.23, payable by the County; 11.00 5.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 I 5.0C 11.00 5.00 5.00 11.00 .1 5.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 5.00 10.50 5.00 5.00 10.50 5.00 5.00 I 11.00 5.00 -5.00 11..00 ,5.00 5.00 10.60 5.00 5.00 11.00 ,5.00 5.00 I 17.00 -5.00 5.00 I , [ n I..... i r ID r .~ i I i..a , ;, " I I;: . [" 1'- f I 10 m ,~ II IN BE: TREASURER'S Am;uAL SET~"T: 267 " A. M. BO'iiMAN. JR.. County Treasurer. this day s~bmi tted to the Board his annual f- settlement tor the year ending ;rune 30, -1941. as follows: , - -- - -. -- ." ,ii, _ ',.. ,',.;" i.',. ,,' " 'I 11 , .'Ii "__ !I "1 "! ',.' ,. I 1. I," ! I ,'. ",11 T .,',", i ,ii!l. I: I ". .ll ,ili I '. .i I, i'J! i : ",', I ",',- J " !I ' I 'i. !1 .. " !II ',. : ". : ; ;',,1 ," ',;1'.: .. .. f ,c_; "c- "',_ ~:,,_, ,', ,J"V I " '1 _,, > I '., ,t.-, ,.'1:' ,If,,!:! .,...' ,11:,1 , !'- .::: ,.,...j ;"', ~'. I lIt' ....4 , ,~;I~,-;' ...F' 1\11""'1 ""> iJ:...... T, "'1)<\ '-'-'IT ~ ,;,:;,'1 - '" ,'Y:.> ,,:Y ," :;, ,Oe '1 , ! l' .Y "\. ' .' 1. 1 1 I I I :, '1.' I".' r" "-, i -I," IT ! I j! ,I II C-r )! i 1I , I! : j i Ii' , 1 '[ ,II i , ",l ! [i ~ 'i ili! , it II . ~ If 1+" ! '.11 iT if, ! L .',., I _, l;i L .j [I ! , 'I, II' ,..,'., ,,-II ,.,'. '1"'" 1'1, . 'I. ..'., ,,1 1 ",1,' J.". ,,' ,-" ,,_!_,"7,", .. , ,'J'::' 1".,_,'" 'i';';';' '1-,', 1 ~ ..,.', ,',11. t. ,,!' --I 11 i I -I' t1 ,.IL :.( " ,,\ I t ! , ; i I I i ! I 1 .,~\.r i I'j ': 1.+:1.-", ~,::.-., >. II' ,'" ,i ," I' OJ j-' "'_I. :). -'-'1 i, i I:k fl.,.'.. -- ,,' ! 1 Ii! '1. . r: " . i r-t ' : II i I I Ii' ,:1 If" ".,11 I II i." "I ",1. :", 'II ,"'1 I'! I ! :,1" ',I 'il! II i JJJ .,'..} Ll I! 1-', '. 'J !!i r I i i II I i I I i I ,I 1 ,1 ! f I Ii! ! i i !i IF I ! 1 ! II' !I! 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'_ I "~--:"~""'_-P.''''~.x d~,', '""~",-' -~~ .. ,-- ,'- ..'0- '~~~;" "~l..~f;~4~_ <:;"F'~~l-~::'~- "; ,.:-.-.;:: U..,t..dA -e...L,. f: €..J<, Yh c.,s.., ,DJ/'1/''+-' Adopted by the 1'op.olll1Xlg recorded Tote: Ayes: SUpervisors '1'. O. B1chardsoll, L. D. Bell and .son L. Cook. Nays: None. On t~e mot~on 01' SUpervisor IBson L. Oook, seconded by SUpervisor '1'. O. B1chard80n, it 18 o::,dered that the S1llll' ot twenty-two hundred dollars (.2200.08) be . ' tran8ferred tra. the Williamson Boad Sanitary District /11 Fund to the Salem District lIDad Debt J'un4j and that said trimster be made by Toucher check 01' this Board. In- t8rest at, the m'ie 01' 'ihree per ceni; on aboTe amo1lIlt 1'rom September 15, 1941, until retunde4, to be pai4 by the Salem Dis'iric~ Bead Deb'i Fund to 'ihe "Iilli8lllll0n Boad SeJ:d- 1;&1'7 Dinnc' #1 hn4. Adopted by the tollolll1ng recorciecl vote: ~ye8: Supervisors Jlason L Cook, '1'. O. B1chardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: lione ' ~ : R. Chelf I !he Public and R. G. Shirley.l state :H1gh1ray Collllll1ss1oner ). . It appearing to the Board at Order discontinuing a ceriain street and ........]llRd aJ.ley in Yashington Reight8. SUperrtsors at JIoanoke County, upon the petition 01' P. ll. Chelf, .hioh peUtioJl was 1'11ed p.erein on the lUst da;y at July, 1941, pur- suan1; to 'ihe provisions 01' Section 5220 01' the Code at Virginia, a8 amencled by the Acta 01' the General Assembly or 1940, and CpJl'ier 85 (a) (especially SeClt10n 2~9, . SUb-8eotion 9) as _d_ by the AClts of: the General Assembly of: 1940; ana. &:ti;er due 'I . 8D4 legal JIOtiae lIad been giT8n 1;0 the Public as to the 1'111116 01' the a.toresaid pe- 'iU1o~wh1oh appea.rs 1'1'Om an o1'4er heretotore entered herein by the Boarcl otSUpe:r- Ti80r. at a mee'ingot said Board held on the 2lat day 01' July, 1941., in the Court; lrou8e -BIz114ing, to .bioll re1'erenCle 18 herein had, and 1II1ioh said order a.ppeinte" vie.era tor the purpose of vieWing allot tha1; portion 01'- sa1d stree1; and 1UIIl8lIIe4 alley, as shown on plat aClcompan;ying the petition t11e4 in thiIJProcee4iDgj .ln41lpeB the report 01' tlree 01' the 1'1ve viewers appointed as atoresa1d, to-wi : ;T. W. G1Dm. JI. 1r. Cottrell, and George Linkenhoker, 1'11ed With the Clerk 01' 10118 l3oa1'4 01' Sllperrtsors 01' Boanoke COUJlt7, Virginia, Sept. l3~h, 1941, and wh1cl1 repor~ is dated sept. 8tl1, 1941, and to wh1ch report no eJtcepUou l:iave been filecl, and whieh repon is 1;0 the etfec1; 1ol:iai; the said viewers were and are unan1llo1lSl;y ot the opinion 1oba~ no inoonvenience YOuld result to any person, or to the J;lubl1o fro. 418- con"ti~ vaoaUng, and closill8 the a1'o1'esaid por1;1on ot said s1;ree1; and llIIJ!lBllei. alley in wash1ngtonB:e1gll:t81 It turther appear1ng- to the Board 01' Sllperv1.l:;ors, trom the evidence betore the said lloarU, 10hat due notice -.as given ot the tiling 01" the pet1Uonj tba10 10he viewer haTe reponed tavora.bly to the prayer ot the pet1Uonj and tha10 there .ould be no inoonveJl1enoe t:ram elos1llg the 88Blej and 1 t tunher appsanngto the Board trom eT1- denee introduced betore U that there 1s no need whatsoever tor keep1llg open that pon10n 01' said 8treet, known as Pannsylvan1a Avenue, 'and that oertain unnamed aJ.ley sought in this proceeding to be olosedj and 11; sUll tunher appea.r1ng to the Board tbat the aboTe reterrsd to street, known as PeIlJ18ylvan1a. Avenue, and the 1lIIIl8IIled alley herein sough1; 1;0 be olosed, have neTer been actually h1d ou1o and opened on th I I -11 '...I o 'n ' 'u - o '...m1.....," ..~ g:round to v:eh1oular travel; that th~l' serve no particular plU'pose whatsoever; and that they are not used :tor travel p." ~y the publ1o, or ~ person in the oommunity in whioh the;r are situate, and tha'5',~Jury will be done to an;r individual, or tho publ1 :troll the clos1J1g thereo:t; It is there:tore ordered that that porUon o:t said street, and the oertain mmllllle alley as shown on the plat accompanying the petition filed in this p:rooeeding, be, and the same i8 hereby discontinued, ~cated and closei. !he Clerk ~ the Ci:rollit Court at :Roanoke County, Virginia, is le reby authorized and direoted to mark the S8Ile discontinued, ~cated and closed, and to lIIllke a proper re:ter811.ce on the _p o:t the Washington Club Ianli COlllP8-D7, whioh -.p is ~ reooN in ~~ the Clerk'. Offioe o:t the Circllit COurt of lloanoke County, Virginia, and also l118Jte re- ~ ferenoe to the lIinute Book of the Board. of Supervisors at :Roanoke Count:r, Virginia, and. ~ the page wherein and whereon '\;his order is sprea4. 'Upon a oa1l :tor an aye and nay Tote on the :torego1ng, the S8Ile stood as follow.: A;rell: - Supervisors, ~. O. ll1ohard_n, Jle.son L. Cook, 1.. D. Bell. ~s: Bone c. P. .rOEJlS'l'ON, Resident :lngineer, Department 'of Highways', this day laid be:tore the Board sketches of entrances to school~ ad~ed to the Secondary System, tont: Entrance to Southview School; Entrance to lit. Pleasant School; Entrance to Clearbrook School; Entrance Bent ~untain School; Entrance to Burlington School; Entrance .Tm. Fleming School;.. Entrance Fort LeWis School; Entrance Back Creek School; Entrance Washington Heights School marked "Void" for reasons stated in letter of the said C. P. Johnston, Resident Engineer. On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded b;r Supervisor L. D. Bell, and carried, it is ordered that said sketches be turned over to E. K.Jrat'tern, Count;r Engineer, to be filed in his records. ~~TE' COBPORATIONCODKISSION this day submitted to the Board statements of the assessed value of Canal, Bailroad, Electric Bailway and Motor Bus fran~ortation, Companies in Cities and 'l'01lllS, Electric Light and Pawer Corporations, Gas and Yater Corporations, Pipe Line Transportation Corporations, S1;eamboat and Steamship C'ompanies, Express Companies and Sleeping Car Companies, and Telephone and Telegraph Companies, and the State tax extended thereon, and the gross receipts and annual state License Taxes of said Companies tor the year 1941, made by the State Corporation Commission ot Virginia, said statements are ordered to be tiled. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in October, 1941. ~cIf~ Chairman. ....:::.,.t:," ~~'t'S. ~ ctJ!zc1 '!f:,J<. . ' 'nl~.C, '4,O-t.~ ~.... "f J 'i } 4 I $ 1.50 3.65 Wiley-Hall Service Station, repairs to car Wlley-Hall Motors, repairs to cars General. Tire &. Rubber Company, 2 tires and tubes :tor sheriff's cars The Texas Company, Gas :tor Sherif:t' scars l4482 l44S3 14484 No. " " 38.22 146.78 2.30 2.35 17.87 137.00 6.57 6.75 100.00 10.51. 50.68 222.72 325.00 80.00 4.50 8.95 74.56 4.60 80.88 , 1.4485 1.4486. l4487 " I - T. d. Orander, 1.0 gallons of gasoline R. F. Lee, Deputy, Gasoline reimburseIilent " " 1.4488 Garrett's EssoStation, grease and oil jobs 1.4489 Penitentiary Ind. Dept. Uni:torms :tor deputies 1.4490 R. T. Biggs, paper and paste :tor dall 1.4491. ;r. d. N&wbdr;t7 Company, supplies :tor ;rall 1.4492 Vinton Fu.st Aid Crell, App. :tor Equipment :tund 1.4493 Valley Lumber Corp. Material.s for Fire Dept. 1.4494 Salem Hardware - Company, Mat. purchased :tor County use 1.4495 Fairview Home, monthly expenses 14496, Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec. monthly allotment &. nursing service 1.4497. Frank GUbert, d. P. "5 Lunacy Commissions 1.4498 d. C. Shelton Garage, greu1ng and washing car 1.4499 W. E. Lindsey, lllilage 14500 dames River Oil Company, Gasoline :tor Plant and Public Works 14501, Guy N. Hartman, registrar &. services :tor election 14502, TOWIl o:t Salem, lights and water " " " " " " " - " " " n n n n n d. E., Carper P. &. H. Plumbing &. heating &. Instal.ling new boiler 40!3.38 Roanoke Iron &. Bridge Works, cutting o:t:t, repairing &. replacing lock 1.45tl3 14504 n n 67.85 3.36 20.47 Tristate Elec. Supply Co. Elec. supplies for Courthouse , " J. ;r._ ~er Company, work on boiler Wi1.ey ~; Fuel &. Supp1.y, lumber and plaster :tor new room Roanoke :PS:per CompaDy; paper:t or dall ;r. I. Holcomb, Cleaning material.sand janitor supplies Brown Hardware Company, Cleaning materials &. supplies Lewis Brothers, coal :tor dail Salem Rescue Squad, annual app. to Salem Resque Squad W. E. Layman, stears-trucking 14505 14506 14507 14508 14509 14510 14511. 1451.2 14513 14514 14515 n " 27.61 11.00 30.35 2.65 14.00 100.00 435.00 " " " " " " " R. G. Wal.dron, Steers 1,023.1.2 I n , - Furman B. VIh1tescarver, legal services, expense o:t trip to Richmond 313.15 " 20.00 25.00 Paul B. Matthews, overtime work on annexation E. K. Mattern, trip to Richmond :tor annexation 14516 14517 1451.8 " " Leheigh Deve1.op. Corp. Construction o:t C. &. G. returns on B:a:t:ten St. Wmson. Rd. 25.00 14519 Virginia Seed Company, seed tor Com. Garden 2.90 14520 F. B. Thomas &. 'Company, material. :tor sewing room 166.83 14521. Singer Sewing Machine Company, materials :tor sewing room 1.30 14522 Hix Pal:lIler Company, material. :tor sewing room 76.43 14523 Scott Grocery Company, paper for sewing room 2.68 I " " " , " n " n u o o m .~ '11. B. Krebbs Supply Company, 2 150 1.b. cylinders chlorine, WInson. 21..75 . Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 K. Mattern., ExeG. Officer, for reimbursement of cash :f'un4 WlnsaJ.78.42 , Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 Public Asst. 5398.49 27.53 < No. 14521,. M. A. Carroll, sharpening shears " 14525 14526 14527 1.4528 Boswell Realty Company, rent for N. Y. A. " - E. K. Mattern, Exec. Officer, reimbursement of cash C. &. P. Telephone Co~ phone service, i~son. Rd. San. Dist. No.1. Sal.em Hardware Company"Mat. for WIllson. Rd. WIllson. lid. San, NO. 1 Dis't. " " " Chalmers Ferguson, Coll. of Delinq. P. Dist. No._1. Noland Company, sewer supplies, WInson. P.Taxes, WInson. Rd. San. " l4529 1.4530 1.4531. E. 14.532 E. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 " " " 1.4533 14534- 1.4537 A. M. Bowman, Jr. Treas. interest on bonds Chalmers Ferguson, Com. on Delinq. P. P. Taxes ~ ' Roanoke County Board of Wel:f'are, to transfer to Va. Fund " " " 14542 14543 Mrs. C. S. Philmey, supplies for Bookmobile $ .50 10.00 392.42 9.06 8.59 .54 3;;'09 22.50 1.83 Miss :Mae Hawkins, purchase of materials for making publicity posters 5.00 II' . " -1.4.544 FraIlk S. Black, services on Lunacy comm.ission 1.4.545 Dr. Cbas. W. Pu'tney, doctor's services on Lunacy collimissions 1.4546 Dr. A:1.ex. i.Rl:lbertson,doctor's services on LUIlS.CY comm.issions 14547 Wal'ter L. Davis, services as deputy sheriff on Lunacy comm.ission 14548 Russell Smiley, 8 coroner cases and telephone call " " " " < , - IN BE: DOG '!AXES, SHEEP (!T,All.r.>: &.c: 3.25 5.00 5.00 3.50 41.13 - The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the tunds, respectively, chargeable there with, to-wit: No. 1.4535 Mrs. Fl.ora Stidham, two chickens killed by a dog 14536 Commonwealth of Virginia, ~ra dog tags ordered 14538 John D. Coles, ducks killed by dogs 1.4539 Mrs.~. B. Fal.well, chickens killed by dogs 1.4540 J. A. Boone, 46 dogs killed and $2.00 each 1.4541 W. E. Jobe, 1. goat killed by dogs " " " " ~ 11 The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: < 2.50 1.59 10.00 5.40 92.00 . _l~QO A. M. BO'WMllN, dR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and ex:pe!lSes account tor the month of..sep'te:ll4le~iU'l4l.,~e)0211l; one-third of wlUch, amounting to $343.61, payable by the state, and two-thirds, amounting to $687.23, payable by the County. , W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue, salaries for month of September, 1941, $780.84, one-third of. which, amounting to $260.28, payable by the state, and two- thirds, amounting to $520.56, payable by the County; . E. W. CHELF, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, salaries for month of September, 1.94i, $408.33, one:haif of which payable by the State, amounting to $204.17, and one-halt by the County, amount to $201;..16; And, on motion, duly s econa.ed and carried, it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued to the above-named parties for the county's part of said accounts, and said accounts are ordered filed. ~." . t". . .,..... ~-7:2) P,CP,~tl{ , ~ I of~"1..i , o . A petition signed by S. ;r. ;rones, Mr &. Mrs. D. C. Gregory, and sundry other property owners on the street 'known as Forbes Road, starting from near the center of road #731, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 30 foot right of way, including additional widths for cuts and fills, approxilnate mileage 1/3 mile; A petition signed by A. H. Hudson, Marie E. Casey, and sundry other property owners and residents on the streets known as Morwanda &. Victoria Sts. of South Edgewood Addition, which streets are now 50 ft. wide, and have already been opened to the public, including additional widths for cuts and fills, appro:ima.te mil.eage .37 mile; said petitioners requesting that said roads or streets be included in the Department of Highways Secondary System for construction and/ or maintenanoe; On motion of SUpervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, '0 , - . it is ordered that the petitions and or requests for inclusion of said roads and or streets into the State Highway Secondary System for either maintenance or oonstruction,or both, this day presented to this Board be referred t!) the Publio Works Engineer for aotion as set forth in the General Road Petition Order adopted November 18, 1940. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Riohardson, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, and H. W. Starkey. ' Nays: None. o Copy of letter dated Ootober 6, 1941, addressed to Hon. Clifton A. Wooa.rum, , - House of Representatives, Washington, D. C., and signed by the members of this Board; copy of letter from F. C. Peder~on, State Fo;ester, to Hon. Clifton A. Woodrum, , , Rouse of Representatives, Washington, D. C., said letter dated October 18, 1941, and a letter 'dated October 18, 1941, from F. C. Pederson, State Forester, to Roy K. Brown, Clerk of the Court of Roanoke County, ooncerning emplo:yment of v Mr. W. L. Boone at C.C.C. Camp at Catawba, were this day laid before the Board,and ordered filed. 0: IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~ , On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the annual report of Leslie A. Kimble Co., Accountants, which covers the audit of Roanoke County finances for the fiscal year ending ;rune 30, 1941, and which audit has been approved by L. McCarthy Downs, Auditor of Public Accounts, be, and it hereby is, approved and ordered filed. Letter dated September 29, 1941, from L. :McCarthy Downs, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed; Adopted by the follOwing reoorded :rote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. Statement of 1941-1942 Budget of Roanoke County \'ielfare Board expenditures ordered filed. EMERGENCY BOILER REPAIRS: On motion 01: Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, J ~M-r '2..If{,}n it is ordered-that the emergency action 01: W. E. Lindsey, Purchasing Agent, in e.,~IDY <("'" .~,letting bids and awarding contract 1:or the repair' and replacement 01: the boiler C, 'f in the Courthouse and McClung Building, be and it hereby is approved. Be it 1:urther . '1'1'31*1 ordered that the sum 01: $435.00 be and it hereby is allocated to the Budget item . '~&.L ~'" 7)'1('. 'rn ie. ')...y._ or .''€,,~'t! '7":!J;'tl \~'l..f( ...~c., "r. t ~ :wi: ~ ...~~ ..'.. 'i'71'5i t> ~~,fh. ~~l~l under "Maintenance 01: Buildings and Grounds." - Adopted by the 1:0110wing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN RE: STORES FUND: On motion 01: Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the sum 01:'$500.60 be and it hereby is, allocated to a 1:und to be included in the present budget under the heading "Stores Account". Be it 1'u:L'ther - - ordered that a detailed account 01: all purchases under this account be kept by , 1;he PurChasing Agent and that the material issued under this account plus the inventory at the close 01: the 1:iscal Xear -eq,uai the sum originally allocated. Adopted by,the1:ollowing recorded vote: 0"_ Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W.' Starkey. Nays: None. IN RE: DRIVER FOR ?JTT:r,TA_O~T RO,AD , FIRE STATION:- {)n motion of- Supervisor; Mason L. Cook, second,ed by Super7isor L. D. Bell, it is - _. . ordered that the action 01: E. K. Mattern, Executive or1:icer, in employing W. B. Jarrett as driver at $75.00' per month, and C. L. Ferguson, as a relie1: driver at $25.00 per month, 1:or the Roanoke County F1:t-e Department, be, and it hereby is approved and con1'irmed. Salaries 01: these employees to be payable monthly, starting Oct. 1, 1941. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L., Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. E. K. Mattern, Executive 01:1:icer 01: this Board, presented a report of F)ll"!llaIl Whitescarver with re1:erence to associate attorneys in connection with the annexation proceeding now pending, the report being accompanied by a letter fDam :Messrs. Horace M. Fox and R. S. Kime, addressed to Furman Whitesca..""Ver under date 01: , October 11, 1941, setting 1:orth a schedule 01: 1:ees to be paid Messrs. Fox end Kime 1:0 services rendered. Whereupon, on motion 01: Supervisor T. C. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor , - Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the employment 01: Messrs. Horace M. Fox and R. S. K1me to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney, end Furman Whitescarver, hereto1:ore emplo ed, in and about the de1:ense 01: the "aniiexation proce~ding now pending against the County 01: Roanoke by the City 01: Roanoke be, end is, hereby rati1:ied, approved and con1'irmed, the compensation of Messrs. Fox and Kime to be as 1:ollows: I .1' , ' , I' I, v No. 14669 R. P. Johnsbn, Judge & Returns ror Election e- 11.00 -i> If 14670 La\vrence Legs, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14671 Clara L. Johnston, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14672 Fannie Ireson, Clerk for Election 5.00 If 1467) R. A. Phlegar, Clerk l' or Election 5.00 If 14674 F. M. Fisher, Judge & P-eturns ror Election 17.00 I If 14675 J. Vi. Patterson, Judge ror Election 5.00 If 14676 Bryan Beard, J'udge &. Returns 5.00 If 14677 A. T. :;?ope, Clerk for Election 5.00 - 14678 If Robert O. Ucl~eil , Clerk for Election 5.00 I If 14679 ';' R. Wilbourne, Judge & Returns for Election 10.50 .... If 14080 J. P. Johnson, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14681 C. M. Riggle, Services for Election 5.00 If 14682 K. L. Shoemaker, Services for Election 5.00 " 14683 T. G. Naff, Judge & Returns for Election 10.50 " 14684 T. M. Gilbert, Services for Election 5.00 If 14685 I.- C. Easter, J'udge for Election 5.00 " 14686 I. T. Hooker, Clerk for Electicn 5.00 " 14687 Clarence H. Garst, Clerk ror Election 5.00 " 14688 C. T. McGuire, Judge & Returns for Election 11.00 If 14689 :1. B. Ridgeway, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14690 C. ., Boone, Judge for Election 5.00 ~. If 14691 O. W. Boone, Clerk for Election 5.00 1/ ",' 14692 ,- If Frank A. Robertson, Clerk for Election 5.00 If 14693 C. L. Graham, Judge & Returns fpr E:ection 11.00 If 14694 T. H. :ifartin, Judge for El",ction 5.00 If 14695 R. V. Bell, Clerk for Election 5.00 If 14696 R. A. Henry, Services for Election 5.00 " 14697 E. A. Tayloe, Judge for Election 17.00 If 14698 C. T. Lockett, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14699 J. G. Starkey, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14700 Gertrude D. Brugh, Clerk for Election 5.00 If Ilj:101 Helen L. Pickett, Clerk fo~ El~~tion 5.00 If 1*702 Eugene o. King, Clerk & Returns for Election 11.00 If 14703 T. J. Killg, Services ror Ele ction 5.00 I If 14704 J. w. Lancaster, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14705 -.1. B. Woodrum, Clerk for Election 5.90 " If 14706 Taz Lancaster, Judge for Election 5.00 If 14707 H. S. Turner, Services for Election 10.60 I If 14708 " D. Eller, Services for Election 5.00 v. " 14709 J. M. 'iii11ett, Services for Election 5.00 If 14710 C. M. Spessard, Clerk for Election 5.00 If 14711 G. L Grisso, Clerk for Election 5.00 If 14712 Chalmers Ferguson, Services for Election 16.60 " 14713 '{[i11ia.:!ll Johnston, Services for Election 13.50 o o ,0 o ~":.' ~~ ..' , No. .. .. tr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1t 14714 O. R. Jooley, Services for Election 14715 I, C. Easter, Rent for Election 14716 A. M. Bowma~, dr. Treasurer, Salaries for October 14717 ~. C. Muse, Com. of Re~enue, Salaries for October 14718 Eugene~. Chelf, Com. Atty, Salaries for October 14719 fl.. 11. Bownan, dr. Treasurer, dury Compensation 14720 C. &. P. Telephone Co. Phone Serv.l.ce 14721 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office Supplies &. E~uipment 14722 Salem ~p.~d1mre Company, Materials for Courthouse &. Jail 14723 Salem Publishing Company, Publishing of Delin~uent Tax List and Bookkeeper!s Statement 14724 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on collection of Delin~uent P. P. Taxes 14725 Baptist Orphanage Printing Co. 300 Purchase Order Blanks 14726 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. repairs to Typewriters &. new machine 14727 d. P. Bell Company, forms for Clerk 1472B Henry Gwyn, Repairs to T~writer l4729 ROaIloke Stamp &. Seal Company, stamps l' or Purchasing Agt. &. Clerk 14730 Magic City Motor Corporation, repairs to cars 14731 O. G. Levas &. Company, repairs to cars 14732 Garrett's Esso Station, Grease &. wash on Sheriff's cars 14733 Gittens &. Morton Incp. bonds &. Insurance 14734 Communications Office, material used in repairing R. S. Lee's and D. S. McDaniel's Radios .. 14735 The Texas Company, Gasoline 14736 Russell Smiley, five coroner cases 14737 Dooley Printing Company, Printing for Sheriff &. Clerk 14738 Easter Supply Company, office supplies 14739 Sunnyside Awning &. Tent Co. material for Fire Department 14740 FOWlkes &. Kefauver, rent on:Fire Station 14741c Dowdy Electric Company, Material for Fire Department 14742 L. A. Ballard, Services in organizing and teaching Fire Department, To cover expenses also .. .. .. .. .. 14743 H. L. Brown, Electrical work 14744 Brown Hardware Company, Materials for Fire Dept. 14745 C. D. Reese, Badges for Fire Department 14746 Auto Spring &. Bearing, supplies for Fire Department 1t - 1t .. .. 14747 1474B 7[. S. Darley &. Co. Adjustable Fire Hydrant wrenches .. - Wentworth-Forman Co. Inc. Supplies for Fire Department .. 14749 Standard Oil Co. of N. d. Essoheat for Fire Department .. 14750 Fairview Rome, Operating costs for October 14751 Singer Sewing Jeachine Company, neddles fc' sewing' room 14752 F. B. Thomas &. Co., Supplies for Sewing Room 14753 Hix-Palmer Company, Inc., Dress snappers for sewing room .. .. tr ~ 15.50 2.00 768.22 520.56 204.16 3.50 74.56 10B.92 76.57 306.30 ,I 20.59 12.00 172.35 64.65 2.90 4.75 104.19 56.40 17.03 210.00 3.40 153.92 25.00 13.25 0.35 24.30 110.00 46.10 15.00 17.40 13.17 7.58 7.22 5.55 6.00 B.90 293.52 1.50 43.73 3.BB __.___J~. , No. ,14758 James River Oil Co., Gasoline for Plant 35.36 14759 Everson-Ross Company, Badges for Public works 9.87 14760 State Farm Mutual Insurance Co. premiUJll on Elec. Inspector's car 10.74- 14761 General Tire &. Rubber Co. tires for Public works &. sheriff 60.97 14762 w. E. Lindsey, mileage on car 15.85 14763 Harris Ser~icc Station, repairs &. Lubrication 17.35 14764 Burrough A.dding Machine Co. one !"ibbon coupon book 6.00 14765 B. K. Elliott Compa~, bl1.Le print &. mapping supplies 24.05 14766 Dowdy Electric Company, wiring ~aterials for courthouse 6.02 " 14754 Sarah E. Blacb1ell, Sec. Medical Bills for Pub~ Health 14755 Frank Gilbert, J. P. Tvro Lunaoy Cases 14756 J. R. Taliaferro, trip to Lynchburg 14757 J. C. Shelton Garage, greasing &. repairs to T. Car $ 325.00 32.20 11.70 2.50 I 61.75 85.90 14.00 53.5$ 12.60 4.50 3.48 7.50 ' 18.52 I " " " " " " " " " " " " - 14767 J. E. Carper, plUJllbing for County buildings 14768 To\~ of Salem, light &. water for county buildings 14769 Levas Brothers, Coal for McClung Building 14770 Thurman &. Boone Company, LinoleUJll for Judge Keister's office 14771 Robert Frye, work at oourthouse 14772 Nelson Hardware Company, two gals. Dixon AluminUJll Paint 14773 valley LUJllber Corporation, supplies for annexation 14774 H. L. Brown, wiring for Courthouse 14775 W1ley Feed, Fuel &. Supply, material for Jail 14776 Dowo,y Electric Company, Electrical supplies 14777 ~ockydale ~uarries Corporation, lime for County farm 0.85 20.90 14778 J. C. Parrott, hearing of Equalization Board 20.00 14779 R. S. Kime Attorney, work on annexation, to oover services 150.00 through the month of October 31,1941 " 14794 14795 14796 Roanoke Concrete Produots Co. Concrete Sewer Pipe, amson. Rd. San. Dist. Old Virginia Brick Company, 2,000 Common hard brick Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. Virginia Metal llf'g. Company, bands for plant, 1imson. Rd. San. Dist. " " " " " " " " " .. " - " " 14780 Horace K. Fox, Attorney, work on annexation, to cover services rendered through October 31st, 1941 275.00 " 14781 Furman B. yrnitesoarver, work on annexation 300.00 " 14782 E. P. Dillon, hearing of Equal. Bd. &. I~l 14783 Boswell Realty, rent for IITA 1478~ R. D. Hurt, hearing of Equalization Bd. 14785 A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer, reimbursement for Amt. Overage 23.00 10.00 20.00 51.51 2.80 75.00 I ~ " " .. 14786 14787 14788 :1.4789 14790 C. B. Malcolm, four blueprints for annexation John C. Seibel, rent for Garbage disposal lot 360.00 " E. K. Mattern, to reimburse oash fund Harris Servioe Station, material for Plant, .meon. Rd. San. Diet. 4.25 5.60 " " 21.75 30.00 I " " " Robert Frye, work at plan~ Tmson., Rd. San. Dist. .. 14793 Joseph G. Pollard Co., Cut in Conneotions, Tmson. Rd. San. Dist. 68.30 " 14791 E. B. Krebbs supply Company, 300 lbs. oylinders ohlorine , Wmson. ltd. San. Dist. 14792 The Dorr Company, 1'eloo packing, 7i'llBon. Rd. San. D1st. " 151.19 34.00 19.76 On the motion or Supervisor I.. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that the-County assUme"the responsibility or contracts'with the ~~. i. ~_ k. r-, ! I ."", . . .Appalachian Electric Power Company ror street lights already installed in various sections or Roanoke County, 'the number or such lights taken over by the County not to exceed twelve. /';')'7/4 I Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUllervisors I.. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: !lone. A letter dated Deoember 11, 1941, rrom E. R. .Tohnson, in regard to bill ror six lights in Lakewood Colony, ordered riled. E. R. .TOHNSON ) J VS J m PUBLIC AED .T. A. ANDERSON, ~ ; STATE K.!:G-liWAY.CQ~IO~~_u L ORDER APPOIETING YJJ!OI'I.I!iltS. Tlds day came E. B. .Tohnson, by counsel,. who begged leave to rile a petition ror the closing or a certain street, ,or road located in Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Yirginia, whioh leave is granted, ana the :petition, acoomparled ~y a' plat or -the saii"street or road sought to be olosed, and the arridavit as to the post- ing or t~e notioes is hereby riled. And. it appearing.to -this Board upon the said petition that the petitioner has duly and legally published, a:s is required by law, a notice or his application to the Board ror the closing or the street or road described in the petition; that the,pub- lication or notice was had by proper' posting in three places, one or whioh is at the ~' '2j/r/<f.! front door or the Court, House or Roanoke County, Virginia, aDd one on each end or the ~' ",. :~~- - .. street or road 'herein sought to be !::lased, all or which is veriried by an arridavit appended to the said petition; And it appearing ,to the B=d that at least twenty days have elapsed since the posting of the above desoribed notice, and this Board having rully considered saidp~- tition. aDd being or the opinion that the petitioner is entitl-ed to the appointment or viewers, it is hereby ordered 'tha't .T. W. Gri'ggs, C. A. Graham, R. A. Henry, R. V. Bell and Ed. Grisso, rive freeholders re~iding in Roanoke' County, Virginia', (any three ~r \IT m may aot) 'be, and they are hereby appointed as viewers; who, af'ter rirst having been dul sworn, as required by law, shall view the said street or road, and hear such evidence, it'ti.rrT maybe or,rered, and report in writing pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided, whether, in their opinion, any, and 1r any, what inconvenience wpUld re- sult rrom vacating, closing and discontinuing said street or road as prayed ror in the petition. On motion or I.. D. Bell, Supervisor, seconded by Mason I.. Cook, Supervisor, aDd carried by unanimous vote, it was ordered that the above order be entered. On roll call the votes were as rollows: Ayes: I.. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson Nays i None. ~ Pastor First ~thodist Episcopal Chv.rch, Salem, Claude E. Evans, Direotor Roanoke Distriot Adult Work, M. E. Churches, City and County or Roanoke, Ben F. Moomaw, . . . ~ . Seoretary, Ro~oke Chamber or Commerce, B~llard E. Webb" Mayor S. P. Seifert, and Mrs. ;r.w. Van Dorsten, Mrs. R. N. Vaughan, and Mt-s. Welrord Trey1llian, _ . H from the Roanoke City Junior Woman's Club, this day appeared berore the Board and urged the 'Board to pass an ordinanoe regulating tourist camps in Roanoke' CountYt ;r. H. Jarrett, operator or Traveltown, Cloverdale, Va., also appeared berore the Board, ~nd stated that he too would like to see an ordinance regulating tourist camps in this area passed; ,Arter due consideration, this Board is or the op~on that some sort or tourist cemp regulations are evidently needed, but reels that the matter could be better handled l?y Statewide legislation" rather than by l<;lcal, ordinance, and takes no aotion on said request. I Le'tter dated Dec. 9, 1941, rrom Haymond Cardwell, Secretary Roanoke Methodist Jlini.s'ters' Conference, le'tter dated Dec. 3, 1941, rrom-C. G. Q.uesenbery, exoerpt rromminutes or Meeting or Virginia Conservation Commission,held in Ricbmond, ", .. -_ ,Pe,stor Garden City Baptist Churoh Va., ,November 2e, 1941, letter rr.om Rev. L. C. Hall;/dated Nov. 2g,,1941... _ resolutions rrom the Valleydoah Chic League; Revised List as or ~ch 1, 1940, or Names and Addresses or Legislative Agents and their"Employers, letter dated " , , November 29, 1941, rrom Claude E. Evans, Director Roanoke District Adult Work, 11. E. ChlU'ohes in the City and County or Roanoke, and anS'li'er or L. D. BelI, , Chairman Board or Supervisors, Roanoke County, said let'ter dated December 4, 1941, Were this' day laid-berore the Board, and. ordered riled. r " Miss Bancy Ellison, representative or the State and District Otrices, W P A Sewing RoOm. Projects, this day appeared before -the, Board;, and disoussed the new set- - .. up rOT W P A Sewing Room' Projeot t'or Roanoke 'Coui:lty. Arter 'clue consideration, it ..-. .. - .. - ~ was de,oided to derer any aotion on new set-up, but to oontinue the present project under the appropriation as made on July 1st, 1941. Letter-dated December 2, 1941, rrom Dr. Wm. R. Staurrer, Commissioner or Public Welfare ordered riled. The opinion or E. 'IV. Chelr, Commonwealth's A'ttcriley.. in re13Ponse to a request from 'this Board as to wnetfisr or not it is obligatory upon the Sheriff of this County to admit to this jail Federal prisoners, was this day, laid berore the Board, and ordered riled. I copy or a ~/~etter dated November 29, 1941, rrom C. P. "ohnston, Resident Engineer, addresse to'F,'A.Davis, District Engineer, was this day laid berore the Board, and, ordered fil d. A" le'tter dated December 12, 1941, rrom Roanoke' County Publio Health Assooiation, by T. ;r. Andrews, President, addressed to this Board, expressing the appreciation ror the appropriation made by the Board toward the installation costs or the new' heating plant at Mercy House, was this day laid berore the Board, and ordered riled. ~, 4. WRll:m!A!'l; said aimemtion suit, it suooessrully prosecuted, by said City or :Roanoke, 'lrili "require both County ,and City to expend large SUDIS,01l, oapital'improvemen s and inoreaaethe local taz burden o~ both City ,and County residents. whiCh is oon- ,trary .:to ,the.. expressed desire or the President or the Un1t~d States-; and.. 5. II "K"'U"', suoh expense and,suoh feeJ.ingl[l,will derini'teiy react to the harm ,or the national derensaeffort and cause a laok or co-operation in Civlllar. DereJ188 'errortSj ancl 6. ."..wld!'!, the Board or, ,Supervisors,andme.ny ,other, oitizens or both Roanoke ' . . County aiid.~BOiUioke CUy believe that ,"to prooeed,w1th,sucl1...alocal, oontrov~ at this - ~~ ... tiJl& lIill seriously hinder the detense errQn ot thia,ant.1.re area. NOI', 'I'ml!lmi'03E.. BE IT RESOLVED ,TlU\.T the Board ot Sup&r'rlsors or Roanoke County , ~ herebyoU1c18.:ihr req~t -tlie,'C:1tyC~~Cll of the citi or.Roanoke to deter their pre- sent AnnAXlli:.lon proceecl1ngs ror the duration or 'the war. Be it. rurther resolved "that said City Counoil berequea:t;ed1;oem;e1'- into a 00- ope~tive study with the BoardLorsul'erdsOrsor BoanokaCoun:t.y looking toward ,the .. - ... ~ ~eetion ,or ,an. equi.talUe. solution to the presen:t problema,~, expans;on-and looking "tOWard th& eventual consolidation or overlapping government~, runetions and thus assuring a"grea:t17 increased etricienoy in looal gGTernment. on lIIDtion ot SUperrlsor L.D. Bel.l,saeonded by Supervisor!. O. Riohardson, it i ordered :tha:t..tb8 iorego1ngr~soiu:tion be adoptsd, ami .that copi~sor :this order be sen't toC. E. H~er~Ci"ty At'torney, Roanoke, Va., and to,WalterW.,W004, Jlayor, Roanoke, -va:, ~ to sPeoial counsel F. B. 'lhitescarver, Salem, Va. .AdopW by the, ,tollowing, recorded :vote: 4es: SllperTiBor L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, and Mason L. Cook. liQ-s: li~ne. yrr,T,TAlIRON ROAD SEIER m:NTAL CHARGl"...8 On lIID'l;i.Qn-orsv.perrlsor iraSoii. L:- Cook," seCOna84 bi: Sup8rrlsor, L. D. Bell, it is . . - ~ - ordered thai;, eUeo:t;ive:.January 1, ~, .:the rental Charges_de ror use or the I'llliA..aon Road .Sewerage, System, be, reduCed twenty per cent-from" the origil:lal oharges Se't 1Jl) iA-the ordinanoe.. passed by the Board 01' Supervisors -on Kay 9-, 1938 and emende JUlIe 21., 1938. !he revised sohedule errective January 1, 1942 to be as roUows: Un11; Chs.rge per month .80 Residenoe Tourisio Home - 1st 'tWO ba"th units 1.20 , Tourist Rome - each additional bath units Dup1U ~11888 .40 1.20 .80 , - Ape...-tmsn"t Houses - 1st. apartment ApartIII8!lt Houses -eaoh additional apartment ifoUl'lst _ ea:m.ps - 1st. bath unit ~ouriat. Camps - each additional bath unit .40 .80 .16 1.20 .80 . - Service Sta"tion Servioe Garages ,I I I 'C.'~.,' I I ".0 BusinessBQ11dings, ,1st. bath unit Business Buildings, each additional unit Schools Churohes and ,Churoh owned parsonages Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: ~s: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D~ Bell, and T. O. Riohardson .80 .40 r 4.00 lIfo charge , Nays: None " o i'heCommittee appointed at the ~ast Deting o'fthis. Board, to investigate all , - contraots in erlstence.-.conaern1ng lIaroy House Spring, isoontintl8d until the next mnting or this Board. R~ C. lIAIC:&o....o'f Cave Spring Distriot, ,th1a..day appeared before ,'the Board, and requeSted thai' neoesaBr,- siepsb~en 'to give the Board of Supervisors ~utho:dty to post a reward ror,1nrormation leading to the arres't, and convict4.~n or Bll7 person or persons-,steA11'1g dogsin,Roanoke County, and also sug.gested that this 1'6ward be paid out or the dog 'ts: fund or Roanoke Count}:; 1ihe1'61lponon lIIQtion or Supervisor T: O. .R1ohardson,seconded by SUpervisor "so , L.Cook, the, ma'tter is rermed to E. K. Jr8.ttern" cOunty EDou'tlve01'iicar,,"and,;' - . Common1l8alth's At'torney, E. 'If. Chelf, to be :taken Up1l1th'BenJa:m1n E. Chapman, r8- Presenta'tive' of-lioflnolre cOunty, -in the House or Delegates. .Al'i.r,pted by:the 'follOwing recorded vote: 4es: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, l6S.son L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: :50:118. ..., n .. A letter !'Ated ileoember ~6, 1941, from, Homer K. Bowen, Eaoutiv8,-Secretary, So11th1ies-tern V1rg~, Incorporated, said- letter addr~ssed:tO .Luther D: -Bell,Chair- ,,1IIIUl or this.BOard, requesting theta photograph or 'the member.: ot the -~d and -, ' other Courty orricials be taken and: rurther in regard to mem.b&rship by the County in said organization, was 'this day laid berore the Board,andordersdriled; Uponoonst4eration whereor, on motion, or Supervisor,T. O. Riohardson, seoonded by Supervisor ](ason L. .Cook, it is ordered,tha-t the County or Roanoke no't reSlllll8 membership in Southweetern Virginia, Incorporated, a-t th1st1me. Copy or this order to be rorwarded to Homer K. Bowen, Executive Secreta:t:Y. Adopted by the 'following recorded vote: qes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, ,.son L. Cook and L. D. Bell. r',.", ~ Nays: None. ;;:r- '/"'",/'fi- , . "'.' cJ...''''Z{ ~,--},.i,~ "'~,. '.'...'.."..,. ','" %----, . .; W'1'~' -y-- . '1-v1'f .... '12M- ",-r., .".~..c., /1 ?-1't" ~rM. <r~~ ~, \{.'fr\ c...~,(b~ II Y'1"P' , ." L. D. Bell., Chairman or 'this Board, this day ,reported to the Board'that he had - . - inspected the ;Jill or Roanoke County, and round same in ship shape. B. A. Warriner, or the Extension Division, BlaCksburg"Va., this'dayappeared be fore the -Board, and requested that the -.Boarcl gr~:t..Xdwar.d,ll.'-;rones, County Agricultm- Agent, a leav-e or abaenoefor ~ dUty~ and aske4 ,thatthe.--&ard, ,emPJq;r;. ,:ii. B. W:I1H""'''''n. Ass1stant.Agrioultural Agent or Roanoke County, in the plaoe 'or JIr~ Jones I , . u:1tll his release. from the army; lJpon cOll"ideration ..here or , on motion. or Supervisor v..l!on L. Cook, seoonded by su~~ :'. ~. ~chardson, it is ordered tha-t:,the aa1.d. request. .~, gran'ted, and that I the sai4 Ed1lllrd )(.,~OJl8S be, released aa ,County AgriC.ul'tural Agen.t..!' ,Roan.oke County for the duraUon or the war; and that J. -R. B.:W1ll181l1SOn be"!iPpointedActi11g -Agricul- tural Agent for the County during the ~bse~~ or Mr. .Tones, at the same salary now authorized. ror thesa1d. Agricul'turalAgent. Adopted. by. ,the. fallowing, recorded vota: ~8S: SUpervisors "son L. Cook, T. O. NaTS i Non.e. \ I , Ric~son and L. D. Bell., On 'the JIIOtion ,or SUpe%T.1sor L. D. Bel;L, seconded by Supervisor Jl'ason L. COOk, the ~ial- Justice. or Roanoke Countyis,~reby a)1th~rized 1;0 piy to J'rank"Gllbei-:t,' t.he. docketing fees., 1ii all notices or motion in oivil oas~s ~rough't in. said Trial Just.1ce' Cotl1"t. Adopted by the rollow1ng recorded vote: Ayes': SUll8rvisors L. D. Bell, "son L. Cook and f. 9. Richardson. . , Nays: None. A letter dated .January 9, 1942, rrom. Najor Edward Bowes, addressed to theCha1r- man. or "th1a Board, ralaUve 'to ,"Roanoke Night" broadcast" was this day laidbef'ore the Board" and ordered riled. A letter dated December 3, 1941," rrom W. L. Black, Cb.airJIuan., Board or Supervisors Pittqlvania County, -Ya., addressed to ,the Ci~ or this Board,- relative -to trans- portation at iwPils t,Q and rrom ,schoo11n the Counties or Virginia, and which, at the last meeting of this Board, 1Rl.8 turned over to -the Chairmaii 'f,or reply, toge'ther with the Chairman. ',s answer to said letter, were this day "laid before the Board and ordered riled. On. the ,motion of Supervisor ,Jl'ason L. Cook, secon(!.ed by SUllsr.visor T. O. Richards it is' ordered that A. lLBowman., ir., ~easurer or Roanoke Coun.ty l in c~i1aiice with resolutions adopted'by-'th1s Board 'Aug~t 17th, 1936~.and NoVember 16.th, 1938, turn o:t'81' 1;0 the. a.sl1nq~t tax ~llectOr or Roanoke County tor collection" as of' :February 1st, 1942, so much or the 1939 delinquent person8J. property tax list as. r"""i;;"un- I collected as or that ,date; provided, however, that prior to the delivery or said de- I I I , "'-..: I ".:0:" " " I · I 1,.,.01 -- L i, I 1.0 1 o o .-~., linquent list 'to the delinquent tax, colleotor ~y 'the Treasurer, tha't an audit-or said Treasurer's delinque:1't personal property acc.ount.s ror said yearbe-made, and that ll8 , ~ be given proper credit ror all remaining uncollected balanoes- or said deJ.inquen't lis'!; delivered 'to the said delinquent tax COllector, and tha't 'the said deJ.1nquent tax collec'tor be eJ.lo1J8d the same salary and comm.1ssion as all.owed him ror ,collections made in :the year 1.939. Adop'ted by the,rollowing reoorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bel-l. l!iays: lione. On 'f;ha, mo1;1on or SUpervisor, L. D. Bell, seconded by Su;perv~ MaS011 L. 'Cook", J. A.' Boone" County Game Warden, is he~yauthor1zed ,to .e~loy an,Assis1;~t. Ge. Warden- at a s81ar;y oj seveli,t,.-rive dollars {t7;.OO,}, per month, to 5mB until the- further order ,ot 'this Board, whose duties shall co~s1st o:t oheok1ng,unlicenseddogs ...- in Roanoke Coun'ty, and, pioking, up stray dogs, as calls come in; said: Assistan't Game Warden 1;0 personally make a monthly report to this Board as to the nUlllber,of, persons arres'ted for. having unl.ioensed- dogs, and tll8 number or unlicensed dogs, killed., The salarY orsai4 Assistant Game. Warden to begin as or Jan1la17 20, 1942. Adop'ted by'tll8 rOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D~ Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: - None. I I I BUDllET'~: 'On -mot10>>.-,Of .superv.isor. L., D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor, Mason L. Cook, it is ,,- 'oriel'84 'that a, buage.t comm.ittee be ~d i1< hereby is, a~ed, to :compii.e,' ~., malal,l'e- collllllendations ,thereto. the budge't ror the r1scal. year elW ing ,June 30, 1943. Said coJlllll1'tteeto' ,be OOll\llosed orE. K. !Ifa't:ter.n, Execu'tive, 01'rice~.A. M. Bowman. Jr., Treasurer.- ,and R., E. Cook, SUperintendent or SeAools. I't is hr1oher- ordered -that the Budget CoDiitee submi't a .balAnoedbudget esti- JII&.'t~ 'the revanua on:the pr.esant .1~2; baa8 levy on eaohtlOO.OOo:f' assessed valua~ tion; 'that there be no capital outlaY' ror any building program 'this riscal year; and tha't all surplus runa.s.ror .the :t1scal year ending, June :1J, 1942. and anticipated sur- plus ror the ;year ending ;rune 30, 1943, be set aside in said budget ror post war pUblic works program. Adop'ted by the rOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell. Mason L~ Cook and T. O. RiOhardson. Nays: . None.' k' E. R. Johnson ) J VB j J !!'he Public and J. A. Anderson. J Ste. te Hig!rlra:s" COllIllI!ssioner J Order discontinuing a certain street or :road in Lakewood Colo~. - I't appearing, to the Board or SUllervisors or RoanQke County, upon the petition . - - E. R. JOhnson, which petition was rilad herein on the l;thday or Deoelllllor, 19U . pursuan't to the provisions or Section ;220 or the Code or Virginia, as amended by t Aots or the General Assembly or 1940, and ChapterS; (a) espeoially Section 2039, Sub- S80'l;10:l1 (9-) as amended by the Aots or the General AsS~blyor 1940j and arter due ,and - - legal. notice bad been given to "the Public as to th8 riling af the aroresaid petition, ~~Qh appe8r4 ,trom ,an' order heretarore entered herein by the Board or Supervisors,at a meeting or, said Board held on the 15th day ar December, 194i, in the -County Rouse Building, to, whioh rererence is herein hadlt and which said ord~ appo1uted vie~ers ror the I purpose ar Viewing all or tl1at portion or sa1ds~eet or road, as shown on plat accom- panying the pliltition rUeclinthis ,procee~g; And u.pon the report or r01lr or the rive. vie1lllrs appointed as ~oresaid, :to-wit: R A~ Henry, R. V. Bell, ;r. W. Griggs, and Ed. Grisso, riled with the Clerk or the BoUa.' or, 'superrlsars o1'.Boa:noka 'Couuty, Virginia,.Tanuan-Sth,..1942,and JrA1.ch report is ~ . ~ -. . dated .Tanllar7- 7th, 1942, and to whioh raport, no, exoeptions. have been ,riled, aad 1'if1;toh ,I report is"ta ,the ettec1;that thesaijl.viewers weJ:'e BJ1d are nnAnitnnoUS+y-ar 'the opinian that no incanv.en1anoe1lOuldresnl.t -to, any person, or to the Public :from disoontinuing and '9ll.oat1ng the a1'oresaidportian, or s~d :Esrs1nger road; It turther., appearing to the Board or Supervisorsrrom the evidence before said . .. Board,. that due ,not10e was given ot the tiling or the peti't1al1j tha't the viewers have reported tavarallly to, the prayer ot the petitIon; aDiI. tllat there would be no 'inconven- ience :tram olOsing the sa:mej that all the land propr1etora alOIlg the said road have 'bean notir1ed- ar,the repart or said viewers,j and it ;further appearing to the Board rr ev1danoe,introduced b.rore 11; that there is no need whatsoever ror,meping. Oll6n tbat partion at. said Pars1nger road sa,ught to. be discontinued; and it still,1'urther appear- .1ng to 'th...Board" :that the above ..referred to. oport1an-ot road has never -been, aotually laid aut...a:a4o.peJied on the sround t01J'ehloular travel.; that 1t serve& no. particlllar purpose whatsoever; aml "that it is, not .used ror tra.vel p.urposes by thepu'bliC, or any person in tile OOlIIllUlI11ty in whioh it is situate, and tha't no injury w1llbe done to any 1nd1'Yidual or the publiC :from the closiT'g 1;hereot; It is. ,thera1'ore ordered that ,that portionot said road or street be, and .the same is hereby discontillued, vacated and olosed. TI:Ia Clerk or the Circuit Court o'r Roanake ,Ccunty, Vir~,1s hereby autharized d1reO-ted iomark-the. _ discOntinued,"vacated 'and olosed, and to make a"praper re- rerenoe an the map or Lakewood Colony, whioh map,1s or reoord in t!J.. Clerk's Onioe or - the Cirouit Court ar ~B11(l1ce CoUnty, Virginia, and ,also make rererenoe to the 1Iinute Book 'or the :Board or Supervisors or Roanoke Caunty, Virginia, ~nd the page wherein and , . - wherean this or4er is spread. Upon a oall ror ~ aye and nay vote on the roregoing, the - staod as rollowB; Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richards:ln, and Mason L., Coak. :NayB+' None I I Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in February, 1942. ~.lffd>>t Chairman. ________1, 315.. W. E. Lindsey, Mileage on Car $ 196.50 :325.00 22.85 1.87 6.30 4.00 7.10 6.40 14.00 86.46 28.00 167.:38 45.45 14.17 24.06 9.00 15.45 :3.55 25.20 1:3.22 J:,55O.00 .21.00 5.20 :312.50 :375.00 10.00 :360.00 47.9:3 28.62 14.75 ' No. 1515:3 A., M. Bowman" .Jr., Treas. Registrat or Vital Statistics " 15154 Sarah E. Blackwell, Sec. Medical Bills8.nd Saiary or PHN o o o 15175 Salem Grocery Company, Material ror Nursery, Cleaning 15176 Horace M. Fox, Services ror Annexation 15177 R. S. K1me, Attorney, !.egal Services ror Annex. 15178 Bos-weli Realty Company~ Rent of 1'YA Building " 15155 15156 15157 ,-15158 15159 15160 15161 15162 1516:3 15164 , 15165 15166 15167 15168 15169 '15170 15171 15172 i517:3 15174 , -. Gottschalk's Garage, Service on Elec. Insp. Car - , O. G. Lewis &. Co., Inc., Repairs to Cars A. L. ;iar'tman, ;rr., .Rent ror last 2 elections " Mrs. Willie L. Richardson, Services at elec'tion F. W. "Dodenhorr, Services at election Littrell Brothers, Staining &. Varnishing Tables Town or Salem, Water &. Current' for County B. , Lewis Brothers, Coal ror McClung Bldg. Old Dominion Coal, Iron &. Coke, Coal f or Courthouse Wiley Feed, Fuel &. Supply, Materials ror Reps. &. Annex. Salem Electric service, Repairs to Courthouse &. ;rail B. K. Elliott Company, Supplies ror Orrice o. T. Har'tman, Two Vibrators for P. Radios Harris Service S1;ation, Repairs to Cars Gaylord'Bros. Inc. ,Supplies ror Bookmobile . Miller-Bryant-Pierce, Carbon Paper ror Drrices C. B. Maloolm, Engr. Pi-ints ror Annexation .Aer~ Service Corporation, Aerial"Photograph ror Annex. Roanoke Photo 'Finishing, Cellophane ror AnnexatIon - Eur.man Whitescarver, Legal Services &. Expenses - - Roanoke County Public Health Assoo. NYA Materials .salem Foundry &. Machine Works, One Oak Desk . Baptist Orphanage Printing Co., Printil.ng ror G. Derense W. Y. C. White, Clerk, Copy or Opinion ror Annex.. Tristate Elec. Supply Co., Mat.ror C. Derense 2.00 8.:32 555.12 " " " It " It " " " It It It It It It It - '. It . It . . It It 15179 15180 15181 15182 1518:3 15184 15185 15186 , " E. K. Mattern, Executive Orricer, to_Reimbm:se Cash Fund Harris Service Station, ~pairs to 'lruck, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 10.58 It It It . It It .. . 15187 ,E. B. Krebbs Supply Co. Two Cylinders Chlorine, Wmson. :Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 21.75 , .. 15188 The Texas Company, Gasoline :for Plant, Wmson. Rd. San. Dis't. No. 1 4:3.99 ~,' ~ 15189 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office Supplies ror Plant, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 15190 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co. One car Heater. ror Truck, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 It .. 2.70 8.10 It 15191 Abe Huddleston, Repairs to'Dodge Truck, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 2.00 .. 15192 Chalmers Ferguson, Co11. or Del1nq. P. ,P. Taxes, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. ,1 1.32 1519:3 c. &. P. Telephone Company, Phone Service at Plan't, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 10.0:3 15194 Antrim Motors, Inc., Repairs to Dodge Truck, Wm.son. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 11.58 It " ~~ ~T U~. 1-/'7/'1" No~ 15195 II 15196 II 15197 II 15198 II 15199 Charles E. Baker, Foam Extinguisher, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 Chalmers Ferguson, 'Delinq. Tax Collection $ 31.21;. 1.40 7.00 2.00 123.31 I - ' Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Seat Covers ror Car ;r. E. 'Atkins, Rent ror 'Election at Reeses' Store E. K. Mattern, Executive Orricer, Reimbursement or Cash Fund Wmson. Rd. ,San. Dist. No. 1 I. IN ,BE: DOG TAXES, SEEEP CLAIMS &C: , The :foliowing claims against' the County were this d~llresented, proved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out or the, runds, respeotively, chargeable there- with. to-wit: I No., 15200 E. K. Mattern, Executive Orricer, Reimbursement $ 0.75 A. M. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer or ,Roanoke County, salaries and eXPenses account ror the month or' january, 1942, $983.44, one-third or which, amounting to $327.81, pay- ....ab1e by the S1;a'te, and two-thirds, amounting to $655.63, pa,yable by the County. W. C. MUSE, COMMISSIONER OF liEVENllE, salaries ~or month or ;rm;uar:r, 1942, $791.34 one-tliird or whiCh; amounting to $263~7i3, payable by the state, and two-thirds, amount ing to $527.56, payable by the County. E. W. OBKLF, OOll2lllOnwealth's Attorney or Roanoke County, salaries ror month or .Tanuary,'1942,$~OS:33; one-half of whioh payable by the State, amounting to $204.16, , ' aDd one-half by the County, amounting to $204.17. .' And, on mO'tion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that voucher-oheoks be issued to the above-named parties ror the county's part or said accoun'ts, and said accounts are orderEld riJ.ed. A. M. BOiIMAN, JR. ,Treasurer or Roanoke Cdunty, this day submitteQ., to the Board the rollowing account; II Salem, Virginia' , February 16, 1942. To. the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County: At, 'the close or busiuess Saturday FebruarY rourteenth there was to the credit or the- . I , General rund $ 67,215.50 'W.R.S.D. No. 1 Fund ,9,652.43 '~gTa:xFund ' 5,172.75 . Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund 2,6:38.82 . School-Fund 124.938.07 $209.017.57 I Respectrully, submitted, A. M. Bowman, ;rr., Treasurer Said report is approved and ordered filed. IN BE: DELINQ.UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day deli vered to the Board the receipt or A. M. BOWMAN', JR." , , Treasurer; ror $4877.69, ou account or delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk ror the month Of ;ranuary, 1942, less 5% comm!sl;.ions, and turned over by him to said , , Treasurer, said check a:mounting to $4633.81 net. n u The report or C. J. Ward, Roanoke County Health 'Orricer, ror the period ;ranuary, 1942, 'Present year be~ 1941 was this day laid berore the Board and ordered riled. o C. Pr Dowdy, Deputy Game Warden or Roanoke County, this day appeared berore the Board, and reported that ror the periOd from January 20th, to February 16th, 1942, , , , he had 'killed rorty-two dogs, summoned thirty people, ten ,or whom had been dismissed, rour dogs let out ror tags, and that he had traveled 1,787 miles in connection' with his duties as such Deputy Ga:me Warden, which report was ordered riled. Roy H. Spradlin:, Mayor or the Town or Vinton, this day appeared berore the Board . -~ on beh~ Of the Vin'ton Volunteer Fire Department, and asked that the Eoard or Super- visors give the Vinton Fire De~ent the same consideration as that given the . , Willia:mson Road Fire Department, that is, to the extent or paying the salary or the - , Vinton Fire Chier, ror his services; Upon O'Clllsideration whereor, on motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded, by SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that said request be granted, and that an c' - appropriation or seventy--r1ve dollars ($75.00) per month be made to defray the salary or said Vinton Fire Chier until the 1st day or duly, 1.942, said salary to ,be- . . 'gin as or March"lst, 1942 ana said monthly check to be made payable to the Town or Vinton. '.And it is rurther ordered that the Budget Committee give the same consideration in the 1942-1943 budget to the payment or equal salaries to the Fire Chiers or Salem, W1ll1a:mson Road and Vinton. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D; Bell, T. O. RiChardson aDO,H. W.Starkey.. Nays: None. '0 Mrs. M. L. Malley, Superintendent or Welfare Board or Roanoke County, this day ~ppeared berore 'the Board, aDd submitted the proposed budget ror 1942-1943 ror said Welfare Board; Upon consideration whereor, action on s aid budget is dere=ed ror rurther con- sideration. !Irs. ;rane M. Harris, Roanoke County Nurse, this day appeared berore, the Board, r;1 U , . reqaested that the Board increase the salary or Andrew Crouse, County Farm Manager, at the Mercy Housej UpOn consideration whereor, on motion or Supervisor Mason L. COok, seconded by . Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the salary or the said Andrew Crouse, County Farm Manager, be increased rrom rirty dollars ($50.00) to sixty dollars ($60.00) per month, retroactive as or February 1st, 1942. 317 ~ ......J....., ',...,i, y;-~"; .".. -r- -''''y.' _'" ,In..- o(l........., _,'.. ~~~.; c._~, ' ~,~~... .:;-,- d '4h ..' ':q >i ~ '1k.:. , !J.w..; .. "5....Y.., d...L ['. e: f9$a11:i;;;.: Co :\;'.:- ," i' ,.. "' . ",.,::..; ,-/Io/rfa. ' '318 ~. ...~ 4~ "lW.~", , <j:..., . :(i)o, , I&/i " .. re.. < '1'ff7*" ~l[ ~ ,1J.w.- ~. , / 17 1<4'" Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: 'Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. "';-. ADDITIONAL WEU'ABE APPROPRIATION On m~tio~'or superv1s~r'T~ O. Riohardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, j,t is ordered 'that an additional appropriation or $3,OOO.OO'be and it hereby' is made to the Welfare Department. Said $3,000.00 to be transrerred 'from the General County " Fund to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund. ' AdO,Pted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Riohardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell andH. W. Starkey. Nays: - None. '" At a meeting or the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke Co1lI!.ty held in the supervisor' RoOll: in the Coun'ty Courthouse at sB.1em, Va., on Feb. 16th, 1942. This day 08l!l8 Roland E. Cook, DivisIon supe~intendent or Schools or Roanoke Count , ' ror and on behalf or the County Sohoo~ Board or Roanoke County, Virginia, and presente 'to this Board the rollowing Resolution: ~!O, on the 16th day or ;rune, 1941, the Board of' Supervisors or Roanoke Count approV~d a loan fro;m the State ~d or Eduoation- ror the.sUln or$15,OOo.cio ror addi- , ' tions to the Fort Lewis School in Salem Magisterial District or :RoB.ll;oke, eounty with the understanding .;n:~ said Oounty-School, Board that; ir said additions ~ost more than said amount or $15,000.00, the Board of' Supervisors or said Coun'ty would approve a , loan ror such additional sum or sums as were thereby made necessary to pay ror same, and ~A!'l, said additions to said Fort Lewis SChool cost the sum or $20,000'.00 snd - it is now necessary ror the County School Board to borrow an amount equivalent to said increase, and WR'F.=A!'l, the Sta'te Board or Education has approved a loan ror the original amount or .15,ooo~60 and it is now necessary to increase s~e as aroresaid, NOW, TJ:1J!;lUliJnJl'IE, be it resolved that this Board or Supervisors .of Roanoke County du hereby approve the applica'tion ror an increased amouDt ror the total sum or $20,000.00 in lieu or the aroresaid sum or $15,000.00 rrom the Litereiry'FUJid, and that , ,- the application or the County School Board or Roanolre County to the State Board or Education for a loan or $20, 000.00 rr~m the Literary FUnd is hereby approv~d, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authority is hereby granted the, said County School . , . . ~. Board or Roanoke County to borrow the said amount ror the purpose set out in said application, said loan to be repaid in 30 annual Installments and interest thereon paid semi-annually. The Board or Supervisors for said county will each year during the lire or this . loan, at 'the time they rix 'the regular levies, rix a rate or 'levy ror schools or make a cash appropriation surriciant ror operation expenses and to repay this loan in ann installments, and the interest thereon, as required by law regulating loans rrom the I I .1 t I I Literary Fund. , On the motion ai: Supervisor H. \V. Starkey , seoonded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, . .. adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors, H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson aDd Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. " ( On motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. CoOk, it is ordereG. that Roanoke County enter into a co-~perative -Local Derense Organization inoludingRoanoke County; the Town or Salem, and the- Town or Vinton. Be it rurther- ordered that L. D. Bell, Chairman o-r this Board be and he hereby , ' is a.uthorized to proceed in con;lu,.'lction with the Mayor or the Town or Salem and the Mayor or the Town or Vinton under the provisions or House Bill No. 209, generally "' c..!... _,f. ~ <T \r, ~ ' B.......-. 4e...;~ ~7 ~ '/,'0 ~ lU..~' , 2.j/?f<f..... '" >l<" v: \ ~i '^' " ~.,~IJ""" .-....- . .-- known as the Civilian Derense Bill. Adopted by the rollowing recordedv~ . , ---- " Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson Nays: None. EMMETT E. WALDRON, Sherirr or Roanoke County :'~hiS day appeared berore the Board ~tf and urged the Board to make an increase or ten dollars{$lO.OO) per month in the . c.,~,.. . , , 'J-/ try,,?. salary or each or the -rour deputies in his orrice ror the remainder or the riscal year ending,;rune 30, 1942; Upon consideration where or , on motion. or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by , Supervisor T.O. Richardson, it is ordered that said request be granted, and that said increase or ten dollars ($10.00) per month be made in, the salaries or each or . the rour deputies in the Sherirr's orrice, said increase to be retroactive as or February 1st, 1942. Adopted by the -rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey Nay.s: None. On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Riolutrdson, it is ordered that a youcher-check ror rirty-eight dollars {$58.001 be :0 " , issued "to L. D. Bell, Chairman or this Board, to re-imburse him ror eX1Jenses in- curred by him rOJ: two trips to Richmond in conneotionwith annexation prooeedings. AdOPted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. COOk, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey Nays: . None. . The rollowing pe'titions were this day laid berore the Boa:rd: A petition signed by T. S. Young, Mrs. Blanche T. Young, H. 'R~ Nolder, and sun- dry other property owners on the streets known as Pine Bluf-rs Drive and Sycamore Driv from Sta'te Secondary RolIte #630 to or through Pine Blu1'rs Subdivision, as per Pine Bluffs Plat recorded in the clerk's office, Roanoke County, ;ruly 10th, 1941, approxi- M ~ . ' mate m1lellge one-rourth, said petitioners agreeing to donate a 40 root right or way, '-. . C-t+ >>~L~ Co ,~, ." II-PL :J.j +.,... ;:,n-aq- ~7:t: tW. ,lJ'~', a~ ~/ift{,~ o , , :0 1""4 : I .. ~. :,. .~ ,,;. .. .~.~. ; Court House, Salem, Va., JJaroh ,~6, ~94-2 ._ , The Board or Supervisors or Roanoke. C01ln.tyme1; thiS;"day at the Court House in re- gul~ lIlOnthly session. Present:, r.. D.Bel~" Chairman,llason.,L.Cook, T. O. Riohardso and 11. W. starkey.Also'presen~: -A. -M."l101llllall.,Jr.,Coun'ty~easur8r. " The m1nllteS Of the 18.81; regUJ,ar meeting, were.:approved as' spread, each member or the ;Board having read the copy-or said minutesf.urn1shed.h1mbythe ,Clerk. . Thetollow1DE;-.cJ.aims- against ",the CoUlN;.;jO-were th1adQ' pr8Sented;approved and , orde;red to. be ,paid. by,voucher-oheoks oUt or the. runds" respeotively, ohargeable there- with.. to-wj,:t.:, A.;IL Bo1lllllUl, Jr. Treasurer, Salaries tor FebrlUU'1 'I. C. i.twse, ~s810ner otRev.enue, Salaries ror Februs.ry. E~ne'li. Chelf, Comm. A'tto.rney, Sa1Ules. ror Fe~ c. &. P:-Teiephone 'compa:iiy, Phone Bills ror Co~ty Salell.'PublishUgqCOmpany, Print1n& rorCounty lia. ,15248 . , 1524-9 - . . 1;250 - . . 1525~ - . . 15252 - . . 15253 - . , 15254- - . . 15255 - . . ~5256 - .. . 15257- . _ 15258- . . 15259- , - .. , 15260 ." , 15261 - . , 15262 - . , 15263 - . , 15264- - .. . 15265 - .. . 15266 - . _ 15267 - .. 15268 - .. 15~9 - .. 15270 " - 15m .. - .. 15~72 - .. 1;273 - .. 15274 .. 15275 - . 15276 - .. 1;277 .. 15278 .. . J. P. Bell COIIIpaJIy, Forms tor Clerk A. Ji. B-;', ,Jr.. Treasurer, .T~Tiokete i. 1I. Bowman, ir., Treasure~,'Wi~ases.rorqonr:t , CnA1....rsF&rguSOll" ,~,as iury COlIIIIlissioner" j. H. Pollard, Compel1.aa, Jury CO-1 1981 ~ . .,42.23 520.;6 204.17 '11.75 109.75 40.28 49.70 1.00 ' 7.50 7.50 25.00 1.34- 24-.38 12.10 0.50 4.04- , 2.93 14.14- 14.73 199.83 16.06 5.30 2.40 15.00 60.00 8.4-3 4.17 8.00 ;;.00 19.22 . . . - lL 8. J(oClung, Attornay,der."d111g ,TB.yJo,."aobbeJ;y AnO sPring &. Btiaring Co. Re~ or p&)'lII8nt en heater Boyle~clter ~1re CorP. ~s ror-Gounty Cars Au-tO starter shop, Inc. Repairs 1;0 reatos in Pollee Cars jack Chelf, wash job on SherrUt's Car , - Gottschalk's "Garage" Repa!r.s to Sher1rt's Cars - -- Wlley-H.alllrotors, Inc. Be-palrs to Sherirt's ears . . ~'... ii1gio City Motor Corp., Repairs 1;0 SharUt's cars - - Ge.rrMisEsso Sta~ion,lJash1ng a: Creasing ears The i'ems ,COIIIp8.nY,', Gasoline, ror. C01lIl'ty Cars :Br~ ~~ Company, Supplies -ror Jail .. .. .. . ,Sal8lll Grooery Com,pany, Inc. two b.a:z:8S OK Soap ror Jail i. .T. Newberry:-Co~, Pans ror, Jail i. W. Senoter, e';"'m111aticns',ror ~n driving Russell Smiley, CoronerCasss, &',l'lTAm111A:tiona J. N. Ph~pslJa't8r lrorka;ifater for, Fire Station, 3 lIlOnths Graves::'HWDPhr8Ys ~wara.,Co. BrOCllllS'tor Fire Station Mrs. ir1iuue Gec11~ StOV&bo'agh1. ror Fire Station Fowlkes & Kefauver, -Rent or Fire Station Property j. B. Thomas & Company, Material for Sewiilg Room Canoelled 3-~l' The Dorr Company, Inc. One Set or Packing R!iigs, Etc. ,"61son: Rd. " _ ,San. .Dist. " 12.38 15313 ChalmBrs Ferguson, Com. 'on Delinq. P. P. 'faxes, limson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 15279 15280 15281 15282 15283 15284- 15285 15286 15287 1.5288 1.5289 1.5290 ' 1.5291, :15292 :15293 1.5294- 1.5295 1.5296 '15297 1.5298 '15299 1.5300 1.5301 1.5302 -15303 -15304- 15305 '15306 15307 15308 '15309 " - " " - " ,. - . - " - " " - . - " - " '. - " - " " " - . - " - " - " - " - " - " - " - " - " - " " - " " 15310 " '15311 '15312 " " " '15314 '15315 ,15316 15317 - " - " - " .-- .-.-- ~ Frank Gilbert,. J. P. LunaC7 Commission (2 Cases) A. 1I. Boirman, Jr. Treasllrer. -Registrar ~r Vital-Statistics O. G. Lewis &, CompaJIy, F11ter"Bowl &: Repatrs to Car . jo., C. Shelto~ Garage,. B8.ttery ror Elee. Insp'sc8r Eastern 011 ComPaJ17, JIotcr Oil ror 'use or plant -&: P. W. 7. L. Grisso; Lost oheck-Eleotion Servioes _ _ 5 Town o:t salem. 1fater &: Carrentfor' County Sears'. :ROebuok & Co., Cong., ror Co1.Dity Orrice Sunnyside AJm1ng &. Tent Co. Flags for cOuutyUsa TriS'tatsElectrical SUppi.;y ,Co.. Buzzer Fixllda1; J'ail. Etc.. ' J. :E. Carper, P. &:. H. Plumbing ror Courthouse Lewis Bt-01;hera, Coal ror Jail &: KllC1Uug Bldg. - ' Sal_ Hardware Company,Repa1.r J1aterials &: Sll3lplies ~ Electrio C~~, Lights tor County- 'O:rrioes -, ' J. lL Logan, J1aterial ror Annexation - Aero Service Corporation, Two Projections. Roanoke l&:lsaic iliss Emma Runion, Books Repaired ror BookmObile Boswell Realty ComPany, NYA Rent ror ~ne Month (?larch) :Roanoke st8lIlp &:' Seal Co.', Stamps for Oi v:Uian. Defense Roanoke Photo F!1iish!lig, vaterials ror Annexation Roeoke County Sohool Board, Two Typewriters, ror CountY' Use , ii111er-Bioyant-Plerce, Carbon Pa:pe~ ror Stores ,Oaldwell-8i tes Company, SUPplies rorDetense &: A:u1exation :K. K. "ttern, Expenses Or Derense lIeet1ng Sale&-I!oundry &"!lachine iJo-rks, Inc. Desk ror CJerk's Office ChA1""'rs FerguSon, Delinquent Tax Comm.saion Sarah E. Blackwell, -Sec. lledic8.l. Bills &, Public Nurse Dool87 Printing Comp8ny, Printing- rorC~uiity-Orrl~es ~ . - "' -, ~ Abe Rnddleston, Welding Sludge, Ring, 1Imaon. Rd. San. D1st. , ' _ _ _ ' _ 1I'Ills0li. - Roanoke Paper Company, Sll3lplies rorPlan1o./Rd. San. Dist. Flexible'Sewer':'Rod EquiPment Co. 'Equipment for Plan'!;, llmson. Rd. San. Dis.t. E. B. Krebbs SupplY' Company~ two CY'linders Chlorine, Wmson. Rd. San. _Dist. Caldwell-8ites CompllllY, SUPPllu ror Plent, Wmson. Bd.San. Dist. - iJllli_ Green &: Company, Repairs to Truoks, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. A. lI. Bowman. Jr. 'l'1'eaaurer, Coupons, on Bonds Challl1ers Ferguson, Delq. P. P: ColDlll1ssion, E. K. "ttern, ExecUtin Orrioer. Requisitioning of lI'unds from General County Fund " - 15318 E. K. Mattern, Exeoutive Orrioer, Requisition or Funds rrom "IJmson. lid._San. Dis'li. " - 15319 Lynwood B. Sisson, Deputy ror rive days. . 32.00 9.75 2.25 8.00 15.12 5.00 96.23 16.87 13.50 22.11 28.20 7{J.50 19.12 566.49 0.94 80.00 12.75 10.00 3.30 28.32 55.00 63.30 11.03 40.50 28.62 31.08 325.00 27.50 1.00 13.40 77.77 21.75 1.06 1.56 15.Q7 180.00 1.56 265.66 103.19 15.75 , I I . ~ I I I r I \- r:J. ! ' i, I I 10 I j' i o 14 U ~,,' .~ . . { No. 15)20 C ct. P Telephone, Co. Phone Bill ror Firehouse $ 18.50 - 15)21 C 4, P Telephone Co. Phone Bill ror _on. Rd:: 'imsoll.. Rd. San. _ _ . , ,Dist. ' .. .. _ , 9.21 - - 15)22 R. S. K1me, Attorney, Services on Annexation 250.00 . IN BE: DOG~, SH!EP ('!T 6TU!:I /I;C: Tl1e - tolloW1Iig cia1:ms' agaiiist the County were this day presented, proved and or- dered to be paid by voucher-oheoks out 'or the funds, respeotively', ohargeable there- with, to-w:Ua No. 1;)2) ;r. T. Greenwood, Chiokens killed by dogs 1 90.90 the ~~:-o::::::;: ::~U;:)::4~:::h:~::' =i:::~:~=;:7::~:;:1 ~ cL:~ by the State, -and two-thirds, amounting to $;l,.2.2), payable by the Coun1;y. ;;+::r:: ~" U~yt. . . ~)'7N 'If. C. lltlBE, COJIMISSIOl!lER OF J:CJ!iW.l!a'llJE, salerlesror month or February, 1942, $780.84, one-third 'or which, 'amounting to 1~60.28, payable by the State, and two-tlrlZds, amount ing to 1520.56, payable by the County. E. W. cm;r, CQIamonwealth's Attorney orRoanokeCoun:t7, salarles,ror month or . - - ~ Februery; 1942, $468..)),OI1e-halr or which PBiable by'tha State, a:mOunt1ng to $204.16, 8D4 one-hUr b7 the County, amounting to ,$204.L1. And, ,on motion, duly' seconded, and carried, it is" ordered thatvoucher-cheoks, be" issued to:the "above-named parties r.or the county's part of said accounts, and said aooounts are ordered riled. A. !I. B<liDIAR, till. Treasurer or Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Boa.rd, , , the rollaw1ng acoount: -Salem, Virginia _Jl'aroh 16, 19l,.2. ~ the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County: At the olose or business Saturda7, 'Jiaroh '14, 1942, t .e~e wa4 to the- oredit or the $ 60,972~61 9,2)1.;7 205.66 5,759.6; Jl0.4J.0.76 flflb, 580.2l,.., ReapeGtrully' submitted, A. Y. Bowman, ;rr. Treasurer. . General Fund, ''If.R.S.D. ,No. 1 'Salem Dist~.Road Debt :Fun4 'Iiog Tax Fund,. . School Fund, Said report is approved aDd ordered riled. ,0 '0 ~ 0, '., " .""," ....'..4.' IN RI: PADmNT O:r BILLS: - . ..- On motion or sup&rTisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Superviso~ Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that all acoounts be Pre~ented,i tem1.zed, and -approved by this - ~rd in regular meeting beron payment; that all aooounts paid out or the revolving rund s~ll be b,. ohecks Sllpported by reoeipted vouohers, and that the revolving f'und be itemized and approved by the, entire Board. Adop~d by the rollowing recorded vote,: Ayes: SuperTisors L. D. Bell, Mason L~ Cook and T. O. Riohardson Bll7s: SuperTisor H. ... Starkey. A leUer, da'tad February 24th, 1942, signed by C. :B. I.ay1IIBn and J. C. Parrish, in regard to the clo~ or strip or road bet1f8enthe Floyd :Highway and 'Belleview Road, " , Can Spring VAghter1al Distriot, and adjoining the property or the pet1:tioners, was this da7 laid berore, the Board. Upon oonsidc-_tion whereor, on motion or ,Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by SUper n.sor T. O. Riobarclson, i't is ordered that the 'above requ~st; -be' reterred to E.- K. "t;te~, County,EXeou1iinorr1cer, and :B., Y. Chelf, C^"""^'1wea1th's Attorney, to'take . . .- such step. as may be necessary to comply with said request, and said letter is ordered riled. Adopted by the- rGllOldIlg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor. L. D. Bell, Of. O. Richardson, Jlason L. Cook and H. 'I. starkey. Bays: Bone. COUNTY mstIIWiCE: On'mOtlim,'gr Supervisor L. D. Bell,-,.econded by. Supervisor T. O. Richardson, 1t i ordered 'tba't.Sllperrlsor Jrason"I.. Cook, E. ".Chelf, CO"ll"^-'talth's At-tOrney, anClll:. K. Jlattern, Co~y lb:ecut1Te Ottioer; be and theY are, hereby appoU;ted as a commii'tee - ' to study the ,County 1nsuran08 polioies, eto., and bring in recommendations a't the next regular or speoial meeting or this Board. And, 1t 1s rurtherordere4 'that E. K. liattern, County Executive Ortioer, take oat :lnsure.noe on two oars in the Sher1rr' s department, and on the Vin'ton and Williamson , Road County rll>e. trucks. Adopted by therollowing reoorded vote: Ayll8 SUllervisore,t.. D. Bell, T. O. Riohlirdson, H. W. starkey, aDd Jlason L. Cook. Bays: Bone C. W. Sears this day appearedberore the Board and requested that the Boa:N-- oODllllllliicate"w1th CongresBllllUl. C. A. Woodrum to see 1r any prOVision oould be J:lade ror rarmers in RoaJIokeCount,." :portatlon ot suoh. produc.. - -, .,. marke'ting their products by , car, to seoure tires ror trans- Upon. consideratiOJ1whoreot. on motion or Supervisor T. O. Rich,ardsOIl, seconded b SuperVisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that E:.E. Mattern, Count,. Exeoutive Orrioer, ;:t:~ ,;.:a:;:: J:i..., 3/'7 r'f~ ~~ c:t.t.... . Ao...- ~ U.-..w 3/'7/'; ,. ~d.JL r ,', 2. l( ~a1C.' 3/11/'+.... , , , ~ P-f1., f. >/ ,1'f>' ::b~ ~~ ~ d.t.t- f t, K. m~ 3/17 J~)o- The b.1ll rOI' *q..*~e An1llla1 Hospital ror proressional servioes rendared ror IIrs. Rverso;l.e's clog inj~Bi, by CoUllty orUcer, 12/9/40, was. this' day laid berore 1;he ~ Board, and on llIOt.ion, duly sllIoonde4 and carried, 1s. not allowed. And the Clerk or 1;hls Board 1s direc'ted ,to notify The .Animal. Hospital or 'the Board's aotion on said ,bill. The t'01l0wr1ng road ,peti1;iOJlS.W8re this de,. laid berore the Boar4: A petition signed by O. L. Whit~ow, ;r. So" BohC?,ll, ,and sund....'Y.. other propertY owners on road, kn~ as Ex1oention R~u1;e (695), Cave Spring Dist.riot,approximate mile~ge - ' . , 25/1~O, said petit.loners agreeing to donate a :30 root right or way, ino;tuding additions. widths ror outs and rills; A petition signed by W. L. Hamberger, Bennie Stratton, and sundry other property o1llllers on street known as L1H~Loira Lane, :rrem Rt. 688...(Cotton Hill Road) to end, approx - , mate mileage 1/2 mi. Cave spi.~g Di~rict, said peUti~D.ers agreeing to -donate a )0 roo right. or 1187, includ!lig additional widths ror-,out.s and fills; on motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, se40nded by Supervisor 1Iason L. Cook, it is ordered that. "the p8t.i"t1ons and 0; reques."tsror inOj.uslon or said roads - and-or streets into 'the S""te H1~way secondary Sys.tem ror either main'tenaJI.ceor oons1;ruct.ion, or both t.his day :P:e.slU1-ted,:t.o 1;h1s Board, . be rererrad to the PuhUo Works-Engineer :r"or action . . .. ,.- .... as set rorth in the General Road Pe1;ition Order adopted November 18, 1940. , ' Adop1;edby,the rollowing reoorded vote; 488: Supervisors L. D. Bell, llason L. COOk, T. O. Richardson and H. 11'. Starkey. . ._~ BQBf Bone. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third lIonday or APril, 1942. ~1t4uf , . " Chairman Court House, Salem, Va. ,April 15, 1942. A Special :Meeting or the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke Coun'ty was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the rollow1ilg call: "Salem, Virginia, April 10, 1942. Mr. Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board or, Suparvisors, Roanoke Coun'ty, Salem, Virginia. :Dear sIr: Please call a apecial meeting of' the Board of' Supervisors or Roanoke County, to be held in its room at 9:00 o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, April 15th, 1942. Purpose or meeting: {ll To consider the proposed budget or expenditures and estimated revenues, etc., ror the ensuing appropriation year. {2l To consider closing out all revolving rund accounts, and transrerring sa:me to the Treasurer or Roanoke County. I I I I I f 10 I I , ~ (3) To consider approving letter, Chairman or the Board' or Supervisors, dated February 28th, 1942, rrom L. D. Bell, - . , to E. W. Chelr, Commonwealth Attorney or Roanoke County, in regard to salaries paid out or the revolving runds ror labor on County Farm. n :"", L. D. Bell Mason I.. Cook, Supervisors. tt Present: L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. - - Absent: H. W. Starkey. n ..... A letter dated April 10, 1942, rrom B. F. Moomaw, Secretary or the Chamber or Commerce or Roanoke, Va., addressed to Luther D. Bell, Chairman of this 'Board, suggesting that the Board name one unorficial ~epresentative to compose ~ steering committee or rour members, which oommi ttee will be requested to arrange a meeting or citizens representing all groups, interests and classes or the city and county, ror 'the purpose of considering the reasibility or establishing an United Community '::ar Fund, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration where or , and arter consulting Supervisor H. W. Starkey, the absent member or this Board, over the telephone, on motion or Supern.sor Mason I.. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson" and unRni"'~usly carried, it is ord~reci that S. H. :McVitt.y be appointed as the unorricial representative of this Board on said steering committee. And the 'Clerk is further ordered to certify a copy or this order to S. H. McVitty, and to B. F. Yoomaw, Secretary or the Chamber or Commerce or Roanoke, Va. , 'IJ"/<f'l- ~~ ~' o On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardso , letter dated February'28, 1942, addressed to E. W. Chelr, Commonwealth's Attorney or Roanoke Coun'ty, by L. D. Bell, Chairman Board"or'Superv1sors, in regard to salaries paid out or the Rev~lving Fund for labor on the County rarm, and letter dated April 13, 1942, rrom E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, addressed to L. D. Bell, Chairman, Board or Supervisors, Roanoke County, were this day laid berore the BOard, and ordered riled. Adopted by the rOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. RiChardson, and L. D. Bell. Nays: !lone. An opinion dated 4-14-42 of E. W. Chelr, Commonwealth's Attorney, in regard to the ReVOlving Fund set up by this Board, was this day laid berore the Board, and ordered riled. . On motion or Supervisor L~ D. Bell, seconded by Sup,ervisor Mason L. Cook, .it is ordered that all revolving rund accounts in the Public Works Department be closed out .. and same be transrerred to the Treasurer or Roanoke County; that the records or expenditures and all revenues assessed or oollected by the Superintendent and Engineer or Williamson Road 'Sanitary District No.1 be reconciled at least monthly with the general records in the orrice or the SuperVisor'S Bookkeeper. ';l;;J ~ ~~ 'fjff>/.;..... This order to become errectlve as or May 1, 1942. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. 'Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. ,_ - Absent:Supervisor H. W. Starkey. I On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SupervisorL. D. Bell, it is ordered that voucher-check 115129, ror rive hundred, eighty and-twenty-one one dollars hundredths/($580.2l), dated Febr~ 14, 1942, payable to E. W. Chelf, Commonweal'th's Attorney, or Roanoke-County, be cancelled. Letter dated April 13, 1942, rrom E. 'W. CheU, Commonwealth's Attorney, addressed to E. K. Mattern, Ex. Orricer, Board of Supervisors or Roanoke County, ordered riled. I Adopted by'the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. On the motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that an'appropriat10n'of one hundred dollars ($100.00) be made ror' a Co-Operative Game Warden ror the counties or Roanoke, Floyd, Franklin and Montgomery; provided; however, that a like appropriation be made by each or the said Counties, and that said sum be charged against the Dog Fund. Letter dated April 2, 1942, signed by C. F. Holt, President, Bent Mountain Game ?roteotive Association, and Chairmen of various County Committees or said Assooiation, ordered riled. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to certiry a copy or this order to ;r. A. Boone, Geme Warden, Roanoke County, and to C. F. Holt, President, Bent MOuntain Protective Association. I Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. The Budget Committee,heretorore appointed by this Board to draft a budget ror Roanoke County, 'ror the year 1942-1943, this day laid before the Board a draft or said proposed budget, also a draft or the proposed budget for the County Schools, as prepared by the Superintendent of Schools, and approved by the Division Superintendent of Schools, whioh are approved by this Board; and the rurther hearing of the same is continued until the regular meeting of this Board on Monday, the 18th day of May, 1942, at 2 o'clock P.M. And the Clerk is directed to publish a brier synopsis or the budget in the Times-Register"a newspaper having a general circulEll.tion in the County of Roanoke, at least rirteen days prior to that date, said synopsis having been prepared by L. D. Bell, Chairman of this Board. I I On the motion of Supervisor L.D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T.o.Richardson, approved by the following recorded vote: '33,2 Fowlkes &: Kerauver, Rent or Fire Station 55~00 No. 15393 " 15394 " 15395 - Normans Restaurant, Sandwiches for Fire Department 14.40 Scot'ties'Triple XXX Lunch Room, ror corree and Sandwiches ror Fire Dqt. ~.OO Brown Hardware Company, Maintenance or Materials ror Fire Dept. Fairview Home, Monthly Expenses sarah E. Blackwell, Sec. Medical Expenses, e-B-316 200.00 9-..-102 125.00 15399 Mrs. E. C. Selander, One Lunacy Case Comm1ttment 3.51 325.07 15396 15397 " " I 15398 " 325.00 12.00 3.20 5.00 5.00 " .T~es O. Kirk, ;r. P. :Exec,ution of Warrant &: Summoning Witnesses 15400 15401 15402 15403 " .. Dr. M. ;rane Page, Doctor on Si~on Lunacy Case Dr. Sidney G. Page, Jr., Doctor on Sigmon Lunacy Case A. Me Bowman, ;rr. Treasurer, Reimbursement ror Registrar or Vital " Statistios , ' Wiley Feed, Fuel &. SuWly, Supplies for Repairs Town or Salem, Current &. Water Lewis Brothers, Stove Coai ror ;rail - .. I " - .. 11.00 5.48 75.49 28.00 2.50 1.00 5.00 5.28 6.87 65.9 91.2 2.25 9.45 6.00 34.27 7,00 8.91 5~90 14.75 4.89 24.50 ' 129':50 3.20 28.60' 5.57 121.00 50.00 372.70 4.75 26.49 3.00 100.00 15404 15405 15406 15407 15408 15409 15410 154.ll 15412 15413 15414 15415 15416 15417 15418 15419 1542() " .. " - , Dame Roe>ring Company, Cleaning out,Gutters &. Repairing Roor ;r . E.-Carper, P. &: H. Work on Waste Pipes ],trers &, :McDonald, One Steel Point ror County Farm Standard Oil Co. of N. ;r. Motor Oil &. Grease i'or County FaJ.'m B. K. Elliott Company, Mapping &. Planning Supplies " " " " " , '-. , - Salem Hardware Company, Material ror County orrices Follett Book Company, Books ror Bookmobile .American Libr6ry .Al!lsoc. Books for Bookmobile C. :S. Malcolm, Prints ror Azmexatlon Coronet Carbon ~ Ribbon Co., Type cleaner ror Orrices Easter Supply Company, Of rice Supplies ror County J. M. LOgan, Mll.terial ror Derense Lion Brothers Corp. .Arm. Bands ror Derense Schulte-United, ten yards or Se~e- .. " " " " " " " " 15421 Salem Publishing Compo PrintiD.g for Ofrices 15422 ,Shaw Blue Print Co. Cable ror B. Pro -MaChine 15423 Penitentiary Ind. Dept. SiX Strai~t Chairs 15424- A. M. Bowman, ;rr. Treasurer, Compensation ror Jurors 154-25 A. M. Bowman, Jr. Treasurer, Compensation or Witnesses 15426 State Farm Mutual Auto. Ins. Co., Premium on Sheriff's Car 15427 Curtis G. Dobbins, Prem. OU Eng. 's Car 15428 Dooley ,'Printing Co:, F.dnt1ng ror Offices " " " " " I " " " \ - 15429 K1me &. Hoback, Services on Annexation 15430 Fur~ B. Whitescarver, SerVices on Annexation 15431 Shepherds Auto Supply, Reps. to Sher1rr's Car 15432 Sears, Roebuck & Co." MB.'ttress covers ror Jail " I " " " Howell's Esso Station, Repairs to Sherirr's Car 15433 154-34 15435 " - - Appalaohian Electric Power Co., Four Street Lights Service Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Collection or Delinquent P. P. Taxes App. Elec. Power Company ,Current ror Firehouse State Forester of Virginia; Fire Service. from State ", ", 16.j3 11.46 144.43 15436 154-37 " - " No. 15438 Easter Supply Company, One Bottle Higgens Black Ink, Wmson. Rd. San., Dist. No. 1 0.23 It 154-39 I I I In I :,.J I I J 10 ! , It 151,:4-0 It 15441 It 15442 15443 15444 , It It It 15445 It 15446 It Salem Hardware Company,Materials ror Wmson. Rd., WInson. Rd. San. _....Dist. No.1 21.96 Salem Publishing Company, Supplies ror Plant, Winsen. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 14.75 Hollins stene Corporation, Stone ror WInson. Rd. Plant, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 6.50 H. B. Mabes, 5 Yards Sand for Plant, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 7.50 , H. H. MacKenzie, Steel Pipe ror Plant, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. No.1 6.65 Roanoke Concrete Products Ce. Sewer' Pipe ror Plant, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 13.25 Virginia Arlnature Company, Repairs to Magnetic Switch, \jfmson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 2.50 c. &: P. TelephoD3 Company, :Phone Service rar Plant, IVmson. Rd. San. Dist. 8.69 15447 A. M. Bowman, ;rr. Treasurer, Coupons on Bonds, Vllnson. Rd. San. Dist. No. 1 100.00 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Collection or Delinquent, WInson. Rd. San. Dist. o IN RE: 0.59 App. Elec. Power CompanY, Cw:.rent ror Plant, Wmson. Rd.' San. Dist. No. 1 Chalmers Ferguscn, Col!DD.1ssion on Collection of Delinq. P. P. Taxes, A. M. Bowman, ;rr. Treasurer, Interest on Bonds E. K. Mattern, -Executive Orricer, To reimburse cash rund- E. K. Mattern, Executive Orricer, To Reimburse Cash fund Williamson Rd. San. Dist G. A. Scruggs, Stamps for Stares to be distributed to various orfices or County DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &.c: 19.87 4.27 22.50 147.51, 162.13 50.00 The rollow1ng claims against the County were this day presented, proved and ordere to be paid by voucher-checks out or the runds, respe ctively, Chargeable therewith, to-w t; No. 15450 It 15451 'It 15452 " 15453 " ,- 15454 It' 15455 " 15456 .~.. Commonwealth or Virginia, Dog Tag Licenses A. 1l:.,Bowman, Jr; Treasure~, Dog License Transactions $145.4 C. S. Caldwell" One Pig Killed by Dogs H; P. Craddock, Ducks and Hen Killed by Dogs RUssell R. Wood; FoUr Goats Killed by Dogs Jerry MOrgan, Two Sheep killed by Dogs W. A. Boitnott, One Milk Goat Killed by Dogs 939.0 10.0 4.0 , . 60.0 12.0 30.0 A. M. BOWMAN, JR. Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expenses account ror~ri ::: :::::,o~::::~t::~,$::~:~:n::t:~:~'::'W::~1~:~:~~c:::;~8.50, payable b~ ~~.. ~.y- 1/? '1IfY ".., ::::::s b:o:h:o:::t:: ::c:~~:~:~d:~8::~t_ 'liE~. '1/"'1<t',. o w. C. MUSE, COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE, one:-t~ird o'r which, amounting to $260.28, ing to $520.56, payable by the County. ~ E. W. CHELF, COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY of Roanoke County, salaries for month or March, 1942, $408.33, one-h~lr"Of ~hich payable by the State, amounting to $204.16, '!ne-half by the County, amounting to $204.17. , And, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued to the above-named parties for the county's part or said accounts, and said and ~:'::~~~,', ~ " -.' Je.J.. y- ""'--' , '1/>-1'<;>- accounts are ordered filed. '-'-'-.-,---'-',-'.,_'___'___,_..__ _____,_.._L~ ... I ' I, iJ ! M' ,". o. , i "1.1I [j . The written repor't o:r C. P. Dowdy, Deputy, Game Warden or Roanoke County, :rorJhe period from March 16 to April 20, 1942, showing thirty-six dogs killed, seventy-rive I people summoned, andtwenty;.nine hundred aDd twenty rour miles travelled in connection with his duties as such Deputy Game Warden, was this day laid berore the Board" and ordered :riled. " On motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor 'r. O. Richardson, a letter dated April 18, 1942, addres~ed'to Roy K. Brown,Clerk, :rrom'S.'H. McVitty, acce t- ing appointment as uno:r:rioial represent'ative or the Board o:r Supervisors o:r Roanoke County to act :ror the purpose or considering the reasibility o:r establishing a United Community \far Fund, this day laid be1'ore the Board, was ordered :riled. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O~ Richardson, H. W. Starkey and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. Letter dated February 24, 1942, addressed to Lu~her D. Bell, Chairman, Board or Supervisors, in regard to the Spring Meeting or th~ Board-to'discuss road ~tters, and letter da'ted March 10, 1942 addressed to Board or Supervisors, relative to 1942 addi- tions aDd abandonments ror the Secondary System, were this day laid berore the Board and ordered riled. IN RE: CHANGES IN SECONDARY SYSTEM DUE TO RELOCATION, Morn CONSTRUCTION: On -the"mO-ti~n orSu:pervisorL. D. Bell, ~econded bYSupervisor'Mison I.. COOk, it is ordered, that the recommendations contained in the letter rrom A. H. Bell, Locating . ' plAnning Engineer, to 'C. S. Mullen, Chier Engineer, Department or Highways, dated February 5" 19U, as shown by sketch thereto attached, be, and the same are, hereby approved, and copies 01' said letter and sketch ordered riled, Three copies o:r this order to be oertUied to C. P. .Tohnston, Resident Engineer, State Highway Departmsn-t, and one, copy to Norrolk and Western Hailway Company. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: ,Ayes:' supervisors L. D. .Bell, :Mason I.. COOk, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. :Nays:' None ~c..,''''''''7 d C,f.", ,'.,",',',',; . ":::",;: '~r','," ...--" " ';~ " n _ 'n" f.} .w",;,: 'L<.t C. ";i 1/""'1 ~ 'J- IN RE: CHANGES IN PIlTMARY AlID SECONDAJOY SYS'IID4S DUE TO RELOCATION A.TW CmrSTRUCTIO On motion or Sup~rvis~r :Mason'L~ Cook, seconded by Supervi~or L~'D. Bell, it is ordered that the recommendations contained in a letter rrom C. P. ;rohnston, Resident En ineer, Departmen't or Highways, to this Board, dated April 20th, 1942, as shown by the sket~h there'to a'ttached, be, and the same is hereby approved, and it is ordered that said letter and sketch be riled. Three copies or this order to be certified to C. P. Johnston, Resident Engineer, Department or Highways. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: supe~'Visors :Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None 5~' 'j<.. (' fl.' , '1/"'1 of >- Letter dated March 27, 1942, ftoljl:..T. H. Bradford, Director or the Budget, addresse to Clerks or the County Boards or Supervisors, enclosing statement, showing tentative the share 01' ca,ch county in the appropriation f'or bus transportation, and the amount ~ A. B. C. prorits transrerred rrom each county, city and incorporated tOWll to the State treasury, was this day laid berore the Board and ordered riled. . I On motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. COOk, it is - - ., ordered that the rollowing roads be and they hereby are certiried,to the State Highway Commission, as ~epresented b~ its Resident Engineer, with the reques't that they be in- oluded in the S'tate Secondary Road System as provided by Statute aDd as provided by I -, , the rulings or the State Highway Commission. Be it rurther ordered that E. K. Mattern, Public Works Engineer, turn over to said repre~entative or the State High~' Department, copies or all petitions, prints, and data w!:.ich he has in coIlIlllction with said roads as listed below. Be it rurther ordered that detailed blue prints and descriptions or said additions I ' be kept on rile in the Clerk's Orrice or Roanoke County and in the orrice of' the Public Works Department or Roanoke County. ~' 14 21 62 8,; 85 94 Description l'lAT,;l';M DISTRICT , Extension Rt. 623 at Pettie Place 'Extension Rt. 1418 North 'Extension Rt. 6l2--(:Fort Lewis Church) , Extension Rt. 736 (Moulse Roadi Mileage Petition No. - 'Fort Lewis ,Blvd. rrom Rt. 11 North 'Burchette Street, Edgewood . Unimproved 0.10 U . 0.15 U I 9.10 U 0.10 U 0.39, v- u 0.20 U 1.04- J ' BI!} LICK DISTRICT 19 4-5 49 98 84 87 99 Hillcrest Avenue 'rrom Chatham South Improved 0.13 u 0.15 U 0.30 U 0.75 I 0.20 U 0.10 U 0.30 I 0.04- U 0.10 U 0.20 U 1.22 1.05 I . Shadeland Avenue . Fleming Road ' v Victoria St., Linwood Rd. Willow Rd., Poplar Rd. ,Hillcrest Road- (Mt. Pleasant) .. Huf:f'man Rd. ftcm East side or Bandy Rd. 100 v Rds. Stratrord Court v Harren St. (Williamson Road) '" Vinyard Road, ,Broyles Rd. Extension Rt. 610 101 102 Unimproved I 38 CAVE SPRING DISTRICT , Lawndale Rd. & oakdaie Rci.~ (Rd.' under petition #38 is now unimproved, ,but will be improved) , J Rds. in Lakewood Colony I View Ave., Mt. Vernon Heights , 0.20 0.11 0.20 I 4-7 10) u " , 104, "Oakwood Drive, Oak Hill 0.30 I 92 ' Liley Hill Rd. 0.25 U 54 .-Extension 735 West or Int. 119-221 0.15 U 97 -LiHeLoHa. Lane, known as Neighborhood Rd. 0~25 U n 63 <Ext. Rd. known as W. L. Wade Rd. Entrance from Route 694 0.10 U U - 90 - Brandywine Avenue, Mt. Vernon Heights 0.17 U Unimproved 1.12 , Improved 0.61 a The to'tal allowed mile~: Unimproved: Improved: 3.38 1.66 Adopted by the f'Ollow1ng recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Mason I.~ COOk, H. W. Starkey and T. O. RiOhardson. Nays: None. Eula G. Layman and ) Maude R. _ Parrish ) J vs. ) ) The Public.) ~is day came Eula G. ~ and Maude R. Parrish, by counsel, who begged leave to rile a petition rorthe abandonment and discontinuance or a por.tion or the old Floyd ORDER APPOIETIN'G VIEWERS. Turnpike, which leave is granted, aDd the petition, and the arridavit as to the posting or notices is hereby riled. ~d it appearing to, the Board upon the said petition that the arriants have duly - ' aDd legally pUblished, as is required by law, a notice or their application to the Boar WiJ.""'" <> ..", . ".,".'..,..,:,',..', I"'<-'~ )) ~....."- ~t ~ /)i, c.,.....,..,'c: " ~:;~ ror the abandonment and discontinuance or that portion or the old Floyd Tunrpike descri ed o .. , . in the petition; that 'the publication or said notice was had by proper posting in three publio places, one or which is at the rront door or 'the Court House or Roanoke County, and one at each end or the said portion or the old Floyd Turnpike sought to be,discon- tinued and vacated, all of which is verified by an arridavi~ attached to said petition; And it rurther appearing to this Board that at least twenty days have elapsed sine the posting or the above described notice, and this Board having duly considered said petition, and being or the opinion that the petitioners are entitled to the appointment or viewers, it is hereby ordered that A. P. Greenwood, Edward Grisso, R. V. Bell, ;r. W. Griggs, and C. L. Graham, rreeholders residing in Roanoke County, Virginia, (any three r whom may act.jas viewers, who, arter,1'irst having been duly sworn as required bylaw, shall view the said portion or the old Floyd Turnpike sough't to be ab~doned and dis- continued, and hear such evidence, ir any may be orrered, and report in writing pursuan to the statut.e in such cases made and provided, whether, in their opinion, any, and ir any, wha't inconvenience would result rrom abandoning and discontinuing said portion or said road as prayed ror in the petition. 10 f' ~..." ~D D , m u The rollowing road petitions were this day laid before the Board: A petition signed by P. W. Pettie, O. H. France, C. H. Olse~ and'sundry other property O'WIlers en 'the Street 'known as Greenridge Rd.ofr #62j, said petitioners guaran- . teeing to donate a thirty root right or way, including additional widths ror cuts . ' and rills; A petition signed by E. d. Powers, R. L. McCormick, and sundry other residents or . Queen St., Williamson Road Se~tion, req~sting tJis.tthi~treet be given some kind of hard surrace rrom its intersection with Eighth St., which street is hard surraced to the end of Queen Street, which is one block long; A petition signed by .T. W. McDaniel, Mrs. d. W. McDaniel, Mrs. J'. M. DaYton, and .. . ,. .. sundry other property owners on the street known as Lake View Avenue from Sunset Village Rd., to _' said petitioners guaranteeing to donate a rorty root righ't or way, inc~uding additional wid'ths ror cuts and fills; requesting that said roads or streets be inc~uded in the Department or Highways Seco~ary System ror construction and/or maintenanoe' On motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the petitions and or requests ror inclusion or-said roads-and/o; streets in the 'State Highway Secondary System, for either maintenance or construction, or both, this day PZ:es~nted to this :sOard, be rererred to the Public Works Engineer ror action , ' as set rorth in the General Road Petition order adopted November 18, 1940. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell, Mason I.. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. COOk, seconded' by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that an appropriation of rirteen dollars ($15.00) 'per month be iDade to ..' ... (Mrs) W. B. ;rarrett ror assisting W; B. ;rarrett, Fire Chier, on Williamson Road, unti ..' . ". the rurther order or this Board; said appropriation ,to be retro-aotive 'to April 1st, 1942~ Adopted by the rOllow1ng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. COOk, H. W; Starkey, L. D. Bel~ and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. On the mction or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that each department head initial the invoices, purchase orders, or re- quests, indica't1ng the receipt or the goods requested. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors L. D. Bell, H. IV. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. "--~ 33~ ~ ",t.. , ~~. 4' 'I/"'1'f>- .', ,:1 t!r- " '11"''f/~'' On the motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that theb1l1s ~ubin1tted tor ~orree and saDdw10he~ furnished- th~ Volunteer Fireman be paid, but that in the ruture the express policy or this Board be that such bills be paid only in the event the rires attended last at least rour hours, and that said bills be itemized and approved by the Fire Chier. I, Adopted by therol10w1ng, recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. 0; Richardson, L~ D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. I Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1942. ~.~~hairman. Court House, Salem, Va. :/lay 18, 1942 _ The ,Board or SUpervisors, or Roanoka.,Coun:tYIll!l1;th1s .,da;ya1;theCour1; House in ~ mCn~yseiis1.on. Presen1;: I..D. -Bell, ,Chairman, Mason L. cOok, T~ O. R1char _ son and R. W. Starkey. Also pres8nt~ .i. ire Bowmn, Jr. Coun1;y Treasurer: The m1iilIl;es or the last regular'lll8eting _.,pproved -as spread,each member or t Board having read the COW or said m1nlIl;ss rurnishad.lIim boy. the c.lerk. TlI8 rOllowillg, claims against the County were 1;his day presented, approved and or , , 'I dead'to be paid by Toucher-ohecks out 'or the runds, respectively, cllargeable there- with, to-wit: - . - . - . - . . - . No. 1.5.513 .i... M. Bo_n, .Tr. TreaSlll"er, Salaries ror April 1.5.514- W. C. ](use, Com. "io aevenua, Salaries ror April 1.5.515 Eugene W. Chelf, Com.: Atty. s8.laries ror April 15.516 :Kaster SuppJ.:y Cn~'V, - Orrice SUpplies &: Equipment 1.5.517 Chalmers..Farpon,('.n"""1esion au DelinqueU:t Tax Collection 1.5.518 Dooley Pri~ing ComPany, Pri~ing - ror Offices 1.5.519 :bsre1;t.~Waddey ,cOmpany, Supplies ror Offl088 1.5.520 ' Goodwin Ins11l'.anCe &:Realty Co", PremiUms on BoDds 1.5.521 .A. M. ~A",Jr. Tr8asurer~ComPellsa1;:l.On or'Witnesses &: Jurors 1.5.522 j. L. Bondurant, SP. orr. Special OrUoer ror 'Ccmhurst School 15.523 Gar:;:.e1;~sEB80 Stat-ion; llep8.1rs to County Cars - . 15524 , Jiu!3sell B: Sm1ley, ,Coroner Cases and "gT...,.1nations 1.5.525 E. w. &nt8l'" K.D. -1I!.....mi.....Uon ror Drunken DrivUlg 15.526 lirs:- BIiowalter, G~ubbS, &: Cha1rsell, Coroners -report 15527 Salem-Publishing..Com,paIll', 'Pr1lIting rQr County orrioss 15.528 The TaXa. ,~~; ,Gasoline ror, C~UIlty C81's 1.5529 Eas~rn OU Company;, Motor Oil ror Sher1rr's Cars 15530 Gittens &. bton, Inc~, Premt1llll on Bond 15531 Emmett E. Waldron, Board or Prisoners . - . - . - . . - . - . - . . . . - . $ 539.09 520..56 204.17 44.71 91.24- 92.00 109.87 20.00 64.20 5.3' 15.50 ')0.00 10.00 5.00 69.05 119.99 59;40 5.00 108.60 I I AND IT F~ .AIlPEARINGto the Board CltSuperTisors:from the eY1denceber~e sai Board~' t~~ ciUe' no-tice "was' giTen,or1;he rUing "or ,said pe1;i 1;1on; that, the viewers haTe reportedra,.orab17to tlle prayer of thepet1tiOllj that ,there would b& no inOOll1'8nienoe fi'om closing 1;lIesamej tha1;,the only ~and ,proprie1iOrs,'along the read ,proposed 1;0 be d1s continued, are t.he,pe:tltl_s, berein. and t.hatthe.reroreno ,:rurther not.ioe is neoesSlU'1; and it. rurther appearing to the Board from evidence isroduoedberore it that there is 0 need wbat.soe,.er tor keeping, open that portion or said road which ,was atone, t1llle used ror ,.eh!culsr tra,.el, but, whlch..hasno1o,been so ussdror8. number at ;vears, and that i'l; is not now used ror tra,.e~ purposes by thaPub~lc, and that no injury l10uld ,be done to ~ individual Ol'the- Public :fromthe-cJ.os1ng,thereor. IT IS :&:J:ll!a(J!i.tfORE, ORIlEImD,that tJ:LB.t portion at said road be and tbe same is hereby- , -' discont1nll8d. vaoated and olosed. On the 11Kltlon or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by- Supervisor, llason,L. Cook. Upon a call ror an aye and lJB:1' vote on the roreso1Jlg, the same ,s.tood as'rellows: ~es: SUpervisors L. D. Bell, Jiason L. Cook, T. O. RiohardsOn and H. W. StarllBy. :Nays i None. A letter dated,.Aprll ~. 1942, fromW. P. Wilt see, Chief Enginee lior1'olk & Weste llailwiq Compan;y" anhQ>lledging receipt 01' 'oopy Or order entered by this" Board, a1; 11.8 .. .' Aprilll8G!ng. 194-2. with rererenoe to ohanges in Seoondary SystaRoanoke County- dne t relocation and oon~uot1on, as well as copy-, 01' reply- to Slllll8' by the Clark or this B were this day laid bef'ore the Board, and ordered riled. m Rl!:: AUDIT OF 'l'l?TAT, ;rtlSTICE'S OFFICE: .. . . ....... ., .. ~ .~ . 'The-Auditor or Publlc AliOo1inia t!il.iI day submitted to the Board a report on the andit' or iha. aooowta and,recorda. or R. T. Hubard, Trial Justice or Roanoke Couni..y. :f .' . - - the r1scal year endeo. .rune 30. 1941. whioh report is reoeived, and ordered tiled. m 1m: AUDIT OF U~IS OFFICI!:: The A;;ditQ; o~ Publio '.i~Coimts this day submitted to 1;he Board the report tlt the eXlillll1na1.-1onct the,8.ooo:un1os and.records or:Roy K. Brown. Coun1;y Clerk. and the Clerk or the Cirouit Court or Roanoke County-. Va., ror the calendar year 194J., whioh report is reoeived, and ordered ri~ed. Lettar dated Biy- 13. 1942, rrom A. T. Loyd, Attorney, on behalf or R. B. Powers . ~''"-il-' IIrs.Berta,powers. requesting thatt~ ~d appoint viewer~ to view, a oe~n"road ~7 'RL'I s. kn01ill' as, the. Camp ~anch Road, situated on the top or ~nt Momlta1n, w11ih the ,idea or ~ + olosiJJg this road, wasth1s day laid. be~orethe Board, and. on motion or Supervisor L. D. w.:u: )'h".. I. Bell, seconded by- SUJ;lerv1sor :Mason L. Cook. said-letter is rererred to tJlli Commonweai t 's .. Attorney- ror reply-. I I , I I 'I ~tlJr :d<'. ?>1 c..ti,.,& 1''1/:''' c,R...:.. ~ r ' ~:, ~,lh..J;t.-. ~.~~ ~~i ,'7'lt ,rA ~ i -'fd.,: t- .I. l' <t/'I-'" ~. , f' .1:;"0.,,, , "I..c... . :ti Colonel J. SinI>lairBr01lll, D1ree:torCivilian De:tense or Roanoke Coun~, and D. S "Clwig,~bGr or the Ra-1.iOD1.ng- Boara or -Roanoke Count7, this da7 apPeared beror; t- BoIird on bahalr or sail! Rationing' Board, ana requested that ,some help be given to ~- . ' lleve conditione, in the or rice or, said Rationing Board; Upon cona1derat1onwhereGr, on, motion or SUpervisor H. W., Starkey, seconded b7 SUpervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that, the Co.unty Execw.ive Orri8eror Roanoke Count7 be a~h~rhed to. employ an assistant. tu:the oUice or tlJS Ration1ngBoard 'Or Roanoke Co~7a:t. a sal.a.."7 not to exceed sevanty'-1'ive dollars :tt75.00) per month, to serve at the plea~ or this Board. Adopted b7 tb& 1'ollow1ng rll4Orded, vote: .\;yes: SUpervisors H. W. Starke7, I.. D. Bell, T. O. Riohardson and J/lason I.. Cook. liQII: None C. A. Plasters, R. D. Foutz, and,G. A. Updike this day appeeredberore the Board, and requested that the Boardseoure a ml1'-duDiping, ground ror garbage disposal rrom Wi1l1aJllaon Road Seo:tion or Roanoke County; Whereupon, On mot1onGr Supervisor T. O. Riohardson, ~eonded b7 Supervisor I.. D.' Bell, it 1& ordered,:that. a comm.tt.811..80mP0sed or C..T. Ward, Health Drt1Der, SlIll8niso MallGn L. Cook, and E. K. !ls.ttern, Count.y:Execu.tive oiri.er, tnves:tigate the Ditter or see1lZ'~a. nsw, lQQ8.iio~ ror said 4.Ump, with power ,0 act on the part or this Board. Adopted by the t'ollonng,reegrded v.ote: Ay8s: Superviaors T. O. RichardllGn, L; D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and H. W. starkey. lill7s: Nons. IN 1m: SUB-FINAL .w.oCATION FOR FONDS TO THE SECOND7iRY SYSTEU FOR FISCAL'IEAR- . _ _ '.. - _ - _ _.. " _ .~Y.l. 19J;.2.t.o,~.3Q.., 1943., -, ". u- c. P. Johnston, Resideut. E:ai1i:i.eer, this day'appeeredberoretheBoard and; sub- mitted to :tbe, 'Roard tlIasub-t'inal. allooation of r,undsin the SecondarY Syst~,Budget- ror the :tisoal year July 1, ,1942, ,to .Tuna 30,,1943, to RoanokB County, submitted:b7 the State High1l8.7DePutllllnt, amount1~ to $120,473.17, leas tweIIt7-riv.eper eent (~5%)' , - antic1patedourtallment or revenue, I!.8trunds amounting to $90,354.89, ror the appro .or the 'Board. Whereupon, on motion or Supervisor 'l'. O. Riohardson, seconded.by' Supervisor Mason L. Cook, said ,report, and allocation are; approved, and ordered riled. Adopted by the rollonng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Riehardson, lfason L. COOk, L. D. Bell and R. W. st8.%ltey-. :Rays: lione. - ~ ... -... - . . -, ~ ~"c'-' ~ _c.","-- ,,--.- .' ., , I I I I I Numbtr or FunClion ,-" 1 _R TITLE. OF FUNCTION ,'.'. '.- ".""" "'''.''/C:-''..,:", .. , COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 4, GENERAL OOUNTY FUND ROANOKE YEAR ENDED JUNE 10.19,41 Num- /xr 01 TITLE OF ITEM hem 100 1m 201 ::>::>), ':>n~ 220 , 1 n::> lno 109 212 210; 218 0;19 220 "n"_ "., 1 OQ Back 0 She t 1 "L,n ,-...,.;,....~.... .,..;..;;....,:;;:;:.,~Ori-~~ , 'O? lOQ ApPilO"Il'A1IOlt EllPlNDITUIIE .nw --- COIDnensation & >alea"e of Members (], .H^" nf' ",--,. Audit1na hv ""'blic 4ccnuntants ,,","1fna' __A"', ,u ....,,, Dues and "'''bscrintions Travel Exnenaea 111 0 ,k hO ~~ hO ~ nn " bo " bo 11.1 0 l~' ~O' 0, DO 1::.1 a"- ,h' 00 1 9~ 2 b' 8 'I' 0 'l' A T. 10; 0 ~TV1l! -". -- -.. "..n nf'f'1 ".." . ^f' 'a"~ Oompensation of Bookkeensr 2 DO 1 DO 1 DO 7' 00 '0 00 1 00 ,~: Iso 6 35 o 6~ 09 Premiums on Bonds "n'"". n'lnn" nf Off'ioe Enuinment Telenhone and TelelZl:'anh Stationerv Printed Forms & Office Supplies Tl"avelin" ....ynenae .aHn" nf' ___."" 'n_ ,. 2,( 0 00 igb$ nn 2l( 0 00 'l' n''l' A T. I, ~ , '^un" nw ,. ^" nf' ,.^"-- 'A R., 2 6 6L. 17c; Assillto!lnts' 2,16 66 L ~ 1 6 ,q^" nf' -...;l '...;;o;Je." .- ". . ~ >..- :;",.f,._....~....';':":'~il~~'''':''~~';'~~~'' :';.i'.... ... ... ~...::.: - 00- 2 00 o;A C;C; .."" ",1. . Da"" nl" - . 0, 218 "'elenhon" and 'l'ele"ranh ^f' n.....__ n_.' nn nn 6 00 , YEAI! EN~I.N~ JUNE 30, 1'l.{L.- ^\'P2f~IATION 07: 0 1 0 6~' 0 n, 1n 101 0 101 0 13 27: 0 P lI.n, 0 o 0 o o bo bo 100 o 100 L' 100 12116 .66 I~ L. 1 196 ,- --,~ -" -' '..,0'0 .. 1'2 00 hi no 6 00 .' PIl.OPmI!:O ElIPENDITUIlES o'll 0 1 0 6 0 hI 1n o 101 0 ~. 2~ bo b ,100 bo 9 bo ,100 bo 00 11 00 10 00 ~oo bL/6 00 1..I,m 00 ,- '00' i'2 00 L.dl 00 6 00 INOIIlA$I! OVF.R YIlAR ENrv~O JUNE lO, 19L1-2. 7 00 o 00 5 00 2 00 13L. 04 _. .-~ ."'. '0., ...._ ,_ ".'-<'.."c",'" .. -1- YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 194:s DE("Il8t\s. UNDIIl YEA. EN\l!rw JUNE 30. 1~. . 1.10 40 Atwwao bY Douo o e, 0 r! 0 1;( 0 6 bo 2nr bo 1)( bo 1)( bo 2bli bo Q 6 00 3 1 00 - 0'0-1' ' 2 00 u. 00 6 00 " i i~ " ," . "<:".," . - " , - .. - - .. , ! - - I iCOUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ FUND u YEAR ENDING JUNE 30.19 VUIl ENDED y", II. ENDING JUH. 3O,I9m Jmu; 30.19 -... TE.'IITATJ\'E ISrllEdEOVER DUllE AlE U~mEII FINAL (Acm.d) ('" tillJ~led; Esll'IIE"TE YEAR ENJ1lN<i YVIR E~W1N(i ESl nl.'HE , JUNE}D.19 JI'SE }D. 19 . - --------- - Note No. 1: , ,f...---,- " "________The Ji'urcJl.!!lJ"llg,J~g~nt_,t,fl.._!lalaI'Y__is ca~ied at ~t2. 000.00 in n_____. order to show the total annronriation for the vear endina --' oIYruL.~ 0 , 1941. It reul'esented the salary of the Auo.ito>> , --~~------- and Purchasing Agent, wb.ose office has been discontlnn~A - J " , -~--_._-----~---~_.._---------_._-_.- - I 'Note No. 2. This item iB-.aa . -'- -, " - -- --, NoY.A. $ :>)IO...o.n I I "'" -------- n___ !lew.1.ng PT>oje.ctn.., _ ,_.l.OOO~QO___, -- I __..".Nursery_Sohool___,__u,_2.0...00 . I --_.~_._-~'---- . - w...E..A.~Ehone, -, -15.00 , '-' ---------- ._-~ ",Community-,-Garden,-....-,200~ 00... - --_.--- HQUS,ekeep1ng Aid 100.00 ----... -- .----- -."-------------.--- -------_._- :jP. ",5 .00 --' ----------,. ----- "--- __HU' ___ ---- - - -- ,-- um. "om _,_" No,te_...No,.__.;,: 'Ph i '1 it.Am fR AA f'nl1nWRt ------. 8.!'"n. '(nRHtull~' " "~y,^ .--- --Uno.lll.ss.it.1ed ~.. ""'7,nn n_. I,,). " .,,,, ,c - -----~-- ,-, ..---- " ,- '- , " - - - ~. -~----_.__._. "_,,____-.8...,,L......otheI' We1t'R>>A Airl . T .. ~ Surplus-CnmmnrliT.iAR 77?95 Clf 1n , -- -- ----.,------- -18 Ml BOA l1an. -.. , 71 ,n -, , , Re~aa. " I.e." no. n nn, 1n . 'an~'~n ,- n.,C ,I. .. ",,1 " ..--- - Sewing Rnnm '.(..79.:>:> , -,n, Misoellaneous ;>,091'.5h I~ 10,'1 r . - t u t!nntatthnt.1nn t.n 0. A,.,'h. :>50.00 - "n,1nu ~^ ^" iIl>1:> .,"0, nO , I .------ --~. ,-- } r l ; ! '----~*._- Numbtr 01 Function ~ I, ntlE OF FUNCTION .. '~"'- 1"0 Num- br,ol TITLE OF ITEM hem ":,,.<-,' ',\-'- ".,. '~;'- {;--,'- -- ,- .... -,' -;:.'.'- "---,;;,~ "'\.. '- '.-~- <.':--'~ - -' ".'" >"..'.'",.,.,' ) ~:,,:...- . YEAR ENDED JUNE 10.1941.. Ap1>1I0PIUATIOH 1 ;. Stationery Printed Forma & Office Sunnlies n~~ I~ '" ,.., ~" ~19 1m 11'11; ?1:> n -" '6a g. n""'__ Aaa' I ~~ ", .~" ,..~~ ~" n1' Ann...' ^n n. ,.. _ _ .., "--::i:::,'j.:::,::;;:;;<!>:',-/" ROANOKE 'COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. J911? GENERAl. COTTNTY FUND TOTAL I'lli' m^v"''' 21'11'1 ^,'a'~" 1:>,,, "'6nf, ^" ^"".-- 1211; .. _" _DD. "'^n' ?1A ??n ;<10 a~A m6'6~nan" .. ",a a., ,.. On'nf,6A ~QQ Delinouent 'l'ax Collector "'''',." "'" 101 (.n~~nn n~ n'A~~ "I'll. U~~" 'n" ._^. -" ""... ^& ",., "1" ft. '11Q ""'6' , ,.. --..- ~..._".. ...........,..._ _,",.;:.ex~..WliWoi ... 'I' 1'1 'I' A T, 00 62 I '" ,. Iz-hn "" IUI nn /, Inn ,,: 1 Inn Inn nn 1'11'1 21.1 1.1 .- I", n t.A ,n 00 ,i\ "., ," nn ,,, nn :n ^^ lA.rl nn ,U 1'11'1 l.;. ;.;;:; on '-. ... ""'" ^6 Q..nn1' aa 'M- . -~ nt -'n 111 - ~'__~'.___.n.__ , EXPENDITURE 2~. M. 08 .. at. 7' "" n~n "., ..., ." ^^ ," nn J.. 'I." '.. I~^ ,n 1J:lt. " 1,0 .1 ["0 "n '7" on nn ,2 nn ., 7' '7" ~t.I ni.. "eb~;;' V'AI EHDlfa,.. JUN'~.~ ^I'PA2[t:iAlI0N A.. . o 00 1 62 .thnl 1'11'1 ~n nn ~,~, LJ:l nn :"dd 'nn Inn Inn lid I^^ l:.l I., .., t.A o 00 ~ n '7'7 ,^ nn !I: nn '^ ^^ on n" "hnl nn .. ,JJ M ,',-L - PltOl'Otl!O EXPENDITURES ,hJ~ 00 7< 2 00 0\1'11 1'11'1 In no . ~~I., .0,0.__ ~n 1'11'1 Izl1lnl nn no 1'11'1 st", 1'11'1 1'11'1 no 11(]), 00 1'11'1 ,n' nn' I 1:>1t.. I'll'll 1'1 1'11'1' In 1'11'1 1.1111'1 nil ~tl. 1'11'1 " - -2- YEAR ENDING JUNE JO. 194~, INCREUI!. OYER YEAII ENOI\",O JUNE}(I.19..Ll-2 '18 l)BCRUIS UNI>.. YEA. END\NO JUN.Il 30, 19LJ.2.. ~2..... ___ on 'I;" 00 [)l Ql 1'11'1 ALlOWBl BY BoARD h~o 00 2 00 --- , In nn .n 1'11'1_ J QQ..--- 11'1 no "hi'll QQ.._ iO 00 '.. 00 00 '1'11'1 6B 6 0 00 o 00 q'" 00 68 7(1'1 1'11'1 2f I; 00 'n 1'11'1 ,1'1 on ,thnl 1'11'1 ,0;' on .;i~-;.: '." . ';:~' ,. l!, -'j: .!I ' ~. 1- .'..?fJ;-~;./:r;r~t~'~ '07. .' .. - .. .. - ROANO~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA -3- EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 u'S GF.NF.RAT. nOTTN'r'V FUND TITLE OF FUNCTION YEA" ENDED JUNE 10. 19,4~ YB~1l EN.IJ.2 YEA" ENDING JUNE 10, 19 43 Number of JUN!! 30. I n. PJlIlI'OSI!D INfIll':UI':OVER DUR EASIl UNo.a Al.l.OWBlJ Function Num- ApUOPJlIATIOH EXPENDITURE ^l'l'ROA"tf"tION E, YEAR EN#2 YEA II: ENOl4l buof TITLE OF ITEM l'ENDITURl;S JUNE ]O,IL,? BY HO,lRD l!tm ,,' JUNE JO. I _ _u._ t;.A --- - 102 Comnensation of .Tudge ,I b' 6'1 lb: 63 10J 6'1 1 00 1'S7 1D;: 00 10'1 'At,. nn nf' Q ",1 At, on 11be1 10011 11b( Inn I, Ion be 00 ,120 ,Hn~ nf' T",,~. 1" 10011 1'10 2' lor 100 ~t 00 1 :>1 ''''nn nf' A~" m'~ .aa '., 0011 I~ ,I; 17 lor I.., Ion 00 I,;;>;> n nf' ,T11T''O' noli hi on l' I or _ _00 II' 00 -- -I-' -- , I ;r;,a CH-, .." '" nf'f'. ,'. ,. 'oa 00 bol AI, IC nn .JlO 00 ~ ... m n m ^ T, o' n'l o. Q;> bI f,;r;1I n no '17 ~ 0'0 00 I - I t;.R I -- 102 ,...^~ of' .TUAt.'n.. hi 00 ohrl 00 nb( 00 h( 00 I , fd b ~~~ Of t u1 ~(4 100 , 1 1n;r; l1mnpAnAAt.1 nn n"f R'lh!:tt.1bd:~ 1')'\1"1 Al.T,lRt1 r.A , 00 1 1:<( 00 11 1 P' on ;'>'2 nn PI noli I>r\ nnll 2( 100 on 2( 00 'SIC) Stationerv Printed Forms & nf'f'. M n, 'H"" 12' 0011 1 6L 11:>' 100 ., 00 1 00 1 S' 00 m n m ^ 'T .., 00 . {J, ;, loc . Il, onll 2 no ;L'i< 00 - <;.n ,- ,p. . 's -, , 1102 ,H^~ of' ,t,hla .~ h. onll of, Inb( I nr In ,00 12 OJ( 00 I,no ,io1nn nf' 0011 h 00 'i( Inn IL 00 L)( 00 noli -- !:>,A Tel ,. and 'l'A' ,h, 1 'll1 I,bi I'Ir hbl 00 2 00 1 00 ::>1;.> nn 0011 nl'lll 00 00 . 'I' n 'I' . T, on I? 17, '17 1r:;t;1 nr 1,,17, I Doll I; 100 21~ 00 --- - - h AND " , ..- ,- r-._-._........~_._.-~; "1\-';'1. "..-.'._'- .,-" ~"c '...._~ .. , .,li'iffi.."-._'~. "-', "~". '~'--' r..'..... " .....".".,.,.-;..;-........... ... ..- -. .~ '.""'0;. ~:._ ..., --..... ' , "" " , ',- ~"".....,.- -,-- "~ .--,' '......,.. ....; ,J 'I'I? nf' h, or n ?hrt. nnll 01 00 nl nn I; 01 OC }, "\ ) . , nf, of if'f'a 01 DC ~ ~ I;:'! ;.>q, 00 00 OC i. . , , 106 Comoensation of Soecial Officers L 00 80 <; t( 00 <; 00 5 00 - ...,tf Number or Funuion TITLE OF FUNCTION '- - Num- ber of TITLE OF ITEM Iltrn Hl~ 107 212 211, ?,,, '" Q 0'0 .." , znn >;1::> ~10 z?" zoo h_" ,.. nf' ,if'ii'."'~~ nf'f'1",,,,. Comnensation Or Coronel" Pre ~~ - Rent or Bloodhounds "'Q' , .a ~<' 1<' --" .,.__ _ rA~"nih, T. ^....~ ""."nn ."', ".n."_o "_0'. Ann nn ".. n" , ____.. ~'n""n fT~'o_-~,- n~"" ,'an ,,___ .n.... ~<' ,."..~.... On', ^'''' "^",,, ^'" 22'" --,. --H "n nf' P~' >;01 zn{., ",---,-- "-'--"lA1A z"" >;10 ??I, "'R ,,'..- f'lt U en" ,~ ~..,-, "__,, "'..... Ann I ^...., 1100 , .. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 4~ GJo:NgRAL COUNTY YEAR ENDED JUNE 10, 19,41 ApPROPRIATION ;.;~( 00 ~l 0011 pcb 00 'JhJ nn , nn nn ), II, 00 00 .. n<'<"no Q..__H__ '" n m ^ T, "",~a nn nn Q nc 111 00 1 he 00 ,htk nnll 00 on 0011 "'Ill nO >;kJ 00 II ",,,_a " ... ". '" n '" A T, EX'PENDITUIIE FUND >;I:ll 1 00 1n no '7Q " , I" i" I" 1t z? "" ,,, "0 ,I:: 1,1, ,Q f..{, , loll "'" 27 "nil ? AI. II '7? VIlAII ENmNo JON' 10, 19..42 Al'P}flf.lATION A, '''8~Ad Re noli I"l,., 00 hrl nnll on nn h:r nn I "l,. , ^" " nn nn 1t nn nn nn nn Izlo, nn , h, nn h nn 00 /)/)11 nnll II ,QQ - 1-- PII.OPOSI!D EXPENIIITURE.S l,hA nn I>; 00 h nn 00 I" nn lNCRUSHOVEA YEAR ENOINr; JON' 10, 104,2, ~p. ,00_1- 2h no n nn h ..00 _ .....12 .00 I,,~ nn 1r 00 nn )( 00 nn ?,' nn " r'ln 00 1 nnll nn 00 /)/)11 00 nn 00 ~ ,0.0 I~ 00 .,...2, nn nn ~nn 1" 00 "", nrll l' nn - -4- YEAR ENDING JUNE 10, 19 4~ 100 DECRU5B UNIJIII YE,U ENIlI'l'U JUNIl 30. 19_42 nn no -. ALLOWRO n... u..UItO l1~d OQ_ 171J 00 bd 00 00 nn .l.Hl ..._ 1(QO ,_ 3:1LJill .._ .6 )( .,Q.Q _" Jill ___ _ JL _Q.Q _ 2 J1 ..0.0 _ " 00 'f--- f------- Il.1bd 00 17 , ...ill) ,..... lhr\ ll.Q_ 00 1:>(\ 00 ..,' ~. .. ';,0' Ihl" I 00 ____ I.t. :.~\'ff ;~:i"<~:~ ~/...':' ',~;.+j: ;,".' '{t,'$. t~~. . ~- ",';~( i9.;",..:\~:t.t.. no < , .... -.'. ..,' "',"-' ' , :.< '"';- .. IIIIi .. .. .. " ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA -5- EXPENDITURE ESTlMA TES , FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19 43 GENERAL COUNTY FUND TITLE OF FUNCTION YEA" ENDED JUNE 10,19..41 Y UI ENn4Q YE^R ENDING JUNE 10,194:5, Numbtr HE 3D, 19. .2. of Ju Pl{OPO$!.D INCREASE OVER Du RIlASII UNO.. ALI,OWflD Function Nllm- ^" ROl'RIATIOH EXPENDITURE AI'PRj{N"TION YEAR ENDl!oln y, All ENDltU f,(rof TITLE OF ITEM En ENIJITURE5 JUNIi JO. 19Ji.Z a 30, 19 ,~. nY &"'111> hrm ,...' ,-~"... J"" 7 FTRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION -- - 102 Comoensation of Fire Chiefs a 00 9 00 00 7 00 - 11<; Comoensation of Drivel's " 00 7" 00 Q 00 'I 00 <- - - - 115J Payment to Volunteers (Williamson Road I 1.)( 00 lL 00 11 0 ~,l, "An" "f' ~L '~"n" "" (.. no nn 6 00 ~n'7 ""a~"n'~ :n nn .DO 7- .Do... _ 1 5 _O.Q --.-.- ~ ---- -~-- - ~~;r; , h Ir "" 00 .0,0_ _ c5 00, -- -- -1-' -- -- -- - - I ?,A mal. 4n" ma'A, h '.r nn " 00 00 11 ,~ 00 I 'I" ""._1 h ,In "n " nn nn 11 'I; -I- 00 ---- ~,<; ., ,nn.. ,., ~_. ,< ,L ,.hrJ ""II :" on _,1 00 l1/Jd Jl.Q I - , Zl? ~. ., <_A ~n" "., Ie 00 1 00 ) 00 1 iC 00 I I ",nn 4n" . , An"" 00 100 ,C 0 I ;.>,~ .._4 .. , " "n :r nn nnll 1;1100 Ie - , 00 ""A "_411 . 4n" <:!nnn" A4 lr nn '00 ~/Jd 00 - ?OO ""nA ~ - -'" ..~ 2 nn " "'''' ~hr nn ;dJrl 0011 _ OJ_ OJ). '___ 8 )e 00 , -------. 208 "'-ta"e ,to H'1...e ~e 21( 00 1 \C 20 2lr 00 1 00 00 1 ''i 00 , 'I Oil. Chemicals 00 'i) 00 iC 00 ,-- , "'O/-, "'~' "ft~ . ", ft o>nn <~a lr nn nn no ;C 00 - - -, m n '" ^ r "" LJ.d ~7 bl. "n nn , Inn nn I r 00 - . ,- --, - -, ---- -- 8 PUBLIC i'lELFARF. 100 Comnensation of Members of Board ;r;1r 00 ;r;lr 00 ,n 00 )0 00 2 )C 00 ,-. 102 Comoensation of Countv Farm Hand 6 00 6)( 00 6,0 00 !C 00 6 00 --- !( 00 ---- 102 Comoensation of Extra Farm Hands 2/Jri 00 00 21n 00 2 .e 00 I; 00 2 iC 00 Ol)rl --- " -, -- -- --.- - --- ,- 20'3 Fairview Home 00 0 21; 0)( 00 0 00 0)( 00 I'll" Med1ol\1 I'!ar" II,h(l no 6 '7<; J, n( 00 00 0 00 lr 00 ;;. IJJ -- :J , l'7n? "..... u^_.. on nn I1f Inn U, h( 00 h( 00 ,'~ . ~bJ ; :'f,., ~, Note No. l'Iqq w -" ,. & Other Welfare Pl'olects(Com. Garden \ 00 2 00 6K' 00 D( 00 'I 00 ,tH 00 . :~~~;i '/,'; " ....l.',\ \ ":\~ "~iJJ , \,"',( \.....,' '..- __"U_",__.__ ..~_..~...,_~_.~._...., ....a.___..~......... L.. ,_ " " ' ::.,._,_._;.."fj~: . " .... , ,'-, -'-" ";-,' ~, Numbtr of Funtlion q 10 10~ TITLE OF FUNCTION .. .. Num- ber of TITLE OF ITEM hrlll , ?I, (1omr ."aaH on nf' 220 >;n~ 102 , n? 'l'",,,vel s'" nf' T"n",,,v "'a,..", np"1"'" +.1 nn 111'" rl1t.1AR '.',,--....'..- .::-','! ::..'..l....~:.i'...':- 'c- ,,-,'i,.r"-;>:".; DnnT Tn - .. ROANOY.'E COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING .JUNE 30, 19 h? GENERAL COUNTY FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. 19,.41 ^PPJlOPJlIATlOH EXPENDITURE '0 nf' T ,nan~ (10_" nn hI': . nn .: nn I?I., I, Inn '1' n '1' . T nn ,( ill ' hI': HAA1+'>> ,qnh nn h.' nn nn nn IAHon of' Comoensation of' HA"" toh nf'i" "An " 00 1>;1'1 U"u'a"",o' n<' "... " "'.. ."1 .., , no .t,10n of' "'.. , n? ,nn 10q 10Q 10q ...loQ lOQ 21 I; ?,l:l , --,---- -- -- --, .~ .t. ~: ~~,. , . \ '--.., ,,,0 'I1Q 211 .. nn m~' an" '1',,1, Statinnerv and Of'fice Supplies PUBLIC WORKS F.Nn 00 11;0 1<;0 TOTAL 111.'1 00 11.1 " I.., . I.-,Ioh Inn nn ... ,,'l ... .. A,." .ne,.. &. Tna ,:>JRIl nn 100 100 II 00 I' i I 00 I. <;0 nn 00 Pl'emiums- Liability Insurance 6 0'1 Yua ENOI~~ J\.lNE 30. 19.1J......_ Ai'PROPll.IATION As In Inn 11 100 1:10 Inn ,- 1I11m Ion ~ 00 010 nO ':'7 nn 00 I>;, 100 UI' 100 1,ln, Inn I ~12 [00 I? 100 b 100 III 100 I dn 100 :;> 100 1:1; 00 ,16, 00 .. PAOPOSI!D f.JU'ENPlTURES I tin nn h 00 I : 0 nn I,In Inn I, lolA Ino " lliL do 100 o nn ,I., nn b 100 II; 100 ,f~ 00 1.10 nn , dA lliL IJJ Ino I ciAo 100 :::loih 100 ldol,loo ,~ I , r. h I.;n I,ql-, nn '2 00 .. -6-" YEAR ENDING JUNE }O. 19 -43 INCRUSE OYER y EAR END\~~ JUNE lO. 19.!t.._ I, _1;r1ol 00 I, 100.. -:lol nn 00 o 00 00 100 11010011 Idol 00 o 00 DECUA511 UNO.'" YEAR ENDlP1~2 JUNI! lO. 19-.Y-._ .'1'1 (00 1-- I? nn 2 00 AllOWSD DY IlouD I tlo illL_ 11 00 L:lo 100 L<lo 100 ,~ 00 , _2.,14' 00 ,0101 QQ. -, <;1 o..CL I-- :>, 00 2 QQ.. I-- <;, 00 ~Ii 00 -f- -1--- .. - h 00 h 00 Ilh 00 In 00 1 6 00 1 '2 00 1 0 00 8 00 r I; 00 <; 00 2 00 -,:(.,: ,tk .;........, ~.. ': .... " .i/f. r: Number or Funcrion , n.' " .. , 12 TlilE Of' FUNCTION -... .' ':; .. ROANOKE COUN't'Y, VIRGINIA, EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 4~ GENERAL COUN'.ey FUND Num- ber of TITLE OF ITEM hem :znn An+ ~ g. 1, nn I ?1 n nL 121n m'_ftn 0, ~. _L a_A n41 .a _ ,nn_ 0_4_+a g. nf'f'1CI'l On_"n ~I J) ". ^ r, -. Hm' _" ___On ".. ... n""'ftft 0, __u__ _ n1, n_. ."n I"'~n m_nu.' .. ,'n_ I?nn l:zoo 1", 1,,1 hno \"'1'1 ,I I '" n '" ^ r. "0" 'u_ ..~.m ""fn , . nf' "'n_~ 0 _" u__ .. _L '+'~_' .L . '~n ~f' ma1_~"_... nn" m_1__n_.." m n mAr, I"., ,. nf' "".';"1nn I ",1, On"," 1?2::> 4a1o . , ns & Postinlo( vot1nu T,ist 14n. YEAR ENDED JUNE 10, 19,.41 Ap,.OPItIAYIOH EXPIlNDITURE eR IJ,P. nn ., lr 00 hr 00 ",Ho "'''' '" 1 0 IR 17 /,f. 100 b~ 11::> l; or Inn b. Inn " Inn ~l;11 r inn l:z ,()1 l. nn I::>Jh< Inn Ip .A? il,1 ",n '., 'Hl Inn I", Inn ~~ 171 in i2 100 Ino IQ~~ 117 b !-or I nn or Ion j, 11'7 hllb I~IL h lu Inn Inn 00 inn ",hrl ,00 " ?,:; An U. be l'i ." YIWI' EN'f~O JUNE }D. 191+2.. ^pPA~r"110N .. inn Jmol inn Inn bill Inn o 00 I:l Inn t7 Inn Inn ,. Inn ,l,n "mr ~ 0 00 I<lb I;.;~ b hr I nn I~hr Inn hr Inn \, l:z:z t7lr 00 .r Inn l'ibC 00 00 Inn .. - . -. PJlOPO$EO EXPENDnURES tl on Jnl 00 'l) 'nn 'nn 00 ~nl inn I" ,nn Idf Inn o 00 ,rhnl inn o Ino o 00 hr inn o 00 bll, 00 b ~r I nn I:zhr Inn hr Inn ,I. Inn 71~(1 00 P( nn ':;,hr 00 IHCRU,SIl OVER YEAR ENDi~r. JUNE lO. 19_~2_ 00 ., "0 2 00 ,t) 00 .. -7- YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1#-7--- lJELRIiASIl UNDla Yua E.NDltt~1 JUNH 30. 19_.<<-~ o 00 '0 00 I nn hi 00 00 00 00 R' 0 00 "',? "^^_14__ ~~n rp....Av"1 1i!yp(lllnAtIl. :z,o, ~,~ !'ltat101'1e....v. D~a~'''_' _ 00 00 6' 1.... ALLOWSD BY IkullD . 0 00 g' 0 00 nlO 00 o 00 '0 00 _~11.0 00 ~I 0 00 o 00 h, 0 00 jq 00 12 0 00 I", 0 00 1 0 00 /", 00 1- ~liO 00 '0 00 l'iI)C 00 Number of Function 1), 18 -HQj;e INo. ~ TITLE OF FUNCTION ... - Num- btr of TITLE OF ITEM Ilem 7,lQ '^",..'" nTi' 110 ,inn ... T. ,.~ ?(\'1 ..., ,~,.. . ?,n _ Ti'in.. TnQn 21<: "n^D'~a t.n HI," '" ^~a OJ?" znl. ~ ,n1. 7,0? ni,,"'''nn~-~ "" Fuel 'IQQ Miscellaneous loa 20'S "00 ;>lJ. -.'. -, .,iF" ". ROANOKE cauNTt, VIRGINIA EXPJ.<:NDlTURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ]943 GENERAL COUNTY FUND YEA" ENDED JUNE 10. 19,4,1. ^PPilOPIlIATION EXPIiNPITVIlI1; '1' n '1' A T. .. n....i ".. r..Q 11, 00. 00 11 So. 1?11 70 ANn ,., " an TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS nonation to Lire l'lavlna (Jrews s - I.. n, ,~ Ti"~n''''' n",^ ion+- ....^'" Ti'""A ~. T"..n p" Gln'bage CollAnt.ion _ RAnt, O~, ,+- T,i "hHn~ 'H ..".." ni,,'lio,., 1\0' m ^ m , T I., nn nn ~ 11 ~f I-.? lEI;) (,6 nn nO I"", 11 1( An ~, 111,1 (,? nn nn 00 01 00 8PI 10. 0. 'i 7" 110. 00. 2hdl DO , h! DC 2hl ~, 00 66 bJ 7,A .,hl 0011 17r nn , , ,A 0011 11h I, 2? :<17' h 'lbI! '11 YIAIl ENDI~~2 JUNE 30. 19.1L_ Af>PltOK/tTION .. ." nn IAPe 1..6.. hI] 2,r ;( ~( do. 110~Ll 06 2nl 00 DI 00 <:,r nn dlr nn I, nhr nhe "nr Doe 00 00 00 1.1-. 1,0 00 o.Q 00 )( DO nnll 00 nn 00 Inhr nn 12 17,hl 10011 - PIIOf>OSEP E~f>ENDITURf.S 00 <!orl 00 lr nn 1.;( 00 )r OQ Inh, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 i( iC o( )( 1)( 1 2)( 00 1 00 nn " nn hI on " 00 ?hl ,no ,Ani 00 nlll 11 A nn 00 - -8- YE^R ENDING JUNE 30. 19 4~. 'UCltF.HI>:OVU YEAR ENDlNc. JUN> 10, 142, nh or D<<ll:If,l11' u....o.. "'..,,,11. ENDltto JUUR 30. 19_ij..~ -I- -. 7e 541--__ JoG 2 20 OC ,11 qWI 1 ':> In n( , mo~ Or ~~, odl 11 h 00 ^I.LOWllP BY llo,lIfD ,<:hr no ,71;( 00 ~( 00 3 ~C do. '._ _ _'___ 'i~L..Q.Q .__ o 00 O( hh 00 1 2 2 00 00 00 9P( 00 1 00 00. 2)( 00 li,;r-- 00 _ <:hrl .oD _,_ 1---'5- no__ ill) on 00 In\-- 00 I> 4 ~I..ooll- 2 QQ _, l.~ _ .J)_Q_ , In\-- IP;.l1l' I ) ~ II' f-- -,- ;, J1Q 00 00 , --I -,v- I ."'., .-- .. .. - .. I - ROANOK'F. COUNTY, VIRGINIA -9- EXPENDITURE ESTlMA TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING .JUNE 30, 19 )'3 , GENERAL COUNTY FUND TITLE OF FUNCTION VE^" ENDED JUNE lO. 19,_41 V. AIt ENJl42.- Yl,^R ENDING JUNE lO,1943 Number 01 JUNE 30.19. PJllll'OSl!n INCRUSB OVf.R LlUAUS. UND.I I\U.OWlIll Funtlion N'lm- ApPROPltlATION EXPENDITURE AI" 117[!jUION EliPENlll1llRU YE",... ENIl'4' Y EAI ENDl.i.U bt, of TITLE OF ITEM JUNII lO. 19.. 2 JUNII 30,19 a .... !k.JAJlD Jc(m It lQ CAPITAL OUTLAY ,-- ,- I Fire Equipment 0 00 0 00 ~C 00 0 00 I 1,0:> IH,... Hn~.. hI 100 II, 1;0 ;thol 00 ~r 00 1< Qi nr ,O_.!L ,0_0 , , -- 11,01; Of'f'1".. " :00 IF 2? nn ~r 00 1< 100 ,mol 00 I I ... ." ". _ "..-111'11",0' ",..",1'1 <, 100 I:> ,. :>" hr 00 ~ b< 2>; 0 00 , "..aa",,,.. 4'n", p..hHn I~ .oQ DI5 1+ __00 - bq 00 I - -. -- - - -t--- , - l,on ..".. I: '\ br on 1. I,Q 10 nn v.ho no_ ~1~ 0,0, -0 _0_0_ - - - -- ---. -- --- - '- "00 W.l>. . .. nmo, "n", P",n ,L ;:lfIri nn Ie 80 In nn l:."'r nn 00 0 QO --, m n m . T, lr 00 ;~ '1; >;: ~o ,,>; .00 II,',' 00 pI iC 2>; .19 .09 __0. -- -, ~-- m, lAT. ",TTNTI Q: . ~ II:> IQlh Ih"? ~1 '1 ;>1, ?: Ino 'lE1\. 61 ~. ., 2.!.. 1 8 00 r- ~---- - n. ___, - ,,---- ,- I"QO n4' 'P""AA \r 00 " Q7 ;n 00 100 II; nn 1 0 00 ---- -- , 1-' -, To -, Fund pr 00 , pC 00 Of.. .1211< 00 oL 3< 00 'l'n n. Pnhl1" AAA1 AT."~ft. "',~.. I, ,~ IRdlol QR ;r 00 Ino In 0011 I1J o 5L 00 .- , /1 " . lJ T\ m n m . T, 1(\ PC o;A In", ?~ QI ;t ?n 7' nll~ 100 I?h I" -:p Q.l.. 117 1~ 00 ; . , , " , - I--- - - --- -- . - ~~ -. ~ ,r_ .. . ~':.~ ':::~ ~'-... " n~ . - \.. :- I Anti cd pat;ed...surpJ"" 1--' __ _,_,_......L-., __~..._Qur~nt_Le,11;1.-, no', mn~nn ,- T,"nn. R"demptious I~d ..... ..~.:, '~.:m,:n. ._" 't--=' ,T.eRR..Da.llnqu.an~..1.4% , _"... ,__' "'__--'l'o_tal-Reyenue_,Re quire.d- "_,~___,~,__....._,,_ Aas,,!Ul.!t<"-':L_ya:I.J.\lL_+_ I __u____ , Rate of ,Levy -----...----, ---------- ---- ----- '! _.. _______.n_~__l.___.___ - f' t v' I l' t t~ ~ 'l' 0 'l' A r. ,------ f'; ,~ "I .. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTlMA TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19M- SALEM DISTRICT ROAD BOND FUND R-6 - YEAR E:-O:D1!\G JUNE 30, 19 43 fUll ENOEU JUNE \0, 1941. (hulI...n 1'''-'''A EloftHNc; Jo", ]0, '42 (ESlllll;!'ICl,l'; H~:\L E.."TI:\I.\TE Isrn.UEOVEk Y[-'II bO'll,to .1111'-11: W, It) 11-2 Dr(JUAU UsnER YHR ESIT"I; Jl'~fC W. J9q.2 TEHTATl\'E E~TlM.nE ,I~ M ,I~ " ,I". {.., -- --- "-... ... -.... nr n nrll 11,,1 nnll I, . fl .....ill ----- "h nr I .., nc :>: n r - OJ - I. M " n, n, I"n'n nl I~ nr !~ .., Of 0011 0 oc ~ -~..,,, 0 ----- - i II. .nh nr I l11 ~O,' or It h no r -.--...- I",co 0 , --- -- 0 ,Q. 0 h,I~1 or n 0 '..Jl'; - - 0 n_. I .,,, t ! "-i" - roo -- ,-", -- ,--- ---..- ,--- - _____n'__,___ f----- ,_ ,..,.. __... __ I + _, _un' _ --- '. ~'\ :~\ ,.:\', 1: /j.~i i.~ ni " I ;i'rt H1. ~ ;"" Number of Fumlion 1::> m'..~' ' ' TITLE OF FUNCTION _....' - ',.. .. -.""" -- ROANOItR COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19 I,~ WILLIAMSON ROATl RANT'1'ARV TlTR'1'RTl'1'1' NO.1 FUND NUln- btr of Till[:. OF ITEM hrm 102 ,no 0(" I no. n .... ~ n~ c!. ~. d , YEAR ENDED JUNE 10,141. API.OP.IAlION " Rn,," ,aa~ .r 00 01 ....n~ nf' .f' "n11 AI "'A.." nf' ""a'.... ... n~ T I::>>; :.>1<: Ma' ""<:0 Ua" "',::> ",A "'n7 22'1 >;00 'Il<! >;OI>A >;lA ;';01> :i\lq Ann An:< :<00 !t07 ann T,' n..a nn ... "'a' -.. a..n "'a'A~..an" ~, "....", nA Water Service Aut,n 1'n.. ""~aa Tubes and Pan"a .e and Oil 'iR.1" R.nd sunnlies "n~ '1'nnl" Ann Rm,' m,ean'n~ MAt."..i Ala Ann '>.... "...." "toH, "..'ntA.... n~r< nA '1'AY ",t.n.. '1' 0 '1' A T. ""'''''' On ..... nn TOT A L W~" ,. L Extensions Ilo~ 00 17 100 10 100 tn Inn ~" 00 L7 00 ~CO 00 2 00 l'ioloo 17 100 nn hr/nloo o 00 Inn o 00 EllPlNDlTU.E ,n 00 I" 0 00 I, 87 10 10 72 11 (,7 8 116 1 ~O ,~ '10 Ie 1)1 1 < 1 h 1< .,0 hn 00 . dlolc 00 h, hi. " 99 v..... ENOI~O JUNE 30. J9.4-J,2... ^PPl\OP.IATION .' 0 00 "8 00 "2 00 fl<; 00 o 00 17 00 o 00 'I::>t; 00 '15 00 I" 00 1<; 00 o 00 ,0 00 6 00 1<; 00 I, nn 2 00 ~n 111fT o 00 o 00 o 00 io 00 - PJlOI'O$I!.D EJlNi!OITURE5 1 ' , 0 00 c 8 00 '0 00 1. (0 00 o 00 17 Q.Q, 1 00 2 00 2 00 17 00 5 00 "I'i 00 o 00 o 00 Ie: 00 00 6 h 00 ,thn< nn o 00 Ie 00 ~( 00 ~c 00 .. -10- YEoR ENDING JUNE 10. '9 43 JNCIlBASBOVI!A YEAI ENOIf.G JUN!> 30. 19J-l-_2 l'Ibdi 00 11)1 00 b.> 00 15' 00 2 00 i ~6 00 Ico 00 DUJlun UNblJl Y "AI ENl\'~~ JUNB 30. I~.k__ "2b 00 00 2~ 00 Ob 00 60 00 1 )O~ 00 ALLQWII1) IIY Ho...Rll 2'0 00 4 00 1 0 00 ~.Q~ 00 ~ 7 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 7 00 5 00 5 00 o 00 o 00 ,~ 00 ~- 00 ,I. 00 . 0 00 o 00 o 00 ob 00 )~b 00 ,\" I If A; .~, ,','.:~,-~:t '/~';' ('.I: t~ 1:"[; ~~~ ~ 1- ~E1 or Dog ...Tags_ 'r-=~=-------u_-- +-=- -f- :- .__ _._____.______~_._.___~__ .__ _". .n__'_______________ :J'," 1(',,' - . ..:__,,' ~ _0'" ,,_.li.-,i.~1-:'; " ' t'- i' H. :icj~w}1:--. -.j.' -. -,,~ ~, , ~, - ,uu '" 00 ~~ ,,;'1/,1 'S.- l, ~ , ~., 1 ;:/\ ':;~' I 'I' -\ r .. "'LL ;,. f)N;~,';'; . ; ~. \"1 ,,_ ~. :'( . H. . " .;;:.,1''''1,,:'''_; 1'1" " ~ ,-.,.,. 00 co "" ,.,.; , ' -, f!o'! Ij, ; ;. It.~ 00 Ov , ~ ~ n ,... M ," OD'C " 'IT .. ", .;. j/:. :: ,,:.,-';':---~ 'of ;',' .~ "I,' .' ,.~ .. ROAtfOKE till) ... COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 19J!L.. DOO YUlt ENq~D JUNK 10. 194-1. <1.((11,\1) , :i.-I!':i" -~ :'1 ;i 1 If! -t , ft~ ~i ': OC ,,~'..'" : H".~:I'i " . 'tl."-' if ' ;:~ ~ (~"i ~fJ.: '~', i' ~ ~t 66~l :1:, . : ,~i ,I 1]9 ~, " ;,_ ,_:_;r.:; .. 3 I "" il'. 6: , , ton FUND "HR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 4~ YEAI ENDl~~ JUNE 30. 19 f.J.4 (ESlil1l;ttcd1 , 1 I , , .. !! ") t]:;-f ;:j ~ .~J~ ~ TeNTUIVE EsTIMATE ISUMlEOVEII 'rEM. ENrUW JUNE 30, Iif.2 [>[("Jl.EAn: UsnEII YE~R E....DlNH J"N> 30, 1942 FIN.\L F.5TIM.\TE {.. n Inn L r nn R-5 no_ ____.._ ,_ ~ ~---' ... , .... --.. I .~ M; ~ ljj~ m ~. % ~ ;;~ ~I~'!l, ~ ~ if ~ ~~ ~~. N {~Wif!: ~j it~ Ifl. *t ft.<<~ ~_iK~3 It; t~; ~'i.J i~ :~ t~\1 il1 dJ;;~: .m~~' Ii,: . ;, "C' :>-., ,"- , 1 I, ',i', ,.., ",,' I ",;! "."'...,..' ,", ,', ';,'I'UQl''!Uj} D i: ' ',,', ',"'! '",'",4' ',., ,......i/! l.UJ'j I it.',,', ..'".. ;1"';)>,'\ "..- ....... j.a~~;~~~lr ..1. " ";' 'J..I,.' '" ~. ,,, " ~'l" 'rx l:I'.'.~ " , I ' e 1 .,;/Ji "; " ., ,~ i ", ~j\;~-:~< . !~~~-,. ".,.. - .. ROANOKF. COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTlMA TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 II? WILLIAMSON ROAD SANITARY DISTRICT NO. 1 FUND ,-, TITLE OF FUNCTION YEA' ENDED JUNE 10, '9,.41 YOM' ENDJ4. Number or - JUNl! }(t. 19. 2 Funnion Num. ^PUOUIATION EI9iNDITUIE ^I'PlIOFIIATIClN lItr of TITLE OF ITEM As htm J, oR Nl'lW 1 0 00 T 0 TAL lLL 6D 00 l' 63 12 0 liD n VE FOR 13 0 00 "'N"H "'.1,1:" On l,rlolR IQ~ '~I" 'I? 00 , V.Ol'OSI!D ElIl'ENUlTlJlIU ,f, - 12 00 00 B 0 00 IN(:RUIE Ovu Y~.u. ENDINIl JUNB lO. 1942. Il( 0 00 o 00 Q(L _ ,_,_. lr no ..' -11- y"^, ENUlNG JUNE JO, '4? ' D<<"'H. UNO.. fEU ENDltfU JUNII }(t. 19~.tt-2 o o o o 170. _ 00 --.. .. - ~ t- - .. - .. '- 'f- -f-- ,- ~t- - !- ,- - AU.QWILJ nY Uu.u.u 0 0 2 0 - ~1( 0 00 - I<U ~171 _{HL _ --, --1--'-"',,--- !--- 1------' -f-- r-- 1-' - - - - - - - - -- ......, 'On 1----- -- r--- r-t- ,j 'lJ~ , , t--- r-- , ~ - , , -. e.--~- I- I :- Rt:tlt:A - - . aount~_,_. '" " '" . T, L .L.. .. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19.10.... VIRGINIA PUBLICAS~ISTANCE FUND Y.411 ENDED JON' 10, 19,41 (^((tl,d) YMII ["'I)INO JUNE lO, 19LJ.2. (F.slim~l(f.n' -' TENTATIVE ESTIMATE ~I .. YE^R ENDING JUNE 10,1943 ISCIlEA$EO\'ER YUII EN"I~~ JUNE JO,19L1-C __4_.....____........._______ [)[CRlEASE lI!'illEk YUlI EN'l'~ JI'SE lO.J# R-4 - FJ~.\L ESTI:>.I:\ TE Inhl .1,0 1 15( 81 --.--- 1 II! 11 170 , 0 00 - e.- ----__ i,h,f. hi ;> ''',-; - , - .. ..' - .. , . - .,.... " "" . ,. , ,- ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA -12- , EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19)1~ Virginia Publio Assistance FUND TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 10. '19,_41 r, Aa ENn~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1943. Num~r 01 JUNE 30.19. PROPOSI!D INCltl!ua OVEk UI!CRI!ASII UNO" ALlOWBD Funcrion Num- ^PI'ItOPllIAT1ON ElIlPENOlTUItE A" "AfJ"'"JION ElIlVaNUITURI'\ YeAR ENDI4 Y UIt END1;2 BY DoARD btrof TITLE. OF ITEM JUNE lO,19.. 2 JUNe 30. 19 htm . - 8-A ADMINIRTRATION 102 Compensation of Sunerintendent <; Iv 00 2 8'1 AM 00 , tel.hrl 00 tel, In 00 101 Comnensation of Clerk and Bnokkeener 2hr 1'11'1 " 11'1 " Inn In,' 1'11'1 1'11'111 Inn 101 Compensation of Steno""anhers (2) r On (, 00 8 Inn In. ,1'11'1 oJI in 00 102 Camnens L' nf' 1'>000 Inn 0 '70 b Inn Inl Inn ;r 1'11'1 b. Inn - I", , - h. inn ,n Inn Inn Inn , 21:> inn nn Inn inn Ir no. Inn - 5 21<; Moi ,L - "'-., " "hI Inn ,A 'I Inn Inn I. 1'11'1 Inn 211'\ '1'n' _L 0~1I mo'o~~o~"" ,no 2 cr Inn :>Q Inn I, Inn I. nn I, Inn I I :>?n m, " ., Inn A ?A ~ Inn In, Inn nr In Inn I - 12nn Ant.n '1'1 rnR, ,"".hoo .. Inn lr Inn 11.1, 1'1 I. 1'11'1 Inn I I I,hl Inn I:>hr Inn Inn 00 hI,. 12, .., n ........nA;. Qr",as- 0, n., 1. 00 , 1'110 ''', o~' ,mery , Prir.<-oll &. nf'f'lnn ';' (( nn l< 1:>7 ~I 1'11'1 nn ,111'1/\ nr Inn Misno" , .- >r 1'11'1 I. f..n I'd 0 Inn R:,2 1'11'1 nt.her PT'ogl"An1S - Hl1T'tpluR " nn "'>< 1'1<: '" 1'1 '" A T, , 1'11'1 1< .0 flJI2 Inn i" 1'11'1 1/,'" 1'11'1 lA, 1'11'1 i., 0 00 1--. - Gene:t'al Re.lief i, b 1'11'1 :>'~ . 1<; ,,, Inn 1'11'1 bl 00 8 00 -- 1'1111 Ano A " - I, I_J._I 'nn bll nf.. ~, Inn I.. 'nn ,,~ b,h" Inn , , I m Aid'",,,T' , '~o~ Inl. Inn I, 1~ .lnih r Inn I, I loA. 1'11'1 nr l1,hc on : , . , Aid "'or Rlin<'l IAn " ~: :><; hr Inn II inn nr if 8 00 , --- _. . .. , { '1'f1l11AT, IAll ..lei 0" R'1e oA \. 1'11'1 1'1.11. nn b' nr 1'11'1 nhl 1'11'1 I p Ii; , " ~:.;~ i "'; . 'l;~t \ -! :7 .';~!. , '"~W~~: I . ~ <~~;:C;~ , '.-- ,1 "''''ti '. - .~.- .~- --.- .--- u _ # ,-..1___ -,....- '-., \.. ,:- - ..' .. - - , ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA R-~ REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 19~ WILLIAMSON ROAD SANITARY nIl:ITRICT NO.1FUND T YE.AR ENDING JUNE 10, '94~ VUR EN4ll YEAR ENlllNG JUNK 10. 19 1.. JUNE 30. 1942- TIONU.TI\'E ISCRhSIO O\'U [)[CREUIO l'SDU FIN:\!. (Acmll) (EstiJl1;md) EsTl~U.TE YE~II. ES04, \'r.AR ES'4H ESTI~I:\TE JUNE 10. 19 2 In;IO 30,19 2 --Antic:l.pat.Bd-S=Pl"" ne 11 nn Ie ,n -nr - ,- ~AWAY' P"rmite I, I,' '''' nn nr h no 5b, .,_O( , ---- ..Rem-AL,Charge.8..______, _,___. Q Idl, ':)~ Q nn nle nr brln nn 0( " ._~-----_. - . -, -Ct1,.,,.,Ant-...La"y - '94:> " I ~nl '11, '1 o:;n ~ Ie ne I"n nr ...- --, , ___. 1lellnquen" Ie nl. 111~ <:n I, n, b "r h nr ---- -lt11sceJ.J.aneous II, n' nn ne ,Inn nn in ,." 1 , - _____no , ~ T 0 T A L 1/ I~ '7R ,R nr '1 nr <:n b "r O( -------.-.- -------- --_.. -------.---.-----. --~_.._- ------- - --.---..-- ,-----_. I -, - "-' ---_.-. '-j-- ,___.AmOllnt_.Ne.edecLby.....curr.enLLey~ ... n '1 126 __O! - I "-__, --n~,-.._-Delinquenc;f...l.4%..---,-- .. '" I, I~ O( ._-~---- - --- ..--.._-- I 0' , n 111 I __,__'l'otal" to-be ,Raised .by,-Le.v.y------ I"h n, I ..------.-.----- , j ,_Assessed-Value . '" ,.I.nl n, , , I ---~--- ------. ....-- -.- -----. -----_._.--- _._---~-------- I I .-.-------.-... --, - ---- ----.-. ---------...- -----------_._~. --.. .__.._----------.._-_._---~._------ -.. - ---..- " .-.. --------.. ------ ----.-- .._-'----------t--------~--- --~-------- , -- -~. -, un -~ -I--- -,~ -. -, - ,- .--- " --...-..,- .--------- -. ,_.. ,- I--- --- , - --, ,- --...--, --.--- --- - - -..----- .---..----..------ .n -, - - --... .. -_._---~-... ,... , , , - .._- 1---..- - -- -----.--- _._-----~._.._- .. - - .. ._~ - ------. .." -- ---...... u__ ------ , -' , , .,' ..;.\ J.~'y - ..\....,.. ...- .w~., " I ~':c : .', '. " '.'!;> ~3 - " " l';" ..-- .. ... .. ... .. ,,- - ..; - ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA -1;:;., EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 4;:; DOG FUND YE^, ENDED JUNE 10. 19,41, YEAR ENnJNG JUNE 10, /94;:; Number TI TlE OF FUNCTION Y, AR ENn~ of JUNE! )0,19, 2 PROl'(JSEO INCIIBU80VU D,u.".. UNO" ^LI.(lwao Funclion Nllm. ^"P.OrlIATlDN EXPBNDITURE A" "A.SATION E:'I'ENDlTtllla VEAII ENO'4 YEAR END! Ill" 00....0 btr of TITLE OF ITEM JUNE!}(J, 19.._ 2 JUN" JO, 19 2 , htlll , ,:> , nH' T,Tm;! ^'Tn "'''WT,,",. I -..._-- ,- 1,0? ,..,,~ nn nf' namA "'hi 00 bDI 00 b( 00 6 00 6 )( 00 I - , I, :<? '1 nn n1' n,mllt:v 1'nT' Vi'''' n ~ ",,~. h, Inn ? 00 00 0011 t-t- 3 bl 00 bL ..00 - I , :<'7 nno> '1'.."" , 1 nn , '1; IL' 00 00 11,< 00 I 11;01 mAimA _ Wnw'" lib lac 1 7'i DI 00 00 bl 00 I I;n:l :<h loc ,n' Q~ 00 kl 00 11.1 00 3~ 00 .. ..,.. - --- -- - 11;0:< m. ,," ,.. "Ah1"" " I nr 00 ,on oQ 2 00 1 00 .. -+ --' 't- -- --- '" 7,lQ gt:st:1 Pnin"~" " n.......nh , '" pI nn pI, on >< 00 '0 00 ~o 00 - -1- '-.. - -- r- 1-" ~'" ,," _ ,I;<l Qhrl no Q 10 oR Q nn 9. )( 0011 )( 00 ,-- -- --- ,- c-- - -- , ?- m, .... :<h! no ' po 07 ----~ - - -- -, , .. m"m .f' ". "..n, "PI nO , kl '7 - -- - .. .. ---"- -.. .. - - , :<?, ,1 Cl..m.. ,hi nn , hI no 0011 lJl 00 "'ronsfer to Gener~l C01'vty F'11nn 8 00 2 1" 7,7 ObI 00 b 00 01;> 00 2 JI 00 T 0 '1' A L 216< 00 ~, 61~ 52 0 00 ~ 0)1 00 01;> 00 .1 00 P OJ( 00 r- .. ,; ~' ~. :~. ;.. ), :\ i'. \; '1 ~, . f. , 'l- , Ii " r '1. " 0;', 1 , , . '... TR.t\NSFHR FROJA DOG FUND Amount Needed by Clll'l'Ant T,AVY Total Revenue Reouired ,_, '.___CALCJ,/J,AT..I..QILOE'..LEVY...__. _,'_ ____ Amount Needed h" De 1 ill9.Il-<illilY on 14% RB S is Tot.al Requ.iI'eJL ,,_~____,,_As.s..e.s..s,ed..J.1alue J{at.A 01' T.AV:Y ....-~---~~.--...,.........,.--_. , - .. ' ~_.u., T,ouu .; TOTAL , RoANOKE .. COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDfNG JUNE 30, )9~ GENERAL COUNTY Y In ENrED JUt... 10. 1",+1.. <^wr.t1) 111 11, 1<;,,<1 FUND YEAII ENIlINC, JUN> \0, 1.42 (Eslim~l(d; 7,7 'lA Ahj on ,h, '0 <0 nn h ,,<l L'O It. h, '" ! Ao ,I.-, 10 , TENT4nVE ESTlM""E 'I no AI no I, , "- --. ,.' " L nn no on n Iome nn ~.., nn :,-bd nn nn ,':><; "I .. YE^R ENDING JUNE ro.1943 ISCIIUSEOVI!.ll YEA" [NOINIl JUN> \0, 1.42 :" h In ,'." OUIlEASE V!<IOtll YEA" ESlIlsn J"s< 10," 42 nr J'l( I, , nn ",I, ",' FINAL E$T1~I.-\ TE JJ :, t; R-2 no nn ;fi,L';~ MWl i'<'~~l ',',",','".,~ ~. i:f6f. l:",;~~", : - :-, ;~\~r- ----_.__..::~,:;;}~~ , . '. ". ,,,. ~ .. .. .. - .. , . COUNTY, VIRGINIA - ROANOKE' -14- EXPENDITURE ESTlMA TES , FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 191(7 SAr.EM DTS'PRTCT ROAD Bmm FUND VEAR ENDED JUNE 10. 19,-41 YEAR ENDING JUNE 10, 1943, Nurnbc-r TITLE OF FUNCTION V, A. ENnlNO of JUNE 10,..':'42 PROPOSED INCRUSB{)VU U&R8.\U UNO" ^l.I.owlIn FunClion Num. A".opa'AlIOH EltPlNDITUIE A" "AB"TION EXPI;NDIlURU Y EAR ENDI~ YEAR ENDJjO BY &....D brr of TITLE OF ITEM JUN II ]0, 19.. 2 JUNl> 30. 19 ~.2. hem ,0 "0 , ----.- ---.- ! Aoo fohrl 00 fohrf f 0011 10 100 10. 100 n,.~ "A.'" n. ..., 0 0 00 - I Ao>; T',,, IA 10011 10 I ?J 17 100 1<;, 100 l__ 00 -- -.5PJ 00 , nn ------,- '-t'~ - , I , 1 no T\41' .n"An+- mo "n" .~+-n'" Oil 1<;7 Inn Ion 2< 00 I Mi~C." .A 1<;7 . I I Tom ., T, IQ 10011 10 11 "" I 'Iii 17 00 1<;' 00 00 00 \ ,- ,- - - -._- -~.__. -- . -- -- - , 1 -. .. ---- "-- -- ----- -- .- --- --- -- " , -- -- --- -- -, --- -- -- - , , . , l- f--- - ,,! j " :i" 14. it - '. , -~ . , . - . - - - ' . ["'.. , , I I i , i i-. - , i._. t i ! , t.. i. , H ~ t,3 E! a i4 ,~ g ~ "'J;? ~~ =i' ? a' ~ E-' I.~ "'i:r )( '" .... '" a ~II> ~I';;!I ~~!g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~? ~ s ::',;:1 <I- [ll ~ 2' Ol -,Ol ~ ,'!}'d 0 :-0 ~. ~~ -... '< - e. '" I ,~ e. 3,5 i1~ 2' ~ PO;! - ;1. ~ "'<I-~;:> 'd ~ 0;:1 "' ij ~ ~ F -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IS! ~ ~~ :; 10 ~ ::'15 ~ g '~~~ p; ':::!:l zJlii' ~ ;!'g ~ l:2 ;:!.:Ii '" ~~:,'" ~.. ~ . i : .... ~ ." 0 ~ (D r -.;. g .- <l-H @ ~ :.. 0;:1, .. ,,~~ 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e jlo ~ ~ ~::s '" ~ [ll'" ~ t' or t.g> ~ tl ~ <l-CO 0 co 0 Ol .... ~ . iil~ :'til , ,~;.,-_... -'-,.,'-- --.- ~.iiitf~,'~j:'.~~.:;;~~~~,: ". . ~ o g ::<l ~ ~, ~ t: . , , 11 I~ ';' ~ to ,;lto:;>o> ~ t1l 0> n '\n nnn; ni'i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ .. .... ~ ~ ~i:~~~ ~ rill ~~ S8 - - ~ >:~x ~. ~~ ... 0 "'0 '>0 '" I mo 5 8 58 58 5 88 'd SiE':';:: ~ : ~ I.." '" ~'>o'" !;LO ~ 8 58 58,5 88 ~ .... '" I;:; ,''' o 0 o 0 o 0 ;:; .:;;;.:; o 1010 o 00 o 00 'Ii! o o o !o! o 8 iii ~"..:. !:'9>1; 01 ~ ~~ 8 g 8 . ~x 00 gg ~ 2' .g> f!l ~5 i ~ ~ ~ 'i ;~ 1:: ~ g> -go ~ 8 5' > ~ ~ ~g. 0 Ol.... "J '} <I- - f ~ ~~ ! .... 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Z ..... ;> I: ", .~:;\ ,;' I !\) . - - - 7 .. .. , - .,. a. COUNTY, VIRGINIA #. ROAUOKE , EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES , FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 4.3 SOHooL FUND - YEAR ENDED JUNE )0. ",41- YEAR ENDING JUNE )0. I. 43 Num~r TITLE OF FUNCTION V, "R ENDING of JONE )0, 19.-42 PIIlOPOJI!D INCIU!.ASIlOVI!R l)IlCRIl Asa UND.. ^LLOwlln Function Num- A" ROPI'A110N E, PIINDITUItE A" ItOl>KIATION E, YE...R ENDINO V., It. ENDING BY Oo"ID btrof 'tITLE OF iTEM I'liNDlTURU JUN!! 30, 19.....42 JUNS )0. 19_,42 Item , n", '-,.- n. ^ "m 1.,1,,,1 "n ,Jnl ~~ L, nn ., "" i. Oh i Wage a or Jan1 tors -- DO " " - li'mn 1 '~r on ..." knlt\ nnll IT,. n"'" nn'" h.hnIM ',o!n! n. "" I"" '" ,n 0 I""", +~ "..n....n__ TIT nr ~, ^n I" ^- ," nr 1-_1 __ !lao 00 I..., L ^ -, " '" -- Q) ^Q -- ~ Jdo 00 I - I Jan1 tor BunnI1es '" nr Ie AO ~", nr .Dr .rl,.,' nn Il ,Il( 0 O.Q - I IIi'IIA1 '^ "" -- "^ "" I" 0 00 O!_PIantjT~tlet I' Other E~penaes t1ssue, paper ~!~ I ^^" .r 1:..1" ^^" ",,1/ -^ be 0 00 , ~;,Jr - . U - to.." ",,11 . - TOTAL - ..... -- ,,~ ", --+ ~" "n 'n" '" nn I - .. - - , - , rr "',A~'m I MAIN , - - , -~ u -~ I"" -- ^^ I. ~r/nlnn I 0 ..1,,1 ^~ I..~ bJ~1 ".,11 , , ~~I on . &: Renl" cement of "'unn1 tUl'e & "'_u' hrl.r Inn ~( I"" 610 00 o thAI' ,- ,- ,,<, ---- ,,<, ", _L 'LJ ~. - -- - - . - Un' p, ~n +_ - l.A.-I"" , ~II ^^ l."In ^^ n. nf" ,I", ^" "^ - ., ---- ." ""_A ,,1,,1,.,,., ~, "^ hI'" nn b-.L~ ^^ )( 0 00 , Workmen's ComDensa tion klO 00 no ~( on ~( on If on ~QO 00 * 1;her Fixed Charges 61 5 00 I. I~; 6 23 1515 00 ~I 5 00 51 Ii 00 - - mnmAT "'..._~ I~ "" , I, ^~ hI" ,,^" I, "1,,,,1/ -- .w1^0 " CAPI ilL 0 TLAV - -".. ,:" ....:' A_^M... An+ I ~ "'_.." I -, . --... New "^h"'" Un".... n~_ - Equ1pment or BUildings I.' 5 07 I, .r 00 I~ 0 00 1 0 00 _bdo 00 Purohase or ~~n~''''A_ , __II ,^,^ I ^^ I ~ , O,~~ 2 0 00 .p'~ o ~~ ,B!.!!.. Bl!g~~!!gjL_____." - ._.~. ...- . ._--~_.._.,-..~.--.-........ , - -- .... .-. ._. .. ..' -, ' sa ... ~. _.. _. .,. -- "... '"-.-" ", .. '" -' ~. ~. <. ...,..-.. .. '.. '.- '-'...- -. -- .... ... --'" 00' '.. ,-. .-. ~..~. -- -.....- --"t . ".,,_. ~.... -_. - .. '.-.'-"- ,-..-.... ; , A.. > TOTAL - Cap1 tal Ou1;lav till ,..Lt.1 "", Inn On 101 Inn ",-,In! Mil tl;.~,; '" " ; .' , , > t l: , ,\ i r r , .. .. ; '... n1i:R'T' ~ Number 0' Function .. .. TITlfi OF FUNCTION Nllm- btr of TITLE OF ITEM hem -~ 01' T,+ .,....."..." Fund T, .~n nn T++ '~arY Fund Loans l'Dn'~n~+ nf' rp..mno,.",." J.OanR ~ . ""'..+,' ,+ nn .. _ DAbt. a. .. n. GRAND TOTAL OF DISBURSEMENTS , , ' : : " I T,~.,~n ... ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING .JUNE 30, 19 43 SOHOOL FUND Y.EAR ENDED JUNE 10. 19,_41 ApPIIOl'lIlATION eXPl!NOITU'U~ I 2 00 91 Zl700 1 00 30, 3; 5 32 51 ~(O 00 ~l'Ifil nn B~,bdl 32 ::;''',,''001 noli 4 o 00 sbdl I), 6 28 ,., " , I , I . YF.\1l ENDINO .1',",10,19.-42 AI'PAOI'RIATION hrl 000 1.( 0 00 i1.!l )~O 00 4 '1:-400 - PIIOI'OSI!D EXPENDITURES o 00 3~ 5 00 ~o 00 5 00 4 _Mol 00 IN(RBo\lII Ovu YS.4iR ENDJHO JUNB lO, 19....42 9 1 ooik O( " '.\ YEAR ENDING JUNE 10. 19,43 OUIlBAIB UNOBII YBAII ENDINU JUN' 10. 19..42 l( DIO 00 oc oc . B06 00 ^LLOWBO BY DoAIIO 7 Il 00 1 7 00 ill 00 <ial lo nn ~!go 4. I ~ r L i ,'''''':'"'::'''.,' ,,~'.'i-'-:, ",_:'>'!',:,~. ...~n~ ",." Fund A Cl..~a~a' r1at10n ElementarY Fund (Inoludin",- Suoervision) Special & Adult Eduoation '1 +,a +,1 nn "'un,' U"a' n .....n.. T, Fund ./ VnORt1onRl fundAl ,~~ , &~~. nu' +"~a1 ^' ... I-Inma ~, mics Teachers T~..". A,..t,A II Travel Home "_, " &".-.1 n,,' -. m. _l. _ Distrlct Agr10ultural Superv1sor a..+ ~lnAA _ ~~nnApn~~A~1nn '1'f'I'1'&T, "'Cf'll< ,- From Other Funds Snon1Rl Gifte rrom FounnAtions . from Bd. of Su ors On Suot' G SA 1 ar,v Tui tion rrom PrivRt- Souraes (Summer Sohools) Tu1 t10n rrom 9ther Oounths S~an' a1 1I'.8S rrom pun" a .... ,.. a"" Daha+. Aa' a nf' R"Al 'D : . " Equipment & Suppl1es Donat.ion 1'0,.. Lib"ll.ries Refund Oi1'GiUf' TIDt '- ,-' '1'lIm AT _ , \ \ ' L _ LLj_.i! j.. tl j I >n~;::;'!\::'f?i'.;r'::.l;~::\'::;;~:"F;";7::>~'~.,,~"'", f\~i. '.;~,-'i"};;/(:t.W~-:; \(;~:~~ts_:~-",\t~'~'W~c0~-i,> . ".;;:./;-. ",- ,_,,_,.,.... '>C-, "c._-, ,'--. ...., - _ ,~i~6~ '. 'COUNTY, VIRG1NIX '. 'REV:ENUE,ESTIMATES FORTH!! Y!!AR ENDiNG JUNE 30, 19-",- :, SCHOOL "FUND " , YUIt ENDED .IUNB 30. 19..4J.. (^l:tnal) h .hti ,.., 3 f7, 66 1 9P' 00 1 o l~ 30 I, 1,0' kn 2 bo , 3 bo 4 1M 57 I1IJ",.l h", I~". "" I,n ~~: ~~ b. I~B' 1'1.8 ......~- '.. ...~_._. - ...~...-.....-... ---'--";"--"'-._'--"'''~''''-''''-'\' ", t;N. t .1.. ..'",. 'let , , , ; , ;!, , ; , 'l,' ',' , , ; l' ; ~ , " , YEA. ENDING .IUNIl }(),1942... (Estimarrd) TeNTATIVE mlNUal - - YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1.,43, INeI.US OvER YIIAR ENDING -'U". )0, J., ,42 DECRE!AIIl UNDI!I YEAR ENDINO JUNE JO. J9..42 IA 'f'I "I. ,n brlr f'If'I - :3 7 100 31! bo 3 00 - 2 7 100 1 ~, 100 l~( 7 00 II ' 100 100 - - - 00 0 00 1< 100 bo bo I~ ~g 41€~ PO 2[( Ip.l~ \, I \!n Ion 100$ 00 ili~ 00 11 ,d" 00 3,rJoJ JO 11 :4nth 00 5 \10 11 ~i 0 , "', ,n < Inn l:~ 00 OOib 100 I~~ ~g ,F ho II lootb 100 IbID 00 1 de! 00 2 01 00 0' 00 4 01 00 !ok on , I.J 00 00 ~ ,n 1\ ,1:;1101 00 I I .bdFiI 00 l( 0 00 310 00 a(O 00 !'i(0 00 195100 '" 111'\ E 6b 00 E on 00 E 5 QlO 1 ' 6 00 15 00 I' 2 00 " 5. FINAL ESTIMATE h tl;f'I~ Inn 12 0 00 I] 0 00 , ,aib 00 , Ie 15 00 o 00 15 00 ltln nf'l I 1,."0 00 1llll.IIdo 00 000 .HAII 0011 k~o onll ~do 00 o 00 Ii 0011 I" 0011 _boOI 00 J"j,,'nnll U~~ ':i -j' :~i' ;',. '!.t . :;;1 ::1; >.~~ iVj] >>v.,. ~_""-'.i!' "aIii~-" ::~':~": __ "o.~'";:;V1\:~;;,'~""/[';:'" .'::~)\:"."" ',',}:'."~;"'" . ": ':',:~.:,:,t.,-,'::}~";:,~:,',;,'.,~,~,:,~,y,~,,~,ill~...,',~.",~;,~",',:,$,~,':,~::,,',,',!,;,~..,,',.:',~,'~...,;.-,:y>);ir:~,?t"{,,,: . ';"~('-~Q,~_~._-C. CO UNTY, VIRGI . ,:;1\"'~ -, ..,. .;, ,';",' '~ NUt2.!' ;'fl ':i\:!J':E-S;.:,~~H~~~;'f ' .', .' ",,;,,,,;~-;~M~U,. ,-!:>..~ '~" '.,...>< ,'; _"""",-,,~-,_:\~ 'i'';>~,',.",,',;,,' " " ~, 'ii,"'"", "'". _~'" t''''~I,tp:,JJ~., .",. , . - - '_ .. _ " '-/,/ _'-,',' ,/" ....r~';.;'~' ' - -. ',', ',;.> , ';..:-;,);,~.~ :<<,-r~;'-\,': - ~'.;-~, -,' t., ./}t~ " ~-~: ~:~)T:\r:':' .. '-:"~/'::~~t;. : -< "'" '" ,--- t;,~ ,,', -,,, .~ T " , .~,j~' ;; ~. "., . ~-.'4: '~ "'~~ "'''''n+.. ""nAa M <'Inn"'" Levv of ltl 00 1 "SR 14.l1J. for Delinauents ,.,,,,, -n+lons Aft.r- July lRt and 0..11' ,"","AT, _ nf' A'ts 1<'ROI1 6T ,I. ~.. Other Funds M. mnm.. 1<'001.1 M.l. SOURCJES 60, ,..,.. j!2Q ,2liO.000.OO ~ "i' i',,~ +,n_ ..ao~ 'OA<) _ "'_""n ~_'" i'n~ - 1401, 'lenteil ... 6pp~oximat8 ..mount due the Literary Fund - 1608.575.00 Approved by the Oounty SOhool Board of Roanoke Oounty at a meetinit. held April 10. 1942 Pl'eS8nted to the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke Oounty at a meeting held 6n>'i1 1 Ii, 1942 and aporoved at said meet1mr.. 'I'll" ~, a_". " 01' Roanoke aount~' ~~/"'.,,- f. C!.Mc. "..n+ Ilv ,~~9.~\~V:O _~..\\ ~~ 1l;:'1,\\,\~~ '~ ..._,....,. __" <1; '. ; "rJC"~"'~j71','~~.s,;...\ ~ ",'.'...........;';"'....;.;:-""'.11I." '. ,.'"T ..:\.,~'~.' l ,-'-h-'--i_:j~ ) I "," ~;'.'; ; . ", ' ,;, . ;,., , h i' . , ;1 "I ~I , ;: ;.' , : , , ; . , , " :; , ~<;.L/< <:' c, '; ~m'i "8,"4 B5 ,Id I~. f\~ bJ,,1 In J4A I" do~ III 13.~5 70 o 4B IdAI Ie' Inll !' . " , , .y F ',: i [, :;. 11 ): " ~:.B:~~(' ~~~'f~etniiHo :::~~ "<JuHilOil~~42 .. (Estim:w:d) IA 'A, 00 h n 100 ,~IF; .,,-, 100 III., n, 100 '1 6~ 00 >...1", A"" Inn ~,,-I ,n I"n , .. , ,; ~y"~.~.;;: ','..,', .,'. ..... :\\:. nfr::--~\&~:!ftDt f" _ ;-:~~:~~,. , .. ;'-'~;~';?:JZ~:\r~~~rl,~}~1~':~~;.~, .... -~-. ~~j;~_.'~'t!~n)j,i!~iji\~Wff~~ of ',," ,,_...Il"~,I"~~ ",-'< f/;UI![,' ,~ " ,~ ...~.. "l'i-~~~l.f:t:~ "; .:, :/r$"i TI!NTATIVI! <<. ~ !liclB~.t EsTlt.l~TS - YUR ENnlNO .IUNE 30, 19__42 , >'!1 In b.h qli[ : '1 ~,11 10 5 '" I", o IF; I", 00 00 00 00 00 no nn _P.9 00 7 00 00 00 ',' f, 6. '#- '.~~',,,, ,-,", '. ", .,"" > :\!t~l1.:'( ,,,""-~,,--.^.,':;l '.'- ",{~;~:::~;:l~~~::..~, ,1'1 . ~}~i: :~'~;~:'ii;" , r~c ~' ," ';e;i' ,U:.- " ,./'<,': "1/'~\{' .,~ , ~...".;, ': ,<;:~.: ~~. ':'.',:;J~'~': ,J;:'=;~:d~~~'$&~ ~l~k",.,..:,' ,i, :'~~:.'. -'-';";:~i;'.~~,:~: "'~f~~~~~,,[r~tM ~,.;';~~~' i9,41' 1,' - "..f'__.tY:~..-('...V .....~~ ,~. ~'<"';""("^' 0',' jn . ,,',' = "..... . CElia I) . eJti" , ro.t;'::1,~,' " 'c. "" '.'';,'''' ",,",'''' '>~ '.'i."",;.iJI;'':.<'~;''::iN$ ;-, ...<" O1!CUA'-. UNDEJt.. . 'YEAR ENDING .j, JUNE ]0, 19, .4~ 00 1 o 00 . I ;\~~~:::-:..." FINAL ESTIMATE 00 Is 11;"'" nnll ~oi h~" nnll Ii Io;!" nnll I, - DBO 00 1 ./JC 00 I"!,, 0011 R nnll II , ~:~~'" t '-:~~ . ';~ i} ,- ~( ,I" ~~... ,n~i: I !,'.;-;';'Z .:'.io1riS.~ ~!fr~~~f~r~~1?~'?:..::__; "" , 'i. f) \ , : \ \. ...~ . . ~". .",,~ I J , , " 1 ~/ 't . .. ~""'~c,~",..!<",",',"""'..",,,.',,'.:. -;;- ;~.~~.~i4. '" <i"..' i , '''~..~ ,.~;"'.~ ;~ " ~)l '-' ',~~ = ~ r- '\ ---i : - ::: I I I ! , I , I ' i 1 ... 1,_... I': 'i , i i i ... '-; :\1 ~ ~ " I I III l ~ J ;.....~c' .. , ' (PROPOSED n;C:l.EASS nl L:NITS -- lrm:E.) Cn this the 15th day of April, 1942, the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County !:let ro:r: the purpose of'!>re~lng and cansiderlng the local budget of said County. :..' Thereafte:, and on said day there ~~s filed the r~ego~g : ~-.~ .. " Ii !i estimate. Thereafter said estir.Jd.te was duly considered by, the B,Oafd" which in accordance '...i th ~w, fix<;d as on sl'1id estimate, the ~h d.s:y of )Cay, a date of Jiearing 1942, at the ;egular meeting of the Board, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. ,of i '. 'j ,,~-----' l ;:~T I I I i I I , ,--. .--"-'--..." said day, said hearing to be had at the Court House " i I ~ , ! i [, in Roanoke County, Virginia. The Clerk of the Boa:rd~,rit: Supervisors ~s directed to publish a brief synopsis or,the budt;et, and t~e notice of heari1.g as req,uired by law, in' . ;i li " F " ;: 11 n " " I. :: " I' the T~es-~eEister, a newspaper having a generalcirc~ation in the locality affected, at least firteer. days prior to the date set for hearing. ~ ~~~(";LChairl!Jan of the Boardef Supervisors. I [ i .Attest: .1!-,)( fJ,,,-_ Clerk. ' he, 1I.c.i,~.JLt.~ , . < o . . " ..,'. . -< "' '[ -< W ~ 10 : " 'S. E ~ . trl\ll S "'~c Z t - z C'l i ~ ~ ; \10 C Z "' 3S , :0 ~ > 8'6 . . . . . . i I , . .,_. I I I I I I i I , \.. I, I '.:',::,: I-J i'cr " '::~;.~~; \1 , . ',. ':"~~p ,',:'tjy':t: "i i I ;,:_i '.., I i I ! '",..;..,.;.".::'.- I J I i i' ., '., ~~;,,,d ',r , ..' l,,~..::~' ,l....,,, ""f",,,. "1./0:,,0'>:' :;t,;~' ", "..,'; '. ..;., " ':':':; ',' ,'.~ :': t , ! , I ! i I I ! i i i I ! \ i I l" . >> r : Iii'" if' ~' ,.~~: . ! .,;Jii.ill: ' ",:-:';:ii, ",' ,,~'. ,',::;' ,>, " " .' Court Houae, Salem, ;rune 15, 1942 The Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in re- gular monthly session. Present: L. D. 136-11, Chairman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardso , , - and H. W. Starkey. Also present: A. M. BOWlllan, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes or the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member or t Board having read the copy or said minutes rurnished him by the Clerk. The rollowing claims against the County were this day presented, approved aDd or- dered to be paid by <voucher-checks out or the runds, respectively, chargeable therewit , to-wit: No. .. 15647 A. M. Bowman, ;rr. Treasurer, Salaries ror May 15648 W. C. Muse, Com. of Revenue, Salaries ror May 15649 Eugene W. Chelf, Com. Atty. Salarie s ror May 15650 c. &. P. Telephone Company, Phone service 15651 Chalmers Ferguson, Collection or Taxes 15652 Caldwell-8ites Company, Orrice Supplies 15653 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Recording Delinquent Land 15654 Salem Publishing Company, Printing ror Orrices 15655 A. M. Bowman, ;rr., Treasurer, Reimbursement ror r,reight 15656. Thomas~n's .Tewelry Store, RePairing clock in clerk's orrice 15657 ;r. P. Bell Company, Forms ror Clerk's Orrice 15658 Everett-Waddey Company, Forms ror Clerk's Drrice .' 15659 A. M. Bowman, ;rr., Treasurer, Jury Ticke't Reill;.1;ursement 15660 Treasurer or Virginia, 15661 The Texas Company, Gasoline ror County Cars , ' 15662 C. E. Boone, Deputy, Battery Bought-Reimbursement 15663 O. G. Lewis &. Company, Inc., RepairS to Cars 15664 Can. 15665 H. G. Cole's Garage, Repairs to Tires &. Oil 15666 ;'State Farm Mutual A. Ins. Co. Insurance on Christley's Car 15667 Wiley Hall Motors, Inc., Repairs to County Cars 15668 Wiley Hall Service Station, Blackout Light put on Car, 15669 Garre'tts Esso Station, Wash &. Grease on Cars 15670 J. M. Logan, Materials ror Derense 15671 Sarah E. ~lackwell, sec. Medical Care &. Nursing 15672 Russell B. Smiley, Exams. &. coroner cases 15673 E. W. Senter, M. D. Exam. ror D. Driving 15671. Dr. A. ;r. Russo, Exam. ror D. Driving - , 15675 Barger Brothers Coal Co. Two Tons Coal :for F. St. 15676 d. N. Phelps, W. W. Water ror Fire Station 15677 Fowlkss &. Kerauver, Rent ror Fire Station 15678 Appalachian Electrio Powar Co., Current ror Fire Station 15679 Town of Vinton, Premium on Ins. Fireman $ 539.22 520.56 204.17 121.53 ll6-.56 28.34 263.00 26.50 9.S3 3.50 7.7.0 1.14 10.50 1.01 183.07 9.60 6.20 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.05 27.47 ll.4-0 1.20 7.00 12.78 325.00 35.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 2.71 55.00 6.27 ,66.00 .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I I I I I o tD I l' I , I , , 1','- '... I 1< ! D o No. $ 17.80 15.95 35.25 18.00 " 15680 Frank Gilber't, ;r. P. One Lunacy Case 15681 Taylor McCoy, ;r. P. Committment of Insane Case 15682 Curtis G. Dobbins, Insurance on County Truck '15683 Goodwin-Wnlian~3 Chevrolet Co., Repairs' to Insp.' s Car ;1.5684 .T. I. Holcomb Mi'g. Co., Cleaning Materials 15685 Wiley Feed, Fuel &: Supply, Building Material , " 15686 Lens Brothers, Two Tons Stove Coal 15687 ;r. E. Carper, Plu:aibing &: Cleaning Furnace 15688 J. H. Tingler, :Pruning Trees &: Shrubbery 15689 Town or Salem, Current &: Water ror County 15690 Dame Rooring Company, Repair.ing roor on .Tail 15691 Goodwin Insuranoe &: Realty Co., Fire Insurance ror Courthouse 15692 Gittens &: Morton Inc., Fire Insurance, ror Courthouse 15693 Salem Hardware Company, Materials ror County 15694 B. K. Elliott Company, Materials ror County 15695 Easter Supply Company, Indexing Supplies 15696 Salem Grocery Company, supplies ror County 15697, Baptist Orphanage :Printing Co., Insignias ror derense 15698 M. W. Doyle, :Printing Sign ror Rationing 15699 Roanoke Photo Finishing, Supplies ror Annexation 15700 G. A. Scruggs, P. M. 18-Stores 15701 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Coupon Books ror Stores 15702 M. S. :McClung, Work on Annexation 15703 John G. Siebel, Rent or Garbage Disposal Lot 15704 M. LoUise :Morgan, Reimbursement ror Freight - 15705 Ray F. Lee, Deputy, Reimbursement ror Gasoline 2.20 15706 Aba Huddleston, repairing at plant, Wmson. Rd. san. Dist. 0.75 15707 Salem Hardware Co., Material ror Plant,Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. 1.83 15708 E. B. KrebbS, Supply Co., Chlorine ror Plan't, 1im:son. Rd. San. Dist.21.75 15709 The Texas Company, Gasoline ror Plant, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist. 42.38 , ' 15710 Appalachian Elec'tric PO\~er Co. Current ror Plant, Wmson. Rd. San. , Dist. . 19.74 , Caldwell-Sites Co., Material ror Plant, Wmson. Rd. san. Dist. 3.50 Chalmers Ferguson, Comm. on Coll. Wmson. Rd. san. Dist. 26.57 Ci'ty or Roanoke Water Department, Water ror Wmson. Rd. Plant, "..1 '\\'mson. Rd. ,San. Dist. 31.90 15714 Noland Company, Pi~ ror Plant, Wmson. Rd. san. !list. 6.89 15715 ChallIIers Ferguson,' Comm. on Collection 1.21 15718 E. K. Mattern, Exec. orr., Reimb. ror Freight 0.54 15719 c. &: P. Telephone Co. Pp.one Service rar Fire Dept. 9.20 15720 Dr. Edgar W. Young, 8 :.. D - 124, One Lunacy Case 5.30 15721 ;ra:mss I. Moyer, Derending Accused 25.00 15722 D. C. Mayes, M. D. One Lunacy Case 5.90 15723 L. D. Bell, ChRi~R~, Attendin8,Meetings 60.00 .. .. .. 25.30 26.48 14.00 19.75 15.00 79.72 3.50 135.30 187.39 31.17 52.37 .. " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.75 .. 18.77 ll.25 4.00 3.00 41.50 .. .. .. .. .. 12.00 .. 98.00 75.00 .. " .. 1.10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157ll 15712 15713 .. .. .. .. .. " .. " " " " 15724 B. T. Ritohie, One Lunacy Case 3.00 , ' :No. 15725 C. & p. Telephone Co., Phone Service, Wmson. Rd. San. Dist $ '9.98 .. 15726 T. J'."orander, Gas & 011 3.06 .. 15728 Buck .Tarvia, Burying Cow 8.00 .. 15729 Commonwealth or Virginia, Auditing Clerk's Books 104.10 .. '.. 15730 Board or WeUare, WeUare Assistance ror County 4,546.80 / , IIi BE: DOG TAXES, SBEEP crr,A~ &c: The ':following claims against the County were this day, presentecl.wproved and orc:l.er d to,be paid by vouchar-cheoks out or the runds, respectively, chargeable therewith, to- wi'\;: :No, 15716 15717 15727 $ 10.80 140.70 4.00 Densmore Poultry Farm, Dog killed Pullets Treasurer or Virginia, Quail bcught by ,State Treasurer or Virginia, Dog Tags .. .. The rollow1ng accounts were this day laid berore the board: , $' A. M. BOWMAN, JR. Treasurer or Roanok~ 'County, salaries and expenses accollL.. ror thll month or 'May, 1942, $808.83, one-third or which, amounting to $269.,61, payable by thEl State, aDd two-thirds, amoun't!ng to $539.22, ,payable by the County. , , w. C. HOSE, COMMTRSIONER OF REVENUE, salaries ror month or May, 194.2, $780.84, one thii.-d or which, amounting to $260.28, Payable by the State, and two-thirds, amounting to '$520.56, payable by the County. E. W. CHELF, COMMOm/EALTH'S ATTORNEY or Roanoke County, Salaries r,or month or May, 1942,$408.33, - ~l1e-liati' or ';'hi~ p~Yable by the State" amounting to $204.16, and one- hal1" bY. the County, amounting to $204.17. , And, on'motion., dul.y secondecl. and carried, 'it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued. to the above-named parties ror 'the county's par't or said acoo,unts, and said accounts are ordered riled. A. M. BO'I'iMAN, JR. Treasurer or Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the rollowing report: "Salem, Virginia _;rune 15. 1942 To the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County: At the close or business Saturday .Tune 13th., there was to the credit or the- . , General rund $ 43,892.68 'We R. S. D. No.1 11,773,69 , !log ,rund ' 4,811.10 , Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund, 383.,07 . SChool,rund ' , 55.163.14 , $116,,023.58 RespectrUlly submitted, A. M. Bowman. .Tr., Said report is approved and ordered riled. I I I I I n ~ IN HE: DELDiQ.UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the reoeipt or A. M. Bowman, ;rr. Treas- urer ror $1066.21, on acoount or delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk ror the mont or May, 1942, less 5~ commissions, and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said ohec amounting to $1012.90 net. o The reports or C. J. Ward, Roanoke County Health Orricer, ror the period ;ruly 1, 1942, Present Year Began, ;r1lly 1, 1941, aDd the month1.,- report or Supervisor's Book- keeper, Roanoke County beginning ;ruly 1st, 1941, Ending May 31st, 1942, were this day laid berore the Board and ordered filed. A petition signed by Mrs. ;r. W. Stovall, L. R. Holdre~ and S1D1dry o1iher property owners on road on street known as Fiery Street rrom Baldwin Ave., whioh runs from Bibb St., said petitioners agreeing to donate a 40 root right or way, including additional ,wid'ths ror cuts and rills, requesting that said road or street be included in the De- partment or Highways Secondary System ror maintenance; On motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered 'that said pe't1tion aDd or request ror inClusion or said road aDd or street in the state Highway Secondary System ror either maintenance or construction, or both, th s ~ day presented to this Board, be rererred to the Public Works Engineer ror aotion as se rorth in the Genel"!ll Road Petition order adopted November 18, 1940. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: .Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D; Bell, H. W. Starkey aDd T. O. Richa:r.dson. Nays: None. . Frank Belsky and sundry other property owners in the Shadeland Addition, this day appeared berore 'the Board in regard to water drainage, in said addition, said pe- titioners stating that said condition was a menace to the health and property or all residents in said Section, and requested that the Board take some steps to relllldy the situationj Upon consideration where or on motion, or Supsrvisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supsr- , ~ visor Mason L. C!)ok, it is ordered that a colllmittee composed or c. ;r. Ward, Hee:lth . , Gti'icer, E. K. Mattern, County Executive Orricer, Mason L. Cook, Supervisor aDd E. W. " Chell, ColDlllonwealth's Attorney, be appointed to take the matter up with C. P. ;rohnst'on 14 LJ " Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, and report to the next meeting or this Board. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Star@lY and T. O. Richardson. Nays: ,None . , · r::t UI m BE: A('~lqT BOAllD OF SUPERVISORS; WITH TOWNS OF SA.I.EM AND VINTON,-ror Opere:tion and Maintenanoe or _ Count-y ~ire, Truoks: , On the'motion or Supervisor T. O. RiChardson, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starke, it is ordered 'that this Board enter into an agreement with the Town or Salem e'-nd'Vinto '~~ ......,W, (h.tJe 1:. r( ~ "f/~/"t?' ". ~,.- . .... r:~ ~, r;/" /'1'" fuU ,."L I(Yn ~ 1:1r. ~~ b /,r.,"P' extending agreements heretorore entered into regarding the operation and maintenance or County'Fire 'lrucks'ror a rurther period or one year from duly 1, 1942 to ;rune 30, 1943. , , And the Chairman or this Board is hereby authorized to executa said agt"eements on behalr or Roanoke County. Adopted by the rOllowing reoorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors T. O. Richardson, H; W. Starkey, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. On motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. RiChardson, it is ordered 'that all salary checks ror the month or .Tune ,'1942, and the monthly check ro Fair View Home, be signed by the Chairman or the Board, ,Coun'ty Treasurer aDd Clerk or this Board ~1' June 20th, -1942. Adopted by the rOllow1ng reoord-:.d vote: Ayes: SuperVisors H. W. StOll'key, T. O. Richardson, L. ,D. Bell and MasonL. Cook. Nays: None. The written reper't or C. P. DOWdy, Deputy Game Warden or Roanoke County, ror the periodrrom,May 10 'to June 16, 1942, sh~ing thirty-one dogs killed, 'twenty-eight per- SeIlS summoned, and rlfteen hundred., twenty-seven miles travelled in connection with his duties as suoh D@p1lty GPme Wl'.rden, was this day laid berore the Board, and ordered rile. On motion.or Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, i't is ordered that the Chairman or the Board or Supervisors ,the County Treasurer, end the Clerk or the Board, be, and they are , hereby authorized to issue and sign voucher-checks to the rollow1ng named persons in the amounts shown: , Vernon Price Bolden ManIi' Zaok Cooper' $ j6.00 semi-monthly 6.30 weekly 14.00 weekly The above cheoks to be charged to the accounts set up by order ~r the Board. Adopted by the rOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, L; D. Bell, H. W. Starkey end Mason L. Cook. Nays:, None. On the, motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by, Supervisor Mason L. Cook, , - it is ordered that .T. R. Taliaferro be authorized to keep the books rorCounty accounts , , bElg'lnn'l"'g ;ruly 1st, 1942, under the su,pervision or the head or the PUblic Works, De:;?art- manto Adopted by the rOllowing, recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and, T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. On the motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seoonded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, i is ordered that the Chairman or the, Board appoint a oomm!t'tee or three to study plans, aDd bring hack recommendations ror increasing the working racilities ror the Treasurer and Commissioner or Revenue, with the end in view or transrerring the books to the Treasurer's orrice as soon as such plans can be worked out. I I I I I i i i r !, r I 10 , , r 1 o rt., U D 8 Whereupon, the Chairman or 'this, Board appointed a committee composed or R. T. , , < H~bard, E. K. Mattern and H. W. Starkey, to bring in recommendations at the next meet- ing or this Board. Adop'ted by the rollowing recorded vote: ~s: Superv.isors H. -Ii. Starkey, Mason L. COOk, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays:: None. . " made The l'eport or Special Examination or Petty Cash Bank Account as or May 22, 1942, " ants, by Leslie A. Kimble &: Company, cert1ried public account/, was this day laid berore y the Board and ordered riled. A. circular letter dated .Tune 1, 1942, signed by C. S. Mullen, Chier Engineer, Dll- pa~tment or Highways-General Memorandum, Release Authorized to Local Newspapers -, was this day laid berore the Board, and ordered riled. On motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, and carri d, it ,is ordered that E. W. Chell, Attorney heretorore employed, do take up with the Attor ney:s ror the Town or Salem, Virginia, and work out an equitable agreement with them in the. collection or County 'taxes on certain properties, located in the Town or Sal8llll; Vir- ginia, which have heretorore been purchased in the Dame or the Commonwealth or Virginia ~ dJ-t r ~, iV,.", d...t1.. ~~ L /'''1'+'' , .. and not redeemed by 'the previous owner, his heirs or assigns, or some person having t,he right -to charge the same with the debt within three years from the date o:f such purchas , and when in his opinion it is reasible aDd to 'the best interest or the County, he is authorized to institttte chancery suits to subject said properties to the County's lien ror delinquent taxes. Adoptad by the rOllow:l.ng reoorded vote: Ayes: Supe=visors H. W. Starkey, I.. D; Bell, Mason I.. Cook, T. O. Richerdson. Nays: None. SATA~TRS SCHEDULE: On motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason ,L. Cook, it is ordered, as provided by Seotion 2711, Code or Virginia, that the annual allowances to County Drricers tor the riscal year ending June 30, 1943., be as rollows: Roy K. Brown, County Clerk (Payable Monthly) $ 700.00 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board or Supervisors R. E. Cook, Division Supt. or Schools, 1/2 Salary rixed by State Board or Education 150.00 .T. A. Boone, Game Warden (Payable Monthly) C. P. Dowdy, Assistant ~ Warden (Payabie Monthly) E. E. Waldron; Bherifr (Payable Monthly) An allowanoe or $4,560.00 per year is made to the SherUr ror sal&ries or rour,Deputy Sherirrs, names or whom are to be turned in monthly,by the .Sheritt to the Clerk or Roanoke County a't the rate or $9.5.00 per ,month rar each DePuty. 1585.00 600.00 900.00 1200.00 360 No. 15840 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, St&mps ror Stores 15841 The Standard Register Co., Print ing TaX Ticke'ts 15842 Sears Roebuok and Co., "Fe1t'Base ror Mrs. Sellew's orrioe 15843 E. W. Senter, Y. D. Examination ror Drunken Driving 15844 W. H. Simmons, Refund Electrical &: Plumbing Permits 15845 Smead &: Webber, Inc. Kodachrome Film ror Annexation 15846 Russell B. Smiley, M. D. Coroner Oases 15847 South Roanoke Lumber Co., Stove wood ror ;rail 15848 The Texas Co., Gasoline ror County Cars 15849 Town or Salem, Current, Water' &: Fire Truck Expenses 15850 Typewriter Service Bureau, Reni;al or Typewriter, Large Carriage 15851 Virginia Seed Co., Seed ror Community Garden 15852 Henry Weiland, Repairs to Typewriter $ 8.10 594.00 9.22 10.00 4.00 5.36 20.00 3.fiO 217.49 494.29 3.00 21.25 15.80 " " It " " " " " , tI " " tI tI 15853 Wiley Feed, Fuel and SUllPly Corp., Material ror screans 6.87 15854 Wiley-HaJ.l Motors, Inc., Tires and Tubes ror Sherirr's cars 47.28 15857 A. M. Bowman, .Tr., Treas. Coupons--Interest 90.00 15858 Chalmers Ferguson, Delinquent Persoml Property Taxes COllected 8.44 15859 Appalachian Electri 0 Power Co., Current ror Plant &: Hous e, Wm' son Rd. San. Dist. No.1 21.08 tI It tI " tI 15860 15861 15862 A. M. Bo\'illlaD., dr., Treas. Interest on Coupons, Wm'son. Rd. 260.00 " - The Chesapeake &: Potomac Telephone Co., ;rune bill, Williamson Rd. Chalmers Ferguson, Delinquent Personal Property Taxes Collected, Will1!ll&Son Rd. Dist., Fund 15863 Will1a:m Green &: Co., Repairs to 1/2 Ton Truok, Williamson Rd. Dist. Fund 2.00 9.80 " 9.92 " - - ^ " 15864 New Holland Machine Co., Blades ror Elee. Lawn Mower, Williamson Rd. Dist. Fund 4.80 - ". 15865 Hollins Stone Corp., S'tone, Williamson Rd. Dist. Fund 10.87 ", 15866 E. B. Krebbs SUpply Co., Chlorine, WillialllSon Rd. Dist. Fund 43.50 ", 15867 :void -, It, 15868 chty or Roanoke Water Dept. Water ror Plant, Williamson Rd. Dist. ~und 23.94 It 15869 15870 15871 Salem Hardware Co. House Number, Williamson Rd. Dist. The Texas Co~ GaSOline, Williamson Rd. Dist. Fund 0.15 43.22 - It " Mrs. Winsloe R. Thurman, Asst. Purch. Agent, Petty Cash Acoount 100.00 1 IN BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: , The rollowiug olaims aga:inst the County were this day presented" approved and or- dered to be paid by voucher-checks out' or the runds, respectively, chargeable therewit , to:"wit: $ 10.75 79.24 No. 15795 Mrs. D. O. Starkey, Chickens killed by dog " 15855 A. Y. Bowman, .Tr., Treas. Dog Tax Collected, tt 15856 Commonweal tjl or Virginia, 100 Extra Male Dog Tags 2.00 I I I . I , I , o o a u B' . ' ":~ , . The rollowing accounts were this day laid berore the board: r.J 6 -1' 0::1; A. M. BOWMAN, JR. Treasurer or Roanoke County, salaries end expenses account ror ~ 't' payable by eL- ~ 7/ "''1 ,+y w. ,C. ~, COMMTR.<3IONER OF REVENUE, salaries ror month or ;rune, 1942, $836.34, ~ 'l'k ' onQ-:t.lliJ:'<Yor which, amounting to $278.78, payable by the St,ate, and two-thirds, amount- ~ ~ . ....(...,;. ing to $557.56, payable by the County. 7/'1)'1>' 'the month or ;rune, 1942, $808.43, one-third ot which, amounting to $269.47, the State, a:1d two-thirds, amounting to $538.96,:payable by the County. E. W. CHl!:LF, COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY or Roanu,e County, . . -. - ;rune, 1942, $408.33, one-ha1r or whioh payable by the State, clI:re-hiU1'D.by the County, amounting to $204.17. Salaries ror month or ~'r-t . amounting to $204.16, and p;:~ 7/"1">- And, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that voucl1er-checks be issued to the above-na:med parties ror the county's part or said accounts, and said accounts are ordered riled. A. M. BOWMAN, JR. Treasurer or Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board tl:l rollowing report: "Salem, Virginia _.Tuly 20, 1942 To the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County: At the close or business Saturday .Tuly 18, 1942, there was to the credit or the- 'General rund i 4l,753~33 'W~ R. S. D. No.1 9,923.57 ':QogFund ' 4,597.60 . Salem Dist; Road Debt Fund 639.12 . County ,School Fund 29.411.17 $ 85,324.79 Respeotfully submitted, A. M. Bowman, .Tr. ,Treasurer. Said report is approved and ordered riled. ./ IN HE: DELINQ.UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt or A. M. BOWMAN', ;fr. Treas- urer 1:or $1765.80, on account o:f delinquent taxes colleoted by said Clerk ror the mont or ;rune, 1942, less 5% commissions, and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1677.51 net. The written report or C. P. Dowdy, Deputy Game Warden or Roanoke County, ror the periOd from .Tune 16, to .Tuly 20, 1942, Showing thirty-rour dogs killed, twenty-seven persons summoned, and two thousaIJd one hundred seventy three mned traveled in connec- tion witn his duties as such Deputy Game Warden, was this day laid berore the Board, aDd ordered riled. IN HE: RESIGNATION OF E. K. MATTERN, SECHE1'AEY, ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Am),APPOINTMENT OF,PAUL,B. MATTHEWS, MF.MRF."fl...OF, SAIl) COMMISSION A cOpy or'l~t'ter dated j'uiy 9, 1942; addressed to E~ K. Mattern, County Engineer, ~ <no... D", , '$ 'ii, fl, from W. P. Wntsee~ Chairman, Roanoke County Planning Commission, accepting the resig- /A>;zt;;:;:. cA;... Rd..., y- r nation or ,lir. Mattern as Secretary or said Commission, and a letter dated ;ruly 9, 1942,~, eU. t' , 13, rrom W. P. Wiltsee, Chairman, Roanoke County plAnning Commission, addressed to the ~ Board -or Supervisors or Roanoke County, urging the necessity or rill1ng said vacancy, 7/"''1<;2- were this day laid berore the Board, and ordered tUedj ,Upon consideration whereor, on motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seesR~e;. 57 Sll.:!ler vbUJ; L. L.,ll~Y., sS'oonded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, draftsman in the Publlo Works Department or Roanoke County, be, ,and he here y is, appointed a member of the RoanOke County Planning Commission to rill the vacanoy occasioned by the resignation or E. K. ,Mattern, County Engineer, ror the unexpired term or the said E. K. Mattern. Adopted by the rollowing ;teoorded vote: I --- ,- Ayes: SUllervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson end Mason L. Cook Nays: None . The State Compensation Board, having riled its statement or receipts and e:x;pense ror the year ended December 31, 1941, o~ o:rricers of Roanoke County, required by, Sub- seotion (9) or Code section 3516, as amended by Chapter 198, page 354, ';':cts or 1926, to be rurnished Boards of Supervisors or counties, with this Board, the same is ordere to be published, as required by law, once a week for two weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Said statement and letter ordered riled. I IN RE: PREFERENCE RATING ON FIRE PUMP TO BE MOUNTED ON A TRUCK CHASSIS: . - . ~ ." . . , A letter dated ;rune 17, 1942, addressed to Roanoke County, from MaUry Maverick, Chier Bureau or Governmental Requirements, by George A. Cummings, Chier Derense Equip= , .. ment Section, together with Pre:l'erence Rating Certiricate, were this day laid berore t e ,:, ",. Board, and ordered riled. - I A letter dated Jul! 3, 1942, addressed to the Roanoke County Board or Supervisors ~ r:;.. . rear or the old .Toe Hanna property, was, this day laid berore the Board, and ordered ~~:M.. r "rUed. T ~ M- Whereupon, on motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. q@~f1>, 9n~ 'Riohardson, said letter is rererred to Paul B. Matthews, draftsman, Publio ,Works De- 1/-;-'14-' from Mrs. Aleue D. Wyant, a resident of the Oakland Terrace section or the Williamson Road, requesting that the Board, prevent the cons'truotion of a Trucking Depot on the partman't, and a member or the Roanoke County Planning Commission ror ~nvestigation and report to the next meeting 0:1' this Board. It is rurther ordered that the Clerk or this Board certiry a copy or this resolu tion to Mrs. Alene D. Wyant. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: ~s: Supervisors ,L. D. Bell, T. O. R:i.chardson, Mason L. Cook end H. W. Starkey. -I Nays: None A letter dated duly 1, 1942, from C. H. Raynor, Chairman, Sal~ &. Roanoke County War Bonds Committee, in regard to the participation or Roanoke County in the Payroll Allotment Plan for the purchase or -Nar Savings Bonds and, Stamps, was this day laid berore the Board, and ordered riled. Upon consideration whereor, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the Heads or each Department. or the County be requested to take the matter up wit their respective employees, and the Board recommends that both said employers arid em- ployees co-operate in said plan in every possible way; Copy or this order to be rorwarded to Mr. Raynor. I An extension agreement dated .Tune 15, 1942, signed by the Town or Salem, by C. ,Brown, Mayor, and W. Frank Chapman, Clerk, and the Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County, by L. D. Bell, Chairman, and Roy K. Brown, Clerl<:, and an extension agreement dated. ;rune 15, 1942 signed by the Town or Vinton, by'Roy H. Spradlin, lfayor, and O. . , - ,W. Basham, Clerk, and the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County, by L. D. Bell, Chai _ man, and ROY K. Brown, Clerk, extending agreements dated .Tuly 1, 1941, with said town ror maintenance etc. or County fire trucks located in said towns, res:pectively, ror a periOd or one year rram July 1, 1942, were this day laid berore the Board, approved, and ordered riled. o Adopted by the roll~Ring recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O~ Richardson and Mason L. Cook Nays: ,None .A oommunication relative to War DaJIIl.ge Insurance submitted to the Board by GoOdw n Insurance and Realty COllIpany, Inc., was this day laid berore the Board, and ordered riled. A letter addressed to the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County rrom ;r. R. r , , u Francis, Deputy Commission or Revenue or Roanoke County, requesting a leave or ab- t.:a;:;-~" senCe rrom his present position as such Deputy Commissioner or Revenue ror the dura- 40 ct,- .-~e J .', tion or the war, was this day laid berore the Board and ordered riled. ~~,-4..l Upon consideration ilhereor, on motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by If It:::; 4" Supervisor Mason I.. Cook, it is ordered that the leave or absence requested by the sa d ' " . ;r. R. Francis, be granted, errecti ve as or .Tuly 13, ' 1942, but that hi s salary be paid to August 1st, 1942. And the Clerk or this Board is directed to write :Mr. Francis a letter el:Pressing the Board's apprecia tiO!l or his services, and the interest he has always taken in the " attliirs or Roanoke County. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors H. '1'1. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, and I.. D. Bel. Nays: None. 0- Col. ;r. Sinclair Brown, Director Civilian Defense, aDd David S. McClung, Chairma c,../L.:.. or Hationing Board, or Roanoke County, this day appeared berore the Board, and request d 'n-t~r , the Board to appropriate a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) 'to equip ~~L.t.,< ~~f 1if~+- 1/ a.~''f'- or Rationing Board or Roanoke the Starkey Bnild1::lg in the Town or Salem ror use County; Upon cons !deration hwereor, on motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, 'seconded by 8 Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that an appropriation of three huIJdred dollars ($300.00) be made to the Roanoke County Rationing Board rar said purpose. And it is :fur'ther ordered that G. E. Pierpont, Executive Seoretary, or thelHa- tioning Board, be authorized to make the necessary purchases, and the bills to be ok'd by the Chairman of 'the Rationing Board. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. 0; Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. "L;;. ~oW.. ~rc..-r. .r,}' <;:' 1~ ~ . ;". R. T. BIGGS, .Tailor or Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and re- quested that the Board purchase and install a sho\'l9r ror use in the jail residence of Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, on motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the said shower be installed in the count . , jail residence at a rigure not to exceed torty dollars ($40.00), competetive bids to be asked ror by the said R. T. Biggs, .Tailor. And it is rurther ordered that the Budget Item under No. or Function 6-0, No. or Item 318 - "Confinement and Care or Prisoners" be increased rrom twenty-rive dollars ':. . ($25.00) to' sixty-rive dollars ($65.00); said-amount to be deducted rrolll the General , County,F1.md in the Budget No. or Function 18 - "Miscellaneous Operating Expenses." Copy or this order to be certified to tlJ3 Roanoke County bookkeeper. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: I Ayes:, SupervisorsH. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and I.. D. Bell., NayS: None. ... , R. T. HtlBARD, Chairman or the Committee heretorore appointed by the Board, to stud plans, and bring baok recommendation ror 1ncreasing working racili ties ror Treasurer an Commissioner or the Revenm, this day appeared berore the Board, and verbally reporting ror said Committee, recommended that nothing be done in the mtter at this tim:l. Whereupon, on motion, duly seconded and carried, said verbal report is approved, a the committee dismissed With thanks. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L~ Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. The audit or the FAIRVIEW HOm ror the year ending December 31, 1943., was this day laid before the Board, and ordered riled. ROANOKE COUNTY - IN HE: CHANGE IN p~y SYS~: Lettei- dated;rune'20, i942 , from'C.'s: Mullen,' Chief Engineer, l,)epar'tlllent or High- ~ys, - addressed to 'the Roanoke County Board or SuperVisors advising the Board that the state HighWay Commission at their meeting on ;rune 16, had approved the clu!.nges in the , , - Prillary System' or Roanoke County, due to the relocatio~d construotion or Ronte 460, as approved l?Y resolution or this Board on April 20, 1942, and as shown in attached oop or le'tter from the Locating and Planning Engineer or the Highway Depar'tlllent, and blue print ske'tch attached to said letter; said action approved, and letters and blue print ordered riled. , The rollowing letter was this day laid betore the Board: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT' OF HIGHWAYS RICHMOND .Tune 30, 1942 Roanoke County: Secondary System Roanoke Coun'ty Board or Supervisors, Salem, Vi,rginia. - " Gentlemen: Your'resolutions requesting additions to'the Secondary System or Roanoke County I I I I , I " I ....;,.,.;?',. 366 ~~r R,/. . 7/"'1'P ~~ !"H-t- '1{ ?'1~': ~ <t ' ~ ~\.V 1 f<t"14"" IN HE: COUNTY INSURANCE: ~ . .' -. . On the motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor ID. O. Riehardson, it is ordered that R. T. Huba:rd, Trial ;rustice of Roanoke County" be, and lie hereby is, appointed in 'the Plflce' or E. K. Mattern~ to act as chail'lDali or the Committee heretorore appointed by this Board to oonsider the county insurance policies &c; said Committee to have power to act in the placing or insurance on all county property ~ AI1y aotion on th part or the Comm1t'tee to be approved at the next meeting or this Board. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, H. W. Starkey aDd Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. A. Y. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer or Roanoke County, this day appeared bei'ore the Board and requested that 'the maintenance contract on tax ticket machine with the Burroughs Adding Machine Company be renewed ror a periOd or six (6) months; Upon consideration Vlhereor, on motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason I.. Cook, it is ordered that said contract be renewed, and the ,Chairman or this Board is authorjzed to sign said contract when presented to him, said contract price not to exceed ten per cent increase over the 1941 contract. Adopted by the rOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, aDd I.. D. Bell. Nays: None. On the mtion or Supervisor H. W. Sta:rkBy, seconded by Superiisor L. D. Bell, it i o~ered that the room in the basement or the Court House Buildillg now being oocupied by 'the County bookkeeper and inspector, be vacated at once, and same turned over to the Ccmm1ssioner or the Revenue ror his department. And, it is rurther ordered that the or1'ice rormerly ocoupied by E. K. Mattern, County Engi:neer, be used as a joint orrice ror 'the County bookkeeper and inspector; and the County draftsman who will be in charge or indexing and mapping projects or Roanoke County; and that all extension telephones in the Public Works Department be discontinued. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T-. O. Richardson and Eason L. Cook. Nays: None . 01 IN HE: APPOINTMENT OF PURCHASING AGENT AND ASSISTANr PURCHASING .AGENT: On the motion or Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seoollded by Supervisor Mason I.. Cook, it is ordered that C. .T. Ward, Roanoke County Health Orricer, be, and he hereby is appointed as Purchasing Agent, ror Roanoke County, to serve as sUlh withou:t additional compensation; and that (!.Irs') WINSLOE REmOLDS TH1lRMAN be, and' she hereby is, appointe.d Assistant County Purcllasing Agent. Adopted by the' rollaw1ng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson,Mason L. Cook, H. W. StarkBy and L. D. Bell. Nays: None . I I .' I.'" , , I I .....' " o .,!'IIlI " I U '. ..:.. a SALARY SCEEDUI.E: CHANGES IN PERSONNEL "lED !':4T,APIES: On the motion or Supervisor -i. 'D~ Bell, ~eo~xicied by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that the rollowing changes in the persounel and in the salary schedule here torore adopted by this Board at its ;rune Meeting, 1942, be, and they are, hereby made, errective as or ;ruly 1, 1942: A. W. CROUSE, County Farm Foreman (payable monthly)' W. E. LINDSEY" Supt. & Engineer, Willia:mson Rd. San. Dist. No.1 (paYable " " " monthly) ;r. R. TALIAFERRO, Bookkeeper and Inspeotor (payable monthly) PAUL B. MA.TTEEWS, Draftsman and in Charge or Indexing and Mapping " , ' , , ' (payable lllOnthly), Agent (Yrs) WINSLOE R. THURMAN, Seoretary,and Assisting Purchas1JJg/(:payable monthly) C. ;r. WAllD, Health Orricer, and Purohasing Agent\ (payable monthly) , ;r. R. B. WTT,T,TatlRON, Farm Agent {payable monthly I ' {Mrs} Enid ,Craig, Clerk, Civilian Derense Council, (payable mon'thly) $ 720.00 2100.00 1860 .00 1800.00 1.320.00 2740~00 9.34.00 840.00 . , BE IT FURTBER' ORDEllED that all resolutions and orders previously passed by this , , , Board in sny way COnflicting with this order, be, and they are, hereby repealed. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason I.. COOk, H. W. Starkey aDd'T. O. Richardson. Nays: None On the motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by SUllervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that voucher-oheck be issued ror one hundred dollars {$100. 00 ), paya,ble ,to (Mrs) Winsloe R. Thurman, Assisting PurChasing Agent, ror petty cash rund. All account to be paid by ohecks, su~'ported by receipted vouchers, and presented ror approval or this Board monthly. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: 'Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. rr }~t;r T'iit'. en.. . ~,'i, ,'...' 7f"'1~" ~nll .;r;~'ii f!:7Lt," ' ~~ 7 /"''1~'" On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, secoDded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the special account now' carried in the Farmers NatiOnal' BsJik or, Salem, f;:Jfi.:-, Va., in the nall1e or Wlll1a:mson Road Sanitary District No.1, E. K. Mattern, Agent, be &...e b . ,'W.~, abolished as or Angust 1st, 1942, and thereafter that W. E. Lindsey, Superintendent and ~),R. ;~"~t . Engineer, on all collections made by him in said district shall remit to the Treasurer 1lt5:!r.J.-., or Roanoke County. And, it is rurther ordered that instead or reconciling his accounts monthly with the general reoords in the orr!ce or the Supervisors' bookkeeper, as heretorClL"e m-dered at the April Meeting or this Board, that said Superintandent and Engineer reconoile his accounts with said bcokkeeper's record quarterly. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None On the motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it i ordered 'tha't the electrical and plumbing inspector o:f Roanoke County deliver to the Treasurer or Rosnoke County weekly all rees oollected by him as such inspector. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes. Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason I.. Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. . Nays: None. !tL~', '1)'1.>1<"'1. 368 ;ii l~'" . ~.')1'.'I' T tj,.:Tf. "1{"'''fo.t ~.~. 01/ y'1'~'" , On the lIIOtion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, secomed by Supervisor T. O. Richardso , it is ordered that the Chairman or this Board b-e authorized to sign applic$.tion ror service gasoline ration ror Roanoke County. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. On the motion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, . " is ordered that a Committee ccmposed or Supervisor H. W. Starkey and Commonwealth's A1;1;orney E. W. Chelr be appointed to make a study or the present methOd or collection or delinquent "taxes, and make recommendations at the next meeting or this Board. Adopted by the rollewing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. An account or the Standard Oil Company, amounting to $16.15 ror flit for County farm, this day. sulml1tted to the Board for payment, was referred to the Supe!'visors' bookkeepar ror investigation, and report at the next meeting or this Board. A letter dated July 8th, 1942, addressed to the Board of Supervisors 01' Roanoke County, with an outline 01' employment attached to said letter, frol9- H, E. Mecredy maki . application for the position or County Executive, was this day laid before the Board, and on motion 01' Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. COOk, and carried, said letter and outline are ordered filed. R. H. BURTNER, Assistant County Farm Agent, this day appeared before the Board, and reported ror duty as such Assistant County Farm Agent for Roanoke County. The reports 01' C. J. Ward, Roanoke County Health 01'1'icer, for the period June, 19 2, Present Year Begin, 1941, and the monthly report 01' Supervisor's BOOkkeeper, Roanoke County beginning July 1, 1941, Ending June 30, 1942, were this day leidberore the Board and ordered filed. A letter dated July 20, 1942, from C. J. Ward, Health Officer, reporting upon the health record in Roanoke County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, and thanking the Board as well as "every association, society and club that has taken part in the - public health program in the County," for their support and loyalty, was this day . . - laid before the Board, and 0 rdered filed, the Board 01' Supervisors assuring ~im 01' its appreciation 01' the work done by his Department, and the splendid report filed. On motion 01' Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is C!rdered that' the Chairman of the Board or Supervisors: the County Treasurer, . . and the Clerk of the Board be, and they are, hereby authorized to issue and Sign voucher-checks to the rollowing named persons in the amounts shown: . VERNON PRICE ." "$36.00 EeIIl1":morithly; " . . BOLDEN ~. 5.30 weekly . ZACK.COOPER 15.00 weekly The above checks.to be charged to the accounts set up by order of the Board. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: "~es:Supervisors T.O.Richardson,L.D.Bell,H.W.Starkey and Mason.L. Cook. :t'J"ays: None." . ." "" . Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Mond I I """I I I. o o u .~ o Oourt House, Salem, Virginia. August 17, 1942 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County JDet this day at the Court House in re- gular session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. RiChardson and H. W. Starkey. Also present: A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes 01' the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member or the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewit , to-wit: No. 15912 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current--Fire Station and Jarretts House $ 25.25 " 15913 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Supplies--Fire Dept. 15914 J. P. Bell Company, Printed forms and supplies, Clerk's Office 15915 A. M. BoY/man, Jr., Treas. Salaries--July 15916 A: Ai. Bowman, Jr., Treas, Reimburse Petty Cash Fund 15917 BrO'"llll Hardware Co., Utensils, Fans &: Small Tools 15918 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Paper &: Service Contract 15919 Caldwe1l-Sites, Paper and Bookbinders 15920 J. E. Carper, Plumbing 15921 Eugene t7. Chelf, Comm. Atty. Salaries--July 15922 The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., Bill for July 15923 H. G. Cole's Garage, Repairs, Gasoline, Grease &. Oil 15924 Mrs. Armstrong Cross, Treas., July &. Aug. Apprcp. for expenses 15925 Dixie Furniture Co., WindOW Shade-Ladies Rest Room 15926 Dooley Printing Co., Stationery, Printed Forms &: Supplies 15927 Easter Supply Co., Index Guides, l~eograph Paper &: Pencils 15928 Fairview Home, Expenses--July 15929 Chalmers Ferguson, Comm. on De1inq. Taxes Col. 15930 Garrett's Esso Station, Grease, Oil, Wash &. P~pairs 15931 Frank Gilbert, J. P., Expenses of Lunacy Com. 15932 Gittens &. Morten, Inc., Prel!liums on Bonds 15933 Goodwin Insurance &. Realty Co., Inc., Workmen's Compensation 15934 Henry Gwyn, Repairs to Typewriter in Clerk's Offi~e 15935 Harris Service Statio.::!, Repairs, Parts, Gasoline, Grease &. Oil 15936 The H. R. Huntting Co., Books :t"or County Library Proj. 15937 Alex Y. Lee, 6 Keys--Chau!;;:i..ag Combinations 15938 Lewis Brothers, 00a1 for Jail 15939 O. G. Lewis &: Co., Washing &. Greasing Cars 15940 Lion Brothers Co. Inc., Am Eands--Vo1unteer Woman's Division 15941 J. ll. Logan, Material for Arm bands 15942 Magie City Motor Corp., Tires, Tubes, Repairs and Parts 15943 jOhn E. Martin, Refund on Plumbing Job. 4.67 50.74 714.21 6.00 83.37 32.77 7.82 73.45 204.17 99.65 " " .. " " " " " .. " "' 20.44 " 20.00 2.00 91.25 12.31 260.80 61.07 20.10 32.00 20.00 52.49 12.00 " " "' " Ii " " "Ii Ii " .. 24.48 76.10 '1.50 14.50 1.75 23.07 7.80 95.70 1.00 568.56 39.25 29.17 2.34 3.44 ., ," Ii " . " ". " " . " " " n 15944 15945 15946 15947 15948 W. C. Muse, Com. of Revenue, Salaries--JulY Noland Company, Tub and Shower for Jail The Penitentiary Industrial Dept., Uniform-~hief Jarrett " " ;, J. N. Phelps Water Jorks Co., Nater--Wm'son. Rd. Fire Dept. Poole's Service Station, Gasoline for 'Sherifr's Cars " " 15949 Richardson-\'rayland Electrical Corp. Fluorescent Light, Labor and Material 40.85 370 Russell B. S:r~iley, M. D., Examination for Drunken Driving, Coroner's Cases 40.00 No. 15950 Roanoke Book and Stationery Co., Supplies 15951 Roanoke Paper Co., Tissue 15952 Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., Films 15953 Roanoke County Public Health Assoc., Monthly Expenses--July 15954 Town 01: Salem, ,later and Current 15955 Salem Grocery Co., BroolllS &: O. K. Soap 15956 Salem Hardware Co., Supplies 15957 Salem Publishing Co., Publishing statement, BOOkbinding, etc. 15958 G.~. Scruggs, P. M. ~tamps " " " n " " n " " 15959 E. W. 15960 Senter, M. D., Examination for Drunken Driving n " 15961 Drs. Showalter, Grubbs &; Chairse11,Coroner's Case 15962 The Texas Co., Gasoli.ne for Sheriff's Cars 15963 -liins10e R. Thur:ma.n, Asst. Pur. Agt. Re:l.mburs'e Petty Cash' Fund 15964 Treasurer 01: Virginia, Part of Salary of Judge 15965 Treasurer of Virginia, Printed Forms 15966 G. E. Trout, Est1::nating pr"ices on material and labor ol;{schools 15967 To~~ of Vinton, Gas, Oil end Repairs Bene1:it Vinton Fire Dept. 15968 Virginia Seed Co., Seed 15969 West Disinfecting Co., Dripco Spe"cia1 Fluid " "' -. " " " " "" " $ 123.50 27.00 12.53 325.00 74.50 13.09 35.18 67.40 19.00 25.00 I I 5.00 89.18 54.63 796.81 5.10 1,000.00 485.24 1.75 11.75 -. " - Wiley Feed, Fuel and Supply Corp. Tables, Screens--Rationing O~ice 21.05 3.10 "I 15973 Williamson Road Fire Dept., Services of Volunteer Firemen 300.00 15974 Woodstock Typewriter Sales Co., Reconditioning Typewriter, Rent of Woodstock--3 months 21.00 15975 F. H. Bohon, Room Rent--Primary Election 2.00 15976 Frank Calaway, Room Rent--Primary Election 2.00 15977 Coleman Grocery Co., RooJ:J. Rent--Primary Election 2.00 15978 I, C. Easter, Room Rent--Primary Election 2.00 15979 o. L. Garnand, ROOLl Rent--Primary Election 2.00 15970 15971 15972 ~ " ,~i1ey-Eal1 Service Station, Repairs to Tires VOID " " " " " " " " " 15980 W. O. Goodwin &: Co., Room Rent--Primary Election 15981 M. R. Keffer, Room Rent--Primary Election 15982 W. L. Moorman, Room Rent--Primary Election 15983 H. B. l,'ratt, ROOJ:l Rent--Primary Election " " " " 15984 VOID 15985 W. C. Walker, Room Rent--Primary Election 16054 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delin'l.' Taxes, Collected " " " 16055 16056 Appalachian E1ec. Power Co., Current, -,1m. son. Rd. Brown Hardware Co., Chamois for Plant, Wlll'son. Rd. T"lle Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., Phone Bill, Wm.'son. Rd. Chalmers Ferguson, Com. on De1inq. Taxes, Collected, Wm'son. Rd. " !' 16057 !' 16058 16059 ." Goodwin Insurance &: Realty Co., Inc., Workmen's Compensation, Wm'son Rd. _ ." 61.01 " " 16060 Harris Service Station, Repairs, Parts, Cleaning Fluid anQ Grease Wm'son. Rd. 16061 City of Roanoke -l/ater Dep't., Water used at Plant, -l/m'son. Rd. 16062 Salem Hardware Co., Auto Ename1--Sand Paper, -,1m'son. Rd. n " " 16063 Salem Grocery Co., Salt, Wm'son. Rd. 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.00 I 2.00 5.20 41.33 1.78 9.94- 3.36 I 2.15 23.80 1.90 1.05 No. 16064 The Te~as Co., Gasoline, Wm'son. "Rd. $ 33.90 " 16069 J". R. Goodwin, Jr.., Election 3xpenses 25.00 " 16070 111. L. Howell, Election Expenses 2S.00 .. 16071 M. S. McClung, Election Expenses 45.00 " 16072 F. E. Flint, Rent--Wm'son Rd. Fire Sta. 110.00 a " " 16073 Emmett E. ~la1dron, Q.uarter1y Bd. Bill for Prisoners 49.20 o [J ,,"t : I ~ r:1 tU The rollowing allowances are made to the JUdges, Clerks and Commissioners of Election ror their services in conducting the primary election helQ August 4, 1942 in Roanoke County, payable out or the General County Fund, to-wit: John's Shop No. 15986 A. E. McNeil, Clerk and returns $ 11.00 5.00 5.00 " 15987 Kyle Shelor, Judge 15988 Mrs. Kyle Shelor, Judge n Brand's Store n 15989 R. D. MOrehead, J"udge and Returns 15990 Clarence E. Carroll, Judge 15991 E. Ai. Carroll, Clerk 11.00 5.00 5.00 n " Rees' Store " 15992 C. P. Horne, Judge and Returns 15993 W. B. Smith, Judge 15994 J. V. Blankenship, Clerk West Salem 10.50 5.00 5.00 A , 'f~" c.vP;" ~ -t.- ~ ". , - ~"'-\.I_, ~ "'i I \?) " " n 15995 Frank C. Shelton, J"udge and Returns 15996 B. L. Bowen, Judge 10.00 5.00 5.00 ". "- 15997 P. W. Copenhaver, JUdge Glenvar " 15998 ML-s. Xie Goodwin, Judge and Returns 15999 Margaret Rakes, Judge 1~000 L. B. Chapman, Clerk 10.50 5.00 5.00 " n ; North Salem " 16001 Robert Driscoll, Judge and Returns No. 16002 F. Cameron ','{iley, Jr. , J"udge ". 16003 B. H. Robinson, Judge 10.00 5.00 5.00 South Salem # 1 " 16004 Charles Wilson, J"udge and Returns ... 16005 C. Ferguson, Judge and Commissioner ". 16006 T. M. Copenhaver, Clerk 10.00 10.00 5.00 South Salem # 2 " 16007 J. H. Early, Judge and Returns 10.00 5.00 5.00 " 16008 C. D. Wertz, Judge ", 16009 Albert M. Early, Clerk Peters Creek " 16010 Mrs. Sarah M. ~~itlliire, Clerk and Returns ". 16011 G. H. Kelch, Judge n" 16012. C. F. Candler, Judge 10.30 5.00 5.00 Bent Mountain No. 16048 ;"l. B. Woodrutl, Clerk and Returns " 16049 J. W. Lancaster, Judge " 16050 G. C. McGhee, .Tudge Ogden ~ " 16051 H. A. Tayloe, Judge, Returns and Commi ssioner : , id " 16052 C. T. Lockett, Judge " 16053 Gertie Hopper, Judge $ 11.00 " 5.00 5.00 17.00 5.00 5.00 , ! "'" TAXES , IN RE: DOG,/SBEEP, CT,ATI'R &c: The following claims against the County were this day prese:ated, approved am ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable there- with, to-vd:t: \ No. 16065 G. J. Conner, Sheep--Ki11ed $ 5.00 " 16066 Mrs. L. N. Kinzie, Sheep=-Killed by Dog 6.50 - " 16067 Treasurer of Virginia, Extra Dog Tags Ordered 1.GO .. 16068 R. L. Walrond, Lamb--Ki11ed by Dog 10.00 .' [J The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: A. M. BOViMAN, J"4., Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expenses account 1'0 the month of .Tuly, 1942," $1,071.:31, one-third of which, amounting to $357.10, payable by the State, and two-thirds, amounting to $714.21, payable by the County. W. C. kLSE, COMMISSIO~~ OF R3V~~, salaries for month of July, 1942, $852.84, one-third of which, amounting to $284.28, payable by the State, and two-thirds, amount ing to $568.56, payab1e'by the County. E. Vi. CEELF, COMMCWilEALTH'S ATTCPJiEY of Roanoke County, Salaries for lIIOnth of Jul , '. 1942, $408.33, one-half of which payable by half by the County, amounting to $204.17. th8State, amounting to ~204.16, and one- And, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that vqucher-checks be issued to the above-named parties for the county's part of said accounts, and said accounts are ordered filed. " A. M. Bm'iMA.N, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board . the following report: "Salem~ Virginia _August 17, 1942. m To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the clost of busine ss Saturday August 15, 1942, there was to the credit of the . General fund 'W:lR.S.D. Sewer Account -Dog Fund -Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund - School Fund $ 31,872;18 " 11,162.80 4,460.86 607.80 27 .127.93 75,231.57 Respectfully sub:nitted, A. M. BOWI:Ja.n, .Tr., Treasurer." Said report is approved and ordered filed. ~ f{, ~ ,.~, ~.n:z~ u V"" ~.';. r['Y<f>" .:'. ~-'" ~ U~y- '1'''1 /'I- ... ~~ '+~~,. .c-.{...-.;;.t...... . ~y- ..., t,t'/v ~ ,....w . '1''lIIf>- tt.~. R~ fL.L~. ., /;:'3/.l... - :;1;.~ ~f3.v ,( "I1"'I~" '~1k ~.' h, 'Z ,en . ~.a:t.' ~1~f4-?. IN BE: DELINQ.'tE1'!T TAES: . . , The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. M. BO\T~, JR., Treas- urer, for $985.75, on account of delin~uent taxes collected by said Clerk far the month 01', July, 1942, less 5% co=issions, and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $936.47 net. The report of C. J. Ward, Roanoke County Health Officer, 1'or the period .July, 1942 Present Year Began, July 1, 1942, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. IN BE: COUNTY INSURANCE: This day the Committee heretofore appointed to mke a study o:f the Roanoke County Insurance policies, riled their report, togetherwith their recommendations, which said report is hereby approved and ordered :filed. No....-, tllerefore, in order to carry out the recommendations of said Committee, on motion 01' Supervisor H. 'if. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, ',it is ordered: 1: T"na t the Goodwin Insurance and Realty' Com:;>any; Inc., be Continued as Broker of Record :for this Board in connection with the placing of all County fire insurance. 2: That the present "Schedule" form of fire insurance coverage be discarded, and . - in lieu thereof the "90% co-insurance Blanket Form" o:f insurance be placed on'a1l Count . property, with the exception of the Williamson Road Se\~e Disposal Plant, the same to be written on a five year budgetized plan, and the same to be distributed by said Broke to the local County Agencies now having policies of insurance on Roanoke County propert on the same percentage as is now .being carried. 3: That the firm o:f Gittens and Morton, Inc.., be and they are hereby:.appointed as Broker of Record for this Board in connection with the placing of all automobile in- surance, that is, public liability, property damage, fire and theft insurance, and mis- cellaneous casualty lines, inc1ul.ing steam boiler insurance, and that said Broker cover all of the autolllOtive equipment of the County under what is known as a r1eet policy, an that the commissions on said policy or policies be pro-rated among the agencies now par ticipating on the same percentage as the premium which these various, agencies now have 'bears to the' total premium developed under the fleet policy to be written.' 4: That said Co:cmiittee be continued to. investigate and make recommendations as to items 6 and 7 contained in said report. 5: That a certified copy of this order be mailed to each of the agencies now part - cipating in the carrying of insurance on County property. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors R. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None . -:/ BERTA L. PD:1ERS .A:ND ) R. B: PO'.~1!:RS ' J . ) vs 1 J TEE PUBLIC 1 ORDER APPOINTI.l~ YIEWE..."'lS. , This day came Berta L. Powers and R. B. PO'llerS, by counsel, who begged leave to 1'ile a petition for the abandonment and discontinuance of a portion of the old Puncheon Camp Road, which leave is granted, and the petition, and the affidavit as to the .9Osti or notices is hereby filed. I I I I I I I r I~ !IJ l [ i: r' 10. ( , I ' i i I I r, I .0 ~ . ~ . And it appearing to the Board, upon the said petition, that the affiants have duly and legally published, as is required by law, a notice of their application to the Board for the abandonment and discontinuance of that portion of the Old Puncheon Camp Road described in the petition; that the pUblication of said notice ,was had by prop~,posting in three pUblic places, one of which is at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County, and one at each end of the said portion of the old Puncheon Camp Road sought to be discontinued and vacated, all of which is verified by an affi- davit attached to the said petition; And it further appearing to this Board that at least twenty days have elapsed sin e the posting of the above described notice, and this Board having duly considered said petition, and being of the opinion that the petitioners are entitled to the appointmen of viewe;;~A it is hereby ordered that A. P. Greenwood, R. V. Bell, R. A. Henry, C.(W~ t. 1 Graham I J. W. Griggs freeholders residing in Roanoke County, Virginia, (any three of whom may act )~.as viewers, who, after first having been duly sworn as required by law, " shall view thE! said portion of the old Punc.heon Camp Road sought to be abandoned and discon'tinued, and hear such evidence, if any may be offered, and report in writing pursuant to the statut.. in such cases made ana. p:::-ovided, Vlb.ether, in their opinion any and if any, what inconvenience would result from abandoning and dis~ontinuing said portion of said road. as prayed for in the petition. .On mot,iori of L. D. Bell, Supervisor, seconded by T. O. Richardson, Supervisor, an carried by unanimous vote, it was ordered that the above order be entered. . On roll call the votes were as fo11ovls: Ayes: L. D. Bell, E. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I Whereas Paul B. Matthews has been appointed a member of the Roanoke County Flann ing Commission; and Whereas a part of :Mr. Matthew's salary, to-wit: the sum of $300.00 was to be psi out of a sum of ~OO.OO heretofore appropriated to the Roanoke County Planning Co=- ~u( ~~. '1''1I~'" ' ission; ....d Whereas this Board is advised that no member of the said Planning Oommission can act as such with compensation; Now, therefore, in order to eliminate any question as to said Paul B. Matthew's .eligibili"ty to serve on the Roanoke County Planning Commission, it is hereby ordered t t that part of said Matthew's salary heretofore ordered to be paid out of Function 10C Planning and Zoning be paid out of lOA Public Works, the same to be effective as of duly 1, 1942. On the motion of supervisorv H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. RiChards n. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. RiChardson, Mason L. Cook, and L. D. Bel . Nays; None . On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seco nded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it is ordered that all County employees who have heretofore been under the supervision 0 and responsible to E. K. Mattern, former County Executive Officer, shall hereafter pe - form their duties under the direct supervision of this Board, and be each individual1 responsible to said Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. o. Richardson, H. ',I. Starkey ana. Mason L. Cook Nays; ~one., _... -~_.-... ,...~ I i ..~..~.' ~ I HT "'~H I : I Ii, .-.--t I I I I i I -+-----J+.----- i I :..1 --'1-- - - _~ -:~==~~.~ m l ' It i 1! ~---~l==-i~~' ,-tl ,~ I \ I \ ~\ I --_. -.-+.-. i~ ~;' ~+,,~1 ' \Ll..~'" ! I t~ .~ -. 1+\ I~ I i 1 . .... r- ~ ''r 1 ~ i t ~ -t", , ....H' '.~.-'.:I.! I i ~ ~! i '- I ' ' '1- i ,0- "r " I ~ I: ;....'1:. "f..",~J II I :i .'; i b '(,0 C>~ '" ~ ;' I -. -. -.- ' "" -. ~ · , ,-' , _yn --. _..," _ - - · " - · ~ " ~ ... ~ ", 'j' ..._:1,. , -'~4"=I' __~. __ _. '" ~ .. t: : ~ '" I ~::, ,C:; -~'~".:1'- -----_Ii' :i _ ' _.-'"" _. _.... _ . '" I -- ..... ..... ' ._~~_._ - 1. ' .." ~ ,. -- ' ~ '-'~ ~ " .. " . " I . ; c:p - ....-+1- -,--...--- +------.----,,1. . -~-.-1"I-~~"'_iLJ;:; ~ ,:' '[' I ,...._'_..__ I 'I ;1 I . , -,-' I +~t . I I ' -', I-r- , ~ I I I .-" , , ' I I I I ; I ,i' I . I T I , I i I.. "I! I [11 ~:: Ii ~ 1) :! .... ' I, Ii :i [i :i I. .....D ~ !i . r Ii 'Ii I'll r ' 1,1 ." r t I,;r t , . I' . ,. I .', C!- ta ~ II' r . : ~~. ~ E ii' P r. ii ~,~ ~ ii :: ~ ~d . Ii ~ ~~:" i ~r('$. t. " (.a.~...... \&'0" -, j: I ~ ..__~ _.. 1 ,ll ,_'H . 1: --j'-" r----l:-.--t~.---: - r c ,I . 1, -':1" ---11'-' ! ,..---- f -.. '.......j.: -.. . ,...,~:l . ...t..... -. .- . .::'_~:i-:' :, _ .. ._-:;:_.._~-,...- c ,'-';r~' _______'.....c. ...-.-~ ,,~,~\:;;1t~i~>:'--~'~" ,,,,-, ..,~;:-~.."" 4':~~~'::''''~ ..a. :'_:1-" .~:~:~~,~~.:~~.:: ,'.,,; ':0 .-- ~ ~ " ". tl i ~i f ' i . po. I : : f , p , ...c. .~ , ll' 'su , ' f ~ \,. '" " ~'-t,,, ~ ~.. ~ ~ :- i, ' ~ j:Jo t' ,-< ~ ~ I. 'f . ~ '" ! .... ,,~-- ~ , ~ ~ .....; '" ~ ':~_.. .' I I '''j' ...:~ ':-..,;;,'1 '., ..s............ I ... :,. (u --., -. .. -... ... .... ... ..... ' ... 0Cl : .. ./.. , ...:....' , '..0- ,--;':. ~--*~_. . "- ~ ..........~. -t. ~ ~ ~ _~_ ~ ... I"ro '-:'-~'" , ----"'-- if'. I I .. ...1- I . , "I i I I , ~.,. . ;! i; II ij " " ., " ,. i ;; " ~ 'I 1; Ii ! 11- " tr ;; , " ! Ii Ii , 4 ,. i1 il " " g Ii ., il II ,ij q ii 'ii .' 'I' [, ~ , ~It ~ '" ~ ~ ~ .ii I' f..."' "'r~! II · r \ r~ I Ii Ii ._ I: ~, ~'mil .1 ~r ,r~~ ~.~ : ' I: '~ ~. ~ p' , I, "f[ ! ~'fh f.. "- " , : i ii , i :1 II II .)0. ~ ,r r ,.-! ~ :~ t :~t" "t- ~ """,""CL" f..!: o ..".' > , ...... ....,..-.-;. .,-1 i :~ :i iJ - ~ ...,. I . - ':_,:,~ ! I"" ''1-'' .~..~.."--'~:. ,- -7;': ,"- . '--.0"" . ".'::_. _.......,;.,.- .' .' t ~..' ',.,'-"-. . I" ,~ ; ..~. ,.. ..... '..::0,' .'s;. .CiI....'.. .(,; '" '"".. ~. _"l ..... .. ,-\ -:a ... ,~-- l · -:~......'-' .:~ ~ ::;.., "_-:'_"' ...;'l..,'" "&.~ "lO,,~,.;.~.-...:t,~-, .... ~dG "",,' _ "QQ Q tu J==:..:. . .,.~:.:;:.!lf.' "" !-\' ..- ..... ~ . too . ..~:_~ -...... -':'100. '~"."" :,:"{,...., (: ~- ,.. " ,,-_.. _._. I l....~, -"" t " ' il " ~1.~ '~~ -:J \. i!'f i.; I' . , ] I , !I TAe Treasurer's delin~uent real and personal ~roperty lists of the several dis- tricts of Roanoke County, for the year 1941, were this day submitted to the Board, an on motion of Supervisor H. n. Starkey, seconded by ~upervisor Mason L. Cook, were re- ceived and ordered ~i1ed. ~ ; I i"'" Adopted by the following recorded vote: .Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Coo!:, T. O. Richardson and 1lason L. Cook. Nays: None. !'II' U The .\Titten report or C. P. Dowdy, I:eputy GaJDe V[arden of Roanoke County, ~or the period from July 20, to August 17, 1942, showing twenty-six dogs killed, twelve people summoned, and one thousand, five hundred and sev:l!lty-six miles travelled in connectio with his duties as such Deputy Game Waruen, was tbis day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. IN BE: Jtj1)GE'S SALARY: The Comptroller of Virginia having reported to this Board that the part of the salary o~ the Judge of the TVrentieth Judicial Circuit apportioned to Roanoke County, fer the year beginning February 1, 1943, is $796.81, which amount is re~uired by statute to be paid into the Treasury of the State on or before December 1, 1942, said amount is authorized, and a voucher check ordered to be issued to the Treasurer of a' Virginia in payment of said allowance. And said letter Clt'dered filed. The report from the State Highway Commission, revised as of July 15, 1942, show- ing final allocation of ~unds to Secondary Highway System for year 1942-1943, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. '1 .. MRS. IT.:.."tTRtlDE S. YORK, Area Supervisor, School Lunch Pro j ect, this day appeared befoxe the Board, and re~uested that the room in the McClung Building, vacated by G. E Pierpont, Chairman, Rationing Board of Roanoke County, be turned over to her for use of her department. Upbn consideration whereo~, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that said re~uest be granted, and that said room 'be turned over to Mrs. York for purpose stated, e frective as of this date. Adopted by the ~ollow:ing re corded vote: .Aye s : Nays; Supervisors L. D. Bell, lSason L. Cook, H. il. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. None. l~ U IN 3E: RELIEF SOUGHT FRO!.! P":"TJiiIDTT OF :J::l:LIHQ.tJ.Th""T TAXES: Malcolm Gri:rrtn this day appeared before the Board, and xequested the Board to pass a resolution, provided for une.er Chapter 399, Section One, Acts of General Assemb y 1942, granting relief to any taxpayer whose property has been de1in~uent for a period seven years or more, and which taxes r=in unpaid, should the Board consider the re- lie~ sought fair and equitable; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Super visor Uason L. Cook, it is ordered that the matter be referred to the Commo~Nea1th's Attorney for his opinion as to whet1:er or not this Act is mandatory, ana. report to' the next meeting of this Board, and, in the event he concludes that the said statute is ;.,';.....,.,. ~~ ~Q71;) sjr'th" o.-~'~' . $..&-. y- ~ 1'1 /~ l- ~~ ~1~c., 1 ~\'1I~ ,. mandatory, to draw a general ordinance under "Ahich any taxpayer ;pay apply fOr relief under said statute. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, E. IT. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Hays: None .; On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seco!lded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson it is ordered that L. B. Baldwin, District Supervisor, Farm Security Administration, i hereby authorized to use the t'no front rooms in the McClwlg Building, formerly occupie by the Roanoke-Craig County Farm Security Board, for the period from July 1, 1942, to July 1, 1943; said District Supervisor to paper the walls, screen the windows and cove floors in said rooms free of charge to the County. Oopy of this order to be certified to Mr. L. B. Baldwin. ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, H. N. Starkey and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None . IN RE: PA"YllElIT OF RENT FOR -iiILLIll1!SON ROlw ~'IRE STilXION: On motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seoonded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson,i is ordered that rent for Williamson Road Fire Station, from and after July 1st, 1942, e paid direct to F. E. Flint, present owner of said property, at the rate of $55.00 per lIIOnth, for the months of July and August, 1942, a total or $110.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Aye s : Nays: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell, and H. W. Starkey Hone. On the motion of Supervisor E. '..i. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardso , it is ordered that a voucher-check for three hundred dollars ($300.00) be issued to A. M. BO',;-man, dr., Treasurer of Roanoke County, for purchase of stamps for use in his office in mailing out tax tickets. And the said A. 1:. Bovman, Jr., Treasurer of Roanoke County, is hereby authorized to employ additional clerical help in his office for getting out delinquent tax notice , compensation of said helper not to exceed the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00). Adopted by the follmving recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. ',"l. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays ; None . IN RE: COMMITTEE ON COLLECTION OF DELINQ.DENT TAXES: The' Commi ttee heretofore appoint~d OIl C~lle ction of Delinquent Taxes to be con- tinued unt:.l the next meeting of this Board. On the motion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by SuperVisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that the Purchasing .~ent of Roanoke County be authorized to trade in motor siren - 2 1/2 horse power, now in use at "iiil1iamson Road Fire Station, on a 5 horse power motor siren, provided he can obtain an a110vra.nce of the original cost price of the old siren. . 1 I, I I I IIII! ~J C1 r1 ~ a Adopted by the rollmving recorded vote: , ...,-.;,..... Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, H. ~. Starkey and T. O. Richardson None. , '- , , . IN BE: REPORT ON TRUCKING DEPOT ON REAR OF OLD JOE HANNA PROPERTY: Paul B. Matthews, draftsman, Public -,1orks Department, to whom the matter was re- 1'erred at the last :meeting of this Board, this day appeared before the Board, and Vel' ba11y reported that he had investigated the matter of the trucking depot on the rear of the old Joe Hanna property, and that there, has been no structural alteration of s building since the effective date of the County Zoning Ordinance, and that therefore the sallie is not covered by said ordinance. A certified copy hereof to be certified to Mrs. A).ene D. Wyant. ~ IN RE: PRICK .8.DMr.ITSTRATION AlID RATIONING BOARD: Letter from P. L. Starkey, in regard to lights in Starkey Building, received and ordered f1led. ~r ~,M.,. 'd~o"rr.~ 143~ ((.J. lPeJA-.A -u.. 0 flL '(' ry0<j~ IN RE: ADDmONAL A..~OPRJ:l,.TION FOR ,.aSS JESSE M. HAMIM1'1LY, Home Demonstration Agent: On the motion of Supervisor E. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardso , ~r , ~ ~"~+tU.~'. it is ordered that an appropriation of one hundred ten dollars ($110.00) be made to }~. \('"v- Miss Jesse M. Hammer1y, Home De~IlStration Agent, for additional necessary travel ex- ~ )~~"~~f< .,b,L penses, said am.ount to be transferred from No. of Function 18, to Function 11, No. or -n Lette 1 " 6111J'iV Item #1l4A, of the Budget for year 1942-1943, effective as of August 1st, 1942. from Miss Eammerly dated August 1, 1942, ordered riled. Copy 01' this order to be certified to J. R. Taliaferro, County Bookkeeper. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. U. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell. Nays: None. IN RE: RESIGNATION OF ':i. E. LnIDS:EY, Superintendent and Engineer, ~Villiamson Road , Sanitary District #1: A letter dated August 7, 1942, from il. E. Lindsey, Superintendent and Engineer, '!iilliamson Road, Sanitary District, #1, tendering his resignation as such, said resig- nation ef1'ective as of August 15, 1942, was this day presented to the Board, and on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, is accepted; an it is further ordered that a voucher-check be issued to the said oo'l. E. Lindsey, salary for the month of August, 1942, as such Superintendent and Engineer. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to v~ite a letter to Mr. Lindsey expressi the Board's appreciation 1'or the services rendered by him to Roanoke County. Adopted by the 1'o110wing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. W. Starkey, L. D; Bell, T. O. Ricl:ardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. ~!D }.f.T~ {Ie:. <at,'/q"l- ~~. tt",~ ~/'/~'" IN BE: ~ ~ Ig: BE ?LACED IN CHA...B.GE OF ',\~IAMSON :a0.-ill DISPOS~ FLlU'!T: INCREAS On the 'motion of Supervisor lIason L. Oook; secon<1ed by Supervisor T. O. "Richardso , it is ordered that d. E. angel, operator of dilliam50n Road Disposal Plant, be placed in charge of said plant, and that his salary be increased from seventy dollars ($70.00 per month, to ninety dollars ($90.00) per month, effective as of August 1, 1942; and . that the salary of Zack Cooper, laborer, at said disposal plant, be increased from fif teen dollars ($15.00) to eighteen dollars ($18.00) per week, effective as of August 17, 1942. Copy of this order t~ be certified to J. R. Taliaferro, County Bookkeeper. Adopted by the fo11m7ing recorded vote: Aye s: Nays: Supervisors liason L. COOl', T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. 'd. None. Starkey. IN BE: &\LlRY OF MRS. ENID C:allG, Clerk Civilian Derense Council: On the recommendation of G. E. Pierpont, Chairman, Rationing- Board, of Roanoke County, and on the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Ilfason L. Cook, it is ordered that J. R. Taliaferro, County Bookkeeper, adjust the salary of Mrs. Enid Craig, Clerk, Civilian Defense Council, it appearing that she was employed at a salary of sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per month, instead of seventy dollars ($70.00), as heretofore paid her, effective as of duly 13, 1942, until the further order of the Board. Adopted by,the fol1~ling recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors L. D. Bell, liTason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and,E:. ','f. Starkey. None. G. E. Pierpont, Chairman of Rationing Board of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and expressed his appreciation of the co-operation and help rendered the Rationing Board by the Board of Supervisors. IN BE: CfulNGE TIT ORDER BUDGETARY POLIOY OF BOilliD: On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Oook, it i ordered that paragraph 3 of an order entered by this Board on July 21, 1941, in re- ference to the budgetary policy of this Board, be amended as follows: "That no Department Budget shall exceed the total for Department but may exceed it m total at discretion of Head of Department." Copy of this order to be certified to Purchasing Agent and County Bookkeeper. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Oook, T. O. Richardson and H. ~. Starkey. Nays: . None. On motion of Supervisor T. G. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it i~ ordered that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Co:mty Treasurer, and the Clerk of the Board be, and they are hereby authorized to issue and sign voucher-checks to the following n8.l:!ed persons in the amounts shown: -VERl/ON FaICE $ 36.00 semi-monthly 'BOLD:El~l~~, 6.30 weekly .ZACK COOPER 18.00 weekly The above checks to be charged to the accounts set UOJ by order 'of the Board. Adopted by the follo,nng recorded vote: - Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell, H.:i. Starkey and Mason L. Cook Nays: None. I I I I I , ", ~'.,~'~ ;, ~, . fR~! ~ cI v" \. c.t'1 tt<L ~ n~~ l~' I'3J*1"- '\ r.'" ' , "\' v ' ~'" r,/.-..A. ~. 'f/3jtf'l. . . \ ' o-",.~,( 'J /\::, l,.~- (' f-; r-v~:..) .<1"1.'-. .' "0 N/) J. CJ;....,..,.!' " " ~ ,- ... r ~_.J , " 'f.e<' (. ,. Dl l:lE: APPROPRTI\.T!OK TO PA1'RIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS -ROANOKE COUNTY AND SHY.!>!: On the motion 01' Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered t~t an appropriation of fifty dollars ($50.00) be made by this Board to the Patriotic Organizations ,of_Roanoke County and Salem;, said voucher- check to be payable out or the Contingency Fund. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, MasonL. Cook, H. W. Starkey and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. I On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded 'by Supervisor T. O. Richardson it is ordered that the Chairman. of this Board be authorized to sign 1ease,dated August 14th, 1942, between Roanoke County, Va. and The United States of America, for office space, consisting of three rooms located on the second floor of the McClung Building, Main Street, Salem, Va., for a period of two years from June 30, 1942 to June 30, 1944. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell. Nays: None; IN HE: BE-APPORTIOlTh~ OF WORK IN J CONNECTION WITH SEWER SERVICE CHARGE &:c, WILLIAMSON ROAD S.Al>.'ITARY DISTBICT: I On the lIIOtion of Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that J. R. Taliaferro, Paul B. Matthews and Mrs. Winsloe R. Thurman take over the following functions pertaining to the operation of the Williamson Road Sanitary District; the bookkeeping, preparation of tickets, collection of tickets and engineering, and to take care of emergencies and vacations of regular employees at the Williamson Road Disposal Plant. The compensation of rifteen dollars ($15.00) per lIIOnth each to be paid out of the Williamson Road Sanitary District Funds, retr0""8.cti ve as of August 1, 1942, all three of whom shall be bonded. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. I IN BE: APPOTh"'TMEKT OF COMMITTEE FOR LOCATION OF FIRE STATION IN CAVE SPRING DISTBICT: I On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that L. A. Ballard, W. M. Mullins, and C. H. Powell be appointed a Committee to select a location for a Fire Station in Cave Spring District. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E~ W. Starkey, Mason L. COOk, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third~day. in September, 1942. c1! . ~ Chairman. 383 Court House, Salem, Virginia . September 21, 1942 . The Board or Supervisors or Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular session. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Also presant: A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. '!'he minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread" eac member or the Board having read the copy of said minutes flll"nished him by the Clerk. The rollow1ng claims against the County were this day presented, approv"ed and or dered to be paid by voucher-checks out 01' the runds respectively chargeable therewi1;h, D. I , I i ' t.' 11 t..... I I, F' I I ! to-wit: No. l6118 !. l6119 " 16120 " 16121 " 16122 " . 16123 " . 16124 " ' 16125 . l6l26 " , 16127 " 16128 " 16129 " 16130 " 16131 " 16132 . . 16133 " . 16134 . . 16135 ' " . 16136 " 16137 " 16138 " 16139 " 16140 . 16141 " 16142 " 1611+3 . 16144 " 16145 "- 16146 " 16147 " 16148 " 16149 " 16150 " . 16151 . 16152 . 16153 " . 16154 u D "m Akron Brass :Mfg. COllg?aIly, Inc., Gaskets for Fire Hose .AlDerican-Marsh Pumps, Inc., Hose Parts " , 10.75 2.10 2.24- 900.00 73.00 36.10 683.56 21.04 204.17 109.69 4.00 31.31 106.40 5.50 19.60 82.75 46.57 22.55 265.64 67.68 55.00 112.20 212.66 5.00 5.78 21.01 15.00 41.75 Antrim Motors, Inc., 1 Gal~ MOper Polish Charles E. Baker, Fire Hose Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Certifying Poll 'fax List A. lL Bowman, Jr., Trees. Reimburse Petty Cash F1l1ld A. lL Bo1lllllSJl, Jr., Trees. salaries Cald.well-Sites Company", Office Supplies Eugene W. Chelf, COIlllll. Atty. Salaries The Chesapeake &: Potomac Telephone Co. Telephone Bills E. G. Coleman, O:!"fice Rent-Democratic Primary H. G. Cole's Garage, Gas, Oil and Repairs . '!'he Columbia carbon CompaIlY, Carbon Paper name Roofing company~ C1e~ Gutters, Repairing Leaks - Dixie Farn1tllre Company, L1noleUlllS for Starkey,B1dg. Deoley Printing Company, Printed ForlllS and Supplies - -Double "Envelope Corporation, Envelopes for Trees. Easter Supply Co., Office Supplies Fairview -Home, Monthly Expenses OhaJ..mers Farguson, Com. Delinq. Taxes Col. Aug. F. E. Flint, -Fire Station Ren1; Frank Gilbert J. P. Lunacy Cases Gittens Be Morton, Inc., Insurance PrelDiums Oscar L. Rite, M. D. Lunacy Case The H. R. Huntting Co., Books for BooklllOblle Keystone Envelope Company, Envelopes J. L. Kinzie, M. D. EX"'mfn"tion for Intoxication O. G. Lewis&: Company, Inc., Car Repairs Littrell Brothers, WO:L'k on Civ. Def. Sign, Roller fo+" Lawn Mower 2.10 0.50 4.50 50.44 :Magic City Motor Corporation, Car Repairs C. B. Malcolm,Ei:I8r. Blne Prints Master Service Station, Gas, Oil and Zerex Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc., Service to Monroe Calcu- lator 3.00 w. C. Muse, Commissioner or Revenue, Salarie,S 453.57 Taylor :McCoy, L11Il/l.CY Cases 22.90 Nelson Hardware Co., Tires and Tubes--Sherifr 45.94 Noland Company, Flue Brush 0.60 of No. 16155 It 16156 It 16157 " 16158 It 16159 It 16160 " 16161 It 16162 to 1616 3 " 16164 " 16165 It 16166 " 16167 16168 16169 It " It 16170 It 16171 ", 16172 " 16173 16174 1617; 16176 16177 16178 " " " to " It . 16179 " ' 16180 " . 16181 " . 16182 " . 16183 " . 16184 " 16185 " 16186 " 16187 It. 16188 16189 16190 16191 16192 ". It It " It 16193 .. 16194 16196 16198 16199 16200 It It " .. Tom Orander, Material for Radio Repair J. N. Phelps Water Works Co., Water Roanoke Book and StationeXy Co:, Storage Cabinet Roanoke County Public Health Assoc., Contribution Roanoke Typewriter Sales Co., Repairs to Typewriter Dr. A. J. Russo, Examination of Drunk Drivers Town or Salem, Current and Water Salem Hardware Co., Enamel 8nd Hardware Selem Publishing Co., Tax Letters &: Envelopes G. A. Scruggs, P. M.StalIlps ror Stores Void E. W. Sentar, 11. D. Examination for Drunk Dr1-ving %\ 5.06 2.20 36.00 325.00 12.00 10.00 70.57 5.10 33.75 4.2; I I 5.00 - Russell B. smiley, M. D., 1P.vlnination for Intoxication 20.00 The Texas Company, Gasoline 152.55 lIrs. WlnsiLoe R. Thurman, Asst. Purch. Agt. Reimburse Petty Cash Fund 41.20 Thurman &: Boone Company, Material for Slip Cover Tristate Electric Supply Co. Inc., Socket 6.50 .25 TOWIl 01' Vinton, Salary of F,ire Tr.llck Driver, d,uly, August and September ' 225.00 Vinton First Aid Crew, Inc., Approp. for 1942 Equip. Fund Wiley Feed, Fuel and Supply Corp. Jail Repairs Wiley-Hall Motors, Inc., Recap 3 Tires Williamson Rd. Sanitary Dist. #1, Gasoline used in Co. Cars , . A. Y. Bowman, Jr., Trees. Reimburse Petty Cash, WIn'son.Rd. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone' Co., Telephone Bill Wm'son. Rd. - Dooley Printing Co., Tickets and Envelopes, Wm'son. Rd. B. K. Elliott Company, Metal Case TherlllOmeter, Wm'son. Rd. Chalmers Ferguson, Comm. on Delinq. Taxes Col. Aug. Gittens.&' Morton, Inc., .Insurance Premiums, WID.' son.Rd. E. B. Krebbs Supply Co., Chlorine, WIn'son. Rd. .' LaMotte Chemioal Products Co., Bromth:yll1.01 Blue Indicator WIn'son. Rd. ,.' O. G. Lewis &. Co., Inc. Brake Fluid and Labor, V/lD.'son. Rd. Noland Company, Coil Spring Sewer Cleaner, Wm'son. Rd. 100.00 2.90 19.35 25.39 200.00 I 8.69 30.00 2.75 7.12 32.82 43.50 3.48 0.65 3.50 Roanoke Book and Stationery Co., Post Binders &. Posts, Wm.'son. Rd. 5.61 Roano:..-s StalIlp &: Seal Company, Dater, Wm'son. Rd. City or Roanoke Water DePt., Water, WIn'son. Rd. G. A. Scruggs, P. M. Stamps, Wm'son. Rd. - The Texas Co., Gasoline, Wm'son. Rd. !!r:s. W~1lSloe R. Thurman, Asst. Pur. Agt. Post Office Rent Wm'son. Rd.. I 4.00 33.79 21.50 43.22 I 3.00 :Mt"s. Virginia K. Wright, P. M., Post Orfice Box Rent Oct. Nov. and Dec. Wm'son. Rd. 3.00 -' Williamson Road Pharmacy, First Aid Supplies, Wm'son. Rd. 5.23 Russell B. Smiley, M. D. Coroner Cases 20.00 :Mrs. .Armstrong Cross., Sec. Nursery School Expenditures 10.00 Roanoke County Public Welfare Bd., ,Sept. Expenses 4,947.27 Salem Rescue Squad, Inc., Annual Appropriation 100.00 No. 16201 " 16202 " 16203 " 16204 " 16205 .... . : ~ It 16206 ;J " 16207 It 16208 " 16209 :-, : t ... Gittens & MOrton, Inc., Boiler Insurance Mercy House $ 28.87 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current 11.95 - , Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current, Wm'son. B.d. . 21.69 .- A. K. Bowman, Jr., Treas. Reimburse Petty Cash 22.50 Chalmers Ferguson, Comm. Del1nq. Taxes Col-Aug. 2.26 :l.!rs. Uary White, P. M. Stamps 200.00 ;r. R. Talia.f'e=o, Expenses--Trip to Richmond 30.00 Gittens &: Morton, Inc. Automobile Liability Insurance 379.94 GitteIlS & Morton, Inc. AutolllObile Liability Insurance, Wm'son Rd. 25.90 , IN BE:. DOG TAlES SHEEP, cr.~TMl'l &c: The folloting claims against tha County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the runds respectively chargeable therewit , to-wit: No. 16195 " 16197 John G. Seibel, Sow and Shoat killed by Dog Lonis W. Ribble, 39 Chickens killed by Dog $ 66.50 1l.70 385 The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: , A. :!ll. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer, or Roanoke County, salarie s and c..L..:. ".,a.t.-<: rli~ <<_~ ~xpanses account ror ~ .~'-<- - a the lIIOnth ~ A1lgUst, 1942, $1,025.34, one-third of which, amounting to $341.78, payable by the State, and t1llO-thirds, alIIOunting to $683.56, payable by the County. w. C. MUSE, COUMISSIONER OF:REVENUE, salaries for month of August, 1942, $680.35, - - one-third or which, amounting to $226.78, payable by the State, and two-thirds, amount ing to $453.57, payable by the County. v E. w. CEELF, COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY of Roanoke County, Salaries for month 01' August, 1942, $408.33, one-ha1f ofwh1ch payable by the State, amounting to $204.16 and one-half by the County, amount ing to $204.17. And on motion, dllly seconded and carried, it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued to the above-named parties ror the county's part or said accounts, and said accounts are ordered filed. :, .. A. J/l. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer or Roanoke County, this day submitted to ,the Board t following report: , "Salem, Virginia _September 21, ~942. g To the Board 01' Supervisors of Roanoke C&unty: At the close 01' business Saturday September 19, 1942, there 1/8S to the credit of the- $ 78,462.64 ll,273.99 4,446.56 429.37 28.213.29 $122,825.85 . Respectfully submitted, - General fund -W.R.S.D.No. 1 -Dog Fund .Sa1em Road Debt Fund .School Fund . A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer 01' Roanoke County'! Said report is approved and ordered riled. .~ '/..'11/-..... IN. BE: DELINQ.UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day -delivered to the Board the' receipt of A. M. BOWMAN, JR., Treas urer, ror'$2294.34., on account or del1nq~nt "taxes collected by said Clerk r~r th~ lIIOn Of.August, 1942, less 5% commissions, and turned over by him to said Treasurer, said - check amounting to $2179.62 net. The reports of C. J. Ward, Roanoke County Health Officer, for the period August, I - '. < - 194.2, Present Year Began, 1942, and the monthly.report of Supervisor's Bookkeeper, Roanoke County, beginning July 1, 1942, Ending August 31, 1942, were this day laid befo e . . the Board and ardered filed. I The written report of C. P. Dowdy, Deputy Game Warden of Roanoke Count y, ror the period from August 17 to Sept. 21; 1942, 'showing 18 SUIIDDOns, 37 Dogs killed, 1,955 mile traveled in connection with his duties as such Deputy Game Warden, was this day laid before the Board and ordered riled. "RF.R'I'~ L. POWERS .AND) R. B. POWERS _ ) ) vs ) ) THE PUBLIC ) ORDER , . It appearing to the Board of Supervisors 01' Roanoke County;, Virginia, upon the pe- tition of Berta L. Powers and R. B~ Powers, which petition was riied on August 17, 1942 PL.usuant to the provisions of Seotion 5220 or the Code of Virginia, as amended by the Aots 01' the General Assembly 01' 1940, and Chapter 85 (2) espeoially 2039, Sub-section I' _9) as amended by the .Acts 01' the General Assembly of - 1940; and after due and legal not oe ., - had been given to the Public as to the filing of the aforesaid petition, which ,appears from an order heretorore entered herein by the Board 01' Supervisors at a meeting of sai Board held on the 17th day 01' August, 1942, in t.he Com:t House Building, to which re- rerenoe is hereby had, and which said ordar appointed viewers for the purpose 01' view- ing all 01' that certain portion of the Old Puncheon Camp Road as described in the peti- tion filed in this prooeeding; and upon the report of rour of the five viewers appointe as aforesaid, to-wit: A. P. Greemrood, R. A. Henry, R. V. Bell and J. W. Greggs, filed , , . with the Clark 01' the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on September 19 h, 194.2, and which repor"t is dated August 28, 1942, and to which report no except~ons have been filed, and which report is to the effect that no inconvenience would result to any individual, or to the Public, by vacating and discontinuing that portion of said road which is sought to be vacated and discontinued; And it further appearing to the Board of Supervisors rrom the evidence before said Board, that due notice was given of the filing of said petition; that the viewers have repor1;ed favorably to the prayer 01' the petition; that there would, be no inconvenience from closing the same; that the only land proprietors along the road proposed to be discontinued were interviewed by said viewers and raised no objection to such closing; and it further appearing to the Board from evidence introduced before it that there is no need whatsoever .ror keeping open that portion 01' said road which was at one time used for vehicular travel, but which has not been so used for a number of years, and that it is not now used for travel purposes by the Public, and that no injury would be done to any individual or the Public from the closing there or . I I j , , , I. J I i L , I I I I .. j 1;'1 ~ a o a . 387 It is, therefore, ordered that that portion 01' said road be and the same is here discontinued, vacated and closed. Upon the call for an aye and nay vote on the roregoing, the same stood as follow Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. In re: Notice 01' Cancellation or Termination of bond or E. K. MA.TTEBN, Public WORKS ENGINEER: Letter dated A.t 21, 1942, signed by GeOrge C. HOwie, Jr., Underwriter or ter~ mination dated Aug. 19, 1942, of bou<t of E. K. l&l.ttern, Public Works Engineer, Roanoke County, effective as 01' September 21, 1942, said notice signed by American Surety Com pany of New York, were th.1s day laid before the Board, and ordered approved and filed. , ."'. ..I A ~etter dated August 6, 1942, from Prospect Hills, Incorporated, in regard to ed. ",~r . iff1 ~;).}.d. the assumption by tbe County or certain responsibilities ror upkeep in Prospect Hills, i:...7(l::'~;- particularly the inspection and periOdical freeing of storm drains, was this day laid 'tI:e.:;;r1.- ~~, "I1"'~/:;~ . berore the Board, and ordered filed; upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Superviscr T. O. Richardson, above request is referred to the Public Works Department for investigation, and report to the next meeting of this Board. Copy 01' this order to be forwarded. to. P.rospect Hills, Inc. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervieors H. W~ Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bell Nays: None. v \ \ IN RE: CHANGE IN PETITION HEMLOCK ROAD: v On motion 01' Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardson, it b ordered that the petition heretofore filed with this Board in regard to the roa - way known as Hemlock Road, leading north rrom the Veterans' Facility Road toward the Lynchburg Turnpike, and which. has been taken into the Secondary Highway System or Roads in Roanoke County, be Changed from "Beginning at Rt. 1432 rnnning north toward -' 1431" to read "Beginning at 1431 and running south toward 1432." Three copies of this order to be certified to the State Highway Department. Adopted by the followi:cg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook Nays: None. v v C. P. JOHNSTON, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, this day laid befor the ,BQard a report or the Department or Highway Secondary System Budget, Form 68 Re- ? ~.t..e. vised 7-1-42, Jllly 1, 1942, to June 30, 1943, District Salem, County Roanoke, as well ~ as two copies of map of Roanoke County showing the Primary and Secomary Highway Syst m';J1;/2..~/J,-, which report was approved, and to.:.,ether with maps of Roanoke County ordered filed. Three copies of this order to be certified to the State Highway Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: XyE!s: Superviso:..'3 H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and L. D. Bel. Nays: None . v tv=: w=..1C T"~- ~I~~: .;1 TEE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION this day submitted to the Board statements of the assessed value of Canal, Raiii-oad, Electric Railway and Motor Bus Transportation Companies in Cities and Towns, Electric Light and Power Corporations, Gas and Water Corporations', 'Pipe Line Transportations Corporations, Steamboat and Steamship Compani s, Express Companies and Sleeping Car Companies, and Telephone and Telegraph Co~anies, and the State tax extended thereon, and the gross receipts and annual state license tax 01' said Companies ror the year 1942, made by the State Corporation Commission 01' Virginia, said statements are ordered to be :rUed. Tbe Committee heretofore appointed by this Board to select a location for a Fire Station in the Cave Sprin€; District, this day submitted the following report: "City 01' Roanoke, Virginia. _SePtember 16th, 1942 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia Gan tleman: On September 2nd. 1942 the Roanoke County Board 01' Supervisors appointed a committee consisting ot Chief L. A., Ballard, Chairman, Chief W. !t. :Mullins and Chief C. R. Powell- toaelect a location for a Fire ,Station in the Cave Sprin€;. DiStrict. This committee visited four sites and afier carerul considera- tion" it was the un"nimous opinion 01' the ,committee that the Griggs' Service Station be recommended ror the Fire Dept. of the Cave Spring District. . Respectfully, L. A, Ballard, Chairman W. M. :Mullins C. R'. Powell" , - On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, said repart is ordered apFoved, spread and filed. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board write a letter to each member of the Commit tee expressing the Board's appreciation of the said report. AdQpted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Meson L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. . l A letter dated September 17, 1942, from ;r. E. Johnston, Secretary Cave Spring Dis- tri.ct Volunteer Firemen, suggesting the appointment or J. W. Griggs as Fire Chief of said organization, was this day laid berare the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on lIIOtion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded ,. Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that J. W. Griggs be, am he hereby is, appointed as Fire Chief or the said Cave Spring District Volunteer Fireman. ordered rile d. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN .liE: RENT &c OF CAVE SPRING DISTRICT FlEE HOUSE: On the' motion of Super~isor' T. O. Richardson, 'seconded by Supervisor Mason 1. Cook, 'it is ardered that en approPriation not to exceed ror1;U dollars ($40.00) per lIIOnth for rent or buildiDg to be erected by W. H. Witt and J. W. Griggs to be used I I I I ~., ! f i.. u. u i 11 !U f I I. , , '.~ :~.: ,; . , to house Cave Spring District Fire equipment,. known as Fire Station #4, and to serve as COllnty police headquarters, and upon the completion or said 'bui1ding the Chairman . 01' this Board is hereby authorized to enter into a con:tract with the said W. H. Witt and Of. W. Griggs ror the lease 01' said building until Decembsr 31, 1943, at, a .lIlDnthly rental not to exceed fort~ dollars ($40.00). Said lease to contain the privilege on behalf' 01' the County ror renewing said lease ror a further period 01' one (1) year, or in lieu thereof-, option or first refusal to purchase the building in the DalIlEl of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H; W. Starkey Nays: None. 0( On the motion or Supervisor T. O. Richardson, se.conded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered :tha1; the Chairman of this Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to sign an application for autolllObile :t:ire and theft, fleet rating insurance to be sent to the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, Baltimore, :Ma. And the Clerk 01' this Board is ordered to notify the Virginia Insurance Rating Bureau at Riclllnund, Va., that the rirm 01' Gittens & Morton, Incorporated, has been designated as brokers 01' record f.or placing of all autolllObile and casualty insurance for Roanolre County. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey Nays: None. . On the motion 01' Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that a voucher-check ror two hundred dollars ($200.00) be issued to Mrs. Yary White, :?ost 1listress, at Vinton, Va., for purchase of postage stamps for use in the office of. the Treasurer 01' Roanoke County for the mailing out of tax tickets. Adop~ jry the fol.low1ng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D, Bell, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey Nays: None. ~"';; J ,. A-. ..eu... : y<<- '1" r y... . ;}.... . R..:q- L-'" '. -.~.r 7/'-3ji.fJ.. ' On the lIIOtion or Supervisor L. D. Bell, Seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it . is ordered that a COllIIIIittee compo~ed - 01' E. W. Chelr, COllllllonwealth's Attorn~y,and R. ~1;. i T. Hubard, Trial Justice of Rvanoke County, be, and they hereby a;e, appointed to tak ~ ~ ~ up with Roanoke County's representatives in the Senate and House the mattar 01' securi 9/"~/<f'''' legislation at the coming. special session of the legislature, permitt-ing Boards or Supervisors oJ: the Counties, and County School Boards to invest surplus county funds, and school ruIlds in U. S. government bonds. Adopted by the rollonng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T. O. Richardson Nays: None. E. W. Chelf, COllllllonwealth's Attorney, to whom the matter was referred at the - August, 1942, meeting 01' this Board, this day submitted in writing his opinion as to the construction 01' Chapter 399 of the Acts of the Assembly, 1942; concerning the passage of an ord1Ils.nce compromising and settling certain real estate taxes. Said report ordered riled. , L~ i i i I. ... i .; =. I ~ i t . . ~ IN HE: INCREASE IN sauRIES OF SPECIAL OFFICERS AT, VARIOUS SCHOOLS, IN,ROil.NOISE, COUNTY: , On the"recollllllendat:i.~n ~f Emmett "E. Waldron, Sherirr or Roanoke County, and on the lIIOtion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, Seconded by Supervisor Maso.n'L. Coo.ll:, it is ordered that the salaries of the Special Orficers at the various schools in Roanoks !l,ounty be increased ftom ten dollars ($lO~OO) to twelve dollars and fif'ty cents (112. 0) per lIIOnth. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, MaSOJ:l L. Cook, L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson Nays: None. "" v (' ~~+- f'f/i"/~~ ' On the motion or Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor ~. ~. Bell, it c..-;, is ordered that the matter or the location or the gasoline tank at the Williamson ......;...... f" , 'th.f..U Road Disposal Plant and the Williamson Road Fire Station, be ref'erred to Supervisor rZ-1- (iL \('" Mason L. Cook, with power to act, on behalr or this Board. 1/,.3/'1',. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson Nays: None. IN HE: INVENTORIES OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT &C BELONGING TO,ROANOXE COUNTY:. On the mo.tion or s~pervisor H. 'IV. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richards n, - . it is ordered that d. R. Taliaferro, County Bookkeeper, with the co-operation 01' the Department Heaas 01' 'Roanoke County, mS.ke a complete inventory list as of' August 1, 1942, or all of1"ioe equipment, flll"n1ture and other articles of personal property acoompanied by serial number wherever possible, belonging to Roanoke County. Said inventory to be made out in triplicate - one copy to be retained by Department Heads and two copies riled with J. R. Taliaferro, Bookkeeper of'Roanoke County. Letter dated July 23, 1942, 01' Supervisor L. D. Bell requesting inventories approved, and ordered filed. Certif'ied copy of this order to be sent to Head of each Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and Mason L. Cook Nays: None. IN HE: HOSE DRYING RACK FOR WILLIAMSON ROAD FIRE STATION: , " L..:-t-<..-....v..: ~ ~ . '".....e.-c-~ t JJc.-w h;t;.~ , ~ ~cd~ 1/">-3/~~ on the m~ti~n 01' Sup~rvisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it~,,~'l is ordered that the mat..er or hose drying rack for Williamson Road Fire Station, be }n_ f. c;j-J'- "/-">/Cf'.,. referred to Supervisor Mason L. Cook, for investigation, with pow~r to act. , , Adopted by the following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Nays: None. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Coo IN HE: l'tJRCHASE OF CATTtE FOR COUNTY FARM: . v on the motion of Snpervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor ~. ~. ~el1, ~ &...L f it i~dered that the Chairman of this Board, the Clerk, and the Treasurer or Roanoke~'~' ~~r County, be, and they hereby are, authorized to sign a Check, or checks, not to excee "I/"'~/'f~ the sum of fif'teen hundred dollars ($1500.00) ror plll"chase of cattle to be placed ~ , t .' ~ \'''f c. !~! . u Court House, Salem, Va. October 5, 1942. A Special Meeting of the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: "Salem, Va., October 5,1942. Mr. Roy K. Bro\,jn, Clerk, . Board of. Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia. Dear Sir: Please call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, to be held in its room at 5:30 P.M., on MOnday, October 5th, 1942. Purpose of Meeting: To Consider Settlement of Annexation Case with Roanoke City. L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook H. W. Starkey, Supervisors." , Present: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, Mason L. Cook and H. W. Starke . Also present A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. A Y>Titten memorandum signed by the members of the General Assembly from Roanoke City and Roanoke County addressed to the Council of the City of Roanoke and to the Board of Snpervisors of Roanoke County, said memorandum dated October 5, 1942, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed; WH~~~A~, since the institution of the annexation proceedings by the City or Roanoke against the County of Roanoke, now pending in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, this country has become engaged in war, and it is deemed best that all controversies between local governments be quickly terminated to the end and pUrpose that greater efforts may be put forth toward the winning of the war; AND WH.:~t<A~, representatives of the City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke have ~ 9<'. ',.J_ g-~.t\.~ G:t;crt/.-L Y'-. J 1(; /'1- >- reached an agreement having for its purpose the termination of the aforesaid annexation proceedings, subject however to the approval of the governing bodies of 1;he City or Roanoke and County of Roanoke; NOW, '~ORE, be it RESOLVED that, the Council for the City of Roanoke . . - . concurring, this Board doth approve the following agreement: (1) The annexation Court shall its merits at the earliest be requested to hear the annexation case on , . . convenience of the Court. . (2) The City of Roanoke will offer no evidence, except as to that area etched in pink on a certain map now in the custody of John L. Wentworth, City Engineer, a copy of which is in the custody of Furman ~tescarver, both maps marked, "Roanoke City-Roanoke County, exhibit No.1". The attorneys - - for Roanoke County will advise the Annexation Court that in their opinion, based upon the established annexation law of Virginia, the County of Roanoke is without adequate defense to the area so designated in pink on the aforesaid map. (3) Neither the Board of Supervisors cf Roanoke County, nor the ,Council for the City of Roanoke, nor the agents of either, will for a period of three years frOm the date of cessation of hostilities between the United States Government and the Axis powers, propose or support any legislation in the General Assembly of Virginia, the effect of which would be to give to either the City of Roanoke or the County 01' Roanoke any advantage with reference to annexation which they do not now have; and further should any legislation be proposed in the General Assembly of Virginia, the purpose 01' which would be to change the present substantive annexation law, the General Assembly and its respective committees, will be requested to exempt and except City . Roanoke/and Roanoke County from the operation thereof for a period of three years from date of the cessation of hostilities between the United States Government and the Axis powers. (4) This agreement is without pJ:'eJudice to the rights of any person, firm, or corporation, who might be affected thereby, to be fully heard as an intervenor in the pending annexation proceeding; and further this agreement is made with the full reoognition of the right, authority and duty of the Annexation Court to llI8.ke due inquiry as to whether the terms of this agreement are rail' and just to all parties concerned. (5) This agreement is without prejudice to the right of the City of Roanoke to institute and prosecute ~y otheJ:' annexation proceed1ng,afi:ecting any territory not annexed in this proceeding, wi thin such time as may be permissab1e under the laws of this State. On motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, this , Resolution liaS adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisors L. D. Bell, Mason L. Cook, H. W. Starkey and T. O. RiolJardson. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in October, 1942. ,;!d!~ Chairman. Court House, salem, Va. October 19, 1942 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular ~ession. Present: L. D. Bell, Chairman, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and -- :ii. W. Starkey. Also present: A. M. Bowman, Jr., County Treasurer. The minutes of .the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, eac member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and or- dered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. i6256 " ,16257 " 16258 " 16259 " 16260 G. L. Arrington, Steer for Co. Farm Auto Spring & Bearing Co. Inc., Battery--I~'son Rd. Fire Station $ 70.00 9.50 2.33 84.05 2.80 J. P. Bell Company, FHA Forms J. J. Bower Co. Inc., Labor and Materia1--Ct. Hse Boiler Boyle-Swecker Tire Corp., 600-16 Section '1 I '.1 I , ..'1 Q u' r, ... .. ,No. " " " " .. " " " .. " " " " " " " " " .' " .. " " " " .. " .. " " " " " " " .... " 16261 16262 16263 16264 " ", 16265 16266 16267 16268 16269 16270 16271 16272 16273 16274 16275 16276 16277 16278 16279 16280 16281, 16282 16283 16284 l628!5 16286 16287 16288 16289 16290 16291 16292 16293 16294 16295 16296 16297 16298 16:G99 16300 " " " " 16301 16302 16303 16304 16305 16306 16307 " " " " " " Brown Hardware Company, Inc., Supplies for Jail and Courthouse $ '2.89 A. M. BOVllllSll, Jr., Treas. Salaries for Sept. 696.22 , A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treas. Compensation of Jurors 60.90 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Ribbon for Tax Ticket Machine 0.60 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office Supplies 51.65 J. E. Carper, Material and Labor, Radiators in Courthouse and Jail 11.20 Eugene W. Chelf, Comm. .Atty. Sept. Salaries 204.17 H. J. Chelf Conoco Service Station, Wash and Grease Car 1.50 The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., Phone 'Bill 112.67 H. G. Cole's Garage, Repairs, Gas, Grease &: Oil 27.14 Frank T. Cook, 3 Yr. Old Mare for Co. Farm 165.00 Mrs. Armstrong Crass, Treas, Nursery School Expenses 10.00 Dooley Printing Co., Office Supplies &: E1ec. Tickets 59.50 Eastern Oil Co. Motor Oil 38.22 Easter Supply Company, Office Supplies 6.92 Engleby.Auto Supply Cvmpany, Ltd., Ch!>.rGar--Fire Station M. C. English, Cost of Holding Lunacy Commission Everett waddey Co., Record Books Fairview Home, Monthly Expenses Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on De1inq. Taxes Collected R. Finley Gayle, Jr., M. D., Service--Lunacy Commission Garrett's Esso Station, Tire Repair--Washing &: Greasing F. L. Garst, Election Expenses Gaylord Bros. Inc., Su,ppl1es for Co. Library Proj. Frank Gilbert, J. P. Expenses of Lunacy Commission 44.25 12.00 532.80 276.87 65.99 5.00 4.50 8.90 11.65 48.20 VOID Gittens & Morton, Inc., Bonds--Spec. Off. & Dep. Shariff Hill Directory Co., 3 City Directors Oscar L. Hite, Service on Lunacy Commission ,/"" The H. R. H1liltting Co., Book--Bookmobile 10.00 42.00 5.00 2.16 VOI:l JallIeS O. Kirk, J. P. Services on Lunacy Commission W. E. Layman, Trucking Catt1e--Co. Farm Lewis Brothers, Coal--McClung Bldg. Magic City Motor Corp., Radiator Brace E. L. Morris, Repairing wiring in Jail W. C. MUse, Commissioner of Revenue, Sept. Salaries 14.50 0.16 31.75 420.56 5.40 2.17 T. J. Orande,1", Gas and Oil J. N. Phelps Water Works Co., Water--Fire Dept. Richardson-Wayland Electrical Corp., Furnishing & Installing , ,1 Fixture ' 5.75 Roanoke Book and Stationery Co., Office Supplies 7.68 Roanoke County Public Health Assoc. Monthly Expenses 325.00 Salem Hardware Co., Supplies 14.16 Salem Publishing Co., Tangible and Intangible Receipt Books 46.50 Russell B. Smiley, M. D. 2xamination for Intoxication, Coroner Cases 55. 0 Aus Spangler, Work on Com. Garden 20.75 Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Oil for Co. Farm 20.80 l _.......'..n._.._. ~,' ~;~ ~",,' r.jpi- ~ . 11~<f'.- /t;: W~~ '1~~ .. l!o. 16308 16309 16310 " " Ii 16311 16312 16313 16314 16315 16316 16317 16318 16319 16320 16321 Ii Ii Ii Ii " of "' ,; " " " 16322 " 16323 16324 16325 16326 16329 16330 16331 16332 16333 16334 " " " " -. " - " - " -, " -. ft The Standard Register Co., Tax Ticket ForlllS $100.0 118.6 The Texas Co", Gas in Tank at Jail (Mrs.) Winsloe R. Thurman, Ass. .Pur. Agt. Reimburse Rev.olving Fund 45.9 Town of Salam, CUITent and '!'later 69.0 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., Repairing Typewriter 2.10 E. E. Waldron, Radio Repairs 3.00 Furman iVhitescarver, Legal Services--Annexation 'Case 600.00 Wiley-Hall Motors, Inc., 6a-215 24.58 Woodstock Typewriter Sales Co., Typewriter Rental 8.75 Caldwe1l-Sites Co., Stick File, Wm'son. Rd. 0.15 The Chesapeake and PotOI!IaC Telephone Co., Phone Bill, Wm'son. Rd. 8.25 Dooley Printing Co., Receipts for Sewer Assessments, Wm'son. Rd. 10.50 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on De1inq. Taxes Collected, Wm'son.Rd.6.12 E. B. Krebbs Supply Co., Chlorine, 'I'lm'son. Rd. 21. 75 LaMOtte Chemical Products Co., Test' Tubes, Wm'son Rd. 0.50 Salem Hardware Co., Black Paint, Wm'son. Rd. 4.00 The Texas Co., Gas, Wm'son. Rd. 16.9 " (Mrs.) Wins10e R. Thurman, Reimburse Revolving Fund, Wm'son. Rd. 9.82 Chalmers Ferguson, Comm. on Delinq. Taxes Collected 2.14 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., Books--Pub1ic Vfks. Dept. 20.30 F. E. Flint, Rent--Fire Station 55.00 Roanoke County Dept. of Public Welrare, Disbursements for Oct. 4,608.26 Roanoke Book and Stationery Co., Equipment--Office .36.00 c. V. Overstreet, 5 Steers 395.00 R. S. Kime, Legal Services--Annexation Case 450.00 , IN RE: DOG 'LUES SBEEP~ CUTI"S &;0: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewit , to-wi t: No. 16327 16328 " A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treas, 15% Due state F. O. Jones, 27 Chickens killed by Dog $ 36.7 8.10 The following accounts were this day laid b.efore the Board: A. M. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer, of Roanoke County, salaries and expenses account for the month 01' September, 1942, $1,043.33, one-third of whiCh, e,mounting to $348.11, payable by the State, and two-thirds, amounting to $696.22, payable by the County. w. C. MUSE, COMMISSIONER OF REV];N{]E, salaries for month of September, 1942, $630.84,one-third of which, amounting to $210.28, payable by the State, and two-thirds amounting to $420.56, payable by the County. ... E. W. CEELF, COMMONi'IEALTH'S .ATTOIDlEY of Roanoke County, salaries for month of September, 1942, $408.33, one-half of which payable by the State, amounting to $204.16 and one-half by the County, amounting to $204.17. And on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued to the above-named parties for the county's part of said accounts, and said accounts are ordered filed. .1 I ~I., ~ I I rJ, n I!I!t c" I I I ilJ !. I I I. i i~ ,~ A. M. BOWMAN, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the rollowing report: "salem, Virginia ,October 19, 1942. To the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the clost or busiliess saturday October, 17th, there was to the credit or the- 'General fund .W. R. S. D. Sewer Account ,Dog Fund . Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund . School Fund $ 76,527.84 11,619.80 '4,258.86 704.89 89.256.09 ; 182,367.48 Respectrul1y submitted, A. M. Bowman, Jr., Treasurer" Said report is approved and ordered filed. IN HE: DELmQ,UENT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of A. M. Bm~~, JR. Treas urer, ror $1034~07, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk far the month 01' September, 1942, less 5% commissions, and turned over by him to said TTeasure , said check amounting to $982.37 net. The report of C. J. Ward, Roanoke County Health Of ricer, ror the period Zept. 1942, Present Year Began July 1, 1942 was this day laid before the Board and ordered riled. The written report of C. P. Domy, Deputy Game Warden of Roanoke County, ror the period from September 17, to October 21, 1942 showing 19 dogs killed and 600 miles traveled in connection with his duties as such DePuty Game Warden, was this day laid berore the Board and ordered riled. t V~ it has been brought to the attention 'of this Board that it would be ad- visab1e to appoint a Committee, ,consisting of not more than two members of this Board, who, together with the CommoIl\vealth' s Attorney, shall be empowered to act in cOl).junc- tion with a Committee to be appointed by the Council of the Tovnl of Selem, and a like Committee to be appointed by the Council of the Town of Vinton, of not more than one member from each of the aforesaid Councils, who, together with the Attorneys for the respective 1;ovms, and the Committee from this Board, who are to constitute a Joint Committee representing bo1;h the interests of the County and 'che two towns, and whose duties shall be to make a study or an entire insurance coverage for the personel or th respective Fire Companies now organized and those to be organized in the County.and th ~vo to\~S, especiallY from a compensation and liability standpoint, and report back to this Board and the Councils of the several to\~S their findings, .together with re- commendations, and in so doing to likewise cover, in so far as this can be done, any legal questions that may be involved, including the matter of any payments that may be made, directly or indirectly, by the County to the persone1 of the said several Fire Companies; UPON CONSIDSRATION t~OF, on motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisors}!'. O. Richardson, E. W. Starkey and Mason L. COOk, are hereby appointed as such Committee, who, together with the Commonwealth's Attorney, shall represent this ~ d..€. " 1 ...e.-. ~~1?' .' ~7J V~ "7;;..oj Of ~ 398 \ :'''"" Board in all matters covered by the 'r,rrlEREAS" clause of this resolution. AND TEE COUNCILS of the Towns of Salem and of Vinton, respectively, are hereby requested to act pursuant to the provisions of this resolution. AND IT IS FV~~~ OBDERZD THAT a ,certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Clerks of the Councils of the two respective Towns. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson, H. W. Starkey, and Mason L. Coo . Nays: None. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, an carried, it is ordered that E. W. Chelf, Commonwealth's Attorney, prepare a resolution ~1,.#J:/r. for consideration by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, for ~he purchase of ~ ~ war bonds in a sum not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). Said resolution r;.,., "~~'J~ to be submitted to the next meeting of this Beard. ~r cJA- ~. M. $,.f' '7>-1/ '1" ~~ ~"f.." 11~lltr ~rU <t~, VJ ~ "(Wo. ~-i-- I '12.t/~,. On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the question of furnishing fuel, providing heat for the library located on the Williamson Road in the Fire Station, be referred to Supervisor Mason L. Cook, with power to act on behalf of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None. IN BE: LETTER FROM WILLIAMSOH ROAD FIRE DEPA..~TME::NT .A}.1J RESCUE SQUAD: On the motion of Supervisor T. O. RiChardson, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starke and carried, it is ordered that a letter dated October 16, 1942, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from F. C. HenSley, Captain, Williamson Road Fire Department and Rescue Squad, be referred to Supervisor Mason L. Cook for investigation and report, with recommendations, to the next meeting of this Board. Said letter order d filed. IN BE: TREES IN JAIL YARD: On the motion of Supervisor L. D. Bell, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the question or removing cherry tree in the corner of jail yard, and replacing same with maple trees, be referred to C. J. Ward, PurChasing Agent, and R. T. Biggs, Jailor, with power to act. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors L. D. Bell, H. W. Starkey, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. A. 1". BDiTI'I.1\f, JR., Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Boar , and reported that Miss Madeline Ayers, an employee in his office, had b~en injured by a fall while in the discharge of her duties, and that the matter had been reported to the Goodwin Insurance and Realty Company, Agents, carryip.g the conpens<ition insurance for. Roanoke County. I I I I I , . rJ On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that an appropriation of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) be made to defray the cost of steel cabinet case in the office of the Rationing Board of Roanoke County. Sa d check to be made payable to the Roanoke Book and Stationery Company, and payable out or the general county rund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and Mason L. Cook. Nays: None. ,/III ! ~ Id On the mo"ion of Supervisor lJason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor T. O. Richardso , it is ordered that F. B. \Vhitescarver, Attorney, be and he hereby is, authorized to use County automobile (Plymouth) for transporting records to the City of Richmond. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors 14ason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN BE: CrtECK FOR CHANGE AT ViTI,TTAMSON ROAD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLA}."'T: On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconted by Supervisor L. D. Bell, it is ordered that a check ~or sixty dollars {$60.00J be issued to J. E. Angel for change at the Williamson Road Sewage Treatment Plant. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mason L. Cook, L. D. Bell, T. O. Richardson and H. W. Starkey. Nays: Nor.e. a The following letter was this day laid before the Board: "Salem, Virginia _October 10, ,1942 Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: As you gentlemen know, neither of us have rendered any bill to your Board covering legal services performed by us in the annexation case for the months of April, May, June, J"uly, August and September, 1942. There were a number of reasons why this was not done; briefly, while quite a few thing were done in April, the work tapered off considerably in May and June, and then"picked up quite a bit in July and tapered off in August, and in September an unusual amount 0 work was done by both of us. Not only this, but the character of the work was such th it was dirricult to point out in a concrete ivay any definite accomplishments, inasmuch as during the last few months we have been trying to work out a settlement of this . matter. ,I~' U Today we have gone OYer our respective time records and we both feel as though it woul be proper now to submit uur individual bills for services performed over a period of the last six months, beginning April 1, and ending September 30, 1942. With this in view, we are herewith inclosing our respective bills. The sUm of $450.00 to R. S. Kime; the sum of $600.00 to Furman Whitescarver. Yours very truly Furman iVhitescarver R. S. Kime" , On the motion or Supervisor Mason L. Cook, seconded by Supervisor L. D. Bell and carried the above letter is approved and ordered filed. The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered spread and riled: "Roanoke, Virginia ,September 26, 1942 r;:htU<J ~~*. c.. ~. .fJI-. t., 11<J.1/'..t:;.. . 400 Board 01' Sunervisors of: Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia. Gentlemen: . I am writing on behalf of my mother, Mildred Stockton Fox, Executrix 01' my 1'ather, Horace M. Fox, in regard to his services and employment by you in the condemnation proceedings pending between the City 01' Roanoke and the County of Roanoke. It is our undprstanding that my father's contract was for payment Of certaiu sums at stated intervals, based upon the services :performed for the county, and that at the con elusion 01' the case certain additional reEl was to be paid. ,It is 1'urther our under- standing that he was paid in full for the services performed up until the time that he was f"orced to withdraw from the case because of illness, and that, of course, any agree ment as to a f"inal fee in the matter is terminated because of his death. It is our desire to express our conclusion that he received full compensatio~or the services performed, that such compensation as he received was just in view 01' the ser- viees performed, and that, therefore, there is no obligation on the pert 01' any of the parties to make any further adjustments in the matter. I am authorized by my mother to state that, if it is agreeable with the Board, we will regard the matter as closed, and that there is no further obligation 1'or any payment ror services rendered by him. nor any adjustments to be made on fees received by him. Very truly yours, Tom Stockton F~x" I I i, t.tJ.~ ~v On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that an appropriate letter be written by the Chairman of this Board to Mrs. Fox expressing the Board's appreciation of the services rendered in the above matter to the County by Mr. Fox. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook, T. O. Richardson and L. D. Bell. Nays: None. ;.' The following letter. was this day laid before the Board and ordered spread and filed: I Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Salem, Virginia. Gentlemen: We have copy of your resolution of September 21, 1942, requesting the f"ollowing change in Roanoke County Secondary System additions: Department of Highways "Richmond, Va. ,October 3, 1942 ROANOKE OOm;TY; Secondary System Add -Section of road beginning at Route 1431, running South toward Route 1432, known as Hemlock Road. In lieu of - Section or road beginning at Route 1432, running North toward Route 1431, as listed in my letter of June 30, 1942 to you. This change is hereby approved. Yours sincerely, Copy to Mr. C. S. Mullen (4) FOR - Mr. A. E. Bell Mr. J. J. Forrer Mr. F. A. Davis J. A. Anderson, Commissioner. I Copy to - Mr. A. H. Pettigrew" The f"ollo?~ng letter was this day laid before the Board, approved, and ordered I spread and filed: "Department of Highways , Richmond, Va. SECONDARY SYSTEM: Additions and Abandonments. October 7, 1942 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Salem, Virginia. Gentlemen: You have received in the past letter of October 4, 1934, 1'rom the late Commissioner Shirley, and letters of June 1938, and April 1939, setting up method of aQditions, to the r'J I. Secondary System, and making revisions in the instructions from time to time. In these letters the Boards o~ Supervisors were requested to withhold resolutions on additions and abandonments until the period between May 1st and 10th of each year, and at that time send direct to the Resident Engineer a resolution containing recommenda- tions for the allowable mileage. It has been found that this late date prevents these roads being properly set up in the budget for the ensuing year, therefore, it has been decided to request that these resol - tions for additions and abandonments be sent to the Resident Engineer in the month of February. They can then be considered by the Commissioner and report made on them be- fore the spring maetings, at which the budgets are considered, and in this manner it will be possible to set up in the budget the necessary amounts to take care of the additions. Yours very sincerely, J. A. _~derson, Commissionertt IU Copy of letter dated Sept. 26th, 1942, from Harvey B. Apperson, addressed to Honorable Abram P. Staples, Attorney-General, Richmond, Va., was this day laid before the Board and ordered ~iled. The following letter was this day laid before the Board, approved, and ordered spread and riled. "Gittens & MOrton, Inc. Agen ,Salem, Va. September, 24, 1942 u Mr. B. n. Peters, State Farm Mutl<a1 Automobile Insurance Companies, 137 W. Campbell Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Dear Sir: On September 21st, Mrs. Se11ew remitted $10.40 to Bloomington, Ill. for policy No. ~670624-Va covering 1939 Chevrolet Town Sedan, Motor No. 1925551. This policy was returned to your office for cancellation to be effective September 15, 1942, the coverage having been placed under a fleet policy by us effective SePtember 15, 1942. This is the car whiCh was involved in an accident on Sept~ber 15th, The Board of Supervisors have asked us to remit them for this $10.40 in order not to .coJ?1'use their accounting records. We would appreciate your taking this up as a separate item with the Bloomington, Ill. orfice Very truly yours, Gittens & MOrton, Inc. C. A. Gittens, Pr." . I"! , ~ ~ Letters dated September 30, 1942, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Su- pervisors Roanoke County, from the Virginia Insurance Rating Bureau, aCknOWledging re- ceipt of copies of orders entered by this Board on August 17, 1942, and September 21, 1942, in re: Fire Insurance on County Properties other than automobiles, and Automo- bile and Casualty Insa.rance for Roanoke County, Va., were this day laid before the Boa d and ordered filed. Letter dated September 25, 1942, from E. R. Combs, Chairman, Compensation Board, Richmond, Va., acknowledging recommendation of this Board with reference to the number 01' deputies which should be approved by this Board for Sheriff of Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered ~i1ed. Notices of the hearing by the Compensation Board ~or the fixing of salaries and e - pense accounts for the Commonwealth's Attorney, Commissioner of Revenue, and the Treasurer and Sheriff of Roanoke County for the year beginning January 1, 1943, were 401 " 402 ('~ J,X i d-E"'r. If'!> '11~'" this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. Letter dated Sept. 24, 1942, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk from R. L. Rush, ac- knowledging copy of assumption by county of order entered by this Board on Sept. 21, 1942, in re: certain responsibilities upkeep in Prospect Hills, inspection storm drain &c, was this day laid before the Beard and ordered filed. Letter dated October 10, 1942, from B. F. Moomaw, Secretary Chamber of Commerce of Roanoke, Va., enclosing copy of resolution passed on October 9, 1942, by Directors 0 the Roanoke Chamber of Commerce commending the Council of the City 01' Roanoke and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on reaching a compromise agreement with referenc to Annexation and stating the position of The Chamber with respect to Annexation in were this day laid before the Board, and the future,/said letter and copy ordered filed. Letter dated October 7, 1942, addressed to Roy K. BrOw:;., Clerk from L. D. James, Cit~' Clerk, Roanoke, Va., enclosing copy of resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, "Va., onOctober 5th, 1942, in re: Annexation proceedings by Roanoke City vs. Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. On the motion 01' Supervisor H. W. Starkey. seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, it is ordered that L. D. Bell, Chairman or this Board sign the .form required under the provision of the Workmen's Compensation Act, Industrial Commission of Virginia, in re: injury sustained by Miss Madeline Watson Ayers, an elllP10yee in the Office of the Treas- urer 01' Roanoke County, Va. Adopted by the 'fo1lowing recorded vote: AYes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Mason L. Cook; L. D. Bell and T. O. Richardson. Nays: None, On the motion of Supervisor T. O. Richardson, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook it is ordered that C. J. Ward, Purchasing Agent of Roanoke C.ounty, be, and he hereby is authorized to supervise the duties \"1' the three janitors employed in the Court House an in the McClung Building. Copy of this order to be certified to the said C. J. Ward, and to each of the said janitors. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors T. O. Richardson, Mason L. COOk, L. D. Bell and H. W. Starkey. Nays: 'None. I I I I On the motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor Mason L. Cook, II carried, it is ordered that L. D. Bell, Chairman of this Board, sign Proclamation suppo t- ing the coming Roanoke City and County Community Fund Drive. Copy of said proclamation ordered filed.